Port of Call (2015)

(Shilong, Dongguan)
Unforgettable days
Faded impressions of home
In your diary you said I'm like
an infatuated child, looking at the world
But that sky above the canopy-
wasn't it the same back then?
That day I didn't understand your words
Now I continue making a busy life for myself
But I dream of being a simple person again
(Wang Jiamei)
Sis, no more. I'm on a diet
You're already so thin
and you're dieting?
Mom, don't you know?
Jiamei wants to be a model
Don't speak our dialect with her
Your Cantonese is poor
Don't set a bad example for her
How could I?
She already speaks like a Guangdong girl
Wang Jiamei, what did she just do? What happened?
Why didn't you say anything?
Don't you know she could die?
Answer me!
You'd better stop the bleeding,
you said she could die
Are you Wang Jiamei?
I am Miss Mak
The students all call rne Miss Mak
the school social worker
How would you like rne to address you?
D0 you have an English name?
K-A-M-A, Kama
I know most of the 9th grade students
but I don't know you
You must be a quiet girl
Although you get good grades
some teachers feel you don't like them
Actually, I feel that some teachers don't like rne
You wrote on Facebook
I turned on the lights and saw the bed was bloody
The two of us were rolling on the bed
like pigs at a butcher's
That was my first time
That was my boyfriend in Dongguan
We broke up
You've been in Hong Kong a year now
and you've just turned
So can you tell me why
you saw your classmate slit her wrists
but didn't tell Miss Wu?
Because I was scared
Why did she cut herself with a knife?
Many things are difficult to explain
What is it, Officer Chong?
Did you steal his girlfriend?
How did you know?
I heard the rumors
I hitched a ride
Yiu Tung Street, right?
Let's go
You forgot your phone
The last person to see the victim was
Ting Tsz-chung
He hasn't been home since last night
We've found the landlord
CSI has gone over the room with an arc lamp
There are bloodstains all over the floor
Are there any witnesses?
There's an old lady
Why don't you rest a bit?
If you think of anything
please let us know, OK?
Mr. Ting
What are you cooking?
Do you need any help?
Please take a picture for me
Of what?
Of me
0f you?
Here, I'll do it
(Looking for Mei)
No, no, help me
Help me, help me
What the fuck is it?
Pick up
Stamp the receipt and give it to rne
Hurry up! You're so slow
I need to pee
By the time you get to the customer
they'll complain the meat has gone bad
Move it!
Move it!
Get out of here!
Where are you from?
I'm asking where you're from, damnit
This morning, police found pools of blood
in an apartment in Sham Shui P0
They believe someone was murdered there
It is thought that the victim was a woman
A male tenant is wanted by the police
He has not been located
Boy-boy no PlayStation
Finish summer homework first
See you tonight
Not doing anything?
Madam Law
Do you really have to work so hard?
You'll exhaust yourself
How's the murder case going?
The victim is Wang Jiamei
age 16, from Hunan
Her mother remarried 7 years ago
but she failed to get a Hong Kong visa
So she moved to Shilong in Dongguan
Since her stepfather's family was nearby
and it's close to Hong Kong
so her mother could easily come back to visit
A year ago
she immigrated to Hong Kong
She left school before finishing 9th grade
She supposedly was an assistant
at a modelling company
but actually was a paid escort
She was killed during sex with a client
Her flesh was chopped up
and flushed down the toilet
The killer ripped the skin off her face
and carted her bones to Shek Kip Mei Market
Great! So the case is closed?
The killer, Ting Tsz-chung
age 29
claims to be a delivery driver
but he's a triad member
Sells smuggled cigarettes
The day of the murder was
the first time he had met her
There were no bad feelings between them
But they may have taken ketamine
before sex
causing him to kill her while under the influence
Don't smoke in my home
You think cops can do whatever they want?
Always dreaming of being a movie star
or a model
but she never looks in the mirror
She looks just like her rotten dad
Modelling is about more than height
And she goes out with so many guys
She's always out all night
taking birth control pills
I know she has a boyfriend
Fine! Don't come back!
Madam, the test results are back
Your daughter may very well have passed away
You mean she's dead?
What are you saying?
Perfect timing
Talk to her
DPC 51334
She's hostile
and thinks her daughter is still alive
You're crazy!
Not thinks - hopes
What do you want me to do?
Make her believe her daughter is dead?
Don't smoke so much
You don't need to
call Missing Persons every day
They've given the case
to us in Regional Crimes
You're luckier than many others
In Hong Kong, one person goes missing every hour
Many parents
don't know for years
whether their children are alive or dead
- Hi, Chuen
- May
It must feel good to take your shirt off, right?
You can, too
Let's make a date then
Hello, Manager
Mr. Ma keeps asking what time you start work
Does he sign my paychecks?
May, you're finally here!
Let's dance
No way. I need to make a living
Are you shy?
I'm not shameless
Goodbye, my love
I don't know when we'll meet again
I've given you everything
Please cherish that
Don't betray my love
You're still awake?
How come?
Sisterly bonding?
It's too hot
Of course, all the lights are on
Uncle can't sleep with the lights on
The earrings Xia gave us
actually belong to her daughter
She regifted them
She's so cheap she wants them back?
Why not?
She got you a similar pair
I don't want them
Then throw them away yourself
Don't be like that, Jiamei
Come here
What is it?
Stop whining!
What have I done to you?
They don't belong to us
Who says you're poor?
I buy you everything you want
You said you wanted to go online
I got you a $3000 computer
You think I have a fortune stashed away?
You can't stand it anymore?
I'll withdraw you from school tomorrow
If you want to be a model
go to work
and make some money
Stop it, Morn. Go take a bath
Which one are you playing?
Five Circles?
So bold
Do you know what you're doing?
Four Bamboos
I need to talk to you
Here, take my place
What is it?
I gave you a pair of earrings for your birthday
They actually belong to my daughter
She's been looking for them...
They're expensive
I gave them to my daughter
You don't want me to take them back, do you?
I've brought you a similar pair
Can you switch them with Jiamei's?
They're the same to the kids
Really? Then why do you want to trade?
Are they really expensive?
Over $4000,
Sure... I'll give them back tomorrow
What are you doing here?
I came to see the Regional Crime Unit
Sign in here
Write down why you're here
I came to turn myself in
Young man, admit your mistakes and change
What did you do?
Assault or theft?
I killed someone
Do you understand the consequences
of what you've just said?
You may go to jail for life
I hope you're sure of what you are saying
I only speak the truth
That's not him
You don't need to say who it's not
ls that him?
Definitely not
That's him, the one with the owl tattoo
Prodigy Hoi
After him!
What the fuck! This is police business
Flora, watch the car
It's illegal to park here
But we're on police business
We'll get a ticket
Out of the way
He's gone
Thanks, Miss
Open up
Police! Open up
Calm down
We're just looking for someone
Nothing to do with you
Careful it doesn't backfire, sir
Shut up
Come out
Let's go! No looking around
Which gang are you in?
I'll send someone to say hello to your boss
We got our guy
but trespassed onto
some gang's turf
They may be Sum's men
We're coming down now
The first game pays more than double
it's a good deal
Believe rne
Thank you, Boss
Sure, sure
That's it, then. Bye bye
Wolfsburg is definitely
Hoi, you're doing well
I've been very discreet
but you can still tell
I'm doing under-the-table betting?
But many of your colleagues
also bet on soccer
It's not a serious crime like murder
But your buddy did commit murder
Which buddy?
No need to play dumb
Fat Ting admitted to it
We just want to ask you some questions
I won't answer anything
without my lawyer here
Betraying a buddy is taboo in gangs
Please! It's murder!
No one is stupid enough to turn himself in
Officer, you look familiar
You smoke Marlboro Reds, right?
Have you bought from rne before?
You motherfucker
He left violin at the teacher
Yes, you go, bring it back
Bring it
Not aeroplane
What are you doing?
Beating a suspect?
Madam, he's a witness
I told you to watch your leader
Where's Smokey?
Sorry, I didn't recognize you when you walked by
What happened, Chong?
Why is he the only one hurt?
Now you know who's better at it
Did you call an ambulance?
No need, just scratches
Not for you
for the guy inside
Yes, we did
We got it
The fake credit card factory is the Wo's
I'll say you went on an informant's clue
Otherwise we'll never hear the end of it
You're welcome
Just stop once you get the evidence
Your team may follow you
but think of yourself
If you keep this up
you may not get another promotion
Finish your report and have it to me by 5pm
Yes, Madam
Remember the workplace smoking ban is in effect
How much longer for the ambulance?
Has Ting ever mentioned his mother?
She died when he was a kid
I want to have sex
Crazy, go jerk off
Go jerk off
I've done it so much I have prostate infections
why don't take some AV back
It's community welfare
Why are you looking at my mom's picture?
I know what you're thinking
stay away from my mom's picture
Don't you dare
I'll take it, thank you
Be careful of your mom
You asshole
You asshole
You want to jerk off?
I'll help you jerk off
Come on
You asshole
Let me borrow this
Fuck off
Stay 8W8)'
His father?
N0, they don't talk much
His girlfriend?
That's Mo-yung
She's not his girlfriend
Right, Lok W0 Sha Lane in Ma On Shan
OK, twenty minutes
Miss, do you need help?
No, Big Boy's van broke down
That's a lot of stuff
Yeah, I'm moving
and switching boyfriends at the same time
Give me your number
I can help the next time you move
That's OK, thanks
It's all right, I'm a policeman
I'm a good citizen, too
Take care
I hate people who fall all over themselves
to flirt with me
It's true
I hate flatterers
So can I have your phone number?
Didn't you get it when I called
for your van just now?
D0 you think Ting really loved Mo-yung?
That Fat Ting
drives an old van
His temper is short
so he often loses jobs
Then he has to pinch pennies
He often gives her gifts
I told him
There's no such thing as a 'freeze crew'
What's a 'freeze crew'?
I mean
there's no such thing as a 'free screw'!
You old fogey!
Oh, 'free screw'
I'm going to LA soon
LA? In the US?
But he has a wife and kids
I'll have a husband, too
You're high?
Oh, Ah B is here
Ah B is afraid of everyone except Mr. Ting
So arrogant
No, it's called being clever
Cats are good judges of character
Auntie, I'll bring him back to you soon
No hurry
Sorry to disturb you
I'm in here
What are you doing?
Hurry, open the door
What were you doing?
What is it?
What is it?
What are you doing?
I thought Junkie was inside
Forget about it
You know each other?
Shut up
Shut up
Go home
I said, go home
What's going on?
Go home
Everything's OK
Drug addicts causing trouble?
That's right,make up with your girlfriend
Goodnight, Auntie
Forget about it
You really want it that bad?
I'll help you with my hands
Sergeant, the ambulance is here
Let me ask one final question
Madam, ask your chief to let rne go
Ting phoned you after the murder
What did he say?
I didn't know such a thin person
could have so much fat
What the hell are you talking about?
They say the divers can only find whole corpses
I don't know if they can find just a head
May I talk to you about some things
unrelated to your case?
That's what I like listening to the most
My sister didn't quit school
to help with family expenses
She said she wanted to make more money
I feel Jiamei was a little...
I think so, too, but she would never admit it
Jiamei changed
after coming to Hong Kong
she kept everything to herself
unlike when she was little
Morn has changed a lot in Hong Kong, too
and she's aged a lot
If you want to speak to Uncle
make an appointment to meet him outside
He won't say anything in front of Morn
I've never seen a more cooperative witness
I feel better after speaking to you
Can you take a picture for me?
You and me?
No, take one of me
Look through the lens, here
Then press the red button
Are these yours?
No, they're my sister's
She always felt she wasn't tall enough
She wanted to be a model
so she bought these
Your music is too internet-y
Mom said not to speak our dialect here
But you speak it with her
Pig skull
You're the Pig skull
Good luck tomorrow
OK, 1,2, 3
I heard the tabloid paid you for an interview
I didn't ask you for money, though
True, everyone needs to eat
What did you want to ask?
Do you have enough evidence to charge Ting?
Rice with black beans and fish
Great, thanks
Mr. Siu
Did Jiamei ever say whether she was afraid to die?
Ting said he only killed Jiamei
because she told him she wanted to die
Officer, that question
is a fucking difficult one
Nevermind, chief
We'll wait to read about it in the tabloid
You should ask Jiamei's morn
or her real dad
Yes, he does off-site betting
in Hunan
Every time Manchester United lost
Jiamei would text to congratulate him
Uncle, who do you think will win this match?
That's last night's game
Who won?
Manchester United lost
Aren't you trying to be a model?
You're just sitting around
Are you a star yet?
Morn, stay still when you speak
Your cell phone rang
Which whore sent you a text message?
Not a whore, my daughter
Long-distance, too
(Jiamei: Congrats, Dad , Man U lost)
(Dad: Good girl. Work hard, stay healthy)
Miss, do you have a moment?
Would you like to be a part-time model?
Sorry, I don't speak Chinese
Miss, do you have a few moments to talk?
Miss, would you like to be a part-time model?
Miss, can we talk for a few moments ?
Would you be interested
Are you upset...
that the company is not signing you as a model?
You said yourself
As long as you're paid, you'd do anything
We hired you, but you're lazy
Miss, are you interested in being a model?
Please listen to rne for a moment
Do you have a moment?
N0 thanks
Miss, a few words, please?
Miss, you are so beautiful
If you say you want to be a singer
others may laugh at you
But being a part-time model is different
it's easy and pretty
You just let people take photos
Why aren't you doing it?
I'm a talent scout now
Without scouts, there would be no talent
Here's our business card
You know how to talk
That's how your guy persuaded me
to audition for you
I remember what he said
and just repeated it
Today's Pa)'
That's all?
You only worked two hours
I can work more
We target people at lunch time and after work
This meal from McDonald's is on me...
a first-day gift
(More than just a job)
(Welcome to join the McDonald's Family)
I'm full
- Finally, you're here.
- Yes!
Did you put on weight?
None of your business
I thought you were desperate for money
Why did you quit 'MacDonald's' so quickly?
It's 'McDonald's'
not 'MacDonald's'
Don't laugh at her
She still can't get it right after two months
You can't hide the fact you're from the mainland
You have a harsh tongue
You make a lot of money now?
Finally, we're onto the real topic
I'm just asking
I don't want to listen to this
Think about how she feels
Don't talk about this in front of her sister
She has her own hardships
She wanted to see the band Fahrenheit in Taiwan
S0 her cousin introduced her to this business
Your cousin got you into the business?
She wasn't even 16 then
She couldn't look for a job
So she found one that didn't require an interview
Was a Fahrenheit ticket very expensive?
But they did six concerts
Jiamei, do you really want to be an escort?
She really needs the money
She wants to move out
so she's doing two jobs
I asked you,really?
Is it too dark?
Open the curtains
All right
There's no need to stack them
I have many more in my room
Jiali and I will recycle them later
make some money
We'll help
What's wrong?
Are you worried we're not strong enough?
Concentrate on finding evidence
to put the scumbag away for life!
The fat kid said
he and my daughter took drugs
Did he kill her because he got too high?
He is clear about every step of that murder
Except we cannot find the body
D0 you think he's lying?
I don't know
Was my daughter one of those?
Was Jiamei a prostitute?
Are you smoking in there?
Pardon me
I forgot you can't smoke here
Give me one
It's a bit strong
(Missing Person)
Can you be my girlfriend?
Of course
(A Lonely Person)
I can't really be your girlfriend
Give it up
I lied just now
When I left the hotel
I'd already forgotten you
BYE bye
Shall I wrap them up?
N0, I'll wear them out
$4,388, please
(Stop Domestic Violence)
No wonder you look so familiar
That's not me
How can you say it's not you?
I'll cut off my dick if it's not you
Look, here, too
You're so popular
You're very photogenic
You'd be perfect for a job I have
It's a public service advertisement
Have you had dinner yet?
You come and go as you please
When do you plan on
returning the toy?
Don't get me in trouble
It's useful, sir
Find something to substitute for it
I see you playing with it sometimes
Don't make fun of me
This is a big deal
A dismembered body case
That girl was amazing
Only 16...taking on customers at such a young age
If a person is capable of such a sacrifice
selling their body so they can live another life
why would they suddenly want to die?
What is it?
Afraid I'd catch cold?
your butt is too bright
Didn't I get to the next level? Why did it die?
It's my turn now
Can you escape my grip?
Open up
You'll ruin the machine
Can you give me your NDS?
My sister and I love playing it
Not this one
Someone gave it to me
Nevermind then
I can buy you a new one
to make up for all the free dates
you've given rne
No, forget about it
You have hairy armpits?
You don't like that?
I like it
I have them too, see?
Let me play with it
How can there be so many facts?
Facts are just for prosecuting
You've seen so many bad guys by now
how can you not tell them apart?
The more bad guys you see
the more you don't want them to exist
Do you remember in '98
we worked together on a case
The victim
was tortured for almost a month before she died
The medical examiner said
her whole face must have been swollen
Her mouth was bleeding
Her body was covered in blisters
All her wounds oozed pus
Shut up
I don't want to be reminded
I'll have nightmares
It's because I can't stand the gore that
I transferred to the Operations Support Sub-unit
I'll never forget that day
Sir, there's a child here
Got it
She's the victim's daughter
Be brave
Tell me what you saw
I remember in court
one criminal described how he tortured the victim
forced her to drink urine and eat feces
beat her
burned her
dismembered her body
and cooked it
While he talked
the other two laughed
Deep in my heart, I really wanted to believe
they were not demons
and would feel remorse
Don't make up alibis for Ting any more
We have sufficient evidence
that he's a murderer
Who did he kill?
A 16-year-old girl
When Ting was
he was in a traffic accident
His father drove trucks between Hong Kong
and the mainland
He brought his wife and son
on a trip
The truck flipped over
Ting watched his mother die
I'm looking through the old files
What are you trying to do?
I told you to stop investigating
Take time off to be with your daughter
Give me one more night
I'll have the report on your desk by morning
If you get sued
for interrupting the judicial process
I won't write letters on your behalf
in case people think we're having an affair
That's ridiculous
Do I embarrass you?
Look at yourself
Your face is sagging
still pretending to be young
(Fatal Car Accident in Zhongshan)
(Family of Three Involved: Mother Dies)
Get up. It's after 8 already
Good morning, Madam
Needless to say, there's no report
It's on your desk
Yes, Madam
Fix his grammar
Rush it to court before 10:
D0 you have a death-wish, bringing a cat here?
He belonged to Ting's neighbour, an old lady
She had a stroke
and wants us to find him an owner
Get Sergeant Chong to take him
He has no other family
That will work out
Ask Chong to take him home
Give him a home?
He's quite cute
All right, I'll take you in
Greet me first
Here's the information on Lee Mo-yung
you requested
Who is this man?
Her boyfriend
She was going to live with her elderly billionaire
boyfriend in America
fell in love with his son
The son got tired of her
and let her go
Don't let me see your face
How embarrassing
It's like those fans
Oh, the ticket is gone!
Where's my ticket?
A ticket
costs hundreds of dollars
Two cost over $1000,
And three hours pass just like that
Want to fuck rne for just over $1000
What are you doing?
Have you gone crazy?
You've done a lot of research
Yes, per your orders
I got a private eye to find this data
I'll put his bill on your desk in a few days
No way!
Why didn't you discuss it with me?
You're so serious
I found everything on Facebook
I don't use Facebook
You're so low-tech
I don't know how to help you
Help me with these English letters
I copied them from Jiamei's wall
It looks like a password
I think it means something
You think I'm the FBI?
It could be pinyin or something
Let it go, OK?
If it is pinyin
there are many possibilities
It needs a lot of work before it can be solved
Let it go
This case is closed
When you have some time
get a Facebook account
Make some more friends
How about this
I'll be the first to add you as a friend
I'm on Facebook, too
Add rne as your friend
First I've got to fix the sergeant's grammar
Great choice
Give me change for all of this
Come on
I have no time to play with you
Come on
Officer, let's call it a night
I have to go
I have school tomorrow
Can police do whatever they want?
Can police force others to play video games?
Are you going to DEW?
You don't look old enough
Be serious
Even I went to arcades when I was underage
Who hasn't done that before?
You try anything when you're young
I stole things
when I was young
Have you taken ketamine?
Will it make you do things
without realizing you're doing them?
Play some games with rne
Have you heard of Wang Jiamei?
Yes, $500 per hour
$800 for two
The first hour can be dinner
or karaoke
ls this your phone number?
I'm busy tonight
What is it?
You're blocking the closet
I need my clothes
I didn't hang up on you
All right
Next time, then
BYE bye
I need to pee. I'm in a hurry
Where are you going at this hour?
I have a date
With whom?
You wouldn't know him even if I told you
Come home early
Your tone is so strange today
I'll be there soon. Where are you?
OK. Bye
Take a good look at her
Take a good look. Why would I chase her?
Maybe you like shit
What if you like shit?
Sorry, Jiamei
I was explaining to my girlfriend
that we met at an internet cafe'
We just play arcade games together
But she doesn't believe rne
She said she saw us strolling
hand in hand
That never happened, right?
That's right. It never happened
Your girlfriend is just concerned about you
It's late. Why don't you go home?
What about you?
That's different
You're so young
Then why don't you go home?
Go ahead. I'll leave soon
I wanted to ask
will you come back to play?
I'll come if you will
Mui, let's go
BYE bye
Actually, I don't want you to do it
D0 what?
Your job
I don't charge you
If I didn't have clients
I'd starve
D0 you have to put it like that?
This is Kama
You just called me
Do you still want rne to come?
Of course
I can treat you like I'm your girlfriend
Send rne your address
I'll be right over
For an extra $500
I can stay till morning
All right, bye bye
Don't you worry about getting electrocuted?
Do people die so easily?
(2009: The Wang Jiamei Case Goes to Trial)
I hurt it moving stuff a long time ago
I didn't ask you
Didn't you always want this?
I don't have any condoms
It's OK. I'm having my period
Take care
(3.Painful Steps)
I saw it was light outside
and knew I had to deal with her body
I took a cleaver
and held up her body
Then I slit her throat
to let the blood out
About 10 or 15 minutes later
when the blood stopped flowing
I cut down
from her throat
all the way to her bellybutton
I didn't know a such a thin person
could have so much fat
What the hell are you talking about?
I saw her organs
but I couldn't tell them apart
which was the heart, which were the lungs
I just pulled them all out
cut them up into small pieces
and little by little
flushed them down the toilet
I chopped off her head
It took about 4 or 5 chops
before the head fell off
Then I moved onto her limbs
and removed the flesh
It took 4 or 5 chops to break the legs
The arms were thinner
just 2 or 3 chops
Mr. Ting
What are you cooking?
Do you need any help?
After dealing with her limbs
I decided to remove the skin
I pulled the skin off her face
but I couldn't pull off the rest of the skin
because there is fat under the skin
I tried to cut it with the skin
but it didn't work
So I made horizontal cuts
and removed the whole piece of skin
I saw that's what pig butchers do
so I did the same thing
Then I got to the bones
The tail bone
was the hardest to cut
Then the ribs
I broke them with my knife tip
About 20 of them
Then the big toes
Maybe because they were so thick
they were hard to break
S0 I tried to remove the skin
so they would look like pig's feet
not human
Then I could take them to the market
I washed my hands
and put Jiamei's head in a plastic bag
At about 10pm
I took a bus to the Kowloon City Pier
because even if there were police roadblocks
they seldom search buses
After arriving at the pier
I saw there were very few people
I tipped the bag with her head into the sea
Dad, how many people are there in Hong Kong?
7 million
Kill Cheung, that motherfucker!
Does Uncle James Wong count?
No, he's dead
Kill Cheung, that motherfucker!
How about Bruce Lee?
There's no heaven, no earth, no conscience!
Is he dead?
Kill Cheung, that motherfucker!
There's no heaven, no earth, no conscience!
Kill, kill that motherfucker!
How about Wang Jiamei?
How do you know about her?
Mom watches you on the TV news
I just know someone named Wang Jiamei died
Your mom watches me
You can say that again
She only lets me see you
on the days you have ballet, violin,
and swimming lessons
I just drop you off and pick you up
and only see you a few hours a week
By the W3Y
don't keep talking about me
in front of your mom's new guy
He'll get jealous, you know?
he may be your new dad any day now
I haven't seen him
in a long time
What happened?
Finish what you were saying
I'm not your boss
Morn will tell me off
I can't say anything
I don't want to betray her
I'm so tired. I want to go to sleep
Hi, my name is Chong
Yes, I got it
I just roll it over my face?
And it really works?
My face will be firmer?
You still don't sleep?
Look at yourself
Your hair is getting grayer
The bags under your eyes are getting bigger
Do you still stay awake until daylight?
If I go to bed early
I have nightmares
I'm on a dismemberment case
The girl's name is Wang Jiamei
She was only 16 when she died
I know
I read the newspapers
But why would anyone
tell someone they just met they want to die?
And why would that person believe them?
To be honest
When I was young and first started dating you
I used to think you were so cute like this
I loved hearing you describe your cases
You were so obsessed with them
and I thought they were great stories
But after a while
I found it so hard
I just sent a text message to Jiamei's dad
(Red Devils lost. Congrats)
(Dad: Jiamei, did you change phones?)
(l miss you)
(I miss you, too)
(Then don't wire me any more money)
(Save it for a train ticket)
(Come see me when you have time)
I didn't dare tell him
his daughter is dead
because I know how it feels
for a father to miss his daughter
But he doesn't know he will never
see Jiamei again
Come on
What's wrong?
Don't cry
People are staring
Don't cry like that
You're crying like a child
Mommy has gone out for a while
Why aren't you asleep?
I'm coming back now
All right
BYE bye
I have to go
to bother you so late at night
In any case
don't think too much about it
Our daughter's birthday party is next week
She wants to invite you
Will it be awkward for you?
If you have time, get some sleep
You look like a ghost
You'll scare our daughter's classmates
Mister, let me pay your tab
A memo from our Inspector
for rne to ask Ting Tsz-chung some questions
to interrogate him
Sir, do you know the criminal well?
Your name is already on
Ting's visitor list
You can come at any time
Please go upstairs and wait
Are you doing OK in here?
I brought you some books
You can read them when you're bored
is the most important
Thank you
The officer said there was something else
you wanted to know
What do you want to ask?
I don't want to ask you anything
I made it up. It was just an excuse
I came specially to see you
Who knew you had already put my name on your list?
I don't have any friends
These tabloids tell a good story
and in great detail
Actually, there's a question
I've always wanted to ask
Didn't you say you had nothing to ask me?
Since it wasn't entirely due to the ketamine
and it wasn't about money
or personal revenge
then why?
I don't understand what it is you want to know
On 13 May 1987
you and your parents went to Zhongshan
you and your parents went to Zhongshan
On the way back there was a bad accident
Your mom died on site
I asked your father when he was alive
Officer, I've checked the oil and water
Thank you
The truck can be driven?
Please sign for it
The doctor says I'm dying
What am I going to do with a truck?
Ting Tsz-chug said
to give you
Mr. Ting
I have a question for you
about your wife's traffic accident
He introduced me to
the psychiatrist Dr. Yeung
Dr. Yeung still remembers your case
He was very worried
you would suffer from
post-traumatic stress disorder
especially because children
mistakenly feel that
they are responsible for their parent's death
He assumed that
because your morn died so young
YOU grew up
not trusting women
Also your relationship with Mo-yung
made you hate women
Do you really want to know so badly
Why I killed Wang Jiamei?
I don't want to know why you killed her
I just want to know why it happened
You're overthinking it
I didn't hate Wang Jiamei at all
Why would I hate her?
In fact, I liked her
I don't hate women at all
What I hate are human beings
I didn't want Jiamei to be one, so I killed her
You tore the skin off her face
because you didn't want her to be human?
But I didn't know
I killed one more person
Jiamei was pregnant
Did she know she was pregnant?
No more questions
No more questions
No more questions
No more
(Chung: Are you Kama?)
(Kama: Yes, hi.)
(Are you in Hong Kong?)
(Chung: Why do you ask if I'm in Hong Kong?)
(Kama: I can't work for you
if you're not in Hong Kong)
(Chung: Your signature line)
('Your face is slightly blushing,)
(a red bow in your hair,)
(It's exactly that moment,)
(the July in my memory')
(what's that from?)
(Kama: The lyrics to a song sung by Sammi Cheng)
(Sis and I listened to it while learning Cantonese)
(Kama: Sammi is my sister's idol)
(I started to like her, too)
(I know she has many fans in Hong Kong)
(Kama: I am envious of her)
(It's sad when no one sees you)
(Chung: I'd rather not be seen)
(because I'm very ugly)
(Kama: I'm not beautiful, either)
(Chung: I'm sure I'm uglier than you.)
(I'm very fat)
(Kama: Let's hope we're not disappointed
when we meet)
(Chung: Isn't it too late for you to be up?)
(Kama: I'm not sleepy when I chat with you)
(Chung: M9, too)
(Kama: It's my turn to ask questions)
(Kama: What would you want to be reincarnated as?)
(Chung: I've never thought about it)
(but I don't want to be a human. It's boring.)
(What about you?)
(Kama: I believe in God)
(We will all go to Heaven when we die)
(In Heaven we can do anything we want)
(Chung: My turn: are you afraid to die?)
(Kama: No)
(Sometimes I think it would be nice to die)
(Chung: Why?)
(Kama: Life is painful and hateful.)
(You always have to think
about how to live better)
(Kama: I want to be tough, but it's not easy)
(especially when I'm alone)
(Chung: It's morning)
(Kama: This proves the world moves on)
(Chung: Kama, shall we meet today?)
Have a seat
What's wrong?
Are you disappointed to see me?
You're prettier than I imagined
You must have imagined me as an ogre
And me?
Am I really ugW?
You're... not ugly
You look like Streck
That green cartoon guy
He's big and strong
Yeah, Shrek
This is much more comfortable
I like you
You're gross
This is the first time we've met
How can you like me?
Why don't I read you a verse from the Bible?
Pardon me if I do badly
I like this verse
(1 Timothy 4:4)
For everything God created is good
and nothing is to be rejected
if it is received with thanksgiving
(1 Timothy 4:4)
I really want to die
I really want to die
I really want to die
I really want to die
I'll help you
What's wrong?
Aren't you going to help me?
Unforgettable days
Faded impressions of my home
In your diary you said I'm like
an infatuated child, looking at the world
But that sky above the canopy
wasn't it the same back then?
That day I didn't understand your words
Now I continue making a busy life for myself
But I dream of being a simple person again
I turn back and ask the sky
Can life ever be easy?
Do you understand this at all?
Your face is slightly blushing
a red bow in your hair
It's exactly that moment
the July in my memory
Are the trees very tall?
Do you remember that day?
Do you remember the day we parted?
We met but had nothing to say
Continue being wilful, child
Laugh if you're happy
Let those lost feelings
enter my body again
Have another drink before we search for Neverland
For passengers who are going to alight midway
Please get ready in advance
Jiamei, you're late
Don't you think that joke is lame?
Not so hard. It hurts, Sis
Why are you crying, Sis?
Aren't you happy I came?
Then I'll go back
(4. A Room with a View)
(Mandarin Pinyin Search)
(A room with a view)
Daughter, what's this character mean?
And this?
What if we switched them around?
In shoot, this body is only an inch tall
So shoot really is short
This part of short
It's facing a woman made of straw
That's right. How come it's like that?
That's right; why is it like that?
You see
don't judge a book by its cover, OK?
That one seems to be looking at us
and saying hello
This is our American Flamingo
Over there, we have some mammals
You can go look at them
Wan Si-wei, it's time to eat
What is your name?
I'm Wan Si-wei
Wan Si-wei
Be brave
Tell me what you saw
Look at that one
Officer Chong
I was just passing and thought I'd stop by
I never imagined you would visit us
Please sit
It's very tasty
It's peanut, black-eyed pea, and chicken's feet soup
It's good for you
You run around so much
It will strengthen your legs
Jiamei has been dead for two years
Six months after Jiamei died
Jiali got pregnant
I don't know what I did wrong in a previous life
Both daughters are so immature
hanging with the wrong crowd
You have a daughter, don't you?
How do you know that?
I heard from your colleague
Which colleague?
The one who smokes a lot
That's right, Officer Chong
Go out with Jiali when you have time
If she could
date you
then I could relax
See, you're already making eyes at each other
Another bowl of soup?
N0, thanks. I'm full
After this chicken's foot, I'll be completely full
You're full?
Jiali, put the baby down
Take a walk with Officer Chong
Go, go
Another walk?
I've been out all day with
my daughter and ex-wife
all day long
I'm exhausted
So there's no chance
You should have told rne sooner
I just wasted my breath
You want me to take a picture of you again?
How about I take one with you?
I've always wanted to ask
Who is this?
Actually, we don't know who she is
Years ago
we were shopping in Dongguan
and saw a photo salon
The pictures in the window were so nice
Jiamei wanted a portrait
but we couldn't afford it
We envied her for having such a nice photo
so we begged the owner to sell us this photo
The owner thought Jiamei was very strange
One, two, three
(In memory of Jiamei)