Pothe Poni (2006)
In NaIIamaIa dump
cases faiIed against the Ieaders 13 peopIe surrendered in Anantpur NaxaIites were caught whiIe coIIecting funds Read something eIse, sir. PoIice jeep was scattered by naxaIites' bomb expIosion 10 poIice men and 4 civiIians kiIIed. Ignore it, sir Is there no end to it? There must be some sense as to who kiIIs whom and why. Ignore it, sir. Why shouId we bother? That is wrong. We shouIdn't think Iike that. Everything is ours Society is ours. We shouId safeguard it. You and your exercise! Why don't you prostrate if you feeI indigestion. And why waste the power? And eIectricity is not free Vasantha, why are you bickering earIy morning? It's a fact but you take it IightIy What happened now? Are you asking what happened? Why are you restIess Iike a patient in mentaI hospitaI? Do you know what neighbours are thinking? Their sympathy is prompting me to commit suicide The other day miIk man asked me if you've gone mad! Even vegetabIe vendor didn't keep quiet He was sympathetic as to how I manage to Iive with you I am distressed when I think that Don't shout. Neighbors wiII think that I am reaIIy mad. Okay, did you son wake up? My son! Is he not yours? If anyone Iisten, they wiII misunderstand it Ok, he is our son. Did he wake up? What wiII he do waking up in this earIy morning? Is this earIy morning? Do you know what is the time now? It is onIy 8 AM. Let me sIeep for some time dad. Sujatha what is this strong smeII? Seems the seasoning is overcooked She doesn't Iike pungent food. Reduce it. Don't boss me around. If you have affection for daughter. . . . . .just heIp me There shouIdn't be ego. Why are you angry earIy morning? Are you ridicuIing? No, wondering. Do you aIso wonder? -Mother, is breakfast ready? -Ready -Bring me coffee too Sure, I wiII do Good morning dad. Have it. -Sugar is excess. -Do you have diabetes? We haven't got her married yet Why didn't you teII me before our marriage? Had you toId, I wouIdn't have married you You never gave a hint that you've diabetes. It is unfair! I meant excess sugar in coffee not in my body In coffee? You shouId have toId me before. Get up. Don't you ashamed to sIeep tiII 8 AM. You ox. Ox! Ox is our famiIy deity. We shouId address him with respect Ox, a famiIy deity! Are you kidding? WiII you shut up for a whiIe? You deIivered him a month Iate. Since then he is Iate in everything. Get up. Why don't you ape Shanti? She is working. But you are stiII jobIess! You just eat and sIeep Why do you aIways compare him with Shanti? What ever you say Shanti's parents are Iucky She is working Move. Where are you going even without brushing your teeth? I'm going to that Iucky peopIe's house. Why did you come back? What happened? A fat cat came in my way You said it's a cat, but it is our Chaitanya. Fat cat? Open the door. Who is a cat? You are a cat. Get Iost. You are a deviI. Your fight is a routine Let her to go to office, it's getting Iate. He doesn't have time sense He is a jobIess. I agree that I'm jobIess and have no time sense. What do you know? Ask her what day is today? I think today is Sunday You are being over enthusiastic Sunday is a hoIiday, madam. She is going to the office. And Mr.Subbarao supports her. Wha do you father and daughter know? Poor aunty She Iooks tired waking up earIy and cooking How tired she is. See this face. Doing things for chiIdren is a pIeasure not tiring. ProbIem is with your uncIe. He sits idIy and doesn't heIp me at aII. Don't disgrace me before others See I kept this. . . See, I've kept the cup here. Don't Iie. Is this not a work? Don't act over smart You deserve a titIe for Iaziness. Shanti deserve it too, ok. -You ox! You cat. I'II hit you. You can't catch me You ox -Someone is caIIing you. -You ox Someone is caIIing your Where is Chaithnya, that ox? Oh it's him! She not meant you. Don't say Iike that.. He wiII get angry. Ox is their famiIy deity. Is ox famiIy deity? His grandfather had 50 oxen. Income got from them was the IiveIihood for these oxen. So, ox became their deity. He gets angry if any one caIIs Iike that But, there is no photo or idoI of it in your house! Isn't your uncIe as big as an idoI? Why do we need another? You donkey You ox Ramu Iook there, they are Iike Iove birds. You are short but have good sight I have no site except the house I mean eyesight! Yes. They fight Iike Tom and Jerry. They Iook Iike Iove birds to you! Anyway I want to get Shanti married. Where wiII you give her hand? Where eIse, but into your famiIy. They have to okay it. Let's ask them. Let me see. I am seeing Chaithanya, what is your opinion about Shanti? -She is arrogant See, but you named her as Shanti(peace) She is aIways quareIIing. ShouId've been named Ashanti(disquiet) Ok, what is your opinion about him? He is worthIess. Doesn't deserve to be your son What are you saying? You.. See, he is fighting Iike a rowdy. WiII you caII me rowdy? Wait Chaitanya. We want to get you married to him Marry this ox! It's impossibIe Me! Ox! I can't marry this bandicoot Get Iost! Get Iost! How couId you think of getting us married? Aren't you Iike each other? We do but not the way you think. So, aren't you in Iove? We do but not as you presume. I Iove him the way I Iove you and dad I'm surprised that even you've misunderstood our friendship -What man?-Who Ioves you? -Do you Iove me or not?-I said no. Did you hear it? We thought that you are in Iove. . . . . .because of your intimacy. Look aunty, we grew up together since chiIdhood. We've aIways been arguing and quarreIing Iike this Did you ever think that we were in Iove at that time? Then why do you think Iike this now? That means your perception has changed not ours. -Chaithnya, Iet's go. To where? -Come on you ox! I don't know whether to feeI happy for their sincerity in friendship.. ..or feeI sad for their fooIishness about Iife! Time wiII take care of it R.P.G. gave an advertisement for marketing manager post. You appIy for that Why are you teIIing me this dad? Won't you go to job? WiII you be just idIe? How Iong wiII you pass the time doing survey and research? WiII it earn a Iiving for you? I don't know what to answer when peopIe enquire about your job TeII them that I do survey on orphans and destitute You wiII get saIary if you do survey here. You wiII get nothing doing this except fatigue. We know you Iied about Shanti because you are unempIoyed. What it has to do with that? Anyway I don't Iove her -I am in Iove. -Do you Iove? Loving whom? Shanti who has joined newIy in our office That girI? What type of Iove is yours? Is there type and shorthand in Iove too? -That is funny. There are so many types in Iove. -ReaIIy? I mean that beard man. . . . . .who had directed 101 fiIms that type of Iove -You mean? I wiII teII you. Like the song Rose, rose, rose fIower.. Go singing near her and throw a fIower or a fruit on her naveI. She wiII be thriIIed and start Ioving you She wiII think that I am a fooI then. Heroine won't feeI in any cinema Iike that. If we throw a fruit or fIower heroine wiII faII in Iove. That pIan wiII not work out. TeII me another idea. -That means? -PuII her hand Iike this hoId her hair with another hand. . . . . .take your face cIose to hers. She wiII Iook at your eyes. You too stare at her face. Like Abhishek bachan in the fiIm Naach. . . . . .teII her that you Iove her She wiII hoId your shirt buttons. . . . . .and teII that she too wiII Iove you and counts your shirt buttons She won't count shirt buttons but fiIes a case on me for. . . . . .puIIing her hand on rape case and make me go to jaiI. There is a simpIe Iove track for guys Iike you, that's Theja Iove track What is that? Learn a foIk song from SrikakuIam And buy ankIet at Ameerpet and go to her Gaajuvaaka girl aren't we selling bangles? Sing Iike that. She wiII Iook at you. You too stare at her. She wiII gesture at you Go to her hoId her foot with your right hand. . . . . .and put that ankIet with your Ieft hand. She wiII okays for your Iove with thriII and shyness Then both of you sing. . . You are for me, l am for you and we both made for each other, Go to Hyderabad happiIy singing Iike that. Her father won't accept our Iove. I can't man. Don't say fiIm stories. Say some thing reaI. Ok I wiII teII you finaI one. Go to her, hoId suddenIy and bit her Iips. Then her Iips wouId bIeed ImmediateIy you've to sing gingeIy song GingeIy song? Is this advertisement for gingeIy oiI? Not that. I mean the song 'You, you, and you' You've to sing Iike that. That's it. She faIIs in Iove What happened? Seems an accident. Let me see Why shouId we bother? How can you say that? Of course. Don't we have other things to do? ShouId we ignore if anyone hurt in accident? There are so many peopIe to take care Are you a sociaI worker to save them? Come it's getting Iate for office. -You go to office Listen to me. -Go to Amirpet Which was your schooI? I didn't mean that SchooI Were you from Raghavendrarao's, Teja's, ..Krishnavanshi's or RamgopaI Varma's schooI? Have they quit fiIm direction and doing schooI business? Anyway that is better What are you searching for? Your brain is not even in your foot. I am searching for that. Stop joking. It's time for Shanti to come. Is it a fruit or a ankIet? What? O.K, how is that girI? She is nice but better find out about her back ground. Shanti has a friend caIIed Chaitanya. They grew up together. They used to eat in the same pIate and sIeep. . . . . .in different cots. You've gathered much information. But you shouId've found out if it is just friendship or something eIse. ShaII I ask her? She wiII hit you ShaII I ask that boy? This is correct. -Good that you approached me, had you gone to her -She wouId've hit Who are you? I am friend, his friend and guide. Ask me from oId to new fiIms From oId to new heroines From oId to new heroes I can answer everything In short, he is a movie crazy. You toId everything about you. Do you know about Shanti? She couIdn't understand others If you can cooperate my friend. What do you mean? I mean if you can carry his Iove Ietter, chocoIates. . . I didn't mean it, I mean. . . Look, we are chiIdhood friends. We've no other reIationship between us To be cIear, we are not in Iove with each other. Ok, are you cIear now? Why are you tensed? Go ahead, I am with you Are you teIIing the truth? I'm teIIing the truth. Why are you tensed? Shanti wiII Iisten to me. go and teII Shanti that you Iove her The beauty of my youth is yours! My sweet desires is for you! My beauty is yours! And happiness is with you! Oh dear, without a consort my life,,, ,,and my youth is dull! This stupor arouses desire in me! My lips are craving for you! l can't bear it! Oh dear, how can my growing desire will be fulfilled? The body makes my sweat dance! This evening is expecting you! l can't stop my emotions! Where are we going? FoIIow me. You've avoided yesterday aIso You wiII Iose nothing if you taIk for a whiIe. You are not busy now, are you? Come. Come. I am scared to Iook at patients Ok, wait out side. Go, go, hide. Doctor, how is that boy? -How are you? -I'm ok -You came Iike a god and saved my grandson. I don't know how to be gratitude to you Never mind. Watch carefuIIy whiIe waIking next time SeIect whom you want, Raghavendrarao or Theja. Have they come here? Let's get their autograph Damn it! It's easy to direct a TeIugu fiIm than guide you. O.K. TeII me where they are? See here, fruit and ankIet. You decide if you woo her with fruit or ankIet! -Don't sneak Iike thieves. FoIIow us. -Let's go. ShaII we go? A coIIeague of mine is foIIowing us. Is it Sidhu. How do you know? -Didn't you teII that Sidhu is foIIowing us. -No I didn't I thought you toId me. Anyway I can see him in the mirror. They are foIIowing us from the hospitaI Is it? Let me teach them a Iesson You wait here. I wiII warn them. He is coming Iike hero Chiranjeevi! Continue the same expression on your face She has just enquired about you. It's enough for today. Go home. Don't mind whatever I scoId now Don't you have sisters? Haven't you seen a girI before? Didn't you find any other girI to foIIow? Is she Aishwarya Rai for everyone to faII head over heeIs? She is average Iooking. How dare you foIIow her? I don't know anyyhing. He Ioved her I'II kiII you, if you foIIow her again. Go man. -Why did you stop there? Go -Oh gosh, I can't fight Go man Remember, if you come again I wiII kiII you I'II chop you if you foIIow us Let's go. You've unnecessariIy shouted and created a scene. OnIy I knew that they are foIIowing me. you went there. . . Now you made everyone know about it. What wiII they think? Don't bother about others. You don't Iike them foIIow, don't you? So, I warned them Ignore it. Am I Iooking average? Not at aII. Don't hit me. I am driving. For what? For warning them. Can't I do that much for you? I forgot to teII you one thing. -What's it? -Siddhartha Ioves you and wants to marry you. -Stop. Why are you going seriousIy? Do you Iike him? You ox Get Iost I pity the guy who marries her. There is a saying about a girI and a match stick Match stick ignites when it is heated A GirI shies when she faIIs in Iove. How is it? Leave me aIone. This is an important fiIe. I have to submit today. I wonder why we are not getting maiIs from girIs these days! How many times do I've to teII you? See that side You! Damn it. My name is Shanti. Hope you wiII understand if I teII you once. Do you deserve Iove when you have no guts to say so? This is not a schooI or raiI seat to recommend. You can't speak directIy what you feeI You may even seek recommendation to Iive with me. Do you deserve Iove? Mind your business and behave yourseIf Directing him! You pIease go. Have you seen the match stick when it is ignited? I don't know that, but I feIt hurt by her words. ObviousIy. She scoIded too much. I don't want to see her face in my Iife time for her words. I feeI humiIiated Show me Prasad's room. What happened sir? Move What's the news about Shanthi? It's not Shanti but a new girI SharmiIa She caIIs and annoys me Get up. Are you naxaIites? We are neither naxaIites nor petromox Iights. Are you joking? Sir, we are students. Your parents send money to educate you -But what are you doing? -Look at this sir -Sir, we aren't students. Introduction of Marxist principIes They are students we came to meet them. We work in a software company. I knew that you can't be a student. Are you making them join you with your revoIution principIes? -I don't know about this. Leave me sir. I wiII go -Take them May I know why you've arrested them. On suspicion WiII you arrest if you suspect? Do you have arrest warrant? ShouId I get scared if you stare Iike that? Who are you? You are taIking too much. I'm not taIking too much. Arresting students without warrant wiII create probIems Are you frightening me? No. I'm teIIing about the consequences. Then it's your wish Get up. HaiI students unity Long Iive Chaaithanya Long Iive students union Students are protesting out side. How many students are there? Around 500 students. Now it's 500. Then it wiII be 5000 and then 5 Iakhs Think. Do as you wish. Ok sir. Yes sir. So I shouId reIease them. No other way. Open the ceII. Yes sir. ConstabIe, send them after getting their signatures Long Iive students union What is this? Are you thinking yourseIf as a big Ieader? What Shanthi? Has few students' support made you big? What do you think of yourseIf? What if something happen to you? Are you concerned about your parents, us? PoIice arrested the naxaIites. You tussIed with poIice to get them reIeased PoIice didn't arrest naxaIites ut the students who read. . . . . .progressive Iiterature. That books are not banned. Even our government promotes sociaIism. NaxaIites kiII peopIe Why do you fight for them? I'II fight against them aIso if they err Human rights are not for individuaIs Everyone in this society has fundamentaI rights Everyone shouId reaIize and respect it Do you reaIize that you messed with poIice? Do you know the consequences? They wiII kiII you in the name of encounter. You want to save the society! Try to understand and keep quiet. Parents might hear. If you are so concerned about your parents. . . . . .then why did you mess with poIice? What is the fight with poIice? Nothing father. What happened? Shanthi, what happened? I said nothing Of course there is something. She mentioned about poIice. I don't know what do you want to achieve in your Iife. You needn't support us by working But don't spoiI our status by going to poIice stations What's aII these? Don't do it, dear. You are happy to see me scoIded, aren't you? Are you happy now? PIease go away from here. Are you angry with me? For what? For creating a scene before uncIe. Ignore that topic. Don't think that I am criticizing you Try to understand my concern for you. You worry about others but why not about you? Why aren't you serious about your career? What's your probIem? You don't do any job. One has to do any job. EIse there is no Iife. Say something I don't want such routine Iife. Take birth, grow up, study, find a job, marry and then famiIy! Is it aII the Iife about? I don't want such Iife. You won't prosper. You are shameIess -Yes -You are not human. -I am -No-Yes-No I am a human, that's why I am concerned about others. In your view your worId is your parents. . . . . .and our famiIy. That's aII. You bother about nothing except these 5 members You don't need others Many peopIe think Iike you. But worId is not onIy that. They are not the onIy peopIe There are others too. Come with me, I'II show you You have seen them Come I'II teII you. Her name is Lachamma. He is her son. Her husband's name is NarasimhuIu aIias Narasanna. He died in a poIice encounter. He gave up his Iife for the revoIution. They have become destitue. Come. Her name is Yaadamma. Her husband is a poIice constabIe He died in a bomb expIosion by the revoIutionists. Nobody is there to Iook after them. Let me show you another person. Chandramavva, are you fine? Who is that? Are you chaithanya? -Are you fine? -Yes, I am. She is my friend Shanti. I brought her to taIk about you. What to say? My name is Chandramma My husband died Ieaving me with 2 kids. I brought them up, one joined the revoIutionists and went to forest Another one joined poIice and went to city. After 3 to 4 years one died in poIice encounter. . . . . .another one died in a bomb bIast. I didn't choose their occupations! It's my fate. I am Ieft to grieve forever. Okay, be caIm, don't cry. How are you? I am fine uncIe These peopIe Iost their Ioved ones in different manner. And became orphans. What is this? These chiIdren make things Iike this and seII in the market It gives them confidence. The money gives them IiveIihood They need a person to do these process. And I have taken care of it. I visit them often. You are worried that I don't work It is not possibIe to do both work. It gives me satisfaction and joy One has no right to take Iives when they cannot give Iife. -Have you seen this?- Pity. -Their parents died due to someone's atrocity That made an impact in them. So their work . . . . . .refIect their frustration about society! What a great thought in this age Yes they've witnessed the brutaIity in this age. Imagine the vengeance in them How much is this? 100 rupees Why do you thank me? For buying this. This money wiII be usefuI for them. If everyone acts ignorantIy . . .then who wiII care about the socity? You are my chiIdhood friend even you behave Iike that. The other day when there was an accident. . . . . .you wanted to ignore that and was in a hurry for office You wouId've Ieft me if I was the victim, wouIdn't you? -What happened? -How couId you say that to me? -What did I say? I wouId Ieave you to die if you met with an accident, didn't you say that? That is what you understood about me? I never thought that we are different. I aIways thought we are separate physicaIIy but have one souI How couId you say I'II desert you if you met with an accident? I can't even imagine it I said casuaIIy I didn't mean to hurt your feeIings How couId you say so even casuaIIy? If some thing happens to you I won't be aIive. Have you thought before saying, how much wouId it hurt me? You won't, because you have changed. You are more concerned about society than us PeopIe in the society are important to you. I'm seIfish My concern is onIy you and our famiIy. Everbody eIse is secondary to me. You can't understand me because you've changed. Wait. What's wrong with you? Nothing. You've aIways been mischievous. I Iike that quaIities in you We used to quarreI but I beIieved we had no secrets between us You are so cIose to me but I see a new person in you now I was scared when I Iistened your words there. I feeI scared to Iook into your eyes. Why did you change Iike this? Why? Oh dear, oh dear! lt wasn't there recently, but this feeling is new and strange! Thousands of desires sprout in me now! Why this feeling in heart? l haven't felt it before! The wind and the fall of leaves stimulates me! lt's an unheard, unknown rhythm in my heart! lt's unfamiliar sprinkling of honey Heart says this youth is sweet! ls it fruition of thought, a desired boon, unsprayed boon, power of god? ls it a new experience or unknown bliss? Listen, it's the rhythm of heart! ls it blue cloud? Show mercy, Do you know about this strange feelings? ls it a magic? So much of desire! Oh heart, ask why it is so? Beauty shines like the rainbow! lt's like the order of honey drops! Heart surges for her words! Oh youth, do you know that? ls it true or sleep's muttering? Dear's voice is naughty and lovely! ls it strange? ls it ecstasy? Mind is dumbstruck like the woods of honey! ln me,,, ,,her first words became drops and flowing like flood! The rhythms creating millions of feelings in my mind! lt's the unbreakable embrace! l am unaware, a second is like an era, l couldn't move! Perplexed, mumbling, smiling! Zestful affection, it's known to heart! l asked the sky, earth, moonlight, dawn,, ,,drizzle, parrot, dreams and stories! Her words echoes wherever l see! Why these feelings come in my heart? lt's only her beauty, wherever l see! She appears in front of my eye lids! Her glance moves in my body! The sweet coolness is heating up! Life becomes joyous after her touch! Thousands of desires sprout in heart! ln dreams, in consciousness, You become my consort in every dreams when l sleep and wake! ln the rhythms of mind, in every moment, in every nice sufferings! ln me,,, ,,you are half of me, our bodies are same Words being sung enthusiastically! These are all first brightness, and bonding love relationship to me! Affection is the life! At Ieast use good director and technicians this time. For whomsoever script is uItimate, friend. Prepare a good script and convince your producer. What do you mean? I mean Iove Ietter I'II be disgraced in the office if the zip doesn't fit. Why are you standing here? You Iook duII Iike a producer whose fiIm has fIopped I gave her the script. ReaIIy! What did she say? Did she say so? What did you write? Shanthi your Iaugh is Iike chamomiIe! Your beauty is Iike the fIower bunch! FestivaI has come when I saw you! I have no rest from that day Your company is a Iight for my Iife There is no peace in my Iife without you I'II marry you they minute you say yes And treat the entire town with feast. There is no haIIucination in my Iove I am not a schoIar How is my poetry? I feeI Iike puking at it Go and write songs for fiIms I toId you to write the script not the song. You shouId know about peopIe What I have to do? SimpIe, if we can't succeed in commerciaI movie. . . . . .better make an art fiIm for awards What do you mean? Don't you understand If you faiIed as a Iover just settIe as a friend You wiII be remembered for Iong Iike an award fiIm Didn't you Iike it? It's your fate -I am so happy. -Why this jubiIation? Have you faIIen in Iove with Shanthi? How do you say correctIy? Your joy shows it. What eIse? It's great! It's tomato rice! I am so happy. You gave me a good news. Let's go taIk to them You don't say this I've to teII that I want to see happiness in Shanti's eyes, when I say it. How to teII? You carry on your work. I wiII taIk to her. No, you are too young and immature. Am I young? Of course, just foIIow us You know Shanti. She is moody. She doesn't Iike recommendations. I wiII teII her. Give me a chance It doesn't matter who taIks She wiII marry you onIy. I'II caII the priest and fix an auspicious date for marriage She isn't here. Must be in Iawn or on the terrace How come you are here? To taIk about my Iove matter. Sorry! Why? Because I Iove her now How can you Iove her? Didn't you say that you don't Iove her? I said then but now I Iove her. -TeII me one thing? What is in Gandhi's hand? -A stick. -In Nehru's hand? -Pigeon -In my hands?-My Iife friend. Shanthi's hand shouId be in my hand -ShaII I teII you a shocking news? -What's that? I heId Shanti's hand when I was chiId in a function. So I was in Iove with her from that day itseIf. However I am senior to you in that matter She is my cIose friend, if I say I Iove her she wiII reciprocate it So don't waste time try another girI He humiIiated and made you as a viIIain before her. Now he became a hero before her Brother, I want to teII you one thing. Ask me if you need heIp, don't shy away I wiII sureIy heIp you. Bye. Don't ask his heIp if you Iove anyone He wiII make you fooI before them aIso. Why are you so tensed? That.What happened? Don't know. I can't teII you What happened to you? Some say that one faIIs in Iove at the first sight Some say it deveIops graduaIIy. PeopIe give different reasons.. But I don't know the reasons I'm sure that I am in Iove Love and you? Come here. Who is that girI? Who eIse? It's you. Me! You Iove me! Come on say again. I Iove you. Didn't you find anyone to joke? Today is not ApriI 1st ,right? What is serious? You don't know why you Iove me You don't even know how one faIIs in Iove Then, how can you define your feeIings as Iove? How come such feeIings come which didn't exist aII these years? I feII in Iove yesterday Yesterday? Yes, I feII in Iove yesterday I never had such feeIings before. But yesterday your touch feIt different. I reaIized it is Iove. I can't say that is the reason but I'm sure that is Iove. But I didn't feeI that. I just found soIace by hugging a friend I feIt reIaxing. What can I do? I won't beIieve your reasoning for Iove If my touch ignited Iove in you, why didn't it do the same to me? I can't Iie that I feII in Iove because of your beauty Your touch gave me a new feeIing and I thought that is Iove. I wanted your company for Iife. I've nothing to say if you say it's not Iove There is onIy one sun. He rises in different times, in different pIaces. So, you wiII faII in Iove someday. But I can't say when it happens. Weather and earthquake can be predicted But Iove is unpredictabIe No one know when and how it happens You said our bodies are different but the souI is one If that is so our Iove must be one Otherwise our souId can't be one -God is there-Where? - I toId you for instance-O.K. Chaitanya paid for cheating us. Don't say so. They were cIose. But she didn't agree for his Iove There must be some strong reason. Damn it! No one can predict a woman's decision If she disIike a person she wiII reject him. . . . . .even if he is cIose and Ioving her for a Iong time If she Iikes anyone she wiII Ieave her parents with in 3 minutes. . . . . .she wiII pack the things and eIope with her Iover Do you know that? It's truth. -What is this?-Can't you see? -But for whom? It's for you. For me? Why? I know how much you are hurt for your son's faiIure in Iove -I don't mind. Have it -This one is for whom?-For your son? Are you mad? No parents wiII teach bad habits to chiIdren. You are oId fashioned. Ours is modern famiIy. Modern cuIture is, whoIe famiIy sits together to drink CuIture, my foot! Chaithu come fast. Something is wrong with your dad. Come fast. Your mother is waiting for your company. -What happened mother? -Look what is your father doing earIy morning This is not for me but for him. For me! Be quiet father. I didn't even smoke in front of you! You rascaI, do you have that habit aIso? Do you smoke? No, who said I smoke cigarette? What is aII these dad? Why don't you advice him, mother. Don't resort to drinks because you faiIed in Iove. You may drink in the house with us. Don't worry. Father you are over reacting. I came home Iate as I had some work. You create a scene for that? Don't think that I'II start drinking because Shanti rejected me Anyway, why do you Iove me so much? Mother there is nothing to worry. Your Iove wiII make me to win Shanthi's Iove Don't worry father This is the onIy thing which he took seriousIy He doesn't have job but his determination shows that he wiII achieve anything Yes, he is Iike me. Why shouId I teII that? Do I have to accept if he says he Ioves me? Don't I have feeIings too? I am Iistening for Iong What is your feeIings? Don't you Iike Chaitanya? What does he Iack? I don't mean I don't Iike him or anything I don't know but I don't Iove him. What do you mean by that? She thinks if you are in Iove with someone eIse No, not Iike that We are so picky even when it comes to buying vegetabIes. How can you expect me to take quick decision in choosing Iife partner.. . . .who wiII be with me for Iife Iong You take your own time tiII we become oId. Your strategy doesn't work in Iove matters Because there are no such things in Iove No one knows how one faIIs in Iove with whom and when. TiII yesterday I didn't Iove you But now I Iove you and wiII do so tiII I die One day you'II faII in Iove with me. I wiII wait for that day -I can never Iove you - Let me see -See I don't Iike your behaviour What's the matter? Why not marry him, when he proposed? I have no such feeIings RecentIy you said you cannot Iive if something happens to him. Yes, as his friend I do feeI so You were friends tiII now. But now is the age to marry. Why not do it? -Nothing wrong in it. -It's wrong, marriage and Iove is different things Every woman wants her husband to be a good friend For you, a friend wants to become your husband. What eIse do you want? We aIways wanted to get you both married. Is that so? Is your wishing sufficient? Don't I have to feeI so? Do I have to marry for you peopIe's sake? Listen to me Shanthi. You wiII taIk Iike this if I stay here. I'II go and stay with uncIe for 10 days. I'II have peace of mind -You must not go anywhere before decide this matter. -Mother. Dear, come here. Your daughter has gone mad. Listen to me Shanthi. I'd have convinced her had she been a kid. She is matured. You have the right to take a decision. Do as you wish. She didn't even speak to me before Ieaving. I treated Iike my own daughter May be that is the reason she turned down our son Stop taIking rubbish. Can't you heIp him in his Iove? You fooI. Did he faII in Iove on our saying? Love doesn't happen that way It wiII not end if anybody try to kiII it. Such things are common in Iove I'm sure they wiII unite District bus station. VarangaI. -It's mother -What is going on there? -Nothing. I'm hungry, it's time for schooI. Be quick. Eating idIi every day is boring Am I not Iiving with your dad daiIy? Shut up and eat. Give us dosa at Ieast one day This is not a hoteI to give order. Eat whatever I cook. Hai sister. How are you? They are heaIthy eating the IdIies cooked by their mother -Can't you see it seeing them. -How are you aunt? -I am fine How are your parents? They are fine. There are no idIies Iike this in their house. They must be happy It's time to go to schooI, move. You go dear. Heat water for her to take bath. Shanthi come and have breakfast. You brought bread and jam aIong! Thought we won't give you breakfast? Not so. I Iike it since my chiIdhood. What a habit! In our viIIage, onIy sick eat bread. You shouId eat IdIies not bread Iike patients. You can't do it in when you go to in-Iaw's house. Beware. -Why is she Ieaving? What did I say? Is there any more to say? What is this habit? You can't do it when you go to in-Iaw's house. What is this? TeII me. Order as you wish. TeII me what you Iike Bring fast. Look everyone wants to pIease the other person these days What is Iife if one can't eat what he/she Iikes? Why shouId we change our wishes for others. You've not eaten for 2 days I am not hungry. No chiId can Iie to mother or teII the truth to father. I know and I can understand your pain. It shows in your eyes. Eat first. Food can satisfy my hunger but not ease my pain. Mad boy. Do you know why sun rises in the east and sets in the west? Just to rise in the east again. Eat. Love is just like that there is no happiness! World is like dark if the lover parts! Know the truth if you want to heal your pain! Forget about lover for ever! Won't you listen my story? Won't you listen to my heartbeat? Oh dear, won't you come? Won't you appear? Won't you come in front of me? Are you a dream, idol or statue? Oh dear, are you parting again? Oh dear, is it fair? l thought you'll appear in my dream today,, ,,so there is no sleep for me! l thought you were in my heart's song,, ,,my heart is searching for you! Do you think it's not love? Will you be far away with grudge? How can l change and unite you? Oh dear, won't you say? l asked the moon in the blue sky to tell my feelings to you! l asked my breath to stay for long expecting that you'll come one day! Won't you come like a wind? Won't you be with me like the bells of anklet? Won't you unite with me like the rivers of Godhavari and Kaveri? You ox. Oh you! Had a dream, dear? You haven't come to our house after Shanti Ieft for her uncIe's house? Are you angry with us? Nothing aunty. Then, why didn't you come? I was busy for 2 days. You are exaggerating! Anyway who goes to a tempIe which has no idoI. . . . . .and to a house when beIoved isn't there? True True! PIease stop it. She is innocent. Don't take her seriousIy. We aIways treated you both aIike. She turned me down but her mind is aIways on me Chaitanya you too finish the home work. My name is Chanakya not Chaitanya. You are becoming so naughty. Take this HorIicks. Shanthi you too have it. I've no habit. Makeit a habit. Have it. She takes Boost. Have it. Thank you uncIe. Are you expecting someone's phone? No, who wiII caII me uncIe? Nothing. I thought so seeing your face. I'II pick it up. Give me, dear. Go inside. How are you? VaraIakshmi and kids are fine. Shanthi is aIso fine. How are our Rammohan, Vasantha and their son Chaitanya? Bye brother. I wiII teII. How Iong wiII you take? We are going to attend a function in my brother's house . . . . . . and not for TV show. It wiII get over if you take so Iong to dress up. We'II reach at the time for food. Pant, shirt doesn't suit for this occasion. Wear a sari. I didn't bring saris. Never mind. She is attending the function but not her function. This is not her function but she has to be married soon. WiII she wear such cIothes, then? Her in-Iaws wiII bIame us for not teaching her our customs. You aIways taIk of negative things, never a positive word. Never mind, uncIe. I'II stay back at home. You peopIe go. Ok. Take care of the house. Let's go. She is such an absent minded girI. Chaithu, you here? You are missing me, right? I'm just bored as I'm aIone. -Accept that you are missing me -No You are in Iove with me, isn't it? No Yes No Yes It's crazy Can't you cIose the doors and sit? -What happened Shanthi? You Iook duII. -Nothing uncIe. -Don't take your aunty seriousIy. -I am not. I am noticing you since you came here You Iook as if you miss something. I know if a girI is bubbIing with happiness she is in Iove. If she is quiet, there is some probIem in her Iove. Not Iike that uncIe. Why are you trying to hide it from me? I know everything. You Iove Chaitanya I don't understand it, uncIe. I didn't accept when he said that I Iove him. But since the time I came here, he is on my mind I didn't feeI anything when he was with me, but now.. Mad girI. That is Iove. Chaitanya caIIed me before you came He toId me about your Iove but not about your quarreI Seeing his concern for you I thought he'II be your right partner See for a girI a husband who cares for her is important. You wasted time in unnecessary thoughts. Don't do it anymore. Don't disconnect. Why are you crying? I can't be here without you. What happened? After I Ieft you I reaIized that.. I am in Iove with you. I won't go away from you. I am starting immediateIy. I wiII come to receive you. Mom! -Are you wounded? -No. Dad, Shanthi caIIed me. I spoke to her just now. She is coming and she asked me to come. I don't know what to speak. Do you know something eIse? She confessed her Iove for me. I knew this earIier. She can marry onIy you and not someone eIse. She became our daughter-in-Iaw as soon as she was born -You two Iive Iike Iove birds. -You aIways taIk Iike this. It is getting Iate and I want to pick up her Take care. He Iooks happy after a Iong time. The rain of dreams in the eyes! Naughty beats of Veena in the heart! lt sings the rhythms and dances merrily! This feelings makes me perplexed! Haven't felt the soothing sound of surging waves! Love has blossomed like the tunes and rhythms in me! l follow your path! l listen your words! You are the magic even if my shadow comes before me! Don't know what happened to my heart! lt's always your words! Now l have realized that l am in love with you! The fragrance of flowers,,,! ,,,showering like the rain! My desire is the address! And you are the first love! This love made the parting as relationship! All these days it was intentionally hiding in me! Like the tunes and rhythms! Love has blossomed in me! The love! Sit down madam Nothing happened. He is angry with me and went somewhere. He is hiding from me. Let him come. I beat him. What sort of a joke is it? How can he go away? How can he go aIone? He knows that I can't Iive aIone. How can he go? I won't Iet him go. Let him come, I'II teach him a Iesson Whom wiII I shout at? How can he go away? He'II come. He wiII definiteIy come. I know. He wiII come. He wiII must come. Aunty, he obeys you If you caII he'II definiteIy come PIease caII him once for my sake How can he go Ieaving me. CaII him once CaII him once I can't Iive without him You caII and scoId him How can he go just Iike that? CaII him uncIe. He obeys you. CaII him once. I can't Iive without him. Don't you care for me? CaII him once. I can't Iive with out him. CaII him once for my sake I can't Iive with out him. CaII him once I can't Iive with out him. Dad, caII him once. CaII him once. I can't Iive without him. I can't Iive without him. How can he Ieave me and go? He can't go Iike that WiII you go away if I had met with an accident? Chaitanya getting kiIIed by us was an accident Mom, dad What chiId, what happened? Have you seen this mom? They've said that Chaitanya getting kiIIed was an accident Can't poIice or government do anything on this? Nobody can do anything. So, what is the use of poIice and government? Like this, can they kiII anyone and cIaim . . . . . .that it was an accident? What wouId happen to the nation? We can't do any thing in this matter How can you say so? We must do something. We wiII do Let bygones be bygones. Don't be angry Don't have unnecessary thoughts and spoiI your mind Who gave you the right to kill humans? One kills others in the name of their duty? Kill men in the name of revolution? Why should innocent civilians die' Put a stop to it I need to register a compIaint. -I need to register a compIaint. -What compIaint? -Where and when did it happen? -Here. Day before yesterday. -Who did that? Is there any evidence? -Yes. -They've confessed it. -Is it S.P.Ramesh Chandra case? -It invoIves my Chaitanya's murder aIso. -We fiIed case on behaIf of the department Register my compIaint aIso because I am aIso affected I toId you that we've registered the case. Can't you understand? Am I not teIIing that another compIaint is not necessary? You go. Why do you refuse to register my fiance's murder case? -What is your probIem? -It is not that madam. What you are saying? She says that she is affected but you don't seem to bother She has come with evidence to nab the cuIprit Can you can't fiIe the case? You aIso know that everyday. . . . . .many innocent peopIe die but none of them. . . . . .fiIed a case. Because they're not boId enough. She dared to do it but is this you treat her? Is this the way you you behave with women? Let you case be on behaIf of the department. Let her fiIe her case on her behaIf. Swapna, there is nothing you don't know Nothing wouId happen even if she compIains. Even if I receive the compIaint it'II be a Iengthy process. Meantime governments wiII change.. .they wouId infIuence us. This case is between poIice and naxaIites. This case won't end so easiIy. Even if it concIudes, we don't know about the consequences. You are journaIist and we are poIice But that innocent girI wiII suffer in between We shouId warn her about aII that. Think about it. What he says is true. There wiII be so many probIems in future. Think whether you can face them So be it. Since 1990, during these 15 years . . . . . .2700 peopIe were kiIIed by naxaIites. In different encounters 2,250 peopIe died 5 M.L.A's died incIuding Ex minister Madhava reddy,. . . . . .Speaker DibbuIIa Sripada rao, M.P. Maagunta Subbarami reddy. . . . . .kiIIed by these naxaIites PoIice higher officiaIs Iike D.I.G. Vyas.S.P. Umesh Chandra. . . . . .were kiIIed by hidden naxaIites NaxaIites' attempt on Ex C.M and T.D.P Ieader Chandrababu Naidu's Iife.. ..caused stir aII over the country RecentIy, a man named Chaitanya was kiIIed by naxaIs.. ..during their attack on a poIice officer. A woman named Shanthi is demanding to arrest Chaitanya's kiIIers We have to wait and watch the poIice's action. Shanthi is here with us Yyou are fighting with poIice and naxaIites Many of them feeI that you're wasting time.. ..and you won't get justice. No harm in trying Let me try Can't you understand despite my repeated refusaIs? Have you thought since he is dead you can sympathise.. . . . and make me Iove you? I didn't come for you. I came for Chaitanya -Chaitanya is my friend aIso. -I am sorry sir. -My name is Siddhartha. I never thought this wouId happen I saw it onIy today on T.V. about the Shanthi's poIice compIaint -PoIice compIaint? -Yes I gave. He is no more. What is the use of compIaint? He is dead. Why do you want to get into a mess? -This is not a mess. She is right. -I don't want your support I am watching you Why don't you Iet me taIk? Chaitanya is my friend aIso. This must not repeat in the society. May you consider it as a fight or a protest You've started this but this shouIdn't end here The protest must be continued tiII we find a soIution. For this you need a support. You need a moraI support and I'II extend it I am not doing aII these for your Iove but for a change None of them shouIdn't Iose their Iife. Understand? -UncIe -I saw in the news paper. I can't beIieve this. I wished it wasn't true. But what can we do? Nothing is in our hands. I remained heIpIess when he died before my eyes The buIIets pierced his body. I decided not to Iet go off the cuIprits But my parents, aunt and uncIe are asking me to forget it How can I Ieave Chaithu's murderers? I wouId've aIso refused Iike others I am the onIy person to see. . . . . .how you Ioved him dearIy That's why I can't say Iike that. But Shanthi there can be many defects in a man Imagine in this society how many defects are there They shouId be corrected and. . . . . .for that someone shouId take the step. Let that step be yours. HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANISATION We are fighting for rights of the common peopIe Our aim is to save common peopIe rights Our society shouId be free from rapes, robbery, atrocity, rowdyism That is our aim. The common peopIe shouId not get affected They must attain justice and we protest for that. I am aIso a victim. They've kiIIed my fiance. I imagined so many things. They destroyed my dreams. PIease protect my right sir. You see Shanthi, you may be right . . . . . . what is the profit in kiIIing the murderer? Our aim is, there shouId not be death sentences in the court itseIf. Hanging or not doesn't matter. First you have to arrest them. They know the cuIprit but they've not arrested them For that you heIp me. ChiId we are not teIIing you to with draw the case Now you teII Iike this. Later you wouId protest for hanging them Why do you say so? One is kiIIing the another and . . . . . . what for is the poIice, government and Iaw? After aII these happens you peopIe put committees. -Otherwise. . . -Sidhartha be caIm Sir you are saying that you are working to protect the human rights. I am aIso a common person. Protect my right aIso You met the human rights peopIe. What do they say? They feIt sorry for this incident. Does it meant you're Ieaving it here? No, I want justice. UntiI now, I demanded justice from poIice and government I want to question the naxaI Ieaders that how do they give rights to. . . . . .their members to kiII peopIe senseIessIy? NaxaIites are saying that they were born to do justice to peopIe and. . . . . .doing justice to me is aIso their responsibiIity For that I want to meet them. How are you confident that they wouId meet you? Who are you? What is this atrocity? What do you want? -You said that you wanted to meet us -Me? Who are you? We kiIIed Ramesh Chandra and Chaitanya aIso died in that shooting. We didn't come here to say condoIences to your grief because. . . . . .your sorrow won't subside. We are inviting you to work with us Your words are attracting the peopIe and it wouId be heIpfuI to us. Join hands. We'II fight jointIy For what? To kiII some body eIse? Fighting against whom? Against injustice and inequaIity. Who does injustice on whom? If government makes injustice to peopIe. . . . . .if rich makes injustice to poor and . . .if the Ieader makes injustice to his subordinate But your men kiII the common peopIe in the name of protest and bomb bIast We said it was an accident. What accident? If we kiII you and say that is an accident wouId you be quiet? WiII you kiII us? KiII me. How many peopIe wouId you kiII? Who are you in between us? I am taIking with my sister. Can't you see? See sister, in our protest anyone can die even us. Attaining success is our aim. We wouId do anything for that. If you are not beIieving, stay for a month in the forest with us. You can understand our troubIes and sufferings for this protest. I don't have to know about your protest I don't have to stay with you in the forest You've kiIIed my Chaitanya and you've confessed it. The murderers must be punished. Who are they aII? What do they want? Can't you understand if we say? We too wouId've worked and Ied a happy married Iife Iike you aII And wouId've roamed with car and bungaIow We too wouId've Iived without concerning about others But we didn't think Iike that We wanted peopIe's weIfare and equaIity We dedicated ourseIves to this cause Ieaving our famiIies behind We are fighting with our Iives at risk We are fighting for the peopIe Can't you understand? Aren't you educated? Many peopIe Iose their Iives for this Think that your Chaitanya is aIso Iike that Assume that Chaitanya has sacrificed his Iife for the creation of new society What is the new society you're taIking about? Do you think society is a doII to foIIow you? Or do you think it is a kerchief so that you can foId as you wish? Are you saying about this rotten society? Or about the association which is mired in caste cIashes? Even neighbours didn't come to consoIe when Chaitanya died What happened to your society then? What was your association doing? If an affIuent person die they wiII be honored with nationaI fIag But nobody cares if a Iess priviIeged person die HeII with your association! Don't try to act smart! NaxaIism appeared in Andhra before the teIephone Did you see what happened? I toId not to do aII these, but you didn't Iisten Why shouId we take these troubIes? Is it necessary after Iosing him? Why are you dejected? What eIse shouId happen? They've warned us again What if something happens in this tussIe? The other day you were infuriated when Chaitanya tussIed with the poIice But what are you doing now? Now you are messing with both poIice and NaxaIites One wiII support if you mess with the other You are messing with both. We're scared about the consequences You Ieave if you are scared, Ieave me. I started this and I'II compIete this It is a waste of time to argue with you. -Dicide whom you want Is it us or that struggIe? -Mother. We are tensed each second Understand us. -Dad, pIease expIain to her. -What to say? She is expressing that. But I can't do that aIso I am scared whether you'II be harmed. Scared. Everyone is scared about something This fight is to cIear the scare in each person PeopIe are Ieaving with fear untiI death. We shouId fear Iaw and righteousness That means these Iaws must be changed. The society must be changed. I am trying onIy for that and not to disturb you. I wiII go out. That means you won't stop this tussIe We'II be bIamed for sending you out You be here. We wiII go out. Why are you Iooking at her? Your daughter is a grown up. She won't Iisten to you. We brought up her with affection as she is the onIy daughter and. . . . . .she taught a Iesson to us. Come. Mother. I can't Ieave her aIone If any thing happens to her I can't bear it. I wiII be with her. If you are scared you go. Yes I am scared. My Iife is important for me. I want to Iive. Die as you wish. I wiII be happy. Can't you stop her? I made a decision they have the right to take their own decision Who am I to stop her or to say no to her? If she scares Iike that I wiII aIso get infIuenced If that happens, I can't make even a singIe step. You? We came for Shanthi. PIease come in AII of you? We've come to give you security For whom? For you. Security for me? But I didn't ask for it. But your mother said what that happened. She asked to provide security. We came for that. My mother is concerned about my weIfare. For that she approached you. But I don't want security. You give us security? Our security faiIed in protect our prime minister Our security faiIed in protecting our chief minister WiII that security save us? To protect the poIiticians and poIice officers, we are not enough. Is it possibIe to protect common peopIe? What about you? On that day the security secured S.P Ramesh chandra Many cops were there. How couId they penetrate such tight security? How couId they fire at them? Why wasn't he protected then? Why didn't that security save their Iives? I don't need security. Even if I require whom wouId you send? ConstabIes who came from the common peopIe. Isn't it? Why shouId they die for us? Why shouId their famiIies cry for us? None must die for us. One shouId not kiII another is my word. If it is Iike that how can I arrange security for myseIf? If I empIoy security for me it wouId mean that I am scared I must be scared if I do anything wrong If what I do is wrong then I must hide behind the weapons I am not doing wrong and I need not worry about others Let it be them or you. Even at 20 I am a chiId for my mom She asked security in fear, whether I wouId be harmed What you said is true. We have no answers for your questions. Why are you adamant? Why do you refuse to have security? I am scared each minute for your sake From where did you get this courage? Mom in my chiIdhood I used to faII down whiIe waIking Have you stopped me not to waIk? You practiced me to waIk by hoIding my finger, have you forgotten that? This is aIso Iike that. There wiII be obstacIes in everythiing For that we can't stop stepping forward Sorry chiId. I am feared about you and did this I know that I am waIking towards danger ..when I started this You shouIdn't suffer in between. I am sorry for that No chiId. We are aIso with you You are sitting siIentIy after inviting media This is Iike siIence before tsunami. Speak out madam. Yes. The coming is tsunami itseIf. . . . . .But that tsunami kiIIed many peopIe This wouId save crores of peopIe. That name is Shanthi. Who is she? If a common man asks Iike this I wiII answer. You are a journaIist who must educate peopIe, is asking me Iike this. . . . . .and I don't know what to say. Don't you know that? Shanthi is Siddhartha's Iover. Why do you bring Siddhartha in this? AII of them have thought that you are Iovers 57 years back an oId man put hands . . . . . .on two young girIs' shouIders for support If there were journaIists Iike you they wouId've created affair among them Does that mean you don't have an affair? Yes. A friendship If words not come hands wiII taIk. If hands are siIent eyes wiII taIk If eyes are siIent tears wiII taIk. If everything is mum a good friend wiII taIk. He is Iike that friend to me Sorry madam, Shanthi means we didn't get idea that is peace That's why peace has no address That means, is there no peace in the country? Not onIy in the country there is no peace in the worId itseIf There is no peace as weII as safety Had it been there Chaitanya wouIdn't have Iost his Iife When I fiIed a case in the poIice station that naxaIites kiIIed Chaitanya. . . . . .and they said it is difficuIt to capture them in the forest . . . Saying Iike that poIice justified themseIves NaxaIites came to our house in the daytime and . . . . . . they justified themseIves that with a target kiIIing. . . . . . of the peopIe is a part of the protest. One is kiIIing for a job and another is kiIIing for protest . . . . . . but why shouId common peopIe die They have no right to kiII innocents. Who is responsibIe for this? CriminaIs must be severeIy punished and . . . . . .they must be punished the next minute If it is done others won't do crime For that there must be a change in judiciary system If criminaIs are saved by the judges they must fear for judiciary PeopIe won't touch the fire because it burns. PeopIe won't do crimes if they're afraid of the punishment Despite the criminaIs confessing the crime. . . . . .the poIice is not catching them. Even if they're arrested, dragging the case on pretext of adjournment. . . . . .enabIes them to change the witnesses. They escape from the case easiIy. They commit crimes with guts It gives birth to new criminaIs If we can't stop the changing of witness.. If it is not possibIe to punish the victims. . . . . .then whom are the Iaw, poIice and courts are saving? Because of that we want instant justice That means you are teIIing that each person. . . . . . who did a murder must be punished with hanging? -Yes -What is that? They are protesting to aboIish the death sentence. . . . . .but you are teIIing not to aboIish AboIishing the death sentence means . . . . . .giving right to kiII peopIe. Isn't it? AboIishing the death sentence means encouraging the crime RuIing iIIiterate by Iearned, poor by rich, . . . . . . and there is vaIue for their votes but not Iives. . . . . . victims wandering in the streets. . . There wiII not be any peace and safety in this country. From this second my protest is for peace and common peopIe's safety. Thank you. I toId you first that I don't want security I didn't come to give security to you. I am aIso participating in your protest. We are not aIone in this protest Shanthi. -Are you shanthi? - Yes. It's me. You don't know me. I am staying in this street I saw in news papers and T.V. about you. You have to do some thing. For that I'II sacrifice my Iife. We are with you. We are with you. TaIks with war in 15 days. -MAA T.V. news. Greetings. WeIcome to MAA T.V. news She is protesting for her fiance who was kiIIed . . . . . . by naxaIites in a shoot out and she demanding justice But the government is changed and the new government . . . . . . decided to make taIks with the naxaIites HistoricaI taIks today. Our government is doing transparentIy and is so sincere. These taIks are an exampIe for that. I request you to discard weapons and keep peace in . . . . . . the state and join with common peopIe. Why has she come here? Some thing emergency. I wiII taIk to her and send her. You sit. My name is Shanthi. They've kiIIed my fiance. They have confessed it I gave a compIaint a month back and your poIice department hasn't arrest them. I don't know the reason. We thought that they are hiding from the poIice. But now they are in front of your eyes. Can't you arrest them? This is a sensitive issue. That's why to arrest them we've got arrest warrant from the court It's deception, cheating, conspiracy You said that you wouId withdraw our cases and caIIed us for taIks. . . . . .but it seems a conspiracy You are stiII the same. We've nuIIified cases against you but this is a private case We are not connected with those cases You are eIected by the peopIe. But you have no connection with the cases fiIed by the peopIe You want your government and governments positions To service and support, you want government services. But you don't want peopIe who stood in the sun voted and eIected you You've ignored peopIe and what is the use of taIks with them? What they asking? Are they asking peopIe's weIfare? Yes. Our taIks are onIy for that. What did you promise in the eIection? Isn't it about peopIe's weIfare? No doubt about that. AII the time our government is working for that. Are you doing what they asked for? Yes, we are. If it is so, do what they asked for. Then what for these taIks and protests? Can't do. You can't do. It is not impossibIe but they're ready to do If it happens there wiII be no difference between them and common peopIe What are you taIking? We are eIected by the peopIe. For peopIe we started peace taIks. You are disturbing the taIks. Do you know Ioss for the peopIe? Governments and poIice are our reaI enemies. Do you know why we came here? For the sake of downtrodden peopIe AIways saying about peopIe Are you working for peopIe? For the past 57 years the poIiticaI Ieaders are not taking any initiative. Past 35 years you were pIaying with the Iives of innocent peopIe You are fighting for your rights. . . . . .but you are not thinking about peopIe's weIfare for even a second At one side poIiticians are committing injustice. . . . . .atrocity, extortion.. ..discrimination and corrupting the country On the other side naxaIites are scaring the peopIe. Today poIice are serving poIiticaI Ieaders. . . . . .rowdies who are in the guise of VIPs.. . . . and to kiII the naxaIites If it is Iike this how wouId they protect the peopIe? NaxaIites avenge poIice PoIice avenge naxaIites You are trying to kiII each other Who is concerned about peopIe? How can peopIe beIieve if you keep fighting Iike this? He cIaims that peopIe eIected them. You cIaim that they beIieve you. But how many peopIe are there behind you? Don't cheat them by saying peopIe are behind you Don't cheat them with faIse cIaims How Iong wiII you cheat them? Why do you create a big scene from a smaII issue? How do you say that we are cheating? Do you know what wiII happen if I intend? What wiII happen? Sir, that girI has come with a warrant. Don't argue with her unnecessariIy What shouId I do? We'II Iook weak if we don't takI Madam, you may be right But think of one thing, the Government is ready to do peace taIks with them In this situation if you ask to arrest them.. -.. we can't just imagine what probIems wiII arise -So what? We'II Ieave it to you, for which cause you've been fighting For that the state wiII burn Iike anything If we don't arrest them that wiII be contempt of court Even then the state wiII be under chaos. Think for a minute. Try to understand the situation. Arresting them or not is upto your decision Hatred and obstinacy is not important. Victims must be punished. In this country aII of them must Iive in peace. You give a soIution for that. Why shouId I? Aren't you cIaiming that peopIe are behind you? If there is truth in your words and if your working for the peopIe.. ..you come to the peopIe. There it wiII be decided how many peopIe support you. If they second you I'II shut my mouth and go my way. -If not? -PeopIe wiII decide what to do. Don't forget. Tomorrow morning at 10 in Hyderabad grounds We wiII know whom the peopIe support Home minister, Shanthi has chaIIenged you to come to the peopIe -What is your repIy? -Why shouId we come to peopIe now? They eIected us and gave the power and again why shouId we come to them? Does it mean you won't come for 5 years? Madam, we can't taIk with you. Leave us. WouId you aIIow peopIe to come or not? PIease Ieave me First time in history a girI has chaIIenged you to come to the peopIe. What do you think about this? For a smaII mistake she is caIIing us to the peopIe. It shows her immaturity We are working for 35 years for the peopIe. PeopIe won't discIaim us. This is her innocence. PeopIe won't come. Library. Tomorrow morning at 10 we are coming to the peopIe.. ..at Hyderabad grounds. You can't come much far I am not teIIing to come by stopping your work. We won't come out for other's probIems Tomorrow morning at 10 am just step out of your house It wouId strengthens my words and awake humanity! It is a start for a cIean society. This is not a singIe person's voice TeII to the worId in 100 crores of voices Even you are a busy person think once about this probIem A Ieader or a poIice are they working for us? If it is true why are we toIerating this? Mr.S.P won't peopIe come tomorrow for that girI's words? No doubt sir. You are unnecessariIy tense Do you think that pubIic wouId react for a girI's caII? They won't come. They don't have much time and patience Doing in the name of caste or pIace. . . . . . or faction or protest genocides won't stop Is there no end to death of innocents? Can weapons, R.D.X, guns keep peace? By doing feats and anarchy with power or poIice or. . . .. oIive green dress, do they keep peace in the society? Shanthi is struggIing for peace. She has gained power, crossed over aII obstacIes. . . . . .and is struggIing for peace. WouId peopIe react for this Shanthi? We have to think. WiII the peopIe react and come for Shanthi? TruIy, we shouId react but who wiII come these days? Sympathy is there but peopIe won't come to meeting Ieaving their work. Who wiII come Ieaving their work? Nobody wouId come. Do your heart feel compassion or not? Don't you feel enraged? Haven't you heard this sound? Can't you see her tears? A woman by swearing asking justice in all the directions! And asking you, me and everyone in the society! We have to give bring the peace which is in the paper! We shouldn't abandon the struggle like an orphaned corpse! ls it enough if we honor the flag and white color? ls it enough if we fly the pigeons? Life has become horrible with the blasts! Bloods are scattered on the earth due to encounters! They claim that it is for peace! They claim that it is to maintain law and order! Whoever loses their vermillion(symbol of widow) ,,and whoever loses their bangles(symbol of widow) Won't mother lndia feel agonized? Won't the peaceful soul get hurt? Demanding justice Demanding demanding! Swearing on truth! Swearing, swearing! How dare you oppose our Ieader? Have you come to kiII me? WiII you kiII me? KiII me. How many members wouId you kiII? I'II taIk to them. You must not come to the meeting. Don't you've faith in you? Are you scared? You said peopIe are with you but either you're scared or. . . . . .or you don't have faith in your Ieaders. You're opposing our revoIt and you are a traitor You shouIdn't be aIive We'II kiII you if you attend the meeting. KiII me. But have you informed your Ieaders? EIse, they'II kiII you for kiIIing me Better you ask them. Anyone chaIIenging you, must not be aIive. Hence, we're here to kiII Shanthi Don't do such stupid things. Start immediateIy from there. I toId you to come back We have to kiII her. Have you aII come to kiII Shanthi? -What are you saying? -Or is it to threaten her? Nothing Iike that. We've come to extend our support for her. -AIso, we'II gather peopIe for the meeting. What do you say? -Yes Shanthi Iong Iive! Once, peopIe used to throng in at Gandhi's caII from Sabarmathi aashram Why don't those days come again? Everybody doubted the response by peopIe to a girI's caII For this peace protest our C.M aIso is present. CentraI minister aIso joined in this protest. Mega star aIso said 'yes' to this protest. Many drops Iike this become an ocean. For the peace protest, peopIe united cutting across the borders and.. ..the entire country is reacting. It's a great thing It's a true ideaI LastIy, our president himseIf. . . .. supported this protest and what eIse can one expect? I toId that peopIe wiII come. But you refused. See now. We must not underestimate others, especiaIIy Iadies. What wiII you say now? Don't know what wouId happen if so many, gather in one pIace Don't know what probIems wiII be created We've imposed 1 44 section in aII districts PeopIe wiII be stopped wherever they are. The voice of girl has rose like the voice of world! lt has over flew in everybody's heart in the country! Not only the intellectuals, leaders and artistes,,, ,,look there, the flow of aroused people! Everybody have come wholeheartedly for peace! People are moving like the brigade for her! The want to be the followers of Gandhi and Buddha! Peace will triumph over the violence! Have you seen what are they asking for? Have you understood now? In this country, M.Ps, M.L.A.s, poIice,.. .. terrorists, naxaIites, goons and crooks and rogues together.. . . . wouId make 1 % of our popuIation.. That means 1 crore. Is it fair if one crore. . . . . . pIan to ruIe 99 crore peopIe. Why shouId we Iive on your mercy? PeopIe want to Iive as Iaw abiding citizens. They want to Iive with peace. They don't want seIfish Ieaders Iike you They don't want any kind of vioIence. Today peopIe's reaction is a proof to that. Within 24 hours so many of them have come. This shows how dissatisfied they are with your principIes. This is onIy a reaction. Imagine what wouId happen if they revoIt. You have been cheating the peopIe on pretext of eIections and vioIence Try to change. They don't want your baIIots and buIIets. They desire a peacefuI Iife. Do it if you can EIse, go away from the peopIe and society Vanish to any pIace You give in big speeches in meetings But observe your worth in this gathering Don't Iose respect with your obstinacy Open your eyes even now. Reform at Ieast now. SaIutations to India! SaIutations to India! True, it's a movie But it's aIso a reaIity Past shouIdn't recur again. . . That's why, aII shouId think This is our smaII attempt Bharadwaj |