Population 436 (2006)

Ah! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
You're doing fine, Kathy.
Keep breathing.
In, out.
That's it.
Ray, pull over.
Ray! Pull over!
We have had a healthy baby boy.
Let Ray's life be a lesson.
The fever still threatens
but will not harm us
if we live according to God's law.
Solidarity and steadfastness.
We are the union of the divine
and shall cherish
equilibrium and peace.
Let us pray.
Yea, though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no evil,
for thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.
I want him back.
Thou preparest a table before me
This didn't have to happen!
Can't you see? It's all a lie.
Poor girl. You're ill.
You need help.
I'm not sick!
She'll be fine.
The doctor will take care of her.
All right.
That's all right.
It's all right.
It's gonna be okay.
Just before the Civil War,
there was a mission of...
Get you some gas?
Uh, no, thanks, but maybe
you can help me.
I'm a little lost.
I'm looking
for Rockwell Falls.
I know I'm close.
I must've missed a turn.
According to my map...
Well, Toto, I don't think
we're in Kansas anymore.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Looks like you're not.
You got a couple flats.
No reception.
I think I could use
some help.
I can't help you. I suggest
heading back to Bromine.
It's the last town that you passed.
That's 50 miles back.
If I was you,
I'd start walking.
Looks like I need some help.
I have a couple of flat tires.
That's quite a pothole back there.
No problem. I'll call you
a tow truck from Bromine.
No, actually, I need to get
to Rockwell Falls.
I'm with the Census Bureau
on assignment. Steve Kady.
Hold on a second.
Let me see what I can do.
Sheriff, we got a guy
with a couple flats
inside the line.
You know what to do, deputy.
Yeah, well,
he's with
the Census Bureau.
We'll meet you
at the mayor's.
Come on, deputy.
So put on your happy face.
We'll go join
the welcome wagon.
Mr. Kady,
Deputy Bobby Caine.
Sorry, we don't get too many
visitors around here.
When we do,
it's like the Second Coming.
Come on, I'll give you a lift.
Grab your suitcase.
Is my car gonna be all right?
Tow truck will be by here in a bit.
Don't worry about your things.
We're real honest around here.
There's never any crime
in Rockwell Falls.
Must be nice.
You ever worry
about a collision?
Except for a few delivery trucks,
no one goes in the other direction.
No reason to.
Everything we need
is right here.
Where are we headed?
To meet the mayor.
There's no motel in town,
but he'll know where to put you up.
What's with the dogs?
Man's best friend.
You can never have
too many friends in this town.
Welcome. Welcome.
Mayor Gus Grateman.
Sheriff Jim Calcutt
and Deputy Christian Hecker.
Steve Kady. Nice to meet you.
What brings you to town, Mr. Kady?
Surveys for
the Census Bureau.
Updating our computers
in Washington.
Shouldn't be more than a few days.
I hope it's not too much trouble.
No. No trouble at all.
Stay as long as you like.
Enjoy everything
our little town has
to offer.
And if you need anything,
you just ask.
It would help to have access
to the old census surveys.
Well, Harmony Evans
keeps track of the records.
I'll arrange it for you
to drop by any time.
Bobby, why don't we take
Mr. Kady here over
to Belma's.
She's sure to take good care of you.
All right.
OBIE: Sheriff.
It's Wanda Syde.
Woke up with marks
on her.
She's real sick.
We're headed that way.
Just a slight detour, Mr. Kady.
Only be a few minutes.
We'll be right back, Mr. Kady.
This ain't no coincidence.
Mr. Kady. Mrs. Syde just came down
with a bad set of boils.
She'll be fine soon enough.
Deputy Caine will take you
up to Belma's now.
Oh, Mr. Kady,
one more thing.
Our traditions are very important
in the community.
Do your best to mind them.
Of course.
Belma's got a daughter,
mind you. I'm gonna
marry her one day.
And it's not true what they
say about the mother-daughter
thing either.
You must be Mr. Kady.
Nice to meet you.
News travels fast in this town.
It doesn't have far to go.
Come in, come in.
It's not fancy,
but it's filled with TLC.
It's beautiful.
BELMA: Wait till you see the garden.
Hey. I thought I told you
to keep walking.
Courtney, this is Mr. Kady
from Chicago.
He's in town
for some overnight
I know. We've met.
Sort of.
I take it you know
that we have a friend
from the Census Bureau
staying at the Lovett's
till we can find something
more permanent.
He's very nice, so do your best
to make him feel at home.
it's your wife, Ruby.
All right, it's done.
Ruby is our new
festival host.
And if you haven't done so already,
remember to stop your clocks.
Solidarity and steadfastness.
We are the union of the divine,
and we shall cherish
equilibrium and peace.
Thank you, gentlemen.
That's a good one.
I don't know how anyone
can look at numbers all day.
Well, if you look at them
as just numbers, I guess
it can get pretty dry.
But the numbers I work
with, they represent people.
They reveal the world they live in,
and what their community has,
what it needs.
You'd be surprised
how much you can learn
from numbers.
I mean, they are the only thing
in life
that always make sense.
Like Pythagoras says,
"Numbers rule the universe."
You speak the truth, Mr. Kady.
I'm just surprised such a smart man
like yourself is still without a family.
But that will change soon, I'm sure.
There is nothing more
important around here.
Gosh, it's been 12 summers
since our Lyle passed.
I'm just sorry
that Courtney didn't get to
spend more time with him.
Died from the fever.
And he was as strong
as an ox.
And no one saw it coming.
Thank you.
Oh, sorry.
I didn't mean
to surprise you.
I couldn't sleep.
Yeah, I couldn't either.
Let me make
you something.
I was sorry to hear
about your father.
Were you close?
Yes. Very.
What about you?
You lost someone.
I saw it in your eyes
at dinnertime.
My wife and daughter.
They died in an accident
two years ago.
Oh, my God.
You must miss them
very much.
Well, um...
This is gonna help you sleep tonight.
Thank you.
You know, it could use
a little more garlic.
Good morning, Mr. Kady.
Careful, Mr. Kady!
Morning, Mr. Kady.
Wow, that's the low-cal special?
What's the fuss?
Ruby Flynn was picked
last night to be festival host.
It's, like, the biggest honor
anyone can have.
You ever been chosen?
Someday maybe,
but hopefully I won't be around.
What's Chicago like, Steve?
You've never been?
No. I've never been anywhere.
The weather's rough.
The four seasons are
winter, winter, winter
and the Fourth of July.
But when the snow is blowing
across the Michigan Avenue Bridge,
you can slip into these little bars,
Hear the most amazing jazz...
I'm really sorry.
I have to get back to work.
How's it going, Mr. Kady?
All right.
You know, my office
thought there was an error.
I still have a lot to go,
but the first two list
the population at exactly 436.
Does that sound right
to you?
Everything tends to stay
the same around here.
Like Pythagoras said,
"Numbers rule the universe."
I ran into Belma.
She told me what
you said at dinner.
And I thought it was pretty.
Uh, Harmony.
One more question.
In this final survey I have
the Hillenbock family of four.
Do you know where they live?
That poor family.
They fell ill,
but they're doing
much better now.
Oh. That's great.
Do you know where I can find them?
You'll have to ask the mayor.
So you don't know?
A family can't go missing
in a town this size, can it?
You'll have to ask
the mayor.
I'll have to ask the mayor.
Why won't anyone give me
a straight answer?
Well, where they're staying
really isn't fit for a family.
And knowing Mac,
he wouldn't take kindly
to visitors. Matter of pride.
You understand that,
don't you?
You understand, mayor,
I'm gonna have to
interview these people.
Well, you can interview
them after the festival.
Very sweet people.
And the missus,
she makes the best blueberry
muffins this side
of the Mississippi.
Relax, Mr. Kady.
Have some apple pie.
You have plenty
of time for working.
People, you'd think
this was the first festival
we ever had.
So, how'd it go today?
Good. Yeah, everyone was
really friendly.
You know what they say.
Welcome all newcomers as family
and they become family.
They don't say that in Chicago.
To Steve-O.
Our new friend.
And to Rockwell Falls.
The most perfect place
on earth.
All right.
Aames and his brother Kip
make this fine whiskey
I'll get rid of them boils.
We're gonna help you through this,
No. I just had a bad dream.
That's how the fever always starts.
You're coming face to face
with your own death.
Our treatment is the only way
No! No, please! Stop it!
To keep you from getting worse.
No! Please, no!
What was that?
This old town's got
some electrical problems.
Don't worry about it.
Just something
we live with.
SYDE: Out of the way, deputy.
I can't do that.
What's on your mind, Farmer?
We were fine, just fine,
until he came along.
Come on, now.
We welcome all newcomers
like family, remember?
It's the prophecy.
Don't take another step.
I'll kill you. I swear.
You're not gonna do that.
Hand me the gun.
Go on home.
I'll hold on to this for you.
I thought there wasn't ever
any crime in Rockwell Falls.
He wasn't gonna shoot.
His wife's sick and
he's temporarily lost
his senses.
Besides, he's a lousy shot.
Well, he didn't have to be great.
He was 10 feet away.
What was all that about anyway?
What prophecy?
Just some local superstition.
Trust me, Steve,
he wasn't gonna shoot.
There's never been a murder
in Rockwell Falls. Never.
Well, statistically speaking,
you're due.
I'm 51, born here like most,
never married and no children.
That is about it.
Ever skinned an apple, Mr. Kady?
No, I can't say that I have.
Take this and, gently,
with your thumb
near the blade,
in a circular motion...
I have a listing for your neighbor,
Ray Jacobs, and his
daughter Amanda.
Do you know where I can reach them?
Oh, dear.
I'm afraid Ray
is not coming back.
He passed away a couple
of days ago.
Terrible car accident.
Was his daughter in the accident?
No, thank the Lord.
But that doesn't mean
she isn't hurting.
Though the good doctor
is doing everything he can.
Well, it's not quite
as good as yours but...
Very nice.
All right.
Please, take one
for the road.
Oh, thank you very much.
And thanks for your cooperation.
If everyone's as quick
as you, I'll be out of here
in a couple days.
Oh, I doubt it, Mr. Kady.
Have a nice day.
Solidarity and steadfastness.
We are the union of the divine,
and we shall cherish
equilibrium and peace.
Very good. And who would like
to lead us in the holy words
as they were passed down?
Easy, Steve-O, it's just me.
I didn't mean to scare you.
Just came to give you
the good news.
Farmer's wife is fine.
She just had some spoiled milk
and he wanted me to pass
on his apologies.
Well, that's good news. Thanks.
So where you headed?
Oh, the Greaver residence.
I'll give you a ride.
Oh, no. Ms. Dresden was
just teaching the kids
a little local history
as it was laid down
by Seymour Grateman.
Well, it's no wonder people
grow up with crazy thoughts
around here.
Easy, Steve-O. I was raised
the same way and it
didn't screw me up, did it?
It's a little early to tell.
Dr. Greaver?
Thank you.
Mr. Kady, of course.
Nice to meet you.
Please come in.
Ernie, she'll be right with you.
ERNIE: Thank you.
Now, just give me a moment.
You rest easy, Betsy.
Call me if you need anything.
Thank you, doctor.
What happened to her?
Oh, doctor-patient privilege,
Mr. Kady.
I'm sure you understand.
Please follow me.
My name is Dr. Harold
James Greaver.
I'm 64 years old.
Married to Mildred, my wife,
who acts also as
my nurse. She's 63.
And Amanda Jacobs,
is she here? I heard you've
been treating her.
Yeah, well, technically she doesn't
live here, but, yes, she is under
our care as a patient.
Her mother died years ago.
After her father died recently
she started to exhibit
symptoms of schizophrenia,
paranoia and depression.
An emotional fever
of sorts.
Excuse me. Hello?
I'll be right over.
My apologies, Mr. Kady.
I have urgent business
to attend to.
If you need more from me,
well, my wife will be happy
to arrange an appointment.
She'll be down in a moment.
Thank you.
Help me. Help! Help me!
I assure you, Mr. Kady,
she's perfectly fine.
She knows you're here.
And she did it because
she likes to make
a first impression.
Well, tell her she made one.
I understand.
It can be a little unsettling.
Please see yourself out.
It was strange, like she was
trying to get my attention.
Well, of course she was. I mean,
that poor girl, she's suffering
from schizophrenia, paranoia,
thinking everyone is out
to get her.
And that's why she's
in the hospital.
What? You mean, Dr. Greaver's?
All I saw on his wall were
"good doctor"
certificates from the town.
Where did he go to medical school?
He's a good doctor, Mr. Kady.
Greaver family's been taking
care of us for over 100 years.
The knowledge passed down
generations to generations,
much like it has across
the world for centuries.
If he didn't go to medical school,
it's against the law.
You know, around here,
the law is my business.
And before you judge, you should
know it's always worked for us.
Just because we do things
different than in the city,
it doesn't mean that it's wrong.
And those outside laws.
They don't apply to us.
We're better off for it.
And that's the way
it's always been.
Now, you two, you have
a good afternoon.
Steve-O, don't let this bother you.
It's not right, Bobby.
Lord knows what kind of
mistakes a guy like that
can make.
I don't care how long
his family's been practicing.
It's not the 1800s.
To some around here,
it still is.
Well, that's not good enough.
Come on, I know what will
take your mind off this stuff.
Well, this goes without saying,
but I'm gonna say it anyway.
Don't point it at your face.
This here is your aim.
Just step up,
take a good look,
and squeeze.
Don't pull the trigger.
Squeeze it.
Try it again,
but this time
aim for the bottles.
So you're
not married, huh?
I was.
She passed away.
I'm so sorry.
I bet she was amazing.
Yeah, she was.
That's how I feel about Courtney.
We were meant to be together.
I know it more
than I know anything.
But sometimes she looks
at me as that dopey kid
she grew up with.
Just makes it
hard sometimes,
you know, to ask her
to marry me.
Just be yourself, Bobby.
If it's meant to be,
it will be.
Thanks for listening.
You're a good friend.
You too.
What do you say
we go shooting again
tomorrow evening?
Sure thing.
Now that's the spirit
that beat the Germans.
And when we get back
to the Lovett's, check the barn.
I bet your ride's done.
What are you doing?
You look like you've seen
a ghost.
There was somebody
standing in here,
just staring.
You must be talking about Curly.
He takes walks like everyone else.
Just ends up in stranger places.
What's wrong with him?
He had the fever,
but he's one of
the lucky ones.
It passed, and thanks to Dr. Greaver,
he lost only a little spunk.
It looks like you have
a short here. I'm gonna fix
that for you, okay?
Now let us repeat God's law.
Solidarity and steadfastness.
Solidarity and steadfastness.
We are the union of the divine.
We are the union of the divine.
And we shall cherish
equilibrium and peace.
And we shall cherish
equilibrium and peace.
Learn to love it here.
Maybe you can help me.
I'm a little lost.
I'm looking for Rockwell Falls.
Excuse me. Hello?
Sir. Hey, wait!
Hello, sir,
wait a minute. Please.
MAN: There you go, fellas.
Take it easy,
don't work too hard.
Howdy! Mr. Kady. Edgar Smalls.
Well, what can I do for you?
Um, I need a new fuse
for Belma's barn.
Let's see what I got.
By the way,
that delivery guy that just left.
Yeah. Red?
Yeah, when I was outside town,
I asked to find Rockwell Falls.
And he didn't help me.
Strange fellow. Comes in a few
times a week, depending.
The delivery guys come
in and out and mind
their own business.
But that's how we like it.
Where are your manners,
Can't you see we
have a new friend?
Say hello to Mr. Kady.
He's moved here
from Chicago.
Actually, I'm just passing through.
Oh, sure, my apologies.
We've already met, Curly.
You were in Belma's barn.
You remember?
He's not 100 percent, Mr. Kady.
He probably won't remember.
Hasn't been the same
since his brush
with the fever.
Run! Run!
I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Kady.
He's never acted up like this.
I'm terribly, terribly sorry.
It's okay.
It's fine.
You all right, mister?
Yeah. Obie...
You know Amanda Jacobs?
I guess. As much as anybody.
Why is she at Dr. Greaver's?
Because she has the fever.
That's the only reason
anyone goes there.
Watch. She'll be different
when she gets out.
How will she be different?
She'll be happy.
What's the fever?
Obie, what's the fever?
I don't know.
But they all look the same
when they get it.
What do they look like?
Like you.
Never any crime, huh?
Hello, Amanda.
My name is Steve.
I saw you in the window.
I wanted to talk to you.
You talk to everybody,
don't you?
That's right. I work with
the Census Bureau.
Not anymore.
What do you mean?
They'll find you a new job.
And if you want to leave,
you're sick
and they'll save you,
just like they're trying
to save me.
They're watching you.
Who is? Who's watching?
Can't you see it?
Okay, Amanda.
Do you know what
happened to your father?
He tried to leave.
And they killed him?
They say God did.
What happened here?
I'm just gonna look,
Did Dr. Greaver
do this to you?
I'm scared.
I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?
Come on. Here we go.
AMANDA: We should go back.
It's all right.
Help! Help, he's taking me. Help!
It's all right. Okay? Please.
Mr. Kady, let go of the child.
Sheriff, they're abusing her.
She's got marks on her face.
Mr. Kady, let go of the child.
She's been through enough,
and she's unstable.
You can see that for yourself.
Help me! Help me.
There, there, child. It's all right now.
Help me.
Sheriff, you can't let
this happen.
I'm not.
Take the child inside,
I have to speak with Mr. Kady.
Mr. Kady, Amanda Jacobs
may only be 12 years old,
but she has the fever.
What fever?
The only kind that matters.
Like I said before:
Talking crazy, thinking
everyone's out to get you.
And that our little town
isn't as perfect as it is.
GREAVER: No one knows
exactly why it happens,
but it's easy to spot.
It's a look in the eye,
like an animal backed
into a corner.
Eventually they try to run,
but we try to stop them
before God does.
What are you talking about?
As long as we can remember,
Mr. Kady, God punishes
those that try to leave.
Are you saying
that everyone that wants
to leave Rockwell Falls
has this fever?
It's a sickness, Mr. Kady,
born from a lack of faith,
and my methods
are the only
successful means
to bring them back
into the population.
We have to try to help.
That's insane.
CALCUTT: What's insane is why anyone
would want to leave
Rockwell Falls in
the first place.
if there is something
wrong going on here,
I'm gonna have to report it.
Oh, jeez, I'm sorry to hear that,
but we've got nothing to hide.
How are you feeling,
Mr. Kady?
You look a little peaked.
Why don't you get
the sheriff to give you a lift.
You look like
you could use some rest.
That's okay.
I'll walk.
MAN 1:
Hello, Mr. Kady.
Beautiful day, Mr. Kady.
MAN 2: Hello, Mr. Kady.
WOMAN: How do you do, Mr. Kady?
MAN 3: Good day, Mr. Kady.
Hi there, Mr. Kady.
Hello, Mr. Kady.
What can I do for you?
Hmm. It doesn't look like
your friend is
gonna make it today.
You sure he knows
where we are?
Yeah, I told him.
Maybe he found
something better
to do, huh?
Maybe he just forgot.
Yeah, that could be it.
STEVE: You know
what's going on
with Amanda Jacobs, don't you?
You don't know what it's like here.
Then tell me. Please.
They think that I'm dangerous
because I don't like it here.
But not to them.
To myself.
They've tried to kill my spirit.
But I keep my thoughts close,
where they can't find them,
all the while
just hoping for a chance
to leave.
Like Amanda.
I've gotta find her.
No, don't. Steve, it's too dangerous.
Bobby, you know,
some people are starting
to whisper about them two.
Stop it, Christian.
He wouldn't do that.
He's my friend.
Still, I wouldn't wait
too much longer to ask
Courtney to marry you.
Tomorrow, everyone
will be at the festival.
Now, you just... You go there,
you let everyone see
that you're okay.
And then you just
slip away.
I can't just sit here
and wait and do nothing.
But if you go now, you'll only
put her in more danger.
If they figure out what
you're doing, they'll just
take her somewhere else.
stay with me.
I don't belong here.
This isn't...
This isn't right.
Just promise me
that you will take me
with you.
I promise.
Hey, Steve-O.
What happened
to you yesterday?
Thought we were
going shooting.
Oh. Oh, yeah, that's right.
You know, I completely forgot,
Bobby. I'm sorry.
Hey, Steve.
Come on, let's dance.
Boy, that's some friend
you got there, Bobby.
Shut up, Christian.
What was that all about?
I really need to talk to you,
but everybody's watching us.
Past the woods behind
our barn there's a cabin
about a half mile in.
And if you're in trouble,
you find it.
BELMA: Courtney.
Come stand with your mama.
Find it.
Gather around, everyone.
Gather around.
Is everyone here?
Minus the notable exceptions:
Amanda, the Sydes,
the Hillenbocks?
Well, that should be everybody, then.
We give you thanks,
almighty Father,
for bringing new friends
to the community.
We give you thanks,
O Lord our God.
Solidarity and steadfastness.
We are the union of the divine,
and we shall cherish
equilibrium and peace.
All right, enjoy yourself, everyone.
I can't believe this is
the second one this year.
Would have had a third if
Ray Jacobs hadn't done
what he did.
How often do you
have these festivals?
It depends.
STEVE: On what?
The population,
of course.
Why, we're having
this one because of you.
Didn't you know?
You make 437.
I'm so happy and blessed.
Thank you for this.
Don't forget to restart
your clocks until next time.
Now, let's try to finish off
Sadie's pies there. She's put
a lot of love in them.
Are you out of your minds?
Doc, looks like we've got
a live one.
Are you all
out of your fucking minds?!
How you doing there, Steve?
Why don't you come along with us.
It's okay, Steve-O.
The doctor can help.
Run! Run!
No! No! No!
Keep him still.
No. Don't hurt him, please!
Why would we hurt him, Courtney?
We're concerned about his health.
Can't you see, he's got the fever.
He wants to run, just like
you wanted to before.
He's not sick! You are!
All of you!
What are you saying? Take it back.
I won't.
It's evil!
CALCUTT: Come on.
Help her. Take her to Doc Greaver.
Very good.
How are you feeling, son?
Don't be embarrassed, Mr. Kady.
We've seen it all before.
You killed her.
You killed that poor woman.
Her name was Ruby Flynn.
And Ruby was honored
to sacrifice herself for the good
of the community.
We can't help you
understand until
you lie still.
Back in 1860, the population
of Rockwell Falls was 436.
And the town was
happy and prosperous.
But then a wicked man
came to town,
and his wickedness
spread amongst the community
until God wiped
the cancer clear out by fire.
Seymour Grateman,
my great-grandfather,
he rebuilt the town.
And he established a moratorium
on the population: 436.
And that number obviously
pleased our Father because,
well, we guard it to this very day.
It's God's law.
But I didn't move here.
I'm going home to Chicago.
I have a home.
We believe in our ways,
Mr. Kady.
But we don't suppose
the outside world
would understand.
We know we've been chosen,
just as you were.
That's what your fever is.
You give subversion
a name and then you cure it?
Mr. Kady, we did not
create the fever.
You're having a spell now.
Can you feel all of that rage
and that anger?
That's not what God intended.
We must save you from yourself.
Believe us, Mr. Kady,
everyone who tries running
ends up dying.
Not by our hands,
but by God's.
People will be looking for me.
That's all right.
We have taken care of that.
What does that mean?
You'll learn to love it here,
Mr. Kady, just like everyone else.
I'm not staying here!
Do you hear me?
I am not staying here!
God! No, don't! No!
Don't! Please!
Now, it's for your own good, Mr. Kady.
No, don't! Please! Don't!
You'll see a bright light,
and it feels like you're dying,
but don't worry,
it passes.
No! No. No.
Solidarity and steadfastness.
We are the union of the divine.
We shall cherish
equilibrium and peace.
Dear Frank:
My life has changed here.
I've found a new home. Send regards
to everyone and arrange
to take what you want
from my place and my office.
Tell the boss I'll send
the reports soon. Thanks. Steve.
Hi, you've reached Steve.
Leave me a message.
Easy, honey. You're fine.
You were having a nightmare,
but those will go away soon.
Oh, you're running a little hot,
but you'll be fine.
Don't worry.
Mr. Kady. Stop.
Get me the sheriff.
That's it.
Watch yourself.
Hey, boy!
Where you going?
Why didn't you go, Steve?
Get out of the car. Now.
It doesn't run.
They parted it years ago.
Even if it did,
you can't get away.
Who are you?
My name is John Green.
I came here eight years ago.
I also thought
I was just passing through.
You do what I say.
You have to be one of them.
Do you understand?
You have to be one of them.
Come here, boy.
You guys looking for Mr. Kady?
Yeah, he's not doing so good.
We need to get him some help.
You got it all wrong.
I invited him up
a few days ago.
If you don't believe me,
sheriff, come on.
I'd like to have a word with you.
What seems to be the trouble?
About to ask you the same.
Belma called.
She said you ran
from her place.
My God, I am so sorry.
I didn't mean to cause
any trouble.
I had a strange feeling...
He's lying.
EDGAR: Give him a chance.
He's been nothing but
a straight arrow.
Even forgave my son, Curly.
Do you understand how things
work around here?
I sure do, sheriff.
I understand how important
God's laws are.
That's why everything
is so... So peaceful.
It's what God intended.
Temperature's running high,
but he seems fine.
May have been a spell.
Well, you just be a little
more careful next time, son.
I mean, you don't want us
getting the wrong impression.
It won't happen again. I promise.
So why don't you come back
with us?
It's almost lunch.
I'm sure Belma's
cooking up something.
Give us a minute.
I want him to say bye
to the kids.
They took a liking to him.
There must be a way out.
And what are you so afraid of?
That they're right.
Strange things happen
to anyone who tries to leave.
I can't explain.
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, Jack.
If you think something's
gonna happen, it will.
What about the delivery
trucks that come in?
Nothing happens to them.
They don't stay the night.
That's the difference, I swear it.
Would you listen to yourself?
If you buy into this, you are
as crazy as they are.
Look, I am getting out of here,
with or without your help.
Have you had the nightmares?
Maybe you can close
your eyes to all this,
but I can't.
MAN 1:
He's gonna help me with my boat.
We knew you'd come around.
MAN 2:
Help me with the crops on Saturday.
Harmony's gonna have
the baby real soon.
That will put us back at 437.
And some don't want another drawing,
so here's your chance.
Get rid of him.
Everyone will look
the other way.
Then you do it.
I can't hurt nobody,
Deputy Hecker,
Mr. Kady just left Belma's.
I want you to keep an eye on him.
I'm on it, sheriff.
You know, you always
were stupid, Bobby.
And look where
it's gotten you.
Belma said you called
the house.
What do you want?
There's a secret road
past the old sinkhole.
It's how the delivery trucks
get in and out.
That kid Obie follows them
down the road.
Turn right just past
the bridge.
There's a delivery
today at 4.
Deputy Hecker, he's walking up Main,
heading toward the hardware store.
I got him.
How you feeling, Mr. Kady?
Just a spell, you know how it is.
Hey, listen, do you have
any kerosene? Belma could
use some for her burner.
Uh-huh. Just a sec.
Welcome to Rockwell Falls.
No, Curly, that was
a few days ago.
Great. You mind if I head
out the back?
Go ahead.
Thanks again.
I've been thinking
about what you said.
About being my friend
and all.
I'm confused, Steve-O.
Stopped by the house
the other night
to finally ask Courtney
to marry me,
and I stumbled up
next to the barn.
You and Courtney
were already together.
I'm sorry.
Do you think I'm dumb? Is that it?
You think I'm some
stupid country boy
and you can just take her
right out from under my nose, huh?
No. I don't.
God, it hurts so bad.
Bobby, listen to me...
You can't imagine how it hurts.
If you ever loved her,
you will help me
get her out of here.
You don't know
what you're dealing with.
Please, give her
a chance.
I just want this to go away.
I just want it to go away.
I just want it to go away.
Bobby, you don't mean that.
You don't mean that.
Put the gun down.
Put the gun down.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Come on.
I'm just all messed up inside.
This beer gets to
my head sometimes.
I'm sorry, Bobby.
Where's Mr. Kady? I saw him come in.
Yeah, he left out back a while ago.
MAN 1: It's a fire!
MAN 2: Get down!
It's our garage!
Relax everyone, relax.
Jack? Jack, get a bucket brigade
going from that tower.
Bobby, you all right?
He's going after Courtney.
I knew it. Come on.
We are the union of divine.
We are the union of divine.
We cherish equilibrium and peace.
We cherish equilibrium and peace.
Mr. Kady, you do not know
what you are doing.
Okay, up against the wall,
both of you.
Handcuff yourself
to the radiator.
All right, where's Courtney?
She went home this morning,
doctor's orders.
Don't lie to me.
Where is she?
Has anyone lied to you?
It's you who won't face
the truth.
Where's Amanda? Tell me.
You can't help her.
Where is she?
Oh, hello.
We weren't expecting company.
I'm getting you out of here.
We don't have much time.
But this is our home.
They haven't found anything
permanent for us,
but we're ready.
We're doing much better now.
It's okay.
Dear, would you like
another fresh blueberry muffin?
Come on.
This way.
Oh, my God.
There they are. Over there.
He's going for the tow truck.
Get in there.
Now, get down. Keys?
AMANDA: Under the seat.
Wait here.
There you are.
I'm so glad you're okay.
It's gonna be all right.
I'm gonna get you out of here.
I'm sorry you missed lunch.
It was lovely.
Oh, my God, no.
Come on, we gotta go.
Please, Steve.
Steve. It's too late.
She's been cured.
Get out of the car, Steve.
Stay down.
Don't do this, Bobby.
What are you waiting for?
Shoot him!
Shut up, Christian.
It's different now, Bobby.
He's got your gun.
Shoot him!
Goddamn it,
Bobby, if you won't
do it, I will.
Hi there.
Seems I got a little tire trouble here.
Oh, yeah?
Probably from the huge crater
in the road.
Listen, I'm on my way
to Rockwell Falls.
Looking for a friend of mine.
You must be Frank.
Mr. Kady mentioned you.
Nothing but nice things
to say.
I'm afraid you just missed him.
No longer with us,
as of two days ago.
You're kidding me.
What a jerk. He made it seem
like he was gonna be out
here for a while.
You know, I thought I'd check in
on him, see what the good
life's all about.
Well, you're welcome
to come into town
and have some of the world's
best apple pie if you like.
We're having a little celebration
in a couple of hours.
Plenty to eat and drink.
What's the occasion?
Rain, sent from heaven.
Put out a bad fire
a couple of days ago.
And Harmony Evans,
local girl,
just delivered twins.
Oh, and Bobby,
my deputy, just got engaged
to the love of his life.
Sounds good. I'm hungry.
All right.
Yeah, grab a couple of things.
I'll give you a ride.
That tow truck will be back
to pick up your car in just a bit.
What about the rest of my stuff?
We're real honest around here.
Never any crime
in Rockwell Falls.
FRANK: Sounds nice.
CALCUTT: You'll love it.