POV: Norowareta firumu (P.O.V. - A Cursed Film) (2012)

We are nervous about
showing this film.
Because that is what
she would want.
Please do not share what you see.
Especially the ending.
Written by Mirai and Haruna
The following is footage retrieved
from Mirai's show and the making-of.
- Good morning. -Good morning.
Good morning.
Are you filming?
- Yes, I am. -The making?
Yes, I'm doing the making.
Hi-Hi, Mirai.
How're you doing today?
- Good Morning. -Good Morning.
- Good Morning. -Sir...
Did you read the script?
It was shit.
What do you suggest?
This is Kuwata.
I just talked with my boss and...
We both think the script is great!
Kitagawa! Quit filming
and help me out!
Yes. Sir!
Move the monitor to the right.
Yes. Sir!
Not your right!
I'm sorry.
Camera right! Not yours!
Get it together!
- Here's your mic. - Is it on?
- We're good. -Thank you.
Good luck on the show.
Make-up artist's leaving?
Low budget. We have to cut
down some costs.
- Ready'? -Ready.
Ready girls?
- Ready. -Ready.
On the count of five, four three
Hi, and welcome to my show,
"Sneak Peek with Mirai".
I'm your host Mirai.
I'll be showing you things
I find fun and interesting.
Your also get a peek of what
our guests are really like!
Today, we have a very special guest!
Please welcome Haruna Kawaguchi!
Hi, everyone! Thanks for inviting me!
You know, this is our second
job together!
That's right!
The first time we worked together
was for that mobile show.
You taught me so much!
No, no. Don't mention it.
Do I sound bossy?
We're in the same school
and agency but...
We didn't really knew each
other before that job.
- We do now. -Yes!
We took the train together,
talked all the way.
But you seemed kind of down.
Was something wrong?
Ever wonder why we take the train?
Other actors have their own
car and driver.
"Don't spoil actors!"
That's our agency's motto.
I bet they won't give us
a car until we become big stars.
I guess you're right.
So, why were you down?
You were in the school radio club?
What? Well, I was, in junior high.
I was in the radio club too.
Yes, I know.
I made announcements everyday.
That was a lot of fun.
It was. But I had more fun
doing interviews.
- You? With a camera? -Yes.
I liked cameras before
I started acting.
Really? Imagine that.
You're avoiding something, aren't you?
Avoid what?
This! Today's topic for our show!
"GHOST VIDEOS" -Oh... that...
- One of the letter's wrong. -What?
The first letter isn't spelled that way.
We should cut and fix that.
Don't be silly! You can't talk
your way out this time.
Darn it... It's only a video.
- I can't see how this is
good for the... -What?
I don't think ghost videos go
with the show.
I can't see how this is any fun.
But your viewers sent
these videos. Just for you.
You can't ignore your audience!
Come on. This is my show.
Let's start watching!
The frame looks square.
It's probably old.
What is this?
It's the girl's bathroom.
What's gonna happen?
Just watch the video.
Creepy... Where is this?
How should I know.
So... What's happening?
Nothing, yet.
Do you hear anything?
Just... the wind...
This bathroom reminds me of someplace.
Come on.
Bathrooms all look alike.
This isn't the DVD I gave you!
- You idiot! -I'm sorry!
Maybe we should start over... I
make the decisions, not you!
We're gonna keep shooting!
The door, just opened...
This could be a real ghost video!
Actually, there's always some
kind of trick behind these things.
- Let's watch it again. -No way!
Don't be such a fraidycat.
Hey! It's just getting interesting!
Is this the same video?
It should be.
Looks different...
It's the same video.
That's a hand... right?
What is that!
Was that there before?
Let's pause.
Don't do that!
I can':!
I told you this wasn't
the same video!
- I think you're right.
- What is this!
Can't watch...
Someone had to be in there, right?
Maybe they hid in the next toilet.
That's impossible!
You have to climb over the wall!
Then, they must have edited it!
Mr. Tachibana, what do you think?
Didn't look like it was edited to me.
I'm getting freaked out.
Don't worry! It has to be fake!
You said this could be real!
Sorry, I was joking.
Even if it were real, this
has nothing to do with us!
That's not the point... Besides,
you can't catch ghosts easily.
All the ones on the Internet
are all fake too.
How do you know that?
Few years ago, I tried to catch ghosts.
But I got nothing.
Where at?
Myjunior high.
My school is very old.
There were a lot of ghost stories.
There's this one story...
Once, there was this teacher.
She was bullied badly.
She hanged herself in the
girl's bathroom.
They found her dead, grasping the door.
There were rumors... That some
had seen her ghost.
The other stories followed.
Hers was the first.
And you tried to catch her on tape?
There's more. A shower,
just turns on by itself.
And there's a face in the
second floor window.
Also, a ghost of a girl who
jumped off the roof...
Stop! I don't want to know.
I'm sorry. Got carried away...
Anyway, you couldn't tape any
of them, right?
Not a single one!
So you don't have to worry.
Thank God... Mr. Tachibana,
Mirai's pretty freaked out.
Let's cancel the recording.
Stop now?
You're the one who wanted
to scare them.
To give the show more excitement.
But she looks pretty pale.
Besides, that's not the
DVD you prepared.
Well, it's not.
All right then.
Let's call it a day.
Why stop?
Is it because of me?
I didn't mean to cause any problems.
I can do this. I'm an actress.
There's more videos, right?
- Some, but... -Mirai,
no one's forcing you.
I can'tjust give up on the job!
Mr. Tachibana, let's continue.
Let's roll.
Let's watch the next video!
Haruna, if you may.
- Are you sure you
want to see? -I'm sure.
Don't tell me...
this is your school?
I don't understand.
This place...
It's my junior high...
Can't be!
You're kidding, right?
It's definitely my school...
Mr. Tachibana, what's the
meaning of this?
Where did you get this?
- Did you know it was her school?
- Course not.
I tried to tell you...
When I first watched it,
I say nothing like this...
Stop the DVD!
This is so weird.
Stop it g What the
fuck are you doing!
- Why won't it stop!
- What is this!
What is that!
Damn it!
What're you trying to pull!
It's not me!
It's not me either!
Quit lying! Look at them!
It looked like it was happening now.
That's impossible!
You planned this, didn't you!
Stop! How could you!
This is too much! Who's idea was this?
Is it you, Mr. Kuwata?
I'm your manager! It's not me!
Then who!
Explain it to us!
We deserve to know!
What're you doing now?
Filming to prove my point.
Why... Why my school...
Let's go home... okay?
What now? Are you still filming us?
It's not like that. Believe me.
If you see this tape...
you'll understand.
This is what I just taped.
What does this mean?
It's because I tried to catch them...
It's my fault.
It's not you. Breathe.
Rewind Haruna...
Let's go home... okay?
Later, Kuwata called a psychic.
- This is the psychic,
Dr. Okazaki. -Hi, I'm the director.
I like to tape the ritual...
Do as you wish.
This is Dr. Okazaki.
And this is... You
must be Haruna.
Yes, I am.
Have you met before?
No, I don't watch TV, either.
There's nothing to be alarmed about.
I watched the tape beforehand.
I'm a psychic. Not a mind reader.
There is nothing haunting you here.
So she's okay?
She is clean.
What a relief!
My work here is done.
- Doc, a question. - Yes?
It's over, right?
I said there is nothing
haunting her here.
I didn't say it was over.
Not over? What do you mean by that?
I've already told Mr. Kuwata.
This is what we call
spirit possession.
We have to go to her school.
To the source of the problem.
If only we could, but... Um...
The thing is... l called the school...
but they refused when
I told them our situation...
I told you my coming here
won't solve the problem.
You were fine with that
so here I came.
Still... What happens if
we don't kill the ghost?
You mean "dispel the spirit".
Either way, we did the ritual.
I told you on the phone.
That is not enough.
Mr. Kuwata, I'm sensing...
You're hiding something.
Hide what?
Dr. Okazaki... What'll happen
if we don't dispel this spirit?
I don't know.
I fear what will happen to her.
Are you saying...
Something will eventually
happen to her?
Please! Help Haruna!
There must be something!
Calm down.
Show me the DVD you used.
I doubt we can see the
same picture.
Instead, I can show you
the tape I shot.
In that case...
show me that tape.
Kitagawa! Tape!
Let's go home... okay?
Let's go home... okay?
I know...
We have to go to the school.
It's the only way.
Hold the camera?
What should we do?
We'll figure something out.
I'll call you back with the details.
Thank you.
Who was it?
- She said okay. -What?
The school just gave us
Few days later,
the crew visited Haruna's school.
Uh-huh... where're you now?
And the doc?
I'm already here.
You're not with the doc yet? Shit!
You're stuck in traffic?
You're worthless!
Get your ass here!
Right now! You hear me?
- Good morning. -Good morning.
Good morning.
Where's the psychic?
The thing is...
What do we do now?
Let's just go without the doc.
What's the point in that!
Calm down.
You don't have to shout.
It might not be the same without her...
But today's the only day the
school said we could come.
Let's tape everything we can,
and have her see it later.
Thatjust might be enough.
Enough 7
Are you the TV crew?
That's us.
Hello, I'm Tachibana, the director.
This is the producer, Kuwata.
Mirai Shida, the actress.
And this is... Ms. XXX, it's
so nice to see you again.
I see you on TV. Nice to see
you back.
Today's the school's anniversary.
So there're no classes.
No school activities.
That's why you let us come.
Where's the psychic?
We had some problems.
That's a shame.
I've always wanted to meet one.
This way.
Was she your teacher?
Yes. Never thought
I'd see Ms. XXX though.
Why not?
She doesn't believe in ghost stories. She hates them.
But she's the one who agreed to help us.
Come on.
You brought indoor sneakers.
They're better than slippers.
Well, we're the only ones here.
Do you mind if I tape everything?
Go ahead. But first,
I want to show you something.
Show us what?
Aren't you curious why
I agreed to help?
Come this way.
Your school is big.
IS it'?
Is this the girl's bathroom?
Hurry UP...
In here.
This is the announcement room.
I want to show you one of
the radio club's tape.
What's in the tape?
You'll see.
This is your afternoon school news.
Today, I'm here with the swim team.
They will be participating
in the upcoming tournament.
First, let's talk with the Captain.
You must be excited?
Yes, I am.
When did you start swimming?
I started in junior high.
What kind of training are you doing?
It looks like a normal interview.
Keep watching.
What is your goal?
To win, of course.
Next, let's talk with Saito.
What was that?
What is your goal?
To win, of course.
Next, let's talk with Saito.
What is that?
No idea.
It looks like it's
floating on water.
So it may seem...
But I suppose...
you can make something
like this with a computer.
I guess, but... like my other
tape, it doesn't look edited.
Other tape?
We saw a girl in it.
Why are you showing us this?
Why not?
You've never believed in
ghost stories. You never have.
And you think this tape is a fake.
Why did you agree to help us?
The truth is...
the student who taped this became ill.
Became ill?
Mentally ill.
She's still in the hospital.
That's not all.
There's a lot of rumors.
Students seeing strange things.
They're saying there's
some kind of curse.
That's all they talk about these days.
A curse?
You want us to stop the rumors?
I thought if you came to the school...
And prove there's nothing strange,
the rumors would fade away.
You're very popular here.
Everyone adores you.
Nice kids.
Come to think of it...
The rumors got worse ever
since you became famous.
Never mind.
Someone's there.
No one's here but us.
There's nothing there!
- Who! -Kitagawa!
What the hell are you doing?
Sorry, I didn't know where you were.
- Who is this? -She's my assistant.
Where's the doc?
Um... When I told
her I'd be late...
She said to...
She said to go without her.
She'll see the tape later.
- What! What the hell! -I'm sorry.
She said she'll catch up.
I gave you one simple task!
Wait a minute!
How did you get in here?
The entrance, downstairs.
That's impossible!
I locked the doors myself.
No, it was open.
I'm sorry. I climbed over the gate.
But this door was open.
That can't be.
I remember locking this door.
I saw you.
Do you want to check the tape?
No need. Must be my misunderstanding.
So, which part of the school
do you want to see?
Let's start with the pool.
- Grab a camera! -Yes, sir.
This way.
The shower from the video.
Excuse me.
There's no way it'll turn on by itself.
Miss. Shida...
What did you mean "from the video"?
We saw this shower in a video.
Who taped it?
We don't know.
Hey? You all right?
Excuse me.
Are you done here?
Yeah, we're done.
Why don't you drain the pool?
It's better that way, for maintenance.
Was that interview taken over there?
I think so.
Kitagawa! Everyone!
Could you all stand in a line there?
Right there's fine.
Mr. Kuwata, change places with Mirai.
Kitagawa! Go to the back!
Haruna, a bit left.
I mean your right. Bit to your right.
Kitagawa! Go between
Mr. Kuwata and Haruna.
Back up.
- Little more. -Yes, sir.
That's it... that's enough.
That thing was about that size.
Wait a minute.
Something wrong?
From this angle, she looks
like she's floating too.
Of course she does.
It was nothing to get worked up about.
And this's the window with the face...
Could of been the dust.
You all right?
I'm just really scared.
I can't believe
I thought this was fun.
Wanna stop? It's no use
without the psychic.
But... We have to tape
everything to show her later.
I know...
Let's finish up here and go
to the next spot.
Come on.
This is the girl's bathroom.
All right then.
Let's get in there.
Come on now.
I need you two in the picture.
Mr. Tachibana. I don't think
you get why we're here.
We're not just here to do the show.
The doc told us to film everything,
right Kitagawa?
That's what she said.
But she didn't say that for the show.
She said that for Haruna.
Mr. Tachibana. It's getting late.
Let's just tape without them and get this over with.
Nothing out of the ordinary here...
Remember... I told you there was
a girl who killed herself?
I remember.
Well, she was in the radio club.
She was heartbroken.
That's why she jumped.
That is nothing but a rumor!
But I've heard the stories!
leader turned her down.
She killed herself, and her
ghost haunts the roof ever since.
But that thing by the pool,
looked like a man.
That girl... They said she
was different.
Maybe she's the one calling
the other ghosts.
I told you once before.
When I was a student here,
that accident did in fact happen.
But that was it, nothing more.
But someone sent us a video.
We saw her.
I don't believe you!
You talk of a ghost calling
other ghosts?
Completely absurd!
There is nothing in this school!
Did you actually think you'd
see something?
We got everything we need.
We should get going.
I agree.
Please, can't we stay a little longer?
It's late. Please leave.
But things could happen at night.
You're really missing the point.
You only care about the show, not Haruna.
Don't give me that bullshit.
You're the one always pushing
people over the limit.
What're you saying?
Hear that?
Hear what?
a laugh... coming from over there...
A laugh 7
- Let's check it out.
- No, let's go!
- Please leave! -Give me a minute!
It's just the wind
Then, there's nothing to
be scared about...
- Don't go in there!
- We have to!
Oh my God!
This is a once in a lifetime chance...
I have to get this on tape...
I have to... get this...
I'll go.
I'll go.
- No! -You don't have to do this!
You sure about this?
Come on...
What happened?
You all right?
Haruna, no!
Where are you?
She's gone.
Where'd she go!
Here! Hold this!
It's the doc...
Where are you?
What happened?
What? You're hurt?
Are you okay?
Yeah, actually we're... What?
What about her?
I don't understand...
was driving... What?
An accident?
You were with her...
the whole time?
Where're you now?
Kitagawa's... in the hospital...
She was in an accident...
That's impossible!
Completely impossible!
There is nothing in that bathroom!
There's no such thing as ghosts!
Then... How do you explain this!
Come on...
What happened to her...
Where did she go?
You're all in this together...
You're tricking me for your show,
aren't you?
How dare you!
The tape!
What the hell!
What's going on?
I didn't tape this...
This isn't happening!
Is that supposed to be her?
There's no such thing as ghosts!
It's not real!
It's happening... it's happening now!
It's happening right now!
We have to get out!
Go now!
That Way!
Wait for me!
Come on!
Hurry UP!
Open the door!
- The key! -Why won't it open!
It's not working!
Break the glass!
It won't open!
What's wrong with this school?
It won't open!
Get in!
There's no such thing... There's
no such thing as ghosts...
Please stop!
Please stop...
Phone's dead...
Mine too.
The lock... it's jammed!
The gate... it's far...
How do we get out?
Is there another way?
The back gate.
The door down the hall,
it'll take us outside.
But... We need the key...
Teacher has the key, right?
No such thing... No such thing...
Pull yourself together!
It's not real... it's not real...
Come on! The key!
It's me...
This is all my fault... She's
mad at me for what I did!
It's not you!
Why is this happening...
IS that it?
Here's... the key...
to the back gate... I think...
it's the right one...
MS. XXX...
Did you have anything to do
with that girl's suicide?
What are you saying?
I just thought, maybe... you and that boy...
No, of course not...
That happened when I just started school.
I don't even remember who he was.
Then why...?
That's it.
Of course!
- Wait! -Haruna, don't go!
The name list...
It's has all the member's names.
We can find out who he was!
- Haruna! No! -Come back!
We don't know what's out there!
I can't believe you're our manager!
We have to go after her!
Mr. Kuwata!
Mr. Kuwata...
Light switch?
It's dead.
Mr. Kuwata?
Which way do we go?
That way...
Come on...
Why is this happening...
The announcement room... is...
I know.
I mean...
Mr. Tachibana...
Nothing there.
I got lost...
Are you okay?
Over there...
This is it.
The name list.
The boy...
His name...
Toru Kuwata...
I thought you looked familiar.
L... tried to forget about her...
Why did you dump her?
I got scared...
I got so scared...
Yuko and I... We were alike. We
both came from poor families.
TV and movies helped us get
away from it all.
So... We started
making our own movie.
We were always together.
Taped all sorts of stuff.
We used the school's 8mm.
Yuko first used this in
the girl's bathroom.
She showed me that hand, on the door.
That's when it all started.
Her obsession with the ghosts.
She tried to catch them...
She waited for them...
She enjoyed taping them...
Enjoyed it?
Like me?
Once, Yuko told me...
That the world the ghosts
live in is the "real world".
She said it was up to her
to show everyone the truth.
Yuko asked me...
asked me repeatedly to help her...
I couldn't... She was crazy...
She was scaring me...
I couldn't be with her anymore...
That's why she killed herself...
I didn't know she'd do that!
Twenty years, I've suffered...
But, I think I get it now...
I'm not the reason she killed herself.
She did it to show us they exist.
She was happy...
Yuko had the camera when she jumped.
It was still recording when her
head hit the ground...
The police saw it and said there
was something in that tape.
Something horrifying.
It drove them insane.
What did they see?
Something far worse than what
we've seen these few days.
Something much worse was in that tape...
"I love this..."
"I love this..."
Stop it g
Is that you?
Stop! Haruna!
- You okay? -Stop her!
Yuko! Stop!
She's done nothing to you!
Let her go!
Stop g
Let her go!
Where am I?
How did I get hare?
Mr. Kuwata!
Mr. Kuwata!
He's breathing... Can you hear me?
Mr. Kuwata!
Hang in there!
Mr. Kuwata!
He's still breathing!
Call an ambulance!
I killed him...
You're gonna be okay.
Oh my God!
Call an ambulance!
You two, get back inside!
It's gonna be okay.
Ambulance is coming.
Mr. Kuwata?
Why the hell...
It's over now.
It had it's fun.
- This is great! -It's gonna be huge!
What's with the song?
Too cheerful, don't you think?
- Camera set? -Set.
We're all set, boss.
Ready when they are.
They're already here.
Oh! Didn't see you there!
This could be big, you know.
Who knows, you might get your
own car sooner than you think!
We'll see.
You're gonna love it!
I know it's tough.
But we still have a lot of
promoting to do.
Are you really going to
show this movie?
It's already been decided.
But Kitagawa and the psychic
are still in the hospital.
And Mr. Kuwata is missing.
Kuwata just ran away.
Mr. Kuwata wouldn't do that.
Something happened to him...
I still don't think it's a good idea.
Aren't you even a bit
bothered by it?
By What?
What the psychic said in the hospital.
She said Yuko had a plan for us.
Control us spread horrible things.
Actually, she said Yuko
wanted me, not you.
She also said this could've all
been about getting revenge on Kuwata.
Either way, the decision's been made.
Tachibana made all the arrangements.
And we've spoken with the distributors.
It's too late to back out now.
Come on. Let's greet our guests.
Thank you for coming.
Mirai, Haruna.
Good work!
Good work!
Heard you had a hard time.
It's gonna be big!
- I promise you. -Thank you.
It's gonna be huge!
Thank you for coming.
Finally, it's your turn to watch.
You'll thank me at the end
of the film.
Now, I want to shoot you
watching it for the first time.
So just relax and enjoy!
- Enjoy? -Unbelievable.
Show them their seats.
This way.
Front seats.
Sit here.
Your voices will be recorded too.
Mirai... I'm scared.
Me too.
Feels so long ago...
I know...
But it's only been four months...
- Hi. -Hi, Mirai.
- How're you doing today? -Great!
I'm cold.
We shouldn't be watching this.
Did you read the script?
It was shit.
What do you suggest?
Maybe it was too soon for them.
That's what's fun to watch!
Dr. Okazaki? How're you doing?
Feeling better I hope.
Doc...? You're breaking up...
Yeah. It's been decided...
What? Come again?
Cursed...? The film is cursed...?
What are you... Hello...?
I can't hear you.
Cancel? There'll be consequences?
I can't... Hello? Doc!
Is this the same video?
It should be.
Looks different...
It's the same video.
Did you see that?
Last time, we didn't
see her body, right?
I don't think so.
Something's wrong.
Maybe we were so scared
we just forgot.
I told you this wasn't
the same video!
What is this!
Strange. I don't remember
seeing that.
We only see her hand here...
- I can't see well in this.
- But Mirai thinks so too...
Where're you g0in9!
- What happened to him?
- Don't just sit there!
- Go after him! Idiot! -Right away!
Let's watch the next video!
Let's go.
I don't think I can watch anymore.
I thought you couldn't give
up on the job.
That's what you said.
Don't you remember?
I was impressed.
Don't tell me...
this is your school?
See! It's not the same!
Maybe they changed it for the movie.
I'm gonna go check with
Mr. Tachibana!
Don't even think about it.
- Haruna? -Sit! This is work too.
I'll be right back, I promise.
- Mr. Tachibana! -What the hell!
Mr. Tachibana!
"I love this!"
It's him...
We have to get out of here!
"Yes! H Stop g"
We have to get out!
Get Up!
The girl... She's gone...
ls that you?
Stop the movie...
Go! Stop it!
How do you stop this thing!
Come on!
The power...!
Your movie ends here!
- Are you okay? -I'm okay.
Thank God.
Let's get out of here! -Uh-huh.
- You know? -What?
I thought the ghost in the red
coat was the key... Huh?