Postman to Heaven (2010)

Are you doing good?
There isn't any problems there, right?
It has been 7 years since you've left.
Until now, I still can believe that you're gone
Ah it's been too long.
Meanwhile, I'm married
And have a kid.
I really want you to see my baby
I think I'm immature even though I'm an adult now
Even though I'm already married,
even after my daughter's born
It feels as though I'm still playing with toys.
Because to my mom,
I'm always a young child
I don't know what to do
Mom, today I looked down the veranda
and waved down to my young daughter who turned 1 year old this spring.
She was wearing a yellow school bag
And I suddenly felt as if I wanted to talk with you.
How have you been?
How's the world there?
In heaven.
Heaven's Postman
- Who are you?
- Here.
It's dangerous taking water from a stranger.
Are you dangerous?
I'm not saying that I'm dangerous.
But who are you?
Heaven's Postman
A postman who delivers mails to heaven.
The one from the fairytale?
Not fairy tale...
I deliver the mail you send to heaven.
Excuse me.
Wait a minute.
What are the heck are you doing?
What are you doing?
- There?
- What?
Read the time over there.
I knew!
Heaven's Postman!
That's what I told you before.
These days there is talk in the internet of a handsome postman who appears
And says that he delivers mail to heaven...
Oh, you do have legs.
So, you're not a ghost?
An Angel
Stop mocking me!
Then fly.
From here to there.
- Now?
- Now.
Close your eyes then.
Close then
They're closed.
Don't peek.
When I count to three,
open your eyes.
Stop there!
Lots of mail has come.
Letters for parents from their children.
A husband who left his wife.
A letter for a dead friend.
A mom who lost their daughter.
Or a lover who lost his lover.
Because people who are left behind believe there is a heaven.
But one of the letters is seriously wicked.
If that person were normal,
they wouldn't write that.
"You're so bad,
how can you go without me."
"People like you should die."
She sent foul-mouthed,
abusive words to heaven.
What do you think I should do with her?
She's narrow-minded!
You sent that letter.
Who says that?
Today you have the same envelope,
the picture with red cherries.
Because of your rude and spiteful mind.
I, a ghost, have to actually come down to talk to you about that letter.
You think I'm such trouble that a ghost should talk to me?
To tell you the truth,
I wanted to put a bomb inside the letter.
I wanted to send a bomb to heaven!
So that when he opens the letter,
He will be ripped into bits and pieces.
But he's already dead.
that coffee cup...
Is it floating in the air?
To you, do I look if I'm a crazy woman talking to herself and ordering two coffees?
Is there...
A person there?
Yes, there is!
- There is?
- Yes!
The person there,
He says he's an angel or a ghost.
What do you think I should do?
He must be insane!
Just don't talk to him and leave him alone.
You know,
I heard all of that.
what are you exactly?
I know!
To make people believe you're a postman to heaven.
- You walk from here to there around the mailbox,right?
- No, it's a part time job.
Part time job?
For example,
Delivering letters to heaven.
- Are you possibly insane?
- No
I'm just helping people who lost their loved ones, perhaps?
So what is that?
Give me more details.
There's no more because it's a secret.
Unless you're going to help,
I'll think about telling you.
If you can,
let's do it together.
I'll give you a salary of $20 an hour.
Alibi Art Factory
Staff Needed
Highly Skilled
Excuse me?
What type of factory is this place?
See this?
I made this.
I've been on this subject and this place for seven years.
I'm a dealer for this staff.
This and that
Porn sounds $18
Bar sounds $30
Market sounds $7
School bell sounds $5
Busineess meeting sounds $8
That's porn sounds.
And these are bar sounds.
You can use these sounds when you're calling people,
like when you're cheating on your lover.
It's to cheat,
that's what this place does.
But how much is the salary for the highly skilled staff.
You're not a customer?
One... two...
Did you come to send those evil letters again?
I don't send those anymore.
You're going to put them in the trash anyway.
Then what...
Did you decide to work with me?
No way...
I came to bribe you...
How about that?
I cannot forgive you...
I really, really can't forgive you
You told me you liked me.
Was that a lie?
As I stroked your face.
You told me you liked me much.
You could throw your soul away into a dark black hole.
So, was that all a lie?
Are you writing a poem..
- Are you writing a lyrics for a song?
- Did you already forget what you wrote in the letter?
Oh,this guy!
That's foul play!
Since you're threatening me,
I'll write your letters on the internet.
How can a man be so crooked?
What crooked?
It's a luch box.
Sushi and eggrolls.
For a lover?
A mother who lost her 5 year old daughter, Dong-ju.
She made it for her daughter.
"Since I was a beginner at cooking when you past away,"
"since you couldn't tried the yumy things because you died young..."
"The eggrolls Mom made,
are they yummier than before?"
"Now,I can make kimbap without bursting the ends."
Are you crying?
You are.
I'm a heaven's postman not a heaven's delivery service.
Are you going to eat it?
It'll be a waste if it goes bad.
If it rots...
I'll feel bad.
Want some?
I want some.
Is it good?
It isn't salty?
What are you doing so suddenly?
The eggrolls your mother made is really delicious!
What are you doing?
A reply from Dong-ju that she ate well.
- But that's a lie..
- It's a lie but it isn't a lie.
If she were alive,
she would've done this.
Do you want the job?
Can I ask you something?
Is it really $20 an hour?
I'm Cho Hana.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Shin Jaejun.
Nice to meet you.
Father,did you take your medicine?
I'm taking it now.
Father, can you please move over?
Father, it's not that.
I know it's weird telling you this but it's been 3 months since mother died.
If you keep being so sad,
it's worrying.
Oh yeah!
Please don't be late today.
- My husband's coming so let's have dinner together.
- Right
He's worried about you because you look so depressed so lately.
He shouldn't be worried about his 80 years old dad.
- I'll go and play chess and go out for a walk until dinner.
- Yes, father.
Dear, how can you go first without me?
I didn't even prepare for this.
After your death,
All my will to live was gone.
To tell the truth I found something awful.
While I was cleaning your things,
I found a love letter from a guy that I never knew.
Perhaps, did you give your heart to him too?
Possibly,did you conceive a child with this man?
- Dad,what's wrong?
- Huh?
I become sleepless when I think about this.
You there.
A sister...
A sister..
When it rains she's worried that he might be crying because he's lonely in heaven.
Hana, her little brother?
A sister lost her brother.
A 10-year-old brother.
There are even magic cards in it.
The brother wanted these all his life.
Don't cry.
You shouldn't cry.
What we're supposed to do is to read if there are any inappropriate letters and deliver the rest.
By the way,
why are we in "Angels"?
You said this was a sacred job.
Why this cafe in a busy city?
That is...
you know.
- Sometimes,I want to come out in the city.
- City
- Even if you talk like a baby you don't look cute.
- Okay.
Next time I'll take you to a really high ranked cafe.
But, we're not like on a date or anything.
Don't even think of liking me.
Your're not even human,Ghost~
I said I'm not a ghost.
This is your first task.
If you want to get paid properly,
do the work properly.
I will do it properly..
Why can't I do this?
Does she live in the street?
Her skills are..
Do it quickly!
- It's your turn.
- Oh,yes. Sorry.
- Excuse me.
- Oh my God!
Can we have a talk?
So, this is about my father.
Your father-in-law.
He's in agony.
Excuse me?
Your mother-in-law...
- She must had someone she liked.
- What?
There were some love letters hidden in her belongings.
So, since there's the only two of us...
Your father-in-law's son which is your husband~
Your father-in-law doubts whether your husband is his true son.
Oh my God...
What is it?
I was doubting that too.
Look at this.
My husband,
isn't he handsome?
He's handsome.
I'm jealous.
But our father...
he's not that...
Ah, then your mother in law must've been very pretty?
Well,not really.
She just looked normal.
Ah, then...
Your mother-in-law must have cheated on him with an extremely handsome person
And your husband's looks were from him.
That's awesome
Our mother was grand.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Do you think your husband would've suspected it?
No way!
To him,
mother is an angel.
Saying that his mother cheated on his father
And that my father-in-law is not his real dad and stuff.He'll be..
Exactly.That's it.
Saying that now won't change anything and no one wil be happy.Right?
So I thought about it~
What about doing a DNA test between your husband and your father-in-law?
What if the results are that they don't share the same blood?
There is no absolutely no chance for that.
Can I help y...?
I said I don't need you.
I'm a customer today.
But you know,after we make fake DNA test results what do we do with that?
First, we make the 'receiver' the son's name,
just as if he payed for it.
And then?
And then we have to make sure the father in law reads it.
But then won't he ask his son,
'Were you suspecting it too?'
He won't.
He will never ask that.
In a man's world that's how it goes.
- That's the point view of our plan.
- Eh, I don't get it.
- You have to get it, idiot.
- What?
- Stand up and face the corner of the wall.
- Ah, why?
Just stand up and face the corner.
I don't want to.
Be quiet...
Listen to it.
First,just before the father-in-law comes home.
Put the DNA results in the mail box.
What's this?
He will see the mail and be surprised at the word DNA test results.
He will think,
"Aah... He must have doubted it too".
And realized that the son have seen the love letters too.
He will be aware of it and desperately opens it and see the result.
After he reads the results,
he will be relieved.
He will put the DNA test result back to the mail box and pretend not to know about it.
That's amazing.
You're so smart.
He's coming.
He's coming.
I did what you told me to do.
But look what happened.
It was useless!
- God, you're so noisy.
- What?
I've got a better idea.
It has to be a really good idea.
Excuse me
- Do you live here?
- Yes.
I have something for you.
Oh really?
Yes, this is Gunwoo Choi.
Is that you?
That's my son.
Oh, then can you seal it?
Oh, sir
You can just sign it.
Here you go
Please give it to him for me.
Gun woo is 99.9999% real son to...
Not yet?
Not yet.
Not yet.
Not yet,
not yet?
Not yet,not yet,not yet.
Not yet...
Not yet,
not yet...
Not yet?
Oh, this person!
CLIMATE's Vocal Yongshik!
Who's that?
You don't know 'CLIMATE'?
They're famous!
Oh my God,
there's even a letter!
What to do?
I like him so much.
You like him?
He's so hot
You like him?
He's so hot
Is it?
Are you...
- What are you talking about?
- You were clearly jealous just then
Why would I be jealous?
No,that's okay.
Dear father,
Father,it's me.
This is the first time I write a letter to you like this.
Yongshik, the vocalist from a very popular band called 'CLIMATE'
After his mother past away,
he ended up living with his father.
And after he debuted,
his father too,passed away to a disease.
The letter was for his father.
His father was a high-ranking official employer
He opposed his son being a performer
Because of that,he truly thought that his father never acknowledged or approved of him.
I will disguise myself as the last nurse who took care of his father in the hospital.
And take a fake scrapbook to visit him
My father really made this?
Thank you so much
No, it was nothing
Uh, excuse me.
Your father bought your album and handed them out around the hospital saying it was his son's.
Look, here.
If it's okay...
May I have an autograph?
Get ready for the stage
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Thank you for telling me.
For such a short time, it felt as I've done all the good deeds that I should have all at once.
Was if I really win the lotto?
You know,
they believe it so easily.
Yongshik and even the father-in-law
It's because they want to believe it.
That way they know they'll live comfortably
Oh,that must be it.
Hey, someone's coming to put a mail in the mailbox.
Let's pretend we're couple who's playing around.
Let's pretend
Doraemon is a character from a Japanese animation that can suddenly produce useful objects
Where did you suddenly get that?
Are you Doraemon or something?
Doraemon is a character from a Japanese animation that can suddenly produce useful objects
We have no time to waste.
They're coming.
Get ready!
You really want to do it?
What's wrong?
I know her.
She's the girlfriend of my deceased ex-lover.
What about the child?
Maybe it's her son.
So that means...
She isn't the girlfriend,
she's the wife.
Ah, that hurts!
Is it really there?
Wouldn't it be somewhere?
I don't like it!
Just because he's dead it doesn't mean anything.
Even though a liar is dead,
he is still a liar.
And if I can't forgive,
it means I can't forgive~
And loving is loving~
Say it.
Say it to him.
Not in a letter,
but now.
You idiot!
Why did you die?
Why didn't you tell me you were married?
What were you doing?
You're crying?
I know that.
I'm the one who's crying.
Are you okay?
Even though I'm looking at you while you cry?
I don't like it but it's okay because it's you.
I feel better.
It feel like I'm looking at the sea and shouting,
"You idiot!"
Just like a movie character.
I want to kiss.
Forget it...
You're good at saying it.
You're good at saying anything.
I too, think I can do it once a while.
Maybe it's better to forget it.
Let's forget about it.
You desire it,
don't you?
Isn't it you who desire it?
I don't like doing it anymore after you said that.
- Oh really?
- Really.
You know,
I want to hear more of it.
From now on,
I want to listen to your stories in the future.
Are you crying?
No one ever listen to what I say.
Even him.
The one who died.
Didn't listen to me at all.
He just...
He just thought I was negligible,
I guess.
I already knew that.
From the start.
His intention were not about my feelings.
Even when I cried.
He was never by my side.
Not even once.
He was never been by my side.
You know
How about being by my side?
this job...
Will it end...
It will.
If we get caught.
By the people who send the letters,
Messing things up.
I will get discharged.
Don't you know what 'discharged' means?
It means getting fired.
Of course I do.
I know the word.
Hey, where do you think I am now?
What do you mean?
Let's go.
Hurry up!
Hurry up!
Run,run run.
It's the ocean!
It's so pretty.
This place will be our workplace from now on.
How is it?
You said you don't like the cafe in the busy city.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
I'm ordering here.
Ordering here.
I'm getting an order.
Excuse me.
I'm ordering...
I'm saying I'm ordering.
When did you come?
You can see me?
Excuse me?
Do you want a drink?
- Coffee please, black.
- Sure.
Sorry to bother you but may I look around?
Of course you may.
- I'll make coffee while you look around.
- Thanks.
Please wait for five minutes.
Oh, that's not for sale.
That's actually something you're not allowed to see.
I'm sorry.
No,I's not a big problem for you to see.
I'll be careful.
If you can..
There are only skies.
They're sky photos.
I spent my life taking pictures of it.
Since when did you start taking these photos?
Well, It's been 7 to 8 years I guess.
Gosh sorry.
I'm sounding like an idiot asking these question.
Not at all.
It's not that I like it but it's my son,
he keeps on taking photos of the sky.
My son past away.
This doesn't really make sense but
I'm continuing his hobby I guess.
Gosh. It sounds funny saying I'm continuing his hobby.
What are you doing?
Oh, sorry.
I brought the letters from the mailbox first.
No.That's okay but what are you doing?
Aah, my heart hurts.
The mother who sent eggrolls and sushi to the child last time sent another...
What is it...?
"To the Dong-ju I love"
"Chuseok had past already."
Chuseok is Harvest Moon Day in Korea
"Chuseok had past already."
"We used to look at the full moon every year and make a wish together"
"This year I looked at the full moon and thought about what to wish for..."
"I want to see you"
"That's all I can think of"
A wish saying
"Please bring back my child..."
But we can't fulfill her wish.
Is that why you're hugging the letters because you can't fulfill the wish?
I'm hugging you,
who's hugging those letters?
I'm hugging the letters too.
You know what...
I'll write.
Remember what you said last time?
You wish that there will be someone who cares for a person even though he or she is dead.
'No one will write a letter to a person like me'
Remember saying that to me?
I will write for you...
I will write a letter every single day
I'm happy
I think my eyes are dry
What's wrong?
What is it?
Do you want to drink coffee?
Thank you.
Is that another letter?
This one
Dear Seungmin,
Dear Seungmin,
Are you still not going to forgive your father?
Your father is taking pictures everyday.
Because it seems like you're going to appear.
It only takes one second?
I've given up being a doctor
Not only it didn't fit me,
but it was hard for me to get up in the morning
Since my father is a doctor,well,
I guess you can call him grandfather.
I've become an optomerist and I've worked all day and night
I didn't even notice that your mother's health worsened.
I didn't get to take care of you guys because I always used time as excuses.
I could only tell your mom to rest at home if she had headache.
If I notice it a bit earlier,
I could have saved her.
What happened?
- Doctor, I think we have to check her.
- Okay..
Now you get ready.
Get ready
Doctor, you have a call from your son
- From my son?
- Yes
What happened now?
Hurry up!
Your mother forgave me before she died,
but you never did.
I was scared of your old stare.
You resented me.
I was very lonely
I've always wanted to apologize.
I've always wanted to say that I'm sorry.
I've always thought we would be at your mother's grave together.
But you died...
Without forgiving me.
I bet you wanted to die.
I still think that.
You know what?
I think we can help solve this.
- Mom!
- Seungnim...Seungnim...
- Dad,hurry and come.
Mom is...
Mom is...
Mom is...
Mom is...
- Dad...
- Seungnim...
Oh! You're the guy who came last time.
You come again!
Thank you
I'm not sure how it will taste today
- Oh.
- It's still good.
To tell you the truth,
I'm a ghost
I'm pretty sure you're thinking that I'm out of my mind,right?
I'm really telling the truth.
But right now,
you're right in front of me.
Normal people can't see me.
So, you're saying I'm not normal?
Only the people who yearn over the death of their loved ones can see me.
Only to them...
But why do you always take pictures?
But why did you come here?
Oh, I'm sorry.
Manager,I'm sorry.
Let's just say it's because of the grief I have for my son's death.
A way to communicate with my dead son.
But if a ghost came, wouldn't it be my son?
Not a person I've never met before.
I'm sorry that I came
It's okay.
There's someone I like.
Oh, you're started to talk without hesitation.
She's human in this world.
She's the first one to help me.
If I were you,
I'd be sure to propose.
You'd expect the loved ones to not perish,
but one day, they might suddenly die.
Talking about this to a ghost is kind of like praying to Buddha
But you're lying about being a ghost,aren't you?
He married and had a kids and wife.
He didn't invite his father to the wedding.
And he didn't show his family after the wedding.
What kind of son is that?
And then he went to Uruguay...
and boom!
He died in a plane crash.
Oh, Okay...
I got an idea!
But first,
we need to get the voice of the son.
After we get the voice,
we can say that it was recorded.
So it could be like while the plane's falling,
The son who had the tape,
recorded the message.
On the tape,
it has the recorded message.
But we can just send it with a text
No, we can't.
They even didn't carry cellphones back then
Do you think we can make it?
You know the voice place I go to everyday?
Well, I already asked him to do it for us.
He said that it would be ready either today or tomorrow,so...
You know what?
Don't you think that's a bit harsh.
Do you think it will go well.
Why are you like this?
Stop being so negative.
I'm telling you,this is going to work!
- Hey Hana..
- Hey, I'm going to get another cup.
You want one too,right?
What's wrong?
I'm always the one getting it.
Why don't you buy some sometimes?
I'll get the caramel one again.
I can't
I can't buy it.
Here's the money,
so buy it.
- Hey
- What?
Why can't you buy it?
There's no reason you can't buy it,
so hurry up and buy it!
I'm getting the caramel lotte.
Hurry up and buy it!
Why can't you buy it?
Hurry up and buy it.
So, you're not human?
And you deliver mails to heaven?
Are you ghost?
- Something like that
- What do you mean something like that
But I could see you..
I could see..
You even said that girl could see you!
I'm only visible to people who suffered from grief.
Only to the people who cannot deal with it.
If that feeling for the person who passed away gets weaker..
I won't be visible anymore.
I can't see you that well these days.
A while ago,while I was getting the coffee,
I couldn't see you.
It felt like you weren't there.
Because you're starting to forget about the person who died.
It's because...
It's because...
You're by my side.
We even kissed!
If you forgot the one that passed away,
You won't see me.
But I'm starting to like you..
I know.
I'll be right over.
The tape...
The tape of the son's recording is ready.
- I'm going to go right now.
- Let's stop
Let's go together,
He already knows about this.
Let's go together!
Let's go together!
I don't believe it.
I don't believe the words you just said.
You're a normal person and we even kissed.
Because I love you.
Please come in.
Are you Lee Moon Gye?
Yes, I am.
Well, I have someting to tell you.
What is it?
Um well, you can sit here first.
I'll get your coffee right away.
Something very good.
Oh no,It's okay.
You don't have tto take care of me.
Excuse me...
But do you see a guy over there?
A good looking...
Um,what was it?
Ah, flower boy?
kkotminami : means like a very good looking guy/man
Ah, flower boy?
It's nice to meet you for the first time.
I told you.
What you said last time was a joke.
You can't joke around with old people like me.
But it was fun
You still came.
You're very reliable.
You can drink.
Okay thank you.
Ah, this is really good.
- Jaejun, you come here too.
- Wait.
It's kind of complicated story.
Your son...
died of an airplane clash on the way to Uruguay, right?
I went on vacation to where he went.
I stayed at a small and beautiful hotel near the sunset and sea.
It was near your son's plane crashed.
He must have picked up the bag when the waves came surging in.
It was in his bag.
And it was wrapped in plastic wraps.
The manager told me that this tape was from the winter of 1998.
That's when my son died...
The woman said when she found it,
she couldn't understand it.
So she said that when a Korean person comes,
they'd listen to it.
Did you listen to it?
What did it say?
It was a will.
Is this really his?
At first, I took it to the police station and I was wondering if there were any accident.
But then...
But then?
But then,Oh my gosh, how rude.
They started getting all up on me.
And started asking me if I was just playing around.
So, what did you do?
So, I just took it right back out.
You don't know how long it took me to find you.
Your son is...
Lee Seungnim..
Yes, he is.
My son edit things, so he probably took his camera and his voice recorder
Then, do you want to listen to it?
Where was the cassette player?
Ah, ah, ah
This is Lee Seungnim.
I hope this tape was found.
I was really happy that I met you,
take good care of our son.
I'm sorry.
That it has to be like this.
I hope you take care of the kids.
Also, Dad.
Dad, I forgave you a long time ago.
I'm sorry.
I've already forgiven you a long time ago.
Dad,I'm so sorry and thank you.
Your son...
- Your son forgave you.
- We're sorry sir.
This tape is fake.
This is made up.
We recorded a voice with the help of a voice specialist
- And it was edited.
- Stop.
No, this is real.
I really found this from Uruguay.
I spent all my time looking for you.
- That's a lie!
- It's not a lie
- It's a lie
- No it isn't
A moment ago..
The two of you said you didn't know each other.
We were doing fine!
- We shouldn't do this.
- Why?
The man believe us.
He believed!
That's how he became relieved.
He could've comfortable,why?
This is the problem between the man and the son.
You don't know anything!
You've never been in this kind of pain before.
If you felt this much in pain,
lies can make it better...
You wouldn't know how to make someone feel better.
Lies doen't matter since they are already comfortable and since that they can already handle these things.
Only scaredy cats have to do that because they want to ease their mind.
You have to look at the world with a realistic view!
Why'd you start working?
What are you...?
You send other people's letter and work as the Heaven's Postman?
Truthfully, I think about people's feelings instead of mine.
You're such a scaredy cat, aren't you?
What did you just say?
You're coward!
Say it again.
I can say that a hundred times if I want to, you selfish boy!
Hey, now.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I can't believe this...
I'm sorry but can you guys leave?
I want to be myself today.
I'll go this way.
Oh, no.
You must take them everyday...
the pictures.
There was a typhoon
In 2003
Do you remember?
During that time,
my friend passed away.
I was taking pictures at that time.
No matter what,
I took pictures.
I took them just the way they were.
I'm very sorry about last time.
After that incident,
I went out.
I thought it was real.
You got really mad,
didn't you?
I'm not mad
You have to face these to be an adult.
You guys were both frustrated at each other.
Oh, yes...
I've thought a lot about it about who's right and not.
I was really tricked.
I thought to myself,
"Would I be really comforted?
If I believed you?"
It's still in here...
a deep place
The taught...
Like what Jaejun said I don't know if it's a good way to calm someone with a lie
Well, you wouldn't have known if we hadn't told you.
But you told us and get caught red handed.
I've thought about this...
I've never had anyone...
I still didn't have my thoughts sorted,
but I think it's a good idea if I do.
After I saw what happened,
When you two were fighting,
I thought
"They are fighting over me"
"They're fighting over me..."
Instead of getting mad,
I became thankful.
And what I'm amazed at is...
- The sky...
- Yes, the sky.
If I continue to take pictures of the sky for the rest of my life,
I thought my son would forgive me.
Because it felt like my mind was going to him.
I used that excuse to taking the pictures,
but now it's changed
Now that we had talked,
I feel comfortable.
And my life is different now.
Did you and Jaejun ever make up?
After the incident,
we've never met.
Are you serious?
Jaejun came here.
He did?
He said he was going somewhere,
I think he went to a foreign land?
I told him to come again,
But he said he was going somewhere far away,
So he can't visit often.
I'm sorry, but
I guess I'll go now.
Why can't you just go?
Go buy it!
Dear Hana...
Thank you for spending the past days with me.
And I'm sorry.
The time I had with you...
It was fun.
But now, I have to leave all this...
I told you before,
That when I get caught cheating
It would be the end.
I didn't have any chance to tell you about myself.
I was really pathetic
I started my own business
Without any hesitation
And I did whatever I want to do
Back then,
I thought life was just a game
Excuse me sir, can't you please go a bit faster?
Oh, yes.I'm sorry.
But it all went wrong...
The relationship I had,
I lost all of them.
My family, my friends, and the girl...
I get distressed by it when I think of it now
I think that was the most tiring part
But I got into accident.
In those times,
I felt like I was running away from the tiring game of life.
But after I found this job,
I was happy.
After I met you,
I completely changed.
If felt like I found something special.
This is the truth.
The time I spent with you...
... was the best.
I was thinking.
Instead of sending other people's letters,
I've always wanted to send my own,personal ones.
After looking back,I had a complicated thought.
I worked hard and wrote this letter.
The plan with the man and son's tape was a big disaster
Please forgive me...
Even though, I'm not familiar with writing a letter...
The thought of wanting to send a letter to someone is my first time.
And I thought I had to do it properly.
I mean, I wanted to...
I'm very thankful.
Our son...
It's already been two weeks.
It seems like his family members..
need to get ready.
You did a good job today.
I'm sorry...
That I bothered you.
Now, that your work is done.
You can back as human.
We're very thankful that you've been sending the letters back and forth.
You've saved a lot of people.
You're well known
It's nothing
You helped Hana become bright and positive.
Anyways, I allow you go back as human.
Thank you.
Oh, and use that door
Isn't the bus going to pick me up today?
No. Today,you'll walk
- Excuse me.
- Yes,what is it?
What about these two weeks of memory?
It will be your dream.
I'm the type that forgets easily than others...
I'm not the person responsible for that.
You're very cruel.
If I were cruel,
would I be sending you back?
I'm sorry,
but one more thing.
- What?
- Hana...
The girl who was with me the whole time...
What about Hana's memory?
Won't you find out in the real world?
I'm sorry but I've got a lot of things to do right now.
Thank you very much.
Thank you...
What to do?
He's breathing again!
He's breathing again!
He's breathing!
- What happened?
- Hurry, get the doctor!
Hana, I'm sorry.
But can you take this to the post office?
- I'll see you later.
- Yes, sir.
Why am I like this seriously?
Thank you.
I'm here to check something.
A ghost...
A ghost?
Did you get your ticket number?
I forgot.
Do you want me to hold onto it?
No, it's okay.
Well I'll go.
Have we...
Have we met before?
Where as in...
For example, in my dreams
In the plains...
Old past.
A mail in the green grass.
In the bus.
Sometimes in Taiti Coffee Shop?
And so on.
You're right.
People are staring...
We're at post office.
Aren't you dead?
I'm back from the dead
Thanks to you.
After that,Jaejun became a real postman.
And I become an illustrator.
I thought that it would be great to have
someone write a letter on the post card I drew.
I quarreled with Jaejun sometimes
Because he wants to read the letters in the postcard
And the story is over...
If someone who you don't know asks you,
"Have we met before?"
"You're the heroine of my never ending dream"
On the streets
It may not be for a lip service.
That man...
He may be your destiny