Powder Blue (2009)

Police chief has authorized his officers
to use force if necessary.
It has been 8 days
since Perez first witnessed
the appearance of the
Virgin Mary on his windshield.
Apparently, Perez has the AIDS virus
and believes this is a miracle.
He has refused to get out of his car.
And as you can see,
the faithful have arrived
from all across the state,
each and every one-
- Hi.
- Hey.
Hey, how's it feel to be my husband?
Today I must say that
I'm the happiest man in the world.
Someone shut that dog up!
Excuse me. I'm so sorry.
Can I use your cell
phone? It's an emergency.
- Yeah.
- Oh, thank you so much.
Just... you're so kind.
Just one minute, one minute.
Oh, thank God you're still there.
How's he doing?
Can I speak with him, please?
Hi, honey, it's Mommy.
How you doing, sweet pea?
How you doing? I miss you.
I miss you so much.
I'm on this date, and it's going so well.
It's going really, really well.
His name is David, and he really likes me.
I think he really likes me,
and he even wants to take me to Paris.
I think I got it right.
I think I got it right this time.
I really didn't mean to knock
that table over back there.
I... I just... I don't know what happened.
I just... I'm so... I'm so nervous,
because I really like you,
and I know this is our
first date and everything,
and I know that it's probably not the way
that you wanted it to turn out,
but I can be better.
I really, really want to see you again,
and I really want to
prove to you that I can be-
I can be better than this.
Do you remember Annie Hall, the movie?
I was just thinking about
the first date thing when,
you know, Alvy and Annie,
they talk about the first
kiss during their date,
and they just sort of get it out of the way.
It just feels like that moment.
Listen, Johnny.
Hey, do you want to come in for a minute?
Good night, Johnny.
Where are you?
I found
a new place to dwell
Well, it's down at the end of the lonely street
to Heartbreak Hotel
I've been so lonely, baby
You make me so lonely
I get so lonely, I could die
Hey, where's my dog?
Can you not see that I'm busy?
Come on, man, just have you seen him?
No dogs allowed. Read sign.
Look, where the hell is my dog?
He took off, ran away.
He was barking, barking, barking like crazy,
and I go to the door, he took off, ran away.
Not my fault.
I already told you too many times.
No dogs allowed!
It just holds no value to me.
What does that mean, an act of faith?
Oh, Christ.
Oh, shit, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
What were you doing in the street, huh?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Come on.
Come on.
Do you feel a deep sense of loneliness?
Wish that you had someone special
to share your dreams with?
Do you ever wonder if
there is that special person
waiting out there just for you?
You, sir, are a lucky dog.
You hear me?
You're a lucky, lucky dog.
That's what I'll call you.
I'll call you Lucky.
Welcome to your new home, Lucky.
Welcome back.
I'm just passing through.
I don't have a lot of time to waste.
I had no choice.
After you went down,
the feds were watching me like a hawk.
I couldn't go down like that.
- Had a family to take care of.
- What about me?
I didn't have a family?
You don't call. You don't write.
You don't do shit. We're friends?
I swear, I would kill you if given a chance.
Remember that job in Carson?
You were young and stupid.
Now you've repaid that
debt with your silence.
This is who we are.
This is the path we chose.
I've come to accept it.
How was she?
My Mary?
Did you see much of her?
Beginning, yes.
Not much again till the end.
My name ever come up?
But I don't think she
ever stopped loving you.
It's what's owed to you...
and everything you need to know.
I hope the next time we find each other
is in heaven.
Girl, what you doing?
Get off my corner, whore.
Bitch, get to work.
Look, honey, this is
probably your first time,
so I'm going to spell out
the menu for you, okay?
$20, I jerk you off.
$100, you can fuck me in the ass.
A few dollars more, you can come on my face.
I don't care about my mascara running,
just don't get it in my hair, okay?
That's all you charge?
Seriously, I think you're
worth much more than that.
You look like a beautiful woman.
That's very sweet of you, honey,
but for now I've got tits
and 8 inches fully functional.
But one day, I dream to be flawless.
What does that mean?
To be tucked, operated on, you know?
Why haven't you done that?
- It's mucho dinero, seor.
- Oh.
I'm saving up.
How much do you make a night?
What's it to you?
Nothing, I just- what is it, like,
$400, $500-
Stop the fucking car.
You're wasting my time.
Stop the car.
Hold on, stay, stay.
I need you to help me save someone.
I'll pay you.
And I assure you that if you do this, you-
you'll probably never have
to do what you do ever again.
I don't do anything
I don't want to do, okay?
So what do you want from me?
In the back of my car, there's a backpack.
I want you to open it.
I want you to look inside.
Inside, there's $50,000 cash.
It's all the savings
I have left in the world,
and I want you to have it
if you just do me this one service.
There's a gun in my glove compartment.
And it's got 2 bullets in the chamber.
I want you to pick up that gun.
I want you to hold it really tight,
and I want you to shoot
me right here in my heart.
This is a fucking joke, right?
Am I on TV or something?
I've seen this shit on TV.
There's little spy cameras everywhere.
I know this.
I know, I know, Slim.
He put you up to this, didn't he?
It's not a joke. It's not a joke.
There can't be any accidents.
There's a suicide note with my signature.
So when they find me,
you don't have to worry
about the authorities, okay?
Why did you do that?
Do what?
Your goddamn prayer.
Are you religious?
Get out of my car.
Do you not want to burn in hell?
Is that what it is?
Get out.
You fucking coward.
So you search the streets for people like me
because we seem desperate?
- I said get out.
- You fucking coward.
Get out of my car!
- So who cares, right?
- Get out!
- You go!
- Lay off of it!
Everyone's got problems!
- Deal with it!
- Go!
Mtate, pinche puto.
I'm sorry.
You're all right.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Just picture yourself in
the arms of such a goddess.
Welcome to my world,
to the excruciatingly
erotic world of Wild Velvet.
We bring you all the ladies that Victoria...
Has been keeping a big, big secret.
And now the Wild Velvet is proud to present
the luscious, the lascivious,
the one, the only Scarlet.
- Love you, Scarlet!
- Whoo!
Emotionless this city lies
Cruel it is, it clouds my eyes
The dark, the dark
shades on my day
I live inside this place
Locked up inside my metal cage
Always tense and filled with rage
Above the concrete fields below
With you I want to go, want to go
Music is my sanctuary
Music is my blanket
I see only what I want to see
I'll be only what I want to be
My blanket covers me
Check it
Now, as a youth, man, I was body poppin'
breakin' on the lino
Traded in my lino for a pad and a biro
Used to stand in line
so as I can sign my giro
But now my ends are meeting
in the best way that I know
And the beats that go boom
See the music I consume to
escape the doom and gloom
All the beats and melodies
that keep realities at bay
But what happen when the record's done
and start to fade away, fade away
Alone within myself again
I try to veil away my pain
The dirty grey
surrounding me 'round
And now I hear no sounds
Doctor, what is it?
Jack, you have gastric cancer.
How much time do I have?
It depends on your will to live.
Yo, excuse me.
Calm down, man.
This is my last stop.
And your nose is bleeding.
Okay, well,
after carefully reviewing your
application, Mr. Doolittle,
I regret to inform you
that we have denied your
request for a loan at this time.
But I filled everything
out just like you requested.
When your father passed away,
he left a lot of debt.
I'm afraid, without a substantial payment,
we have no choice but to
begin foreclosure proceedings
at the end of the month.
Hello, Mrs. Wilson?
Hey, this-this is Qwerty from the mortuary.
Why are you calling?
No, I-I was wondering-
I know I promised no
payments till after New Year,
but I was just wondering if-
if there was anything you can
offer in the next few days,
that would-that would
be hugely appreciated.
Richard got laid off.
It's Christmas,
and I haven't gotten the
children anything yet.
I don't think-
All right, no, you know what?
Forget the call. Forget the call.
You keep the money,
and you buy your kids some gifts.
You make it a good Christmas for 'em.
Thank you, Qwerty.
Your father would be proud.
All right, no.
You're a fine young man.
Yep, you have a good night, Mrs. Wilson.
All right.
Oh, Christ, I'm sorry.
You-you scared me.
I was driving by, I saw the lights in here,
so I thought it was open.
No, we're actually closed.
We open at 10:00 in the morning.
I need a coffin.
I need it tonight.
And I'll pay you cash for it.
It's kind of- it's peaceful in there, huh?
What do you think?
I'll take it.
All right, sir.
It's a-it's a great choice.
You won't be disappointed.
I have another request.
Oh, we can customize it
with anything you want.
In the past, we even put
a complete sound system
with speakers in.
No, no, this-this is-
No, no, I like the coffin.
It's just that it needs a body.
Oh, we're a full service mortuary, sir.
Has-has the deceased been embalmed yet?
No, he's-he's not dead yet.
I'm sorry, I don't understand.
Sir, please-
Please, I don't want any trouble.
I know this is an unusual request,
but I need you to take this gun
and put a bullet inside my heart.
No, perhaps you've been drinking.
Please, everything is-
everything's gonna be all right.
- I can pay you.
- No.
I got $50,000 cash.
What, you don't believe me?
I'll show you.
I'll show you; it's in my car.
This can't be happening.
It could all be yours.
I know you have problems.
I heard you on the phone.
We all have problems.
You help-you help me with
mine, I help you with yours.
No, keep it.
Please, please. Please, sir.
Sir, in my-in my profession,
I see death every day,
some by accident, some by sickness,
but some through despair.
These are the ones
I wish I could have helped.
Help me.
Help me by pulling this trigger.
Come on, please.
Please, I need your help.
- No.
- Please.
- Go ahead.
- I won't do it.
I won't kill you. No.
It's easy!
I and my father are one?
But can you feel my pain?
Can you feel my pain?
Hi. Hey.
How's it feel to be my husband?
Today, I must say that I'm
the happiest man in the world.
Let me show you.
Let me show the kids.
I love you.
I love you too.
Sorry to wake you, but we're
- we're closing down soon.
It's on the house.
Just hope it might cheer you up.
You have a few minutes, so...
or I could pack it up to go for you.
You want to share it?
Share it with me?
It's tempting, but I have
this new dress for the holiday
that I'm determined to fit in.
Want to know my secret?
I hang it over the dining
table to help motivate me a bit.
It's good, huh?
Isn't it?
We bake 'em fresh here every morning.
I think they're good.
I don't mean to be nosy or anything,
but what's a man like you doing at this hour
passed out in a diner?
I had a really hard day.
Big smile like yours,
you expect me to believe that?
Yeah, just right here.
Yeah, just right up there.
I like the lights.
I did it myself.
I like the different colors.
Yeah, I've always loved Christmas.
You live there a long time?
About a year, since my divorce.
You don't really have to talk about that
if you don't feel like it.
I don't-
Well, we- you know, we grew apart.
You know, you wake up one
morning after 13 years,
and the feeling's gone,
and, you know, you try to hang in there,
but there's really nothing you can do.
But we both agreed that, you know,
we didn't want to grow old
taking up each other's space.
You guys still talk, then?
Not for a couple months.
Do you-
do you want to come up, 'cause I'm just-
I live there alone,
and I don't have any cats,
in case your allergic.
I, um...
I don't... I don't think I should do that.
No, you're probably right.
It's late.
I mean, you're probably really tired anyway.
Can I ask you something?
How come you picked me up, gave me a ride?
I don't know.
I don't-I don't know why.
I don't know.
Okay, I hope you don't mind.
I just haven't-
I just, you know, haven't
kissed a man in a long time.
I just forgot how good it feels.
Okay, thank you for the ride.
Maybe I'll see you around.
- Yeah!
- Whoo!
Hey, you're late again.
Get down there and get dressed
and get on the fucking stage now.
We need to talk now.
Well, lookie, lookie, Cookie.
No, don't stop.
It just got a lot more interesting.
So come on and join the party, sweetcakes.
We are on lesson number 3,
the day you were absent.
Oh, no, you did not touch the 'do.
Oh, yeah.
Fuck your 'do, and fuck your whores.
Who you calling a whore, you little bitch?
I don't see what else-
No, no, no, Cookie, Cookie, Cookie.
Go upstairs.
We'll finish up later.
All right.
What are we talking about here, Johnny?
I don't understand. Tell me-
We're talking about my son.
We're talking about my son.
I cannot work on Christmas Eve.
I have to be with him.
Your son needs you to work,
and he needs you to work very hard.
Don't you fucking tell
me what's best for my kid.
I swear to God.
The kid would not know the difference
whether you're there or not.
Goddamn it.
Johnny, I have been easy on you,
because when I watch you dance,
I get a raging boner, and
so do a lot of other people.
But on Christmas Eve,
I'm gonna have a lot of very
lonely people out in my club,
some even thinking about killing themselves,
and they come here
looking for companionship.
They're looking for a little bit of love.
They are looking for a little bit of hope.
What about... what about one
of the girls who's Jewish?
What about them? Why can't they work?
That is not the point.
All the dancing that goes on on that stage
is nothing but an expensive advertisement
for the main attraction
in the fucking blue room.
Well, I am not a whore.
Well, then you better learn, Johnny,
'cause you are costing me $1,000 a head
every time you don't give any.
Let me put it this way.
If you are not here on Christmas Eve,
you should consider getting
a job at Wally's Whack Shack.
We clear?
You all right?
Everything all right?
Just leave me alone.
It's getting colder.
You're gonna get sick dressed like that.
Why don't you just fuck off?
Listen, I'm not gonna go back in
until I know you're all right.
You don't have to rush.
Just take your time.
Do you have a smoke?
Yeah, sure.
You're not from around here, are you?
No, I'm just passing through.
Yeah, I thought so.
You're too nice.
Where are you from?
San Francisco.
Moved down here about a year ago.
What's your name?
I'm Jack.
Were you in here the other night?
You sure?
'Cause I don't forget eyes like yours.
I'm sure.
Get dressed.
You got a request for a private.
I got to go.
Can I see you again?
Yeah, yeah.
Just request me, Scarlet.
Wait for me in the blue room.
- Oh.
- Thanks.
Hey, papa.
I hope I didn't keep you too long.
I'll make it up to you.
First one's on me.
This is your first time, isn't it?
Yeah, let's-
why don't we just talk first?
Most men don't pay me to talk.
And the ones who do are trying
to talk me into something else.
But I'm telling you, I
don't do anything but dance.
I don't want anything.
Let's just talk like we were doing before.
Come dance with me.
Here? No.
No, I-I'm not good at that.
Yes, it will be fun.
I got old legs.
They might be old, but they're not dead.
And it's a slow song.
Just stop.
Are you afraid of me?
I'm old enough to be your father.
Most of them are.
No, stop.
Oh, sweet pea, Mommy misses you so much.
I just don't know how
much longer I can do this.
I'm trying for you, baby.
I miss you so much.
I just feel like it's my fault.
Arctic storms moving
into Northern California
should cause temperatures in the L.A. basin
to drop as much as 25 degrees.
Although temperatures have
been within normal ranges
for this holiday season,
these temps are highly unusual.
Come on, Lucky.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, Lucky.
Excuse me, miss, may I check your purse?
No, you may not.
I'm not asking for your permission.
Are you accusing me of something?
Say, sweetie, there you are.
I was looking for you.
- Is everything okay?
- Store security.
I need to check her purse.
Oh, you know what?
This is my fault.
It's a collector's edition,
and I told her that I paid for it already,
but I got sidetracked.
Can-can we just let this slide?
Hey, hey, hey.
Get your hands off me!
All right.
Must be for someone special, huh?
Why are you following me?
I just
- let me buy you some lunch, okay?
Your choice.
I just want to talk.
There you go.
Well, you're just filled with
little tricks, aren't you?
Here's your dessert.
- Thanks.
- Enjoy.
So what brings you to this city?
Well, what brings anyone to this city?
I wanted to be a somebody.
Is that so much to ask?
You sound like a nonbeliever.
No, this city just has a way
of crushing your dreams pretty fast.
Well, what about your parents.
Were they for it?
My mother just recently passed away,
and my father died in a boating accident
before I was born.
That's what she told me, anyway.
You have doubts?
I don't know.
I used to catch her staring
off into somewhere for hours,
like she knows that he's still around.
Can I tell you a secret?
Yeah, sure.
I see my father all the time.
In my sleep, especially when I was younger.
See, he likes to travel the world,
and if I'm good,
then sometimes he'll take me with him
and share his adventures with me.
And what's he like?
He's handsome, and he has strong hands
and a very gentle heart.
I mean, he couldn't hurt
a fly if he wanted to.
And he has eyes like yours,
all mysterious and full of secrets.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to
make you feel uncomfortable.
It's okay. Don't apologize.
I just really like talking to you.
I really like talking to you too.
You know what time it is?
I don't have a watch-
I got to go. I'm late for work.
I can't afford to lose another job.
You'll come in and see me?
All right.
Don't stop believing.
Only in miracles, Jack.
- Hi.
- Hey.
I'm Nicole.
I'm-my name's Qwerty.
I know.
It's on your name tag.
Is this your first time?
Is it that obvious?
It's also my first time.
You know, at first, I
didn't really want to come.
I didn't want to seem desperate,
like I need help in meeting someone.
But then I realized I haven't
been on a date in-in 2 years.
So, here I am.
Are-are you coming inside?
Yeah, of course, of course.
Is everything all right?
I'm sorry; I think I'm losing circulation.
Just here in my right leg.
Can I get you some water or something?
Are you-
I haven't seen you around in a few days.
I was such an idiot the other night.
I don't know what came over me,
but I apologize if I was being too forward.
It's been a very long time for me too.
You finished? You're off?
Yeah, it's been slow.
If-if you want some
company, I could-
If you-if you'd like,
I could take you home.
I mean, if you want, I could-
Yeah, no, I- yeah, I would like that.
I would.
But not tonight.
I can't.
That's him.
He called, you know, right
- shortly after I got home.
And he wants to talk, and so here he is.
All right, well, bye.
Mm, bye.
Some friends of yours,
they told me that you could help me.
I'm looking for a girl.
I don't know her name.
I met her the other night.
She-she has really big blonde hair.
She was wearing a red dress
with-with these all on it.
I could-I could pay you for your time
if you help me find her.
Well, I ain't seen her all night,
but if they found her dead,
I wouldn't be surprised.
What do you mean by that?
That seorita tried to
execute her life twice, man.
She slit both her wrists.
The crazy girl want to
make a baby inside of her.
It like the ultimate
transformation and shit.
She even fake a
miscarriage, you get me, man?
How do you know this?
I'm her doctor.
She tell me all her symptoms, you know, man.
And I prescribe her
medication, make her feel good.
Listen, man, if she ain't on the streets,
I can't tell you.
If she ain't dead, she be
out here on Friday night
or at the Geisha Dungeon.
Geisha Dungeon, what's that?
The devil's lair.
- Hello.
- Hi.
I was hoping you would come in.
I saw you in my dreams last night.
Yeah, I wasn't sure you were gonna be here.
Can you come closer?
I'd like to get a good look at your face.
It was strange.
You were running.
You were running from something.
Maybe I was trying to run to something
or someone.
You had fear in your eyes like you do now.
I, um...
I was thinking about
what you said yesterday,
you know, that stuff with your father
taking you to places that you've never been.
Well, guess what?
I got you 2 tickets
to anyplace in the world.
I don't know what to say.
Say, "I accept".
No, I can't.
We barely even know each other.
I don't have a lot of time left.
I don't watch the clock in here, Jack.
You can have me for as long as you want.
What I'm saying is, I'm going away soon,
and I'm not gonna be coming back.
I want you to have these tickets.
It would mean a lot to me.
Who are you?
Why are you so good to me?
My name's Jack Doheny.
I've been locked away for 25 years,
which is a hell of a lot of time
for a man to reflect on his life,
the choices he made
and what he wants to do
if given a second chance.
For 25 years,
I waited for my love to come visit me.
But that day never came.
And then I got the news
that she passed away.
I never got the chance to
- to tell her I was sorry.
I loved her more than anything.
I'll never forget the day that
I first laid eyes upon her.
Her smile was beautiful.
She was so graceful.
When I saw her the next day...
I dumped a truckload of roses at her feet...
and I told her that if it wasn't enough,
I'd come back the next day
with roses from all over the world.
We had dinner that night,
and by morning...
she became my wife.
I don't know what you're trying to tell me
or who you are
or who put you up to this,
but you have some nerve coming in here.
You are a sick son of a bitch,
and I want you to get out of here now.
I want you to leave now.
Get the fuck out of here!
What are you looking at?
Don't look at me.
Get out of here.
Get the fuck out of here!
No, wait, wait, don't!
Don't come back.
Someone please answer me.
Someone please-
Somebody please answer me now.
I need you. I need you right now.
Excuse me.
Ma'am, visiting hours are over.
Ma'am, you can't go in there.
Is he all right?
Why wasn't anyone here when I called?
Everything is fine.
The other nurse waited. You didn't call.
Her shift is over now.
What is wrong with you people?
This is my son.
He's dying, don't you understand?
This is my son, and he's dying.
All right.
Just please keep it down.
How you doing, sweet pea?
Oh, you scared me tonight.
Mommy called, and nobody answered,
and I thought something happened to you.
I thought you had left me.
I got something for you.
I know you're gonna like it.
It's a special edition.
Why don't you open your
eyes so you can see it?
You are gonna be all right.
I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.
I promise you.
I promise you, sweet pea.
I just miss you so much.
Baby, are you awake?
Nurse! Doctor!
Sit down for a minute, Johnny.
I don't want to sit.
I don't want to sit.
Please put it out and have a seat.
Have some coffee.
Johnny, your boy is in what's known-
His name is Billy.
Yes, Billy.
I need to remind you that
for the last 3 months,
he's in what's known as a
persistent vegetative state.
He blinked.
I saw it with my own eyes.
While I was talking to him, he blinked.
That's misleading, and it's a-
it's a common involuntary reflex
response to motion and sound.
Do you believe in miracles?
In my profession,
sometimes I have no choice but to.
Well, maybe this is one of those times.
I saw him blink.
I saw it with my own eyes.
There's not much else I can do.
I'm sorry, Johnny.
Well, fuck you.
You're a doctor...
Calm down.
And all you can say is, "I'm sorry"?
Calm down, Johnny.
You're a trained professional.
You are supposed to help
people, and my son needs help.
He needs your help.
You're all he's got.
Don't you understand that?
Is it the money?
You don't think I have the money?
Well, I will work every day of my life.
It's not the money.
Then what is it?
It's okay.
I won't tell anyone.
Is this what you want?
Is this what you want?
I'm sorry, Johnny.
Where are you going?
Please don't leave.
I'll do whatever you want.
Come back here!
Doctors help people!
You are not a doctor!
You can't help anybody!
You're a fucking shit!
Dr. Alexander call extension 2860.
Dr. Alexander, 2860.
What am I gonna do, Lucky?
What am I gonna do with you?
I don't think I can take
care of you much longer.
I got to get you back home.
Don't look at me like that.
Don't look at me like that.
You don't even belong to me.
Someone out there is missing you right now.
Wild Velvet.
Hey, hey, is there a Rose-Johnny there?
Johnny who?
A Rose-Johnny.
You mean Scarlet.
Hold on.
Oh, God.
I missed you so much.
Thank you so much for finding him.
I don't know how I'll ever repay you.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
It was-it was my fault.
I accidentally hit him with my car.
But he's all right now.
Would you like to come in?
Can I ask you something?
Yeah, please, anything.
I don't know how to put this.
You know, just forget it.
No, no, don't stop.
You can-you can ask me anything you want.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
Can I use your bathroom?
Yeah, of course. It's across the hall.
Oh, shit.
Um, about the reward money...
Oh, no, I don't-
I can pay you next week, I promise.
No, it's okay.
If you have any concerns,
I fed him 3 times a day.
I walked him 3 times a day.
I got him a toy in the back.
You think I could just hold
your hands for a second?
Yeah, sure.
You're cold.
That's you.
And sweaty.
Well, it's-it's hot in here.
And they're soft.
Yours too.
You want to try something?
I'm gonna count to 3,
and we're both gonna stand up,
and we're gonna hug each other.
Can you do that? Do you mind?
Can we do that?
It was a stupid idea.
Okay, I want to try it.
I was hoping you'd say that.
Are you ready?
That was nice, wasn't it?
It was nice.
It was real nice.
Can we do- can we do it again?
I know what you're gonna say,
that it's time for you to leave.
But I don't
- I don't want you to go.
I want you to stay.
You sure?
You can stay here.
I got-I got plenty of blankets.
You can stay the night.
I don't even know your name.
Oh, it's Qwerty.
Qwerty Doolittle.
My name's Rose-Johnny.
But everybody just calls me Johnny.
Well, it's nice to meet you, Rose.
Nice to meet you, Qwerty.
You have to have a heart that's open to God.
Big change in our local
weather over the next few days.
A low-pressure cold front will be moving in
during the next 24 hours
as the jet stream heads south into the gulf.
These temperatures will be highly unusual.
Hello? Rose?
I got something for you, Rose.
And now let's give a banging
welcome to our very sweet
but very naughty Scarlet.
Merry Christmas, Scarlet.
Oh, the werewolf
the werewolf
Comes a stepping along
He don't even
break the branches where he's gone
Once I saw him
in the moonlight
when the bats were flying
I saw the werewolf
and the werewolf was cryin'
Cryin' nobody
nobody knows
nobody knows
how I loved the man
as I teared off his clothes
Cryin' nobody, no
nobody knows my pain
when I see that it's risen
that full moon again
For the werewolf
the werewolf
have sympathy
For the werewolf
Somebody like you and me
And only he goes to me
Man, this little flute I play
All through the night
Until the light of day
and we are doomed to play
For the werewolf
For the werewolf
Have sympathy
For the werewolf
Come on!
Come back.
Where you going?
Well, let's hear it for Scarlet.
She is just waiting for that big bad wolf.
And it might as well be you.
Dancers only.
I need to talk to Rose.
To Scarlet, I need to talk-
Which part did you not understand?
I need to talk to Rose.
I need to talk to Rose, come on!
Why'd you leave?
You didn't even leave a note.
Men usually leave me first.
I was just trying to save you the trouble.
Well, you're wrong about me.
Why did you come today?
I came for you.
I'm a single mother with a kid in a coma,
and I make my living by
taking my clothes off.
I'm a klutz, and I spill everything.
I work with the dead.
I play with puppets.
I've never had a real girlfriend in my life,
and I get nervous around
people, which triggers my asthma.
Don't do this to me.
I'm trying not to.
Just promise me one thing.
When tomorrow comes,
everything's gonna be okay.
Everything's gonna be okay.
I'm not playing games with you.
Fine, I'll get it myself.
Give me my money.
Tell me how I look.
Because I am feeling so glamorous tonight.
Give me my money.
Give me my money!
You're no fun.
Go and sit down.
Sit down.
I want you to...
take your wig off.
Just do it.
I want you to wipe off your makeup.
Just wipe it off.
I like where this is going.
Don't I look beautiful?
Tell me I look beautiful.
You said you wanted to be flawless.
With this-
this money, you can make that life-
that part of your life- perfect.
Give me the gun.
Give me the gun.
You want to die, right?
I can help you.
I understand what you want.
Give me the gun.
I want to help you.
That night when you asked
me to take your life,
I didn't understand why.
Now I do.
I understand everything now.
I found that picture in your car.
And I couldn't help but think about you,
how lonely you must
feel inside without love.
Do you want love in your life?
Then open your heart.
What are you doing?
You know...
I used to love a man once.
And I gave him my heart.
I gave him my soul.
I gave him my love.
But that wasn't good enough for him.
That piece of shit wanted a real woman.
He wanted me to give him something
that I could never give him.
So he left me.
Who's gonna love me, big daddy-o?
At your service, ma'am.
Does it fly?
Faster than the speed of sound.
I will take a one-way
ticket to Paris, please.
All right.
- Here we go.
- Okay.
Come on.
Did you get all your
Christmas shopping done?
Oh, no, I'm gonna be shopping
at the gift shop tonight.
Well, then, there's that.
But the holidays kind of get you down
when you see something like this.
Yes, they do.
Poor kid.
Doctor's don't hold much hope for him.
I don't even know how
she's gonna pay for all this.
I mean, come on. She's a stripper, you know?
They call it exotic dancer.
Get the doctor now.
We moved him to the code room.
Heart rate was climbing fast.
Oxygen saturation well below 90%.
This sounds like pulmonary hemorrhage.
Call pulmonary and see
if they can do a scope.
What do we have?
Looks like massive PE,
and his right ventricle
is starting to give out.
Tell blood bank we need 3 units now.
Sir, you can't be in here.
Wait, wait, what's going on?
- Sir, are you a relative?
- Yeah, he's my grandson.
You need to go down to the waiting room.
It's down the hall to the left, please.
Wait, wait, is he gonna be okay?
We're trying everything we can.
- Trust us.
- Did you contact his mother?
We are trying to locate her right now.
Please. A doctor will be right with you.
Nurse, will you take
him to the waiting room?
We're doing everything we possibly can.
Why are you doing this to me?
My only sin is love.
We do not quit until
his condition stabilizes.
- Am I clear?
- Yes, doctor.
Increase dopamine to 15.
Someone pick up the damn phone.
He's in V-tach.
They can't find his mother.
Taxi, taxi, wait!
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Hey, stop!
Please, I need a ride. It's an emergency.
I got to find my daughter. Please wait.
Stop, stop!
Stop, please, I got to find my daughter.
I got to find my daughter.
Please, please, it's an emergency.
I need to help her.
Go to 120.
Okay, 3, 2, 1, clear.
For I believe.
Helped by unbelievers.
Go to 240.
Rose, where are you?
I guess it's not coming after all, the rain.
I was looking forward to it.
Mind if I join you?
If you wish.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Were you expecting someone?
No, I just- I just like sitting alone.
Most of us have forgotten
how pleasurable it can be.
What is your name?
Nice to meet you, father.
No, please.
Could you just call me Charlie?
Is that how we first met?
I was even wearing this red coat, remember?
How could I forget that?
You looked beautiful.
It's not your time yet.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'll be right here waiting for you.
My God, I love you.
I never stopped loving you.
Father Bishop?
Father Bishop, what are you doing here?
Are you returning to us?
God bless you, sister.
God bless you.
I didn't call last night because I-
I wanted to believe
that everything was gonna be all right.
I'm so sorry, baby.
I love you, sweet pea.
Let it go!
There it is.
Rose? Thank God I caught you.
I need you to sign this.
It's the receipt for your hospital bill.
Everything's been paid for.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Well, a gentleman came in last night
and paid all the hospital bills.
He wanted to remain anonymous.
I'm sorry about Billy.
He left this for you.
So you have any room
left for a slice of pie?
No, sorry, I'm
- I'm full.
I have to say,
you look really good this morning.
You might want to know
that my ex-husband and I,
we tried to talk, but who were we kidding?
And I don't know if you have plans tonight,
but I've got a brand-new
dress and nowhere to go.
Are you asking me out?
Are you accepting?
Oh, yeah? Good.
Here, let me give you my number.
Oh, okay.
Should we say, like, my place, like 6:00?
All right, I'll be waiting.
I'll be there.
Hey, I called in last week,
and I was looking for the girl with the dog.
I was-I was just wondering,
is she-is she still there?
No, she's gone.
No, I don't know, but she's gone, man.
No, her and dog leave. Not my fault.
No, I'm- No, I am sorry.
I saw him laughing.
- See you, guys.
- Hey, good show.
Good show, thank you.
Can we get something to eat, dad?
Bye, Maggie.
See ya.
- Bye.
- Bye.
I have 2 tickets to Paris.
Isn't she surprising?
Aren't you amazed?
Everything you thought you had to be
goes up in flames
Isn't she enlightening?
Try toe be amused
Reason doesn't work when you're brand-new
If you want to know of what you're made
Hey, where you going?
The woman is the way
Wouldn't try to bite
when she calls your name
You might not see something
that might say it ever again
And if you give her one chance, man
she's gonna
take you right to yourself
Or else
Try to make it run
but the happy just won't seem to leave you alone
Oh, well
Oh, well
Say you want it all
but the hole won't fill unless you fill it with her
Oh, well
Oh, well
So shut your mouth
Turn down that brain that's led you astray
And you'll never know her, but
the woman is the way
Always remind me
how you almost got by me
I don't know what I would have done
without you, honey
Tell it to her softly
Tell her like you should
Tell her that no matter what
she'll always have
your love