Pleasantville (1998)

Went through the crack...
Our twelfth edition of
the Psychic Friends Network...
Shea Stadium...
You're watching TV Time...
the only network
playing lots of old stuff...
in nothing but black and white.
Why, it's fun
for the whole family!
TV Time...
remember, you're soaking in it.
This Friday on TV Time...
Take the phone off the hook
and the plastic off the couch.
That's right,
it's the Pleasantville marathon!
of pure family values.
Featuring the warm greeting...
Honey, I'm home.
Proper nutrition...
Do you want some more cookies?
And, of course, safe sex.
Why, it's a scrapbook...
of all your favorite
Pleasantville memories.
''Trouble At The Barbershop... ''
''Fireman For a Day... ''
''The Big Game... ''
And who could forget
''Bud Gets a Job''?
So join all your favorites...
Mary Sue, Bud, George,
and Betty...
and oh, yes, Mr. Johnson
at the soda shop.
But wait, there's more!
If you put
your thinking caps on...
you could win $1,000 in our
Pleasantville trivia contest...
plus a free trip to the
Pleasantville of your choice.
to kinder, gentler times...
on the Pleasantville marathon...
this Friday only on...
I mean, hi.
you probably don't think...
I should be asking you this.
I mean,
not knowing you well and all.
L... I mean, I know you.
Everybody knows you.
I just don't know you...
I don't know what you're doing
this weekend...
but my mom's leaving town...
and she's letting me borrow
the car, so, you know...
so just give me a call.
Let me know.
For those of you going on
to college next year...
the chance of finding
a good job...
will actually decrease
by the time you graduate.
The available number
of entry-level jobs...
will drop 31%
over the next four years.
Median income for those jobs
will go down as well.
Obviously, my friends,
it's a competitive world...
and good grades
are your only ticket through.
In fact, by the year 2000...
...chance of contracting HIV
from a non-monogamous life...
will climb to 1 in 150.
The odds of dying in an auto
accident are only 1 in 2500.
this marks a drastic increase...
...from 14 years ago
when ozone depletion...
was at just 10%
of its current level.
By the time
you are 30 years old...
average global temperature
will have risen 21/2 degrees...
causing such
catastrophic consequences...
as typhoons, floods,
widespread drought, and famine.
OK, who can tell me
what famine is?
Honey, I'm home.
Hello, darling.
How was your day?
Oh, swell.
You know, Mr. Connell says...
if things keep going
the way they are...
I might be seeing that promotion
sooner than I thought.
Oh, darling, that's wonderful.
I always knew you could do it.
Hey, pumpkin, what's that smell?
Is that your meat loaf?
It might be.
It might be.
Oh, pumpkin,
you sure know the way...
to this man's heart.
No, that was not the deal.
No, you have custody
first weekend of every month.
This is the first weekend.
No. I'm not gonna bail you out.
I'm going out of town
this weekend.
La Costa.
Barry, if I want to have a mud
bath with my new boyfriend...
that's my business, isn't it?
Hey, where are those kids?
Right behind you, Father.
Right behind you, Father.
Mother, Father, Bud has
a little surprise for you.
What's that, Bud?
First place in the science fair.
There were
lots of swell projects.
I guess
mine was just the swellest.
Darling, that's wonderful...
except there's
no such word as ''swellest.''
Well, gee whiz, Mom,
it wasn't the English fair.
No, that's not the point.
The point is,
you're supposed to see them.
Fine. See them another time.
What's a mother to do?
What's a mother to do?
OK, in the very first
Pleasantville episode...
whose window did Bud break...
when he was playing
with his father's golf clubs?
Easy. Mr. Jenkins.
What job did Mr. Jenkins have?
What did they name the cat
they found in the gutter?
All right, all right.
Here's one.
Why did their parents
come home early...
from their weekend at the lake?
'Cause Bud didn't
answer the phone...
and they were worried about him.
Man... you're unbelievable.
You'll win this thing for sure.
When is it on?
Marathon starts at 6:30,
contest is tomorrow at noon.
Thousand bucks, huh?
And it's on all night?
Of course. That's why
they call it a marathon.
Oh, my God, he is so pathetic.
I can't believe
you're related to him.
Only on my parents' side.
Yeah, but you guys
are twins and stuff.
You must be from
the cool side of the uterus.
Oh, my God, here they come.
Oh, my God,
just don't do anything.
Saw you at the mall yesterday.
Yeah, I saw you, too.
So, you gonna watch
the concert on MTV tonight?
Yeah. You?
My mom's gonna be out of town.
- Cool.
- Cool.
It was so amazing, Daph.
I was, like,
''My mom's gonna go out of town.''
And he was like,
''Well, maybe we could... ''
And I was, ''Yeah, sure.''
And he was, ''Cool.''
I know. He's so smart.
I'm thinking about that
red thing I got at the mall.
It's not slutty.
It's fun.
Well, hello,
he's not coming over to study.
Yeah, I know.
Well, sometimes
I'm jealous of you, too.
He's not homeless, Howard.
They don't say where he lives.
Well, it's a silly question.
Because nobody's homeless
in Pleasantville.
'Cause that's
just not what it's like.
Look, Howard, it's almost 6:30.
I gotta go.
- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
Cut it out, David. Mark Davis
is gonna be here in minutes.
Great. The Pleasantville
marathon starts at 6:30.
I don't believe this!
He's gonna be here!
You can watch it upstairs.
It doesn't have any stereo!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
David, stop stressing.
You can turn it on normally.
No, I can't. It's a new TV, Jen.
It doesn't work
without a remote.
Oh, my God, he's here!
TV repair.
TV repair?
Yeah. TV busted?
Well, here I am.
Holy cow, look at that.
Had a little disaster,
didn't you, fella?
Well, yeah, sort of.
Well, we'll get you fixed up
in no time.
I know how
I'd feel if mine went out.
Almost like losing a friend.
You know,
we didn't call any TV repair.
That makes it a lucky day
for both of us, doesn't it?
Do you think
you could do this soon?
- It's almost 6:30.
- What's the hurry?
Pleasantville marathon
starts at 6:30.
Gosh, I love that show.
Watched it for years.
That's not the reason.
I've got a date at 6:30.
Who did Muffin take
to the masquerade ball...
when her date came down
with the measles?
- Her father.
- That's right.
- And how'd she dress him?
- As Prince Charming.
Nice. Remember the one
where Bud lost his cousin...
when he was supposed
to be watching him?
What department store
did they go to?
- Mclntyre's.
- McGinty's.
No. Mclntyre's. Remember?
For the very best
in men's attire
Head right down to Mclntyre's
That's right.
Why don't you take
this remote instead?
It's got a little more
oomph in it.
Big beautiful set like that?
You want something that'll
put you right in the show.
It's great. We'll take it.
Thank you.
Well, I better get going.
Your show's almost on...
and it's almost time
for your date.
Take care now.
Whether it's on the track
at Indy...
or driving around the block,
only new Pennzoil...
For program information...
Honey, I'm home.
Let me see that.
No way.
Gee whiz, Mary Sue,
why can't I borrow your radio?
I promised Betty Jean
she could use it.
Do you mind?
This is only the most important
moment of my life!
Forget it, Jen!
I've waited a year for this!
Come on, David,
just give it to me!
- Forget it!
- No way, Bud!
Forget it, Mary Sue!
Come on, Bud!
It's mine! Give it back!
Oh, my God.
- What happened?
- I'm not sure.
Hi, Sport. Hi, Muffin.
Better get a move on.
You'll be late for school.
- What did you do?
- I don't know.
Look at me! I'm pasty!
Over here!
Told you it was your lucky day.
I bet you thought
I was just a fan or something.
What happened?
A miracle. Every time
I thought I'd found someone...
they'd turn out
to disappoint me.
They'd know the early episodes,
but not the later ones.
They'd know all about Muffin,
but not about Bud.
What the hell is going on?
Can't talk like that here.
You're in... Well, you know.
Bud, Mary Sue,
breakfast is on the table.
We're in Pleasantville?
A dream come true, huh?
Listen, this really isn't funny.
I have a very important date
in five minutes!
You don't have to worry
about that anymore.
You have got to get us
out of here!
- Why would I do that?
- Because we don't belong!
Sure you do.
Mclntyre's department store...
their father dressed
as Prince Charming.
That was gorgeous, Bud.
- My name is David!
- Oh, God!
This is a strange way of
showing your appreciation.
Hey, we appreciate it.
We really do.
We just want to go home now.
But you don't know how long I've
looked for someone like you.
I'm very disappointed.
In fact, I'm starting
to get a little upset.
No, don't get upset.
Well, wouldn't you?
You look for someone for years.
You pour your heart into it...
This is a privilege, you know!
I don't think I'd better
talk about this now.
Where are you going?
I don't think we should discuss
this until I'm composed.
Wait a minute!
Maybe in a while
when I'm not so emotional!
Give you a week or two
to change your attitude!
Come back!
Come back!
A week or two?
Oh, God.
What's gonna happen?
I don't know. It's not possible.
Is it possible?
Bud, Mary Sue,
your breakfast is getting cold.
It can't be possible.
Well, come on, kids.
You're not going to school
without breakfast inside you.
Forward march.
I just love you in that sweater,
Mary Sue.
It's so flattering.
Morning, kids.
Better get a move on,
or you'll be late for school.
I don't believe this.
Neither do I.
Well, come on, dig in.
I put blueberries in them
just the way you like.
Well, come on, sweetie,
it's getting late.
Actually, I'm not hungry.
Nonsense, young lady.
You're gonna start your day off
with a nice, big breakfast.
Here we go. Sit down.
Here's some pancakes and eggs.
Sausage and
some good crisp bacon.
And, of course, a ham steak.
You eat on up,
then it's off to school.
Hurry, hurry.
I'm gonna hurl, David,
I swear to God.
Just take deep breaths.
It's all that animal fat.
I can feel it in my pores.
I still don't see why
we're doing this.
Because we're supposed
to be in school.
We're supposed to be at home.
We're supposed to be in color!
Oh, God!
Hello, Bud.
Hello, Mr. Simpson.
Hear your dad's got a new car.
Oh, yeah. A Buick. It's swell.
Do you know that guy?
He owns the hardware store.
You listen to me
for just a minute!
I don't know what you've done,
but you better fix it!
I had a date with Mark Davis,
and I even bought new underwear!
We have to play along
until that guy shows up again.
Play along?
Yes! I am Bud Parker,
and you are Mary Sue.
No. I'm not gonna do it.
If I don't dress like this
for Mom...
I'm sure not gonna
do it for you!
We have no choice, Jen.
We are stuck here
until that guy shows up again.
Why can't we just explain it
to somebody?
To who?
Go! Go! Go!
Here, kitty.
Oh, God.
We are.
We're stuck in Nerdville.
I knew you'd pay a price
for this.
I knew you couldn't be
so hopelessly geek-ridden...
for so long without suffering
some really tragic consequences.
But it's just not fair.
I was getting really popular.
Debbie Russell transferred
to another school...
and my skin was really great
since March.
Mark Davis was finally starting
to come around.
Hello, Mary Sue.
What's all the commotion?
Where's the cat?
I'll see you at school,
Mary Sue.
Who's that?
Skip Martin,
captain of the basketball team.
Does he like me?
As a matter of fact, he does.
Those are my friends?
Peggy Jane, Lisa Anne,
Betty Jean.
Can we do any better?
I don't think so.
Last week, class, we discussed
the geography of Main Street.
This week we're going to be
talking about Elm Street.
Now, can anyone tell me
the difference...
between Elm Street
and Main Street?
It's not as long?
That's right, Tommy.
It's not as long.
Also, it only has houses...
so the geography of Main Street
is different...
than the geography
of Elm Street.
Yeah. What's outside
of Pleasantville?
I don't understand.
Outside of Pleasantville.
What's at
the end of Main Street?
Mary Sue, you should know
the answer to that.
The end of Main Street
is just the beginning again.
Come on, men, let's go!
That's it, men, keep it up.
Big game tomorrow.
Hiya, Bud.
Hiya, Skip.
Hiya, Bud.
Hiya, Skip.
Bud, can I ask you a question?
If I was
to go up to your sister...
What I mean is,
if I was to go up to Mary Sue...
Oh, my God.
Are we in that episode?
- What?
- I don't believe this.
What's the matter?
You want to ask her out tonight
and give her your school pin.
Yeah. How'd you know?
Look, Skip, I don't think...
it's a real good time for that
right now.
What do you mean?
Well, what I mean is...
Mary Sue's
a little different lately.
She won't go out with me?
No, hey, I didn't say that.
I don't know what I'd do
if she wouldn't go out with me.
Come here, guys.
Don't touch it. Stay back.
I'm sure
we'll work something out.
- I thought you liked him.
- Yeah, but I don't know.
One date, Jen.
That's all I'm asking.
If you don't go out
with this guy...
we could throw their whole
universe out of whack.
It's too weird, David.
This place gives me the creeps.
Did you know
the books are blank?
- What?
- I went in the library.
They have covers
and nothing inside of them.
What were you
doing in a library?
I got lost.
Oh, wait, look at this.
Know why the firemen
only rescue cats out of trees?
- Nothing burns around here.
- Jen, stop!
They don't even need firemen!
I could really use a cigarette!
Jen, listen.
I will get us out of here.
I really will,
but if we don't play along...
we can alter
their whole existence...
and then we may never get home.
You really think
anybody's gonna notice...
if I don't have
a chocolate malt with this guy?
You won't believe
what we just heard!
- Skip's gonna ask you out!
- That's not all!
He's gonna give you his pin!
Are you sure
I'm supposed to wear this?
I could kill a guy
with these things.
It's in your closet.
I've worn kinky stuff before...
- He won't notice anyway.
- Why not?
They just don't notice
that kind of thing around here.
- So what's the point?
- Jen, please.
Hello. I've got three pounds
of underwire on here.
Just go with the program.
I'm late for work.
Yeah, sorry.
I just had to help my folks...
and then I couldn't find my hat.
I didn't know what to do.
What's wrong?
Well, I always
wipe down the counter...
and then you set out
the napkins and glasses...
and then I make
the French fries.
But you didn't come
so I just kept on wiping.
I'm sorry.
You know,
if this ever happens again...
You can make the fries...
even if I haven't put out
the napkins yet.
Thank you.
There aren't any cheeseburgers.
Usually, I put out the burger
and you finish with the lettuce.
OK, listen.
Do you have the lettuce?
Have you cooked the burgers?
Put on the lettuce,
finish the burger...
and pretend it was me doing it
the whole time.
You can do it, really.
I sure am glad you said
you'd come out with me tonight.
Well, gee whiz, Skip.
I sure am glad you asked me.
I don't know if I ever said this
to you before...
but I think you're just
about the keenest girl...
in the whole school.
Really, Skip? The keenest?
Oh, yeah.
What can I get you two?
I don't know, Bud.
I guess I'll have my usual
cheeseburger and a cherry Coke.
I don't know, Bud.
I'll have a salad and an Evian.
Cheeseburger it is.
You see?
The whole time we were in Civics
I really wanted to come over
and sit next to you...
but you were always sat between
Lisa Anne and Peggy Jane.
And you always seemed
so smart and everything.
Like that report you did
on our town hall.
Gosh. I didn't know
what I'd talk to you about.
Yeah. Well, sometimes
talking's overrated.
Don't you think?
Oh, right.
So I know I haven't been steady
with anybody or anything...
but I just don't want
to rush it.
There's kids that are even
holding hands already...
but I figure there's plenty
of time for that later on.
Can you excuse me
for just a second?
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
- Did he give it to you?
- I bet he did.
I don't think he knows how.
I bet he's gonna take her
to Lovers Lane.
I bet he is.
I bet
he's even gonna hold her hand.
So, anyhow, I really wanted
to sit next to you in Civics...
- You want to get out of here?
- What?
Do you want to go somewhere?
But where could we go?
Lovers Lane.
Lovers Lane?
Yeah, Lover's Lane.
You up for it?
Come on.
Come on.
Oh, shit.
Jennifer, stop!
You can't do this, Jennifer!
He doesn't exist!
You can't do this to someone
who doesn't exist!
It sure is pretty.
Oh, yeah. Gorgeous.
To be honest, Mary Sue,
I didn't think you'd want...
to come here until we'd been
pinned for a little while.
Oh, Skip, you can pin me
anytime you want to.
Or maybe I should just pin you.
That's silly, Mary Sue.
How could you possibly pin me?
Son, what's wrong?
Have you seen Mary Sue?
No. She's still out with Skip.
Is something the matter?
I was just worried about her.
Bud, your sister's
getting older now.
She'll naturally
be going out with boys.
But she's a fine young woman.
She would never do anything
for us to be concerned about.
I think I better go home now,
Mary Sue.
I think I might be ill.
Something's happening to me.
That's supposed to happen.
It is?
Yeah. Trust me.
Do you want some more cookies?
No, thanks. I'm fine.
How about
some marshmallow rice squares?
Those are swell.
No, I'm fine, thank you.
- Who could that be?
- I've got it.
Hi. You took off so quick
I wasn't sure you were OK.
No, I'm fine.
I just had to get home early.
You know how when we close up...
I close the register,
then you lower the blinds...
and I turn out the lights,
and we both lock the doors?
Well, you weren't around
this time...
so I did the whole thing
by myself.
And I didn't even do it
in the same order.
First I lowered the blinds,
then I closed the register.
Hello, Betty.
Hello, Bill.
OK, well, that's great.
Thank you for stopping by.
I appreciate it.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Well, gee, thanks, Skip.
I sure had a wonderful time.
Me, too.
Hello, Mr. Johnson.
Oh, hello, Mary Sue.
- What did you do to him?
- Nothing.
What do you mean, ''nothing''?
That's not nothing.
Why don't you relax, Bud?
We had a nice time.
I am really sleepy,
and I have to wake up...
early in the morning
to go to school. Night.
Hi. Looks like it's gonna be
another beautiful sunny day.
High 72, low 72,
not a cloud in the sky.
It's 8:00 in the morning.
Are you watching television?
Oh, no.
Come on, men.
Let's get in positions.
We got a big game next week.
Let's go.
Come on.
Oh, my God.
You can't do this, Jennifer.
I warned you.
So what's the big deal?
OK. They're not good
at basketball anymore.
Oh, my God. What a tragedy.
You don't understand.
You're messing with
their whole goddamn universe.
Maybe it needs
to be messed with, David.
Did that ever occur to you?
Hey, M.S., how you doing?
Cool, P.J., how you doing?
Cool. Cool.
''Cool''? What are you
doing to these people?
- Lf I don't, who will?
- But they're happy.
Nobody is happy in a
poodle skirt and a sweater set.
You really like this, don't you?
No, it's not like
you think it's funny or dorky.
You really like it.
No. You have it all wrong.
I am personally mortified
to be your sister.
You have no right
to do this to them.
David, listen to me
for just a minute.
They don't want to be geeks.
They want to be attractive.
They have a lot of potential.
They just don't know any better.
They don't have
that kind of potential.
Oh, yeah? Look at that.
Wow. What happened to your gum?
I gotta go.
I'm gonna meet Skip
at the flagpole.
Well, I don't think
it's anything to worry about.
You cut down on greasy
foods and chocolate.
You know, things like that.
It'll probably just clear up
on its own.
Jesus Christ.
Do you think we could have
two cheeseburgers...
and some cherry Cokes?
I'll be right with you.
Two cheeseburgers,
two cherry Cokes.
There aren't any cheeseburgers.
I thought
we talked about this.
What's the point, Bud?
You make hamburgers.
That is the point.
No. I know I do.
It's always the same, you know?
Grill the bun, flip the meat,
melt the cheese.
It never changes.
It never gets better or worse.
OK, just listen for a second.
The other night when I closed
by myself, that was different.
Forget about that!
I really liked it, though.
Come here.
You can't always
like what you do.
Sometimes you just gotta do it
because it's your job.
And even if you don't like it,
you just gotta do it anyway.
So they can have
their hamburgers!
I'm sorry.
You know what I really like?
- What's that?
- Christmas time.
See, every year on December 3...
I get to paint the Christmas
decorations in the window...
and every year I get to paint
a different thing.
Here, I'll show you.
Wow. That's pretty good.
Thanks, but this morning
I was thinking...
and I realized that I look
forward to it all year.
And then I thought,
''Gee, that seems awfully silly.
''It seems like a long time
to wait for just one moment.''
Don't you think?
Well, don't you?
I think that you should try not
to think about that anymore.
I'll try that, then.
- Morning, Jim.
- How are you, Bill?
Have they ever lost before?
No, they sure haven't.
It just feels wrong, that's all.
Maybe that's where
they get that saying...
''You can't win 'em all.''
That's a good point, Ralph.
They do have that saying.
But they do win 'em all.
They've always won 'em all.
Mr. Mayor, here. Go ahead.
Don't be silly, Roy. I couldn't
possibly take your spot.
What I want to know is,
if they've never lost before...
and they've never tied before,
isn't that winning 'em all?
He's right.
That's what you call it.
Yeah, that's true.
He said it would clear up
on its own...
if she just stayed away
from fried foods and sweets.
Except it's spread
to her lips now, too.
Oh, I don't know.
And you say it was just red?
Well, you know, like real red.
I know what you mean.
That's like this car
that was in front...
of Bill Johnson's soda shop.
I was going by it
and it looked green.
Real green.
Have you seen him lately?
I was getting my sewing machine
fixed across the street...
and he was sitting in the window
of his shop just staring.
That is strange.
It's your bid, Betty.
What goes on up at Lovers Lane?
What do you mean?
Well, you hear
these things lately...
kids spending so much time
up there.
Is it holding hands?
That kind of thing?
That and...
It doesn't matter.
No. I want to know.
Well... sex.
What's sex?
You sure you want to know this?
You see, Mom...
when two people really love
each other very, very much...
and they want to share that...
Are you OK?
It's just that...
your father would never
do anything like that.
Well, you know, Mom...
there are other ways
to enjoy yourself...
without Dad.
Sweetie, you coming to bed?
Yeah. I'm just going
to take a bath first.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, shit.
Oh, God.
OK, right here.
All right, stop.
Where is it?
Here, grab the nozzle.
- But where's the cat?
- Just hold on tight.
So that's what these things do.
In honor and in recognition
of your heroism...
and with great appreciation from
the citizens of Pleasantville...
I am pleased to present you with
this special commendation...
from the Pleasantville
Chamber of Commerce.
- That sure was swell.
- Thank you, Margaret.
I baked you
some of my oatmeal cookies.
Oh, no.
You baked those for Whitey.
No. I baked them for you.
No. You baked them for Whitey.
- I baked them for you.
- No...
No. I baked them for you.
Thank you.
What's going on?
I'm not sure.
They want to ask you a question.
I didn't really know
how to handle it.
How you doing?
You wanted to ask me something?
How'd you know about the fire?
How'd you know
how to put it out?
Well, where I used to live,
that's just what firemen did.
And where's that?
Outside of Pleasantville.
What's outside of Pleasantville?
It doesn't matter.
It's not important.
What's outside of Pleasantville?
There are some places...
that the road doesn't go
in a circle.
There are some places
where the road keeps going.
Keeps going?
Keeps going?
Yeah, it just keeps going.
It all keeps going.
Roads and rivers.
Like the mighty Mississippi?
I thought the books were blank.
They were.
This was not my fault.
When they asked me
what it was about...
I didn't remember because
I read it back in tenth grade.
When I told them
what I did remember...
that's when the pages filled in.
The pages filled in?
But only up until the part
with the raft...
'cause that's as far as I read.
Do you know how it ends?
- Yeah, I do.
- So how does it end?
Well, OK.
Let's see,
they were running away...
Huck and the slave.
They were going up the river,
trying to get free.
And, in trying to get free...
they see that
they're sort of free already.
Oh, my God.
What about this one?
Oh, yeah. This is great.
This kid Holden Caulfield.
He's a really Ionely kid.
He gets kicked out
of boarding school.
Look at 'em.
It's spreadin'
all over the place.
Look at her books.
Look at her sweater.
Going up to that lake
all the time is one thing...
but now they're going
to a library?
What's next?
You're right.
Somebody ought
to do something about that.
You're probably wondering...
why I asked to stop by
and see you today.
I'm sure you've noticed
the same things we all have.
Certain changes in the town.
You know what I mean by changes?
And I'm not just talking
about big stuff like the fire.
It's the little things.
Did you hear about Bill Miller?
No. What?
Wife wants him
to get one of those new beds.
One of those big beds?
Oh, my gosh. What's he gonna do?
I don't know. It's everywhere.
Bill Anderson's boy
just quit his job at the market.
Just took his apron off right in
the middle of an order...
''I don't feel like it anymore.''
Groceries all over the counter.
Took 'em three hours
just to sort it out.
really likes you, George.
- Well...
- No, they do.
Not just 'cause you're a good
bowler. People respect you.
Well, thank you.
It's important for them to see
someone they respect...
stand up for what's right.
If you love a place,
you can't just sit back...
and watch this kind of thing
happen, can you?
No, of course not.
That is why I want you
to be a member...
of the Pleasantville
Chamber of Commerce.
Oh, my gosh.
I hardly know what to say.
It's just like yours.
It is exactly like mine, George.
You can start by saying yes.
And by getting me one of
those swell pineapple kabobs.
Well, sure. You bet!
Betty, Bob wants to try...
some of your great
hors d'oeuvres.
I'll get her.
Are you OK?
You all right?
What am I going to do?
I can't go out there this way.
How can I go out there this way?
Look at me.
It's OK. It's all right.
Have you got any makeup?
In my handbag.
Honey, where are you?
Here. Give me your cheek.
Here. Give me the other. There.
That's good.
Now lift your chin up.
- Is it working?
- Yes.
Here, look at me.
Does it look OK?
Yeah. It looks just like it did.
And they won't be able to tell?
No, they won't be able to tell.
Betty, are you in there?
Coming, sweetie.