Point of Terror (1971)

I lent a deafened ear to
all the sounds of sadness
I watched with blinded
eyes the looks of loneliness
Broke and heartless
Won't give a damn if
you're down and dying
Oh I'm cold and heartless
Running wild and running free
This is me, yeah, this is me
Born against the wall I
had to learn the hard way
Armed with that in mind
I had to stalk my prey
Cold and heartless
Won't give a damn if
you're down and dying
Oh I'm broke and heartless
And as proud as I can be
This is me, world
Yes, this is me
People say that love
is stronger than hate
But with my luck
I bet that love
Will come too late
Born against the wall I
had to learn the hard way
Armed with that in mind
I had to stalk my prey
Broke and heartless
Won't give a damn if
you're down and dying
Oh I'm broke and heartless
Like a storm that rips the sea
This is me
You can't change the way I am
This is me
There's no one
else I want to be
This is me
Running wild, running free
This is me
This is me
This is me
Like a storm that rips the sea
This is me
You can't change the way I am
This is...
Hi there.
I'm Andrea Hilliard.
Mind if I sit down?
Go ahead, it's a public beach.
Mm, it's my beach.
You mean I'm trespassing?
That depends.
Well, you must
like your privacy.
I know I like mine.
Oh, please, don't go.
Hey, what's your name?
Tony Trelos.
How do you do, Tony Trelos?
No, I'm a singer.
Oh, where?
Lobster House.
Oh, my old hangout.
I haven't been there in months.
You outta come down and
catch a show sometime.
I'll do that.
Yeah, two shows a night.
Yes, I know.
No cover.
And no minimum.
You're not leaving already.
Remember, I'm a working boy.
Say, we were just
getting started.
When can I see you again?
Like I said, I'm
at the Lobster House.
Why don't you come
down and catch my show?
I'll do that.
Thanks for the use of
your, uh, private beach, huh?
Oh, anytime.
No cover, no minimum.
I'll remember that.
Hi, Sally.
You do a good job, Charlie.
Do you do the dishes at home?
With TV trays?
How's my man?
Oh, better now.
Your lady friends are out
there in droves tonight.
Yeah, same old tired faces.
Well, give 'em a good show.
Easy with dance, huh?
Save those for me.
Hey, come here.
Mm, down boy.
You know I like to
warm up before a show.
Tony, you'll spoil your make-up.
Tony, I have to get
back on the floor.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
I'm stopping, I'm stopping-
- You're really quite efficient.
Oh, I'm very good with my hands.
So you tell me.
I'd be happy to show you.
You have a real hangup
about these things,
don't you, Charlie?
Mm, I got a hangup
about your hang ups.
It must be something
from your childhood.
I was deprived.
And now you're depraved.
Honest, baby, I
got a thing for you.
Put it in a box and
tie it with a ribbon.
Now who's depraved?
Alright, Romeo,
what about your wife?
All she
wants to do is eat.
Then you've got
something in common.
Hey, where's Tony?
Isn't it time for
the second show?
He's in the dressing
room getting ready.
Having trouble?
With these things, who wouldn't?
I wouldn't.
That is enough.
and gentleman,
the Lobster House proudly
presents, Tony Trelos!
This is what I am
And what I'll always be
A drifter of the heart
Until love changes me
Take me for myself
Let your mind run free
And find what lies ahead
Across the open sea
I've been right
and I've been wrong
And I've been in-between
On the tips of my fingers
I balance all my dreams
'Cause it's
something I can't keep
I only seem to borrow
I play the game
Hard and fast
Like there's no tomorrow
This is what I am
And what I'll always be
A drifter of the heart
Until love changes me
Take me for myself
Let your mind run free
And find what lies ahead
Across the open sea
If things go
right and I'm on top
Love would be around
Like the wind
they'll all be gone
Whenever I am down
My constant lonely
searching life
ls the price I have to pay
To do the things I want to do
And live this life my way
This is what I am
And what I'll always be
A drifter of the heart
Until love changes me
Take me for myself
Let your mind run free
And find what lies ahead
Across the open sea
This is what I am
And what I'll always be
A drifter of the heart
Until love changes me
Oh take me for myself
Let your mind run free
And find what lies ahead
Across the open sea
Take me for myself
Let your mind run free
And find what lies ahead
Across the open sea
Baby this is what I am
Order me a drink.
I've gotta go change,
I'll be back in a minute.
Well, I see you made a big
hit with the upper register.
Yeah, who's that?
The one you were playing up to.
Who do you mean?
You didn't know she
was Madame National Records?
Well, well.
Don't get so excited, there's
a Mister National Records.
Yeah, well,
he's not sitting with
her, though, is he, baby?
Well, then there's
nothing to worry about, huh?
I'll see you later.
How much later?
Sorry I took so long.
You're good.
It's quite a show you put on.
Thank you.
Tell me, do you ever put it out?
Your back.
Hey, so you like my act, huh?
Very much.
I'm surprised somebody hasn't
picked you up, out a record.
Well, the last one I
cut cost a small fortune.
Did it sell?
I heard it once on
a local radio station.
I'd like to hear it.
What's wrong with now?
I mean, I'm through
for the night.
Let's go.
Who's your
decorator, Bela Lugosi?
No, I did it myself.
With what, a shovel?
Well, what's a poor boy to do?
Anything to get out of this.
Well, I spend more
time on the beach
than I do in the dump anyway.
I'm glad.
What'll you have,
bourbon and water, bourbon and
soda or bourbon and bourbon?
Oh, surprise me.
This didn't turn out
exactly the way I wanted,
but you'll be able to get an
idea of my voice on records.
I watched with blinded
eyes the looks of loneliness
Broke and heartless
Won't give a damn if
you're down and dying
Oh I'm broke and heartless
Oh, you can do much
better than that.
Got any ideas?
Yeah, like taking
it to a different studio.
Oh, I can dig your
style, alright,
but not those arrangements.
Maybe added stings, or,
Background voices.
If you put in background noises,
you could fill in all those
empty spots, and then,
There I go, talking shop.
No, no, no, go ahead.
I mean, what you're
saying is right.
See that?
You do need help.
Who doesn't?
Did you ever hear
of National Records?
Sure, they're the biggest.
Well, that's me.
Or at least, it's my husband.
That is, it was
until his accident.
He's an invalid now, and I
more or less run the business.
How about that?
How about that?
You want help, don't you?
Sure, maybe
something in writing?
Oh, you don't trust me.
No, I don't need any
liquor deliveries tonight.
Don't you think
I'd have your number?
I'll have my secretary draw
up the necessary contracts.
I'll give you a call
in a day or two.
I see you didn't waste any time.
Hey, come on in!
I thought she'd never leave.
What happened?
She digs me, baby!
She flipped for the record
of my act, and everything!
Tony, put me down!
I wouldn't bank on it.
The secretary's
drawing up the contracts.
Believe it when you see it.
She plays games, Tony.
You're just one of her toys.
Yeah, well, how do you
know so much about her, huh?
She's an old fixture.
She collects men
like she drinks,
one at a time, all in a row.
Not me, she doesn't.
I've seen her in action.
And you've seen my action, baby.
Your moneys on a winner.
I'll play it cool.
For your sake, Tony, I hope so.
Is it that cut and dry?
She's a
woman, isn't she?
Her husband's an invalid.
It's as simple as that.
You make it sound so cold.
Well, it's a cold world, baby.
Not to everyone.
Well, don't worry,
I'll keep her occupied.
I wanna be somebody.
But you are someone.
You have a job singing
at the Lobster House.
Oh, come on, get off it.
These things take time.
Well, there's not that
much time left for me.
I've waited all my life.
They used to laugh at
me when I was a kid
'cause my old man
was a shoeshine boy.
While he was on his knees,
my mother was on her back.
I blew town when I was 14.
I worked at odd jobs until
I met this older woman.
She wanted somebody young.
How long did that last?
Till the next one.
Oh, Sally.
You don't know what it's
like wanting to be somebody.
That's what I want,
to be somebody.
It's all I've ever wanted.
And I'll do anything to get it.
- I'm glad I don't want
anything that badly.
Well, it'll work out.
It's got to.
Your mother and father?
She died from an
occupational disease,
he drank himself to death.
They're better off.
You know, when I got my first
job singing, nobody laughed.
I was good.
From that time on, the only
thing that counted was my voice.
Weren't you ever in love?
Sally, you're the only
one I've ever been able
to open up to.
Well, at least I'm
good for something.
Baby, you're good
for a lot of things.
You take me like I am, huh?
No questions asked.
That's something, isn't it?
When I make it, baby,
I'm gonna buy you a kite made
out of hundred dollar bills.
With my luck,
the string will break.
No more talk, darling, huh?
Hey, come here.
Let's go for a swim.
Now, wait a minute,
wait a minute.
What do you mean that shipment
hasn't been sent out yet?
They were supposed to be
in New York two days ago.
I told Mrs. Hilliard about
it, did you check with her?
Well, why not?
What do you think I pay you for?
Look, you know it's
impossible for me
to come down to the office,
and I expect you to assume
leadership in my absence.
Mrs. Hilliard damn sure isn't.
I see.
Alright, she's here at the
house now, I'll ask her.
I'll get back to you.
His name is Tony, Tony Trelos.
Andrea, I wanna talk
to you right away.
Right away.
Dirty bitch.
Can he sing?
Oh, he's good.
Does he have a brother?
Seriously, chickie,
you better be careful.
You know Martin's
a very jealous man.
Martin's a wheelchair.
And who's fault is that?
His own.
If he hadn't been
so damn suspicious,
he never would have driven
that car off the road.
He expects me to be
a wet nurse to him.
I've got news for Martin,
I've got big news for him.
But he's given you so much.
I've earned every cent of it.
Look, honey, I'm on
your side, remember?
I'm just worried
he's gonna find out
about this little
affair you're having.
Fat chance.
I need some ice.
While you're up.
Wait till you see him, Fran.
He's special.
They all are, at first, honey.
No, I mean it.
He has big, wide eyes,
fantastic body,
and a waist slimmer than yours.
Thanks a lot.
Have fun with him, baby.
Play around a bit.
But don't get
yourself in too deep.
I'll take you over to
the Lobster House tonight.
I can't wait for you to see him.
If you knew how much I hate
the sound of that chair.
You didn't answer my call.
Hello, Martin.
What's the matter, are
you deaf or something?
We were deep in conversation,
I guess I just didn't
hear you, Martin.
Oh, you just didn't hear me.
Of course you didn't hear
me, how could you hear me?
You left the phone off the hook!
I wanna talk to you.
I was just, - Don't go, Fran.
No, I have some appointments,
I'll let myself out.
- Call me later.
- Mhm.
Bye, Martin.
I never liked that woman.
I told you to lay
off that stuff.
Oh, what do you want, Martin?
I hear you haven't been
to the office in a few days.
I'm talking to you.
So, talk.
You were supposed to
take care of a shipment
going to New York, you didn't,
now I'm out a couple
of thousand dollars.
Are you listening to me?
No, of course not.
You drink too damn much!
Don't start on me, Martin!
It's because of your drinking
that I'm in this chair.
I don't have to remind
you of that, do I?
Martin, I have a headache
this big with your name on it.
The hell with your headache.
Look, you either straighten
up and take care of business,
Are you threatening me, Martin?
Yes, I'm threatening you.
May I just remind you, I married
you, I gave you everything,
you never had a...
Yes, yes, yes, yes, Martin!
And whatever happened to us?
We were happy for a while.
Stop it.
And I need you,
now more than ever.
I hate running the business,
you keep forcing me to do it.
Why, because it
cuts into your style?
And I hate your being
suspicious, always accusing me
of running around, spying on me!
Well, you do see other men.
I have my own life to lead!
You do remember,
Andrea, what we did?
I didn't have your kind
of hate for my wife.
But, you had enough
inside you for both of us.
It worked, it worked, it worked.
' Stop it!
Alright, then what
is all this talk about,
"I have my own life to lead?"
No, we're in this thing
together to the end, you and I.
Together, you understand?
We're married, very married.
And you have an
obligation to me.
And you have one to me!
One which you are
incapable of fulfilling.
Don't tell me, Tony's not here.
Where is Prince Charming?
Tony is taking a shower.
Hm, how cozy.
Playing doctor?
I see you're a regular
fixture around here.
I'll tell Tony you're here.
Oh, please, don't bother.
I'm sure you must
have something to do,
somewhere to go?
I was just leaving, anyway.
Hey, Sally, throw me a towel.
I think there's one
out there on the chair.
Excuse me for not
shaking your hand.
It's perfectly alright.
The view from here is marvelous.
Where's Sally?
Oh, she left.
Had a Scout meeting.
It's Mumms.
It's too rich for me.
Oh, come on.
This girl, serious?
We're close friends.
I see.
Kissing cousins.
Look, you didn't come here
to talk about her, did you?
I certainly didn't.
I came to see you.
It's been a week,
how about our deal?
These things take time.
Such an impatient little boy.
You playing with me?
I thought you were
a woman of action.
I wasn't bluffing.
Action is what
we're talking about.
It's been a week,
I haven't seen any.
Look, all I have to do
is pick up that phone,
And dial.
You won't forget
our arrangement?
I won't forget.
Mike Abrams, please.
Mrs. Hilliard.
Hello, Mike?
Mike, I found a singer
with one hell of a voice.
I want him under contract.
He's polished, professional.
Mm, three years.
Well, of course options.
Tony Trelos.
Trelos: T-R-E-L-O-S.
S, is in sex.
We'll be in in the morning.
No, I want it done immediately.
You'll meet him then.
Don't worry, this one's
different, he'll hit.
Thank you, Mike.
Starting tomorrow,
you're in my hands.
Why wait until tomorrow?
I have a dream to desperation
Waiting for some word or sign
Now it's time for celebration
Her eyes told me she was mine
Life beats turning
into love beats
Love beats turning
into life beats
Life beats turning
into love beats
Moving in taking over me
Life's a drummer but
in my heart's a drum
Love the music
gotta get me some
Take it from the top!
It was okay, but take it,
I'm sorry.
Okay, yeah I got it.
Life beats turning
into love beats
Love beats turning
into life beats
Life's a drummer and
my heart's a drum
Love the music
gotta give me some
Seems I spent
my years searchin'
For the answer to life's game
Is it power
Is it money
Am I more than just a name
Then last night
for one small moment
I looked behind her face
All at once I got the message
Everything fell into place
Life beats turning
into love beats
Love beats turning
into life beats
Life beats turning
into love beats
Moving in and taking over me
Well, if you think
he's that good,
just go ahead and
activate the contract
and release the record.
Sure, give it a big build-up.
If it means money in my
pocket, I'm all for it.
But, let me tell you something.
After this record, that's it.
I'll see to it
the son of a bitch
doesn't make another record
for the next five years.
Hey, Fran, listen.
If you're husband's such
a teetotaler like you say,
how come you're
married, ya know?
He didn't even know I drank
until one night I
came home sober.
Well, you ladies are
gonna have to excuse me.
Give 'em hell, honey.
I'll see ya later, Tony.
- He's beautiful.
Can I get you anything else?
Two of the same.
If I had what she's got, I'd
have them dipped in gold.
You're pretty satisfied with
yourself, aren't you, chickie?
You mean helping Tony?
I mean the whole scene.
What's he got to give you?
He's using you.
We're using each other.
Well, at least you're honest.
Look, I hope you don't
think I flipped for this guy.
I mean, that would really be
pretty foolish, wouldn't it?
Martin needs me to hate,
it's what keeps him alive.
Oh, Andrea.
Hate is no different than love.
It's what keeps the world going.
Don't worry about Martin.
I can take care of him.
The water's marvelous.
Hey, do you think this
is such a good idea?
He might hear us.
Martin take
a pill at 11 o'clock.
He's out cold.
You know, you got
a nice place here.
It's got everything.
Uh uh, I've got everything.
I need help, will you?
You ready?
Are you?
Hey, I better be going, huh?
It's 4 o'clock in the morning.
Are you sure you won't
stay and have another drink?
Are you kidding?
I'll call you in the
morning, huh, baby?
Good night.
Good night, Tony.
Yeah, Martin.
You had to do it, didn't you?
You had to bring him here, you
had to throw him in my face!
No, no, Martin, it's
not what you think.
No, no, it's not what I think.
Then tell me, what is it?
He's a client.
He just cut a record for us,
we were out discussing business.
Sure, you think just because
I'm confined to this chair
that I don't know
what's going on.
Listen, I know all about him.
The record, the
contract, everything!
Alright, alright.
So, a man shows me a little
attention, kisses me.
From where I was sitting,
it looked like you were
doing all the work.
Alright, I'll fix it so
he never works again.
You lose him and I'll fix you.
So help me, I'll fix
you, I'll divorce you,
I'll cut you off without a cent.
And you know I can do it.
You know that, don't you?
- Don't you?
- Oh, I know, I know.
I've lived with you enough years
to know how
vindictive you can be.
Would you like to know
why I've stayed with you
all these years?
Because I felt sorry
for you, that's why,
you miserable cripple.
I hate you!
" Ow!"
To r0!
Toro! Toro! Toro!
Toro, toro, toro!
"lnto your
hands, I commend my spirit."
"You will redeem me, O
Lord, O faithful God."
"You hate those who
worship vain idols,"
"but my trust is in the Lord."
"I will rejoice and be
glad of your kindness,"
"when you have
seen my affliction,"
"and watched over
me in my distress,"
"not shutting me up in
the grip of the enemy,"
"enabling me to
move about at large."
"Have pity on me, O Lord,
for I am in distress,"
"with sorrow my eye is consumed,
my soul, also, and my body."
"For my life is spent
with grief, and my"
years with sighing.
"My strength has failed
through affliction,"
"and my bones are consumed."
"For all my foes I am
an object of reproach,"
"a laughingstock to
my neighbors, and a"
dread to my friends.
"They who see me
abroad flee from me.
"I am forgotten like
the unremembered dead,
"I am like a dish
that is broken.
"I hear the whispers
of the crowd,
"that frighten me
from every side,
"as they consult
together against me,
"plotting to take my life.
"But my trust is in you, O Lord.
"I say, "You are my God."
"In your hands is my destiny,"
"rescue me from the
clutches of my enemies"
"and my persecutors."
You didn't know
about her, did you?
No, Andrea never
mentioned Helayne.
She never would,
they hate each other.
From where I'm standing,
they look like old buddies.
They have a lot to iron out.
She hasn't seen
the kid for years.
She's been away at school.
She never lived with
Martin and Andrea?
God, no.
When Martin fell in
love with Andrea,
his wife wouldn't
give him a divorce.
But that didn't stop my chickie.
No, it wouldn't.
They carried on that affair
right under the wife's nose.
Made her life
miserable, poor thing.
Anyway, she was killed.
Murdered by somebody who
broke into the house.
It hit Helayne hard,
she was only 10.
Chickie didn't want
a kid around, anyway.
She just wanted the luxuries.
She went through a whole
fortune in parties and yachts,
and dances, dresses,
the whole shot.
She shipped Helayne
from school to school,
and when the kid
finally turned 14,
she sent her off to Europe.
That's where she's
been ever since.
They never saw each
other, then, huh?
Oh, on holidays.
But Andrea always managed
to be off somewhere.
Seems like a nice kid.
Oh, she's a doll.
And did you see the
look in Andrea's eyes
when she saw Helayne?
Girl's turned into
a real beauty.
Yeah, she has.
I think now, more
than ever before,
Andrea would like to
have Helayne gone.
Would she go back to Europe?
I don't know.
One thing for sure, they
can't live with each other.
They'd be fighting like animals.
It's not gonna be
too easy for chickie.
It's Helayne's home, as
well as Andrea's, now.
What are they talking
about out there?
Business, I imagine.
What else would be on
Andrea's mind right now?
There's National, and this
house, and other properties,
stocks, bonds,
companies all over.
Martin had a real little empire.
And it belongs to
both of them now.
50/50, right down the middle.
I better be going.
I mean, the only
reason I came by
is because Andrea asked me to.
That was before
she knew Helayne was coming.
Leaving already?
I better.
Helayne, remember?
Playing Mother?
I can't exactly ignore her.
Honey, fix me another
drink, will you please?
You drink too much.
I do everything too much!
Tony, what are
you doing in my bag?
Looking for some matches.
Hey, what's this?
Pick up pills, now
don't be so nosy!
Yeah, they go great with liquor.
I'm leaving.
What are you doing tomorrow?
I'm up to my neck in lawyers.
Thought we might take a trip.
Only takes two hours
to get to Tijuana.
Tijuana, what for?
People get married
there in 15 minutes.
Oh, tony.
Well, excuse me for laughing,
but it struck me so funny.
got to be kidding.
But, why not?
You're free now.
I mean, Martin's dead.
Well, exactly, free.
Free to do as I please.
I have plans.
Plans that
I don't fit into?
You fit, you fit, but
the way I want you to fit.
Look, I had nine stinkin'
miserable years of marriage.
Yeah, well, you
wanted me badly enough
when he was alive,
though, didn't you?
Not as a husband.
Look, you know what I need.
You give me that.
I'm satisfied.
You don't, and I'll
get someone who will.
Look, I'm not one
of those beach bums
that you ran around with.
No, you're not!
At least they had
a little class.
Look who's talking about class.
Money, money makes me class!
It's what you haven't got.
What you thought you'd
have by marrying me.
I can blow your entire career.
A few words from me about
how difficult you are,
how talentless.
So much so, that we're really
afraid to release that record.
Yes, I'd say I win, you lose.
That's right baby, I
never left, I saw it all.
It was an accident, Tony.
The police listed
it as an accident.
I can change all of that.
You bastard!
Now who's got the
cards stacked, hm?
I'll tell them we
were in it together.
You think I'm afraid?
If I go down, you come with me.
You're bluffing, baby.
You're scared.
"Am I?"
Here, then call the police.
We'll see who's scared.
No career, no money,
nothing but a cell.
You do exactly as
I say from now on,
Mr. Tony Trelos.
And like the agent said,
don't call me, I'll call you.
Hey, Charlie, where's Sally?
She went home, Tony.
She wasn't feeling well.
What's wrong?
I don't know.
Hi there, Lover.
What are you doing here?
I'm getting smashed.
Where's Andrea?
On a trip.
Where'd she go?
I don't know, she said she
had to get away and think.
Boy, was she in a foul mood.
What did you two
do, have a fight?
Well, I sure hope she's
better when she gets back.
When's she coming back?
In her mood, at least a month.
Hey, Charlie, hit
me again, will ya?
And bring one for
You sure you can handle another?
Uh huh.
If she has one more drink,
Tony, she'll start stripping.
I know, she's done it before.
I'll get her out of here.
Well, there she goes.
Hey, what are you
celebrating, huh?
I'm taking a breather
from my babysitting chores.
Need a lift?
Who else?
I'm staying at the house while
Andrea's away.
That's not bad.
It's a bore.
All I do is sit
around the house and worry.
Easy does it, Tempest Storm.
And what a house, huh?
That's what I'd like to know.
If I had all her money,
and all her looks.
Hey, hey, hey, come on.
Something tells me I
better take you home, huh?
You Will?
Let's go.
Bye, Charlie.
What do they see in him?
Something they don't
see in you, Charlie.
Hey, where's your keys, huh?
I refuse to be raped.
Mm, yeah.
Hey, where's your room, huh?
Up there.
Hey, go straight to bed, huh?
Mm, would you like to
tuck me in?
No, I guess you wouldn't.
Ciao, Tony.
I remember you at Dad's funeral.
Yeah, Tony Trelos.
I brought home
a very drunk Fran.
Oh, I see.
Would you like a cup of coffee?
No, thank you.
Here's your keys.
Her car is at the parking lot.
She'll have to go down
to pick it up tomorrow.
I Will.
Is it any good?
Well, I better be going.
Good night.
Good night.
Good morning, Helayne?
Yeah, this is Tony Trelos.
How's Fran?
Hey, did you finish the book?
That means you're
free, then, huh?
Listen, I know where there
are two of the sweetest horses
you've ever seen.
You wanna go riding?
Okay, I'll pick you
up in 15 minutes.
Okay, goodbye.
Life beats turning
into love beats
Love beats turning
into life beats
Life's a drum but
in my heart's a drum
Love the music
gotta get me some
Seems I've spent
my years searchin'
For the answer to life's game
Is it power
Is it money
Am I more than just a name
Remember last night
for one small moment
I looked behind her face
All at once I got the message
Everything fell into place
Life beats turning
into love beats
Love beats turning
into life beats
Life beats turning
into love beats
Moving in and taking over me
Life's a drum but
in my heart's a drum
Love the music
gotta get me some
Had enough?
Well, I had
enough for two people.
You can really cook.
Thank you.
You know, I've been wanting
to tell you this all week.
I've just had a marvelous time.
I've really had a lot of fun.
I'm glad.
I don't remember having
as much fun as I've had.
I have a dream to desperation
Waiting for some word or sign
Now it's time for celebration
Her eyes told me she was mine
Life beats turning love beats
Love beats turning
into life beats
Life beats turning
into love beats
Moving in taking over me
Life's a drummer and
my heart's a drum
Love the music
gotta get me some
Life beats turning
into love beats
Love beats turning
into life beats
Life beats turning
into love beats
Movin' in and taking over me
Life's a drum but
in my heart's a drum
Love the music
gotta get me some
Life keeps turning
into love beats
Love beats turning
into life beats
Life beats turning
into love beats
Movin' in and taking over me
Hey, wait a minute, young lady.
I wanna talk to you.
- Come on.
- I'm in a hurry!
Oh, you've been in a
hurry for a whole week now.
Come on, sit down,
I wanna talk to you.
Tell me what you've been up to.
Oh, Fran, he's wonderful.
We just had so much fun.
You found yourself a young man.
Hey, look, I've
gotta go and change.
Tony will be here soon.
I'm making dinner
for him tonight.
You've been seeing Tony?
That's right.
I think he is the most
fascinating man I've ever met.
And you've met so many.
You know, he's different.
And, he's so sweet.
He must want something.
What do you mean?
Look, honey, you're young.
Very young and inexperienced.
Take it from an old
crow who's been around.
Don't take him seriously.
Why not?
Well, what do you
know about Tony.
What he told me.
Sure, sure, what he told you.
Look, honey, he's okay as long
as it's strictly for laughs.
But do you really know
what he's all about?
Hey, look.
All I have to know about him
is that I like him very much.
Do you know about
Tony and Andrea?
What do you mean?
Oh, don't tell me you
haven't guessed by now.
I haven't wanted
to think about it.
But you must have known
something was going on,
didn't you?
With Tony popping in and
sneaking out all the time?
Alright, I know.
But that was his past.
Honey, it's very
much in his future.
Hey, Fran, look,
don't spoil this.
This means too much to me.
Well, don't go into this
with your eyes closed.
I won't.
I don't want you to be hurt.
I know, I won't be.
You sure?
I've never been so sure
of anything in my life.
you're a big girl now.
Well, I guess there's no sense
in my sitting around here
doing nothing.
I have a husband waiting
home for me somewhere.
I'm going to find him.
I wish you luck.
Oh, save the luck
for yourself, honey.
You're gonna need a
lot of it with Tony.
I'm gonna miss
all this, and you.
What do you mean?
You know.
I've gotta start thinking
about going back.
Helayne, don't go.
Well, I can't stay here.
With Andrea it wouldn't work.
I really don't
have any ties here.
What about us?
" Us?"
Maybe first you would like to
tell me about Andrea and you.
You know?
It's fairly obvious.
That's all over.
I wish I could believe you.
It was just an arrangement,
strictly business.
With a little loving thrown in?
I told you, that's all over now.
She doesn't matter to me.
Is it over, Tony?
I swear.
And what about her?
I don't care.
You know, I've seen
her destroy people.
She hated my father so.
Sometimes, I'm
even afraid of her.
She won't destroy us.
That's right, us.
You and me.
That sounds good.
It is good.
Helayne, you're all
I've thought about
since the moment I
laid eyes on you.
There's so much about
me you don't know.
I know enough.
Well, then, know this.
Until I met you, I never
thought I could feel this way.
It's like, wow, a
whole new world to me.
Tony, I love you.
I love you.
I never thought I'd say
those words and mean it,
but I do.
I really do.
We can get married, Helayne.
Anytime you say, beautiful.
We'll go after my last show.
Money isn't everything.
You gotta be out of your skull!
Well, I've auctioned off
everything I own for money.
Well, you get ready to
auction those off, call me.
You couldn't afford them.
What are you doing?
I'm leaving baby.
I don't need this place anymore.
I've called you but you
don't seem to be home.
Yeah, what did you want?
Tony, I've gotta talk to you.
Yeah, what about?
There's trouble, Tony.
What kind of trouble?
Do I have to spell
it out for you?
You can't be serious.
Did you check with the doctor?
Of course.
What am I gonna do?
Well, you know what
to do, baby, huh?
It's legal now, just tell them
you were raped, that's all.
What kind of a
thing is that to tell me?
Look, what the hell
do you want me to say?
It's okay, baby, you
made a mistake, huh?
You just made a mistake.
Is that
all you've got to say?
Sally, find yourself
a good doctor.
I'll help you with some money.
I don't
need your money!
Everything's gonna
be alright, huh?
I have to go away.
Where to?
On a trip.
When are you coming back?
Right away.
Will you call me?
Yeah, as soon as I get back.
Call me, Tony!
Mrs. Trelos.
Mrs. Tony Trelos.
I love my new name.
Sweet of Fran,
giving us champagne.
There's a
bottle missing from the case.
Wonder where it could be, huh?
Hey, that's not a
regular cigarette, huh?
I know.
What else did they teach
you in those fancy schools, hm?
You do love me, don't you, Tony?
Hello, Andrea.
Is that you?
What are you doing here?
Where's Helayne?
You didn't.
We were married
last night in Tijuana.
Why not?
You certainly didn't
waste any time, did you?
Look, it's not
what you think it is.
No, of course not.
I suppose you're gonna
tell me you love her.
You won't believe
it, but it's true.
I imagine it must
have been pretty easy
to make her fall for you.
I told you you
wouldn't believe it.
You're damn right, I don't.
I know you.
All you're interested
in is the money.
Only now, Tony,
there isn't any money.
What do you mean?
I mean you blew it!
There's a stipulation
in the will
forbidding her to
marry until she's 25.
In the event she marries before
then, she loses everything.
I get it all.
I'll take care of her myself.
Would you mind telling me how?
Well, there's the record.
When it's released,
I'll go from there.
If, if, if it's released!
You see, Tony?
I'm still the dealer.
Well, then you're dealing
to an empty table, baby,
'cause I'll make it on my own.
Don't make me laugh!
I'll tell Helayne about us!
Save your breath,
she already knows.
" Tony!"
Tony, Tony, it doesn't
have to change between us.
It's over, Andrea.
While I was away, Tony,
I did a lot of thinking.
It's no use.
Tony, you know I do
feel something for you.
It's too late.
No, it's not!
Andrea, go to sleep, huh, baby?
Sleep it off.
Helayne and I are gonna
be gone tomorrow, anyway.
I won't let you go.
Tony, you can still take
care of little orphan Annie,
and have me, and everything.
It's too late, Andrea.
A big, strong man like you,
you ought to be
able to take care
of two women simultaneously.
Remember, Tony, I have the house
and all the money.
I don't need you anymore.
You expect Helyane
to live on your salary?
She's used to having money.
She'll tire of you,
mister, you just wait.
You just wait!
I'll chance it!
I won't let you go!
Tony, you said you liked
me, you told me so.
I'm not interested.
It was good enough before!
Before, the price was right.
Cool it, baby!
You'll find somebody else,
I'm just not on
the market anymore.
Come here!
I don't jump when you
snap your fingers, anymore.
" Tony!"
Tony, I can't let you go!
I killed Helayne's mother!
I let Martin die!
And I'll kill you before
I let you out of my life!
Oh my god!
I found her about 6
o'clock this morning.
A bunch of kids skindiving.
Yeah, beautiful way
to start the day.
No, no.
Uh uh.
Yeah, yeah, we got positive ID.
Yeah, the stepdaughter and
the brand new son-in-law.
They didn't know she was home.
She was out of town,
they were down in
Mexico getting married.
It checks out.
Well, the coroner
says that she's loaded
with barbiturates and alcohol.
It could be, Ed.
Well, I found plenty of little
reds in her medicine chest.
And there's plenty of
booze around the place.
Well, here's how I see it.
She came home,
yeah, she came home, had
a few drinks too many,
took a few pills,
likewise, too many,
wandered out to the point,
slipped and fell over.
No, I can't be sure she slipped.
Will you cut the comedy, Ed?
You know I didn't
find any banana peels.
No, no, no.
No, nothing points to it.
Ed, Ed, Ed.
It's routine.
It was an accident.
Look, they're
bringing her out now.
I'll see you in
about 20 minutes.
Okay, what?
Are you kidding?
I'm on a diet.
I think it's a good idea the
two of you taking this trip.
It'll do you both good.
Why did it have to happen?
If only she'd call me to
pick her up at the airport.
Don't blame yourself, Fran.
I don't know what I'm gonna
do with myself without her.
Look, talking about it's
not gonna help anybody, huh?
I'll get it.
What do you want?
No, I can't.
I'm leaving on a trip.
Alright, I'll see
you in 15 minutes.
Who was that?
I gotta leave, baby.
But you've got a plane to catch.
Fran, take Helayne
to the airport.
Take a cab.
I'll meet you there, okay?
Hey, where are you going?
I'll see you at the
airport, huh, baby?
I love you.
Hi there.
I'm Andrea Hilliard.
This is me
This is me
This is me
Like a storm that rips the sea
This is me
You can't change the way I am
This is me