Pollyanna (2003)

Dead fly!
Nancy, you may clear out the rear attic room
and make up the bed.
My niece, Miss Pollyanna Whittier,
is coming to live with me.
She is 11, and will sleep in that room.
Pollyanna. What a ridiculous name.
A little girl coming to stay. Oh, won't that be
No, it won't be nice.
AUNT POLLY: Dead fly!
- (Mockingly) Dead fly.
(Car hooter)
MAN: A pretty one too isn't she?
Hello. I'm Pollyanna.
I'm so glad to see you.
I've been wondering all the way what
you'd look like and...I'm very pleased, Aunt Polly.
Oh, I'm not Aunt Polly.
Your aunt wanted to come,
but she had um...
some urgent reading to do at home.
I'm Nancy, her maid.
Is she like you?
Um, not really, no.
Do you like this dress?
I should be wearing a black dress,
now that Father's gone to heaven
to be with Mother, the angels
and, you know, GGod,
but the Ladies' Aid -
the ladies who've been looking after me -
couldn't find me one.
- Who are you?
- Me?
Oh, well, I'm the handyman, Tim.
And my father's the gardener - Tom.
Do you want to know something,
Miss Pollyanna?
Yes! Yes, I do.
Well, in ten years' time,
we'll all be driving motorcars.
Walk on.
Is my Aunt Polly rich?
- Yes, she is, miss.
- It must be lovely to have lots of money.
Does Aunt Polly eat ice cream every day?
- No.
- Why not?
She doesn't like it.
I have to warn you -
you may find your aunt a little stricct.
I've only been with her for a matter of weeks,
but sometimes, well, she's hard to please.
Do you know, she's my only living relative now.
I'm so lucky she wants to look after me.
Miss Pollyanna, ma'am.
(Clock ticks)
How do you do, Pollyanna?
Oh, Aunt Polly,
thank you so much for taking me in!
I'm not much to look at. It's the freckles.
I'd sooner they weren't there,
although Father says they're beautiful,
Iike blossom on a lawn.
I just love your house.
If I had a house like this, I'd invite everyone over
for sandwiches every day.
Father always says...said...
I have no interest in what your father said.
Will you follow me to your room?
I believe you have everything you need here.
Supper is at six o'clock
A bell will be rung. Be where you can hear it.
How's the young 'un settling in?
How would you feel, stuck in an attic
when there's a dozen rooms going begging?
That'll be something,
seeing Miss Jennie's girl.
- Who's Miss Jennie?
- Miss Polly's sister.
They fell out when...
Miss Jennie ran off
with Pollyanna's father.
Ran off?
I'd run off if I had a sister like Miss Polly.
I'd go to Timbukktu, wherever that is.
You're not so fond of her, then?
As if anyone could be.
You don't know about Miss Polly's love affair,
Somebody loved Miss Polly? Who?
Ah, it's not my place to say.
Couldn't he find someone more worthwhile?
Miss Polly was quite a beauty once.
Still could be,
if she stopped trying to look like a nun.
It was the affair that made her sour and prickly.
She was all right before that.
Well, there's no pleasing her now, that's for sure.
You're early, Pollyanna. I said six o'clock
- Ah, Timothy. Come in.
- Ma'am.
I've er... I've come to ask you again
if you've had time to consider the question
of purchasing a motorcar.
Mrs Minklin's still selling hers
I remain unpersuaded that a motorised vehicle
is anything other than an unnecessary expense.
- Do we really need one?
- Well, I was just telling your lovely Pollyanna...
She's not mine.
She's my late sister's.
I have accepted her here because it is my duty.
Anyhow, I was just telling her
that the motorcar is the future.
I seem to remember you once telling me
the Titanic was the future.
You get fewer flies in cars.
You're moving too fast they can't keep up
In that case,
you had better arrange to buy one.
(Fly buzzes)
(C lock ticks)
(Door opens, then footsteps)
Nancy, my niece is late.
I told her what time supper was,
and now she must face the consequences.
When she comes down,
she may have bread and milk in the kitchen.
Yes, ma'am.
#..wind in the winter
# The pleasant summer sun
# The ripe fruit in the garden,
he made them every one
# All things bright and beautiful...
Hello. I'm so glad to see you.
How did you get out here?
- Climbed out of my window.
- What a scare you gave me!
Don't worry about me.
Mother used to, then Father,
but they stopped when they realised
I always came back safely.
In the end, it was them who didn't come back
Your aunt's cross
because you didn't come down for supper.
She says you have to have bread and milk
I'm glad. I like bread and milk
That'll come in useful here,
you being so good at being glad.
That's the game, you know.
- What game?
- The GGlad GGame. Father taught me it.
What is it?
It started when I wanted a doll, and Father had
written asking for one from the charity people.
But when it came,
there were just some crutches.
C rutches?
You know. And the game is to find something
to be glad about in everything.
How can you be glad about getting crutches
if you wanted a doll?
You're glad because you don't need them.
I couldn't see it at first. Father had to tell me.
I've played it ever since.
Have you had supper, Pollyanna?
Yes, Aunt.
I'm sorry I was obliged to send you
to the kitchen to have bread and milk
No, I was glad you did. Don't feel bad about it.
(Flies buzz)
Who let those flies in?
- I'm sorry, ma'am. That must have been me.
- No, it was me.
They were outside my window
when I opened it.
You opened a window?
It is your duty not to let flies into this house.
My duty?
I'm sorry, but it was a little hot.
Flies are not only unclean and annoying,
they are also a danger to the health.
I have a pamphlet for you to read
- Nancy, fetch me the fly pamphlet.
- Yes, ma'am.
Something to read? Oh, thank you, Aunt Polly.
I love to read.
- Father said...
- Pollyanna
There is one thing you should understand now.
I do not wish to hear you
mention your father again. Ever.
But I have to. I think about him all the time.
You will not refer to him again.
Now you may go to bed.
(Clock chimes six times)
This is so excciting!
- Good morning, Pollyanna.
- Good morning, Aunt Polly.
I prefer physical signs of affecction
to be kept to the barest minimum.
Now, please do take your seat.
They have this special tube,
Look, that dissolves the food.
I'm not making this up.
Then sucks it into its mouth.
That is enough on the subjecct of flies,
thank you very much, Pollyanna.
I wish to eat.
We need to go to the village this morning
to buy you some...proper clothes.
And tomorrow, you should commence a routine.
My father said...
Your day will consist of reading aloud to me
for one hour after breakfast,
then rigidly monitored private study until midday.
After lunch,
sewing with me cookery instruction with Nancy
then an orderly walk,
music, tidying, supper, then bed.
When do l...just live?
I know I'll be breathing,
but that's not the same as living.
You'll be allowed brief intervals in which to play.
(Car pulls up, then hooter hoots)
(Car hooter again)
Sticky clutch. Do you hear that rattling?
That's the torque tube
letting us know he's not happy.
POLLYANNA: Hat again.
Good morning.
Mrs Benson.
Mrs Ford. Reverend Ford.
AUNT POLLY: Come back Pollyanna
I haven't finished with you yet
Do I look like a lady?
I'm not sure what you look like.
Hello, miss.
- Do you always work in the garden?
- Yes, miss. I'm the gardener.
Hey, you're so like your mother.
I knew her when she was
even littler than you are now.
- You knew my mother?
- Yeah.
I never really knew her. What was she like?
She broke a few hearts, I can tell you.
Men were falling all over themselves
to get into her good books.
When she went away from here, it was like...
Iike someone had turned out half the lights.
Your daddy being a vicar without tuppence,
Miss Polly and the family didn't think he was
the right person for the likes of your mother.
Father was never very good with money.
He always said we should pay
with flowers and butterflies instead of coins.
Oh, aye? How would that work, then?
First, Father said everyone should have
enough garden to grow their own flowers,
and then there would be more flowers
to attracct butterflies.
Oh, right.
So, the fuel is supplied by the carburettor
to the compression chamber here
at the top of the cylinder block
Now, this is when the plugs
I was talking about come into play.
Now it gets even more interesting.
The spark, whi...
The spark
The spark, which is created by this fellow here...
I think something's burning.
(Owl hoots)
(Dog barks)
(Night birds call)
TlM: Here she is. I've found her.
Aunt Polly, you're letting the flies in.
Absolutely extraordinary behaviour.
For the rest of the night, Pollyanna,
you are to sleep in my bed with me,
where I know where you are.
With you?
Oh, Aunt Polly, how perfecctly lovely of you!
- Thank you.
- No, this is a punishment.
- No, it isn't.
- Yes, it is.
- No, it really isn't.
- (n exasperation) Oh!
Just a bit of oil.
Good afternoon.
(Cat meows)
I hope you're not expecting to keep that
How do you do? I'm from Miss Polly Harrington,
and I'd like to see Mrs Snow, please.
Good luck
No, over there, in the bed.
Hello. My name's...
I'm sorry. It's a little dark
I'm not well. I'll have it how I like.
My name's Pollyanna.
Aunt Polly says she hopes you're comfortable.
She sent you some calf's foot jelly,
which is supposed to be good for sick people.
I doon't knoow why
I'd rather have lamb broth, but never mind.
Yes, they said you're the kind of person
who always wants the thing they're not given.
What did you say?
I'm sorry you're not well.
Do you know how many winks of sleep
I got last night?
I didn't sleep a wink.
You are so lucky.
I always think we lose so much time sleeping
when we might be doing things.
(Sighs in exasperation)
Open the curtains. I want to see you.
Oh dear
Now you can see my freckles.
I love your black hair.
I would've been so glad to have had black hair
You wouldn't be glad of anything
if you had to lie in bed all day like I do.
Well, there's always something to be glad about.
What should I be glad about?
This'll be a hard one.
I have to go now.
May I think about that, and tell you next week?.
I've had such a lovely time
She let you open the curtain?!
Why not, Milly? I don't have to stay in the dark
just because I'm poorly, do l?
How do you do again? Isn't it a lovely day?
I suggest
you find someone of your own age to talk to.
I'd like to, but there aren't any around here.
Don't worry. I like you old people too.
Thank you.
I'm used to the elderly ladies
from the Ladies' Aid.
They kindly looked after me
when Father couldn't cope.
Well, that's...
Mrs White, she was the nicest. She had a bush
in her garden shaped like a peacock.
She fell out with Mrs Rawson,
who said she is a very ordinary woman,
which put the cat among the pigeons.
Mrs Jones had just lost her husband,
so she tended to hit people with her stick
What's your favourite smell?
NANCY: He said hello to you?
I had to sort of coax it out of him.
He's a bit like Mrs Snow, only walking.
Mr Pendleton doesn't speak to anyone.
He lives all alone in a great big lovely house,
full of grand things, they say.
Some say he's crazy, or just really cross.
Some say he's got a skeleton in his cupboard.
Oh, how horrible!
He travels all over the world,
and when he comes back he writes odd boks,
and never spends any money,
even though he's so rich
he could eat gold coins from morning till night
if he wanted to.
AUNT POLLY: Pollyanna?
You're late for your sewing lesson.
In facct, you seem to be completely ignoring
the timetable I set out for you.
That's true, and I'm sorry.
But I promise, I am learning things all the time.
I absolutely promise that.
Did you sit in your room and memorise a poem
before breakfast?
- No.
- Why not?
I...don't have a chair.
Oh, it's such a lovely room!
Thank you!
Lamb's broth.
Oh, I was in the mood for something else.
Calf's foot jelly.
Chicken broth. That's what I'd really like.
Oh, Mrs Snow? I was thinking about
what you can be glad about,
and I thought of something.
You can be happy that other people
aren't like you, sick in bed like this.
I think you should leave.
Now, Aunt, don't be cross.
(Dog whimpers)
No, Pollyanna. We are not taking in a stray dog!
Oh, please! He won't be any trouble.
It's an unnecessary expense.
We could sell the piano. Nobody ever plays it,
exccept that nice blind man
who comes and tests it.
What possible use is a dog?
They make you glad to be alive.
That's got to be good, hasn't it?
Extraordinary child.
What makes you glad, Aunt Polly?
I don't consider it important to be glad.
Oh. Well, I don't see
how you can play the game, then.
What game?
That Father taught me.
Go and wash your hands.
thank you for letting me keep the dog.
(C latter)
Oh, hello.
See that... See that drop arm?
She's pulling to the left.
- Timothy?
- Mm?
Do you like Nancy?
Uh, yes, she's a fine girl.
I think she likes you too.
You know you're always talking to Nancy
about the motorcar?
Yes. These are excciting times
for mechanical engineering.
I think you should talk to her about other things,
like herself.
- Yes?
- In facct, anything apart from motorcars.
Now, you go up to her as bold as brass.
- Don't stand there like a fish at a barn dance.
- No!
I used to pick those for your mum.
Brought tears to her eyes.
Maybe that was just the hay fever, eh?
- Good luck.
- You said I didn't need it!
Go on!
Ah, look
I'm not in the mood for calf's foot jelly either.
C hicken broth.
V ery kind of you, but...
Mutton broth.
Pea soup. There. You must like one of these.
Here's another one. This happened to me.
A fair is coming to the village,
but it rained a lot, so nobody can go.
What is there to be glad about?
I would be glad because...
..everyone else was getting wet exccept me,
because I was confined to bed.
That's not playing the game right.
Oh. Um...
I would be glad because...
Oh, let me think
The next time the fair came,
everyone would enjoy it that much more
because they hadn't been able to go
the last time.
Yes, exacctly!
Oh, this is a...a silly game.
Let's have another one.
RRight. You lose a shoe
on the way back from church.
This happened to me too.
What is there to be glad about?
Hello yourself.
My name's Pollyanna Whittier. What's yours?
Jimmy Bean.
Like the vegetable?
You don't see many boys and girls my age.
Where do you live?
In the orphanage. Exccept I've left,
cos it was full. They didn't want me anyhow.
- That's terrible.
- I've been going round houses,
asking if anyone wants me,
but everyone that wants kids
has already got them.
His mother and father's up in heaven,
like mine, so he's got nobody.
He's going from house to house
because the orphanage is bursting with children.
So I said you'd take him in,
the way you took me in, and my cat, and my
Although they have to sleep outside.
I'm still not sure why.
Don't be ridiculous!
The idea of me taking in this dirty little boy!
But he wants a home, and people,
and I said how good you were to me.
Enough! Mangy cats and dogs were one thing.
I'm not looking after this ragged little beggar!
I'm not a beggar, ma'am. I work for my keep.
I wouldn't have come here if this girl
hadn't have told me you were good and kind.
Oh, Aunt Polly, I thought you'd be glad
to have him here. I know I'd be glad.
Pollyanna, will you stop using that everlasting
word "glad" from morning till night?!
- I'm sorry.
- I'm not blaming it on you. It's her.
Auntie's a good person.
I must have just explained it wrong.
Wait. I thought of something.
The Ladies' Aid meet tomorrow.
I heard Aunt Polly say so.
I'll explain to them that you're needy.
Father always did that
whenever he wanted anything.
Money to educate the heathen, or new carpets.
Well, I'm not a heathen, or a new carpet.
What's a Ladies' Aid?
Don't you know anything?
It's just a lot of ladies that meet, and sew,
and sit in clouds of perfume and raise money.
They're awfully kind.
I'm not standing around any more,
getting called a beggar by old ladies.
You don't have to be there. I'll go and tell them.
I know someone there will give you a home.
(Woman's voice from within)
WOMAN: Don't talk too me about shillings
I need guineas not shillings
The roof will not mend itself.
The mission in Bombay is in a delicate state.
Funds are urgently needed.
The weather vane is creaking so badly,
it can be heard halfway...
A ladder is needed for access to the crypt!
VlCAR: Ladies!
Might l...?
Excuse me?
..you can't hear yourself think
Why are you so obsessed
with this weather vane?
- It's all roof, roof, roof with you.
- Well...
Might I speak?.
WOMAN: Heavens!
- Did your aunt send you, my dear?
- No,
I came all by myself. I'm used to you
nice church ladies from needing help myself.
I've come about a friend of mine - Jimmy Bean.
He's nearly 1 1,
and he's all alone.
And he needs someone to take him in
and show him the world's a good place
to be born into.
Jimmy who?!
One of you rich ladies
must have a home for Jimmy,
or can look after him until he finds one.
He's keen to work.
- What?!
- God gracious me!
(Astonished muttering)
Perhaps we might assume his support
- and education Hm?
- How did he get into such a ruinous position?
- It's not his fault. He's done his best...
- There's no smoke without fire.
- True Very true
- What are you talking about?
Jimmy's more important than a big ladder!
(Gasps of shock)
Does he not know that we already have
a great many calls on our funds?
Yes, we do!
( Chattering )
- tea?
- Thank you
There you go. Go on. Good boy.
The ladies didn't really listen.
Not properly.
Doesn't matter.
Maybe I didn't want to live in a house.
It's not as good as people make out.
Won't your aunt be cross,
not knowing where you are?
Yep, she'll be cross. But only on the outside.
No, she's cross all the way through.
Any way you slice her up.
That's not true. She's...just like an old nut.
You're right there.
No, I mean you just need to find a way
to crack open the shell, and the goodness
is waiting inside.
"Don't write to me. I shall not answer you,"
Gertrude declared.
"l should, of course, burn your letters," said
Gertrude looked at him again.
"Burn my letters?'!"
- Good evening, Nancy.
- Hello.
Oh, thank you.
- I thought I'd given you enough flowers.
- Oh, yes.
I saw they were piling up there, in your room.
- No, don't do that.
- Sorry.
No, I mean you can, but not yet.
- You're kneeling in some nettles.
- Oh, it doesn't matter.
It's not part of a motorcar, is it?
No. No.
will you do me the honour of being my wife?
I'll think about it.
(Bird calls)
( Groaning )
( Groaning )
( Groaning continues)
Mr Pendleton? Are you hurt?
No, I'm taking a siesta.
I need your help.
- Are you sensible?
- Yes
Are you?
Run to my house, five minutes that way.
Let yourself in.
In the room ahead of you, there's a telephone.
- Can you use a telephone?
- Yes.
Look for Dr Chilton's number
on the card you'll find on the table there.
Telephone him, say John Pendleton is lying
at the foot of Raven Ledge
in Pendleton Woods, with a broken leg.
- Broken? You poor thing! Is there anything...?
- Go!
Hello caller? Caller can I help you?
Hello? Hello?
- Number please
- Beldingsville 1 95, please.
Could you hold the line please?
(Door creaks)
- Please, not the skeleton.
- Hello?
- Oh, hello. Is that Dr C hilton?
(Owls hoot)
He's on his way.
Oh, your head shouldn't be on the hard ground.
I'm not good company.
- Well, you're in pain.
- No,
- I'm never good company.
- No, you're just a little cross.
I mean on the outside. Lots of people are.
They don't do it on purpose,
they just sort of fall into it.
Here they are, over here.
I'd turn onto your side, if I was you.
That's it.
Well done.
You've done very well.
I'm Dr Chilton.
There are two docctors in this village.
I'm the good one. Fortunately,
- I'm not competitive.
- Hello, I'm Pollyanna.
Miss Polly Harrington's niece.
You've been very helpful.
You must look after me, if ever I'm ill.
and frustration
are part and parcel of our daily life, of course.
But I sometimes wonder if
if we're honest with ourselves
and we should be
if we can't all try that little bit harder
to be nice
to one another
I'm reminded of my Uncle Percy
who summed it up rather well when
on a walking holiday,
I think it was...
Timothy asked me to marry him.
..of some sort in Scotland
And he came across a man
he described as the most
unpleasant man he had ever met.
I told him I'll think about it.
You have to make them wait. I read it in a book
- (Giggles)
- "Because
people find me rude
and are unkind to me"
Aunt Polly?
Would you mind if I took calf's foot jelly
to another invalid instead of Mrs Snow?
Because she hasn't got a broken leg
which will get better,
so I can always take her things.
Broken leg?
What are you talking about, Pollyanna?
Oh, I didn't tell you.
I was a bit sad about Jimmy Bean.
I found Mr Pendleton in the woods...
- Pendleton?
- I'll go and get the jelly.
No, you may not take anything
to Mr Pendleton.
You mustn't not like him.
He's only cross on the outside.
Yes, I know your views very well on that subject,
I wouldn't say you sent it.
Does he know you are my niece?
No, I don't think so.
Very well.
You may take the jelly to Mr Pendleton.
But make sure he understands that it is your gift.
I did not send it.
(Horse neighs)
Good afternoon. I've got some calf's foot jelly
for Mr Pendleton.
Everyone says it's good for sick people,
so I suppose it must be.
- Thank you. Who shall I say sent it?
- Hello
That's very kind of you.
- Would you like to see your patient?
- Yes, please.
Dr C hilton! Mr Pendleton gave orders
not to admit anyone.
DR CHILTON: Mr Pendleton is dyspeptic
Or to use the proper medical term, grumpy.
He needs cheering up
Are you going to do it?
- No.
- Well, Pollyanna here is
I keep hearing about you, Pollyanna.
You managed to cheer Mrs Snow up,
another of my less giggly patients.
What's your secret?
I suppose I just think it's as easy
to be happy about things as not to be.
I said I don't want to see...
Oh, it's you.
I wanted to find out how you are,
and give you this.
You might be glad that you only broke one leg.
Perhaps you'd like me to be glad
I'm not a centipede, or I'd have broken 50.
That's good. That's very good.
My house is overrun with do-gooders,
puffing up pillows,
cleaning up all my dust.
You are so grumpy!
They think I'm made of money.
What are you saving it for?
I don't know yet.
Aunt Polly's rich, too.
Though not as rich as you.
She might have been,
but she's bought some expensive hats.
- Aunt Polly?
- Miss Polly Harrington. I live with her.
I didn't think she was the "living with" kind.
Well, my mother was her sister,
and after Father went to join her in heaven,
there was nobody to look after me.
So, you are...
Miss Polly Harrington's niece.
I suppose you know her.
Oh, yes,
I know her.
You don't mean...
it was Miss Harrington that sent me
the calf's foot jelly?
Oh, no, she didn't. She said you must be sure
to know that it wasn't her who sent it.
I'd better go now
Don't forget to eat your jelly.
(Rumble of thunder)
- How are your studies proceeding?
- Very well.
Oh, Auntie, you've got curls!
Oh, they're so pretty.
Please let me do your hair nicely.
Sit down. Sit down right here.
There's so much of it.
You're going to surprise people so much
when they see you.
What's this I hear about you disrupting
a meeting of the Ladies' Aid
with talk of that beggar boy?
I know, but I didn't understand
that they needed the money for other things,
Iike the foreign heathen and the ladder
But I haven't given up,
because I keep thinking about Jimmy and...
You look so lovely.
Wait, I haven't finished.
C lose your eyes. I don't want you to peek
Pollyanna, what are you doing?
Come with me.
Open your eyes.
How could you?
Getting me up like this and letting me be seen!
- You look lovely.
- I look ridiculous!
Go and see what he wants.
Dr C hilton, don't you want to come in?
No, no. No, thank you, Pollyanna.
Was that your aunt I saw rushing away?
- Yes. She doesn't like to be seen looking nice.
- I have a favour to ask you
I've prescribed you for a patient.
Mr Pendleton.
- Will you visit him again?
- I'd love to.
He's been in a bad mood again.
Sadness is a poor healer.
- I don't suppose you ever get ill, do you?
- No, I don't.
(Laughs) She said yes!
Nancy said yes!
We're going to get married!
(Shouts with joy)
Good morning.
I must apologise for being rude the last time,
and the time before that.
And the time before that.
And the time before that out walking.
You're very forgiving for coming.
- what do you like doing?
- Everything.
Everything? First-rate.
And I didn't mean to be rude the other day
when I said Aunt Polly didn't send the jelly.
Well, this won't do.
I didn't send for you to see me moping.
Open that box over there.
It's things I've picked up on my travels.
I spend half the year
I'm thinking I should settle down
Nothing worse than the elderly abroad,
Iosing their luggage,
falling over, getting in and out of boats.
Jimmy would love that.
Oh, and look at this!
What's happening? It's...Iike a rainbow.
It's called a prism. It catches the light.
This is so lovely.
If you really want to...Iive in a rainbow...
..there's no reason why you shouldn't.
I think this would make even Aunt Polly glad.
Well, unfortunately,
you can't...teach someone to be glad.
Least of all your Aunt Polly.
Little girl
I thought, after I found out who you were,
that I didn't want you to come and see me again.
You reminded me of something
I've tried for long years
to forget, but I missed you.
Now I want you to come and see me often.
Will you?
That's it! That's it! It's so excciting!
It was after Mr Pendleton
found out that you were Miss Polly's niece
that he said he didn't want to see you ever
We know he's got a skeleton in his cupboard.
And he said you reminded him
of someone he'd rather forget.
- Yes.
- And
he looked sad when you told him Miss Polly
wanted him to know that it positively wasn't her
sending him the calf's foot jelly.
I have a feeling
you're going to tell me something.
John Pendleton and Miss Polly
were lovers.
Old Tom once told me she had a lover,
but I didn't believe it.
Because she's such a cross old stick!
But now... That's why he travels abroad so
To forget.
Yes! Or he may just like foreign food.
Oh, at last!
A romantic mystery!
They might fall in love again,
then you could all have a double wedding.
Come on.
By the shore of Gitche Gumee,
by the shining Big-Sea-Water,
at the doorway of his wigwam
in the pleasant summer morning,
Hiawatha stood...
and waited.
Morning, Pollyanna.
Morning Pollyanna!
One, two,
- three.
- Snap!
- (Gasps)
Shall we play for money?
Mr Darcy drew his chair a little towards her
and said,
"You cannot have a right to such very strong
local attachment. You cannot have
- always been at Longbourne"
- You may stop now, Pollyanna.
I never thought being read to
could be quite so exhausting.
If I'm not better by this evening,
I shall send for the docctor.
Oh, good! I do like Dr Chilton.
Dr Chilton isn't our family physician,
Dr Warren is.
If anyone comes, it'll be he.
Oh. I was thinking,
when Mr Pendleton's leg is mended a little more,
that I might invite him round for a cake.
Don't be ridiculous.
He's an absurd man.
Have you never got on with him?
That really is none of your concern, Pollyanna.
I don't get on with a lot of people.
Have you never wanted to get married,
Aunt Polly?
The blacksmith, Mr Murphy, is awfully nice.
I'm not sure
Mrs Murphy's quite finished with him yet.
How about Dr Chilton?
Especially as he saw you that day
with your hair looking lovely.
Pollyanna, will you please stop this?
I'm quite happy on my own, thank you.
The summer's nearly over.
Next week, you will go to school.
I think perhaps you need to be
in the company of people your own age.
Would you go to the house, please,
and fetch me my telescope?
- Pollyanna!
- Yes?
I won't see so much of you
when you start going to school.
That's a...that's a shame.
- I thought you didn't like having people visit you.
- Mm, well, that's er...
Without you, I feel like...
Would you come and share my house?
I'd love to, but...but I can't.
- Why not?
- Because I'm Aunt Polly's.
You're no more hers...
Would you come...
if she was happy to let you?
- But Aunt Polly's been so good to me.
- Pollyanna
years ago,
I loved somebody...very much.
I hoped one day...
that she would...share my house.
Well she didn't
And...since then, this...
pile of stones has been a house,
but not a home.
It takes a
a woman's hand
and heart,
or a child's presence
to make a home
But if you still love Aunt Polly,
just ask her to stay and be lovers again.
Then the three of us can all live here together.
Your aunt and l? Ha!
Have we got that wrong?
It was your mother...
whom I loved,
Your darling mother.
But she didn't love me.
And then,
after a while, she went away
with your father.
Since then,
I've been a peevish old man.
I've such a lot to...
share with you but, please, be here with me.
What about Aunt Polly?
She doesn't deserve you!
She doesn't know how to enjoy anything
Least of all a spirit such as yours.
I'll ask her.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Have a...
have a cake.
Not that one!
It's my favourite.
Nancy, the sky is rather threatening.
Would you take an umbrella
and meet Pollyanna?
I'm concerned she may get rather wet.
That's very um...kind, ma'am.
Yes, well,
she should be leaving Pendleton House
- shortly
- Oh!
So she's taking tea with Mr Pendleton.
Mr Pendleton of Pendleton House.
Are you completely yourself, Nancy?
Yes, ma'am.
(Door closes)
Your aunt was worried
about you getting rained on,
so she asked me to fetch you with this.
- Oh, she shouldn't worry.
- No!
That's good! You should be glad she's worrying.
That isn't how you play the Glad Game.
No, it means there's a chance she's human,
after all.
That's what I was going to ask you.
Do you think Aunt Polly
likes me living in her home?
Do you know, I think she does.
Now. It wasn't always that way.
Would she be sad if I wasn't there any more?
Yes. She's started to need you
the way you needed her.
Oh, I found out!
Aunt Polly and Mr Pendleton weren't lovers.
What?! Oh, but I had it all worked out!
Why can't people behave like they do in books?
(Nancy sighs)
So, who was your Aunt Polly in love with?
(Rumble of thunder)
- Ma'am?
- Good afternoon, Timothy.
Um... I've a favour to ask, ma'am.
I was wondering
- if I might borrow the motorcar.
- Oh, yes, of course.
For four days.
Oh. Why?
For our honeymoon.
I was hoping I might surprise Nancy
by taking her off on a driving holiday.
You imagine she might enjoy that, do you?
- Please don't say no.
- I've got to Mr Pendleton
- T ruly I have. Aunt Polly...
- She refused to let you come?
I...didn't ask her.
Why not?
I just know she cares for me.
I can't leave her now.
I understand.
- I won't ask again.
- But there is something wonderful you can do
You said only a woman's hand and heart
or a child can make a home.
Well, I know a child who needs a home.
No, it's you I want.
Just as I wanted your mother.
But you must listen! His name's Jimmy Bean.
- You'd never be lonely with Jimmy around.
- Perhaps
But I'd rather be lonely.
Maybe you think a nice, live little boy wouldn't be
as good as that old skeleton you keep,
but I think it would!
Yes, Nancy said you kept one
in a cupboard somewhere.
(C huckles)
I'm sorry Pollyanna
You should tell your Jimmy...
..to come and see me, if only to say hello.
And I promise
I'll get rid of that horrible skeleton.
- Hello.
- Hello, Dr Chilton.
Come in.
- Mrs Snow asked me to fetch her medicine.
- Ah!
I've never been to your home,
- Dr Chilton.
- Well, it's a pretty poor apology for a home.
You sound like Mr Pendleton.
Perhaps you should live together.
I'm not sure that would be as much fun
as it sounds.
Why haven't you married?
I nearly did. Some years ago.
I don't really want to talk about it.
Well, you should. It's bad to keep things
to yourself. I haven't got any secrets.
You will have.
Acctually, perhaps you won't.
Don't have any.
So, what went wrong?
We had an argument. It was unimportant in
We haven't spoken for...
..1 5 years now.
She's a proud woman, and...
I'm a proud man.
Well, maybe not proud.
But you must be together.
I would have liked us to have been.
But people have to want to change, and...
..she finds change difficult.
I thought Mr Pendleton and my Aunt Polly
were lovers.
Well Nancy thought so first
She reads lots of books.
But it turns out we made a mistake somewhere.
What did Mr Pendleton say to that?
He says he loved my mother.
Oh, did you know,
I'm going to be Nancy's bridesmaid?
It was I who loved your Aunt Polly.
(Hooter, then tyres screech)
How are you feeling, my dear?
May I have some water, please?
Oh, yes, of course.
My head aches.
You had a little accident with a motorcar.
Will I be well enough to go to school tomorrow?
Will you tell the other boys and girls
they should start without me?
I'm glad you belong to me, Aunt Polly.
Don't move her!
She's come round.
Is she hurt bad?
I don't know yet.
Is she in pain?
What do you think?.
I've always hated
those evil-smelling, dangerous things.
What's wrong with horses?
That's what I want to know.
- Nurse.
- Hello, Pollyanna.
- Hello.
- I'm Nurse Hunt
I've come to help your auntie out.
You're in safe hands with Dr Warren.
I've seen him raise the dead,
and you can't say fairer than that.
The first thing I want you to do my sweet
is swallow these little white pills.
Will you do that for me?
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
What's wrong with her?
Dr Warren is all at sea.
He has arranged for a consultation
with a specialist from London.
But it appears, at present,
there is paralysis from the waist down.
How is Pollyanna taking it?
She knows
she can't move her legs,
but she thinks they're just broken.
It makes me want to weep.
You should know that I've been trying
to persuade her to come and live with me
with a view to
legally adopting her
I care for her.
For her own sake, and her mother's,
I can offer her my love.
Can you?
Yes, I can.
How dare you think you can understand me!
I understand you! A spinster
with an overdeveloped sense of duty,
revelling pointlessly
in her status as village queen bee!
As opposed to you?
Realising too late in your life that it is empty,
and trying to fill it with someone else's child?
I wanted Pollyanna to be my heir!
She would have wanted for nothing.
- And?
- She wouldn't leave you
She said you'd been so good to her.
And she knows you care for her.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
This is for Pollyanna.
Who would have thought it, eh?
Mr Pendleton calling on Miss Polly?
Why do they hate each other so much?
Well, he blamed her
for poisoning her sister's mind against him.
And she blamed him
for ruining her friendship with her sister,
by blaming her
There was a lot of blame about.
(Door opens)
Pollyanna, my dear, we've decided we want
another doctoor besides Dr Warren to see you
Dr C hilton?
Oh, Aunt Polly, I'd love to have
Dr Chilton
No, I didn't mean Dr C hilton.
He's...a special doctor,
who knows all about injuries like yours
I would do anything for you,
but please do not ask me to call Dr Chilton.
How's our poorly pumpkin pie?
Oh, well, at least broken legs mend.
I couldn't bear to be a lifelong invalid
like Mrs Snow.
No. No!
You look a little like my docctor.
Your docctor?
Oh, that isn't my docctor. Dr Warren
is Aunt Polly's docctor. Mine is Dr C hilton.
Dr Warren, the diagnosis is quite clear.
There has been extensive damage
to the nerves,
and in my opinion, the damage is irreversible.
You're saying she'll never walk again?
Aunt Polly?
Aunt Polly!
Aunt Polly, what did you just say?
I have to know what you just said!
It's true, isn't it?
- It's true!
- Oh...
Docctors are always making mistakes.
How am I going to go to school? How am l
going to see Mrs Snow, or Mr Pendleton?
How am I going to run along the beach
and...do the things
that people do?
And not be stared at and pitied, and...
..be stuck for ever.
Oh, Pollyanna!
I promise...
..everything will look better in the morning.
It is the morning!
Father used to say
that everything might be worse
But he'd never heard
that he couldn't walk ever again!
I don't see that there can be anything worse
than that, can there?
her condition is permanent
Yes, sir.
the poor little girl.
Poor little girl.
NANCY: She can't think about anything else.
Of course not!
What's she supposed to do, laugh it off?
The worst thing is,
she can't seem to play her game any more.
She can't find anything to be glad about.
Could I tell Pollyanna
that you've seen Jimmy Bean
- again?
- You can.
it wouldn't be true.
Many of you will have heard about young
Pollyanna Whittier's
tragic accident.
The Lord
moves in mysterious ways
And here you may think
is the proof
She's a remarkable girl
But even the strongest spirits can
crumble in the face of such a cruel blow
And she is in the end
a child.
A lovely child
Please spare a moment
to pray that she may walk again
Let us pray.
Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hello, Tim.
Have you er...
- Have you been avoiding me?
- Yes.
- I can't marry you. I'm sorry.
- Why not?
Cos every time I looked at you...
..I'd think of motorcars,
and Pollyanna's ruined life.
Yeah, well, people fall off horses too, you know!
(Door closes)
- Oh!
How did you get in?
It wasn't locked.
You aren't answering the door.
We're not receiving visitors. It's too upsetting.
I had to know... how Pollyanna is.
Dr Mead has prescribed various treatments
and medicines, but...
..he holds out almost no hope for her.
Will you tell Pollyanna that I've...
..seen Jimmy Bean, and...
..he's going to be my...son and heir?
Please say l
I hope it makes her glad.
(Door opens)
- Pollyanna?
I've a message for you from John Pendleton.
He says to tell you
that he's going to adopt Jimmy Bean.
And he hoped you'll be glad to know it.
Glad? Oh, yes!
Now Mr Pendleton and Jimmy
both have what they want.
Mr Pendleton says a home needs the hand
and heart of a woman, or a child's presence.
Oh, I see.
Dr Chilton says so too.
So I asked him why he didn't get them,
- a woman's hand and heart and have a home
- Pollyanna!
I wanted to know because he seemed so sad.
And what did he say?
He said
he'd give all the world for one woman's hand,
but sometimes you have to wait and wait,
until the person you love is ready.
(Knocking, then door opens)
We came to enquire about your little girl.
Thank you. She's much the same.
You're not in bed.
Just because I'm ill, it doesn't mean
I can't get out of bed once in a while.
Every 30 years.
There seem to be lots of new buildings
in the village.
we think it's so awful,
so ghastly that the little girl can't walk again,
and doesn't want to play the game ever again
because she's so low,
that we wanted to tell her... Can we tell her?
No, I'm afraid Pollyanna isn't ready
to see anyone yet.
Oh. Well, you'll have to do.
Will you tell her
what she's done for us?
Making us glad about small things, and so on.
Especially Mother,
who used to lie in the dark,
week in, week out, frightening everyone.
Shall I just send her your best wishes?
- Yes, please.
- Yes.
Will you give Pollyanna a message?
Will you tell her...
that I've put on this?
The little girl has tried for so long
to make me wear some colour.
You know, I've worn black
ever since my husband died 1 8 years ago.
So, I wanted her to know...
..that I've begun.
And I was having trouble with the Ladies' Aid,
which wanted to switch Sunday school
to a Tuesday.
Which somewhat defeats the point
of a Sunday school.
And I was...sick at heart.
So I was composing
an angry sermon,
..when Pollyanna sat down with me
and told me about the "rejoicing texts".
Which is what her father used to call them.
8800 or so verses in the Bible which begin...
"Be glad!"
And "Rejoice! "
"Shout for joy'!"
( Laughs)
Your girl used to walk past my house and
sometimes come in and play with my little'uns.
Well, cos she didn't know that...
her kind weren't supposed to call on my kind.
Except, of course, to er...
drop off old clothes and...
the odd Bible.
And we've had a hard year my George and me
But she always made us laugh.
And she taught us the Glad Game.
when we heard
that she'd been fretting her life away,
I wanted to tell her today that...
she should be glad. Cos...
..well, me and George,
we've decided to stick together.
I will certainly tell her.
Thank you for coming, Mrs Payson.
I prefer physical signs of affection
to be kept to the barest...
- Oh, never mind.
- (Sobs)
What, Nancy, is this absurd game
the whole village is babbling about?
For example, I don't like Monday mornings.
I've noticed.
Oh. Well, anyhow,
Pollyanna said I should be gladder
on Monday mornings than any other day,
because it'll be a whole week
before I have another one!
I wonder why Pollyanna didn't teach me
the game.
Because her father taught it her,
and you wouldn't let her talk about her father.
Even though he'd so recently passed away,
and she desperately needed to talk about him.
That was wrong of you, you know.
Yes, I can see that now.
It appears you are very much loved in the
village, Pollyanna.
Nancy taught me your beautiful game.
I'm so happy.
I really wanted you to play it,
more than anybody.
MR PENDLETON: I hope you don't
raise this matter lightly, Chilton.
Of course not. I do believe
that Pollyanna's condition can be improved.
At the moment, from all accounts,
- she's getting weaker
- What does this treatment involve?
Stimulating the damaged nerves by a series of...
Will this mean anything to you?
- No, not a thing.
- Well
it's a new treatment. And there is some risk
of causing considerable pain.
And the risk of reawakening hopes in Pollyanna,
only to dash them again.
What are you doing, walking in...?
Sorry, you live here.
Force of habit. Come in.
Do you like my new trousers, Dr Chilton?
Yes. They're very nice.
It's not everyone who can look good in tartan.
You're a credit to your new father.
Would you submit a child of yours
to this treatment?
It's not the worst thing, being confined
to a wheelchair, you know. It's only a chair.
While there's still a chance that Pollyanna
could walk again, surely we should take it.
I need to see that child and examine her.
Has Polly Harrington replied to your letter?
It was returned unopened.
I suppose I could appeal to Dr Warren directly.
Yes, though I can't imagine him
taking kindly to that.
No. No.
No, it's all a little awkward.
You know what?
- If Pollyanna heard you, she'd sick up her lunch.
- Jimmy, go to your room!
- Which one?
- Any of them!
She would, though!
Why are you being so feeble?
Who cares if it's awkward
or the letter hasn't been opened?
You thinkPollyanna would say,
"Oh, no,
I'd just rather stay here and get used to sitting"?
What happens when she finds out
you didn't give her this chance?
I'm here to see Pollyanna.
I want to take her to meet a doctor I know
who specialises in treating injuries like hers
He's a great friend and I really think
he can do something to help her
Yes, who knows?
Yes, if nothing good comes out of it, it will be sad
and painful for Pollyanna but
We too,
in our dealings with each other,
have been cripples.
We're like...
two people who looked at a steep slope
and decided to turn back
While others, like your sister, took a chance,
ran down, and lived a rich life, however short.
We should let Pollyanna have that opportunity.
A day hasn't gone by
when I haven't thought about you in this house.
Wondering what you were doing,
what it would be like to be here with you.
Hoping you were happy,
at the same time hoping you weren't.
Let's end this sadness and waste.
And trust each other.
Well, what are you waiting for?
Dr C hilton! I've missed you so much!
And I have you
I er...
I've sold the motorcar.
I...I made a bit of profit.
You know, cos I put her in tiptop condition,
and refurbished the gearbox with a...with...
Well, never mind about that.
Miss Polly's let me keep the difference.
So, I've...I've bought you these.
And this.
I...I must have left it somewhere.
But I think you'll like it.
I think you're right, you know, Nancy.
The future isn't in motorcars.
I got that badly wrong.
Horses! That's the thing.
- Shall I stop talking?
- Yes.
Thank you.
It's time we were on our way.
(C hurch bells)
(Bells peal)
Are you ready?
Shall we go in?
I thought you weren't ready
- to travel!
- I couldn't miss this could l?
Poor Richard will think he's marrying
some wild, blotchy animal.
I won't go in. This is your moment.
No, Pollyanna.
This is our moment.
(Doors open)
(Gasps of surprise)
# Baroque organ piece #
God bless you. Will you be all right?
# Organ plays trumpet voluntary #