Place in the Sun, A (1951)

You want a ride?
- Is this the place?
- Yeah.
- Yes?
- I'd like to see Mr Charles Eastman.
So would I. I expect to
if I work another five years!
- How do I get to his office?
- Go to the administration building.
Just a moment.
- Mr Eastman?
- Yes.
I'm sorry. Our Mr Eastman is
at home today. He won't be in.
He won't?
- Are you a relative?
- He's my uncle.
I'm sure he'll want to see you.
Let me give him a ring.
Yes, one moment, please.
Paris can dictate to women what to
wear at a cocktail party or to bed.
Paris is not going to tell American
women what bathing suits to wear!
- Miss Ottinger.
- Hello.
Yes, of course. All right, let me
have a word with the young man.
- Thank you.
- It's on number two.
- Hello.
- Hello, my boy.
- I hope you remember, sir.
- Of course. How are you?
You certainly got here fast.
I wanted to. But I didn't want
to bother you at home.
Drop by to the house
at about seven o'clock.
Yes, sir. Thank you very much, sir.
My tie on crooked?
No, it's just that I was thinking...
George Eastman's dropping in tonight.
George Eastman...?
You mean Asa's son?
- Right. I ran into him in Chicago.
- Will he lead us in a prayer?
He's not at all like Asa or his wife.
He's very quiet and pleasant.
Not much education, but ambitious.
And he looks amazingly like Earl.
- What's he do?
- Hotel bellhop.
I always wanted
to look like a bellhop!
Why bring him on here?
There's always a place at the plant.
- What do we do about him socially?
- Easy. Leave town.
You don't have to take him up
socially. He just wants to work.
- A man by the name of Eastman.
- Show him in, William.
Charles, sometimes I think
you're in your second childhood.
- Good evening, sir.
- Hi, George.
This is my wife.
My daughter, Marcia.
My son, Earl. George Eastman.
Sit down, George.
- Like a cocktail, a drink?
- No, thank you.
My husband says he met you
in Chicago at a hotel.
- That's right.
- You must have left very suddenly.
Well, you see, I quit my job.
Mr Eastman was good enough to say
that if I came through here,
he might find some place for me.
I think we can work something out.
- What do you think, Earl?
- Done any bookkeeping?
- Typewriting? Stenography?
- No.
You see Earl in the morning.
Thank you, sir.
That's very kind of you.
And your mother? I trust she's well.
We've never met,
but I've heard her mentioned.
She wrote Charles a moving letter
at the time of your father's death.
Is she still active
in her religious work?
- Yes, ma'am, she is.
- Church work?
Not exactly. It's more like
social work. It's a mission.
Like the Salvation Army?
No, it's not like the Salvation Army.
- It's more...
- More intimate, maybe?
Did I hear you say intimate, darling?
- You're late.
- I'm always late.
It's part of my charm. Good evening,
Mr Eastman, Mrs Eastman.
You know Tom Tipton.
Don't drink. We haven't got time.
- Thanks.
- Well, I'm ready.
Men are so disgustingly prompt!
They do it to put us women
in a bad light.
I hear your place is
coming along fine.
- It's a dream palace.
- Will it be ready for summer?
- Even if I have to whip everyone!
- All right, Simone Legree. Let's go.
- Goodnight, Eastman.
- Good night.
- Bye-bye!
- Bye.
Have you anywhere to stay?
I can recommend a quiet
rooming house.
- My secretary used to stay there.
- Thanks. I found a place.
That was fortunate, wasn't it?
Sorry we're not home for dinner.
Another time perhaps.
Yes. You see Earl in the morning.
Good night.
- Good night, sir. Good night.
- Good night.
Charles Eastman!
Be aware every minute
that you're an Eastman.
- You must act accordingly.
- I understand that.
Another thing.
As you noticed, nine out of ten
Eastman employees are women.
There's a company rule against
mixing with the girls here.
My father asked me to call this
to your attention. That is a must.
This is George Eastman.
Take George to Mr Whiting, please.
Mrs Kovak, this is George Eastman.
- He's here for a while.
- OK.
This is it.
Now you're in business.
- Hello, Angela.
- Hi, Angela.
Look, this room could be your study.
There's even an old cupboard
for your books.
Whatever else is in it,
it isn't books!
- Who lived here?
- A pirate in search ofhis soul.
Think he found it?
- Vicky...
- What?
Could we be happy here,
never seeing anyone again?
- Small world.
- That's what you think.
Put your arms around me.
Imagine the sea at night.
Who's your friend?
Hold me, Ray.
When I feel you close,
all our lies come true.
Nothing can ever spoil them again.
If the girls saw me, they'd say
I was making up to the boss's nephew.
That's silly.
I'm in the same boat as you.
An Eastman isn't in the same boat
with anyone.
- I work along with you, don't I?
- Sure.
They'll move you to a better job,
and you'll be in the front office.
That's the last we'll see
of Mr George Eastman.
Who says that?
We know they put you
in with us to learn the business.
I wouldn't be too sure of that.
...Lord's divine command,
when you find a brother struggling,
Iend a willing, helping hand.
Bear ye one another's burdens...
- You lonely all the time?
- Not on week days.
How come?
Remember I put swimsuits
in boxes six days a week?
Yeah. What about Sundays? Maybe
then you put yourself in a swimsuit.
Not me.
Why? You don't look good
in a swimsuit?
- Sure I do. I can't swim.
- You're kidding!
I never learned.
I was even scared of the duck pond
when I was a kid.
We lived on a farm, a small one.
How come you came here?
We were poor. We needed the money.
I came down here and got a job.
- I'm glad.
- Me, too.
This is it, where I live.
- It's 4433 Elm Avenue.
- I'll walk you to the door.
I can manage from here.
I have my own private entrance.
Good night.
My landlady is fierce.
I've wanted to do that for so long.
I did, too.
Will we see each other again
like this?
- If you want.
- When?
It's up to you. You gotta be careful.
We can meet like tonight.
Tonight has been wonderful!
I'd better go in now.
Don't go.
Please don't go.
Good night.
- I was looking over at you today.
- I was looking over at you.
Not as much as usual.
- I was thinking about my plan.
- Don't we work fast enough as it is?
- Hi, beautiful.
- Hello, Angela.
George, I'm glad you're still
in the packaging room.
Not just for my sake, honest.
It's better for you than running
around with those Eastmans
and all those rich girls
with nothing to do.
I've only been out to the house
once since I got here.
I used to think you went every night.
Don't be silly, honey.
George, remember when I said
if you're an Eastman, you're not
in the same boat with anybody?
I take it back.
Let's find a quieter place.
You don't know any other place
we can go, do you?
There's a soda fountain
where all the high school kids go.
They're noisy.
I don't care as long as I'm with you.
- What are you doing here?
- Talking.
They've invented the house.
It's a very good place to talk in.
You'd better get back to yours.
Come on.
Come on.
- Good night.
- Come on.
I wish I could ask you in,
but Mrs Roberts is so strict.
I don't want to make things
difficult for you.
I wish I could ask you in, but we'd
have to keep the music awful low.
This is nice.
Mrs Roberts is right next door.
This is the way it should have been.
This is the way...
Oh, George.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Who's that? Is that George?
- Yeah.
- What's he doing here?
It was the only place to put him
without firing somebody.
This is no place for him.
- How's he getting along?
- Fine.
It wouldn't hurt to give him
a position. Well, George.
You thought I'd forgotten
all about you.
- No, sir.
- I've been keeping an eye on you.
- That's very good of you, sir.
- Getting along all right?
- I know the work pretty well.
- I suppose you do.
Do you know it well enough
to take on responsibility?
- Yes, sir.
- Good. I'm going to move you up.
- Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.
- You've earned it.
Sir, I was wondering...
Have you by any chance seen
the production report I submitted?
Mrs Eastman is having a party at
the house on the 15th of next month.
- We'd like to have you drop in.
- I'd love to come.
Good. Then you and I can have
a nice little talk.
Next month on the 15th?
That's your birthday.
I was planning on our little party.
Sure, honey.
I'll just be at the old man's
to pay my respects.
- Then I'll be over.
- You better be!
- Hello, darling!
- Nice to see you again.
Hello, there.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- I see you had a misspent youth.
- Yes, it was.
Why all alone? Being exclusive?
Being dramatic?
Being blue?
I'm just fooling around.
Maybe you'd like to play.
No, I'll just watch you. Go ahead.
Do I make you nervous?
You look like an Eastman.
Are you one of them?
I'm a nephew. My name's George.
- I'm Angela.
- Vickers.
- I saw you here last spring.
- I don't remember seeing you.
No. You've been away, haven't you?
You took a trip with your parents.
- How did you know?
- I read about you in the papers.
- What else do you do?
- The usual things.
You look unusual.
That's the first time
anybody ever said that!
- You keep pretty much to yourself.
- Yes, sometimes.
Blue...or exclusive?
- Neither, right now.
- Here you are, George!
Well, Angela.
- I was thinking how's your mother?
- Fine, last time I heard.
Have you written to her about your
promotion? I kicked him up a notch.
I'll write in a day or two.
Never neglect your mother.
Telephone to her right away.
Tell her the good news.
You can use this phone.
Long distance? What's the number,
George? Just a minute.
I don't know.
I want to place a call to the Bethel
Independent Mission in Kansas City.
- The Bethel Mission.
- Hello, Mama.
George! God bless you, my son.
Are you sick?
No, I'm not sick.
Are you coming home?
Listen, Mama. I got a promotion.
Yeah, I can send you money
every month now.
Happy birthday. Today's your
birthday and I've prayed for you.
I've been praying you'll come home
and carry on your father's work.
I'm keeping your room for you, just
as you left it, like I always do.
I'm getting on pretty well here.
I'm happy here, too.
- Who's there with you?
- It's me, Mama!
- Who was that?
- Just a girl, Mama.
No, Mama.
I don't... Mama, I just met her!
Yes, Mama. I will, Mama.
I know you'll be a good son.
I promise.
- Goodbye, my son.
- Goodbye, Mama.
Did you promise to be a good boy?
Not to waste your time on girls?
- I don't waste my time.
- Will she let you go out tonight?
Will she let you go dancing? Come on.
I'll take you dancing...
on your birthday, blue boy.
Gee, Al, isn't it the limit?
The party just broke up
a few minutes ago.
I'm sorry, honey.
I couldn't get away for three hours.
Four hours. You must have paid him
an awful lot of respects.
He's really gonna do things for me.
He said, "I got my eye on you."
I think he really means it, too.
That's fine.
But you could have phoned me.
- Yeah, I know, I could have phoned.
- Never mind.
Your present's waiting for you
on your plate.
- Happy birthday.
- Thanks.
Hey, that's wonderful! I can sure
use that on my new job, huh?
Were there many young people
there tonight?
- A few. Why?
- Oh, it's melted.
Was your cousin Marcia there?
All those pretty girls in the papers?
Some of them were, yes.
They're not all pretty.
- Was Angela Vickers?
- What?
Pretty. Did you like her very much?
I liked her some.
Sure, she's a pretty girl.
- She wears nice clothes.
- Why shouldn't she, with that money?
Why do you keep needling me?
I can't help it.
Why couldn't you tell them
you had an appointment?
You know I can't tell them about you.
You understand the fix we're in.
Yeah, I know.
If my family ever found out about us,
we'd both be out of a job.
George, maybe you don't want to see
me so much any more. Is that it?
Maybe you don't want
to see me at all.
- Now you're head of the department.
- You know I didn't say that.
Honey, don't cry.
Look, you dance just as pretty
as anybody. You look just as pretty.
Stop crying, will you?
George, it's awful.
I can't tell you.
- What is it?
- I'm so afraid.
Honey, what's the matter?
George...we're in trouble.
Real trouble, I think.
How do you mean?
Remember the first night
you came here?
I'm so worried.
Hello, Al. It's me. How do you feel?
Just the same, huh?
No, I haven't found the name
of any doctor yet.
Yes, don't you worry. Everything's
gonna turn out all right.
Yeah, first thing.
Good night.
Oh, hello!
Yes, of course I remember you. I just
didn't recognise your voice at first.
Friday night? Yeah.
I think I can.
No, I'd like to. Yes.
All right. I'll meet you there.
Yeah. Goodbye, Miss Vickers.
Goodbye, Angela.
- A penny.
- For what?
For your thoughts.
Highest prices paid.
I was wondering
why you invited me tonight.
Because of my reasons.
Good evening, Miss Vickers.
Good evening, Mr Eastman.
Good evening.
- Angela, darling, hello.
- Hello, Marcia.
- Hello, George. Having fun?
- I just got here.
Come on in and join the party.
It's going to be
such a wonderful summer.
- Do you ride?
- I'm just taking it up.
Hello, Mother, Dad.
We keep several horses.
There'll be lots of parties
and dances and things like that.
And who, may I ask, is he?
If she weren't my daughter,
I'd ask her the same question.
Aren't you happy with me?
Happy? The trouble is
I'm too happy tonight.
You seem so strange,
so deep and far away.
As though you were
holding something back.
- I am.
- Don't.
I'd better.
This is nice.
I don't want to spoil it.
You'd better tell me.
I love you. I've loved you
since the first moment I saw you.
I guess maybe I even loved you
before I saw you.
And you're the fellow that wondered
why I invited you here tonight.
I tell you why. I love...
Are they watching us?
I love you, too! It scares me.
- But it is a wonderful feeling.
- It's wonderful when you're here.
I can hold you, I can see you.
I can hold you next to me.
But what's it going to be like
next week?
I'll still be as much in love
with you. You'll be gone!
But I'll be at the lake!
You'll come and see me.
It's so beautiful. You must come.
I know my parents will be a problem.
But you can come the weekends
when the kids are there.
You don't have to work weekends.
That's the best time.
If you don't come,
I'll drive down here to see you.
I'll pick you up outside the factory.
You'll be my pick-up! We'll arrange
it somehow, whatever way we can.
We'll have such wonderful times
together, just the two of us.
- I'd be the happiest person alive.
- The second happiest.
Angela, if I could only tell you
how much I love you.
- If I could only tell you all.
- Tell Mama.
Tell Mama all.
- Your age, Mrs Hamilton?
- Twenty-two.
How long married?
Three months.
Well, now... Sit down.
What seems to be the trouble,
Mrs Hamilton?
You needn't be afraid to tell me.
That's my business,
listening to other people's troubles.
It's like this.
My husband hasn't much money.
I have to work
to help pay the expenses.
When I found out I was going
to have a baby...
...we didn't see...
We didn't know any doctors.
What business is your husband in?
That's not such a bad business.
At least they charge enough!
- We can't afford to...
- There are free hospitals, you know?
I know.
Free hospitals
don't solve everything.
Tell me, how did you happen
to come to me, anyhow?
I heard people say
you were a good doctor.
I see.
Mrs Hamilton, when you went
to the altar three months ago,
you must have realised you might
have to face a situation like this.
Once you make up your mind
to face this bravely,
you'll find all the problems
have a way of sorting themselves out.
Medical bills, clothes. I know.
I know my wife and I
worried at first.
- But now we can look back...
- It's not like that!
I'm not married.
I haven't got a husband.
All right, that won't do any good.
- Where's the young man?
- He deserted me. What'll I do?
Somebody's gotta help me.
Miss Hamilton, my advice is go home
and see your parents and tell them.
It'll be much better that way,
I assure you.
If you've come to place yourself
under my care during your pregnancy,
I'll do everything to ensure
your health and that of your child.
On the other hand,
if you've just come for free advice
on material and financial problems...
...with which I can't help you...
No, I cannot help you.
What did he say?
He said he thought I ought
to make a very healthy mother.
Gee, Al.
That's all you've said for weeks.
I'm trying to think.
You just gotta marry me.
Family or no family.
This future of yours or no future.
Just looking at it that way
settles everything.
But we haven't got any money.
This thing comes out, I'm through.
I won't even have the job I got now.
- You're just stalling.
- I'm not! I'm trying to think.
I want to figure out some way.
I was thinking maybe when I get
my vacation, first week of September.
All right, that's when we'll do it.
When you get your vacation,
we'll go out of town and get married.
- You understand?
- Yeah, I understand.
Now back again to the news.
It seems the fine weather has been
too fine in parts of the country.
In New York City, seven persons
are reported as having succumbed
from the high temperature.
Nearer home, fine weather
had its darker aspects, too.
The State Highway Patrol says that
fatalities from weekend accidents
exceeded by four the figure for the
corresponding weekend last summer.
Some 14 persons lost their lives.
At least five were drowned.
Several others received emergency
first aid at crowded lake resorts.
So be careful.
It may be your turn next or
the turn of those dearest to you.
Drive carefully, and don't swim
from unpatrolled beaches.
Make your holiday
death's holiday, too.
Hello, you.
- I've missed you so!
- Me, too. I can't tell you how much.
I've wonderful news.
I had to drive down to tell you.
Mother and Dad want you to spend
your vacation with us up at the lake.
- You'll come, won't you?
- I don't think I can.
George, no! This is my one chance
to show you off to Mother and Dad.
Take my word for it, I've got to!
I promised my uncle
I'd spend some time with him.
That's perfect! Your aunt and uncle
are both coming up on 3rd September.
That's when you're coming.
Darling, I love you so much,
so very much.
Just think of it.
We'll go swimming together,
lie in the sun together,
go horseback riding
through the pine woods.
I'll make breakfast for you every
morning, and you can sleep late.
I'll bring it in to you in your room.
- And you love me.
- Yes.
- Hello?
- I've gotta ask you a favour.
Don't get angry at me.
I've gotta ask you for an extra week.
- I don't have to give you anything.
- You just got to!
I talked to my uncle and
he wants me to come up to the lake
and spend the first week
of my vacation with them.
- It's important to both of us.
- Why?
I figure from the way he's been
talking that if I go up there
he's gonna give me a bonus.
It might be a lot of money,
I don't know, $300.
We could sure use that.
All right, you go up there
for a week. I'll wait here.
I want to talk to you about that.
I'm not sure I approve
of young Mr Eastman.
- I don't know what he's doing here.
- He's here because I invited him.
Why do you encourage this?
You can be very unperceptive
at times.
Opposition only makes a boy
of that type more attractive.
I invited him,
because I wanted to see him
among people Angela really knows.
She'll see whether he belongs or not.
Come on! It's freezing!
It's just like ice!
Hurry up!
I've never been so cold in my life!
- Aren't you going in?
- Sure.
George, put me down!
- It happens every single time!
- What does?
I freeze to death.
It's the coldest lake ever!
- What did you go in for, then?
- 'Cause it's my lake.
- Yours?
- Uh-huh.
I found this trail when I was 14.
Nobody lives here,
not on this part of it.
It's in two parts
with a little channel in between.
There's a crumbly old lodge down at
the end and some crumbly old boats.
Come closer.
- What do they call this lake?
- Loon Lake. It's nice now.
But sometimes it's weird,
especially at sundown.
I've never been able to feel
the same about it since the drowning.
- What drowning?
- A man and a girl last summer.
Nobody knows what happened. It was
five days before they found the girl.
- And the man?
- They never found him.
- What was that?
- A loon.
- What are you thinking about?
- Nothing, nothing at all.
- Hi.
- Hi.
And I used to think
I was complicated!
- Are you worried about my family?
- I suppose I am.
Don't. I've known them intimately
for years, and they're quite nice.
Perhaps they are a little unused
to you, but that'll come in time.
Suppose it doesn't?
- I'd go anywhere with you.
- You mean that? You'd marry me?
Haven't I told you? I intend to.
...I've had a millstone named
Eastman round my neck.
I know just how you feel.
- What's golf got that a hike hasn't?
- A spirit of competition.
I've hardly exchanged five words
with your elusive nephew.
Pity, I'm told he's charming. I've
put him here so he won't run away.
I'm proud of the way
you've been getting on.
I've wanted to justify
your confidence in me.
A man who can meet people:
that's an asset we can use.
I've been thinking about a place
in administration perhaps,
where I can keep an eye on you.
We ought to take George
with us tomorrow.
- People at the club...
- No.
There's the Ski Race tomorrow
and George is my pilot.
- Which Mr Eastman?
- Mr George Eastman.
Call for you, George. You'd better
bend an ear, Angela, it's a woman.
- Yes.
- I'm here at the bus station.
You lied to me for the last time.
Now I want you to come and get me.
- It's not too easy right now.
- Now!
- It's not too easy right now.
- Now!
- I'll do it tomorrow morning?
- I said now!
If you're not here in half an hour,
I'll come and tell them everything!
Yes, I'll leave right away.
Let's not go to Florida this winter.
Let's stay here.
It was a friend of my mother's.
She's not well.
- I hope it's not serious.
- I don't know.
I ought to get home.
I ought to get a plane tonight.
- If it's not serious, do come back.
- I will, thank you.
- If you'll excuse me, I'll go pack.
- Certainly. Goodbye, George.
Goodbye, George.
George, how long will you be gone?
I don't know, darling.
I just don't know.
You will come back
as soon as you can?
- As soon as I can.
- You promise?
I promise.
Are you crazy, coming up here?
Phoning me like that
with my whole family listening in?
You weren't staying with your family.
You were staying with Angela Vickers.
I'm through waiting for you.
You're gonna marry me tomorrow,
or I'll tell the newspapers
everything, then I'll kill myself!
- Don't talk like that.
- You make me talk like that.
We'll go to Warsaw in the morning
and get married.
Let's get out of here.
I won't get out of here until
you say that you're gonna do it!
All right. Come on.
It's a holiday.
Look, Al.
Look, it's not my fault!
Besides, one day more is
not gonna make any difference.
There's a wonderful lake
near here, Loon Lake,
just the place you've always
wanted to go for a honeymoon.
We could go there.
There's a lodge on it, too.
If you like, we could spend
the day there,
and tomorrow
we can come back here.
- Al, are you listening?
- Yeah, I'm listening.
Tell you what, let's make a holiday
of it. Everybody else is.
Why don't we get some sandwiches
and have a picnic on the lake?
- How's that?
- That sounds pretty good.
Look, Al, let's not quarrel any more.
Let's try and make the best of it.
All right, let's make the best of it.
I should have stopped at that
last station. Yep, bone dry!
- Stupid!
- Is the lodge far from here?
No, it's only just around the bend.
Tell you what, why don't we take
our lunch and go down to the landing?
We can rent a boat
and have our picnic now.
I can pick up the gas later
and come back for the car.
- How does it sound?
- It sounds wonderful!
- It is beautiful!
- Yeah.
- How much to rent a boat?
- 25 cents an hour. $2 all day.
Are there many people
out on the lake today?
You've got it all to yourself.
- Are you people at the lodge?
- Yeah. That is, we will be tonight.
- Spend a couple of days there.
- You'll have to sign for it.
Thanks a lot.
- That's funny.
- What?
I know another guy named Gilbert
Edwards. Lives over at Westbrook.
Pretty common name.
Only two times I ever heard.
- It doesn't leak, does it?
- I don't rent leaky boats!
Don't worry, my husband's
a very good swimmer.
It's so lonely here.
It's like we were the only
two people left in the world.
Maybe we are.
Maybe when we get back to shore,
everybody will have disappeared.
I'd like that, wouldn't you?
Then we could go anywhere.
We could live
in the biggest house in the world.
I'd like to live in a little house,
just big enough for the two of us.
Only there's gonna be
more than two of us.
What's the matter? You look sick.
Nothing! I'm out of breath.
I'm not used to rowing.
Rest for a while, dear.
We can just drift.
After all, we're not going anywhere.
Look behind you.
"Star light, star bright,"
"wish me luck, wish me light,
make my wish come true tonight."
Did you make a wish?
What did you wish?
Afraid it won't come true
if you tell?
I'm sorry that I've been
so nasty to you.
I didn't mean it.
It's just things happen,
and you just don't stay the same.
I will make it up to you.
I'll stick by you.
I do love you, George.
- We ought to get back. It's dark.
- That old man'll think we drowned!
Let's drift for a while. I'm not
afraid of the dark. It's so nice.
I'll tell you what I wished.
I wished that you loved me again.
You'll see, we'll make a go of it
if we give ourselves the chance.
We'll go where nobody knows us.
We'll get jobs, maybe together.
We'll do things together and go out
together, like any married couple.
After a while, you'll settle down
and be content with what you've got,
instead of working yourself up
over things.
It's the little things in life
that count.
We'll have to scrimp and save,
but we'll have each other.
- I'm not afraid of being poor.
- Stop it, Al!
- Why? What's the matter?
- Just stop it!
What did you think of
when you saw the star?
You wished that you weren't here
with me, didn't you?
You wished I was where
you'd never have to see me again.
Maybe you wished that I was dead.
Do you wish that I was dead?
No, I didn't! Just leave me alone.
Poor George. I know it isn't easy
for you. I shouldn't have said that.
Stay where you are.
Who's there?
I'm trying to find the road.
I got lost.
You know where the road is?
It's down the trail
about a quarter of a mile.
Quiet, boy, quiet. Now stay there.
- Good morning, Mr Marlowe.
- Good morning, Mack.
It's for you. The coroner.
Yes, Doctor?
Oh? Just wait a minute, will you?
Bob, get these facts.
All right now.
Yes. Young couple drowned.
Give me all the facts.
- Is Miss Vickers around?
- No, she's playing tennis.
Everybody's gone somewhere.
Thank you.
Mr Eastman?
- Do you feel well?
- Yeah, fine.
Hello, George. It's been centuries!
- She said you were playing tennis.
- I was watching them.
I haven't eaten anything since you've
been away. Well, hardly anything.
Don't go away again, George.
Here, come and sit with me.
How is your mother?
She's much better. It wasn't
as serious as they thought.
I'm glad of that.
You look very tired.
I didn't get much sleep. I was even
a little airsick on the plane.
Poor George.
Anyway, I've got good news.
Mother and Dad are beginning to melt.
You're winning them over
with your boyish charm.
They'll let us announce it when I
come home from school at Christmas.
- At Christmas? Let's run away.
- Run away?
- Right now.
- But we don't have to.
Not the way things are going.
Mother will want a big wedding.
I've always dreamed of having one as
long as I can remember. All girls do.
Now don't start getting moody again!
Come on, you change
and I'll meet you on the terrace.
- Any identification on the girl?
- Yeah, this employment card.
From the Eastman Industries.
Alice Tripp or something.
The man gave his name
as Gilbert Edwards?
You can drag that lake,
you won't find him.
- How do you figure that, Bear Bait?
- I figure he left here in an auto.
When I went up to my cabin
around suppertime,
there was a Coup
parked in the woods up there.
About nine o'clock,
somebody started up that auto
and drove off awfully fast.
- Hi.
- Hello.
George, where you been? Got another
woman stashed around someplace?
- You've been gone so long.
- Can't we be alone somewhere?
- We could take the speedboat.
- Yeah.
So they wanna be alone. We can't
have that. Come on, Lazy Bones!
How about some company?
Come on, everybody!
- There's no room for you!
- We'll fix that.
District Attorney Frank Marlowe's
officers investigate further.
An hour ago,
the coroner informed the press
that although the girl's death
was caused by drowning,
bruises would indicate
that a struggle took place.
The District Attorney has evidence
that the girl's male companion
may still be alive.
Three Boy Scouts have reported
that a young man, visibly upset...
You look tired, George.
- That's what I told him.
- Take a rest.
I think maybe that's a good idea.
Excuse me, won't you?
- Any news on the drowning?
- The papers see it as a murder.
- He's alive and he's drowned her.
- You read too many mysteries.
She was probably a chatterbox,
and he picked her up
and threw her overboard!
- I've been looking for you, sir.
- What is it?
Mr Vickers would like to see you
alone. He's in the living room, sir.
Sit down, will you?
I thought that you and I might
have a chat before dinner.
- Care for a drink?
- Please.
I'm gonna make it a double. I'm gonna
be a little bit personal, George.
It's about you and Angela and
this talk about your getting married.
I don't know whether
I'm for you or against you.
- I don't know you well enough.
- I know how you feel, Mr Vickers.
Who am I to think of marrying Angela?
Angela has everything.
Talk of marriage aside, we know
almost nothing about your background.
There's not much to know. What there
is, I've wanted to tell you myself.
My family is...
We were very poor people.
My family devoted their lives
to a kind of religious work.
Conducting sidewalk services,
street singing.
I was part of all that,
until the law came along and said
I ought to go to school.
I only went to school
till I was 13 years old.
We didn't ever have any money
for anything, so I left home.
I was gonna do something about it.
I took any job.
Busboy, elevator operator, caddie.
I had no training, no education.
Then I came here,
went to work for my uncle.
That's my background, Mr Vickers.
There's nothing very much
to recommend any approval.
But I love Angela more than
anything in the world.
I'd do anything to make her happy.
Even if it's right that
I shouldn't see her any more.
Easy, boy.
Forthrightness is a prime virtue.
I admire your frankness.
I should apologise for eavesdropping,
but I'm glad I listened.
Does that answer all your questions?
All I ask is that you two
don't do anything hasty.
- Let's get out.
- A drive.
- I just wanna be alone with you.
- Let's go.
I can't believe that this horrible
thing could happen to Alice.
- She was such a sweet, quiet girl.
- Ever meet any of her boyfriends?
There was a young man, but he hasn't
been around in a few weeks.
And who was he?
It's a small town. Any scandal would
hurt my business something awful.
There will be a scandal
if you don't cooperate.
I never met him, mind you,
but the girls said he was an Eastman.
But it couldn't be...
Not one of the Eastmans!
Get me the District Attorney's office
in Warsaw.
Here we go!
Look, he's gaining.
Safe! Safe and sound!
Calling car 41.
Man believed in your vicinity...
- The third time this summer.
- I can't understand it!
Height 5'10", hair dark,
complexion fair, build light.
- What's your name?
- George Eastman.
I'd hate to some day be picking up
the pieces of a pretty girl like you.
- Take it easy, will you?
- Anything you say.
I just love that officer.
He's so bloodcurdling.
And he writes such a nice hand.
Darling, what is it?
I'm tired, very tired.
Yes, you must be.
Darling, let's never leave this
place. Let's just stay here alone.
Don't let father upset you.
I'm the one who counts.
You're the only one.
The only one.
People are gonna say things, I know.
Things about me. About me, I know.
- It's gonna make you stop loving me.
- Don't talk like that!
- I was asleep.
- You were dreaming.
You were talking.
You said, "Not my fault."
Then you said something
I couldn't make out.
Then you said,
"Angela, don't hate me."
That was a bad dream, a false dream,
because I'll always love you.
We'd better go now. Mother's liable
to send out a posse for us.
You go in. I'll be along in a minute.
Every time you leave me for a minute,
it's like goodbye.
I like to believe it means
you can't live without me.
Is your name George Eastman?
- You're under arrest.
- Why? What for?
Start walking back down the road and
you'll find out. Go on, get going.
And no monkey business, either.
That's him all right.
Mr Marlowe, here's your baby.
You're George Eastman? I suppose
you know what you're charged with?
You don't know anything
about the murder of Alice Tripp?
- I'm not guilty.
- We've evidence.
- You're not going to deny it?
- Yes, I deny it.
Let's take you to the Vickers' and
see what your friends say about you.
Please don't take me back there!
I'll tell you all I can.
Don't take me back there.
I didn't intend to. I just wanted
to see what you'd have to say.
Take him to Warsaw, boys,
and lock him up.
We'll go to the Vickers' and
see what they have to say.
Say he's a relative,
came to the house once. Got that?
And have Hollister take his name off.
You had no inkling of his relations
with that girl?
None of you knew
of this boy's double life?
Mr Marlowe, if you've no further
questions for my daughter and me...
- ...will you excuse us?
- Of course.
Mr Vickers, I have no desire
to harass an innocent person.
I'd like to keep your daughter free
of scandal, but if the papers...
I'll keep her out of the papers.
You keep her out of the trial.
That may not be possible.
The defence would have to agree.
The defence will agree to it.
I'll see to that.
I'll engage the boy's lawyers.
If it appears he's innocent,
I'll spend $100,000 to defend him.
And if he's guilty?
I won't spend a cent to save him
from the electric chair.
Thank you, Mother. Thank you, Lulu.
The boy's tired.
I think that's enough for today.
I guess you're right.
Mr Bellows, has there been
any word from...?
From Miss Vickers?
No, George.
When Mr Eastman engaged us
to defend you,
we made an agreement not to drag
Miss Vickers into the case.
- Of course.
- It's in your interest, too.
Her appearance on the stand
would be irrelevant.
I feel it might be damaging
for you, too. We'll be back.
"After I got her on the lake,
I couldn't go through with it."
"Then the boat turned over."
You know, Art, he sold me.
I believe his story.
No more newspapers, Lulu.
Remember, I told you.
The people of this state charge
that murder in the first degree
has been committed by the prisoner
at the bar, George Eastman.
They charge that George Eastman
wilfully, and with malice
and cruelty and deception,
then sought to conceal from justice
the body of Alice Tripp.
It will be for you,
ladies and gentlemen,
to decide what shall be done
with this man,
who has flouted every moral law,
broken every commandment...
...who has crowned his infamy
with murder.
- What were Alice's feelings for him?
- Everybody knew she was in love.
What was this rule exactly?
It was to keep the foreman and staff
from fooling around with the girls.
One night last August,
I called Alice to the telephone.
It was him calling.
Doctor, you never saw
this young man?
No, but after she left my office,
she sat talking
with a man in a Coup.
- Objection!
- Sustained.
Along about nine o'clock,
he stumbled into my camp.
He was wet and looked scared.
This man was at the bus station
with this girl.
They were quarrelling.
She said she wouldn't leave
unless he promised.
Had violence been done to Miss
Tripp prior to her death by drowning?
She'd been struck by an instrument
with sufficient force to stun her.
I told him there wasn't
nobody else on the lake.
Then he signed Gilbert Edwards.
Having signed a false name,
he then proceeded to make sure
what took place would be
observed by no one?
No one except the person
who'd be unable to testify,
the girl he drowned?
- The prosecution must not...
- I withdraw the question.
The people rest.
This boy is on trial
for the act of murder,
not for the thought of murder.
Between the idea and deed
there's a difference.
If you find this boy guilty in desire
but not guilty in deed...
...then he must walk out of this
courtroom as free as you or I.
However, since the prosecutor lacked
evidence, he's given you prejudice.
Lacking facts,
he's given you fantasy.
Of all the witnesses before you,
not one actually saw what happened.
I will now call to the stand
an eyewitness, the only eyewitness.
The only one who knows the truth,
the whole truth.
George Eastman,
please take the stand.
When we got to the lake, I suggested
we go rowing before it got dark.
Tell me, why did you give
a false name to the boat keeper?
We were going to stay at the lodge,
and we weren't married,
so I thought it better
not to give our real names.
Why did you engage the boat
to row the girl out onto the lake?
In the back of my mind
was the thought of drowning her.
But I didn't want to think
such things!
I couldn't help myself, I couldn't!
What happened after you rowed out?
I knew that I couldn't
go through with it.
- Then you had a change of heart.
- I object. He's leading the witness.
Objection sustained. Counsel will
refrain from leading the witness.
Yes, your honour.
What happened then?
That was when we decided
we ought to get back to the lodge.
She started talking
about getting married
and what our life together
would be like.
What was your reaction
to her talking that way?
She just looked at me.
She knew it was hopeless.
She accused me of wishing her dead.
Did you wish she were dead?
No, I didn't!
I wasn't thinking of that any more!
What were you thinking of
at that moment?
I was thinking of somebody else.
Another girl.
You were thinking that this other
girl and her world were lost forever.
What did you say
to Alice's accusation?
I told her it wasn't true,
I didn't want her to die.
Wasn't she alarmed or frightened?
- She even said, "Poor George!"
- Go on.
Then she started toward me
from the back of the boat.
I told her to stay where she was,
but she didn't.
She kept coming toward me,
then she started to fall.
I started to get up.
Then everything turned over.
In a second, we were in the water.
I was stunned.
Something must have
hit me as I fell in.
It all happened so fast,
I didn't know what I was doing.
George, was Alice conscious
when she fell into the water?
Yes, I heard her scream
but couldn't see her,
'cause she was on the other side.
So I swam around to the other side.
She was... When I got there,
she'd gone down.
I never saw her again.
Do you solemnly swear
that you did not strike her?
I swear it!
- That you did not push her in?
- I did not!
That it was an accident
undesired by you?
I do. I do. I do.
That's all, your honour.
That night when you left the party
at the house at Bride's Lake
to meet Alice Tripp
in the bus station... you remember leaving
anything behind you?
No, I don't. I don't remember
leaving anything.
I'm referring to your heart!
Did you leave that behind you?
Did you, Eastman? Out there
on that terrace in the moonlight?
You left behind the girl you loved,
and with her your hopes,
your ambitions, your dreams.
Didn't you, Eastman?
You left behind everything you
wanted, including the girl you loved.
But you planned to return to it,
didn't you?
Answer me!
When you told them all that night
you were going to visit your mother,
you were lying, weren't you?
When you gave the boat keeper
a false name, you were lying again?
When you drove up to Loon Lake,
what reason did you give Alice Tripp
for parking so far away
from the lodge?
- We were out of gas.
- Weren't you lying again?
- Yes.
- Lies!
Every move you made
was built on lies.
Yet now you're facing death, you
can't tell anything but the truth!
All the same, it's true!
I didn't kill her.
So you persist in lying
about that, too. We'll see.
Step down into the boat
and show the jury what happened
when the boat overturned.
Take the same position you had
at the time of the drowning.
When the girl rose in the boat
to come towards you,
did she stumble about there?
- Speak up.
- Yes.
And then?
She fell sideways into the water.
- Then what?
- The boat turned over on top of us.
- What happened then?
- I couldn't see very clearly.
There was a thud,
as if the edge of the boat hit her.
Very likely!
After this accidental blow, how far
apart were you when you came up?
I don't know exactly.
You couldn't have been
more than a yard apart!
It was further.
From there to the jury box
or halfway or what?
From here to the jury box.
Not really. When you and she
came up, you're nearly 20 feet apart!
- Why couldn't you swim toward her?
- I don't know.
Step over here.
Was the boat as far as from here
to the bailiff?
You're telling me
you couldn't swim to this weak girl
and buoy her up
till you could reach this boat?
You're lying! She was drowning,
and you just let her drown!
She was defenceless, you picked up
this oar and crashed it on her head!
You pushed that poor girl into
the lake. You watched her drown.
- Isn't that the truth?
- No.
That's all, your honour.
By the premature adoption
of an extreme belief and creed,
it is well to understand this in
looking to the duties of adult life,
in particular, the married state,
when you will emerge into a world of
grown-up problems for the first time.
Then he or she will view
the enthusiasms of youth...
...problems which are the frequent
products of a sheltered immaturity.
It is when the hastily adopted
beliefs of youth are insufficient...
- Has the jury reached a verdict?
- We have, your honour.
The defendant will rise.
The clerk will read the verdict.
We find the defendant,
George Eastman,
guilty of murder in the first degree.
Order in the court!
- Hello, Mrs Eastman.
- Mama.
- My boy.
- Did you see the governor?
It's no use.
The governor couldn't be moved.
Your mother's done everything
a mother could do. That I know.
Death is a little thing.
You mustn't be afraid of it.
You must fear now
only for your immortal soul.
If that sin is on your soul, my son,
you must make your peace with God.
I don't believe
I'm guilty of all this.
They don't know. I wish I knew!
If you are guilty, then I am guilty.
I must share your guilt.
Mama, don't blame yourself.
They say only God and ourselves
know what our sins and sorrows are.
Perhaps in this case, only God knows.
George, perhaps you've hidden
the full truth even from yourself.
I don't wanna hide anything.
I wanna know.
There's one thing you've never told
anyone, even yourself.
There's one point in your story that
holds the answer you're looking for.
When you were on the lake with that
poor girl, and the boat capsized...
...and there was a moment
when you might have saved her.
I wanted to save her.
But I just couldn't.
Whom were you thinking of?
Whom were you thinking of
just at that moment?
Were you thinking of Alice?
Were you thinking of the other girl? your heart was murder,
God bless you, my boy.
God forgive me if I've failed you.
I came to see you.
I've thought lots about you, George.
All the time.
I went away to learn.
I don't think I learned very much.
I love you, George.
I wanted you to know that.
I guess there's nothing more to say.
I know something now
that I didn't know before.
I am guilty of a lot of things,
most of what they say of me.
All the same,
I'll go on loving you...
...for as long as I live.
Love me for the time I have left,
then forget me.
Goodbye, George.
It seems like we always spend the
best part of our time saying goodbye.
"In my Father's house
of many mansions,"
"I go to prepare a place for you."
"And I will receive you unto myself
that where I am ye may be also."
You'll have to go now.
"I am the resurrection and the life.
He who believeth in me..."
Come on, son.
"And whosoever liveth and
believeth in me...shall never die."
So long, kid.
You're going to a better world
than this.
Goodbye, George. I'll be seein' you.