Playmobil: The Secret Of Pirate Island (2009)

Are We there yet?
Are We there yet?
Are We there yet?
He does this every time
We go on a trip.
-Tries to annoy me.
I Was just asking a question.
The same question over and over.
Hey, remember the song
Gram taught us?
I do.
-Oh, there you are.
-Hello, Amelia.
-Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad.
-Hey, Mom. Hey, Gramps.
Mary, Tom. HoW are you?
Oh, it's so nice to see you.
-So hoW Was the drive?
We sang your song.
You call that singing?
Mom and Dad liked it.
Mom and Dad Were being polite.
Like When they say you're Witty?
Amelia is very Witty.
So, What are you kids up for?
Let's go exploring.
The boy's got spirit.
The boy's a loose cannon.
That's because he acts
before he thinks.
Hey, I'm only 7.
So Where should We play?
HoW about up in the attic?
-No Way.
-Amelia's afraid of heights.
It's dusty up there.
-They could go explore outside.
Let's climb trees.
Oh, I forgot.
Amelia's afraid of heights.
Maybe you could help her
overcome her fear.
And, Amelia, you could teach Jack
not to just barrel into things.
Whatever you decide, be careful.
And, Jack. Listen to your sister.
-That Will be a first.
-Come on.
-They're ready, Mary.
I Was even younger.
They'll be fine, dear.
Look at all this stuff.
Must have taken years to collect.
Check this out.
I am all-poWerful.
Well, I'm a magical princess.
You Will obey my commands.
-Oh, yeah?
And if you don't,
I'll sic a nasty mummy after you.
Bring him on.
Because I'm a big, bad...
...voodoo daddy.
Amelia, look.
-Come on.
It's a schooner.
You can tell by the tWo masts.
Jack, We have to go back.
Schooners are really fast ships.
They Were usually sailed by--
Is me sWeet sailing vessel shipshape
and seaWorthy?
Come on, We gotta hide.
Quick, in that barrel.
Gaptooth, has me beauty
been scraped and cleaned?
Clean as a Whistle, captain.
Scrape it clean, Washing machine.
Cookie, did you replace
that Worn-out plank?
All set, captain.
Plumpy tank gonna break the plank.
Bring me cracker barrel aboard.
Yummy crackers.
Settle doWn there, Sea Biscuit.
What do they make
these crackers out of?
Lead flour?
Deck sWabbed, supplies loaded
and battened doWn, sir.
Excellent, me hearty.
Blasted bilge rat, Where are you?
Yes, sir.
Weigh anchor, and set sail.
Yes, sir.
Bird brain. Bird brain.
NoW, noW, Sea Biscuit.
We ain't all born
With natural smarts.
Sails patched and riggings tight.
Hoist the Jolly Roger.
Aye, aye, captain.
Heave-ho, mateys.
Hard biscuits packed, and I just
Whipped up a batch of your favourite.
Don't mind if I do.
Yummy cookies, yummy cookies.
Blasted bird, quit your squaWking.
Those cookies sure smell good.
Why don't you ask the captain
if you can have one?
There ain't nothing
like sailing the high seas.
Sea Biscuit Want a cracker.
Maybe this Wasn't such a good idea.
Gee, you think?
You didn't have to folloW me.
Dad told me to do What you said.
Nice birdie.
Monkeys in the barrel.
Quiet, bird. Let me enjoy the vieW.
Kids cracking the crackers.
StoWaWays sitting on our stash.
What? StoWaWays?
In me cracker barrel?
Scurvy dogs.
After them.
Amelia, this Way.
I can't.
On second thought....
Look. There's something out there.
It's big.
It's scary.
We've gotta Warn the pirates.
If they catch us,
We'll be chopped like a salad.
If We don't,
We'll be sleeping With the fish.
Hey, pirates.
Look. In the Water.
Ahoy. Thar she bloWs.
WoW, What a beauty.
I just patched that sail.
Amelia, do something.
Can't We have a sing-along
another time?
WoW, you're good.
Amelia, he likes it.
Hold your fire.
Gotcha, you rascal.
Keep singing, lassie.
You've tamed the beast.
Sing it, sister, sing it.
That Was some performance.
Bravo, me buckos.
Do you realise you just made
friends With Chumley...
...the legendary giant octopus?
Piece of cake.
Any time you need help,
just let us knoW.
Come on, Jack.
Just Where do you kids
think you're going?
Well, to tell you the truth....
We're lost.
That does pose a problem.
And I have a solution.
Make them Walk the plank.
Bootflap, you're a cold one.
Feed them to the sharks.
I could use some target practise.
But they saved the ship.
Besides, We could use
a couple more deck hands.
Pegger, you lazy spud.
Any excuse to get out of Work.
-Not me, I love Work.
-Me too.
No one ever helped me
When I Was young.
I had to do it all myself.
It's just not fair.
Bootflap, you've got some issues.
We'll keep you along
until the next port of call.
Can I steer the ship
and hoist the flag?
Listen here, buckos.
You'll be sWabbing the deck
and scrubbing the chum buckets.
And mopping me cage.
-Aye, aye, captain.
-Then it's settled.
Welcome aboard.
This calls for a party.
So is this Where the gig's at then?
That Captain Gruff,
he's hard to figure.
Either he's getting soft
in his old age....
Or he's setting those poor kids up
for something really heavy.
With that scurvy creW,
nobody's safe.
Why, they'd bloW a man doWn
for a Wooden nickel.
Are We gonna jam, or What?
NoW all you groovy cats
Watching at home...
...feel free to sing along.
And get up off of that couch
and shake your booty.
Get it?
Booty. Like pirate treasure.
Hit it, boys.
Oh, come all ye fellers
That follow the sea
Way, hey
Pull the kids up
We'll sing them a song
Of the sea's mystery
Give us some time
We'll pull the kids up
We sail for adventure
And live to be free
Way, hey
Pull the gang up
This is the life
"'m sure you'll agree
Give us some time
To pull the gang up
Way, hey
Pull the kids up
Give us some time
To pull the kids up
Work hard every day
Keep the ship off the reef
Way, hey
Pull the lad up
" can't really sing
With the gap between me teeth
Give us the time
We'll pull the man up
" do things meself
Help " always refuse
Way, hey
Pull her on up
But " need a hand
To tie me own shoes
Give us the time
We'll pull the gal up
Way, hey
Pull the kids up
Pull the kids up
Mateys, pull the kids up
Bring them on board
Or they'll sure be sunk
Give us some time
To pull the kids up
Sometimes this life
Ain't no walk in the park
Way, hey
Pull the chap up
"'ve worn this old bucket
Since " kissed a shark
Give us some time
And we'll pull the man up
You might think this limb
"s as bad as it gets
Way, hey
Pull Pegger up
But with this leg
" do pirouettes
Give us some time
And we'll pull the lad up
"t's better to give
Then it is to receive
Way, hey
Pull the cook up
Have a taste of me cookies
"'m sure you'll agree
Give us some time
We'll pull the chef up
Way, hey
Pull the kids up
Pull the kids up
Mateys, pull the kids up
Bring them on board
Or they'll sure be sunk
Give us some time
To pull the kids up
Way, hey
Pull the kids up
So here's the deal, me buckos.
We're on a mission.
We sail the high seas
looking for treasure.
We're going after treasure?
Is that all you pirates care about?
-What do you mean?
-I mean, do you ever do a good deed?
Do you ever help anyone?
Of course We do.
We do lots of good stuff.
We protect the Whales
and help clean up the ocean.
But We don't advertise it, see.
We're pirates.
We got an image to keep up, got it?
-Got it?
-Got it.
Righty right then.
Hootin' Tootin' Pirates, tallyho.
Here it is.
The map to the Voodoo treasure.
The Voodoo treasure?
-Sink me.
-No Way.
I've heard rumours it's cursed.
We sail southWest
then northeast across the equator...
...hang a right at Jupiter Reef
and We land here.
Skull lsland.
Skull lsland.
Shiver me timbers.
No Way.
Chart a course, me hearties,
destiny aWaits us.
Oh, gross.
Land ho.
Bring her in easy, mateys.
Big mouth.
Bad breath.
Shut your blabbering beak.
You Wanna Wake the natives?
All right, me mateys.
All hands ashore.
You kids be too young
for looting and hooting.
But, Captain Gruff, isn't looting
and hooting against the laW?
Not Where I come from, little lassie.
Well, it's not nice.
Hey, We're pirates. It's What We do.
You stay here and keep a lookout.
We can't just Wait around here.
You heard the captain.
We should go back to the ship.
There he goes again.
What if there really is a treasure?
I'd buy a bicycle, a skateboard--
Eight, nine, 10 paces
toWard them Weird looking stones.
Well, shall We dig, captain?
Just a Wee moment, Mr. Pegger.
-Don't touch that.
Blasted stoWaWays,
you Woke the bones.
After them, my pretties.
Run for your lives.
It ain't easy to fight the bones.
You can't kill them.
And you sure
don't Wanna join them.
The Hootin' Tootin' Pirates
alWays fight valiantly...
...and they are fleet of foot.
But can they outrun the cursed?
Some travelling music, boys.
Skeletons rule the island
Skeletons run the show
Skeletons dancing everywhere
Coming at you high and low
Banging their bones like a drum
Maybe you better run
Oh, filling my heart with dread
Can't kill them
'Cause they're already dead
Run, better run away
Got to leave the island
Or be here for a permanent stay
No, no, no, gotta go, go, go
Skeletons rule the island
Yeah, skeletons run the show
Skeletons dancing everywhere
Coming at you high and low
Banging their bones like a drum
Maybe you better run
Filling me heart with dread
Can't kill them
'Cause they're already dead
Oh, skeletons rule the island
Yeah, skeletons run the show
Skeletons dancing everywhere
Coming at you high and low
Banging their bones like a drum
Maybe you better run
Filling me heart with dread
Can't kill them
'Cause they're already dead
Yeah, filling me heart with dread
Can't kill them
'Cause they're already dead
-No, stop.
-Help me, please.
Well, at least We'll get a last meal.
My chubby friend, you are the meal.
-No Way.
We're trapped.
What should We do?
I have an idea.
I am the great Jacksonian.
Observe my poWers.
Obey my commands,
or you too Will be under my spell.
Silly boy, We're already cursed.
We're skeletons.
And noW, my pretties,
it's time to say bye-bye.
Greetings, young'uns.
Sit doWn and relax.
You're gonna be here a While.
-What's a While?
-I've been in here 64 years, 200...
...and 22 days.
There's gotta be a Way out.
There ain't no Way out.
What's this?
Maybe it's a piggy bank.
That's just What I Was thinking.
Jack, do you still have that coin?
-Drop it in the slot.
-No Way.
-You Wanna get out of here?
Easy come, easy go.
It Worked.
-Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.
-Let's go.
If you're going for treasure,
you best beWare.
There ain't no good come from it.
Look Where it got me.
NoW get out of here.
Hang in there, old timer.
We'll come back for you.
Oh, yeah, sure.
That's What they all say.
Eenie, meenie, minie, mo.
I Wish I kneW Which Way to go.
We're rich.
We're rich.
We found the treasure, yeah.
Jack, this isn't ours.
We could just borroW some.
I Wonder What's in here.
Jack, don't.
Who dares fiddle
With the Voodoo treasure?
Why, you rotten kids.
Let's get out of here.
You're a couple of Wise guys, huh?
Ring around the rosie.
Who you calling Rosie?
Why, you rotten kids.
Oh, no.
Jack, this Way.
Here's looking at you.
Come on.
After you.
Hello, World.
We're the Play It Real Rockers.
HoW you doing?
For our next tune,
We'd like to play a golden oldie.
An oldie but a goodie.
It tells the story
of some greedy Vikings, baby...
...Who meet an unhappy fate.
It's called, "The Skel-a-tune."
Once, a gang of Vikings
On a looting spree
Set out for treasure
On the mighty sea
We want treasure
Then they found a scroll
That showed the way
To a secret tropical bay
To the Voodoo treasure
There where X did mark the spot
The Vikings dug a lot
We love treasure
Down through
A secret passageway
The greedy Vikings found the way
To the Voodoo treasure
Skel-a-tune, skel-a-tune
Don't touch the treasure
"t will lead to your doom
Skel-a-tune, skel-a-tune
Now forever more
We're gonna sing this skel-a-tune
Now, the Vikings stood
On evil ground
Where Voodoo Daddy
Laid his treasure down
"t's cursed treasure
A drum of magic gelatine
Turned the Vikings into skeletons
" don't like this treasure
Skel-a-tune, skel-a-tune
Don't touch the treasure
"t will lead to your doom
Skel-a-tune, skel-a-tune
Now forever more
We're gonna live in the gloom
Skel-a-tune, skel-a-tune
Now and forever more
We're gonna sing this skel-a-tune
So Pirate "sland came to be
A rocky prison of the sea
Doomed forever
Cursed to be there evermore
On the lost and rocky shore
On Pirate "sland
Skel-a-tune, skel-a-tune
Don't touch the treasure
"t will lead to your doom
Skel-a-tune, skel-a-tune
Now forever more
We're gonna live in the gloom
Skel-a-tune, skel-a-tune
Now forever more
We're gonna sing this skel-a-tune
NoW, that's What I call a shoW.
-Still Want that treasure, Jack?
Come on. This Way.
Welcome, children.
-Who are you?
I'm a treasure hunter.
At least I used to be.
-What happened?
-A slight misunderstanding.
It could happen to anyone.
Even you.
Did you say treasure?
-Jack, come on.
-HoW do We get the treasure?
It's simple.
Cross the chasm of no return,
avoid the pillars of pain...
...escape from the fire-breathing
dragon and you can't miss it.
Watch me.
What's your problem?
You're young,
you're strong, you have a body.
You can do it.
Then We get the treasure?
Then you meet Mr. Voodoo,
and you ansWer his riddle.
And if We give the Wrong ansWer?
You get to hang out With me.
But if We give the right ansWer,
We get the treasure, right?
That's What they say.
Thanks, Mr. Head.
Don't mention it.
See you soon.
Amelia. Come on.
-Oh, no.
-Oh, no.
The chasm of no return.
Not good. Not good.
Don't look doWn.
One step at a time.
No, run, Amelia. Run.
I can't do it.
I can do it.
It's a dragon.
Where are We?
Yo, fool.
You're in the lair
of the Voodoo Daddy.
Welcome, my friends.
I'm so happy you've come to play.
It's been an eternity
since my last guests.
But can you pass the final test?
Alrighty then,
let's get right doWn to business.
Here's hoW my little game is played.
I ask you a riddle.
You ansWer the riddle. You ansWer
correctly, you get a fabulous prize.
You ansWer incorrectly,
and I get to shrink your head.
Are you ready for your first riddle?
Do We have a choice?
Go ahead...
...take a spin.
Perhaps I'm a key.
Or maybe I'm a lock.
You have 15 seconds to decide.
We'll take the key.
You've done Well, my friends.
I'm so happy for you.
-Thank you, Mr. Voodoo.
-Thank you, Mr. Voodoo.
Thanks for playing With me.
It Was fun, noW get out of here.
ShoW's over.
Hey, Where's our prize?
Sorry, fresh out of prizes.
Hey, that's not fair.
This is my lair, and I say What's fair.
Must need a tune-up.
We've really enjoyed spending time
With you, Mr. Voodoo, sir.
We'll tell all our friends
to drop by and play.
Do you promise?
Yeah. And We'll let everyone knoW
What a nice guy you are.
I suppose you could have one prize.
You can take home
this beautiful magic feather...
...or this stunning gold skeleton key.
Well, Which prize do you Want?
We'll take the skeleton key.
Use it Wisely, for it may open
things better left locked.
Let's get out of here, Amelia.
Don't you Wanna stay
and play some more?
We have to go.
I'll miss you, guys.
Come back anytime, seriously.
I'm not going anyWhere.
I'm so lonely.
What a Weirdo.
They're cooking the creW.
What do We do?
We sing for our supper.
Do you really have to shoW off noW?
Get them.
Oh, What a pretty creature.
I Wonder hoW it tastes.
Come on. The pirates.
-My feet are burning.
Amelia, the key.
That cage is for the birds.
Handsomely, mateys. To the ship.
But, captain, What about the booty?
We knoW Where the treasure is.
Stealing is Wrong.
But not if We gives it back
to the rightful oWners.
If We ever comes across them.
Really? Do you promise?
Cross me heart, me hearty.
Jack, give me the key.
FolloW us.
Let's get out of here.
You-- You tomb Wreckers.
Mommy, help me.
Nice to see young'uns
treating their elders With respect.
NoW let's hightail it out of here.
Our dinner. It's getting aWay.
Me name's Poppie.
I may be old, but I'm tough as nails.
Aye, Welcome aboard, old salty.
Weigh anchor. Heave-ho.
Oh, sWeet Chumley.
So long, boneheads.
Oh, that's a good one.
Sail ho.
After them.
Shiver me timbers.
-Chumley. Come back.
-Come back.
Young'uns. Get beloW deck.
It ain't safe up here.
Cursed creatures.
Break out the big guns.
We're done, captain.
No more cannonballs.
Get them.
We're sunk.
Not if I can help it.
I'm more of a heavy metal fan.
It's the mother of all octopuses.
It's Chumley's mother.
Will they be all right?
I Was sWalloWed by a Whale once.
Made it out too.
A Whale of a tale.
-Thanks, Chumley.
-Bye, Chumley.
Well, mateys, that Was a close one.
Make no bones about it.
And one more thing needs doing,
if you Want to be part of me creW.
Right-jolly buccaneers gotta climb.
Up to the croW's nest.
Amelia, you don't have to.
Yes, I do.
Handsomely, mateys, up you go.
Here, let me lend you a hand.
Nice and easy.
A right-jolly bucko.
You're almost there.
I've done it.
What'd you do?
Overcame my fear of heights.
-All right.
What about Jack?
He's learning.
Yeah. All right.
-All right.
-All right.
We're the Hootin' Tootin' Pirates
We sail the seven seas
Searching for treasure
Doing good deeds
Taking whatever loot we need
Doing our bit for the community
His name is Buckethead
And on a lark
He swam with the fishes
And kissed a shark
Now he wears a bucket
To hide his beauty mark
" punched holes for eyes
So "'m not in the dark
His name be Poppie
He's old but spry
Been down more times
Than a cat has lives
Even travelled the world
With Captain Bligh
" got battle scars
And a fake glass eye
Around these parts
She's called Bootflap
" picked meself up
From me own bootstraps
Cookie is here
To cook the finest meal
" make a mean soup
From banana peels
You gotta meet our main man
Name's Gaptooth
He was a mean, tough pirate
"n his youth
Then he met a sailor
Who called herself Ruth
She tamed me heart
"'m telling the truth
Please never fear
Mr. Pegger is here
He lost a leg to piranhas
But don't shed a tear
'Cause now he has ballet
As a second career
"'m a pirouetting pirate
A true pioneer
He's the captain of this pirate ship
His name is Gruff
And don't give him no lip
He travels the world
On a dangerous trip
Got me bird Sea Biscuit
He's the best sidekick
From the Caribbean
To the Barbary coast
Tell you right now
We ain't afraid to boast
So raise up your grog
Let's all have a toast
Hootin' Tootin' Pirates
Rock the boat
We rock the boat