Pornomochi (2018)

Isnt he up yet?
You go check. Hes never
in a hurry to go to school.
Because the school is nearby,
he doesnt wake up before 11 am.
Let him sleep.
I checked, he was studying till
very late in the night.
The bathrooms light was still
switched on around midnight.
Studying, was he? Hes stuck
to the phone like a leech!
I warned you not to buy him
a phone before the board exams.
Ive to buy grocery today.
We spoke about it. No chatting,
no Facebook, nothing before exams!
Only music is allowed!
But what is all this now!
No! I must call him.
Let me call him here.
Youre calling him
on the phone?
Its alright!
- Ive nothing to say then!
Like father like son!
Oh God! The phone!
Baba, Im up!
Anu, get ready,
were leaving together!
Great, its done!
Yes! Download complete!
Theres only 25 MB
data left?!
Already at it?
Dont you have school?!
Get up now!
Why do I need to coax you so
much to get ready for school?
Get up!
How can you use this?
Ive to wash it today!
Now go take a shower!
Ive to leave, you know!
I have to go at Grand Mother's home.
to bring your Grand Maa...
Shes coming. She will
stay for some days!
Didun is coming?! Yay!
Great fun, huh?
Now go for your shower!
Told you not to kiss me
before brushing your teeth!
Why do you forget to take
this one before breakfast?
While coming back from work
pick us up from that house.
Please sit!
It gets locked sometimes!
You must take rest!
Look at yourself
Have you and your son let
me sit back in the last 15 years?
I bother you a lot, isnt it?
Go stay in that house
for some days.
The workload will be
double when Im back.
Good morning!
- Morning.
Didnt you bathe?
- Done!
Now finish this and oblige me.
- Oh sure!
Finish this.
Did you bathe?
Baba, the films you gave me,
theyre awesome!
You liked them?
- Yes.
And that ones the best...
The Quick and the Dead
The Quick and the Dead
I will give you more interesting
films when you grow up.
Very interesting ones.
'Wild Strawberries'
'Meghe Dhaka Tara'
'Seventh seal'
Such beautiful films!
I was watching it on
Arko-das laptop
'Wild Strawberries'
Did'nt liked them much.
Obviously. Youll like it when
you grow up a little more.
Not for your age.
The short films
you made are weird.
I dont get them.
That is all amateur work.
From my younger days.
I used to appreciate those earlier.
Now I find them funny.
Why dont you make
a film now?
I will.
There was a time I used to think
Ill make a career in films.
...for whatever reasons
that didnt happen.
But I will surely make a film.
And before everything else,
I will buy a good camera!
Isnt the one you
have good enough?
outdated now.
Baba, you promised to teach me
how to handle a camera.
Yes, I will.
Before that you must
take this exam seriously.
No Facebook,
no chatting, okay?
Its already late! Okay,
Im done!
What a gorgeous...
Oh, Radha, she is
my life!
Oh, Radha, I belong
to you!
I wont survive
away from you!
Oh, Radha, she is
my life!
Oh, Radha, I belong
to you!
Hey, Mr. Anal!
Whereve you been? Going to
a different shop these days?
I have new stock.
Triple X collection!
- Quiet!
Ill see you after school.
Oh yes!
And now I have my own
brilliant collection! Fine?
So youve been
downloading now?
But thats expensive.
And the files
are smaller. Right?
Better you buy it from me..
Full HD!
How big is your
memory card?
Listen kid,
I have eternal GBs!
- Ill see you after school!
- Deal!
Okay, bye!
Oh, Radha, she is
my life!
Oh, Radha, I belong
to you!
I wont survive...
What is it?
Your bag...Your bag!
Oh no!
Buddy! What will
happen now!?
Its a complete massacre!
Surely theyll call
your parents!
I had just downloaded it.
Didnt even get a watch it...
What if he deletes it?
Oh no. He wont 'delete' you.
But he may 'D Litt' you!
He will cut you off!
My God!
A school boy watching porn?!
Why? This is the apt age.
Adolescence period.
Periods? For a male?
- Adolescence period!
Havent you read Freud?
Child Psychology?
Youre not qualified for teaching.
- Dont you dare say that!
Are youre supporting this?
- Exactly!
This is an educational institution!
What is all this!
You dont think sex education
is a part of the curriculum?
The problem is
at the root itself
No. Porn and sex
education arent the same!
As in, sex education is...
Shh! Keep your voice low!
Its not sex!
Well be in trouble if the
Headmaster hears this!
Why is that?
Sex! Trouble!
Why? Youve a problem
with the word, Sex?
You will find the word
Even when youre filling up a form,
youve to put a tick beside that word...
...F or M?
Starting from government ads...
that word is used everywhere.
O really? So you mean now we should
screen porn for the students?
Thats not what I meant.
Look, in the western countries
they teach this subject.
But in India or West Bengal the term
sex education creates a pandemonium!
This is the root
of all the problems.
The frequent rapes, eve teasing,
everything is due to the lack of awareness.
You mean people rape
because theyre unaware?
Yes, at least in our country that
is one of the primary reasons.
But if you look at the west...
- Sir...
...this is not the West. This is India.
Rather, West Bengal!
Then what will say about
Badshayon or Khajuraho?
Oldest examples of our country...
Or if you read
From Volga to Ganga?
Youll find a mother teaching
her child sex education.
Youre still confusing between
porn and sex education.
Right. I am.
But the source is the same.
That kids interest
in sex is due to his age...
and you cant deny that.
Instead of a scolding or punishment,
proper counselling is required.
You should take that responsibility
then. I cant even imagine this.
Have you seen this stuff?
This is nothing but perversion.
And this is not porn.
Huh? Yes!
And definitely
not sex education!
is that so?
Do one thing.
Share it with me.
Okay... are you on Xender?
- Yes.
Wait. Ill join.
Create it.
share it with me too then?
Why do you look startled?
You said...
Perversion right?
Let me check it out?
Very well then!
What shame! No one in our family has
been involved in such scandals ever!
Havent we done enough
to make you happy?
What kind of company do you keep?
Do you have friends from the slum?!
Calm down!
Didnt you even think about
the status of your parents?
Dont scream like that.
That, rather would
derogate our status.
O really? You mean it is
my mistake? Is that so?
Fine then! I wont
say another word then!
Not a word...?-Listen...
Why then did you not
go to school when they called?
Why did I have to face
the shameful situation?
Why must I face this?!
Krishna! Quiet now.
All the blame is on me now!
Enough now. Calm down.
In front of so many people...
You know what the
Headmaster told me?
Do you do it front of him?
- Oh please spare me, please stop!
Please stop?
Embarrassed, are you?
Why did you send
me instead?
...come to my room
after dinner.
Eat, son. Come on?
Hey... what are you
staring at?
Ill pull your eyes out!
Shamelessly looking me in the eye?!
All of us have
certain secrets.
Like your mother.
Your Grand Mother. Me...
You have to
nourish that secrets.
Yes. And that is very personal.
Our own to call.
Theres a beautiful relationship
you share with your privacy.
...the moment it comes out
in the open...
As in when other people
come to know about it...
...then it turns ugly!
Become scandal.
Because the rest
of people dont share...
...that beautiful relationship
with your privacy.
No sentiments is there.
Hope you understand, huh?
Am I clear? Good.
Youre growing up.
Youve both boys
and girls in your freind-list.
You naturally feel attracted towards
girl-freind, towards sex!
I know because Ive
been through your age.
But this attraction youre feeling,
you must protect it from everyone else.
We all have such secret
chapters in our lives.
A secret box.
And in that secret box
you keep your privacy.
You keep all the little things
that you like and love...
Things that you hold
close to your heart.
Some people...
...maintain a diary.
Some keep old cards,
Big and small,
all kinds of memories.
Its to be kept in
that private box
I too have one.
This is my secret box.
My own to call.
All the times I fell in love since childhood...
crushes and little affairs...
Its all locked up in here.
You cant share this stuff.
You must not.
If you do; its essence vanishes
into thin air like camphor.
V A N I S H! Vanish!
You must spend time
with them.
When you do, the world opens
up to you in its own way.
Get it?
But none of us know what will happen
to these boxes when were no more.
What happens to this privacy?
Even then, we keep
it private.
You know what
the problem is, Anal?
The environment your generation
is growing up in... is... believes in expressing each day,
each moment has an expression!
Today I watched a film,
today I ate Puchkas...
Today I fell in love...
With 49 others!
Running after likes and comments
on Facebook statuses...
theres nothing left
of your own.
But one day will
come when you...
Realise your own self.
You will discover
your own world then.
And that day,
you will see...
Sleep in your room.
Who spotted the body first?
Sir, it was me. I came to dump
garbage in the morning.
No, Sir.
I spotted it first
and told him.
Both of you come to the
police station with me.
Sir, hope were
not in trouble?
You see I have kids.
Sir, me too!
Stop talking crap!
Is there a motor
garage nearby?
Yes, Sir! There are
three of them.
- Yes...
Take me there.
Come, Sir.
- Coming...
I am coming...
Hello, good morning
Auntie. Is Anal home?
Theres no school today...
Hes upstairs.
Hey, get up!
Come on!
Hey! Get up!
What the...
You know what time it is?
What are you doing
here so early?
Its 11 AM!
And it is my birthday,
youve forgotten that too!
Everyone else wished me!
My Mom has invited you
home in the evening.
Hey, sorry!
I completely forgot!
Happy birthday...
Look... basically
I got a nice scolding...
...yesterday. Forgot
in the middle of it.
Good for you!
I warned you not to watch that stuff
so much... now suit yourself!
Dont act innocent! You too ogle
at it when I show you!
Then you cringe when it is over!
I know you girls!
Dont you dare lie!
I dont watch all that rubbish!
You force me to!
- Really?
And dont you dare compare me
with other girls.
I am different!
Look at you... you girls ?always
create a huge fuss.
Besides, theres porn
in your name itself!
Ever noticed?
P.O.R.N.O. !
Do you realise, Porno?
Im sure youre dad
planned it like that!
Your name too spells really funny!
- Why, whats there in my name?
A N A... L!
Youre smart, eh?
And I was talking about Porno!
Fish fingers!
Father has arrived.
One minute! Wheres the remote?
Give it to me.
- What happened?
Now go.
Why do you take time
to open the door?
Happy Birthday, honey!
My gift?
Sorry, I forgot today,
Illget it later, okay?
No, I want it today!
Today itself?
Dont touch my laptop
ever again!
For me?
A new laptop!
Unpack it!
Open the gift pack...
The remote?
Is this a party song?
Now thats a party song!
Uncles in good mood today!
I got a laptop!
What happened?
Everything okay?
Didnt watch the news?
- No. Was busy cooking today.
What happened?
Three men raped a little girl
and dumped her in the dustbin.
How old will she be...
Must be Pornos age...
I noticed motor stains in her clothes
and raided the local garages...
Three of them... started running
when they saw the police.
I caught two of them.
One got away.
If youve made
any fries, get it.
Its her birthday, her friends
are here, why drink today?
Do as told.
What? Get going!
I wont do it again!
Rape, eh?
- I wont do it again!
Please let me go!
Never again, Sir!
Please let me go!
Please forgive me...
- Rape eh?
What are you doing there?
What is it?
- Nothing.
Wont you sleep?
- No.
You go sleep.
Wheres our girl?
- She slept long back.
Slept off? Why?
Without wishing me
She came to wish you.
Her friends came to say bye too.
You were mumbling something
to yourself alone.
You get drunk very
easily these days.
Should I get you the dinner?
Im not hungry.
You wont eat?
Why do you need to watch
this rubbish every night?
You dont even look
at me? these days...
Come here.
Watch this.
Shes Russian!
Look at her boobs...
Her waist...
Her bum!
And now look at yours!
Like a barrel!
Go, sleep.
Shouldve married
someone like her.
Dont make me lose
my temper now.
I know very well...
That you guys called me
'Mr. Porn' behind my back! But...
...But but but!
I dont mind.
- No, Panu-da...
...Pinaki-da, not us,
Dabbu da calls you so.
No, Gubla does!
- I told you!
I never mind.
- Okay.
You people want stuff.
I supply you with it.
Thats all.
Here you go!
- 16 GBs of amazing collection!
I am going to keep the files hidden
or else they may catch me at home.
Getting caught in school
was? an accident.
School as an idea
itself is stupid.
If youre to spill everything
to the parents, then why do we pay you?
Did you go to school?
- Excuse me!?
Did you go to school?
Till 8th standard.
Lost interest? after that...
School is very stupid place!
Why must I study Sher Shahs
Administrative system?
They teach you unnecessary things.
Those things are meant for the parliament.
Far better an option is
Kishore Kumars songs!
But songs dont have education in them!
- Oh sure they do, kid!
Theyve got education, questions
and? answers and everything!
Lets hear one then!
Yes! Lets!
- Just one song.
A song with questions.
What just happened?!
Question number 1?
- One.
How did it happen?
Plus 1!
- Plus 1! Okay?
When did it happen?
Plus 1!
Why did it happen?
- Plus 1?
Plus 2.
- Of course Plus 2!
Why did it happen,
it's score 2.
Now for the answers!
- Yes, answers.
It happened...
when it had to.
Oh chuck it,
dont think about it!
What just happened?!
Now a work education
song, okay?
Okay, tell me,
how does love happen?
A girl and a boy...
- Wrong answer!
You tell me!
- Through a Facebook profile picture
What! Come again!?
- Through Facebook pictures!
No! You tell me!
How does it happen?
You too have
the wrong answer.
Now listen.
First, for the props.
Lets mix some mischief...
...Into the flowers
And now lets mix with it
A little bit of wine...
And the intoxicating feeling
this makes for
Is what you call love!
Lets mix some mischief...
Into the flowers...
My mother is calling. Quiet.
Its my mother!
Will you be quiet now?
What is it?
Hey! What happened!?
Yes, Auntie...
Pinaki here.
What happened?
- What happened?
What is it?
Anals father met with an accident.
- Did he die?
This is my new
Panasonic Handicam.
Were here at our
favourite gin joint right now.
I will show you whats
going on here right now.
Lets turn to this side...
Hey! Stop disturbing, will you!
Fine. Continue now.
I will show you
another favourite?person.
This is our...
...Our cook!
Hello, Miss Cook!
Say your name.
- Go ask your dad, bugger!
Hey, give me a kiss , please!
And now Ill show you...
Okay... nows the fun part!
Down the way where
the nights are gay
And the sun shines daily
on the mountain top
Our guitarist, Priyank!
- Hi!
Now lets show you
something else!
And this is...
Well, when we smush our
art here, he doings weights.
What is this thing called?
- Turn the camera to me.
Its on you. Go on.
When you make your
own film, I will act in it!
Get your pronunciation
right first.
Turn your camera to this side!
- Yes, sure! Wait!
One second!
Okay, speak up!
Our 3rd year exams are over!
- Yes! Over?
Weve must go for a trip!
- Yes, yes!
Come over here! Come!
Where can we go?
- Digha?
Hey one minute!
Who all want to go to?Digha,
raise your hands...
One minute!
- What happened?
Only couples are allowed! Okay?
Because the single ones
are damn irritating!
Who said I am single?
- You are single!
I have a partner!
- And who is she?
My guitar!
- Oh yes!
No ones there
No ones there
I am all alone
No ones there
No ones there
I am all alone
Please, not right now!
The rhythms are breaking
All times are fusing
As we open up everything
What shows is the...
This city
Is clouded by
A disease
This city
Is covered with masks
So are the faces here
Through intoxicated nights...
The whores of the World...
Bear children...
Who are nothing but maniquin's
garbage to the society.
Thats enough.
It was such a great lunch!
Auntie, youre
a very good cook!
I cant cook these dishes.
All Pornos dad likes?is meat.
And Porno only likes Chinese food.
How can one eat so much of that?
Thats the issue.
But your banana flowers
and the shrimps
And the mixed vegetables!
Tasted all this after so long!
Please give me
some fennel seeds...
Even our son is like that.
Theres nothing that he likes.
Orders Pizza often.
He can eat that the entire day.
You must teach me to cook
some of these things.
Youre going to be here
for some days, right?
Though, Krishna-di is a
great cook too!
We will come over often, okay?
- Fine.
Please do. I am on a
long holiday now.
Krishna-di you must get
out of it now.
Its been two months. Isnt it?
Lets do one thing! Both the families,
we could all go for a trip.
Will he step out?
In the last 2 months all hes done is gone
to school and come back to his room.
Doesnt speak to anyone
Where he spends his evenings...
he doesnt say anything.
What does he do in his
room all the time?
Doesnt even answer my calls.
The boys hurt.
He was very fond
of his father.
Doesnt speak much
at home too.
He is young.
And such a shocking incident!
Why dont you find
him a counsellor?
Has he gone mad?!
Auntie... counselling doesnt imply
youve lost your mind.
Lower the volume.
Ill go and see Anal.
Bye, Auntie.
Werent you
suggesting a trip?
Do you know of
any such place?
Not a very popular place...
I feel suffocated these days,
when I see familiar faces.
Where will
you go now?
Your school isnt
on holiday now.
Anal too has school.
- Havent told you, Maa...
I quit the job.
What have you done!
How will you run
the home?
The household...
Anal's education...
Youre well aware, Maa...
I am not supposed to be
responsiblefor all this. So, I am not.
What are you saying!?
Want to go for a film?
Theres a nice Bengali film
running in the theatres.
It will lighten your mood.
Will you?
- Let me check for the show then!
Just send someone...
Its you...
Whats happening downstairs?
Come in.
You dont love me
Stop speaking crap.
We met after a long time
but you didnt kiss me.
You ignored me
that day too. I get it now.
I dont like all this.
What do you do locked up
in? your room all day?
I masturbate.
Youre insulting me!
Do you have anything
to tell me, Anal?
Are you hiding something?
I dont like seeing
you like this.
Tell me?
Can I tell you something?
Promise me, you wont
tell anyone?
Promise me.
Krishna-di, the tickets are done.
Get dressed, the shows in an hour.
- Wait, Ill be back.
Lets ask Anal
if hell come with us.
Then its better
you people go.
Im sorry, Kaberi...
You see, I need
my own space.
I should be sorry, Didi.
I didnt understand.
Go, great dressed now.
Okay, Ill be back.
- Okay.
Theres something
I need to ask.
After Sudipta-da passed away,
mother and son shouldve come closer.
Why is it the other way round?
Why are you watching all this,
Anal! This is sin! Delete this!
Shut up!
What kind of sin?!
- Hes your father!
He is not any different,
right? Understand this...
When we read these porn
stories, we watch porn...
There are so many
relationships? in those things...
Father-daughter, Mother-son,
We forget about all
those? relationships...
And only concentrate on
those? pornographic visuals.
The descriptions...the
visuals...thats the real thing.
Look at this girl!
She isnt a professional
porn girl!
This is the only
collection I have.
My fathers ex girlfriend!
Just look at her!
Just have a look
at the girl!
What are you
saying, Anal!
Who is teaching
you all these rubbish.
These arent your words...
This is adult stuff!
I am no kid like
you, alright?
I am an adult now!
I am an adult...
Youre smoking?
Want some?
My dad will throw me
out of the house.
I hardly managed to
get pass marks.
Cut it. Tagore never
went to school.
Tell your dad scoring
in exams? isnt everything.
You tell your dad,
Ill tell mine.
Do one thing.
You tell my dad as well.
- Pinaki-da...
Hows Anal?
- No idea.
He doesnt keep in contact.
We only talk if he
comes to school.
Doesnt take calls too.
Since Uncle passed away...
- He failed in Math.
That score can be settled.
Do one thing, bring him to my pad.
- He wont come.
That day he said he doesnt
prefer that kind of child play.
Said, he found something new,
that will take care of his entire life.
Dont act smart.
Do as I said.
Bring him.
Pinaki-da, give us a lift...
- Hop on.
Hold this.
Had you fallen asleep?
Yes, was about to.
What is it so
late in the night?
I am sorry for what happened
today. It was a mistake.
I love you sweetheart!
Love you too, Anal!
Miss you!
Yes, I miss you too!? Listen...
I want to see you!
Here I am, right
in front of you!
Oh no! Not like that...
I want to see
the entire you!
Stop talking crap!
No, listen to me!
Will you have
phone sex with me?
No. Go to sleep!
Whats impossible here?
Havent you seen those films?
And those ads on
TV and papers?
Hello, I am Payel,
will you be my friend?
Like that...dont you
get me?!
Ive never done
that! I cant!
I havent done it either!
Theres no harm in it!
This is the first
and last time!
Please!? No!? I cant.
Okay, are you
feeling shy?
Then do this much...
Send me a...Send me a naked
photograph of yours on Whatsapp?!
What the hell are you saying,
Anal? Im not that kind of a girl.
Look...this is the first
and last time, please!
I really need this!
Look at your folder
full of porn girls...
But those are...
theyre professionals! I want to...
I want to see someone I know!
Why dont you get
it? Listen to me!
Sorry, Anal. You wouldnt force
me if you loved me.
Youre addicted. Sleep.
No but I...
Just listen to me once!
Hello, listen...
Who are you?
Who are you?
Its me!
You called me!
So I came!
Are you real?
Are you real!
Are you?
So if you think.
Otherwise not.
I know youre real!
Youre real real real!
Come close to me...
Youre real!
No, Sir.
Yes, as in...
Yes, its done, Sir.
No...?All three of them...
Yes, Sir.
I caught all three of them.
Yes, Sir.
Im trying, Sir.
Goodnight, Sir!
Ive finished dinner, Sir.
People keep raping...
and I am to suffer!
As if, to rape in my area
they seek my permission!
I feel like shoving a ruler inside them
and empty the shit out of them!
Control your language,
our daughters growing up.
Shut up. Dont talk crap!
I cant say Shit now?
And your daughter, when she says the
same words in English, thats no issue?
That sounds like cake
and pastries to you?
Okay, calm down.
You couldve come for
the film that day.
It was a good film.
Youre becoming so dry
because of the work pressure.
Thefts, rapes...thats all
your head is filled with.
I cant stand those
stupid films.
People who make those films...I should
give them all a 3rd degree shelling!
All stupid stories!
Stop it. You dont know
anything but that.
Someday youll give us a
3rd degree shelling too.
3rd degree!
Third degree.
How will you know?
If you ever got the
chance to do it...
then youd know!
Such fun!
Rape eh?
What are you doing!?
You bugger!
Whats this?
Old aunties?
You dont have underage
ones? Schoolgirls?
Its banned?
One day Ill beat the
hell out of you!
I will finish you!
Get lost!
Are you asleep?
Can you dance?
Have you forgotten about the
Annual programme at out college?
You fell for me seeing my
Indian classical in the
middle of the night!
Mango leaves put together!
One lash and horse runs afar!
- Wow!
Hey, Queen,
step aside!
My mad horse is here!
The mad horse
has lost it now!
Its throwing guns
and roses around!
Bravo, Porn-Uncle!
I am not your Uncle!
I just a lover!
And this is my love-lash!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Oh yes! B.D.S.M!
Oh yeah!
Bondage! Domination!
Sadism! Masochism!
Category! Category! Category!
Which one do you want?
This lover will show
you are the tricks today!
Awesome! Big dick!
Cumshot! Deep throat!
Everything! FFM! MMF!
Everything! Tell me
what you want.
What is this MMF, FFM?
Oh no! Silly boy!
He doesnt know!
F.F.M. means...
Female Female Male!
And M.M.F means...
Male Male Female!
These are threesome
Youll know when you
watch the videos!
Its, your wife...
and another person!
Look whos here!
One hell of a party now!
Make one for him
- How are you?
Whats going on?
The perverted world inside the
human mind! Its perverted demands!
And the business of
supplying that!
Whats with this cross-dressing?
- Cross-dressing!
Men wear womens clothes and
women wearing mens clothes!
They have a great time!
How do you
know all of this?
Net, kids. The internet.
- Oh, the internet!
I dont have a
girlfriend like you.
Youre life is set. But
my life on the net!
What would we do
without you, Master!
I am nothing, son.
Just a customer.
You see, per second, 30,000 people
search for porn on internet in this world!
Per second, 30,000!
Mostly, child-sex videos,
rape porn videos!
Domination domination
Humans take out their stress
by dominating someone
Wow! Youre on a roll today!
I am nothing,
just a customer!
- Statistics Statistics Statistics!
You see, it is according to your
demand that they supply!
Is that so?
- More demand, more supply!
A million dollar business!
You know...
very soon, in Italy, theyre
opening up a porn university!
Porn university?
- I cant go to Italy!
Ive an entire hard disc loaded
at home. Thats my university.
Great! Thats wonderful!
Ghutai...heres wishing your hard
disc university a hearty cheers!
Your progress report is out.
Never told me.
I forgot.
Forgot or avoided it?
I met your school
teacher today.
Ive found out what
youve been up to.
Think about it...
...he has more news on me as an
outsider but you dont as a mother.
Thank God he is there!
- Youre forgetting I am your mother
What kind of a son speaks
to his mother like this?
Lets not talk about me.
Youve failed
your Math paper?
Do you have an
explanation for this?
The Math teacher failed
to teach me, Maa!
Is that so? How is it that the rest
of the students passed then?
I know you miss him.
I miss him too!
I miss him a lot!
But that does
not mean that...
Ive forgotten about
all my responsibilities!
Im doing my job! Then
why cant you do yours?
Fine, Ill make up next time.
- How much can you make up?
How much? Even if does
happen, youll lag behind others.
You know the kind of man your
dad was. What if he was alive today...
Would he be very happy?
- Look, Maa...
Baba is not my idol.
And this life of mine is not
meant for pleasing him!
And I know what kind of a
man he was, so please stop!
What the hell are you saying?
- Dont make me spill it out.
Stop it. Please stop,
okay? Please stop!
God knows what
Ill end up saying!
- Shut up!
Shut up.
Oh, its you.
Yes, its me.
You called me.
I came.
Im not in the mood today
Of course.
How can you like me?
Youre bored of me now.
But why...
You loved me so much
in the afternoon.
Now make my mood!
Naughty boy!
I know...
what you want!
Want a striptease?
- Yes.
So... hows your
revolution going?
What revolution?
I heard...
...that youve requested
the headmaster...
...for extra classes for the
correct sex education?
Yes, I did. But he said...
no one wants to teach.
Particularly not the
female teachers.
Do one thing.
Open up your own
private classes.
Classes from
For both the genders.
Theoretical?and practical
classes of sex education!
Itll be a hit!
This attitude of yours
is the problem.
Sorry, Sir, I was just
kidding. Thats all.
By the way,
did you hear?
The Supreme Court has
banned the porn websites.
Where did porn come in here?
Completely different things.
No, its the same!
- Morning.
Have you ever heard a
proper dump without a pee?
Those are interdependent,
like parasites.
My God!
Seems its impossible to talk
to you people regarding this!
True. Unlike you
were not really..., right?
Have you ever been
to the students toilets?
Seen the things they scribble
and draw on the walls?
You will be sorry to hear,
Theyve drawn a
cartoon of you.
Tagged as
Three Times prolong!
Youre the math
teacher, you see...
Your phone
numbers there too.
Ignore it. Youll do better.
Dont go looking for a
reason or solution.
Whoever did this,
we need to find him...
...and give him
a nice shelling!
Like finding a needle
in the hay!
And by the way,
that student from
your class...
...Anal Chakrabarty
you know about
his mental status?
He who got
caught with porn.
Very mischievous lad.
I told his mother...
Hes failed this time.
Wait a minute.
You think he did this?
No I am trying to say for him,
or pupils like him for all of them really.
losing the father, adolescence,
educational pressure,
you see, it is
all interconnected.
So you mean he is...
...the tragedy and shock
is driving him mad?
Please, Sir! This is the
nature of his age.
And thats the scariest bit.
At this age, developing unnatural
sexual disorders and the like...
are common due to
lack of proper guidance.
Later, in their
professional life
social and family life
this comes out in the form of
rape, domestic violence...
And various such sadisms and
sexually oppressive behaviour!
Sorry, Sir. Never looked
at it that way.
We could speak to the
Headmaster on your behalf.
Yes. Right.
Thank you.
By the way, I have
prawn today
Want some?
Is that so?
Youre really something!
I said Prawn.
Not porn.
Its in our head you see.
Want some?
My sweetheart is here...
My sweetheart is here...
O spring, shower the flowers.
Look at you!
Seems youre in
a good mood?
Because Im singing
instead of cursing you?
Its not like that.
Youre hardly in a
good mood these days.
Are you off the
work pressure?
I forgot to tell you.
- What?
I solved that rape case.
Im expecting a
promotion very soon.
Wow! Great!
- Thank you!
Why didnt you tell me
when you came back?
I didnt?because...
I wanted to surprise you!
Can I tell you something?
Now Ive to talk
to you as well?
You watch that
crap everyday.
I was curious today.
So I watched quite a few
of those on your laptop.
Nothing much.
Theres one thing I liked.
Those boys have
Are you drunk?
I drink every day.
Whats new?
You dare to speak
to me like that!?
You hit me!?
Yes! Why? Youll
hit me back?
Go on!
Hit me then!?
Come on!
Leave me!
Arent you ashamed? Why did
you become a mother?
You never care for me!
- Why, who cares for you then?
What the hell have
you done for me?
You dont deserve
to be a mother!
Did you ever ask why I come home drunk
every day since father passed away?
Ever hugged me close?
Did you ever try
to talk to me?
Ever sat beside me once?
Ever wondered what
I am going through?
Youve been insulting
me, avoiding me!
But I tried to do
everything I could!
Or else Id never stay
here after he left!
You got pregnant having fun! Youre
not supposed to be responsible! Right?
What! Say that again!
- Fun!
You got pregnant trying to have fun! I was
born because you slept with dad! Thats it!
Youve no responsibility!
- Youre right!
I know! Im not responsible for you!
I wasnt ever supposed to be!
Ive lived in this house all
these years just for your Dad.
After that man left I really
have no duty to fulfil.
Youre bloody right!
What are you two doing!?
Please calm down!
- No, Maa.
He must know
the truth today!
How could he
say that to me!?
I was having fun?
He must know the truth!
- What truth?
What truth?!
- No, Anal!
No... Anu! Anu,
go to your room!
Your mother has a
bad temper today. Go, sleep!
- No way!
He will know
the truth today!
He has to hear
the truth today!
What are you doing!?
Everything will
fall apart! Everything!
What truth?
Im not your mother.
Only your fathers friend.
Your mother, I
and your Dad
We went to the
same college.
They used to
love each other.
Mine was one-sided
love for your father.
Then they got married.
You were born.
Your mother died
of Septicaemia.
From that day I stood
beside your father.
I became your mother.
Took up your
responsibility for life.
I never conceived.
Just like your Dad wanted.
I served the two of you
for all these years...
Because I love you...
Not because I
was having fun.
Youre kidding,
right? Maa?
Maa, tell me?
Maa! Youre my
mother, isnt it?
Didun, shes kidding,
isnt it?
What is she saying?
What is she saying?
Where did she go?
Your parents
wedding album.
Get up.
What is it Mr. Anal
so late in the night?
Ive got new stuff!!
Take it!
If you want!
Hey! Bugger
whats wrong?
Why are you sitting
here alone?
Go, have fun!
Take it?
Come in!
Youll catch a cold!
Let her stay out for
some more time?
How are you?
How are you, Baba!?
Im good.
Why think so much?
Love your privacy.
Save it.
It will all be fine.
I miss you, Baba...
Youve grown up a lot.
Are you smoking
now a days?
Give me one. Not
smoked in a long time.
I loved your mother a lot.
Your mother loves
you a lot too
You know what a
Pornomochi tree is like?
Trees that shed off their old? leaves
to dress up with new leaves.
This is what you
must do with your life.
All the...
...anger, sorrow, regrets,
dust and dirt
shed everything off and
decorate? your life in a new way!
Ill see you again.