Politist, adjectiv (Police, Adjective) (2009)

Good morning, Prosecutor.
Cristi here.
I wonder if I could discuss
something with you.
Today, if possible.
In an hour. That's perfect!
Thank you very much.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Nelu's not here?
- I think he's at the meeting.
- Didn't he leave a GPS for me?
- No.
- What are you doing?
- It's mine.
That's his closet, right?
Wait ten minutes,
he should be here.
In fact, I wanted to talk to you.
You still play foot-tennis, right?
- Yeah.
- Where?
By the pool.
Can I come too?
I want to lose this belly...
Why don't you jog
if you want to lose weight?
I get bored jogging. With tennis,
you follow the ball, it's different.
- So, how about it?
- All the positions are filled.
I can get a team together.
Waste of time. Boys won't be interested.
They play too well for you.
How do you know how I play?
I've seen you,
you're not much good.
What's that got to do with it?
Well, if you're weak at football,
you're weak at foot-tennis...
- Where'd you get that idea?
- Nowhere. That's how it is, it's a law.
- Is it written down somewhere?
- No, but it's still a law.
Just say
you don't want me to come!
- I think I just did.
- Don't go on about laws then.
I'm not going on about any law.
You are no good,
you'd only disrupt us.
- "Disrupt you"?
- Yeah. If you're not good, you'll disrupt us,
Serious game this foot-tennis. You'd
think you were talking about chess.
Listen, tell Nelu I was looking
for him to get that GPS back.
- I'll tell him.
- Good.
- Hello!
- Hi!
The Boss
was asking about you again.
Did you tell him I was busy?
He said to go to him
when you're finished.
- Did you say I was busy?
- I told him.
- What?
- That you were busy.
- Is that all?
- I said you were tailing the kid...
- And what did he say?
- Like I said, go to him when you'd finished.
- Is that all?
- That's all.
- See you.
- Bye.
- Good morning!
- Hello!
Come in.
- Good morning.
- Hello Cristi.
Take a seat.
Is it ready?
Not really.
What's this?
The case with the kid?
I've been following him a week.
- Meaning...
- I've also brought you the pursuit reports.
He's very withdrawn:
school, home,
a girl visits him sometimes,
and that's it.
- And his brother?
- I called Bucharest,
- he's in no database.
- Circle of friends?
Alex, the squealer, and a girl,
I don't know her name.
They don't seem
to have friends. He doesn't.
- He smokes?
- Yes.
- What?
- Hashish.
- Does he sell?
- No. And the squealer doesn't even
say he sells...
Where and when does he smoke?
in a park by the old army base...
- And then they go to school?
- Only Alex.
Who's Alex?
- Alex is the squealer.
- I see...
- And the other two?
- They hang around, or go to a bar.
Once they went to his place...
It's all in the file.
The parents?
- Whose?
- His, the dealer's.
Victor... I wouldn't call him
a dealer, because he isn't selling.
As far as you know.
What do his parents do?
They both work at a dairy,
he's a manager, she's an accountant.
The kind of couple who leaves
hand-in-hand comes home together.
- Neighbours?
- Nothing special.
I spoke to two. One is
a friend of mine in their building.
Hardly knows him. He knows the brother
better, the guy fixed his computer twice.
They're computer freaks.
And what does Anghelache say?
I've avoided him.
He'll ask me to make a sting operation
and sort it out when we take the statements.
- What do you propose instead?
- I'd begin following the squealer.
I don't understand why
he squeals on the other guy.
For the girl.
If he's the source of the drugs?
Then I've nothing, no evidence
except what this kid is telling me.
Cristi, you still have to make
the sting operation,
don't you?
I think we're rushing.
If his brother is the source,
there are two options...
- The first?
- He won't tell us about the brother
and we'll get him
only for consuming.
- He'll say...
- I wouldn't squeal on my brother.
The second option?
He squeals,
he'll never forgive himself,
and I don't want
that on my conscience.
Did you put the joint in his mouth?
- That's the law, and that's it.
- A pretty bad law then.
Cristi, you're not qualified
to comment on the law.
I went on honeymoon
to the Czech Rep...
- You got married?
- Yes.
Congratulations. Good for you, Cristi.
Why not Paris?
Paris, the "City of Love"!
My wife wanted it. If it was up to me,
we'd have gone to Turkey, to the coast.
Prague's beautiful too.
It's called the "Golden City".
The "Golden City"?
There're many buildings
with gold on them.
I saw a theatre with
an entire ceiling of gold.
Did you know that The Black Church
in Brasov once had a golden roof?
Yes. It burned down.
That's what the government
should be doing.
Renovate the roof
of the Black Church.
Then we could call Brasov
"The City of Gold".
You know,
it used to be called Stalin City.
"City of Gold" sounds great too.
It would attract loads of tourists.
Prague's a much bigger city.
Well, then we could call it
The Little Prague. It would still be better.
Well, anyway...
We'd have Bucharest as "Little Paris"
and Brasov, "Little Prague".
- Sounds great, doesn't it?
- Yes.
Prague is also called
"Little Paris".
- Really?!
- Yes... well.
You know what? Those Czechs are smart.
They just say it to sound more important.
Isn't it the same thing
with Bucharest?
Let's see.
Tell me more about this file...
That's why I brought up
The Czech Republic.
They smoke in the street
and it's no big deal.
I'm sure that soon,
the law will change here too.
Cristi, there won't be
any change in the law.
Nowhere in Europe are you arrested
for smoking ajoint.
Cristi, listen to this old guy.
Maybe attitudes will change a bit,
but the law won't. Anything else?
I don't wanna put him in jail
then meet him 7 years later...
He's out in 3 and a half. Or less.
His father's an accountant, he's well off...
I don't want to ruin somebody's life
for a law that will change soon.
Cristi, don't be obstinate.
Enough nonsense about this law.
You're getting hung up on the law...
What do you propose about the file?
To begin following the squealer.
I think he's the key.
I propose you wind up the case
as soon as possible,
because it's a small matter
to spend so much time on.
- OK.
- Right?
- I have another request.
- Go on.
Two in fact.
First, to object if the Boss wants me
to make the sting operation...
No. The second...
- Don't tell him we've spoken.
- Fine.
- Anything else?
- I'll call you when I have
- something more solid.
- Fine.
- Take the file.
- Aren't you going to read it?
I'll read it when you're finished.
- Thank you.
- Right. Bye.
Hello, Sica.
I need you to run a check
on a car for me.
A for Anca, I for Ion,
not Judas, C for Cristi.
This evening.
I'll come around later.
Sasha, Sasha!
Sasha, come here!
Sasha, come here!
Of course I remember.
I spoke to them.
It's fixed.
I've to go pick it up.
But I can't get home
unless I get out of the office.
Love you too. Bye.
- Yes?
- Did you find it?
Yes. Look.
Belongs to a company.
Sounds familiar...
It's a construction firm
that built the block in Crucea Garii...
It's pretty big...
belongs to Aurel lancu.
- That's why it's called AIAN?
- I suppose.
Look, I got you the other cars.
- Thanks. All the best.
- Yes.
"Pursuit report no. 7
Today I began the pursuit of the
aforementioned Victor Pascu at 7:40,
when he left his residence
at 23 Toamnei St
and went towards Bacovia High School,
along the route described
in the previous reports.
On the way, the suspect met nobody
did not use his mobile phone and
smoked a single cigarette,
which I checked
but which was not
of relevance to this case.
I resumed tailing at 10:50
in the yard of nursery 14.
Victor Pascu, Alex lancu and the girl
previously described smoked a cigarette,
remains of which were positive
when tested for THC. However:
the source of the drugs;
appears insincere,
stating that the drugs are used
only by him and Victor Pascu;
background and his deeds
do not appear to suggest
he represents a danger to society;
At 2:00 I went back
on Alex lancu at Bacovia High.
He went via Bacovia,
Muresan, Feroviari,
Piata Veche, Filature
and Ion Barbu streets.
He entered the yard of house n 12.
In front of the house
there was a Seat Ibiza,
registration 06 AIC.
I checked it, it belonged to
the company SC. AIAN Constructii SRL,
owned by Aurel lancu.
At 3:05 appeared the girl with whom
lancu and Pascu have used hashish.
After calling on the intercom,
she entered the yard.
She had changed her
clothes since 10:50.
The young woman left
Alex lancu's residence at 4:25.
I followed her through
Ion Barbu, Filature,
loanisei, Feroviari and Pacii streets,
and she entered in building n 32.
I ascertained that she entered
apartment 12 of entrance B
on which was written
"Paraschiv family".
I ended the pursuit at 4:55."
Hello, Alex... Cristi here.
Could we meet this evening?
Where do you want to meet?
At the Magnolia. That's OK?
See you in half an hour!
Fine. An hour then.
- Good evening.
- Sit down.
- Bring me a large vodka.
- I'll have a Cola.
Have one.
I don't like drinking alone.
- I don't drink alcohol.
- At all?
I'm afraid my Dad
will smell it when I go home.
- Not even a beer?
- No. Thank you.
- So a large vodka and?
- A cola...
One cola.
- No thank you.
- Also because of your Dad?
You're not afraid
he'll smell the hash?
He doesn't know
what hash smells like.
You didn't call
about Victor's brother...
No Sir, because Victor doesn't know
when he's coming home.
Don't call me Sir,
I'm not old...
- It feels more natural...
- Try.
I didn't call 'cause he doesn't
know when he's coming.
I asked him about 3 times then let
it go. So he wouldn't get suspicious.
I need you to bring me some hashish.
I need a sample for the file.
- How much?
- A few grammes,
tell him you want
to smoke it alone.
- He might not give it to me.
- Why?
He's very stingy...
- Stingy?
- Yes, it's just for him.
If he was stingy he wouldn't give
you anything or he'd make you pay.
Maybe that's what he wants. To get me
hooked so then I'll pay him.
- Is that what you think?
- He's capable of doing anything.
But aren't you friends?
In a way we are, in fact we were,
but we're not so close anymore.
- Why?
- Lots of complications...
For example?
- It's no use, Sir.
- Don't sir me.
- It's no use going into it.
- Why not?
I've got history homework for
tomorrow and I have to study more...
- If I could go now...
- You haven't finished your cola.
- Don't you two have girlfriends?
- No.
- Neither you, nor Victor?
- Neither of us.
So, don't forget
about Victor's brother,
and get me a sample for the file.
- I'll try.
- I can't go on without it.
I'll try.
- I'll get it.
- Thanks.
- I really have to go.
- Am I stopping you?
Thank you.
Call me when you find out,
or send an SMS.
- Yes, I'll call you. Goodbye.
- Bye.
Good evening.
Your dinner's on the cooker.
- Have you eaten?
- Yes.
Turn it down a bit.
Turn it down a bit.
Among white blossoming branches
The day is soon forgotten
The whispering of night surrounds me
With the perfume of spring
You say I am dear to you
You will love me a lifetime
And don't believe in separation
You believe in longing and happiness
I won't leave you, love
For a moment of illusion
I won't leave your side
If you will be with me
What would the sea be
without the sun?
What would the field be
without the flower?
What would today be
without tomorrow?
What would life be
without you?
Life goes forward
Who believes? Who lies?
Speak up, he who has betrayed
My insane love
Life goes forward
Love may bring
Happiness and pain
And love and silence
I won't leave you, love
For a moment of illusion
I won't leave your side
If you will be with me
What would the sea be
without the sun?
What would the field be
without the flower?
What would today be
without tomorrow?
What would life be
without you?
This food is really good.
Anca, this song
doesn't make any sense.
"What would the field be without the flower?"
"What would the sea be without the sun?"
What else would it be? It would
still be the field and the sea.
I haven't paid that much
attention to the lyrics.
Why do you like it then?
They're like images.
Meaning, love wouldn't be
as beautiful otherwise.
As what?
Like the sea without the sun?
"Life goes on".
Can it go backwards?
Can we talk
when it's over, please?
Do you picture any image?
"I won't leave you, love".
- Love is without an article.
- What?
She's saying,
"I won't leave you love",
love being without article.
She's meaning love as an absolute.
So it's an anaphora.
What anaphura?
It's a rhetorical device.
Didn't you hear "what would be?"
"What would the sea be with no sun?
What would the field be
with no flowers?
Today without tomorrow?
Life without you?"
It tries to define this ideal love
by associating it with symbols.
The sea is infinite,
the sun is light,
the field is birth, creation,
and the flower is beauty.
Hold on...
Are they images or symbols?
They're not images,
they're symbols.
No... In fact, they're connected.
They're images which become symbols.
For example, "the sea".
As an image it's infinite
and then it becomes
a symbol of infinity.
"The flower" is beautiful
and becomes a symbol of beauty.
I don't understand.
If they wanted to say
infinity why didn't
they just say it directly?
Why do they say the sea
with the sun or without the sun?
- Have you been drinking?
- A vodka.
- And then what?
- Two beers, this is the third.
- I think it's the fourth.
- No, it's... the second, the third.
Even without drinking
I still wouldn't understand it.
- Come on to bed.
- And the thing with flowers.
Some flowers are beautiful,
but some are ugly.
Come to bed.
Forget the flowers.
Sorry, I didn't wash the dishes.
- I'll wash them tomorrow.
- Thanks.
Here's a towel.
It's like " What would toothpaste
be without a toothbrush?"
- Hi.
- Hello.
- What's up?
- I'm waiting for the meeting. You?
Nothing up either.
I said I was waiting,
not there was nothing up.
Are you coming?
To the meeting? No.
He'll get annoyed again
and take it out on me.
When are you going?
In 10 minutes.
- Not earlier?
- No.
- Come on, go earlier.
- Why?
I'll go to Passports
and Criminal Records
and I'd rather not bump
into him.
Wait 10 minutes,
let me finish my coffee.
Anyhow, I can't go in early.
You know how punctual he is.
Come on.
"Hot drinks make colds worse.
Doctors point out that
the habit of drinking hot infusions
for colds and flu
is very harmful. "
- I thought it's the other way round.
- Come on, Nelu, finish your coffee.
I'm drinking up,
but we can't go in anyway.
You want me to sit with Gina
in the secretary's office?
"Both very hot and very cold drinks
dry up the mucus membranes.
Furthermore, hot drinks can burn
the mucus membranes,
causing micro-lesions which encourage
the appearance of bacteria.
The role of the mucus membranes
is to limit the spread of bacteria. "
- Should I tell the Boss anything?
- No.
Say you haven't seen me
today, if he asks.
- Hello Belu.
- Hello Nelu.
Did you take the key?
- Hello Cristi.
- Hello.
- Could you get some names for me?
- Of course.
These two are father and son,
for this one I've only
surname and address.
Want some chocolate?
No thanks.
- When do you need this?
- As soon as possible.
I'm going now to Public Records to get
the names of the other family members.
Why don't I do them all at once?
Do these first.
I'm in a hurry.
If one of them has a record
I might have time to investigate further.
When will you bring the others?
I hope Vali moves on it fast.
I leave at 15:30 today.
- I'll have them by lunchtime.
- Is at 1 alright?
I don't know,
I haven't talked to Vali yet.
At 12 I'm meeting a friend
for coffee.
Call me ten minutes before.
- OK, thanks.
- See you. Bye.
Look straight ahead.
Chin up a bit.
Hello Costi.
- Hi.
- Please check...
Once more your eyes were closed.
Leave it on the desk. Attention...
Good! Perfect.
After 4 with your ID.
Come on Florin next one.
The first two are father and son,
for the third one check the whole family.
- I'll try.
- Can you do it today?
- The coat...
- I'm bringing more at noon.
I'll do them all together then.
- It'd help me if you do these first.
- It won't help me. You've seen the queue.
- Please do these first.
- I'll try. Bye.
- Thanks.
- Look at me.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello, Vali.
- Hello.
Did you get all the names
in the family?
For this one I've only
the surname and address.
- When do you need it?
- By lunchtime.
At 1.30?
I have to go through Passports
and Criminal Records too.
At 1?
- OK, 12.30.
- And something else.
- What?
- Get copies to Costi and Dana.
I'll be out and
don't want to return just for this.
Costi... and Dana...
And what do I do with yours?
I'll pick it up before you leave.
If I don't make it,
put it under my door.
Or will I leave it with Nelu?
If Nelu's there, leave it on my desk,
if he's not, stick it under the door.
Three then.
For you, Costi and Dana.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome. Good luck.
Thanks, bye.
Good day, Captain.
I'm on a case.
What time do you leave?
I can't get there by 2.
I can't, I have a new lead to follow
and I want to check it out today.
I'll definitely be in
tomorrow morning.
Dana, hello.
I'm here, where are you?
Did you find anything?
no more than ten minutes...
I'll wait for you in the corridor.
- Hi.
- Hi Cristi, how are you?
- Fine.
- How are things?
Look what I found on Paraschiv.
I've made you a copy.
No victims...
No victims. He's smashed
a barrier at a railway crossing.
- He crashed into it?
- Into the train?
- Yes.
- No, he was stopped...
by the barrier.
There's a diagram of the accident towards
the case but I didn't copy it,
since it wouldn't help you anyway.
- Help me with what?
- With your case.
- Hard to tell.
- I'm not going back down to the archive.
- Is that from Vali's list?
- Yes.
- The rest are okay?
- Yes.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome. Bye.
Hello Costi.
Did you get those details for me?
I haven't had time.
I told you it was urgent.
Do you think I work for you?
That's not the point.
That is the point.
You come here with deadlines,
orders even send Vali round...
- Give me a break.
- You're exaggerating.
I'm not exaggerating at all.
How often
have I given you a deadline?
If you keep me talking, I won't to do
anything for you today.
So are you going to do it
for me or not?
- I will, when I finish my own work.
- Meaning?
Meaning 3.30.
Florin, will you do it for me?
If you start that,
I won't do it at all.
I'm seeing the Boss tomorrow
and if I don't get results
I'll put someone in jail for nothing.
I'll b at 3.30.
I'm ready at 4.
At 4.
If I can't get back here by 4,
will you leave it under my door?
If anything turns up
I'll leave it for you.
One of them has a record,
so pay attention to him.
Don't I pay attention to them all?
No, that's not what I said.
I need his entries and exits, all
you have on him. That's what I meant.
Make a mark beside his name.
No, it's on Vali's list.
That's it. Thanks.
You're welcome.
- Bye.
- And please don't phone again.
I said 4, and at 4 it'll be ready.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Have you got tea?
- Yes.
- I'll have one.
- What kind?
Lemon? Mint?
With sugar, please. Two spoons.
I saw you yesterday too.
Is something special going on?
No. I'm keeping an eye
on that hole outside.
Watching some uninstalled
parts so no-one steals them...
Will it take much longer?
- There's the money.
- Okay.
- Another two or three days.
- Thanks a lot.
"Pursuit report nr. 8
I began the pursuit of Alex lancu at 7.15
at his residence at 12 Ion Barbu St.
At 7:40 the entire family
father, mother and son left home.
The father got into a Land Rover 4X,
registration 05 AIC
while 2 other got in a Seat Ibiza,
registration 06 AIC and set off.
I ended the pursuit, as I hadn't
anticipated this and had not come by car.
At 10:50 I resumed the pursuit
in the yard of kindergarten 14,
where the three youths turned up
and smoked, just as in previous days.
The remains of the cigarette
tested positive for THC.
I resumed the pursuit of Alex lancu
at his residence from 14.45.
Nothing happened for 3 hours.
I ended the pursuit at 16.55 when
Aurel lancu, Alex's father, arrived.
Following inquiries made at Criminal
Records, Public Records and Passports,
I discovered that
lulian, the girl's brother,
was convicted for driving
under the influence of alcohol,
and has made many
journeys out of the country.
The frequency of these,
every two months, to Italy, surprised me.
I believe lulian Paraschiv is
possibly the source of the drugs.
My checks
show that he is at present in Romania.
I propose to be investigated. "
Something between us
isn't working.
We used to eat together more often.
I can't remember
the last time we ate lunch together.
I can't get home at lunch. I'm after
some school kids, I must be there...
- when they finish school...
- I know.
How do you know?
Yesterday you left
your file on the coat rack.
I forgot to tell you because you
started on about the song.
You made a mistake. What mistake?
"Nici un" "not any" is only one word.
- Since when?
- Two years ago.
It's considered a negative
pronominal adjective.
Before there were two words
was considered a conjunction
and "un" an indefinite ar ticle.
You've lost me now...
Now it's written as one word,
trust me...
I'll write it that way, so.
From what I see from the file,
you aren't going to arrest them.
They're crazy.
- Are my pupils taking drugs?
- You know I don't like to talk about work.
You should change that pullover.
- What's wrong with it?
- You've been wearing it for 4 days.
I'll change it.
Who was singing that song
last night? Angela Similea?
Mirabela Dauer.
- Are you obsessed with it?
- That's what I've been thinking all day.
I won't listen to it any more.
You can listen to it,
but with headphones.
I'm not going to.
I've heard it ten times.
Who decides stuff
like that about words?
The Romanian Academy.
And is the feminine form
- the same as the masculine form?
- Yes.
If I write or say
"o tigara" "a cigarette"?
A is an indefinite article.
- I gave you a cigarette.
- Yes.
"Nicio" "any" cigarettes is
that adjective you've mentioned.
A negative pronominal adjective.
You mean there are people
who analyze that kind of thing?
The Romanian Academy.
They're crazy...
Want some more?
It's very good.
Go on, help yourself.
I won't leave "any" "nicio".
Is that written as one word?
Will you lock it?
I left my keys in my jacket.
- Go back and get them.
- It's bad luck to go back.
- Your luck is bad anyway.
- Thanks a lot...
- Morning.
- Morning.
- Has the Boss arrived?
- Take a seat.
Captain, the boys are here...
- Do you have the file with you?
- Yes.
He has...
Very good.
- Give me the file, please.
- Why?
The Boss wants to read it,
then you go and discuss it.
- What about me?
- What about you?
- Will I go in?
- No, you're to wait here too.
He is angry because you
didn't come in the last few days.
Now he'll give me a hard time too
because of you.
Gina, you work
even harder than us.
I'm not in the mood
for your sarcasm.
I wasn't being sarcastic,
I meant it.
How many pages
is that file of yours?
The boss is slow at reading.
- Maybe he can hear you.
- No he can't.
- Do you want a paper?
- What do you have?
Several. "The Thought",
"The Times", "The Daily". Here.
- Sure you don't want one?
- No.
I've read "The Thought",
I've read "The Times",
I've read "The Journal".
Let's see what
"The Truth" has to say...
Go on in.
- Good day, Captain, Sir.
- Good day, Captain, Sir.
Sit down.
How long have you been
working on this?
How much longer
were you gonna spend on it?
I'd wait for Victor's brother and check
out the girl's brother in the meantime...
Did a sting operation
not occur to you?
- It did, but it's risky.
- Risky?
- What if he's not the source?
- Who's "he"?
- Victor's brother.
- Who do they come from, then?
- No clue. I'm trying to find it out.
- It's 8 days.
Where do you think they're from?
They could be from anywhere.
From the girl or
even the girl's brother.
- The one with the accident record?
- Yes.
You're being ridiculous.
Sir, something's not right here.
Why Alex din squealed?
Criminals say "squealed".
Why did Alex denounce Victor
if they're friends,
- or why didn't he say the girl smoked too?
- What's so complicated?
Make a sting operation and
get the truth from their statements.
- It's still risky.
- Stop with the risks...
It's a risk, it's risky...
What's risky about such a simple case?
There's a chance Victor
won't squeal on his brother.
And where's the risk?
As you'd put it.
You have him for supplying.
- All this case only to get Victor?
- So what?
And the kid will do 7 years in jail
for ajoint?
- So we're destroying his life for nothing.
- Did you make him smoke?
No, but I don't think it's normal.
And you think it's normal
that he gives it to the others?
Sir, they're just crazy kids.
This crazy kid supplied
who will give it to other crazy kids.
And we just sit by?
- They're not that crazy.
- You used the word.
Are you sick? Don't you know
the meaning of the words you use?
I reckon he'll denounce his brother.
- What's it to you?
- I was just saying...
You can comment on your own case.
Okay, that's it. Tomorrow,
you'll make the sting operation.
- I won't do it.
- Excuse me?
I think there's no point
in risking... in rushing.
We wait for Victor's brother,
he'll be here in 2 weeks,
and we'll pick him up then.
- Have you forgotten the law?
- Of course not.
Does the word "supplying"
mean anything to you?
I still think it's better if we
charge the brother for supplying.
Listen Cristi,
have you ever harvested grapes?
And where do you cut them?
Bring me that plastic fruit
from the desk.
Take a grape.
Where's it cut?
- From the stem.
- As a bunch, right?
- As a bunch.
- See?
You're telling me you'd cut
the bunch halfway down.
I think I see you mean.
It doesn't apply here.
It applies perfectly. Listen to me.
I have more experience with people.
I think it's enough
if we get his brother...
Make the sting operation.
You'll see I was right.
I won't do it. I don't want
to have that kid on my conscience.
If he keeps converting others
will your conscience be easy?
I don't know yet.
I think we're
talking different languages.
Tell me what "conscience"
means for you.
- Not to be sorry...
- Define the word "conscience".
That's what I'm trying to say.
It's something that would
make me feel bad.
Is that all?
In fact, it's something
that stops me from doing something bad.
So you don't know what it is.
I do know, but you're putting me
on the spot and...
I'll let you off the spot.
Have a good think about it and
tell me what "conscience" is for you.
- Nelu, write it down.
- Sorry?
Write what Cristi says
on the board.
Conscience is something...
within me...
that stops me
from doing something bad.
What do you mean, "bad"?
That I'd afterwards regret.
Something bad...
That I'd afterwards regret.
- Have you written it down?
- Yes, Boss.
Because of this thing, you can't make
the sting operation, right?
Gina, bring me a dictionary.
A Romanian dictionary.
Find one.
In 5 minutes, I want
a dictionary on my desk!
- And you, Nelu?
- Same as yesterday.
- Meaning?
- I haven't found the girl.
- Have you looked for her? Where?
- Yes.
- At her home.
- When?
After the meeting, lunchtime,
in the evening...
- And?
- I couldn't find her.
- Was anybody in?
- Nobody.
- She's making a fool of you.
- My informant
says he hasn't seen her for a week.
- Perhaps she's back working the streets.
- That's what criminals call it...
- To prostitute herself.
- Did you run it through passports?
Yesterday, but I haven't got
anything back.
- When did you make the inquiry?
- Yesterday.
- Yesterday it was the day before yesterday.
- Yesterday I told you it was yesterday.
Yesterday you said you did it yesterday,
which means the day before yesterday.
- I think you misunderstood.
- I think you did.
She'll change her statement.
Now that she's made up with her pimp.
- Charge her for perjury...
- And lose the pimp, the procurer...
She'll denounce him.
Talk to the Prosecutor and get on it.
- Alright. Can I go?
- No. Sit down.
I was thinking of talking
to the prosecutor...
You've got a sudden urge to work?
- I was looking through the file...
- Damn it, Nelu. I wasn't born yesterday.
I was born the day before yesterday.
You've made a spelling mistake.
- Yes, I know.
- Then why did you make it?
My wife told me yesterday,
but I forgot to correct it.
Have you thought it over?
I won't do it.
Yes you will...
you know what we're doing here?
- Having a meeting?
- No.
Dialectics, that's what it's called.
Do you know what that means?
Finding out the truth.
That's what you said.
- Winter's coming...
- I wish it would.
- Found one.
- Where?
- Dana, in Records.
- Give it to Cristi.
And buy one, so we have
one in the office too.
Will I take it
from petty cash?
Do you know
what conscience is?
- Sorry?
- The word "conscience", have you heard of it?
- Of course.
- What does it mean?
It's when you believe in God...
Well Gina, you'll put it of petty cash,
because you'll need it too.
- So I'll put it on petty cash.
- Exactly.
- Right. Do you need me for anything else?
- No.
Look up "conscience".
"Constiinta" "conscience/consciousness".
A feeling, intuition
that a man has of his existence.
Slow down so you understand it.
An intuitive or automatic
knowledge an individual has
of his own existence
and of things around him.
Faculty of noticing
and understanding.
Social consciousness -a totality
of ideas, conceptions,
knowledge, mentalities
of a human group,
reflecting its conditions
of existence,
as well as the social psychology
of people. Class consciousness...
- Should I keep reading?
- Yes.
Part of the social consciousness
the social existence
of a particular class,
(as opposed to existence, matter)
thought and spirit.
A sense of moral responsibility
concerning one's own behaviour.
A matter of conscience the problem
of resolving a difficult moral problem.
Qualms of conscience -
remorse, regret.
To have a clean conscience:
To be sure of not having transgressed
moral law or the laws of the state.
To have no conscience -
to have no scruples.
In good conscience -
in good faith.
Freedom of conscience,
the right of the citizens
to hold any religious
or philosophical view etc...
From French conscience,
Latin conscientia.
Nelu, read Cristi's definition.
Conscience is something within me
that stops me
from doing something bad...
that I'd afterwards regret.
So you have a feeling,
an intuition
that you'll regret
arresting this kid, right?
- Yes.
- Fine. So far so good.
Now read just the passage
about qualms of conscience.
Qualms of conscience -
remorse, regret.
To have a clean conscience:
to be sure of not having transgressed
moral law or the laws of the state.
Against moral law
or the laws of the state. Yes?
- Yes.
- Fine...
So now I have to ask you,
if you don't arrest Victor,
won't you have qualms of
conscience for defying the law?
- No.
- Why?
The law will change. In a few years
we won't make arrests for use or supply.
- You're foolish.
- It's like that abroad.
- Nobody's arrested for supplying.
- Really foolish.
- Do you change the law at will?
- No.
Why not?
You no longer believe in the law
you, as police, have to obey.
- hat's not true. I believe in the law.
- You believe in your own moral law.
Let's define moral law.
Search law.
Law - a philosophical category
that expresses the essential,
relatively stable or constant
relationship within
and between
the objects and phenomena of reality
or between the successive
states of a certain process.
A regular model of change in
a phenomenon or process,
expressing its essential character.
A binding regulation,
established and defended
by the state...
That's the law
that we have to defend. Go on.
Unwritten law -tradition,
custom of the land.
Man of the law, agent
of the authority of the state.
A person who respects
the law scrupulously.
That's what we have to be.
Go on.
Legal person - lawyer.
Law of the jungle -loose, aggressive
competition. According to the law -just,
Law abiding respectful of the law.
His word is law
his authority is obeyed precisely...
Law and order - respect
and obedience for the law.
It's (not) a law
it's (not) necessarily so.
In the name of the law -
standard formula
used to invoke legal authority.
In accordance with the law,
compliant with legislation.
A legal process, judgement, legal,
constitutional. Religion, belief.
A law unto oneself to disregard
the laws of state and society,
to do as one wishes.
Latin lex, legis.
- That's all?
- Yes.
- Anything about moral law?
- No.
Look up "moral".
"Morala" "morality" -
All the rules of social behaviour,
behaviour of individuals towards
each other and towards society,
the breaking of which is punished
by public opinion rather than by law;
ethics - correct behaviour; mores.
Systematization of moral rules;
Ethics. Book that comprises these norms:
treaty of ethics.
Conclusion contained in a text,
especially in a fable.
From Latin moralis,
French morale.
- That's the end?
- Yes.
- So, again, nothing about moral law.
- No.
In the end, this moral law
is something vague
that depends on each person.
If you're religious like Gina,
it could be the Bible.
Though even the Bible is now open to
interpretation, so nobody can rely on it.
If you're an atheist you
have your rules, same thing.
So where does this lead us?
To chaos. Right?
- Yes...
- Right.
And in order for there
not to be chaos, there is the law
that we as police officers
have to obey and enforce. Right?
- I think we're taking it too far.
- We're not.
On the contrary,
we're getting closer.
You don't even know
your duty as a police officer.
- Yes I do.
- I'm telling you that you don't.
Because between this moral law
and the Law, the Constitution,
you choose this moral law of yours.
So, in this moment
you have to decide
if you're going to enforce the law
and be a police officer
or you'll follow this moral law
of yours, and you leave the police.
Do you understand now?
In fact, you no longer know
what you are,
that's the problem.
I'll help you one more time.
Look up "police".
Police -police officer,
member of the police force,
adjective, police (detective)
novel or film
involving criminal happenings
that are to some degree mysterious,
resolved in the end
through the ingenuity
of a police officer or detective.
About police states or regimes
which are supported by the police
and which exercise control
through repressive methods...
All states depend on the police...
From German, polizist.
It's from Greek, polis - city...
Those who run the city.
I'll make the sting operation,
then Cristi will have a clean
conscience and we'll close the case.
You really haven't
understood a thing.
So, you have time to think until 4.
The prosecutor will also be here.
Nelu, you come at 4 too.
That's all.
This stays with me!
Cristi, watch the net.
You've touch the net.
No, no.
- The wind blew it.
- I didn't see it.
- I was watching the ball.
- Forget it...
Here's kindergarten 14.
This is where the kids smoke.
Behind the kindergarten
is Bacovia St,
to the right the bakery. We have
a fence, access is blocked off.
Facing the nursery
is a high chain-link fence,
and an access right
in front of the kindergarten.
An alley goes from here
into the kindergarten yard
and it intersects with another alley
which opens into Berzelor St.
This building belongs
to school no. 2,
this is another building,
this is another.
Access is blocked here,
access is blocked here.
There's also an opening here
that leads to Stefan cel Mare St.
The main entrance
to the kindergarten is here
and there's also
a service door on this side.
This is what I propose:
that I wait inside with Nelu,
here there'll be a team
with witnesses.
Witnesses can be taken
from the building site nearby.
A team can wait here at the access
to Stefan cel Mare St,
yourself and the Prosecutor can be
in the alley that leads to Berzelor.
The camera can be in this building,
somewhere on the first floor.
The visibility is very good
for taking pictures.
They're double-glazed, they won't see it.
The cameraman will give the signal,
and I'll confirm it.
Then the teams go in,
from here,
here and here,
while myself and Nelu come out
from here. They've nowhere to go...
Nelu, tell the team on Bacovia
to get two witnesses.
They're only kids,
so go easy on them.
Just communicate with each other
and watch out for signals.