Plaisir, Le (Pleasure) (1952)

Based on three stories
by Guy de Maupassant
Many attempts have been made
to depict three of my tales
I thought it would be simpler
to relate them myself
I've always loved the night,
the darkness
I'm so happy to be talking in
the dark as if I were beside you...
...and maybe I am
You can imagine my anxiety...
...because these are old tales
for your modern times
But we'll see
Here is the first story
One night, there was a ball
at the 'Palais de la Danse'
The lure of the orchestra
exploding like a storm...
...crashed through walls and roofs,
engulfing all
Come on, ladies and gentlemen.
Dance and be merry
The crowd flooded in
like water bursting a dam
Regulars from all over Paris,
regardless of class...
...came for rollicking fun...
...and debauchery
There were workers...
...and, above all, girls
From rough cotton
to the finest cambric
Rich old women
chasing their youth...
...and poor young girls desperate to
have fun and entice big spenders
Elegant suits after young flesh or
wilted but still fragrant blooms...
...prowled the excited crowd...
...searching and hunting
From the crowd a man emerged
Thin and dressed like a young dandy
He looked like a waxwork
A caricature of a fashion designers'
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
the great dancer Monsieur Grandval
His dancing was convincing,
but clumsy
He seemed rusty, trying to
imitate the others
He seemed lost - as graceless as
a terrier amongst greyhounds
You're a good dancer
- What's your name?
- Frimousse. And you?
You're gorgeous
Carry on playing
Come on, maestro,
don't stop the music
- He'll live, won't he?
- Yes, he's just fainted
Call a doctor, quickly
At the end of the corridor
You're needed, doctor
- Where is he?
- On the stairs
- Are you a doctor?
- Yes, but I'm not here to...
You only have to cross the room.
Someone fainted on the dance floor
Remember me? Last winter in Nice.
We danced together
- I remember
- The rain stopped us
This time it won't. I'm delighted to
see you again. You're ravishing
Are you thirsty?
Georges, champagne!
I'll be back at once
I can't...
We're unlucky with dances
These are too tight. They'll
take an hour to undo
I'll cut them off. Can I have
some scissors?
Fetch some scissors. Hurry up
- Your cognac, doctor
- Not now
What's wrong?
Don't worry. You'll be fine
What happened?
Where's Frimousse?
I'm here
You'll see her later. Keep still
- Where do you live?
- Rue des A...
Rue des Amiraux
It's the other side of Montmartre
At the end of the
Rue des Poissonniers
You can go home to bed
My word!
Rue des Amiraux
Hold my hat
- Go and dance
- Not alone
Go on, quickly
Come in, ladies and gentlemen
It was a big, but shabby, house
A house full of
miserable wretches...
...and with grimy stairs
I can't go any further
Come on, you're nearly there
- What about Frimousse?
- What?
She'll be waiting
She can wait
Is it the next floor?
Yes, ring twice
But your wife must be sleeping
No, she has insomnia
What is it now?
It's nothing
Come on
He fainted in...
...a public place
- At a ball
- You knew?
It's not the first time he's ended up
flat on his face
That's a relief
Come in
He ate nothing at dinner to be
lighter, but had a drink to be merry
Mind the steps
Why is he so keen on dancing?
I'll tell you why. So people think
he's young under the mask
So women take him for a dandy and
let him whisper dirty things to them
So he can rub against them with all
their perfumes, powders and creams
Can you help me pull off his sleeve?
That's it
And now the shoes. That's harder
That's it
If you think he'll move later to make
room for me, you're wrong
I'll have to sleep elsewhere
You playboy
So he acts the young man at balls
All the time. You can't imagine the
state he's in when he comes home
What drives him to it?
Regret. He's not what he used to be
He was once greater than
all the tenors and generals
He still looks good for his age,
doesn't he?
I'll make him a hot-water bottle
Are you surprised by his past?
You didn't know him in his prime
When I met him, I was hooked
Hooked like a fish on a line
He was so sweet I could have cried
He took me home
and I never left him
Not for a day, despite everything
- Are you married?
- Yes, thankfully
Or he would have left me like the
others. I've been his wife and maid
- What did he do?
- He was first assistant at Marcel's
The hairdresser's?
Yes, by the opera house.
All the actresses used it
I'll get a face cloth
The richest asked for Ambroise
- Ambroise?
- Yes, him
He made a fortune in tips
They're all the same. When they fancy
a man, they take him. It's so easy
I spent nights waiting for him
He'd finally come home bright-eyed
He'd say to me:
"Another one, Denise"
What a man! He felt the need
to boast about it
Some men derive more pleasure
from talking than doing
They called you because
you were on duty?
No, I was there
You're probably not married, then
When you are, it'll be different
I hope so
Men just have to hunt...
But he's older now
When I saw his first white hair, I did
my housework with a lighter heart
After two years, he was
Women weren't after him any more
So he started going to dances
It became an obsession
- He's calling
- I'm all alone
I'm sorry I told you all that...
Please, don't apologize.
I've learnt a precious lesson
Give me your address
in case he gets worse
I don't think you need worry.
He could go on for years like this
That's good. I want him to live long
and carry on dancing
The doctor had witnessed a scene
from the eternal drama...
...played out every day in so many
forms and settings
To the 'Palais de la Danse'
I didn't just write sad stories
Would you now like something
more cheerful, bawdy even?
A fairy tale for grown-ups?
It's quite a long story,
based in Normandy... a small Channel port
The setting is not exactly
...if you understand my meaning
It's the story of a house
Not exactly a block
of rented flats...
...but how can I put it
without shocking you?
It was a house, but a
very well kept house
Men would go there every night...
...meeting in little groups
They were respectable -
shopkeepers, young men...
They would drink and fondle
the girls or talk to Madame...
...whom they all respected
Too late
Madame was from a good
farming family...
...and saw her trade as no different
to a milliner's or linen maid's
There was less prejudice
in the countryside
Farmers said:
"It's a good trade"...
...and sent their daughters to run
harems as if they were girls' schools
The house was inherited
from an uncle
The new owners closed their inn...
...and embraced this new venture
They took over a business which,
lacking management, had been failing
They were nice people, and the staff
and neighbors liked them instantly
Monsieur died two years later
His new position had made him
lazy and fat...
...and he died of a stroke
The house had two entrances
On the corner was a shady caf
open at night for workers and sailors
Two girls looked after the needs
of these clients
Louise, dressed in the theme of
Liberty and nicknamed 'Pet'...
...and Flora, known as 'Swing' for the
shocking way she swayed her hips
Looking like kitchen maids in fancy
dress, they enticed men to drink
Look at these curls.
You have lovely hair
They worked with Frdric,
the waiter
A tall dark-haired boy
strong as an ox
The other ladies formed
a kind of aristocracy...
...staying upstairs in the
drawing-room with their clients
Fernande played the pretty blonde
and Raphale...
...the indispensable beautiful
I thought of you earlier
Rosa only stopped drinking to sing
and singing to drink
- Give me another
- It's the last one
'Bye, darling. See you tomorrow
'Bye, Fernande. See you tomorrow
My cardigan
- Hello, Rosa
- I'll call Raphale
All clear
Monsieur Dupuis, don't get cold
Above the door was a lantern
I apologize, but I cannot hide it
from you
It will now be turned off because it
must be dark for the story to start
One night at the end of May...
...the first to arrive, Poulain,
a former Mayor...
...found the door closed
Anybody there?
Hello, Duvert
- Where are you going?
- Over there. Aren't you?
Don't bother. The house is closed
Very funny
I'm not joking
I'll go with you if you like,
but I assure you it's closed
There are sailors outside
You, upstairs!
You see?
It's closed. So is the caf
The police must have locked it
I would never have allowed it
when I was Mayor
- That's how wars get started
- Let's go. I don't like it
If we were found here, we'd look...
- We'd look like what we are
- It's not worth it
The men shouting are English.
They're used to fights
In their country, it's like fencing
- It's Tourneveau
- Of course, it's Saturday
My dear friend, I have some
sad news
- We've just been to the house
- It's closed, I know
Where are you going now?
Do you know another place?
I'm afraid not. I was going back to
make sure, but if you're certain...
Let's go for a walk.
It's a beautiful night
Why were you so keen to
make sure?
You're forgetting I'm married with
children. I only go out on Saturdays
You single men are lucky.
You can go when you like
We don't have families
But loneliness is tragic, isn't it?
Worse, even
Let's walk, then.
It's a beautiful night
Yes, it is
The three men met young Philippe,
the banker's son, a regular...
...and Pimpesse, the tax collector
Then Dupuis, the insurance broker
Then Vasse, the Judge
What's wrong?
Is it closed?
What's happened? Why?
What a shame
Their walk took them to the jetty
It's beautiful
Yes, it's beautiful - the foam
on the crests of the waves
Yes, the monotonous sound
of the sea
It's beautiful
- It's not funny
- No, you're right
It's typical it shuts on a Saturday
- It's bad news for Tourneveau
- That's right
I'd had such a nice dinner...
...of ceps
This time of year?
Obviously not picked locally
Yes, from around here
There are no ceps around
I should know. I ate them
But you didn't pick them locally
No, my eldest daughter did
She spent two hours in the woods
picking them
She spent two hours in the woods
What are you laughing at?
My daughter knows what she's doing
Oh, yes
She's almost 17
I don't know what she's almost,
but she's something!
You're insulting my daughter
As former Mayor,
I say the tax collector is wrong
I found out many things
when I was Mayor
Like what?
What tax collectors earn
A new altercation started between
the former Mayor and Dupuis...
...about tax collectors' wages
and perks
Insults flew and they'd have fought
if the others hadn't stopped them
- You're a scoundrel
- I'll sue you for slander
He's welcome to see his solicitor.
I won't let him get away with it
He's not heard the last of it
How can they argue over nothing?
You call that nothing?
At your age, you should be in bed,
not criticizing respectable people
- He's only young
- So I'm wrong?
I didn't say that, but he's young
Boredom brought out
the worst in them
For a Saturday...'s quite a day
Gradually calm returned
to the troubled town
Only one man still roamed
in hope of God knows what
The house was closed
for a First Communion
Madame's brother was a carpenter
in the country
He knew his sister was doing well...
...and thought of a family reunion
for his daughter's Confirmation
So on Saturday morning, Madame
and her friends took the express
Have a nice holiday, ladies
- What's this, Flora?
- I'm hot. I never wear so much
Where do you think you are?
- I thought I was in your house
- Don't be so insolent
"A diplomatic conflict between
Bolivia and Chile"
It's so far away
"There are fears of war
in the Pacific"
What does "Pacific" mean?
It means peace
- Tickets, please
- They've been checked
I'm checking again
At Beuzeville a couple got on
The man was an old farmer
wearing a blue smock...
...and an ancient top hat
His wife...
...wore a rustic outfit and
looked like a hen
- Mind the calf
- Yes, yes
That's what you said last time,
and it fell off
No longer alone, the ladies became
serious to make a good impression
Madame Rosa
It's a fashionable tune
The Viscount taught it to me.
Do you understand?
Your husband? How is he?
Not bad, my dear
He's away... Paris
What husband?
Her husband, Pet
You don't know him
He's incredibly thoughtful
He sends me...
...dresses and jewelry every day
Even flowers
We drink champagne
with every meal
He kisses my hands
He tells me...
...wonderful things
Sadly I've forgotten them
As the train was leaving Bolbec,
in jumped...
...a bearded man carrying a stick
and wearing gold jewelry
He was weighed down
with luggage
Julien Ledentu, traveler
Madame Tellier and...
So you're off to a new garrison?
Don't be so rude
I meant to say a new monastery
You've left your pond?
You'll soon meet the spit
They won't come out. They
must have lost their knickers
Maybe they need braces
Here are some braces
They don't want them,
but these ladies might
Whatever for?
To give to your lovers, of course
I mean one lover per lady, obviously.
The one dearest to your hearts
- The heart doesn't need braces
- How lovely. You deserve a reward
"The heart doesn't need braces"
Look at these
Ready? Here are the goods
Look at these garters
They're silk and I have them
in all colors
I'd like the blue ones
Here they are
- Pink ones for me
- Here
- The red ones
- There you are
- Lilac ones to match my eyes
- To match your eyes, there you are
These are bigger, more imposing
For our boss
For the boss, there
At Motteville the farmers got off
with their ducks and umbrellas
The woman was unhappy
Damned hussies - just like in Paris
You're right. They're worthless
Are you coming?
Now, my little kittens,
let's try them on
For the last time, have some respect
Fine, I'll take them back
You could have had them for nothing
if you'd tried them on
Silk garters in all colors
- What did you say?
- I said "Free"
Come on, gorgeous
It's worth it
Stop it
It'll only take a second
I'm telling you, he pinched me
You expect too much
for a few garters
You can't get something for nothing
Some men would give diamonds but
still act decently, even in a tunnel
Don't come knocking on my door.
You'll be turned away
At the next station
Joseph Rivet...
...was waiting with a white horse
and a cart fitted with chairs
- I'm so happy to see you
- Me too!
Mind the present, Raphale
- This is Madame Louise
- Give me your case
Madame Flora
Madame Fernande
Won't you give me a kiss?
And Madame Rosa
- Hello, give me your case
- Hurry up
- Hello, Monsieur
- It's Joseph
- Did you have to kiss them all?
- I'm polite
- What about me?
- I've kept the best till last
You still didn't have to kiss them
We all have to fit in the cart
Mesdames Raphale,
Fernande and Flora...
...can sit in the front
- You remember all their names?
- I'm not stupid
Thanks for the chairs
I'm not used to carrying
such a precious load
It's usually wood or pigs.
You know how it is
Don't we just!
I didn't mean any harm
Julia, you can sit next to me
- What about me?
- Between us
No. Raphale, sit here
Fernande, over there
And Flora at the back with Louise
- And me?
- Madame Rosa can sit behind me
No, she's the lightest. She'll sit
on Madame Fernande's lap
- That's badly arranged
- Watch the road
- It's still badly arranged
- Look after your horse, come on
Green countryside unfolded.
Here and there, yellow rape...
...spread out like a tablecloth...
...flooding the air with
its powerful scent
A sweet smell
carried by the wind
Amidst fields wreathed in
earth's flowers...
...the cart and its even brighter
...advanced at the horse's pace
At times the cart disappeared behind
large trees, to emerge later...
...into green and yellow fields
dappled with red and blue...
...carrying these stunning women
in the sunshine
Is that the service?
Yes, the Absolution
Is your girl there?
Of course. Children need religion.
They can always give it up later
I'll fetch her
Not now. Let's not disturb
the cherubs. We'll carry on
What a shame
Hello, Marie
- Thank you for coming
- My pleasure
My wife, Madame Rivet
- Did I hurt you?
- Not at all
My wife
- She's starving
- I'll make you an omelet
Here we go
You must taste my cider. I bet you
don't have anything like it in town
Come on, go inside
- I so wanted to see your girl
- You'll see her at the meal
Here comes Miss Constance
Come on, hurry up
- Give your aunt a kiss
- How she's grown. She's so pretty
There are beautiful ladies
longing to meet you
- Say hello to each lady
- Hello, Madame
Hello, dear
She's so pretty
She's so sweet
Beautiful hair
She's like her mum
She's just a kitten
Here's the present.
Your aunt's present
Take a knife and cut here.
I think you're going to love it
- Here's the dress
- It's so beautiful
Do you like it, darling?
It's so kind. I see business is
going well
- I didn't say what business
- You talk of sin after Absolution!
God knows everything
- Don't tear it
- I'll clean her up
- Lift up your arms
- Strap her up first
Hurry up with the pins
One at a time
- She's so patient
- What a good girl
- Just like her dad
- You can say that again
It's the prettiest dress
What would you know?
Why not just call me a peasant?
City men are no match for you
She knows what she's talking about
Can't we have a laugh?
This is a Communion, not a funeral
Everyone had to fit into the
limited space for that night
Rivet in the workshop
on wood shavings
Julia and Marie in the
main bedroom
Next door, Fernande and Raphale
Louise and Flora in the kitchen
But Rosa couldn't find her
cubby-hole above the stairs
At the end of the corridor
Good night
It's so dark
The village was cloaked in a deep,
almost religious silence
A peaceful, penetrating silence
which climbed as high as the stars
- Tell me
- What?
I feel tense
I'm shivering all over
It's because it's so quiet
You think so?
It's strange
You're not sleeping?
Are you afraid?
What are you listening to?
The silence is driving me mad
I can't sleep a wink. I'm unsettled
I can't sleep
Neither can I
But I'm all alone. I'm not used to it
Join the carpenter
You're mad. On a night like this?
It would be bad luck
- What is it?
- It's me
I'm coming in
What's wrong?
I'm scared
I'm scared without mum
- Do you want to come with me?
- Yes, I'd like that
This way you won't be scared
any more
Hold on
Your doll?
There's no need to cry
You won't be scared with me
You're not scared now, are you?
Are you comfortable?
Take your doll
Sleep well... darling
At five o'clock, the little
church bell woke the ladies...
...who usually slept all morning
to rest from their busy nights
The light ringing of the small bell
rose to the sky like a weak voice...
...soon drowned in the
blue immensity
Already high, the sun shone... a radiant sky still pink
on the horizon...
...with the fading traces of dawn
Communicants were emerging
In their Sunday best,
parents walked awkwardly...
...their bodies more used to
the rigors of hard work
The little girls, hidden...
...under clouds of snowy tulle
like whipped cream...
...gathered with the nuns
Meanwhile the boys, looking like
miniature waiters...
...their hair sticky with pomade...
...walked carefully to keep their
new trousers clean
Here he comes
Here they come
The glory of having relatives from
far away embracing your child!
The carpenter's triumph
was complete
The Tellier regiment followed
...walking majestically
like soldiers in uniform
The effect on the village
was stunning
- How are you?
- Congratulations
They're ladies from the town
Want a seat?
They'll sit here
Thank you, Mayor
- There was no need
- But I'm so honored
These ladies bring us
the scents of the town
I'm going behind
You can sit there
Is that the Mayor?
That's right
He's handsome
Madame Rosa, do you think
he's handsome?
That's a matter of taste.
I think you're better looking
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee
Such is my humble wish
Will you save me?
I will wait every day...
...there in my Savior's love
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee
Like the spark that spreads fire
through a ripe field...
...Rosa and her friends' tears
spread to the crowd in an instant
Men, women, old people,
young men in new smocks...
...everyone was soon sobbing
Above their heads something
superhuman seemed to hover
An all-pervading soul
The great breath of an invisible,
all-powerful Being
Don't cry, Madame Rosa
Dear brothers and sisters
I thank you with all my heart for
giving me my greatest joy ever
The feast was held in the workshop,
on long boards resting on trestles
The gaiety was still
a little reserved...
...after the morning's emotion
But a jolly, tipsy Rivet was giving
his speech for the fourth time
...I want to thank you
- You've done it
- You can never thank people enough
That's why I want to thank you
for coming... our little family party
And for bringing with you...
...your beauty and youth
How sweet
- We have to go
- Not yet. I must thank you
Thank you for thanking us,
but we must catch the 3.55
No, never
As long as I'm alive you won't
take the 3.55
After coffee, there's a nip of brandy
And then another one
And then dinner
No dinner and no brandy. They'd
never forgive us closing for two days
- I understand, but...
- What?
I must thank you
Do it later, while these ladies
get ready
Everybody down here in five minutes
Come on, Madame Louise
Watch your manners, Madame Flora
Take it with you. You can eat it
on the cart later
Flora, don't take your clothes off.
Get dressed
Forgive me, but if we want to
be at the station on time...
Hurry up, Joseph
Hitch up the cart
Yes, I'll hitch up
Madame Rosa!
I want to thank you...
Madame Rosa...
...I wanted to thank you
Come here, Joseph. Do you hear?
I'm telling you
Listen to your sister
What a rascal
Joseph, I order you to come here
I'm ashamed of you. Joseph,
will you listen to me?
Come on, it's a family occasion
Shame on you
Come on, Julia. I didn't
do anything wrong
Can't I even thank her?
I didn't mean any harm
- What have you done now?
- Me? Nothing
You were with Madame Rosa?
Well, yes. I went to thank her.
They've all been so kind
I'm going to hitch up the cart
Tell me, Marie, it was a nice
family occasion, wasn't it?
It's a shame to hitch up now
Is that the time?
I must hitch up
They started their journey home...
...pulled by the lively little horse
A stunning light flooded the fields
covered in flowers
The ladies couldn't resist
How I regret my rounded arms... slender legs
and passing charms
My soul was always faithful
But I do know one thing
Unless God calls me to Him... confessor will know nothing
How I regret
my rounded arms... slender legs...
Listen, Madame Rosa
When I came up to your room earlier,
I was a bit drunk and excited
Please forgive me
Come on, let's not miss the train
Raphale, Fernande, hurry up
We won't miss it
Raphale, mind your ankles
with those high heels
Aren't they lovely?
Let's go
- What a pity. We could have had fun
- There's a time for everything
The train isn't leaving, is it?
Not without you
There's room up there
Here we are, Joseph
I'm sad to see you leave
All aboard!
I might come up next month
If you like, but you won't get up to
any mischief, will you? 'Bye, then
See you soon
See you soon, Madame Rosa
That night the lantern was lit,
announcing the flock's return...
...and the news spread in a flash
Young Philippe was kind enough... warn Tourneveau,
the fish curer
- A sailor with a letter for Monsieur
- Bad news?
No, he looks happy
- Monsieur Tourneveau, fish curer?
- Yes. You have a letter for me?
What is it?
Read for yourself
"Come quickly. Ship returned
to port. Fish found"
Good. My coat and hat
You hadn't mentioned a lost ship
I didn't want to worry you
My napkin. Good night
The ladies are back?
I can't believe it
- Who is it?
- Tourneveau
The ladies are back?
- Where's Madame?
- In her study
Hello, Raphale. Did it go well?
Yes, it was a real holiday
- Where's Madame?
- In her study
I'm so glad to see you
Come in
I'm so glad to see you
I'm really grateful you came back.
It would have been a sad week
I was getting bored
Where did you take your fish?
- I mean your flock
- To the country
The ladies will tell you.
They're still moved by it all
In the meantime, the champagne
is on me
Frdric, ten bottles of champagne
for Monsieur Tourneveau
Here comes the champagne
- How much?
- Ten francs a bottle
- It's gone up again?
- For you, six francs then
- How kind
- We don't celebrate everyday
- If you were as generous in love...
- Why not?
You'd agree?
- Today I want everyone to be happy
- I can't believe my ears
Frdric, I want flowers everywhere
The evening was turning into
a ball, a real celebration
A wave of pure joy
washed through the house
People were still dancing
at midnight
You've seen pleasure and purity
coming together
'The Mask' related the battle
between pleasure and love
Now we'll see pleasure battle death.
Not a physical, but a moral death
It's a little tragic, but it ends
with a marriage
The anecdote is told by a Parisian
columnist to whom I'll lend my voice
Of course it's him. I've known him
for twenty years
Why did he marry that poor woman?
- Out of stupidity, as ever
- Still...
There's no "still" about it.
We're stupid, so we do stupid things
For the couple over there, it all
came about in a strange way
The girl risked everything
I say "risked", but what do I know?
You can never tell with women
They lie without knowing
or understanding it
In spite of this, their feelings are
genuine and their sudden reactions...
...confuse us and turn our plans
upside down
I was there when they first met
Jean Summer hesitated between
different styles, but hated nudes
He didn't know the pretty girl
was a model
He was captivated by
the way she walked...
...her childlike, sensual face,
her slightly gaudy elegance...
...and her divine waist
Her name was Josphine.
It wasn't her fault
She didn't know her fate would be
decided in this gallery
And what a fate!
He fell in love with her
She thought he loved her
with all his soul
What a strange thing
When you love a woman, you think
you can never live without her
Well, he thought he loved her
Endlessly promising to be
forever faithful, he lived with her
Time to eat
Let's take a break
- Do you love me?
- Yes, and you?
- For me, it's over
- I'll kill you
- I'm too young
- I'll kill myself, then
Women always say that
But I'll do it
Concentrate on lunch for now
- What are we having today?
- Lovely fish
Big ones?
- No idea. I haven't opened the tin
- Sardines, then
When you're famous,
we'll have salmon
We'll be too old to enjoy it
Such is life, my love. Old age
and salmon, youth and sardines
- Why do you keep looking at me?
- I never tire of it
You're ravishing and...
And I like you
And you love me, I hope
And I love you
Could you live without me?
I don't think so
You need to be sure
I'm sure
I love what you do
You do the most ordinary things
with extraordinary grace
When you lean over
When you get into a car...
...or raise your arm
When you hold out your hand
When you eat sardines. I've never
seen anyone eat sardines like you
For three months Jean didn't realize
she looked like all the other models
Anyway, his new style was popular
I'm buying No.8
- And you are?
- Monsieur Leconte
- Congratulations. It's sold
- Sold? Thank you
You've sold
You've sold, my darling
You know what? We'll rent
a beautiful country house
But not a new one. An old farm
we can do up
- That's expensive
- It'll be fine
And trees. There'll be a tree
that's been struck by lightning
Not like that, then. Like this
I witnessed their first argument
It happens to us all.
Familiarity breeds contempt
To spend your life
with someone... don't need lust,
which soon dies...
...but similar minds,
temperaments and moods
We were walking silently
in the woods...
...imbued with the river's coolness
cutting through our bodies...
...and drowning our minds
in happiness
Suddenly Josphine shouted
Did you see that big fish?
Yes, I saw it
No, your back was turned
True. I wasn't thinking
So don't say you saw it
Will you go to Paris tomorrow?
I haven't decided yet
Do you think walking silently is fun?
Clever people usually talk
What about you?
It's relaxing. People talk too much
about nothing
You mean me?
Not particularly. Everyone
Be quiet, please
Why? Does it bother you?
Yes, you're spoiling the walk
You didn't always say that
The dreadful, silly scene began...
...with unexpected reproaches,
then tears
You'd be nothing without me
Three months later she was fighting
the invisible ties...
...of the relationship in which
she was caught
What time do you call this?
I come home when I like
Meanwhile I cook your dinner and
wait for you. You think I'm your maid?
- If you don't like it, fine
- You want me to leave
They argued all day, insulting
each other and fighting
You're not going out
Give me that key
- Give it to me
- You're hurting me
Give it to me
Don't touch that
- At least you're working
- It's all I enjoy
He needs more and more money
He's smitten
Or it's for a parting gift
I doubt it. Painters can't do that
You've really left this time
Well done
I couldn't throw her out
Thank you for taking me in
It's only right
We won't be in each other's way
We'll be fine together
We both have our professions
- What will she do?
- What can she do?
Put your things down here.
You'll soon forget her
I'll make up your bed
by the window
Don't worry. It's not your fault
she became unbearable
- Maybe I became unbearable first
- Because you'd had enough
When it starts to break down...
Have a seat
Maybe I was wrong
Was it love or pride? Anyway,
she searched everywhere for him
No one had seen him
She waited for him every night
One night, around nine o'clock...
...Jean was working.
He thought he'd escaped
It's her, isn't it?
I don't think he can...
I should have known he was here.
You've always hated me
I don't want your money
Or your letter
Or your dismissal
I won't be treated like a tart
I didn't go after you
You begged me, you took me
So now keep me
Are you going to stalk me
until I die?
Let me explain it to her
- There's nothing to explain
- Listen, my dear
I have something to tell you.
Don't make a scene
Don't take life so seriously.
It's no use
He still loves you. It's just that...
He still loves you, but it's
the same old story
His family wants to marry him off.
He has to agree
Do you understand now?
I understand very well
So no scene, all right?
Don't worry about me.
I can't hear a thing
He says you're getting married
If you do, I'll kill myself
I swear if you get married,
I'll kill myself
Kill yourself, then
You shouldn't dare me
I'll throw myself out of the window
It's upstairs
There you are
When she was found with broken legs
I thought he'd go mad with remorse
Whether he wanted to make amends
or was touched by her crazy act...
...he married her
Because his life was over,
all he could do was work
- That's the whole story
- Won't you say hello?
He never forgave me for interfering.
He was wrong
He found love, glory and fortune
Isn't that happiness?
Still, it's very sad
But, my friend, happiness is not
a joyful thing