Pork Chop Hill (1959)

(PA) Hello, my GI friends.
Good morning.
This is your regular morning broadcast,
courtesy of
the Chinese people's volunteer army.
GI friends, this is the dawning of
the 1020th day of the forgotten war,
what your politicians choose to call
"a police action", "a minor affair".
Which has already cost you more
casualties than your war of independence.
GI friends... you want peace.
We want peace.
We too are young.
We too had to leave our homes
to fight on foreign soil.
Show your stubborn generals
haggling at Panmunjom
that you will no longer fight
for a line on a map.
Show them that you want peace...
just as we want peace.
Lay down your arms
and we'll be glad to lay down ours.
Lieutenant Clemons, sir?
Lieutenant Clemons?
Oh, Forstman. I've been expecting you.
- Did you check with Battalion, sir?
- Yes, I did.
- Did you tell them about my 36 points?
- They say you're one short.
Sir, Battalion's got a million guys
to worry about. I got only me.
Who's the most apt to make a mistake?
I ask you.
(phone rings)
This is King Company.
Hey, get off there!
According to my figures, and
Fedderson checked it... Right, Chuck?
- Well, come on. Tell him.
- Besides, sir, he's got a new car.
Is it paid for?
No, sir. My kid brother's a boy scout. He
sent me a raffle ticket, I sent him a buck.
- He won a Cadillac convertible.
- (phone rings)
Yes, sir?
I mean, yes, sir!
Sir, it's the colonel.
He's coming to the phone.
Maybe that's the armistice. Maybe those
jokers at Panmunjom wrapped it up.
- Battalion's found your 36th point.
- Not Battalion. Regiment.
- It's Colonel Kern, direct.
- Colonel Kern, direct?
- That's gotta be it, the old peaceola!
- Lieutenant Clemons, sir.
Lieutenant, prepare to counterattack
Pork Chop if necessary. You got that?
- You understand this is only an alert?
- I understand, sir.
Yes, sir, my men are all here, except my
weapons platoon, detached to Battalion.
Yes, sir, I understand.
It's not definite.
Very good, sir.
We need two new squad leaders.
Take care of it, will you?
Is it good news, sir?
If it ain't good news, sir,
I can give you the exact hour, the minute,
the second, I got here to Korea.
You gotta count me out on this one, sir.
Forstman, I could tell you stories
that'd bring bitter tears to your eyes.
But sir, Battalion can't add.
I consider the rotation system a solid
contract between the army and myself.
You're right. Sue 'em.
Lieutenant O'Hashi, sir?
You're the executive officer.
Request permission to call Regiment.
- Permission refused.
- I wanna talk to the colonel.
Ever heard of channels?
You can't call Regiment.
Why not? They called us.
Get out of here, Forstman.
I just had my leave cancelled.
You're talkin' to a man in a black mood,
and I'm liable to shoot you.
OK, OK. If that's the way it is, I want
this registered as a formal complaint.
I'll have it entered into company records.
- Another raisin?
- No thanks, Lieutenant.
My mouth's full already. Cotton.
Why don't they get some heat in here?
Aren't you cold?
I'm from the Panhandle. That's cold.
Sometimes when we talked the words
comin' outta your mouth'd freeze solid.
Had to drop 'em in a frying pan
to thaw 'em out,
find out what we were talkin' about.
(phone rings)
King Company.
Yes, sir.
One moment, sir.
- Sir, it's Battalion. Colonel Davis.
- Guess this is the business.
Lieutenant Clemons.
Maybe it's a reprieve,
or news from Panmunjom.
Yes, sir.
Pork Chop's been lost. They were right
in the trenches before anybody knew it.
- Who goofed this time?
- Kreukenberg, get the men assembled.
Waldorf, maybe nobody goofed.
These Chinese are good.
They never heard of rotation.
All old hands, and tops at this night stuff.
- We've gotta counterattack 'em at night?
- That's right.
No time for a reconnaissance.
We'll have to go by the book.
Don't ask me how we're
gonna read it in the dark.
Let's go. We gotta make it before daylight.
Payne, your radio'll be on Company
frequency. Coleman, you're on Battalion.
- You got your letter written?
- The papers say the war's over.
Check that tailgate.
- All right, you guys, closing it.
- Take an ammo check.
I know how you feel, Joe.
It's a rough one to cut your teeth on.
But you're a pro - you'll do all right.
- I'd better do all right.
- Level with me, Joe.
Is Pork Chop worth all this?
A lousy, undefendable outpost?
Pork Chop's just cost one company
and may cost another. Us.
Are you telling me it's worth all that?
Well, look, Tsugi. Pork Chop is just
a chip in the big game at Panmunjom.
Every time the Reds win a chip here,
they raise the ante there.
I guess we gotta convince 'em we're
not about to give up any more chips.
Does that answer your question?
Hey, McKinley, you got
your St Christopher medal?
Yeah. You got
your picture of General MacArthur?
Right here.
- What colour's that car, Forstman?
- What colour?
Man, it's a Cadillac!
Keep that sight covered, soldier.
- What do you know about this guy?
- Somebody said he's regular army.
That tells me a lot.
Does he know anything?
Probably just enough to bury you,
according to regulations.
Anyway, we'll soon find out.
How you deploy your company
I'll leave up to you.
(radio operator) X-ray Yoke, Fox Able,
Mike Oboe, Charlie Dog...
The trenches are gonna be
tougher than the climb up.
I'll keep the third platoon in reserve
until we get up there.
I'll start with the first platoon on the left
and the second platoon on the right.
Uh... this concertina wire is gonna be
pretty tough to get through in the dark.
No, the report has it,
it's been flattened by artillery.
I'd suggest you set up your aid station
here in this chow bunker.
We'll try to evacuate casualties
down this access road.
Don't forget your radio.
Keep me informed - that's what it's for.
I can't help if I don't know
where you are and what you're doing.
- We won't forget, sir.
- Remember this.
You've got 135 men, all of them
thinking of the peace talks at Panmunjom.
It's a cinch they won't wanna die
in what may be the last battle.
When you hit the line of departure,
deploy fast and get up there fast.
Lead them, push them, I don't care,
but don't let them stop.
Your only chance is to get into
these trenches before daylight.
What about this flank?
I haven't got enough men to protect it.
Love Company's assignment. They should
be in position by the time you get there.
As to artillery preparation, we've been
keeping fire on this hill right along.
So when you're ready, call me,
and I'll have it lifted.
Yes, sir.
- Anything else, sir?
- No, I don't think so.
Good luck.
They got a great sense of humour around
here. Why ain't somebody laughin'?
Tsugi, you stick with the first platoon.
I'll stay with the second.
Love Company's having a bad time.
Blue Six, over.
OK, reorganise if you have to,
but get back up there.
King Company's depending on you. Out.
Love Company's got off
on the wrong foot.
Somehow they got the idea they're
reinforcing instead of heading into a fight.
Well, Clemons knows where he's headed.
Man, I feel like a packhorse
in all this gear.
- This bulletproof corset.
- Brother, you'll learn to love it.
- Fine way to spend my birthday.
- Many happy returns of the day.
- Yeah, congratulations.
- Thanks.
(close explosions)
- Battalion, Colonel Davis.
- Yes, sir.
Hello, Blue, this is King.
Put your six on. Over.
Colonel Davis, sir.
Sir, request fires be lifted. Over.
Yes, sir. Out.
No Chink fire yet. No Chink fire yet.
No, not yet.
(Chinese voice over PA)
Good evening. King Company, isn't it?
Nice to meet you, King Company.
Come on, come on.
You're coming to visit us
in our new home.
Care to hear what happened to
the previous tenants, Easy Company?
There were 96 men in Easy Company.
Now, as near as we can tell,
31 are dead, 34 wounded, 22 captured
and nine unaccounted for.
A company wiped out for a political whim.
To please chair-bound politicians sitting
fat and smug thousands of miles away.
Men of King Company,
you must know that this isn't your fight.
But if you insist upon coming, OK then.
Welcome to the meat-grinder.
We'll even play a little tune for you,
in honour of your dead,
past, present and future.
(# "Taps")
- What's the matter?
- Let go of me!
- Are you hurt?
- Yeah, I'm hurt. Beat it!
- Twisted your ankle?
- Yeah, I twisted it bad. Beat it!
Hey. Maybe I'd better stay with you.
- Get up.
- Sir, I'm hurt. I twisted my ankle.
Get up. What's your name?
- I said, what's your name?
- Franklin, sir.
Well, get out of there
and stick close to me.
Come on, come on.
(artillery launches)
Here it comes.
Here it comes!
Move! Keep moving!
(Coleman) I thought
they said it was knocked flat!
Set it up right there.
Half the men are not firing.
Make them use their weapons.
Come on! Over me! Over me!
King Six. Douse those lights!
You wanna murder us?
Turn off those damn lights!
Gimme your cutters.
Find Kuzmick.
Tell him to feed his men through here.
OK. Coleman?
Get up.
This'll cost you 10 years in Leavenworth.
Now get up!
You got a rifle. Use it!
And don't get any funny ideas.
Stay up even with me.
Roger. Out.
Sir, the searchlight guys
have just apologised.
- They got us mixed up with another hill.
- That's great(!)
- Soldier, where's your rifle?
- I don't know.
Pick up one.
Sir. Sir.
Lieutenant Cook sent me over. Our
platoon radio was knocked out by shells.
Tell Lieutenant Cook
I think he's bearing too far to the right.
- Leave that flank to Love Company.
- Yes, sir.
Sir. Sir.
Lieutenant O'Hashi isn't near the
first platoon radio. They can't find him.
You! You!
Without a rifle!
Come here!
Come on, come on.
- Sir, I don't know what happened...
- Get down.
- What's your name?
- Private Velie, sir.
Velie, you're a runner.
Find Lieutenant O'Hashi.
Find him over there with the first platoon.
Tell him when he hits the first trench
to pinch in this way.
That'll be to his right.
Repeat it back to me.
Lieutenant O'Hashi,
when he reaches the first trench,
- to pinch in this way, to his right.
- And report back to me.
- You'll find me with Lieutenant Cook.
- Report back to you.
- You'll be with Lieutenant Cook.
- Go.
- Sir?
- Hold it.
Come on, hurry it up!
Shake it up down there!
This sure is mountain-goat country.
When I get home, I'm gonna live
in an elevator, riding up and down.
Sir, can I give you this message
from Lieutenant Clemons?
Lieutenant Clemons says, when
you reach the top, at the first trench...
(gunfire drowns him out)
...that'll be to your right.
To your right.
Sir, Lieutenant Clemons says that...
Bugle. Chinese.
Up on the ridge.
I thought Love Company
were handling the ridge.
That's sure not Love Company.
Hold it.
We're flanked.
There's millions of Chinese up there.
- We're flanked. We'd better pull back.
- Hold everything.
Payne, see if you can
get me O'Hashi this time.
- How many men you got left?
- I don't know.
- Where the hell's Love Company?
- Hold back.
What about the third platoon?
Why don't you get 'em up here?
Cook, stop 'em!
- The flank's wide open!
- Get down!
Here he is, sir.
Tsugi? We're flanked.
I need help from you.
Can't you hear me? Over.
Sure, I hear you.
Did the runner get to you?
We had 25% casualties then
and more now.
Can't spare a single man over here, Joe.
Not without losing all we've gained.
- What about the third platoon?
- If I use them before I hit the trenches,
what happens then?
We might lose the whole company.
It's a cheaper gamble now, but be ready
to haul out in case we cave in here.
Hold it, Tsugi.
Round up a squad.
Take both machine guns.
Set one up to hold that ridge.
Hustle the other to
the trench under it. Block 'em.
One squad? Love Company couldn't
lick those Chinese! How can I do it?
Do it. Ask me how later. Go on!
Are you still there, Tsugi?
Pinch in as fast as you can.
We'll try to hold the flank with one squad
and advance with the rest.
I'll meet you at the CP, I hope. Out.
Kuzmick, let's go.
(mumbling to himself)
- Get ready. We're gonna rush the trench.
- What about the flank, Lieutenant?
It's taken care of. Let's go.
We'll all be safer in the trench.
Move, Sergeant.
Move, move, come on.
Move! OK, move!
Let's go! Keep moving!
We've got it made!
He's your squad leader, isn't he?
Take over the squad.
I don't know where the squad is!
- Can you make it back?
- I can see. Yes, sir.
Franklin, help him over the wall.
Sir, Lieutenant Cook thinks
he sees Love Company coming.
That'll be the eighth wonder of the world.
Hold everything, Franklin.
- Jurgens?
- Yes, sir?
He can make it by himself.
Keep an eye on that man.
Don't let him out of your sight.
After you, soldier.
The way things are going, I won't
have to keep an eye on you long. Let's go!
Hey, you! This way!
Who are you starin' at?
You. Who do you think I'm starin' at?
What for?
I got a special interest
in everything you do.
You think they've quit trying here?
I haven't seen a live Chinese
for at least five minutes.
- The runner said you saw Love Company.
- I thought so, but it was a while ago.
Since then, not a hair.
- Get me Battalion.
- Yes, sir.
- How many men you got left?
- One gunner here,
team on the gun below,
about one half of a rifle squad.
Leave that gunner where he is
and move in with the rest.
You did a good job, Cook.
Just send the bill to Love Company.
Colonel Davis, sir.
Lieutenant Clemons.
Both platoons are in position.
But there are a dozen trenches here.
We've got a foothold in only two.
Yeah, I've got it.
What about the second platoon?
With both platoons pinching together,
shouldn't you have taken the CP bunker?
Maybe, but there's heavy pressure from
the right flank you said not to worry about.
Where are you now?
OK. You can hold that flank, can't you?
I'm not sure that we can. We can't do Love
Company's job with one machine gun.
Yes, sir.
Very well, sir.
Private Velie reporting back, sir.
Lieutenant O'Hashi said...
- Lieutenant O'Hashi said...
- Said what?
Sir, I can't remember. I had a kind of an...
experience back there. I can't remember.
I know about the casualties.
What about the rest?
- Well...
- His weapons?
They didn't get up to 'em.
- Yes, sir, that's right. How did you know?
- Same thing over here.
Get that taken care of. There's an aid
station setting up at the chow bunker.
Yes, sir.
Sir, don't you need me
as a runner any more?
We'll make out all right.
Yes, sir.
Come on, come on!
- Brought a few late guests to the party.
- Well, we're glad you dropped in.
Make that casualty report 40%.
It's murder over there.
You clear out a bunker and try to
move ahead and they filter in behind you.
It's been the same kind of murder with us.
You'd better bring up the third platoon,
Joe. We're stretched mighty thin.
What's the sense of pushing your luck?
Let me go down and get 'em.
Not yet.
We've got to have something in reserve.
The Chinese love this eyeball-to-eyeball
stuff. This fight hasn't even begun.
And we're damn near finished.
No sense saving the third platoon
just to bury us, Joe.
Had your iron today?
OK, I'll shut up. I just hope
your hunch is better than mine.
That makes two of us.
If you run into any more stragglers,
push 'em up toward the CP bunker.
So I'm back to squad leader now.
Things are tough all over, Lieutenant.
- Here we go again.
- Sir! Sir!
Look, there, comin' through the wire.
Looks like Love Company, sir.
- Do I give Battalion the good news?
- Not yet.
- Marshall, Love Company.
- Where in the hell have you been?
- We haven't been pickin' daisies.
- You left my flank wide open.
Who's responsible? Where's Crittenden?
He's in command, isn't he?
He was, and then Bechtel,
and now it's me.
You'd better be damn glad
we got here at all.
Where's the rest of them?
What rest of 'em?
How many left?
There were 42 in my platoon alone
when we started.
Now there's 12 men left
out of the whole company.
Put your men to work.
Now you can notify Battalion.
Tell 'em that Love Company
has arrived... on position.
Ten men... still full of fight.
Blue, this is King. Over.
- How is it, Saxon?
- How do you like this, sir?
Isn't this great?
I lug this damn bulletproof vest,
and they blow my foot off.
They blow my foot off!
Excuse me, Lieutenant.
Hurry up, you guys, it hurts!
What's that?
- Chinese!
- (laughter)
You know, back home in the Panhandle,
Ma had an old club-footed hen one time.
She fed her sawdust by mistake.
She laid 12 eggs.
11 of those chicks had wooden legs,
and the 12th was a woodpecker.
What caused that, the cold?
Cover 'em.
We'll have the CP for you
in no time at all, Lieutenant.
Holy cow!
Oh, brother, am I ever glad to see you!
Hey, guys, come on out!
The war's over!
- Joe Clemons.
- Hello, Tom.
- Ballie!
- Mother Kuzmick!
- (laughter)
- What do you say, boys?
Boy, I thought we were goners.
You're the last person I expected to see.
- Is anybody else up there?
- We don't know.
We don't know nothin',
except this is like Christmas.
- Anybody got a cigarette?
- Here. Live it up, boy. Have a cigar.
- Hey, you're smilin'.
- I must be crackin' up!
- That's enough! Don't...
- (Iow-flying jet)
Spread out!
- You OK?
- Huh?
Yeah, I guess so.
- Is there anybody left in there?
- I don't know, sir.
All you men, down here, on the double!
- Get a couple more men, Corporal.
- Right, sir.
Those shells were ours.
I could hear 'em comin' in.
- Those were our damn shells!
- I heard 'em too.
All right, now let's get with it!
There may be some men in the CP.
Let's dig 'em out.
That goes for you too, Bowen.
Let's go!
What's the use? We'll only get
murdered by our own lousy artillery!
- What was that?
- Everybody knows, sir.
Them shells were our shells!
- How does everybody know that?
- I heard 'em comin' in!
Sure, I could hear 'em
comin' in from over there!
Oh, I've had it. I'm not stayin' here
to get killed from both sides!
- I think he's right, sir.
- I heard 'em comin' too, sir.
Sure you heard 'em.
So did I.
Anybody ever tell you that
the enemy holds Old Baldy?
That's where those shells came from.
- Can you prove that?
- Can you prove that they didn't?
Our artillery is plastering the far slope, to
keep more Chinese from getting up here.
Let's break this up.
Clean up the bunker.
Come on, boys, move out. Move it.
Bowen, you want me
to draw you a picture? Come on!
Sir, that last shell got her.
She sure saved my life.
That makes you a runner. Tsugi.
Runner. And me the electronic type.
You were the electronic type.
OK, now you can
bring up the third platoon.
Careful. I might keep right on goin'.
If I had my bags packed, I'd go with you.
- Adios.
- Hasta la vista.
- Battalion's trying to get through.
- What do they say?
The Chinese are jamming.
(imitates distortion)
- You made it just in time, sir.
- How's it going?
There are a lot of casualties, sir.
More comin' down every minute.
- How's it up on the hill?
- The old man just took the Korea Hilton.
Unless those ammo bearers get up here,
he won't hold it long.
Sir, good luck.
Hello, Tsugi.
Come on in.
Sign the register.
Get one squad up ahead
to give us security.
Spread the rest of your men
along this trench.
Well, how was it? Rough?
Oh, not too bad. Lost six men
coming up here from the chow bunker.
Isn't that a great situation?
Not too bad when you lose only six men.
How's it been going up here?
The men have done everything
I've asked them to do.
Not sure I've asked them
to do the right thing at the right time.
"Tsugi" scares me.
Always means something's coming.
Have some raisins.
OK, I'm bribed.
We're getting noplace. Every one
of these trenches is a separate dogfight.
As long as the Reds hold the crest
of the hill, they're in charge.
We have to take that high ground.
And we have to do it in one jump.
The old "over the top" stuff?
- With who?
- The third platoon.
The others are too exhausted.
Right outta the Stone Age.
Where's all this push-button warfare
we've been hearin' about?
We're the push buttons.
Lieutenant Waldorf's a little too green
to lead a bayonet charge.
And anyway, it is my old platoon.
You know, my ancestors were
pretty good at this banzai business.
What do you know?
A real live volunteer.
I never volunteer.
Let's just say... I accept your kind offer.
We'll try to make it a coordinated attack.
While you go over the crest of the hill,
I'll push through the trenches
with every man I can find.
You know...
you may become a historical figure.
The last man ever
to lead a bayonet charge.
Yeah, I'll tell my grandchildren about it...
if I live to have any.
Come on!
Let's go! Come on!
Can you speak louder?
The shelling's heavy here.
It's no picnic here either, sir.
We've taken the crest of the hill
and the whole trench system.
There are still plenty of Chinese around.
I repeat my request for food, water,
medical supplies and ammo. Over.
Show them this, sir.
Blue Six. Blue Six, this is King.
Can you hear me? Over.
What'd he say, sir?
What did he say?
He's taken the hill.
That's all I could hear.
King Six, can you hear me? Over.
Nothin' but a lot of noise.
- Try 'em again later.
- Yes, sir.
That's what they look like alive?
That's what I've been afraid of?
(Chinese PA)
Men of King Company, congratulations.
You hold the whole hill now
and your tactics and bravery
deserve our deepest respect.
However, I must point out a simple truth.
The more ground you take,
the more you have to try to defend.
Look around.
Is the man behind you a GI or a Chinese?
It's hard to fight and look over
your shoulder at the same time, isn't it?
You'll excuse me.
You and Kissel, back to your positions.
Soldier, you take 'em to the rear,
then report to the aid station.
I want you to find Lieutenant Waldorf.
Tell him to expect shellings
at regular intervals.
Counterattacks in between.
Tell him to keep his men in the bunkers.
Give every man an assigned defensive
position he can get to in a hurry.
- You got it?
- Yes, sir.
All right, head for the bunkers.
- You first. I need that radio.
- With pleasure, sir.
You pass the word along.
Hi, Sam.
- Have some?
- I'm not hungry.
Awfully good beans. You oughta have
some. You'll be eating chop suey soon.
- And my name's not Sam.
- Look out!
(close explosion)
Comin' through.
Who invited you here, anyway? Don't you
know there's a vital part of me exposed?
I've been invited to nicer places.
Come on, Chuck.
It's letting up. Let's go.
Let's find a place where
we can get a warmer welcome.
Yeah, and a thicker roof.
Come on, come on, will ya?
Come on, will ya, clumsy? What do you
want me to do, carry you up the hill?
- You are very funny today(!)
- OK, OK!
Well, come on, will ya?
Chuck? Chuck!
Chuck! Hey, Chuck!
Ooh. Wha?
I'm sorry, Chuck.
I'm sorry, Chuck!
I'm sorry.
I'm so... sorry!
- Come on.
- Let go of me, will ya?
- I said, come on.
- I'm not gonna leave him! He's my buddy!
I can't leave him there, sir.
I'm going back.
It's no use... trying to figure it out.
You just have to keep on going.
The shelling has stopped.
They'll probably rush us.
You pass the word along.
Everybody out of the bunkers.
Come on. Go.
I told you to hurry up, didn't I? Didn't I?
Yeah. Yeah.
- Hey, Corporal. Where's your CO?
- Just turn left.
Get up there fast. Keep your eyes open.
They can pop up from anywhere.
Hey, Lieutenant,
what's the situation here?
- What the devil are you doing here?
- Lookin' for you.
Weren't you guarding prisoners
on an island?
Yeah, I was.
I'm commanding George Company now.
Whitey, contact the platoon leaders.
Tell 'em to meet me at... what's your CP?
- The Korea Hilton.
- Yes, sir.
We're all strung out. We ran into
some heavy shelling down there.
Hey, uh, what's goin' on here?
I've had about 40 casualties
since I came up this hill.
The order I got was
to help you out with some mop-up.
They must be crazy.
We're hangin' on here by our teeth.
Walt, feed your men in up here.
We need 'em.
Sergeant, move your squad right up here.
Watch out for snipers.
Don't get trigger-happy.
I've got men up there.
Boy, am I glad to see a radio.
- What's the news from Panmunjom?
- They are still at it.
I'll be damned...
Who lives upstairs?
- You bring us any supplies?
- Nobody said you needed any.
Try to get Battalion on that thing.
They seem to think we can live on air.
Blue, this is George. Over.
We're even short on ammo.
Can you spare me any?
I can let you have some.
How many men you got?
I'm not sure.
I think I've got about... 35.
- You lost over 100 men?
- I told you this is no mop-up.
There's about ten from Love Company,
a few odds and ends, and that's it.
- Can't you make that work?
- The Reds are jamming.
- Try the emergency frequency.
- Yes, sir.
Blue, this is George. Over.
- They're on this one too.
- Try the other one again.
Here, let me have it.
- Walt?
- Just keep trying.
When this shelling stops... you and your
outfit take over this whole right sector.
You'll have to get up there fast.
They won't give you much time.
I just flat don't get it. Back at the rear
they think this fight's won.
- This hill worth it?
- I wondered when you'd ask me that.
Worth what?
It hasn't much military value.
I doubt if any American'd
give you a dollar for it.
Probably no Chinese'd give you two bits.
The value's changed
somehow, sometime.
Maybe when the first man died.
Oh, hell, Walt.
I don't know how to say it.
I'm weary.
Well, it's hardly beautiful.
Maybe it grows on ya.
- Here.
- No, no. You're gonna need that.
Well, don't, dammit.
OK. Too thirsty to be noble.
- What do you hear from Cecil?
- Oh, she's fine.
She just spent a week with your mother.
Put this back before I drain it.
I wrote to her you were safe and sound on
that tropical island. Now you cross me up.
Sounds like old home week, sir.
My brother-in-law.
OK, you stay here. Keep trying.
- Find me if you get 'em.
- Yes, sir.
Blue, this is George...
Sergeant, we'll take over the right sector.
I'll show you your position.
- Lieutenant.
- Hi.
Gave up trying to reach you on the radio.
Got a message from Colonel Davis.
- Oh, well, he can't mean this.
- He means it all right.
I think the order originated
in Regiment, maybe Division.
You're to withdraw your company at 1500.
That's just three hours from now.
Oh, no. Um... they must be sending up
another company to take our place.
I don't think so.
From your messages, they seem
to think the show's over up here.
Well, I don't get it. Every time I get through
this jamming, I've been asking for ammo,
flame-throwers, medical supplies,
water, plasma, emitters, more radios!
Does that sound like
the show's over up here?
You take this message back.
Tell 'em I do not think the crisis up here is
appreciated, by Battalion or by Regiment.
Tell 'em I have very few men left,
and they're all exhausted.
Tell 'em Lieutenant Russell has only 55
men out of his company still able to fight.
When they go out, it is not reasonable
to expect that we can hold the hill.
I'll admit, it doesn't seem
much like a mop-up to me, but...
Well, good luck.
Well, Walt.
Congratulations. In three hours you'll be
off to that dream world back there.
Listen, they're gonna change the order
just as soon as they get your message.
You keep trying.
Payne, you stay here. I'll be in the George
Company sector with Lieutenant Russell.
If Jurgens shows up with any rations,
pass 'em out to the men.
- Yes, sir. I'll be first in line.
- Hey, you. Velie!
I ordered you to the rear.
Why are you here?
They fixed my arm, sir. They gave
me a shot. It doesn't even hurt much.
Well, I started down the hill, and I decided
those Chinks aren't gonna push us off.
So I turned around
and came back up again.
Who do you think you are?
Audie Murphy?
Turn around again.
You're no good up here with one arm.
Now hear this.
The first bulletin of the day
from Panmunjom.
Weather clear, but atmosphere stormy.
Casualty report. Your American
negotiators just broke three pencils
in sharp fighting for Pork Chop Hill.
How much is it costing you?
- Still playin' on it like a fiddle, sir.
- Looks like that message worked!
George Company guys
aren't goin' anywhere.
I heard a bang.
I thought my head was gone.
- Lieutenant Clemons?
- What's your outfit?
- I'm from Division.
- Somebody has seen the light.
I'm the assistant public information
officer. I came to get a few pictures.
- Pictures of what?
- Of a successful American action.
- Which?
- Sure, there haven't been too many lately.
And the folks at home
could use a little encouragement.
We don't wanna be in the way. Give us
a quick briefing, so we know where to go.
Well, Walt, have you any suggestions
as to where these people can go?
I'd better not. I'd hate to live through this,
just to be court-martialled.
Look, would you mind telling me,
when I can't get anything that I need,
just how you two
managed to get up here?
- Will you cut that out?
- Hold it, Sergeant.
Look, Lieutenant.
Nobody up here's in the mood for posing.
There's something you can do for me.
Take a message to Battalion.
I won't clutter it up with details.
I want this one to stand out crystal clear.
"We must have help,
or we can't hold the hill."
Do you mind if I let him take it?
I'd like to stay here and help out.
You can help a lot more
by taking a good look around,
and telling Division what you saw here.
Lieutenant, I guess
you must think that I'm...
Anyway, I hope
everything turns out OK for you.
I don't think we have a right
to make this decision, Carl.
Think we should
buck it up to Corps, General?
We've got to. For all I know,
they'll have to buck it higher than that.
OK, sir.
Make sure the message
states clearly the basic question:
Do they really wanna hold Pork Chop?
It's just that simple.
In the meantime, do we still take
George Company off at 1500?
Yes, Carl. The order stands.
We may lose the hill, but I'm not
about to spend any more men for it.
Not until I'm assured we don't intend
to give it away tomorrow.
I'll... take your wounded down with me.
Joe, uh...
You know when you said to me that
this damn hill was worth holdin'?
I think I know what you meant.
They say that nothing's got a value,
except the value that men put on it.
I don't know how men can put a higher
value on something than by dyin' for it.
If that's what you meant,
I think that Pork Chop's already worth
all the gold in Fort Knox.
- Is there anything I can do for you?
- Oh, I guess not.
You take care of yourself.
- Well, good luck.
- Thanks.
Whitey, let's go.
I'll see you, Joe.
What do you make the count?
25 men, all told.
We can't hope to hold all this.
We have to pull in, concentrate.
Try to hold onto this highest bunker,
right here.
There's high ground all around it.
We won't have any link with the rear.
Hasn't done us much good, anyway.
- Hey, take that with you.
- There's no ammo for it.
The Reds might find some. Take it.
Ain't no use leavin' them behind.
Let 'em out!
Sure, why not?
It's every hen for herself, girls.
Let's go. Yeah!
Come on, soldiers! Up top!
Anybody in here?
(man) Don't you move.
I'm aimin' straight at your belly.
What is the countersign?
What are you talking about?
There isn't one.
The hell there ain't. They gave it to us
before we went up last night.
Now you just say that word or I'll shoot.
- Franklin?
- That's right.
But I don't know who you are,
not without that countersign.
But you know I'm no Chinese.
Get out of here.
And serve ten years?
You think I'm stupid.
But I ain't that stupid. I could kill you
right now and nobody can call it murder.
- Nobody but you.
- Not even me.
Ten years, you say.
Real quick like you say it.
Ten years for what?
Cos I don't wanna die for Korea?
What I care about this stinkin' hill?
You oughta see where I live back home.
I sure ain't sure I'd die for that.
It's a cinch I ain't gonna die for Korea,
or serve ten years for it, neither.
Chances are you're gonna die, like it
or not. So am I, if you shoot me or not.
At least we've got a chance to do it
in pretty good company.
A lot of men came up here last night.
They don't care any more
about Korea than you do.
A lot of 'em had it
just as rough at home as you did.
They came up and fought.
There's about... 25 of them left.
That's a pretty exclusive club.
You can still join up... if you want to.
I'm gonna move, Franklin.
Make up your mind.
They're all up there.
You oughta stay down
in the bunker with the radio.
Payne'll call me if they stop jamming.
Hello, Gls.
I hope you can hear me loud and clear,
because your very lives depend upon it.
I have been ordered to tell you that
you have just 45 minutes to surrender.
If you don't, we will attack
in overwhelming force
and it is highly unlikely that
any prisoners will be taken.
That is the message.
Now... I'm talking to you
on my own account.
You are brave men.
You have fought a good fight.
I don't want you to die, any more
than I want our own soldiers to die.
You have earned the right
to surrender with honour.
And I'm glad I have 45 minutes
to persuade you, my way.
You are young, and I am young.
We should be thinking
of long lives ahead of us.
(sentimental band music)
Go on, beat it!
Why are you hangin' around? You wanna
be made into chicken chow mein?
I heard the Chinese don't eat chow mein.
It's an American invention.
You heard wrong. Chop suey's American,
chow mein is Chinese.
I read it in Reader's Digest.
I stand corrected.
Doesn't that make you think of
all the things you wanna live for?
Love. Marriage.
Why must you die before
you have even begun to live?
Think about it.
Just think about it.
I'm thinkin' about it.
43 minutes left.
All you have to do is
start walking this way.
Hey, where do you think you're goin'?
Just sittin' on some barbwire, that's all.
I'm gonna try that radio myself.
If you get through,
what are you gonna tell 'em?
You think I oughta ask 'em
to pull us off of here?
Let the Chinese walk right in,
blowin' that lousy bugle?
You're the boss, Joe.
Doesn't mean I can think straight.
I guess I wanna hold this hill...
more than I ever wanted anything.
Stinking little garbage heap.
Sir, I got Battalion on, clear as a bell.
Whatever you do...
it's OK with me.
King Six.
Look, uh... I've about 25 men.
They're completely spent.
I expect a heavy attack about dark.
That'll be... half an hour from now.
Unless we can be reinforced,
we should be withdrawn. Over.
Clemons says, if they can't be reinforced,
he requests permission to withdraw.
Colonel, I know Clemons.
He'd never send this message if he
thought he stood a chance of holding.
- What'll I tell him?
- What can you tell him?
Even Division can't tell him anything
without a decision from higher up.
Lieutenant, we can't reinforce and we
have no authority to withdraw you. Out.
That's a hell of a way to run a railroad.
Sir, what's the date today?
It's April 17th.
(Chinese PA) 40 minutes left/
To surrender with honour.
40 minutes.
What are we talking about?
What are we arguing about?
You know that this insignificant little hill
is of no importance to you or to us.
If we can settle on the truce line
to which I thought you had agreed,
this hill is in
the middle of the neutral zone.
So how can it be worth any man's life?
Don't you feel some responsibility
towards thousands of...
Sorry. I had to get out of there
before I blew my cork.
They know we're not gonna
reinforce Pork Chop. You can smell it.
And they'll keep us talkin' till they take it.
What do they gain if they do?
What do they lose if they don't?
They've gotta succeed or lose face.
I'd like to believe that.
I could say, let 'em have their face
and let's get on with the truce.
These aren't just Orientals.
They're Communists.
- Why did they pick Pork Chop to attack?
- Thought it'd be an easy nut to crack.
No. I'm beginning to think
they picked it because it's worth nothing.
Its value is that it has no value.
That makes it a test of strength,
pure and simple.
They're willing to spend lives for nothing,
or what seems nothing.
That's what they want to know.
Are we as willing to do that as they are?
That's some question.
(Chinese PA) Two minutes left/
Still time to live.
Hold your fire to the very end.
Make it count.
Hold your fire.
I'm goin' up to the top for a look-see,
so don't get trigger-happy.
One minute/
Don't fail me, my friends.
Don't fail yourselves.
This is your last chance.
(single fanfare)
(multiple fanfare and shouting)
Listen at 'em.
Sounds like all China's comin'.
Call for flares.
Blue, this is King.
Blue, this is King.
Hey, Joe!
Saw some men coming.
I think it's the rest of Love Company.
Sir? Sir, Battalion is on.
King Six. Over.
You've got to hold out.
Reinforcements are on the way.
The advance element should be there
just about now. Repeat.
Hold out a while longer.
Reinforcements are on the way.
The leading elements
should be there about now. Over.
There's no more ammunition, sir.
They're coming down behind us!
Sir, they're behind us, everywhere.
A million of 'em.
All right, plug up these holes.
- Welcome to the club.
- Some club!
- Somebody give me a hand!
- Hold that door a minute.
Hurry up, hurry up, inside!
- Hurry!
- Come on!
A flame-thrower!
Get 'em in there!
Let's go! Come on, let's go!
Come on, look lively!
Come on, come on!
- Hurry!
- Come on!
- Well, what are we waiting for?
- They're Gls!
Get 'em all down!
Open that door!
- Let's get outta here!
- Come on, move!
Let me out!
Let me out!
(Clemons) Pork Chop Hill was held,
bought and paid for
at the same price we commemorate
in monuments at Bunker Hill
and Gettysburg.
Yet you will find no monuments
on Pork Chop.
Victory is a fragile thing and history
does not linger long in our century.
But those who fought there know
what they did, and the meaning of it.
Millions live in freedom today
because of what they did.