Players (2012)

Welcome to Le Monte.
I am the owner of this showroom.
This is my manager Mr. Chopra.
Mrs. Thappar.
Your husband called.
He also sent a blank check,
in advance.
Show off.
- Hey, baby.
How is your shopping going?
Couldn't you find another showroom.. send your blank check.
Why? What happened?
There's nothing here.
Just relax. Give the phone to Chopra.
My husband.
Hello, sir.
Listen, tomorrow is
our first anniversary.
And I want to gift the most
expensive necklace to my wife.
Don't you think..'re paying a big
price for your first year.
Stop blabbering.
Now I feel I will get
divorced on my first anniversary.
No, no, no, sir.
How can you get such a big happiness.. long as we are there.
Just shut up.
What is he saying?
He is saying your
showroom is pathetic.
Go and get the 'Rose Of Samarkand'.
Congratulations, sir.
We are getting the
'Rose Of Samarkand'.
Yes, ma'am.
- Are you happy now?
Presenting to you the
'Rose Of Samarkand'.
Exquisite finish by Iranian artist.
Just tell me this.
If I buy this how drastically..
..will it affect my
husband's bank balance?
Like four buckets of
water from the swimming pool.
That's all.
I mean four buckets of water.. all that he will be left with,
the rest will be gone.
Then I will take this.
Good morning.
- Morning, morning.
Hello, and hands up.
You, hands up.
Look, you can't get away with this.
This building is heavily guarded.
And my guards..
You press that.. I will press this.
You don't know who my husband is.
Go catch him.
Hurry up.
A thief spoiled my shopping
and you are looking angry.
Why did you sound the alarm?
I wanted to see you in action,
Charlie Mascarenhas.
'Are you happy now?'
'Pick me up once you
finish your shopping.
Good morning.
Hello, and hands up.
Hello, and hands up.
Good morning.
You are my inspiration.
Keep your inspiration to yourself..
..and give me my share.
You already took that.
You don't know who my husband is
You are a real artist, Charlie.
Come on, let's go celebrate.
You know the rules.
Six months before and after the job..
- We won't see each other.
Its only six months.
Hi. Please leave your
message after the beep.
Hello, Shaila.
I sent you a parcel a month ago..
..and said that if
anything happens to me..
..then send that parcel to Charlie.
Seems like its time to
send that parcel to Charlie.
Where is the plan?
Where is it? Tell me.
Shaila, my heart felt condolences.
It's been less than four
days since your husband died..
..and you already stopped mourning.
Why? Don't you see my black dress?
Anyway? Why did you call me here?
Raj sent this from Moscow a
month before he died, for you.
He said that if
anything happens to him..
..then I should give it too you.
Your childhood
memory and all that crap.
Thank you.
Raj has left something for you.
It can be yours if you want.
You are hot, Shaila.
- I know.
But not so much that
I betray my friend.
And if I know Raj, he
has left much more for me.
See you.
The entire library
is waiting to be his.
And he's interested in that book.
If you're watching this DVD..
..then the breaking news is..
Come on, not again.
Hello, Naina. You hacked
into my computer again.
What can I do, Charlie?
That's the only way
to make you call me.
Naina, be serious.
I have to watch an important DVD.
I hope you are not watching porn.
I didn't know that a well educated..
..chartered accountant type
of person also watches porn.
I am not watching porn.
I just wanted to tell you
that I have finished my course.
For your information, now I
am a Masters in Computers..
..with a gold medal.
Well done.
Hey, wow.
Hey. How are you doing?
Come jump in my car
we'll go for a drive.
Hang out, do some stuff.
Come on.
- The second good news is..
..that I am coming
back to India tomorrow.
Really? Fantastic.
Good, now fix my computer.
Just type my name on
your computer sweetly..
..and it will be fixed.
But sweetly, okay.
Fine. Sweetly.
If you're watching this DVD..
..then the breaking news is that..
..the Russian Mafia has killed me.
Today I am going to
tell you a last story.
This story started in 1915.
During World War 1
when the German army..
..reached Romania's
capital Bucharest then..
..the Romanian government
decided to flee for their lives.
They took important
documents and their treasures along.
The Czar of Russia agreed
to keep their treasure..
..showing that they
are good neighbors.
Until the war ended.
So in this way, on 15 October 1916..
..tons of gold were
sent to Russia by train.
But by the end of the war..
..the Russian government changed.
The new government
refused to entertain Romania.
''Which gold are you talking about?''
And for the past 95 years that gold..
..has been locked up in the
Russian Czar's winter palace.
But the twist in the
story came in this year..
..when Russia finally accepted
that what happened was wrong.
And on this 15th October..
..that gold will be
shipped back to Romania.
Exactly the same way, by train.
Just like it was brought here.
Pure Romanian gold..
..which is worth 1
billion in today's date.
If Romania could survive for
..then it can do so in future as well.
And it never
belonged to Russia anyway.
When something's unclaimed..
..then it either belongs to
God or to decent people like us.
Isn't it?
Before I leave I want
to give you a final tip.
Don't make the mistake that I did.
This is not a job for one person.
You need a team, Charlie.
A team of the world's best players.
And there's just one man
who can get you that team.
Our guru, Victor.
Victor sir.
This is the safe of the house..
..where the robbery was committed.
Its been three weeks..
..but we couldn't
apprehend the thief yet.
If you want to catch a cunning thief..
..then try to understand him.
Not like a policeman but think
like a thief. - Note it down.
Thieves have three rules..
..that differentiate
them from policemen.
Rule no.1.
Every thief is a kind of an artist.
And no thief betrays his art.
A policeman might forget
his duty but not a thief.
Rule no.2.
Only policemen retire. Not thieves.
Once a thief always a thief.
Rule no.3 and the most important rule.
When a policeman is
tired of racking his brains..
..that's where a
thief starts using his.
Why do I feel that
he is slandering us?
Victor sir. What do you want to say?
I want to say that you
have lodged the wrong FIR.
This isn't a case of robbery
of jewelry worth 40 lakhs.
Come on, just help me here.
Come, let's watch those
two pictures carefully.
One before the robbery
and the other after it.
Do you see the
difference in both the pictures?
I don't understand.
I mean the thief wanted Mr.
Malik's painting and he took it.
And he put up a fake
painting instead. - Fake painting?
Take a look.
Look, this is the real painting.
Look at the signature stroke here.
Its small, isn't it?
And this one is fake.
Look at the signature
stroke below this one.
It's longer.
It's longer, isn't it?
This is the work of a woman.
How can you say that?
My CA will tell you that.
Before the robbery this vase was here.
But after the robbery it
automatically shifted here.
These aesthetics can
never be of a man.
Do you understand now?
Yes, sir.
Do send me sweets when
you catch the thief.
Of course, sir.
How are you?
- Fine.
And my child Naina..
- She has now grown up.
Oh, yes. It's been 10 years. 10 years.
Doesn't she want to meet me?
She just returned yesterday.
She is suffering from jetlag.
Let it be. I know her.
She is like me.
She won't be convinced so easily.
Grandpa, there was another thing.
This is the 80 acre land
which you bought near Shimla.
This is our student dormitory.
These are the staff quarters.
And they will be so good that..
..the best teachers of
India would want to teach here.
And all the facilities
will be available here..
..for orphan children to
help them compete in the world.
In short.
My incomplete dream.
Your dream can be fulfilled.
I am your CA.
I must have thought of something.
You surely didn't
think of anything straight.
If you want to fulfill your dreams.. this country with a
population of 100 crore..
..then you can't think straight.
You taught me this.
You must have heard about Raj's death.
He shouldn't have
attempted this job alone.
This is the lead that
Raj has provided us.
And this has the plan
that I have thought about.
But I need your help.
And some players as well.
Which only you can provide me.
You know I have retired.
Rule no.2.
Only policemen retire.
You have fulfilled mine, Raj
and dreams of so many others.
I just want your only
dream to be fulfilled.
Naina was asking me to
remind you about some promise.
Give this to Naina.
And tell her that her
papa has earned this.. weaving baskets in jail.
How is papa?
Is he fine?
Did you remind him about my promise?
Here, madam. Your father
has sent this for you.
His hard earned money.
You are crying.
- No, I am not.
Yes, you are crying.
I love him, Charlie.
I miss him.
- Its okay.
Three weeks.
After that it will be
just my father and me.
Even his CA will have to fix
an appointment through me.. meet him, okay.
Has this become
legal in India as well?
Come on, Naina, I don't
even know these girls.
Now I get it.
So this is your financial consultancy.
Hey, Charlie.
Happy birthday, Charlie.
''Hey, Charlie.''
''Why you got to be like that?''
''Tonight is your night,
let me delight you.''
''Charlie's Angels.''
''This restlessness.''
''The sweet pain.''
''The sleepless nights.''
''Charlie's Angels.''
''This restlessness.''
''The sweet pain.''
''The sleepless nights.''
''It's the effect of love.''
''It's a difficult journey.''
''I need your support.''
''Make my journey easier.''
''She crazy, Lord,
give her some sense.''
''She crazy, Lord,
give her some sense.''
''Her stars are weak.''
''Her intentions don't look good.''
''Her life's in danger.''
''Lord, give her some sense.''
''She crazy, Lord,
give her some sense.''
''Everyone will know
of your love story.''
''Even if you don't speak.''
''Your eyes will reveal everything.''
''I admit that you don't
care about the world.''
''But what will your
parents say when they find out.''
''Daddy is waiting for me to say yes.''
''Even my mother is ready.''
''If you say yes then
he'll bless us both.''
Shall I tell you a secret, papa?
I won't go back home
until you don't come back.
How romantic.
So this is what you do..
..six months before
and after the jobs.
You are mistaken.
You know I am a one woman man.
That's fine.
But who's that one woman.
We are meeting after six months.
Have you got only questions for me?
I have a gift for you as well.
Happy birthday, Charlie.
- Of course. It's a Malik.
Malik sir.
Then it must be expensive.
Why spend so much?
Anything for you, baby.
Victor, you were absolutely right.
Yes, I met Victor.
What did he say?
He didn't come?
I've given him the plan.
Now let's hope for the best.
''Lord, we are your devotees.''
''Such should be our deeds.''
''May we follow the
path of righteousness.''
''And shun evil.''
''So that we can lay down
our lives with a smile.''
Call the ambulance.
- Quick.
Save me, Jesus.
Doctor, please save him.
There's a lot I have
to learn from him.
Don't worry, Commissioner.
It's my duty to save him.
So, Mr. Braganza. Are you
ready for the operation?
It's very risky.
But I am prepared to take this risk.
Thank you.
But this operation will be expensive.
- I know.
Call on this number.
You will get the entire
amount for the operation.
A person is dying and he's
concerned about the costs.
Okay, Commissioner, we're
going to start the operation..
..can you please step out..
- Wish you all the best..
..for the operation.
- Don't worry..
..our operation will surely
be successful - Thank you.
Let's go.
''Still a lot to learn.''
But our players.
The players that you
need are present right here.
Explosives expert, Bilal Basheer.
Since childhood he
has only two passions.
Imported cars and local explosives.
Bilal, you are great.
Bilal, you are great.
And since then Bilal Basheer became
Bilal 'Behra' (deaf) with his one ear.
Yet, he has contacts in every country.
He can speak 32 languages.
An expert in
explosives and spy devices.
- Hello.
And he's Sunny Mehra.
Master of prosthetics and makeup.
He actually wanted
to be something else.
'That Shah Rukh Khan style.'
'Have you seen your face?'
'Get out, get lost.'
'You don't become a hero..
' getting your picture
taken at Juhu Beach. - But..'
That day he decided he
will become an expert.. make up and prosthetics.
But you will have to stay
slightly careful of him.
He's a makeup artist after all.
He cannot keep a secret.
Did you say anything?
No, no, I was just saying
that you are a fine artist.
You are embarrassing me.
You are born to be embarrassed.
Shut up, deaf.
- No, you said something.
I see.
Seems like they get along well.
- Yes.
And he is Ronnie.
India's biggest illusionist.
Due to some reasons Ronnie
stopped performing magic shows.
But thank God he said yes for
this operation when I asked.
Thanks, Ronnie.
- Yes, thank you.
And you do know Rhea.
Part time automobile expert.
And full time artist like us.
There's hardly a man on earth..
..who can resist her charm.
And the next day I
read in the newspapers..
..that that night she didn't
just break south Africa's..
..seventh richest man's
heart but also his safe.
But I couldn't provide you
one man according to your plan.
The hacker.
Not the hacker, world's best hacker.
No one knows who he
is or where he lives.
So is there an alternative for him?
Is there an alternative for you?
Him, him, or her?
There is no alternative for the best.
You will have to find him.
And one last thing, Charlie.
I have broken a big promise.
I will make you pay for it.
To the last gram.
By the way, I have heard
that Spider is the best hacker.
He has hacked two of
NASA's satellites.
They had to travel to the Moon..
..but landed on Mars instead.
Which Spider are you talking about?
Just one of his friends.
I thought you are talking about
the world's best hacker Spider.
You know about Spider.
Yes, just briefly.
But this must be someone else.
What could a chartered
accountant want from a hacker?
I am interested, Naina.
He has stolen millions of
dollars from my clients.
By hacking in their bank accounts.
Isn't it, guys?
- Yes, he hacked in..
..and stole my entire showroom.
Only left the shutters behind.
How do you know about Spider?
Hello. I have done
Masters in Ethical Hacking..
..and Spider was my thesis project.
Do you know who this Spider
is and where we can find him?
I got this close to
finding him couple of times.
Last I heard he was in Hong Kong.
But I lost him
before I could track him.
But if you want I can try again.
That's great, Naina. Please Try again.
For all of us.
Charlie, I am feeling sleepy.
Then get some sleep.
- No, I want coffee.
I got him. I got him.
He got the mail. He fell for it.
I hacked his system.
Spider is an Indian.
And you won't believe it, he's in Goa.
Can we get his address?
His postal address is.
Riviera Society.
Apartment 304. Anjuna.
Let's go, guys.
You stay near the car.
Riya, Bilal.
Take the lift and cover his door.
Ronny, we will block the stairways.
Hey, pizza-boy.
Where are you going
without making the delivery?
Ronny, I got him.
It's the pizza-boy
and he's coming down.
So finally Spider is
caught in the web.
You don't have any
proof that I am Spider.
You can't arrest me.
We are not the police.
Then why are you after me?
We want to tip you, pizza-boy.
Worth 100 million.
You need a team, Charlie.
A team of the world's best players.
What the..
You can make a palace
out of all that gold.
What is the plan?
Putting it in one line..
..the plan is that we will
steal the gold from the train.. which it is being transported.
Are you serious?
We are talking about an
international robbery.
And if it's Russia's, then the
mafia will be involved as well.
Don't you think this
is a difficult job?
I haven't even started
counting the difficulties.
The gold will be transported in this
truck from the Czar's Winter Palace..
..with a military convoy.
The gold will be loaded from
this Russian Military Station..
..into this cargo container.
There are two locks in the container.
Electronic and manual.
And the code to this electronic code..
..will be given to
one Russian General.
Coming to the train.
The container filled with gold..
..will be loaded on this train, and..
..there will be two
coaches ahead and behind it.
Filled with Russian Commandoes.
The train's speed will be set..
..and its progress will
be tracked by a satellite.
If anything is detected
within a kilometer of its range..
..or if the train
slows down or stops then..
..within three minutes Russian
Fighter Jets will be scrambled.
And the Russian government..
..has published this
information in their local papers.
So no one imagines
about touching this gold.
But, Charlie, how will we do this?
Your new mobiles.
It contains the plan's details,
your individual roles..
..and also a basic
Russian speaking course.
If you want to be a big player..
..then you have to take a big risk.
Congratulations, guys.
Soon you each be the
owners of 100 million.
Isn't the gold worth 1 billion
And there are six of us.
Are you deducting TDS?
You can say that.
The remaining share belongs to Victor.
Who is Victor?
Consider Victor as the
non-playing captain of this team.
Committing this big
robbery without his guidance.. impossible.
The most important thing.
How will we get out after the robbery?
You will know the exit
plan when the time's right.
Sorry, guys. Excuse me.
Yes, Naina.
- What Naina?
You promised me that
if I find Spider..
..then you will take me out on a date.
Naina, I am really sorry.
Even I wanted to meet you..
..but something urgent has come up.
So I am leaving tomorrow.
And you will have to go
alone to receive Victor as well.
But where are you going?
To make my life's biggest deal.
Do you like this train?
- Yes, perfect.
They are here.
This is our film unit.
The heroine.
He's the cameraman.
And he's the assistant director.
Makeup man and spot boy.
You could have at
least made me a star here.
Your train.
Enjoy your shoot at Russia.
Thank you.
Try to understand.
I cannot tell you anything more.
All I can say is that..
..after this I will
never disappoint you again.
Can I know who you were talking to?
There is just one tunnel between..
..the Russian
Military Base and Romania.
And the train will take
only two minutes to cross it.
And within these two minutes..
..Ronnie you will have
to perform your trick..
..and Spider you will have
to hack the Russian Satellite.
But after I hack into it..
..the Russian systems will
be down only for 10 minutes.
After that the
systems will restart again.
That means we have just 10 minutes.. execute the entire robbery.
Ticket please.
Thank you.
How is the train moving?
This magician really is dangerous.
I have replaced the engine.
And now I am
installing this power booster.
If all goes well then
this rundown diesel train..
..will run at the speed that we want.
- Yes, CA, how is everything going?
We are working on that,
completely involved in it.
Don't get too involved that.. forget how to get out of there.
- Yes, sir.
Victor has sent the
exit plan. Check it.
Charlie. I have hacked into
the Russian Military website.
This is the list of
officers who will be involved.. the train that
will be carrying the gold.
The names are according to the rank.
That means the two
generals on the top..
..are security in-charge.
- Yes.
Lieutenant General Mikhail Levitski.
And Major General Dimitry Yegorov.
Bilal, I need all the
information about these two generals.
What they eat? How much they drink?
And most important, where they sleep.
Hey. We need information
about these two generals.
So why are you screaming?
Forget it.
Your drink.
- Come, sit down.
So he's our man.
So, Riya.
Are you ready to meet general Yegorov?
Of course.
One orange juice.
No. But this waiting.. God.
I need a drink.
Charlie, Yegorov is here.
''It's getting hot.''
''I am drinking every
shot in this party.''
''I am feeling intoxicated.''
''I am so knocked out, my
head is getting heavier.''
''No, no, no.''
''Wonder what will happen next.''
''I am completely numb.''
''Totally drunk.''
''I drank it neat.''
''Stop this English tune.''
''Watch me sway.''
''To the local beats.''
''As the night grows.''
''I feel intoxicated.''
''I cannot see anything clearly.''
''My sight is getting hazier.''
''I will sway to the fullest.''
''I can swing to every corner.''
''Someone better stop me.''
''Or I might kiss you.''
''Stop this English tune.''
''Watch me sway.''
''To the local beats.''
''Should I fill the empty glasses?''
''I think what I should do.''
''When I have taken the risk.''
''So why be afraid of the world.''
''Should I go this way or that?''
''I don't know which way to go.''
''You tell me how do I go
home in this condition?''
''No, no, no.''
''Wonder what will happen next.''
''I am completely numb.''
''Totally drunk.''
''I drank it neat.''
''Stop this English tune.''
''Watch me sway.''
''To the local beats.''
Have a nice evening.
You have to first sing me a song.
Why do Indians always
mix singing with sex?
I've seen in your movies.
Hero gets horny, he sings.
Heroine gets horny, she sings.
So you don't like Indians.
I didn't say that.
We Russians like all
Raj Kapoor movies.
I have seen 'Mera Naam Joker'.
'Awaara' and 'Sri 420'.
You're lying . Prove it.
- Okay.
''My shoes are Japanese.''
''My pants are English.''
Thank God there is no
mention of underwear in this song.
''The hat I am wearing is Russian.''
''But yet at heart I am an Indian.''
Voice sample recorded.
You are looking great.
''My shoes are Japanese.''
''My pants are English.''
''The hat I am wearing is Russian.''
''The hat I am wearing is Russian.''
''But yet at heart I am Indian.''
Not just your hat but
you sound Russian too.
Planning time is over.
Players, let's go for the gold.
Yegorov's driver is
approaching with the car.
The spikes have done their job.
Now you fix your flat tyre.
And our man will pick up Yegorov.
Sunny, it's your turn.
- Okay.
Sleep peacefully for
the next 24 hours.
Wow. Great.
- Perfect.
Even his father cannot recognize you..
..otherwise my name isn't Sunny Mehra.
Good luck, Charlie.
- Thanks.
Go, get that file.
Not this one, the red one.
Yes, sir, General.
Look after Yugorov.
Forget him and
concentrate on your work.
Stop joking.
Sunny, be in place at the right time.
- Okay.
Go check the carriages, immediately.
- Okay, sir.
The camera's in place.
Great, Charlie.
Time to put up the flags.
This is the symbol of friendship..
..between Russia and Romania
Crew, about turn.
- Yeah.
- Ronnie, the gold train has departed.
Let's get ready.
Alright, guys.
I am activating the boosters.
Guys, Tunnel spotted.
I can see the tunnel.
Ronnie, the gold train is
about to enter the tunnel.
Ronnie, now everything
depends on your illusion.
Spider, your turn.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
sorry for the interruption.
Oh no.
What's wrong?
- I don't know.
Just check, man.
Your time starts now.
We have 10 minutes.
Buckle up, guys. I am
increasing the speed.
Any result?
Sir, system has crashed.
- What?
Call the engineer, fast!
Guys, I can see the train.
The illusion is working.
They cannot see our train.
Good job.
What happened?
- We lost connection.
Spidey, what is the code?
- 061.
- 0358.
That's it
- Yeah.
Let's get him.
- Stop!
Yes, sir.
Is anything wrong there?
Everything's okay.
Four minutes.
What happened?
There's a problem with the illusion.
- What?
I've rewinded the video.
Charlie, we're losing time.
Players, Jackpot.
Yes, we did it.
Love you, Charlie.
Soon we will
reconnect with the satellite.
Bilal, watch out.
How will we transfer
rest of the gold now?
Guys, we have just one minute.
And the system will
restart in one minute.
Diversion coming up,
hurry up, Charlie.
Their satellite system
can restart any minute.
Come on, Charlie, hurry up.
Come on.
Come on, Charlie,
Hurry up.
- Forget the gold bar and jump.
Come on, Charlie.
Take my hand.
Yes. We made it.
Thank you, friend.
Come on. Get back to your positions.
Everything is fine.
Sir, I will keep visiting you.
- Yes, why not? Why not?
I missed you, papa.
I really missed you.
What will you do with your share?
I will buy this.
My dream mansion in Wellington.
It's being auctioned next week.
Starting bid is 10 million dollars.
Charlie, you shouldn't have taken
such a big risk for one gold bar.
Ronnie, I promised Victor..
..I will pay him to the last gram.
How lovely, dear. I missed
you and this house so much.. the past 10 years.
So better understand the
rules of this house as well.
If you want to talk or
meet someone, only through me.
Just eat, that's my order.
- We did it.
What did I say, papa?
The largest robbery of the century.
Now your dream will be fulfilled.
I am so happy.
I wish you were here with us.
Naina, I..
- No, papa. No need to say anything.
I just asked for one thing.
Just one promise.
That you won't do anything wrong.
And you broke that. Just for money.
No, Naina, I didn't do this
for money. - Papa, stop lying.
Papa, for the past 10 years..
..I stayed away from you just so
that you don't do anything wrong.
But maybe you don't
love your daughter.
Give me a chance,
Naina, let me explain.
Alright, to success.
To the best team in the world.
To Charlie. The best
player in the world.
Bilal Basheer.
You have an opportunity to tell us..
..what you will do
with this 100 million.
I will buy cars worth 50 million.
Latest, vintage. Every model.
The rest of the money?
- Who will fill petrol in those cars?
Your father?
My father won't have time
for these useless things.
Because he will now
open a production house.
Hazurilal Mehra
presents Sunny the Superstar.
Mr. Magician. Will you
tell us something today..
..or prefer to keep silent.
No, I can tell you today.
- Then tell us.
I will build a house.
A house that has all the
luxuries of the world.
Where everything's done automatically.
At a single call.
You could have done that
with your magic as well.
Magic doesn't do anything.
It only ruins lives.
My daughter was paralyzed
forever because of my illusion.
She cannot even move.
But I want to give her all
the happiness of the world.
Everything she commands is done.
She never feels that
she cannot do anything.
That will be my biggest magic trick.
Ronnie, I hope you can buy
every happiness for her..
..with this money.
I sure will.
And if this money isn't adequate..
You rascal.
Who are they?
Whose men are they? You must know.
After all, you're the
best player in the world.
Oh, come on, Charlie.
These poor guys, I mean..
..don't break the hearts of
the best team in the world.
Please tell them their
Shaila has a big heart.
And she shares it with others..
..just like her husband's secrets.
'And I told you that..'
'..if anything happens to me
send that parcel to Charlie.'
'Pure Romanian Gold. Which is worth..'
'..decent people like us.'
And tell them that you knew.. weren't the only
one at Raj's funeral.
I was there too.
And one more thing.
A hacker whom no one
could trace in the world..
..but you just caught
him sitting in your dorm.
Just like that.
And no one felt anything suspicious.
You didn't find me. I
told you my whereabouts.
'Where are you going
without making the delivery?'
You thought you are after me.
But no, I was ahead of you..
..always a step ahead.
Yes, for a moment I felt that.. will keep some
cards to yourself.
'You will know the exit
plan at the right time.'
But then you gave me the
exit plan on a platter.
'Victor has sent the exit plan,
check it. - Right.'
I just slightly
changed that exit plan.
This place isn't
according to Victor's exit plan.
It's according to my exit plan.
My place, my men.
And some 30 kilometers away
from here your Victor's men..
..would be dancing around
in the snow with their guns.
So come on, Charlie,
the master planner.
Please tell me that you knew this.
But I knew that I
can pull off this job.
With my intelligence,
and the courage of my team.
And I did it.
And you knew that you
can't pull off this job.
You had just one way to get the gold.
Hey, Spider.
You can do anything you want with us.
But remember, Victor won't spare you.
I admit that I am the
villain of this story.
But my brother, you
should give me some credit.
I must have thought
something about it.
'For the past 10 years I
stayed away from you..'
'..just so that you
don't do anything wrong.'
'But maybe you don't
love your daughter.'
'Dear, stay inside.'
'Stay inside.'
'Papa. Papa.'
I am really sad, Charlie.
You lost your Guru, friend
and love in a single day.
Do you still want to live?
Ronnie, Ronnie.
You get the gold, and I will get Riya.
Naina, I.. - ''I am sorry'',
isn't that what you want to say.
Naina, listen to me.
- Why should I?
And what else should
I forgive you for?
For the fact that for
the past ten years.. are posing as my father's CA.
Or for that fact that my
father broke his promise..
..for the greed you gave him.
Naina, I am very close to Spider.
How many times will you
try to explain to me..
..that Spider killed papa?
He shot him but you threw
him in front of the barrel.
You killed him, Charlie.
- Naina.
And what I regret is that.. father agreed just for
some money.. - Enough, Naina.
I have no regrets that
you misunderstood me..
..but I really regret that
you misunderstood Victor.
He didn't break your
promise for money..
..but for his dream.
His dream to build
India's biggest orphanage.
So that no child can
become Victor or Charlie again.
And trust me, Naina.
I will fulfill this dream.
'Sorry, dear. I
broke my promise to you.'
'I wanted to do something.. '
'.. so that you feel proud
whenever you think of me.'
'Feel proud, dear.'
Your dream will surely be fulfilled.
You will not fulfill
my papa's dream alone.
One more thing, Charlie Mascahernas.
I will make Charlie pay for
the gold and papa's death.
Till the last gram.
Look.. Victor is back.
Here are our passports,
visas and other documents.
Where are we going?
New Zealand.
That's where we will
find a clue to catch Spider.
Remember this.
This is the last gold bar
that I picked up from the train.
For the past one year I
have been traveling around.. all the gold
markets in the world..
..with a hope to find a
dealer who can get me..
..a similar Romanian gold bar.
I found a dealer in Auckland.
'How many do you want? '
'How many can you find? '
'Give me a week.'
'You call when ready, my
boss will be here for the deal.'
- Okay.'
And two days ago that dealer called.
He wants to meet.
Yes, we have reached Auckland.
We should meet today and do the deal.
Yes, my boss is also with me.
Who is the boss?
Come, I will show you who the boss is.
Do you know who the boss is?
This is my boss, Mr. Zhaveri Bazaar.
A well-known gold dealer in India.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Bazaar.
So, Mr. Bazaar, how many
gold bars would you like to buy?
One hundred?
One thousand?
But my price, $40,000 per bar.
I got it. No problem.
Boss wants to speak to the
astrologer before the big deal.
We're Indians, see.
Yes, yes, Indians
very religious people.
- The microchip is working, Charlie.
Yes, it's an auspicious phase.
Let's go, the job's done.
The deal is.. on.
Boss likes to shake
hands when the deal's done.
Oh yes, thank you.
What a stalwart, sir.
You made a deal
without saying a single word.
What a personality?
My ears were yearning
to hear those words.
I struggled for 15 years.
Finally I found someone
who understood my true worth.
Otherwise people would
shoo me away like a stray dog.
Boss very happy deal done.
Thank you.
This way.
Indians. Very religious, very crazy.
Good one my Zhaveri Bazaar.
You acted well.
Now you realized
what a good actor I am.
But the credit for this
acting goes to the director.
Not bad.
How long have you been doing this?
Seven years.
For seven years?
Since I was seven years old.
- Really.
The dealer's call is being traced.
Pick it up, please.
Hello. How are you?
- That's him.
That's Spider. Trace it.
I am good, sir.
This time I've got a
really big order for you.
How big?
The signal's coming from Singapore.
That means Spider is in Singapore.
It's a 1000 bars.
And now it's Mexico.
He's bouncing his signal.
They're Indians, sir.
- Indians?
New Zealand. Spider is
right here in New Zealand.
Really rich man.
It's confirmed order, Sir.
Wellington. He's in Wellington.
Ten more seconds and I can
confirm his exact location.
It's a confirmed order.
You checked their backgrounds.
Five seconds.
- No, Sir.
What? You moron.
Three seconds.
But, sir..
Couldn't he talk for
three more seconds?
At least we know that
Spider is in Wellington.
What good is that?
Where will we look for him
in this huge Wellington city?
Sunny is right.
We need a clue.
And we will find that
clue here in Auckland.
Naina, you and I will
raid the dealer's warehouse.
And we? What will we do?
You two will do what
you two always do.
Rascal. I won't spare you.
Say it louder.
What burns turns to ember.
What die down are ashes.
And one who can make those
ashes blowup is called Bilal.
Control yourself.
Because today if this
Sikh loses his mind..
..he'll take down many with him.
Who are you?
I am India. He's Pakistan.
And we are fighting, like always.
But why?
When for the last 60
years we never understood..
..why we are fighting
then how can you understand.
Isn't it?
- Nice.
You're taking this joke seriously.
- Let's go.
There are at least 150 entries.
Check for deliveries in Wellington.
Spider's gold comes from there.
There are five entries for Wellington.
And this is the only entry that..
..doesn't have the name
and address of the supplier..
..but the date and time.
This must be Spider's delivery.
- Yes.
Check the footage for
the date and time on this.
Rewind it.
That's some girl, Charlie.
Someone up there.
Zoom on the number plate of this car.
Write it down.
We are reaching Wellington.
Thanks for the information.
I will see you at the castle.
Alright, thanks.
You were right, Charlie.
The registration
number was of Wellington.
By tomorrow we will have
the name and address..
..of that car owner.
Here's the address.
- Alright, thanks.
Charlie, I got the
address of that girl.
Maybe she's the one who
came to make the delivery.. the gold dealer.
Her name is Pamela.
Oh no, check-post.
Where did this car come from?
By the time we cross this check-post..
..we will surely lose her.
Excuse me, officer.
- Yes.
Is there a problem,
we're in a bit of a hurry.
There has been a theft at the museum.
We are checking every car.
Charlie, she is gone.
Open your boot.
What the.. She was right here.
Where did she go?
So, where is it going to be?
Your place or mine?
Take right.
- Oh, your place.
Here? We're going to do it here?
In your dreams, baby.
What the..
- Naina, where are you?
Right in front of Spider's web.
The rascal has
bought such a huge palace.
Did he sell all the gold?
Spider is selling only so much..
..that doesn't
attract the Russian mafia..
..or the Russian government.
- Correct.
Bilal, can you arrange
for an x-ray scanner..
..which can detect the where
the gold is in the castle.
I can make that.
But who will make
the software to run it?
Am I Mr. India, do I look invisible?
How could we forget?
If she can find Spider then she
can find Spider's gold as well.
Isn't it, Charlie?
He's surely getting
his birthday gift today.
Just get her a few drinks
and have the fun of your life.
Boys aren't the only
one who take advantage..
..sometimes girls do too.
What do you mean?
- Nothing, just..
..speaking from personal experience.
Who are you talking about?
On the evening of
your birthday, did I..
Forget it, Naina, let it be.
Tell me, Charlie.
Just that.. held my hand
and pulled me closer.
After that.. I stared
in your eyes and said..
..I love you.. Riya.
- What?
- What happened?
I just saw Riya on this market's CCTV.
- Yes, Riya.
What? Are you sure it was Riya?
I am sure.
This is the shop
where Riya was standing.
There's Riya.
After your car crash..
..spider and his men left from there.
And.. they left me
there thinking I was dead.
I thought everything's over.
And I wanted to finish myself as well.
But God had other plans.
I had just one motive in life.
Revenge from Spider.
That's why I came to
Wellington looking for him.
But, Riya, it took us
so long to find Spider.
How did you find him all alone?
The grand villa Spider
lives in was my choice.
'My dream mansion in Wellington.'
'It's being auctioned next week.'
'Starting bid is 10 million dollars.
'Maybe someone will
bid higher than you.'
My doubts were
confirmed when I came here.
He really did buy that mansion.
I was in the truck as well.
Then why didn't I think of it as well.
It's no use, Sunny.
Spider lives amongst hi-tech security.
That's why even I
couldn't do anything until now.
You will now do what you
couldn't do until now.
Because you are no longer alone, Riya.
This device can detect
gold kept inside, Charlie.
But for that we will have
to take it over the gold.
That means we will have to
get inside Spider's villa.
But how will we do that?
It's possible.
Spider calls a new girl every night..
..from different
night clubs in the city.
Sometimes Chinese, sometime Italian..
..or sometimes Turkish.
I had a Brazilian waiter friend.
Spider had called her as well.
That's how I know.
That means we will have to
arrange for a girl. - No.
This is Spider's city.
We cannot trust anyone.
I will go.
I am the only one in this group..
..whom Spider doesn't recognize.
And you don't know Spider.
That's why you are being naAve.
I know what I am saying.
If you have a better
alternative then let's hear it..
..if you don't then
just stay out of it.
Riya is right, Naina.
It is not an easy job.
Don't take it personally.
It is personal for me.
I came here only to
avenge my father's death.
And today when I
have the opportunity.. want me to stay put.
No. Never.
I am going to face that rascal.
Insy vinsy Spider
crawled up the water spout.
Down came the rain drop
and washed the Spider out.
No, no.
Dress me up, baby.
Excuse me, ma'am. Here's
a bottle of champagne.
With an invitation card for you.
Are you sure we will
get the car we need?
Are you sure this is the place?
This is what my contact told me.
He said that the guy's a genius.
He can provide us
with every type of car.
Anybody there?
The horse, dog and monkey are here.
Don't worry, I will give
them a good makeover..
..and no one will be
able to recognize them.
Don't worry, I was
talking about the cars.
I have seen you somewhere.
You must have seen me in Amsterdam.
But that wasn't me.
My brother Budh Chopra, B.C.
I am M.C. Mangal Chopra.
I was born on a
Tuesday night at 11:55.
And he was born after 12:00.
So he became 'Budh' (Wednesday).
Two bodies and one soul.
I won't spare him.
- Who? Your brother?
No, the one who robbed
my brother's jewelry shop.
Completely ruined him.
I won't spare him.
I won't spare him.
Mangal, he isn't the one.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
We're twins after all.
So there's this strong
feeling that exists between us.
Like, 'Ram Aur Shyam',
'Sita Aur Gita', 'Karan Arjun'.
'Karan Arjun' weren't twins, father.
It was a case of reincarnation.
Father had said that..
..we should interrupt
when elders are speaking.
Are they your children?
So I was told.
But they are..
- Do you have a doubt?
- No, you should.
I do it everyday.
They are like their mother.
He's Suryaprakash, and
he's Chandraprakash.
She's my wife, Shanti.
Anil Kapoor's step sister. Shakaal.
Shanti, we have guests.
Show some hospitality.
- Right away.
Tea and onion fritters.
Brother, you do take
ginger in your tea, don't you?
Okay. Come, sons.
- Mother.
We will visit the temple today.
How Indian.
I modified them as well.
Because cars look in am imported look.
And foreigners always look good..
..with Indian values.
Sir, juice.
- Thank you.
He is our Ramu.
- Hello.
He must be the first Indian
who has enslaved a British.
Did you say anything, son?
- No.
Greetings, uncle.
- Bless you, son.
So, what car..
Hello. Uncle's gone.
Tell me which car do you want?
Cheetah, Swamp deer, dog.
What do you call that? I want that.
- Rhino.
Get something to eat, I will ready it.
Uncle, call aunt.
Naina's a smart girl.
She will handle it.
We've started receiving
signal from the device.
The camera's working as well.
Look at his car collection.
Bilal, didn't you
want to buy this car?
Show me, baby.
Let her in, baby.
Voice automated villa.
Ronnie's dream.
The rascal didn't just steal
our gold but also our dreams.
Cool it, baby.
Open the web, baby.
He's really shining
after stealing our gold.
Don't worry, Sunny.
We'll peel of that shine.
Nice place.
You are one rich dude.
There were some fools who
couldn't handle their wealth.
All thanks to them.
By the way, what is a
beautiful Indian like you doing here?
I can ask you the same question.
Well, I am here on business.
I am here to have some fun.
I like it.
Come in.
''Why is distance between us?''
''Let's come closer.''
''Feel it in every breath.''
''My intoxication.''
''My charm always works.''
''My beauty is alluring.''
''My Beauty will make you sway.''
''The passion that's burning in me.''
''You will experience it too.''
''You will soon know why lovers..
..intentionally lay down
their lives for their love.''
''I am life and death.''
''I am your beginning and end.''
''Come in my refuge and sway.''
''I am lonely and so are you.''
''It's a beautiful opportunity.''
''Let's get to know each other.''
''I don't know how and when
I lost my heart to you.''
''I never realized it.''
''My innocent heart fell for you.''
''The real culprit got acquitted.''
''Just take my life
and keep on swaying.''
The gold is surely behind those doors.
First the bed, baby. Then the Jacuzzi.
Close it, baby.
Come on, Naina.
Come on, Naina.
Found it.
The underground vault is
below the rascal's Jacuzzi.
Send Naina the signal to come out.
Hello, everybody.
Oh, Charlie.
Just like you sent Riya
to General Yueberhoff..
..similarly you sent her to me.
Everybody out.
I said out.
Welcome to my web,
says spider to the fly.
When I found out that you are alive..
..and here in Wellington,
I was really happy.
Spider, my car was
followed from home this morning.
No you dumb woman.
You're being followed from Auckland.
The dealer who told you about me..
..also told me about you.
And now that you are here..
..I felt that I will face
action once again in life.
But, Charlie.
The same old tricks,
the same thinking.
And because of your foolishness..
..first that idiot Ronnie
and then that old Victor..
Next time you take my
papa's name, do it with respect.
What are you staring at?
You should be thankful
that it was my left hand.
Open the door, baby.
Oh. Charlie has got a gun now.
What will he do? Shoot me.
Come on, shoot me.
You will surely, but not so easily.
First, I will steal the
thing that's most dear to you.
Your gold, to the last gram.
Gone. In the next 48 hours.
An open challenge?
Man to man.
Player to player.
But don't you think
I mean what can you
possibly do in two days..
When I can bypass your world
class security in two minutes..
..imagine what I can do in two days.
For the first time you
impressed me, Charlie, I like it.
And your time starts now.
You keep a watch on the clock.
And I will keep my eye on the gold.
Bilal, I think my watch is fast.
How many hours left to 48 hours?
This is the 12th time you
are asking in the last 6 hours.
Sorry, but I am slightly tense.
He proudly said 48 hours to him..
..but I hope we don't
make a fool of ourselves.
And if he wanted to say,
he could have said 72.
He could have said 96.
But no, he had to say 48..
I was explaining to him..
..if Charlie has said 48 then he
must have thought of something.
I thought about it before speaking.
It will take Debrovsky that long.. come here from Moscow.
Bilal, call Debrovsky.
Tell him that the gold
he's been looking for..
..for the past one year
is here in Wellington.
And if he wants it..
..then he should
come here in 48 hours.
What are you saying, Charlie?
If the Russian Mafia arrive..
..then they will take all the gold.
Our first motive to
come here was revenge..
..and not to steal the gold.
Charlie is right.
It's not about the gold.
We should call Debrovsky.
This time you stay out of it, Naina.
We stole the gold amidst
the military commandoes..
..and not you.
Charlie, shall we
accept defeat so easily.
Some things are bigger
than winning and losing, Riya.
Call Debrovsky.
Someday you will surely kill me.
Don't worry, baby.
This gun's still
loaded with rubber bullets.
You must have heard
everything through this microphone.
Charlie Mascarenhas.
What a loser.
He informed the Russian Mafia.
Sorry, baby. I couldn't hold
them for long. - It's okay.
Neither him nor the Russian Mafia..
..can reach my gold.
Our gold, not yours.
Now that's what I like about you.
Your attitude.
But, what now?
I already have.
Now that's what I like about you.
You're fast.
Bad news.
- What now?
I have just received
news from my contact that..
..Spider has hired an armor
truck from Ace Securities.
That means he's shifting
his gold before 48 hours.
Don't panic, Sunny.
That's good news.
Now we will rob the gold
from the streets of Wellington.
Just like we did in India.
In broad daylight.
What an idea, Charlie?
You thought of this so quickly.
Now that's what I like about you.
You are fast.
You are the fastest, baby.
What a bitch.
Now explain the plan in detail.
Plan no.1.
Sunny, get all the maps of this city.
Maps for the roads.
And maps for the
tunnels below the roads.
How could this be closed?
According to the map
there should be a road here.
Mark it.
Plan no.2.
Naina, tomorrow you will have to turn
Wellington to Mumbai for some hours.
Wellington's biggest traffic jam.
It will be done, Charlie.
And anyway, we Indians
love causing a traffic jam.
Plan no.3.
Riya, you begin our exit plan.
You will find a ship
with the help of Bilal..
..which we will use to
transport gold out of New Zealand.
Here's your money.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
That's your ship.
And the most important.
We will have to arrange for cars..
..that look small but
are the fastest on road.
Perfect timing, Charlie.
Even with all the weight..
..the cars didn't slowdown at all.
Did you see?
The marvel of my mice.
They can get in anything,
get out of anything..
..and carry any number of weight.
If you use them in a race..
..they will surely win the gold.
That is exactly what we want to do.
There was another thing.
Tell me.
You've been promoted.
I will get all the gold in this.
Do your legs reach down there?
- Yes.
Of course they do.
'Can I know who you are talking to? '
'She might have gone home.'
'My daughter cannot
pick up the phone.'
'There's a nurse
that stays with her.. '
'.. who calls me up
and lets her talk to me.'
'But if this is against your rules.. '
'.. then I will tell
her not to call me.'
'After all, I am doing this for her.'
'There is no such rule.. '
'.. that can stop a father
from talking to her daughter.'
Hey, Supergirl.
I don't want to talk to you.
Seems like Gudiya is angry with me.
Of course.
You have been fooling me
for the past one week.
''I will come soon, I will come soon.''
When will you come back to me?
And the surprise that you
were supposed to bring along?
I stayed away from you
because of that surprise.
It's a big surprise.
That's why it took
really long to get it.
And you will teach me magic when
you come this time, won't you?
I have told all my friends..
..that I will become a
magician when I grow up.
Just like my papa.
There is no one else like my papa.
Yes or no?
- Yes, dear.
There is no one like your papa.
Bye, dear.
- Bye.
This one's for Ronnie and Victor.
May the best player win.
Hurry up, boys.
Sunny, come in.
Sunny, here. Go ahead.
Are you in position?
- Yes, of course.
I am waiting for the gold.
Charlie, you were right.
Game on, guys.
Naina, follow the truck.
Welcome to Mumbai.
Oh no.
What the hell is going on?
Check the system.
Check quickly.
God damn it, you..
You wanted to right, didn't you?
Now you will go left.
Sunny, my job's done and yours begins.
Come to me, my darling.
Come and give me the gold.
Move it, move it.
Ready for the race, guys.
At the count of three, sharp left.
One, go.
Oh no. Not again. God dam it.
Why are you getting angry?
Just a little bit more.
- I am ready.
Sunny, bring the truck on the mark.
- Okay.
Charlie, he's ready to
plunge in the tunnel.
Okay, bye.
See you later.
What a plan, Charlie.
I never realized
when you stole my gold.
Gift. Gift. Gift. Its here,
its here, its here.
What are you doing here?
Just do as we told you..
..and get to the place
where you were supposed to be.
Just let me see the gold once.
And then I will leave.
Sunny, the gold isn't in the truck.
The truck is empty.
I checked the tire
pressure of the truck..
..while entering and
exiting the villa.
They were both the same.
They why did you heist this truck?
So that the bird hovering above you..
..thinks that we have
fallen for his trap.
And now he can
easily get the gold out.
That means he's shifting
the gold from somewhere else?
Let's go.
Pamela, get the gold.
And come straight to my airstrip.
- Sure, boss.
Yes, Pamela.
We're coming out.
Yes, we're ready at the exit point.
The truck's coming.
Get ready.
Three, two, one.
Get ready to die.
That was my right.
Speak up you bitch.
Your bitch is gone.
You're next.
- Your father.
I am taking your gold.
Do whatever you like.
Yes, boss.
Sam you fool, the
gold has been stolen.
Go inside and kill them.
- Okay, boss.
Come on, guys.
Come on, come on, all the best.
Come on, throw it, throw it.
Great, they fell down.
- Charlie, where are you?
We are reaching Marina Bay.
Is everything ready?
- Absolutely.
I am waiting for you.
Marina Bay.
Careful, guys, don't hurt them.
Surprise. Surprise.
It's become a habit for me
to bring twist in the story.
Just like it's become your habit
to become predictable, Charlie.
There's another surprise for you.
Your old friend.
You thought you met her
again in the Mini Market.
But forgive me, friends.
She was actually keeping
a watch on all of you.
Why did you do this?
I didn't have a choice, Charlie.
What could I do?
A helpless girl who had
to face the world alone..
..she had to fulfill her
dreams and of her old parents.
Isn't that the kind of
story you want to hear?
Crap. The truth is I always
wanted to be with the winner.
And that night in
Moscow's club I found my winner.
'But this waiting is.'
'I need a drink.'
- It's okay. '
'One apple martini please. .'
'Spider, give me a cigarette.'
'I don't smoke.'
'Then whose packet is this? '
'And what is this? '
'Our exit plan after the robbery.'
'Smart, Spider.'
'What if I don't
tell this to anyone? '
Actually speaking I
did have a choice..
..and I could have told
you about Spider's plan.
But the mission was
impossible without Spider.
And what would I get in return?
Z E R O.
That means just for the money you..
Shut up. Stop this charade.
Tell me where is it?
It's a big place, it can be anywhere.
Where is my gold?
Where is the gold?
What the.. Where is the gold?
Surprise. Surprise.
If the gold isn't in the
car then where is it, Spider?
Sorry, Riya.
I didn't have a choice either.
You were sitting on 500 million.
So why did you have to steal the
painting from the Wellington Museum?
'She is leaving.'
You could've retired.
But then, only
policemen retire, not thieves.
He knew. He knew everything
about you, you dumb woman.
Why are you scolding
this dumb woman, Spider?
She was helpless before her habit.
You are the real fool.
Who asked you to put up
that same stolen painting.. your villa?
Open the door, baby.
does he put up in his villa?
A stolen painting?
There's a limit to being cheap.
Speechless after hearing all this.
But I hope your watch is working.
There's still one
hour left to 48 hours.
Do you know what your
biggest problem is, Spider?
You're always ahead.
And the one who walks ahead..
..never realize when the
entire game has changed behind them.
And as far as the twist in
the story is concerned.. can you forget that the
last twist belongs to the hero..
..and not the villain.
Now even a fool like you
can understand this twist.
I gave you the information
that you wanted to hear.
'Call Debrovsky.'
I knew that Spider
would come out of his web..
..after hearing
about the Russian mafia.
And you did.
How predictable.
No, Charlie.
I will tell you who is predictable.
I can point a gun at
anyone here I want.
But I will point this gun
at..the bitch who betrayed you.
What are you doing, Spider?
Your expiry date is gone.
And anyway, you have
already given me..
..all the information you
had to in the last six months.
And as far as loyalty is concerned.. when you can betray
a nice guy like Charlie..
..then how can you be loyal to me?
Chill bitch, this time there
are real bullets in the gun.
Did I break your heart?
Charlie, do you know..
..why she asked me to put up
that charade of fake bullets?
Because she didn't want to
break your heart, Charlie.
She didn't want you to
know that she betrayed you..
..before you died.
You can kill someone
but not break his heart.
Women, I tell you.
So my predictable good man.
Tell me where my gold is.
So he's the winner you chose?
Come on, Charlie. Tell me.
Tell me, Charlie.
I don't have all the time.
Tell me, Charlie, or
else I will shoot her.
You are wasting my time now, Charlie,
I will shoot her.
I will tell you.
Sorry, Charlie.
I didn't have a choice then.
But I do now.
Hit him.
We still don't know where the gold is.
All my life I will regret
that I couldn't kill you.
Down came the rain drop
and washed the Spider out.
Chief, there's a call for you.
Romanian gold?
Where in Wellington?
Where? Where?
Let's go.
Which are these three cars?
Just a minute. Just a minute.
I will tell you the
test of these three cars.
So now I understand.
You left the gold filled cars here.
And took these empty cars.
Great, Charlie.
All thanks to M. C and his family.
You are Indians.
And I can even lay
down my life for Indians.
Go on, go on.
If they had waited a
little while longer..
..they could've taken
the veneration offerings.
My darling, they
have got their reward.
Now I will conduct the
veneration and give you your reward.
Come on.
- No, no.
Come on. Saying no to offerings.
Guys, Russian Mafia.
Everyone be cool.
No one will argue with them.
Check their cars.
But, sir, please..
- Shut up.
No gold.
No gold.
It's not in this car either.
Then where is the gold?
Be quiet.
You look angry.
Look, don't lock horns with me today.
I have suffered a loss of 100 million.
I put my life at stake to get
the gold and what did I get?
What will I tell my
father when I return home?
You have the cars for your father.
What car?
Forget this.
Give him champagne.
- Yes, give me some poison.
Drink champagne and not poison.
At least spare this car.
That's the only memorabilia.
Oh my, it's made of gold.
And the rest of the cars?
What do you think?
Do you make cars only of
steel or iron.. - Brass, copper..
..fiber, thermocol, anything you want.
- I..
- Gold.
You mean the gold wasn't in the car..
..the car was made of gold itself.
Uncle, autograph please.
People will be stunned..
..when they see the
gold tires of my car.
- Say it.
Open the gate, papa.
''Why is distance between us?''
''Let's come closer.''
''Feel it in every breath.''
''My intoxication.''
''Your charm always works.''
''Your beauty is alluring.''
''Your Beauty makes me sway.''
''I am enchanted by you.''
''Your intoxication is like a dream.''
''Your Beauty makes me sway.''
''You dwell in my thoughts,
my questions and my answers.''
''You are my desire.''
''You are my passion.''
''My life depends on you.''
''Always stay with me.''
''You have now become my habit.''
''Not just my habit, but I need you.''
''I take you in my and sway.'