Play Motel (1979)

- Good morning.
- Good morning.
My name is "Four-Leaf Clover".
A room has been booked for me.
Room #3, sir.
It's on the 1st floor.
- And the bar?
- Over there, sir.
- A whiskey.
- With ice? - Straight.
That nice pin suits you.
It's a lucky charm.
Lie down, slave.
As you command, my master.
There's a registered letter
for you, sir.
- You may go.
- Yes, sir.
"We would like to draw
your attention to some photos
showing you
in a compromising light.
To gain possession
of the prints and negatives
you will have to pay 300 million.
You'll be informed as to how and when.
If the police are called in,
these photos will be published.
You'll be called regarding
the time and place for the exchange."
This is Altieri's law of ce.
I'm at present in court.
I will be in my office after 4 p.m.
You have 30 seconds
in which to speak, beginning now.
This is Corttesi, Altieri.
Please, call me at your
earliest opportunity. Thank you.
This is Cortesi, Altieri.
Please, call me at your
earliest opportunity. Thank you.
Did you hear that, Luisa?
That husband of mine
is always in trouble.
It's funny. He usually gets
his secretary to call me.
It must be something very serious.
You've made me curious.
Let me know what's up.
I suggest you go straight to
the police. Without any hesitation.
No, I'd prefer not to.
I must avoid any scandal at all costs.
I'd be faced with ruin.
I prefer to pay up
even if the cost is high.
If they should blackmail me again,
I'll do as you suggest.
I'm only giving you
advice as your lawyer.
It's up to you whether
you accept it or not.
On the other hand, it's your money.
I've no alternative.
I suggest you think
about it carefully.
- My mind's made up, I have to pay.
- Very well.
If that's what you want.
- Hello.
- Luisa? -Yes?
I've just spoken to him.
I know that there are maybe
some suppositions in what I said
but I don't think
I'm so far from the truth.
Excuse me, Mrs. Corttesi,
butt this wouldn't be a case of j ealousy
originating in a desire...
to get back?
Listen. I really couldnt care less if
my husband goes to bed with another woman
or goes in for mass orgies.
As I've already said,
it's been years since I've shared my bed
with him. I've asked him for divorce.
- Will you have some copies
made of this, sergeant? -Very well.
- And have some blow-ups made
of the girl's face. - Yes, sir.
You'll have them back
in a few minutes.
You'd better putt them back
where you found them.
Your husband
shouldn't suspect anything.
I've found this publication
in records dealing with porn.
The model in the magazine
is the same one in the photo.
You may go.
- Hi, Mirella.
- Hi, how are you? - Not bad.
- It's ages since I saw you.
- Well...
Those pants suit you.
It's my usual haircut.
What about you? You look fine.
- Hi.
- Hi, cutie.
- I'll phone you, ok?
- Ok.
- Don't forget, ok?
- Don't worry.
Hold it.
Come on, Willy, take pics'.
Ok, that's fine.
Let's modify the shot now.
Bruno, change the tape
and bring some glasses and a bottle.
Here, don't mess up the cushions.
- Aldo, you sit here.
- On the cushion? -Yes.
- Leo, bring in the backdrop.
- Ok.
Don't mess up the cushions.
Paola, come here.
Refresh their makeup.
- Is it all right for you?
- Yes, it's fine.
Leo, bring in the Paris backdrop.
No, it's ok like that.
Anna, come on over on the set,
we do have work to do!
You, come here with your camera!
- Just a minute, miss.
- Yes. - Good morning.
I'm inspector De Sanctis.
- Here's the transparencies, Mr. Liguori.
- Put them down there.
- And the black and white material?
- They are printing them.
- That's good.
- They'll be right up.
Max, listen to this.
"Youthful, beautiful, passionate woman,
unsatisfied wife
of an oriental diplomat,
mistress of the exciting secrets
of the Kamasutra, would like
to share her personal experiences
with a western high-class partner
who has a great capacity
and love for sadomasochism.
Who is that fellow
who's talking to Loredana?
I seem to have seen him before.
Really, but that's
inspector De Sanctis!
Until a short while ago
he was at the Vice Squad.
And now he's up the creek.
The Vice Squad is on the rocks.
He came regularly confiscating
materials where I worked before.
Ok, but what the hell
does he want from Loredana?
Hold it, Nadia.
- Right.
- Just one more.
Right, that'll do,
That's all for today.
We'll call for when
we need you next. You can go.
Well then, are you coming with me?
Stop it, Willy.
I told you a hundred times:
no, no and no.
But as you fuck with everybody else,
why don't you do it with me?
Because I don't like you.
If it's just a question of money,
I can make it, and a lot too.
Well, when you do,
give me a whistle. Bye.
- Goodnight, Luigi.
- Goodnight.
Always the last one to leave,
even when you finish early.
Well, we'll go to get home.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
No doubt about it, sergeant.
It's Loredana Salvi.
So you've really
decided to go there.
- Yes. -Why don't you
leave it up to the police?
Because I want to do it my way.
Listen, if I was in your shoes...
But you aren't, are you?
Good evening.
- I'd like a room, please.
- May I have your ID?
Room 21, 2nd floor, madam.
- And the elevator?
- Right there.
MANAGEMEN May I have the bill, please?
At once.
- Did you order something at the bar?
- No.
One minute, I'll get your account.
I'll wait in the car.
Here we are, sir.
Why did you want to make love in a motel
when we were so close to home?
I don't know...
it just sort of came over me.
That sign they've got, 'Play Motel',
somehow seemed very exciting.
- Well, I missed the rehearsal.
- Big deal!
You weren't certainly cast
for a real lead role!
"To be or not to be the lead,
that is the question.
Is it more noble to suffer the slings
and arrows of a small part
or gather tomatoes and
thistles as the leading actor?
To sleep... to dream...
- hope..."
- drive.
Keep looking at the road,
stop kidding.
What's that?
Take one guess.
We blew a tire.
Do you need any help?
We must call the police.
- Hello, is that the police?
- Yeah.
A very serious thing happened:
I found a dead body in my car.
What is your name?
- Roberto Vinci.
- Where are you exactly?
Near the access to the Aurelian Road
to Rome. I'm at the gas station.
Don't touch anything
and wait for us.
The body shows signs
of death by strangulation,
death took place some hours ago
but I can't be sure until
I've conducted the autopsy.
Longhi Maria Luisa.
She used her maiden name.
- May I, inspector?
- Of course.
Yes, it's her.
Take her away.
I would like to ask you
a few questions.
But if you don't feel like it now,
you can come to my office tomorrow.
You can bring your lawyer too,
if you wish.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Till tomorrow. Goodbye.
Wait for me in the car.
- Now do you believe me?
- I do now.
But I won't disguise the fact that when
I saw your car's empty trunk last night
I thought you might
have been dreaming.
Does Cortesi know that his wife's body
was originally in the trunk of my car?
No, definitely not.
I must say you played
the part of the policeman very well.
Modestly, acting is my business.
Yes, that's right.
You are a stage actor.
- You know something...
- Oh, no, don't ask.
My part in this business stops right here.
I've had quite enough of it.
You've read my thoughts.
But I must admit I was hoping
for a different reaction.
Many see themselves as policemen if
they get involved in situations like this.
No, I don't have this foolish ambition.
But that doesn't mean I won't help you
with any further inquiries.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye. - Mrs. Vinci.
Well, you certainly didn't shine
in the courage department.
What do you mean? You think I should
get into this up to the hilt?
- You know... I was doing it for you.
- Yes, without asking me.
Apart from the fact that helping
the police is a civic duty.
You would also gain some
useful publicity for your show.
Unfortunately, my business keeps me
occupied to such an extent
that it undermined
my relation with my wife.
- Did you neglect her?
- Not really.
But the time I had available
for her was very little.
But she never really complained.
What were you doing
yesterday afternoon?
I was involved in a business meeting
that didn't wind up until after midnight.
- And then you went home?
- Yes, of course.
And not finding your wife
at home did not worry you?
It wasn't the first time
Luisa was late home.
Quite often she stayed
the night with her mom.
But didn't she tell you when she stayed
the night away from home?
Yes, at the beginning of our marriage,
but not afterwards.
Weren't you getting on well?
Not exactly.
It's been some time now since we got
into the habit of leading separate lives.
So, if I haven't misunderstood you,
your relationship was...
...somewhat strained.
Ls that true?
When your wife went out, did she wear
any j ewelry or take any money?
Yes, certainly there was
a ring she always wore.
And was that ring valuable?
Perhaps two million.
But do you think...
it could have been robbery?
Poor Luisa.
And what about your lawyer?
He had a hearing in the Appeal Court.
One might have thought
he'd have known about it yesterday.
The details for the record, please.
Yes. Rinaldo Cortesi.
Do the police really believe
the motive to be robbery?
Everything seems to indicate it.
I'm really very sorry about this.
Two serious matters one after another:
the blackmail and then,
above all, your wife's death.
- Yes, it's all been pretty black.
- Come on, cheer up!
By the way, what are you going to do
about the blackmail business?
I still haven't decided.
Of course, if you informed the police
now after the murder of your wife,
your position would be aggravated.
Because you, in all good faith,
have told the police
your exact relationship with your wife
and say you were the inspector,
what would you think?
Just pay up and the whole matter
will remain secret.
I won't be able to come
to the funeral tomorrow.
My condolences again.
Don't mention this to anyone.
Refer anything to me.
- Very well. Bye.
- Bye.
- Hello, inspector, come on in.
- Good evening.
I'm sorry to force
your desire to stay out of it.
- Unfortunately, this case calls for
some help from you. - Do sit down.
Perhaps I can be of some help.
The director of my show has
released me from rehearsals
and in any case the show won't go on
for about 3 weeks or so.
Don't tell me you've changed
your mind about my proposition.
It was my wife who egged me on.
And not alone.
I too want to have a hand in this.
And don't tell me women
should keep out of it.
Well, I'm not that chauvinist.
- Would you like something to drink?
- Yes, a whiskey, please.
I was at Mrs. Cortesi's funeral today.
From a crowd of very respectable people
I discovered a face.
A certain Max Liguori.
Look at it.
- I don't know him.
- However I do.
About ten years ago he was given
two years for sex trafficking.
He is now the director
of a porn magazine.
Are you sure you've never seen him?
In that motel you went to?
I'd say we are to leave
for Florence tonight.
The best train is the 0:20.
That's the honeymoon special.
- A night in the sleeping car, you know...
- Well, actually we have a car.
I do beg your pardon, sir.
- That was not a bad idea, though.
- You can say that again!
What's up?
My name's Liguori.
I reserved a room.
- Number 3, sir. 1st floor.
- Thanks.
After you.
What an atmosphere!
Et voil! What do you fancy?
Let's see...
And the domino is for you.
And I... the queen of spades.
- Love and mystery.
- Beautiful.
- No, I don't like it.
- Why not?
Let me choose something else.
This is it. This one's for you.
Forbidden love.
It suits you.
- You should have been a priest.
- It's true.
- Could you give me room 7 on the phone?
- Sure. - Thanks.
My child.
Yes, it's true,
I ought to have been a priest.
Jesus, this wig! I can't put up
with it any longer.
It looks quite good on
but it's impossible.
How do women cope with
a different one every day?
How? They do it for vanity,
they put up with it.
You did it because
the inspector suggested it,
so for you it's your duty.
- You know, it's just as we suspected.
- What have you discovered?
All the hanky-panky
is between rooms 3 and 4.
- We were not mistaken.
- Be quiet.
I'd give a lot to know what part
Max Liguori is playing in this dirty game.
Let's follow him.
So we went and
stayed at the Play Motel.
And they really thought we were a pair
of lovebirds on their honeymoon.
But nothing happened
for the first 2 days.
But in the meantime
we were busy living up to our story.
That was the least you could do.
But Roberto wasn't happy
with the least.
Then on the 3rd day this Max Liguori
arrived with Valeria Manzotti,
the wife of the industrialist.
- And they stayed in room number...
- Number 3.
We're dealing here with people who are
both unscrupulous and well-organized.
We've got to have concrete proofs
so as to get our hands on the big fish.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- I called you about doing some photos.
- Ah, you're the one. Do come in.
- I suppose you want to get into movies.
- Well, at least I give it a try.
Before I let my camera do any talking,
I'll tell you something:
with the way you're built,
you won't have trouble getting into movies.
Pulling my leg?
Better still, if you like,
I can help you.
I've got lots of friends
in the business.
I can give you a real hand.
Take off that j acket.
We'll start with
some black and white material.
And... take off your j eans,
I want to see your legs.
- What? My j eans too?
- Certainly.
Nowadays, my dear,
you've got to show everything.
Otherwise, a series of photos
are quite meaningless.
You don't have
to feel embarrassed by me.
Well, I...
I'm quite used to naked girls.
I see them every day:
actresses, starlets, models...
Come on now, hurry up.
I can't spend too much time with you.
I've other j obs to do.
Let's see now...
- Yes, more light.
- I'm ready.
- For a family group?
- Well...
- Photographing you like this
will be quite useless. - But...
if you hide what producers
wish to see, it's useless.
You've got nothing to be ashamed of,
rather you've got a lot to show.
Slip off that shirt.
Come on.
Let's see your tits.
They're beautiful.
Why not show them off?
Now... that's it.
Let me put the nipples up a bit.
One more time.
Down with the shirt.
Hold it.
Stop it! Get off!
What are you doing?
Stop it! Let go!
- Excuse me. Sorry.
- Have you gone crazy?
You must be mad!
Go fix yourself up.
We're going to take some close-ups.
- Where's the bathroom?
- It's down there on the left.
You can come
when you're through,
I'm ready.
Good, there you are.
Go and stand over there by the fats.
Let's get out of here.
I just resisted the impulse of
stealing a couple of those negatives.
That would have been very unwise.
You would have made them suspicious,
the inspector would have never forgiven us.
That man wouldn't have forgiven me
had he caught me in the dark room.
However, playing detective
is madly exciting.
Yeah... but don't forget
to be very careful.
I must see you immediately.
Something very serious has happened.
What's it all about? Tell me.
I can't talk on the phone,
I'll tell you when I see you.
We meet in the usual place...
half an hour.
- Ok?
- Yes, bye.
What filthy swine!
There's no other way out.
I have to pay.
What, are you crazy?
100 million?!
And what else can I do?
Take my reputation away like that?
Not to mention my husband
and my children?
I'll just pawn my j ewelry
and pay up, that's all.
The only thing is I'd like you
to come with me when I do so.
I'm not sure that I can keep calm
and stop myself from strangling
that dirty little blackmailer.
Let's go.
There, give me that packet.
- Wait here.
- Ok.
Here you are.
Ls that all of them?
I think so...
Yes, it is.
Get in, let's go.
No, I prefer to take a little walk.
- You go on.
- Please, come with me.
For God's sake, don't bug me.
I've got to calm down my nerves.
You go on, I'll take a walk
and get a cab, ok?
As you wish.
Good. Keep moving.
Yes, now hold it.
Try to be more natural now.
Hold it.
Turn around.
Keep it up.
Keep moving.
That's it.
Make up.
- Make up!
- Coming!
- What do you want?
- Come.
Freshen her face up
and put her hair up like this.
Anna, come,
we'll carry on with you.
Now you strip but just
as you feel, spontaneously.
Just a minute.
Come in.
- You should sign this letter, sir.
- I've no time at the moment.
- I'll sign them later, I'll call you.
- Very well.
- Have the bank statements come in yet?
- Yes, here they are.
Oh, hello, madam.
I'll put him on right now. Goodbye.
Your wife's on the phone, sir.
Hello. What is it, my dear?
Yes, I do remember.
You mustn't worry.
Do you say the senator's confirmed?
And His Eminence too?
That's marvelous. I'll be punctual.
Don't worry. Bye bye.
I'm expecting big things
from the meeting this evening.
Indeed, it's quite something having
the cardinal at your reception.
That's the result of a clean life,
rectitude and a deep moral sense.
- You may go now, Aureli.
- Thanks.
"Young aristocratic lady,
very attractive, sensual
would like to exchange
sadomasochistic experience
with a gentleman of high social
background, refined and discreet.
Write Box 218, San Silvestro, Rome."
- Mr. Toselli?
- Yes.
- My name is Anna.
- Call me Guido.
Do sit down.
Now then...
The rabbit's in the trap.
All we need is the one who can cook it.
And here he is now.
We'd better park somewhere else,
otherwise we'll be noticed.
How beautiful you are.
Remove your bra.
Oh, what fine tits!
Take off your panties...
Jesus! He must be coming around
for the fourth time!
Presumably, the result
of his wife's migraine.
In that case, she must have
staved him off since their honeymoon.
We followed her,
so we know where she lives.
I think it's now time
for you to take a hand.
- But alone.
- Alone?
I've got a shrewd idea, if it works out
we'll be making giant strides.
But you've got to stay out of it,
at least for now.
Get moving.
Just a minute. I'm coming.
What's your hurry?
What the hell is this?
Do you mind telling me who the hell
you are and what the hell you want?
- Tonight you were with a man
at the Play Motel. - So what?
- Who are you? His wife,
maybe his girlfriend? - Neither.
Then what's the big interest in knowing
whom I've been with? it's my business.
- It might just interest the police.
- The police?
- And for what reason?
- Just blackmail.
- Blackmail?
- Yes.
And don't play smart with me.
You've got to be j oking.
Is blackmail a j oke?
But I haven't blackmailed anybody.
Oh yes?
Then call 4543: Mr. Guido Toselli.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hello, who is it?
- Mr. Toselli?
- Yes, that's right.
- Guido.
- Who is this?
- It's me.
- Me who?- Anna.
You lousy bitch! You whore!
I'll pay up, pay this 300 million,
but I hope you one day will need just
as much to recover from cancer. Whore!
Are you satisfied?
I know nothing of this.
I'm a whore, that's true.
But it's my profession.
And 3 million... you don't get
such a lot of money that often.
They're so much.
With all the suffering
and humiliation I put up with.
As to blackmail, I know nothing.
I swear you.
You won't be able to avoid being involved
when this business comes out.
Unless we can...
- Bye.
- See you tomorrow.
We'd better wait till they've all gone.
- Shall we go in now?
- Yes, Willy will be all alone.
- You know what you've got to do?
- Yes, don't worry.
Good evening, Luigi.
Good evening.
What brings you here at this hour?
I've got an appointment with Willy,
I want him to meet my girlfriend.
Go right in.
That's the editor's room.
Be careful.
What are you doing here?
Don't you know you are to be called
for tomorrow morning, not tonight?
You men never seem to
understand anything about women.
Has it never occurred to you
that the more I re j ected you
the more I really wanted you?
- But maybe I've chosen the wrong night.
- Come here.
Good evening, Mr. Liguori.
Who's that girl who went out
of here half an hour ago?
- You mean the pretty blonde
wearing j eans? - Yes.
I don't know,
I've never seen her before.
- She came along with Miss Anna.
- Anna?
Where is she now?
She left with Willy
about ten minutes ago.
She never came to collect them.
That little bitch Anna.
She's playing a double game.
It's Anna.
I can't hear you, speak up.
- It's Anna.
- Anna...
What's going on?
Please, answer me!
Hello? Anna?
We'd better inform
the inspector at once.
I told you everything about the relation
with my wife and my business.
- I have nothing else to say.
- Just if your lawyer allows you.
Truth isn't afraid of law.
Except when you skillfully ask for
mitigating circumstances or clemency.
- I'm here to advise my client.
- It's his right.
And it's inalienable.
Listen, in the light of
recent acts of a criminal type,
the last being
the girl's body discovered last night,
we came to a tangled knot
that won't be easy to disentangle.
Luisa Cortesi...
...your poor late wife...
was murdered under
mysterious circumstances.
And now as never before
becomes clear
that we are not dealing with
a murder connected to a robbery,
even though the murder,
or murderers
have done everything
to make it appear so.
One might be forgiven for thinking
that your wife led a double life.
Allow me to make
such a guess, Mr. Cortesi.
Last night, as I've already told you,
another woman was murdered.
A certain...
Anna De Marchis.
In the same way, with the same means
with which your wife was murdered.
It must be a maniac.
I'm surprised at you,
a lawyer of few words,
summing up
with a j udgment like that.
A snap j udgment.
Anyway, did you know that De Marchis
worked as a model at various levels,
as a photographic one, for example...
And coincidentally,
in the same set-up as another model:
Loredana Salvi.
Her dossier hasn't yet been fled
because hers was more of a
case of murder rather than an accident.
I don't see any possible
connection between...
You might not see it: immersed
in your business affairs,
it would never have occurred to you
that your wife might have had lovers.
But it does to me.
Also because it seems the two women...
the two models,
hired out their charming bodies to...
...the publisher Four-leaf Clover,
owned by a certain Massimo Liguori.
Who, in point of fact, isn't the owner
but a front man for someone else.
And just by chance, employs you
to deal with his legal affairs.
We took some photos
at your wife's funeral.
And amongst them,
is this one of Max Liguori.
Who appears to know you
very well, Mr. Cortesi.
For God's sake, don't say anything
without talking to me first.
All right.
Will you answer me?
What were you doing at the Play Motel?
- Answer me.
- No, please...
How did you meet Anna?
And when did you meet her? Where?
Who introduced you to her?
And why did you go to Willy with
the excuse of having pictures taken?
What were you looking for?
Who sent you?
- I don't know...
- I want to know the truth.
What did you do at the publisher's?
Talk, you little bitch!
Or I'll rip your head off!
- Yes?
- Has she talked?
- No, but we'll loosen her tongue even if
we have to... -Forget it. I want her alive.
- Lock her up in the cellar.
- Ok.
Stop it, please...
And what if they have made her talk?
It could be.
But she would have given
a different version of the facts
as we agreed before.
More than that, I worry for her life.
Patrizia alive is the only
bargaining point they have.
She's a very precious hostage.
We must proceed with great cunning
in order to make sure that
our next move is the right one.
You know what you've got to say.
- Hello.
- Mr. Cortesi?
- Yes, speaking. Who is it?
- You don't need to know that.
- I don't speak to anonymous callers.
- I've got a certain jewel.
A jewel that might interest you.
A pin in the form
of a four-leaf clover.
I don't deal in j ewelry,
I'm not interested.
But it's something that
could interest the police.
Well, are you listening?
Yes, give me a minute
to think it over.
Call me back in ten minutes.
Five minutes. And no later.
That business of you being blackmailed
could come out over those photos.
The murder of that girl
whom you were with in that motel...
You'd be in a mess...
A real mess. Listen...
I advise you to accept their terms,
these people are dangerous.
Try again.
So what's your decision?
Tell me what you want of me.
20 million.
What guarantee do I have
that you won't go to the police?
You've got no choice.
Yes, I accept, but I don't have
so much money here in cash.
I have to go to the bank
tomorrow morning.
I can't do it any earlier.
Tell him you can't wait
till tomorrow.
I'm sorry, either you give me the money
today or I'm going to the police.
But how can I manage that?
That's your own business.
But I can't do anything else.
Please, give me time
till tomorrow morning.
All right.
So where should we fix our meeting?
Shall I come over to your place?
Yes, but not funny business.
How should that be?
He's got me over a barrel.
- What time is your appointment?
- At 10. - Where?
At a cottage, 10 miles along
the country road to the lake.
All right, pay up and let's get this
settled once and for all.
I'm sorry but I've got to ring off.
I'm busy.
Bye now.
Who is it?
But I thought we were supposed
to meet tomorrow morning.
As you can see, I've decided
to anticipate the appointment.
Where's that pin?
Over here.
You see that?
With a little patience,
all fish fall into the net.
And now we must land the big one.
The boss told you not to come here.
The office was crawling with police.
I discovered it just in time.
They almost caught me.
- We've been busted!
- Calm down now.
- Yeah?
- Bring up the girl. - Ok.
- Come on, come with me!
- Where to?
Come on!
Come on!
Don't move
or I'll blow her brains out.
Move on!
He was carrying a gun.
Here is her friend.
And Liguori?
He's lying horizontal.
I paid him in the same coin
you intended for me.
And yet on the phone we agreed
"no funny business".
And you'd better not try it now.
The pin is in a safe place.
Where did you find it?
I wouldn't worry about that.
You should be more concerned
that your game is over.
It was a clever way of making money.
Not bad to install two front men
to run the motel and the publisher.
So as to blackmail rich sex fends
with pornographic photos.
And to blackmail yourself
to create an alibi.
Only that...
you couldn't have foreseen that your wife's
suspicions might have been aroused.
So just as she was about to find out,
you didn't think twice
about removing her permanently.
Just as you did with
Loredana Salvi and Anna De Marchis.
I haven't killed anybody.
That's worse. To kill someone
you need a lot of guts.
But you're yellow.
You've had them killed.
Well, if that's the only reason,
we can re-mediate that lack.
Hold it! Police!
Hold it there!
Have you seen how
an unloaded gun can be useful?
I might just as well be unarmed.
No, you don't walk
into danger unarmed.
It's suspicious.
If Cortesi had guessed who
knows what might have happened.
It's like the proverb:
"All is well that ends well."
Well, the next time
you feel like making love
try and find a motel
without mirror.
Don't worry. The next time we feel
like that, we'll bring our own mirror.
Don't forget: my name
and photos all over the papers.