Plus 1 (+1) (2013)

Ah, ah, ah, ah
Ooh, ooh, ooh
There's a ringing in my ear
from when I called you
Got this tiny little fear
that I won't see you
When that sun goes down again
I've got honey on my hands
from when I held you
Got this tiny rubber band
to wrap around your finger
When that sun goes down again
Oh, oh, oh
When that sun goes down again
But now the moon is on my side
But that's not what I need
I'm laughing through the night
But that don't
mean so much to me
This girl is out of sight
As anyone can see,
as anyone can see
All right
What are you wearing?
Ooh, something tight and white.
What are you wearing?
Wait, no. Let me guess.
Jeans, sneakers,
and that ugly striped T-shirt.
(LAUGHING) Oh, my gosh.
Ouch! Wow.
Well, hey, the truth hurts.
I wish I could be there.
I know. Me too.
Say it.
Say, "I wish you were here."
Okay, I wish you were here.
Look over here.
Other way.
You changed your hair.
Yeah, I did.
Do you like it?
I like it.
It's different. You look different.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Oh, hey. Sorry.
Aw. Are those for me?
Ohh. Mm.
There's a guy over
there just prancing.
He's having a...
just having a prance,
just on the spot.
David, he's warming up.
- That's his warm-up.
- Really?
- Yes, don't be mean.
- Okay. Okay.
I'm s... I'm not. You know.
Can't wait to get you
back home for summer.
Get me home?
You make me sound
like a cattle drive.
No, you know what I mean.
- Okay.
- Okay. Have fun.
Hah! Yes!
Hah! Hah!
Yes! Hah!
When did you learn all that?
Oh, my God. I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry.
Oh, shit.
Oh, my God, dude.
I have texted, like, 100 girls,
"Are you going to the party?
I can't wait to see
you at the party."
I swear the hard
drive on this thing
is starting to overheat.
- Holy shit.
- What?
She blocked me.
- Oh, my God. Wow.
- I can't believe this is happening.
I'm not surprised. It's kind
of a transformative year.
I mean, look at me.
Come on. Look. Mm!
- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.
Wearing tighter jeans doesn't
mean you've changed.
If you're so in love with Jill, then
why did you go all the way up there
to stick your tongue
in some girl's mouth?
I don't know. I don't know.
It just happened.
- It's like I'm addicted to fucking up.
- It's not fucking up, okay?
You were at a campus for two hours,
and you were practically
in a threesome.
I'm just saying, like, imagine
if you spent a semester.
No, no. It was a fluke.
I don't want to be
with anyone but Jill.
Fine. Fucking suit yourself.
But I'm just saying this summer
is gonna be a very,
very fertile one.
All the beautiful girls
that we knew at school
have come back.
You know, they have been broken.
That's the hardest part.
And now they're a little bit older,
they're a little bit wiser,
and they are ready
to put their mouth
on any random dick
that they can find.
And you know what I'm
gonna do for them?
I'm hoping to be that random dick.
Well, I wish you luck with that.
I don't need luck,
man, but you might.
You have been sleeping
in the same bed
that you've been jerking off in
since you were 12. I mean, come on.
You should have gone
away to school, man.
No. No. I like it here.
I grew up here. I know
where everything is.
Wow, that sounds
like my grandfather
when he refused to go
into assisted living.
"Oh, I know where everything is.
I'm a veteran."
Grandpa, you're not a veteran.
You just watch Apocalypse
Now ten times a day.
Come on.
I'm trying to help you out, man.
Dude, what the fuck?
Is your dad paying
the bills or what?
Bye, Dad.
All I wanted was to have a
summer like last summer.
I mean, last summer
was great, right?
That was great.
Yeah, it was, but this
year's gonna be better.
I promise.
Not without Jill, no.
I think if we don't make
up tonight, it's over.
It's like she's ahead of me
or something. I can feel it.
Well, girls mature faster.
That's all I can tell you.
Wait, dude.
I heard, like, Angad's
parents went out of town
- just so he could have this party.
- Really?
Yeah, like, that's some
dangerously supportive
parents, man.
God, do you know what we should do?
We should arrive at the
perfect time, right?
The facade of inhibition should
be cracking right about now.
I am going to get so drunk...
If Jill and I don't make up tonight,
she's gonna go off and meet someone new,
probably some older guy
who really knows how to eat pussy.
You don't know how to eat pussy?
No, I struggle with it sometimes.
What... dude, spell
your name down there.
Watch. Unh!
I love this girl. Stop.
Can you shut up?
Holy fuck.
My boys.
Oh, eat me, Angad.
Hey, dude, this is my party.
Oh, no. This is your house.
- The party belongs to all of us.
- No, no. It looks good, Angad.
It looks good Angad. Very...
Thank you.
David, dude, I spent the whole day
in the lighting
department at Home Depot.
Those dudes really know their shit.
I have many surprises
in store for us tonight.
Enjoy the festivities.
- Oh, g-ah!
- Uh, hi.
Allison, what are you doing?
Waiting for someone I don't hate.
- How's that going?
- Been here awhile.
You finally touch a
dick this year or what?
Fucking cocksucker!
Kyle, dude, what's wrong, man?
Oh, you think you're
better than me, huh?
- No, man!
- So you can buy drugs from me...
but you can't invite me
to your fucking parties?
That's not what I said, man!
We don't even want to come
to your fucking party!
Come on, man. Chill. People are
just trying to have a good time.
There's Jill.
Wait. Who's she talking to?
Mm. I heard you fucked up.
Oh, shit.
I got to talk to her.
(hip-hop music playing)
Dude, you look crazy, Stan.
(LAUGHS) I know, right?
Shaved my head.
Heard you fucked up
big-time, Davey.
Have you seen her?
Seen who?
Ah, you're an asshole.
I'm just fucking with you.
She went that-away.
Good luck.
Oh, it tastes so awful!
More? Huh?
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
Chug! Chug! Chug!
Angad, what the hell is this?
It means "adorned body of a woman."
Does she hand it to me, or, like...
No, dude. It's a body
buffet. Help yourself.
All right, then. Oh.
Thank you!
Mmm. Do you do birthdays?
Like, weddings, maybe?
Yo, dude.
- What the fuck are you looking at?
- Oh, hey, guys.
So are you a Peeping Tom now?
- Is Jill out there?
- Yeah.
She's blowing a line of guys.
- David blew it with Jill.
- Ooh, sucks for you, man.
- I just saw her in the living room.
- I was just there.
Well, you're in the wrong place
at the wrong time, then.
- She was talking to Steve.
- Uh-oh.
- Wait. Who's Steve?
- Some older dude... great lips.
Give her some space.
When I was talking to her,
she looked ready to kill.
Don't tell me
It's another likely story
I'm new here
Doesn't mean I have to
answer silly questions
Or a shot in the dark
May... may I sit?
Oh, well, that's...
that's all I can ask for.
I'm Teddy, by the way.
- Melanie.
- Melanie.
- Melanie.
- Nice to meet you.
You too. Nice to meet you.
Cool. And who do you know?
Not a lot of people.
- Oh, wow.
- Yeah.
Is that why you're sitting
here by yourself?
So I know what you're thinking.
The answer is yes,
my carpet matches my drapes.
You are out of control.
No, no, I'm... I'm actually
in complete control.
Oh, see, the thing is,
you think you are, but you're not.
I kind of think that
you're into me.
- Well, I do think you're funny.
- Yeah. Yeah?
Like, funny "ha-ha"
or funny "strange"?
- What?
I mean, do you have a preference?
'Cause I could go either way.
Party like fuck!
Time to throw out the trash!
It's about to get
real cold in here!
Here we go!
The ground shakes,
things fall apart
Yeah, basically...
Craig fucking bit her!
Wait! Wait! Wait! No! No!
What's up, Allison?
You got all sexy since last year.
Are you working out?
pace a lot.
I can see you got a hot body,
even though you cover it up.
It's called clothing.
Why don't we remove some of it?
If only you had opposable thumbs.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Ah, my girlfriend dared me.
She's a bitch!
You look crazed.
Yeah. Have you seen her?
I'm not exactly looking.
No offense.
Well, she was just here.
She was just...
Hey, do-do you think
people ever get what they deserve?
Well, if they do, Allison...
if they do, you're gonna be a
very happy person someday,
Every once in a while, you
say something awesome.
Mm, every once in a while, yeah.
Thank you. Tell Jill that, please.
Can you remind her?
- Oh, my God.
- Okay.
It's on. Yeah!
F-f-fucking savages, right?
I've come to a conclusion.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.
Hold on. Hold on.
"Conclusion" means the
end of something...
No, no, no, no.
I have a surprise for you.
A surprise?
I like surprises.
Oh, you like surprises?
Well, meet me upstairs
in ten minutes,
and I'll give it to you.
Where? I...
Better pay attention...
Okay, I can do that.
Sorry. Watch it.
I just scored my
number one draft pick.
- What the hell does that mean?
- Melanie Tremblay, she just...
she asked me to, like, go upstairs.
She says she has a surprise for me.
She's probably crawling
out a window right now.
Oh, wow! Huh! You're gonna
grow old with a lot of cats.
Okay, fuck you, Teddy.
You don't even know me.
Please, can we have a moment?
- Yeah, how goes Good Jill Hunting?
- Can you please do me a favor?
If you see her anywhere,
you have to tell me.
Yeah, do you know what? I'm gonna...
I'll text you, but, please, dude, just...
What was that?
Don't, Kyle.
Shut up.
Oh, shit. Kyle.
Fuck, Bonnie!
What's your problem?
I got it!
Relax! Remain calm!
Everything is under control!
Nobody panic!
Dude, I told you those fuckers
at Home Depot knew
what they were doing!
It's a great party.
All right.
Here we go.
Oh, wow.
Shoe-shoes off.
Right. Yeah.
(GRUNTS) Yeah.
Look, is there somewhere I can
go to get away from all this?
I just... I need to
get my shit together.
Just for a minute.
My parents' bedroom.
Up the stairs, last
door on the left.
Don't fuck anything up!
Attention, visitors!
Do you have room for two in there?
I know we're going gung ho
But the night is
still young, though
And all the guys
who are horndogs
Now every one of us
So let me hear your lungs go
Will you just give me a chance?
- For what?
- To apologize.
I just...
I just want to apologize to you.
Look, can we go somewhere private?
Everyone, follow me outside!
Party's just getting started,
so get ready to rock!
Yeah! Yeah!
You have been blessed
with so many gifts.
Mm. Oh, no, no, no, no.
Keep a light on.
All right?
Jill, I'm really sorry.
For what, exactly?
You don't even know what
you're apologizing for.
It's not for the kiss?
That's only part of it, David.
Well, what's the other part?
You made me feel replaceable.
Oh, no.
I could never replace you.
You know, it's not only...
it's not only what you did.
It's who.
It's where. It's when.
It's like you stepped into a part
of my life where you didn't belong.
I thought I belonged everywhere.
I guess you don't.
Oh, well.
Your skin is so soft.
And you smell so yummy.
Less words.
Wha... huh!
Yes! Oh!
- You like that?
- Yeah!
You like that, you
little stupid fuck?
- Yes!
- That's good.
May your good health be twofold.
This is a delicacy in my country.
Hey, fucking come on!
I just want to forget
this ever happened, okay?
I just...
That is a really
stupid thing to say.
Jill, we've been
together a long time.
Two years really isn't that long.
No, it's not.
No, it's, like...
what is it... 730 days, two years.
It's a long time.
You're an idiot.
Oh, I love it!
All right!
Now, before we head to
the back of the garden,
I got one more surprise.
Ooh! You're so good, Teddy.
Teddy, right?
Yeah. You like playing dirty?
Are you in pain?
Oh! Oh!
Yeah. Yeah.
Mm. Mm. Mm.
Suck it.
So good.
You like all of them?
I wish you'd never gone away.
So you want me stuck here?
No, I don't want you stuck.
I just want you here with me.
You know what I mean.
No, David, I don't know
what you mean. I don't.
Tell me what you mean, David.
I just mean, like, if we worked it out,
we wouldn't be fighting right now.
We'd be out there having
fun with everyone else,
but instead we're, like,
fighting each other, you know?
So this is... this is now...
this is all my fault?
- I get it.
- No, you don't get it.
You don't get it. It's not your fault,
and I'm not saying it's your fault.
Just answer me one question.
- What do you do?
- What?
Well, you don't want
to do anything new.
All you care about is that this
summer is like last summer,
but what about next year?
You don't want anything
to change, including me.
- Jill, come on.
- What?
- I came here to apologize.
- Well, you suck at it.
You suck at it.
You know what? You were right
about one thing, though.
If I were out there having
fun with everyone else,
I wouldn't be wasting
my time on somebody
who's gonna play the same
games for the rest of his life.
Like Steve?
Oh, who? Steve? Steven?
- Come on. I have eyes, Jill.
- What are you talking about?
I'm talki...
Okay. So that's where
you're gonna go with this?
That's where you're gonna choose to go?
Really smart, David. How dare you?
- How dare you?
- Slow down, please.
- Slow down?
- Yes, Jill.
Yeah, I should be the
one who slows down.
- Can you just...
- Yeah. You know what, David?
You already got your chance.
You got it, and every
second that passes
is a second that you
don't get to get back.
I just wish none of this
had happened, okay?
I bet you do, David. I bet you do.
But you know what?
Wishing is for little kids.
You are what you do,
and you do nothing.
- Please, come on...
- Don't touch me.
I'll do anything...
anything... to keep you.
- To keep me?
- Yeah.
I don't know what I
ever saw in you.
- Oh!
- Oh, God!
Oh, yes!
Oh! Yeah!
Oh, yes!
- Careful.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Oh, so good.
No! Hold on.
- I can't.
- Yes, you can.
- I can't. No.
- Hold on. Yes, you can.
- I'm trying!
- Hold on.
I know! I'm trying!
- Hold on!
- I'm trying!
- Hold on!
- I'm trying!
- Hold on!
- Okay, I'm trying!
Oh! Hold on!
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Oh, yes.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Yes! Yes!
(DISTORTED) Oh, yeah!
Looks like we blew a fuse.
(LAUGHS) Oh, you're funny too.
I'm glad you finally noticed.
I'm gonna take a shower.
There will be light!
How did you sneak in here?
Fuck you!
Fuck you! Get out of here!
Where did you come from?
Where did you come from?
Oh, are you getting shy now?
What's going on?
Who the fuck are you, man?
What do you want?
I'm gonna fuck you up!
Who the fuck are you?
Whoa, man! Stay back!
Get the fuck out of here!
Fuck you, motherfucker.
Oh, you didn't invite
somebody else, did you?
What the fuck?
What is going on?
I managed to wash off your scent.
The fu...
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
Oh, it tastes so awful!
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
Chug! Chug! Chug!
What the fuck is going on?
I have no idea.
Somethings really wrong.
We don't know those people.
Look at this. Look.
- Who's out there?
- Everybody.
Everybody's out there, and
they're down here too.
David, I just saw
another me downstairs.
I saw another Teddy, another
Angad, another Stan.
Something is seriously wrong.
There's suddenly two of everyone.
- Am I fucking nuts?
- No. No.
I saw something too.
I thought I was seeing things.
What is it?
Oh, my God.
I saw it happen.
Somebody that looked just like him
shot Kyle dead and ran.
(GASPS) Are they gonna kill us too?
Who knows?
Calm down, okay?
What should we do?
We got to figure out
what's going on.
I'm thinking something happened
with the power outage.
We had one earlier at my house.
Guys, guys.
You're not gonna fucking
believe what I just saw.
I think we will.
What the fuck?
Guys, everyone we know
is still outside.
I just saw two identical
Melanies in the same room.
What did you do?
Well, what? I ran.
You left her in there?
What the fuck was I
supposed to do, huh?
Should I go back there?
I should go back.
Where did these people come from?
Even the music's repeating itself.
There are two songs
playing right now.
Then we should get the
fuck out of here.
No, not without Jill.
Where... where is Jill?
She-she must be outside.
Well, do you see her?
but I see you.
Hey, yeah. You're looking
for Jill, just like before.
(LAUGHS) Whoo!
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
Wait a minute.
Everything's gonna happen again?
Don't tell me
It's another likely story
Could've pinned it on
you from the start
Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys,
there's one right behind us.
Okay, stay calm.
Just stay calm.
Should we rush him?
No, we should get the
fuck out of here.
Guys, if they know
that we're here...
- I have to go down there.
- No, no, no, no. Don't. Don't.
You saw what happened.
What? What happened?
I just saw two identical
Kyles fighting outside.
One of them shot and
killed the other, but I...
I don't know who killed who.
Fuck. We're dead.
I'm going down there.
- No, no. David, don't.
- Just wait a second!
At least come up with
a plan or something.
Hot ass coming through!
What the fuck is he doing?
He's gonna give us away.
Talk to her.
It'll be hilarious.
Fuck it.
Fuck what? No, no, no, no, no.
Don't-don't-don't leave me.
It's time to throw out the trash!
It's about to get
real cold in here!
Here we go!
Craig fucking bit her!
Wait! Hey, no!
You found my hat.
I can see you got a hot body,
even though you cover it up.
It's called clothing.
Why don't we remove some of it?
If only you had opposable thumbs.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
My girlfriend dared me.
She's a bitch!
Fucking freak!
Are... are you kidding me?
What's your name?
Who the fuck are you?
What did you bring to Jill's match?
I got it!
Relax! Remain calm!
Everything is under control!
Nobody panic!
All right.
Here we go.
David, I-I just saw Jill upstairs.
Which one?
I-I don't know.
Listen, she's gonna try
and come down soon, okay?
I need you to stall her. If
there's still one outside,
that must mean the one
upstairs is the second one,
- and I want to speak to her.
- The second one? Why?
- Just stall her, Teddy, please.
- Okay, okay. Hurry.
- Dude, wait.
- What?
How do I know which one you are?
'Cause I know what the
fuck you're talking about.
Hi... Uh, oh.
Hi, Teddy.
Hey, how are you feeling?
I'm fine.
Good. That's... good.
Stick that in there.
Yeah. I'm just Teddy,
looking for some
friendly conversation.
What do you want?
Nothing. I-I just...
I wanted to see how you
were enjoying the party.
I'm enjoying it. Thank you.
That's good. That's great.
Stan, Jesus.
Fucking party, bro!
Hey, these fancy strippers are
making all the girls horny!
David, I'm making
history tonight, David!
This party will literally
never be forgotten!
I have never seen Jill like this.
You should piss her off more often.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
Where are you going?
We need more tequila back here.
Yeah, no. I'll go get it for you.
You just stay right there.
Aw, thanks, man!
You're all right,
man, not like Teddy!
He's a dick juicer!
- What do you want?
- Nothing.
I just... I wanted to know, like,
have you ever...
met yourself in a dream, maybe?
Okay, how much have
you had to drink?
- Just only, like, two...
- Jill!
Let's try this again.
Try what again, David?
can you give a chance to apologize?
Yeah, go on.
Get it over with.
Ugh, did you see which
idiot broke this bottle?
You know, your cage is looking
pretty good to me right now.
Attention, visitors!
You have room for three in there?
I know we're going gung ho
But the night is
still young, though
And all the guys
who are horndogs
Got you, hey!
Now every one of us
Oh, my God.
Go time.
You told me you had a surprise.
I'm just saying let's roll with it.
Steady, now.
Jill, I'm really sorry.
For what, exactly?
For making you feel replaceable.
Jill, we've been
together for 730 days.
You counted?
I mean...
we've been together for two
years, which is 730 days.
You know what? This isn't
just about what you did.
- It's about who. It's about...
- BOTH: Where and when.
Yeah, it's like I stepped into a part
of your life where I don't belong.
- Right.
- Right.
You did.
I just wish none of
this had ever happened.
- Well, wishing is for little...
- Is for little children.
I know, and that's the
thing. I can't help it.
This whole thing's got me feeling
like a stupid little kid.
Stop. Where did you hear that?
Where did you hear that, that
wishing is for little children?
Can you just give
me another chance?
How many chances do you get?
I know we only get one chance.
We only get one chance,
and every second that
passes is gone forever.
I have to... I have to ask.
Okay, I...
I just...
I just have a really
weird feeling right now.
No, Jill. When...
When I was watching you
from the bleachers...
What were you possibly thinking?
I was thinking that I could
barely recognize you.
It's like you're this
different person, and I...
I couldn't be sure if that
person would like this person.
That doesn't mean, David,
that you go off...
I felt like you were moving on,
like you were moving up in the
world and I was just there.
I was just... there.
I think the kiss was a
really stupid, stupid way
of making everything just
stop so I could catch up.
I understand if you
want to move on.
It'll kill me, but...
I see there's nothing
else I can do.
All I can do is ask
for one last chance.
I don't know, David.
I don't want to stand
still anymore.
Stay away from me.
Which one are you?
Never mind.
Oh! Oh! Yes!
- Hold on.
- I can't.
- Yes, you can.
- No!
- Hold on.
- I can't!
- Hold on!
- I'm trying!
What the fuck is going on?
Come on.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Did she hurt you?
No, she looked as scared
of me as I did of her.
I-I don't get it.
Teddy, what is happening?
This is happening
all over the house.
- There's, like, two of everybody.
- Who are they?
They're... they're us.
They're us, but they're not us,
and something keeps happening
to us when we lose power or...
What are you talking about?
It's like, they move.
Okay, when they came back,
it was on the floor, right?
It was, like, 15 minutes
later or 15 minutes closer.
Closer to what?
Closer to us in time.
It's like they're
catching up to us.
But, Teddy, that is me in there.
I just cock-blocked myself, okay?
And if he's anything like
me, he's gonna be pissed.
Who are you hiding from?
You're a weird dude, man.
David. David.
Hey. This is Melanie.
I know.
These fuckers, they're
moving closer in time
with each one of those blackouts.
It's like they're gaining on us.
May your good health be twofold!
They're going outside
just like before.
They're moving closer
towards everyone else.
What happens if everybody out there
sees themselves coming at them?
Come on!
Can you feel, can you feel
Can you feel, can you feel
Can you feel it?
Whoo! (LAUGHS)
Ha! Whoo!
I like the way you dance
when you're angry.
Who says that I'm angry?
Okay, please.
Mind if I cut in?
Are you serious?
Look at that!
Before we head to the
back of the garden,
I got one more surprise.
If they're gaining on us in time, then
that means they might catch up to us
if there's another one of
those blackouts. Then what?
Fucking awesome!
They could take over our bodies.
Our lives could change forever.
Or we could change them.
No, I don't want to change.
This was the best night of my life.
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
Good Lord, I launched
a grenade, hey
Ducking for cover, yeah
I'm fighting by the stage
This might have been the
place everybody cool
Then I act a fool
I'm making hell on them, dude
So much ass
Shake it, shake it, shake it
Shake it down low
Shake it, shake it, shake it
To the damn floor
Shake it, shake it
All right!
Now, everybody, follow me
to the back of the garden!
So many rides
I'm on the hunt
Holy shit.
It's okay. I'm... I'm
not gonna hurt you.
Who the fuck are you?
I'm Allison.
I just got here first.
David, why haven't I
seen yours around?
Get low, get low
Wow, Angad, you are the man!
Two sets of twins?
Where did you find them?
And don't tell me
motherfucking Home Depot!
I told you tonight would
be full of surprises.
Yeah, right there!
What do you want?
BOTH: Why did you come here?
I don't know.
I think we should go inside...
both of us, together.
It's really lame out there.
- We may be running out of time.
- Yeah, no shit, David.
We have to work
together on this, okay?
- It's not all about...
- I had her, Teddy.
- Who are you talking about?
- Don't say it.
I was fixing it. I was. I was.
I was fixing it.
- Jill was about to forgive me.
- Do you even care which one?
Come on.
Come on!
I've been looking
for you everywhere.
- You know what? You're on your own!
- Are you insane?
Hey! Hey!
Hey, everybody!
Everybody listen!
Listen up, okay? We're in danger!
Blow me!
No, please listen! Listen!
You think that after
everything that you said to me
that I'm gonna want
to give you a hug?
I-I thought we resolved all that.
Are you high?
Oh. Sorry.
I-I thought you were someone else.
Okay, well, that's a
really nice thing to say.
No. No. I didn't mean it like that.
- I-I just...
- You know what? No.
I'm not... I'm not gonna
let you do this, okay?
I'm not gonna let... I'm not gonna let
you do this. This is all your fault.
- I know I made you feel replaceable.
- David, just stop it, all right?
- Stop it.
- Jill, I love you so much.
Do not touch me.
Jill, I just need one
more chance, okay?
You know what, David?
You already had your chance.
You are so pitiful.
Start dancing, dude!
No, no, no! Please, please!
You just have to trust me!
I don't know how much time we have!
You suck!
So, everybody, we need to hide!
Do you think they'll be back?
At least we can be ready
for them this time.
Look, something terrible
is about to happen!
We have to find somewhere
to hide, okay?
I can't explain it right
now, but we're in danger!
The lights... the lights...
they could come back on
at any second, so, please,
I know it sounds crazy,
but you have to listen to me!
I don't know how much time we have!
I just need everybody to hide!
It's our only chance
to buy some time,
so, please, if you could all
just go to the pool house.
Go to the pool house, and I
will explain everything.
If you could just all please go!
Turn the music back on!
- Yeah, turn it on!
- No, no, no, no, no, no!
You don't want the
music to go back on!
Put it on!
ALL: Put it on!
You don't want the
lights to come back on!
ALL: Put it on! Put it on!
He's right!
Something is wrong!
I've seen things too!
Everybody, please get in
the pool house quickly!
I saw something too.
Everybody go! Hurry!
Hurry UP!
Jill, hey. Come on.
Teddy, Teddy, what are you doing?
David would never forgive me if
I let anything happen to you.
Everybody, faster, please!
I don't give a shit what
you or David think.
Keep moving in! Go!
Great. You know what, Steve?
- Come on. Let's just go.
- Wait a second.
I kind of want to hear what
Teddy's talking about.
All right. Whatever. Fine.
Everybody hurry! Faster!
- Come on.
- Just let go of me!
- It's for your own good.
- Let me go!
Quickly, come on! Jesus!
Keep going! Faster! Hurry up!
Oh, my God.
What the fuck is the story, Teddy?
I-I don't know where to begin.
- You'd better start somewhere, bro.
- Just give him a chance.
Something strange is happening,
okay? I can't explain it.
I only tell you what I've seen.
There are doubles...
or duplicates... other
versions of us, okay?
They're all out there, and
they're here tonight.
He's having a bad trip.
What the fuck, Teddy?
All this for a bad trip?
I've seen it too, all right?
Well, I guess you're
on the same trip.
- You know what? Back off.
- You back off, boy!
Stay away from him, all right?
Open the door! Open the door!
- It's Tracey.
- Open up!
Okay, okay, but which one?
What the fuck are
you talking about?
No, no, no, no, wait.
What the fuck's wrong with you?
- Somebody killed Kyle.
- What?
There's a killer out there.
Our lives are in danger.
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
It's what I've been
trying to tell you.
Who the fuck are they?
Look closer.
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
We're back onstage?
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Oh, my God.
- What the fuck was that?
- Shh! Quiet, quiet.
What was that I just saw?
I want you to keep it down.
That's me.
We're only a few minutes
apart from them now.
Down low
Shake it, shake it, shake it
Take it on the floor
Shake it, shake it, shake it
I pull the pin
I start driving by
So many rides
I'm on the hunt
I done threw it up, ooh
Here it comes
Just threw it
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
Good Lord, I launched
a grenade, hey
Ducking for cover, yeah
I'm fighting by the stage
- David!
Why isn't he afraid of them?
He should be.
I just did that a few minutes ago.
They're repeating what we did,
or at least they're trying to.
Why the fuck do you
know so much, Teddy?
Because we saw this
happen in the house.
- Me, Melanie, David, and Allison.
- Everyone, just stay calm.
Why in the fuck are
you so fucking calm?
And don't tell me this is another
one of your fucking surprises!
Stop! Stop! Okay, look,
we have to work together.
You guys, they're
looking in. Get down.
- Get down. Get down.
- Get the fuck down.
So much ass
Shake it, shake it, shake it
Shorty got low
Shake it, shake it, shake it
Hey, Angad, where's David?
I like the way you dance
when you're angry.
I'm not dancing, and I'm not angry.
I done pulled the pin
I was just talking to him.
Do you...
'Cause I kill 'em in the club
Go on, get low
I'm gonna blow the place up
Good Lord
Grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
Get low, get low
There's a grenade on the floor
- Hey.
- Dude.
You are always in the wrong place
at the wrong time.
Look, Steve, he's a
profiteer, all right,
and he's on the hunt.
So what he's gonna
do is fuck your girl
unless you go the other
way and get her back!
Man, you're crazy!
Get the fuck out of the window!
I'm not gonna tell you again!
What do they want?
I don't know.
Are they dangerous?
he said he saw something.
He said he saw one of
them shoot and kill Kyle.
What else, Teddy?
They move.
With each one of those blackouts, they
disappear and reappear closer in time.
- It's like they're catching up to us.
- Oh, my God.
We're only a few
minutes from them now.
What happens if they do catch up?
I mean, what does that mean for us?
(LAUGHS) Yeah!
You're gonna break
through, you idiot.
I-I think I stop in a second.
Whoo! Baby! (LAUGHS)
Maybe we have less to worry
about than we think.
What do you mean?
If the universe is really infinite,
it means mathematically, there must be
replicas of our solar system out there.
You've got to be kidding me.
Look, just because they exist
doesn't mean they're out to get us.
She's right.
- Yeah? How do you figure?
- From the book of Talmud.
To meet oneself is to meet God.
Yeah, well, in my book, to
meet God means to be dead.
Has anybody seen David?
Have you seen David?
Which one are you?
Which one are you?
Teddy, you spaz.
You caused a collision, bro.
Take it easy.
Hey, listen!
Everybody listen, all right?
What's going on?
What the...
Listen to me, okay?
Oh, no.
What's that?
You're about to send them our way.
- We don't have much time, all right?
- You suck!
Look! Listen! I saw something,
okay? I saw something!
We were there!
We were there, and then we were
gone, and then we came back.
We were still there...
like, other versions of us!
Listen to me.
They're gonna take
us over, all right?
They fucked with me, all right?
They fucked with me, and they're
gonna fuck with you too.
Everything you care about
is gonna be taken from you.
We're headed for a collision, okay?
We're getting too close to them.
I mean, come on. Think about it.
Think about it, everybody.
Have you felt strange tonight?
I mean, haven't you felt it?
Like something's strange,
something's off?
We're gonna land on the exact same
spot as them, and then what, huh?
Then what?
Who's gonna be left, us or them?
They're not exactly like us,
people! That's the problem!
He's right.
Who's right?
That Teddy is having a different
experience than you did.
We've messed with the last
20 minutes of their life,
and now he's up there saying
things that you never said before.
So that means that they're
hearing something different
and everybody's thinking
something different.
Fuck, will anybody
even be able to tell?
We're no longer the same.
Let's go get 'em.
We don't even understand this yet.
We don't have time to.
Look, we get them
before they get us,
and they won't be
catching up with anybody.
But if we hurt them, maybe
we'll be hurting ourselves.
That's a chance I'm
willing to take.
I don't have all the answers.
I don't. I don't.
But I-I do know that we all
need to stick together.
If we don't, we're dead.
Put the music back on!
ALL: Yeah!
No, fuck you! Listen!
Please! I'm trying to help you!
Look, if they take us over,
it's gonna change our lives!
We could become different people!
Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!
This could be the last
night of our lives!
ALL: Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!
They're gonna take us over!
You don't realize this!
They fucked with me!
They're gonna fuck with all of you!
ALL: Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!
Put it on! Put it on!
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
Go! Go! Open the door!
Clear a hole!
- Come on!
- Get in!
Hurry up!
Will you listen to me?
Clear a hole! Come on, move it!
Hold tight!
Hold the door!
I've never felt this way before.
I never thought I'd
hear myself say that.
Do you think we'll
be alone forever?
Do you hear that noise?
I've been hearing it all night.
Just relax.
This is my specialty.
They're gone.
But where'd they go?
I'm more interested to find
out where they'll be next.
Maybe they won't come back.
Maybe that's it.
Not good. That's not good.
Damn it, David!
Damn it, David, this is over, okay?
I love you.
It's gonna be okay.
I promise.
What? What?
Stop! Stop!
What's going on?
What happened?
David, where did you go?
What happened?
I never meant to hurt you.
I was just afraid.
I was afraid I might lose you.
David, you might.
That's just part of it.
I'll never try to
hold you back again.
Good, because you can't.
I might have to
change everything...
everything but you.
I feel like we're getting
closer to each other.
Me too.
I think it's over.
Time lag's gone.
There's only one of us now...
but which one?
Call me?
- It's, oh, so big
- It's, oh, so big
- They don't make small
- They don't make small
- It's oh so big
- It's oh so big
- They've got it all
- They've got it all
They're doing me a favor
The ones who say
they're celebrities
The big ballplayers the
virtual newspapers
At the altar I'll
sacrifice for my saviors
Listen to your next-door neighbor
Take the green Life Savers
Load me into the television
I like it, like it, like it
Like junkies like heroin
A single movement
I'll spare some notes
While you terrorize
The bleeding of the globe
Cut out the big load
Deep-fry them in Lysol
Clean the scalpel before
you cut off my balls
Bash my face into the wall
- It's, oh, so big
- It's, oh, so big
- They don't make small
- They don't make small
- It's, oh, so big
- It's, oh, so big
- They've got it all
- They've got it all
It's all super smooth,
major mega ultra cruise
Everything comes in twos,
you just can't lose
And of course you'll
have the right
Have the fight to choose
Load me into the television
I like it, like it, like it
Like Great Danes like burying
Load me into the television
I like it, like it, like it
Like junkies like heroin
- It's, oh, so big
- It's, oh, so big
- They don't make small
- They don't make small
- It's, oh, so big
- It's, oh, so big
- They've got it all
- They've got it all
Keep your eyes open, the
picture's in the program
Guns at the ready in
case I should run
If I could stand now, speak now
Sir, I thank you for
making the whole world
So nice and neat
Load me into the television
I like it, like it, like it
Like Great Danes like burying
Load me into the television
I like it, like it, like it
Like junkies like heroin