Playing God (1997)

Sometimes we all wonder
how things come to be.
The chain of events.
A leads to "b"
leads to "c" leads to "z."
Each life is made up
of big decisions,
and each day is made up
of a million little decisions.
What shirt to wear.
What street to walk on.
What to eat for lunch.
And all these seemingly
inconsequential choices...
Might change your life forever.
But who can handle
that kind of responsibility?
It would paralyze you
to think about it.
So you have
to trust your instinct.
What the greeks
might call "your character."
And you better pray to
whatever God you believe in...
That your character knows
what the hell it's doing.
I thought I was
a man of character...
Good character...
Until I made a mistake.
A bad one
that changed everything.
That's why I found myself
walking into a lousy L.A. bar
to buy some fentanyl citrate.
Synthetic heroin.
My personal favorite.
You see, when I got high, the
chain of events disappeared.
No past, no future.
Just the sweet, sticky now.
But before I could get home
that night with my goodies,
something happened.
I did a good thing.
One good deed
that started another chain
I wasn't ready for.
And a ride I had
no business taking.
We're set. Okay.
See you later, man.
Hello, my friend.
What's your pleasure?
The usual.
Call 911!
Nobody callin' 911!
He's gonna die! Call Raymond.
What's Raymond gonna do?
He's dyin'.
What you doin', man?
- You gonna call 911?
- No, man.
Then back off.
His lung is punctured.
Get me some rum.
I need a clean knife
and clean towels.
I need, like, a plastic
water bottle.
Oh, and a wire hanger.
Get a wire hanger
and straighten it out.
I need some plastic tube.
A beer pump or a soda pump?
Cut me about three feet,
run the wire hanger through it.
Get me some tape.
Like, three or four
pieces of tape.
Now, get him up on the table.
Go round it up now.
Help me lift him up.
Turn the music down.
Turn it off!
Get those towels.
Put pressure right here.
Just hold it hard.
Give me that.
Tight. Put it hard.
Put it hard.
Give me the knife.
Lighter. Lighter. Lighter.
Sterilize that.
You got it?
If anybody's squeamish,
look away. Now, hold him tight.
He's gonna jump.
Hold him!
Run some of the wire through
the front of the tubing, like,
three inches, and give it to
Okay, now pull,
pull the wire out.
Pull it out. Pull it out.
Okay, give me some tape.
Thank you.
Get the other end of the tubing
and put it in the bottle.
Get some tape and make it
airtight around the opening.
You with me? You got it?
- Yeah.
- All right.
Squeeze the bottle first.
Make it as airtight as you can.
Okay, hold it low.
Now, release the bottle.
Release it.
He'll live, but you better
get him to a hospital now.
Obviously, I'd seen a lot of
awful things done to the body.
I mean, I'd seen the results,
but I'd never actually seen
shots fired before.
Not at a man.
Not two feet from me.
It didn't scare me as much
as I thought it might, though.
Maybe because I knew
I could repair the damage,
undo what had been done.
I guess I should have
felt better after saving
that man's life, but I didn't.
It just made me miss more
what I once was.
Like a prisoner getting
one day out in the sun,
it just made the prison seem
that much more dismal.
On the way home, I said,
tonight, I will not get high.
I might just as well have said,
tonight, I will not breathe.
There's no one else now.
It's you or no one.
I've been up 28 hours.
There's no one else now.
It's you or no one.
Sometimes I feel like
I'm just tuning up a pinto.
Everyone should be
such a good mechanic.
When I pray to God,
I don't ask him
to eradicate disease.
I pray that he
sends me something
that I haven't seen.
I'm half kidding.
- Phil, I been up for 28 hours.
- There's no one else now.
It's you or no one.
Tell them to continue prepping,
and I'll be down.
Let's see if we can save
this young lady's life.
Everything copacabana,
Dr. sands?
Yes, it is, Dr. frankenstein.
If I forget to do anything,
you just let me know.
Pickups, Metz.
Careful of those ducts
there, doctor.
No kidding "be careful
of those ducts."
Where'd you get your
diploma? Granada?
Will you give me some space,
here? Cork cannula.
Christ, Fran!
Eugene, is there a problem?
No, there's not a problem.
Come on, Fran.
Just give me the clamp.
How you doin'?
Why is everybody
worrying about me?
Let's worry about the patient.
Will you wipe
my glasses, please?
How you doin'?
Are you okay?
Some umbilical tape.
Please hurry. Hurry up.
Tie it off. Hurry up. Shit!
I lost the portal vein!
Goddamn it! I'm blinded.
Give me some suction here.
- Help me!
- She's in v-fib.
No, no. Let me finish!
I can save her.
Come on!
Get out of the way!
Get the paddles ready.
Oh, God.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
What's up with him?
He's all fucked up, isn't he?
He'll do with
the proper thingies.
You know what I mean?
Like a proper game,
where the ball is round.
What I don't understand
about American football
is the huddle.
Whisper, whisper, whisper.
What the hell is all that
about, man?
Look, man, they're not
talkin' about their mothers.
They're makin' a strategy.
You can't hear 'em
at the back of the
stadium, can ya?
Hey. Where we goin'?
Then everybody would know
what the fuck is goin' on.
Oh. Morning, mate.
Just chill out, relax.
Be with you in a sec.
I don't understand
rugby shit, man.
Who are you?
Looks just like a football.
They throw it up, run for it
and smash into each other.
I hate bleedin' Americans.
You think you're so great.
Life is all a matter
of perspective.
You really learn that
as a doctor.
A man with gangrene
thinks he's lucky if he only
loses a finger and not an arm.
So if your life
was going along well,
and you found yourself walking
with two guys that look like
metallica rejects,
you might think
it was a bad day.
Mr. blossom will be
with you in a minute.
On the other hand,
if your life is in the toilet,
and you had a nasty
fentanyl citrate hangover,
you could say...
What the hell.
I am at the beach.
Dr. Eugene sands?
How do you know my name?
Took an interest.
I'm sorry. You are?
Oh, I'm sorry.
Raymond blossom.
You gonna hurt me?
Are you askin'
'cause you're afraid
or 'cause you want me to?
I'm just tryin' to plan my day.
Oh, man, listen. If I'm
interfering with your plans,
please forgive me.
It's just I was so knocked out
by what you did last night,
I said, "I gotta meet
this guy." That's it.
That's all there is to it.
Medical science amazes me.
Is kidnapping the only way
you can make new friends?
Well, you know.
Hey, why don't you stick
around for a while?
Nah. I should really
be getting home.
No, I'm not.
What do you want from me?
Nothin', man. You know,
just... hang out.
Have a little lunch. That's it.
How's your pill stash
holdin' up, doc?
All right. Well, if you start
to get low, you sing out.
You wanna be
my new drug dealer?
Hello. Say hello to Tammy.
You know everybody else.
Hey, Eugene, have you ever
thought about the idea...
That everything
that happens, every action,
causes a reaction?
I mean, no matter
how far away or obscure?
A butterfly flaps
its wings in Tibet,
a car gets a flat
in Toronto, a guy gets
a blow job in Bangkok.
All connected.
All subject to the linkages
of cause and effect,
even if comprehensible
only in retrospect.
Claire! Look who's here.
The barroom doctor.
- Hey, baby.
- Hi.
- Here.
- What's this?
It's $10,000.
For what?
For stepping into a fray,
my friend,
and using your considerable
medical skill to save
one of my special friends.
Oh, man!
A fuckin' plastic bottle
and a, and a tube and...
Fuckin' incredible, man.
And Claire was very impressed.
And she was a big help.
Was she?
She's very helpful.
It's been nice
to actually meet you, doctor.
It's been nice
to actually meet you too.
Hey, doc.
- You like basketball?
- Yeah.
Would you like to go
to a laker game
with us tonight?
I can't take "no"
for an answer, doc.
Where are the seats?
Come on. Take it to the hole!
Baby. I love it
when you talk dirty.
Come on.
Yeah. Take it in.
There they are
right down there in front.
The hippie in the middle,
that's Raymond blossom.
He's a big counterfeiter.
Moves anything from
designer clothes, software, cds,
videos, whatever.
Those Russian guys,
they're his clients.
Now, these guys are
straight-out insane.
They think they're still
shootin' up stalingrad.
Anyway, blossom is moving up.
Enter the Chinese.
But what I don't know...
Is who the new asshole is.
I mean, how many assholes
does one guy need?
Come on. Come on.
Pass, pass, pass!
Dive for it!
I never thanked you
for what you did for Isaac.
That was really great.
How's he doin'?
Oh, he's fine.
Raymond's taking care of him.
Is that what Raymond does?
He... he takes care of things?
Yeah. Thank you.
You're welcome.
We've got to talk
some basics, Raymond.
You know, Dimitri's not happy.
Well, I'm sorry
to hear that, vlad.
And what about that last batch
of goodies you shipped us?
What the hell was that?
And where did you find
those fat, ugly guys?
Yeah, you been watchin' 'em?
You got a lot of time on
your hands, there, vlad.
We need some top quality.
We're in the '90s, man.
Let me have the armrest.
Funny guy. Don't just fuck
with Dimitri, okay?
That'd be a great name
of a song.
Don't fuck with Dimitri.
Hot metal through your skin
get 'em in,
there's no missin'
Bend a couple of corners
then be off up in the red
I track down more victims
than lojack systems
Been pointin' your position
then attack you
when you slippin' up
Go by the pound, nigga
going left
To even try to fade Dr. k
is playin' with death
'Cause when I grip, you slept
now you forever gon' sleep
Premeditated, execution-style
first you bleed...
Three black guns
pointed at your ribs
Fill ya fulla holes...
Well, you keep saying ya got
a little something for me
Me, me, me
Hey, Ricky.
I'll get it for you.
What do you think of the club?
Just had it decorated, man.
This is modern
if you're from Bulgaria.
Nothing like Bulgaria, man.
Over here. Sit down.
Relax, vlad.
We're just kiddin' around.
Am I laughing?
Hey, it's all right.
Okay, Raymond.
Do you want to dance?
- Nancy Sinatra.
- Yeah, nice lady.
You wanna know what I think?
I think you been cutting us
out of the hoop, Raymond.
You've been screwin' us over.
Hey, Dimitri knows you been
dealin' with the chinaman.
Do you think we're stupid?
How come we can't go out
anymore and have a nice time?
Dimitri's getting angry, man.
He can't cover up
your ass anymore.
Ray, we heard you had
some kind of trouble
in one of your clubs?
Yeah. Don't worry.
We took care of it.
I don't know
what I'm doing here.
You're dancing.
That's a matter of opinion.
This is not a negotiation.
You understand?
You wanna cut us off?
Dump us in the lurch, or what?
It's in the ditch.
The expression is in the ditch.
I don't care about
any fuckin' expression.
You got it?
This is the way
we do things in the west.
Welcome to the free world.
Fuck motherfucker free world.
Okay, Andre.
- Fuck the free world.
- Yeah, and fuck you.
- No, fuck you!
- No, fuck you!
- Fuck you, bitch!
- Fuck you, motherfucker.
- Boys, boys.
- Shut the fuck up.
How'd you lose your license?
I was operating on a patient,
and the patient died.
Was it your fault?
I was under the influence
of narcotics and amphetamines
at the time, so, yeah, you
could say it was my fault.
How long ago was it?
Ten months, five days...
What time is it now?
So how come
you're still stoned?
Yeah, we'll see who ends up
in the ditch, okay?
Yeah, we've been through
wars before, Raymond.
Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Remember Afghanistan?
- Very bohemian.
- There's no place like home.
Yeah. Listen, doc.
Anything you ever need,
you call me, okay?
Anything. I'm a friend.
- I mean it.
- I believe you.
- Yeah.
- Good night, Claire.
Good night.
- Cyril check in?
- Yep.
Is he all right?
Better than that.
Is he happy?
Extremely fuckin' happy.
What does that mean,
extremely fuckin' happy?
Hey, nothin', baby. Nothin'.
What's with the doctor, ray?
What do you mean?
Do you like him,
or is he your friend?
Oh, has the doctor
inflamed you in some way
I should be concerned about?
No. I don't like you
telling people what we do.
Do you like the doctor, Claire?
No, I don't, Raymond.
- Do you trust him?
- No.
- Why not?
- Because he's damaged.
But we like that in a person.
A friend. Ray genuinely
liked me, but why?
I'm not sure. Maybe he saw
that I didn't judge him.
Who was I to judge anybody?
All I know is since I met him,
I been kidnapped,
taken to a laker game,
a Bulgarian go-go bar
with Russian gangsters,
and danced with Ray's
beautiful girlfriend, Claire.
Well, at least I wasn't bored.
Get us to a new hotel,
and bring me
we want to talk to you, man!
You weren't supposed
to fuckin' shoot him.
What's the point of us
runnin' on bleedin' sand,
didn't he?
I'm really happy to see you.
I finally found something
I can do for you.
What's that?
I can make you a doctor again.
What do you got, a magic wand?
No. But I have a surprise.
Hey, you guys.
This is the doctor.
- Hey, doc.
- What is it?
Gunshot wound to the abdomen.
He's in hypovolemic shock.
I'm running saline with
a splash of morphine, wide open.
You want me to drape him?
Hell, yeah.
Get him to a hospital.
Hey, wait, wait, wait.
Eugene. Hey!
Talk to me.
What happens if you take
that man to a hospital?
He gets arrested?
He gets deported?
No. He's on parole.
He goes back to prison.
Well, maybe that's
where he belongs.
He doesn't deserve
to go back to prison.
He's not a bad guy. He had
trouble with the American way
of doing things, like you.
I am not a doctor.
I no longer have a license
to practice medicine.
If I practice medicine,
I go to jail.
I'm giving you license.
Eugene, listen to me.
I need you to work with me,
here. I am giving you a chance
to do some good here.
What would you do
if I wasn't here?
Me? I'd probably let him die.
Don't you dare put that
responsibility on me.
I won't. I will take
full responsibility.
But you are a surgeon.
Now, a man lies in mortal need
of your skill.
You can either do
what you did in the nightclub,
or you can let him die.
If I don't like what I see,
he goes to the hospital.
You got it.
You see that bleeder?
I should have been a doctor.
I'd have been a great doctor.
Got it.
Let's get a sponge in here.
Look at the damage
to the diaphragm.
Hey, baby. What's up?
Okay, do we have
any gortex or mesh?
- Yes.
- Yeah?
You are doing great.
- Anybody lose a button?
- Damn.
How'd that get there?
Bullet fired from a distance
of, say, ten or 15 feet...
Is gonna enter into the body
and carry bits of debris...
Hair and skin.
We got broad spectrum
We are a full-service store.
Well, we should start.
There's all sorts of nastiness
in here.
Hey, hey!
Keep him under.
Sorry, doc.
I need you to do
something for me.
Yeah, what?
- You ready to do it?
- Yeah.
I need you to get me
some coffee.
It's a choice
that's been offered to many
Be a slave in heaven
or a star in hell.
Of course,
I knew this was wrong,
but I had been a surgeon,
and on a big day, that could be
like flying an f-14,
only you are the pilot
and the plane.
I missed that.
And hell does not always
look like hell.
On a good day,
it can look a lot like L.A.
Anesthesia. It dries you out.
You know.
I remember from when I had
my wisdom teeth pulled.
I drank a gallon
of water when I woke up.
How do you feel?
- Bad?
- Yeah.
What do you care?
I just saved your life.
I went to considerable expense
to save your life.
Doesn't that indicate
some kind of genuine concern?
I think you want to know
where we put the merchandise.
Vlad, I can't believe
you're worrying about
merchandise right now.
You're not?
I'm not the one who was just
on the other side, vlad.
You died.
I had my eye glued
to the monitor.
You went flatline.
Now, you've come back
from the dead.
You have miraculously
been given a second chance
to live,
and all you're worried
about is merchandise.
Vlad, think about it.
You are alive.
Just think about that
for half a minute.
I want you to just
let everything go.
Just... Just go, just go.
Let it go.
Now... do you want
to continue living?
Then tell me where
my fuckin' merchandise is.
Yeah, where in Phoenix?
A warehouse. Apple grove.
Jimmy's warehouse?
Thank you.
Hey, doc.
How's your swim?
How's Vladimir?
He's doing very well.
I should really check up
on him later this afternoon.
Great, yeah.
Yeah, we'll do that.
He's got a 24-hour nurse.
Oh, good.
Yeah. Yeah.
There's your fee right there.
Ray, I didn't do it
for the money.
Shy. I know.
That guy is gonna
take my place.
That younger man.
Days had passed since I'd sewn
Vladimir back together,
and this time not a single hour
had slipped by...
That I didn't think
about how much
I missed being a doctor.
I'd gone from
hoping ray wouldn't call
to wondering if he might...
To wishing he would,
and then he did.
He said he had a little day
trip planned and that he had
another little surprise for me.
I said sure. What the hell?
How bad could that be?
- Like the car?
- It's yours!
I just love it out here.
No buildings,
no cars, no people.
It's perfect.
How you feelin', Eugene? Good.
You feel all right?
When I say "China,"
what's the first thing
that comes to your mind?
- Rice.
- No, seriously.
What do you think of
when I say "China"?
You thinkin' of somethin'?
Okay. China.
Millions and millions
of people.
What do they want?
They want
the American dream, right?
The American lifestyle, right?
I wanna give it to 'em.
That's what I want.
I'd be emperor blossom.
So you're gonna give
China what it wants?
No, not exactly.
I mean, I'm gonna
give them, like, versions
of the American dream.
You know what I mean?
Like Calvin clone.
Get my drift?
- Raymond... be careful.
- Careful of what, baby?
Just... Don't talk too much.
Oh, come on. It's Eugene.
That's all right.
Is Eugene a full partner now?
He's as much a outlaw
as we are, baby. Aren't you?
I'm just a replica of Eugene.
You think I'm criminal?
I think you're about as much
a criminal as I am a doctor.
Yeah? And you're
a very good doctor.
Wanted on the blow, mate.
Alone at last.
You must be somebody
who is always on the lookout
for a new way to fuck up.
What is it about me
that you find
so objectionable?
Other than the fact
that you're a drug addict...
And the only patients you treat
are criminals?
You mean your associates.
I'm not a drug addict.
I don't take drugs to get high.
I take drugs to feel normal,
to get level.
I regulate my drug
intake very precisely.
I'm sorry. That's right.
You're a trained professional.
You should know.
No. Actually, you were
right the first time.
I'm just basically
always looking
you have to do me a favor, doc.
- Just one thing.
- For me?
Somebody has been hurt.
I mean, you know,
it's just a boy, you know?
I had driven half the night.
It was a nice car, all right,
but the radio was shot,
so I had
a lot of time to think...
About Claire, for instance.
Either she hated my guts
and wanted to get rid of me,
or she really liked me
and wanted to get rid of me.
Anyhow, wondering about Claire
stopped me worrying about what
I'd find on this house call.
Who was it that said,
when a doctor sees a man,
he doesn't see good or evil,
only sick or healthy"?
Hey, just come on.
Fuck off.
Nice car, man.
Hey, you're the doc, right?
Is he okay?
He's dead.
Don't give me that shit.
Fix him.
He's dead.
There's nothing
I can do for him.
I say when he's dead.
All right?
All right.
I'll see what I can do.
All right!
I'll see what I can do.
Come on.
He wasn't a fucking faggot.
You don't need those gloves.
He doesn't have aids.
Just a precaution.
Fuck that!
There you go.
When was he stabbed?
He wasn't stabbed.
He was fuckin' hatcheted.
It was last night.
It was those fuckin'
Russians, man.
They're not fuckin' Russians.
I tell you every fuckin' day.
They're fuckin' Estonians.
Estonians, yeah.
Guys, he's been dead for hours.
You can fuckin' join him.
Fine, but there's
nothing I can do.
He's dead. We gotta bury him.
Where are we gonna
bury him, man?
Bury him in the cemetery.
Where do you think?
You are such a fuckin' idiot.
You can't bury him
in a cemetery. You gotta call
an undertaker, man.
The undertaker's
gonna call the cops
when he sees him, man.
You want the cops on our ass?
What do you suggest we do?
I don't know, man.
Who cares? Just ditch him.
Guys, do you mind
if I let you settle this?
No, no, no, no, no.
Here's what you're gonna do.
You're gonna do a skin graft.
It's gonna cover up the wound.
They'll think he died
of a heart attack.
The coroner will do an autopsy.
He'll know that he didn't die
of a heart attack.
We'll say he's you know...
Jews, with the hair and hat.
A Jew?
Yeah. You can't do
an autopsy on one of them.
I saw it on L.A. law.
Yeah, but look at him.
He's a fuckin' Mick.
Make him a Jew, man.
What are you talking about?
Change his fucking nose!
Change his fucking dick!
Make him a Jew!
Do it!
I think you gotta
get ahold of yourself.
- You can't do that?
- No. I cannot do that.
Hey, man.
I'm sorry, man.
I think you just better
get outta here, man.
Get off the bus!
Get the fuck off the bus!
Get the fuck...
Quack! Quack! Quack!
What's up, doc?
Get the fuck out of my house!
Go back to wherever...
Tell him I'm tired
of his bullshit!
I am finished!
Tell Raymond to leave me alone!
I'm Thomas gage.
I'm with the f.B.I.
What the fuck do you want?
I want you
to let go of my neck.
Look at this.
I mean, look at this.
This is not how a doctor lives.
No. I mean, this is squalor.
I mean, you did go
to med school, right?
What, are you gonna arrest me
for failure to live up
to my potential?
Here. I want
to show you something.
Is this good shit?
I mean, it looks good.
You know what it looks like?
It looks to me like...
Like, ten years.
You know, with your priors,
ten years mandatory.
And then there's practicing
without a license.
Another five. Maybe eight.
Depending, you know?
Tax evasion.
Consorting with
known criminals.
What are you trying to tell me?
I'm tryin' to tell you
that you're fucked.
Et cetera, et cetera,
et cetera.
Hey, listen, doc. I understand.
No, I-I do. I'm a cop.
I-I love being a cop.
If somebody took my badge away,
I-I don't know what I'd do.
So I sympathize. I do.
But that doesn't make it right.
Raymond blossom was annoying
when he was knocking off
Michael Jackson records,
but in the last week,
I've got a morgue
full of dead people, here.
So, I'm sorry for you,
but I need this guy.
You want me to get
Raymond for you?
Well, I guess
I'm not givin' you
the full picture here.
What is it you want from me?
It's a big fish-little fish
kind of thing.
See, Raymond is done
with the Russians.
He's about to get into business
with a Chinese national...
Who floods mainland China
with stolen U.S. goods and hides
behind diplomatic immunity.
Now, understandably,
the American government
is-is very upset,
which means I need you
to help me nail them both.
You know, Raymond
and the Chinese guy.
Now, you see, I already
have one of Ray's people
workin' for me,
and you're the lucky citizen
who is gonna be
my material witness.
- No.
- No, no, no, no, no.
That's the wrong answer. No.
By the way, that
work you did on vlad
was, was really good.
It's too bad that ray shot him
two hours after you left.
Yeah. He got what he
wanted from him and he...
Right through the sutures.
From respected surgeon
to mob doctor to f.B.I. Snitch.
A leads to "b" leads to "c,"
which you have become.
I needed ray
to want to get rid of me.
Then I'd be
of no use to anybody,
and I'd be left alone.
Keep your hands up.
Hey. Sit down.
- Is something the matter?
- Armed psychopaths?
Oh, well... their friend
had just been killed.
They were a little upset.
They were more than
just a little upset.
I'm not a pathologist.
I don't work on dead people.
Okay, from now on,
only in hotels,
fully equipped
just the way you want it.
No more house calls.
Is there anything else
we can do for you?
- Would you like some?
- No.
You know, Eugene,
you've got to embrace
your criminal self.
Maybe he doesn't have
a criminal self.
Well, I would say
that whether or not
he had one to begin with,
events have conspired
to give him one now.
It's not my criminal self
that I'm worried about.
If you're uncomfortable,
why don't you just leave?
So, what the hell happened?
The guy had a hatchet in him?
That's not funny, ray.
Where's my $10,000?
Eugene, the guy
was dead on arrival.
That's not my problem.
I make a house call,
I get paid. You hired me.
You pay me.
Whatever you say.
Let's go feed the fish.
Someone to see Mr. blossom.
I'll be back.
Hey, watch this, Eugene.
Winner take all
with these guys.
Raymond blossom.
Dimitri. The premier himself.
You are not surprised
to see me, I hope.
Don't tell me we
had an appointment
I forgot about.
You forgot?
You killed two of my people.
I think we can say we have
an appointment?
You have a grievance?
Yo, ray. Tell this motherfucker
to get this gun outta my face.
- You have your colleague...
- Shut up.
- Dimitri...
- Shut up.
I heard enough.
The war between us is over.
Come on. Where's the backup?
I'm not goin' in there
without the backup. Come on.
All right,
now listen to me, Dimitri.
This is no way businessmen
conduct themselves. You see?
This is some leftover
gulag trip you're on.
You don't have to do this.
Just take it nice
and easy there, dude.
Hey, shut up.
You think you are superman?
Let's see how much pain
you can take.
I don't quite follow you,
You don't follow? Follow this.
Okay, okay! Enough! Enough!
Watch this.
Man, all right!
Dimitri, enough!
Dimitri! Enough!
Ray, we gotta get
her to a hospital.
We don't fucking do hospitals.
She'll go to jail.
Hey, she could die here.
Get to a hospital!
No fuckin' hospitals!
We gotta go to a hospital!
We are not normal people!
Just drop us off,
and I'll take care of it!
Look, no hospital, all right?
Cyril, book us at the hotel.
I can't do it that way.
I can't do this at the hotel.
We'll take out every last one
of these Russians, man.
This is shit, man.
All right, man.
Are you fuckin' crazy?
I'll help you.
Fix it!
Hold on, baby.
Hold on!
What the fuck's
he doin' back there?
This is a nightmare!
Shut the fuck up, all right?
All right, man.
Doctor, talk to me!
What the... What are you doing?
I'm givin' her
something for pain.
All right, all right.
Okay, here we go.
All right. What are you
doing now? How is she?
How is she?
Hang in there, baby!
Come on.
Come on, Claire.
Oh, Jesus.
All right, all right...
All right.
It's too late, ray.
What? What the fuck
you mean it's too late?
She's dead.
Get outta the car!
What the hell
did you do to her?
I didn't do anything to her.
She got shot!
What did you do to her?
She lost too much blood!
We've got to get rid of
the body, though, ray.
Fuckin' hate people!
Ray, ray, ray.
Get the hell in the car!
We got a dead body in the car
we gotta get rid of.
Never asked your opinion.
Just get in the bloody car.
Fuckin' get real, man!
Just calm down
for a minute, mate.
You gotta sort out
all this shit.
You bring the body
to the beach house.
It's all right.
Bye, baby.
Will you take care of him?
I'll find you later.
No, no, no, not here.
Not here.
I did everything I could.
All right.
Put the gun down, man.
Get in the car.
It's just your jive talkin'
Oh, I love this.
you're telling me lies
Jive talkin'
Where are we going?
It's right on the beach.
You'll love it.
Jive talkin'
so misunderstood, yeah
Is this a place Raymond owns?
I don't know who owns it.
Jive talkin'
you're tellin' me lies
How long do you think
we're going to stay there?
Not long.
What's not long?
Like a few days? A week?
What do you think?
Listen, Drake.
This is what you want
to call a fluid situation.
I understand, but we have
to dispose of the body.
I think it's best
not to anticipate too much.
Let's take things as they come.
With all your jive talkin'
I'm tellin' a lie
Good lovin'
Still gets in my eyes
Believes what you say
It's just your jive
talkin' that gets in the way
Oh, my love you're so good
Thank you.
- Where's Raymond?
- I made him think you were dead.
So you wearin' the wire
for gage?
Where's the nearest hospital?
That's more than
half an hour away.
What the hell happened to you?
- It's my friend.
- Bring him in.
Don't worry. Nothin' said.
Susan, can you hand me
those forceps from
the boiling water over there?
Do you need a knife, doc?
No. This'll be fine.
Hey, Jerry, will you
do me a favor?
Will you take
the stethoscope off?
Put it on.
Put it over her heart.
Every time her heart beats,
I want you to tap your foot.
I need to know
what her heart's doing.
Okay, doc.
And be real careful.
Such a pretty little thing.
Just a little, teeny scar.
Oh, I'll give her a tiny scar.
You're not even
gonna know I was here.
- Here it comes.
- Oooh.
Nine millimeter.
Jerry, either her heart
stopped, or your foot stopped.
- Oh, I'm sorry, doc.
- It's okay.
Gonna be all right?
I believe she's gonna be fine.
I could use another beer.
All I got in the way
of clean clothes.
Thanks. And thanks
for helping me.
Oh, you do what good
you can, and pass it on.
You're welcome to stay,
you know.
We actually have
to move on now,
but thank you.
Sure is a lot of gloop
in there.
Gonna hurt the resale value.
It's true.
Probably have to strip it
out for parts.
Actually, I was thinking
of trading it in.
You okay?
- How's the pain?
- It's better.
You should take these.
I got two left.
No, thanks.
Claire, they're painkillers.
That's actually what
they're designed for.
Yeah, I know.
Thank you.
Run and hide, or turn ourselves
in to the f.B. I?
Don't you hate
those little decisions?
I took the only option
any reasonable person would.
I put it on hold.
Where are we?
My family's summer house.
When I was a kid, anytime
a friend of mine got shot,
I'd bring 'em here.
Sixteen steps.
- You want me to carry you?
- No.
You wanna carry me?
Is that you?
The wall of shame.
Come on.
What if your parents come home?
They won't come home.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
Well, my father's dead, so...
Yeah, he won't be showing up.
And my mom's retired,
so she stopped having
anything to get away from.
What does she do?
She's a doctor.
Of course.
Sit down here.
Now I get to use the line
I always wanted to use
in medical school.
Take off your clothes
and get under the sheets.
Yes, doctor.
Okay. Get some sleep.
I'll be back to take a look
at you later.
Okay. All right.
Ray, we gotta get
rid of the body.
- She was a big help.
- She was very helpful.
Maybe he doesn't have
a criminal self.
Give her something
for the pain.
She's dead!
- Ray.
- Howdy, caballeros.
What'd he say?
Spanish for "cowboy."
Oh, all right.
que Paso, Raymond?
I wanna hire a couple of maids.
Oh, I don't know, man.
- Long hours.
- The surf's up.
Yeah, the surf's up, ray.
As long as there's an ocean,
the surf will always be up.
You see that?
That's the boss.
First thing
the boss always wants...
Kiss ass.
How does hawall sound?
Hawai? It sounds good.
What do you need?
One week, maybe two;
Clean a little house;
You watch my back
until this thing clears up;
And I'll set you up in hawall.
Hula girls? Don ho.
A regular luau.
That's funny.
I didn't hear you coughing.
If you do quit,
how long 'til you're okay?
Three to four fun-filled
days of sweats,
dehydration and panic attacks.
If I crash out,
you can wake me up if...
If you need me.
You shouldn't go
through this alone.
Is that loaded?
I figured if any
of the bad guys show up,
you could shoot 'em.
Did you like being a doctor?
It's what I did...
Every day...
All day long.
You singin'?
One more.
Hello, gage.
It's Raymond blossom.
Do I know you?
As well as you
can know someone you have
under 24-hour surveillance.
That Raymond blossom.
What do you want?
My girl.
I want my girl back.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- No.
Your doctor took my girl.
I want her back.
I love her.
Are you still there?
What if she's dead?
Well, call me
sentimental, but...
I still want her back.
All right.
Here's what I need.
I will provide you
with some merchandise to
deliver to your Chinese friend.
It's the real thing.
He analyzes it.
The programs are
a hundred percent legit.
Now, ray, this is no big bust.
You'll be wired.
You drop the line;
You get your Chinese friend
on tape buying,
and you leave quietly.
You do that,
we'll see what we can do
for you and your girl.
I'm your man.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
How're you feeling?
Fabulous. Don't get up.
I should take a look at that.
No, that's okay.
Besides, I don't have
ten grand.
- You're not insured?
- Nope.
Anyway, you look
a lot worse than I do.
I'm actually kind of excited.
You're the first patient
I've had in a while
who's not a sociopath.
Well, I'm not snow white, am I?
I don't think any of us are.
Well, at least you used
to be something good.
And I don't know
what I've been.
So now I'm probably going
to jail with a pretty little
hole in my chest,
nicely stitched up.
I could ask the f.B.I.
For adjoining cells.
I am your doctor.
Did you call them?
No, but we have to.
So, it must've been great
growing up always knowing
what you wanted to be.
- Yeah, it was great.
- It was.
But when you come from
a long line of doctors, it's
not good enough to be a doctor.
You know to be
the doctor. You know?
Well, it wasn't about
being a surgeon anymore.
It was about me.
I mean, when you're a surgeon,
people come to you
and they say, "you
can save my life."
You can save the life
of my child."
You know? They look at you
with these eyes full of hope,
and you want to do it.
You think, "if I go to sleep,
who's going to save"
all these people?"
That's the way
God feels, right?
I needed help to stay up,
though, you know.
Started taking drugs.
I'm a doctor, I can handle it.
Some meth to get up,
a little fentanyl citrate
to come down.
And then one day,
I found myself up and down
at the same time,
and I realized
that I wasn't God.
I wasn't even an angel.
And all those lives I saved
didn't add up to the one life
that I lost.
Well, that's what I've been
thinking about anyway...
All night.
Well, you saved me.
Thank you for getting shot.
Any time.
That's a big fish.
Hey, this is nice.
This is very nice.
Yeah, I like it a whole lot
better than that shithole
you were living in.
I mean, you could...
You could have a girl
back here.
The problem is,
even though you get
points for calling,
you still owe me.
How're you feeling about
Raymond these days?
Do you love him?
Do you feel attracted to him?
You know, attracted
to him sexually?
Where do you get off?
The fuckin' sea air.
What I need from you is
to make Raymond believe...
That you're still in love
with him, then we can end
this whole thing.
How long?
'Til I say so.
You were dropped off
at the emergency room of...
- Good samaritan.
- Good samaritan.
And when you regained
consciousness, you went
right back into his arms.
As close as you ever were.
You might want to take
a leak before we go.
We got a long drive.
We're not gonna stop
at dairy queen?
I thought your pill stash
might be running a little low,
so I got you these.
This is your brand, I think?
No, thank you.
Oh, so that's it.
Physician, heal thyself.
Nice outfit.
I picked it out just for you.
They're waiting.
So, what happens to you?
I'm a material witness.
I get a five-star vacation
in a downtown hotel.
Well, don't do any operations.
No more hotel work for me.
It's been nice to
actually meet you, doctor.
It's been nice to
actually meet you too.
Anything's worthwhile
Hi, baby.
Hi, honey.
You look pretty good
for someone who was just dead.
Let me see you.
I need to see you,
where you got shot, Claire.
Show me where you got shot.
If you can catch me
I'm sorry, baby.
Life is golden
To the gold
you might catch me
I am so sorry, baby.
You can't touch me no
But you might
Before we get settled in,
anything you want?
No. Just the chocolate,
candy, anything with sugar
for the next 24 hours.
We got plenty of that here.
Anything else?
Gage said to get you
whatever you want.
I'll take an uzi.
Relax. You're safe
in here with us.
I saw your work at Ruby Ridge.
You want me to get
that for you?
What is it?
It's red silk, your favorite.
Happy Birthday, angel.
It's not my birthday.
No, I know it's not
your real birthday.
But you were dead,
and now you're alive.
It's a new beginning.
It's a new day.
You get dressed.
We got some business to finish.
One ball count.
One ball, one strike.
You want some Chinese food?
You're gonna
get sick eating that.
It's not good for you.
This is the greasiest
Chinese food I have ever eaten.
What are you doing?
You cold?
No, man.
I'm puttin' on my ski mask.
So I don't... We're not
fuckin' there yet.
Why don't you get
a sandwich sign that says
I'm a fuckin' killer?
Can you be more conspicuous?
- Gimme my mask.
- I don't have it.
Well, I told you that when
you said get the guns and the...
I said, "get the guns
and get the masks."
That's two things.
I thought you meant my mask.
You fuckin' loser!
You didn't bring...
You wanna wear mine?
No, I don't want
to fuckin' wear yours.
That's ugly.
What am I gonna do, though?
I don't know.
I guess we just kill
all of 'em, man.
- You hungry?
- No.
- You sure?
- Yes.
What happened
to my fortune cookie?
Don't know. Don't care.
Fuck! Perry? Fuck, per!
Just wait here, honey. Doc!
Doc! Get your fuckin'
ass in here, doc!
Perry got hit.
Fuck. Doc! Doc!
You fuckin'...
You goddamn motherfuckin'
bastard federal fuckers!
I'll help you. I'll help you.
- Doc!
- Don't shoot me.
Doc! Right on, man.
Come on out, man!
Perry got hit.
I'm comin' out.
Come on, doc!
You gotta help. Please!
Don't shoot. Calm down.
I'll help you.
Fix him. Fix him.
I'll help you.
Fix his ass!
Fix fuckin' down there!
Fix his ass now! Fix him!
I can't work on your friend
if you point that thing
in my face!
Sorry, man. Fuck!
Is he all right? Perry?
Sorry, honey.
Hang in there, baby.
First, we gotta clean the
I need some hot water and
some towels from the bathroom.
Don't light that. Go get it!
Hurry up!
What are you doin'?
Tell me where ray
and Claire are.
I thought you
were gonna fix my friend.
Just tell me where they are!
- First, you fix Perry.
- He's dead.
You gonna shoot me?
You wouldn't kill me, would ya?
No, I won't kill you.
But I know where to shoot you
so you'll be in diapers
for the rest of your life.
Let me take a look
at you, baby.
Look pretty good.
You know, you and I,
we're a really good team.
Just like Bonnie and Clyde.
A little Sonny and Cher.
You know.
Captain and tennille.
Just tighten up.
Anything could happen
in the next half hour.
All access backstage.
Let's have a good time.
Our boy just passed me.
He's headin' up.
Hey. You can't park
your car there.
I'm a doctor.
Watch my car, okay?
This is what it's gonna
take to get you back.
I had to do this.
No. Baby, I'm back.
Save it for later?
You got your adrenalin
goin', I got mine goin'.
It takes a lot to get
my juices flowin',
but they're goin'.
They're flowin'.
What the fuck's
he talkin' about?
This is just the beginning.
Let's go to work.
I'm with the f.B.I.
What's your name?
You're doin' a good job,
Michael. Look, I just...
I need you to stay here,
and keep your eyes open, okay?
- Gage, it's our doctor.
- What? You stop him now!
You see, Claire,
it's pretty fundamental.
I figured it wasn't the doctor
who killed cyril.
It was you.
And then I figured
you and the doctor
were together.
But you see, none of that
really matters anymore
because he's dead.
I made sure of that.
What's he talkin' about?
The doctor's dead?
Make way.
You lost control of it, gage.
He killed the agents guarding
me and he tried to kill me.
Damn it, you son of a bitch!
This is not your...
Will you shut up and
tell me where they are?
Subject on 12.
Goddamn it!
Oh, come on, Claire.
Just pretend we're gonna
go adopt a Chinese baby.
Sands, you go up there, I will
reach down your throat...
And pull your balls off
through your nose!
Copy that, sir.
Son of a bitch!
I wanna thank you
for seeing us.
I know how busy you are.
Well, I appreciate it.
You know, here in the west,
the way we like
to do business is...
We like to put a face
with a voice.
Come on, Raymond.
Just make the deal,
and we can all go home.
Silicone valley's
greatest hits.
The cash.
I'm sure we can
look forward to a long
and prosperous relationship.
It seems some things below
have gotten confusing.
I'm afraid, sir,
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
Confused? I'm not
the least bit confused.
I'm sorry. My English
is not so good.
Please, forgive me.
My English is perfect.
Cover all exits!
Get down to the car.
We've been played.
- Oh, my God.
- Hey.
Oh, my!
That could have gone
a bit smoother.
What are you doing?
What am I doing?
I'm fucking everybody!
Look at that?
Everybody's wired.
Michael! Sit on that guy
'til I get back.
- It's Dr. sands.
- Good.
Follow him.
Tom. Tom. Look at that.
Three cars, all the same.
What a coincidence.
- That's amazing.
- You're amazing.
Can't you see what he's doing?
Fuckin' three-card monte.
The real fucking shame
of it is that you have
the most beautiful lips...
That utter the filthiest
words and caress
the dirtiest places.
How could you degrade yourself?
That is the real shame?
How could ya?
Was it good with the doctor?
Does he do it for ya?
No. You're scaring me!
I'm scaring you? Well, things
do get scary when you betray
the person who loves you most.
Why, why, why, delilah
Pull alongside the doctor.
Pull alongside the doctor.
Pull over, stop your engine
and wait there!
Pull your ass over
and stay there, you...
Raymond, stop the car.
I'm not gonna stop
the fuckin' car!
This is a car chase!
I went through considerable
expense to set this up.
We can't just stop!
And to the floor!
Place your bets, gentlemen!
Go straight ahead.
The doctor's goin' left.
Go straight ahead!
All right! All right.
I got him. I got him.
Use the force, Luke.
Here we go!
Against the flow!
Hey, that fuckin' doctor
sure is stuck on you.
Shut up.
Tenacious little prick,
isn't he?
You know, I might even consider
some couple therapy.
Fuck you!
That's right. That's right.
Oh, God!
How boring,
this fucking doctor.
Just wait here a second, baby.
I just realized this shouldn't
take me more than a moment.
One more detail I have
to take care of, missy.
I just gotta go kill
your doctor.
All right, doctor boy.
What, are you gonna
shoot me, doc?
That'd be so
out of character for ya!
Since when are you such
a good judge of character?
Come on. Put up your Dukes.
Put 'em up!
Two guys fighting over a girl.
You gotta love it.
Shut up, ray.
I'm so sick of listening
to your bullshit.
Let's go, Claire.
Come on, doc! Come on!
Now, where do you think
you're goin'?
Hey, get back in the car!
Oh, now you're not
talking to me?
Relax, ray. Have a smoke.
Wait for your f.B.I. Friends.
They'll be here soon.
Fuck it.
I have to kill both of ya.
I'll be right back.
Stay back.
Thanks for comin' back, pal.
- I needed the money.
- Yeah.
H-how's it look?
Not very good.
You got a lot
of internal bleeding.
Your spleen's
probably ruptured.
So if I... if I shoot ya...
If you shoot me, we could
both die on this bridge.
Oh, hello, dear.
You're gonna save me?
I can't do that, ray.
I'm only a doctor.
The chain of events
had ended where it began,
with me leaning over a patient
trying to save a life.
Well, ray got his life...
In a state correctional
Claire, she's tryin'
to get her life back together,
but this time,
she's being very responsible.
I made her take out
insurance so she can get
a really good doctor.
Can't be everywhere, you know?
I may get my license back.
I may not. We'll see.
In any case, I guess I learned
that if you're in the business
of saving lives,
you better start with your own.
And, of course,
always call 911.
Well, you keep saying you got
a little something for me
Something you call love
well, confess
And you've been messing
Where you shouldn't
have been a-messing
And now someone else
is getting all your best
Well, these boots
are made for walking
And that's
just what they'll do
One of these days
these boots are gonna walk
B-b-b-boots are made
for talking
And that's just what
they'll do
And one of these days
these boots are gonna
Walk all over you
Tune in, drop out of love
Pull the trigger
I'm a heavy soothsayer
truth in blood
Alive and well
You push the buttons
Standing in line of fire
For the war my soul
Staff chords with drums
and singing
Love the children
Learn to live
with everything
Love, love, love
On the trigger hippie, yeah
Love, love, love