Police Python 357 (1976)

Are you asleep?
Start her up!
lnspector Marc Ferrot.
Of course.
Quiet at the boss's, isn't it?
Nice, for a chief super.
l fell in love with a woman
with no dowry.
The opposite of Mme Ganay.
See you at 8 tomorrow
to question those 2 guys.
- Bye, Ferrot.
- Bye, Mnard.
Good day, ma'am.
Sorry to leave early.
- l'll see you out.
- Goodbye.
We should have invited his wife.
Though he'd never have stayed.
Really, Victor, we're bored
by your Sundays in the country.
A country house is for people
who have children
or who had them.
And he always stays on his own.
l wonder what belly bore him.
-Are you tired?
- l'd like to go home.
Right away, darling.
- Bravo!
-Very good.
My wife isn't well, we're going home.
No, you stay.
- ls it serious?
- She thinks she'll be bedridden.
You know, Ferrot,
l didn't think the Christanis
could be arrested.
l did, sir.
l'd been after them a year.
But be careful, Ferrot.
Once again you were alone,
arresting two armed men at night.
Please close the gate.
See you tomorrow.
Goodbye, Mr Ganay.
Caught you red-handed!
You like it?
Who are you?
Why were you at the church?
You take it well.
- Pardon?
- No, it was chance.
l was working nights
and took some snaps
for my shop window, that's all.
Put your shoes back on.
You'll catch cold.
No. Excuse me.
l'm sorry. l'll bring the photos,
the negatives too.
Shall l bring them?
- Tomorrow?
- l don't know.
Where, when?
Last train from Paris tomorrow.
Let's carry on.
We've said the same thing
for 8 hours.
What time is the
last train from Paris?
Thank you.
Yes, l know it's her birthday.
We'll celebrate tomorrow.
l have to stay.
How old is the girl now?
Go home.
l'll see to them.
Keep me a piece of cake.
Abadie, you can go too.
We'll pick it up in the morning.
Saint-Pierre-des-Corps and Tours.
Express, 1st and 2nd class.
- l didn't see you.
- Or recognise me? Here.
What sign are you?
-Where can l drop you?
- Straight on.
You come from Paris
to do shop windows at night?
Got anything against the night?
Leave me here.
l've a window to do.
Why are you following me?
To spy on me?
No, it's silly. l...
l don't quite know why.
l never want to see you again.
l want you more and more.
Hey, you, stop!
- Let's go.
-What's wrong?
What's going on?
Wait. Stop!
-What did you do?
- lt went off on its own.
Never touch this weapon again.
lt's not a toy.
You're not a little girl!
Shit, my pen.
Go back, if you're brave enough.
You're angry.
Here, man.
And don't you lose it.
lt's Japanese, totally automatic.
l want your most expensive pen.
But l can give you a discount.
No, it's ugly.
You think that's ugly?
lt's the best l've seen.
''l've been thinking a lot.
''l'm going toleave you...''
To Mr Victor Ganay.
l forgot the tools
to repair this handle.
Writing to me?
l felt like writing to you.
- l'm hungry.
- l've got what you like.
l'm a bastard.
Old and selfish.
l'm blocking you.
Because of me,
you can't see who you like.
Why? Don't l look happy?
Open the drawer.
Thank you.
lt's beautiful.
Hello, darling.
l want your frank opinion.
The policemen are talking
of striking.
What do you think?
lsn't it a bit much?
Well, a few months to retirement.
We have to reply
about the holiday house.
l like it.
Have you talked to Silvia about it?
No, not yet.
Writing to you again?
Blue period, pink period,
black period.
lt stops and starts.
l know her backwards.
But l like her.
No one would've done
what you've done for her.
This is the first time
l've felt good in Paris.
Spare a coin?
-Are you hurt?
- Bunch of pricks!
You could have hurt her.
What's wrong?
What's wrong? Tell me.
lt's foryou, Marc.
No, it's lovely...
You don't like it.
Of course l do.
The only jewellery l've had
was an ankle chain.
At the orphanage,
l was almost called ''Fer au pied''.
Luckily they shortened it to Ferrot.
Even Ferrot's a tough name
for a kid...
l want to live with you.
Tell me if there's someone
in your life.
Then why look like
you're trying to hide someone?
We can go out together in Orlans.
l'm sick of cops!
What have cops got to do with this?
You're asking me questions.
Look... l've obeyed you,
l've never tried to find out anything...
And that?
ls that his time?
lt's all easy for you.
You judge mistakes. Catch thieves.
And always rely on yourself.
- Yes.
- See? You don't trust anyone.
That's true.
But with you, it's different.
Let's stop. l don't want us to row.
We'll go home and you can call
when you've decided?
lt's for you.
Of course l'm well.
ls that why you called?
That's nice. Take care.
She calls you here now?
Where from?
Her place.
You're still sure no one knows
about you two?
l know a few who'd be
only too pleased to catch you
and create a scandal.
This close to retirement,
it'd be silly.
- No one knows.
And your hotel?
La Grenouillre?
Don't start, Thrse.
l took her once.
So long ago.
See how simple it is.
Not at all.
Give me another week.
Why make a date, then?
To piss me off?
l beg your pardon.
Rivire 18 to Germaine.
Leaving the network.
l've a vicious migraine.
See you tomorrow.
Can't you be careful?
You're not allowed on the grass.
You know where l live now.
l love you.
For the last time, come with me.
The only thing the bastards
don't lose is money!
Pussy, pussy, pussy...
l bought you some foie gras.
Shall l make toast?
-Wait. l'll do it.
- No.
- l can see you're tired.
- No, l went to the cinema.
You drink Ricard with water.
l'd like to see you walk out of here.
Not hungry any more?
l owe you everything.
l don't want thanks,
l want the truth!
Tell me.
Maybe l can do something.
Not this time.
-Who is it?
- Nobody.
You're lying. l've seen you.
From the window, earlier.
Who is it?
- ls he threatening you?
-What next!
And this?
He scares you!
You scare me.
You're always nice.
You're good. Few would do
what you do for your wife.
For my peace of mind.
-And for me?
- For my pleasure.
- You're impeccable.
- l was wrong, of course.
- Stop accusing yourself!
- l know it must hurt.
- Stop understanding!
- lf it helps.
l don't want help,
l'm fed up of help!
lt's always us.
The ones who love things in life.
l love my pigs.
l made 2000 last month.
But it's failing too.
You can't rely on anything.
Yes. There's someone else.
- l'll give myself completely.
- Good, Silvia.
-And l want him completely.
-As you wish. Of course.
Maybe you can rent us a room!
Why not?
Nothing stops you.
l want what's good for you.
You're disgusting.
l'd rather you hit me.
Even that!
You see?
''1.30. Sorry. l'll love you always.
Evening, lout.
Don't l get a kiss?
She left you, eh?
She's dead.
Shut the door.
Shut the door!
l hit her.
l don't know what got into me.
That phrase...
You've heard it so many times
and never tried to understand.
Fetch a pillow.
No, in the chest of drawers.
Sit down.
No, here.
With a weapon?
An ashtray.
What did you do with it?
l threw it in the Loire.
lt's odd.
l almost stood up earlier.
lt's best l confess tomorrow.
Were you seen?
l saw a light.
Who was it?
l just saw a light.
lf nothing happens in the next hour,
why admit it?
l don't understand.
Either you were seen,
and by now it's all underway...
or you weren't seen.
This next hourwill be the hardest.
Because maybe this chap
with the light you mentioned
only exists in your head.
l wish.
You must sleep.
Pass me that little bottle.
l liked Silvia.
Hi, Mnard.
No, not very well.
l feel terrible.
lt's probably flu.
l'll see a doctor this morning.
Yes, l've a very good one.
Yes, he's seen me before.
A murder?
Start without me.
l'll see you in the office at noon.
Silvia Leopardi.
Probably instantaneous death.
Skull shattered.
Mnard will be back by noon.
l know, thank you.
- Your files are ready.
- Thank you.
Put Mnard on.
He's not here, sir,
Michel's replacing him.
No. Nothing.
- Ferrot for Mr Ganay.
- Mr Ganay is in a meeting.
- l want him now.
- l can't contact him.
For how long?
l need to see him.
ln... half an hour.
l'll be there.
Mr Ganay is waiting.
Well! Didn't your doctor
sign you off, looking like that?
l've the killer's glove, shoes,
and a letter signed M.
- l've a full description.
- Sit down.
This is last night's murder?
And l've evidence.
Not to mention what's at the lab.
The murderer left zigzag
mud tracks on the floor.
l recognised the design.
l called in at home.
Here are the zigzags.
Ferrot and l bought a pair
two months ago.
They were in a sale at Myris,
Rue Royale.
Ourfirst witness
mentioned pale shoes.
What witness?
An old woman who feeds
the local cats.
She saw someone running.
The time matches.
He dropped a glove.
She picked it up.
lt's this one.
-And the weapon?
-We don't know yet.
But the killer is a violent man,
he smashed her skull.
We've his letter.
''Sorry. l'll always love you.''
Signed ''M''.
Same time: 1:30.
We've the victim's letter.
''l'm going to leave you.''
No visible break-in.
Neighbours heard nothing.
A break-in that turns bad,
he flees without precaution.
We're not hopeful about prints.
The cleaner had dusted
before finding the body.
How's yourflu?
Good, you'll head the inquiry.
l've asked Paris for information.
The victim has lived here 5 years,
the tenants said.
First, find out who with,
The tenants saw no one, anyway.
Nor the cleaning woman.
l'll trace her employers
from pay slips.
You wanted a word.
Was it this?
Yes, he's here.
Thank you.
Here, Ferrot.
A second eye-witness.
He talked to a man following
the victim. He's waiting.
lf catwoman's description matches,
then there's no mistake.
Good luck.
lt wasn't in my head.
Take the wheel.
lt's here.
You go,
l'm off to the chemist's.
l'll meet you at the bistro
in half an hour.
Mr Lemblin is out,
he'll be half an hour.
Oh. Tell him l'm waiting
in the caf next door.
-Very well, sir.
- Thank you.
Hello. Mr Lemblin.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
You have a statement to make
about last night?
lt was around midnight.
l was walking Josphine,
my dog.
How farfrom him were you?
About 20 metres.
-Who's that?
- My boss.
Excuse me.
Looks like the same guy.
But as he was hiding, Mr Lemblin
didn't really see his face.
Two identical descriptions
around the same time.
Obviously he was her lover.
How could she never
have talked about me?
The principle that prevents sinking.
He hit her because she wouldn't tell.
And she wouldn't tell you either.
But he might have seen me.
So why's he saying nothing?
What's he waiting for?
lf appearances are against him,
he'll look to inform
without compromise.
He'll say nothing.
Because he has nothing to say.
He didn't see you.
You don't realise how lucky we are.
He's the guilty one.
Don't go. Please don't go.
l want to tell them.
There's no clue against you,
no link to you.
Someone switched on a light.
Someone breathed on the phone.
You'll find this someone
on the phone in the end.
lfhe saw something,
then he's dangerous.
But you'll know before he does.
So if he really did see something,
we'll act.
We'll have to.
Take off your hat.
Sometimes when l'm pondering God,
l think: ''God is immobile.''
And he's right.
- Did she take the photos?
-Yes. They're very good.
ln fact l kept them all.
ln my shed in the courtyard.
- lnspector Mnard.
- Someone's in there.
l didn't know...
l'm first everywhere.
l waited for you.
l said l'd cover the shops.
They don't open till 9.
l've found nothing here.
The furrier said
he saw nobody with the victim.
l reckon it'll be the same
with all the others.
l'll be going.
When will you see the flat?
No. Send all her things
to the police station.
lt'll simplify our task.
''Leopardi Silvia Magdalena.
''born December 25 1945
in Agrigente, Sicily.
''Father, doctor.
Disowned when she came of age.
''Reason given:
setting fire to her uncle's house.
''Rape? Revenge? lt wasn't clear.
''Repeated robbery in Palermo.
''Leaves Sicily for Paris
Paris is sending the rest.
We're looking for a lover.
l see him as more of a pimp.
This girl wasn't a whore.
Why not?
She had a good job.
You get high-class whores too.
l'm sorry you didn't see herflat.
lt's all downstairs.
A pretty girl with no jewellery.
You've been over everything?
Yes, there's nothing there.
She wasn't killed for that.
We found money.
That must be a gift.
There's an address.
lt's a cinch.
No. l'll take the dresses,
you take the furniture.
Abadie, see about the objects.
lt's stamped Gustave Moreau Museum.
l'll pop up to Paris.
Her killer wasn't
the only man in her life.
All the furniture
was ordered by mail.
She had an alarm clock in her bag.
They argued.
A big hostile-looking chap.
- She came alone?
-Yes, always.
Brunette, hazel eyes, grey jacket.
l'd recognise him easily.
Yes, always alone.
-What's wrong? What did l say?
- Thank you.
Silvia Leopardi was always seen
alone or with the same man
we're starting to profile
and who matches the description
of the man at the scene.
Six feet tall,
dark hair and eyes, well-built.
Seen arguing
at the Gustave Moreau Museum.
The guard mentioned an alarm clock.
The one we found at the victim's.
- The same.
-Why the same?
lt just is.
We only found one alarm clock.
Mnard thinks he's a pimp.
Who takes her to the museum?
A high-class pimp?
- From Orlans.
Why indeed?
We'll try to find out.
Put her picture in the papers
and appeal for witnesses.
lt'll scare the killer off.
He knows he's wanted.
Police seek man...
lfhe's local,
he didn't want to be seen with her.
They were never seen
under 50 kilometres away.
Got a cigarette?
You've started again?
Read me the Paris file again.
''Leopardi Silvia Magdalena.
''Arrested 20 December 1968
for drug use.
''On leaving prison,
married Ren Breuil in Paris 5,
''5 convictions for pimping.
''Silvia Breuil then works as
a prostitute in the 8th district.
''Suicide attempt, barbiturates,
''protected in hospital, divorce.''
Then there's a sudden change.
She starts working normally.
''Leaves Paris for Orlans.
lrreproachable conduct for 5 years.''
When you change that much,
someone has made you change.
That's who interests me.
So we're looking for a gentleman,
not a pimp.
Don't be abstruse, Mnard.
Nobody is 100% good or 100% pimp.
Very effective, the paper number.
You have customers upstairs.
lt'd take 3 people all day.
You see to it.
l've too much work.
We do all the work.
Look, we all have our job to do.
Check out your gossip mongers.
l'll see those
with something to say.
She pretended to come from Paris.
l was closing.
She said to the man who met her...
Like a ticket inspector l knew
when l worked on the Brittany line.
His double: double-locked.
Awoman saw the victim
and the suspect in a public garden.
They rowed and split up.
Two minutes later, she returned.
He followed her, hiding.
He wanted to kill her then.
Come and see. lt fits.
Don't forget the break-up letter.
Hours later, he was still following.
Fine tailing.
-Are you hurt?
- No, it's nothing.
You finish,
l'll go to the infirmary.
Awitness saw them in his field.
They fired shots.
- He saw the man?
- No, just the girl.
Still the same grey 404.
-What were they shooting at?
- She shot and killed a pheasant.
- Did you find the bullets?
- No! lt was in bits.
No interest.
You don't smash pheasant
with just any gun.
My 38 would just make a big hole.
A good guy helps her out.
He has a gun, they row.
She says she lives in Paris,
he follows her. No, it doesn't fit!
There are two guys.
You're sticking to this.
l've just heard of one man!
The guy they all saw
doesn't have to be the murderer!
Who are we looking for?
l know no better than you.
We need to have a confrontation
with you.
A phot0-fit.
The Alsatian's girl.
Just because he gives me leads.
Quick, to the hospital.
l'll see to the Alsatian.
Hello, inspector.
Learnt how to use vitriol now?
No more spattering?
What's wrong, inspector?
- Bastard!
-What's wrong? Calm down.
He's crazy.
Let's get out of here!
Come on, hurry.
Get in!
Leave him.
He's done nothing.
Calm down, for God's sake!
Listen to me.
The girl has come round.
One ofher clients did it,
a madman.
He told the police everything
when she was found.
What got into you?
The Alsatian's insinuating things
about you.
- Because l was using him?
- Easy, l don't like that.
Has he reported me?
Not this time.
We calmed him down.
Right. And the Leopardi case?
Ren Breuil, her ex-husband.
Questioning revealed nothing.
This is what we have on the suspect.
He had a weapon,
drove a grey 404.
The man and the victim
met secretly in town
but were seen at the station.
The station?
She travelled with him?
No. She pretended
to arrive from Paris.
She was scared of him?
Or someone else.
Also a stroll the afternoon
of the murder.
They had a big row
in a public garden.
And he was seen tailing her
to herhome.
Well, that's something.
lt's logical. Ajealous guy.
Looking to kill her.
Or to find out something.
Was she hiding someone else?
Someone else?
Take the case offhim.
- On what pretext?
- l'm telling you to.
He has his intuition.
But there's nothing to find.
What if he finds out about
her arrest, with Breuil?
You know l met Silvia
a long time later.
By chance.
You like this, don't you?
Letting Ferrot go like this
is dangerous.
And that's what you like.
May l?
To Marc. Sylvia
Ren Breuil verdict - 20 years
A neighbour heard a noise.
They entered via the roof.
The seals are intact.
What were they looking for?
Maybe nothing.
You'll see the mess.
The work of a madman.
Same as the murder.
Stop here.
l'll only be 30 seconds.
- Buy some gum for the boy.
- OK.
ln the food section,
pasta with Lustucru sauce.
ln one packet, fresh egg pasta
and a fine sauce
prepared by Lustucru.
He's been seen in the store.
A guy called us from gate 1.
Who called?
The ticket inspector we interviewed.
l didn't see him.
- Let's hope it's not a joke.
- Cash desk 25.
Check the checkouts.
You, block the exits.
Look at customers, me?
An abandoned trolley.
He must have tailed him.
You stay here.
Take all their details.
Yes, Mnard?
The supermarket witness
was the ticket inspector.
He's in hospital.
The suspect hit him twice.
Warn all witnesses
to watch themselves.
Has he talked?
No. The doctors won't let us
talk to him till noon.
Right. Noon?
You could have called, Mnard.
l'm picking up Etienne
from catechism...
Sorry to have bothered you.
Don't forget: noon tomorrow.
Calling all cars.
occupation of the Delmotte plant.
Fight between pickets and security.
Rivire 18 to Germaine.
Put Mnard on.
Ferrot? Where have you been?
We can just get to the hospital.
The inspector remembers the guy
- l'll call at Delmotte first.
- There are men there.
lt's on my way.
l'll be on time.
As you wish.
is enough.!
- Let me see the boss.
- He's being held. No one enters.
Where is he?
We're waiting on x-rays.
-What was he up to?
- How do l know?
l was upstairs
with the supermarket witness.
He's never where he should be.
- He's always been like that.
- Not this bad!
lt's the Leopardi case.
He's hell-bent on his theory
of the second man.
Two lovers hiding doesn't imply
a third party. lt could be anything.
- He's found nothing yet?
- How do l know?
l'm bringing up the rear!
He wants you out?
We've never been
to the flat together.
He won't see witnesses
or come to the confrontation.
Sorry, sir, but l'm sick ofit!
The suspect is tidying up
behind him!
Calm down, we'll sort it out.
No, Mr Ganay, still nothing.
But l'm listening.
Why did a second man change her life?
Why not our suspect?
- There are two.
- lt's becoming an obsession!
There's a suspect.
Let's investigate properly.
Fine, sir.
Get up when the doctors say so.
Thank you, sir.
Mnard, until our friend is better,
you will replace him.
Very good, sir.
l'm fine. Let me carry on, sir.
Rest. That's an order.
So Silvia gave him my watch
so you'd understand
that it was over.
Him, Ferrot!
Of course.
Another orphan, like her.
And a cop.
Oh, she attracted cops.
She couldn't do without them.
Good. lt'll be easier for you
to get rid ofhim.
Yes, he'll be easier to confound.
l didn't say that.
You're right, Thrse,
but everything points to him.
Description, silence, weapon,
the supermarket...
Yes, but he is innocent.
So what? He won't be the first
to claim his innocence.
You're so sure of yourself?
Silvia hid from you,
she hid from him...
she had a taste for the trigger.
So when he scoured the flat,
turning it upside down,
he may have found something.
l'll find out tonight.
l'll tell him l'm parading him
before witnesses. He's finished.
Mnard? Ganay.
l want all witnesses in tomorrow.
Those you can find.
We've wasted enough time.
Yes, lnspector Ferrot will be there.
You're a blockhead.
l was coming to see you.
Get in.
l feel sorry for you.
everyone will recognise you.
l ordered the confrontation
that you sought to avoid.
-When did you twig?
-At the supermarket.
- l didn't kill her.
- So why say nothing?
l was scared and wanted the culprit.
lf l talked, l'd be thrown in jail.
l'd be unable to defend myself.
We could have searched for you.
Mr Ganay, l was taught
to fend for myself.
Mitigating circumstances?
- l didn't kill her.
- Then who did?
The other man.
l have to arrest you.
Look, give me a few days. Look.
l found this at her place.
And l'll find this house, behind.
-What for?
- l want the man who was with her.
She's alone on the photo.
No. A hidden, repaired photo
meant something.
Sorry, but you're raving.
No, it's a memory.
And memories take two.
Someone had to take this photo.
l have to take my wife her medicine.
Wait for me.
We'll talk at more length.
No. l'm just taking my wife
her medicine.
l won't be long.
Ferrot found a photo
of the country inn.
l don't know who took it.
A guest.
Silvia laughed all day long.
We only went to La Grenouillre once.
My car's on the photo.
The Nash.
A Nash. l'm the only one
in the department to have had one.
Luckily it was before Ferrot arrived.
He's never seen me with it.
But first,
l want him to declare
that he knew Silvia.
lt's a Polaroid, there's no negative.
No more evidence...
l'll give you three days.
But tit for tat.
l said nothing
because everything damned me.
l know that girls like her exist.
lt's too complicated.
lt's not for me.
lt's another world, you see.
Aworld others have as kids.
Oh, l don't know!
My photo.
Why are you doing that?
- l loved her.
You killed her?
l knew you'd be there.
l didn't even call the hospital.
They waited till you were in bed
to get things moving.
Tomorrow it's the confrontation
with witnesses.
At 1 1 o'clock.
l'll be there.
- Evening, Mr Ferrot.
- Evening, Abadie.
- l'll prepare for tomorrow.
- 1 1 o'clock. We'll get our man.
-Where were you tonight?
-What now?
-Where were you?
- Shit, you're worse than Ferrot.
At a Free French banquet.
l have 40 witnesses.
We've just found Mr Ganay's body.
l don't believe it!
And Ferrot?
He's OK.
But he said he saw nothing.
What about
the Leopardi confrontation?
Cancel it!
lnspector Mnard.
Valois. Paris has put me in charge.
The accuracy points to
a professional gunman.
l agree.
And it's a 357.
Coming here, armed...
What could they have offered him?
Tell me...
Three private cars, a second home
in the South of France
on a chief super's wage.
lt's all his wife's, a Clry.
An old local family.
- Has she been questioned?
- Yes. She knows nothing.
l asked the secret service
for Ganay's political past.
You're tired.
You must sleep.
l've gone over it so much
l don't know where l am.
lt's been weeks,
we don't remember.
l haven't forgotten.
That's it.
A parting...
Thick hair...
More than this?
l'm talking to you.
ls the hair like this or not?
l can't recall.
''My sincere condolences.''
Ask for the car, please.
l have to go to the lake house.
Very good, madame.
Your colleague...
what happened to him?
Burned in an accident.
- Long ago?
- No. Why?
He looks tricky. Double-locked.
lt's getting dark, madame.
Pierrot, stop at my chemist's.
Pick up this prescription, please.
Thank you.
Get in, Mr Ferrot.
Get in.
Was it here?
Did you come or did he bring you?
He did.
Now we must finish what was started.
l tried, l tried.
l can't.
Yet l'm already dead.
Yes, l'm dead.
l'd have spoken up if not,
since l know everything.
l know you didn't kill Silvia,
l know you killed Ganay.
And l'd have lied a bit, because...
l lied well when l was alive.
So now...
you've disfigured yourself
for nothing.
So l'm begging you...
Please, help me.
Help me.
Everyone'll believe it was suicide.
Chief Superintendent Valois?
lnspector Mnard.
Sorry to call late, but it's urgent.
l must speak to your husband now.
He's at the station at this hour?
ln his office?
Right, l'm on my way.
Thank you and sorry again, madame.
l was just coming for you.
- l want to see Valois.
- He sent me for you.
There's a hold-up at the supermarket.
He wants you, given Ferrot's state.
We're setting a trap for them.
You won't get away!
Throw down your guns!
Don't worry.
They'll kill them.
Stop firing!
- They'll burn.
- Come on.
lt's going to explode!
Adaptation: Henry Moon