Pledge, The (2001)

She said it.
She said it.
She did.
- with some precipitation
in the Central Valley.
Reno area, a little milder.
Looking like a low 37 degrees...
...and a high at 42.
The low-pressure system
continues into the Sierras.
We've got some snow flurries at times
down at about 5000 feet.
We'll see some hazy sunshine
in the morning.
Yo, Mick.
Yeah, okay.
Thank you.
- Good morning.
- Jerry.
- There you are.
- Morning.
Plug that fridge back in.
I thought it was going with you.
I put everything in boxes.
Everything except your pictures.
Every time I pack pictures, something
gets broken and I get blamed.
So you can do that yourself.
Don't forget lunch
with the lieutenant.
- It's at-
- It's at 1:30.
- At the Luau.
It's at 1:30 at the Luau.
Thank you, Jean.
I'm out here if you need me.
Driver of the yellow car, Reno police.
No more parking on the street today.
Move it.
Come on, Stan, you're late.
Congratulations, Jerry.
- I saw you parking on the street.
- You saw that?
Hey, Larry. You outlasted me.
Hey, thanks for coming.
- Good to see you. Thanks.
- Congratulations.
Isn't that smart?
Thank you. Thank you.
Knowing you like we do, Jerry...
...we thought it was time
you got that marlin... been dreaming about
for all these years.
So the whole department,
officers, staff...
...volunteers, everybody,
we all pooled our nickels together...
...and got you this ticket.
It's supposed to be the best
marlin fishing in Baja.
So go catch a big one for us, Jer.
Appreciation all around.
What can I say? You shouldn't have.
But you did...
...and it hits me deep.
Thank you.
I'm going back to the station.
Get Becker County on the phone.
- You should go on.
- It'll be dark when we get there.
What's up?
- Juvenile homicide.
- Becker County.
Possible sexual assault. Little girl.
The locals aren't handling it?
Our hard-core crime unit
assists that jurisdiction now.
Jerry, for chrissake,
you're retiring.
I still got six more hours.
As far as I'm concerned, you're gone.
It's Krolack's case.
- He's in charge, his call.
- It's fine with me.
- If you want to leave your own party.
- My coat's upstairs.
Good evening.
Elena Ryan, just outside of Reno.
Behind, you have the crime scene...
...where the body of a young girl
has just been found.
And we have emergency vehicles
coming in and out of here.
We have state troopers,
we have Reno police.
Bruising and lacerations evident
on the interior of both thighs.
Bruising and possible wrist
fractures due to restraints.
Neck slashed.
Did you get her age in there?
She was a second-grader.
I guess about 71/2, 8.
Coupled with signs of lividity...
...all indications are she wasn't
moved from place of death.
We checked the entire perimeter.
Even with the snow,
this path's the only way in or out.
- Why the fuck are you standing on it?
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- and other weather-related
Whose fucking pen is this?
Oh, Jesus, that's-
It's mine. Pardon me.
Any sign of a weapon?
No, but, I mean, a knife like that,
you could chuck it pretty far.
- Assuming it was a knife.
- How long before you can wrap this up?
Couple more minutes.
I'll let the coroner know
he can pick her up.
The buttons.
Have the lab guys
check for prints on the buttons...
...on both the coat and the dress.
Goddamn it.
Strom, secure all the buttons
for lab work...
...before you move her out.
- Guys, get the buttons.
- Let's go, big guy.
What about the little girl's parents?
Duane and Margaret Larsen.
They got a turkey farm
- Good people.
- Go ahead and pick her up now!
- Have you interviewed them?
- No.
We haven't told them yet.
None of us knew what to say!
Jesus Christ.
Nobody told the little girl's parents.
- Is this the little boy right here?
- Yeah.
Evening, son.
Chilly out here, isn't it?
Take him to your station.
I'll talk to him there.
- Right.
- Anything on the suspect or his truck?
Hang on.
Highway Patrol got anything?
Todd said he put it out there.
It's out statewide,
and I got Highway Patrol on it.
Now, who's gonna tell the parents?
Does anybody here know them?
I got one of my deputies,
but he'd rather not.
He'd rather not.
Most Wednesdays,
Ginny stays in town...
...for music lessons with my mother.
But when she's behind
on her homework...
...she comes straight home.
So her grandmother would've
assumed that she came home?
We always let Ginny....
Excuse me.
- Pastor Holcomb's on his way over.
- Thank you.
Would you mind not smoking
in the house, please?
It isn't possible.
There can't be such a devil.
There are such devils.
I want to see my daughter.
I don't think that's
a good idea, Mr. Larsen.
I know what I'm saying
might sound cruel...
...but I think it's better
if you don't go to your Ginny now.
Why would it be better for me
not to see my daughter?
Why would that be better?!
Because we hardly dared
to look ourselves.
You can go to your
Ginny tomorrow evening.
Then there won't be
anything that's....
- What?
- She'll look like she fell asleep.
Believe me.
Who did this?
We intend to find out, Mrs. Larsen.
Do you promise me that you will?
Yes, Mrs. Larsen, I promise.
By your soul's salvation?
Do you swear... your soul's salvation
on this cross...
...made by the hands of our daughter?
Yes, on my soul's salvation.
You've sworn by your salvation.
We will pray.
Detective Black?
Looks like they got him.
Highway Patrol picked up a match
on the truck with an Indian driver.
I gave you a new headband, Toby.
I know you lost yours.
Toby, I can't see your eyes, buddy.
You'll like this.
Let's see it.
Toby, you've already served time
for one charge of juvenile rape now.
The girl was 16 years old.
Toby, would you tell him
that rape is rape?
You got three years of juvenile,
you got some burglary... got some theft, grand theft.
Multiple counts of marijuana
possession. Then that first rape.
Section Four.
Man's got a mental handicap, Stan.
Well, number one, that might not
take the violence out of you.
Number two,
I'm gonna get a confession.
And number three,
I'm gonna do it in record time.
How you doing, chief?
Scared of this thing?
Let's get it out of the way then.
Who you talking to, chief?
You got those little voices
in your head?
- You a policeman?
- Yeah, I'm a policeman.
- I want to be a policeman too.
- You do, huh?
Policeman drive me here very fast.
Drive me fast.
- I'm just a trapper.
- We don't need this.
I trap beaver today.
Fifteen pounds or 25...
...or 35, something like that.
Maybe 80.
You mean beaver or you mean "beaver"?
- Beaver.
- Beaver? Pretty, young pussy?
- I don't know you joking me.
- You think I'm joking?
- I don't know.
- No?
I'm not joking you.
So you catch beaver, huh?
Yeah, I-
- Yeah, I catch beaver.
- You catch beaver? Little girl?
You catch little girl today, huh?
You rape little girl?
Is that what you did?
I rape, I rape.
You raped her, huh?
He could be talking about the
other rape, the one on his record.
We got positive I.D. from the kid.
This is a small town.
Just let him do his job.
Tell me about the girl.
You rape a little girl today?
It's okay.
You can tell me.
You killed her.
Didn't you, Toby?
It's all right.
It's okay, bud. Huh?
Something simply came
over you today, didn't it?
All at once you became like an animal?
You attacked and you raped her.
You raped that little girl.
Then, Toby, you know,
without wanting to-
But sometimes you can't
stop yourself, you know?
And you murdered her, didn't you?
That hurts right there, doesn't it?
You like that, huh?
You like that? Huh?
Maybe you just wanted her to be quiet.
You just wanted her
to stop screaming at you.
Something was stronger than you, Toby.
Then, when you came to yourself... were horrified.
Then you saw that little girl...
...and you ran.
- I ran. I ran, I ran.
- Yeah, you ran.
- Yeah. I ran.
- It's all right.
It's all right, Toby.
- I ran.
- You ran.
- Yeah.
- It's all right.
You want to cry?
Come here. Come here.
It's all right. Come on.
You've gotta stand up
for what you did, okay?
You gotta stand up.
- He don't know what Stan's saying.
- Stand up and confess. okay?
It's all right.
I killed her.
You killed her?
- I killed her.
- You killed her?
- Say it.
- I killed a little girl.
- Say it.
- I killed a little girl.
You killed that little girl?
- You killed that little girl?
- Yeah, yeah.
Say it. Just put your hand
up to heaven and say it.
What did you say? Say it!
Say it, Toby!
Yeah, you killed her,
didn't you, Toby?
- Yeah, it's okay.
- I kill, I-
Toby, Toby, it's okay.
I got you. I got you.
I got you.
He practically blew him.
Coroner just called.
They found chocolate
in the girl's stomach.
We got wrappers in the cab
of the Indian's truck.
There you go.
- Come on, Toby.
- Goddamn it!
Come on, walk like a policeman, Toby.
You're a policeman now.
Okay to use this phone?
- Yeah, go ahead.
- Christ!
- You fish the lakes up here, I'm told?
- Yeah.
Anglers haven't been doing much.
The spear houses have hit pretty heavy.
It could be the snow cover.
Could be that.
What about the-?
He's got my gun! He's got my gun!
- Tell me when, Jerry.
- Drop it!
- He's got Hamilton!
- Let go!
- Freeze!
- Put it down, Toby!
Don't shoot me! Please don't!
Don't shoot me!
- Toby, put it down!
- I kill the girl!
Goddamn it. No!
- Oh, God.
- Is everyone okay?
- Get a roll call!
- Fitz!
I'm on it.
- Fitz!
- Hamilton! Michael!
Are you hit?
- I don't think so.
- Oh, Jesus.
All right. Oh, Mike, you all right?
Oh, my God.
- Jesus Christ.
- You all right?
- Get an ambulance. Do it.
- Right.
- I thought he was gonna kill me.
- You're all right! You're okay.
What's that, the bullet?
His tooth.
Gate 42. They'll be boarding
in about half an hour.
- Is that Concourse E?
- Yes, it is, sir.
- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.
Next in line, please.
Hi, how are you folks today?
Thank you.
Going to Cabo San Lucas today.
Wadenah had been previously convicted
of similar crimes and was on parole.
Regarding the suicide of
the suspect while in custody...
...State's Attorney Paul Ross
has organized a committee... look into the tactics
of the Becker County Sheriff's office.
You okay?
Yes, thank you.
Sheriff's investigators
worked in concert...
...with Reno homicide detectives
for several hours...
...piecing together the trail that led
to the brisk apprehension of Wadenah.
Authorities here,
while understandably disturbed... the brief hostage-taking
of one of their deputies...
...are taking some comfort... the swift justice of this
very dramatic evening.
Yet, while an investigation is
underway, the consensus seems clear.
Wadenah confessed after being
identified by the young snowmobiler.
His suicide brought a brutal end...
Final boarding call, Northwest
flight 1607 to Cabo San Lucas.
Customer, Oliver!
- Morning.
- Morning.
Nice day today. Can we help you
with anything in particular?
Well, actually, there is.
I'm looking for a person.
Annalise, or Anna-Lisa Hansen.
Yes. She would live above
the electric store.
That would be a small unit.
It's two doors down to your left.
And if I were you, I'd go around
the corner and take the stairs up.
You shouldn't have
any trouble finding her.
If you don't, come back.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
You're welcome.
So, what is it that you need to know?
Well, I'm trying to fill in the gaps.
Fit all the pieces
together, Mrs. Hansen.
If you could remember anything...
...from when you were interviewed...
...anything in particular
that might....
It was Wednesday and she never came.
They said that she
never got on the bus...
...never even made it to the school.
I assumed that she'd gone home.
What was she like?
What were your Wednesdays
with Ginny...
...what were they like?
Oh, she would come in
with her little knapsack...
...and plop it on the floor.
Give me a kiss on my cheek.
Big kiss, always my left cheek.
And then, it was time for work.
The moment she would sit
at the piano...
...we were all business.
And I would give her...
...her lesson just the same
as all my other pupils.
And it was no "Grandma" this
or "Grandma" that.
But the moment we were done...
...she was my Ginny again.
How could God be so greedy?
Ma'am, I....
And after the lesson?
We would have cookies,
if I'd baked them.
Sometimes I would send her down
to the Land of Christmas...
...the store downstairs,
for candy or ice cream.
She would eat her sweets
and I would read to her.
She loved Andersen.
Do you know what he wrote
in his story "The Angel"?
"Whenever a good child dies... angel of God...
...comes down from Heaven...
...and takes the child in his arms.
And spreads out his great white wings.
And flies with her...
...over all the places...
...that she loved during her life.
And then, the child carries...
...a large handful of flowers...
...up to God. "
What's your name?
Becky. Becky Fiske.
And you were Ginny's best friend?
We sat together.
She died.
Yeah. I know.
Her grandmother told me
that Ginny liked to tell stories.
What kind of stories?
Ginny knew a giant.
He was as big as a mountain
and gave her porcupines.
She called him "The Wizard. "
Ginny made a picture of him.
Ginny drew a picture of a giant?
Can I see it?
It's on the wall in the hallway.
We put Ginny's picture-
I gotta go.
Jean, hold my calls.
You were supposed to be
fishing in Mexico.
I know, Stan.
I went to the airport.
I heard the boarding announcement.
I just didn't feel right.
Something went off.
I need more time on this.
You want me to reopen a case
because you got a hunch?
No offense, but you're retired.
You don't work here anymore.
I know, Stan.
I know. But could you run it
through the system for me anyway?
You know, just a standard query.
Similar crimes, profile, victims.
Could you?
Say, for...
...the last 10, 12 years.
Could you, Stan?
This is eight years ago
when this happened.
I'm on the job only six months
when this very big deal goes down.
Talk about baptism by fire.
And to top off everything else... was in the summer season.
"Politics of tourism"
and all that nonsense.
So we all feel the pressure to make
the bogeyman of it all disappear.
The brass were pretty clear
in the presumption...
...that it was one
of those festival-goers...
...which seemed like, you know,
a pretty good bet.
And a good way to diffuse
the kind of panic that you get...
...when they feel that there's
a bogeyman amongst them.
So we all figured...
...and I do feel accurately,
that's why we never did catch him.
The odds were on a perpetrator...
...who'd cleared the county
before the body was ever found.
Look at the slit in that neck.
I don't know, but for me...'s like being in a movie.
This stuff just doesn't bother me
like it does some people. You?
Luanne Rotze.
A little 10-year-old girl.
Real little.
I mean, real small for her age.
You know what, though?
As horrible as that
kind of thing is...
...I got an adrenaline rush
being part of it.
I don't know if that's bad,
but, hey, don't hurt me.
That's just the way it hit me.
Nothing like it
ever happened before here.
By the way, nothing like it
ever happened since.
I think that says a lot.
- You mind if I keep this one?
- I couldn't let you do that.
We always like to be of help...
...but, strictly technically,
the case is still open.
Well, then, how about the report?
I'll make you a copy. How's that?
Sure would appreciate it.
But keep it between us.
I'm not sure what the policy is
on this kind of thing. Okay?
My lips are sealed.
A young horse is like a woman.
Can't predict what they'll do.
They're crazy.
Excuse me. Sir?
I wonder if you could tell me where
a man named James Olstad might be?
Olstad's not a patient here.
Well, I believe he's
the custodian, sir.
In the building, mopping?
He's not a patient.
- Mopping in the building?
- Not a patient.
James Olstad?
I'm Jerry Black.
I'm a police detective.
I'd just like to talk to you
about your daughter.
What daughter?
You did have a daughter that went
missing three years ago, didn't you?
Did you come here to tell me
that something happened to her?
No, sir. It was-
Did you find her dead or something?
No. No, sir.
We're still trying to find her.
Anything you might tell me about her?
Could you describe her?
She must be-
She must be different now.
She was so pretty.
I miss her so much!
We just used to, like,
hold each other.
I was supposed to take care of her.
She was my little girl, you know?
I just-
I had my little girl.
Where is my baby?
The break is Monash County.
Eight years ago, we got a homicide.
Same M.O.
Exact same victim profile
description as the Ginny Larsen case.
I interviewed a local officer
for the particulars.
Little blonde girl, 10 years old,
sexual assault, throat slit.
The photos show that
she was wearing a red dress.
Detectives out at Morehead covered
this case. The case is still open.
At the time of the murders...
...Toby Wadenah was
in Stillwater Penitentiary...
...doing time on his
own rape conviction.
- He couldn't have done it.
- He shot himself.
- What more-
- You told him what he did.
Let's calm down, see what Jerry's got.
You got something?
And there's more. More.
Here. See here?
This is the Larsen murder. This is
the Monash County girl. And here:
Here, you see this pattern?
Three years ago, I got a girl gone
missing, Cathy Olstad.
Same exact description, a little
blonde girl, 9 years old...
...last seen wearing a red dress.
Don't you see?
I see a description that fits
a number of juvenile murders.
And a victim profile that matches
every other in the state...
...give or take the red dress.
Why didn't you mention her blue eyes
while you're at it? Come on!
I mean, whatever made you think...
...that the Larsen girl
wasn't murdered by Wadenah?
This did.
This convinced me.
Ginny's drawing
of the Porcupine Giant.
I have reason to believe, based on
my conversations and interviews...
...that Ginny Larsen made this drawing
just days before she was murdered.
I have reason to believe
she met with this man...
...seen here as a giant, all dressed
in black, on a regular basis.
This is not an Indian.
This is not an Indian type.
And you see this car here?
This big, black car?
This is not a truck.
This is not a maroon truck
like Wadenah drove.
This is a big, black station wagon.
And these right here,
according to an interview I had...
...with a girl named Beck-
Betsy Fiske...
- ...these are porcupines.
- Okay. Whoa! Hold it.
Porcupines and giants and-
You got to get ahold
of yourself, Jerry.
The case is closed.
I made a promise.
I made a promise to find...
...Ginny Larsen's murderer.
I intend to keep it.
Listen, Jerry.
You gotta start getting on
with your life, you know?
I mean, sometimes when you
go through big changes...
...and retirement's one of them... can cause a lot of added stress.
Sometimes it's a good idea just to... to someone.
You know, someone...
I made a promise, Eric.
You're old enough to remember
when that meant something.
Get a life.
Jerry, got your fresh towels here!
Most don't need them every day.
Please don't get them so dirty
they're not to be white again.
Here's your nice little sunroom.
You can smoke in here.
This is the living room area.
No partying, please, no.
Kitchen, of course.
All the amenities of home.
Bedroom. We just got a new mattress,
so it should be really comfy.
And oh, yeah, trash goes
in the covered dumpster.
Fish guts you gotta wrap and place in
the pail next to the cleaning station.
Rules and regulations
of Sugar Bush up here. Yep.
And no nude sunbathing.
I'll leave these here
and get Rose to make up your bed.
If there's anything else you need,
just let me know. Okey-dokey?
Good morning.
I'll have a pack of lights.
That the owner?
My daddy.
What can I do for you?
I was just having a look around.
How long you had this place?
Thirty years.
Ever think about selling it?
Well, what would it take to get
you to think about selling?
It's not for sale.
I'll tell you what.
I'll give you my number
over where I'm staying... Thompson's Sugar Bush Resort.
I don't mean to be pushy but...
...if you'd think about it....
I'll wait to hear from you over at
Thompson's, if it's all right.
- Been a pleasure.
- Thanks for coming in.
Nice place.
You didn't tell me
you were a cop!
- Ex-cop.
- Once a cop....
I'm retired.
What I wanted to tell you was
that Floyd Cage called.
The fellow with the gas station.
He says he wants to talk to you.
I see they're biting.
You bet. Sure does look like it.
You can use the phone
up in the front cabin here.
Thank you.
Floyd, Jerry signed all the papers.
You're ready to go.
I sure appreciate it.
You've done a good job.
Good luck.
When we get a number down in Arizona,
we'll give you a call.
I'm going to Arizona!
Call if you forget something...
...or want to know where something is,
or whatever....
- Good luck to you.
- Thank you.
I hope you'll be happy here...
...cause you're never gonna be able
to sell it for what you paid.
Thank you, I'll do my best.
Is this working or what?
I have to get a key.
I'll be right with you, thank you.
- I'll be right with you.
- Thank you.
What can I get you?
Just a beer, thanks.
You the cop
who bought the gas station?
I'm retired from
the police department.
And you bought Floyd's station?
I did.
That's a strange thing to do.
You must be an angler.
- How'd you guess?
- Nothing else to do around here.
Sorry about that.
These things only work half the time.
Sign right there for me,
if you would.
That's for you.
Thank you and...
-'s your receipt.
- Thank you, sir. Have a good day.
All right, 10 regular.
Nice wagon. Sticks out around here,
doesn't it?
Never thought about it.
Just know to get them black,
don't show dirt as much.
Ten it is. Thanks for stopping by.
Whenever a good child dies... angel of God
comes down from Heaven...
...and takes the dead child
in his arms.
And spreads out
his great white wings...
...and flies with her...
...over all the places
that she loved in her life.
And what do you feel
is represented here?
Well, the porcupine giant:
Ginny told her friends...
...that she'd meet with
a giant in the forest...
...and that he gave her
little porcupines.
- What do you mean?
- You see these-
What do you mean by "porcupines"?
I don't know exactly...
...those are the words of
a 7-year-old girl.
Ginny's friends. Friend, sorry.
And this is in the imagination of a
You could be right. But...
...on the other hand,
the car is very well depicted...
- ...and the giant is-
- Giants are imaginary.
A tall, heavyset man could appear... be a giant to a little girl.
And the Indian man, was he a tall man?
Not a giant. But tall, yes.
Why did you bring this to me,
Mr. Black?
Why did you bring this to me,
Mr. Black?
I need to know who I'm looking for.
I'm like a layman
looking at an x-ray.
I don't know how to read it.
I need help interpreting it.
This drawing can tell you
nothing about...
...the murderer. It only tells you
about the child who drew it.
Without more information, I don't
think I can be of any value to you.
Humor me, doc.
Consider this a working hypothesis
and assume for the moment...
...that this is a drawing
of the murderer.
Your giant certainly looks
tall, massive...
...very imposing.
If this depicts the relationship
between the giant and the girl...
...then these things
you call "porcupines"...
...appear to be gifts
that she's accepting.
That's implying a trust.
Was the girl in Monash
killed the same way?
Exactly the same.
Do the victims resemble one another?
Yes, a lot.
What were the time intervals
between the murders?
The Monash County case was
eight years ago.
The little girl missing, three.
And Ginny was just....
Just last winter.
So the intervals are getting shorter.
If that's the case, then yes,
you could-
Remember, this is a hypothetical case.
But yes, you could expect
another incident within...
...a matter of months.
Maybe a year,
if the opportunity arose.
But this could just be a product...
...of a 7-year-old child's
You came to me for help.
- Yes.
- Mind if I ask you some questions?
You recently retired, right?
Have you always been a chainsmoker?
There can't be such a devil.
- You always been a chainsmoker?
- Yes, there are such devils.
Recent. Recent.
- Do you swear...
- Are you still sexually active? your soul's salvation...
Are you still sexually active?
Are you still sexually active?
- Yes, by my soul's salvation...
- Does that embarrass you?
Experienced any....
Have you experienced
any sudden fevers, perspiration?
- No.
- Get ahold of yourself, Jerry!
Or voices.
Do you hear voices?
- I kill the girl. I kill the girl.
- No, goddamn it! No!
- Lucky West's prescription is
that with the predatory fish...
...your best bet's live bait.
Here you see Kwan Lee,
who's gone from worms... the little fishies.
Where are those pancakes?
- Don't forget your orange juice, baby.
- Can I get a touchup, please?
- Thanks, doll.
- I could use a little fresh-up too.
Boy. Nice picture.
Thank you.
Aren't you gonna finish
your orange juice?
Hi, officer. It's okay, honey,
he's a friend.
Pack up, 'cause the bus is coming.
Any coffee?
Yes, please.
What name would a pretty little
girl like you have?
That's a nice name.
Okay, love bug, this is it.
Come on, let's go.
Bye. Can I have a hug?
Have a good day.
- Beautiful little girl.
- Thank you.
How old is she?
She'll be 8 next month.
First day of school's always a biggie.
- Oh, I forgot your coffee.
- Thank you.
Thank you very much.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
- Want some breakfast?
- Yeah.
I'd like bacon and eggs and-
- How do you like your eggs?
- Over easy. And rye toast.
- Okay.
- I got a question for you.
Fire away.
Where would an old bachelor like me
find some used furniture?
Nothing too fancy, you know.
A couch, dinette set...
...something between not-too-expensive
and poverty-stricken range.
My range.
There's a flea market up-
You go right up Old Pass Road.
Go north about 25 miles up here...
...and you're gonna hit a T-junction.
It's gonna fork into two roads,
two dirt roads. There's no sign-
Do you like shopping?
- Mommy, can I have a balloon?
- Yeah.
- What color?
- Here, I got it.
- Orange. There you go.
- Well, you got pink.
- That's okay.
- Pink? I like pink too.
- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.
I'm looking for Formica here.
- It wipes easy.
- That won't be a problem.
- What about this one right here?
- It gives a room a very warm feeling.
- This one's oak veneer.
- Veneer, huh?
- I can take $5 off the top.
- What would that bring the total to?
Where's Chrissy?
- Chrissy?
- Where is she?
- She was just right here.
- Chrissy!
I'll come back.
She's on the swing.
- Bye.
- Chrissy!
- Don't leave me like that.
- Mommy, that girl gave this to me.
Isn't it cute?
- What is it?
- A boot cleaner... the shape of a porcupine.
It's made by a local craft artist.
She makes doormats too.
You want to come see?
Fifteen apiece for the little fellas,
The mats are 10 bucks even.
You don't run this whole place
yourself, do you?
Are you a religious man, Mr. Black?
Baptized. But I'm not churchgoing.
You got a wife?
Two-time loser.
What about you, ma'am?
My son, Gary, is the true gift
of the Lord.
He dotes on me hand and foot, he does.
Hardest working boy you ever saw.
Works construction all summer...
...runs a snowplow for the county
in the winter...
...and ministers at our church.
What about him?
Does he have a family, kids?
No wife, no kids. No little ones.
I pray, every day...
...he'll find a woman
good enough for him.
The Lord hasn't come through yet.
God bless.
I'm closed!
Yeah, all right, all right.
Woman, what has happened to you?
Come in.
My ex- I was just so scared.
He was gonna kill me!
It's all right.
- And you being a cop!
- Where's Chrissy?
- She's in the car!
- No, no, I got it.
She's okay, he didn't touch her.
He didn't touch her, he didn't....
With a restraining order,
he's still gonna beat me up.
They put him in jail and he
can't pay child support payments.
That's why he's beating me up
to begin with.
Just hold still.
All right, this might....
All right, that's okay now.
Hold still for a minute because
this one might sting a little, okay?
Just hold still.
Right here, that's it.
All right, all right, okay.
The eye looks okay.
You might want to think about
getting a stitch on that lip.
I'm gonna miss that
half-tooth of yours.
I'll drink out of this side
for a while.
All things considered...
...I think it might be best
if you and your girl...
...stayed out here with me
for a while.
- It's not why I came.
- Hear me out.
No strings attached, no obligations.
But I've seen these things
go from bad to worse.
I've got more rooms out here
than I know what to do with.
I wouldn't ask anything of you.
Except maybe help out
around the station...
...every once in a while, when
you're feeling better.
Just think about it.
Just think about it.
Mine's up here at the top....
Mommy, this house is so big!
- You got a whole new one, right?
- Yeah-
Is it real?
- It's not real. It's called a cap.
- Oh.
- in front! It appears that
they're playing very cautiously.
- Is that because it's a big game?
- The last time these two teams-
Pass to Murphy, in the net!
Backhand deflected by Jackson.
Another backhand-
Nice snowman you got going there.
Does he have a name?
Should I guess?
If I guess, will you tell me yours?
He looks cold.
Want to put my hat on him?
Has your mommy talked to you
about the Word?
Do you know what I mean?
- Merry Christmas, Chrissy.
- Merry Christmas.
There she is!
- How was it?
- Good.
"She knew the mole would never
permit her to leave his side.
She wept as she felt the warmth
upon her face...
...and made ready to go back....
Then suddenly, above the hill,
she heard a shower of notes...
...a glorious morning song.
She looked up...
...and there was the swallow.
She told the bird how she disliked...
...having to marry the ugly mole
and live deep down under the earth...
...where the sun never shone.
She couldn't help crying
at the thought.
'The cold winter will soon
be here,' said the swallow.
'I'm going far away to the warm
countries. Will you come with me?
You can sit on my back.
Just tie yourself on with your sash...
...and we'll fly from the ugly mole
and his dingy house...
...far away, across the mountains... the warm countries...
...where the sun shines more brightly
than it does here...
...and it's always summer,
with its lovely flowers...
...dear little Thumbelina. ' "
Are you all right?
Here, hon.
Chrissy is gonna go nuts when she
sees this. This is so neat, Jerry.
Yeah. She'll like it.
She'll love it.
You sure you want it here,
so close to the road?
We got all that space
back behind the house.
Well, we can see her
right from the station...
...keep our eye on her, you know?
Out back...
...there's all that space, you know.
I mean, she could just disappear.
No, you're right.
You think?
You're probably right.
I'll get that.
Yeah, she's gonna love it.
Mommy, I like this one.
Well, it's nice.
Jerry, what do you think of this?
Well, uh...
...real nice.
It's not really your taste, sugar.
It is her color.
- You like it?
- I like it.
- Let's see how this looks to you.
- You like- Oh, no.
Come on, Tex.
- You only have chocolate?
- Thank you.
Let's have three of them.
Did you see that?
Isn't he at your school?
"Thump, thump, thump. "
"They heard the giant's footsteps.
As guick as a wink, the lad
once again hid in the oven.
In came the giant for the second time
and he bellowed, Fe... "
- "Fi. "
- "Fo. "
- "Fum. "
- "I...
...smell the blood of an Englishman.
Be he alive or be he dead...
...I'll grind his bones... make my bread. "
Here you are, $ 1.50 is your change.
Here's your receipt.
Thanks for stopping by.
Look what Gary gave me!
It's glow-in-the-dark so Jesus can
always be with me.
Can you push me on the swings?
Yeah. What did Mr. Jackson
want, Chrissy?
He invited me to his church.
You think Mommy will let me go?
Well, honey, you know...
...a lot of people believe
a lot of different things.
Some people believe that the stories
in the Bible are real...
...and some think they're like fairy
tales where the giants aren't real.
Chrissy, I want you
to promise me something.
When anybody tries
to talk to you, any man...
...whether it's Mr. Jackson or not...
...especially if it's a big,
tall man...
...I want you to tell me, all right?
Promise me that you'll tell.
I promise.
All right, honey.
Could you push me on the swings now?
Yeah. All right.
Give me your tootsies.
Here we go.
Oh, wow!
Hold the roast. Let's eat these.
- Let me clean the sink for you.
- Where's Chrissy? I want her to see-
Oh, she's not here. The Jacksons
came over to take her to church.
- Who?
- Put those in there.
- You know, that Bless the Children-
- You let Jackson- Oh, Jesus.
- What? Jerry!
- No, I-
I told her I'd go to church with her.
I'm gonna try to find them.
For God's sakes, it's just church.
You're gonna give yourself
a heart attack!
Come on!
Oh, God, no!
Welcome to the House of Our Lord.
May Jesus be with you.
May Jesus be with you.
Yes, hon. What is it?
I can't sleep.
Could you read me a story?
Another story?
Well, all right.
But just a short one. Scoot over.
Let's see what we got here.
We've got...
... "The Elves and the Shoemaker. "
- We've got-
- I met The Wizard today.
I had to promise not to tell
my parents. So you can't...
...tell Mommy or he'll be very angry
at me and never come back again.
Well, Chrissy, I...
...I don't believe you.
Wizards don't exist.
No, Jerry, you're wrong.
And I can prove it.
You can, huh?
He gave me these.
They're yummy.
But you can't have them, Jerry.
He said he'd give me more tomorrow.
At the picnic grounds.
Aren't they cute?
My itty-bitty, baby porcupines.
The Wizard said they come
from a land far, far away.
Jerry, can I go see
The Wizard tomorrow?
Well, he seems like such
a nice wizard.
I don't see why not.
But let's keep this our secret.
Thank you, Jerry.
Strom, how is your position?
I'm in position across the river.
We have a clear view of the girl
at the picnic ground.
You're out of position.
- What?
- You should be over closer.
Jerry, we got a whole SWAT team out
here doing you a big favor.
Just stay where you are.
Snipers, recheck your fields of fire.
- Jerry?
- He's coming.
What's the matter?
I'm fine, Stan.
Want some tea?
You're very thirsty today, aren't you?
Where did you hide them chocolates?
Oh, there's some porcupines.
I'm just gonna go down
to the water for a minute.
Is this guy really coming?
Jerry's coming towards you now.
- I got him. What the hell's he doing?
- Jesus Christ, I have no idea.
This may have been a mistake.
Hold him, I'll be right there.
He had big, big eggs and....
So he went up to the eggs,
and it started shaking.
I don't know.
What's going on?
- Jerry?
- Okay, guys. Hold your positions.
We're out of position.
Jerry, I got eight guys out here,
hung up, doing you a big favor.
You don't know what you're fucking
dealing with here.
You understand? You don't know
what you're dealing with here.
This guy is real, and I know it.
There's no Wizard, Jerry.
We got our man a year and a half ago.
Toby Wadenah.
You're making this real
difficult for me.
What, Stan?
We're calling it quits.
We're out of here.
It's over. That's it.
Okay, Stan.
You do what you gotta do.
I'll do what I gotta do.
Just when you leave,
don't compromise this operation.
You understand me?
Come on.
He's staying, so do your best
not to engage the girl.
Okay, guys. We are pulling out.
I want you to know
I have to tell the mother.
You should've known Jerry 20
years ago.
He was a good cop.
He was a great cop.
Just, it's....
It's just sad.
He's become a drunk and a clown.
Fucking clown.
Oh, my God, baby!
Oh, my God!
- Mommy, no.
- No, let's go. No!
No, Mommy.
Chrissy, stop it! Let's go.
- Get in the car.
- I want my doll-
Damn it, go!
Get in the car, now.
I want my bike!
Get in the car!
You fucking bastard, Jerry.
How could you do it to Chrissy?
Why would you do it to her?
She's 8 years old, Jerry!
She's only 8 years old!
She could have been killed!
Fucking crazy.
Why were you pretending...
...that you loved her and we were
starting this life together?
Fucking bastard.
You're fucking crazy.
Oh, boy. This was a bad one.
Poor bastard.
He's coming.
He's coming.
He's coming.
He's coming.
I know it.
I know it.
She said it.
She said it.
She did.