Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986)

(lndian chanting)
(speaks Indian language)
- Taylor...
- Tangina.
Over here!
I think we've finally found the core.
We dug under the swimming pool.
This is directly below the old graveyard.
There's a presence.
There's something terrible.
Too much power.
(ghostly screams)
I've seen it... in dreams.
What is it?
Where's the family now?
Hey, did you make that?
- Let me try this up against your arm.
- Mother, it's too hot on the kids.
OK. You ready?
You'll be lucky if your teeth
don't fall out from that!
Did you think that
sandwich up all by yourself?
- No, Grandma helped.
- What a fib!
Grab me the red yarn
out of my basket, will you, honey?
(Mom) E Buzz!
- (Carol Anne) That's disgusting!
- E Buzz!
(Mom) E Buzz, down!
(Mom) Well, maybe E Buzz
would like some mustard.
(Dad) E Buzz, get down! Down, E Buzz!
I'll say down, then he'll get down. Down!
- Yeah, he really listens to you(!)
- Honey?
Could you get me the yellow yarn?
(Mom) Oh, Rob,
very nice to share with E Buzz!
(Dad) E Buzz knows
how to share with Robbie.
- (Robbie) E Buzz, get down!
- (E Buzz barks)
Thank you, angel.
- Come on, hit it out of the park!
- Yeah, hit it!
(radio loses station)
Dad, can't we get a TV
like everybody else?
No. No, we can't get a TV.
Great! I'll just have to grow up retarded!
Rob, kids don't grow up retardo
cos of lack of television.
- (radio) Guerrero drives one.
- Attaboy, Guerrero!
- Did you see that, Robbie?
- No, Dad, I didn't see it!
Well, you've gotta use
your imagination, son.
Come on, we're gonna test this baby out.
(engine fizzles out)
How am I gonna sell this
to innocent housewives?
I don't know, Dad.
What are you drawing, honey?
I don't know. Stuff.
You draw very well.
Do you want to be an artist
when you grow up?
Maybe. Don't wanna grow up much.
- How come?
- Probably not much fun.
Oh, sure it is!
I've loved every age I've been.
They all have their blessings.
When I was your age...
...I learned I could do things
that other folks couldn't.
Like what kind of things?
I just... knew things...
...and I didn't know how I knew, but I did.
Like what?
Once, my mother lost her bracelet...
...and I knew where it was.
Two miles from our house
in a place that I'd never been.
Now... do you ever know things...
...and can't explain why?
- Yes?
- Yes.
Well, darling...
...that's a very special gift
that you and I have.
It's nothing to be scared of.
Will it help me be a ballerina?
Sure it will!
Whatever you dream, you can be.
We never should've told them that
the house vanished into thin air.
That's exactly what I've been saying.
Tell the truth - whaddaya get? Nada!
They say if it disappeared,
technically it's only missing.
Missing? What do they think?
This house is gonna return?
It's been a year - the house is not
coming back! I got a gut feeling.
- I'm positive about that!
- I know that, Steven.
You tell 'em that...
No, no, I'm gonna fill out the fourth claim.
Great! Well, what are we gonna claim
this time? Act of God, housenapping?
Steven... we are almost broke!
OK, we're broke, but we're not starving!
OK, but I don't happen to like
having to live off my mother.
I think we deserve a house
of our own again someday.
Oh, honey, gee! That's the difference
between you and me, Diane.
I am into downward mobility.
I'm not settling for it, I'm into it.
I like getting out there in the streets.
I like selling vacuums, carrying the
pipes, the apparatus, my demo case.
Let's get the kids up!
We'll paint the car
different colours - kinda Day-Glo!
Like we did when we were freaky!
The freaky Freelings on the road again!
The family whose house disappeared!
Watch 'em find it, Diane!
I'm not gonna get upset about this,
but I'm writing back...
...and I'm signing
that letter "Mr President"!
You are so wacko!
Oh, Steven...
(fake sobs)
- Steven...
- Huh?
Steven, you were never a hippie.
You were never a hippie.
You were always into making money.
The only reason you painted
your van and grew your hair long...
...was to impress Cookie Gurnich.
Cookie! Necki-necka-wow!
Steven, don't tell me
what Cookie could do! I hated you then!
But I always knew how to make up to you.
- No, I don't remember.
- Sure you do.
- I do not!
- Oh, come on, you do!
I don't. Oh, you'd sing that stupid song.
- If I fell in love with you
- It's not gonna work.
- Would you promise...
- Not in the shadow of Cookie!
- Don't even try it!
- And help me...
It's not working. Don't sing that song!
I've never forgiven you for Cookie!
But I've been in love before... Nick.
- And I've found that love was more
- Steven...
Than just holding hands
If I give my love...
Did Cookie really crumble?
... to you
I must be sure from the very start
That you
(both) Will love me more than her
Cos I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad if our true love
Am I interrupting again?
Hi, pumpkin.
Mom, I'm gonna be a ballerina!
- Great.
- Not tonight, honey.
- Bedtime. Say good night, Mom.
- Night, honey.
- Let's sleep in our own bed tonight.
- OK.
We're dancing down to Mother
We're dancing down the hall
We're dancing
the tour jet most of all
"The Star-Spangled Banner"
Come on, Dodgers!
Come on, let's go!
- Let's go! Come on!
- Robbie!
Mom, I've talked to the kittens.
They wanna come home with us.
No, sweetheart.
E Buzz would get upset. Robbie!
He's not used to having
other pets around. Robert!
How would you like it
if I brought home a new baby?
That's even better than a kitten!
- Mom, I have a great idea...
- No, we are not buying a television.
Mom, a present for Dad. It's a bargain.
Mom, where are you?
Mom! Mom!
Are you lost, sweetheart?
Are you afraid, honey?
Well, why don't you come with me?
All right. I'll sing you a song...
...till your mommy comes back.
God is in his holy temple
Earthly thoughts
Be silent now...
- Where's Carol Anne?
- I don't know.
She was just here.
Carol Anne?
Beneath the sk...
Carol Anne, honey, what happened?
Did you get lost?
I don't know.
- Thank you.
- My pleasure.
Such a... lovely child.
Oh, thank you so much.
Sorry, honey. We stopped into a shop.
I thought you were there with us.
- Honey, what is it?
- Mom... I wanna go home.
- Very unusual.
- They're just drawings.
- Ugly.
- Aww!
You know that she can
see colours with her hands.
Mama, we don't wanna
hear that stuff, OK?
And we don't want Carol Anne
to hear it most of all.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
How do you know what we
should be afraid of? You weren't there.
Why don't you tell me? It might help.
- I did tell you.
- Not everything.
- I don't remember everything.
- Try.
Well... first the canary died.
And then the... the chairs went all funny...
...and I thought
it was kind of exciting, you know.
And then...
...Carol Anne was gone...
...and I...
Honey, what is it?
(whispers) Nothing.
Nothing. I just wanna get on
with our lives. It's over.
Diane... Diane, you've got to go
unafraid into this life.
You don't want to instil fear into
that child who's truly gifted...
...and filled with knowledge.
- I don't want her to be gifted!
- You don't mean that.
I'm going to bed, Mama. Good night.
I'll be there if you need me.
(phone rings)
Yes. I'll be good.
I love you, too.
Good night, Grandma.
- She knew you loved her so much.
- Oh, I didn't have one more day!
(Diane sobs)
What's wrong?
...Grandma passed away last night.
Grandma died?
It's all right, Mom.
(young Diane)
Let's plant them over there, OK?
(young Grandma Jess)
What do you think? Here?
(Diane) No.
How about... here?
No. I want it there, right there!
- There?
- Right there.
- Absolutely here!
- OK.
You dig a hole. Dig it very deep.
Oh, Mom...
...you always made me feel so safe.
I love you so much.
(door opens)
Can you put these on me
so I can be a ballerina with wings?
Oh, darling,
you can be anything you wanna be!
(thunder rumbles)
- (faint ghostly voice)
- Mama?
(ghostly voice) Diane!
(man's voice) Help me!
(toy phone pings)
Hi. Grandma?
Do you have wings now?
My ballerina costume does.
Who are you?
No, uh-uh, I don't remember.
(robot voice) Hello, little one.
I am your friend.
We want the angel.
(mechanical whirring)
Carol Anne, what's going on?
Carol Anne, what are you doing?
Carol Anne, come on!
- What are you doing?
- (hysterical ghostly laughter)
- Oh, Jesus!
- The kids!
- (faint cries)
- The kids!
(Robbie) Dad, come on! Mom!
(Diane) We're coming! Robbie!
(electrical buzzing)
- Robbie!
- Carol Anne!
- Robbie! Carol Anne!
- Carol Anne?
- Robbie!
- Where are you?
Carol Anne?
(faint mechanical whirring)
They're back!
(loud rhythmic bangs)
(house creaks)
(ominous creaking)
Don't panic. Don't panic!
(Diane) Go, go, go!
(loud rhythmic banging)
(Steven) Jeez!
- Who the hell are you?
- Name's Taylor.
Great! Good name! Come on, let's go!
(banging stops)
Tangina Barrons sent me.
Yeah? Say hello to
the magic munchkin for us.
Steve, wait! Sent you for what?
It's no use running. It'll find you.
You're better off here.
Let's go. You stay.
We're gone! Come on, kids!
You got me up at four o'clock
in the morning to tell me this?
You are a pack of trouble, girl. Why are
you messing around with that bum?
Cos I like him.
Dad, are we gonna have to move again?
I don't know, Robbie.
- I'm gonna think about it.
- Where can we go?
- Disneyland?
- Oh, puke. Don't be such an infant!
OK... what about Dunkin' Donuts?
- Shut up, jerko.
- Hey!
Look, here... Take this.
Go play the pinball machine.
- Give some to your brother.
- No.
(Robbie) Come on,
I wanna play pinball!
- What are we gonna do?
- I don't know! I'm thinking.
Honey, we have to go somewhere.
We can't just drive around.
Well, Mother, just don't you
bring him over to my house.
Waitress, check!
(Jess's voice) Listen, children.
You can't run from this thing.
It has made contact
and will stop at nothing.
You've got to fight it head-on.
Stay together.
Be loving. Be brave.
- I'm not your mother, lady.
- Elspeth, are you OK?
What happened?
- What happened?
- You went funny.
It sounded like her. I don't understand.
You can't explain stuff like that.
It just happens. No reason for it.
What are you talking about?
It doesn't matter, honey.
(Steven) What do you want?
- She told you the truth.
- (Diane) Who?
You mean that woman?
Are you in cahoots with the lady in there?
I cahoot with no one.
- Then why are you following us?
- I came to help.
Man, you don't understand.
We don't want your help.
We don't want anybody's help.
We wanna be left alone!
Steven, wait. Why did Tangina send you?
Why didn't she come herself?
It's my kind of job.
Maybe it's no coincidence. This guy
shows up, things go kinda screwy.
Get off my car!
Get in the car, Diane.
- Get in the car, kids.
- Steven, wait a minute, whoa.
- Let's listen to the man.
- Fine. You listen to him.
- I wanna go home.
- Let's be sensible about this.
What is sensible, honey?
Nobody can help us.
Let's get in the car
and get the hell outta here!
Go where? Lt'll follow us wherever we go.
We can't just keep running!
- (Carol Anne) Where are you from?
- From all over.
This is Katrina.
Katrina? Hi, Katrina.
- What's that?
- It's my medicine bag.
(E Buzz barks)
The house is OK? You're sure?
E Buzz agrees. It's OK for now.
The dog agrees, huh?
That's terrific, isn't it(?)
Your car.
Very angry.
I'll fix it.
- Make it happy?
- Uh-huh.
I've read about these rain dances. I know!
We don't need rain.
(Diane) I can't say that Steven
fully trusts him yet.
Well, you can't blame him.
Oh. Well, thanks, Tangina. We will. Bye.
Honey, she says he's OK.
I think we should give him a chance.
- Tangina says he's OK?
- Yeah.
- Oh, that's great.
- Keep an open mind, Steven.
Diane, I mean, really... this is bizarre.
Look, I got nothing against these people.
You know, I mean...
I read "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee".
I got through most of the chapters.
I-I got some Indian in me - a sixteenth.
My mother would never admit to it.
But, honey, I mean, what if this guy...
...is like, an escapee
from the tribal asylum?
(Robbie) Mom, come look at this!
Oh, my God!
I don't believe it!
- What are you doing?
- Hi, Mom. I'm gonna protect the family.
Let me see. Come outside, Robbie.
- I'm a big guy now!
- I'm your mother!
- Go on in the house and wait for me.
- Thanks, Mom(!)
- He wants to be a man.
- There are a lot of ways to be a man.
I'm not sure wearing claw marks
and war paint is one of them!
How would you know?
You're not a man, are you?
OK, I'm not a man,
but you're not a mother.
It is my job to do everything I can to
make my children part of a normal world.
A world of school and friends and lovers -
and families of their own someday.
Well, that's good.
Right. I know. And I hope that they'll learn
to forget all this soon.
- We cannot learn by forgetting.
- What would you have me do?
They're just children, for God's sake!
Children have fought wars,
they've built nations.
They are strong and have courage.
Don't treat 'em any less
because they're young.
(car backfires)
(Steven shouts) Aghh! Taylor!
OK, Taylor! OK, OK! Huh?
OK. You can stay in the house, OK?
You can have my aura, my spirits,
the ghosts! The whole casaba!
But keep your hands off my car! OK?
Hands off! It's worse than before.
- Car still angry, huh?
- Angry? That car is pissed!
God is in his holy temple
Earthly thoughts
Be silent now
- While with reverence...
- (thunderclap)
... we assemble and before
His presence bow
(Robbie) Come on, Carol Anne,
it's raining!
Come on! What's wrong?
He is with us now and then...
Carol Anne, come on, let's go!
- Mom! Dad!
- ... as we call upon
His name
Aiding every good endeavour
Guiding us...
Honey, come inside!
You're getting soaked!
Come on, sweetie.
(E Buzz barks)
- Can we help you?
- Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
That is possible.
I get around. I love getting around!
Love talkin' to people...
even on a rainy day!
Huh! Dog's sheddin'.
- Hi.
- I saw you at the shopping mall.
Sure you did!
I remember your little angel here.
Allow me to introduce myself.
Henry Kane.
You know, I gotta tell ya, we've had
enough of door-to-door salesmen.
Reverend Kane.
What I sell... is free!
Mind if I come in...
and talk to you about it?
Mom, I don't feel well.
You know, I gotta...
Maybe we'll just talk from here, all right?
Come inside, baby. I want to take
your temperature. Come on, Robert.
I'm glad we have this opportunity to talk
with your family out of the way.
Because I believe
you have a problem here.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
I believe... there's an Indian
livin' here with you?
So that's what he calls himself now.
- You are in danger!
- What do you mean?
I'm with an organisation
whose concern is families like your own.
Families in crisis...
...that are preyed upon by charlatans
with fake magic and false solutions!
N-Now, I don't expect you
to believe me now.
But let me come in
and talk to you about it.
I don't know. This is crazy, this is nuts.
Please! Open your heart and your mind
to what I am saying!
He is dangerous!
(ghostly voice) Please!
- (ghostly voice) Please!
- (moaning)
I can see that he has
a strong hold on this family.
Who do your wife and children turn to
with their problems?
They turn to him. Now, don't they?
They don't... trust you... any more.
What you fear...
...is that you're not man enough...
...to hold this family... together.
H-H-How do you know?
...l'm smart...
...and I'm your friend.
And I know... what you are thinking.
Now... let me in.
And let's talk about it.
Let... me... in!
(whispers) You're my friend?
Let me in!
(Carol Anne) Daddy!
Now! Before it's too late!
- (whispers) No.
- You're gonna die in there!
All of you! You are gonna die-e-e-e!
Get the hell outta here!
Sorry to see...
...you're still unconvinced.
A pleasure visiting with you.
As we call upon his name
- Aiding every good endeavour
- (thunder)
Guiding us...
- (thunderclap)
- ... with every aim
You did good.
Who... was that?
That was him.
What are you talking about?
He was testing your power.
He comes in many forms,
but that was him.
Now you're hooked(!)
- You're on the path of a warrior.
- Hooked?
Hey, wait. Taylor,
what are you talking about?
Your confrontation with him
was a drain on your power.
We don't have much time.
We must prepare.
Oh, God!
Tequila. To kill ya!
You want a hit?
No. I used to drink. I had to give it up.
Bad dreams.
You see somethin'?
(whispers) What are you doing?
Seeking power.
Me too.
You feel like a leaf at the mercy
of the wind, don't you?
That's right. That's me.
Since the day you were born,
one way or another...
...someone has been
doing something to you.
No, I don't... I don't think that's true.
And they've been doing something
to you against your will.
And now you're feeling helpless...
like a leaf in the wind.
Taylor, it would help me out a lot...
...if you'd just say what's on
your mind so I could understand it.
You understand me.
No matter how much you like
to feel sorry for yourself...
...you have to change that.
I'm a warrior.
A warrior would rather
be defeated and die...
...than act against his nature.
That is the path
you've chosen to take...
...whether you know it or not.
You should assume full responsibility.
Responsibility for what?
Responsibility for everything.
Everything in your world.
Come on, Robbie.
You're supposed to clean your braces
and come downstairs now!
Shut up, jerko. I'm doing it, OK?
Don't OK me!
You're a pest! You know that?
- Don't do that.
- I didn't do anything!
You're such an infant.
- Ready? Where's Robbie?
- He says he's coming.
- OK.
- Kiss Katrina, too.
- Good night, girls.
- Good night.
Rob! Come on!
- Good night, sweet pea.
- Good night, Daddy.
Oh, the telephone!
OK. Dad, it's for you.
Oh, maybe it's the insurance company.
- (Steven chuckles)
- With good news(!)
(Kane) Die!
- (Robbie) Mom!
- Oh, my God!
Stay here, baby!
- Robbie!
- (screaming)
We're coming, baby!
- Rob!
- Rob!
- Dad, help me!
- (Steven) Robbie!
- Help us!
- (Steven shouts) Taylor!
Help! Taylor!
- Hold tight, Robbie!
- Mom!
The plug! Diane, the plug!
- No!
- Grab it!
(voices laugh maniacally)
(Steven) Get out. Get out!
Taylor! Taylor, where the hell were you?
We're not safe here any more,
my son almost dies and you sit here!
I was protecting Carol Anne.
It's her he's after. Not Robbie.
Not you or Diane.
Carol Anne.
Why the hell won't you leave us alone?!
(Robbie) Dad!
You can't keep her! I am not dead!
He's still here.
He feels she belongs to him.
But why?
I'm not sure, but he's used to
getting what he wants.
...who is he? What is he?
He's a man filled with a demon...
...lost in a dimension
that surrounds our world.
This entity believes that his world
and ours are the same.
But why doesn't he know he's dead?
- Because he isn't.
- How can that be?
Nothing really dies.
Like a caterpillar becomes a butterfly...
...death only transforms us
into another state of being.
This man was evil...
...and his soul remains evil because
he chooses not to see the light...
...and pass on to
a different consciousness.
- How are we gonna fight this thing?
- Until we learn how to defeat him...
...we do not let him win.
That's a helluva plan. That's a lot of crap!
- I suppose you have a plan.
- That's a lot of crap!
Listen... don't come apart now.
This spirit is very clever.
He knows your strength is your love...
...and he hates you for that.
He's been trying to pull this family apart.
And he will continue to try.
If he succeeds...
...he will possess Carol Anne...
...and destroy your spirit.
(eagle calls)
(knock at door)
(knock at door)
(knock at door)
- Hi, Diane.
- What are you doing here?
Sorry to come unannounced, sweetie,
but I need to speak with you.
- Oh, I'm glad to see you!
- Oh, good!
Cos we're runnin' out of time.
Mm-hm. Below the old cemetery...
...what seems to be a tomb
with many bodies in it.
Directly below your house.
Who are they?
The researchers don't know
who these people were.
There are no marked graves.
There are, however,
records of a religious sect...
...that mysteriously disappeared.
- What happened?
- Their spiritual leader was a medium...
...who led his followers out
to California in the early 1800s...
...to start a Utopian society.
They disappeared near Cuesta Verde...
...and were believed...
...massacred by Indians.
This could be them.
(whispers in Indian language)
It's funny?
Well, no. I...
I love the health club, you know.
I'm just wondering
when I get the key to my locker!
Sense of humour. It's good.
You're gonna need it.
(lndian chant)
The entity has revealed
his essence to you, his enemy.
Now that you've seen each other...
...there'll be no mistakes.
Take this smoke.
...make him one with power...
and knowledge.
Here is a photo of those people.
I think you should have a look at it.
I know this is hard for you, dear...
...but I need your verification
on something.
You see...
...I don't really trust
my instincts any more.
Now... hold this one...
...and tell me what you feel.
Oh, my God! I've seen him!
- I thought so. Where?
- Oh, my God! Here!
At the mall! At our house! Who is he?
Tell me what you feel.
Just tell me what you feel!
Who is he?
I've consulted others. They've told
me things, but said you know more.
- I don't know anything!
- Yes, you do!
You travelled to a dimension few people
have ever travelled to incarnate!
Your daughter is highly clairvoyant!
As was your mother, I suspect.
As you are, as well!
Now, tell me what you feel!
(Diane) It is him.
It's the preacher.
They're following him in death
like they did in life.
They seal themselves in a cavern
because Kane tells them...
...that the end of
the world is coming.
Come... with... me!
The day he predicts
for the end comes and goes.
But Kane won't let them leave.
No, no, please!
Please don't!
Please don't!
- Please don't.
- Oh, Diane!
Yes, it all makes sense now.
When you brought Carol Anne
back to this world...
...his followers became restless...
...because they had tasted the light
of her being, her life force.
Now he wants her back!
This person is no longer human.
He is the Beast.
Earthly thoughts
Be silent now
While with reverence...
You must take your family
back to Cuesta Verde.
The evil spirit that is stalking you -
it knows who you are...
...where you are, how to find you,
what your weaknesses are.
Your best bet is to confront him,
surprise him on his own ground.
But, Taylor, what...
What about Diane and the kids?
They are your power.
And you are theirs.
Are... things desperate, Taylor?
What you see as desperate...
...I see as inevitable.
I've done all I can.
I must be leaving you now.
I'll take you home.
(Steven) Um, guys...
...you know, there's no reason
to get depressed.
Taylor's not here. That's all right.
We'll keep on going - as a family...
...as a unit.
Son, you know, I've... I've told you
about the helmet and eating.
I told you I'm not hungry.
Miniature golf. Tomorrow we can
play some miniature golf.
We can get our putters and...
How about bowling? Huh?
You like bowling, sweet pea.
Nature hike, Rob, huh? We'll...
Brisk walk!
I know, the water slide, huh?
We'll put water wings on E Buzz,
we'll shove him down...
...and laugh, won't we? Ha ha.
So after Alice fell down the hole,
why did she drink from that bottle?
Because it said "Drink me" on it.
Oh. Were they gonna capture her
and take her someplace bad?
Yes, but Alice gets home
all right, remember?
Did she know
why they wanted to hurt her?
I don't think so, honey.
Cos I know.
- You know what?
- Why they're here.
Why, baby? Why are they here?
Cos they don't know where else to go.
(ghostly sighs)
Aghhh! God!
(quietly) God is in his holy temple
God is in his holy temple!
Hi, angel!
Are you OK, Dad?
Yeah... I just want
to give my little girl a hug!
Oh. Hey...
...your mom and I would like to talk. Alone.
Go put on your nightie, honey.
What's going on, Steve?
Nothing. I just want us to be alone.
Carol Anne's upset.
- Does that feel good?
- I should dry her hair.
She's all right. She's safe.
Steven, come on.
- Honey!
- Is that good?
Honey! Don't!
- Not now!
- Why? When?
- What do you mean?
- Diane, I have needs, too.
It seems to me your needs have been
fulfilled by the bottle tonight!
Steven, don't.
Diane... are you accusing me
of being drunk?
- I'm not accusing you of anything.
- That's what you're thinking.
- No, I'm not.
- I know you.
That's what you're thinking!
- Spare me, Steven!
- Diane!
You remember just the other day...
...when you were seven
and you were helping your mommy...
...plant flowers in the garden!
Ah, you saw it clearly!
How the hell do you know that?
Cos... I... am... smart!
- Oh, Mommy Jess, don't cry!
- Shut up!
Mommy Jess, don't pout! No!
You think that all of our troubles
are because of Carol Anne!
You wish Carol Anne
had never been given birth to!
- You never wanted... Carol Anne!
- Shhhh!
But you thought it!
- You thought it, you thought it!
- No!
- You thought it, baby!
- Shhh!
You thought about it!
You thought that! You thought it! Shhh!
You thought it!
- Diane's had secrets!
- No! Don't!
- No, don't touch me!
- Ahhh!
- Don't! Steven!
- I know you!
- I feel you, Diane! I feel you!
- What is wrong with you?
(sobs) What is happening to you?
Why are you doing this?
- What is happening to you?
- (Steven grunts)
Steven, stop it!
- (screams) Stop it!
- We want the angel!
The sweet pea!
I love you, damn you!
He is in his holy temple!
Don't you know that?
I love you! Believe me, I love you!
- Oh, God, leave me alone!
- What is it?
What's happening to you?
- What's going on?
- Leave me alone. Leave me alone.
- What is it?
- (gasps) Please!
What's the matter?
Oh, Steven, what is it? What's the matter?
What is it? What is it, Steven? Oh, God!
What is it?
Oh, God!
Wake up! Wake up!
- Robbie!
- Robbie!
Carol Anne!
- (creaking)
- Kids, where are you?
Stay put! We'll find you!
(Diane screams)
(Diane screams)
(Carol Anne) Daddy, help me!
Help me, please! Dad!
Help me, Mom! Dad!
Steven! No!
No! No!
(agonised screeching)
- Aghh!
- Oh!
- Carol Anne! Robbie!
- Robbie!
I'll check in here. All right?
Robbie? Carol Anne?
Oh, babies, please answer me! Please!
Are you in here?
(loud rhythmic banging)
Kids! Kids, please come!
(electricity crackles)
Robbie! Carol Anne!
Carol Anne! Please!
Oh, baby! Oh, baby, are you all right?
- Diane?
- (Diane screams)
- Where's Carol Anne?
- We can't find her. I don't know!
The garage!
Carol Anne!
- Carol Anne!
- Carol Anne, where are you?
(Diane) Carol Anne!
(Steven) Carol Anne!
- Carol Anne!
- Carol Anne! Where are you?
Carol! Open the door, sweet pea!
Come on, honey, open the door!
Lift up the knob, sweetheart!
Come on, honey, open the...
Aw, sweetheart, that wasn't Daddy
in the bathroom. You know that.
- Grab it!
- Jesus!
(Robbie) Dad, watch out!
OK, Diane, get in the car!
- Go, baby, go!
- Open the door, Carol Anne!
Steven, come on!
- (Robbie) Hurry!
- (Diane) Go! Go!
(car fails to start)
Dad! E Buzz! E Buzz, get in!
Come on, E Buzz! Get in!
Be a good boy! Come on, E Buzz!
Get in!
- (Diane) Come on, Robbie!
- (Steven) Close the door!
- Dad, let's get outta here!
- Come on!
- It won't move!
- No!
It won't start!
Go! Please!
No! No!
Look out!
Move, dammit!
Let's go, Steven!
Move! Move!
Oh, Jesus!
We're going back to Cuesta Verde,
aren't we?
That's right.
What about the kids?
Taylor said we go back as a family.
We go back together. That's all of us.
Do you believe him, Dad?
Honey, it was real smart of you
to hide in the car like that.
It wasn't my idea.
Taylor said it was the only safe place.
Dad... do you believe him?
I do be...I do believe him, son, yeah.
I do.
Oh! Tangina. Thank God!
I knew you'd be here.
So I had to be here, too.
- We had to come, Tangina.
- I know.
But there are many dangers
you must consider, Steven.
- Are you OK, honey?
- Yeah, I'm OK.
Careful, honey.
Listen, if you don't want to go through
with this, we can leave here now, OK?
No, Mom, I do want to go on.
I love you more than anything.
You always remember that, OK?
Oh, no! Oh, God! They're all...
They're all dying here! Oh, God!
(Diane sobs)
They're all reaching out for help
that will never come!
All because they worship him!
Come... with... me!
Carol Anne!
(Diane echoing) Steven, where are you?
(Carol Anne echoing)
Daddy! Where are you?
Help! Please!
Tangina... they are gone,
they have crossed over!
We have to get them back!
You know how! Please!
(lndian chant)
- (lndian chant)
- Taylor!
- Agghhh!
- Dad!
(lndian chant echoes)
- (Robbie) Dad!
- Taylor!
- Taylor, where are they?
- I see her.
This is the way in. The entity is with them.
They're in grave danger.
Hold on to each other.
When you find Diane and Carol Anne...
...band together.
That will prevent you from crossing over into
eternity. I'll try to bring you all back.
Join together.
The light of the family can defeat him.
This is the moment you've been
moving towards all your life.
The entrance is through the flames.
Daddy! Help!
(Carol Anne cries)
This is an illusion! The Beast lies!
Go through the flames! Now!
(voices chant)
God is in his holy temple
Earthly thoughts, be silent now
God is in his holy temple
Ah-ahh, God is in his holy temple
Earthly thoughts, be silent now
(echoing) Steven, take the lance!
No! Don't go, Carol Anne!
(Diane) Baby, don't go!
She's gone.
It's too late.
I've lost.
Dad, look!
Thank God... thank God!
Some battle, huh?
(E Buzz barks)
Uh... your car.
Yeah. Well, it's happy.
Not yet.
How are we gonna make it happy?
It wants to come home with me.
- You asked it?
- Yes.
It's sure?
OK, it's yours. Take it.
(Diane) We thank you.
- It started right up!
- Mmm.
Bye, Taylor.
- Dad, you gave our car away?!
- Yes.
But, Steven, we have no...
We need a ride home.
Taylor! Whoa!
- Wait!
- The car needs me, Taylor!
- Whoa!
- Taylor!