Playing for Keeps (2012)

the 83rd minute here at Celtic Park.
The phenom George Dryer looking for
his second hat trick of the tournament.
On the sideline, McKinley gets there
ahead of his marker.
McKinley looking for a shot.
There's Dryer in the box.
Goal. Oh, what a goal from Dryer!
That was magnificent.
left wing, crosses to Dryer.
Oh, what a brilliant goal!
Dryer launched himself at the ball
and smashed it into the back of the net.
...with room to run.
Moreno, feeling the pressure,
leaves it for Dryer.
Dryer with a shot from near midfield,
goal! Goal!
George Dryer with an absolute rocket.
King George does it one more time.
King George! The glorious...
Dryer is down and it doesn't look good.
A terrible injury for Dryer.
leaves the game at age 36.
Long live King George.
And now for CSA Sports
in Washington, I'm George Dryer.
On a last second penalty kick today,
DC United beat the Colorado Rapids 4-3.
Now with that victory...
Now with that victory,
United has put together
its longest winning streak since 2000.
credit card company with an urgent message for:
George Dryer.
Please contact us immediately.
Your account is...
120 days past due.
Oh, Mr. George,
Mr. George.
Oh, hey, Param, I'm just, uh...
Last week you said you were gonna
get me the security deposit.
I did, that's right. By the way,
did your son like the soccer jersey?
Yeah, thank you, but
you know the security deposit...
I'm on my way to the bank right now.
But ifs been two weeks.
Yeah, yeah, don't worry. I'm on it.
Two weeks.
played against Portugal in the final UF cup.
Liverpool, AC Milan 2005.
It's good stuff when you put it together.
Four medals.
This is the boots I wore
when I scored against England
when I played with Scotland.
Best moment of my life.
Is that you and Beckham?
Quarterfinal of the Champions league.
That was a great game.
That's cool, man.
So, what are you doing
here in Virginia?
I'm just here visiting my boy.
He lives here with his mom.
Yeah, trying to patch
things up, right?
I know, I know.
I gotta kind of get a bit of a move on.
So, what do you think for all this?
Um, I can give you $300 cash
for everything.
You kidding me?
For all of this?
Now, if you had some
LeBron James...
Here I go
I'm going down, down, down
My minds in a blank
My head is a-spinning
Around and round
As I go deep into
The funnel of love
Hey, kiddo.
We've been waiting for a half-hour.
I know, sorry.
Traffic was jammed. A nightmare.
That crazy suburban traffic.
Dad, we're gonna be late.
We'll be fashionably late.
Totally different.
I used to do it all the time.
You still do.
Can I take him for dinner after?
He's got homework.
What if we're back by 7?
We'll be back by 7.
Fine, 7. But that
doesn't mean 8 or 8:15.
No, no, no, 7.
Enjoy practice. You're late.
Say, "Bye, Mom."
Bye, Mom.
Bye, Mom.
So I moved into my new place.
I know.
Oh, yeah, your mom tell you?
Wait till you see it.
You got your own room this time.
You're gonna love it, kiddo.
I'm sorry I haven't been by in a while.
I know it's been a couple of weeks.
It's more than a couple of weeks.
It's been a plethora of weeks.
Oh, a plethora, huh?
It means a lot.
We're gonna have a plethora of good
times today, what do you say, champ?
Hey, how's the team doing?
The team bites.
We lost all our games.
We haven't scored all season.
Really? Wow.
Well, that sucks.
So, what does your coach
say about that?
I don't know.
Well, always remember,
you have to respect your coach, okay?
All right. Go. Come on.
Remember, we want to score goals.
Go, go find a ball.
Hello, hey, what did they say?
This way, this way, kick the ball.
We're having fun.
Hold on a sec. Kick it like... all right?
With your toes.
It's not like it's real football.
Just kick the ball into the goal.
So your legs are getting
much longer, huh?
You're gonna be taller
than me soon.
You got a girlfriend? No?
Well, I need to fix you up, then.
How's school?
It's fine.
My class was supposed to
go on a field trip.
But Mom's been stressed out lately.
Matt says it's because of the wedding.
The wedding?
Yeah, Matt and Mom.
Matt and Mom
are getting married?
Hey, guys. How was practice?
It was great. They were really good.
I almost scored a goal.
Almost, really? That's amazing.
Hey, George.
Hey, Matt.
All right, upstairs.
Thanks, George.
So, um,
Lewis told me your big news.
I was gonna tell you, but...
No, I mean it's fine.
I mean, it's no big deal...
I mean, obviously
it's a big deal for you.
It's okay, you don't have to
say anything.
I just...
Anyway, okay. It's good.
Well done.
Thank you.
All right, I better be...
I'll see you next week.
Yeah. Good night.
All right. Good night.
Now, with this victory,
United has now put together
its longest winning streak since 2004.
Are you excited? Well, lam,
especially since their next game
is against L.A. Galaxy
at the L.A. Home Depot Center.
Now, Beckham back from injury,
Landon Donovan back from suspension.
This is shaping up to be a good one.
My gran won't be missing this.
This is George Dryer signing out,
CSA Sports in Washington.
Have a great night.
It's the European Cup, 2003.
You, me, Smitty and
those Swedish med students,
who I believe were twins.
First, they weren't Swedish.
Secondly, they weren't med students,
they were nursing students.
Finally, they weren't even twins.
No, they were triplets.
I could kick myself for not writing a book,
not that anybody would believe it.
Yeah, that's a good point.
Aw... Hey, ladies and gentlemen.
You all remember George Dryer?
How you doing?
What have you been up to?
You were doing some real estate
deal up in Canada or something?
What do you know about
Canada? Or real estate?
Well, it was vacation homes in Winnipeg.
I was just a spokesman, so...
And you had a sports bar, right?
Yeah, yeah, I had a bar.
You know, the economy.
Right, right.
Didn't work out.
Actually, I've been thinking
now about something you suggested.
Like sports-casting.
I made a demo.
I thought I would...
You know, I'd show it to you first.
No, I'll definitely
take a look at it. Heh.
They're always looking for someone
to replace me around here.
Chip, you're on.
Oh, shit. Uh...
Hey, look, put this on my desk, all right.
It belongs to my man here.
Listen, uh, take care, man.
All right, man.
Good to see you.
Always good to see you.
Stick around if you want.
Hey, man. How's it going?
I'm good, I'm good.
George Dryer, huh?
Yeah, back in the day that man
got more ass than a toilet seat.
Hang on, here we go.
All right, soccer fans,
big game going on today.
Joining us with a look at the matchups
in that clash is of course Chip Johnson.
Chip, what do you have?
When our beloved DC United faces off
with the Revolution this afternoon,
it's all gonna come down
to defense.
Unfortunately for us, Jerry, the
black and red have that in spades...
Coach, should we keep going?
That's good. Just keep
doing what you're doing.
Put your foot into it.
Kick it with your toes.
Just straight on.
Like I told you
a hundred times.
Hey, kiddo, give me the ball.
Just use your toes.
Okay, anybody want to know
how to shoot?
All right, any of you want to
score some goals this season?
Okay, go in the goal, okay?
So first of all you need to know
that you don't kick with your toe.
You plant your foot here
and you follow through.
On the laces, okay?
You gotta plant your left foot down
and follow through.
Who wants to learn how to do that?
Give him some encouragement.
Left foot next to the ball, right
foot follows through. Come on.
Thattaboy, terrific.
We're learning how to shoot.
We're learning how to score.
Okay, here we are, here we go.
Yeah. Oh!
You just can't...
Okay, anybody else want to go?
Okay, who's gonna go?
You? Okay, on you go.
All right, there we go.
Home, sweet home.
Did you enjoy that?
You're really good, Dad.
Thank you.
Bye, Dad.
All right.
Bye, champ.
I'll see you Saturday, okay?
Hello, George.
He did great.
ball up center, looking to pass,
Trying to make his move,
but instead makes a run for the...
No, no. I was just, um...
I was in a meeting.
You always were good
at first impressions, weren't you?
What do you mean?
Well, you were such a splash at practice
that the parents want you to coach.
Wait, what?
What are you talking about?
Yeah, I know. The kids loved you.
Lewis won't shut up about it.
What about the coach they have?
I don't know.
He doesn't have time.
They want you to do it.
I'm flattered, Stace. Really, I am.
But I'm kind of in the middle of
a couple of things right now...
George, when was the last time
you did anything for Lewis?
And I don't mean
a couple of hours at the park.
Okay, just for once... Just for once. something for him.
Okay, everybody. Now listen up.
Now, this is Lewis' dad, George.
He's your new coach. I'm gonna be the
assistant coach. Which I'm fine with.
Thanks a lot, Coach Jacob.
Uh, in any event, I'm Lewis' dad
and I've never coached before,
but I have played the game
since I was your age,
and ifs a great game.
The only thing I'm gonna
ask you to do on your own,
do 10 minutes a day
passing the ball about.
Anybody you can find.
I mean, you guys have all
got a brother or a mother
or a sister or somebody. Yeah.
Coach, I had a sister,
but she died.
Oh, really?
I have a brother.
Should I play with him?
Yeah, that would... That'd be good.
Coach, my grandpa died of smoking.
Coach? My dad sleeps in the maid's
room, and my mom cries at night.
Okay, come on, kids, let's take the field.
All right?
Excellent. Beautiful.
There you go.
Keep it on the ground.
On you go, Lewis. Show them
how it's done. Well done.
You've really got them hustling.
Hey, Carl King. Hey
I'm Hunter's dad. Where is that guy?
Told him I'd come by after work.
George Dryer.
That's right.
I gotta say,
I was a little bit thrilled when I found
out I had a soccer great coaching my boy.
You were a great, great player.
Really, really.
Those days are gone.
Oh, no, no.
We looked you up on YouTube.
You were one tough
son of a bitch.
I mean, I used to
play baseball in college.
Nothing anything like
on your level, though.
I don't want to take your time.
I just wanted to let you know
how much I really, really appreciate
what you're doing for my son
and for all the other kids out here.
You could be doing
so many more glamorous things.
Pfft. I don't know about that.
Look, I do this every year. I sponsor
the team. It pays for the trophies.
It buys the uniforms, what not.
It's for the kids.
Wow, I'm sure everyone appreciates it.
Yeah, yeah.
And if you want to let Hunter play goalie, great.
Just keep it low-key.
Goalie it is.
And I have a daughter.
Sings like Barbra Streisand.
She sings the national anthem
before a game, so much the better.
Just keep it...
You'll get to know me, I'm always
looking for something interesting.
Listen, well done, guys.
Hey, Denise.
Hey, Barb.
So who's the new soccer coach?
I don't know.
It's gotta be Stacie's ex,
the soccer player.
Soccer player?
So, what does he do now?
What do you need him to do?
That's not what I...
Through with men.
Oh, come on.
Hey, Mom.
Hey, sweetheart.
Hey, how was it?
It was good.
Great to see you, Barb.
Bye. You ready?
There is no end
To this story
You have 15 new messages.
Hi, coach, this is Aaron's mom.
Um, Coach Len had promised Aaron
he could play offense opening day
so hopefully none of that has changed.
Call me at 555-0162.
This is Jason's mom.
I just wanted to let you know
that Jason's been constipated
for over a week, and I just...
Sorry, I must have run out of time.
I just thought you may not want to
run him too hard
until he gets a chance to...
Hi, coach. Zack's mom.
Last year he was diagnosed with ADD
and took a vicious shot to the testicles
so maybe it's best to keep him
as far away from the ball as possible.
Coach? Hi, can I
talk to you for a second?
Oh, I, um... Well, I just...
it'll just take a second.
I wanted to know
how he was doing.
How who's doing?
Billy. I'm Billy's mom. You don't know that.
I'm Barb, hi.
Oh, hey, Barb.
Um, so I know you watch him play. He's
not very good, but he tries so hard.
And so I've been practicing
with him, but I'm so spastic.
And I asked his dad to help too,
but he's just so busy,
which is kind of the story of our
marriage and now our divorce and, um...
Hey, Barb, he's doing just fine.
You think so?
Yeah, I do.
I mean a lot of these kids, they don't
have experience anyway, you know?
Look, if you, need me to give him some
extra help then I'm happy to... I don't...
Why are you crying?
I know, I'm sorry.
Okay, thank you. You're right.
It's gonna be fine.
Okay, okay.
Let's win this game.
Win this game, yeah. All right.
Oh, say can you see
By the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed
At the twilight's last gleaming
All right, folks,
so it's my first game as coach.
I want you to show me
what you've got, all right?
And I want you to go out there and show
those wankers what you got, all right?
Now I want you to be killers.
I want you to talk to each other. I want
you to pass the ball to each other.
And remember, you can't score
if you don't shoot. Ready for that?
Come around, come in.
Okay, hands out.
One, two, three. Go, Cyclones.
Now, see, the idea
is that we all do it together, okay?
So on three let's try it again.
One, two, three.
Go, Cyclones!
Let's get these wankers.
Lewis, you've gotta get the ball forward.
Well played. Let's go, now. Let's go.
That's it, that's it. Come on, come on.
Come on. Move up, guys.
Aaron didn't want to
leave practice.
I don't think Jason's father has spent
three straight hours with him in months.
Look, I actually caught Brian
practicing a Scottish accent
in the mirror this morning.
Keep it going, Lewis.
Yeah! Yes!
Finally, we're on the board.
Coach seems like a pretty solid guy.
Yeah. Heh.
He's pretty good looking too,
Eh. You're better looking.
What do you mean by that?
I don't wanna marry him,
I'm just saying he's good looking.
He's good with the kids too.
That's the stuff, that's the stuff.
That's what I'm talking about.
High five, high five, Lewis.
So I got your toothbrush in here.
Your pajamas in here.
Make sure he takes a shower.
He can use the pool.
Oh, that's very funny.
Showers and brush his teeth it is.
All right, well, he's all yours.
Hey, have fun. Have fun, okay?
It's one night, Mom.
It's gonna be good.
Hi, you're Lewis' Dad?
I'm Denise, Samantha's mom.
Have we met before?
Not that I remember, and I'd remember.
It's just you look very familiar to me.
Oh... I get that all the time.
Help me out. How do I know you?
Okay. Um...
Doctors tell me running back
Rolando Jones has suffered a torn ACL
and will not be returning
for the second half.
You were a sportscaster on TV.
Yes, I was, I was.
You see, you're not the only one
who used to be someone, coach.
Well, I'll see you when I see you.
Yeah, see you.
That's your house? It's huge.
house here across the driveway.
Here we go, not bad
for a couple of bachelors.
What do you think? Like it?
I've still got work to do, but its gonna
look pretty great when it's finished.
So that's my bedroom
and not to mention,
your very own room.
Not bad, eh?
Good, good.
I thought you and I
could fix it up.
Maybe we could see if a little bit of
Mom's good taste has rubbed off on you.
Is this me?
Yeah. Of course that's you.
That's me, you and your mom in Italy.
We used to have a place by the lake.
Really? Did I like it?
Yeah, you loved it.
Uh, we'd put these
little floaties on you
and take you out to the lake
and take you swimming.
You were like a fish. You were a
better swimmer than your old man.
I don't remember.
All right, buddy.
Good night.
Good night.
Don't dream of scary monsters.
"Thinking of you"? Oh, shit.
Hey, you okay?
I had a bad dream.
Oh, really, what happened?
I dreamt I was playing soccer,
and I looked down and I had no feet.
No. The no-feet soccer dream?
You can't play soccer with no feet.
I wanna call Mom.
Why do you want to do that?
We can work this out ourselves.
We're a couple of big, tough,
grown men here.
Dad, I wanna go home.
Hey. Go hop in my bed, 10 minutes
and then off to your room.
Hey, hey, here.
Bye-bye, Lewis.
Well, so much for
a fun first sleep over, huh?
Good night.
Will you just give him
some time?
You know you didn't lose him
How did you get to be so much
more grown-up than me, Stace?
Somebody had to.
Good night, George.
Good night.
Hey, there's Dad.
Yep, there he is.
Okay. Bye, Mom.
Hey, Dad.
Hey, kiddo.
You're looking
very sharp there.
What's the story?
I don't know.
How are you, man?
Hey, George, George!
Yeah, I'll call you back.
What are you doing,
you staying out of trouble?
I'm trying my best.
Hey, look Patti and I,
we're putting together
this soiree for Friday.
We wanted to know if you could join us.
This Friday?
Personally, I'd be
very grateful if you could.
I've got these guys I'm doing a deal with.
They would love to meet you.
I think you'll have a great time. I put
together a really good group of people.
Be a lot of opportunities there
if you know what I mean.
Yeah, okay.
That makes me very happy.
I take care of my friends. You're
gonna find out that about me.
I take care of my friends.
There it goes again. Heh.
See you.
Yeah, Sean. No, I think
he's a piece of shit. I don't care...
Coach? Hi.
Hey, Barb.
I just wanted to thank you
for the other day.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna have another
melt down on you again. Ha-ha-ha.
I just wanted to say thank you.
You're welcome, Barb.
That's fine, you're welcome.
You seem to be getting over it...
Oh, good ball. Yeah, that's it.
Pull his jersey a bit.
Yeah, give him a little elbow.
Get a good night's sleep, coach?
I'm a night owl too.
Sorry, I didn't get your
e-mail till this... No, relax.
I just wanted to tell you
that I ran into a mutual friend of ours.
Chip Johnston. Uh-huh.
Chip Johnston?
No way.
I was at CSA when he first started there.
God, what a small world, huh?
So sports-casting, huh, George?
Apparently pretty damn good too.
He said that?
You think he was for real?
I'll find out tonight.
He gave me a copy to watch.
So who knows, maybe
I know someone I can give it to.
Yeah, I'd appreciate that.
I'll let you know, coach.
Come on, let's go.
Ah... Come on. This is sad.
I got a stack of twenties here,
doesn't anybody want one?
Well, then hit
the Gatorade bottle.
I bet you coach can do it.
A great idea. Come here.
No, that's all right. Thank you.
Lewis, come on.
Who wants to see coach
hit the bottle?
Come on, come on.
We don't do the bottle,
we do the crossbar.
Oh, we can do the crossbar.
Hit the crossbar.
Coach, coach, coach.
But you're a pro, so we're gonna
move it back right here. Come on.
All right, all right, all right.
Okay, can I get a warm-up shot?
There's no warm-up shots
in life, George.
Whoa! Yes!
Wait, wait, wait. Okay,
we're gonna make it interesting.
Anybody can hit the crossbar.
Can you hit this?
I got a hundred bucks
says you cannot hit it.
A hundred bucks. Hundred bucks.
Hit the bottle.
We got 200 right here.
Two hundred.
Come on.
Okay, all right, all right.
Come on, money plays.
Coach, coach, coach.
the locker room. They say:
"The queen wants to meet you."
And she walks into the locker room,
right in front of me.
I'm standing stark naked
in front of Queen Elizabeth.
And I said, "Your Majesty,
I apologize. I'm so sorry."
And she looks me up and down
and she says:
"Not at all, young man.
It's an absolute pleasure."
Come on, George.
Come on, let's take a lap.
I like you, George, I like you.
You're a guy.
You're comfortable with yourself.
You don't give a shit.
You don't seem to give
a shit much, either.
Ooh... Oh, no, no, no. I just
know how to hide it, that's all.
I don't know what it is about you.
It's crazy, but I trust you.
I trust that mug.
For instance, the woman
standing by the fireplace,
the blond,
I can comfortably tell you
that I am not sleeping with her.
But I can't say the same thing
for the woman that she's talking to.
Patti, have you met the coach?
George, this is my wife, Patti.
How do you do?
Now I ask you, is she gorgeous
or is she gorgeous?
You had it right the first time.
Nice to meet you, Mrs. King.
Please, call me Patti.
Oh, the councilman's leaving.
I'd better massage this.
I'll be right back.
It's a beautiful place you have here.
Mm. He's laid out quite a spread
for you, hasn't he?
No, I don't think it's for me exactly.
Oh, no. I've thrown enough parties to
known for whom they're thrown and why.
The only thing I cant figure out is he
invites one woman he's sleeping with.
I'm not complaining.
He takes very good care of me.
I just like to know which one it is.
It makes me feel better somehow.
I'm sure you're just
being paranoid, Mrs. King.
Ha-ha-ha. That's sweet. You barely know
him yet you're already defending him.
You know, I have crazy intuition.
I watched you coaching
those kids and I said to myself:
"Patti, now that's a good person."
Thank you for taking
such nice care of my son.
I see a friend standing all alone.
I'm gonna go talk to her.
Nice to meet you, George.
Well, don't just stare at it,
take it for a spin. Come on.
Get in.
Lewis saw her in the park the other day.
Thought she was a rocket ship.
My friend, put that piece of crap
back of the parking lot.
Hey, thank you for coming.
You were a huge hit.
See you at practice, coach.
Keep it till then.
I told you,
I take care of my friends.
Oh, hey, Matt.
What are you doing?
It's after midnight.
I know.
Hey, I was wondering
if I could talk to Stacie.
It's about Lewis.
All right, just hold on. Just
hold on for a second, all right?
What? What is it, George?
What's wrong?
I was just...
I was just driving by and...
In a Ferrari.
Yeah. You like it?
You know, actually, though,
it made me think.
Remember Italy?
Remember that place we rented?
We had the Ferrari.
George, it is late, okay?
If you wanna talk to me about Lewis,
call me in the morning.
Hey, Stace? Stace.
Do you ever think...?
I'm just saying, but you ever think
what it might have been like
if I hadn't screwed it all up?
Yeah, I used to.
All the time, I wondered.
You were the most exciting thing
that ever happened to me, George.
One second I'm a 23-year-old from
Virginia backpacking around England
and the next I'm falling in love
with a soccer star
and vacationing in the most
incredible villas in Tuscany.
So you do remember.
Yeah, I remember the pizza too.
Pizza, right.
everything all right?
just two seconds, I'll be in.
I'm concerned Lewis
has a learning disability.
You are?
No, I'm just saying
you can tell that to Matt.
Oh, oh.
All right, good night.
Good night.
Good night.
How are you?
I got your address off the team
roster and I was in the neighborhood
so I was like, "Wow, that is a...
Your house is huge."
I guess I should have figured, but...
I live in the guesthouse.
Oh, cool.
Uh, is everything all right?
Yeah, yeah.
Fridays are just kind of hard because
I drop Billy off at his Dad's house.
I thought I would have all these
plans and I'd sleep in really late,
but I always end up
just driving around in circles.
So... what's that?
I didn't say anything.
Oh, I thought I heard you invite
me in for a drink. Ha-ha-ha.
No, no, I was just listening to you.
Would you like...?
Yeah, let's have a drink.
You should plant some flowers
in here or something.
What were the colors
of your soccer team?
Because you could probably
get flowers in those colors.
I haven't been in
a bachelor pad in years.
Cheers, to our kids.
Remember them?
To our kids.
You must miss Lewis living with you.
You guys are so close.
Sure I do, yeah.
I just decided something recently.
What's that?
I decided to start dating again.
Oh, that's great.
I know. I figure I'm worth
dinner and a movie, right?
I mean, I know I'm not Penelope Cruz,
but could be worse. I could be worse.
That would be a good line for the
Internet, "You've dated worse."
Ha-ha-ha. I actually am
on the Internet.
Can I show you my profile?
I'd love your opinion.
Yeah, well, I'm the last guy
you want advice from, but...
"Perfect mate."
I have to do my secret password
so look away. Okay.
Here's me thinking that sitting around
in my boxers is gonna get me a date.
No... I mean you probably
could. I know that...
I mean, it's not like a really sexy
picture, but I didn't wanna look skanky.
So if you didn't know me,
would you call me?
Absolutely I would call you.
Your inbox in gonna be full.
You're an attractive woman, Barb.
You just gotta have a little more...
A little more confidence in yourself.
Um, okay, I think I'm gonna go now.
I should go because...
Um, thank you so much
for the half a beer
and, um, I'll see you at practice.
If you did know me and you
saw that ad, would you call?
Yeah. I would.
Okay. Bye.
Good night.
You're not gonna cry again, are you?
No, I promise I won't cry.
But you're gonna have to take it
really slow, okay?
Son of a bitch.
Hey, Carl. What's up?
I hate to bother you with this,
but do you happen to keep
any cash around the house?
Do I keep cash around the house?
$10,000 to be exact. Look, I know
it's a lot, but it's for my bail.
Oh, my God. Are you in jail?
Yeah, it's so stupid.
I'm embarrassed to even...
I had a few too many last night,
some guy was looking at Patti...
I don't want to bore you with all of it.
Actually, Carl, I gotta take Lewis
to his soccer game in, like, two hours.
Swing by the house, grab the money,
come down here and pay my bail,
and Bob's your uncle.
George, hi.
Hi, Mrs. King.
I just came to get the... The bail.
The bail.
Um, I'm so sorry, come in.
This is so embarrassing. Do
you want something to drink?
No, I'm good.
I've gotta get a move on.
Okay, I'm just
so over this, George.
I don't want to get involved
in your business.
I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
He does it all the time.
It's just one of his things.
He gets kind of jealous sometimes.
Don't you think he should stay there?
Hey, buddy, Carl King.
Come on.
He'll be out in a second.
Just take it easy.
Hey, Stacie.
Where the hell are you?
Is Lewis there?
Hey, kiddo. Hey, listen.
I've got a surprise for you.
Remember that cool car you saw?
You mean the rocket-ship car?
How would you like to go in that?
The only thing is
might be a little late.
We're not gonna miss the game?
No, no, no. We're not.
I'll be there before you know it.
All right, kiddo.
Do not go in there.
Wasn't planning on it.
Let's get out of here. I hope Patti
didn't bust your balls too much.
Trust me, she's no angel.
Ha, ha.
She's always threatening
to walk out.
Hinting at other men.
I even had her followed for a time.
Thousands of dollars for a tour
of the Beltway's finest shopping malls.
I'm not letting her go, George,
not to another man.
Not a living man.
I know, I know. Hey, champ.
Bye, Mom.
Bye, baby.
See you soon.
I'll have him back by 9.
Whoa, Dad, cool car.
Yeah, you like it?
Okay, let's go have some fun.
Dad, this is so cool.
It's cool, huh?
Oh, hey, careful with those buttons.
That alarm is a bit sensitive.
Dad, you know we missed the game.
Hey, I'm sorry, champ.
It's okay.
All right, Lewis.
Let me ask you a question, and
I want you to be totally honest with me.
If I let you take this wheel,
do you think you could handle this thing?
Are you serious?
Do I look serious?
How many kids do you know
get to see a soccer game on a Sunday?
A lot.
A lot, right?
But how many get to drive a Ferrari?
Let's go!
Careful, we're coming to a bend.
Nice and easy.
There we go.
Look at you, you're a natural.
Keep your eye on the road, Lewis.
I'm giving you control now, okay?
Around the bend.
There you go.
You got it. You got it.
All right!
Oh, yeah!
Let's not tell your mom
about this.
Can I ask you something?
Are you sad Mom's
getting married?
But Matt seems like a nice guy.
Yeah. Me and mom talked
about it
and I decided I'm not gonna
call him Dad.
Do you think that'll
hurt his feelings?
I think whatever makes you
feel good, you should do.
I watched your tape.
Your posture needs work,
you could use direction,
but you've got some skills.
Wow, thank you.
Guess what?
ESPN are looking to expand
their soccer coverage.
They're meeting with people
right now.
ESPN? As in the ESPN?
We should redo your tape,
It's now or never, George.
Why are we at Samantha's house?
The thing is, champ, I'm trying to
get this job as a sportscaster
and Samantha's mom
is gonna help me.
Why now?
If I don't do it now, then they'll
give the job to somebody else.
Come on in.
Hey, how are you?
You're gonna have fun.
You wanna play a game?
It's called "Angry Birds."
Hi. Hey, Lewis.
Aracelli, there's pasta and
garlic bread for the kids, okay?
Here. We're going to the studio.
See you guys.
You hear that, buddy?
We're gonna be an hour.
All right. Before you know it.
In three, two, one. Recording.
The Los Angeles Galaxy came into...
George, where's the fire?
And don't worry about the prompter.
You got a lot of lights in
here, I'm just... Recording.
Let's go. Okay,
right down the lens.
He was scoring...
Tell us the story. ESPN.
Yeah. Recording.
Okay, loosen up.
Just go for it.
Just go for it, George.
The Los Angeles Galaxy came into
Washington today and beat DC United.
Gotta say, what's going on
with DC United nowadays?
Danny Allsopp brought his A-game,
scoring a bicycle kick goal off the corner,
but he and the rest of
the black and red
couldn't put a stop to a particularly
ferocious and unstoppable Galaxy attack:
Landon Donovan, the Galaxy captain
and lean, mean scoring machine.
Landon, you went to sleep
after the World Cup for a few months,
but you're out of bed now
and I gotta say you go, Landon.
Go on with your bad striker self.
And that's it for tonight.
Back to you, Denise.
Ha-ha-ha. Yes.
Look at you, huh?
How good was that?
I enjoyed that.
That was fun.
You enjoyed it?
I really enjoyed that, George.
Really, and you looked great.
Thank you.
So how different was that
from coaching soccer?
Mm, that's a good question.
I mean, looking after 13 kids
is not exactly a piece of cake.
Oh. Well, they say the parents require
the most work. What do you think?
I guess I would take that
on a parent-by-parent basis.
And the moms?
A single dad like yourself,
do you find that a distraction
or inspiration?
I would have to take that
on a mom-by-mom basis.
And what about me?
Distraction or inspiration?
Ahem. Listen, it's getting late.
I gotta go pick up Lewis.
We should get going.
Listen to me, I gotta... I can't.
It's not as if I'm not leaving
my family, George.
I'm just looking for laughs.
If you came to make some trouble
We're back. Hi. Hi, sweetie.
Hey, buddy. Hey, champ.
Sorry we ran on a little long.
You ready to go?
Yeah, okay? All right.
Bye, George.
Bye. Bye, Samantha.
Come on, it's late.
Let's go.
Wonderful. It's 11:15, George.
I know.
But we had fun,
didn't we, champ?
Yeah, I got that audition
as a sportscaster,
but it was just
a little bit last minute.
That's good. That's good.
I'm glad for you.
It's all right. No one got hurt.
Everyone's home safe.
Okay. Good night, George.
All right. Good night, Matt.
Good night.
You're gonna have to explain to me
what you saw in that guy.
What may seem complicated, yeah
Is overstated
Downright misunderstood
Love will not be outdated
Mr. George, can you explain how you
drive a fancy car and still owe money?
Yeah. No, I can't actually.
The thing is...
No, there is no thing. There is only rent.
If I don't have by tomorrow...
Shit. I'm so sorry.
Sorry, one second.
It's Patti.
Patti, Mrs. King Patti?
Yes, yes, George.
It's Mrs. King.
Um, listen,
can I call you back?
You can talk to me when you get home.
I'm in your bed, George.
I'm sorry. Where are you?
I'm in your bed.
This is quite some room.
It's a little Mid-Eastern for my taste,
but I must say your closets are fabulous.
Wait, wait, Patti, wait.
Wait, Param!
Don't... Param,
come here a second.
I don't think that you're in my bedroom.
No, you think that you're in my bedroom,
but you're in my landlord's bedroom.
Oh, my God.
Where are you?
In the guest house across the driveway.
Patti, just get out of there
now, okay?
Mr. George.
Uh, Param? Okay, yeah.
I'm sorry I didn't sort you out before, but
I forgot I left the cash in my Ferrari.
So how much is it?
That's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...
It's a beautiful night, huh? 7, 8.
How much did you say?
All right, buddy.
I'll probably see you around,
maybe tomorrow or something.
Okay, no, no, no. Out.
You know that I can't do this.
Oh, stop it.
He lent you his Ferrari. He's more
possessive of that than of me.
Whatever it is you got going on with
your husband, I want you to know
I consider him a friend.
I need you to put your clothes
back on and just leave.
You're gonna tell him, aren't you?
No. God, no. I'm not gonna tell him.
Okay, if you go now, just go
home, there's nothing to tell.
Mrs. King, you're not moving.
I'm starting to feel a bit foolish.
Oh, no, no. No reason
to feel foolish. Just go.
You have no idea what he might do.
He's very vindictive, George.
That's the point
I'm trying to make here.
He's gonna ask me where I was
and I'm not a very good liar.
I think I just need one drink.
Okay. One drink.
Have mercy on Billy and me
There you go.
Well, aren't you
gonna have one?
Just leave.
When he comes calling
Trouble comes calling too
I, um...
I need to use the bathroom.
How that boy gets on my case
You don't know how many times
he's cheated on me.
And I can't even
do unfaithful right.
Mrs. King? You are a smart,
a strong, beautiful woman.
And I personally think
that you shouldn't stay in a
marriage that you're not happy in.
Oh, shit. That's probably Carl.
What? Carl knows you're here?
Yeah. Sometimes he has me followed.
He thinks I might cheat on him.
Okay, okay. Stay in there, okay?
And don't come out.
Come on, come on, come on
And take me, take me, take me back
Baby, down Tobacco Road
Mr. George,
you gave me an extra hundred.
Oh. Uh...
Yeah, thanks.
Mr. George, how do you meet
all these beautiful women?
Well, maybe ifs the accent.
I have an accent too.
George. George, I was looking for you.
Oh, hey, how's it going?
Well, it turns out I'm not the only
person who thought you had style.
My old station manager edited your tape.
He's gonna send it to Bristol.
He thinks you have a shot.
Wait, you serious?
I'm serious.
Bristol, Connecticut?
Just don't forget the girl who said it first.
No, no, I won't.
Oh, George?
When you're out there today
and you see me tug my ear like this.
That means I'm imagining you
on top of me.
Well, I better get back
to the game, all right?
Well, you have a great game.
Hey. Hey, what's going on?
What's going on? You all right?
All right, Lewis.
Here, your bag.
Move forward, Scott.
Use the mind, use the wing.
Nice one. Watch your man.
Nice play, Lewis. There you go.
I'm kind of busy.
I'd say everything's great
except for this silly grin
I can't seem to get off of my face
since the other night. Ha-ha-ha.
Listen, I can't really talk.
I hope that it's not awkward
between us. We're both adults, single.
And if it happens, great.
If not it's really only what's
best for the kids, right?
Just, um...
I'm a little busy right now,
but, I mean, we could...
Well done, kiddo.
Lewis, well done, champ.
Well done. Ha-ha-ha!
That was great.
Didn't even see it!
All right, come on, Cyclones.
Let's go, let's get another one.
All right, come on.
Let's get another one.
Come on, Cyclones.
What the hell was that?
What are you playing at?
What the hell was that?
Is this about last night?
What's the matter?
Leave me alone!
I hate soccer, and I hate you!
He doesn't hate me, right?
No, of course he doesn't hate you.
But he does want to quit the team,
George. Do you know that?
You know, I'm a bit lost
at sea here, Stace.
I was thinking maybe you could
give me some parenting tips.
Basic dos and don'ts.
Don't let your 10-year-old son
drive a Ferrari, that kind of thing?
My son has a big mouth, you know.
Honest. He gets that from me.
I'm serious. Can we meet
for a drink maybe?
No. Absolutely not.
We can meet for coffee, though.
Early dinner.
Late lunch.
I'm not budging on dinner.
I'm not the one asking for advice.
Are you sure, no beer?
Well, so I read about this place online.
The true Virginia experience, it says.
Apparently, you have to really like,
you know, beat the stuffing out of it,
you know, to get to the good stuff.
All right, okay, you get it. Good?
According to the Internet,
there's a real kick to the seasoning.
I don't know, maybe
the Internet was wrong.
Oh, here, here.
Oh, yeah. Okay.
Waitress, two beers, please.
Three more beers, please.
So I fall down the stairs, I stubbed
my toe, and I scream, "Shit."
And then the next five days,
Lewis is going around the house
going, "Shit, shit, shit." Heh.
I get it. Okay.
Even when it's hard, even when you
want to be anywhere but there,
even when you feel like he doesn't
need you, trust me, he does.
What? Where?
You have some crab on your cheek.
Crab. Crab, on your cheek.
Crab. Okay.
Crab lips.
You're the only woman
I ever really loved.
Ha, ha. Stop it.
No, I'm serious. I'm serious.
You know what I miss the most?
In the early years, when I used to play
and you were in the stands watching me.
After every game, I would look for you
and I would wave to you. Remember?
And no matter how badly I played,
how massively I screwed up,
I always knew when you waved back at
me, everything would be all right.
I mean, I felt like the most special
person in the world when you did that.
Until I'd look behind and six other women
were all waving back along with me.
I was young then.
You know, I'm different now.
Okay, so prove that to Lewis.
He hates me, remember?
He doesn't hate you.
He just hates being disappointed,
and you've done that a lot, okay?
I mean, he was 4
when you left, remember?
You weren't even there
before that.
It was easier when you were an absentee
daddy sending gifts, but now you're here.
And I'm sorry
if you take offense to this,
but you're a time bomb
with a charming accent
and when you explode, it's like:
You know, boom. Chaos.
I hope you came back for him.
I really do.
Nothing would make me happier.
But if you came back for me,
you're wasting our time, and you're
gonna break his heart in the process.
I gotta go.
All right.
Hey, thanks for lunch.
Hey, kiddo.
So your mom was saying you were
thinking of quitting the team.
I just want to say, I think that would be...
I think that would be a big mistake.
What's the point?
I'm not good anyway.
No, see, I don't agree with that.
You may have your mom's
looks and her smarts,
but you're a Dryer kid
and you play soccer.
It's in your blood.
I was thinking maybe we'd go
down to the park now
and get a practice session in
before the big game.
What do you say?
Dad, it's raining.
It's just a sprinkle.
It'll be over before you know it.
It's just typical.
What do you mean, "typical"?
Nothing ever works out
for our family.
What are you talking about?
Plenty of stuff works out.
This is the best time
to learn how to play soccer.
Because in the rain, like this,
if you can play in this,
you can play in anything, right?
There you go.
I'm sure they'll be fine.
I'm just gonna see
if they're all right.
No. I'm fine.
All right, one, two.
And you're gonna do this
one now. Like this.
That's it.
I think I finally got all of that mud
out of my ear.
What about you?
You had a big day.
Another good result, buddy, huh?
A great goal
coming in from the left.
How was the game?
We won again.
Nice work, kiddo.
How was last night?
Yeah, it was really good.
Hey, Dad?
Me and Mom are going to
the arcade today. Wanna come?
No, I'm gonna let you guys go on with it.
Mom, can he come?
Well, yeah, I mean, you're
welcome to come if you want.
Yeah! Yeah!
You're playing like a baby.
You're hitting like a girl.
Young Dryer. Oh, oh! No.
Oh. Oh...
Let's get rid of him.
Oh, yes!
Hey, Mom, did you know that Dad
once took the ball off of Beckham?
Oh, yeah, I know,
actually. I was there.
Wow. I wanna play like Beckham.
want to play like me?
God, it seems like
so long ago, doesn't it?
So the big day's coming up, huh?
Yeah. Yeah.
Are you excited?
Yeah. Yeah, of course I am.
It's just crazy.
I just never thought
I'd be doing this again.
Stacie's getting married.
Heh, heh.
Can I have a sleepover
at your house again tonight?
It's not my night, buddy.
It's your mom's.
Yeah. Sure. Fine with me.
You wanna see my room?
Um, yeah. Yeah, of course
I want to see your room.
It's not as big as my room
at home, but I like it.
Yeah. It is way cooler
than I thought.
You know that's me, Mom.
Yeah, I know that's you.
You see this?
That? Who's that?
And Dad, huh?
You, me, and Dad.
He okay?
Yeah. Fast asleep.
Some wine?
Oh, no, no.
I should probably get going.
Fun day though, huh?
Yeah. Yeah.
So who gets the teddy bear?
Does he make you laugh, Stace?
Like really make you laugh?
It's so weird,
but sometimes I just...
I look at you and it feels like
nothing ever changed.
Like we're still together.
I look at your face, and I...
I realize how lucky I was
to ever have you.
And it kills me that I can't just
reach out and talk to you anymore.
I... I can't. I can't do this.
Stacie. Stacie,
hold on a second.
Hey, hey. Stacie.
You don't have to go.
Hey, I thought you'd be home later.
Uh, no, I grabbed an earlier flight.
Where were you?
I was just dropping Lewis off
at his dad's.
Oh, it's not his night, is it?
No. But he wanted to go,
and I thought it was fine.
Who's that?
My mom.
Last-minute invites.
Hey, hey, hey. You okay?
I'm fine.
You are?
You hungry?
Hey, Denise. What's up?
I am. So you want some good news?
I could certainly
do with some right now.
Okay, good news coming at you
in three, two...
I like the look, George.
So, what did you want to tell me?
Well, you gonna come closer?
No, no, no. The last time I came
closer I got myself in trouble.
Which was just fine.
ESPN liked your tape.
They did?
Liked as in liked?
They want to fly you up there
to see you personally.
ESPN? ESP-bloody-N?
You did it, George.
That's amazing.
You're on your way.
Thank you so much.
All right. Okay, okay.
I gotta get...
I gotta get back inside.
So that's all I get? That's it?
I help you out,
you just leave me hanging?
I just can't.
I just can't do this anymore.
I gotta grow up.
I got a boy in there who needs
me to start being a father.
you have no idea
what you're missing.
I think I do, which is why
I gotta go back inside.
All right.
That's it?
Hey, buddy.
You okay?
Hey, whats the matter?
You having a bad dream?
I just want to sleep in here.
Yeah? Dad?
I love you.
Come here.
Please don't leave again.
Yeah, I'm George.
I'm Ellen. I work with
Mr. Minton. You ready?
Yeah, I'm ready.
All right. They're waiting
for you in the studio.
Right this way.
I heard you were coming.
I know you're gonna kill it.
Get out there
and make it happen.
Thank you, buddy.
I appreciate it.
In Group E, Cameroon went down
The Dutch team are appearing as strong
contenders, taking 9 points out of 9,
and moving on past the group phase
to face Slovakia.
Not moving on are the French...
The French.
What happened to the French?
They came, they saw, they bitched,
they fought, half the management quit.
The rest of the team went on strike,
lost, and went home.
I may be giving the French a hard
time, but it does lead to a point.
Now I've been honored and lucky enough
to play for both club and country
and I can tell you
that to stand on a field
and score a goal in front of
to feel the ground shake
beneath you. It's unbeatable.
And whether you're on that field
or whether you're part of that crowd,
there's no feeling like it,
and that to me is soccer.
George Dryer,
welcome to ESPN.
I was looking for Stacie.
Is she there?
Oh, hey, George. No, she's actually... Went
to get fitted for her wedding dress.
Okay, buddy. Thanks.
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry. It's not cool.
It's not. You can't
come in here like this...
I know, I know. Stacie, the timings
always off with me. I mean...
Is everything okay?
Yeah. It's fine. Just give us a minute.
I'm either too early, or I'm too late.
That's why I came.
In a couple of weeks,
I'm gonna be too late again.
Stop, George, stop.
Why are you doing this to me?
I'm moving to Connecticut.
I got that job.
You got the job?
I did, yeah.
You know, and they gave me this book
on things to do in Connecticut.
And I'm looking at the chapter on
family life and parks and schools
and I'm thinking,
what's the point?
What is the point if I don't have my family
with me, if I don't have you with me.
I want you and Lewis
to come with me.
I can't just pick up and go to Connecticut.
I can't, not with a 9-year-old.
Yes, you can. Yes, you can.
No. No.
I know that I haven't given you
any good reason to trust me.
But I swear to God
everything's gonna be all right.
I'm gonna make a life
for us there.
God, I love you so much.
Oh, George, if you love me,
let me go.
Let me go.
Excuse me?
I think the lady's
waiting for you outside.
Oh, damn you, George.
I know. I know, I know.
I meant everything I said.
Please, don't touch me.
Please don't. If I want to
be touched, I'll tell you.
Okay, my hands are here.
This is on my pace.
This cannot be on your pace.
Okay, this is not all about you.
Okay. On your pace.
Whatever you say.
Why couldn't you have just
come back two months later?
Because my timing's
always bad. You know that.
That's a couple that can really talk.
I really don't think
he's the groom.
Mom, we should've left already.
I know, I know. I'm sorry.
Two minutes, okay?
Buddy, let's go get your bag
and get ready.
We should probably
have been there already.
I know. I know.
Sorry. Okay.
So do we have a wedding dress?
It zips. That's as much as I can tell you.
A bride to soccer mom
in two seconds.
All right, beautiful.
Hey, coach. Looks like
we have a friend in common.
It's the accent.
Hey, champ.
You doing all right?
it said "You're gonna be victorious."
Well, we should be okay, huh?
Hey. Hi, everybody.
Hi. Hi, everybody.
Hey, coach. Let's get
the show on the road.
Okay, so it's the final game
of the season, okay?
Yeah? And no matter
what happens today,
I want you to know
you've made me proud.
But we're gonna get out there
and win this game, yeah?
Let's give it everything we've got
and get these wankers.
One, two, three...
Go, Cyclones!
Well done, Ally.
Cyclones. Cyclones. Cyclones.
Good job, Hunter.
Don't let them play like this.
Now we got a game on.
Now we can concentrate.
All right, let's go. Keep it together.
Go, go, go. Don't let them...
Let's move it forward.
Close them down.
Samantha, let's see
some playing, okay?
Just keep pushing forward.
Come on, guys.
Let's talk to each other.
Lewis, make a difference.
Push it down the line.
Go, Lewis. Take the shot.
Come on, Lewis. That's it, go
ahead, take it to the goal.
There you go, Lewis.
Go, Lewis!
Yes. Yes, Lewis.
Cyclones. Cyclones. Cyclones.
Two minutes, Cyclones.
Let's finish this off.
Hey, Carl.
I was wondering where you got to.
Let's push forward, Cyclones.
Come on.
Hey, I got a little gift for you.
Postcards from a great season.
That's thoughtful. Thank you.
Open it up. Take a look.
No, after the game.
Why don't you look at
it now, George?
Come on, folks. One minute left.
Now that is my divorce
attorneys favorite.
George, I thought I had mentioned that
I hire people to keep tabs on Patti.
That slipped your mind?
Buddy, you know what, I may be a shit.
I'm a bigger shit
than even you dreamed of.
But you don't know me.
I wouldn't sleep with your wife.
Go, go, go!
Dog pile!
It's not what it looks like.
It never is.
Good luck in Connecticut.
So I thought I'd come
say goodbye.
Well, good luck, George.
Hey, Dad.
I thought maybe you and I could take a walk.
What do you say? Yeah?
So I'm not gonna
see you anymore?
You're gonna see me.
Of course you're gonna see me.
We're gonna have weekends.
I'm gonna come back
and you can come and
visit me in Connecticut.
Hey, I got something for you.
Remember this?
Thats the first medal
I ever won with Celtic.
You're gonna win your own someday,
but you can keep that warm for me.
I'll miss you, son.
I'm gonna miss you, too, Dad.
Come here.
We're gonna talk on the phone, okay?
You're gonna call.
And you're gonna write me.
Okay, I gotta go.
All right, buddy.
He'll be okay.
Stace? Hey. Hey.
Look, I'm not, uh, stupid.
We've been together three years, so
I think that you owe me the truth.
Do you still love him?
I've never stopped loving him.
What are you doing here?
Well, I was on my way
and I suddenly thought what
if I wake up tomorrow morning
and I want to take another walk
with you? You know?
Yeah, but what about your job?
Well, I don't have it all
worked out,
but I figure if I'm good enough for them,
gotta be good enough for someone here.
You're really here to stay this time?
Yeah. I'm really here to stay.
Come on.
Let's go play some soccer, all right?
Come on, here you go.
Oh-oh-oh. Oh!
Mom, Dad came home.
You gave up the job?
Someone very smart once told me
you just have to be there.
I called off the wedding.
Because someone kind of stupid
got in my head.
I can live with that.
Wanna play?
Yeah. Wanna play?
Yeah. I wanna play.
Okay. Let's go.
All right, Lewis. Come on.
Here you go.
For once, once in your life
Won't you do what feels right?
instead of waiting for
The next big compromise
Stop running your mouth
Get out of the house
Get yourself downtown
And shake it all out tonight
time, we are out of it.
We'll see you tomorrow night
with the next George and Chip show.
Heh, heh. And he means
the Chip and George show.
I thought we agreed it sounded better if
we called it the George then Chip show?
But that was before we had the logo.
Logo says Chip and George.
and George and Chip.
Once, once in your life
Won't you do what feels right?
Instead of waiting for
The next big compromise
Stop running your mouth
Get out of the house
Get yourself downtown
And shake it all out tonight
For once, once in your life
Won't you do what feels right?
Instead of waiting for
The next big thing to strike
Stop running your mouth
Get out of the house
Get yourself downtown
And shake it all out tonight
Hit me once and it wasn't enough
Baby, I want the stronger stuff
Hit me once and it wasn't enough
Baby, I want the stronger
Always looking for
The next score
I was always looking for
The next door
To take me to the promised land
Yeah, that's where I was going
But I was always there with you
I just didn't know it
Sometimes you have to lose it all
To know how much you had
Before you had to fall
I will never lose you again
I couldn't take the pain
The sun shines brightest
After the rain
After the rain
Thought 1 was a dreamer
But I was just asleep
I was makin' excuses
For the promises I wouldn't keep
And every time
You needed me to show up
I was never there for you
ifs time for me to grow up
Sometimes you have to lose it all
To know how much you had
Before you had to fall
I will never lose you again
I couldn't take the pain
The sun shines brightest
After the rain
After the rain
The sky is so much clearer
After the rain
I need to be near you
Ah the mistakes
I made in my life
I finally got it right
Sometimes you have to lose it all
To know how much you had
Before you had to fall
I will never lose you again
I couldn't take the pain
The sun shines brightest
After the rain
After the rain