Poliss (Polisse) (2011)

Based on real-life cases handled by the Paris CPU (Child Protection Unit)
You know, some things are allowed
and others aren't allowed.
So, with you, did somebody
do something that was wrong?
It was my daddy.
What did your daddy do?
He scratched my bottom.
Okay, tell me...
When he scratches your bottom,
where are you?
In my bedroom.
In your bedroom?
Do you have your own room?
What's your room like?
Pink and white.
Like that.
Pretty, isn't it?
I love pink.
Ask her, was it at night?
Over or under her pajamas?
I need you to help me understand.
- Will you help me?
- Yes.
What does Daddy do in your bedroom?
- Scratches my bottom!
- Okay.
Where's your bottom?
Under my leggings-
I don't understand.
Why did Daddy do that?
Because he wanted to.
Does Daddy scratch
over or under your leggings?
Under my pajamas.
Does he take off your pajamas?
And are you awake?
No, you're asleep?
So you don't remember?
If Daddy did it, you have to tell us.
But if he didn't,
don't go telling tales.
You remember Daddy
scratching your bottom?
- What did you say?
- Nothing.
- Don't lie to Daddy.
- We're not lying.
- Tell the truth.
- It is the truth.
Don't cover up for Mommy.
- Do you love Daddy?
- Yes.
- Swear!
- We swear.
- You crossed hands.
- We swear.
Hands like that.
On the table.
What about our toes?
Don't cross your toes.
You're crossing your feet, aren't you?
Swear you won't lie.
We swear We won't lie.
- Always tell the truth.
- We'll always tell the truth.
This is the time to laugh and to sing
On children's island, every day is spring
It's the gleeful land of happy children
And lovely monsters Yes, it's paradise
This garden is not so far
It just takes a little imagination
So here or there, Wherever you are
Flowers, songs and laughter will grow
This is the time to laugh and to sing...
If only
your parents
Wanted to five on our island
Everything would be
so much happier
And everybody's lives so much easier
This is the time to laugh and to sing...
And lovely monsters
Yes, it's paradise
I'm asking you
if you had a hard-on or not, sir.
- No, I didn't.
- It's simple.
No hard-on?
So what's all this about a Wiener?
She can say what she wants.
Was it poking out? Out of your...
Maybe she watches too many TV movies.
I see.
Where on TV would she get
such a precise description?
You have kids?
Sir, you have been indicted
on charges of
rape of a minor by a family member.
So if there's a time
to tell the full story
so she can rebuild her life,
it's now.
your granddaughter again.
So, you gave her a hug...
I already told you.
I gave her a hug as usual.
Like any grandfather.
And then, I've no idea why,
my hand kind of slipped and I...
And all of a sudden...
I stroked her kitty-cat
and I gave it a kiss but nothing else.
Your granddad says
he just kissed your kitty-cat.
Did he do anything else?
I didn't rub up against her.
- Yes, you did!
- That's not true!
Why talk about rubbing,
when she hasn't mentioned it?
She said it this morning.
Sorry, I don't know who told you that,
but you've no idea
what she told us or not.
Did you rub on her?
No. If I have to say I did
to protect her, I will.
- If you want.
- To protect her?
The best way to protect her
is to tell the truth.
You always believe the kids?
- Not always.
- No, sir.
So what happened?
I undressed
and caressed her, and y'know.
Y'know doesn't exist
For a judge, it means nothing.
Marie, don't tell fibs.
Tell the truth now.
"Tell the truth"?
Soon you'll be saying she led you on.
I didn't say that.
Not quite.
You realize you helped guys
rape your friend?
Aren't you ashamed?
You realize?
You see it's serious?
Shut your face.
Quit sucking my pussy off!
Sucking your pussy off?
You're 14. Oooh, scary!
You're 1m5O tall. Oooh, scary!
You sellout!
Skank bitch.
I ask your opinion?
Take a chill pill!
Take a chill pill?
What's that mean?
You big up 'cos it says police.
Come by where I live.
And where d'you live?
- I'm from Rbeval.
- Rbeval?
That's teddy bear country.
Your skank ass'll get it.
Okay. I work 9-7 every day.
On the Qur'an, I'll come fuck you up!
Know what? Shut up now!
Or we'll keep you 2 days in the cells.
Got that?
That mouth of yours! Can it!
I want a lawyer. I have rights.
You watch too much TV.
"I want a lawyer!"
He'll come down, see everything's okay
and take off.
With what we've got on you,
just shut your mouth!
We've got videos
of you taking your friend down there.
Into the garage
where your 3 buddies raped her.
And you mouth off at us?
This is the police here.
Just shut the fuck up!
A mouth 10 feet wide, that's all!
Hi there.
How's my little girl?
- Good.
- Good good good?
Happy to see your old dad or not?
You just breeze in
like this is a hotel?
Can We talk calmly?
Yeah, right.
You say he cheated on me.
Sure, but I cheated on him.
It's totally different.
You fell for somebody else.
He listened to his cock.
That doesn't alter the fact
we're tied, 1-1.
- Sure, it does.
- How come?
He was just following his cock...
And you...
You were following your heart.
That's the point.
Cheating with your head
not your cock is worse.
No, I don't agree.
How can I put it?
A cock's nothing, you see?
- A cock's nothing? Depends whose!
- You know what I mean.
Don't let it dominate...
Having feelings isn't a crime.
Feelings are noble.
A cock's just icky!
- Maybe...
- It's icky.
Just dipping your wick? I'm gone.
Think with your cock? Stop.
Think with your heart? Stay?
Your kid'll prefer
seeing her mom and dad
happy but separated, rather than
together, fighting like cat and dog.
Believe me.
You know how crazy we are.
Even apart, We won't take it easy.
Forget it then.
Forget it, it's over.
Seriously, do you love her?
- Of course he does.
- Absolutely.
So be honest,
say you need time to think,
just a few days.
You can stay at mine if you want.
Cline loves you.
I love you guys,
but you're always copulating.
Tell me about your Iovelife,
not my hubby.
I quit.
I'm sick of getting laid.
Until I find the one,
total abstinence.
What's funny?
I want a relationship.
Romance, love, all that.
Not getting my rocks off.
How do you explain Rachida?
Not Rachida!
Arabs voted for Sarkozy, too.
Or he wouldn't have won.
Not me, no way.
So he could send me "back"? Look at me!
He was still elected president.
Which proves?
What does it prove?
It doesn't give him every right.
He was Treasury Secretary,
Interior Minister...
Look at his legal reforms. A mess!
He's always the first to step up
to defend the police.
But we've never had such a bad rap.
People think we don't protect them,
that we're no use.
- As always.
- Not as always.
Except, before, we were their lackeys.
- Bamako...
- We couldn't speak out!
Let me get a word in!
You'll have your say
when you're an officer.
That's pathetic.
Like it or lump it.
Have you any idea...
Have you any idea
how ridiculous that is? No offense.
I've no desire to offend you,
but pulling rank
when I'm merely expressing an opinion...
Know what? You're a good talker.
You've got the gift of the gab,
the right words,
but your arguments just suck.
You're the one
with the killer argument...
This is what happens
when it's not about sex. He's bored.
You're ostracizing me just...
Don't understand!
He doesn't understand "ostracize."
You're isolating me.
Say "sideline" not "ostracize"!
I'm his translator.
I'm sorry,
you all have your own identity,
you're all different,
you respect each other's identity.
I don't see why the way I talk
stops you respecting me.
- Talk normal!
- Talk normally?
Yo, blow me right here. C'mon, man!
We gonna get us laid!
Check out that clit shit!
Fine, but it gets on my nerves.
Hold on, I haven't finished.
Know what?
Peas first, booze after.
I hate that. Cut it out.
- Slow down then.
- I hate it.
I'm a big girl now.
Maybe it's just a rumor
and I understand your reaction,
but you drink a lot, don't you?
Every day, like 50 million people
in France. What's the problem?
Everybody gets on my case,
then fills their own glasses!
Good one, guys!
- Potentially, it's alcoholism.
- So I'm an alcoholic?
If I'm an alcoholic, what's Fred?
Very cute.
I knew she'd cook something up.
What do you mean?
Her mother.
She wants to stop me seeing my daughter.
She's my daughter.
You want me to confess
so you can go party?
We get no confession bonus.
We just do our job. Protecting your
daughter if you hurt her.
She's 4!
Aged 4, you don't make up stuff
about Daddy scratching your bottom.
What about bathtime?
How does it work?
How do you Wash her?
I wash her with a washcloth and soap.
And her vagina? How do you do that, sir?
Yes, I use the cloth on her vagina.
You get a kick out of it?
No, I don't get a kick out of it!
We can't hold you any longer.
But the judges appreciate a confession.
Do you have anything to add?
I have nothing to add.
I don't molest my daughter.
He's playing you. He can't admit he got
sexual pleasure from his daughter.
All I can say is,
he's not the usual prototype.
Same difference.
Alright, he's not your stereotypical...
Yeah, he's a tall guy,
a cuddly bear type of guy.
I don't know. He's not an ugly,
nasty-looking kinda guy...
Yeah, he seems really...
- Wholesome.
- Okay.
But we'll run psychiatric tests
before we let him go.
Of course.
Was it her idea?
No, it was commissioned.
I saw the salesman
and asked him about the painting.
He starts
by saying his wife painted it.
She does photo-reportage,
documentary stuff. Really good photos.
So the guy gives him the same spiel,
while I step outside
and he says, 18,500 euros.
He must've been very rich.
I forgot something very important.
Just a second,
I have a gift for you.
For me?
Some people are so spoiled.
It's not much, but I like it.
Thank you.
This is very embarrassing.
Turn it so I can see.
That's Place...
It's very phallic!
She's leaving!
I really like it a lot. Really.
Thank your husband again.
I'm impressed,
so successful, so young.
You grew up in Paris?
Which neighborhood?
I'll put you with CPU North.
Home ground.
- Morning, everybody.
- Morning, chief.
This is...
Don't be shy.
This is Melissa Zaia,
who'll be with you for a few months
to take photos for a book
commissioned by the Ministry.
I'm relying on you
to help her feel at home
and get some great pictures.
Don't worry,
you can veto specific shots.
Have a good day!
Goodbye, chief.
- Your chair, Bamako.
- Sorry.
Gabriel. Hi.
- Croissant?
- No, thanks.
- Pain au chocolat?
- Maybe she's on a diet.
I only eat organic.
I can get organic croissants.
I won't throw you in
on a rape or pedophile case.
We'll ease you into it
with a Romanian pickpocket.
You speak Romanian?
What are the marks on your hands?
A cigarette?
Is that one day or several days?
Several days.
Any marks anywhere else?
Either you tell us
who's exploiting you
and we protect you,
with a home and education...
Or you say nothing,
go back to pickpocketing
and in a year
they'll pimp you out on the streets.
This isn't a game.
It's downhill from now on, understand?
Forget the pickpocket stuff.
She says it's her uncle.
What's your uncle called?
Mr. Caganescu.
And the prostitutes?
Who runs the prostitutes?
Is that your uncle?
Yes, it's her uncle.
Who's that?
- That's Caganescu?
- Watch out.
What's in those two caravans there?
Children also.
Two caravans for the children?
Yes. Ten and ten.
Ten kids in each caravan?
You're gonna eat all that?
You're so lucky.
I look at a pastry, I put on 30 kilos.
Sure, but I run, kiddo.
An ass like mine takes effort.
We get 3 hours at lunch.
Don't waste it shopping,
go to a gym, work out, healthy stuff.
Cut out the romantic daydreaming.
Love and other bullshit.
Anyway, how do you feel?
Like a 40-year old cheated wife
about to get a divorce.
Keep your cool in court.
Make sure they know it hurt, see?
You copped a lot of shit,
but you're not gonna trash-talk.
They have to feel your pain
so you get custody.
Act the victim.
That's what you are. A victim.
By mutual agreement,
Mrs. Del takes the children on weekends,
and Mr. Del will have custody
on a daily basis,
due to Mrs. Del's profession.
Will you be using
your married name or maiden name?
Keeping your married name
is perfectly feasible.
It's up to you.
Okay, I'll keep it.
Fine. The married name.
You have a month
to appeal this decision.
If there are any divergences,
you can...
Cut it out!
Police. Can I see some ID, please?
I'm taking you in for questioning.
Now, let me see some ID.
Hey there.
Out with Mommy?
My name's Iris, what's yours?
Poor thing!
He won't stop crying.
I'm sick of it.
- Shaking him quiets him?
- Yes.
You do it often?
How old are you?
Three and a half.
No school today?
- He doesn't go.
- No?
You had an afternoon snack?
- Yes, he's eaten.
- What did you have?
A sandwich.
That's an afternoon snack?
Forget the judge.
Take the children when you want.
I can lend you some money.
I'm fine, thanks.
All done.
I got custody.
He was pathetic, seriously.
- And money?
- All I need.
- Meaning?
- 1,000 euros.
- Great!
- Yeah, I'm so pleased.
Why are you crying?
I'm not crying.
It's dumb, it'll pass.
Honestly, I feel fabulous.
- You had to do it.
- What a fool!
It's for the sake of crying.
All done, I've stopped.
Great, it's a good thing done.
Yeah, it's a relief, in fact.
It was over so fast.
The moment?
The moment when you make the break.
Were you emotional?
A bit.
But not really, in the end.
I got a woman taken in earlier.
Acting really weird with her kids.
Let's go, I'm gonna take her down.
Please! A woman with kids,
not right now.
To take your mind off it.
Can't we do a rape or gang rape?
It'd be cooler for me.
Come on.
How do you explain your first child
being calm at night,
when it's bedtime,
and not the second?
You raise them differently?
- Sure.
- Meaning?
I don't jerk the little one off
every night.
The social worker told me to stop.
You don't jerk the little one off
every night
because you were told to stop.
Yeah, she said it was wrong,
so I stopped.
It's dumb.
It was the only thing that worked,
giving him a little handjob,
or blowjob sometimes.
A handjob put him to sleep in seconds.
If your husband comes home agitated,
you give him a pacifier?
No, I...
Do you realize what you're saying,
Mrs. Leclerc?
Do you realize
what you do to your boys is rape?
No way! I don't rape them.
I caress them, I kiss them.
What is rape for you?
It's when...
When there's penetration.
Any sexual act
between minor and parent is illegal.
You know that?
Does that ring any bells?
It's cool, the table fits,
so all 3 of us can eat in the kitchen.
Or 4 of you if you pull out the table.
What's the point?
There's only 3 of us eating.
This is the living room with...
my bed and...
It's pretty spacious, isn't it?
Spacious is maybe going too far.
- You have a view at least.
- Here...
Take your ring back.
What for?
No marriage, no ring.
I brought your scales.
Can I assemble stuff?
No, thanks.
A friend's coming by to help.
If your friend's coming by, I'll go.
Just for me.
No, I don't want to.
It'll look good on the class photo.
Look how cute it is.
I don't like it.
- Very pretty.
- They'll all laugh at me.
Stop that now.
Okay, fine.
Go see your mother.
I give up.
She's decided
to be ugly for the photo.
See you later.
I want to go to boarding school.
You want to go
to boarding school like Clmence? Why?
Daddy loves me too much.
All daddies
love their little girls too much.
What's all this about?
He loves me too much.
What are you saying?
He can't hear us for the TV.
- Hold on.
- Don't.
You okay?
Got any earplugs?
It's cool.
You have a good day?
Tell me.
I need to talk, to share stuff, Baloo.
You understand?
- You want us to talk?
- Yes.
You want me to get home at night
and say, Hey, honey!
Wow, you made coconut chicken,
my favorite!
We're gonna have a great night.
I'll tell you
how a 74-year-old granddad
fucked his grandson up the ass.
Sure, if you put it like that...
I put it like that
because that's how it is.
You think I'm some airhead, don't you?
I deal with drama
all day long at the nursery.
Drama at your uptown nursery?
Pure instead of cream cheese?
What a drama!
- I don't want sex now.
- Me neither.
Fuck it!
I gotta be up at 4. Goodnight!
Why 4?
I'm getting up at 4 in the morning
to snatch Romanian kids
from their family,
their parents, aunts, sisters,
put them in a shelter
and be a total asshole for them.
Maybe I am,
destroying their lives.
So I start at 4.
So your pure and cream cheese,
stick 'em up your ass! Dry!
You jerk!
You're out there saving humanity
with your buddy Fred,
saving the world's kids.
Incest's only in Belleville?
Where I work, they're all rich?
Don't be stupid.
You only get kids from Belleville
and the north?
There's no incest uptown?
Know what? Go sleep with Fred.
You piss me off, both of you!
You'll wind up in your studio,
like two misogynous assholes!
Fuck it!
Shit! You put whiskey in it?
- Tastes like shit, what is it?
- Whiskey.
That's all I need.
Take the covers, I'm too hot!
I gotta cool down.
You cool down.
Welcome, everybody,
to the Caganescu operation.
Thanks to you all
from the Crime and Riot units,
and the judicial division
for coming along.
It's early, I know,
but Paris is pretty early morning.
The fog, the glistening streets.
Okay, you don't like my poetry.
I'll hand over to Capt. Gerard.
We're working with a mandate
from a Paris judge.
The charges are...
Inciting minors
to commit crimes as part of a gang.
Lieutenants Del and Langlois
will brief you on the details.
We're going to be
in radio contact on 41.
The signal will be given by Orange 1.
Transportation details
are on the route map.
We take the beltway to Montreuil,
down Rue Raspail in single file
and into the camp in our vehicles.
We arrest them right away?
No, wait to be told
and watch out in the caravans.
It's risky.
It's worth listening.
This is for your information.
We know the case, the danger.
You don't.
The single-file thing. Last time...
Turn onto Raspail here
and enter the camp here.
Single file
stops everything getting out of hand.
I was just asking.
We all park up here
and move in this way.
I'm not with my partner?
Any other questions?
Not anymore, no.
Open up!
CPU! We're here about the kids.
Follow us, sir.
Any kids here?
Everybody out!
Get dressed first, please.
Faster than that, please.
Where are the kids?
Move it!
There are 3 in here.
Where are the kids?
C'mon, hurry up!
Calm down, sir. Keep calm!
We need backup here!
Give me the cuffs.
Give them their shoes.
Hands off our children!
You've no right to be here.
Don't worry, sir,
we play by the rules.
Yes, you'll have an attorney.
You're coming with us
somewhere warm,
where you'll get a hot meal.
You'll go to school
and play games, okay?
Sir, you're under arrest for inciting
minors to commit crimes as a gang.
Got that?
Yes, but in France
parents don't exploit their kids.
What did we do?
Why take our parents?
You haven't done anything.
There were five in the...
Nobody left in the tent?
Reassure them.
You're scaring them.
Tell them you'll see them again.
No, it's not our fault.
- Please, give me my sons.
- No, sir.
Leave my children, please.
No, stay where you are.
You stay with your brother.
Reassure him.
It'll be okay, son.
What's your brother's name?
Gabriel, it's okay.
What's left to do?
We're done.
Reassure him.
Get on the bus nice and quietly.
We're going to a shelter.
You'll see your parents later.
You'll be together in the shelter.
Keep calm while we count you.
One, two,
three, four, five, six...
Those two little brothers...
We want a song!
Julius Cesar?
70,0 Gun!
That's a Greek.
The Greek Way!
A shark? Jaws!
Robin Hood!
The Emperor.
The first to America.
Christopher Columbus!
This is my house,
you could lose now and then.
I'm going to bed.
Bed, tent...
Carry On Camping!
That was too easy!
That's easy!
Rabbi Jacob!
When's our turn?
Contempt. Godard!
Look at Mathieu!
When's our next shag?
- Tonight.
- Tonight?
You didn't tell me.
I wrote out a schedule,
it's on the fridge.
Fertile days are shaded red.
If you see it's red,
that means tonight...
Great! Wonderful!
You're my fave cum dump.
Don't say that
as if you have millions of them.
I fuck wherever I go.
I leave here and I fuck the cleaner.
At the bakery,
I fuck the baker's wife.
At work, I fuck the secretary.
Not funny.
Not funny?
Nothing is.
The office is fun, lunchtime's fun.
I like kidding around and here,
I can't open my mouth.
The difference is that I never say
work's fun and home sucks.
But who takes
the medication and shit? Me!
Who works out what days we shag?
Is that fun?
Is it fun
fucking when the fridge says so?
When We met, we didn't...
We just got it on,
without the check-the-fridge bullshit.
Nothing's changed for you,
so get off my back.
Chill. Look how...
Stop! Cut it out!
Got that? Don't talk to me like that.
I'm just trying to...
Shut up, okay?
Not cool.
And you want us to have a baby?
Come here.
Tell me what your problem is.
Thank you.
The pants, too.
What do you see?
I dunno.
I'm fat.
You're a bag of bones.
Something's on your mind,
something's bugging you.
That's the issue
that stops you getting pregnant.
I love you but I won't take part
in a lie. Is that clear?
I want you to get better.
Beat it then.
- Hi.
- What are you doing here?
Hey, girls!
I need help with my talk.
A word with Mom first.
- Why?
- Just a minute.
She's a pain.
I want us to have breakfast,
go shopping together.
I want us to laugh, fight, all that.
I want all that back.
I want to be with you again.
And your bimbo?
Stuff the bimbo!
It's been over for ages.
So you thought, talk to mommy,
she'll take me back with the kids.
And I go down on my knees, right?
Nadine! We weren't talking.
- Your job was everything!
- I love my job.
Sorry, but unlike you, I love my job.
It's important for me.
You're my whole life!
You're beautiful, amazing, intelligent!
I can't imagine life without you,
don't you see?
Waking up without you?
You're the love of my life!
So was his slut
when he was eating her out!
Fuck it!
You'd have been proud of me.
I gave it to him.
I am proud of you.
I had his bimbo there,
flashing in my brain.
Men are the scum of the earth.
Don't cheat.
I'm watching you.
I have 120,000 left.
My turn to cash in.
How much is it?
- Here I go.
- My rent!
You nearly forgot.
- Is this for you?
- Yes.
The pancake comes first.
- You okay?
- Fine.
I'm out of jail. I paid up.
What's your diet, Baloo?
Send her up.
Incoming runaway!
Baloo, can I take her?
Go ahead.
You're keen.
It's not that.
I just never did a runaway.
Hi, everybody.
This is the runaway.
Follow me.
At home with her,
keep the lights on.
Her folks ran away?
The night before last?
Wednesday, you mean?
CPU here.
I'll send a team.
Change of plans!
Let's go!
A mother's abducted her baby.
She's dangerous,
mental issues, a junkie...
You too, Nora.
I'll radio through the details.
We got a blue light?
Grab the cuffs.
- Where is it?
- Our 3rd car?
Fuck it!
- Where's our wheels?
- Baloo!
We're missing a car!
Where's it gone?
Go ask Beauchard!
You others, get going.
I'm in front.
Keystone cops!
One car to the scene,
one cruising.
Let's go!
What's going on?
Narcotics needed a car.
What a surprise!
Narcotics needed it, as usual.
We're just looking for a baby
that his mom took from a home.
Dull old child protection.
Captain Grard.
There's a hierarchy between units,
as you well know.
Yes, sir, but this woman's a druggie.
Dangerous, just out of jail.
I've got 8 guys downstairs
ready to go looking for the kid
all over Belleville. With 2 cars!
Yvan, I don't like you
losing your temper in my office.
Fuck it!
You got anything on?
Car keys!
Outside the caf. The baby?
CPU South's Scenic.
Outside the caf.
All units, I'll take care of the home.
Chrys and Mathieu go door-to-door.
And Sue Ellen, post office and cafs.
If you see any weird mothers,
bring 'em in.
This is the mother's card.
You have a list of staff?
Can I have a copy?
We toured the shelters. Nothing.
Maybe the photo will help.
The carer left to deal with a sick child
and that's when it happened.
She got out through that door.
- It's old.
- The lock's broken.
Where did she go?
She climbed...
Over the wall with her son.
I need your full name.
- What's your name?
- Morgane.
- How old are you?
- 7.
My daughter's nearly the same age.
She's dangerous.
Don't feel incriminated,
We need to know what happened.
Sure, but I feel responsible.
I'm in charge here.
You went on the computer?
I'm proud of you, baby!
You know this woman?
Sure. That's Sylvie, guys.
You know her?
Does she come in regularly?
Pretty much every day.
Most recently?
This morning.
She has a baby. She was excited
about getting him back.
Had she been drinking?
Not at 8:30.
Previously, you've seen her
in different states during the day?
Yeah, sure.
Can you be more precise?
Everybody knows her.
She'll do anything for a pack of smokes.
What do you mean exactly?
Helping a guy out, you know.
No, I don't know.
Giving blowjobs for 10 euros.
She's often short of cash.
How do you know this, sir?
Everyone knows locally.
Lots of...
We don't mean her any harm, sir.
It's just that
her little baby's in danger.
We're Child Protection,
we won't put her in jail.
We just want to find her.
You were thirsty!
I'm pregnant.
I'm pregnant.
How far along?
so I'm keeping it quiet.
You're putting me on.
- Seriously?
- I'm pregnant.
With Alex?
Sure, he's my husband, isn't he?
Is he happy?
Of course, he is.
The girls went to grab a salad.
we won't hang around forever.
Sure, but...
Give the photos a rest, will you?
NoW's not the time.
We eat, We split.
Don't bother giving me that look.
I'm talking to you!
Have you seen the photos you've taken
since you've been with us?
What are they like?
They're okay.
- Sorry?
- Okay.
They're okay?
"Okay" cuts it
when we're running all over?
Back off. It's cool.
It's not cool.
You're pissed off
and you're taking it out on her.
A shit day, and she's copping it.
Go on, take my picture if you want.
I'm not laughing.
The problem isn't you expressing
a derogatory opinion.
Mr. Peach Fuzz!
It's the manner
you choose to express it.
We're not photographers.
- We can't do her job.
- But we know our jobs.
And all I see is...
Seeing her go click-click-clack,
as soon as a kid starts crying.
That's not what we do.
It's more complex than that.
Am I right or wrong?
My problem is,
I don't see her getting the right shots.
Such as?
What we're doing out here now.
All day, we're out looking,
and I don't feel her behind my back.
We get some fries
and clack-clack-click.
A kid starts crying...
When it's gritty or miserablist,
she's there.
She's finding her feet.
I don't give a shit!
I get what he's saying
about miserablism,
not wanting to put out
a bad image of the CPU.
It's just we're eating, on-edge.
- Your choice of words is all wrong.
- You done?
Say it nicely.
We know you're angling
to get some pussy time.
So whatever you say doesn't count.
You're ripping on me now?
What's going on?
What's going on? Nothing.
- Nothing.
- No, why?
We eat and get back on it.
Sorry, but pictures of kids...
It's 11 o'clock, home time!
It's dark. We won't find them now.
You're clock-watching now?
We've been at it all day,
sweating blood!
I know, Fred.
Just do as I say, don't argue.
There's a baby out there!
The night team'll take over. He won't be all alone.
Go home.
What will they do if he dies?
I said, go home!
Night, everybody.
See you tomorrow.
We'll find him tomorrow!
Maybe she's dyed her hair
so nobody recognizes her.
This isn't a western.
Is pear nice?
Sure, it's nice.
How much is it?
Will you give it to me?
I can't, lady.
Is that her?
It's a guy on rollerblades!
Chrys, slow down.
Take it easy.
That's why I said slow down.
I said slow down, so slow down.
You can spare something.
He's hungry!
- You have to pay!
- He's hungry!
Baloo to Fred.
Mother and baby
reported at a convenience store
at 19, Rue de Meaux.
- Go, pops!
- Good news at last!
- Copy, Fred?
- I copy.
Get out the way!
Where have you been?
- We're here now!
- We've been waiting 30 mins!
Calm down, we just got here.
It's only been 20 minutes!
Hi. Child Protection Unit.
He's critical.
We gotta get the baby to the hospital.
- It's been half an hour.
- We came as fast...
You expect an invitation or what?
- We do the best we can.
- So do we!
We came straight here.
We've been called to a bank heist.
We're not Child Protection,
with all due respect.
Can we take the details
because the mother isn't...
It wasn't me!
He made me drop my baby!
She threw him.
She threw her baby?
The doc says the baby's life
is in serious danger.
They're taking him to Necker.
Bring the buggy! That's my buggy!
Can We go with you and the baby?
Where's my baby?
At the hospital.
We'll get more news later.
It's hard having the baby.
Having the baby? Having a baby?
It wasn't easy having the baby.
Why's she telling me this?
Keep moving.
You're going to sit in there.
Give me a cigarette.
Not right now.
Give me a cigarette.
You're nice, I like you.
Give me a smoke.
Can I get a smoke?
Just sit there nice and quiet.
Let's get the cuffs off.
Sit down there.
Yeah, sure.
Sit down, relax, we'll be back.
We'll have a talk when you calm down.
I'm thirsty.
There's nothing to drink right now.
Police. Handcuffs. Prison.
That's life.
If there's a child, the officers
can't intervene at the scene.
They have to wait until We get there.
That's why there's always
some tension between us.
You called the hospital?
Of course, I called the hospital.
How old's the baby?
There's nothing happening.
Child Protection.
You're getting on?
And you?
I don't understand this person.
The baby's out of danger.
Let's celebrate.
What's going on?
The baby's out of the coma.
Do you wanna dance or not?
You don't wanna dance?
Give me a break,
I haven't been drinking.
Sister, dance with me.
What's with the glasses?
They're just glasses.
Can I?
Keep in time, ma'am.
They're fakes. They're a prop.
I was scared
nobody'd take me seriously.
You think the glasses and granny look
make people take you seriously?
I don't know.
Okay, I get it.
Let your hair down.
You want me to let my hair down?
Enough of the granny look!
Can you dim the lights?
- Why?
- I don't like that.
Don't like what?
You seeing me.
I want to see you.
You can see me afterwards
No, I want to see you.
Take 2.
I have stretch marks all over.
Me too.
It's my feminine side.
Show me.
Those aren't stretch marks.
They are. Male stretch marks.
Are we taking off the pants or not?
I've got silly panties.
We'll see. Let's take a look.
Yep, you were right.
Actually, they're cute.
Okay, cut out
the pre-teen stuff a second.
Stretch marks!
We've seen them all.
- There's stacks.
- No, missed one.
For your choice of panties,
- You realize what that means?
- What?
Take 96.
If you get undressed,
I'll take my watch off.
- Aren't they beautiful?
- Total babes!
It's a fashion show.
Except they're not models.
Be nice.
Give 'em a breath test!
You never know!
Keep everyone safe.
I warned you!
- Any questions?
- No, sir!
Eye and ear protection on.
Draw your weapon. Chamber.
In position. One round.
Switch legs. Other foot forward.
One round.
Wake up.
- It's our turn.
- Get lost!
- How do you feel?
- Okay, I guess.
Try breathing.
Ready to go?
Can't say I'm a fan, but let's try.
Draw your gun. Chamber.
Get into position.
Three rounds.
It's a peach kir royal.
I like it sweet.
Feeling okay?
Sorry I'm late.
You buy organic croissants?
Shut it.
Not one hit!
A complete disaster!
I'm peace and love.
Next group to the range.
Let's go.
Gonna get some pics?
Can her ladyship stop jigging around?
Rack the slide.
Chamber a round.
Two hands, knees bent, feet parallel.
All together.
Two rounds!
Wanna try?
Do you want to try?
Can she try?
No, catching a bus.
Careful of the gun. Take her camera.
Snap away, Fred.
Let's make it easier for the lady.
On my whistle,
you fire two rounds.
Careful, finger's on the trigger.
Stay focused,
this is a firing range.
Arms outstretched, elbows in.
When I whistle,
you fire two rounds.
- It doesn't work.
- Press!
Deep breaths.
You'll be fine.
Take deep breaths.
Second round.
Let's go.
What about the whistle?
A quick whistle?
To relax you?
There you go.
Relax. Let go.
Breathe out.
Let go of the gun.
Take your fingers off. Relax.
You can do it. There you go.
My children.
And my children's father.
Evening, ladies.
- Lucie and Bianca.
- How old are they?
- You ordered some food?
- Yeah, pizza.
She called Pizza Hut.
Pizza Hut.
Ever had truffle pizza?
Thanks, Francesco.
It tastes a bit like marzipan.
How's Melissa doing?
She's so sweet.
Sweet Melissa!
I know the boss man well.
- The chief?
- He's a friend of mine.
A friend?
Not a friend.
We know each other well.
So you both live here then, right?
Tactless, apparently.
We said no personal questions.
It isn't his apartment.
- I live opposite.
- Not bad!
You've never lived together?
You're a couple?
Even with kids?
We're a couple?
Are you a couple?
It's strange us being on call
on a holiday, isn't it?
Why's it strange?
I thought the night team
was on call on public holidays.
They are. At night.
It's not easy to get your head around.
The night team Works nights.
In the daytime, they rest up
and the day team takes over.
Is it clear now?
Night at night.
Hi, everybody!
This lady is having a few problems.
I'll let her explain.
Hello, ma'am.
Take a seat.
Get the kid a chair.
Sit down next to Mommy.
Go ahead, ma'am.
I have to give you my son.
I have no place where we slept.
I don't want him
to sleep in street with me.
I want him in warm place.
You want him...
- Warm.
- Somewhere warm, okay.
He must sleep in bed.
Of course.
I don't want him be like me.
You see?
Sure, I understand.
- You have nowhere to sleep.
- Yes.
Let's see. Are you married?
I'm on my own.
You're both on the street?
- How long on the street?
- Six months.
Sleeping hostesses.
Hotels and hostesses.
In hospices!
No more.
Sleeping under tents.
Sleep in tents. I not...
Yes, I understand.
It's hard for you and your son.
How long
since you had somewhere to wash?
Since we had... hotels...
Kicked out.
Kicked out of a hotel?
Because no money.
I'm tired and it's cold.
What's your name?
I must be away from my son.
I give you my son.
He wants to stay with his mommy.
Yes, but no more.
We'll find a nice place for both of you.
Somewhere warm to sleep.
You understand?
Yes, I look in all hospices.
Many people, nothing.
They say no room.
But we know more hospices.
We'll call other shelters.
Have you had anything to eat, ma'am?
Hungry, Ousman?
Are you hungry?
Not hungry. Because he tired.
When you struggle, you not eat.
That's right.
We'll call all over.
To try to find somewhere warm
for you and your son.
If you no find, I give you my son.
I can't take your son, you understand?
I don't want him become like me.
I'll get them some food.
Come with us.
See you later.
Leave it with us.
Okay, action.
Not before next week?
She said to call back.
I have 2 that'll take the kid.
The kid but not his mother.
You gotta talk to Beauchard.
No, not Beauchard.
So we just sit here
flapping away helplessly.
You're a pain in the ass!
You're useless, fuck it!
Don't let Fred go on up there.
Hey, pops!
Why didn't you 90?
The guy makes me puke.
He hasn't got any balls.
He'll never take a stand.
Fuck taking a stand,
show us you've got balls!
- Me?
' Yes, you!
- Show I've got balls?
- You're the boss. It's your job.
Calm down, we're not alone here.
The young man's totally bemused.
You can't let Fred take the heat.
It's outrageous!
Don't tell me my job!
Shut up a second. No more!
Women's Lib, can it!
Women's Lib?
Stick it up your ass.
A woman speaks out and she's a radical.
Fuck you!
And your grow-a-pair crap?
Mr. Coutard, you keep bothering me
but I can't intervene in every case.
One phone call is all you need to make.
You're taking this too personally.
Down, Fido!
- Just put the child in a home.
- Pardon me?
My last word.
That's it, your last word?
Stop it, Fred.
Calm down!
Calm down? Sure.
You know it's pointless.
You keep calm, guys!
That earns you a warning.
It won't be the first.
Pops, let's talk.
Please, give them to me 3 days.
I'll find them a hospice.
No, don't do that.
You can't do that.
Why don't you?
Why don't you take them?
You or me, it's the same.
You know that's not the problem.
It's not the same.
Don't make it so personal.
Is he your kid? No, so stop.
Okay, ma'am...
For now,
we don't have a satisfactory solution.
We're not at all satisfied with this.
We've found a hospice for your son,
but not for you together.
I knew you not find for both.
It's the best we have.
It'll be okay.
Come on, it's okay.
We'll take good care of him, ma'am.
Ousman! Calm down, kiddo.
Mommy loves you.
She's not abandoning you.
She has no choice.
We'll look after you, son.
Calm down.
It'll be okay.
Mommy has no choice.
She wants to be with you, too,
but she can't.
There'll be other little boys like you.
You won't be alone.
There'll be other kids who are sad.
There'll be kids you can talk to.
You won't be all alone.
Can you hear me?
It's over now.
It'll be okay.
It's over, calm down.
You okay?
Feeling better now?
C'mon, dry your eyes.
You'll make lots of friends.
It's just hard to begin with.
It's tough,
but it won't last long, okay?
Your mommy loves you.
You're a big, strong boy.
She wants you to be strong.
You remember?
You have to try every day.
You hear me?
- I'll drive you home.
- No, thanks.
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
What are you doing? Staying?
See you tomorrow.
You try to handle it case-by-case.
But no.
It won't help change the world
or anything.
But it sticks in my throat,
it tears me up.
I can't do it!
I have great news.
- We're all going on vacation.
- Cool!
Are you pleased?
And you?
- Are you angry?
- No.
Go to your room.
Your room.
Okay, come on.
What's wrong?
I can't just go on vacation.
I've got photos to do.
You've got someone?
I don't know.
I'm happy for you.
I know I can't give you
the life you want.
It's my problem.
Okay, fine.
You're happy, I'm happy. Wonderful!
Let's talk
when you stop pretending.
Wait a second...
Alright, you can come now.
What is this?
Just drive.
Keep your head still.
Expressionless, please.
Right, strip search.
Please, Chrystelle.
Put those on the chair there.
Okay, you can get dressed now.
- You believe your daughter?
- Yes.
I know what my husband's like.
It's exactly his style.
His style? What do you mean?
You're referring
to what your daughter told you?
Can you be more specific?
It's embarrassing.
We won't find it vulgar or disgusting.
We could be talking
about cooking or clothes.
What does he like? What turns him on?
I'm sorry.
Garters and stockings?
Latex? Fabrics?
Different positions?
Fellatio? Exhibitionism?
I don't know, lingerie?
That's right, lingerie.
Don't agree for our benefit.
Anything more...
I don't mean deviant,
but that shocked you maybe?
You have an active sex-life?
That's personal.
Here, We discuss personal matters.
We're not strangers on a train.
So, an active sex-life?
Great movie,
Strangers on a Train.
Seen it? No, you're too young.
You think we're stupid?
Not at all.
We need to know, ma'am.
Your husband allegedly raped
your daughter. In terms of his fantasies,
I need more detail
than just "lingerie."
He'd blindfold himself.
- He blindfolded himself?
- Why?
Can you guess what he was imagining?
We'll get you a glass of water.
We'll talk when you feel better.
A bald pubis, like a little girl's.
That turns me on.
You know you're on camera?
So what?
You were saying,
about little girls...
We need help
with a screwed-up reverse Oedipus.
A screwed-up reverse Oedipus!
And your fantasies?
What do you imagine?
That I'm making love to my daughter.
Yes, We are.
What do you imagine?
We're not in your chair.
We ask the questions.
Do you have an active sex-life?
Who with?
Your wife perhaps.
Hold on...
I already asked.
I answered that already. Normal.
That doesn't fit.
Your wife says
you haven't touched her in years.
Maybe I was being optimistic.
To spare her feelings.
This isn't a sex therapy session.
Not particularly.
Is that, yes he likes it or not?
No, that's not what I meant.
Let me explain.
We're not judging you.
We want the truth.
We don't care which way you like it.
We just want
to get a picture of your husband.
These questions aren't about you,
they're about him.
To find out what he maybe did
to your daughter. Get that?
We don't judge, We don't care.
Every time?
Did he threaten you?
Yeah or yes?
I don't rape her,
I make love to her.
She gives herself to me.
Young children
have a right to sexual liberty.
Quit acting like we're idiots!
You're getting 20!
I doubt that.
What are you saying, "I doubt that"?
- I just know.
- You know shit!
- I take liberties, too.
- That'll cost you dear.
- Pardon me?
- It'll cost you dear.
Sit your ass down.
Right now!
Mathieu, please.
Let's calm things down.
- What?
- You hit me.
Nobody saw a thing.
The camera neither.
The camera sees what it wants here.
What do you mean by "I doubt that"?
You doubt you'll get 20 years?
I have connections.
Fine, sir.
I got a call.
Go easy on La Faublaise.
Just treat him good.
Say something!
I treat him like a child rapist.
Do as I say.
- I do my job.
- Do as I say!
- He's right.
- You read the statements?
You're right, too.
Just take it down a notch.
He's right, I'm right...
Don't worry about it.
I worry about winding up like you.
You realize at no stage
you express any remorse?
Anyone home?
Go to the Internet section.
No, I...
The Internet section.
What's he on?
A run'll do you good.
You're shitting me?
You're shitting me.
It's still my case?
Wait for me.
I wanna see my daughter. I'll call you.
Mommy always gets in the bath with me.
Mommy, sure.
For daddies, it's different.
Here, wash yourself with soap.
Then the back.
Your botty. Rub rub.
Between your legs.
Your bits. Your girly bits.
That's good.
Careful you don't slip. Rub rub.
You promise you won't leave again?
I'll try, sure.
If you give me a hug.
Come eat, Fred.
Come eat.
Again! Again!
Go on, push!
And again.
Hold your breath and push!
Can I stop?
That's good.
Hold your breath and push even harder.
Stop pushing.
That's good.
It's over know, sweetie.
Can I see it?
- What is it?
- A little girl.
We'll just finish up
by removing the placenta.
Please, ma'am, we're nearly done.
Can I have...
Can I be alone with the...
With the baby?
You want to see her?
- Are you sure?
- I'll put her here.
I want to hold her.
You'll be okay?
Can you go out?
I'm sorry.
Can We have the baby?
Where are you taking her?
A room down the hall.
In a cold room to run some tests.
We'll do DNA tests
to help find the man who raped you.
She'll stay in the cold room after?
A day or two at most.
And then she'll be put in a...
In a grave?
Yes, she'll be buried.
With other babies.
In the same thing as other babies?
She won't have a...
A thing of her own?
We take photos to keep in the file.
The police officers want to see you.
They have a few questions for you.
Can't it wait?
No, it can't.
We have to take the baby
and it needs a name.
By law, the baby must have a name.
For the registry. To declare the death.
I don't want to...
have to think of a name.
It's important for you to...
give her a name.
It's a way for you to find closure.
It'll stay with me forever.
This baby is half of you.
She's your blood.
You have to name her.
My rapist's blood, too. I can't.
A name you don't like then.
I was raped. It'll never...
I'm tired.
I'd like to be left alone.
I want you to leave.
You'll have to give her a name.
Go ahead.
Iris, what's wrong with you?
See you, Laurence.
See you soon.
I hope I can do it.
Cut it out.
Save that shit for Sue Ellen!
To Nadine!
Come on!
- Sue Ellen, with me.
- Sure.
No way!
A total brush off!
I don't get it.
How come we're not groovin'
on my birthday?
Don't you realize?
Why do you do it?
He said he'd block my access.
Don't you see?
One tiny threat and you strip off.
You did!
Send your number
and I'll send sexy photos you'll love.
If you want to see more,
leave me a message.
You know what I think?
I think you're a nympho
who likes banging 4 guys in a garage.
Reading your blog,
you come across
as a 14-year-old whore!
He hit you outside?
That's right.
He hit you outside... I see.
What did your parents say
when you got home?
I said I fell and they bought it.
So, you lie to them when needs be.
And in this instance...
you needed to.
It's all about dignity.
Your dignity.
You understand what the word means?
You understand the difference...
between what you can do and...
Do you?
You have just seen your first "rave".
It's neither rape nor love.
It's a rave.
We also have rarests. Rustody.
- Victims...
- I think I get the picture.
It's not that complicated,
putting an R in front.
The boy's a genius!
Back in the day,
you waited for marriage,
had sex when you were 20,
but life's changed now.
The old days are gone,
Louis XIV and all!
Life is this now.
Aged 14,
you fuck, you suck, you live!
Watch some TV,
try to get with it, get an update.
Why did Beauchard start yelling?
He says we're idealists.
Hi there!
You just walk on by.
Hi, Melissa.
I'll be getting back.
I gotta go,
You have 5?
I gotta get home.
Not even 5 minutes?
I have to go, Fred.
You don't have 5 minutes?
Still no wedding band?
- No, why?
- Come on then.
Okay, a treat for the lady.
Here We go!
Stop giggling.
Happiness really suits you.
Shit's gonna hit the fan again.
Pack and go!
It's for lawyers now.
- Can't we talk?
- Lawyers.
You think it's easy?
For the kid, you'll say...
You and your daughter get on?
Fine. She's a good girl.
The question is,
do you get on with your daughter?
Do you have a good relationship?
Are you close?
If she had problems,
could she talk to you freely?
Of course.
No problem.
You know you're here for child abuse?
Off the record,
she said you plan to marry her off
to a cousin back home.
That's right. I'm her dad.
She has to marry one day.
You think you do what you want?
I'm in charge.
You did your research
before you came in.
That's in no law.
Know what's gonna happen?
After your girl's married
and been raped by her husband.
Because it's rape.
You force her into non-consensual sex.
And I'll be there that day.
What's your problem?
I say if there's a problem.
This is the police.
I refuse to talk to you.
- There's only me.
- Get the boss.
Hold on a second.
I'm the police, okay?
Look! I am the police.
I ask the questions,
you answer them.
Why won't you talk to me?
'Cos I'm a woman?
Shame on you.
Go home
and look after your husband and kids.
Shame on me?
Don't talk to me like that!
Respect, okay?
You're sure you read the Qur'an?
Prove it.
Tell me,
if you're a man and a good Muslim,
tell me just where it says
a father
can force his daughter to marry.
Show me.
You think you can teach me the Qur'an?
Where does it say
a woman isn't allowed to work?
Show me!
Call yourself Muslim?
You taint us.
The Qur'an teaches respect. Got it?
- Is there a problem here?
- No, no problem.
There is no problem!
- You want something to drink?
- Water!
My father.
Is it couscous?
A tagine.
Child Protection
covers lots of things like vice
and narcotics, no?
Minors get caught up in drugs.
Sure, but we mostly handle
vice-related cases.
He arrests pedophiles.
Not only pedophiles.
That can't always be easy.
Isn't it tough, constant insults?
No. Thanks.
People hate the cops.
They're never there when you need them.
What do you dial for the police?
- 12, isn't it?
- No, it's 17.
Is it really 17?
What's Melissa like day to day?
It's not easy for me to talk
about Melissa with her dad.
And it's not easy to talk
about someone sitting next to you.
Do you like my new love?
Do you like him?
Whatever you like, I like.
Feels great, giving you stuff.
Are you pleased or laughing at me?
It's so ugly!
I was sending a text or something.
I had my phone in my hand.
And this girl comes over,
like, let me see that.
So I show her and she takes it,
and I'm like...
Can you get to the...
When you met the boys.
That's what I'm telling you.
So the girl's taken your phone
and you say...
They've got your phone.
After that, what happened?
I ask for it back.
She's like,
sure, if you give my friends head.
I'm like, okay.
Okay to what?
To blowing them for my phone.
You really liked your phone.
No kidding.
And for a laptop?
Sorry, slipped out.
Take no notice.
It's not you...
We can't do this with those two...
Stop it!
Sorry, don't mind us.
In the police,
we're not usually like this.
You don't give head for a phone.
You realize that?
It was a smartphone.
Sit down and let's finish up here.
You followed the whole group.
I need 20 volunteers for a special op.
- What kind?
- That's all I have.
We'll go next door.
This is chaos!
Check it out. You never know.
Go with them and fill me in later.
Where were we?
We can talk seriously now, Caroline...
I've lost my phone.
An informer says
the Emeralds
will hand the Beggars stolen jewels
worth 1 million euros.
The drop's tomorrow at 2 p.m.,
at Domus mall.
All we know is they'll come by car,
most likely with wives and kids.
And armed.
Which one's Chrys's hubby?
Black shirt by the cabinet.
Over there?
We'll tail them,
let the drop take place...
Not what I imagined.
We follow them to their cars
and we arrest them
only when they're inside the vehicles.
Look at the photos.
You'll get a list of car plate numbers.
As for the CPU,
I'll be honest,
you're extras tomorrow.
Everybody in position?
Okay, Alex. Standing by.
Martin in position in the garage.
Copy that.
Hey, kids!
We're on a mission.
Beggars in view on the escalator,
Eastern Gate.
I repeat, at the Eastern Gate.
Nadine, CPU.
They just passed the desk.
Gabriel, CPU.
Beggars right in front of me.
They're looking all over, on-edge.
They just passed by me.
We have them on visual. Stay in position.
Emeralds arriving,
opposite direction.
The drop's imminent.
Stay alert.
Meeting outside the bed store.
Outside the bed store.
What's up?
This is it.
Stay calm, act natural.
It's them.
Be discreet.
Be discreet, please.
Put it away.
Hands UP!
Get down!
Everybody on the floor!
Take it easy! Calm down.
Back off!
Hands behind you!
The cuffs!
We'll take over!
Fucking CPU!
What the hell happened?
Back off, I said.
We're everywhere.
Shut it!
Put your gun away!
Where you gonna go?
Shut it!
Back up!
Stay there!
There are cops everywhere.
Back up, asshole!
He's your son!
I don't give a shit!
He's not my kid!
He's a kid, that's what counts!
Where are you going?
Stop there!
Don't move!
Don't touch it!
My arm's numb.
Even with a vest,
I still fucking get shot!
That really is dumb.
It's okay, you're not dead.
You're not dead.
- Couldn't even be an extra.
- We are the extras.
Don't worry, We did a great job.
It's okay.
Don't look at it.
Sign here.
Don't run!
Can you hear us, kid?
He wants Pepitos.
- What?
- Pepitos.
I'll go.
You'll get the wrong ones.
I'll take it with.
You okay, fella?
Does it hurt?
You were starving.
Don't they feed you here?
He makes such a mess when he eats.
I'm going for a smoke.
I'll be back in 5.
You love me a bit, don't you?
2 wives, so you're polygamous?
- No.
- What do you mean?
Polygamy means several wives.
So you'd say you are...
A bigamist.
Bigamist, okay.
What's your sex-life with your wives?
I'm a romantic.
I like fellatio.
Do you?
What's that?
Shit, I'll start a fire.
Keep it down. I'm working.
So, fellatio,
you've never heard of it?
Okay, fine.
That's it for today.
I'll talk to your daughter
and be in touch.
I'll see you out.
You okay? Not too tired?
No, I'm fine.
And you?
You think I don't see you on Facebook?
Don't we have work to do?
You're my boss?
Do I report to you?
I'd no idea you're my boss!
I can discuss work.
Aren't we a team?
Okay, let's talk work.
I just saw the split vagina
of an 11-month-old baby,
then I saw her mother,
who's suicidal because
her girl's been raped for months.
Sure, let's talk work.
I'm a good cop and I do a good job
even if I'm not like you.
Let me chill
with my virtual friends
before I move onto my next case.
Get off my back!
The lady speaks.
Something's bugging the lady.
Get off my case, Iris!
This is not the time.
It never is.
It's always the time to chat.
Shut your big mouth.
Just shut the fuck up!
Got that?
Shut it.
You get all the tough cases,
I get all the "raves"?
Cut it out, Iris.
We're partners.
We can discuss our work.
We're partners?
Partners communicate with each other.
Where's the communication?
You tell me what to do
and what not to do.
What I can do, what I can't do.
You grade me, you judge me...
Just get the fuck off my back
and stop lecturing me!
That's the thanks I get
for listening to your troubles
and your little hassles with hubby.
But this is about work.
You're way off, Nadine, that's all.
I'm just saying.
You have no right to talk about my man.
Because of you, I left my husband,
when I was partly to blame, too.
Just because you think
men are all shits.
You can't give any love.
I'm ashamed I listened to you.
I miss my family.
I miss my children. Can't you see that?
It's because of her,
making me see him like a...
I love him.
Maybe that pisses you off
because you love no one.
You're all shriveled up.
No cock could ever get inside you!
You're a piece of shit!
You don't seem
in control of your faculties.
Don't fucking start on that.
Just don't start telling me what to do.
Your husband's gone.
He should've gone long ago!
I feel sorry for him.
All these years with you.
And you making yourself puke?
You think nobody knows?
We all know, you puke all day long.
It's over, got it? Over!
Stop trying to run my life!
I'll file a report.
What do you expect?
Want me to type it?
What the hell's going on?
We can hear you downstairs!
I don't care!
What's the problem?
Sounds like ego issues.
Sure, the ego is dignity.
You've got no ego? Ego means
I can look at myself in the mirror.
I leave my ego problems at home.
Not ego problems, one ego problem!
Be quiet when I'm talking!
Shut up now.
We'll split you up in September.
For now, button it!
Don't talk to me like I'm stupid.
I don't give a shit!
l can leave!
Do us all a favor!
Start with a piked somersault.
Let's go.
Reach for the mat.
That's why you fell.
Nice but concentrate on keeping it tight,
to finish it off.
Let's keep going.
Very nice.
Solal, your turn.
Come on, Solal.
What are you waiting for?
Leave him, it's okay.
If you're nervous, don't jump.
Keep it coming.
Limited, but nicely done.
Who's next?
Good. That's called a tuck jump.
I'm really so sorry.
I'd like to apologize to him.
I hope he gets over it.
I never wanted to hurt him.
You realize now that you did?
You didn't think about it then, but now?
We had a relationship
that was like love.
I need you to sign the statement,
the bottom of each page.
Where'll he go now?
Will he be okay?
He'll receive help.
He'll be well looked after.
I know other places
where he can still do gymnastics.
It's important for him.
Will he
go to jail because of me?
He'll go to jail for What he did.
He did it to you,
but you're not to blame. He's sick.
Your teacher has a disease, you see,
called pedophilia.
He's called a pedophile.
Have you heard that word before?
At school maybe?
It's a disease some adults have,
which means
that they do things to children
they have no right to do.
We're here to catch and punish them.
Why isn't he...
Why's he going to prison and not just...
Why isn't he going to a hospital?
When someone breaks the law like that,
they go to prison.
It's a punishment
that serves a purpose.
Then, maybe he'll be able
to do gym again one day,
and not hurt any more children,
you see?
I feel a bit sad.
Why are you sad?
I liked him.
He was nice to me.
Morning, everybody.
What a reception!
Nice to hear you speak as one.
I hope you enjoyed the vacation.
I see some people
have been in the sun, and others...
less so.
I hope school started okay
for your kids...
I'll start with the new appointments
and departures.
Lt. Desgranges has moved on
to the Vice Squad, as anticipated.
He'll be replaced by Lt. Gron.
Capt. Beck has joined the Fraud Squad
and Lt. Iris Langlois transfers
to replace him as section chief.
Now, I'd like to talk about my plans
to restructure,
as everybody expected,
the Internet Section.
I believe that investing resources there
will help us
smoke out more pedophiles.
The pedophile at the school gates
is long gone...
Can I open a window? I'm hot.
You make it sound
like fieldwork's bullshit.