Platinum Data (2013)

Hey! Over here!
Get back to the station.
We've got a suspect.
At last you're here.
I'll explain the details later. Put this on.
You're the only one
who investigated the crime scene.
So once again...
My name is Shiga.
I head the Special Analysis Research Institute.
This is Kagura, our system developer.
He will now give us a report on Test Case 01 of
our new DNA Investigation System.
The serial child abduction-murder case
that happened in Ota and Koto wards.
A strand of hair thought to be
that of the assailant...
...was found on the plastic covering
the second of the child victims.
This is the result of analyzing the DNA.
DNA profiling suggests...
...the assailant is male, age 25-35,
blood type O, RH plus, 180 to 185 cm in height.
Slim, broad-shouldered, hands about 20 cm long.
Shoe size larger than 27, smaller than 27.5.
Pale skin.
Thin eyebrows and eyelashes.
Large mouth, thin lips.
Long jaw, prominent Adam's apple.
Probably light-brown eyes.
Very likely to be short-sighted.
No congenital diseases.
Based on the above results,
we have projected his face in this...
...DNA montage.
What you are looking at is the face of the serial killer.
"Large mouth, thin lips..."
"Long jaw, prominent Adam's apple."
Tokura, ask him to come with us.
Everyone else, be ready if he runs.
In addition, from what we gathered about his DNA,
the killer is a third cousin to
this lady Ikue Yamashita of Koto ward.
You're Yuta Kuwabara?
He fled!
Just for your information,
...he's timid in nature and a coward.
Possesses strong self-preservation, but low endurance.
...thus he's easily panicky.
Everyone please calm down!
Protect the children!
Keep away!
Keep away!
I'll stab you!
I'll stab you!
4 out of 7 on the anti-social scale.
You bastard!
You're under arrest.
Keep him down.
Let go!
Oh, and by the way...
...he has small nails.
His third toe is likely... be longer than his big toe.
Excuse me, may I ask who you are?
This is a restricted area.
Could I see your ID?
What's your hurry?
You were supposed to come the day after
tomorrow for the tour to our research facilities.
Ikue Yamashita.
I checked her out.
She's clean, no past criminal records.
How did you obtain her DNA?
She underwent medical treatment
at a city hospital 3 months ago.
Don't tell me... were using illegally obtained DNA.
That's premature.
Well, since you're already here,
I'll give you the tour.
Please come inside.
Do you know why you're
in charge of the case this time?
No clue.
I recommended you.
Oh you did?
This is...
...our Main Analysis Lab.
Shiratori, can you get Detective Asama's data?
High monoamine oxidase A activity based on
MAOA gene, so no anti-social tendencies.
Reacts well to situations.
Respects confidentiality.
Once something catches his attention,
he will not let it go.
Assistant Inspector Reiji Asama.
You're a naturally talented investigator.
Possesses sharp acumen, as his genes suggest.
He also realized the issue with our Test Case this time.
So you acknowledge that there is
a problem with your investigation procedures.
Of course I do.
But will you look at the results this time
and tell me what you think?
While all these young lives are taken away,
you failed to catch the killer even
after visiting the crime scenes.
And yet...
...we could find him so easily.
I appreciate your help with the arrest.
However, that doesn't change the fact
that your investigation was against the law.
Please rest assured.
Soon there will be no legal problems.
A year from now,
the government is going to past the DNA Act,
mandating the control of every citizen's DNA.
DNA Act?
From now on, DNA will solve everything.
And the most comprehensive national DNA database...
We call it...
Platinum Data.
Please give blood.
This is Storage Unit 1.
At its largest capacity, it can store
up to 2.3 million DNA samples.
"Platinum Data"
They are here. I'll guide them.
Thank you for coming. It's up ahead on the right.
Mr. Asama from the NPA
Investigation Unit 1, now on 8th floor.
This hospital...
...has security cameras everywhere
It's like a prison.
You're right.
Mr Asama's coming in.
The witnesses are waiting.
What the heck is this?
You're Mr. Asama?
I'm Hodaka from
Special Analysis Research Institute.
My team of specialists will be handling
the forensics for this case.
What's the situation?
We have two victims.
One shot in the head at close range.
The other shot in the chest area.
One rib was removed using a sharp object.
As I'm sure you're aware...
...this is the same method used in
other cases that occurred within the last month.
Our director should have some information
to fill you in on the victims.
You mean the victims are working for him?
Well, yes.
Chief Shiga is here.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I was relieved to hear you're on the case, Mr. Asama.
Mr. Kagura thinks highly of you, after all.
How's Kagura?
Seems like he isn't feeling very well today.
He's probably in shock.
Saki Tateshina was his brilliant partner.
What does she mean by "partner"?
Check the security camera footage.
Yes, sir.
This is Dr. Minakami from the Psychiatry Department.
I'm the doctor in charge of Saki,
the younger sister of the Tateshinas.
She's an authority on DNA research and mental illness.
She also works with us as an advisor
in the aspect of DNA investigation.
I'm Asama.
Can you substitute Kagura and fill us in?
Yes, sir.
This month, these are the victims of
serial murder cases that happened in...
...Hachioji, Kita-Shinagawa and Senju-Shinbashi.
The same weird method, one rib taken away.
Must be the same killer this time.
And here is the DNA data for a suspect
recovered from three of the crime scenes.
However, no matches were found
in the DNA database we have.
No matches? What do you mean?
It means "NF".
"NOT FOUND", which means no person
found to match the description.
The killer hasn't submitted his DNA sample.
This is the 13th person.
We are calling this case NF13.
I've heard that all three victims were important members...
...of a group opposing the DNA Act.
How about the victims this time?
The only people who know of their existence are...
...those with knowledge of the DNA analysis system.
Dr. Minakami.
The basic concept behind DNA profiling...
...was created by Kagura of
Special Analysis Research Institute.
However, there were huge barriers to systematizing it.
First of all, without digitized DNA data
on which to base our profiling,
this system is meaningless.
And then, when the need arises in
the future, we have to be able... search for and collate everyone's information.
That's where Saki Tateshina came into play.
Though Saki was autistic,
she possessed extraordinary capacities in certain fields.
Savant syndrome.
She demonstrated exceptional ability
in the field of Mathematics.
She created all the programs essential
to what Kagura had envisioned.
So she's a systems developer?
At any rate,
five people connected to the group
conducting DNA Analysis have been killed.
From now on, the team led by Asama...
...will have to operate in secret.
Got it?
We still can't say for sure that the same killer... responsible for both this and
the previous three cases.
The victims this time were not opposed to the DNA Act.
They developed the system.
Motives are completely different.
Have you found anything?
The footage shows that the 8th
floor corridor was empty...
...around the estimated time of death.
Who had the last contact with the victims?
Mr. Asama, please take a look.
This is from the security camera...
...near the 8th floor VIP Room
five hours before that.
Here's the 8th floor camera layout.
Another angle.
How about other footage?
He's in this too.
8th floor elevator lobby.
He's in here too.
He went down to 5th floor.
5th floor consultation rooms.
No doubt it's the same person.
If the DNA Act is passed,
the arrest rates will go back up to
where they used to be during your term.
As Mr. Tadokoro said, it's for the common good.
You always spring out of nowhere.
What is it now?
You were on the security camera at Shin-Seiki Hospital.
And what is wrong with that?
You were the last person...
...who came in contact with the
dead victims, the Tateshinas.
Have some manners.
I have questions regarding events
before the incident for you.
Once every week,
I go there to conduct personal research.
What kind of research?
Genetic information and psychology.
yesterday I was called out by Kosaku Tateshina.
So what's the matter?
The 13th of such case.
You've got work now, yeah?
Come back afterwards.
Then I'll be here in five hours.
Why didn't you talk about this earlier?
If someone had asked,
I would have told them anytime.
Seems like you took quite a shock
after hearing of the incident?
That's not like you.
It actually made you ill?
Of course it was a shock to me.
Saki Tateshina...
...was the best tool I had for creating software.
And Kosaku...
...was my go-between for me and that tool.
That's right.
Except for their parts,
people and machines are fundamentally the same.
It's the initial program that determines everything.
With people, that's the information
in their genetic code.
It's not all down to DNA.
It is!
DNA is everything a person is.
Well, anyway,
Saki Tateshina's birthmark bothered her,
and she's never really opened up to anyone.
We talked about nothing else but work.
Can you prove that... stayed at the 5th floor
around the time they were killed?
That's ridiculous.
Are you suspecting me?
Suspecting people is a detective's job.
Well, you can relax.
We found skin cells...
...under Saki Tateshina's fingernails.
We have already started analyzing.
The killer will be found before long.
Excuse me.
This is a remotely operated player.
Maybe someone ruined the cameras?
That's a possibility.
Apparently the footage is set to loop
every 15 minutes.
Investigate 5th floor.
Yes, sir.
Chief, the profiling is ready to run.
This will be a while. I'll take over.
There it is.
Same thing for 5th floor, Mr. Asama.
Like 8th floor, the 5th floor footage
with no man filmed is also looped.
How long is the footage?
About five hours.
So when the crime took place,
only one person...
...was on this floor.
What's going on?
It can't be...
You're still here?
Yeah, but...
I was just about to leave.
"His analysis data should still be here."
May I help you?
Where is Kagura?
He just left for the day.
Squad A, ambush at Kagura's house.
Squad B, track him down.
Let's go.
Analysis done?
Not quite.
Kagura is a person of interest?
What's that supposed to mean?
Just as I said.
He's a person of interest
in the case of the Tateshinas.
He didn't kill them. I'm 100% certain of that.
Analysis data is restored.
This is...?
When the person in charge of the system
caused such an incident,
...the Act can't pass.
I'll fix this.
Come with me.
This floor system is only known to Kagura.
It's completely isolated.
Is the data registered?
Yes, sir.
Activate security and traffic cameras for search.
Yes, sir.
Starting search engine for 20-kilometer radius.
Where did this come from?
It's a surveillance system that utilizes police knowhow...
...and was designed to put DNA investigation to full use.
It finds a match with the digital clone
of a person from the DNA...
...and conducts search in every single place.
There's no one who can get away from it.
Where did you go, Kagura?
Photography complete.
Konan, Shinagawa, strong positive.
Filter voice.
300 Hertz filter.
"There are a few things I need to ask you."
"I'll be headed for the hospital now."
Bingo. Where's the place?
Shin-Seiki Hospital.
Well, it's time for boots on the ground.
[Run. Police is coming after
you from the north.]
Target has passed Shin-Seiki Hospital.
Still moving.
Target spotted.
Shinagawa shopping mall passage.
From camera 12.
Kagura is taking Route 316...
...from Shin-Seiki Hospital toward Shinagawa Station.
He's wearing half-rim glasses, a black suit...
"...and a long coat of the same color."
"Chase him down."
Route 316 towards Shingawa Station.
[Avoid security cameras]
Target found at Shinagawa Station, Konan escalator.
Jiyu Passageway, camera 8.
Removed glasses.
Movement closely followed.
Same Jiyu Passageway. On camera 18.
Target heading towards InterCity.
Surround him!
Target in traffic circle.
Escape route.
From Shinagawa towards shopping district.
Circle him from the shopping street.
Nozawa, go from behind!
Sorry, are you all right?
Block him!
Hold it!
Confirm license number.
Shinagawa 405Hi38-10.
Get in the car!
Chase him down!
Vehicle confirmed.
Heading west.
Towards the industrial zone.
Over here!
Get going!
Surround him.
I'm not...
I'm not the killer!
Believe me, I'm not the killer!
That system you're so proud of,
what did it say?
I need to check something.
Listen to me and get over here.
I'll hear you out.
Get the license plate.
Too far to focus. Unable to confirm.
Check cameras from nearby.
There's none.
We lost him.
"Calling for all lab head consultants."
Why are you here?
I need to check something with
Professor Minakami.
You've probably noticed, haven't you?
What can I help you with?
There's something I'd like to ask you.
What is it?
Kagura analyzed the DNA sample
taken from the murder scene.
The result of the analysis showed
he was the murderer.
If he knew he was the murderer,
why would he do that?
In other words,
Kagura himself isn't aware that
he killed the Tateshinas.
[Ryu, don't tell me it was you]
[Give me a little time, Kagura]
He probably came to see...
...his other self.
Ryohei Kagura...
...had split personality?
He was born as Kagura.
Ryu is the other person.
...said he doesn't understand
your drawings, Ryu.
Yeah, I figured.
I don't understand them either.
What are these pics about?
They have completely different manners.
They deny each other.
Ryu is even left-handed.
We bring out his other self
with hypnotism for five hours per week.
Five hours...
Now, with my post hypnotic suggestion,
...Ryu can naturally appear every time
he is in his studio on 5th floor.
This studio is Ryu's personal space.
When did his personality disorder happen?
His father who was a potter died when he was 15.
Two personalities born from the same DNA.
To explain his condition,
he became a leading scientist in DNA research.
And then,
Kagura and the Tateshinas met in this hospital.
"Did you kill them?"
Kagura wanted to ask Ryu this question.
And he came here to ascertain that.
For more than 10 years after
his father passed away,
I've been Kagura's doctor in-charge.
More than that, I've been taking care
of Ryu and him like their mother.
You're telling me Ryu is a murderer?
And the victims are no other than the Tateshinas?
That is absurd.
"Weather broadcast information."
"Sudden squalls bringing more than 30mm
per hour are occurring in the Kanto area."
[Come to Chisatodai 1-2-2 in Kawasaki]
What's happening to me?
"Use this cell phone to communicate."
"It's durable, waterproof, and has a lot
of extra functions as well."
"There are also clothes and money
I've prepared in the bag."
I didn't kill them...
Right now, Ryu is the suspect.
Why did you help me?
I need to find out something about the
latest program that the Tateshinas created.
It's called Mogul.
These past few months,
the Tateshinas were rushing to make something.
Mogul would have completed the
DNA Investigation System.
Now that they are dead, it remains unfinished.
Who exactly are you?
The Tateshinas have been exchanging
emails regularly with a mathematician.
And in one email, they wrote...
...that Mogul is finished.
They also intended to store it in a safe place
before letting the co-developer know of its existence.
Are you listening?
Before the incident, someone called me out... talk about NF13.
"So what's the matter?"
"The 13th of such case."
NF13 and Mogul must have a close connection.
The Tateshinas got killed because
they wanted to inform you of that.
Mogul holds the key to this case...
...and you want me to look for it?
So that's your motive.
Two personalities, same DNA.
The other part of you, Ryu,
is being suspected.
Well, I'm sure.. would want to prove that
you're not the killer.
Who exactly are you?
Please go look for Mogul.
I'm on your side, at least till then.
Excuse me?
Anyone there?
You're Shogo Kagura's friend?
Yes, I am.
We're the police.
May we have some time?
We'd like to ask you
what happened 13 years ago.
You mean that incident?
It caused quite a ruckus, didn't it?
[Pride of a brilliant potter. Shaking the world of fine arts.
International counterfeit organizations evaded Japan.]
13 years already?
[Pride of a brilliant potter. Shaking the world of fine arts.
International counterfeit organizations evaded Japan.]
[Pride of a brilliant potter. Shaking the world of fine arts.
International counterfeit organizations evaded Japan.]
So they are...
...copying my works using computers, huh?
Not even the connoisseurs can tell the difference.
What rubbish.
I didn't quite know what was going on
in the mind of a genius like him.
But something his son said hit him pretty hard.
What do you think of these, Ryohei?
I like this one the most
out of everything you've made so far.
Ryohei was the one who found his father.
He was such a good child.
But from then on, he was like a different person.
Did you kill them?
DNA results showed that you're the killer.
Always obsessed with results, aren't you?
You're such a sad person.
That's why you don't understand my pictures.
They are just someone's hands.
Dad's hands.
Dad's hands?
What's the point in drawing them!
The hands say it all.
From those hands,
the clay takes shape.
Those pictures mean a lot to me.
[The Tateshinas sneaked
out of hospital for 3 days last month.]
Widen search area to a 200-km radius.
Yes, sir.
Strong positive specified.
Kitamine, Yamanashi Prefecture.
Collate walking pace.
Bingo. Contact the local police
about Kagura's arrest.
He's reading our every move.
We are the ones reading his every move.
I'd like you to go get him alone.
We can file the arrest here.
The NPA is now running this case.
It's all top-secret. Is something going on?
Of course no such thing...
Computers retrieved from Shin-Seiki Hospital
show traces of programming work.
That's what your forensics people found out,
but the written report to the
higher-ups didn't mention any of that!
Out of this!
but the written report to the
higher-ups didn't mention any of that!
Out of this!
You're a cog in the machine.
Just do as you're told.
Darn it!
What the heck is going on?
"The Tateshinas have been exchanging
emails regularly with a mathematician."
"Mogul, the supplemental program to NF,
will be completed before long."
"The system will work perfectly with this program,
and we will be able to obtain the true "Platinum Data."
"The true Platium Data?"
"Mogul is our proof of remorse."
"Kosaku and Saki Tateshina."
"Our proof of remorse?"
The true "Platinum Data," "our proof of remorse..."
What is this place?
The villa I gave the Tateshinas.
Was Mogul there?
All data was deleted. Too bad but...
...I couldn't restore it.
"Mogul is our proof of remorse."
What's that supposed to mean?
So you saw the Tateshinas' emails.
Answer me.
You don't need to know...
What the heck is "The true Platinum Data?"
When I get hold of Mogul,
I'll hand it to the US government.
That's my real job.
The Tateshinas created Mogul,
and then they got murdered just when
they wanted to reveal something about NF13.
Mogul supplements NF.
There's definitely some hidden truth behind NF13.
When the system is perfected...
...and you obtain the true Platinum Data,
you will find the truth there.
That girl herself...
...IS the system I've put so much into.
No matter the consequence,
I want to know the truth.
I'll try to find out about NF13.
You have to find a way to look for Mogul.
They already alerted the local police
and started an expansive search for you.
Take the bike and get out of here.
Can't let them catch me...
...before I get to the roots of
this true Platinum Data.
Attention, headquarters.
Attention, headquarters.
Vehicle confirmed.
Suspicious motorcycle spotted on
Kitamine Forest Road.
Start emergency dispatch.
Get in the car! Emergency dispatch!
Air Patrol 8 to headquarters.
Go ahead, Air Patrol 8.
Confirm sighting of vehicle.
Suspect now crossing bridge.
Watch out for the dam gate.
I have something to ask you.
I can't... let you catch me yet.
No body found?
So he got away.
Put out an urgent notice to all forces.
The moment they find him, take him to my place.
This is...
...Ryu's memory?
Mr. Asama.
This is Minakami.
I heard Kagura is still at large.
He's acting from emotion.
Just as Ryu would.
He might be losing psychic balance.
And what happens then?
Split personality disorder...
...causes the person to lose the sense of who he is.
When the integrity of the personality breaks down,
his behavior becomes unpredictable.
I've obtained the original DNA sample of NF13.
Please contact me, Mr. Kagura.
Everyone, on standby.
Yes, sir.
Why is that guy here?
Defense Information System Agency.
Procurement Department.
Senior Specialist Risa Shiratori.
Good job slipping in here.
The construction of a true Platinum Data is imperative... the establishment
of the DNA Investigation System,
The US government must have
thought the same thing.
But why did even she have a rib removed?
What kind of copycat is that?
Right now the truth behind
her death is not the main issue.
We can just set up
a random corpse as the murderer.
More importantly,
we need to quickly find Mogul.
No one must know...
...about the existence of the true Platinum Data.
Detective Asama.
How do you have this cell phone?
Risa Shiratori was murdered.
Shiratori was...
Only I know of this cell phone's existence.
I see.
So you're acting alone now.
Want to catch me?
Even if you're the killer,
your arrest is only secondary.
We need to talk.
I know the 15-year-old Ryu...
...that you don't know about.
If you act suspiciously,
I'll flee right away.
Saki Tateshina...
...might merely be another tool to you, Kagura.
But... Ryu, she's not.
What are you trying to say?
13 years ago,
when you were diagnosed with split personality,
you began to make
frequent visits to Shin-Seiki Hospital.
Saki Tateshina was brought
to the hospital around the same time.
Ryu met her there.
I'm told by a nurse
who knows the story at that time.
The model for that picture
of a young girl in the studio...
...was Saki Tateshina.
Perhaps to Saki, Ryu was the only person...
...whom she could truly open up to.
And similarly,
she was the only one for Ryu.
Which do you think it was?
She originally didn't have that birthmark.
...used to spend...
...hours and hours writing prime numbers.
She would continue for hours...
...and hours.
You're crying.
The sky too.
I still can't accept...
...the theory that Ryu killed Saki Tateshina.
I want to get to the truth.
Join me, Kagura.
Does Kagura know this surveillance system exists?
Can't seem to pull him out anywhere.
Where on earth has he been hiding?
Focus search on major cities
around the Kanto area.
Yes, sir.
That's the sound of waves.
Seems like memory is coming back.
Though I'm not sure...
...whether it's my memory or Ryu's.
I just know...
...that Saki and I used to come
to this beach a lot.
We don't have a lot of time.
I know.
But why do you think Mogul is in that room?
The fake footage taken by security cameras.
Saki's fingerprint was found on their metal case.
She was probably desperate to see Ryu...
...and managed to escape security
by manipulating the cameras.
And the real murderer took advantage of that?
The killer knows of the relationship
between Ryu and Saki.
I couldn't find anything...
...that resembles Mogul or data storage
in Saki's hospital room.
If she actually took something outside,
it could only be in this room.
Mr. Asama.
Can you show me the picture
of the young girl?
After you told me the model
was Saki Tateshina,
there's something I kind of noticed.
As I thought, no birthmark...
That's impossible.
There was definitely her birthmark.
If Ryu were to draw the pic...
...right before Saki was killed,
and if the birthmark...
...disappeared from that pic...
He left us some kind of message?
We found it, Kagura.
So this is Mogul?
Saki risked her life to entrust it to Ryu.
Can't let her effort go to waste.
in order to see its content,
we need the DNA Investigation System.
I'm Asama of Special Analysis
Research Institute, Investigation Unit 1.
Thank you very much.
Detective Asama of Investigation Unit 1.
Entering the Main Lab for an emergency.
Roger. We will open security gates.
Good work.
Entering Genetics Analysis.
Gate 1 of Main Lab opened.
Can you hear me?
Ah, sorry sir. This is restricted area...
Sorry for coming at this late hour,
but I have a DNA sample
that demands urgent analysis.
We need to first inform Mr. Shiga.
Don't make noise.
There's data in this.
Now put it in the DNA Investigation System.
Right now!
What's the matter?
What's wrong?
Mogul's running.
Now we'll know what the true Platinum Data is.
What the heck is this?
The data is protected with a special password.
Platinum Data was created not
for the sake of the citizens.
Police high echelons.
Even the DNA information of
their family members...
All set to "No match."
Which means they will be "NOT FOUND."
At first people wanted to
create a faultless investigation system.
If it's actually faultless,
someone will get into trouble.
People of privileged class won't ever be accused...
...under the protection of "Platinum Data."
The role of Mogul is to find such people.
Check if the DNA of NF13...
...matches anyone in Platinum Data.
Do it now!
Just as I thought.
All NF data has been copied.
Don't go anywhere, Kagura.
I'll come for you.
I'm sorry, Mr. Asama.
I'll settle this.
Wait, Kagura.
What are you doing?
What are you doing, Kagura?
Do you understand what you just did?
I'm Tokura of Investigation Unit 1.
I was commanded to take him from here.
Thank you.
Can you do me a favor?
I understand, sir.
I've been waiting.
Which one are you?
Or Ryu?
Hurry up!
Minakami Research. On the third floor!
3rd floor!
3rd floor!
3rd floor.
Why are you here, Asama?
Drop the gun!
Stop! Drop your guns!
What are you doing?
Bring him!
Hurry up!
Well, shall we get to the point?
Prof Minakami was given an important position... developing the system when
the DNA Act is passed.
The one assigning the Tateshinas to
the making of Platinum Data...
...was you, right?
Let me be frank with you.
I want you to forget everything.
You think I'll do what you say?
We exert our utmost efforts... order to protect Platinum Data.
You should know your job...
There's a case I want you to check.
NF5, the rape case.
The assailant behind NF5 is the son of
Tadokoro, Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare.
You're looking for trouble.
Sorry to let you know, but I already had
that info sent to the media.
If anything untoward should happen to us,
I wonder what they would think.
Come in.
Chief Shiga, the Director wants to see you.
Also, the case of Prof Minakami...
...will be handled by Investigation Unit 1.
Pretty impressive...
...for a mere assistant inspector like you, huh?
I have to tell you something.
Minakami left these records at the institution.
There are also your medical records
taken since you were 15.
My medical records?
After your father's suicide, the other
personality that appeared wasn't Ryu.
The person who appeared then...
It was you.
You were born as Ryu.
Ryohei Kagura is the alternate personality.
Minakami took an interest in Ryu's alternate individual...
...with whom she shared a bit in common.
She was able to switch
your identity states using hypnotism.
Her plan was to nurture you into
becoming a brilliant scientist,
...let you team up with
genius mathematician Saki Tateshina... create the DNA Investigation System.
So I was just...
...a puppet in her scheme, huh?
I also have to talk to Ryu.
This is our second time...
...meeting, Ryu.
Tell me, Ryu.
What happened between you and Minakami?
So which one are you?
Or Ryu?
At the heart of the DNA Investigation
System are the surveillance system...
...and the classification system.
Why did you do this?
As a doctor,
I have seen countless children tortured by their parents.
Parents who abuse.
Parents who kill.
Parents who impose on their child's future.
Parents who end their own lives...
...without sparing a thought for the child's future.
But you know,
it's definitely not the child's fault.
That's the conclusion I've reached.
Some children...
...have defects the moment
they are born into this world.
Then, there's no value in living.
They are trash no matter where they go.
That's why...
...we have to produce more and more
capable people like you and Saki.
Do you even know what you're talking about?
No one wants that...
A trailblazer's ideal is not
for common people to comprehend.
In this world,
God used Adam's rib... create Eve.
The Creator has to eliminate anyone
who is against Him.
...was close to the truth.
So I killed her.
Isn't that why...
...tried our best... correct our mistake?
Things such as dreams and future,
anyone can have them.
Why did you kill Saki?
She trusted you.
Kagura too.
Me too.
DNA is everything a person is.
Feelings and emotions can easily
be turned into data.
Kagura would understand this.
I've stored Saki's gene.
I wonder what kind of genius will be born...
...if it combines with yours.
When there's DNA, flesh is redundant.
You are a sad person.
The world you idealize... not what Saki and I hoped for.
Once I was your mother.
Can you call me...
..."Mom" at least once?
Hand it to me.
You saved us...
...when we were about to break.
You weren't wrong.
Hand me...
...that gun!
We have to stop you.
Thank you...
...for everything.
He asked me to pass this to you.
Ryohei Kagura?
"This is probably the first and the last time..."
"...I write a letter to you like this."
"It's been unfathomable to me all along..."
"that we have the same DNA,"
"the same body..."
"and yet you and I..."
"have two separate minds..."
"and lead two completely different lives."
"But now,"
"I feel like I know why."
"We didn't exactly lead two different lives."
"Both of us..."
"were just running away..."
"from the solitude of losing Dad..."
"and the reality of living alone in this world."
"Fate and possibilities..."
"definitely don't belong to the domain
of genetics and science."
"To open up the future..."
"it depends on..."
"one's self-determination."
"I'm glad I learned this important lesson."