Posto (2017)

Catch me!
Gouri Aunty, hows your knee now?
Knee its ok now
My suggestion is to gift a grandchild
to every arthritic patitent,
Theyll be cured instantly.
Parents of Arka Lahiri!
Arkacome here lets go
See you
Hello welcome
Please sit
Your grandson has stood third in class
A+ in all subjects
Only a little weak in spellings right?
He needs to work on his spellings a little
Actually as grandparents
what you are doing is amazing!...
But I think his parents should
have been here today
Actually, they are extremely busy in Kolkata
His mother works in the loan department
Though I usually write down everything for her
Shell get all the information
Thank you
This has to be signed
Ok I usually sign this
on behalf of them.
Posto don't run!
'Bithi maa'!
Bithi catch him.
Posto stays in his own world,
plays on his own
He laughs, he walks.
While walking along,
sometimes he thinks hard
What if we could bring down the clouds
from sky and get drenched?
Posto likes to draw,
he likes to dance.
He likes to shiver
during winter.
His life sometimes gets stuck
in routines and schedules
In the midnight, spirits come out
and call him Posto
Running around in the grass, as evening falls,
fireflies dance and carry him away.
Posto takes a dip in the pond and
dries himself under the sun which seems so far.
Inside the hollow of a tree,
inside his mind,
Posto secretly stores a lot of unknown.
Runs like a train,
flies like an aeroplane
Does his maths and then
throws stones in the pond
He lets the stones skim
across the surface of the water
If he gets caught and
someone starts chasing him,
he comes back home panting.
He smells the flowers and
lies down in the open fields
He adds his dreams one by one.
Only if dad could buy him
a rocket...
He could fly to the moon
in search of hidden treasure.
Running around in the grass, as evening falls,
fireflies dance and carry him away.
Posto takes a dip in the pond and
dries himself under the sun which seems so far.
Inside the hollow of a tree, inside his mind,
Posto secretly stores a lot of unknown.
Who's there?
Is it Uncles birthday today?...
Yes darling give him a kiss
What are these?...
These are Uncles diaries
music notations
All these were written by him
Come on we have to
whatsapp Mummum now
Now come on lets start
Social Science?...
Ok nowMusic and Dance?...
Mummum when you return
bring me loads of gifts
Come home soon
All my savings went into
chit fund from the bank
When I kept it at home
500 and 1000 notes were banned
How will I pay back my loan?
I can pay back only if
I get my vehicle stolen
If the vehicle is sufficiently loaded
I'll get maximum insurance.
Im not getting that opportunity.
How do I pay the theives?...
500 and 1000 currency notes are useless.
And thieves dont accept payment in cheque
If you dont clear the loan
payment within a week
then my agent will go and
claim your vehicle wherever it is
Thats final
Madamwhy are you getting angry?...
Good morning
Hey slow down
Your client was here loan defaulter
Why are you late?.... HR is very upset
Daughter was puking
what do I say?...
She just started puking after breakfast
Gave her medicine and had to wait
After she felt better, dropped
her at her crche and came here
What happened to your babysitter?
Who?... Sleeping beauty?...
My God! She's always sleeping
My daughter is crying but she is sleeping!
My neighbour woke her up twice...
I am not lucky and relaxed
as you... having an in-laws run crche
Im not lucky you are lucky
At least you see your child
at the end of the day
You can have her smell
For me, its only Whatsapp touch !
See your own child in Whatsapp
Learn to take advantage of a situation
What we failed to do
Sir, Prakash Roys wife is ailing from cancer
All these paintings will at least cost 50 lakhs
We got it for 15
Dont behave like sentimental
'bongs' Arnab
This is exactly why 'bongs' cant do business
They cant
Try and understand the situation
Artist is in distress
so squeeze him
This this all of this
He would have given it
all for 5 lakhs
5 Lakhs for paintings worth 50?...
Sir, dont forget Im an artist
and belong to an artist's family
I cant cheat
So you think Im cheating?...
Sir, we havent got our salaries
for the past 6 months
Labours have not been paid their dues
you have declared your company lock out
Now youre buying the paintings of artists
in distress at their weakest time
Isn't this cheating?...
Get out!...
I said get out!...
You are sacked henceforth
My pleasure sir
In fact Ive brought my resignation letter.
Where should I put Ill put it here?...
God bless you
This is the 6th time...
youve quit your job
Should I just accept everything?...
He wont pay the labour but
buy a Jaguar for his daughter
Throw lavish parties should I accept that?..
Dont put chillies
Do you think I like dealing with truck
drivers and nasty owners in the loan department?...
So many times I requested H.R.
to shift me... management didn't agree...
You know where all
I have to travel by myself...
Metiaburuj... Panagarh...
Raiganj... Durgapur...
Have I quit?...
How much is it?...
Twenty rupees
Why are you so impatient?...
What will you do now?...
Ill be a house husband
But I wont work anymore,
No 9 to 5 job for meNo chance
Ill bring Posto home from Shantiniketan
Ill do what we have always wanted
Hell stay with us
Youll change your decision in a few days
take up a job...
What'll then happen to Posto?
Come here!
Decision wont change
Give me that binocular...
and that magic slate
Open your mouth now
I beg of you Ma
dont give such big bites
my throat hurts
Have you seen what drama he has learnt!...
They are here!!!...
Thats it!...
They are here!... they are here!!...
We are here! Come here now!
Pizza! Pizza! Ill have pizza now!
Pizza Pizza!
No you wont have pizza now
You are having dinner with chicken stew
If you have pizza now your tummy will hurt
Come on eat this
Well keep the pizza in the fridge
You can have it for lunch at school
Let him have pizza , Ma
Nonot with his stomach full
You could have waited a little
He has chicken stew everyday
He could have had pizza today
How am I supposed to know
that your train will be so late?
Theres a time for everything
Wait slow down!
What are you doing?...
And anyway, he shouldnt
have outside food this late
Ma let him get into the habit
of eating outside food a little
He is becoming too pampered
Posto sit quietly and eat
Come on, take this..
Dont do that eat this now
Babai, Mummum are here and his
naughtiness knows no bound!
Now hell play around with these toys
Sit down and eat first
Finish your food!...
Hell not listen.. Posto!
Posto listen to me now
Posto come here
and finish your food!
How is your chest pain?...
Pass me the water please
The trees are laden with 'bael'
this time, right?
And ummm ummm'amla'?
Instead of dancing to your wife's strings
say what you have to... be a man...
We... we wish to take Posto
back with us to Kolkata...
I quit my job today....
So I was thinking if Posto
could stay with us
Baba if he doesnt, hell never
get to know his parents
Isnt it Baba?...
Baba...Baba please...
I was talking to you...
Please Baba just listen to me
First procure a job...
Earn the qualifications to be a father...
then claim the responsibilities of a 'father'
And if you cant give
time to your child
You can do the least
by not bribing him with gifts
Babai, please say you'll play
They have Granduncles Alu and Khoka
including Guruji in their team
Itll be you and me in our team
Thats it we will win
Babai please play
Yeah fine Ill play
Put more pressure here
Yes promise promise
Posto come on
Lets go to sleep now its very late already
No a little while longer
Dont be like that darling
Check what time you should be sleeping
In the timetable
Umm 11 pm
Then?... its already 12 now
Dont stay up anymore
Come on you should sleep
No pleaseMummum
will be leaving tomorrow morning
Dont be stubborn darling
Youve school tomorrow morning
Youll get late
Come on lets go
Oof!... Why are you so heartless?
You want to separate
me from my mummum
See what happens to you
Hey What is all this?...
From where have you learnt all this?...
Naughty boy! from where, huh?...
He is imitating a villain child
character from a daily soap
Wait and watch what he does
Ok ok now wear your slippers
Lets go
Good night!...
Good night!...
Was it necessary for Ma to take him away?
He could have slept with us...
Would we have a problem?...
Doesnt Ma remember that
I am his biological mother?
I need my son's touch..
In fact, I think she does this deliberately...
I'm going to Durgapur tomorrow...
Ask the client to come over there...
No... I won't speak over the phone...
Yeah... also send in the car early...
What happened?...
Baba thinks I'm worthless...
Apparently I don't have what
it takes to be a father...
Bonny is here from UK...
It's his mother's death anniversary...
I'll go there...
I'll go to Posto's school...
I'll meet his Principal...
Then I'll take him to Kolkata...
Till then...
I'll stay in Shantiniketan itself...
Rafiul Islam from Siuri...
43 years old...
Has died...
Ghulam Mohammed Hossein... from Dubrajpur...
Died from a day's fever...
...has deadly dengue...
Don't stay here for long...
Move aside...
Put on the mosquito net...
Get up now honey...
A little more please...
No more... come on we'll get late for school...
Come on... come on..
So many problems since morning!
So much work!
Don't be naughty now... come on...
and these schools start so early...
I'll get your tea sister...
Sir, your tea...
Don't do that... almost done...
Teeth have to be brushed properly...
Come on...
Here, wear the clothes...
We'll get late otherwise...
Goodmorning Mummum...
God knows if Sir had his tea or not...
Running around like this since morning...
Give the whole pizza... the whole thing...
No... I won't give the whole thing...
Tummy will ache... have a slice...
No give the whole thing...
Why are you cutting the apple?
It becomes mouldy if you cut it...
Ma gives me the whole apple...
It's ok... eat the pizza today...
have the apple tomorrow...
Come on... you'll get late now...
Get the creative writing copy from Joydeep...
And don't leave the Art and
Crafts notebook in school...
Bring it back... I'm reminding you..
Don't leave the Art and Crafts notebook back....
I will leave it in school...
I'll also not get the creative writing
notebook from Joydeep...
Okay... Then wait and watch
what happens to you...
Tata Posto!...
Bye bye Babai...
I'll make you sit in the garden at night...
Then they'll come down from
the trees and grab you...
Then you'll see... come on...
here you go...
Why have you made my bag so heavy?...
If something happens to me then
you will be solely responsible...
Look at his drama!
Bye bye Ma... bye bye mummum...
Bye sweetheart...
Bye darling!...
Go safe...
Didn't you get biscuits for your sister?...
I'll get them...
Get those homemade cookies too...
How long will you be there in Durgapur?...
Two days...
Your son has quit his job...
have you heard?...
There was nothing other than two trees?...
This whole area was then looked
after by the Bearded Man...
He was very strong and this tall!...
Did he have moustache?..
Yes... moustache rolled up like this...
With a bamboo stick in his hand...
Was the Bearded Man a dacoit?...
Ummm... Yes...
Ma please keep this...
What is this?...
This is for Posto...
Ma please don't say no...
Trust me, I earn enough...
For both of us...
Ma... please...
Let Anu start earning again...
Anyway your father gets his pension...
Giving out tuitions...
What else do we need?...
Whatever you have given us for Posto...
Everything has been saved...
We haven't spent a penny...
Whatever you've given us for seven years...
Seven years!...
You know it... that we
are still alive...
Only for Posto...
I couldn't even be part
of his childhood...
Taking him to school...
preparing his tiffin for school...
Bathing him... feeding him...
Sleeping together...
I got nothing...
Even I could have done it Ma...
Trust me, I could have managed...
How are my friends managing it?...
Arunita, Sathi, Debarati...
They are working mothers as well...
They are still managing...
Arunita is a single parent...
She is bringing up a 5 year old
daughter all by herself...
Does everyone have the luxury of
living with grandparents?...
I miss Posto so much...
You couldn't have managed...
You couldn't have darling...
Anu had just joined his job then...
Used to get his salary every alternate month...
You had this small one room flat in Kolkata...
You had also just joined...
How could you have managed?...
You don't have anybody from
your side of the family...
Look at me...
Look at me now...
Is Posto unhappy here?
Are we not raising him properly?
I haven't said that Ma...
Ma all that I'm saying is that
Arnab has time now...
I'll also get some time out...
Ma please let us take Posto with us...
Whatever you've told me is fine...
I dare you to go say this to his grandfather...
He'll chop you in to pieces...
Don't I've enough trouble already?...
On this soft and sunny winter morning...
Today's famous cricket match's
commentary is being made by...
Me... Khoka...
From this ground in Purba Pally...
Today's famous match..
Grandpas Vs Kids...
In the Grandpa's team we have...
Haren, Achintya, Bubla
and that famous pair...
Dinu and Alu...
In the kids team we have Akash,
Joydeep,Kaju, Chota, tiny Bunty...
...and our little Posto!...
Go safe...
Call on reaching...
Yeah... I'll call surely...
Anu has taken his bowling position.
He is rubbing the ball on his pants...
Dinu takes his stance...
Dinu who plays like Vinu Mankad...
Wait wait... one second... one second...
My Mummum is leaving...
let me just go meet her once...
What is this?...Wicketkeeper, Posto
is running towards the boundary line...
He is running across the field...
a white car is standing there...
Bye bye Mummum...
Wicketkeeper Posto is
being cuddled by his mother...
Listen now... don't be naughty...
be a good boy... ok? Promise?...
Give me a kissy...
Go on...
What an emotional moment!
How wonderful!
Posto is now back in his
position as wicket keeper...
Anu has taken up the bowling mark...
Dinu is ready with his stance...
Anu has started his run-up.
He bowls a short length ball...
And Dinu has hit it...
It's a four!
Ball has crossed the boundary.
Where has your infamous
son taken your grandchild?
They've gone to Bonny's house.
Dependent on his wife...
that's who your son is!
He is your son too.
Hey, listen!
Why do you drive using half clutch?
That's why it gets damaged so often!
There are so many fireflies...
Do you know what they are called in English?
Do you know why do they light up like this?
They use their light to send
signal to their friends...
And say 'Let's go on a trip'...
'Let's lay eggs'...
And how do they light up?
They have a chemical in their tummy...
that is how they light up...
Who told you all this?
Ok... so do you know what
are fireflies called in Japanese?
Because the Japanese believe that when our
loved ones leave us oneday...they become fireflies...
Like Uncle?...
Guruji... Ma... Me and Mummum...
All of us will become fireflies one day...
Me too?...
Countless in numbers
Lets catch a handful of them
And tame them!
Lighting up the night sky
...have dimmed the stars!
Pick up the light from the trees...
And pour them on us in all seriousness!
The uncanny evening is filled with fun...
The light bugs fly around like
pieces of phosphorus!
Are you listening to the whispering tales?
Only fireflies that give light...
The fantasies they weave along
Spread your hands to the sky...
And lets lose our way
on our bicycles
We have arranged for some
food for everybody...
If you would kindly step in please..
What now?
Bhuvanda is not giving us fish...
I have asked Bhuvanda not to...
Bonny are you leaving this week?
No... we are going to be here for a while...
Aunty didn't get much time
with Tubai and Tublu right?
I had asked Ma to come
over to UK several times...
...asked her to sell off this house
and live with me...
We'll all live together... spend
the rest of your life with us...
She didn't listen...
look what happened..
No no... I can't possibly go...
I'm having that breathing trouble again...
Your mother's blood pressure
has also become very unstable...
In this state...
I won't be able to travel abroad.
You're coming?...
My goodness! When?
During the fair?...
You can come...
But... the bathroom is
completely out of use...
We are having to go to the fields
for the morning rituals...
Yeah... I'll let you know if I feel any better...
I'll call you later...
You lied to your son?...
You won't get it...
If I tell him that
I'm fine he'll drag me to USA...
What?... Yes...
And if you say that
the bathroom is broken down...
No NRI will ever try to
come home...
Your son is inviting you...
Why don't you go to America?
You know why is he calling us to America?...
To raise his kids...
Where will you get such free babysitters
like your old parents?
Do you know the creche
charges there?
How much the babysitters charge?...
They'll squeeze away your last penny...
You'll go to America...
in the beginning it's all fine...
You'll be treated really well...
You'll see the Niagra falls...
go to Hollywood...
Visit the Statue of Liberty...
And in a couple of days,
they'll make you the baby sitter!
You'll turn into a statue...
No liberty...
You and your wife
are left raising the child...
Changing nappies... wiping poop...
And your daughter-in-law
is roaming around in Miami...
...with full liberty...
You...for example, come daily to
school to fetch your grand daughter...
Why tell me?...
Because if you miss a single day...
They'll shunt you off to
an old age home directly...
And if you stay at home...
They'll make you eat only boiled vegetables...
I've raised you, educated you...
even gave you property share...
and sent you abroad... I'm done...
Responsibilities again!...
no way!
These days my heart starts
racing at my son's calls...
If my son really loved me
why would I feel like this?...
Has Posto returned?...
Not yet?...
Look at him...
Dedicated babysitter...
Do you remember our catering business?
Huh... what are you saying!
At that age...
our very first business venture...
And we made profit man!
We made profit...
and you ditcher!...
you flew off to Cambridge!
Cambridge brother... can't ignore...
That is when I got involved
with Susmita as well...
Susmita got pregnant before
you got married right?...
I mean... as you had told me...
On one hand she is pregnant...
Don't know where we'll live...
struggling artist...
that is exactly where everything went wrong!...
Finally we settled in Kolkata leaving
Posto with my parents...
Now I feel that the decision to keep
Posto here, was a correct one...
Otherwise we couldn't have
done this struggle...
I don't think so...
I think the decision was wrong...
See... every child should see his or
her parents' struggle...sacrifice...
However hard it might be...
That creates respect
and love for their parents...
The child doesn't even know
how you earn the money...
the father returning home at night...
his shirt all sweaty from the day's work...
Ma, making his favourite dish,
after getting back...
making a special one...
In the morning father busy
with his conference calls...
Mother is running...
mother, father and the child...
all of them are struggling for their own existence...
fighting for their own space...
That's life! that's reality!
Why did we go to our grandparents?
to be spoilt by them...
But parents should bring up a child!
I mean... that is my take...
What you understood...
I failed to understand
these past seven years...
I'll just go and check on Posto.
Get up! What are you doing?
What the hell!
Why is it bleeding?...
What happened?... How?...
It's okay it's okay...
What happened?
It's nothing...
We were playing WWF...
Always upto mischief !
Leave the room at once!
Oh my god! It's bleeding...
Nothing... nothing... he'll be fine...
Why did you go leave me alone?...
I was just in the next room...
Wait one second...
You weren't here and they were beating me...
Nobody beat you...
You just got hurt while playing...
Do I get some antiseptic?...cotton?...
Nothing... check if you could get some ice please...
Nothing has happened champ!
One gets hurt while playing!
I have gotten hurt so many times!
Don't worry don't cry.
Here... let me see...
Nothing... nothing...
There's no blood anymore...
Listen don't tell anything to Guruji and Ma...
You just got hurt a little...
And that can happen to anyone right?...
So Posto... remember
what we discussed... ok?
Ma... Ma... Ma...
Open the door...
What happened?...
What is wrong sweetheart?...
I was beaten up by all the kids there.
They hit me on my nose...
It was bleeding from here...
Why?... How did it happen?
Everybody was beating me...
Why are you lying Posto?...
What are you saying?...
Why would such a small kid lie?
Nothing happened Ma...
He got hurt while playing...
That's fine... you get hurt while playing...
Let me see... what happened...
Come here... come here...
Wait... I'll check your nose with a torch...
Does it hurt here?
Oh!... it is all red inside...
Wait I'll give you a dose of Arnica...
You'll be alright...
You know what Ma?...
He isn't going out...
he isn't mixing with people...
Not making friends...
He is gradually becoming old...
He is behaving like a...
Like whom?...
Ma he has to mix with other people...
Haven't I played in my childhood?...
Haven't I got hurt?...
Didn't I get hurt here and there?...
He is so fragile,
I can't believe he is my son.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?...
You couldn't take care of
your son for one evening...
When he got hurt where were you?...
You dare blame him!
I am ashamed that you are my son...
You'll take him to Kolkata...
You'll kill him if you take him to Kolkata...
Bloody irresponsible!
Why did you say such things?
You spoke so rudely...
he left the house...
Good that he has left...
Very good...
Hey... is something wrong with you?...
Are you ok?...
A little tired... that's it...
End to all troubles.
Ok... come on now...
See you,
When I was younger...
My voice didn't have much strength.
That is why they didn't
make me the class monitor...
Now I am all grown up...
and I have power in my voice...
That is why they have made
me the class monitor now...
What did you do as a monitor then?...
As a monitor I told Joydeep and Arjun...
make sure that you do your home work...
Take care to finish your tiffin.
And when Ma'am is teaching in class
... don't talk...
I also told them...
What happened Guruji?
Get up... Guruji get up...
I'm feeling unwell...
Guruji get up!...
Help! Help!
Anybody here?
Guruji get up please... get up!
Guruji please...
A bridge lies spread across Ajoy river...
Roads on its banks...
A few fishermen sit with their nets...
Spread like spider webs...
A few nurses from the city
come here to enjoy the sun...
They like this river...
May be not just that...
May be it is a masculine name...
Wow! Wow Momo!...
It started in Kolkata...
The biggest food chain right now...
they are now spread
across India in 6 cities...
with 52 outlets...
They have got an investment of
10 Crores from India Angel Network...
Do you know how much they started off with?...
Thirty thousand only...
Can you believe it?
26 years old Sreemoyee Chakraborty in London...
Has started her own pop-up business...
Restaurant... Calcutta Street...
Why are you telling me all this?...
Are you going to do something?...
We shall do something...
Start-up business...
Food chain in UK...
Investment is mine...
Brain and labour... yours...
Of course conditions apply...
You have to give a minimum
five years of guarantee...
You can't leave in the middle...
We'll have an agreement...
Get Susmita and Posto to London...
Posto will grow up with Tubai and Tublu...
Susmita can join us...
or she can do her own thing...
Big decision... take your time...
It will take time
to set up the restaurant...
Interiors will be yours...
It'll be a hit!
Mark my words...
But there's one thing...
Start up business in a middle-class family...
means career suicide...
You take care of your daddy issues, brother...
Hello?... yeah...
I'll be there right away...
I have spoken to them in Kolkata...
So they'll first do a TMT... treadmill test...
If its positive then
they'll go for Bypass or angioplasty...
But now... you shouldn't
delay any further...
Immediately you have to go...
These are your father's medical
insurance paper...
And some money...don't say no.
Come sit with me...
Spend this money on your father...
test and doctor's fees...
Nowadays you tell us
nothing about yourself...
Something really good happened...
Bonny has offered me
a business partnership...
A restaurant venture in London...
He wants me to take my family along...
He will invest...
Do you have to discuss this now?...
Bonny wants to make
an advance payment right away...
Can you imagine Ma?...
Posto will grow up in U.K...
Posto... Posto will study in London...
Have you lost it?...
Have you told this to your father?
I think that is why he had a heart attack...
Ma I haven't told anybody...
only you...nobody knows!
The two of you can go to London... Dubai...
Open restaurant, food joints, salons...
Posto won't go...
Ma you know that ultimately
Posto will live with us...
If we go to London...
you think we'll leave Posto here?
No....You want your father
to leave us forever?...
Ma...Don't you dare bring
this up again! Shut up!
But listen to me once...Quiet!
See your father has a very
complicated blockage...
For which we aren't going for
any angioplasty or bypass...
Instead we'll keep
him in a medical program..
At least for 6 months...
In case he has a chest pain again...
Or any further complications...
Good afternoon... in that case
we shall go for an angioplasty...
Actually he is above 72 right?...
At this age... we shall not
go for a bypass...
Do you realize...what will happen if the
operation happens now?...
No UK... no business...
I don't think he'll need
the bypass right now...
But still man... every time
things are settling in life...
Then only...
Don't think about all this now...
Why not?
These days...does anyone
receive an offer like this?
Tell me... will they?...
Ma and Baba need your support right now...
Exactly!... that is what I'm trying to ...
Once I go to UK I'll be able
to support them the most...
They have to realize that
they have grown old now...
Once Posto's burden is gone,
Ma and Baba will be the most relaxed...
And they don't understand...
Posto's case isn't that easy...
I can get that as a mother and you can't?...
It's very very delicate...
Posto has been living with them
for a very long time now...
This has to be handled very slowly...
With time...
little by little...
Posto has to get accustomed to our life...
You and your father both are raving mad...
We also have to understand
Ma and Baba's situation honey...
Deliberately...the man sleeping in
the living room insults me...
Do you see that or you don't?...
Tell me yes or no...
He insults me...
I know...
Don't react...
No... don't react...
as if you didn't even hear...
Somebody has to keep
his calm... right honey?...
Raving mad...
What is this?..
Where are you going so early ?...
You're going home like
this... all alone?... meaning?...
I'll not stay here a minute longer...
Slow down...
Why are you overtaking?...
There's no need for all that...
Baba I'm driving at 60 Km per hour...
This is a high way... we can speed upto 100...
let me drive please...
Driving on the highway
is a different proposition...
It's not everyone's cup pf tea...
Put on the indicators...
I have... long time back...
Do you use half clutch?...
Baba will you please let me drive?...
We'll get into an accident now...
Someone who has no control
over his life or character...
How can he control a car?...
Meaning those who are alcoholics...
They are not good drivers...
How is my driving related to this?...
I really don't understand...
What an experience I had in Kolkata!
I woke up last night out of thirst...
was looking for water...
Saw a bottle on the table...
thought it must be water...
The moment I drank it...
oh my God!...
My insides were on fire...
There's alcohol in the kitchen...
Alcohol in the refrigerator...
Bottles beside the window...
Bottles even in the garden in
Oh my God! How terrible!
You have to be sent to the rehab...
It's a blessing
that Posto doesn't live with you...
How will he live?
Alcoholic, jobless father...
How can a child live there?
I am an alcoholic... happy?...
I'll lead my life the way I want...
You don't like anything about me...
My life... my nature...
me getting gifts for Posto...
You just don't like me...
That's all...
And yes... I am not jobless...
I am starting a business...
Going over to UK...
The deal has been closed...
And I'll take Posto along...
From now on Posto will live with his parents...
I am worthless right?
I don't have what it takes to be a father...
Today I'm challenging you Baba...
I'll take Posto to Kolkata...
I'll take him to UK...
Lets see how you stop me...
Hey... What are you doing?..
Baba... close the door...
Baba what are you doing?... Baba...
Baba close the door...
Baba please I'm begging of you...
Oof !
Baba please get into the car...
You are not well...
Baba please...
Baba... Ma will scold me...
Baba... Ma will kill me...
You're unwell...
Baba, I'm begging of you...
Please get into the car...
You're unwell...
Baba, this is looking really awkward... please...
I'm begging your forgiveness...
Hey... where's your father?
Baba got off ahead...
You let him get off in this state?...
Baba doesn't listen to me...
He got off...
I was scared of this...
The moment I heard
you're returning together...
I knew something will go wrong...
Posto finish your food...
I'll write to Posto's principal tomorrow...
I'll take Posto away to Kolkata...
I won't stay a second longer in this house..
Have patience... it's still a
week left to his holidays...
Then we'll see... Posto...
No... we have to go before that Ma... Posto!
See... see how he has become...
Doesn't listen to me at all...
Posto... come here...
He does this only when you are around...
Eat... stand and eat...
finish your food...
It's already so late...
he still hasn't returned...
You shouldn't have left your father alone...
Ma, Baba doesn't listen to me...
What you do is beyond me!
Where are you?
What is this?...
Didn't I ask you to...
sit quietly and eat...
One tight slap!
Lower your hand...
Lower your hand right now!
You have no right to discipline him...
Nobody has the right to
hit him in this house...
He is my son!
You were challenging me, right?
Even I'm telling you...
I'll see how you even
take Posto to Kolkata...
Leave aside London...
I'll see you in the court ...
Your honour!...
Today is a fascinating day!...
One can call it historic as well...
Dale Carnegie has said...
When dealing with people...
you remember...
you're not dealing with creatures of logic...
but the creatures of emotion...
today is the day to experience that...
We know that...
In the court of law
there is no space for emotion...
Emotion, principles and this fight
with law is an old one...
Guardian and Wards Act...
in its clause 19 says...
In the presence of
the father... anybody else
...can demand the right to guardianship...
This is that case...
My client, Mr Dinen Lahiri...
Has claimed the right to guardianship
of his grandson, Arka Lahiri...
What is important here is that...
the Honorable Supreme Court has time
and again stressed that...
in case of guardianship and child custody...
First and the paramount consideration
is the welfare of the child...
And not the power or rights
of the parents under any statute...
His parents are alive...
... in a happy married relationship...
Then one might ask... why this case?...
Because ever since his birth... Arka...
Has been brought up by
his grandfather Dinen Lahiri...
Arka's father had officially written
a letter to his son's school...
that in their absence...
they stay a little far away...
Mr Dinen Lahiri and Gouri Lahiri...
will be the guardians of Arka..
My honour...
We have seen this
sort of cases between parents...
But today's case is between
the grandfather and father...
My client Mr Dinen Lahiri is
a socially responsible citizen...
He has been a professor for 33 years...
This should be noted that he has
not claimed parental rights...
He has claimed the guardianship...
A few questions may arise here...
What is proper guardianship?...
Parents have come and visited
for seven years... gone back...
Today they are here to take Arka abroad...
Is he the true guardian?
Or the man who is bringing up Arka...
educating him... nurturing him...
Arka is growing up
under his guidance and love...
He is walking towards a secured future...
Dinen Lahiri is claiming guardianship to
keep that innocent child with him...
Who is the rightful guardian then?
The biological parents?
Or the caregiver parents?...
Who is the guardian then?..
Devaki or Yashoda?...
Who is the guardian?...
That's all your honour!...
This isn't even a case...
If this case goes on... then parents..
will never want to keep their
children with their grandparents...
They'll be scared... yes scared...
In today's world... which is the
world of working parents...
These grandparents should
stand by their children...
Help them... but instead they
are becoming barriers...
In the path of their future...
This case is trying to take away a child
from the rightful love of his parents...
This case is against progression...
The most regressive appeal
I've ever heard your honour!
Now we all know that there are people in Kolkata...
who buy their own house in Shantiniketan... right?
Now they appoint a caretaker to look after the place...
But the owners visit every weekend...
they pay the electric bills... tax... now...
After 7 years... if these owners
decide that they shall sell off the house...
and shift somewhere else...
then what will happen?...
Then the caretaker will oppose that...
he'll say that to sell off the house
his permission has to be taken...
Why?... because he now claims
to be the owner of the house..
because he has looked after
the house for these 7 years...
This case should be stopped immediately...
Because this is a combative father's
insensitivity towards his own son...
Objection your honour...
Nivedita ma'am...
a caretaker gets a salary
to look after the house...
But in blood relation... where
you are nurturing your next generation...
Monetary transactions have not taken place...
Objection your honour... monetary
transactions have happened...
My client, has regularly given money
to Mr Dinen Lahiri's wife, Gouri Lahiri...
For looking after Arka...
Monetary transactions happen among
blood relatives...
For your kind information,
I'd like to inform you...
that money has been all saved
in the bank in Arka's name...
My client hasn't even touched it...
This is similar to that historic comment...
that the money kept on
the table as bribe...
remains untouched...
claims the bribe taker!
This case rests today...
For me, this case is extremely important...
And very sensitive in the social context...
5th is the next date for
the second hearing of this case...
The court is adjourned for the day...
Seize this car...
Don't listen to anything!
Nothing much happened today...
They just presented the case today...
Nothing happened?
5th is the next date...
Hey, I have to hang up
call you later...
So Mr. Arnab...
Brick falls off the neighbour's wall...
sue the neighbours...
Crow drops garbage in your compound...
the neighbours get sued for that...
Maid forgets to pay the bill...
CESC gets sued for that...
Your father has that north Calcuttan
trait to sue everybody...
You'll have tea right?...
Not me...
Nemai... give me two teas please...
Next day will be cross-examination...
He'll be able to bear it right?...
Will Father be insulted?...
If a father can sue a son...
he has to face the consequences...
Without my knowledge...
You took money from your son...
For that I was...
...insulted in the court today...
How many times I warned
you against taking it...
Your honour, today I shall call upon
the main witness of this case... Mr Dinen Lahiri...
...a person retires at 60...
Why did you retire at 63?...
Possibly they liked my work...
And the department couldn't find
a proper replacement immediately...
Your son and wife are alive?
Yes... I have two sons...
One is alive...
the other has passed away...
Were these sons raised by you?...
Yes here... in Shantiniketan...
How do you spend
your days after retirement?...
If you could share your daily routine with us...
Daily routine means...
waking up in the morning...
After freshening up...
I wake my grandson up...
Then I take him to school...
The school is nearby...
I walk him to school...
From there, I may go to
the market... or bank...
I finish all that...
Then I bring my grandson back from school...
I usually study in the afternoon...
Read the newspaper...
Once my grandson's afternoon
siesta gets done...
I take him to the playground...
After getting back from there...
we usually practice music...
Then we sit to study for a while...
Oh dear!...
It's all about your grandson...
So you spend almost ten to eleven
hours after your grandson...
Tell me, after retirement...
have you ever been on
a trip with your wife ?
Not really...
Once along with my wife,
my grandson...
and a group of my friends...
Had gone to Varanasi once...
So how did you become responsible
for your grandson?...
He is my...
second child, Arnab's son...
When he was born...
seven years ago... here in Shantiniketan...
At that point, his father and my
daughter-in-law... were not exactly settled...
That is when we unanimously
decided... that Posto...
By Posto, I mean, my grandson...
will live with us...
That is why he lives with us...
And my son and daughter-in-law
had agreed to this at that time.
Didn't you feel annoyed? Irritated?
It was supposed to be your retired life...
I'll not deny that I did
get irritated in the beginning...
I even used to get annoyed at times...
Waking up at midnight...
looking after the baby...
Staying up at night time and again...
Probably then I...
But later...
gradually I started liking it...
Slowly I started enjoying it...
Before retiring I'd always be a little anxious...
About how will my retirement days be like...
Will it be a cursed existence?
But when my grandson came along...
I felt like...
God has heard my prayers.
So he has sent him along...
I found a new meaning to my life...
And your grandson's parents?...
They stay in Kolkata...
come during weekends...
they even take my grandson along at times...
I don't blame them...
They are genuinely very busy...
So then you are not Arka's biological father...
then why are you claiming his guardianship?...
Arka is regularly getting
class ranks in his school...
He is a very bright and brilliant student...
He is a very good singer...
Taking him away from this environment of
Shantiniketan forcefully would be like...
Uprooting a tree from its roots...
It would be like that I feel...
My son is also going to start a new business...
Till the time I am sure of
my grandson's future...
Till then I... rather us...
me and my wife...
We are not going to let our grandson go...
Milord... this was Dinen Lahiri's
statement regarding the case...
This is a regular incident...
In India, mostly all grandparents
are playing this role...
Why only in India?...
In USA...there are 7.5 million children who
much like Dinen Lahiri's grandson...
Are being brought up by grandparents...
Please check the No.33
page of my petition...
Milord the numbers are even greater in China...
Most schools in India, nowadays,
celebrate Grandparents' Day...
Because 80% children
Either get co-parenting or
full-parenting from their grandparents
Therefore my client, Dinen Lahiris
case is not an absurd story
This is the reality
Thus, I would request the honourable court
That keeping my clients experience as a teacher
His experience of bringing up his two children
And also his role in
Arkas life since his birth till date
To consider all of this
judge accordingly
And give Arkas custody to my client
Thank you
Opposition may proceed
Oh God!...
I thought I wont get a chance today
Youve got it now
No, I mean...
history of grandparents
branching out in various countries
It's fine!
Mr Lahiri you shall have to
bear with us for a little longer
How old are you?...
When did your mother pass away?...
60... 62...
Do you remember anybody
else's expiry ages?
Uncle also... seventy...
You've got an extension in life as well?...
Early death history in family...
And you're still going strong at 73?...
Good very good
Have a look at this medical prescription please...
Whose is this?
What does it say?...
If you can please read
Names of medicines... and a few tests
have been suggested for later
Test What tests?...
Heart related
And if the test results are positive?... then?...
If test results are positive
Angioplasty or Bypass might happen
... thats it
Oh God!...
So if you have a by-pass surgery
Then you'll be able to return
home the next day right?...
How long will you need to stay?...
Maybe 10 days or more
Oh dear!
But your son and daughter-in-law will be
abroad at that time...
Then who will take care of your
dear grandson during this time?...
My wife
Your wife?...
But as far as I know
Your wife is a patient of osteoarthritis...
Take a look at this ECG report
Whose is it?...
When and why did this had to be done?...
Kindly elaborate
4th November
I was coming back
Had a sudden black out
and fell down
My God!...
How did you return home?...
In a rickshaw
Who summoned the rickshaw?...
My grandson was there with me that day
He called the rickshaw
Could you please give us some details?...
I started feeling unwell
fell down on the side of the road
Pick up my Guruji
Guruji! Guruji!..
I wonder what would have happened if my
grandson wasn't there that day...
That means a seven year old grandson...
is saving his 70 years old grandpa....
meaning the man who
wants to become a guardian...
What has happened to him?...
He has fallen...
And whose guardianship he
wants has become the guardian...
Brilliant milord...
Milord, Mr Dinen Lahiri is the most selfish and
combative old man I've ever come across...
Old people need sticks...
his grandson is the same to him...
He is using his grandson for his own sake...
We get these toys that run on key in the fair...
To him, his grandson is just like that toy!
Your honour,
Arka Lahiri has a bright
future in front of him....
He'll study abroad... in London...
And he is preventing that?...
His family history
His health condition
wife's health condition... You've heard it all
I really dont understand that
how can he claim guardianship of Arka...
Just imagine Milord
Just imagine the trauma the child
had to go through on that day...
It is our duty to take care that a day
like that is not repeated in that child's life...
Mr. Lahiri how many children do you have?...
Both are alive?...
No... my first child passed away...
How?... how did he pass away?...
Objection your honour...
Death of a child is
a very traumatic experience....
Reminding a father of that....
Milord that death has relevance in this case...
Has no relevance...
It has milord...
You need to give me time...
Objection overruled
I'm grateful, Your Honour
Tell me go on
How did your son die Mr Lahiri?...
Ok... leave it... Ill tell you
Look at thisIs this
death certificate familiar?...
Whose is this?...
My son's
Excuse me, I have something to say
Please dont ask my father all this
Mr Arnab
I'm not playing a friendly benefit match
with Mr Chatterjee here...
If it's painful for you...
please step outside...
This is my court
and here I decide the rules ...
Look at this?
Do you recognize this?...
My sons
How did he die?...
What is written here?...
What is the reason of death?...
Death due to cardiac arrest
What is the age that's mentioned?...
30 years...
Cardiac arrest at the age of 30!
Heart attack at the age of 30!
overdose of drugs...
He was on drugs?...
Was he an addict?...
What sort of addiction?...
I dont know
You dont know?...
Ill tell you Ill tell you all
Do you recogsise this?
On this last page...
what is written here?...
Go ahead, read
This is your sons journal isnt it?...
Do you recognize it?...
On every page of this journal
You can find the frustrations of
a 30 year old young man
His pain has been noted here
At times he has written
All diseases will drain
In the name of my father
And at timeshe writes...
All the mistakes made
Will wash away the mark left by death
Here look at this last page look sharp
What does it say?...
Ill tell youIt says
To my father
Let all songs stop
in the book of songs
Give me eternal silence
Wash away
Wash away
Give me more silence
Let all songs stop in the book of songs
I couldnt
What couldn't he?
What silence?...
Wash away what?...
Why couldn't he?
Why does he say this to
his father time and again?...
Objection your honour!,,,
My client is being emotionally blackmailed...
This isn't blackmail
This is the truth... the real picture...
Please give me sometime... milord please...
Objection overruled
Thank you, your honour
Tell me, why does he keep
repeating this to his father?...
Father! I couldnt
Tell me...
Apu was my first child...
My best student..
Not only the environment of
He had made Tagore's songs his life...
He really wanted to...
become a teacher here...
and spend his days like that
But he didnt get the chance
Though he had all the qualifications...
This incident caused me a lot of pain
I was very heartbroken...
he, too, broke down..
Unable to get a chance
used to eat away at him...
At him?...
Or did it eat away at you?...
Be honest didnt you blame
him for not getting through?...
The way you blame all your children
Didnt you blame Mr Arnab?...
Didnt you call him jobless?... Alcoholic?...
He is not worth being a father
Havent you mocked him in front of
his son for quitting his job?...
Mr Lahiri
You couldnt
keep your first child
It wasnt stress or depression
You, virtually, pushed him
towards suicide
This is practically a suicide note
And you are to blame for it You
You couldnt even keep your first child
How do you even imagine
keeping your grandson?
And thats all your honour.
Fierce gales speed forth
Clouds darken all directions
Oarsman! Time to steer the boat.
You hold tight the rudder
I will unfurl the sails...
Row, row, row your boat
Heave and Ho!
In its chains time and again
Echo the clash of cymbals...
Doubt-laden cries they are not.
The boat can endure
the anchors no more.
Restlessly it rocks therefore...
Row, row, row your boat
Heave and Ho!
Ill have to take Posto to Kolkata, Ma
For his passport
Will you be able to take care of him?...
Ill be at home
I have nothing to do
apart from going to the court
My respect... Guruji.
Ill have to tell your father
Whats there to tell, Ma?...
Ma, please understand this clearly
Baba is going to lose this case
So, lessen your attachment towards Posto
Gradually, let him go.
Otherwise, while giving him up completely...
It'll hurt more...
No no
Dont look downwards
Look up look up yes
Yes open your voice
Sing in clear tones.
Come here
Anu wants to take him to Kolkata
Why are you obstructing?...
Let them go...
Have you gone mad?...
A legal fight is going on
You dont get its seriousness?...
Youll send the person
concerned to Kolkata?...
Theyll brainwash him over there
Put the London bug in his head
All this is happening on
the advice of that evil lawyer woman
Dont I know that?...
Why are you dragging your
court case into the house?...
What did you say now?...
What did you just say son?...
Shit I said shit
Where did you hear this from?...
Who taught you all this?...
Ive heard it from Dad
Do you have anything to say even after this?...
If he really needs to go
We shall take him along
Left hand
now right
Will you buy that big train for me?...
Yes, you brat!
Ill buy you all the toys
And only then Ill be your best Mummum
Hello hello
Bonny has transferred Rs 2 Lakhs
Wowthats superb!
Passports are done
All done
Im just worried that if
the case still goes on
Come here and eat
Be careful and eat
And finish that drawing
You come and check
my painting once it's done.
Dad, I have something to say to you
In fact, this concerns all of you
What is this legal case Dad?...
Its your and Arnabs
ego fightthats it!
none of you are considering
my feelings
Dad, at Arnab's single request
I'm quitting my steady job.
Havent thought about
my career even for once
Ive only thought that Arnab is, finally,
getting some space for himself
Ill stay beside him.. support him
So that he gets some confidence.
Ill take care of my family
Whatever job I take up
in UK, will be new for me
Thats a new life for me
Why do I need that?...
All of you are aware that my office
has repeatedly wanted to promote me
But I didnt take it
Because accepting that
would mean shifting to Mumbai
Going away from my family from Posto
That is why Ive stayed back
Let me speak Arnab
Both of youve said a lot till now
Let me speak today?...
I never had any problem
with Posto staying with you
He is getting the same love that
hed get from my parents if they were alive
Ma even if nobody else knows
But you do
Leaving Posto behind with you...
I took injections to stop my breast milk
Ive gone through that pain as well
If as a mother
as a woman
Ive been able to make this sacrifice
Then you should be able to do it too
Why arent you being able to do it?...
Dad, I just have one question
Why cant Posto live with his mother?...
What wrong have I done?...
Do you think Ill not keep him happy?...
Baba youre forgetting one thing
Apart from Arnab, theres me
As a mother I have an equal right
Till date nobody ever
questioned by ability in my office
But you are continuously doing it
I know Dad what Posto means to you
My elder brother...
Your unfinished sculpture
Youve once lost to destiny
but not again
That is why the music practice
Those cricket matches
Going to the playground
The same songs
Your same wait outside the school
You are looking for 'Apu' in Posto, Dad
Please dont stop Posto
Because you didnt let Apu leave this place..
That was his frustration
And you know that
He didnt get a chance to teach there
because of internal politics
Because you were a teacher there
your son did not get a chance
and who got punished for that?...
My brother Apu
Dad, even you got a place
at SR in Kolkata
Why didnt you go?...
Like Barin uncle, if you had accepted,
things would have been different
You know it very well dad...
that Barin uncle,
today, has a music school in USA.
Why didnt you go Dad?..
Whatever Shantiniketan had given me
I wanted to return that favour
Its a different world now, Dad
Now after Apu passed away
...all your anger was channelled towards me
It was as if...
...why didnt I go instead of my brother
I still dont get it, Dad
Why do you dislike me so much?...
I know...
...that Im not the best
Im very very average
Very average
Inspite of being an artist,
why dont you paint?...
I wished to create
a platform for new talent
That is why you decided to take up a job?...
What job was this?...
Consultant Art curator
I used to advise them
on buying paintings...
Why did you quit?...
They were cheating
The platform they had created was all a lie
The platform they had created was all a lie
I have grown up to my fathers principles
So couldnt compromise
Mr. Arnab so youre
shifting abroad?...
Yes with my son and wife
What will be your daily routine there?...
Could you give us an idea?...
As far as I know...
Ill wake up around 6.40
and get ready
Thatll take around 50 minutes
Then well get our son ready
Drop him to the crche
Another 40 mins
7 hours of work maximum 8
They have really good
daycare centres over there
Child clubs and crche
Ill check according to the budget
Me and my wife will give time alternately
Milord today we are confronted with
a very important question
the quantity or quality of time
Which is important?...
In this age of working parents
Both the parents have to work
It has become absolutely necessary
How helpless are these parents
They are running in a rat race
They have house loans,
car loans to pay off
The expenses of the child
future investment
Savings for dependent parents like Mr Lahiri
They are continuously running
And they may not necessarily have
someonewith 8 or 10 hours to spare.
Then what will they do?...
Milord in Britain an average
working parent has 81 mintues
To spare for his child
81 minutes
In some countries its 91
Sometimes its 138 may be 180
This is what we call 'quality time'
These 81 minutes can create a beautiful
world between parents and children
Psychologists say that these
81 minutes is enough to make up
...the 10 or 11 hours given by
the likes of Mr Lahiri
Actually our fight is primarily Mr. Arnabs
81 minutes versus Mr. Lahiris 10 or 11 hours
Of course, Mr. Lahiri has a lot of time
He has retired now
He can definitely sue people
But Milord, think about my client please
He is dreaming of going abroad
Work there
A new life he has so much to plan
Instead of all that he is now
here engaged in a pointless feud
I have said this earlier as well
This case is nothing but wastage of time
The most regressive appeal Ive ever heard of
Your honour, I beg of you
Please dismiss this case immediately
And let my client go
And thats all your honour
Now the prosecution may proceed
How many times have you quit your job?...
6 times
6 times!
What job have you taken up now?...
Its not a job business
start-up business
What business?...
Restaurant?... Oh
So youve done a course on this?...
Oh shell answer?
That means all these
years of art gone
Now its food and all..
Start up
This means the car will
now start afresh Milord
This car can run smoothly
Or can flip over
Do you drink?...
Does your father know?...
Yes, he knows
But I dont drink in front of him
Drinking is very personal to me
You seem to be a very brave man
You dont want to hide
your alcoholic trait
I dont hide and do anything
So you agree that you are an alcoholic?...
I drink but I am not
an alcoholicI just drink
But arent an alcoholic
Your honour I go to the temple
but I'm not a devotee...
Have you ever hit your
son after drinking?...
No Not after drinking
Before drinking?...
Was about to
in the heat of the moment
Oh Ok
My son was being naughty
I was scolding him
Thank God!
Father came and stopped
But in this country you were spared
even after hitting your child
Abroad youll be jailed for this
Himadri also known as Bonny
who is he?...
Friend of mine
2nd November
there was some event at his place?...
You dont remember, is it?...
You dont remember
It was his mothers death anniversary
Am I right?...
What is a death anniversary Arnab?...
What happens there?...
One year completion of death of a person
What happens during death
anniversaries in Shantiniketan?...
They talk about memories
sing Rabindra sangeet
read the holy scriptures
And food?...
Vegetarian food was served.
And non-veg for you?...
We had fish fry Hilsa fry
Bonnys mothers favourite
And her favourite whiskey?...
Which brand did she have?...
There was a space outside the house
We were sitting there
after everybody had left
Such grief because of his mothers death
That everyone was drinking
Where was your son at that time?...
There was a separate kids room
all the children were there
Oh right
So while the elders were being naughty,
the children were kept away
So after how long did you see your son?...
I went and checked on him in a while
What did you see?...
A few children...
were on top of him
and were beating him
Oh ho
I brought him back home
You just said you dont hide anything
Did you delete anything in between?...
What a shame!...
So tell us about the part you deleted
Tell us
His nose was bleeding I washed it
Oh ho
And what did you tell your son?...
What did you tell your son?...
Not to tell my parents
Because my father had just
Oh dear!
You taught your son to lie
Taught him to hide?...
Your honour this is that father
who goes to hit his son while drunk
Teaches his son to lie
Cant even keep a job!..
They go to such parties where parents
have to be separated from the children
Because they are progressive
They believe in quality time
They are progressive
What sort of a society is this?..
Where people drink at
their mothers death anniversary?...
Such progression!...
Very recently
I recollect an incident like this
that happened in Kolkata
A 'progressive' man's daughter's birthday
party was being celebrated at his residence...
...whose grandmother has passed away
three days back
All his daughters friends were invited
They were drinking at the party
within the compound
a drunken friend of
the daughter accidently dies
That boy was only seventeen years old!...
Your honour, Arka is
only seven years old!...
And this is where that bloody future begins
They go to parties in
which parents get separated
Children get separated
Because they are progressive
Nobody knows where the other person is
Because they are progressive!...
Why cant they stay together in parties?...
Why can't they share everything with each other?...
Because they are progressive?...
They are selfish!
Your honour, those who can send
a 7 years old child to die in a kids room
They can be anything
but progressive parents!
Madam Nivedita
in 81 minutes you can become
the biological parents of a child
But in 81 minutes you
cannot possibly raise a child
Thats all your honour!
The ball is moving towards you.
The way you dont get
good babysitters these days
Thank you
Same way if you hand over your child
to someone elseThen its gone!
You only have to face the consequences
Diya Posto
Come here
Ice cream
Here you go
Dont drop it be very careful
Be a good boy good girl
I started bringing Diya
to my place gradually
In the beginning, my mother
wouldnt allow itCan you believe it?...
Then my daughter started being adamant
She wont stay without me
Then everything was so good
I had also promised myself that
I will get my daughter back
And I did it
Now she goes over to
her grandparents on weekends
At times she doesnt want that as well
Prefers staying with me
And its so good!...
Hello yes?...
Are you back?...
Posto is with me
Why?...What happened?...
Dad wants to prove
in court that how bad I am
How bad I am as a father
When I drank at Bonnys place
When Ive tried hitting Posto
He is hitting at the same point continuously
Yes Ma
Ma, he slept late last night and
his eyes have a little soreness
My friend Sukriti is an eye specialist
She has checked him and has
said that theres nothing to worry about
Ma, how can we stop his
tooth from falling?...
It would have fallen even in Shantiniketan
Posto is fine with
What do you want Ma?...
What do you and Dad want of us?...
I just want to stay alone
with my son and wifebut you won't let us!
Dad has anyway
insulted me enough in court
What else do you want?...
His teeth has fallen off good!
Ill break the rest of them but Ill take care
What are you doing?...
One tight slap!...
Arnab... no no!
No no no... it's okay!
Posto Posto
Ma is fondling you...
Dad can scold at times, isn't it?
Dad is saying sorry
See, see dad is crying
Don't cry like that...
nothing has happened
Why me?...
Posto come heregive dad a kiss...
It was wrong of me ...very wrong!
Do you blame me for Apus death?...
Rumour has it
That after his sons death
Rabindranath conducted a planchet
Even I want to do a planchet
Ill ask Apu
If he blames me or not
I cant see you like this
Give back their son
Dont get attached anymore
Weve done whatever we had to
Apus journal
Apus death certificate
How did Anu get it?...
You gave them to him?...
Welcome! Welcome!...
Happy anniversary...
Congratulations...thank you...
What did we do on our anniversary?
I, really, can't remember!
Oh, really!
Kids come on
get into that room
A lot of games have been arranged
Go in there
We'll play spot jumping!
Yeah tell me
Susmita and I have to leave
We have to go see the lawyer once
What are you saying !
Posto come here
Why? What are they saying?
Come one, man..
dont be a spoilt sport
I've an appointment...
that's why...
Okay then bye take care
Thanks a ton!
What shall we do now?...
What should we do?...
We shall now play
Well paint
We shall make fireflies!!...
We shall now sing and dance!
Total fun!!...
Tonight with this light and colours
Lets play a game of fun.
Well chase butterflies
and life wont be boring at all.
Come lets do this,
make festivities in the bedroom
Tell me what are your plans,
Let there be music and fun full on.
Well not turn on the lights anymore
Lets party Home Shanti Home.
Be friends with the darkness here
Lets party Home Shanti Home.
Wish wed spice up life
And ride on the fireflies.
Well become jokers
And spread madness around!
Come on lets do this
Well change all the orders.
Damn we are right!
Do whatever with our lives!
Even if theres a black out tonight
Lets party Home Shanti Home.
Our family has one headline
Lets party Home Shanti Home.
Well dance all night now!
Shanti Home!
Mess up the steps, still no regrets!
Shanti Home!
This party goes on all year!
Shanti Home!
And the three musketeers are back!
Shanti Home!
Come lets do this
Make festivities in the bedroom.
Tell me what are your plans
Let there be music and fun full on.
Even if theres a black out tonight
Lets party Home Shanti Home.
Our family has one headline
Lets party Home Shanti Home.
What happened?...
Nivedita called
The judge wants Posto to
attend the next court session
In this legal case regarding Arka Lahiri
Weve listened to both the parties
Id like to hear what Arka has to say
But before that Id like to
speak to Arka personally
Mr. Aloke please send Arka to my chamber
I don't want to go.
Don't worry, it'll be okay.
Go, my dear,
nothing will happen
You are a brave boy
Nothing will happen
Sir, can I come in?...
Come here Arka
Good Boy!
See all these are for you
Come here with me
Your parents wish to
keep you with themselves
And your grandfather
What is this going on?...
He has taken the child
to a separate room
Hell get nervous
Alu stop this immediately
Yes yes sit down
What do you want?...
I can give you
whatever you want
You cant
Why cant I?...
Ill give you whatever you want
Tell me what do you want
I want to live with Guruji,
Ma, Dad, Mummum altogether
Can you give that to me?...
This court believes in
the welfare of minors
So where will the child stay
In what conditions
Whether it is favourable or not
We shall consider that
After speaking to Arka,
Ive learnt of his wish
Even then in this case
Id want him to say it aloud
Come here son
Tell me whom do
you want to stay with?...
Your parents or your grandparents?..
Your honour
I withdraw my case
I cant keep my child in this pain anymore
You please hand him over to his parents
I dont want anything
Come here come to me darling
Your Honour
Im extremely sorry
I have taken so long
to come to a decision
But, actually the thing is
This affection is a very terrible thing
Especially when it is towards your children
I know...
One should let go of
all possessiveness after a certain age
My wife keeps telling me that
But what can I do?...
Its my heart after all
It's a matter of my heart!
I had once heard of
this selfish mother
Who stole her sons passport
to stop him from going abroad
May be this case of mine will
become that sort of an example
Do you know why I sued my son?
Because I know it in my heart
That they are going now
They will never return...
So that I can hold them back
Thats why I made a last attempt
I have got my answer
Even then the law
shall follow its course
Mr. Arnab Mrs. Susmita you can now
take full responsibility of Arka
And give him a little time
Keep him in good care
He is a beautiful child..
And please try and understand
what his soul wants
The case is dismissed today...
as withdrawn
Why couldn't something
like this happen?
Everyone has grown apart
from each other
Stranded in the middle of nowhere
Lost their way back home.
Why couldn't something
like this happen?
The scared rabbit can't even
lift its head up.
The loving fingers knit no longer,
Life has come to a stand still.
Like a multi-storeyed dream...
No one knows
which floor belongs to whom.
All that I am left here with
Is an empty space...
Why couldn't something
like this happen?
Everyone has grown apart
from each other.
Stranded in the middle of nowhere
Lost their way back home.
Why couldn't something
like this happen?
The scared rabbit can't even
lift its head up.
The loving fingers knit no longer,
Life has come to a stand still.
Yes Ma Ill call you from the airport
Why wont Guruji and Ma come with us?...
Tell them to come with us
Give me that leg
I dont like this at all
I wont go without them
Take this outside
Wait a sec...
Get in.
They have started for the Airport
Get a trolley, will you?...
Darling, stay in the car...
Ill get the trolley.
Sit quietly, ok?...
Posto come...
Wheres Posto?...
He was right here
Where was he?...
Posto Posto!...
Ma Ma
My darling...
Ma Ive come back
My precious one...
What happened?...
Did you miss the flight?...
Left it
Posto is not ready to leave with us Dad
His mind is not ready yet...
Can you really uproot a plant this easily?...
Susmita and I will have to leave
Well fix everything over there
Im returning your Apu to you
The day he really wants to come to us
The day you can give him to us from your heart
We shall wait for that day
Not Apu
My Anu
Anus son, Posto
And Susmita
This is my family
Dont you worry at all
Your mother and I,
along with Posto
Well visit you soon
We shall all go together?...
Yes darling.. well all live together
Like every year
We are celebrating
Grandparents Day this year
Todays main attraction is
A special part of Rabindranath Tagores
'Post Office'
To be performed by Arka Lahiri
and his grandfatherShri Dinen Lahiri
How is this island, that
you talk about Fakir?...
It is a very surprising place indeed
It is the country of birds
There are no humans there
They dont talk or walk
They only sing there and fly around
How wonderful! Is it beside the sea?...
Definitely, beside the sea
All mountains are blue there?...
They live on the Blue Mountain..
During dusk the rays of the setting
sun falls on that mountain
And the flock of green birds
return to their nests
In the colour of that setting Sun mountain,
birds it is such a spectacle
Are there springs on that mountain?...
Of course!
How can there not be springs?..
It looks as if molten diamonds are flowing
And how splendidly they dance!
Playing music on the pebbles
The springs wind
their way through the land
And then jump into the sea
No doctor can stop them for a second
If the birds had not taken me for a
simple mortal and set me aside
Then beside those springs
along their thousands of nests
I will create a small nest for myself
And spend the rest of my days
watching the waves of the sea