Plan 9 (2015)

You are interested
in the unusual.
The mysterious.
The unexplainable.
That is why you are here.
And now,
for the first time,
we're going to bring
you the full story
of what will happen
on that fateful day.
The incidents.
The places.
We cannot keep
this a secret any longer.
My friend,
can your heart stand
the shocking facts
about grave...
-Stop? Really?
-Fuck. Fuck.
I gave you five perfect takes,
what do you want from me?
Let's start
with talent, Criswell.
Stop calling me that,
that's not my name.
No, on this set,
it is your name.
All right?
We talked about this.
Go check your contract.
Yes, my contract.
Listen to me for a minute,
-it could be fun...
Criswell, this has been
done hundreds of times.
All right, you gotta
give them something more.
You gotta give them something
they normally wouldn't
see in a remake.
Newsflash, bubby.
Remakes are overplayed.
They're overdone.
99.9% of them
suck donkey balls.
I don't know why
anyone in their right mind
would remake
this movie anyway.
-One hour till deadline.
Please. Criswell...
For the love of everything
that is good and holy,
just please...
Look, this could
be your last chance
in getting back on top.
Let me tell you something,
you spineless dog dick.
I... have fallen.
My current
and present company prove this.
Get the fuck away from me.
You've been in the business
all for about two days.
So it's probably not clear,
but have no fear.
I, your Criswell,
shall clarify.
It's this face
that you're banking
your career on.
Stop pissing it off.
Yes, we have the potential
to become a Phoenix
from the ashes of this Turkey,
but not if you're spinning me
on a thousand takes.
Why don't we get something...
Something in the can.
We'll look at it,
in the dailies,
and if we'll fix it,
we'll fix it.
Otherwise, I'll walk,
you can find yourself
another Criswell
to carry your shit.
Now get behind that camera
and call fucking "action."
Can I get you anything else,
Mr. Criswell?
A gun.
20 years of my life back.
Shot of rum will suffice.
Are you ready,
Mr. Criswell?
I was born ready,
let's shoot this fucker.
A greetings my friends.
We're all interested
in the future.
Because that is where
you and I
are going to spend
the rest of our lives.
do you really have
to go to work now?
Yeah, grandpa.
I'm not ready
to feel it all yet.
Best to keep busy.
She was
so proud of you.
I can't do this now.
I need to forget
until I'm ready to feel.
Lucy, come home.
The lab needs me.
I'll be home in the morning.
Looks like we're
just gonna beat nightfall.
Better radio it in.
Yeah, Roger that.
Coast to Nilbog,
come in.
That you, Danny?
Yeah, Mac.
It's us.
Hot damn.
Welcome home, boys.
How long you been out there?
Months, man.
Ready to bring her in.
Here that, Danny boy.
There ain't
been a plane in all...
for fuck's sake.
My god.
Jeff, the time is now.
The end of my life!
Hey, Edith. You okay?
That'll change
your whole day.
Jeff, she's...
Mac, this is
Jeff Trent.
There's a large meteor
headed your way right now.
A meteor. You have to
warn the people.
Right on the show, Jeff?
Look, I saw it with my own eyes.
I want you and Larry
to go out to the airport
see if there's...
seems to be some kinda sighting
of a meteor landing
somewhere in town.
You mean, you don't know
where it landed?
No, it's
just a sighting.
Kelton, see if there's
something to it.
Hey, chief.
What's that?
Nobody likes you, Larry.
This is boss man Mike,
on the mic.
Welcome back
to "The Backflash."
The looking back,
looking forward show.
Solid oldies,
covered by solid bands.
We're gonna be broadcasted
all night long
this Halloween night.
Let me ask you ghouls and
goblins out there in spookville,
how you doing
this Halloween night?
You having a good time?
Boss man Mike is.
I'm gonna play you one of
my favorite ditties right now
so that you can
go out and collect
your treat in beats.
Lucy? What are you doing here?
You've had a loss
in your family,
you deserve to take
some time off.
No, I'd rather just work
through it, you know?
Plus, I've always loved
the graveyard shift.
Are you sure?
Yes. I'll be fine.
All right.
Well, if you change
your mind.
You know, you just power
things down and lock up.
Thank you.
The biolab is overflowing
with cadavers,
so we're keeping this one
for Saturday's experiment.
Not a problem.
If he wakes up,
he can help.
Enjoy your evening.
See you in morn.
How the hell are you, boy?
With the stinkies.
You know.
-You sure you didn't see anything?
-No, man.
I throw on the radio,
nobody hit either.
I called for the police,
just like you said.
They should be here any sec.
We definitely
saw it.
Made Edith piss herself.
Looks like
I better go help her.
It's okay, boys,
I like a wet one.
This is gonna be
the greatest day ever.
Jeff, you're missing it.
The show.
Here comes 5-0.
You can report it.
And then the sweet
embrace of alcohol.
I was gonna
ask Edith to join,
but I don't
really want a wet one.
Jeff. Danny.
Nilbog's finest.
Larry, how's life
behind a shield?
So you saw a meteor?
Yeah. Right before we landed.
You see where it hit?
Well, I guess if there's
no point in impact...
There's no sense in taking
the man power out
and going out searching for it.
If it did any damage,
somebody will let us know.
What did it look like?
Like a meteor.
So no description then?
Listen, why don't you
go back to the station
and send somebody out
who's gonna take this seriously?
Jeff, I know how to do my job.
I seriously doubt that.
All right, okay.
We have your statements.
We'll report to the chief.
It will be in his hands now.
You guys can call in
in the morning
for an update,
if you'd like.
That'll be fun.
Okay, great.
So we'll be on our way.
Right, officer Kelton?
All right.
Well, then...
Man, why do you gotta
hassle a guy like that?
Because they make fun of us,
They're fucking city dicks.
There's no meteor out there.
They just want us out in the
shit and the mud all night,
while they're sitting
in some bar, laughing.
Coming drinking
with us tonight?
No. I gotta
get back to Paula.
What? Why? Haven't you seen
enough of that woman yet?
You've been married
for like three months.
Yeah, and I've been
in the air for the last two.
I'll see you
later, Dan.
All right.
-Well, Mac.
Looks like it's
just you and me.
Let's find out where we're
gonna go throw up tonight.
How you
holding up, luce?
I'm good.
You got the figures?
I'm sending them right now.
I'm sorry about
your grandmother.
Thank you, Alice.
Are these numbers right?
That they are.
Apparently splitting
a photon
causes a much
larger reaction.
This is astounding.
We're really on
to something here.
But we have to keep it quiet.
We have to keep it secret.
If professor Robertson finds out
what we're doing on the side,
he'll have us both exiled
from the profession.
Once we run a test,
he can do whatever he wants.
We'll have all the data we need
to approach the board.
You gonna run a test there?
In a couple of days.
Montana is very scarce.
Just gotta find a locale.
Don't forget to tape it.
What? You have
no faith in me?
None whatsoever.
head honcho's coming.
I gotta go.
Stay in touch.
Hey, Jimmy.
You gonna talk
to them again?
Yeah, just doing
our daily duty.
Hey hey hey hey.
Calm down.
Calm down.
Calm down. You guys
know better than this.
Can't be acting up
like this all the time.
We can't keep
coming out here.
-Go suck an egg.
-Hey hey hey.
All right, that's enough.
Where's your dad?
Where's your dad?
Just get inside.
He's inside? You go
show me where he is.
I wanna go home.
Just come on.
I just...
I wanna go home.
You okay, squirt?
When you fall, you
don't have to be scared.
Your boys
are causing
quite a ruckus
again, Jamie.
I'll talk to them.
Yeah, but do you think
maybe you could
talk some sense
into them this time.
We don't want
to have to come back.
And lock
anybody up again.
I understand.
All right.
You have
a good day then.
Let's go, fellas.
We should tell them
what is coming.
It's not our place.
Tonight, they'll come.
Jeff, you're home.
Feeling a bit mushy,
are we?
Very mushy.
we're on our way,
we'll be be there
in five minutes.
Okay, stay inside
until then.
I understand that.
Stay inside.
All righty,
looks like I'm done here.
Hey, what do you say, babe?
Wanna go get some grub?
Here you go.
Can't afford steak.
She said she saw
Clyde Campbell.
That old lady's
losing her marbles.
Clyde Campbell?
He died almost a week ago.
For Christ sake,
I was at his funeral.
She swears it was him.
Up and about,
trying to get
into the house.
So you think we should
take her up to the clinic?
Lieutenant Harper,
please stop pointing
your firearm at me.
You always do that.
But to answer your question,
If the old broad is
seeing dead people,
we gotta
get her someplace
where there's
a little bit more padding.
This is boss man Mike
on the mic.
I've been getting some
distressing phone calls
this hallow's Eve.
Now I don't know
if you cats
are playing tricks
on the old boss,
hello, you're on the mic
with Mike who's call...
they're in my house!
Tell you what,
ghouls and goblins,
sounds like y'all
are really having
a blast out there
this Halloween.
Some of these pranks
are really starting to scare
the ol' boss man,
Tell you what, let's calm
things down a little bit.
Let's get
into another ditty.
And also don't forget,
for the finest one-eye
burger on the river,
come on down
to the Nilbog food-hut.
And don't forget to ask
for Sally's special sauce.
Enjoy the song.
That's nice.
Hey, what's wrong?
You hungry?
A little sleepy.
Well, I'm gonna make
myself some eggs.
If you wake up, come to
the kitchen and join me.
We gotta cross
a graveyard?
You stay with the car,
I'll take care of it.
I'll be right back.
Damn, he's...
What the fuck?
Lucy, what the fuck
are you doing?
Lucy, you jump out in front of
my car. Nearly killing you and me.
Now you've got me
in Robertson's laboratory
without telling me why.
In fact, I'm done.
This is
quiet time.
You have five seconds to tell me
why I'm not arresting
you right now.
I believe we have
a very huge problem.
One of lab's field
sensors has just detected
some kind
of kinetic energy pulse
that may very well kill
any living thing it touches.
Right... what?
Kelton, focus.
Based on my readings
and calculations,
we have about ten minutes
until another pulse hits
and covers the entire down.
-That's bad.
-Not nifty.
-Remember the whole,
"could kill any living thing
it touches"
part of our conversation.
-You scared me.
-I did, didn't I?
I couldn't sleep.
I'm gonna run down to Sammy's
and grab some goodies, okay?
I'll be back
in 20 minutes.
Hey, I love you.
Did I tell you
I love you tonight?
I will.
I want you to leave your job.
I know. I know it's
a lot of money.
But I don't care.
You were gone
for two whole months.
And I was all alone.
All I have now is this pillow
that smells like you.
And since I feel
so distant from you,
I've resorted to talking to it.
If you love me,
stay home.
You think
he'll go for it?
More boobs.
I want you to leave your job.
I know, but Lucy
seems pretty sure.
Thanks, Larry. They're gonna
have a hard time believing this.
As long as they evacuate the town,
it doesn't matter what they believe.
-We have to seal this place.
-But why?
This facility houses a particle
physics lab with a lead lining
to prevent any wayward
particles of electricity
from getting out.
Hopefully it will
work in reverse
and prevent something
from getting in.
-The pulse?
If my figures
are correct,
we have less than five
minutes until meltdown.
Lucy, less big words.
This pulse is unlike
anything ever charted before.
It packs
a large amount
of kinetic,
or moving energy.
I believe that the
next time it happens,
it will reach out
even further,
causing any living thing
it comes in contact with
to have a heart attack
or something similar.
How do you
know all this?
Back off, man,
I'm a scientist.
And we're safe in here?
I'm not sure.
The night can finally begin
for you have arrived.
How's your victory romp?
I believe he's still
in between rounds.
Come on.
What does it take?
I need something
to help me fall asleep.
And forget I ever existed.
I told you, I can't sell you
alcohol this late.
I'm sorry.
You smug fuck Nazi.
I will shoot you.
Did you lock
the door?
I always
lock the door.
Jamie! They're
in our house.
Where are you?
Do you think
the lead stopped it?
I'm not sure.
I felt the wave.
Maybe it lessened
the strength of the blast.
So the whole town is...
too early
to determine.
Dead guy.
Somehow I think
my calculations
were a tad off.
Dead guy.
Think they're freaked out
'cause of the quake?
No, I think
they've been drinking.
Look at the way they walk.
I think I'm gonna
go inside now.
Okay, Danny boy.
I'm gonna go see
if they need an ambulance.
Open the door!
It's okay,
we're alive.
-Open the fucking door.
-Come on, let's go.
Come on!
Jesus Christ!
No, ma'am. We've got everybody
out on call right now.
We're gonna get somebody over
to you as soon as possible.
Hello? Hel...
Nilbog PD.
Yes, sir.
-Yep, we'll be right there.
-Nilbog PD.
Chief. Kelton's over at the
Robertson laboratory with Lucy Grimm.
She thinks she's figured out
what's going on.
Right. Get Henry, Trevor
and Becky on the line,
have 'em gear up and meet us
at the Robertson lab.
We're gonna have
to assess this situation
and deal with the issues
one at a time, people.
-Yes, sir.
-Get a car.
Chief Simpson here.
-What would you have me do?
Let them in here to kill us all?
You saw what they did
to that guy out there.
-Fuck you.
-Hey, hey, calm down, Jeff.
All right.
Got more of our buddies
out there dancing.
I need to get to Paula.
They look...
this is the boss man...
With this some
words of advice.
I've spoken
to the local heroes
at the police department,
and they have told me
to advise you
to go home and lock up.
this Halloween spirit
is really gotten crazy
out there
and people are getting nuts.
It's best to leave them alone.
Lock up until this
thing blows over.
Boss man Mike will be here
keeping you advised all night.
On what's going on out there.
But for now,
we are going to cut back
to another oldie
looking forward to getting
you flight to foot
back to the homestead...
Help me!
Doesn't make any sense.
What the hell would
cause those men
to go rabid like that?
Open your eyes.
They ain't people.
Okay, Jimmy.
You got the floor now.
Justin and I were at the
graveyard when it happened.
Their hands.
That was
the first thing we saw
coming up,
out the of the ground.
Then we saw their eyes.
And they saw us.
They're not just
from the graveyard either.
Tons of them came charging out of
the hospital over on Winchester.
This isn't
a horror movie, boys.
Trust me. I know.
People don't crawl
out of their graves
and reek havoc.
It's overplayed anyway.
No, the boys are right.
That's John swails out there.
We buried him three weeks ago.
And I'm pretty sure
he was dead when we did it.
He doesn't
look dead now.
No, he doesn't.
The phones are down.
The only thing on the
radio is boss man Mike.
He says we should lock ourselves
inside and stay away from them.
Wait a minute.
In the movies...
When you get bit by a zombie,
you become a zombie.
-Enough said.
-No, no.
-Let's hear another theory?
-Hey hey hey hey!
Hey, stop!
Come on, Jimmy.
Now we're all scared.
Okay, we have no idea what
we're dealing with out there.
But I'm pretty sure
we're not dealing
with some zombies
from the movies, agreed?
I read a book, telling me
how to deal with these...
If there was
ever an outbreak.
Now, I'm not sure
what number it was
but I'm pretty sure it was
close to the number one rule,
not to let your bitten
friends live.
It was just
a book, Jimmy.
Let's not go killing
each other just yet.
Until we figure out
what we're dealing with, okay?
Seems wrong.
We need a plan.
That's right,
a plan.
Evacuation should be
one of the steps.
So we wait for them to get
here and figure out what to do.
-We need protection.
In case some
of them get in.
-How many are out there?
-Not sure.
How many corpses with
intact hearts are in town?
-Never mind, I'll explain later.
We need all the ammo and
weaponry you have in your car.
-You mean, going outside?
-That would be where the car is, yes.
Help me, help me!
What the fuck, Paula?
Move it,
let's move it.
Let's move it back.
Go, go!
We can't stay here.
And why the hell not?
We have food.
We have power.
And how long after we go outside
that door do we become zombies fodder?
Not to say
they're zombies.
There's no other word
I can think of for them
at the moment.
He's right. Where the
hell are we gonna go?
Well eventually they're
gonna find their way in.
So we either try to find
somewhere safer to go,
or we just wait
for them to get in.
Jeff's right.
Maybe we can find someplace
that they're not at.
We can't see zombies,
zombies can't see us, right?
It's okay.
Mom is in a better
place now.
She told us to run,
and that's what we did.
They tore her apart,
You listen to me.
I will not let
anything happen to you,
do you understand me?
You are not
going to die.
You're not gonna die.
what about dad?
The phone lines
are down.
I'm sure he's fine.
Our house is nowhere near
the hospital or cemetery.
He's probably gonna sleep
through this whole thing.
And even if he was awake,
he'd want us
to keep moving.
We promised mom, right?
It's time to be brave.
We're with you, Jeff.
We stay, we die.
Here are the keys to my car over
at the gas and sip.
It should fit all of us.
Thank you.
Just make sure
me and my em are safe.
We will.
Hey, it's gonna
be okay, squirt.
It's for burglars.
Big ones.
Figured it might help.
the front's no good.
Let's try
around back.
I'll come with you
and check it out.
Jimmy, you keep
an eye on everyone
while we're gone, okay?
So going outside.
Plan still
hasn't changed.
-So far I'm liking the plan.
-Shut up, Kelton.
Kink in the plan.
Well, at least
they're the slow...
What are you doing,
get inside?
Just... Close that
door and lock up.
We don't want them busting
through there and getting in.
We gotta keep
the place clean.
And... just the lock...
okay, you can't
hear me anymore.
That's all right, okay.
All right,
you're an action hero.
You're a fucking
action hero.
Come on.
Do work.
I got 'em.
Nice to see you alive.
-Are you okay?
-We have to find Jeff. He went to Sammy's.
Okay, go inside.
We'll make a plan.
Chief, are you good?
This about oughta do it.
Awful dark in here, Sammy.
Yeah, the light bulb
and I didn't get
a chance to fix it.
Hey, I think
I found the door.
-Yeah, that's it.
-Open on three?
Ready. Right. One...
shit, Sammy.
What do we do?
We gotta keep moving.
First Mac,
now Sammy...
I don't know how much more
of this shit I can take.
Hey, I got
two questions.
How did that thing
get in here?
And is there a clear path
to that woman's car?
I'll look out.
You make sure we don't
get blitzed again.
They're destroying
the whole town.
Where's Henry?
He didn't make it.
Those fucks got 'em.
All right,
Did you hear me? I said,
they fucking got Henry.
Becky, you're a cop.
Serve and protect.
Come on.
I want you to keep
an eye out
and you're gonna radio me
if you see anything.
If you see anything, no
judgment calls, you radio to me.
-You got that?
-Yes, chief.
All right.
Why are you
locking the door?
There's nothing good
on the other side.
They got Sammy.
Let's get back
to the others.
Everything here is bad.
I'm not gonna
fucking die, tonight.
So, Lucy,
what's going on?
And the spotlight's
on me.
Been bored
during rendering,
helps keep me sane.
Not important.
I have worked out
eight drafts before this.
And the variables seem
to rule them all out.
So my ninth plan
seems flawless
and is what I believe
to be true.
Shortly after dusk,
a centralized hub
of an unknown form of
kinetic energy formed here.
After its formation,
it sent out a shockwave
or pulse
of the energy.
I thought that the
energy in this wave
would cause
any living thing
it came
in contact with
to have
a heart attack.
Because it's waveform
is so similar
to that seen
on an EKG.
Or heart monitor
for those of you
not in the medical field,
I was sure it would
stop someone's heart.
I was wrong.
Instead, only recently
dead humans
seemed to be affected
by the energy.
And to make
matters worse,
these recently dead humans
are being controlled.
And you came up with this...
from data
I gathered.
And stories
from your people.
One. Not every dead thing
has been seen
walking the streets.
Only humans
who seemed to have died
within the last month
have been seen.
Two. The living dead
are focused
only on exterminating
living, human beings.
They don't harm each other
or do anything else
that doesn't result
in killing someone,
thus they are
being controlled.
The only logical conclusion
is that the energy wave
is causing this
to do that.
The energy must be very well
manipulated and structured.
A code within the pulse
that embeds itself
in the deceased's body,
giving it instructions
and an agenda.
Something way beyond
anything mankind is capable of.
Or at least
that I'm aware of.
Yes. Whatever did this,
it's not from here.
-Kelton, think up.
There was a meteor
sighting earlier today
by Jeff Trent,
but we had no reports
of it landing anywhere.
X factor filled.
It landed here.
Now because
it's waveform
is so similar to that seen
on an EKG.
I am positive
that the resurrected
are being controlled
through their hearts
by the central hub here.
Similar to how our own nervous
system controls our bodies.
That's why only the
recently dead have been seen.
Their hearts need
to be intact
in order
for the energy to work.
If you've damaged
the heart enough,
you sever the link.
So shoot 'em
in the heart.
For the bigger problem,
we need
a much better solution.
what bigger problem?
A few hours ago, there was a
second blast of kinetic energy.
I was able to calculate
the time it seemed to take
for the central hub
or nervous system,
to charge up
for another wave.
The second wave
traveled four times
the distance
of the first wave.
The dark side
of this tale
is that this is
only the beginning.
The second wave reached the river
surrounding the town of Nilbog.
And there will be
a third wave.
Perhaps many more.
I'm guessing
that once again,
the third wave
will travel
four times the distance
of the second wave.
Luckily it won't reach
the neighboring towns.
I think
this will continue
until it travels
the entire planet.
-What? No way.
This alien nervous system
was sent here for a reason.
Extermination of mankind.
I need a bigger gun.
The third wave,
now what happens
to all the people
the zombies just killed?
If their hearts
are still intact,
they will rise
to join them.
I need two
bigger guns.
The important fact
is that we have 20 minutes
before the next pulse hits.
All right,
so here's our problem.
Somehow those things
got into the back room.
That's where
they got Sammy.
It won't be long
until they get in the front.
So what you're saying is
we're all going to die.
Quiet. Someone
important is talking.
Look, I don't know.
Best thing
I can think to do is...
To arm ourselves and
fight our way through them
when they come in.
But what about
my daughter?
I don't know. Just keep
her hidden. I'm sorry.
All right, let's arm
ourselves the best way we can,
Hey, you'll be okay.
I just need to know
if Paula's okay.
She was all alone
when I left her.
I'm sure she's gonna
be all right, man.
Danny, we live
next to a graveyard.
It's gonna be okay.
Well, what a shitty day this
turned out to be.
I have to ask,
I still don't see
how you know all this, Lucy.
It just so happens
that I'm a genius.
Particle physics and
electromagnetic spectroscopy
are my primary points
of interest.
What are
the chances of that.
About 23.5 million
to one.
So we destroy
the central hub
and stop the wave
from spreading
past the town's borders.
Yes, that should do it.
Now how to destroy it
is behind me.
I would guess it would be
prepared for such an attack,
given that everything
it appears to be doing
is so perfectly planned
and organized.
You mentioned
that this energy wave
could have killed everyone
with a heart attack.
Why not just do that
instead of this
resurrecting thing?
My guess is that it only
wants some species dead.
Not all.
It would need a food source
if it were to conquer.
From the looks of it,
it's down near the abandoned
elementary school.
Here, baby...
Take some of these.
Got your favorite
juice for you.
No, no.
Don't chew.
Just swallow.
That's a good girl.
Just like when you had that cold
at grandma's house.
One more.
What a big girl.
That's my baby.
The next pulse will hit
within the next five minutes.
Well, then, let's get
ready to go in three.
Do you know
how to use this?
Pull the trigger and send
out a fraction of lead.
Causing pain
and if you're lucky, death.
And I don't want one.
You're a strange girl, Lucy.
My grandmother was buried today.
My god,
you're right.
I'm sorry, I'm...
Are you okay?
In all commotion,
I never called my grandfather
to see if he was okay.
He would have been
within the first blast.
But I just kept working.
I knew his chances of survival
let's move out.
Well, what's done is done.
I just have a problem
with hiding from my feelings.
But he might still
be out there alive.
Not likely.
He's probably
just still out there.
-Hey, Kelton.
-Yeah, Larry?
We're gonna go
blow up something alien
to stop the dead
from rising
from the graves.
Just had to say it
out loud.
Jeff, hurry.
What did you do?
What did you do?
What did you do?!
I thought it was
the right thing to do.
Come on, kid.
Come on, kid.
Come on.
Come on. Hey.
Everything's gonna be okay now.
Poor kid.
Here they come.
The hell...
This is gonna
complicate things.
I saved her.
You killed your daughter.
You didn't save her.
You killed her.
No good.
No, Becky. Bulletproof glass.
Ricochets hit us.
That's new.
The ones who were alive before
the first wave just got smarter.
On the other side
of the laboratory,
there's a sewer.
You should be able to use
it to get to the school.
Larry, what the fuck
are you thinking?
We make a hold.
Give the rest of you guys
time to get to the sewer.
That's suicide.
We stay here,
we all die.
He would be right on that.
You ready?
Sir, the general has landed.
This is your team.
Roy... horner...
Stark... Lester...
And of course, cap.
He's the only one here
who's seen this before
so he'll be number two.
You have your orders.
The town has been quarantined.
So you can move quickly
without detection.
We will hold the front line.
You have three hours.
Well, Sammy's awake.
What do we do now?
I have to agree with our
blood-speckled young friend over there.
I've seen enough.
Crazy naked lady was enough
to kill any doubt I had.
What do we do now?
Take as many down with us
as we can.
I guess if that's
the way it has to be.
New problem.
If Sammy's awake...
She was...
I know.
I think they're
might be another option.
Sammy made some friends.
What's your idea?
That lady said her car
was on the other side
of the gas and sip.
-I think I can get us over there.
Those things
are everywhere outside.
The cooler.
The cooler?
Sammy had a door
to the outside put in there
for deliveries.
Those things
might not know it's there.
It's worth a shot.
What do you think guys,
you up for it?
It's better than we all get
fucked inside plan, yeah.
What about you?
I didn't...
what the hell's
going on out there?
That's the beginning
of something that's much worse.
It is our time to say goodbye.
No no no.
No crazy talk out of you two.
You do not know
what's going to happen.
And you do not know the future.
There's some things out here
and they're killing people.
And we don't have time to debate
whether you have a superpower.
We told you
they would come.
Fuck this.
I'm outta here.
I can make it.
This ain't the first time
they been here.
-You okay, man?
-Yeah, my face is numb, I can't see anything.
I feel...
I was not
properly informed
on what the fuck
is happening here.
Who knew
they could do that?
That wasn't
one of them.
That was something else.
Something else?
Are you okay?
Did you seriously
just ask me that?
What the fuck?
Identify yourself.
It doesn't bleed
like us or the zombies.
Is that orange?
Well, if it bleeds...
How far to the mark?
Four klicks north.
Any signs?
No, sir.
Fun time.
Here they come.
You know,
I find it amazing
these goddamn things
don't give you the creeps.
It's the other ones
you gotta worry about.
That's enough chatter.
Lock and load.
Let's spread hate
and vacate.
Poor bastards never
stood a chance.
Cap, we've all taken down
the dead before in one e. T.
But you've been inside.
How did you guys destroy
the fucking thing?
Well, for starters,
we weren't talking.
Roy, snap to.
-Anything on the mark?
-No, sir. Just drones.
Calling in this many drones
-has to get someone's attention.
Move out.
You sure
you're okay?
I can see well enough.
We gotta keep moving.
Nothing could
possibly go wrong.
All right.
Everybody, take a breather.
So go ahead and take point.
you take the back.
Stopping doesn't
seem wise, Kelton.
Death would be
the only outcome.
Hang on, to your pants,
I've got an idea.
I'm gonna try to reach
the military or...
Fuck, anyone.
This is officer Kelton
of the Nilbog PD.
If anyone's out there,
please answer.
I repeat, this is officer
Kelton of the Nilbog PD.
If anybody's out there.
Please, answer.
I repeat, this is officer
Kelton of the Nilbog PD.
If anyone...
This is officer Kelton
of the Nilbog PD.
-If anybody's out there...
Right, Sammy used
to listen to the police talk.
He said it was
his gossip channel.
Too bad the stupid bastard
somehow forgot
it was here.
Hey, Kelton.
This is Danny.
You believe
we saw a meteor now?
Is that Danny?
-Ask him if he's seen Jeff.
-You okay, baby?
-Yes. Yes, I'm okay.
Kelton and some police officers
are taking care of me.
We're stuck here at Sammy's.
We're in a sewer.
I don't know who
got the better deal.
Listen. We're headed
to the source of the wave.
To destroy it.
The old school
on pine ave.
You know it?
Listen, baby, I don't know
if I'm gonna get a chance
to tell
you this again.
Paula Trent,
I love you.
I love you.
-Kelton, can you hear me?
-I'm here.
Listen, I know you and
I never really got along,
but I'm gonna ask you
something right now.
Go ahead.
I need you
to look after my girl,
I'm begging you, you keep
my Paula alive, okay?
I will.
And, Jeff.
I'm sorry
I didn't believe you.
Yeah, baby?
I'm so scared.
Jeff, that battery's
about to die.
Listen, baby, I don't have a
lot of time right now, okay?
No, no.
Please, don't go.
Listen, I'm sorry, baby.
It's the battery.
I think it's gonna die
any second.
So much for the radio. You know
we're in a store. We have batteries.
She's alive.
Yeah, she is. But we
gotta get moving, man.
What happens if they
take over the whole world?
We take it back.
I was thinking.
-These aliens...
What else do you know
that bleeds orange?
You think they will be
protecting this central hub?
Most likely.
You better learn
how to use their gun then.
Another Halloween gag?
-Hey, hey.
It's okay. This'll stop them.
-There's nothing you can do.
There's nothing you can do.
Working is not
what the car is doing.
We've gotta slow 'em down.
Hey, hey. The cavalry.
Hey. It's okay.
We're alive!
All right, talk to me,
what are we doing?
Stick to the plan.
-My god!
-Run run run.
-Son of a bitch!
-Becky, we are leaving.
No one leaves
this sector alive.
I didn't sign on to kill
innocent people.
You'll do what you're ordered
to do, soldier.
Move out.
Boss man, here.
Not sure how many of you are
still listening to me out there.
But I just want you all to
hang in there. And stay safe.
I've been told
by the authorities,
do not head over
to Eddie's diner any more.
Do not head over
to Eddie's diner.
They're not letting
anyone else in.
They've had some
big problems over there.
Go to your homes,
lock up and stay safe.
boss man Mike...
now look, Jamie please.
Now look, I know we have not
been the best of families.
But I can fix it.
And I can fix us.
Come on,
I'm not ready yet.
Everything is gonna
be all right.
Holy shit.
You have a laser gun.
I have a laser gun.
I have a laser gun.
Stark, Roy.
Take the drones.
cover fire.
It's all right,
you're all safe.
Colonel, he just
saved our ass.
Stark, you disobey me again
and I'll kill you myself.
Now, raise your weapon
and assume cover position.
I didn't sign up for this, sir.
Get down!
What's going on here?
These are the only people
left in town that I could find.
We're heading across the
bridge to the military.
They have this whole town
sealed off
and they've got posts up
and down this river.
-They're shooting anyone that tries to cross it.
I guess they don't want
to take chances that...
that we're one of them.
Or there could be another
answer to your riddle.
What I'm saying is,
what if they knew you were alive
and were attempting to contain
what they believe
is a contamination area.
We don't have time
for conspiracy theories.
People are dying.
Are you sure it's okay
to just cross this bridge?
-Hey, guys, this one works.
But we're not taking any more
survivors, it's too dangerous.
It's time to cross.
Wait a second, are you
leading these people?
They needed somebody.
I understand, but maybe
you should think about this.
I have.
We cross now.
This is a mistake, missy.
But maybe they know
what they're doing.
God, I don't like this.
I said, fire.
It's okay. I don't think
they're gonna shoot us?
Get back.
Go! Go!
What the hell's
going on back there?
We've been here a long time.
-Stark. Stand down.
-I can't do that, sir.
We are on a mission, soldier.
You're just wasting time.
I will not kill
innocent people, sir.
Enough of this.
Where do you stand, horner?
Somebody has to be alive
to carry out the mission.
The next shockwave will hit
within the hour.
My god.
We need to see
this through.
Jeff, no.
-What are you doing?
-We can help.
Jeff, I'm not
a smart man.
Okay, I know
just enough to get by.
That's about it.
You have been working
the entire night
trying to get
to this girl,
you finally have her,
and now you wanna
take her back
into immediate danger,
just to see if you guys'll
make it out okay?
-We can help.
You can't.
Your part
in this story is over.
You got the girl,
in the middle
of a world ending event.
Both of you should
be dead. Very dead.
But you're not, it couldn't
be any clearer than that.
-No, I...
-you did your job.
You're the hero.
Now take your wife,
and find a safe place.
You're a good man, Jeff.
Don't get stupid on me.
So you're not gonna kill us?
It's not my mission.
But until we get
the threat neutralized.
I would recommend not
sticking your head out of town.
We've seen first hand
what our government's policy
towards that kind of threat is.
Okay, listen up.
Since we're down
a man or two,
I need all your help
killing all the bad guys.
So if you've got the guts,
pick up a weapon and follow.
You wanna come kill some aliens?
Come on. Let's go finish
the third act.
What's in there?
We don't know exactly.
Captain's the only one
that's been in there.
He took off his clothes
and went after a hostel.
I've seen
this recently.
That is a trademark
of the insane.
Captain came through
here all right.
-Get out of here.
-We're gonna get you out.
-They're after you.
The project you were working on.
The solaranite project.
How did you know about my
photon fission research?
We don't have
time for this.
Splitting a photon.
It's not the same
as splitting an atom.
its power is enormous.
And they fear it.
It's... it's too strong
of a weapon for us to have.
We can't control it.
My god.
I didn't know.
You... you have
to get out of here.
This is all my fault.
Everything's bad.
Everything's bad.
And why aren't
they killing us?
You shouldn't breathe
this stuff in.
You don't belong here.
Bye, captain.
The gas, it's starting
to burn.
I killed the guy
who was making the gas.
I know, I saw.
Stark just went that way
after the naked guy.
Shouldn't we go after Lucy?
-Nice knowing you.
Are you okay?
When I was jealous,
I had
this communicator
to make my vocals
sound into something
you can understand.
Do not mind him.
He knew nothing of you
so we silenced him.
We learned of you
from the old one.
You have started a war
between my people and yours.
I will let
none survive.
We have you now,
but soon others
will follow your ignorance.
So why not skip
to the end of your story
where you all fall
under our feet.
Your people do not
have the mental capacity
to keep up with the
technology you develop.
You wield weapons
above your knowledge
and play with them like toys.
You are a stupid race.
I'm gonna take you
back to our home world
for interrogation.
Everyone is dead because of me.
That they are.
Sorry for the delay.
Harper, your face.
End of the road,
But, sergeant,
I'm so glad you're here.
My investigation's...
hey, hey, hey!
I'm getting to it. Jeez.
Chatty cathys.
What I was trying to say
is that
my research subjects,
they've revealed that they're
not too dissimilar from us.
Two major points of comparison.
One, they don't enjoy
having their spinal cords
removed from their asshole.
And also their forward
operating bases,
well they also come with
a self-destruct mechanism.
Theirs just happens to be in the
form of a lever in this vat of goo.
When activated it will critically
overload their ship's power supply.
What do you say,
Roshambo you for it?
I'm pretty sure
I'm gonna pick gun.
More for me.
Clarify. He's going to implode
the hive that we're standing in?
It looks that way.
Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey.
No longer breathing.
With the exception
of whatever that was,
they've all
looked alike.
Do you know why?
Seems like
they only have
two forms of skin
to hide behind.
Male and female.
They probably weren't planning
on blending in for very long.
We can go now.
How do you
know everything?
They took me
from my lab.
I'm so glad
you're here.
Now I can see
my son again.
We interrupt our programming.
This is an national emergency.
Important details follow.
This is boss man Mike
on the mic.
Apparently nobody told
these things
that I was the boss man.
Received word that the
military is moving away.
Apparently the threat
has passed, kiddies.
They're now
on to Montana
or someplace like that.
Good luck
and good riddance
to those poor saps.
Exterminate them all.
I think we're gonna
need a new plan.
I got one more ditty left in me,
this is the boss man Mike
saying good night.
Hopefully the bedbugs
didn't bite.
Hey. Hey, man,
you okay?
They're just letting people out
of town this morning.
Military's done gone.
They stopped shooting us.
Damn near lost
my ass last night.
Had those things
all over my camper.
The white eyed ones too.
Boss man says they're like some
sort of zombie leader or something.
Killed my dog.
Ate my horse.
And my wife too.
Made it through.
God damn, it's good to be alive.
Didn't think I would.
Since they're using their
surroundings and wildlife.
I'm gonna change my ways.
I tell you me,
last night woke me up.
I'm gonna be
a better person.
Life, man.
That's where it's at.
You don't look so good.
Where do you want me
to take you, hospital?
Montana, please.
Why do you wanna go to...
wait, wait.
Boss man said
that's where the next
zombie attack's gonna be.
What the hell are you hitching
your way up there for?
I lost my ride.
Well, you didn't
just gain a new one.
I just went through the worst
night of my life, last night.
There is no way in...
no way, I'm gonna trek
all the way through
the gates of hell
'cause you lost
your goddamn ride.
That's a whole new kind
of war, man.
God help us in the future.
They come from bowels of hell.
A transformed race
of walking dead.
Zombies guided
by a master plan.
For complete domination
of the earth.
Plan 9 from outer space.
God help us in the future.