Plump Revolution (2012)

Oatmeal one food to measure for 40 to be able to.
Heat for 154 to stop.
One cup 200 grand to raise to remove fat cow's milk heat for.
My breakfast.
From in total 218 to stop heat started.
Every day absorb 600 to stop around you heat.
Every day flower one hour learning English.
I. Think. He. Just. Loves. What? He. Does.
Every day flower one hour do provision exercise.
To change contrary direction again come once.
I from 20 years old started. Have never stop before do these.
That's right.
I am a model.
I am to have superior gene.
Specialty model.
Properly. Good.
Eyes to loosen a bit.
Properly. Just like this.
Look here.
That's how I feel.
Good. This time, just a little bit like daze the same.
Mouth a little bit to open up bit.
I see today also not necessary shoot too for a long time.
Come out many very great photo.
Yes. She is now unmanned can and.
Everyone. Almost should shoot next one.
Worthy to be we Go A Ra.
Then shoot 30 piece just finished.
You today looks like state of affairs not bad.
- Get bread give it to me. - Good.
That's really...
She and.
She recently body not so good.
Gastritis gastritis. Neural gastritis.
Go A Ra . Don't want to like this to react drastic okay or not.
Pick people whether or not properly pick.
That is here president pick.
Character is really good.
That kind of jumbo the person.
I am really is a glance all don't want to see. Do not want to stay like one space.
Is is. But.
To you also do not have what loss?
You just to open one eye to close one eye.
Also not necessary at other party in front of to show resentful is or is not?
That kind of person even if, to sb's face show it? Also not know.
Because too slow.
Plump the person whether or not don't want to to go on a journey.
Please. Get lost.
-= movie title :. Plump revolution =-
Just as I so listen have said. Your body figure really very great.
Clothes wear a bit not too comfortable. Able to to shed come down.
Of course able to.
I feel that life delight regarding eat culinary delicacy.
I day to day to be on the internet check some famous culinary delicacy restaurant.
Right. This nearby happen to have a pretty good pork ribs restaurant.
Would you like to go?
Eaten later able to to spit come out.
Because of me have anorexia disease.
Heard your career is model.
Income should be not stable.
You is how financial management?
Get married later if will not do model. You should be do other work.
To appear here a society. If not a married couple two all work. To live will a bit difficulty.
Last year estimated to be 100 million (60 ten thousand Renminbi )
This year already have 5000 ten thousand.
Then over one season just already struggle 5000.
Is get into debt. Lit. Build a high desk of debt ; heavily in debt.
That's how I feel.
You know second banking to confine interest low a bit place.
Able to give me introduce.
That. I'll go next washroom.
Then you first let's go. I still have an appointment.
Is anything the matter?
I am you the fourth blind dating target. Kang Do Kyung.
You arrived late.
Suddenly a bit matter.
You how to call?
Go A Ra.
Name very rare.
Just now you say you call what?
Because have said too suddenly never to hear clearly distinct.
To have only 100 million five thousand debt with chest pad.
Interest is eat finish in future to spit come out.
You should be first decide good to hand over boyfriend. Or before unmarried to live again came out.
Looks like you haven't to put out decide.
But this bit I also similar position. So just up to here.
That's right.
I am called Kang Do Kyung.
- Shhh.
- Hey.
Wear umbrella.
I said you wear umbrella then go out.
To to sorry.
- Shhh.
- Hey.
You this is what are you doing?
Today really to be out of luck.
I, say...
Today this meat a bit stiff.
You can it be possible that is do what you to understand direction? This kind.
Or fortune teller.
Is sell umbrella. How?
Even if, wear umbrella will also to drain to rain.
Not can because of do not want to be to drain to just not to go on a journey.
Let's wait and see.
You the people to be born will immediately have a turning point appear.
In the end or never figure out that person is do what?
I bet he is a swindler.
Bet I 500 dollar everything property.
What swindler?
Recently not very more this kind of. Bar to hold concurrent posts similar.
Just is that kind to pretend is incidentally to meet?
After that to bring to special expensive place.
Hole old more money that kind of right.
After that they will two people flat to spread out. That called what coming here?
Contact man. Contact man. Contact man right.
Fortune-telling shop also have this kind of.
To divine fee can expensive to.
Go A Ra you really are. Too do not understand worldly wisdom.
That kind of you can net sparrows at the door ; completely deserted fortune-telling shop. If like just. Like this good cheated.
Go there in please jump big God. Write charm. To expel to expel ghost.
Will flower several ten million.
How can I good deceived?
Because this world please other party write. Can to meet good a man charm.
"General, that is you alone."
I. As long as can to drive soft a man to welcome come good a man.
Even if, is write one hundred piece charm. Go lever-style guillotine also to wish.
A man just so important.
I said. You this blind dating before fourth.
Don't tell me a man not important.
That is be to force.
Compared with that kind of blind dating know.
I think find that kind of to meet split second. Just will to feel palpitating with eagerness to do sth man.
That kind of a man. Just at that side 3 o'clock handleless cup direction.
Do exercise. Hey.
How is it?
Can you or not to put on clothes.
You're not for your sexiness to ashamed.
Just only older sister. Have what?
Seeing you then to rock excess flesh. I'll to feel nausea.
That's really...
Have you or not I parent older sister.
I am really was afraid other people know are you, my younger brother. Really good scary.
Older sister you don't see my this kind.
I am still very someone angry.
Normally idle the person with failed people is like you the same.
To oneself too much vehement.
This won't do.
Regarding your to lose weight plan.
Looks like want to raise strength.
I, say...
Even if, at street side sell small fishcake.
At prepare a position sell ten year. All can to ingratiate oneself several block house.
How come your just like this never sense of responsibility? Body weight how a bit changes also do not have?
You say what is this?
New product at least should be to taste a moment taste.
To lose one's way small hog without any better option let it try club smell.
Just once. I again will also not to dare.
Older sister. These really really too bad. With only eat finish these.
I just listen your not is that all right?
Hurry give me to throw. Take advantage of I will give you good face.
Than, I will just really ran away from home.
If i am going. Clothes also about yourself to wash.
House also about yourself to clean.
You dirty bastard!
You at shoe in hide this. And want to eat.
These really is last emergency foodstuff.
If you 1 minutes inside not came in.
I will get house code to change to fall.
Immediately give father call on the phone. Let him to recycle you this gluttonous ghost son.
If be father catch leaving. This year summer.
You should be at the Analects mountain training so to dry in the sun sun.
To roast hog.
I know... I know...
I to throw and will do.
See. Is hog.
You all sure to die. Come over.
Hey! Stop right there! Hey!
Very cold very cold.
You say to change photographer. Is what happened?
You're here?
Oppa, I need to say this.
Do you know I am wating for how long?
Already past one more hour. One more hour.
If if not, then started to film.
I'll as my method settle. About yourself do as I see fit.
You want as what method settle?
Kang photographer.
Long time no see.
You should greet him.
He is this film studio owner.
Also is the best photographer. Kang Do Kyung photographer.
Looks like your interest is let people wait is that so?
Now seems like over ask me love good fortunate timing.
- Immediately started. - Good.
Come come come. Photographer came.
We will immediately started. Good.
To loosen. To loosen. You just.
To release he this one time.
You shoot beautiful bit.
You like this but to you have no something good.
But. He is you know the person.
Both of them to have a grudge against worthy of expectation.
That person photographer first time meeting. Who is it?
Previously keep at New York activity.
Ability. At domestic considered to be to enumerate.
How do you do? Properly. Immediately give you to soar come out.
Rest a bit again shoot.
Then according to how long? Will rest.
Redo them.
To put on makeup. Hairstyle. Dress. All to change.
What are you doing?
You this is want to change modeling.
That's right.
But why?
Will not is because just now you to arrive late.
I said you several sentence that's why like this?
You doing this do doing how many years?
Where did you question my professionalism?
I am here main model. Go A Ra. Go A Ra.
Whether it's one year. Or ten year.
We magazine is not just free to provide the letter news to announce.
Is people use money to pay buy his value.
If want get money just to release can to sell went to the. Good then can isn't it.
Use I to choose come to give she prepare.
Please enter.
What's that?
Said is want and dress.
Is that so?
Thank you!
Just to put on. Just wear once give him.
This again nothing at worst.
Just this once.
I love you. Go A Ra.
You worthy to be.
Best. Best.
Really one Poland not yet flat one Poland and to rise.
Not get clothes to hand over give me.
What is this?
Is want go kindergarten activity.
Now is let me wear this.
Hey... Hey...
Hey hey. Go A Ra. Stop there. Hey. You.
What do you mean?
You do not want wear just don't wear.
Except you still have a lot want when main model the person.
I think you seems like misunderstanding.
As model. If you only think of wear oneself want wear clothes.
You able to from here in go go out.
But you if it is model.
Should not is wear want wear clothes.
But wear want wear clothes.
Should be you think let me wear clothes.
Do not want to wear. You able to go.
Anyway here is specialty person stay space.
Like you this type of only know how to to act like a spoiled child? Spare time the person we are not need.
In addition. You better.
Must look Qing about yourself.
Today's to film you what do you plan to do?
And what can happen?
Hurry bring here.
Get what?
Should I just leaving like this. Not already become idiocy.
Quickly get dress get come over.
- Shhh.
- Hey.
You this child career consciousness how so stronger?
To change i today will surely.
- Still not go. - Good. I today must gave a good talking to.
With Kang photographer say this also too excessive.
OK. Good enough.
- Have worked hard. - Good.
If you only think of wear oneself want wear clothes.
You able to from here in go go out.
Of course is wear want wear clothes convinced.
Don't tell me want wear to lend come clothes.
In addition. You better.
Must look Qing about yourself.
You first must look see about yourself.
Really to be out of luck.
- Shhh.
- Hey.
You what is that?
This time, Go A Ra rabbit become body really very great.
- To jump. To jump. - Quickly hand over.
Just give it to me quickly.
What's wrong? I see is better.
Good what is this? All become idiocy.
Just give it to me quickly.
Older sister I truth real say.
This time this most like true older sister.
Before those no matter how you say?
That not even a bit like older sister.
A bit affected feels like.
You this fellow. Where did you to evaluate who?
Who you think you are. You to regard as old several.
But is this time really very will naturally. Very sex appeal.
Really. Phone phone.
That's really...
Early in the morning doing what?
Go A Ra. You prosper. Completely fire.
You to be on the internet and see. All is yours news. All at say what about you?
Just because of you that cover photo.
Advertising company in addition a lot of reporter said to interview phone unceasing.
We this time, properly please Kang photographer eat a meal.
Still have me hit heard that Kang photographer.
Originally because he shoot according to make popular the person have many.
Hey hey. And have phone hit came. For a while then give you hit. Hang up.
Good. Then when the time comes meet.
Okay. Bye.
Now you what do you plan to do? Do you know to gallop director.
He currently for next one department movie to choose actor or actress.
Say want see see you.
What to do? I have bit scared. We really is fire.
If it is to gallop director. Then, we just can take a step towards In this whole world.
But Kang photographer.
So famous the person why now, then will appeared during here?
That's why your brother I properly hit after hearing one foreign?
Name and surname. Kang photographer.
At New York to reside 2 year.
At then that time don't have shoot business photo. To swim to string together those slum housing.
Only shoot person face portrait.
Say return home later and to do before once individual to take a photograph to spread out.
Still have this is exclusive news.
That rabbit modeling is not beforehand to set next.
Is at scene suddenly have a thought give you to change.
More than is Lee reporter for you to announce.
But now where did you go?
Is just to our next one modeling to hold a meeting.
Light your individual photo just to observe 18 page.
You younger sister.
You this is at to stop.
Fly towards the world tomorrow's star Go A Ra direction.
Go A Ra. We want or do not want to fly to fly see.
You say. To fly not to fly.
Yes, Dad.
Leaving. Go A Ra.
Both of you who please have a drink.
Until such a degree to react.
Is or is not should please crew to have a big meal.
What to stop is one to stop? Let me please ten to stop also able to.
Thank you very much give we A Ra shoot like this good.
I am really is -less as words.
Aigoo. A Ra you also to hold a moment.
To hold what to hold?
Stop exaggerating.
Kang photographer. You again just wait a while.
Forget get information photo.
I'll go give everyone buy cup coffee.
Go buy coffee.
I have one thing very curious.
Can I ask you?
Until now, you and to me interest to feel curious.
That piece rabbit dress.
Ah, that.
Feel that very suitable you.
Why give me wear that piece clothes?
Heard is that time at scene sudden decision?
Sex appeal. Pretty and flirtatious. But occasionally will also inactive. Worn out.
Although will also not bad. But do not feel too thousand articles, same rule ; stereotyped and repetitive.
I think you seems like cannot find it to transform image that time machine.
That's why only want to give you once opportunities only?
Kang photographer why must give me?
Constipation to expose oneself light.
I said. Why happens to be constipation medicine?
Cosmetic. Icebox. Beer. Fried chicken is not have a lot.
Don't care no matter how you say? Congratulations to you.
But say come. This is who's plan.
Kang Do Kyung photographer.
How can you know Kang photographer?
I am of course is from my the people grand brother there to sound.
I said. That person seems like and is famous.
No matter how you say come?
Have that kind of to excavate to go out model hidden charm ability.
Seems like say have this type of ability.
Say in future have opporunities. Will also give me shoot.
Kang Do Kyung.
Kang Do Kyung. Seems like where is it heard before?
I said. That person have grown handsome.
Also just.
- Just like that. - Right. Kang Do Kyung.
That person?
Say all can get latex shoot like to rise to take charge of great the same.
Really extremely famous.
Say whenever heard that person. To press down camera shutter voice. No matter how you say?
Say will do like own everything all being blooper the same.
Say will have that kind of be to hold on to light feels like.
That's why you can only get own everything all to come out give him?
I from what do you mean female star interview to cover news in see?
Shoot and is sex appeal.
You give me introduce a moment.
I said. Aren't you have that celebrate South group children of entrepreneurs who became wealthy under Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms in the 1980s.
Hey. If you don't know what you mean the more the better?
If I can is so sex appeal man for me drive the back door.
Even if, sit his car to go out traffic accident die. I also no regret.
The more the better is that what you are saying?
- What's wrong? - Sorry. I leave first.
Gave me a fright.
- Senorita.
- Senorita?
Now startled to scare.
Seems like is not you.
Come in.
Actually use then leather shoes.
Hey! Are you all right?
I recently do exercise do it too seriously that's why?
Yes, right.
Is fat person.
Want give people vigilance characteristic and so on.
Gain weight will be very ugly.
Want to voice these.
She is my mother.
I thought you become busy. Looks like also not.
Come here the reason is.
I am, that come over take a look.
I just here nearby busy finish matters.
That's right.
- But that to advertise. - You see.
Thanks to your good fortune. I am now wear rabbit kept all must wear greasy.
what would you think?
Very bad. Especially that constipation rabbit.
Don't with me joking.
Our relationship have good to joking.
If you don't know very bad this word.
In fact I wanted say thank you then came.
But looks like I have thought wrongly.
Sorry for my lack of manners.
If you think lacking in manners. Then just should not is said thank you.
But should say sorry then right.
You have what so great?
Is not you said that.
Because is model that's why must wear other party let you wear clothes?
Follow request do then is the real specialty model.
Apt to happen just to interrupt other people. Should be in a bad mood just throw your temper.
No matter what people say will also not listen? Only know how to say yourself what they want to say?
Don't have specialty consciousness. Only know how to based on air of arrogance stiff to touch?
Go A Ra .
You should be ask why?
Should be ask why very bad then correct?
Then you say why very bad?
A Ra photo inside. A bit feelings also don't have.
About yourself sincerity want what?
I feel that you best should be first want clear this.
What I meant was don't want to thought oneself bonus some? Just anyhow anything wear? Give him laugh.
Because really very laughable.
I, say...
This that is right now I want to wanted?
You have a lover.
Really a to have an urge the person.
I ask. You haven't answer.
Ask I have don't have a lover is that so? Don't have.
But. To A Ra you don't have interest.
In addition. You seem to a bit misunderstanding what I've said?
What I've said let you to be loyal to oneself feelings?
Is not finger this type of feelings.
Hey. Kang Do Kyung.
You take good care of yourself first.
You at lesson who.
I incantation you become a castrate.
My breakfast from simple sandwich started.
Rub cream or butter toast piece.
Ham with to rise to take charge of piece.
Then on top of in addition don't have do broken egg yolk fried egg.
On top of again to release piece muddy strawberry thick paste of fermented soya bean toast.
After that. Again to press ham to rise to take charge of ham order again to fold one time.
After that at then on top of to pour liquid ketchup.
Last again to release rub peanut cream or butter bread slice.
But. Now to rise then most important.
Whether or not to stay out of older sister informer.
To eat up this.
You have a lover.
Ask I have don't have a lover is that so? Don't have.
But. To A Ra you don't have interest.
Let's wait and see.
You the people to be born will immediately have a turning point appear.
Older sister very well. I also able to look at do.
You said I life turning point will go to come right.
Use specialty term call turning. Point.
To woman as to turning. Point just one.
Is have got a man right.
Where did you bewildered that person is is not? You to hit that person is.
But. That person just is that person?
Really, what do you mean by that?
Life is you given how much just will gotten how much?
That's really...
Tell me.
That's right. Not long ago know one male.
I'll go blind dating. He say yourself is the fourth blind dating male.
After that say what chest pad this kind? After that.
Actually want I wear let people very to remain silent rabbit kept.
Eventually I angry wear underpants. Just go find he to reckon. To exceed distressed.
In short last kiss he.
Say to me not to catch cold.
What should I do?
Then one ten thousand lump money who will to wish listen you say these.
Currently is because I that's why listen you to speak?
That's why? That person is how you think your?
You want to know this is.
Is. Almost is like this.
To know oneself to know that to emerge victorious in every battle.
First understand that person like what then can?
What's wrong untie?
Understand over then can understand now.
Then over and must how to do it then can understand?
Towards here hit 20 ten thousand that moment.
Just will started work.
This private detective so is you know place.
Can I trust you?
I am, that boss. Of course can letter.
You and do such a thing.
You exactly what is it people?
Now not all to spread to hold concurrent posts.
I also make money to scrape a meager living.
At the same time say a moment.
We then is open no need receipt yo.
Are you, want go blind dating.
Have you or not like Kang photographer.
What can I say...
Older brother have you gone crazy.
You look at me eyes.
You see you to hide my expression or emotion showing in one's eyes?
You still want to cheat older brother I.
You with older brother I be together all much longer.
Yes, right.
Only want or do not want noisy to go out sex scandal. To take it easy bit will do.
Do you know we this do very small.
Stand good.
Eyes to release gentle a bit.
Mouth to close.
I said. Go A Ra .
If you don't know this time, theme what is it?
Is to disguise oneself as the first time enter photo studio maiden.
How is it possible know the first time to take a photograph feelings?
Think about it.
The first time standing camera before feelings don't remember.
You now let I'm returning to to recollect according to full moon image that time.
Then just to have a think about it the first time go night club that time.
Because is drinking alcohol later went to the. Cannot remember.
The first time with a man kiss the day.
Because is at very small that time. Cannot remember.
Don't know what you mean the first time?
Don't tell me just don't have the first time things done before.
The first time go school the day. The first time sit merry-go-round.
The first heartbeat the person.
Don't know the first time feels like.
Although feel that to be born astringent. Excited. Happy.
But and feel uneasy and scared.
And seems like cannot lapse.
Also don't know do it to or mistake.
That kind of the first time feels like do not understand.
With the first time like the person to receive at first kiss.
That time what I've said you didn't you hear?
What are you talking about?
Didn't you hear then can forget it?
If have time. Can together eat a meal.
A bit difficulty.
Because of me become a castrate that's why to advance arranged at to urinate branch of study?
This woman is 9 years ago.
This woman is 6 years ago.
This woman is 4 years ago.
Afterwards in addition before one female.
But very difficult to investigate to.
Bun In.
Even if, see woman in the past. And can to obtain what conclusion?
See you impatient.
So. From here some photo in we can know what?
First of all,
With someone woman to associate will to associate very long period of time.
This bit contrary to what one might expect is better?
So second.
This. Really very important is.
That a man like type is fixed.
Then what is it?
Must look see photo.
Photo in this three woman. Is plump.
That's why to obtain conclusion that is?
That a man like plump the woman.
What can I say...
Listen well.
As I for the past many years person's life experience to come and see.
A man all have oneself fixed like female human beings model.
Although cheek beautiful everyone all will like.
Like some kind type at this point.
Will not somewhat to change?
Like fresh and pure type the person.
Only know how to be that kind of type to attract?
Like sex appeal type the person.
Also only know how to be like that person to attract?
Will not have mistake.
Just so like eat.
One day started want from oatmeal to change into rice.
Only eat to fall bowl to regard as to break the rules.
Rule is must eat both bowl more than.
And to oppress you body those thing to leave.
Pencil drawers. Bikini. All to be far from.
Stomach in. Only welcome. To beg for food person.
Everyone together. All started.
To grow all over meat streaky pork party.
With friend meet before. Always.
Want empty to go out stomach. Concentrate strategy snacks.
Eat. Really filling child.
Feel that very sorry that moment.
That is grow meat that moment.
Give stomach in. Beggar prince.
To feed to the full.
In our heart shout. Just crane 300 spirit.
Sugar. Salt. Noodle.
Look around see. In the heart wanted.
Older sister. I said.
Easy gain weight the person is have condition.
That is eat quickly.
After that strategy main course.
Chopsticks. Want moment in hand.
Those eat. Want everything towards mouth send.
That way just will. Become my this to plant stomach.
Are you, adorable small hog.
In future want how do then good?
Good. Time out. Quickly.
To display 300 spirit.
Arrived get before one's eyes these. Use older sister mouth.
To put an end to the time. Quickly.
What I've said? Want taking good.
Absolutely cannot forget. Learn properly.
To turn sth over do. Presently I good happiness.
Eat. Eat. Then eat.
To put an end to. To put an end to. To put an end to.
Yes. Yes.
What? What is it? What is it?
Did well? Did well? Did well?
The lock is open.
Want close down.
The lock is open.
Want close down.
Looks like you're very busy.
Yes. Have not seen in a long time.
Seems to have very big to change.
Right. If you are can't see come just not is photographer.
Where become.
How should I say it?
Look at compared to before health a lot.
Is because grow some meat reason.
Right. Grow bit meat.
That's why? Wish to to bite readily.
Heavens. This atmosphere Could it be here kiss I.
Then just see you later.
That. You're not to go up.
I want to here next. I am to come and see to try on.
- You contrary to what one might expect to pull to go up? - I currently do.
And go. And go.
Rear properly get for me to go up.
You Hold your breathe.
A Ra. A Ra. And is there a problem.
Are you insane?
You at most busy that time want I on leave. Just is just to become like this then to rest.
Not just grow a bit meat. Doing what so much fuss about nothing?
You this is from 44 size become 66. And to dare said is a bit.
Will immediately, decide dress shoot to advertise.
Next month and filming a movie.
Are you crazy. Doing what like this?
Hey. You is what place illness?
I think you body suddenly to swell in such a way.
Should be heart correct.
Not that.
You are pregnant.
- You with Kang photographer. - Don't want to like this to exaggerate.
That is fat.
You look at me eyes.
Correct. Looks like really only fat.
Really unfortunate to hit the target extremely fortunate. Right.
You crazy woman!
Both to make a circuit already become hog kind come back tell me.
Only fat. Only fat. Are you crazy.
Because of you I really going insane.
What are we going to do?
What can you do? Of course is to lose weight.
I will get schedule all to postpone.
No matter use any solution you all immediately give me to subtract.
- Is not. I do not want to lower. - You this fellow.
Are you, bonus become have you gone crazy.
You. Before at least at work on top of is very specialty.
I am, that grow bit meat only. Doing what like this?
You mouth actually still can say to go out this type of.
Didn't you say fat person is trash?
You become trash come back. Still can say if it's like this.
- Shhh.
- Hey.
To surpass director. Sorry. Just recently at talk.
Never to take note of to phone.
I am sorry.
Wait a moment immediately give you return phone. Good.
A Ra. You sober a bit.
You at these two week what happened? I won't bother.
Starting from now will do.
You should also know I am how for you to give thought?
Just to your image to give thought. I already never to arrange you do television shopping model.
You do not like I already never let you do.
I from when just for money anyhow sharp had you?
Other party all shoot naked painting to hold I already never let you shoot before one piece.
Why are you being like this to me?
This really a bit say not over.
To lower.
Need. I will give you find a physical exercise instructor. Understand.
I am sorry.
But I cannot do that.
You exactly is what's wrong? Are you crazy.
Yes. Is possibly crazy.
But I...
Want find my real wanted.
What do you actually want?
I don't know.
I think you is really crazy.
You originally is just like that the person.
You just this bit to yield interest, profit etc.
That's why want how?
Want dismiss me.
Do you really think that
I won't dare to do it?
Is I do not doing.
Although you nature so eccentric difficult to serve. But I.
Is because believe you career spirit. That's why endure until now,? But now looks like is not.
You only a greedy and everything for self and selfish profit ; with no regard for others.
You this never moral character the woman.
About yourself live well. I will later will also not bother you.
I completely become done bird.
Is because too to double and cannot to fly bird.
It wasn't funny.
This meat and no use in spine meat.
Get forelegs meat come done it.
I have already eat greasy to deep fry pork ribs. You eat.
I am now where have feeling eat next these.
In short. How should I to do?
What else can I do?
Deal with. Courageous bit.
Anyway dice already to throw go out.
You now, is not anything haven't confirm.
First of all go confirm a moment.
Get your to change the appearance.
Go to come out give him.
Gain weight in future just always want eating something.
Now you have to listen I said.
Heard. That is.
Confirm. Call me go confirm is not.
What is going on? Immediately get up.
Go confirm.
Since open eaten just must wait until eat finish then can go.
You have to go, quickly!
Can I come in?
To resign a post model work.
You said before,
Call me go to pursue oneself really wanted.
Although until now, and unclear want what?
But seems like is not do model.
Think about it later discovered.
Originally is not because of I want to do then do it.
I seem to have since before don't even know oneself want what?
Regarding my career also have never to ponder before.
Although say get up some ashamed.
This long since also don't have properly discuss already one scene be in love.
Although now haven't figure out what what is it?
But I plan to from now onwards. Before oneself really wanted to live.
Ache over later then suddenly Qing wake up.
Is he sick?
Heart always will onomat, sound of object falling into water onomat, sound of object falling into water jump.
Heart feels like like want to explode or burst seems as if.
Do you know that feeling?
Always will to think of that person.
What is the matter also unable to do?
Only to think of face.
Heart just will become so ache.
I think you seems like come mistake place.
I am photographer. Not is a doctor.
But. That person but say to me not interested.
Afterwards I understand to.
That person like plump the woman.
That's why I the first time let oneself fat get up?
Go A Ra . Because one man and to increase fat.
I am fine odd that person is who.
You really don't know. Or.
Pretending to be don't know.
She is someone I like.
That is Kang photographer you.
How do you want my?
I just to Kang photographer and to increase fat.
Then are you, listen who have said.
Say I like plump the woman.
Said is before.
Associated before female people.
Is plump the woman.
And behind the back to me previously was a investigate.
You to believe I only want to is plump the woman just all like.
This seems to have bit too far-fetched.
That's why don't care I am fat or thin?
All to me not interested. Is that what you are saying is that so?
Is not. I is never like this say.
I have that person nature in addition she to long for value.
Thought become important.
As A Ra to come out give my character square. System of values.
Will according to these come to decide A Ra this person.
Then I is what kind of person?
Crafty. To consider everyone else beneath one ; so arrogant that no-one else matters. Everything for self and selfish profit ; with no regard for others.
Furthermore, like to interrupt other people. Will not to listen attentively other people.
In addition. At work to show very spare time?
Completely to go off accidentally to enter devil.
Like this eat go down will change to compared to I and fat. Right.
I today is because angry then eat.
Why angry? Sister. The more angry. Eat enter went to the just more easy to grow up meat.
Go A Ra. Fighting. Eat.
I don't want to.
Why not?
Look at older sister. I'll to fall appetite.
- Hey. I am Go A Ra. - I am Kang Do Kyung.
Do you need something?
You today evening have time.
Convenient. Can together eat a meal.
A few ago days just so let you go. Feel that a bit feel guilty.
Today's time a bit.
- Never time. Just next time good enough. - Not not. Seems to have time.
So. At where.
Except me. And have someone want to come.
Not. Never have someone want to come.
Then All these is.
Can you eat light here 20 steak.
If can you eat finish this 20 steak.
I just to intend towards A Ra dating.
How about it?
Now is doing what?
Do not want to eat able to not eat. Steak throw away that will be good enough.
That way i will also get to your good opinion throw away.
Is cooked five minutes.
A Ra .
A Ra . To bestir oneself get up.
A Ra .
Are you all right. A Ra .
You is fine.
Why are you here?
Yes. How can I will here?
But also is why? Is to come and see to protect your.
Get this eaten.
Hospital say you're not eat this will die. Hurry up and eat.
Kang photographer.
Say suddenly to be occupied with sth go out. For a while will returning.
Hurry get medicine eaten.
But. Have you or not brains inflow of water.
Heard you is because Kang photographer then go to increase fat.
Sorry. Unable say what to you?
Older brother to you just this little degree.
Have what cannot tell me? Don't tell me don't know. I always is standing your that side.
I'm really sorry,
Know Kang photographer before girlfriend.
Is that the late Lee wisdom beautiful?
Is that because anorexia disease and suicide wisdom beautiful seonbae?
Yes. You to make one's first public performance before very to sell well that Lee wisdom beautiful. I am also recently then know.
So Kang photographer leave go New York. Is because that events.
Correct. You brains really a bit better namely to penetrate. Is just like that.
People all want slim, slender, graceful model.
That's why model just to bear cruel to save food? Lee wisdom beautiful that is among person who suffers damage, injury etc.
All right to save food disease to put out extreme choose.
Because that blow. Kang photographer that's why go New York?
Go there period of time. Even camera all to hold no need.
Afterwards Very slowly started according to slum housing black person. Furthermore, is specialist according to fat person.
He is at use own method come treatment pain.
That's right
Overcome that pain return home later. The first to meet model that is you.
Just to do model this work. And to do one's utmost management with to mistreat own you.
In my opinion. This is mine intuition.
I think he is not hope you become the other Lee wisdom beautiful. Because he surely at your body saw it Lee wisdom beautiful.
Not bad. My intuition correct. Lee the people grand your sixth sense really good.
So quickly just to do finish matter.
You all to speak.
How are you?
I'm sorry about that.
Nothing. Until such a degree is it better?
Actually can eat finish 20 steak. Is a must not stomach and intestine.
Correct as to should be 19. Because last one block don't have eat finish.
Just take it as do you eat finish.
I am now is at say want with you to associate. You this great .
To become like this fat. Also don't have relationship.
Look at just just nice.
It's perfect.
Because to lose weight and developed side effect already reached. Extremely serious circumstances.
Single food to lose weight law. Atkins to lose weight law.
To expel poison and so on. Numerous to lose weight foodstuff at to be in vogue.
- Really It's all right. - What is it?
I said you. Eat less. You continue like this. Really will change to as hog.
So, what's wrong with that?
Really unbearable.
Really not to regret give up work.
I feel that now very happy. I already a bit suspect. Before why do I will to live that way?
Customary work. Customary to lose weight.
From now onwards. I want to before my real wanted to live.
Really to act willfully and make a scene. Really currently wanted to live. Is just like that to live.
Don't have nervous to feel unlimited to expand this type of.
Of course not.
Although last time, is because young the reason to increase fat. But body figure become in future. Thoughts also become.
Starting from now. I want to before I want to live.
She to become is really is thorough.
Hey. Go A Ra. Really is it you?
I'm not sure either.
But. Plan to starting from now slowly understand.
Exactly who is it get your become this appearance?
Is Kang Do Kyung. Or that fake fortune-teller.
That fortune-teller is not fake.
Really. Then fortune teller is desperately serious.
Thorough give she to brainwash.
Say get up. I need to go to to pay a visit a moment then fortune teller then can. But first eat bowl grim then say.
Maternal aunt. Please add bowl grim.
We here frequent visitor. I already know.
But don't have like that customer.
Is not have.
That is always sit at that between seat. Always eat to deep fry pork ribs fortune-teller.
You didn't know?
You is or is not with other place to confuse.
In addition. Our restaurant not sell to deep fry pork ribs.
What are you saying? Obviously here eat to deep fry pork ribs.
Take a look menu.
Obviously menu have write to deep fry pork ribs.
We this owner to take a taxi is steak with Italy noodle.
Not sell to deep fry pork ribs this kind of thing.
Obviously is here.
Nuna... Nuna...
Older sister. You don't have work.
At home don't have rice. Contrary to what one might expect doing something?
Otherwise, just go do it television shopping model and so on.
Since before you is use I struggle money to freeload. Now should to change you go make money.
Otherwise, just go clothes military service. One day three food. All have hot steaming food eat. Not very good.
That is older sister should say.
Want or do not want give father give me a call.
- Handphone at where. - What is this you are doing?
Hand it over!
Older brother. Something happened.
This is want doing what?
Don't tell me want towards entire country do to advertise I become fatter matter.
Not that.
Is older brother you to incite.
Hey. From when did you? Started yell Kang photographer for older brother.
You strange what?
Here world your older brother only me one. Know or don't know.
Don't be too to exaggerate. Kang photographer you is really good.
Just beginning only I also oppose this project.
But Kang photographer seems like very have confident. That's why unable to to stop?
Why did you finally tell me?
I said you will do.
No matter what? I do not doing.
- A Ra. Listen I said. - Fine. Don't want to get my body figure joking.
I already get model work to resign a post. Is not enough.
I from when let you resign. Only say like plump.
Then you think this make any sense.
Are you, nature model.
I have seen countless model. But don't have encounter seen before. Compared to you more remarkable model.
I love you body figure. Why you will hate?
Then to regard as not is really love about yourself.
Also cannot because become fatter. You just not is model.
We. Towards this world shout.
Although we are not possibly get the world to invert. But at least able to shout.
Really. I hand and foot all must become to be dead.
Whether or not hurry according to. What to do then good?
- Prepared already. - Come. Little children.
Little children. Then older sister very unable to take it to scratch to itch.
We want or do not want give then older sister to scratch to itch.
Since before be leather a Chinese foot with weighing scale to bind woman.
At they body occured revolutionary issue.
Broken model must is thin Ba state during Zhou dynasty Ba state during Zhou dynasty is it language provision?
As exceptionally big size. Brave deal with oneself.
At to create new trend the woman.
Woman body weight cannot to surpass 50 kilogram society consciousness.
Be to clear off.
Her this one to challenge it could even be said is very great. And to assign sense.
I have thing wish to at have boyfriend in future do it.
What happened?
Piggyback me!
Is location have problem. Or body weight have problem.
Both sides all have.
Come up.
But we can cannot human nature a bit. To subtract 2 kilogram.
What are you saying? Didn't you say like plump?
Continue like this. I will to waste away next went to the.
We want or not to go eat steak.
What? I think you brains or never sober.
I just let you sober a moment brains.
I know... I know...
Aspiration Ying.
Wear umbrella.
What? Outside I rain.
What is this? Really.
Even if, wear umbrella will also to drain to rain.
Not can because of do not want to be to drain to just not to go on a journey.
Let's wait and see.
You the people to be born will immediately have a turning point appear.