Player 5150 (2008)

Oh, fuck!
I did it again.
I fucking did it again.
I can't believe that
I did it again.
I promised I would never put
myself back in this position
and I'm right back
where I shouldn't be.
Here's how it works.
The Index Option
offers the investor
an opportunity to either capitalize
on an expected market movement
or to protect his holdings
in underlying instruments.
Can you hold on for
one second, Mr. Alden?
Carolyn, could you get
me Mr. Haggerty, please?
He's at Jeffries
in Dallas. Thank you.
Right away, Mr. Delgado.
Mr. Haggerty.
How are you, buddy?
No. I'm good, I'm good.
Call the charter, Diane.
Push back my take off an hour.
I'll see to it
right away, Mr. Villa.
What's your play today?
I want two $1,000-bets on number
three in the seventh at Hollywood Park.
That horse is going out
at a hundred to one.
Haven't let you
down yet, have I?
Exactly. Right.
More equity savings
on the consumer side.
Call Joey Delgado
at Barman's.
Ask him to meet me at
Trump's this afternoon.
Get my satchel
out of the safe.
Leave it with the concierge there.
His name's Bobby.
Ask him to seat us somewhere
we can have some privacy.
Okay. Okay.
All right, bye-bye.
Carolyn, I need
Ali, please.
She's at the campaign
headquarters number. Thank you.
Mr. Alden?
I'm so sorry. Um...
Right. Yeah.
It sounds good
to me. It does.
No. We need his
public endorsement.
Not just some pat on the head.
I don't care what it takes to get it.
If we gotta get dirty, we gotta get dirty.
We don't have time to deal with this.
Joey's office's
on line three.
Hey. How did you do that?
I was just thinking about you.
It sounds pretty busy over there.
Like you've got your hands full.
Yeah, it's her.
Something bad's going on.
He must've done something
and she caught him.
You can cut the
intrigue with a hacksaw.
Headlines. Ali Brandt tied to Governor-Elect's
dirty pre-election philandering.
Listen, um, I have a meeting later
today at Trump's with a client.
By the way, your shirt and your slacks
are ready at the cleaners for you.
You called the
cleaners for me?
Yeah, why?
Like you would?
I guess I'll pick them up at the cleaners
and then I'll come straight to you.
Just don't be late
whatever you do.
I don't wanna be stuck dancing with
Governor Groper until you get there.
Actually, I'd like
to see that.
Yeah, you really would.
Oh, I gotta go.
There's my other line.
I'll see you tonight.
I love you.
I love you, too, Ali.
You want one, Beno?
Not while I'm working.
Oh, aren't you Mister
Nine to Five?
The punk here yet?
No, not yet, T.
Hey. Keep doing that shit.
You gonna get the thins.
More than you do
for me, Tony.
Dwayne's here, Tony.
Little brave Dwayne.
He's late.
Give him a minute to think
about it. Then send him back.
Put that shit away
and get out of here.
Fuck. Tony?
Why do you always make me leave
every time you bring people back here?
Because I said so,
little girl.
I'm doing business here. Go on out
front 'till I have Z bring you back.
You always make me leave
every time you do business.
Why can't I see
this side of it?
I'm learning the phones. It's part of business.
You said you would teach me.
Not this side of it, okay?
Not this side.
Go out front and have
Z make you macaroni.
I'm not hungry.
Honey, you're killing me. Go.
You want me give you a crack?
You always crack me.
I'll give you a crack.
Go. Go.
Next time
I'm staying.
I'm staying,
Tony, even if.
I'm staying.
Next time.
It's a good thing she's cute.
Still I gotta rethink her.
Beno, bring the guy in.
You want the rest of the
macaroni from yesterday?
Don't me a dick.
Well, look what
the cat dragged in.
Tony, how you doing?
I've been better!
I get a little irritable when I don't
get what's mine in a timely manner.
Dwaine, Dwaine, Dwaine,
Dwaine, Dwaine, Dwaine.
What the hell am I
gonna do with you, huh?
I'll have the rest
of it next week.
Wow! Dwaine.
Let me ask you.
What do I look like to you?
I mean, I'm standing right here.
What do I look like to you?
What do you mean?
What I mean is, what
do I look like to you?
I mean, do I look like a
Home Savings and fucking Loan? Huh?
Not really.
Not really?
Do I look like a Wells fucking Fargo?
I'll have the rest of it next
week, Tony. I swear to God.
Next week.
The theory of next, right?
I hate the theory
of next. I do.
We're gonna have a little
lesson in understanding, okay?
Okay? Yeah,
come here.
Come here.
I said knock-knock, Dwaine.
Come on, it's a game.
I say knock-knock. You say
who's there? It's fun, okay?
Who's there?
Dwaine. Dwaine
the tub.
Get it?
I'm drowning?
Isn't that funny?
I'm "dwowning," Dwaine.
It burns!
I'm sorry.
Cool off. Cool off.
All right.
Life gets rough when you
don't pay your fucking bills!
This is what happens when
you don't pay your bills.
Okay? All right.
Ooh, look at
that there.
Get up.
Come on.
That'll heal.
Here. Don't bleed
on my floor.
Okay. As much fun as that was,
there's a lesson to be learned here.
That is, when you owe the money,
you gotta pay the man. Okay?
Yeah, Tony.
We're clear. You're gonna bring
the rest of the 7,500 you owe me,
plus another
Ten thousand?
Where am I gonna get $10,000?
I don't care where you get
it as long as you do get it.
Okay? Otherwise Beno
is gonna come after you,
and that's gonna be even
more fun than we had here.
But look, take this.
I'm doing you a favor.
What the shit is this?
Get out of here
and get me my money.
Beno, is it me?
How are things, Joey?
Th-things are good.
Got a few concerns, Joe.
I've been going over
some of your work.
You're hitting numbers
like nobody in this office.
Yes, sir.
Joe, I've seen it a thousand times
with young talented guys like you.
It sounds basic, but, uh,
are you getting your sleep?
You're the first
to arrive. Last to go.
I love what I do.
If that's what
you mean.
Oh, I know you do, but, uh, some
of these decisions you've made
they've made some of our
clients a little nervous.
A few of your
calls, uh,
were played like you
were a swing trader.
Letting sit overnight?
The client has
extreme expectations.
These portfolios are
the sum of the hard work
of real people's
lives, Joe.
This company's reputation
was built on being conservative.
What you did
is called gambling.
That reputation
can ruin a company.
Mr. Barman...
It's your job to contour
our client's expectations.
It's critical to our
overall success here.
Sometimes it can become
a fine line can't it?
And it's your job
to know the difference.
Yes, Carolyn?
There's a deli delivery
person here to see you.
Uh, he says his
name is Beno.
Okay. Um...
Yeah, uh... Yeah,
send him back.
Hey, Beno.
I was actually just
gonna call you guys.
It's right here
in my organizer.
I'm sorry you had to come out here.
Really. My apologies.
Tony's a bit worried. A bit worried
that you forgot all about him.
See, I've just been
buying some time
so that I can get my new
picks together. That's all.
Tell Tony that I'll be giving him a
call right after the Oakland game.
I'll have some
picks ready.
So I'm to tell Tony you're to call
him today. Is that what you're saying?
Yes, exactly.
That's exactly what I'm saying.
Just don't leave
Tony hanging.
All right.
Take a club.
A little something that help you
make that early morning stock call.
Jesus. Fuck.
Whole game around,
because under normal circumstances
Pittsburgh would be favored
by, oh, maybe a touchdown.
But now Cleveland could
very well be the favorite...
Mr. Westin is on the line.
He sounds panicked.
Put him through.
Hey, Mr. Westin.
It's Joey. How you doing?
Joey, you been watching your monitor?
Introt's dropping like shit through a goose.
Yeah, I got it
right here.
The last bid of
Introt was at 221/2.
I want you to sell all 15,000
shares at 181/2 stop.
That'll save
our margins.
All right.
I will do.
You didn't
just do that.
You whipped in here like this was your
space. This is a handicap parking space.
I understand that,
but see, look.
My problem is I gotta keep
an eye on this monitor.
If I'm driving around looking for a parking
place it's gonna screw everything up.
I'm gonna run in the cleaner for one second.
Pick up my pants and my shirt.
You've got to
move this car.
Do you have any
compassion at all?
You guys are all the same
meter Nazis, you know that?
Cut a guy a break for
one fucking second!
I said move
this car!
Otherwise I will be forced to
tow your little cracker car
with your butt
sitting in it!
How much do you
make in a day?
I was trying
to be nice.
You're gonna wind up getting this hot rod
and pulling it out of the impound yard.
Will these two bills right here
settle the little battle of wills?
You got ten minutes!
Thank you.
You bastard.
Have a good day.
Barman Jeffries.
Jerry listen to me. I need you to
sell all of Westin's Introt. Right now!
All 15,000 shares out the
fucking door. Sell right now!
Pulling up
the account.
Selling 15,000 shares
of Introt at 11.
Whoa, whoa, wait.
Hold on Jerry. Don't do anything.
Oh, come on!
Do you want
me to sell?
No! No! Don't do anything
until I tell you. Okay, Jerry?
Just hold on
for one second.
Oh, my God I Come on!
Get over the marker!
Come on I Get over the
marker! Yes! Come on, Introt!
Come on, Introt.
Come on! Yes!
Sixteen and a half.
Come on! Keep going!
Jerry! Hold on!
Don't do anything!
Are we selling?
No! Hold,
wait, wait!
Hold? What do you
mean? We're even!
Sell! Sell! Right now!
All 15,000 shares! Sell them!
Order placed. Selling 15,000
shares of Introt at 19.
Oh, my God.
God, that's fun.
It's player 5150, JD.
Yo, T?
Hey, Joey.
Hey! Que paso,
mi amigo? Como esta?
Mi compadre,
de donde?
Esta aqui.
Esta aqui tells.
I'm up to my ass in stock trades and
ungrateful employers. I can't tell you.
The grass is always
greener, my friend.
Beno tells me
you want a counter?
You're still carrying a rather
large load that's outstanding.
I was kind of hoping that maybe that
ship would be sailing my way by now.
I know. I know. And I
appreciate your patience. I do.
But you gotta know that I'm
good for it, Tony. Come on.
Okay. Just got back five.
That brings you to an even sixty.
That's 60 dimes still
out far and wide.
What are you
thinking about today?
Four games.
Ten each.
Four games
at ten each?
That'll bring it back to an
even 20, which is manageable.
But If they
don't fall?
That's the 60 you owe,
plus another 40.
That's 100 large,
Joey. 100.
Man chases more
than anyone I know.
I'm good for it, Tony.
I'm good for every single penny. Okay?
If they fall, I live
to fight another day.
If not, I will be in your office Monday
morning to settle the whole thing.
Every single penny.
You lose, that's
I don't have to tell you I'm going to want it.
The juice alone should
peak your interest.
Okay, hot shot.
Here we go.
Four plays, ten thousand each.
Who do you like?
What did he say?
He says that, uh,
if we don't catch the guy,
he'll find some
people that will.
Thank you, Angela!
Thank you, Peter!
All right.
You've got the
fingers for that.
Tools of the
trade, I guess.
Oh! Thank you.
Thank you for coming on such short notice.
I appreciate it, Joey.
Of course,
of course.
Oh, I brought you back some
action to track from the strip.
It's a long shot I heard
some good things about.
Wow. Firestorm,
Must have heard some
really good things about it.
Well, sometimes chance
outperforms even grace.
Tuck it away somewhere.
You never know.
I will do. Thank
you very much.
There's $300,000
in here, Joey.
I'm gonna leave it
with you today.
There's 300 in cash?
Is that from Vegas?
Every penny of it.
I'd like you to park it in low-profile,
small and safe growth funds.
Oil companies, mid-caps.
Even some penny stocks for that matter.
Spread it around.
Yeah, I can do that.
It's just, um...
I mean, today's Friday.
Do you really want me to hold
this through the weekend?
You can wire it to me
first thing Monday morning.
I'm trying to avoid the tax signature.
At least for the time being.
Mr. Villa, here's
my concern.
It's a bit irregular for me to
take a lump sum of this size.
I'm just a client who's placed
his confidence in you as my broker.
Take it.
Mr. Villa.
Now, I...
If my partners found out that I was
taking commission under the table...
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
It's not a commission.
It's a thank you gift.
I appreciate
the offer, but...
Buy Ali something
nice with it.
Make up for all the night's
I kept you away from her.
She deserves it.
You deserve it.
Go on, take it.
A gift then?
Okay. A gift.
Thank you.
Um, what are
you having?
Well, if I knew what charcuterie meant,
I might have some of that.
Hey. What's up, Jimmy? It looks
like you swallowed a bottle cap.
Two guys were parked outside the shop
all day long. They just sat. Watching.
Same guys?
Guys just like
Feds for sure.
They see anything?
They were locked on every person
coming in and out of the yard.
Back gates, side gates.
All over the joint.
Them guys,
they were watching.
And who knows if anybody
round here might start talking.
Fourteen. No, switch it
to fifteen. The line's changed.
All right.
You got it.
Make some calls
today, Jimmy.
Let's get this
moved offshore.
Oh, man.
I can't sit down, man.
Are you kidding me?
My fucking ear, man!
Thanks for the fricking,
fucking back-up!
Dude? Just relax.
You're making us all nervous.
There's no upside
to all those jitters.
You better get
jittery, assholes!
Next time it's gonna be your heads
in a sink filled with cabbage. Get it?
Oh, what do you
mean us, man?
Yeah. He doesn't
even know who us are, man.
He's not looking
for Mike and I.
We're not even
on his radar.
Oh, really?
This guy will clean house.
Our house.
Your parent's house.
Your fucking parent's
parent's house, man!
This guy don't
fuck around!
God, Dwayne. You're really
starting to stress me out, man.
The three of us went in on that bet.
The three of us are gonna cover it.
No. No, no,
no, no, no.
Oh, yeah,
yeah, yeah!
Are you trying to act
like you don't know me now?
You suddenly
don't know me? Like...
Like I've got fucking,
fucking leprosy or something?
Well, dude. Uh, we did just
kind of meet you this year.
So, I mean, who knows
what you got, right?
You got leprosy?
Fuck you, man!
Jeez. Chill out, dude.
It's okay.
It's just, those guys
mean business, man.
If I go down, I'm not
going down alone.
So, you two better step up in
figuring this shit out with me.
I'm not getting my head
washed in burning cabbage again.
That's for
fucking sure.
That shit was
not pleasant.
Is Ali Brandt there?
This is Dr. Perry's office.
Ali? Can you hold
for Dr. Perry?
Hi, Ali. Dr. Perry.
I have news for you.
he crashed.
Then 2139 took Pitt.
They won, but didn't cover.
Okay. What about
the one-big?
Twenty-three dimes.
Are you kidding me?
She call you direct?
Phil did. They're in town
for some kind of fundraiser.
She must have
pressured him.
Said she'd have him fired if he
didn't put it in. So he put it in.
Nothing more dangerous
than a bored housewife.
And during
campaign season.
Okay. Tell Bobby
to collect his shorts.
And get the stretch
ready, Jimmy.
If the Feds come knocking, we just
may need a little bit of insurance.
Tonight we're gonna be
right where we need to be.
I'd first like to say
that the political
life in America today
wouldn't have a fraction
of the strength it does
if it weren't for the hard work
and enthusiasm of our young people
who are committed to
the day's pressing issues.
Hard working and
idealistic volunteers
have been the backbone
of this campaign.
And at this time I'd like
to personally point out
one shining star
on my team.
Her hard work,
dedication to
the issues,
and specifically
for her unique
and unrelenting
Ali Brandt.
Thank you.
I'm a little overwhelmed
being up here.
Um, this year's campaign
has been a challenging one.
Our opponents used negative
ads from the get go.
We chose to take
the high road.
But tonight is not
just about politics.
It's about friends.
It's about faith.
It's about family.
It's about love.
And it's about
having fun.
So let the dancing
begin. Thank you.
All right!
Chalk is the favorite.
Um, the beard conceals
the real bettor.
The diamond is when
the juice is 10%.
The handle...
That's not enough.
We're fucked.
Data mining is searching through
a large volume of statistics
to find the
profitable situation.
Whoa! Very good! Excellent!
See now, night school's paying off. Right?
All mighty dollar.
Beno, take
five, will you?
Hello, Mr. Bartender.
Can I get you a
drink, Ms. Lanzelin?
Scotch, please.
So, what do you think of your little
Ali now, Mr. Big Shot Country Club Guy?
Well, I think
she's hot.
I think she's beautiful.
I think she's the smartest
person I have ever met.
And I also think the
entire state of California
is gonna be eating out of
your palm, including me.
You look
different tonight.
I do?
Different how?
I don't know.
You just do.
I saw Dr. Perry
this afternoon.
May I cut in? I'd like to
personally congratulate the person
who's responsible
for most of this.
Hey, Mrs. Lanzelin.
What are you doing
out here all alone?
I lost my picks today.
Trying to rethink my counter.
Are you kidding me?
Um, my run of luck has
been so horrible lately.
I couldn't win a race if you sent
nine of the horses to the glue factory
and let mine
skip the track.
They should send him
to the fucking glue factory.
Oh, shit.
Are you okay? Joey?
You look
a little sick.
Beno! Get Joey on the
phone for me, please.
Didn't cover.
Hey, Tony.
No. I'm Okay.
Okay. I'll be
right over.
See you in the
winner's circle, Joey.
Fuck! Fuck!
Okay, Jimmy.
Let's set the hook.
This is Phil.
Phil, it's
Nick. Uh.
It appears the Mrs. didn't
cover this afternoon.
Don't wanna interrupt the Governor's
gathering, of course. But, uh,
we're in the neighborhood.
Thought we'd stop by, check in. Say hello.
Um, you guys parked away from
the front entrance, I hope.
Of course.
For now.
I'll call you back at this
number in five minutes.
Excuse me.
Hey. What's wrong?
You okay?
No. I don't
feel good.
You don't feel good?
Oh, my God! You're burning up.
I know.
I just threw up
in the bathroom.
You think this
fundraiser is to be held
just so I can hand it over to some
bookie who happens to be sitting outside?
Are you out of your fucking mind?
You know what this
could do to me?
You are very attractive
when you're leveraged.
Isn't he, Phil?
Please, I'm just...
You gave me
your word.
At least until the election was over.
You gave me your word.
And you promised me you would
be faithful, you son of a bitch.
Until the election
was over. At the least.
You think I'm gonna lay quiet while
you're out there barnstorming,
and you're chasing every skirt
that comes across our path?
You have absolutely
no regard for me.
Joan, I...
No! You know what?
I have put my best on for you.
From Chula Vista all the
way up to the fucking
goddamn motherfucking
Trees of Mystery.
I should
excuse myself.
No. You stay
right there, Phil.
I want someone to see
the other side of this,
so I know
I'm not crazy.
I'm just gonna go...
I'm gonna go straight home.
Are you sure you don't
want me to come with you?
Yeah. Stay.
You can't leave when everybody's
eating out of your hand like this.
Here, sir.
I'd like you to be
discreet, of course.
Of course. The more
shadows the better.
I'll have Phil take
care of it right away.
I want you to take it
out of petty cash, Phil.
I'll sign for it personally.
Log it on to travel expenses.
I'll cover it Monday when
we get back into the office.
Yes, sir.
It's nice to see you so
executive-like. In charge.
Oh, poopsie!
Are you sure you're okay?
You don't want me to drive?
No, I'm, I'm fine.
I just, I need to...
I need some
quiet. Oh, um,
what did Dr. Perry
have to say?
Oh, it's okay.
We'll talk about it at home. Okay?
You sure?
Yeah, I'm sure.
Just feel better, okay?
I'm gonna go
straight home.
Go to sleep.
No, stay there!
Dwight, Dwight,
Dwight, Dwight, Dwight.
Man, I will have the
rest of it next week.
Oh, next week, huh?
The rest of it was supposed
to be here last week.
I had to watch my little sister.
My mom and the car.
My brother at
wrestling camp.
Hey! I've fucking
got sisters, man!
I don't care!
I don't care about any of that shit!
I'm sorry.
What do I look
like to you?
I mean, I'm standing
right here.
What do I look
like to you?
I don't know.
Do I look like a
Home Savings and Loan?
Or a B of fucking A?
Brian, turn
the water on.
Dwayne, these
sinks don't work.
Hey, knock it off, man!
Get the fuck out
of here, old man!
I said knock it off!
Get off of him!
Let go of me, old man!
Punk shit, come on!
Come on, fucker!
Put the bottle down!
Fuck you!
Let him go, man!
Put the bottle down,
or I'll choke him!
What do we do?
Drop the bottle!
Put it down!
Okay, okay, okay!
Oh, fuck!
Why don't you guys pick on
someone your own size, huh?
He's just a little kid!
I just said
let him go.
Threaten me with a bottle?
And you ask me to calm down?
I'll cut you back to grade school!
I'll cut you fags!
Uh-huh. Hey, Lucy?
Get a sandwich, honey.
Mm. Come on.
You're an asshole.
Yeah. Baby,
don't be so mad.
Don't hate me
because I'm beautiful.
Yo, T.
Hey! My man!
I thought I was gonna have
to send Beno after you.
No, not me.
You ain't gotta tell me twice, Tony.
But, um...
Why the rush?
I still have three games going.
Seventy thousand dollars.
That's a lot of money to be out, Joey.
I just thought maybe we'd make
it clear about our arrangement.
Well, I thought the
arrangement was Monday.
I'm thinking I'm gonna
need a little good faith.
Good faith? What...
What the hell is that?
Something down,
my friend.
Are you kidding me
right now, Tony?
Do you have any idea
how much I've been in to you
in the past and made good on it?
Do you? Cause it's every
single fucking penny, man.
And after all
of that business,
suddenly you're putting
the squeeze on me
like I'm some sort of flunky
that fell off a prune truck?
What the fuck
is that, man?
Don't "man" me you little
day trader piece of fuck-meat.
I've been carrying you since
you started with the blow.
You've been late
not once, not twice,
but every single payment
that you owe me, hot shot.
And I'm thinking right now
things are no different.
Or the 60 dimes I've been
out for how long now? Huh?
I don't know!
Beno, how long
they been out?
Five weeks.
Five weeks I've
been carrying you.
You know what kind of stuff
does to me on the streets?
Bad business all
the way around.
Now look. If the rest of your plays
don't fall for you this weekend,
you're in for 100.
You understand me?
$100,000, Joseph.
Don't do it.
What are they
doing in there?
Shut up!
Shut up!
Shut up!
Stop it!
It's in my pocket.
There's $10,000
in my fucking pocket.
It's in my pocket.
Shut the fuck up! All right.
This just bought you off the slab.
Pick him up, Beno.
This is what
we're gonna do.
You watch your plays.
I watch your plays.
You lose, you better
have my fucking money.
Or I'm coming after you,
I swear to Christ. All right?
'Cause if I don't have it
in my hands first thing,
then I'm coming after you.
And Beno's coming after you.
Do we have
an understanding?
Yes, sir.
Good. Get him
out of here.
Good luck now.
Is that what happens?
Oh. My God.
Sorry about that.
He's been getting rough lately.
Yeah, what the fuck?
He's not normally like this.
He owes a lot of
money around town.
Right on down the
food chain, huh?
By the way.
Thanks for that tip.
The stock is performing
really, really well.
Oh. Good.
Good. Yeah.
It's climbing steadily.
That's a good
one for you.
I owe you a big one.
Yeah, I might need
that one day.
Don't push that button, Z.
Hello, Tony.
I was just out there.
Yeah. Just go.
Ooh, sorry.
Sharp girl.
Yeah, a real scholar.
Hello, Nick.
I just came by as a friendly
reminder that I'll be very interested
in settling up our
outstanding account.
My markers are
due on Monday.
Ah. That is if you can count on
your own clientele making good.
I hope you can.
But, nonetheless,
not really my concern.
My concern is
my own clientele.
And my own
clientele is you.
I've been carrying,
I imagine, most of your debt.
I'm gonna need some sort
of down payment now, Tony.
Some good faith.
I'm sure you understand.
I don't like carrying small
time penny ante thieves like you.
And I don't even like coming
here to places like this.
But the world
we live in, huh?
Take this.
It's ten.
It's ten grand.
Accept it with my apologies.
And Monday morning
we'll square up.
I hope you're right
for your sake, Tony.
I don't want to have
to come here again.
Yeah. We understand
each other.
What's going on?
With all the focus on
the Governor's fundraiser,
Ali forgot to remind me her parents
were coming for the weekend.
I guess I deserved that.
She thought she'd
also invite my own parents.
Not so sure
I deserved that one.
Gary owned a fax company. Jane liked
to take vacations with her girlfriends.
As far as my own parents,
they were just doing time.
A couple of games later today
I want to make sure to watch.
Maybe we'll sit down and watch
them together in the living room.
I know!
I'm excited.
I was in the hole now
for 70 large, with 3 more plays.
Putting on the in-law
face was nearly killing me.
Get back to his left.
No! He is hit, he goes down.
And it looks like
he has injured a knee.
Gary was a firm
believer in winterizing,
and I was doing my best not to
poke his eyes out with an ice pick.
I was thinking if I
somehow left him alone,
I might just wake up with
a new roof in the morning.
Seattle was down and I was on the
verge of choking another 10,000
which would put me
at 80,000 in the hole.
On the in zone!
Touchdown Seattle!
I knew Tony was
just waiting for me.
They couldn't do it.
Seattle loses big to Miami.
Don't go Seattle.
Arizona came on in an hour.
And San Francisco was the first
game on the following morning.
We'll have the opening
kick-off in two minutes.
You don't want to put the
barbecue sauce on too early.
You wait 'till the meat starts
to come away from the bones.
You know the chicken's done.
You don't wanna get no salmonella.
Then you put the
barbecue sauce on.
I could feel the pressure
of it all when I took issue with Gary
working my barbecue.
You can't just parachute
in on a guy's barbecue.
I finally got rid of
those damn spider veins.
I could go
on a cruise and be okay.
The best I could do
was win the remaining two
and get back to 60
minus the juice.
Arizona was on the fast
track to getting cleaned.
Ninety thousand bucks.
Now the best I could do was owe
Barman was ready to fire me.
Nick was asking me to wash his money.
I nearly soaked Westin's
daughter's college fund.
My bills were late.
I've nearly run out of money.
And I wouldn't be surprised
if they turned my lights off.
And then it came to me.
Just like that. Vegas.
I'll be right
back. Okay?
Jerry and I are just gonna play a
quick 18. I should be home by 4.
I'll call you later.
I was down 90 large.
With one play left.
Tony wanted his money.
He knew where I worked.
And he knew
where I lived.
My only option was
to get to Vegas,
get 100 on credit,
and get right back.
I figured the golf alibi was gonna
be good for nine or ten hours.
So I could drive,
get to Vegas,
get the marker and still
get back in time for dinner.
Here you go, T.
Made it fresh.
It's our shooter.
We better get to him
before Mr. Lim does.
It can be a penalty
flag against San Francisco.
The middle linebacker
was across the line.
That's gonna to cost San Francisco
five yards as a gift to Washington.
Johnson took pass.
He's under pressure.
And he is sacked
by San Francisco's middle
linebacker, Jason Langford.
At quarterback
is Johnson.
And he's got a wide
receiver in Mitchell, left.
Wilson wide
to the right.
Going back to pass is Johnson.
He's under pressure.
He breaks away
from one tackle.
He's almost in the in zone.
He fires.
He deflects it.
Wilson's got the ball!
And five.
And Washington had the best year.
Can't believe what just happened.
Washington pulls up.
Okay. That's it.
You're in his office
at 9:00, Beno.
To 35. That was a kind
of play that was a Hail Mary
as the defensive back...
Nobody deserves this kind of luck.
I should've bet on myself losing.
At least that would've payed off.
Tony is gonna be sending Beno over to
the office first thing in the morning
to collect his money.
That, that's priority number one.
As far as the hotel
and owing them,
I could always deal
with that later.
I knew that they wouldn't come
after me and break my legs.
At least not
right away.
Joey Delgado.
Welcome back to Vegas.
Go, go, go, go.
Everybody out!
He's got the cash.
Go. Move, move.
Put your hands on the bar.
Put your hands on the bar. Do it now!
Cuff him up.
You have the right
to remain silent.
You have the right to an attorney
present during questioning.
If you give up that right, anything you
say can and will be used against you.
Do you understand
your rights?
I'll take that as a yes. Get
him of here, guys. Let's go.
Ay, ay.
Nick. They just hit Moffin's place.
Cops are everywhere.
Get everybody out.
Get this place broken down.
Clear the pen.
Clear it.
Just clear the
fucking pen. Now.
Okay. For 100,000.
We need him
to sign right here.
Good luck to you, okay?
Okay, Joey.
Have you heard
from Joey yet, dear?
Does it take this long
to play 18 holes?
Me dinner's
gonna get cold.
I'm thinking I'm gonna
need a little good faith.
Are you kidding me
right now, Tony?
Do you have any idea how much
I've been in to you in the past
and made good on it?
Do you?
You watch your place.
I watch your place.
You lose, you better
have my fucking money.
Or I'm coming after you,
I swear to Christ. All right?
'Cause if I don't have it in my hands
first thing, I'm coming after you.
Looks like you made bail.
Thank you.
I overestimated him.
He's nothing but a fucking snitch.
You sure it wasn't
the other guys?
No. This is Joey. Joey told me
to buy more time that put me away.
Nick. Nick will be
coming for his tomorrow.
I worry about Nick.
5150 JD.
It's 5150.
Hey, tell Tony I got
all of his money.
I'm in Vegas. I'll be back
first thing in the morning.
Be at my office with your hamper
and we'll settle the whole thing.
All right.
He says he's in Vegas.
He's gonna be back with the money.
Oh, my God!
Change 10,000.
Changing ten?
If he's actually in Vegas,
that kind of money
is not gonna last long.
What do you
wanna do?
Cover his house.
Get those two guys we work
with out there to find him.
Tell them to start with
the hotels on the Strip.
Check the highlight at Blackjack
tables and sports books.
Good for you.
Bye, Mom.
If you hear from him, would
you just call me, please?
Call me as soon as you hear anything.
I've left messages...
Thanks. Bye.
Hey. I came as soon as I got
your message. What's going on?
I don't know
where he is.
He was supposed to be home at 4:00.
He went golfing with Jerry.
Ali, I was with
Jerry all day today.
I was with Jerry all day today.
There's no way he was with him.
Hey, Joey.
You need to relax
a little bit, bro.
Let's go to the bar
and have a drink, okay?
This table's not going anywhere.
Come on. Let's go.
Yeah. Mm-hm.
He's a no show.
Imagine that.
He didn't come in
this morning, Ali.
He's not picking up
his phone either.
Okay. I'll, um, I'll come
over after the markets close.
Thanks, Jerry.
Hey, Joey.
Are you interested
in fire?
Whatever gets
the job done.
I don't want anything
getting back to me.
Nothing ever comes
back with fire.
You want it positioned
and you want the hand out.
Fun to watch thing
burn, isn't it?
Leave me!
Let go of me!
Shut up!
No! Please!
Oh, my God!
Please! No!
Joey I see you've met
my asian counterparts.
Hey, Tony.
Listen, I had your money.
You don't have to do this. I swear
to God I'll pay you. I swear to God.
You know, I understand,
Joey. I do.
It's like the rat trying to bring
the cheese home. Never gonna happen.
Your heart's in the right place.
It's just somehow something
It's getting away.
Which is why
I'm gonna
let you live.
I found a way to make this all
work out for both parties here.
See? Little visit
to your house today.
Nice sticks.
Very nice.
I also did a research.
Nearly payed off.
I'm gonna need both
your signatures, Joey.
Yours and Ali's.
Did you touch her?
Yeah. I did.
Now, put my
friends back on.
He wants you
to call your wife.
Where are you?
I fucked up
really bad.
They were just here.
What have you done?
I knew the minute I heard
the pause in Jerry's voice.
I'm so sorry, Ali.
I'm sorry?
I'm sorry?
Well, maybe I should
give you guys a little...
No, no, no. No.
Stay. Wait a sec.
You promised me.
You promised me the first time
when you gambled away
even your tuition money.
This would never happen again.
And I believed you.
You asked me to believe
you, and... I did.
I stood by you
for years.
And you swore to me.
Remember? You swore to me that
this would never happen again.
I'm a fool. I mean,
I've the world by the tail,
but I'm absolutely no smarter than I
was when I believed you the first time.
And what you asked me
I stupidly thought was
And all I thought as much as
a second thought it was just...
It was just that
easy for me.
And the funny
things is...
The funny thing is,
is don't know if that's
love, or if it's just
something that I'm...
holding on
to you, you know?
I always thought I was
smarter than this.
I thought I was smarter than
being here again. But I'm not.
I'm not.
Look at me.
Look at me!
You wanna know what it looks
like to break someone in two
with just a flick
of disregard?
Look at me!
Look at me!
Look at my face.
This is what it looks like.
Stare at it.
Look at it.
Kinda looks like
hell, doesn't it?
I'm pregnant.
Yeah, I'm pregnant.
Don't fucking cry!
You don't have the
right to fucking cry!
Look who just showed.
Moffit. It must be
the weekend pay off.
Hey, Jimmy, turn
the heater on.
Oh, shit!
Oh, my God.
I'll never forget the look
on Tony's face as long as I live.
He saw me standing there with
the deed to my house in my hand,
and Lucy with a
sandwich in hers.
There he was getting arrested for
the murder of Nick Villa and Jimmy.
The look on his face.
Tony decided to hit
before being hit.
Meet sense
business wise.
One less bookie
on the block.
Tony didn't count on the Feds across
the street who were watching Nick.
Now the state had
two eyewitnesses
who just happened to
be federal agents.
Firestorm. Who
would've thought?
Hundred to one.
My debt had been
wiped clean.
but at the cost of
a client and a friend.
Ali agreed to
meet with me.
I gave her the
ticket worth 100,000
and the leather case
with the 300,000.
I told her about the
marker from the casino,
and I'd use the
rest for rehab.
She knew we were
meant for each other
no matter what had happened.
So did I.
No matter what happened.
We were just made that way.
She finally agreed.
I was on probation.
And I, I was fine with that.
Three hundred
thousand from Nick,
and 100,000
from Firestorm.
And the house
was still ours.
I guess he was right. Chance can't
out-perform grace some times.
The clinic said my gambling
stemmed from my work.
The rush of the trade had to be
met with the rush of the bet.
The pressure of the office
created a pathological state.
Oh, yeah, sure.
That made sense.
How is it going, Mr. Lin?
So that and whatever was on eight.
Okay. 17. 95.
Right. There
you go.
Here's the change.
Thank you, sir.
Hey, what's the Powerball
paying at right now?
I don't know.
Uh, never mind.
Hey, have a good one.
Thank you, Mr. Joey.
A scandal ensued with
the Governor Elect's wife.
The Feds found Nick's ledger and
tied it right to the campaign.
Ali was out of her job,
so she became
a full-time mom.
Yeah, one second.
It's for you.
It'll all seem like the edge
of everything all gone away.
No, I got him. Hey.
But... nothing's
ever that easy.
It turns out that Tony
still wanted me anyway.
And even from prison
there's a hit.
Zoran was released and not
associated with Nick's murder.
He still thought obligated
to me from that stock tip.
He said it was
going down today.
Nobody gets off
as easy as I did.
And deep down
I knew it.
My life had changed.
Ali, my four-month old
I know I had to hit it.
It was my time.
Zoran said today
was the day.
I couldn't do that
to her again.
I couldn't. So I knew
what I had to do.
Paper, okay?
A hit was a hit,
and I knew it was coming.
But like Firestorm I don't want
him to be taking me so far.
It's true.
Time was a great teacher, but
unfortunately he kills all of his students.
Now, this isn't a place where
normally I would get cocky, but...
Even time itself can't
beat a good insider tip.
Good morning.
I mean, what
are the odds?
Fifty to one?
Fifty-one to one?
Fifty-one fifty to one?
One little bit.
Oh, come here.
Hey, Ali.
What do you think
of Northern California?
Okay. Ladies
and gentlemen
next number
coming now. 56!
Anybody gonna
hit bingo?
Like this year.
It's ridiculous.
Next number
coming out. 75.
O 75.
Two takers. You working
on diamond play yet?
Not yet.
Nothing? All right, next
number coming out. 51.
G 51.
No, no takers.
I'll raise
the stakes.
$5-bet. 75 to 1.
I can cover it. Totally good for.
Anybody take it?
$5-bet. Jerry!
You're my man!
You're wild. Here it comes.
Call the number.
O 70!
I was almost out!
Oh, that was bad!
You owe me $6, Jerry.
All right?
I'm keeping tabs on you.
I don't wanna play your security
check, but I will if I have to.