PK (2014)

How many stars are in the sky?
Have you ever tried to count it?
If you try to count it, then,.
Its about 6 billion at least. That's just in our galaxy.
And how many galaxies are there in all?
Scientists say maybe it's two billion or more.
Therefore, what if in these planets,
there's someone somewhere in,
some planet that looks just like us.
And like us, who's trying to go to the Moon and Mars?
That they're also searching for us and they came here.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release Rajasthan - India.
The thing that was stolen is for calling back the spaceship.
Without the remote control, he can never go back to his home planet.
He does not know our language,
and he does not have any friends here.
Alone, helpless, he thought about just one thing.
Now, how can I go home?
Sorry, but I raise my hand first.
Oh, sorry, but I asked first. After that, you came.
I'm a big fan of Raleigh Rai Bachchan.
But I am a big fan of Amitabh Bachchan.
I've read all the poems he has written for 10 years.
From the age of five I memorized,
all of his dialogue, that, too, without radio.
- So, who wants this now?
- Give it to me, he will not understand any poet.
100 euros.
From 40 euro to 100?
- For a forged ticket?
- Since it took over 6 hours of queue.
Time is money.
You listen then.
No, no, you listen, ladies first.
Wait, what do you think if we split together?
First, you hear poetry,
After free time, I see Amitabh sir, please.
That's a damn good idea!
10... 20... 30... 40
- 50... 6...
- 96
There are 96.
Small discount please, we're from same country after all.
- Motherland... Long live!
- Yes, long live... 100 euros.
Can you lend 4 euro please?
You can take the watch for that money.
Please Uncle, last ticket.
Its full already, you won't get any tickets.
No uncle, there's one hero, selling forged tickets.
- People like him will tarnish our country's name.
- Right.
You stay here, I'll get you tickets.
Thank you.
- Who?
- You ask who? Where are my tickets?
Oh, tickets?
100 Euro.
You bloody cheater.
You bastard, liar, shmucks.
- Mind your language.
- Mind your language? To hell!
- Guards.
- Now go look inside, old man.
- Security, security!
- Come, come.
I'll take care of you.
- Go go go go.
- Curse the girl.
Let me catch that old man.
Today, when,
what kind of generation do we have?
Just give it up.
Nevermind it.
How can I give up?
- He's listening to good poem now and I'm sitting here.
- Give it up.
The past often hurt us with memories,
the future is waving its hand,
come forward with me toward it.
Me too, write a little here and there.
That's good. Tell the rest of them.
No, I can't say the rest.
If you listen to the rest,
you'll end up proposing me.
- Are you crazy?
- No, really.
You really like Sir Rai Bachchan.
A woman met him in the morning,
he sang the words of his poems,
by evening she married him.
- I've read it.
- Really?
What else?
Twelve waiting,
Just see.
Amitabh Bachchan.
My name.
Papa put a long name to me.
Jhaggat Jhanni.
Everyone made fun of that at the school.
- So I cut it short.
- Jaggu.
You live here?
No, Delhi. I'm hosting a TV production here.
- And you?
- I'm Sarfaraz, studying architecture here and doing part time job.
Here, at the Pakistan embassy.
Why Pakistan Embassy?
Because, I'm a Pakistani.
So, I cannot get a job at Indian embassy right?
What happened?
No, nothing.
Pakistan mentioned,
and your smile was gone?
Well then. God bless you.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release Thank you.
Mom, Dad,
she's falling in love.
Falling in love?
He's so cute.
Come, show the picture.
What do the boy do? Not a joint family, right?
Stay calm, I'll tell you everything. First, What's his name?
A Muslim?
Yes, Dad, studying architecture.
Family is in Pakistan.
Pakistan? what Pakistan?
Mom, there's just one Pakistan.
Over my dead body.
Do not disconnect. Do not move. Hold on. I'll be quick.
Lord, it will be a catastrophe.
Please help.
I knew where Papa was going,
Ever since I'm a child, I saw Mr. Tapaswi's face,
more than I saw my parents faces.
Bye Mom.
From school bag to home bathroom wall, everywhere.
Mr. Tapaswi is all over the place.
Good time for him to get lost. Not to protect the tooth.
Tapaswi has given father a box of Gods.
For each task there's a god.
When Dad is doing stock transaction, he showed
Lakshmi the computer screen.
While at treadmill, its Hanuman he brought up.
Internet, Online, Blessing, all Mr. Tapaswi.
All these things is because of Tapaswi.
Jaggu, come take blessing.
Why Jaggath Jhandni?
Why do you want to suicide?
Get the pencil.
And write, Oh Lord.
Please help.
God, as you say.
Look at the reality Jaggath Jhandni.
This Pakistani youth.
Which name is Sarfaraz,
He will lie to you.
Sarfaraz will not cheat on me.
Take history as witness.
These people are not doing anything but lies.
He will take advantage on you.
He'll use you but will not marry you.
Jaggu come home immediately.
If one more night you're there, our relationship is over.
Sahani, sir.
I'll talk with the children.
press the delete button.
And get him off your system.
What happened?
Do you love me?
Of course I do, why?
Will you marry me?
- Hello, but what happened?
- Yes or no, Sarfaraz?
- Yes... b... but...
- Tomorrow.
Tomorrow we will get married.
Mr. Tapaswi's prophecy is wrong.
I'll prove it.
Sir James Herrick and Miss Oprah Brown, you are next.
James isnt here yet.
Oh, talk to the Registrar.
- Could you just hold this please?
- Of course.
This is for you.
- For me?
- Yeah.
Thank you.
It's a letter from Sarfaraz.
We can't continue because of our family.
Our countries, religions, people, everything is different.
How can we be happy together? We can't.
Do not try to contact me.
Where to go young lady?
New Delhi.
I returned to my city,
but my father didn't want me at home.
I joined the news channel now.
Boss ordered to bring any dog.
He want to make it a breaking news.
Haven't got any new news.
Sometimes had to make-up some news.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release Disappeared.
If found, please contact PK.
That man, a good story.
You go to the office. I'll come later.
Come quickly.
Excuse me.
Why do you give these out?
My case with him is not solved yet.
He didn't contact me and hadn't been found.
My life has been destroyed.
Don't even know on what world he go to sit.
You got any idea where is he?
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release - Why are you wearing this helmet?
- I've learned one thing.
This yellow color, can be seen from afar.
Despite huge traffic, one know a taxi even from far.
- So?
- So God can find me from far.
Or else, how would He know me from among the crowd?
- Yes, to the left side.
- Yeah, perfect, perfect.
Okay, background.
Jaggu, cue.
Who said that animals don't commit suicide?
This is Nikku.
Dr. Sweetie Singh's dog from Ramesh Nagar, Delhi.
In the last month, it has attempted suicide three times.
Try to jump off the roof, ate sleeping tablets,
And throw itself in fireplace.
Why did he do these things?
Does he have some mental illness?
Is Nikku..
Jaggu, what happened?
What is this shit, Nitu?
We hope to talk more with the millionaire, after the break.
Well done. Coffee?
Someone bring a coffee here.
- Oh no.
- What do you think? This dog have depression?
And psychotic disorder, schizophrenia tension
deficit hyperactive disorder.
Whatever it is, why would I care?
Exactly! Why would anyone care?
So why show this stupid news to people?
So what are you trying to say?
Come here, take this.
Look at this. Today, I met someone.
Who gives these pamphlets to people.
- He's looking for God.
- He found Him?
Finding God, that's religion.
Found God, that's news.
If he found God then bring him here, I'll put him on air.
- But,
- You know the company policy.
No news on religion and no news on God. Finish.
What's wrong with you?
Where are the so called fighter once before?
You wanna see the fighter?
Look here. Look at this.
There are three marks here. See?
They are not birthmarks.
Your father's friend, that Tapaswi?
I have news program against him.
It's his devotees who shoot my butt. Yeah, right in my butt.
From then on, I decided, if I want to live in this country,
then do not mess with religion. That's it.
I have a show now. You can go. Bye bye.
Welcome back from the break, we're talking about the businessman..
Boss never give me the opportunity to follow up this story.
But two weeks later, it came back to me.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release A thief, thief, thief!
Catch him. He stole money from the box.
Hey, where are you going?
Catch him.
Get away.
You idiot, dare stealing from God?
Pandit, he's not a thief.
My purse fell through the box when I want to give money in it.
He's helping me to get it, that's all.
I'm telling the truth. Check it.
In the purse there's Rs 5,000. You'll see.
Pandit, those are mine.
Once, but when He was named in your hands.
Now they are His.
Let them leave.
What did you do there? I'm taking my money back.
- Payment has been taken, but work has not been done.
- No, no wait.
I saw you begin to get some money, and then you put some money back.
Rs200 for the register, I take that amount from it
and return the balance back in.
Before this, you wear necklaces, rings, wasn't you?
I reject it. Now I won't wear it.
Then why are you wearing these stickers?
Self defense.
People always put God's photo in their wall, right?
So that someone would not kick it. I stick
it here. So that people won't hit me.
Nitu, where are you?
Come fetch me, I don't have money to go home.
I'll tell you what happened later.
There's a big temple opposite that place.
Come quickly. Thanks. Bye.
Take this. Keep it.
- What's this?
- For taxi, so you can go home.
When I see somebody couldn't go home.
I feel disheartened.
- Listen.
- No more, that's all I have.
No. I cannot take this.
- Why?
- You have to go to your home too right?
And you don't have any money too.
Even with money,
I still can't go home.
Why? Where do you live?
I live in Bhauri.
But these days, the hotel rent are high, you know.
So I have to check in at lock up.
Lock up?
- As in the police lock up?
- Yes, here in Delhi.
- They give food for free.
- And you want to check in there? Like a hotel?
Come, I'll show you.
Stay here.
Hey, look at this, idiot,
I'll take care of you.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release Jaggu.
You sit behind. I'll follow that car.
- Whose car?
- Our story.
Get your purse. I need some money.
Hurry, Nitu.
Thank you, bye.
Excuse me.
- Yes.
- I want to go into the lock up.
To meet that guy.
Lady, does this look like a canteen to you?
Where you can eat and drink, have fun with friends as you please?
This is lock up. Lock up.
Only someone who is faulty is able to go in.
Ma'am, bribe is banned.
Thats why I give it.
You can even be put in. Oh please do it.
Thank you, Mr. Pandit. Just an hour.
I want to know your story.
Tell me.
What is it?
I'm a TV reporter. This is my job.
Whatever you want to ask.
What's your name?
I don't have a name.
All I know is everyone call me PK, PK.
What's your job?
Ash toro naut.
Meaning, job which go to the Moon?
Don't work as Moon Miner. Not trustworthy.
Okay, so what's your favorite planet, then?
- My planet.
- No, no, beside Earth?
No, I know this planet's a beauty.
I said my own planet.
At night, that's up there. I can see my home.
We're suprised when we learned that,
there's another world, there's people just like us.
So they sent me here, for research purpose.
But when I just got here.
Someone snatched my remote control.
And without remote control I can't give signals to my home.
Without signals, no one can come and take me back home.
Hello, listen.
- What?
- Open the door please. I want to go home.
Madam, that can be decided by party from outside, not from inside.
- Look I'm not a thief.
- Thats what thieves always said.
- Where's Mr. Pandit? Please call him.
- Mr. Pandit went on patrol.
Mr. Pandit.
- Pandit.
- Hey thief, shut up. Or I'll give,
You think I'm crazy, talking nonsense?
If not, then what?
- Your planet people talking like Bujpur?
- Our world did not.
Our world did not have any language.
We're all talking with mind, confusion never arouse.
But here, say something else, but meant something else.
One word but four meaning.
When saying something good, its like,
Everything is good, very good.
"Accha" with big eyes.
When in wonder, the tone is short.
"Your mother's accident. Really?"
When someone's angry, the tone sound even more high.
"Really? You want to teach me? Really?"
When thinking, then its long tone.
"Oh, that's it.."
You have to pay close attention.
Then one can understand what they mean.
Because of so many confussion, I had to learn it in full six hours.
Meaning you learned all Bujpuri language in just,
- six hours?
- I can't touch hands at that time.
Then I met one girl, I sit together with her.
I hold her hands and transfer all the language she has to me.
Are you kidding me?
There's a limit to everything you know.
Are your hands like a USB cable?
That can transfer files from computer to another computer?
And your clothes?
Your world's also wearing jeans?
No no no. Our world don't wear any clothes.
First time I got here, I think,
that people here are different from each other.
Our world is different by skin. The skin here,
some have shining bright skin, some have black skin.
Some have colored skin, some have plain skin.
Some have a skinny skin and some have hanging down skin.
Then one day I saw a car.
Dancing car.
Then I understood, that people's bodies here is the same as my world.
The difference here is that they all are wearing
something that fashion over their body.
Now I can mix into the crowd.
But I don't know why all these people are laughing at me.
After that, I understood that men's clothes
is different and women's clothes is different.
Morning clothes are different and night's clothes are different.
Playing's clothes is different. Eating's clothes is different.
Within my clothes I found a kind of photo.
I slowly realize that this photo is important to survive in this world.
That if I give this photo, I can get food to eat.
So I started to collect pictures of this old man.
What's this?
Why do you give me these?
This is for bookstore, man.
Yes, right, here are your carrots.
Now I realize that this picture is useful in one paper only.
The other papers, the photo is useful for nothing.
Now the need for money and clothes,
I will always get from the dancing car.
It is my bank, and it is also my tailor.
There's one time, I got a strange clothes,
Where I don't need to show any picture or photo,
And the food comes to me on its own.
Mister, take this.
I realized that if I want to find my remote
control I have to learn this world's language.
Without language, no work can be done here.
Just like the man that I want to tell
that his style has some defect in my opinion.
I have a feeling that I've damaged his fashion.
Here, let me correct it just the way it was.
I met him down the road.
Some rascals hit him and run away.
The mind's not good.
He didn't respond to anything.
Maybe he is deaf?
He hears it. But give no answers.
It looks like there's firm hit in the head.
Memory lost.
Memory gone.
Do you remember who hits you?
Remember car plate number?
Remember anything? Something?
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release Let's go brother.
Come with me.
As long as your memory don't come back to you, you'll be my guest.
They say to cure memory lost,
go to where your memory lost,
and you can get it back. I've seen it in film.
What he is talking, it's important to understand now.
I need to hold his hand and transfer his language to me.
The name of the car is,.
Memory gone, and now can't differentiate man from woman?
Hold on a sec.
Look at my driver's license.
Male. Man. Human.
Rascal, Bastard.
If I want to go back to my home,
I definitely have to catch someone's hand.
Mate, I met a colorful friend.
He's a strange man.
Mate, I met a colorful friend.
He's a strange man.
You've been hard for us boy.
Do not do it, so,
The boy has truly became my guest.
The boy has truly became my guest.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release I can understand your pain, brother.
But don't openly hold hands.
Although it's a beautiful thing, but it can be life threatening too.
You can wait no longer.
Come, come with me.
Here if you grabs anyone hands, or legs, no one will kill you.
Come here, come on.
This is a good place.
Here they are very nice and pretty.
Everyone inside was willing to take my hand and take me home.
And then I've met a gentle girl who has a peace of mind.
Puljaria, take him to the honeymoon room.
Puljaria was sitting there with patience.
In the meantime, I,
over six hours,
took her language into my body.
Pronunciation, X by J.
I took everything from her inside me.
First time, you useless?
It's first step before the start, or what?
Where do you came from?
I came from very far away.
You've not even heard the name of it.
But you talk like us.
It's you who teach me.
So I speak exactly like you, sister.
Hey, sister become your mother! Go, get out from here.
Brother, wake up.
Get up brother.
You're talking, brother.
I want your help, brother.
What magic did Puljaria do to you?
Come with me now.
This memory has a direct connection to something.
This thing we must tell the doctor, brother.
And you can be cured.
There's a very important job. Brother. Please come with me, hurry.
Stop here. Stop here.
That day, the chain was taken from me here.
I want that chain, brother.
Is it precious? Very much.
Listen, brother.
The thief is from our village. But the chain must have reach Delhi.
If you can trace where he sold it, you can capture him.
- So I have to go there, brother.
- Where?
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release - Sir?
- What?
My remote control has been stolen.
Are you drunk? Is finding your TV remote a police job?
- It's not a TV remote control.
- Then what?
I can't say that.
But it was fixed to a neck chain. And it's worth much more.
Where did the theft happen? At Mandawa.
It's stolen in Mandawa,
and you come to Delhi to find it?
- But the thief must have come to Delhi.
- So?
So where can I find the thief?
Hey weirdo. There are two million people in this city.
Policeman is human. Not God.
Only God can help you.
Hold God's two legs.
He's the only one that'll be able to help you.
Only God know. How can we know?
God knows where, get out.
Have faith in the God, son.
Who is this Bhagwan? That can help me.
I see that everyone mentioned his name.
After what I saw, I was freaked out.
The people of this world,
made him as pictures.
They themselves made a place for Him in one place.
There are even streets in His house.
Hundreds of thousands of people go to Him.
He solve everyone's problems for a small amount of charges.
This kind of magic didn't exist in my world.
I could not believe it. But I thought I should try it once or twice.
Give me a God, brother.
Which one you want? This here is Rs.20, 50, 100, 500..
What's the difference between Rs.20 and 500 ones?
- Only the size, everything else is the same.
- The Rs.20's will work too, right?
Okay, Rs.15 then.
Oh God, I am very hungry.
Give me something to eat.
I've become totally out of control.
This God is working.
Now I can go to my home.
God, someone took my remote control.
Please bring it back, I want to go home.
Sir, is this God out of battery?
I just used it once, then it broke.
- What do you mean?
- I mean, put a new battery in him.
- It doesn't need any battery
- Then why this does not work?
- Is this defective?
- No, I made it perfect.
Is it you who created this God?
Yes, from my hands.
Did you created God or did God created you?
God created us all.
But we only make His sculptures.
Why create His sculptures?
So that we can pray to Him.
Tell Him about our joys and sorrows.
There is a communication device installed?
How do we hear God say?
God does not need any transmitter.
He hears it directly.
If He hear directly, then what's the need for sculpture?
What am I going to do with this man?
Trying to end our business, huh?
What is your problem?
My remote control has been stolen. I asked God,
to tell me where it is.
- Are you Peekay (drunk)?
- What does that mean?
Bro, this small God can't do something big like that.
He can't capture the thief, the legs is short.
Go inside the temple. There is a big God.
Give Him this nuts and some money to him. Your job will be done.
That will be Rs.200.
Everyone was waiting for their turn carrying nuts and money.
To make their work done.
Two hours later, it was my turn.
Oh God.
God, give me back my remote control.
But, where is it? Hurry, please.
Hold on, my remote control's not received yet.
Sir, he's not getting the job done, I already gave money.
- Your job will be done.
- When will it be?
Who can tell it when? Your job will be done.
- Move it.
- But when can I get my item?
- Do not hold the queue, Go ahead.
- What if someone else get my item?
- Are you drunk?
- Hold on, madam. What are you doing?
- But where can I get my goods?
- You will find it in a mental hospital.
- What?
- Paid money here, and delivery is at mental hospital?
- Get this man out!
- Hey, at least give me receipt.
Give me receipt so that I can ask the man when
can I get the delivery?
- Go on. Please go.
- But, but my remote control.
I can't find my sandals.
Someone must have taken it away.
Wear someone else's sandals then.
That's what happen at temples anyway.
Someone's take a full payment, but never did the job.
Say his name.
- Bhagwan (God)
- Say the full name.
Don't know his full name.
Where does he live?
There, in front of the temple.
You gave the money to his own hand?
No, I put it in a box.
- He said that your job will be done?
- He does not speak.
- Why? He's mute?
- Maybe.
- Absolutely.
- Right.
Tell me his appearance.
He looks like this.
Just the size is large.
Come here, come here.
Are you Peekay? (You're drunk?)
- Err. Yes, but how do you all know that?
- Am I blind?
20 years of police work.
Just by seeing I can tell who's drunk and who's not.
Mr. Singh, search him.
Give me his ID.
Dr. D'Mello.
Oh Doctor, why did you drink so
much that you forgot your religion?
You've mistaken between temple and church.
You go to your church.
To your own God.
Get out of here. But my item.
Beat it. Get out.
Because of you, God have been crossed.
What? Nailed? God?
- When?
- 2000 years ago.
For your sins.
But what did I do? I came here only just now.
Are you PeeKay?
- Yup.
- God is watching you. He's looking at your behavior.
- Where?
- Where? Where is He?
- What's in that cup?
- Wine.
At that time, I understand just the thing.
God have grown bored with coconut water.
Now he's having fun with wine.
Now I will give Him wine.
So I started to collect money.
Some money, I found from the dancing car.
And some money, from that gentleman
Who stand at every bridge every day.
Who give me as much money as I want.
- Sir, is there any nearby God's house here?
- Yes, just forward ahead.
Hold on.
- What's in your hand?
- Wine.
For God. Where is He?
This madam looks very sad.
So I need to know what happened, I had to hold her hand.
How dare you disturbed a widow, asshole.
- How do you know this madam is a widow?
- You.
Don't you see she's wearing a white saree? Asshole.
Is everything fine?
- I'm very sorry about the death of your husband.
- What? When?
How do I know when? You're wearing white clothes.
- I'm getting married thats why I wear it.
- No, all people wear it for death.
They wear black for death, stupid.
Tell him. Get out of here.
Are all of your husbands dead?
- Hey, I'm still alive!
- You!
After a lot of chasing, I came to understand.
That this world don't have just one God.
But there are so many Gods.
And each of these God have different rules.
And each God open their own company.
People have religion for them.
And each of these religion have different manager.
In this world, everyone have only one religion.
Meaning that they belong only to one company.
And it's their company's God which they worship, not of the others.
So, I'm a member of which company then?
Which God should I pray to?
If I want to know about my remote control,
knowing this is very crucial.
What are you doing?
Where are the marks?
What marks?
Religion's marks.
How do I know which company this kid belongs to?
Where's the God's mark, brother?
It's getting hard to find out my religion.
Now I can do just one thing.
I will worship every Gods in every religion.
One of Them must be the right one.
And will hear to what I want.
Oh God,
where are you?
Where are you, God?
Where are you, God?
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release You have many names.
You have many faces.
There's so many ways to find you.
I walked all the ways.
But you could not be found.
I can't understand what you want.
I can't understand what you want.
I can't understand what you want.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release Where are you, God?
I've had a mass confusion, God.
I must have done something wrong,
that makes you not to hear me out.
Please tell me.
Show me the way.
I'm asking You, begging You.
I'll knelt down on my forehead,
I've ring the bell for you,
I've spoken through a loudspeaker too.
I've read Book of Gita,
and verses of Bible.
Your different managers,
is saying different thing from the others.
One says to sacrifice on Monday,
another says to sacrifice on Tuesday,
one says to pray before the sunrise,
another says to pray after the sunset.
One says to worship cattles,
another says to sacrifice it.
One says go to temples without any shoes, another
says go to church wearing boots.
This, who's right and who's wrong.
I do not understand anything.
I came here by mistake.
I want to go home.
Whatever you say, I will do.
Just, send me home.
Say something.
Where are you hiding?
Please give me an answer.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release - Hey, why'd you lock it?
- Today, I'll not let you leave.
Open the door, its my entry queue.
Shiva, destroyed the existing.
Don't fear anything.
- Who are you?
- You don't recognize me?
I'm PK, I'm PK.
Anyone out there? People come to drink here.
I hold a show in toilet?
Open the door.
First bring my remote control.
- Which remote control?
- My spaceship's remote control.
Did you forgot? How many times I told you?
I'm not from this world, I came from faraway world.
This way you find my remote control, then
I return to my home. You understand, right?
Oh brother, leave me alone.
- I have small children.
- I know.
Your kids, They're not so small anymore.
They can live alone at home. You give me
my remote control and then go to your family.
Lord save me.
Is there other God above you?
Where is He?
Now presenting the dance of Shiva.
- The Fearless.
- Help me!
Help me.
Help me!
I'm at Himalayas mountain,
remembering God.
Suddenly, there's a light.
Great light of nowhere.
The small light was raised pointed down to earth.
I looked at it.
Remembered what God is about.
It quickly became a connection.
God. Pray to You.
What is this light?
In the cold winter it make me feel warm.
God said,
this is from Shiva's. Take it,
and build a shrine.
This is only appearance devotees,
all that pain out of.
Do you want to see it?
Shiva's part of drum.
Bola Bola Bola Bola Bam Bam Bola.
Bam Bam Bola, Bam Bam Bola,
Bam Bam Bola, thanks God.
Do not stop him, let him come.
Come on, son, come on.
Boy, not there, come here.
Say what you want from here.
Bam Bam Bole. Thank God.
Where are you God?
Come on, on stage. I want to thank you Lord.
He is here.
I met Him in toilet.
I request for my property, but He ran.
I thought He's running away,
but no, he took me here.
For my property, thank God, Thank God.
This is not a piece of Shiva.
This one belongs to me. The delivery mistakenly send it to you.
And your item may have been sent to someone else.
Just ask him. He's here. God, please come forward. Tell them.
Alright, I'll take my property, okay?
Oh. It belongs to me.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release Since when did you feel that you came from another planet?
You have to meet a psychiatrist, a mental doctor.
Now go madam.
- Rs.500 is able to give you so much punishment.
- Wait a minute.
This is my card.
There's my number.
If you like, I can fix you for an appointment.
If you find time, call me, okay?
Thank you Mr. Pandit.
Do you think my story is a lie?
Then go proceed with your suicidal dog on TV.
That is your destiny.
Mr. Pandit, Mr. Pandit.
I want to go back for just two minutes.
What's with these going inside and outside?
Do this, give me another Rs.500, and take this man with you.
Nikku, The Suicide Dog,
- When did I tell you about it?
- You never did.
Then how do you know about it?
When you hold my hand, then I know.
You're doing a suicide dog's story.
You were thinking, if this story went awry.
Now Nikku it's your destiny.
Do not lie. I must have told you about it. Tell the truth.
I'm not capable of lying. Lie used mouth,
and I only use mind to communicate.
Our world can just hold hands.
- Give me your hand.
- No way.
Give it!
Help me, son, my wife is critical.
Hospital has asked for Rs.1000 to cure her.
Only Rs. 500 is not enough.
- If you can give Rs.500 son, my wife can,
- I'll give it.
- Here.
- If you give me your address, I'll send money back.
Uncle, money order will not reach my home, you keep it.
Thanks son.
Take another Rs.100. To give tip.
Boy, God bless you.
You prove it already.
You cannot read anyone's mind.
Don't you understand? That man took the money by fooling you.
- There is no hospital in this neighborhood.
- I know.
He and his wife is taking a meal at a five-star hotel.
Today, his wife's 75th birthday.
For 75 years he and his wife never got to a five-star hotel.
He collected his pension money little by little.
Then his wife ordered an ice cream, the price had gone up a bit.
Then he came here to ask for money.
Make up anything?
Madam, I told you our world don't lie.
The rest is up to you.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release Wait, wait, hold on.
Give it with your hand.
Today's your birthday, have a happy opportunity.
I told you no one lies in our world.
Have you told anyone--
Have you told anyone that you're an alien?
If I tell it, I will be put in a lab.
They will cut me inside out.
So why did you tell me?
Since I came here, I only take people's money.
No one has given me money.
You're the first one who gave by putting in the box for charity in 5000.
I've got a feeling that you're a gentleman, the one I can trust.
I will find your remote control, PK.
How's that?
Now I don't know yet.
But you definitely will go back to your home.
That's my promise.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release Why are you looking like that?
At you.
Its not everyday alien come to my house.
So, in your world, they hear everyone out of the way, like you?
- The same.
- And they all walks nude?
Don't you feel strange?
See that bird, sitting there nude.
Does it feel strange?
If it'd wear clothes, then it looks strange.
I did not sleep all night yesterday.
I was thinking how to get your remote control.
- Hello.
- Connect to Balbir Singh, Room No. 4.
Wrong number.
Is this not a hospital?
Bro, you get a wrong number, since yesterday I said that.
How did I get the wrong number?
I have saved the phone number personally.
Okay, so what did you thought?
- Hello.
- Connect to Balbir Singh, Room No. 4.
- Oh, you called late.
- why?
- Balbir Singh died this morning.
- What do you mean?
But how did the surgery hemorrhage killed him?
Its unfortunate. But don't worry.
Let's write in death certificate it's a heart attack.
So that family's reputation will not be ashamed.
So come on, okay, take the body.
- Okay.
- Okay then, bye.
How can you say that?
Its nothing, Now he'll go to hospital. Think about it.
He'll see his friend alive and how happy he will be.
He always call for wrong number, so I'm having a little fun with him.
- Fun?
- PK, I was joking.
I understood. I saw the whole game.
They're kidding.
Mr. Tapaswi had called God.
He's citing prayer and whatever.
But all his calls is wrong number.
A person who answered his call is joking with him.
Or else, how can he get my remote control from Shiva?
It looks like,
those who speak with God in this world have
a messed up telecommunications system.
Every call went to the wrong number.
- What do you mean?
- I always thought,
why God did not answer my problem.
They say to scroll down to get to him.
Tell me. We are all children of God, right?
So which dad will tell their children.
Scroll down to me and everything will be done.
Have your dad ever told you that?
"Child, scroll down to me if you want
to have a new outfit."
And there's giving away milk too.
If the call go to the right number, then what will God say?
What will He say?
He'll say, every day millions of hungry
children are on the road sleeping in Delhi.
Let them drink milk. Why would I drink the milk?
I'm sure there's someone joking with us. Like what you did just now.
PK think that Tapaswi is an honorable man.
But I won't have him confuse him right now.
Because in my head, there's a nonsense idea.
An idea that can bring back PK's remote control.
- Who is this PK?
- Who? Where he come from? I know nothing of that.
But he can see this world unlike any of us see this world.
- What does that mean?
- It means.
If he see you smoke, he'd call police
and tell someone wantsto suicide.
- Why?
- Cause the cigarette packing has cancer picture.
What do you think?
I would like PK to talk.
I want him to talk in a show on television.
Evaluate some values in people's mind.
Jaggu, there's already three marks on my right side butt.
Now you want the left side too so both sides are balanced,
is that what you're saying?
No Jerry, it's important to put PK.
He will explain with love, that everyone has called a wrong number.
Tapaswi can not imagine how he would deal with this PK.
Jerry, Jerry.
He's sitting out there. See him once.
I challenge you, you cannot answer his questions. Trust me, please?
- Sir, your cigarette fell just now.
- Oh, thank you.
This is not mine.
Kamasutra, Strawberry flavor.
- I hate strawberries! Ask others. Its not mine.
- Madam, is this yours?
- How dare you?
Just check your wallet.
- Maybe something's missing.
- Who are you? You're rude.
- Uncle, this is yours, then?
- No, its not.
PK it is his.
If you want to ask anything, ask him.
Come in.
What is this?
Its condom.
- What'd it do?
- To control world population.
- How's that?
- Have to wear it.
While having sex.
You control world population by wearing it? How?
It's not me wearing it.
- Millions of people wear those things.
- All of them get it from you?
Everybody's got those things.
- I have two questions.
- Just ask PK, ask him.
Why is that when people lost money they all say
"this is mine, this is mine".
But when condoms is lost, everyone say
"this is not mine, this is not mine".
Here, sex is a private matter.
- How?
- How can someone shout that "today I will be having sex".
But then at marriage party,
there's crackers, orchestra, dance.
It looks like to tell everybody in the city, "today I'm having sex."
I do not have an answer to your question.
But I do have a job for you.
Let's go, before this guy change your mind.
Watch your back now Mr. Tapaswi,
Now its my turn.
Mr. Tapaswi meet his followers here everyday. They're talking about God.
We go in, listen to his phone calls.
If you think that he is wrong, then stop him immediately.
Make him understand that he is calling the wrong number.
If I do that, will he return my remote control?
If he understand that what you say then he will understand
that chain is a joke.
- He'll return your remote control.
- Yes, I'll make him understand.
My wife has beenparalized for six months.
Doctors are not able to do anything. I want,
Oh God.
Praise to you.
Do tell.
God it's your choice.
- Have you heard Prathan?
- No.
It's in Himalayas. Go there by train.
From there, take a bus,
to Gentaulk,
then to Padyathra.
Stay for 8 days and pray
at God's house.
Go with love, and your job will be done.
Wrong number, this is wrong number.
What is?
Wrong number.
Tapaswi, you spoke to God with a messed up telecommunication technology.
Every call you make is wrong number.
The one answering is a duplicate God, he's joking with you.
What are you trying to say?
I'll make you understand. We are all God's children, right?
Yes, so what?
- So, what'd you tell your sick child if they ask your help?
Do you give him a cure? Or tell him that,
Go 4000 km from this house, there's one more house there.
Tell the one's in there the same problem.
If he go to the real God, He would says, Son, your wife is ill,
go to someone else, you're still alive.
If you're dead, then come to me.
Now, you're still alive aren't you? Right?
I can prove it, someone took a joke for you.
Tapaswi, please call God again.
Ask Him if He can give some guarantee to this cureness.
Uncle, before you got written guarantee, do not leave here.
Call Him now, let's see here.
Tapaswi's lunch time has arrived.
Tapaswi, that duplicate God,
has given my item to you.
It's a fraud.
Fraud, fraud.
Until now, man don't even see God or heard from Him.
What God tells us to do,
Has been conveyed by His managers only.
- PK has presented an important issue.
- What's that?
Are these Manager's voice has reached the true God?
- No.
- He makes us understand that,
are the calls made has reached God, or a fraud?
- It's wrong numbers.
- So tell us PK, how can people react to this situation?
As long as the phone line's not repaired,
our problem will arise again and again.
We need to help each other.
PK tells important thing.
As long as the Managers can bring us to the right God.
We will not look to their aid. We'll help each other.
PK says not to build this temple.
- He told us that chain belongs to him.
- What is in your pocket?
Do you smoke?
- Yes.
- You do drink, right?
- Yes, occasionally drink.
- You're a smoker. Drinks alcohol.
Knowing that both is poison.
The government gives permission.
Factory produced these poison.
The shops open sale these poison. No one wants to question these.
But when I want to build in this earth for the devotees of God.
Just want to build one temple,
then why are these questions?
If you want to ask question, go ask those
Who try to stop building the temple.
Who is this PK? He's not Parveez Khan.
Not even Pasha Kaman too.
I ask you all.
If you want to ask, ask that PK.
What's his religion?
What's his religion, his sect?
Long time ago there's someone who wanted to destroy a temple.
Put our temples destroyed.
Today, someone else want to do the same thing.
Yes, but,
Tapaswi, call your God now, you want to know what's my religion, right?
But first, ask Him what is His children's religon.
- What the hell are you doing here?
- Call Him, ask Him, ask Him.
I don't have to call God for this. Even I can answer this.
This is Hindu, Christian, this is Sikh, this one of the Jains,
And this girl is from your nation.
Guys, please tell Tapaswi your names now.
Hello, my name is Sukhwinder Singh.
Assalamualaykum, I'm Abbas Ali Yaqub.
Hello, I'm Veer Jain.
Hi. I'm Christopher D. Souza.
I'm Jhaggat Jhandni Sahni.
Confused, right?
I have changed their appearance.
Religion is always connected to appearance, right?
I'll show you. Come here.
With all this appearance, a Sikh.
Take off the turban, becomes a Hindu.
Take off mustache, then a Muslim.
This whole change was designed, by that wrong number of fake god.
If it's the right God, then it would be marks on the body right?
Show yours.
- Mine?
- Why turn back? Take off clothes, check it.
Why be shy?
Come on, remove all you clothes, show your marks to Tapaswi.
Why be shy? Okay, I too will take my clothes off.
Look at this.
Any marks, huh?
Is there? Nothing right?
Have any sign?
- And this too.
- Hey, put this man out.
What is this, huh? I'm going to prove it.
Gaot cast eyes.
Stop this program!
When you're 40 days old, you got a name by Tapaswi.
The one who gave you name.
Can take it out/back too.
Dad, he gave me name Jhaggat Jhandni.
- Who want that kind of name.
- You!
How much money you want, huh?
You're doing all this for money, right?
- No.
- You'll go to hell. Haven't you any fear of God?
Thank you, Father. Thank you.
I give the idea but you understand the rest of it.
This game is about fear.
That wrong number case did not just make fun out of us.
He's taking our fear and exploit us too.
Do you understand?
PK, Can you make my father understand too?
Yeah. I can. I can prove it too.
Let's go.
I don't have time to spend for this nonsense.
Dad, if this is nonsense, I'll stop this program.
Father, This college is a weird place.
Students here are all pretty scared.
Now I'm going to do business about this fear. I'll show you.
This is the factory machine.
Invest some money.
And this is unger.
Now wait. 15 minutes to double investments.
Look. Look.
He's trapped.
- Hot tea, hot tea.
- Look there, man selling tea.
He's making expensive investment. Green tea, sugar, thermos, water, glass,
And here it's just stone and a little red.
Hot tea, hot tea.
He have to call for customer there.
And here, by itself, long customer queue.
Come on, hurry, others want it too.
There, they bow down to the customer.
But here, the customer bow down to it.
Look there, he has so much fear, he plunged there.
That wrong number man is making a business. Fear business.
He knows that those who are scared will go to temples.
You're pretty scared too. Remove these.
Don't ever question religion.
It's about faith and belief.
If God want us to not raise questions, don't ask.
They said that if we reason with him, He'll never give his miracle.
This religion's man, if they can't answer, then they will beat us.
People become afraid, and shut their mouths.
But now, we will not shut up anymore.
Until now PK only ask one question, but now,
he'll ask thousands of questions.
So guys, take up your phones.
If you heard something wrong number, record it on video.
We will broadcast your recorded footages.
Pick up phones, and questions.
Baba, Baba.
One question Baba. If you can make gold from your hand.
Why can't you end the poverty in our country?
Answer please.
If you manage to make gold.
Why not aid us? Answer.
Om. Om.
This is wrong number.
This is wrong number.
Jaggu come with me.
Come with me.
Just come.
- I'm working.
- Come with me.
- What are you doing?
- Whole country send us wrong numbers.
You did a terrific job.
Look now.
He says, if we give the bull grass, we can get a job.
Should I include this cow in my biodata,
and go from a company to a company?
Or should I write a biodata?
- This is wrong number.
- There is more. There is more.
He's saying become Christian, or else I'll go to hell.
If God wants me to become Christian,
I would be born in a Christian family.
Now, why need to switch religion? This is wrong number.
Everybody here wants to go to school.
But they said, if we go to schools, they'll shoot us.
How can our God be so low that,
if these children learned, He'll be angry?
This is wrong number.
That is what is written in our book.
He have for the whole universe, a masterplan.
- You have to accept it.
- Outside the temple, you sell this book for Rs.10.
It's written in page four. Read it.
"And I will have a son".
Meaning that, buy and read a Rs10 book.
And you can destroy that masterplan.
PK, your program has been quite popular.
SMS around the world is coming.
Look, another one.
What happened?
Father send me a short message.
He's ashamed of his daughter.
You know?
I was ten years old when,
I write a poem for the first time.
For my father.
Everyone says I look like my mother.
Everyone is right.
But I'm my father's daughter.
When I finished reciting my poem.
Everyone clapped.
But then, there's whistles from far.
When the applause end,
that one whistle and clap doesn't end.
It was my dad.
He's so proud of me.
But the message he sent today,
Ashamed of you.
Your father's belief,
and this thing happened.
We will show him these wrong number.
Again and again until he come to his senses.
That day will never come PK.
Do not worry, get up.
Get up, you know what our world do when we sad?
What is it PK? Do it with me.
- Batteries charge automatic.
- What?
- Do it with me.
- PK.
What are we doing PK?
- Close your eyes.
- How can I copy you then?
Okay fine, open eyes.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release Questions letter is more than the money in the money box.
Your pictures, books, medicinal oil, everything has stopped selling.
On Facebook and Twitter, also millions of negative commentary.
- Just this?
- This is the only one who supported you.
The curses are in these ones.
Do something.
One more day and we can be shut down.
Phone that man.
He got a lot of questions, huh?
I'll ask him one question.
- Hey Jaggu.
- What?
What happened?
Tapaswi wants to be in our show.
He wants to talk with PK.
- That's awesome, PK will win.
- It would be an amazing show.
You prepare PK, start advertising.
Do not forget, "One more question"
6 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Our boy has become a star. Look, my bro's became a star.
He walked naked, naked.
I made him a star.
He sits in TV. And me?
What am I doing in this village.
I should be in there drinking with them.
A big star.
Became a star, heh.
PK, some Dheeru Singh wants to speak.
- Brother?
- Take that line.
- Brother.
- Oh, boy.
So, you became a star now?
- Where are you brother?
- Right now I'm in Mandawa.
I will come to you tomorrow and bring a present for you.
The one who stole your item, is here with me.
He sold your item at 40,000.
- Ask me to whom?
- To whom?
God said,
Shiva's drum broke down. Take it.
Take it and build a shrine.
Because this is appearance.
Hello, what happened?
The one who stole my remote.
- That thief got caught.
- What?
- Really?
- Brother said.
The thief sold the remote to Tapaswi.
Then it's game over for Tapaswi.
Take him home.
And tell Tapaswi to give you that remote control
Or else we show this thief on TV.
Tapaswi got my remote control on Himalaya's mountain.
This mean that Tapaswi is a liar.
That means,
It's not a wrong number duplicate God.
It's Tapaswi who got it first hand.
Jaggu do you know this?
Remember when you first told me about the wrong numbers?
Tapaswi who calls God.
They are all wrong numbers.
I immediately realized that you're misunderstanding.
But I did not explain your mess. Because if you told
that Tapaswi is a liar, everybody would have laughed at you.
People want something new every day, PK.
This wrong number you told people,
they are deeply touched by its uniqueness.
- Today they're with you PK.
- This is the wrong number.
My plan worked, PK. Understand that you got your remote control.
You'll go to your home tomorrow.
We'll never meet again.
I'll feel lonely, friend.
I'll really miss you.
Will you stop me? (From going)
How can I stop you?
I'm serious.
I can work. I'll correct everything.
I can settle down here.
You can find someone for me who can spend time with me. Right?
I will marry her, or what?
Who can marry you?
Why is that?
Your wife will be in trouble to introduce you.
Meet my husband.
His name is PeeKay (Drunk)
That's not my name. Everyone call me that, nonsense.
- PK (Drunk)
- I'll change my name.
Would you,
suggest my new name?
- Whatever name you like.
- Look.
The person's name and his personality.
- Have to be matched.
- Yes, you're right.
- So, how is my personality?
- Let me show a demo.
Kaka seriousy said.
The difference between name and face,
I do not want to hear poetry. Say something else.
The name and image, the difference.
Damn. How to make her understand?
Get another name.
Get another face.
Fire has completely cooled.
That's very good. Here I have so many cards and different names.
You choose any name. Look inside and choose one you like.
Tandu Ram.
Tuttari Singh.
What happened? There are more inside.
What happened, Jaggu?
Hey brother.
One terrorist organization has claimed responsibility for the attack.
They say this is only one small example.
This is what happens to those who attacked us.
We will defend our God.
Where are you going, PK?
- The show.
- No, you don't need to go.
It's important to go.
"One more question."
In this special program, for all of you.
- Where we bring together PK and,
- Hold on.
Wait a bit.
Give me.
What is this thing?
God said that.
This is His broke down's drum.
But he said,
it's his property.
God said,
build a temple,
and he said,
Don't make temple. Who should we listen?
Is it God?
Or, this guy?
Wearing a yellow helmet, and gave these out.
See this, look here.
First he said,
God is missing.
Then he called God a fraud.
Tomorrow he might say.
That God has died.
Boy, what do you want?
A world which doesn't have God?
Are you so desperate
To hurt people's feelings?
Some people do not have bread to eat.
Some don't have roof to stay.
Those people don't even have friend to talk to.
Everyday how many people kill themselves, do you know?
Wrists cut, hang neck on fan, why?
Because they do not have hope.
If God come forward,
put tikka in forehead,
put some thread around their hand,
it will give them some hope to live.
So who are you to deny this hope from them?
And if you,
really want to snatch God from those people's lives,
Tell me, what do you want to give them instead?
You always said these wrong number, wrong number.
So tell everyone here now, what is the right number?
You're exactly right Tapaswi.
There's one time, when,
I too, could not find food to eat.
I don't have home to stay.
I cried a lot.
I don't even have friends.
I only had one thing.
Everyday I thought tomorrow will be better.
God will show me some way out.
I agree.
That putting faith in God,
one can find hope,
The difficulties will go away, courage will come,
we'll get strength,
But I have one question.
Which God should I believe in?
You all say that, it's only one God.
I say, no.
There are two Gods.
One is the one who created us all.
The other one is the one created by people like you.
We know nothing about the God who made us all.
But the God people like you made,
is exactly like you.
Liar, pretending to act,
giving false promises,
meeting rich people sooner,
letting the poor neglected,
happy when get praised.
People are afraid to even say a word.
My right number is very simple.
The God who created us all,
put faith in Him,
and the God that people like you created,
the duplicate God,.
Destroy it.
You talking about our God and you'd think I will sit idle?
Boy, we will protect our God.
You can protect God?
This world is very small.
This world is very small compared to the whole universe.
And you, by sitting in this little world,
this little place, this little street,
saying that you want to protect the God
who created all these universes?
He doesn't need your protection.
He can protect Himself.
Today, one of my friends died trying to help me.
I was left only with his shoe.
Stop trying to defend God,
or else in this world.
People will not only leave shoes.
One Muslim blasted bomb,
and one Hindu Guru,
sitting here listening to your speech.
Who's Hindu and who's Muslim?
Where are the marks, show me?
This difference is created by you people, not God.
And this,
this is the world's dangerous wrong number.
Its the most dangerous wrong number.
Where people dies. Torn each other apart.
This kind of wrong number, you,
lied to Jaggu's parent, and separate her from Sarfaraz.
- What wrong number?
- That Sarfaraz will lie to her.
That Muslims are hypocrites, who said that?
So, he did deceived her.
It's not a lie.
Hold on. What is this?
- Look.
- You wait.
You're saying that,
the prophecy I said about Sarfaraz,
is a lie?
Yes, that's what I said.
So prove it. Prove it that my prophecy is a lie.
If you cannot prove it,
you have to touch my feet and apologize.
And you must admit in front of everybody,
that you have launched a lie to me.
- And if I can prove it?
- PK, don't!
That, this thing, is yours.
Conditions agreed.
Please focus the camera on Jhagat Jhandni.
Jhaggat Jhandni, I hope that,
You would honestly answer my questions.
In Belgium, you've been in love with a Pakistani boy.
True? Or false?
Why would we discuss about my personal life?
On Friday,
I told one of my prophecies that
this boy will betray you.
The next day,
you went to marriage registrar office.
But the boy did not come.
True or false?
Yes, he didn't come, can you please stop this?
You'll come to my feet?
Or I bring my feet to you?
Sarfaraz did not betray you.
- Let it go, PK. Please.
- No, tell everyone what happened that day.
- PK, please.
- Only once.
For me.
I was in the marriage registrar office.
- I got a letter.
- Sarfaraz came to gave that letter?
- One little boy sent me that.
- His name written in that letter?
Then how do you know that Sarfaraz sent it?
It can be that.
That letter is for another girl?
There were no other girls there?
There's one right?
Who carried a cat?
She gave you that cat to hold, right?
Did you recognize the boy who sent you that letter?
- No.
- Did he recognized you?
- No.
- So how did he know,
that he need to give it to you?
Could it be that he forgot.
And gave that letter,
He gave you that letter.
You read it.
Then you did not call Sarfaraz.
Why would you assume all this of Sarfaraz?
Because this Tapaswi.
Had given you the wrong number.
That Muslims are all deceivers.
Sarfaraz didn't deceived you, Jaggu.
What's going on here?
This cats and dogs. I mean, you can tell any story.
And I'll just sit here listening to whatever you talk?
Hold on. We'll know the truth in this show.
Jaggu take out your phone. Call Sarfaraz.
Come on Jaggu,
"This number does not exist."
Another number? Friend, college, something.
Come on Jaggu.
Belgian university. Dial.
Hello, I actually need to get in touch with one of your grads student?
- Sarfaraz Yusuf.
- Oh yeah, He left for Pakistan last year.
Has he left a number?
I'm sorry, We are not authorized to give out information.
Ma'am, this is really important.
Email us your request so I can forward
it to student affairs.
Have a nice day dear.
- Pakistan's number? His home number?
- No.
Think, Jaggu think.
I have a part time job at Pakistan Embassy.
He has a part time job at Pakistan Embassy.
Nitu, call the Pakistan Embassy, Belgium.
- Copy sir.
- And put it on loudspeaker.
Salam. Pakistan Embassy.
Is there a student from Lahore working there?
- Sarfaraz Yusuf?
- Is your name Jaggu?
Hello, is your name Jaggu?
Yes, how do you know?
That call came.
That Delhi girl's call came. Jaggu's call came.
Come on everyone. Jaggu's call came.
India's call came, hurry come.
Sarfaraz Yusuf call us everyday, 9a.m, from Lahore.
And in all his call, he asked only one thing.
Is there any call from India, Jaggu's call for me?
We told him no, and he called off the phone.
He make everyone crazy.
You hang in there, I'll contact him.
- Sarfaraz Yusuf?
- Yes, Salam.
From where are you talking?
From Lahore, why?
From where are you talking right about this time?
I'm in my house, why?
Are there any chairs around you?
If there is, please sit down. You're going to drop hearing this.
Oh sorry. I don't understand what you said.
There's a call from Delhi for you.
Now talk to her.
- Hello.
- Sarfaraz.
Hello, you're not Jaggu?
- You did came to the marriage registrar office?
- Yes I did.
But you're not there.
Why you didn't call me?
What to do? I got your letter.
It was written, do not try to contact me.
I knew your family had pressured you.
- But I don't know, Jaggu.
- I've got a feeling that,
you will try to call me.
I called you a lot Jaggu.
What to do?
I have your wrong number.
Just now a friend found me the right number.
Thank you, son.
Please hold this.
PK, you're going to take a bag full of batteries with you?
I can't find them there.
But what will you do with so many batteries?
These are tape recordings' sound, right?
- I want to hear them, at my home.
- What kind of sound?
That of everyone's in this world.
Animals, music and traffic noise.
You're gonna hear the traffic noise?
If I miss this world, then,
I will hear them all.
Hey Wait!
There's a second bag still.
PK, let it go.
How can I? It's all batteries in there!
You can listen to everyone in your world?
Then they all walks nude?
What are you looking? Something in my house?
You know?
I was ten years old.
When I first write a poem.
It is written for my father.
Everyone says I look like my mother.
Everyone is right.
Poetry that is,
ensuring sound a few big story.
You're so cute.
One more to a friend who,
No animal sound nor music,
nothing of traffic sound.
Every tape was just my voice.
I got it.
I was..
What did you record in this, PK?
I told you, animal, music, traffic's sound.
When I recall of this Earth,
then, I'll listen to the tape.
I'll wave my hand to you from there,
like this.
I see you from there, when you'll come,
get the time,.
You didn't have my voice in there, right?
Your voice,
There is.
You read your poetry, right? I have it.
Only one poetry?
Your love story maybe in it.
Which you waste your time together.
He didn't looked back even once.
Maybe he wants to hide his tears.
He did learnt something.
He learned something.
He learned to lie.
What did he taught?
The true meaning of love.
He love me enough, to let me go.
Just like when children come to this world, naked.
He too came naked.
Just like kids asking many questions.
He also asked a lot of questions.
Then one day,
he went away.
We are very far from each other.
I think I was given a beautiful gift.
and my father,
as long as I live,
every night I'll look at the star.
Waving him.
I'm sure,
he'll do like this too.
I miss him.
Subtitle Edited and Encoded by RENHOAX of RSG Release Brothers, we are one hour to land on Earth.
Dont forget what I taught you. Just 4 points.
First, walking nude is prohibited on Earth.
Kissing and the likes,
people here do it secretly and discreetly.
Beside that, peeing, pooping, beating, you can do it loud and openly.
Second, the big confusion here is the language.
If you hear something like,
I love chickens, I love fish,
That doesn't mean that they love that animals.
But it means that, they love eating chickens, or eating fish for lunch.
What they think, what they say,
and what they mean, we have to research about it.
Third, collect clothes from the dancing car,
and hide your remote control in your underwear.
Nobody will steal it if you put it deep inside.
And fourth and the most important point,
if you ever meet with someone saying he can contact God.
Do not research it, Just get ready, and run at full speed.
Come bro. Don't be scared, come.
What are you staring at, huh?
- I have a question.
- What is it?
That last trip, how many slap did you get?
What's these?
- Self defense.
- Really, safety?
- Okay, Come on.
- Go.
- Where are you going?
- Go here.