Playroom, The (2012)

Once upon a time,
in a country far away,
there were four children
- who ran away from home.
- without their parents?
They didn't have any
Their parents were dead.
They died in a plane crash.
How horrible.
That's what happened.
Turn around,
touch the ground.
Kick your boyfriend
out of town.
Crunchy ice.
Sip it once. Sip it twice.
You coming back?
You want me to?
You want to?
How ya doing?
Sam take off your coat.
I got my report card today.
Straight A's?
I made a C in art.
Have you seen my joke
Hope it's lost.
I'm tired of hearing those
Sam, go feed the cat.
Take off your coat.
They buried them,
or what was left of them,
in a hole they dug in the
next to the graves of
their dead pets.
Their pets were
on the plane?
No, they died of
natural causes.
Have to be
a pretty big hole.
Unless what?
Well. Unless there are only a
couple of pieces left like...
their heads, or an arm or a
You, are disgusting.
the one who made it
a plane crash.
So they're
living in the house,
A big enormous castle,
all by themselves.
I thought you said
they ran away from home.
Let me tell
the story, would you?
That's what you said.
My joke book isn't here.
Sam, if you wear your coat
in the house,
it won't keep you warm when
you go outside.
I know.
They hadn't
run away yet,
they couldn't get
out of the house.
Everything was locked
from the outside.
All the doors were locked,
and the windows...
Trapped. Like rats.
Held prisoner.
By who?
A mad scientist.
... by the authorities.
Because they knew things
they weren't supposed
to know.
Oh, my God.
They caught her.
Why couldn't they
just leave her alone?
Because she robbed
a bank, dummy?
They're saying she
was brainwashed.
Bullshit. They're the ones
who brainwash people.
What does that mean?
That means someone
makes you think something
that you know isn't true.
How do they do that?
They just keep telling you
lies until you believe them.
She's in prison now.
That's where they
put bank robbers.
Maybe she'll escape.
Take off your shirt.
It's cold in here.
I'll do it.
Wait... wait, maybe
we should stop.
What about...
I've been taking
birth control pills.
Where'd you get 'em from?
Who cares? I got em.
Don't you want to?
Well, yeah of course I do.
It's gonna hurt.
Do it.
Shit. Shit.
Where are my children?
Hi, Mommy.
Hi, sweet angel.
What did you do today?
I took a test in geography.
We had to fill in all
the states on the map,
and name the state capitols.
I knew them all.
How did I get such
a perfect little girl?
Where did you come from?
You know where.
From you and Daddy.
What's the matter Mommy?
Oh, nothing.
I just, I went to the doctor.
I was feeling a little sick.
Poor Mommy.
I don't think you have a
Come here.
Goddamned son of a bitch.
Where's Maggie?
I don't know.
Hi, Sammie.
Hi, Mom.
Where were you?
In the garage.
What were you doing?
You were breathing
weren't you?
If you were really doing
nothing, you'd be dead.
You're brainwashed.
Are you all right?
Course I'm all right.
What shall
we have for dinner?
How about...
... eggs and bacon...
and toast
What's for dinner?
I'm making eggs and bacon.
That's breakfast, Mom.
You missed it.
What were you and Ryan
doing in the garage?
Don't walk away from me.
Promise me you won't grow
up to be like your sister.
I promise.
Freedom, get goin'
Lots to be learned and
lots to be knowin' 'bout
People, gotta reach 'em
Sit 'em right down and
Freedom, gotta win it
Gotta put yourself
smack dab in it
Hey tomorrow
Hey don't you go away
Two nickels in ten
And a dime is 20 cents.
- And one penny i-
- Shut up.
I'm counting my money.
Well... shut up.
You shut up.
You're brainwashed.
If the
doors are locked,
there has to be
another way out.
The roof.
Too dangerous.
It's five stories high.
They could jump
off the roof into the snow.
All right. They climbed
onto the top of the roof,
and jumped off into the
They started to run away,
But what?
A cop saw them
And he came after them...
They had to
think of something quick.
I know.
Something bold...
I know...
Something brilliant.
I know!
Play dead?
It's perfect.
Hello, sweetheart.
How was your day?
Fine, how was
Well, well not bad.
Hello, Donna.
Hello, Martin. How are you?
How are you?
Mommy went to the doctor.
I wasn't feeling well.
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's not your fault.
Can I fix you another drink?
That'd be nice.
Janie, would you
like a drink?
That would be nice.
I lost my joke book.
Well, try to
remember where you were
the last time you had it.
But, I can't remember.
That's how you find it.
you go, Princess.
One soda pop on the rocks.
Thanks, Daddy.
There's a dent in your car.
Did you hit something,
or did something hit you?
Will the insurance pay for it?
Well it helps if you tell them
what happened.
Maybe someone hit the car
while it was parked.
That sounds right.
Hi, son.
Hey, Dad.
It's time to wash
your hands for dinner.
They're not dirty.
Ah. It's a good policy to
wash them anyway.
Dinner is ready.
Hello, Christian.
Hi, Dad.
You been reading?
Uh huh.
Sam go tell your sister
to come to supper.
Maggie, dinner.
Bacon and eggs.
I always liked having bacon
and eggs for dinner.
Feels kind of special.
Like we're getting up early
and going somewhere.
Yes, we could be
eating breakfast
in the middle of the night
before starting out on a trip.
To Tahiti.
No, the South Pole.
Maggie, where would
you choose to go?
Well, I saw they
caught Patty Hearst.
She said she wouldn't let
herself be taken alive.
She knew if she was dead,
everyone would just say
she was crazy instead of
having to face the truth.
The truth is, she's a terrorist.
She's a resistance fighter.
You have to be occupied
to put up a resistance.
She is occupied...
by the system.
The system.
Well, there is a
system of sorts.
A social and political system
that exerts a
measure of control...
You're brainwashed, Dad.
- over our our actions...
- Dad, you're brainwashed.
... and our thoughts.
Sam, you shouldn't say
that to someone's face.
You say it behind
their backs.
I need another drink.
Let's have a spelling bee.
Spelling bee?
With all my good spellers?
Well, OK. Let's see.
Janie, can you spell familiar?
- L-I-A-R
- Good.
Now, Christian. Can you
spell sanctuary?
What's a sanctuary?
It's a special place,
a protected place.
Like a hiding place...
You see, spelling is a skill.
You don't have to know
what a word means
to be able to spell it.
OK, Maggie. How about ...
... Habeas Corpus.
That's Latin.
Well, it's a legal term.
Not quite. It's H-A-B-E-A-S.
I said it was Latin.
It's fair. It's in the
English language.
Sam, it's your turn.
Can you spell soap?
Why don't you give
Mom a word?
Soap. S-O-A-P.
Good, Son.
I got an A in spelling.
Why don't you give
Mom a word to spell?
Did you get a report
card today, Sam?
Where is it.
Let's see
if she can spell.
Your mother isn't in
the spelling bee.
- Why not?
- For God's sake, Martin.
Do something.
Donna, can you spell...
As in "matrimonial law?"
I did marry a lawyer, didn't I?
Sammie, give me
your report card.
He made all A's
And one C.
I want to see it.
All A's.
And one C.
That's excellent, Sam.
It is. Don't you
worry about the C.
You can probably still
get into college.
That must be the Knotts.
I'll get it.
Janie, can you
spell damnation?
Is that two words?
Hey. Come on in.
Can I fix you a drink, Clark?
Yes, please. I'll have
what you're having.
Nadia, the usual?
What else?
We were just having a
spelling bee.
Hello, Cantwell children.
Hello, Mrs. Knotts.
- A report card?
- That's Sam's.
Can I look?
He made all A's.
Well, you are smart children.
I know that.
Go upstairs.
And don't forget
your report card.
Sam, stand up.
No, act right.
Come on. I want
you to take these.
Go on. Be a good boy.
- Well it's nice...
- What are we waiting for?
... to be here.
I don't know.
OK. They
all played "possum."
The cop
walked around,
and looked at each one of
them very, very closely.
But they didn't move,
and didn't make a sound.
They didn't even breathe.
They all laid so
quiet and still,
that he couldn't detect
a single sign of life.
I don't think
there's cheerleading
in the Olympics.
- What do you mean
- But I wish there was...
I wish there was...
I would watch the Olympics.
How's your drink?
Not too strong?
Not too strong.
Last night was a little
"possum" worked?
When the cop finally
believed they were dead,
he went off to get help.
So, they went to the beach.
And jumped in a boat.
A sailboat...
... and sailed away.
Janie, you're just
making more work for me
being in here.
How am I making more work
for you?
because I always
have to take care of you.
You're not taking care
of me right now.
Yes, I am.
So, how are
the children?
the children are fine.
Wouldn't you say, Donna.
Hey have got
a joke for us, Janie?
I can't remember any.
Oh, come on.
You can remember
at least one, can't you?
I need the book. I can
only remember a little bit.
Oh, just tell us the part
you remember.
- I bet it will still be funny.
- Yeah.
OK. So, a man said...
No wait. He liked two girls.
One named Kate and the
other named Edith.
One Spade.
I can't remember the rest.
But at the end, he said, "I
want to have my Kate
and Edith, too?
Kate and Edith, too.
That's good.
That's great, honey.
She just
doesn't get it.
Children are wonderful.
This one is.
Come here.
Two of spades.
They're so easy to
They don't ask for anything
They just accept what you
give them.
Why do we we ever grow
Why can't we stay
children forever?
Janie, you have
homework to do.
Children can be selfish,
demanding, and cruel.
How would you know?
I was a child.
Three hearts.
Janie, come on.
Let's get out of here.
- Goodnight, Mommy.
- Goodnight, Darling.
- Goodnight, Janie.
- Goodnight, Mrs. Knotts.
- Goodnight, honey.
- Goodnight.
Go on. I'll be up in a few
Where were we?
- I bet three hearts.
- Goodnight, Princess.
Four spades.
- Oh, pass.
- Pass.
I guess that makes
me the dummy.
- Here we go.
- Not the first time.
I think I need another drink.
Another drink?
I think
I'm good, thank you.
- Maggie.
- Dad.
Just because your mother
smokes, doesn't mean
it's OK for you to smoke.
What does habeas
corpus mean?
Ah. Produce the body.
A writ of habeas corpus
means a prisoner must be
brought before the court
to determine if they are
being legally held.
- Goodnight, Dad.
- Goodnight, Maggie.
OK, I see how you are. All
right, I'll give you that one.
Great start, honey.
What have you got there.
I'm pacing myself.
They sailed
far out to sea...
Are they lost?
They're going to
another country.
A country where children
don't have to have parents.
What's it called?
Child Land.
Dumb name.
You tell it then.
Ooo and it's alright
and it's comin' on
We got to get right back to
where we started from
Sam, have you done
your homework?
Do it now. I'll help you.
I don't want to.
Don't you want to
get all A's again?
No, I want to get all C's.
I can't remember this part.
Big one... big one...
Bunny... bunny, bunny.
... and then twirl.
Yes, uh, Just
a moment please.
Hello. Hi.
No, she didn't say anything.
I told you, she
didn't even notice.
Not tonight,
we've got company.
Who else.
No, you shouldn't come over
tonight. It's not a good idea.
Is that Ryan?
Let me talk to him.
I have to go. I'll
talk to you later.
Come on. I just
want to say hello.
Ryan, sweetheart, it's
Donna. How are you?
I know you were
over here this afternoon.
You didn't even come
in and say hello to me.
Why don't you come
on over right now?
No, I am sure Maggie
wouldn't mind.
What is the matter with you?
What did Ryan say?
- Ouch.
- I have to get the knots out.
He wanted to come over.
He loves you.
Ow, you're hurting me.
Do you want me to brush
your hair or not?
No, I'll do it.
I'll do it.
You don't know
what love is.
Yes I do.
It fills you up. It makes
you feel happy and full.
No, it's the opposite.
You know that feeling
you get here
when you slip on the stairs?
For one second, it's
like the whole world
is a hole you're falling into...
That's what love feels like.
Like you're falling down
a hole inside yourself.
Do you love Ryan?
Do you have to go
to the bathroom?
Look, listen
to this. Listen to this.
I'm not going to be
the butt of any of your jokes.
Play some
Bobby Darin.
No, no. We're not
having any Bobby Darin.
There's a couple
reasons I like this album.
Which album?
I like Mr. and Mrs. Knotts.
They're idiots.
Why are they idiots?
Because they come
over here every night.
Mommy and
Daddy like them.
Shut up. I can't concentrate
while you're talking.
Dad could beat Mr. Knotts
in an arm wrestling
match any day.
Mom could beat
Mrs. Knotts, too.
Shut up.
Grown ups don't
arm wrestle.
You win.
They sailed far away from
land. Far from everything.
And then, one day when the
younger girl was fishing...
something jerked the line.
So hard it pulled her
She held onto the line as the
fish dragged her away.
And then, the line broke.
And the fish swam away.
She floated, waiting for the
boat to find her.
But it didn't come.
At night, God pulls the
covers up over the earth,
and puts it to bed.
The world never
goes to bed.
While one half is asleep, the
other half is always awake.
But it keeps the light on.
That's why you see stars.
They're little tiny
holes in the blanket...
for the light to come through.
That's not what
the stars are.
Space is empty,
and the stars are on fire.
Nuh uh. Mommy told me
when I was a little girl.
Mom is a well known liar.
She was just telling you a
Another stupid, drunk story.
Don't say that.
Take it back.
You have to take it back.
I take it back.
I want my Mommy.
And just as she was about to
she turned around, and
there was an island.
She lay down on
the sand half dead.
The next day, she heard
voices and saw some
natives making a fire on the
"She's already half
cooked by the sun,
so it won't take long,"
one of them said.
And then the Chief's son,
who was handsome,
said, "She is beautiful.
I'd rather not eat her."
And then another said, "We
have to kill her.
She will feed us for a week."
Then Takuna said to her,
"My tribe is hungry.
Help us and I
will spare you."
Then she reached
into her pocket,
and pulled out
some seeds and said,
"I have beans and corn,
and tomatoes and apples.
We will plant them,
and you'll have a garden.
and never be hungry again."
Hello sweetheart, what are
you doing down here?
Maggie said I was stupid.
Oh. You are not stupid
And you can tell Maggie
that I said you are
smarter than she is.
Can I stay here
with you, Mommy?
Aw, now the little
con artist comes out.
For five minutes.
I won't say anything.
No. You have to
go back upstairs.
We're having a
grown up evening.
I found my joke book.
I'll tell you a joke.
- There was once a little ...
- Janie.
... who was very, very poor.
I think you'd better go
upstairs now, Janie,
like your mother says.
Maggie said the stars
are on fire.
She said God doesn't pull
the covers over us at night.
The stars are on fire.
And God is very busy.
She's just very tired.
Hey, you tell Maggie that
I said to put you to bed.
- Now?
- Now.
- Goodnight, Janie.
- Goodnight, Janie.
- Goodnight, Janie.
- Goodnight, Janie.
She's exhausted.
And then,
Takuna, kissed her,
and the natives
danced around her.
And Takuna asked her to
marry him.
And she said, yes.
And they went to go
live in his tree house.
What about the boat?
Well, one day a year later,
the boat came to the island.
A year?
What could they be
doing for a year?
Never mind.
There you go.
Dance it up.
I'm gonna dance
with your wife.
Don't step on her toes.
- I'm not. -
She doesn't like that.
You guys have
whipped cream?
Oh gosh,
we could whip some up.
Come back inside, Janie.
Oh, Sam.
No you can't come out here.
Oh, great.
It looks different
from up here.
We're on a spaceship.
We've been traveling
the universe.
But now, we're going home
to our own planet, Megatron.
Navigator, where are we?
Lost in space, Captain.
But I can find our
way out of here.
We must be tangled
up in the blanket.
Tie up the prisoner.
Don't try to escape.
I'll set a course
for Megatron.
They sailed
South by Southeast.
Navigating by the stars.
Warp factor five. Full speed.
Past the
Bermuda Triangle.
between Africa and South
It's gonna get rough.
One day the sky
went dark,
and the wind started to blow
and the ocean threw the
boat around like a ball.
- God help us.
- Christian, be careful.
And right in front
of them was a ship,
with a hundred sails on it.
As the boat drifted closer,
they saw pirates,
smelly pirates
with tattoos and
missing teeth.
Aliens, aliens. Take 'em
out. Take 'em out.
The pirates threw
a big net down on them
and hoisted them
up over the deck.
Then Red Beard, the
captain, said,
"Ah. I spy a young man.
A fancy pants.
We'll have to get rid of him."
So they put him
on the plank,
and all the pirates
were yelling,
"Walk the plank,
walk the plank."
So he
walks out onto the edge,
and looks down
onto the ocean.
Captain, it's a meteor.
The steering mechanism...
It's jammed.
And does a triple back flip
with a half twist.
- Christian
- ...into the ocean.
- Ah.
- Christian.
Not even a splash.
Hold on
Christian, I'm coming.
Is someone hurt?
Oh, the kids just wanted to
play , um emergency room,
so I was just
getting some stuff.
Well, don't let
anyone get hurt.
I won't.
Maggie, remember
when you
won the sixth grade
spelling bee?
We worked on it every night,
learning all those words.
What was that word?
The winning word.
I don't remember.
Uh, it's... uh...
Goodnight, Dad.
Is there...
Do you need
help with anything?
Any problems...
I could help you with?
I can handle it.
I was just trying
to scare you.
You scared me.
Me too. I thought
I was falling off, too.
It's OK Sammie. Don't cry.
Yeah, I'm fine, see.
I thought I was falling
off the roof with you.
Who wants ice cream?
OK. I got a joke.
So this guy, this oil tycoon,
California on a big
old plane, and he
gets there and he checks
into this big old hotel.
He wants a drink, so he
goes to the bar
and there's this pretty little
lady at the other end.
So, he goes and chats
with her and they
start putting down
double drinks,
rounds and rounds.
- And they get hungry, right?
- Yeah
So, they go to the
restaurant of the hotel,
and they order the
biggest steaks on the menu
and this big huge flaming
fancy French dessert.
"Ma'am would you like
to go up to my room?
It is the biggest suite
in the whole hotel.
She says, "Yeah."
And so they go up there,
and start fooling around.
And he takes off this
big old cowboy hat.
He takes off his big old
cowboy boots.
And he unbuckles his
big old cowboy belt buckle.
And he drops his pants.
And he says, "Ma'am, I'm
just gonna have to warn you,
I'm from Fort Worth Texas
and I am big.
And he takes off his
and he shows her what he's
talking about.
Then he spreads
her legs open,
and he thrusts
himself inside her.
And he stops.
And he looks down.
He looks back up
at her in amazement.
He says, "Golly ma'am.
What part of Texas
are you from?"
That is so funny.
Get it? What part of
Texas are you from?
What part of Texas are you
from, ma'am?
Big man.
Jesus, Donna.
Come on,
it's not that big.
It's more like the
Rio Grande.
Stop. Stop.
- You know what I'm
Oh, Martin.
Don't look at me like that.
We're all
grown ups here, right?
Oh, Nadia, what?
You didn't know?
Did you know?
You didn't bother
to hide it. Did you?
Now we all know.
You could have
had the decency...
- The decency to
lie? - The decency...
The decency
to pretend
The decency not to
bring it into this house.
This is my home.
I will bring my life,
all of it, into my home.
I am going
to get another drink.
They sailed to the
bottom of the world.
It was cold. It was freezing.
And the boat ran into an
iceberg and got stuck.
So, they got out to push it.
And all the other kids
jumped back on the boat.
But a little boy was
standing on the iceberg,
and it was floating away
from the boat.
And then he couldn't even
see the boat anymore,
because there was
a blizzard
and giant snowmen all
around him.
at him with white eyes.
- Goddamn it.
- Mom.
What's wrong?
I'm sick.
You're sick to your stomach?
I'm just sick.
Sick of everything.
Hand me my drink.
You should take it
easy on that stuff.
I'll take that under
I just. I think...
I don't care what
you think about it.
You don't care what
I think about anything.
You hate me.
I don't hate you, Maggie.
You can't hate
your own child.
It's too much a part of you.
It's too much like you.
I don't want to be like you.
Am I really that bad?
No, I just want to be
Who I want to be.
Don't get your hopes up.
Is that why you're fooling
around with Mr. Knotts?
I saw you.
Whatever you
think you saw...
Are you fucking him, too?
Feel better now?
No, now I need
another drink.
Sorry, that's not funny.
No, you're a riot, Mom.
We all think so.
Me and Christian,
and Janie, and Sam.
This isn't about you.
You try to make
everything about you.
But, this is my life.
This is about me.
Truth or
Just say truth.
No one wants
OK. What's the worst
thing you've ever done?
I wet the bed when I
stayed at Aunt Jean's house.
That's not a bad
thing, that's an accident.
We're sleeping
up here tonight.
Because I said so.
OK, Bossy.
I brought Ted.
I can't sleep.
Me neither.
Me neither.
I guess no
one can sleep tonight.
Tell us a story.
You tell me a story.
You start.
Once upon
a time in a country far away,
there were four children
who ran away from home.
Without their parents?
They didn't have
any parents.
sailed far out to sea,
past the last known country,
into uncharted waters, where
no adult had ever been.
Until they reached their
destination: Child Land
This would make
a good novel.
One I'd like to read.
Everywhere there were
pizza shops, and bakeries,
and bowling alleys, and
swimming pools.
You seem to be enjoying
What's wrong with that?
Then she started noticing
there were lots of 16 year
olds, but no 17 year olds.
Finally, a kid told her, "They
get too old for Child Land,
so we put them to sleep."
Otherwise they would
become grown ups
and take over the country.
You cannot just do
whatever you please.
Watch me.
Well, I guess we're in
this together, aren't we?
So she went underground,
and joined the
resistance movement
that was trying to save
the lives of teenagers
in captivity.
But the other kids
wanted to find her
She sent them a message... code.
Every number stood
for a different letter.
The message said...
Maggie. I want
you to come downstairs.
I'll be back soon.
Go to sleep.
Don't do this.
Maggie, your mother is
trying to destroy this family.
Please, Martin.
Leave her out of it.
I want her to see
how much she's hurting you.
You want to be
a family, don't you?
You want a mother?
Martin, it's too late
for all of this.
It's not too late.
We are still a family.
Tell her, Maggie.
Tell her.
Tell him.
You tell him. It's your baby.
I'm gonna be father.
Dad. No.
You son of a bitch.
Please stop.
Stop it.
We have
to finish the story.
They had to
escape, all of them.
And get to the boat.
She sent them
a message in code.
The message said she
would come and visit them
in the middle of the night.
But she couldn't stay.
But, as she slipped
off into the night,
she dropped scraps of cloth
Bits and pieces she tore
from her clothes.
and left a trail for
the kids to follow.
It led them to the
edge of a deep hole
so deep they couldn't
see the bottom.
They fell and fell, and
just when they thought they
would never stop falling...
... they landed...
... at the entrance
to a secret tunnel.
And they could hear the
sound of the ocean.
So, they ran
though the tunnel...
... and got
to the boat.
... and pushed
off from the dock.
And sailed away...
And they lived
happily ever after.
When this old world
starts getting me down
And people are
just too much
For me to face
I climb way up
to the top of the stairs
And all my cares
just drift
Right into space
On the roof it's
peaceful as can be
And there the world below
Can't bother me
When I come home
feeling tired and beat
I go up where the air
Is fresh and sweet
I get away from the
hustling crowd
And all that
rat-race noise
Down in the street
On the roof the
only place I know
Where you just
have to wish
To make it so
At night the stars
put on a show for free
And darlin' you
can share it
All with me
Right smack dab
in the middle of town
I found a paradise
That's trouble proof
And if this world
starts getting you down
There's room enough
for two
Up on the roof
Up on the roof
Everything is all right
Up on the roof
Everything is all right