Polis Evo (2015)

Your radio was very loud.
We could hear it
from down here.
We have an
important job to do...
...and you're acting up now?
When you told me
to increase its potency...
...from 80% to 85%...
...the chances
of overdose doubled.
Now you're asking me
to increase it from 90%...
...to 95%?
That's triple the effect.
The human body can't take that.
Don't forget...
...people like our products
because of its potency.
They say that
it's better that way.
There are so many who
have died because of this drug!
That's not counting the number
of people who have gone crazy...
...or unconscious because of it!
This is your last chance, Li.
Let's put everything that
happened before this behind us.
Tonight, come back
and do your work.
What do you say?
Sudin! Get down!
How do I get down?
I'm stuck!
When you were
peeping just now...
...did you even worry that
you were going to get stuck?
Only now you think about it?
You're good for nothing, Sudin!
I know that you took my picture...
...to put it up on the internet!
Give me your phone!
Let me take a picture...
...of your private parts now!
- Hey.
Why would you want to do that?
We'll end up blind...
...from just looking at it.
- That's enough, Sani.
Just talk to him nicely.
- Sudin, listen carefully.
Repeat after me, all right?
- Yes.
I hereby declare...
- I hereby declare...
...that I, Sudin bin Rahman...
-...that I, Sudin bin Rahman...
...will never peep on
any girl in this village...
...and will not upload
any photos or videos...
...to social media.
- That's really long!
Do you want
the machete or the axe?
The axe!
- Okay! All right!
I promise that I won't
peep on any girl anymore...
...take photos or videos
and upload it in the Internet...
...or on the phone.
Get him!
I should've taken you
to the police station!
That's my brother!
If it was me...
...I would tie you up
to this tree...
...so that the whole village
can take selfies with you!
You pervert!
- That's enough.
Just let me do my job.
- You're too kind.
You can't expect me
to chop him up with the axe?
What's all this?
Go home! Go to school!
Go home!
- Mind your own business!
Calm down! People who have been
peeped on usually feel that way!
Help me clean up the bathroom!
- Why am I suddenly the bad guy?
Over there!
- Where?
You fool!
Why did you bring a cop?
I didn't know!
He's been working with me...
...for months!
He seemed fine to me!
You're a fool!
Officers, go in.
Go in!
All clear.
Dad, I'm going
to make you proud today.
Just look at you.
It's been five years
since dad passed away...
...and you've been saying
the same thing for five years.
I don't see anything
that you should be proud of.
You won't leave me
in peace, will you?
You're going to be sorry.
So you want to fight?
You better run!
You're so slow!
Of course,
you run off into your room.
Never mind, I don't have time.
I'll get you another day.
Sani! Don't you want to have
breakfast before you go?
It's all right, mum.
I need to send the car.
The station needs it.
I'll grab something to eat there.
Zone 3 to Zone 1 , come in.
This is Zone 1 . Over.
- We need a narcotics officer...
...at Lorong Petani.
The victim is on scene. Over.
2046, roger that. Over.
The body of a Malay man aged...
Good morning.
Please send my car
to the police station.
Sergeant Rosalinda.
- Good morning, Inspector Sani.
Good morning. Your lipstick
is bright red today.
It stands out like
a police roadblock.
Don't wear this colour anymore.
If the bad guys see it...
...they'll see you
coming from a mile away.
Do we have any information
about what happened?
Yes, sir.
The victim is Adli Hashim...
...aged 65. He is a retiree.
A former school teacher.
No criminal records, sir.
What was his name again?
- Adli Hashim.
Adli Hashim?
Let's take a look.
Oh my!
Do you know him, sir?
He was my school teacher.
We were going
to report a hit and run...
...but we found this, sir.
We've checked the area
but there are no skid marks.
Have you taken pictures?
- Yes, sir.
Scissors, please.
What is that, sir?
It looks like meth.
But I've never
seen red meth before.
What is this?
You should stop smoking, Khai.
I'm undercover.
It should be okay.
How's your arm?
- It's nothing.
It will heal in no time.
If only all wounds
could heal so quickly.
That would be nice.
Anyway, I received
a call from Terengganu.
They found a body.
The victim was carrying
a red-coloured meth.
Dragon Meth?
- We're not sure yet.
But I want you to go there
and have a look.
While you're there,
you can take a rest.
Unwind a little.
- Unwind?
Don't they have anybody
in Terengganu like me?
Here you go. Take this.
You can leave tomorrow morning.
That's enough, Khai.
You should stop blaming yourself.
I don't understand, Sofian.
What is this?
- Don't get angry, sir.
IT is easy.
You just need to show some love.
What love?
I show love to people,
love to mother nature.
I show love to everything.
Do I have to show love for IT?
That's too much.
No, sir. Listen here.
It's easy.
When the menu comes up on screen,
key in your username...
...and password.
That's all.
Pardon me, sir.
This is the lab report.
Thank you.
What is that?
- The report, sir.
Read it out.
It's about the red meth
that was found on the victim.
KL people call it Dragon Meth.
It's special, sir.
What's so special about it?
The average dealer
looking for profit...
...would cut the drugs
with other substances.
But this one, sir,
is 97% pure.
That's strong, sir.
- You know a lot.
I'm from the city, sir.
I know a little.
That's why I like
being in Terengganu.
Sir, Bukit Aman sent me an email.
They will be sending over...
...one of their staff to help us
with this red meth case.
Bukit Aman?
- Yes. He always handles...
...these kinds of cases in KL.
Sir, I heard that
this guy is really good.
He can take down Jackie Chan.
He's said to be a Supercop...
...and all that.
I don't care if he's a supercop,
Superman or whatever.
He has to know one thing.
This is Terengganu.
They don't know the ins
and outs of Terengganu!
Right, sir.
- He has a lot to learn.
You're already a handful.
I don't need anymore.
Inspector Hasani,
Chief Mokhtar wants to see you.
- Come in.
Sani, have you heard
the rumours about an inspector...
...from Bukit Aman
that will be sent here?
Yes, sir. I heard about it.
But you know me, sir.
I don't indulge
in gossip and rumour.
It can lead to superstitious
and nonsensical beliefs.
But I was wondering why
you would need an outsider...
...when I am here.
- I understand.
Wouldn't it be good if one case
is solved with two heads?
Two brains, four hands, four legs?
Am I right?
But sir, if the other head
is like mine, it would be easy.
But this is someone else's head.
I am from Terengganu.
This officer is from KL.
KL and Terengganu heads...
...don't think alike.
- The KL head is standing...
...right behind you.
Look at his head.
Is it the same size?
Is it a good fit?
Inspector Khairul,
let me introduce you...
...to Inspector Sani.
Sani, this is Khairul...
...from Bukit Aman.
He is your new partner.
Go on, shake hands.
What happened to your arm?
- A bullet.
I've been handling
big cases all this while...
...and I've never
been hit by a bullet.
Not even a scratch.
You see, it's different
here in Terengganu.
That's a nice gun.
Is that a Glock 13 or 12?
Mine only has 6 bullets.
We had the biggest case
of 2015 recently.
I found 2kg of cocaine.
I didn't lose a single bullet.
But they're all in jail.
To me, that's what you call...
...super in Terengganu.
I only seen him once a year.
That was during Eid...
...after his wife passed away.
I felt sorry
for Mr. Adli after that.
He was all by himself.
He had no one.
As the white people
would call it, "'lonely"'.
- Lonely!
After his wife passed away,
he didn't really speak...
...to anyone in this village.
I would usually go to his house...
...and ask how he was.
Jah! You tried to seduce him too!
I thought that you changed
after coming back from Mecca.
Excuse me.
Mr. Adli has a daughter, right?
Do you know where she is?
- That useless child!
Don't bother asking!
Ever since her mother died,
she went and left her father...
...all by himself! She hasn't
even come home till today!
How could she do that?
- Oh my!
How funny! He was the one
asking us and now he's gone off.
Hey, where did you
learn your manners from?
What are you doing entering
someone's room without permission?
This man just passed away!
His family and friends...
...are all still out there!
Have some manners.
Respect the family.
- I'm doing my job.
What about you?
What are you doing?
Great timing. Your father
has just been buried.
Why don't you
just come next week?
Let's go.
You're not one of us.
Why didn't you
interrogate that girl?
You're really impatient.
You can't expect me
to interrogate her when she's in grief?
I'll ask her one thing
and she'll reply something else.
Are you going
to smoke that or what?
What do you expect me
to do with it? Eat it?
You know what? I don't know
how many sticks of cigarettes...
...you smoke in a day.
You don't seem to stop.
You love your car, huh?
- It's not about the car.
I can buy a new one
if it gets into an accident.
But where are you
going to buy new lungs?
Mat Yam!
Ever graceful, I see.
Still getting down and dirty?
Where did you come from?
I came here to look for you.
How did you know I work here?
I could hear your voice
from a mile away.
The sweetest voice
in the village.
That's not true.
Why don't you sing for karaoke?
I'm done with all of that.
It's prohibited.
This is legal.
- You're talking to me...
...about what's prohibited
and what's legal.
You are really something.
Mat Yam,
I have something to ask you.
What is it?
Do you know what this is?
- You're selling new herbal pills?
You're interested
in healthcare now.
Look at it carefully.
- Visit my Instagram!
Mat Yam, what is this?
- I don't know!
I have a lot of work to do!
- Mat Yam!
You keep asking me what it is!
I have already answered you!
I'm asking you nicely, Mat Yam.
- See, you've made me angry now!
You're strong!
What's with the attitude?
Why are you so fierce?
What have you been eating? Crabs?
Lobsters? Seahorses?
You're so fierce.
Do you like my new partner?
He's cute.
Do you like him?
Of course I like him.
If you want my friend,
listen carefully.
Open your ears,
use your nose...
...and keep your eyes peeled.
If you see anyone suspicious...
...let me know.
All right.
All right!
- Yes?
What's his name?
- Ask him yourself.
I'm too shy.
The body of a Malay man
aged 65 years...
...was found early
this morning in an alley...
...of Kampung Cina,
Kuala Terengganu.
The victim was found to be dead
for almost 10 hours...
...before it was
discovered by the public.
The body was found face down
on the side of the ride.
At first, the police
reported a hit and run case...
...until forensics from PDRM
found a few packets of drugs...
...hidden in his jacket.
Boss, the police was here.
They asked about the drugs.
I told them that
I didn't know anything.
It's a good thing they didn't
ask me a lot of questions.
This is dangerous, boss.
- All right.
They're here.
After the old man died,
there's no one else I can rely on.
I don't like to beg.
I just want my product.
Right now it's not good enough!
I heard you guys have PhDs.
You have come to Malaysia...
...and becomejanitors.
Am I right?
Have you finished thejob?
Tell me when you're done.
Make sure there is
nothing on that old man...
...that will lead to me,
Do you have powder?
I'll help put it on for you.
When policemen deal with people,
we have to look...
...clean and smart.
What do you know? This is
how we do it in Terengganu.
Peace be upon you.
She's probably
still at the cemetery.
Peace be upon you.
Do you smell that?
She's probably in the toilet.
You can smell it from here?
Looks like no one's home.
Let's come back tomorrow.
All right, let's go.
Don't move!
Hands up!
I said put your hands up!
Sir, if you don't want this
to become a problem...
...put your hands up...
...and turn around slowly.
Don't worry, sir.
We're all your friends.
We need to psych him out of it.
Sir, put your hands up
and please turn...
Do you think
we're playing games?
Put your hands up right now!
Okay, put your hands up.
There you go!
Yes, that's it.
Hands up.
Get the girl!
Where are you going?
Control Centre,
this is a call from 2046.
There's a fire
in Kampung Haji Molek.
Oh, you have beat me!
Hey, kid!
There's nothing
we left behind, right?
There he is!
The Jackie Chan of Malaysia
has arrived!
Jackie Chan.
I want to interview you.
Have you lived long enough?
Look at what happened here.
The house is burnt down.
Our witness?
She has passed out
and is still unconscious.
I'm not even sure
if she can be witness or not.
Do you know why? Because
she inhaled too much smoke.
I know this isn't much
of a thrill for you.
It's nothing.
People from KL would
say it's not 'exciting'.
I'm speaking KL lingo
so you'd understand.
She's safe, right?
So what's your problem?
The problem is you!
You're my problem!
We almost died because of you,
you know that?
Why did you jump into the fire?
To chase the suspect,
what else for?
If a suspectjumps off
a building, you'd jump too?
I would check to see
if it was safe, then I'd jump.
He's funny.
It's not funny, all right!
Hold on. I don't understand
what's your problem?
We had a plan. You were
to take the girl out...
...and I would catch the suspect.
We had a plan? Was I in your plan?
We were in your head?
Did you discuss it with me?
- Do you think there's time...
...to discuss anything
in a situation like that?
The suspect ran off
and you wanted to discuss?
You want me to fill up a form
for your approval?
At least...
- Pull up a chair and table...
...have a cup of coffee
and discuss.
Watch your mouth!
I have to present it
to parliament first.
There's no time
for discussion.
I can't work with you.
You know nothing
about cooperation!
If we play badminton,
we'd lose miserably!
I don't understand you
and I don't event want to!
You're an inspector!
You should...
I should what?
Now I understand.
You're a cop from Kuala Lumpur.
You've come here to teach me.
Thank you for being...
...a lecturer to me.
Hey! At least I have a witness!
Where is the thug?
You won't stop smoking!
The name of the patient
is Maya Adli Hashim.
If anyone calls,
please let me know immediately.
All right.
Don't do anything crazy.
I'm tired of dealing...
...with crazy people.
All right.
There are more and more
crazy people every day.
The chief wants to see you two.
What is this?
It's only been half a day
and you got a house burnt down.
What else do we have?
A car windscreen damaged.
Now this, the primary witness
fell unconscious.
What is this?
The thing that
you were supposed to find...
...was picked up by forensics.
That old man we found
was no ordinary drug dealer.
Did he make the meth?
It's not just any meth.
That is the formula used
to make Dragon Meth.
Listen carefully.
I want you two
to watch over that girl.
As soon as she wakes up,
get a statement from her.
In the mean time...
...find this location.
It's on the map.
I'll watch over the girl, sir.
- I'll look for the place.
I want 95% next time.
Rafael, what are we at?
Wejust weighed it.
10kg short.
Get it done!
I don't want to have
any problems sending it out.
Jim is back.
If I asked your brother to do it,
it would be done by now.
I shouldn't have
relied on a kid like you.
She's in hospital.
I'll finish thejob.
If you can't finish it...
...I'll ask your brother
to finish you off.
Clean him up.
How did this happen?
You were really fat.
Now you're as thin as a model.
Good morning.
Kuala Terengganu Hospital.
Inspector Sani.
Someone called asking for Maya.
Good morning.
Kuala Terengganu Hospital.
I want to visit a friend.
But I don't know...
...which ward she is in.
- What is the name of the patient?
Maya Adli Hashim.
- May I know who is speaking?
Attention to all units
in the vicinity.
Code Red from 2046.
Requesting for immediate backup.
Our witness is in danger.
310. We will be
heading there now. Over.
What is it?
- Why did you call for code red?
They're coming for Maya.
What did you think I was doing?
Get her out of there.
I'm on my way.
How long will it take?
-10 minutes.
We only have 5 minutes.
Sir, take this.
What is this?
- Put it under her.
Turn her over.
They have traffic congestions
in Kuala Terengganu?
What is it, sir?
Help me.
You watch the door. Quick!
Yes, sir.
- Okay, on three.
One, two, three.
Hold it, sir.
Put your hands on your head.
There's something wrong.
I'm on it now. Over.
310, report your status.
Push the bed.
310, come in. 310.
This has to be
the worst day of my life.
Hello, Khai.
- Where are you?
Exit Maya's room
and turn right.
At the doorway, turn left.
I'm in the room on your right.
Don't call me again!
Don't move!
Put down
your weapon slowly and...
- Sani!
What took you so long?
What's all the commotion about?
Ask him, he's the one
making all the noise.
Why didn't you bring backup?
Why didn't you tell me has an Uzi?
Where's the girl?
- Can't you see...
...we're having fun here?
They really
want this girl dead.
I have an idea.
We pull him in.
We'll make him come to us.
You stay down here.
Play dead.
If you want the girl,
come and get her!
Are you crazy?
Why are you inviting him in?
If your plan fails
and I die...
...I'll become Ju-On
and haunt you forever.
Khai, move aside.
Move aside, Khai!
Khai! Get in!
Let's go!
Who's with the girl?
- There is a unit there.
They're watching over her.
Don't worry.
Where do we go?
- How should I know?
Over there!
Stop your vehicle!
Stop your vehicle!
This is your last warning!
Do you really think
he will listen to you?
If he did,
he would've stopped shooting...
...since we were
at the hospital!
This is not the time
to be smoking!
Just keep on driving.
Let me do my job.
Where did you come from?
Hit the brakes!
Is this the best you can do?
It's a piece of junk!
I'll show you
how we drive in Terengganu.
Shoot him!
Shoot, Khai!
I'll shoot if you don't!
I'll kill you!
I said stop!
Okay, over here.
Lift it up!
Looks like I have
to start getting used to this.
Get used to what?
- All this chasing, shooting.
Then busting up a van like that.
Is it always like this in KL?
What day is it?
- Yes, every Wednesday.
Did you just try
to make a joke?
So much for trying
to be a tough guy.
Is this your first time
in Terengganu?
Where are you off to now?
I'm going back, I guess.
- You're going back?
Come with me.
Where are you going?
To get revenge?
Now is not the time for that.
We have two days to the big job.
Once thejob is done,
take as many men as you want.
I'll join you myself.
We'll look for the people
who killed your brother.
We'll chop them up to bits.
Don't forget.
The enemy is still out there.
Don't do anything stupid.
Mom, Sani is on TV!
After this, he's going
to be the talk of the town!
Peace be upon you.
- Peace be upon you, too.
What a handsome hero.
But his nose is a little big.
It must be from eating
too much budu .
You're going to be
a celebrity after this!
My son is amazing!
You're a hero now!
It's nothing, mom.
Maybe a Bollywood hero,
that's all.
What are you looking at?
Why are you poking...
...you head out like a turtle?
Let me introduce you to my sister.
Her name is Anis.
This is my friend,
Bangkai (corpse).
I meant, Abang Khai.
Are you just going
to introduce Anis?
What about me?
You don't want him to know me?
You're still young
and already a flirt!
This is my other sister.
She looks Burmese.
She's adopted.
- Mom, listen to him!
Abang Khai, please
make yourself at home.
You can have dinner with us.
Where's your head scarf?
Go to your room.
Please have dinner here, Khai.
It will be ready soon.
Don't worry about it, auntie.
Come and help me.
Why are you so soft
all of a sudden?
What happened to Super Khai?
Where's the police in you?
Can I sit down?
- Go on then.
Let's eat.
Help yourself to the chicken.
This is just simple
village dishes, Khai.
Nothing special.
Eat up.
Thank you.
- Sani, when you called me...
...and told me you were
bringing someone home...
...I thought you
would be bringing a girl.
Mom, Sani always exaggerates.
No girl likes him.
You like to talk, don't you?
What about Ju, then?
Where is she?
Let me see under the table.
Is the there?
She's there! Take a look!
- Who is Ju?
Juliana Evans or Jue Aziz?
Abang Khai, you're funny.
If Juliana Evans became...
...my sister-in-law,
I would be so lucky.
But what can I do?
It's only Junaidah Pak Lah.
Don't embarrass your brother
in front of his friend.
If I wanted Juliana Evans,
I would have gotten her already.
The problem is,
I'm a low profile kind of guy.
I prefer to live in the village.
If I was living in KL,
I would be really popular.
Not only Juliana Evans,
but Fasha Sandha, Nora Danish.
But Nora Danish is already taken.
She's got a big company man.
Why are you so quiet?
You're not usually like this.
- It's nothing!
It's nothing.
- Khai, these two girls here...
...love to make fun of me.
If they're together...
...they're like Stacey and Adam.
They make so much noise.
They love to put me down.
- The truth is, Kak Anis...
...is all quiet for a reason.
It's true.
Abang Khai, are you married?
What is it?
- Not yet.
If not, just say so.
We don't understand.
Have some of the budu .
It's made by Mak Nik...
...our neighbour.
It's really good.
Really good. It's been
a while since mum cooked.
I haven't had such a huge
appetite in a long time.
It has a strong smell!
You're speaking Terengganu
from just smelling the budu ?
This buduis amazing.
Don't pour it on like that.
You'll end up full of zits.
Just dip into it.
- Dip the fish in it.
There you go.
The car is fine.
It just has bullet holes.
It doesn't look nice anymore.
It looks bad.
- I was right about your love...
...for you car.
- Whether I love it or not...
...this is what takes me to work.
I have to take care of it.
Just like I would
take care of my girlfriend.
But it's strange.
There are bullet holes at the top
but it didn't go through...
...to the bottom.
What's on your mind?
The map that was found
in your teacher's jacket.
Why did he go through all the
trouble to sew it in like that?
That's easy.
Based on my experience...
...and what I have learnt,
he worked as a pusher.
His job is to deliver goods
here and there.
He needs to know the way
to where he needs to deliver.
If he gets lost,
he can use the map.
That's why he has the map.
- No. If the map was really...
...for his own use, why
did he sew it in his jacket?
Why did he have to hide it?
Furthermore, the packets...
...you found were all in
the size produced by suppliers.
They were neither
in chunks nor in powder form.
No one sells it in that form.
What do you mean?
- What I mean...
Have a drink, Abang Khai.
Is it only for Abang Khai?
What about your Abang Sani?
Here you go.
- Go on then, chuck it.
Hey, what are you looking at?
Respect the older brother.
He's still alive.
You have a nice family.
I'm grateful to God for that.
What you witnessed during
dinner was on a normal day.
On the day of Eid, this house
would be full of visitors.
They would ask for money packets.
Where's your father?
My father?
He passed away many
years ago of old age.
But I felt at ease
when he left us.
He passed away in peace.
My father is gone as well.
What about
the rest of your family?
My mother is still around.
But she's in an old folk's home.
You sound like
a sappy TV commercial.
You shouldn't do that to your mom.
It's not right.
Why have you done that?
My younger brother
used to take care of her...
...but he was hooked on ketamine.
One day,
I came back from work...
...I entered the house...
...and I saw him holding
a knife to my mother's neck.
I didn't have any other choice.
I had to.
My mother won't
even look at me anymore.
She wants to stay
at an old folk's home.
But I do get
to see her once a week.
I should head back.
We have an early start tomorrow.
Drive safe, Khai.
I can't wait to go
to work tomorrow.
I can't wait to tell the boss
that I worked with Supercop.
Do you know why
people call me Supercop?
It's true that I took
down all those syndicates...
...of cocaine,
heroine, meth and ketamine.
From the biggest fishes
right down to the small fry...
...who sold drugs
to my late brother.
I have killed a lot of people.
The rest were all executed.
From then on,
they called me Supercop.
But I can't even take care of
the only two people in my family.
Do you think I deserve
to be called a Supercop?
Whenever you feel like
coming over for dinner...
...or just having a rest,
you're welcome any time.
My sisters and
my mother seem to like you.
What that means
is that they like you.
They can get along with you.
All right?
Tell them I said thanks.
- Drive safe, Khai.
What's wrong with you two?
I asked for two heads
to work together...
...to explode!
You get me, right?
Not to burn down a house
or blow up a hospital!
But, sir...
- I'm talking here, don't...
Do you see that telephone?
From yesterday till today,
it won't stop ringing.
Everybody is asking,
"'What happened?"'
I have memorised my answer.
"'Yes, this is Mokhtar."'
"'Yes. Two dead.
Yes. 7 injured."'
"'Yes. The witness is dead."'
- But sir, the witness...
...is not dead.
- No.
I know that! But with you two,
she will end up dead!
Even I could...
- Sir, calm down.
At your age,
you must always stay calm.
Your heart.
- It's not good for your heart.
From heart problems
comes diabetes...
...and then high blood pressure.
It's dangerous, sir.
There are times when we can
joke around and have fun.
Go ahead, laugh.
But there are times
when we need to be serious.
I am serious right now!
What are you waiting for?
What are you still doing here?
- Thank you, sir.
I'm so stressed out right now.
This is the SIM card from
the suspect you shot last night.
This is his caller log.
Take a look at this.
All his incoming and outgoing...
...calls come from
the same number since...
...last year.
Have you tried calling the number?
- Yes, sir, but all lines are dead.
But I have checked that
the last GPS coordinates...
That's P2P.
P2P. The stuff to make meth.
This is no ordinary store.
Don't you think it's weird?
How did Mr. Adli's map...
...lead us all the way here?
It's weird.
Oh, hello!
It's that suspect.
We have to call for backup.
This is dangerous.
We need to catch them.
What are you doing?
Where am I?
Where am I?
Where's our fish?
That hurts!
Help me!
You're strong!
That hurts!
Why are you doing this to me?
His name is Jimbo.
Forgive him. He's still upset.
His brother was killed
by the police yesterday.
you came at a time like this.
Looking for trouble.
I don't understand.
We came here for business.
Why are your men beating us up?
We don't know why.
We came to sell fish.
Inspector Hasani.
Stop acting dumb.
You might end up a real fool.
- We came here to sell.
No one wants to listen.
Why are you doing this?
We don't know anything.
You touched my head?
Who are you?
I don't know who I am.
Who am I?
Come on. What is this?
What are you doing to him?
I'll ask you one more time.
How did you find this place?
I don't know!
Don't bother, inspector!
I told you I came here
to sell fish!
Answer my question.
How did you find out
about this place?
I don't know!
- Do you really want to die?
Sani, are you okay?
- I'm okay!
Okay, I have a plan!
- I don't want to know...
...about your plan!
- Then what?
It's your turn
to listen to my plan!
What's the plan?
The plan is to run!
The truck!
Come on!
Start the engine!
The key!
How did you know it was there?
That's where
they keep it in movies.
Start the engine!
The gear!
Get more information
from this company.
Chief Mokhtar!
What's up with you two?
What are you playing at?
Sir, we found it.
Our biggest catch of the year.
The biggest!
It really is a big catch, sir.
They're here, boss.
Alpha, what's your status?
There's no activity.
Copy that.
Secure the perimeter.
Secure the east wing.
- Yes, sir.
Bravo, moving in.
Alpha moving in.
What's your status?
Is everything clear?
May I speak
to Inspector Hasani?
I thought your family
would be used to...
...the bad habit of people
showing up uninvited.
But when I showed up
at your house...
...and made my way in, your mom
and sisters were not happy.
Hey! Don't you dare
touch my family.
If you touch them,
you're finished!
Inspector Hasani.
Don't threaten me.
I'm just returning the favour.
What do our elders say?
Do unto others as you
would have them do unto you.
If you touch my family,
I'll kill you!
Listen here, inspector.
I have a shipment tomorrow.
I want my business
to run smoothly.
No police.
I will borrow your sister.
As they say in English...
...as collateral.
Time bomb!
Get out!
Bravo, report your status.
Hurry up!
- Move out!
Sani, Khai!
Come on, Khai!
Khai! Sani!
Get up, mom!
Where's your sister?
Tell me.
What happened?
Where's Anis?
Don't do anything foolish.
We have secured the perimeter
and blocked all roads...
...leading out
from Kuala Terengganu.
IT is scanning
the database file.
We'll move as soon
as we get something.
How is Sani?
His mother is in the ICU
but she's stable.
Miss, have a drink.
Tell him we're doing
everything we can...
...to find his sister.
If there is any information,
I'll tell him myself.
Sani, listen to me.
This is all my fault, Khai!
I was so busy
chasing after them...
...that I forgot about
my mom and my sisters!
It's my fault!
It's all because of me!
It's not your fault.
I've been through this before,
remember that.
I know how you feel.
Whatever happens,
family comes first.
Sitting here, beating
yourself up like this...
...will not solve anything.
If anything happens around us...
...we're only human!
We can't control everything.
What we do to fix the situation
is what's important.
We'll find Anis
and bring her home.
Excuse me, sir.
Our witness is awake.
My father wasn't a bad person.
He did all that to pay
for my mother's treatment.
They took my sister.
I'm sorry, Sani.
I never thought
it would come to this.
My father wanted
to stop all this...
...but they forced him
to continue.
They threatened him.
They threatened me, too.
Dad asked me
to go to Singapore...
...so that I would be safe there.
Ever since I left,
I never heard a word from him.
Until one day...
...I got his letter.
It's not that I don't want
to listen to all of this...
...but right now I need to know,
where they have taken my sister.
I don't know anything
about all of this!
To tell you the truth,
you are the only person...
...who can help us now.
Can you cooperate?
I'm sorry but I don't know
anything about all of this.
Do you recognise anything?
This tattoo.
I think this is the tattoo
of the person who came...
...to burn my house down
the other day.
This tattoo?
Mat Yam!
Mat Yam!
We've been seeing that tattoo
on your back a lot lately.
Especially in the morgue.
Your friends have caused us
a lot of problems.
We're losing patience,
so you either...
...tell us what you know,
or you can talk...
...back at the morgue.
- I swear!
I don't do all that.
I don't know anything!
I don't know anything, I swear!
I'm clean!
I have repented a long time ago.
- Do you or do you not know?
Look at my face.
Look at me carefully.
I'm pure.
You're being very difficult.
- I really don't know!
I don't know!
Do you understand?
Are you going
to tell us or not?
I don't know.
- You don't know.
Let's make this easy.
I'll use my gun.
I'll count to three.
Sani, what are you doing?
- Two!
Answer him now!
I remember now.
If you remember,
then tell us!
Jerebak Island, 4pm.
Today. He's doing business
with the Thais there.
Really, that's what I remember.
Wouldn't it have been easier
if you told us earlier?
You're good at acting.
- I wasn't acting.
Move it!
That one over there!
Move it!
You guys are all so slow.
- According to Mat Yam...
...they're moving
from here to here.
Are you sure about this?
- He was going to pee...
...in his pants,
I don't think he was lying.
They have my sister, sir.
They can do whatever they want...
...at any time, sir.
You have to help me, sir.
- Don't think that I don't...
...want to help you.
We have to know...
...how many people are there.
Who they are doing business with.
This is a matter
of your life and death.
You can't just blindly
enter the territory!
Sir, everything
is laid out before us.
We can't waste any more time.
- I don't have any more...
...officers to send there.
- We'll be there, sir.
It's already enough.
We can do it, sir.
Rafael, is there anything
from the police radio?
Nothing so far, boss.
I think that they're not aware...
...of our plan.
Keep on scanning.
Listen carefully.
Peace be upon you,
Captain Wazir.
This is Mokhtar speaking.
I need your help, sir.
We have found out
who has been messing with us.
I would like to request for
reinforcement from your side.
Two of your best people, sir.
Boss, they're here.
Right on time.
...where are you?
It's been a while.
How are you?
He's asking, did you have
a problem with your chemists?
Tell him not
to listen to rumours.
My chemist is doing well.
There were no problems.
He also wants to know, are
the goods in its usual condition?
Yes, it is.
My products are always top notch.
I don't intend
to waste any of your time.
Okay, pack it up!
...I don't think six bullets
will be enough this time.
We have two officers
from Special Forces.
Inspector Ayob.
- Inspector Harun.
They hit us yesterday.
They hit us badly.
But it's all right.
That was just the first half.
This time around...
...we'll make it ours.
Don't bother
taking in any prisoners.
Okay, we have arrived.
Boss, take a look at this.
There's something not right.
Rafael, anything
on the police radio?
Rafael, come in!
I haven't heard anything yet.
- Are you sure? Listen carefully.
Yes, boss.
I'm sure.
What is the problem?
Tell us!
Tell him that
there is no problem.
If there is a problem,
I will tell you.
Hey, what are you doing?
Peace be upon you, too.
What do you think I'm doing?
I'm catching fish. Fool.
Get out of here.
You can't fish here.
Since when is fishing
not allowed here?
I've been fishing for two years.
I haven't seen any sign
saying that I can't fish here.
Do you see this?
- I'm off.
I'm on holiday today.
I'm sorry.
It's nothing, boss.
Just a fisherman.
What did I say?
There's no problem!
There's no problem!
The weather is great,
it's a beautiful day.
Don't worry. Just be happy.
You have the goods.
As usual. It's good
doing business with you.
Harun, Ayob, cover us.
- Roger.
- Yes.
Let's head for the shack.
- Roger.
On three, two...
...one! Move!
Over there!
Give us a break, will you?
Sani, cover me!
Anis, are you okay?
Are you hurt?
Did they do anything to you?
Did they hurt you?
No? Are you okay?
Are you sure?
Thank you for your concern.
I'm fine.
I took a bullet.
That's all.
It's just one bullet.
Ayob, come in.
Stick to the plan.
The hostage is safe.
Roger. I'm on my way.
Cover me.
- Anis, stay here.
Are you really okay?
It's just a scratch.
Just make sure
you don't slow us down, okay?
Anis, stay safe.
Stay down.
Be careful.
All right, let's go.
Get the money!
Hurry up!
Khai, come in.
- Khai, come in.
Where are you?
What are you doing?
Khai, don't tell
my mom about this.
Don't tell me that
you're going to do...
...what you're going to do.
I think I know
what you're going to do.
Hey! Behind us!
Khai! I need a light!
I thought you were dead.
Do you think you're
the only great cop here?
Great cops have to be tough.
Where's my sister?
That hurts.
You were right.
Six bullets wouldn't
have been enough.
How does it feel?
Does it feel good to get shot?
It feels like pins and needles.
You know what...
...this time I lose because...
...you were better than
Jackie Chan just now.
Now that you
mention Jackie Chan...
...have you even
seen any of his films?
So, today is Tuesday.
My achievement today
was not getting shot.
Anis is here.
Just play along.
Play along to what?
- Just play along.
It hurts!
Hold my hand.
This is my last day.
Don't talk like that!
Abang Khai,
he'll be okay, right?
Anis, you have to listen to me.
These could be my last words.
From today onwards,
you have to promise me...
...that you won't ever
go out with this guy.
Anis, don't go out
with this guy.
That's not funny!
- That hurts!
It serves you right!
Your dumbjokes are not funny!
Hey, I'vejust been shot!
It hurts!
I'm sorry about that.
I didn't mean
to overreactjust now.
Now I feel like
I'm really going to die.
I feel like throwing up.
It hurts, it hurts!
Come on, Khai.
Call an ambulance.
Get me to the hospital.
You're too heavy!
- Let Khai hold him.
It's all right.
I'd rather walk myself...
...if you're going to be so rough.
I'm in pain!
Anis, are you okay?
Call them.
Let's eat.
Abang Khai, let's eat.
Come on, let's have
something to eat.
You can talk after we eat.
Bring your mother here,
she must be starving.
Let's eat.
Stop hassling them.
- It's time to eat.
Pass this to auntie.
She can't eat this!
What do you want, mom?
The cakes?
Auntie, don't eat
too much of those cakes.
You don't want to get diabetes.
Eat up.
It's going to fall down!
Isn't this place beautiful?
We used to play here
when we were kids.
My supervisor in KL
told me to come here.
He wanted me to 'unwind'.
Now I know what he meant.
You know, when I found out
that someone from Bukit Aman...
...was coming over to help me,
I was so sure the person...
...that they would send over
was going to be an arrogant officer.
So I waited and waited
but he didn't turn out...
...to be so arrogant.
He was crazy!
Jumping and leaping
all over the place.
Jumping into fire.
You're not
that different yourself.
Driving that forklift with
fire trailing behind you...
...and then jumping off
like Gay Bond!
You're mocking me!
What was that? Gay Bond?
- Yes.
James Bond!
- No, you're Gay Bond.
That's enough.
Hey, I just realised that you
haven't smoked the whole day.
Are you just starting
to care for your lungs?
Not really.
- Then?
Your sister
doesn't like guys who smoke.
Now you're getting on my nerves!
If you want to be my partner,
then go ahead.
But don't try to hit on my sister.
- Why not?
You're asking me why not?
I'll punch you in the face...
...if you try to hit on her.
- You want to punch me in the face?
You think I don't have the guts?
- I didn't say that.
But go ahead and try.
- Abang Khai!
Let's take a picture together!
Her voice...
I'm sorry.
My future wife is calling me.
How annoying.
Hey, Khai!
Come on, mom.
- Remember this, Khai.
This is Terengganu,
there are boundaries here.
Terengganu Darul Iman.