Playmobil: The Movie (2019)

Once upon a time,
there was an 18-year-old human,
Oh, come on, Marla, just...
just be normal. Just be normal.
There comes a time
in every young person's life...
Not "person."
That sounds too formal.
Girl. No, not girl.
There comes a time
in every young woman's life
when she has to make a decision.
Okay, um...
Look, Mom and Dad,
obviously I want to go to college,
education is the most important
thing in the world, but...
after 12 years of school,
think about how valuable
it will be for me
to actually experience the world.
As Amelia Earhart once said:
"Adventure is worthwhile in itself."
Which is why...
I got...
What's in your pocket?
What? Nothing.
If you don't tell me,
I'll tell Mom you gave me
ice cream for dinner.
Wow! Blackmail.
- Impressive, but illegal.
- Not when you're six.
Alright, you have
to promise not to tell
Mom and Dad until I've told them.
Pinky swear?
Pinky swear.
- Do you know what this is?
- A really small notebook?
It's a passport. It lets you
go anywhere in the world.
I've saved up all my work money
and I'm gonna backpack everywhere.
And then I'll go to college. It's just...
I don't know, Mom and Dad make
everything so easy for us, you know?
Sometimes, you gotta test yourself.
But you take lots of tests.
No, not those kind of tests.
Real-life tests.
Where you go everywhere,
and do everything, and see
what you're really made of.
I get to be an explorer.
A "never before her."
A crosser of borders.
- Like Lewis or Clark.
- Who?
I'll take any gamble
There's so much to sample
Nothing I can't handle
Can't wait to embark
Life lesson number 321, Charlie.
Nothing worse
than a small, stationary life.
One day I'll wanna say
I tried it all took every bite
I'll get my passport
stamped on every page
What a sight
I wanna live where they speak
solamente espaol
Meet all new people
eat street food,
dance flamenco,
bolero and tango!
There's so much world out there
And I've got to see it all
There's so much world to share
And it's just outside these walls
I won't stop till I've seen
What's beyond that horizon
There's so much world
out there to see
And it's waiting for me
Oh, and we're gonna go on some
big adventures together, Charlie.
We don't need a posh life
a connect-the-dots life
I'll hop on the next flight
into the unknown
We'll study history
in the places history was made
Learn all about real knights
and how the Romans slayed
I know you're dying
to see the Coliseum
I am!
And I wanna go with you,
more than anyone!
That's our arena.
We'll pretend to fight for freedom!
There's so much world out there
And we've got to see it all
No stone unturned
I swear!
My bucket list is just too long
We can't stop
Till we've seen the places
we've had our eyes on
And maybe we'll discover
the eighth world wonder!
We'll see
It's all waiting for you
And it's waiting for me
It's waiting for you and me
Oh, the Roman warriors and ogres
have surrounded Charlie the Brave!
Ta-ta-ta-ta! Who's that?
Could it be...
Marla, the noble knight? Hi-yah!
Stay away from my brother!
Is it time for the super...
...duo slingshot?!
Hi-yah! Ha!
Catch me, Charlie, catch me!
We saved the day!
Viking and knight!
Viking and knight! Viking and knight!
Viking and knight!
Viking and knight!
Hey, Charlie, don't open the door!
Alright, I'm coming!
Marla Brenner?
I'm sorry,
but there's been an accident.
Could we please come inside
and speak with you?
Your parents
were in a car accident...
Marla, you're not listening to me!
Charlie, I am listening to you,
but the answer is still no!
So you're bailing on me again?
Fine. Then I'll just go with Danny.
Ha! To the city? I don't think so.
You always do this!
Hey! I am trying
to run a household here.
That doesn't mean
we can't have any fun!
Yeah, well, sometimes, there are
more important things than fun.
- This sucks!
- Language!
And don't you dare...
...slam the door.
That went great!
Charlie, dinner's ready.
Come on. Bud, let's talk.
Oh, hey, Danny. Uh...
Yeah, I'm on my way now.
Sorry. Uh, not too long.
Yeah, can you hold on a minute?
Danny? Yeah, my sister
was totally cool with it.
Uh... yeah, I'm close.
I think, like, 10 minutes.
Make that 20.
Come on, Charlie,
pick up the phone!
Argh! Are you kidding me?!
Hey, whoa! Lady!
You can't go in there.
Trust me, mister,
I am not here for the Gateway to Fun.
My little brother is in there,
I have to find him
so I can tell him
he's grounded till he's 18.
- Yeah, okay, let's go.
- Thank you!
No, I said let's go, you know, together.
She's gonna make me run!
This is so awesome!
Charlie? Charlie!
- Marla!
- What were you thinking?!
- How did you find me?
- You scared me half to death.
I'm sorry, but you won't believe this!
You have to check this out!
- Charlie, we're leaving.
- No! Wait! Marla!
It's all lined up exactly like we had it.
There's the Coliseum
and all the knights.
Remember? What are...
what are the chances?
Look, any minute now,
a rent-a-cop is gonna come
through that curtain
and arrest us for trespassing.
Come on! Look around!
It's like we're meant to be here.
Meant to be here?
That's ridiculous.
- What is wrong with you?
- Excuse me?
You used to talk about adventures
and seeing the world.
"Nothing's worse
than a small, stationary life?"
But I grew up, Charlie.
And I learned the hard way
that life is not an adventure.
It's full of disappointments
and it's not the way you want it to be.
That's just how you made it
because you don't do anything,
you won't let me do anything!
It's like ever since Mom and Dad died...
Don't, Charlie. died.
And now we're just
pretending to be a family.
Well, then, I guess you're just
stuck with dead old me.
Come on, let's go.
Wait. There's even a spot here...
for my Viking!
No, there's not, Charlie!
This is not for us! This is a toy!
It's a stupid toy,
and none of this means anything!
I think something bad's happening.
Or something good.
- No.
- It's magic!
Marla, look!
- Look.
- No, no...
Oh... my...
No! Charlie, don't!
Oh...! Son of a...
Whoa! Ow! Ah! Oof!
Whoa-oh-oh! Ow!
Huh. Oh.
Ah... huh?
Huh? Huh?
- Whoa!
- Charlie?
- What the...?
- I'm coming! Hang on!
Whoa! Oh! Okay, Marla!
Left, right, left...
Whoa! Oh!
- Charlie?
- Wha...
- Ah!
- Ah... wow.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Easy, tough guy.
Just looking for my brother.
That tickles! Stop!
Marla, it's me.
- Oh... huh?
- You look weird. Where are we?
- Oh...
- What's going on?
- Charlie?!
- Yeah, Marla.
You're not... you.
I know! I feel different!
Yeah... you look different.
You have a... a beard!
Ha! I do!
- And tattoos!
- Tattoos?!
- What's happening?!
- The lighthouse!
The Vikings. All of it.
It's... it's real!
We're actually here!
- Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Oh, my...
- The lighthouse?
- The lighthouse? The lighthouse!
- Cool!
That's it! We came through
the lighthouse to get here.
- Marla?
- So that must be the way back!
- Of course!
- Marla?
That's how these magic
things work, isn't it?
- Marla?!
- Now, how do we get up there?
What the...?
- Whoa! That's...
- Terrifying!
Ready?! Release!
Charlie! Run!
Ah! Whoa!
Ah! Whoa!
Excuse me!
Are you guys the good guys?
Never mind, I'll just follow you.
Ah! What's going on?!
Don't worry, Charlie, I'm coming! Oh!
- Marla? Whoops. Sorry. Ah!
- Oh!
I didn't mean to. Sorry, sir.
Whoops! My bad. Excuse me.
- I'm not scared of you!
- Ah!
Changed my mind!
Cool! Whoo!
- Yes!
- What?
I've got my super strength!
- Oh...!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Let me try this!
- Ah...!
- Who's he?
- Whoa-oh-oh! This is amazing!
- Do it again, lad! Yah!
- Off he goes!
I saw this on wrestling! Whoo!
I'll take that!
Retreat, lads! Retreat!
What be thy name, warrior?
Um... Charlie.
I thought your voice
would be a little deeper.
Oh, no matter.
Charles the Destroyer.
Tonight we feast in your honor!
Really? A feast? For me?
That's so cool!
Shiver me timbers!
Ye be seein' what I seein'?
'Tis no man! 'Tis a beast!
Can you hear me? Hello?
- Somebody get the IT guys. Is this on?
- Ahoy, Emperor.
What's taking
you idiot pirates so long?!
I could've captured
an entire Viking horde myself
and been home for dessert by now!
I think we found
just what you be lookin' for.
I'm not paying you to think!
I'm paying you to bring me back
the strongest, fiercest, nastiest
Viking warrior you can find!
And make it quick!
Okay, you cretins?!
- Uh... what be a cretin?
- Ah!
You bilge rat,
of course you wouldn't know.
It's, um... it's, um...
...bread you put in salad!
Quiet, all of ya!
It'd be decided then.
We found our treasure.
And it be that impressive Viking.
- Oh.
- Charles! Charles!
Charles! Charles!
Uh, hello?
Excuse me! Coming through. Sir?
Man who is clearly ignoring me.
We've won! The battle is ours!
Oh! Charlie!
Oh, thank goodness.
There you are!
- Yes! Wah-ha-ha-ha!
- Actually, I go by Charles now.
I think it goes better with the tattoos
and this giant axe, don't you?
Where did you get that?!
- Who be this? Your squire?
- Excuse me?
- Is it friend or foe
- We're just gonna go.
No... way
- Whoa!
- Silly wench
- What?!
- Please
Go and fetch our hero
a flagon of mead
Oh, oh...
- Are you kidding?
- And make haste.
- I'm his sister. And it's late.
- Not now! Stop it, Marla!
So if you woolly mammoths
would put him down, that'd be great.
He actually has school tomorrow.
And he should've been in bed,
like, two hours ago.
Not a chance, he's with us
He has proven himself of value
and thus he stays...
We celebrate...
Gentleman, show how we do!
- Oh, we raise our cups
- We raise our cups
- To our hero's might
- To our hero's might
It's Charles the Destroyer
we honor tonight
- We could all be dead
- We could all be dead
- By tomorrow morn
- By tomorrow morn
It's all for one and one for all,
brothers in arms
Brothers in arms,
brothers in arms
We are brothers in arms
Come on, Marla, this is real!
And everyone thinks I'm great.
This is rad!
- It's mad!
- Well, I'm loving it. I'm gonna stay.
Charlie, seriously?
Please. Look around.
We gotta get back home.
- We gotta go now.
- No!
If you can't see this is fun
Then I don't know
what you've become
- Gonna take my place
- Gonna take his place
- Brother in arms
- Brothers in arms
I'm Charles the Destroyer
- Enemies be warned
- Enemies be warned
- Let the feast begin
- Let the feast begin
- Got an appetite
- Got an appetite
I bet this Viking party boat's
gonna go all night
Wa da da da da
Wa da da da dee
It's Charles the Destroyer
for the victory
Wa da da da da
Wa da da da dum
It's all for one and one for all,
brothers in arms
Brothers in arms
Brothers in arms...
And I'm staying right here, ahh!
Ha-ha! I'm flying!
This is awesome!
Charlie! No!
Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! Whoo!
Lady Fortune has sent him
right to us!
Whoa! Whoa! When I dreamed
of riding a horse one day,
this is not what I had in mind, oh!
- Hey!
- Come on! Hurry!
Yah! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Oh! Ah! Oh! Ow! Oh!
Oh, no!
No! Ah! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Oh! Whoa, whoa!
Charlie! Yah!
Fitzy... my good man,
it is Del, your buddy, callin'.
Heh. With the truck.
We've met many times!
Yes, yes! I got a beard, yeah!
Anyway, listen, what if I told you
I had an incredible opportunity
on some rare enchanted hay.
Huh! I'm coming for you, Charlie!
Yah! Giddy-up!
So how much can I put you down for?
Let's crunch some numbers.
Hey, watch it! Watch...
I don't want no trouble!
At that price,
I'm practically paying you.
Oh, hold on. I'm getting another call.
Someone probably wanting hay.
Del's Enchanted Hay. This is Del.
- Del!
- Glinara!
What a surprise.
- We need to talk! Now!
- You sound angry, Glinara.
I want my money!
What a coincidence.
I'm just happened to be on my way
to pick up your money right now,
it's great.
- Oh!
- My dogs are going crazy!
- Get outta here!
- I need to borrow this! Ah! Oof!
- Oh, that's my pole!
- Come on!
- I gotta feed my kids with that! Come on!
- Oh! Ouch! Oh!
Oof! Ah! Oh! Oh! Argh!
But this truck is all I have!
You can't just send someone
to take my...
Ah! Outta the way!
I'm taking the truck.
- What?! N-n-n-no!
- Give me that!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
- Stop it!
Tell Glinara I need more time!
Who do you think you are?!
Why are you doing this to me?!
Don't hurt Del's Belle!
- You're going to make us crash!
- It's my truck, lady!
- I got enough troubles! Ow!
- Move your foot! Aha!
Whoa! Ah! What are you... Ugh!
Go! Go! Fast! Oh!
Faster! Go! Come on!
Oh! What?! No!
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Where did they go?!
Where did they... Charlie!
I've... I've lost him.
Joyride's over!
You clearly don't work for Glinara.
And this is my truck, lady!
Have a nice life!
I'm saying that sarcastically!
Grrr! What the heck?!
What is going on
in this crazy place?
Oh, thank goodness you're back.
Look, I realize
we got off to a bad start,
and that I need you more
than you need me...
Ah! Oh!
Huh. Alright.
Okay. I just need to find some help.
Ah! Oh!
Guess not.
No! Not a darn-tootin' nugget
of gold today!
What? Well, yeah, I agree!
Uh, sir? Excuse me?
Can I help you with
something, little lady?
Yeah! Any idea where
I can find the sher...
- Uh...
- Whoo!
- Eat lead, Sheriff!
- Sheriff?
Yah! Yah! I'll get you boys!
- Sheriff! Sheriff! Wait, Sheriff, wait!
- Yah! Giddy-up! Yah!
- Not on my watch! Hi-yah!
- Sheriff! Sheriff! Sheriff?
- C'mon! Yah! Yah!
- Sheriff?
- Sheriff...
- Yeah!
- And stay out!
- Oof!
- Him again?
- Ow.
That hurts.
Ugh! Ah...
Come on! We had a deal!
Deal's off!
Your hay dun changed my steeds!
Take a good look.
What are you talking about?
I don't see any...
Ah... that's not good.
All they want to do is frolic
and dance around!
And there's glitter everywhere!
The-the-the wizard
who sold me the hay
didn't say anything
about sprouting wings!
Well, he should have!
Lying wizard!
And I'm not paying you
a plumb cent!
No, no, no, no! Please!
I was counting on that money.
I need to pay Glinara back!
Aw, come on!
Oh, look who it is. You make friends
everywhere you go, don't you?
You! You're the maniac
who carjacked me, and lost all my hay!
Why-why are you following me?!
Me? Following you?!
I don't think so.
'Cause I already have
enough problems!
I'm just here to...
...get a posse together.
You? Gather a posse?
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
A posse. I gotta see this. Okay, go ahead.
Okay. Yee-haw!
Um... giddy-up, lil' pardners.
I'm, uh, leadin' a posse
to find my rootin-est,
tootin-est brother.
Don't it sound
like a hoot and a holler?
Uh-heh. I'll, uh...
I'll pay a fair wage.
Oh, great! You're all coming forward?
This is excellent!
Do any of you have resumes?
Why didn't you tell me
you had Viking gold?!
Are you out of your mind?
Put those away!
Half this town
will kill you for them,
the other half
doesn't need a reason!
How's about you hand over
that gold? Nice and slow-like.
- Come on.
- Hi.
- Guys?
- Walking away now.
- We can work something out here.
- Ah!
- Ooh!
- Ah!
Whoo! Yee-hoo!
Ooh! What...?
Who are...? Excuse me!
Where'd she go?!
Oh, I see her! Get that gold!
I want that gold!
Come on! Let's go!
Quick! Throw me the gold!
Throw me the gold! Hurry!
- What?! No!
- Okay, get in!
Get in! Come on! Come on!
We'll get you, girl!
Hey, wait! Wait, wait!
Hey, uh, the saddlebag
move you did, nicely done.
I was gonna do it, yeah...
I was about to do it,
and then I saw you do it,
and I was, like, well,
I'm not gonna do it now.
But you know what?
No hard feelings.
Yeah, I could tell,
especially when you were
hiding behind me
like a scared little poodle.
Uh, so...
- About the gold?
- Seriously?
You know, you can just drop me
off at the next exit. I'm cool.
You want to get off
at Jurassic Jungle? Okay.
Um, you know,
on... on second thought,
why don't we just keep driving, heh?
I'm Marla, by the way.
Hi, Marla. I'm Del.
And this is, uh,
Del's Belle, my truck.
I don't let a lot of people in here,
and I'm, uh, letting you in
because I like you,
and not just because you're rich
or that you have a bag of coins.
- That has nothing to do with it.
- Um, is this a food truck?
Used to be. Yeah, couple guys
in Summer Fun Land traded it to me
for a pirate's cannon a few years ago.
Now she's my mobile office,
my apartment on wheels.
I sleep here, I live here.
Anyway, we have had some fun!
Me and Del's Belle,
all the stories she could tell...
And I'd love to hear them.
But I need to focus on finding
my little brother right now.
Okay. What does he look like?
Well, actually,
he's about this tall,
tattoos, beard,
carries around this giant axe.
- How old is he?
- He's 10.
Well, lucky for you,
you ended up with me!
With my connections,
I could find your brother, no problemo.
But the truth is, my back's
against the wall here, alright?
All I want to do is help. That's all
I want to do. But you know what?
I'm gonna have to be
compensated for my time.
How many gold coins
did you say were in the bag?
40. Maybe 50.
And they're all yours
if you can help me find Charlie.
- You got yourself a deal.
- Deal!
Ha-ha-ha-ha! Yeah!
Me and Del's Belle are on the case!
Ain't nothin' gonna stop...
Stop! Stop! Stop!
Hold on! I'm gonna try
to bring her in for a landing!
Whoo! Lean into it!
We be rich, lads!
Tonight we feast!
The first round of turkey legs
is on me, alright?!
I can't believe what I'm seeing!
Me own crew
collectin' a booty for me booty?!
You think
you can just snatch me away
from my Amazonian sisters
in the middle of the night?!
Oh! Unleash me now
and see how you fare!
Pipe down, Amazonian.
You're hurting my ears.
Quiet, Zarkonian scum,
or I'll rip your three tongues out
with my bare hands!
Argh! Ook-Ook free!
Ook-Ook free now!
All hail...
...His Royal Highness!
Emperor... Maximus!
Well, well,
look what we have here.
I really was
on the nice list this year.
- Argh!
- Mm. Yes, strong.
And you have the braids
of a much stronger woman.
This is a beard! Argh!
- Oh! Oh!
- And what do we have here?
Your worst nightmare.
Pfft. You're not a piata
full of bees?
- Hey, sir! Let me go!
- Hmm?
My new Viking friends
are coming for me, I'm sure of it.
And when they free me,
we're all gonna make you pay!
Ha! Well, good luck to them
finding you.
Good luck to anyone
finding you here.
This entire city is on a remote island.
It's surrounded by jagged rocks
and an impenetrable wall,
guarded day and night.
No one's coming for you, kid.
Trust me.
Release me now,
and I may just let you live,
vile knave!
You kiss your mother
with that mouth? Pfft! Goodbye!
I'll get you! Ah!
Are you ready
to have some fun?!
You're probably wondering
what you're doing here
I bet you're dying to know.
Oops. Bad choice of words.
Who's the stylish lad
with the fresh toga gear
Let me explain before the show.
Eyes on me
I am ruler of these masses
Like my daddy
and my daddy's daddy before that daddy
Their protection from trespassers
That's you, big guy.
Invented a game
It keeps 'em tame
and that's how I stay on top
I give the people
what they want...
And what they want's
a little... shocking
The bigger the beast the messier
the feast, but much to their delight
I give the people what they want
And what they want's a fight
Ah! Ha-ha!
Excuse me!
Anyone knows what's going on?
He really likes
to hear himself sing.
Yeah, but he has talent.
Voice of an angel.
But the heart of a devil!
See the way
The screaming hordes demand it
This spectacle says
I've got your back, I'm the savior
I lied and said
I caught you all red-handed
Doing something very bad
I then sheltered them from evil
Like my daddy and my daddy's daddy,
they think I'm the best
Nothing here is even illegal
They're entertained
no one complains
And it keeps me in St-Laurent
I give the people what they want
And what they want
is to feel safe here
I keep my crown
and make daddy proud
As long as I provide
I give the people
what they want and they...
Want you...
To die...
- Thanks for the jacket, Del.
- No problem.
Can't have you turned into a Popsicle
out here, now can we? Heh-heh.
So do you know where we are?
Better if we don't say.
Place is hush-hush, no habla.
On the down-low. Get it?
You are so odd.
Just tell me this.
How are we gonna get back
to finding Charlie?
I told you,
I have contacts everywhere.
One of them happens to be
the world's greatest secret agent.
Nice hat.
- His name is Rex Dasher.
- And you're sure he'll help us?
I let him crash in Del's Belle once
when everyone wanted him dead,
so he owes me... big-time!
Okay, let's find this Rex Dancer.
And you don't find him, he finds you.
- Huh?
- Rex is brilliant, suave, fun at parties.
Fosters abandoned dogs.
A master of disguise.
Oh, and did I mention...
roguishly handsome?
Surprise. Rex Dasher.
Rex Dasher!
- At your service.
- Ha-ha!
I love that trick!
Never gets old.
Word of advice: in this town,
nothing is what it seems.
- Wait. Wh...
- Hush.
My enemies have
eyes and ears everywhere.
This way!
Rex Dasher!
After me! Hup!
Nope. This...
this one's just garbage.
Man with the plan incognito
He could out-sting a mosquito
Rex Dasher
So dreamy
He's probably right behind you
So your brother's missing.
Truth is, he's not the first.
Over the last several months,
a number of citizens from different lands
have vanished into thin air.
Wait. Do you think it's the same people
who took my brother?
I'm 100% almost sure.
We're heading
into dangerous territory,
both with the villains
and your feelings for me.
Don't deny it.
I'm a human lie detector.
A flower shop? Really?
Once you look past the roses
and carnations,
you'll find the headquarters for
a top-secret organization known as SKULL.
The Secret Killers Union
of Lethal Lemurs.
The name kind of
falls apart at the end,
but they liked
the sound of SKULL
and hoped people wouldn't
wonder what it stands for.
We get to the top floor, we access
their satellite surveillance system.
From there,
we'll check yesterday's feed,
and get a visual on where
that wagon took your brother.
Like it. Good plan.
And it sounds easy. Right, Rex?
I mean, there's no chance
of death or anything, right?
Well, aside from the multiple
levels of security,
unique daily access codes
and a laser retina scan,
it should be quite fun!
- Oh, great. When do we start?
- We already have.
Dr. Greta Grim.
Tenacious, brilliant, icy,
with only one weakness:
spicy breakfast burritos.
She, and only she, has full access
and can move freely
throughout the facility.
Upon entrance
into the secret corridor,
she is escorted by her two
most trusted lieutenants.
Then she is given the access code
to the computer mainframe.
Remember, the key
to impersonating Dr. Grim
is her confidence.
She is unwavering.
Dr. Grim, wait!
We need your expert advice.
Oh! Uh... not now.
Very busy with the, uh...
...secret doomsday
robot submarine thingy...
Oh, no need.
The Secret Doomsday Robot
Submarine Thingy has already launched.
- Wait. Really?
- Indeed.
Now we need your expertise
with freeze-ray laser cannon.
Ah. Um...
Try adding more...
- Oh!
- Oh! Yes, yes, yes!
- Why didn't we think of that?
- Brilliant!
- Good show, my dear.
- That was close.
Okay, Del,
how are those burritos coming?
People, you can't rush delicious.
Del, listen to me.
Dr. Grim must eat a burrito.
Otherwise, Marla's cover
will be completely blown.
I see her!
Uh... she's in my sights!
Oh, I hope your intel's right
about her loving these things, Rex!
Huh. My intel's always right.
Now, lay out the free samples,
and dose them with
the sleep serum I gave you.
I'm on it!
It's sleepy time for Dr. Grim.
I can't open it.
Open, open, open!
Ooh. Spicy burritos! For free?
Okay, Rex,
I'm at the retina scanner.
Tell me that firewall is down,
or there's no way I'm getting in.
Just a moment.
Please hurry!
- Guard!
- Oh!
There's emergency on level 1!
Report there immediately!
Oh, I'm just an intern!
No, no, no...!
I'll take that.
Don't hurry back.
Ha-ha. Oh...
Oh! Retinal scan offline.
Walk me through this, Rex.
First, log in with the access codes
from the lieutenant.
Then we'll get you
to that satellite footage.
Okay. Got it!
Come on, come on!
Hi. Come on!
Dr. Grim! More ice!
Almost there. C'mon!
Faster, faster!
Da, da! One moment.
Oh! I'm not the impostor! She is!
She does not have... mustache.
You shouldn't have
broken in here.
Now we're going to have
to torture you. So sorry.
Take her to... the dentist chair.
What?! No! Wait, please!
- Oh!
- Rex?!
Rex Dasher!
It's okay to be excited
to see me. You're only human.
- There they are! Stop!
- Head for the hallway!
The lighting in here
really brings out my eyes!
- Oh!
- I can take seven or eight.
Any chance
you can take the rest?
I have a feeling
we'll be giving them...
...the cold shoulder.
- You're not allowed in there!
- Ha!
Well played.
Shocks away!
That was terrifying,
but also kind of exhilarating.
Wait! Del! What happened?!
Ten of them attacked me, poured...
poured the serum down my throat,
and they ate all the burritos
'cause they were good, obviously.
And then... Wait.
Did we get the footage?
Unfortunately, no.
Don't fret, Marla.
Perhaps being a secret agent
is just not your forte.
Yeah. Totally. Except...
Marla Brenner!
In this town,
nothing is what it seems.
Guys, we got company!
Hold on!
Leave it to me! Here, take this.
And best of luck
finding your brother.
- Wait! Rex!
- I know! You love me!
You don't need to say it
with words.
You're already saying it
with your eyes.
Um... I was just gonna say
you forgot your sunglasses.
Rex Dasher
So handsome
He's coming to your rescue
- Yeah!
Rex Dasher
So handsome
Whoa! Step on it, Del!
I love that trick!
Rex Dasher!
Bravo, Mr. Dasher.
Well, hello, ladies.
I didn't realize I had an audience.
Ah. Perfect!
Shaken, not stir...
Ha. Emperor Maximus,
we have captured Dasher
and are returning to the palace.
Nicely done.
Bathroom, bathroom, bathroom!
Where are you?!
No, no, no!
There has to be a mistake!
One more time.
So here's the wagon, and here's us.
And then - poof -
the wagon's just... gone?
How can that be?
I've watched it a thousand times!
Mm. Mm. Mm...
How can you be eating
at a time like this?
Whipping up those spicy burritos
must've stirred something in me.
Oh, I don't get it!
A wagon can't just vanish into thin air.
C'mon, you're no use
to your baby bro
if you die of starvation, hmm...?
It must've gone somewhere,
but where?
Mm. Mm. Mm...
Look, sorry if I seem on edge,
it's just...
Charlie's out there,
somewhere, all alone.
I'm supposed to be there for him and...
...I haven't been.
What's that, Mr. Meatball?
"I wanna meet Marla."
Oh, the meatball
wants to meet Marla.
Come on, come on.
These are really good.
- Eh. Made 'em from scratch.
- Mm!
You're really talented, Del.
Ever think about cooking for a living?
I'm not that good. I mean, I'm good.
I've been told I could model, too.
But, you know, I just cook...
...what tastes great to me,
which is pretty much everything,
which probably interfered
with my modeling.
Oh! Alright, here we are.
We're refueled, I'm refueled.
We should go.
But we don't know where to go!
There's gotta be something
in this footage.
- Wait! Stop! Let me see that.
- Huh?
- What is it?
- Hold on. Uh, back, back. Zoom in.
- Is that what made them disappear?
- I don't know.
- But I sure recognize this!
- What is that?
Not a what. It's a who!
And I know exactly
where we need to go now!
Ah... come on!
Let's mo-ti-vate!
- Wait. Del?
- What?
Uh, just...
thanks for everything so far.
Hey, I should be thanking you.
After all, your bag of Viking coins
is really gonna save my bacon.
Big time!
We're coming for ya, lil' bro!
I hope you're doing better
than I am, Marla.
Oh... whoa!
- Uh...
- Ook-Ook.
- Uh! Uh...
- Repulsive!
I will not spend another nanosecond
with this lower life form.
Arrogant talk coming
from a gutless bounty hunter!
Stow ye tempers.
There be a common enemy
facing all of us,
that horrible beastie!
Look around, will ya?
There's a reason
we were all captured.
We're the toughest of the tough,
the baddest of the lot.
And there be strength
in numbers.
Oh, I hate to say it,
but the pirate's right.
We can survive together.
After all, who among us
hasn't spit in death's face
100 times in just the last month
and lived to tell about it?!
Oh... yeah!
- Uh...
- Wookoo! Wookookoo!
Aye, no time to waste.
There be some escaping to do.
Ah, yes,
city of the future.
Take it all in, Marla!
- This is amazing!
- Ha-ha!
Pretty wonderful, right?
Am I right? I'm right.
Alright, let's do this!
- Whoa.
- Hey, good to see you!
Wow, your head looks thinner.
Hey, keep it close.
This shouldn't take long.
- Whoa! This is so cool.
- Marla, Marla.
- Hey, uh, they don't like that.
- Pfft!
- Let's go.
- Pfft!
It's like one of those stress balls.
Someone gave me one once.
It didn't help.
A club?
Hey, careful, you might
be having a good time.
Hey! Hi! Ha-ha!
What's going on?
I'm not really in the mood
to dance right now.
We're here to see Glinara!
What?! Glinara?!
This is her club,
but... but it's all a front.
She's got her hands
in everything illegal,
including black-market tech.
- Come on.
- O-okay.
I just didn't realize
we were seeing her so soon.
Relax, Marla.
Ha-ha! What's up?
Tell the boss
Del's here to see her.
I have her money.
I got a Del down here
askin' to see Miss G.
- No, not Adele. That'd be awesome.
- But what if...
- No, just Del. Yeah, yeah.
- What if we don't have enough?
What are you talking about? Trust me.
You have enough gold
in that bag to pay off my debt
and buy the info we need about Charlie.
Because if you didn't,
we wouldn't get outta here alive.
- Huh.
- Del!
She's ready. Let's go.
- You see?
- Uh... Del?
I really think we should talk
about this first.
Will you stop worrying?
We're perfectly safe.
Deep down, Glinara
is a completely delightful...
Oh, my... Oh.
I want umbrellas in my drinks!
- Hey, are you alright?
- Ow!
Here, let me help you up.
Oh, poor little robot.
Hey, it's okay.
We're not gonna hurt you.
We're not scary. I promise.
Dude! You took quite a spill.
You okay?
Del! Get up here already!
Gotta go, gotta go!
Delightful, huh?
There she is, my Glinara!
Look at you!
Give me a couple coins.
I'm gonna need 'em.
Oh, um... here.
You look amazing!
I mean, just as radiant as ever.
Mwah, mwah!
Ah, can the sweet talk, Del.
You know I always glow
during molting season. Hmm...
- Um... Oh!
- Who are you?
A little tight. Um...
- I'm... I'm Marla. Oh!
- Oh, you thought I cared?
- Ha! You're hilarious!
- Ow!
- Now, where's my money, Del?
- Huh!
Please don't make me do
something I don't want to do.
Relax! You're gonna get back
double what I owe you.
Oh! So shiny!
Oh, my little Viking gold.
Who loves you more than I do?
- Double? Okay.
- Nobody.
- Uh, Del?
- Glinny, I just need some help.
I saw your logo on some high-tech,
disappearing-gizmo thing.
A disappearing... Ah!
Why would I tell you
about illegal cloaking devices?
If I knew, which of course I don't.
Oh... what's that behind your ear?
Del! You, rascal, you!
Robotitron, get over here!
Show me the black-market files.
Oh, yes, looks like I did sell
cloaking devices. Who knew? Ah...
Oh, Maximus...
You mean Emperor Maximus?
- Who's that?
- Oh, Emperor Maximus
is the supreme ruler of Constantinopolis
and my number-one client.
Well, your client has my brother,
and we're going to get him back!
Oh, cupcake,
if Maximus has your brother,
that means he's fighting
in the coliseum tomorrow night!
Fighting? Tomorrow?!
Del, we need to go now!
Forget something?
The rest of my money?!
Okay, okay. Easy, easy.
I'm a man of my word.
Marla, the rest
of the gold coins if you will.
Um, yeah, about that...
We should've
really discussed this.
Marla? Stop messing around. Let go.
- You let go!
- Would you...
- You don't want to do this!
- Oh, yes, I do. I really do!
No, you... don't!
What the heck is...
What the heck is this?!
Is this a spoon?!
Where's... where's the money?
Del, I'm so sorry,
but... I never had the money.
Marla, you... you lied to me?
I had to do everything I could
to save my brother. Even lie!
I was gonna tell you. I'm... I'm sorry!
Whap, whap, whap!
Guess you got taken for a ride, Del. Hmm?
And since you don't have my money,
it looks like this is your last stop!
Uh, Glinara? Please!
Hey, c'mon.
We can work something out.
He has nothing to do with this!
He was just helping me! Please! Oh!
If I were you, and I'm glad I'm not,
I'd worry less about your brother
and more about what I'm gonna
do to the two you.
- Whoa!
- Toss me the janglers.
Ugh. The keys. Toss me the keys.
Thank ye.
- Uh... are they gonna be okay?
- Don't worry.
They'll wake up in...
12 to 48 hours.
C'mon! C'mon! Hurry now!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo!
- Shhh! Keep it down!
Now's our chance!
- Ook-Ook, you're up.
- Ook!
Show us where the fishies swim!
- Ook, Ook, Ook.
- Well, now that's cute. But no.
Not how do fishies swim,
where do fishies swim!
- On with ye now!
- Fishies! Me want fishies!
Look at him go!
Follow that hairy beast!
- Fishies!
- Oh, good job, Ook-Ook.
Me want fishies!
- Okay!
- Whoa!
- Which boat do we take?
- Ha!
Nah, we be escapin' in style.
Wow! A real-life pirate ship!
Not just any pirate ship.
Me own girl, the Thunderous Eel!
No, I'm not the scoundrel
I appear to be
I'm just a sailor
an occasional thief
I'm the finest of captains
that ever be
The open sea
She's callin' me...
- Oh! Oh.
- Ook-Ook?
- Bad Ook-Ook!
- Ook?
- Bloodbones!
- More like crushed bones.
Oh, no! Wake up!
- Stop!
- Aye!
We need to set sail. Now!
- Come on, Captain.
- Come on, wake up!
Oh, it's no use. He's out cold!
Oh, no! What do we do?!
Who's gonna sail the ship?!
- You!
- Me?
Vikings are the most steadfast
sailors in all the land!
You can sail us out of here, Viking!
- Ook-Ook!
- Oh, uh, right.
Get them! Hurry!
We stand ready for your order,
Captain Charles!
- Hurry, Viking!
- Uh...
You can do this, Charlie.
Just think it through.
It's now or never, Captain!
Um... okay!
Let's pull on, uh...
...that rope, that one and... that one!
Aye, aye, Captain!
Ha-ha! Let's cut and run!
- Ha-ha!
- Yes!
- We're moving!
- We did it!
- Ook-Ook!
- Yes! It worked!
They're getting away!
Stop them!
Halt! Stop!
- That's it! Whoo!
- Ha-ha-ha-ha! Whoo-hoo!
- We're sailing!
- Whoo-hoo!
Yes, we are!
- Yeah!
- Good instinct, Viking!
If Marla
could only see me now.
Oh, that almost worked.
What'd I miss?
Del, I know
what I did was wrong.
How many times can I say I'm sorry?
But we need to work together
if we're gonna get out of this.
Is someone talking to me?
I don't know, because I've blocked out
all liars and traitors,
so I can't hear anything
from people that are jerks.
Pipe down, you two!
Now, where is the top destination
for double-crossers this season?
- Glinara! Slug Muffin!
- Hmm. Ooh.
The scorching desert
of Pharaoh Dunes?
Ooh, you are gonna burn!
- Come on!
- No, no, no! Not there, not there!
Or maybe the unforgiving,
frigid terrain of Yeti Tundra!
- Oh, come on!
- No!
Better yet... Oh!
The volcanoes of Pompeii Plaza!
No, no! Come on, Glinara, please!
If you have even one decent bone
in your body, you can't do this!
I don't have bones in my body,
thank you very much.
- No, no, no!
- Please! Glinara!
- Oh, I love this part!
- Del! Ah!
- You saved us, little guy! Thank you!
- Oh, thank you, buddy!
Robotitron! How dare you?!
Ha-ha-ha! Ow. Oh, my.
- Whoa! Ah! Whoa!
- Oh, no, no.
Go! Hurry up! Get 'em!
Come on! Let's go, boys!
Whoa...! Hold on!
Changing channel,
changing channel, changing.
Ah! Sharks!
- No, flowers!
- Flowers!
Go back to the flowers!
Oh! Don't let go!
Oh... yes! Yes! We made it!
We're alive! We're alive!
Oh! And now we know
where Charlie is!
We still have a full day
to get to him.
We can do this! Oh!
Is that a fairytale castle?!
Yes! If we can find help
at the castle, then we can...
We?! I'm sorry,
I... I keep hearing "we." There is no we!
Not anymore, Marla!
This little adventure of ours is over!
- You lied to me!
- Ugh! Del, come on!
Would you have helped me
for no money?!
Would I have helped you?
How dare you?
Probably not.
I probably wouldn't have helped you.
But... that's not the point.
That is the point.
I mean, is there anyone's life
you don't ruin, Marla?
Good luck finding your brother!
I really do mean that.
- Del! Del, wait!
- But I also hope you don't find me.
I can't do this without you. Del!
- Del.
- Well, fine!
If that's the way you want it,
Robotitron's gonna help me...
...find Charlie.
Well, look who it is!
My little rotten runaways.
How's that taste?
Oh, oh, oh!
I see you're taking stock
of your new accommodations.
See what I did with the words?
Alright, let's go.
Where are the rose pedals?!
- This is all my fault.
- Ya think?!
I just wanted an adventure,
to have some fun
with my sister for once.
Marla. I don't even know
where she is.
I hope she's not in trouble too.
- Or eaten by a shark.
- What?! Don't say that!
I'm sorry.
My sister and I got
into a huge fight.
I bet... she hates me now.
I, too, miss my sisters
back in Amazonia.
The fights we had
amongst ourselves were legend!
But we loved each other
fiercely as well.
Out of the way! Move along!
Fresh meat coming through!
Alright, alright, I'm coming!
Ugh. Ugh.
How's my hair?
You're the missing warriors.
Secret Agent Rex Dasher.
- Rex Dash...
- Oh!
At your service.
I was on a mission
to rescue you all.
And this brute must be - ha!
- Charlie the Viking!
Ah, your sister Marla
is coming for you, my good man.
- You know Marla?
- Know her?
I served side-by-side with her.
She's battled all manner of deadly foe
and unspeakable danger to find you.
Sounds like a true Amazonian!
She'd make a great bounty hunter.
Tell us about this amazing lass!
What are you doin', lad?
Argh! I need... to find my...
Emergency! Emperor!
Ah, are you kidding me?
Now what?
Oh, my! Where...
Where did they go?
What am I paying you for?! Get them!
Let's go!
They're on our tail!
Shuffle, shuffle,
shuffle, shuffle, shuffle!
- Oh! Oh! Oh!
- Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle!
Let's go!
- And heave!
- Look out!
- Okay, we need to turn!
- Hard left!
We're surrounded!
We're not gonna make it!
Come on, guys,
we're not done yet!
Ladies first.
- Charles, what are you doing?
- Get down here this instant!
We ain't leavin' ya behind!
Let me do this. I owe you guys.
- You're a great warrior Viking.
- You're alright, kid.
Go! Go!
Ah... ah...
Hey, droopy, up.
Up on the corner. Ah...
You think you're so brave,
letting your co-stars escape?
Well, Mr. Big Shot, in one hour,
it'll be a one-man show where you're
fighting for your life in my arena!
All... by... your... lonesome!
You okay, buddy?
You're sounding a little squeaky.
No. Okay.
We're going to find help.
I-I think the castle is... this way.
This... way?
Okay. Okay.
We gotta be close.
How long...
...have we been walking?
Ah! Whoa! Oof!
Oh! Ow!
Oh, I am so sorry.
Are... are you okay?
- My arm.
- Let me get that for you.
- I'm fine.
- Is that better?
- Yes.
- That was my fault. I...
Wait a second. No!
No, this can't be right!
We're right back
where we started!
This can't possibly get any worse!
Oh, come on!
What the...?
- What was that?
- Careful. Careful.
- Ah...
- Who... who's there?
Ugh. Ow!
- Wow!
- Who are you?
The gown-and-wand ensemble?
The shimmering glow?
The floating in the air?
None of that gave it away?
Hello? I'm a fairy godmother.
Oh. Ooh.
Sorry about that.
No worries. Easy fix.
Wait a minute.
You're the voice that I heard.
- Yeah... that was me.
- Well...
people are usually so excited
to see a fairy godmother,
they generally
don't hurl things at my face.
For instance, the bearded guy
I ran into a few hours ago...
- Del?
- ...would not stop hugging me.
You saw Del? Is he okay?
No. Sadly, the wolves got him.
- What?!
- Kidding. Kidding.
Jeez. Calm down. Come on.
What kind of a fairy godmother
would I be?
I gave him a wish
and I sent him on his way.
- A wish?
- That's what I do.
I find people who seem lost
and set them on the right path.
I'm amazing.
Okay, great! I've got until
sundown to save my brother.
Can you please use that wand
to zap him back to me?
Ha! No. My wishes
don't quite work like that.
I mean, Cinderella got her gown,
but she still had to go
to the ball herself.
I've tried doing it myself.
But look at me, I'm a wreck.
Girl, we gotta change that attitude.
Now, come on, step into my office.
It's a place
where wishes come true.
How did I not find this place?
Sometimes we don't see
what's right in front of us.
- Wow, wow, wow.
- Also, it's magic.
There's still time to save Charlie.
But first, you'll need to believe you can.
You're allowed to feel
However you feel
You don't always
have to hide your tears
Even if today
doesn't go your way
I bet I'll get you smiling ear to ear
Everybody has their days
I know we gonna be okay
You don't have to be afraid
When the rain falls down upon this
I won't run
Run like the river
Now, let's get you cleaned up!
Zippity... zappity... zoo!
Run like the river
I believe in you
You'll know what to do
Be the hero
that's like no one else
Whoa! Whoa!
You've been here before
Closin' every door
is what you owe yourself
Everybody has their days
I know we gonna be okay
You don't have to be afraid
When the rain falls down upon this
- Good day, milady.
- Good morning, sir.
Run like the river
- Um, hello, birdies.
- When the rain falls down
Upon this...
- Good day!
- Thank you.
Missed me. Take that!
Oh, okay. En garde!
- You having fun yet, or what?
- Whoo-hoo!
What exactly are they doing?
Getting you ready for a party.
A rescue party! Let's go!
Get up there, Marla.
No excuses, girl, c'mon!
Whoa! Is that it?
It's so much closer
than I thought!
I hope I can do this.
This girl believed
anything was possible.
You can do it
Nothin' to it
Say I believe
I... believe?
You deserve it
Know you're worth it
Is that for me?
Yes, it's for you.
I'll be the girl... I used to be.
Now you're starting to get it!
I can do this!
You can do it
Nothin' to it
Say I believe
I believe!
It's time to fly!
- I promise I'll be the girl...
- Whoo!
...I used to be!
Go get Charlie!
Thank you.
When the rain falls down
I won't run
I'm coming for you, little bro!
Ah... Huh?
What the...?!
Ah. Huh?
Is that too tight?
- Actually, yeah.
- Good!
Ah, the show's about to start!
What is that?!
Just a blend
of savory herbs and spices.
It's gonna make ya extra tasty
for the beastie.
Ah! Ah!
Marla... I need you.
Okay, ready for this?
Thank you!
- Bye-bye.
- Bye!
Thank you.
So it's... heavily guarded
and impossibly tall.
As Amelia Earhart once said,
"Adventure is worthwhile in itself."
It's just something
I used to do. Let... let's go.
Hey! Who goes there?!
- Aha!
- Ah!
- Huh?
- Hi-yah!
Walk it off, big guy!
...was broken by a cartful
of watermelons!
Let the other guards know
immediately. Go, go, go!
We need to blend in.
Let's go. Ready. Ready!
Love the disguise, buddy, but, uh,
you still stick out like a sore thumb.
Stay put. I'll be back for you
once I get Charlie.
Danger, danger.
Don't worry, I'll be fine.
- I'll see you soon.
- Bye-bye.
- Not if I can help it.
- ...that fits this description?
They are wearing a backpack
with a sword sticking out of...
Do you mean like that?
Hey! Hey, you!
Stop at once!
Guards! I spotted an intruder
inside our very city!
Go now! Go!
Oh... Charlie?!
Hey, chop-chop! Let's go!
Bring me the stepstool!
Take it! Come on!
- No way! You take it!
- You take it!
- It's not my job!
- Take it right now.
- I'm not taking it.
- I am letting go!
- My hands are in the air!
- Do it!
- No. No.
- Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes!
- Maximus!
- Oh! Charlie?
- Whoo!
- Maximus! Maximus!
- Maximus!
- Maximus! We want Maximus!
Ha-ha! Aw, you're all cheering
for me and I love it!
I love it, I love it, I love it!
Make sure I'm outta here before
any of this riffraff can touch me.
And now...
...the moment
you've all been waiting for!
I give you...
...Charles the Destroyer!
Huh... uh...
I, Emperor Maximus
of Constantinopolis,
declare the games...!
Oh! Hey! Who do you think...
Oh! Oh-ho!
- Uh...
- Oh! Ah! Hey!
- Wait!
- Yah!
Marla! Oh!
- Ooh!
- Oh, Charlie!
Thank goodness I found you!
You're the knight!
You're really the noble knight!
What a treat.
We have a special guest
for tonight's show!
Don't worry.
You can all pay extra for it
on the way out.
Now, release the beast!
Here he comes, here he comes,
here he comes, here he comes,
here he comes, here he comes!
Um... Marla?
Alright, Charlie, we got this!
Marla, is that a T-Rex?!
Charlie... run!
Ha-ha! Turn around!
He's behind you!
Charlie, catch!
Stay away from my brother!
Ah! Ah!
Hey! I think you're part
of my carpool.
No... way! Del!
Who ordered a food truck?!
- La-la-la-la-la-la!
- Hold on!
Let's make this dino... sore.
- Wah-wah-wah.
- Come on, it wasn't that bad!
Great timing! Oh, it's so good
to see you guys!
Buckle up.
I'm getting us outta here.
You're not gonna believe
what happened to me.
- I met a fairy godmother.
- Hurry up!
- Del, eyes on the road!
- And she gave me a wish!
Come on, you prehistoric pea-brain!
Finish them!
- Del...
- ...for a thousand breakfast burritos!
- So I paid Glinara back...
- It's gaining on us!
- Del, focus!
- Double!
And she let me use
her transporter to get back here!
Hold on back there!
Argh! Oh!
Ah! Guys! I got a plan!
Come on!
Del, we're in position.
Are you ready?
Ready! Let's go!
Okay, brave Viking,
this one's for Mom and Dad.
Let's do it
like we always used to.
It's time to take down this guy
with the...
- Duo...
- Slingshot!
Go, Marla!
Catch me, Charlie! Catch me!
Oh! Yes!
- Oh.
- Marla, I don't think it worked!
Finally! The big finale!
You don't see that every day.
- Awesome! Way to go!
- Oh, yeah! Whoo-hoo!
What the heck is going on?! Oh!
Guards, seize my prisoners!
Sorry we're late.
Had to do a bit of vanquishing
before we arrived.
Oh, yeah! We bad!
Oh! How dare you all?!
Why, if I wasn't all the way
up here on this balcony, I would...
- You'd what now?
- Oh!
Believe me, we wanted a fight,
but your soldiers ran away so fast.
Captain, I... I didn't see you there.
Uh, guards? Anyone? A little help?!
Yer days of swindlin'
and plunderin' are over,
Maxi, old boy.
Toss this urchin in the brig!
Aye-aye, Cap'n.
Oh! No. No, no, no!
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Please don't hurt me. Ah!
Oh, no fair.
Ha-ha! Alright!
Captain Bloodbones,
you got your crew back!
Aye, Charles!
I gave them a choice:
be eaten alive
by a school of piranha,
or work for me!
Two of them chose the piranha!
Wow. Marla,
look at all these people.
Oh! Who are probably hungry...
...for some food from a food truck!
Meatballs and spicy burritos!
Come on down to Del's Belle
for the finest spicy burritos...
- Let's go home, Marla.
- Sure.
There's just one last thing
I have to do.
You're no one's prisoner anymore.
You can fly anywhere you want.
Viking and knight!
Viking and knight!
Viking and knight!
Thanks for your help, everybody.
It was an honor, my friend.
And a privilege to work with you,
Agent Marla.
Good Ook-Ook.
- Ook-ook-ook.
- I guess... this is goodbye.
I'm gonna miss you, Marla.
- Oh...
- I mean, I won't miss being chased,
shot at, almost eaten alive.
That... that was... terrifying.
But I will miss you.
Without you, I would never have
realized that cooking completes me.
It's who I am. I mean, I'm also
a very good singer, but I... I should cook.
Thank you, Marla.
Thank you, Del. I'll miss you, too.
- Oh...
- Oh, it's okay, little guy.
You won't be alone anymore.
You've got Del.
- Oh?
- You're family now.
Family. Family!
I wish we had more time
to get to know each other, Viking.
Your moves reminded me of my cooking.
You seem like my kind of guy.
Thank you so much for helping my sister.
Ah, it was nothing.
Well, it wasn't nothing.
It was very dangerous,
but I'm happy to do it.
So can I give you guys
a ride back?
- Burritos! Burritos!
- Um, you got some customers.
- Burritos! Burritos!
- Oh, oh, burrito man, over here!
- Whoa!
- Coming! Coming!
I'm coming, people! I'm coming.
Wait. How are we gonna
get back home?
I... think we already have a ride.
La la la la la la la la...
Marla, I'm really sorry
for all the things I said,
and everything I did...
It's okay, Charlie. You were right.
- I was?
- We really were meant to be here.
Viking and knight, side by side.
Look! There it is.
- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!
We're back.
I have a nose again. Oh... Charlie.
- Marla?
- Are you...?
Oh, thank goodness!
- Oh, we're back!
- You're you!
Hey. Ha-ha.
You found your brother.
Yeah. Yeah, we, uh...
...finally found each other.
Must've been the scariest
five minutes of your life.
Wait. Five?
Look, uh, I'm glad to see
a happy ending, but you gotta go.
- Thank you.
- Five minutes? That's insane.
- I know.
- We fought a T-Rex!
Flew on a T-Rex.
- We fought in the Coliseum!
- I'm not crazy. Are you crazy?
- I'm not crazy.
- Hey!
I think you, uh, dropped this.
Oh, yeah, I... guess I did.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- Is that your passport?
- Yeah.
It's all here.
- It's all here.
- Whoa.
Look at all those places.
there are so many
more adventures to come.
Come on, let's go home.
I sailed a pirate ship!
- Whoa!
- It's like...
Well, I only actually got to sail
for a minute. But it was amazing!
Well, I meet a secret agent
called Rex Dasher.
I know! Isn't he the coolest?!
Uh... yeah.
Yeah. Yeah, he is.
No, wait, wait, wait.
So what happened
after you got captured?
Okay, so then the Emperor
put us in his stock.
But I used my super strength
to break out!
So I found out about the Emperor...
There is so much world out there
And we got to see it all
No stone unturned
I swear
My bucket list is just too long
We won't stop
Till we've seen
What's beyond the horizon
We can't stop till we've seen
The places we've had our eyes on
You'll see
It's all waiting for you...
And it's waiting for me
It's waiting for you and me
You're probably wondering
what you're doing here
I bet you're dying to know.
Oops. Bad choice of words.
Who's the stylish lad
with the fresh toga gear
Let me explain before the show.
Eyes on me
I am ruler of these masses
Like my daddy and my daddy's daddy
before that daddy
Their protection from trespassers
That's you, big guy.
Invented a game
It keeps 'em tame
and that's how I stay on top
I give the people what they want...
And what they want's
a little... shocking
The bigger the beast the messier
the feast, but much to their delight
I give the people what they want
And what they want's a fight
Ha-ha! Ha-ha.
That's my... my evil laugh.
Did it scare you? Can you believe that?!
You see the way
the screaming hordes demand it
This spectacle says
I've got your back, I'm the savior
I lied and said
I caught you all red-handed
Doing something very bad
I then sheltered them from evil
Like my daddy and my daddy's daddy,
they think I'm the best
Nothing here is even illegal
They're entertained,
no one complains
And it keeps me in St-Laurent
I give the people what they want...
And what they want
is to feel safe here
The world is small within our walls
Outside is a risk
I give the people what they want
And what they want is this
I give the people what they want...
I give the people
what they want...
I keep my crown
I make daddy proud
As long as I provide
I give the people
what they want and they...
Want you...
To die!
- Who be this, your squire
- Excuse me?
- Is it friend or foe
- We're just gonna go.
No... way
- Silly wench, please
- What?!
Go and fetch our hero a flagon of mead
Oh, oh...
- Are you kidding?
- And make haste.
- I'm his sister. And it's late.
- Not now! Stop it, Marla!
So if you woolly mammoths would
put him down, that'd be great. Thanks.
He actually has school tomorrow,
and he should've been in bed,
like, two hours ago.
Not a chance, he's with us
He has proven himself of value
and thus he stays...
We celebrate...
Gentleman, show how we do!
- Oh, we raise our cups
- We raise our cups
- To our hero's might
- To our hero's might
It's Charles the Destroyer
we honor tonight
- We could all be dead
- We could all be dead
- By tomorrow morn
- By tomorrow morn
It's all for one and one for all,
brothers in arms
Brothers in arms,
brothers in arms
We are brothers in arms
Come on, Marla, this is real!
And everyone thinks I'm great.
This is rad!
- It's mad!
- Well, I'm loving it. I'm gonna stay.
Charlie, seriously?
Please. Look around.
We gotta get back home.
We gotta go now.
If you can't see this is fun
Then I don't know
what you've become
- Gonna take my place
- Gonna take his place
- Brother in arms
- Brothers in arms
I'm Charles the Destroyer
- Enemies be warned
- Enemies be warned
- Let the feast begin
- Let the feast begin
- Got an appetite
- Got an appetite
I bet this Viking party boat's
gonna go all night
Wa da da da da
Wa da da da dee
It's Charles the Destroyer
for the victory
Wa da da da da
Wa da da da dum
It's all for one and one for all,
brothers in arms
Brothers in arms,
brothers in arms...
And I'm staying right here, ahh!
Rex Dasher
Man with the plan incognito
He could out-sting a mosquito
Rex Dasher
So dreamy
He's probably right behind you
Rex Dasher
So handsome
He's coming to your rescue
Rex Dasher
So handsome
How does his hair stay so smooth
Rex Dasher