Plein soleil (2015)

Mica, are you awake?
Ladies and gentlemen.
First, I would like to thank.
Mr Harald Willems,
the Chief Executive Director,
for being here with us.
The great contribution
of our technical
and financial partners
clearly shows the...
The huge stakes for Luxis...
We always had the method...
No, we always had the potential...
Always... the potential...
Always... the potential...
We must adopt this method.
Fuck! Mica, the keys!
What have you done with the keys?
What are you doing?
You're taking the car,
you can drive Leo, right?
Here you go.
The nursery?
But it's a bloody detour!
Eric, it's going to be fine.
Bye bye!
Come on.
I know the time, yes!
I'm doing my best!
Just handle it!
Just make the copies.
But no comb binding!
No, sorry. Yes, comb binding!
Comb, no tape binding.
No tape binding!
For God's sake!
Ladies and gentlemen.
First, I would like to thank...
What the hell is your problem?
Fucking hell! Come on! Come on!
Where have you been?
Don't start.
Here are the VIP copies.
No! You used blue covers!
- It's no big deal.
- "No big deal"?
Easy to say "it's no big deal".
It's fine, don't worry.
- Everything is going to be fine.
- Let's go.
- Eric, nice to meet you.
- The meeting was at 9.
"He" had to wait.
Does it seem normal to you?
- I got stuck in traffic but...
- Never mind.
Wait here.
Alright, let's go!
I thought I could have a moment
with Mr Willems.
No, no time for that.
- There's a spelling mistake.
- Shit!
- Has he seen it?
- No, don't worry.
- I feel sick.
- It's okay, it's going to be fine.
Hey, what's going on?
Good morning.
First, I would like to thank.
Mr Harald Willems,
the Chief Executive Director,
for being here with us.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Currently, Luxis has to face
very stiff competition.
Many challenges await us
and they are all...
What a clown!
Luxis should have
the broadest coverage
and the best offer.
That's why my team and I
propose a simple offer
and very cheap,
that will distinguish us
from other operators.
With lower prices,
we'll regain 4% of the market shares
in three months.
How are you going to do that?
With low prices.
By offering low prices
we anticipate a large increase
in sales volumes.
We don't understand.
What don't you understand?
That's only prattle.
It's unrealistic.
We are wasting our time.
Your time?
Sorry, but you'll waste your time
if you don't listen to me.
I beg your pardon?
Sir, allow me to be frank with you.
The question is:
Do you want to win
or do you want to lose?
Because in three months,
warn our shareholders,
consumers won't buy
our products anymore.
We have to innovate or we're out!
So, okay.
You want me to say China's to blame?
Okay, it's China's fault.
The blame's on the US?
Yes, indeed.
Of course, it's their fault!
Because they innovate more than us.
So, okay, you're in a hurry.
Innovation takes time and money.
Everyone's in a hurry!
But let's not forget
that we sell communication.
We do not sell speed.
You're in a hurry?
Then you're going to lose.
That prattle,
you can brush it aside,
but you're going to lose.
Mr Willems,
what my team has to offer here is...
the only way.
The only one.
But I can't decide in your name.
Thank you.
I thought you'd never make it.
- Thanks for your help, by the way.
- "He" wants to talk to you.
Aren't you baking in that jacket?
I beg your pardon?
Clear and effective.
Maybe a bit long but...
beautiful speech.
What is it that you're looking for?
Sorry, I didn't get your name.
What was it again?
Eric Mertens.
And that man, that Eric Mertens...
what does he fight for?
- Fight, Sir?
- Well, yeah.
Everyone is looking for something.
Work, family, love, money.
So, Mertens...
What matters most to you?
To you, not the firm.
Good for you, Eric.
Enjoy your success.
The ball came from there.
Higuan was definitely going to score.
He hit the post.
A kick-ass shot!
Just like that.
The goalkeeper moved
at the last minute, see?
He unsettled the players so bad.
He's wild.
And the players...
Thank you.
- Give it back.
Give it to me,
I won't tell on you for the window.
Come on, give him back!
First, I would like to thank
the Chief Executive Director,
Mr Harald Willems,
for being here with us.
How did it go?