Polycarp (2015)

No, no!
- Get out!
- Take him!
Don't mark her.
We want a good price
for the girl.
He will give you wisdom.
20 denarii. 20 denarii.
Final bid.
And sold for 20 denarii!
For your consideration,
this beautiful young maiden.
Play along,
or you'll get the whip!
Perfect for a house slave,
or work at the temple.
Who will give me 15?
Her looks are
worth more than 18.
25 for the girl!
25 denarii from the lady.
She's probably not worth it,
but 30!
Do I hear any other bids?
35 denarii!
40 denarii!
You'll not get a
higher bid than that!
Excellent. Final bid and...
I will give you 50 denarii!
Thank you.
Take her then!
My cows are worth
more than she is.
- Your name, sir.
- Polycarp!
Thank you.
Bring out the next girl.
Ah, you must buy.
- You must.
- No, no.
- Oh, yes.
- Pretty, but no.
Melina, my dear.
So, it was enough?
The Lord provided.
Well, I must be about my work.
This is my husband Elias.
So what do they call you, child?
We mean you no harm.
My name is Germanicus.
I can pick a name for you.
Welcome to our home, Anna.
We won't keep you
from your work.
And this...
This will be your room.
- I don't-
- You can take it anytime.
It won't be like last time.
You're not going...
It is by the grace of God
that we are all here tonight.
We are gathered for a
very special occasion.
Anna, welcome to our home.
We would have you share our
work and our provisions,
but not as a slave.
As a member of our family.
Anna, tonight you have received
your freedom from slavery.
Likewise, we have been delivered
from the bondage of sin...
and through the
perfect love of God
have been welcomed
into his family.
Welcome, child.
I, Gaius Asianius Quadratus,
am pleased to offer
the citizens of Smyrna
the opportunity to show
your devotion to Rome
and our Emperor.
I set forth a new
proclamation that all
will be devoted
to our beloved Caesar
by offering incense
and proclaiming
him as your Lord and your God.
May the gods go with you,
and may Caesar be exalted.
Greetings, Maximus.
Your presence has been
missed among our garrison.
Now that is hard to believe.
So now Caesar's a god.
The Proconsul should be
more concerned about
pleasing the people than Rome.
He's only seeking fame and
good fortune for our city.
Hmm... and what if the people
don't comply?
Quadratus has a way of
getting what he desires.
He may find it's more
difficult than he believes.
Be careful, Justin.
Times are changing.
Quadratus will just make
the worship of Ceasar law.
He can't mandate worship.
The priests call it
allegiance to Rome.
We must leave Smyrna.
You think it will come to that?
We can continue our work
better if we are not in prison.
But what of our work here?
We can't just abandon it.
Let us give this matter
some time and prayer.
God will show us what to
do when the time comes.
Well, what have we here?
Nourishment that
God has provided.
Thank you, dear.
Demetrius, time to eat.
Germanicus, back so soon?
I ran the whole way.
There are some things
worth giving your life for,
but you don't have to kill
yourself for a simple message.
For Quadratus,
when you have recovered.
I'll take it right away.
Eat some food before you go.
He'll learn.
Perhaps when he has
attained my years,
he will acquire some of
my sensible pace.
Chores are less burdensome
when done in company.
Greetings, Melina.
Sarah. I have your order ready.
Fresh-picked this morning.
Thank you.
That necklace
has a story behind it.
You should ask
Polycarp about it.
Why will you not
share it with me?
It is his story to tell.
How are you, Sabina?
Why, who do you have with you?
This is my new daughter, Anna.
Well, what can I get
for you today?
The usual, two loaves.
And how about a piece of
sweet bread, for a sweet girl?
Many thanks.
We love God,
because he first loved us.
And the love that we
share with one another
is the love that we have
received from God himself.
The perfect example of
that love is Jesus Christ,
who laid down his life for us,
so that we also ought to lay
down our lives for one another.
Does that mean we have to die?
Well, at the very least
we must die to ourselves
in order to serve
one another in love.
Not neglecting the widow,
the orphan,
the poor and the fatherless.
We ought to speak of our faith
boldly and without wavering.
The blessed Paul taught us that
we are to pray without ceasing.
So let us make intercessions
and supplications
and thanksgiving, especially
for those in authority.
Even Caesar.
Even the Pronconsul.
That we may live peaceful
and quiet lives
in all godliness and holiness,
as is pleasing to God,
who would have all men
come to the knowledge
of the truth that we now hold:
That there is one God
and there is one mediator
between God and men,
Jesus Christ,
who gave his life
for ransom for all.
And now may the grace and
peace and love and joy
of our God be with you,
richly now and forever.
- Amen.
- Amen.
I don't believe in the gods.
I don't believe
in the gods, either.
I have prayed many times.
My words hang empty in the air.
There is a God
who answers prayer.
He's never answered mine.
It's merely water.
I suppose I'll live.
Why were the soldiers here?
Oh, it seems the Proconsul
desires my company.
Will you go?
Yes, I believe I will.
He's causing more trouble
for himself.
The Proconsul seeks the favor
of Rome, however misguided.
The heart of a king is like
a river in the hand of God...
and he turns it as he will.
I shall be a moment.
I was about his age
when Polycarp took me in.
Just as rambunctious.
Were you a slave?
My parents died
of illness that winter.
If the Christians
hadn't taken me in...
I might not have
survived that year.
Polycarp was a slave once.
He was?
Back when he was but a boy.
I can't imagine anyone
ordering him around.
Someone is trying.
I would have your
final answer soon.
If it's a different answer
you seek,
I fear you will be disappointed.
One can always hope.
One can always pray.
It seems all you do is
copy scrolls one from another.
Don't you write
anything of your own?
Well, sometimes I do.
Mostly I copy writings of the
apostles and my mentor John.
What does he need
so many copies for?
For those who have none.
Polycarp used to travel, but
now he writes, and we run.
I wish I could be a runner.
You must be swift and strong,
like me.
Perhaps one day you will be.
Cicero, why the long face?
Is it your parents?
They don't understand.
And every time I try to explain,
it doesn't come out right.
I'm scared.
Scared to even talk about God
in their presence anymore.
You can't let what others
think keep you silent.
Has Irenaeus arrived yet?
Indeed. Not moments ago.
How good it is to see you,
my brother.
Likewise. Likewise.
There is a shadow
approaching us quickly.
We must be ready.
So we worship Caesar, or else?
It will be beatings and prison.
If ridicule is not enough.
Well, we faced
persecution before,
we'll face persecution again.
We should leave Smyrna
for a time.
There are many cities that
have yet to hear the Gospel.
We should seek peace.
Now is no time to run.
We should speak truth.
With boldness.
God has blessed us
with homes here.
With livelihoods here.
With friends here.
God may be leading
us in different paths.
We must discern
his plan and obey...
no matter the cost.
If you should choose to leave,
I invite each of you
to join me in Ephesus.
Whatever the Lord's will is,
we will glorify him
in what we do.
Wherever we are.
Whether we are here or there.
But understand this.
We will not be constrained by
what Quadratus says or does.
Our only constraint
is the love of Christ.
Almighty God...
Lord of principalities
and powers,
and every living creature.
Give us wisdom for this hour.
Show us the path we are to take.
It's time to go,
my sweet daughter.
There are so many stars.
Have you ever
tried to count them?
No one can manage that.
God can.
God cannot only count them,
he has a name for every
single one of them.
He knows your name too.
Mmm, dear, thank you.
Oh, that smells good.
It will be ready to eat soon.
A great meal starts with an
empty stomach, not a full one.
God go with you, my brother.
If you find yourself
on the road to Ephesus,
look for the sign of the fish.
There's someone here to see you.
Please, bring him in.
Quadratus seeks his answer.
It is not to be found
within these walls.
The Proconsul desires
peace among our people.
A desire we both share.
And you will persuade them?
I will persuade them.
I will persuade them to
worship the one true God
and to worship him alone.
You have my thanks.
Caesar is powerful.
At least give thoughts
to my words.
That I will.
And you give thought to mine.
What was that all about?
I've known Maximus
a long time...
and despite everything
I've told him...
he is still convinced
his gods are real.
What makes your god any
more real than his gods?
Now, that is a good question.
Those gods were made
by hands of men.
They have eyes but cannot see.
Ears, but cannot hear.
Mouths, but cannot speak.
Our God sees all things.
Hears our every prayer.
And his word endures forever.
The true God
made the hands of men.
Can you not sleep, my child?
Tell me.
What is on your mind?
I don't understand...
God loves us.
Ah, well, no one fully can.
The first person to
teach me about God's love
was a very kind Christian
woman named Callisto.
She purchased me as a slave...
brought me into her home
and raised me as a son.
Her very life was a
testimony of God's love.
That necklace you wear
once belonged to her.
She gave you your freedom?
Yes, yes she did.
When I came of age,
I went to study under
the apostle John, the
disciple whom Jesus loved.
He taught me much
about God's love.
He used to say,
"My dear children,"
"let us love one another,
for love is of God."
If it weren't for God's love,
I would not be here.
And I suppose, then, you
would not be here either.
That should be enough to
think about for one night.
God of the Christians.
If you are listening, thank
you for bringing me here.
Cicero, come here, my son.
Wait here.
I'm glad you happened upon us.
We came to show our devotion
to Caesar as a family.
You're welcome to join us.
We must honor Caesar,
not worship him.
Caesar is no god.
Ah, the innocence of youth.
You say that Caesar
is not a god.
there's only one true god.
Come lad, there's no one more
powerful on earth than Caesar.
No one more thoughtful, more
forgiving, more generous...
to those that show
him their allegiance.
He's only a man, not a god.
The words you speak are
akin to treason against Rome.
There are no traitors
in my house.
Caesar is Lord.
Now, my naive lad,
what will it be?
I certainly don't see
your true god anywhere.
My son.
I, ah...
heard about Cicero today.
You gave good counsel.
Yeah, when pressed
I turned and ran...
ashamed to stand for my Lord.
I thought I was strong enough
to withstand adversity.
We are weak.
In our own strength, we fail.
It is only by God's grace
that we can
do that which does not
come to us naturally.
I don't deserve his grace.
None of us do.
That's why it's grace.
Peter denied our Lord three
times the day of his trial,
yet God used him mightily.
I, um...
I often struggle with fear.
You struggle with fear?
Why do you think I speak
so much of God's grace?
Why do you think I speak
so much of God's love?
I don't know.
Because perfect love
casts out fear.
My weakness is a
constant reminder to me...
of my continual need
to rely on Christ.
Why don't we pray?
He wants to hear from you.
Why do you not act like
you're worshiping Caesar?
When I was a slave,
I had to act all the time.
I would not have
others mistake...
my acting as
true devotion to another.
We are to share God
with others, not hide him.
It's easier said than done.
Therefore gird up your loins.
Serve the Lord
in fear and truth.
Stop listening to the empty,
frivolous chatter of the crowd.
Believe in him who raised
Jesus from the dead
and gave him glory and a
throne at his right hand.
Do you claim your god
to be greater than Caesar?
Who created the heavens
and the earth but God?
And who rose from the
dead but Jesus Christ?
Believe him, and do his will,
and keep his commandments,
and love what he loves.
Blessed are you
poor and persecuted
for righteousness' sake.
Yours is the kingdom of God.
You should just arrest him now.
He only speaks his mind.
He's harmless.
I doubt the
Proconsul would see it as such.
In Rome they are
crucifying these types...
or feeding them to the lions.
Perhaps we should do the same.
The world is heavy
when you carry it
on your shoulders, child.
It's nothing.
Life is just so confusing.
Truth is often simpler
than one might believe.
They intend to kill you!
Well, there have
always been rumors.
It's not a rumor.
I overheard the soldiers myself.
Well... if that is so...
then I shall be
given a great honor.
To share in the
sufferings of Christ.
I must go speak to Justin.
Perhaps you should
take Anna with you.
She hasn't spoken all morning.
Pray God gives me
words to speak.
I will.
Anna, come with me.
It is clear than we
cannot deny our faith.
But must we go out of
our way to make trouble?
Polycarp must heed his
conscience before God.
We all must.
What if it's too dangerous?
Surely he would not want
Polycarp to be killed?
Pray that Quadratus will
listen, that he might relent.
And if he does not,
we must be ready.
I would like you
to purchase another
loaf for the evening meal.
Thank you.
Hurry back.
I heard a rumor that
Polycarp is in danger.
There has been talk
of leaving for safety.
Where would you go?
We have friends in Ephesus.
But he does not want to go.
It is just a rumor.
I'm sure he will be fine.
Thank you!
You're welcome, dear.
We will be eating soon.
I'll be along shortly.
Perhaps if you just
spoke with him...
Spoke with who?
The Proconsul.
It would do no good.
What harm is there in trying?
It is not something that
you should worry about.
Stop. Anna! Anna!
Excuse me, sir.
Speak up, girl,
I haven't all day.
I have heard of your
dispute with the Christians.
How do you know
of the Christians?
I heard them speak.
They do not dishonor Caesar,
but simply cannot worship him.
You must let them
show their honor
in a way that will not
compromise their faith.
I must?
If you wish to avoid any
trouble with the Christians.
It is they who should
be afraid of me!
We will never be afraid of you.
Get her out of here.
Release her!
I'm unharmed.
He is a traitor! Seize him!
I regret I did not
have the privilege
of finishing our
previous conversation.
I will give you the
opportunity to show
your allegiance right here,
right now.
I will not betray my God.
Caesar is your god and
he demands your devotion!
I don't believe you
understand exactly
what is at stake here.
I will not commit such
grievances against my God.
This young man is one of those
that believes in
an invisible god.
He leads our little ones astray.
We will not tolerate such
insolence in our city!
Take him away.
Did they say when
his trial will be held?
Ninth hour.
He will be needing our prayers.
Holy Father,
you are forever faithful.
You are our refuge and our
strength in time of trouble.
You are our shield
and our deliverer.
Will you not deliver
your beloved
from the mouth of the lion?
May his strength be in you
and in your mighty power.
The spirit is willing,
but the flesh is weak.
Remove all doubt from
his mind and his heart.
Strengthen his faith, that
he may speak the truth.
Truth that sets people free.
I pray that your love
might be perfected in him.
That he might
have your boldness.
Just as you were, may he
also be in this world.
For you have not given
us a spirit of fear,
but of power, of love,
and of discipline.
May he know your heart.
Restore us, o God, and
give us strength to endure.
And let your will be done,
not ours.
We ask this of you now.
My son in the faith,
be strong in the Lord,
and act manfully when your
day of temptation comes.
Good day, Anna.
Good day.
May I go with you and Elias
to the trial?
You know they won't let us in.
Even outside,
one can hear them speak.
You must stay close.
I can appreciate
the zeal of youth,
but here it is misguided.
All it has brought you followers
of Christ is torture and death.
You can expect the same
if you continue
on your stubborn course.
I do not fear you.
You may kill my body, but
you cannot harm my soul.
It is in God's hands alone.
I will not tolerate such
blasphemes in my court.
Caesar is your god and he
will determine your destiny.
But let it never be said
that we are without mercy.
Worship Caesar and live.
I serve the one and only
true God,
the maker of heaven and earth!
He desires that you would
discover his glory
and declare him as your Lord.
That is enough!
You will pay for your
folly and the citizens
of Smyrna will be
the wiser for it.
You are hereby charged
with high treason
against the Roman Empire
for blasphemy
against Caesar and
our other gods!
For attempting to spread
these poisonous
teachings to others.
I, Gaius Asinius Guadratus,
Proconsul of Asia...
sentence you to death
today in the Arena.
I wield the powers of
the gods in this place.
Take him away.
Let her go.
The arena is no place
for a child.
It's all my fault.
I only meant to help.
Come, child.
Germanicus did not have
his life taken from him.
He gave it.
He ran to meet the lions.
He did.
He did not fear death.
Only denying our Lord.
One cannot truly live...
until he knows what
he's willing to die for.
I don't see God's love in this.
Germanicus had the love
in him that overcomes fear.
Our sorrow is real.
We shall miss him desperately.
I already do.
But do not mourn for him.
He is alive with the Lord.
Great is his reward.
Spread the word.
Make it official.
Yes, your excellency.
Is Polycarp here?
No, he's at Justin's. Why?
Quadratus has enticed the people
to bring Polycarp to him.
They're calling for his death.
Go! Quickly, now!
Go get Polycarp's scrolls.
They're in his satchel.
I think it would be safer
for you at Justin's.
I'm safe with you.
Take these scrolls to Polycarp.
He's at Justin's.
You know the way?
Show her out the back.
I love you, Anna.
You're a true daughter to me.
Be careful.
Friends, what brings
you here at this hour?
We will have words
with Polycarp!
Well, he's not here.
Now, go home.
He lies! Search the place!
We will find him!
He's not here.
Burn the place!
It's a blemish on our city!
You two, that way!
You, follow me!
What of Elias and Melina?
We cannot leave them.
Polycarp is the prize they seek.
He must not fall
into their hands.
My brother.
Go, we will make it from here.
I shall see the scrolls
to safety myself.
I would go with you further.
We are safe.
See to your family
and the others.
God's grace be with you then.
I hope to join you soon.
Will they kill them?
I can't be sure.
It's me they want.
Get some rest.
How can an old man get away when
he doesn't even
know we're coming?
I'm surrounded by incompetence!
Well, don't just stand there!
Go find him!
I want him in chains
by nightfall!
How long will we stay here?
We shall leave tomorrow.
I must see the scrolls
to Irenaeus
and ensure their safety.
But I want you to go to Justin.
Tell him my plan.
Take Anna with you.
- But I would go with-
- No, I must go alone.
No fear.
They posted a reward
for Polycarp.
He should be warned
not to return.
You know how to get to Justin's.
Be careful.
Run! Run, Anna!
God, I need your help.
If you find yourself
on the road to Ephesus,
look for the sign of the fish.
Thank you.
Because of this, I would
have you continue my work.
You must not return to Smyrna!
They have a price for your head!
A price?
Well, I'm glad Quadratus
considers me a person of worth.
Do you not realize
they seek to kill you?
Sit down, child.
Catch your breath.
Take the things that
I have taught you...
and pass them on to others.
Our God is faithful.
Now you must go.
Jana, we will be
having visitors soon.
I will prepare more.
They arrested Demetrius.
Oh, no.
Justin was not home,
so I came to warn you.
I am sorry about Demetrius.
Let not your heart be troubled for me.
It is time for me
to make my stand.
Look at me.
No one lights a lamp and
puts it under a basket,
but on a lamp stand, and
it gives light to many.
Please, have some food.
You must be hungry.
I would pray before we go.
We will do as you say.
Oh holy Father,
you are a faithful
and loving God to your people.
I pray for my
brothers and sisters.
Give them grace to endure
in this hour of trial.
Help me to love those
men in the next room.
And forgive them, Lord.
I pray for Anna.
Oh, my Lord.
Give her peace in her heart.
Do not let her become angry or
bitter with you for my sake.
Draw her to your heart.
I thank you, my Lord,
that you have chosen me
to be your servant.
I pray you have
found me faithful.
Great is your grace to me.
And I do look forward to meeting
you face to face, my Lord.
We are ready
to make our departure.
Oh my God, I trust in thee.
Let me not be ashamed.
Let not mine enemies
triumph over me.
Leave the girl!
We have who we've come for.
Eighty and six years
I have served my Lord,
and he has never
done me any harm.
Rather, much good.
How can I blaspheme
my king and savior?
How can you believe
in only one god?
There are many gods!
Are you an atheist?
I am a Christian.
If you do not understand
our doctrines,
make an appointment.
I shall explain them
to you fully.
Worship Caesar and
you may yet live.
If we live,
we live unto the Lord.
If we die, we die unto the Lord.
Therefore, either way,
we are the Lord's.
I have wild beasts
I shall feed you to!
Bring them.
To me, to live is Christ.
To die is gain.
I shall cause you
to be burnt to ashes!
You threaten me with fire
that burns but for an hour.
And are yourself ignorant
of the everlasting
fiery judgment that is
prepared for the wicked.
Why do you delay?
Bring against me
what you please.
So be it!
Away with this atheist!
This is Polycarp, the
great preacher of Asia,
leader of the Christians,
and destroyer of our gods!
You are hereby charged with
high treason against Rome.
You shall be burnt to death
tomorrow in the arena.
Oh my God and Father,
I thank you...
that I may share in
the sufferings of Christ...
and in the resurrection
to eternal life.
He was executed, but
not as they intended.
There was no fear in his eyes.
His countenance was
one of pure joy.
After Polycarp's death, many
Christians decided to leave.
But some remained.
What man meant for evil,
God meant for good.
If you seek to save your
life, you will lose it.
But if you lose your life
for Christ's sake,
you will gain it.
Hope... and the love of God.