Pod (2015)

Oh, fuck.
Who did this?
Come out, you hear?
Oh, my God!
Is Lyla here?
Yeah, yeah, she's here.
- Do you live here, too?
- No.
- Are you her boyfriend?
- I'm just a friend.
Okay. Hey... who are you?
Can I come in? Look, I'm her brother.
- Yeah, man. Come on in.
- Yeah? Yeah? Okay.
Hey, wait a minute.
What the fu... what the fuck!
Get the fuck out!
Get the fuck out! Shut the fucking door!
Shut the fucking door!
Get out! Get out! Get out!
- Morning.
- Why are you here?
Look... I need...
You can't just barge
into my place like that.
- I needed to talk to you.
- You should've called.
- I know, but I didn't have a choice.
- You can't just walk into someone's place.
- It is serious, okay?
- I'm serious.
Would you just give me three minutes?
What's the matter?
Do you have any coffee?
- Yeah.
- Can I have some?
- You want any cream?
- Do you have any skim milk?
Cream's fine.
- You want some?
- It's 9:30 in the morning.
So what?
Mona... wanted me to tell you
happy birthday.
She would've told you personally
but with Peggy and Bobby,
she's got her hands full.
How are they?
Good. They're good.
Bobby's starting school... first grade.
You should...
you should come and see them.
So... was that your boyfriend?
- Oh, Jesus, Ed. Don't be so puritanical.
- I didn't say anything.
Are you gonna go find him and beat him up
like you did to Charlie Meadows
- in the 7th grade?
- I didn't say anything.
I sincerely doubt that you drove
all this way to try to parent me.
- Look, I'm not and I didn't.
- Okay, 'cause I'm doing just fine.
- Yeah, I can see that.
- Can you?
- It is crystal clear.
- Okay, what do you want?
It's about Martin.
- What about him? Is he all right?
- I think we need to go get him.
Go get him? What do you mean, where is he?
He's at the lake house.
Isn't that... I mean,
that's where he's supposed to be, right?
Lyla, something is very, very wrong.
- Have you talked to Martin?
- I don't think he has my new number.
He called me. He left me a message
and it sounded bad, it sounded off.
- Call his doctor or something, the clinic.
- No, no, no.
This is something that you and I
need to take care of first.
- Why?
- Because he trusts us.
And he won't be so explosive
if you're there.
Oh, fuck.
Look, Lyla, this is not something
that we can turn a blind eye
while some idiot throws him down
a V.A. clinic shock corridor.
- Okay? It will kill him this time.
- I thought he was better.
- So did I, but he's not. He's sicker.
- Sicker how?
I don't know, he just is.
Will you please just come with me?
Listen, I don't want
to ask you to do this.
Maybe... maybe I'm overreacting, okay?
But maybe I am not.
And I am not up for burying
both my parents and my brother
in the same side of this decade.
So will you please come with me?
- Okay.
- Okay.
Get dressed.
Bring a coat.
Hello. No one is available
to take your call.
Please leave a message after the tone.
Eddie, it's me, it's Martin.
I need you to listen to me, okay?
I can't say much, but I don't need to.
If anything happens to me...
I just need you to know this,
I just need you...
That I finally cracked it.
I was right all along!
No matter who tells you what,
do not believe anything they say.
I've uncovered the truth!
That'll bring some pretty
serious consequences.
I guess what I'm trying to say
is I love you, Ed.
They're probably gonna say some...
pretty terrible things
about me when it's over.
No! No...
Morning, Star Shine.
How are you still awake?
If I dozed off, we'd both be dead.
Har, har.
- Do you wanna stop somewhere and rest?
- No.
I wanna plow through. If we don't stop,
we'll be there before morning.
- Can you at least turn the heat on?
- No, it'll make me drowsy.
You're crazy.
- Jesus, Lyla.
- What?
- You serious with that?
- It's fucking cold, Ed.
Do you always carry a flask on you,
or is that something new?
- Only to bullshit situations like this one.
- You know it's a myth, right?
Alcohol doesn't actually warm you.
It lowers your body temperature.
Ladies and gentlemen,
this has been your fact of the day.
- Well, I hope you know what you're doing.
- I do.
Ed, I'm sure he's fine.
We just need to get up there.
He might not wanna come with us.
I'm aware.
Then what?
I don't know.
I haven't thought of that yet.
Look, I just know when we get there
you don't talk about doctors, or clinics,
or anything like that. Do you understand?
- Why?
- Because just don't!
Look, I just... I need you
on my side this time, okay?
- I'm here, aren't I?
- Look, even when we get up there.
I am. Don't be so paranoid.
Don't touch it.
I got you those.
This is how you're gonna
keep me on your side?
- I just know you like them, is all.
- Yeah, when I was six.
- I'll take them back then.
- I didn't say that I don't still.
- You gonna be on my side?
- I already told you I was.
I'm gonna need your flask.
Look, I don't know what to expect
when we get there.
- I can't have you out of control.
- I'm not out of control.
I don't want it to be an issue, okay?
- This is about Martin.
- No!
- You'll get it back when it's over, okay?
- Stop parenting me.
Look, I'm not parenting you but I need you
to start acting like an adult.
Okay? Just for this.
- Thank you.
- Whatever.
You should put your seatbelt on.
How do you know he's still here?
I don't.
Why do you think he has
all the windows covered?
God only knows.
Did you hear that?
Let's try the other door.
You have a key to this place?
What are we doing knocking on the doors
and banging on the windows?
He's a grown man, Lyla.
I don't wanna just barge in on him.
But you can barge into my apartment.
- Your boyfriend let me in.
- He's not my boyfriend!
Okay, Jesus Christ,
I will call next time. All right?
Oh, my God.
If Dad saw this place,
he'd be spinning in his grave.
- Ed!
- Hang on.
Get back! Get back!
You can't just be... You shouldn't
be here! Why did you come here?
Were you followed? Why did you come here?
Were you followed?
Oh, my...
Fucking answer me.
Were you followed? Answer me!
It's just us!
It's just us, Martin.
Oh, fuck. No, no, no, no, no.
- Why did you come here?
- I got your message.
No, no, no, no, no!
My message told you not to come here!
I told you not to come!
We were worried about you, Martin.
Oh, yeah, yeah, that's very kind of you.
Lyla. Hey. Thanks for your concern.
Especially considering the last time
I saw you, you didn't even have tits yet.
- Marty
- You did the opposite of what I told you!
This goes back to our childhood, I think!
- Marty!
- What, Ed?
What's the gun for?
- Protection.
- Protection from what?
- You don't wanna know.
- You don't need that anymore, all right?
Can I have it?
- Oh, God, I get it now.
- Martin.
Yeah, I get it.
Did anyone ever fucking tell you...
that interventions don't actually work?
They're just vanity pieces, Ed.
Especially surprise ones!
Put the gun down!
Put it down!
I'm not going back there.
Do you understand me?
- All right, I understand, it's okay.
- God, you guys made a mistake coming here.
- You made a great, big fucking mistake.
- You don't look well.
Thank you so much for your input, Lyla!
- Just calm down!
- Do not tell me to calm down!
- All right, just tell us what is the matter!
- Okay, okay, okay! Here it fucking goes!
I'm on...
I'm on to something.
Okay, okay, that's what you said,
all right? What do you mean?
I mean I found something!
Something in the woods!
Something the likes of which you
cannot even begin to understand.
- What is it?
- It was following me.
It was stalking me.
It killed the dog, man.
- Artie's dead?
- It tore him to shreds!
Is that what's in the back room?
No! Stop! Listen to me! Do not, under any
circumstances, go into that back room!
Answer me! Do you understand? Answer me!
Let her go!
- What is in the back room?
- Goddamn it!
Don't fucking do this to yourself!
Martin, you tell me what's in that
back room right now or I swear to God...
There is nothing in the back room!
Fuck, man! It's in the basement!
What is?
Martin? This is serious
and I'm only gonna ask you this once.
Do you have somebody locked
in that basement?
God, it's not somebody, it's something!
Martin? If you have
somebody lo... Look at me!
If you have somebody locked
in that basement
we are all gonna be in a whole lot
of trouble. Do you understand me?
Do not talk to me
like I'm one of your patients!
- Okay, I'm not!
- Yeah? Yeah?
'Cause you think I'm crazy! You think I've
snapped? You think I've completely lost it.
What are you gonna diagnose me with
this time then?
Lone Man in the Woods Syndrome?
Well, I haven't snapped!
I haven't lost it!
I've finally got the fucking proof!
And there's no way you can send me back to
that fucking clinic. Do you understand me?
Martin, I do not want
to send you back, okay!
Look, nobody does! Listen to me!
Lyla! Lyla, did we...
Did we once say that we wanted
to send him back to the hospital?
Did we?
No, Marty, honest.
See? See?
But you gotta stop rambling, man.
You gotta give me a sense of...
what's going on in your head.
All right? Otherwise, I'm gonna be forced
to start making some phone calls.
Is that clear?
Is that...
You sound more and more
like Pop every day.
Is that clear?
Can you get a load of this guy?
He's not the same kid we used to call
Special Ed. Remember that?
What is in the basement?
- Answer me!
- It's a pod!
- A pod.
- Yeah.
- What's a pod?
- Great.
It's a pod. It's a pod! It's...
Do you know what they used us for
during that colossal
goat fuck out in the desert?
It wasn't for combat! It was for tests!
For experimental tests and their effect
on the average soldier.
- Like lab rats?
- Yeah, lab rats.
You're saying you were
experimented on, Marty?
Man, I'm not saying it.
I was experimented on, Ed.
- Who experimented on you?
- Who do you think?
- What kind of experiments?
- Supplements at first. Pills, right?
Pills that would fucking keep you awake
for four days straight, without any crash.
And then, there were the ones
that would suddenly, magically
make you forget where we were
for the last 12-14 hours of our lives!
- Did they hurt you?
- I don't know if they hurt me!
I was blacked out! But I do know...
I do know that guys started getting sick.
Come, man, I knew that much!
I know it! I know it! I saw it!
They would get sick! They'd faint!
And they'd vomit!
And then some guys... Oh, fuck, some guys
would just straight-up disappear!
But, no, no, no, stop, that's not
the point I'm trying to make, okay?
- Marty, what...
- What happened during the blackouts?
Lyla, please! Okay, Marty,
what are you trying to say?
I don't know what happened during the blackouts
which is why they call them blackouts, Ed!
What do you mean, "Lyla, please"?
Jesus, are you hearing this?
- They did tests on him!
- Listen to me!
But there was always this one thing!
I kept hearing guys whispering about it.
You'd hear these guys talking
about this training program
with a new kind of soldier.
You know, I thought it was just guys
trying to scare new recruits into obedience.
But this one time...
Oh, my God, this one time.
I woke up right in the middle of it.
- Where were you?
- Lyla!
- Shut up, Ed.
- I was in a lab,
I was in some sort of
lab tank or something,
and there was this thing.
This thing...
it was just tearing into
one of the bigger guys.
He fucking bunked a couple
of beds next to me
and I saw it just tear him apart!
- What was it?
- It was the new experiment.
Now you're with me.
It was the new experiment, man.
It was the pod!
I saw that thing in the flesh!
The same one that followed me here
or a similar looking one!
I got it, man! I fucking proved it!
Christ almighty.
- What?
- Nothing.
No, no, what? Say it, what?
- Nothing.
- What?
So you were experimented on...
and you came to in some lab,
some Army base lab. Right? Is that right?
- Am I getting it right, so far?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And when he did,
you saw something, like a pod?
A pod?
- Is that right?
- Look, is that so ridiculous?
Do you seriously want me
to answer that question?
Fuck, man!
Oswald, Whitman, Timothy, fucking McVeigh,
what do they have in common?
Tell me what they had in common?
They were all soldiers.
They were all brainwashed, fall guys,
who took then hit and then
what happened to them?
They got fucking nailed
to the cross for it. Okay?
But now imagine if there is no mess!
Imagine if your nameless, faceless entity
your unidentifiable, untraceable pod
goes into the Alfred P. Murrah Building
in downtown Oklahoma City at 9:02 am
and blows itself up instead!
Right? There is no fall guy.
You don't need a John Doe #2.
There is none! Okay?
This thing is programmed
to do all the vile shit you need!
And if anything gets in its way,
it'll tear it to fucking pieces!
Just like it did
to that big guy in the bunker.
And just like it fucking did to Artie.
There is no evidence.
There are no fingers to point.
And that, you son of a bitch,
that is a fucking pod!
So you just found one of these things?
Just roaming around
in the middle of nowhere Maine.
- Yes! Yes! Yes.
- Yeah?
That's what I've been
trying to say all along! Yes.
Who fucking knows how many
could be out there right now.
- Okay, how did it find you then?
- That's a good fucking question, Ed.
Now he's talking fucking business.
Now you're getting to the heart of it.
I'll tell you how they fucking found me,
because of this.
- Did you do that to yourself?
- Fuck yeah.
- How?
- Pair of pliers, big boy.
That's how they were tracking me!
They planted a chip in my fucking gums!
- Where's the tracking device?
- Where's the tracking device?
I smashed into a million goddamn pieces!
Goddamn it! Fucking pussy!
Come on! Do it!
Look. Come see. Come see.
Here, it's right here.
Fuck! Okay, it's here.
No, no, no, wait, wait, wait. Fuck me.
Wait, wait, wait! Okay?
So, here's the pieces of the tooth,
- and here's...
- I don't see anything.
Here's the piece of it!
Look, look, do you see that?
I see something!
It looks like metal, Ed! Look!
I told you! Look...
No! Wait, stop! Where are you going?
You don't believe me?
No, I don't believe you.
This is exactly like the last time.
Take a fucking look around you!
This is classic, paranoid schizophrenic
behavior rearing itself up.
- Have you been taking your pills?
- Okay, don't call me a schizophrenic.
- I am not a schizophrenic!
- Lyla doesn't believe you, either. Do you, Lyla!
Why did you come here? Why don't you just
leave and let me handle this mess by myself?
Because we care about you!
You are not well!
Yeah? Then what the fuck do I have
locked in that basement door?
I don't know, but I'm gonna
find out right fucking now!
Hey! No!
Wait! No! Stop! No, stop.
Don't do this to yourself.
You listen to me good and hard, okay,
'cause here are the facts.
- I have the facts, you don't have anything.
- You had your chance, now you let me speak!
Dr. Menken showed me
the tapes of your sessions.
I know you weren't experimented on, okay?
No, I know that.
Look, you don't know shit!
Martin, you might think you were,
but you weren't! Okay?
This is exactly like the last time!
No, this is nothing like last time!
This is real!
Oh, is it real? Is it real like Edith?
- Edith? Edith?
- Don't you do that. You remember Edith.
No, that's not the same thing.
- Was Edith actually a spy from the Army?
- Stop it! Stop it!
Was she really feeding you
arsenic in those pills?
You know, I saw her at the clinic,
Martin. She was still working there.
Her scars are still pretty bad,
but she asked about you.
Yeah, she was glad to hear
you were still doing okay.
- Shut up!
- The Army isn't out to get you, Martin.
There was no arsenic in those pills.
There is no monster in that basement now.
You think you have all the answers,
but I am begging you.
I am fucking begging you!
Please, man, brother, just go!
Please! Before it's too late!
You are a victim, okay?
Look, you are a victim
of an organization...
Don't do that, Martin! You were
a victim of an organization
that is so hungry for man power
that they will accept anybody.
Now it is a crime, okay?
But it's not your fault!
Look, there are people
who can help you. All right?
Look, Lyla and I can help you!
We won't leave you alone this time, all right.
No, no, we'll get you the help that you need.
- No, okay, okay, okay, now listen to me.
- No, please! Look, Martin!
Please just let me make this right.
No, the other guys in my platoon!
They were dropping like flies! Right?
Every one of them.
One-by-one dead! No trace of them!
Doesn't that seem
even the slightest bit odd to you?
Doesn't it seem like somebody, somewhere
is trying to get rid of any evidence? Right?
So what if they gave us
all a disease? Right?
What if there's a whole bunch
of patience zeroes out there, okay?
And there's not too long before
it takes you to track it back to the source!
Just come with me, please?
Just come on. We'll...
we'll get in the car, all right?
We'll get in the car
and we'll just drive. And...
Ed! That thing will kill me.
It will kill you and it will kill Lyla.
And if it gets out,
who knows what it will do!
There is no monster in the basement.
- There's no pod.
- No? Then how'd this happen?
It's not getting better.
I think it's getting... much, much worse.
That thing down there, it's got something
in it's blood and it's... infected me.
I swear to God, if you let it
scratch you, it'll infect you.
Oh, fuck me, man!
Fuck. Fuck!
Okay. No, no, no. Oh, shit, it's been
fucking with my vision. That's all.
Whatever it is, there's something
poisoned in its blood.
You gotta believe me! Oh, God!
I need to talk to you.
- Do you really think they put something...
- Now!
- What do you think?
- What do I think?
I think this is worse than I thought,
that's what I fucking think.
What if he's telling the truth?
What if what? What if what?
I don't know. I don't know.
He seems pretty convinced.
What about this suggests
that he's telling the truth?
- Did you take a fucking look at this shit?
- I'm just trying to see it from all sides!
This is so goddamn typical.
I told you not to team up on me with this.
- I told you to say on my fucking side!
- I am still on your side!
Then how can you even entertain
the shit he's talking?
Because it's Martin, Ed!
Lyla, sometimes people...
their minds unearth sickness, okay?
He is sick!
All right? He has scratches
all over his fucking body.
They are self-inflicted
and they are very infected.
The longer we let him run around
and keep doing this shit
he's gonna start thinking that we're part of
the grand conspiracy, too. You want that?
But what if... what if he really does have
something trapped in the basement?
- What if he found something in the woods?
- What? What? A fucking pod?
A government assassin?
Jesus Christ, what if he's got
the fucking mailman down there, Lyla?
Look, he's just making stories, okay?
They are fucking... these narratives.
He's connecting roundabout dots. Right?
To ease his guilt about Mom
and Dad's death.
So that he doesn't feel responsibility
for getting kicked out of the fucking army!
He was kicked out of the army?
Yeah. Yeah. It was some
other grandiose story,
some other conspiracy theory.
And he's gonna keep doing it.
He's gonna keep doing it until
we get him some real help. Okay?
But I thought you said that this happens
to soldiers all the time.
Lyla, I lied! Okay? It doesn't.
Look, he got caught trying
to take a tank off the base.
When they arrested him,
they committed him.
And he attacked a nurse
and tried to rip her fucking face off!
That was his time in the army.
That's where he's been.
Oh, fuck.
Tastes like kerosene.
What are we gonna do?
I'll tell you what we're gonna do.
We're gonna go down there and give him
an ultimatum. That's what we're gonna do.
Doesn't seem like he's gonna take one.
I'm gonna tell him he has
two choices then, okay?
One of them is to get in our car quietly
and go with us to the clinic
to see his doctor.
Dr. Nick?
Dr. Nick.
He's not gonna like that, Ed.
- I'm aware.
- He could do something bad.
Really bad.
That's why I have this.
What the fuck do you think you're doing?
You can't just stick him with a needle
like he's some kind of animal.
All right, okay, look, it is very mild.
It won't even put him out. All right?
This is your whole plan
you hadn't thought of yet?
- He's never gonna let you do it.
- I am not gonna ask him permission. Okay?
- He has a rifle down there, Ed!
- I got it, I know.
We are the ones he trusts
and he almost blew our heads off!
Christ, if he knows you're gonna
stick him with a fucking syringe!
Now look, if he's not going
to come with us willingly
then I need to go and get him
in that car no matter what.
Dr. Nick agrees with me.
Then Dr. Nick can come here
and give him to him.
- Martin...
- Shut the fuck up!
- How long were you out there for?
- What were you two talking about in here?
- Marty, we're just here to help you!
- You and who else?
- You and who else? Who else, who else, who?
- Nobody, Martin!
You told me nobody knew
you were coming here.
- Nobody else does.
- What does Dr. Nick know?
- What? Marty...
- Does Dr. Nick know? Answer me!
Shut up, Lyla! Answer the question!
And do not lie to me, Edward!
Yes, okay? Dr. Nick knows
about this, but...
- You let this get out.
- Look, we can fix this.
You have no idea what you've done.
Marty, wait.
We're all dead anyway.
I need something to cover this!
Lyla! Lyla!
- Call an ambulance!
- We gotta get an ambulance.
Lyla, let go of him and call an ambulance!
Now! Go! Jesus!
Come on, Marty!
No, no, no. Marty, Marty!
Marty, look at me!
Marty! Look at me! Marty!
Where are they?
- Who?
- The ambulance.
I couldn't.
What? You didn't call anyone?
I couldn't.
- Lyla, you didn't call anybody?
- He cut the phone line.
No, we... we gotta get the fuck
out of here. Get up.
- We can't leave him like this.
- Come on, get up! Get up! Lyla, get up!
Stop it! Stop it! You don't fucking care!
You don't fucking care!
- Look at him! Look at him!
- Stop it! Stop!
Stop, stop, stop. Look...
Look at him!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Stop, stop.
Listen to me. Listen to me.
Listen to me. We have to go.
Okay? We have to get the fuck out of here.
- We have to go to the police.
- Why?
Because the longer we stay here,
the worse this is gonna look. All right?
Just stay with me, all right?
Just stay with me.
Okay? All right.
Lyla, shut up. Shut up.
Shut up, Lyla. Lyla, shut up!
- Where are you going?
- I am not going to jail for him.
Jesus Christ.
Can you hear me?
We're here to help!
- Just stay here, okay?
- What are you doing?
There could be somebody hurt down here.
I need... I need to go check it out.
- No, no, please don't go.
- Lyla, Lyla, Lyla, Lyla, stop!
- Please don't go! Please don't go!
- Stop! Stop it! Goddammit! Stop it!
- Ed?
- Don't come down here!
- What is it?
- What happened?
I don't know. I think I blew a fuse!
What's down there?
- I can't see anything!
- Well, turn the lights back on!
- Did that do anything?
- Yeah!
Ed! Ed!
Ed! Ed! Ed!
Ed, what happened? Ed!
Ed, what is it?
What is it! What is it? What's happening!
Lyla, stop it! Listen to me!
Take the keys! Go to the road!
Go to the road!
Go, Lyla, go! Go!
Lyla, go!
Please, please, please. Hello?
Hey! Stop! Stop!
Please! Please help me! Please help me!
Please, please, I need your help!
- What's the matter?
- I need your help!
Has there been an accident?
Yes! My brother... my brother,
he's been hurt! Please!
- Where are you coming from?
- Please, please! There's no time!
- We have to go now!
- Ma'am? Where are you coming from?
The house... the house
at the end of the street!
Way down at the end?
Please, I need a phone!
I need to call the police!
The police? Why would you wanna do that?
We were attacked!
My brother's dead!
What? Was it an animal?
Please, we don't have time!
Please we have to go now!
- Ma'am. Was it an animal?
- No!
Well, what was it?
A pod!
A government experiment
or something! I don't know!
Please! We need the police!
Ma'am? It wasn't a government experiment.
It's not getting better.
That thing down there,
it's got something in its blood.
It infected me here or something.
I swear to God, if you let it
scratch you... it'll infect you.
Fuck me, man!
Fuck you!
I did it. I did it!
I did it!
I did it.
Martin, I did it!
Lyla, I did it!
Come back!
I did it!
I did...
- It's Smith.
- Go ahead.
Oh, I found it.
But the yokels have killed it
before I even got here.
Goddamn it!
Any survivors?
Which means we're getting closer.
Is there any evidence of a colony?
Not yet.
I'll check the woods.
Forward your coordinates.
A team is on its way.
Got it.