Power Paandi (2017)

Hello, Paandi! Haven't seen you around
these past two days?
I went jogging at the beach.
Paandi, come eat a couple of idlies?
After jogging, I shall work out, shower
and then eat.
Oh, wow.
Hello, Master!
Thank you for catching that dope dealer.
You've earned us a good name, Master!
I've only done my duty.
Who is this guy?
So cool for his age.
His name is 'Power' Pandian.
He was a great stunt-master
in movies.
He's a famous guy
in our area.
Pack some meat for her, boy.
Look, Master is here.
Give him the meat.
I've packed the usual, Master.
I've also packed liver and
intestines, too. - Thank you!
I've been waiting for so long.
- Wait for your turn!
I turned it on the way you said.
But it suddenly got loud!
I finished a night shift
and just went to sleep, dad.
I need to go back to work
in some time now.
I'm so sleep deprived.
Why are you like this, dad?
We only get to sleep on weekends.
The kids don't have school, either.
Your father has just returned
from a night shoot.
You've woken him up!
He barely gets sleep.
Turn down the volume.
Let him watch.
Little ones! Come to grandpa.
Side punch!
Varun, if you don't study, no meal for you.
- Then I'll starve.
Leave me alone, dad.
I will study later.
You're always playing on your iPhone!
Come down!
Fine, dad!
Stop yelling.
So, Varun.
You're getting the full dose today?
Why won't you just study?
It's not like you're educated.
You're doing alright.
Always playing on your iPad!
You should run and play!
Your body will become fit.
I take my vitamins, man.
I'm fit enough.
In my time, 10-15 of us would get together
and play kabaddi, volley-ball.
We had fit bodies.
I haven't seen you playing even cricket!
When you hit oldage, you people start off your
'Back in my time...' speech.
Go practice your 'dishyoom' now.
Who do you fight anyway?
Go study, boy.
Father-in-law, your scutch-grass juice.
Please take the children to some mall?
I can't handle them on weekends!
You're saying that for two kids?
My mother raised six children!
I was the youngest of them.
Then why did YOU stop after one son?
Double standards, huh?
Get ready now. Let's eat breakfast.
We're just not able to have
a second child.
So what?
We'll just be happy with one child.
It's not that...
When we have many children,
if not one, another son will take care of us.
My son is not like that.
He will take such good care of us, you'll see.
Take them away!
Let's go?
- Yes, let's go!
Father-in-law, your coffee.
I've been seeing for years now...
you're wasting time on this
rusty old motorcycle you never ride!
Someday, I'll take it out for a spin.
What's the problem?
The car won't start.
- Is it?
Man, what have you done?
The car wouldn't start, so I pushed it.
That's my car!
Is this stunt master 'Power' Paandi's house?
Yes, sir.
What is the problem?
What does he care
if someone somewhere sells stuff?
Your kids, huh?
Sweet family.
Don't you want to live in peace?
Ask him to go to temples or something
at this age.
He's an old man.
Why should he do this?
I've done my duty now.
Ask him to take back his complaint.
Or you'll be in trouble.
Let's go.
Go upstairs and bring your grandpa, Dhruv.
What is it?
What have you done now?
Fine, don't just stand there.
You called me, son?
What complaint did you file
at the police station?
They're selling drugs.
In our area!
I can't stay quiet about it!
How is that our problem, dad?
Why can't you just stay out of it?
How could I!
Children in their formative years
will wreck their lives!
Those policemen are on their side, you know.
They're threatening us
to take back the complaint.
We can't stand by and watch.
You have two children, too.
If they were to be exposed to drugs,
would you be fine with it?
Dad, I'm not interested in social service.
Please retract the case tomorrow.
Why are you scolding grandpa?
Go to your room!
Why are you scolding me?
Go upstairs, child.
I'll be right there.
Watch it.
What do you want from me?
Take back your complaint
first thing in the morning.
I'm begging you. Please.
You're going to school to study.
But you're always picking fights.
He hit me first, dad.
Your teacher insulted me,
asking me not to teach my cinema fights to my son.
Sorry, dad.
How will "sorry" cut it?
Let it go.
He's learning from you.
There are good things to learn from me, too!
I'll take back the case.
Sign here.
I didn't do anything.
Please tell the inspector!
Get home now, grandpa.
Just mind your business now.
Don't poke your nose
in unnecessary things.
Don't come to the station.
So, grandpa!
Got scared?
You placed a complaint like some big-shot.
Now you're running like a fraidy cat.
Oldie is glaring at me.
Want to fight me, huh?
One on one.
Come on. Want to fight?
Take back your complaint
first thing in the morning.
Good for you.
Walk away!
Grizzly old fool!
He's messing with us
in our area!
I showed him!
You took your complaint back?
I did.
Why haven't you gone to sleep?
You've been working all day.
It's an important file.
I need it for the morning.
Master, got yourself a high dosage huh?
At this age,
why do you even bother doing all this?
Talk about my age again
and I'll knock your teeth off.
You won't admit it.
Is that beer?
Yes. Take a sip?
And ruin my health?
You don't do anything fun.
What's the point in living those extra 30 - 40 years?
You don't find happiness at home either.
What's the point of such a life?
What's wrong with my life?
He's given me my own room- Full freedom.
And two cute grandchildren!
What more could one want?
You're living for your son and grandchildren.
In my opinion, you don't have a life.
Anyway, Master.
Whatever makes you happy.
Here he comes. The Hitler.
Grandpa, don't talk to him.
Dude, you're the reason my grandpa's
always getting into trouble.
Grandpa, you better come
with me now!
Your grandson beckons!
- Get lost.
He'll abuse me more. Off I go!
He's corrupting you, grandpa!
Grizzly old fool!
What is it?
He had to submit this important file,
but he's left it behind at home!
Call up his phone?
He doesn't answer his phone
while driving, father-in-law.
Give it to me, then.
I'll give it to him.
How will you go, father-in-law?
- I'll take an auto-rickshaw.
Is that okay?
- No problem at all!
Thank you, father-in-law.
Hold on, sir.
Whom do you want to see?
- I need to give this file to Manager Raghavan.
Please give me your ID card.
Or you can't see him.
It's an important file.
I must give it to him.
You can't see him like that, sir.
I'm a stunt master called 'Power' Paandi...
You're Paandian, sir?
- Yes.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Please go.
Why have you come to office, dad?
You left this file behind, it seems.
Why did you bring it, dad?
You said it's an important file?
If not today,
I'd have submitted it tomorrow.
Anyway, thanks.
How will you get home now?
- I'll take an auto-rickshaw.
- Sure!
Okay. Get home safe.
- Okay!
Sir, this is the security
from downstairs.
Your father has been
standing here for an hour.
I think he's unable to find a ride.
Could you please take a look?
Why are you still standing here, dad?
You walked out of work?
You can't find a ride?
I'll manage!
I will find one.
Fine, I'll drop you home.
I'll be fine.
Don't trouble yourself.
Son, aren't you late for work?
Yes. But what can I do.
Thank you.
Buy a taller car.
It's hard to get down.
Drive safe!
Who asked you to bring the file?
I thought it's an important--
- That's my problem.
I'd have given it the next day.
Who asked you to come?
I wanted to be of help.
No, thank you!
Don't do anything!
Just don't do anything.
That would be a great help.
Go away, dad.
Don't get worked up.
I got so worked up,
I rammed the car and got it dented.
This time, it was the car.
What if it had been me?
Why do you talk like that, son?
Dad, just go.
Go away!
It's okay, grandpa.
Don't feel bad.
Sakshi, erase this and write it again.
Hi, grandpa!
I need to talk to you.
What's the matter, dad?
All this trouble happens
because I'm always home.
I'm thinking I'll get a job.
What do you need to
work and make money for?
You do take very good care of me.
And I've saved up some money, too.
I just need something to pass the time.
Must you really go to work?
I feel it's better if I do.
What job will you get at this age?
Seven. Six.
Five. Four more.
Where's dad?
He's gone jogging?
He woke up at six
and left to the gym.
He's just being dramatic.
Look, if you want your body
to be strong and muscular...
you must drink porridge
made from finger millet.
What millet?
- Finger millet!
Finger millet!
Mr. Paandi, you must not ask them
to drink millet porridge!
Protein shakes.
We're selling it right here
at the gym.
If you want to get muscles,
drink protein shake!
Okay, sir.
Grandpa, you're here already?
The gym only opens at six.
Open up.
You won't see results
if you don't do your reps.
Oh, I'm done.
So, Master!
Long time no see.
Been busy?
I'm not jobless like you.
I've got work!
I know. From a stunt master,
you've become a gym master now?
One must work hard to earn a living.
That's a different feeling.
You've got your nose in your iPad.
You're so unfit!
Come join the gym.
I'll make you fit.
I can't!
Slow down, man. I can't!
Don't lie, there's four more left.
You should know whom to push,
and how much!
He was a puny fellow. You made him do
too many reps and now he's bedridden.
He's been hospitalised with a broken muscle.
Our job is to make the client strong!
You're not academically qualified.
I shouldn't have appointed you.
I've made a mistake.
This is not some cinema stunt,
that anybody can do.
You're crossing a line.
Think anyone can do a cinema stunt?
Wanna fight?
- Stop!
I don't need you
or your job.
Never speak ill of any trade.
Forgive me.
He picks a fight everywhere.
Who would hire him?
Who asked him to work anyway?
He could just sit quietly.
He's threatening people around like some thug.
Why do you laugh?
It's just...
You said you'd work hard to earn a living!
Now you're also a loafer like me.
See, Master.
Jobs may come and go.
This state of joblessness is perpetual.
Proud of it, huh?
You're jobless and you carry a beer around.
You're not a trainer anymore.
Stop lecturing.
I'm in love with a girl.
But she won't even look at me.
She makes me run behind her.
So I'm all depressed.
That's why I'm drinking beer.
You're depressed about that?
How many girlfriends have you had?
Being cocky, grandpa?
My first love.
I message, and she replies.
But as a friend.
I call her,
and she talks to me.
But as a friend.
I ask to meet,
and she meets me- as a friend.
I think she's friend-zoned me.
How do I tell her I like her
like a girlfriend?
I'll tell you?
Just tell her.
Tell her, 'I'd like you as my girlfriend'.
Fraidy cat!
Aren't you ashamed?
iPhones, iPads, PlayStation, Skype,
Facetime, chatting, WhatsApp, SMS...
what's the point of all this?
You don't have the gall to
tell a girl you love her!
You've never been in love,
so you wouldn't know it's burden!
You know that I've never been in love?
What do you mean?
You had a love-marriage?
Oh, man!
You loved some woman
before your marriage?
Yes, my first love.
Oh, give me the details.
I'll tell you some other day.
Now my mind is occupied
with ideas for a new job.
You're going back to work?
What work?
Seize him!
I don't care how you do it,
by nightfall, tell me you've killed him.
You write an exam to pass.
I'll squish him like tomatoes with my gaze.
Oh, he's started.
Those dialogues were not even in the scene paper.
Excuse me, Mr. Gautham.
Please come forward.
Don't cover me.
Thought we could do a low angle?
Will be more good, no?
Go, go.
I was thinking,
we could drop the 'tomato' dialogue?
Gautam! This is your film.
That's why I used the word 'tomato'.
Or do you know the word I'd normally use?
Let's go for the take,
don't waste my time, Gau.
Okay, sir.
- Wipe my face.
Come. But don't touch.
Go away.
You come closer.
We need somebody mature
for the goon's dialogue.
No, I said someone mature.
Could you speak this dialogue, Master?
Get him to learn the dialogues.
You've got two minutes.
'Whatever the boss orders,
this servant shall do.'
'Boss, whatever you order,
this servant shall do it.'
It's in interior...
It's set in interior,
so we could lose the sunglasses?
If I take off the glasses,
my fans wouldn't like it, Gautam.
My fans!
Sir, the coolers?
He won't take them off.
What can I do?
Ready? Ready, Master.
Roll camera... and action!
What happened, Master?
Sorry, sir. One more take.
- Okay, Master.
Come on, Gau.
- Ready, guys.
Roll cameras... ready.
Boss, whatever you say...
I don't like that, Gau.
- Master!
Sorry, sir.
- It's a simple dialogue, Master.
First time in front of camera
so I'm a little nervous.
I will do it, sir.
- Okay.
Shall we change the person?
No, let him do it.
- Okay, sir.
Ready, Master. Let's go.
Roll cameras.
- Rolling.
And action.
Cut it.
Gautam! Don't waste my time.
Change the funny guy.
He's a stunt master.
- Like he's some master-chef.
Sorry, Master.
The hero is getting stressed.
We'll do another scene, I'll tell you.
True. We mustn't waste time.
- Okay, Master. Thank you.
What happened next, grandpa?
What happened?
I finished my dialogue, in a single take
and the entire set applauded.
Superb, grandpa.
- Of course.
Your grandpa is not just anybody.
The director said I must do
a big role!
Do it, grandpa!
But, dear. If grandpa starts acting...
the other actors would feel insecure.
If you become a big actor,
I'd show off!
Dear, acting is just boring.
Your grandpa is a fighter!
Much better.
Father-in-law, Manager Chockalingam
is on the phone.
Mom, can we watch wrestling?
Tell me, Chocku!
- There's a fight scene tomorrow.
A fight?
- 8 AM.
I'll be there by eight!
He never comes to eat early.
What's up with him?
Where are you going so early?
I've got a fight sequence today.
I must go there on time.
Then we pan right...
It's Pandian Master!
'Power' Paandi Master has come.
How are you?
Welcome, Master.
Where is the Master?
- He's there.
Why does everyone respect him so much?
You're new here.
There was a time,when all stunt-men
wanted to be 'Power' Paandi.
All the stars would wait
for his dates.
Good morning, Master.
Master, 'Power' Paandi master is here.
Master, I'm sorry!
I didn't notice. How are you, Master?
- I'm so glad, Master.
Thank you for giving me this chance.
- Oh, come on.
I'm so proud to have you
in my stunt.
Master, are you ready?
- Ready!
Want to rehearse?
We'll go for the take.
- Sure?
First, a right miss.
Then a left miss.
A leg miss, a front kick miss.
A back miss.
A right weapon miss, left weapon miss,
then a double miss.
Superb, Master!
This is your forte.
Boys, ready.
Velraj sir, is the camera ready?
Roll cameras.
Master, you were great!
Superb, Master!
Thank you, Master!
- You're doing such a great job.
Bless me, Master.
- Don't touch my feet.
Thank you.
- Not at all, Master.
I'm so happy.
- So long.
Master, I'll drop you home.
I'll walk home.
Schoolboy, come here.
- What, brother?
Check if he's got money.
I don't have money.
Just take it from him.
- But I don't have money, promise!
I only have fifty rupees to pay a school fine...
- You must pay for dope.
Hey, kid.
Come here.
What are you studying?
- Twelfth grade.
What do you want to be?
- An engineer.
My foot.
If you buy stuff at this age,
you'll be sitting there selling it someday.
Are you in love with some girl?
Does she love you back?
Why would she?
Your parents are toiling
to put you through school.
Study well, become an engineer,
marry the girl you love and live happily.
Don't you want that life?
Don't you?
Then throw that packet away.
I don't want to see you here again.
This is the old fool
who complained about us at the police station?
Yeah, boss.
And his name was some...
Can't recall his name.
Grandpa, won't you be quiet?
You're bored?
You give sermons to my customers,
won't my business take a hit?
You feel bad that we're selling to him?
We make spiked candy.
What about that?
Look, grandpa is pissed!
Wanna fight, grandpa?
Come on. Wanna fight?
Let's fight.
Why do you pick trouble
with an old man?
Just let him be.
Granny, you're his girl?
I am ageing a little, huh?
Who trashed my bed?
Oh. I'm in the market.
They're sleeping like little babies.
Who's that?
Oh no!
You said you forgot my name?
I'm Paandi.
'Power' Paandi.
Now you'll remember my name.
Get out of my way!
- Grandpa is home.
Wait, little one. I'll come.
- Yes, father-in-law?
I've got mutton.
Cook an elaborate dinner?
What's up, father-in-law?
- I'll tell you.
After so long, I was in the sets and...
all the young fighters touched my feet
to seek my blessings.
They look up to me.
'Bullet' Raj is the Number- 1 stunt master
of this time.
He took my blessings, too.
Come here, kids.
Come on.
Come to grandpa.
Wanna know how your grandpa
fought today?
All in my first take!
Everyone around me applauded.
You said the same thing yesterday.
That was different.
Today, they actually did it.
So you bluffed yesterday?
No, this was a fight!
The fighters treat me like a legend.
I got so emotional.
Prema, after a long time,
I'm really hungry.
I want to eat till I'm full.
Cook a great meal!
'I searched this Google and everything...'
'Never found anything as good as mutton'
Who is it?
I've come to take your father in.
A complaint has been filed against him.
Who has filed?
What's the complaint?
He's beat up 10 - 15 men
and broken their limbs.
Obviously, we must take him in.
Fine, let's go.
What is this?
- My fate.
Sign here.
He wants to do our job?
Mind your own business.
He beat up our guys.
I've put them in a hospital.
Ask him to compensate.
I've incurred expenses.
Really, sir!
I'll pay.
Take care of this guy, then meet the writer.
We'll work it out.
I've lost all my respect and dignity.
So, Master...
Heard the police came home
looking for you?
The things I don't even do in my age,
you're doing at your age!
You're something.
I thought you were some
beefed up body-double for cinema.
You actually beat up
and chased away all those men?
You're pretty solid, huh?
Give me that.
No way. You can't handle it.
I could chug down a barrel of toddy
all by myself.
Throw it.
You never listen.
Take it easy.
Go easy, or it'll hit you.
What's wrong with this guy?
Dude, go easy!
That's not scutch-grass juice!
He's drinking some more?
He's done.
I've got one left. Good!
Watch it, man.
Don't die tripping on the staircase.
The little devil would yell at me.
What dignity have you lost?
What is it, huh?
What have I done wrong?
You took your father for a coward?
That I'll keep my mouth shut,
no matter who does what?
I'm brave.
A brave-heart!
Who are you to question me?
Tell me, who are you?
The other day when a cop came...
you sent my grandson to fetch me
and then you question me?
You won't come upstairs
to speak to me?
Am I your father
or are you mine?
The other day, I accidentally turned
the TV volume high...
and so much drama!
'Oh, he toiled all night!'
and 'I ruined his sleep'.
So many sleepless nights I've toiled
just to raise you.
Who will answer
for all the sleep I've lost?
Have I ever asked you?
You see this thigh?
It's torn from glass-breaking.
17 stitches.
For whom?
For you.
How long I've been patient!
Your mother said...
"He's our only son.
You are raising a fine boy."
"He will have your back someday."
How you've got my back!
I don't need anyone to back me up.
I'll stand alone.
I'm Paandi.
'Power' Paandi!
Oh, my little ones...
Your grandpa lives for you.
I can't embrace my grandkids?
I don't have the rights to do that,
in this house?
Raghava, tell me.
After much thought,
I gave you the name 'Rambo'.
You gave some reason or the other
and changed it to 'Raghavan'.
What Raghavan?
Not now.
I knew even back then...
That you won't listen to your father.
That you'll do whatever pleases you.
Your mother thought
you've got my back!
It's her fault.
Wait a minute.
We're not even yet.
We don't know what to do.
But you do whatever you want.
Stay home, go out, get drunk,
beat up people, get arrested.
Want to beat us up?
Go ahead.
We won't question you.
We'll stay quiet.
Isn't that what you want?
From now, we'll do it that way.
Only your happiness is important.
Where is dad?
The kids are asleep?
Yes, by eight o clock.
Has dad eaten?
- No.
Since you left in the morning,
he's been locked up in his room.
He hasn't eaten.
Not even dinner?
You could have knocked on the door
and given him food.
So egoistic.
He'll come around in the morning.
Have you given dad?
He usually comes down by 6.
But he's not opened the door yet.
At this age... he worries me!
Open up, dad.
I didn't say anything wrong.
Please open up.
We'll talk it out.
Open the door, dad.
Open the door or I'll enter
with the spare key.
Bring the spare key.
Please, dad.
I'm sorry, okay?
Open up.
Dear Raghavan...
You are a good son.
You have given me good things.
You gave me a room to stay,
and took good care of me.
You gave me two amazing grandchildren.
You gave me freedom.
I had everything,
but I felt like I was in a prison.
I was your father, you were my son.
But now you've become the father, and I, the son.
This change is natural.
It had to happen.
But beyond a point, I couldn't take it.
You're facing a lot of
trouble because of me.
I tried to change,
but I couldn't.
What will I do now?
He can't even walk down the street
without picking a fight.
What's happened?
I don't know where he's gone,
what he's doing.
I'm scared.
Don't know if he has any money.
They'll fool him.
He's very innocent.
Where has he gone?
What's he going through?
I don't wish to be a burden
to anyone.
In my last days, I want to fly freely
rather than live in your golden cage.
Don't try to look for me.
I will be happy.
My blessings to my dearest daughter Premalatha.
Kisses to my dearest babies
Dhruv and Sakshya.
You could ask his friends?
You're lying.
Grandpa hasn't gone out of town.
He ran away from home
because you yelled at him.
My friend's mom told me.
Grandpa really has gone...
- Don't lie, mom.
You told me one mustn't lie.
It's all your fault, dad.
Why did you scold grandpa?
Isn't he your father?
Would you like it
if I scolded you?
Jobless oaf. It's Paandi here.
Master! Where the hell are you?
I'm in some highway.
You ran away from home?
You do the things
people my age are supposed to do!
You come home drunk...
the cops come looking for you.
Did you go alone
or have you eloped with some chick?
I'll knock your teeth out.
I'm safe here.
Don't tell anyone I called.
No one must know that
I'm in touch with you.
I wish to hear my grandchildren's voice.
I'll stay on the line...
you go talk to my grandchildren.
Don't get me in trouble, man.
You'll be fine.
Please do this.
I even got you beer.
Fine, I'll do it.
Hey, Dhruv!
The two of us should go
and find grandpa?
Keep quiet!
What if we get lost?
We're kids.
Little ones! What are you upto?
Little devil looks suspicious...
Look who's here.
Where is your grandpa?
Our grandpa...
my grandpa has gone missing!
Don't talk to him.
What did I do?
Why are you so upset?
You like your grandpa a lot?
I like my grandpa
even more than my parents.
Me too!
Not anymore, though.
He went away without telling us.
Don't feel sad.
Where will the old one go?
It will be back.
Don't talk about our grandpa like that!
I'll knock your teeth out.
Get out of here.
Fine, don't beat me up.
Calm down. I'm going.
Poor things.
Just come back home.
I do miss my grandchildren, too!
I just needed some peace and exploration.
I'll just come back to my children
when I'm done.
You talk about peace...
Where are you going?
Kaasi or Rameswaram?
Hang up, moron.
Have you placed a complaint?
They've taken down the details.
They'll find him?
That's what they say.
He's withdrawn his twenty five lakhs.
With so much money,
how will he be safe?
Two chapathis.
- Okay.
Hello, boss!
Eat with us?
You've run away from home?
Yes, how did you know?
Who did you think we are?
We've all run away from home, too.
So why did you run away from home?
I just didn't want to burden anyone
in my ripe old days.
That's not a good reason.
Gurumurthy, you ran away from home
because your daughter-in-law hit you.
This is a much better reason.
There should be a paper ad.
What ad?
How long since you left home?
About two days.
Peter, pass me the newspaper.
'Missing Person'
Oh no.
This photo is funny.
Remember your first 'Missing Person'
Your photo belonged in
But that wasn't the worst.
Your son gave an ad
requesting you never to come back home.
Where are you going now?
I'm just going where
the bike takes me.
Come join with us, then.
I want to do something meaningful.
soul searching.
What's so meaningful to you?
Meaningful to me...
is my Poonthendral.
Who is this Poonthendral?
My first love.
You're going looking for her?
I didn't leave home to look for her.
But now that you mention it,
I feel like I could go looking for her.
At sixty, why do you bother?
we don't even know why we do it,
we're roaming aimlessly.
At least he's got a purpose.
Who is this first love?
Tell me about her. Let's pass some time.
It's nothing far-out.
Just the usual love story.
But those were the golden days
of my life.
My Poonthendral.
We must win this game, somehow.
If we defeat these Sillamarathupatti folks,
we'll be the kings of our town.
They're a tough team, man.
We need one solid player.
We'll do it.
- Where is Paandi? Why isn't he here?
A Bruce Lee film is releasing today.
The guy must have gone.
When an action movie releases,
he'd even steal money to watch it somehow.
He'll be here.
Get started, man.
- Hold on. Paandi isn't here yet.
You want us to squat here
till he comes?
Get started, man.
Is this our home-town, dad?
Oh, this is your first time!
Yes, dad.
- Take a good look. That's our town.
It's superb, dad.
It's been five to six years
since you came here, Poonthendral?
Poongodi, come!
The car has arrived.
Oh, I'm coming.
Shoo, make way!
Every time a car comes...
Welcome, all! Welcome!
How are you?
Thendral, what are you studying?
Bachelor of Arts, uncle.
She studies well.
So I thought I'd let her study...
That's fine.
You could have let me study, dad!
You were a terrible student, donkey.
Listen to me, just marry Paandi...
have his children,
and start a family.
How is the farming coming along?
- Good, good.
Don't let them in!
Kabaddi kabaddi kabaddi kabaddi...
Losing to a guest team
in our hometown is so embarrassing.
Where is Paandi?
Don't be mad.
He'll be here.
They'll finish us off before that.
Let's go to the garden tomorrow?
There's the Karuppuswamy Temple sacrifice
tomorrow... we'll go day after.
What are we doing today?
We'll eat and sleep.
Or we can play dice.
That's no fun.
We used to play
all the time when we were kids.
What's that?
- They're playing kabaddi. Jobless boys.
They'll go to every town,
play kabaddi and pick fights.
Let's go watch.
We'll be fine.
Who is that newbie?
This creature is here!
Poongodi, no work at home?
You've come here to watch
our macho sport?
Yeah, as if you're playing Jallikattu.
And you just tamed a bull!
Macho sport!
You've lost in a silly kabaddi game
and sitting out here.
Don't embarrass our hometown!
If we had that mouth,
we could have chased them away by talking.
Who is this girl?
Your family from the town?
Hi, I'm Poonthendral.
We're from Madurai.
What's she saying?
Go play kabaddi.
Most of your men are out.
We're playing one man short.
Paandi is not here yet.
Once he's here,
we'll send them running.
Get going now.
- What a big-mouth!
What a name. "Poongodi".
- Buzz off, filthy-mouth!
Sweet fellow.
Who is this Paandi?
He's my cross cousin. I will marry him.
He'll be here.
There's one guy left.
You celebrate like you've won already.
The game's over, buddy.
The game has just begun, sweetheart.
Who's that?
Paandi is here,
now watch the game!
Shall we begin?
Did you see that?
Have you come to play kabaddi
or piggie-back?
Oh, we sent them flying!
They've shot a fight
inside a room with mirrors.
Looks terrific!
He lifts his leg higher than palm trees!
- Fiance, you were great!
Superb, Fiance!
I told you not to call me "fiance".
What are you doing here?
Who is this girl from town?
Related to you?
They've come from Madurai.
I noticed the Pleasure car
outside your house.
How are you related?
- My paternal uncle's daughter.
Then she's my cross cousin!
Be quiet!
No, she's not.
What's your name, Miss?
- Poonthendral.
You played great kabaddi.
"Poo-thendral". You're "Breeze of Blooms"?
It's getting dark, Poongodi.
Don't be standing here.
You'll scare the spirits away.
Come on!
Why do you laugh?
- Sorry!
He likes me a lot.
So he keeps talking like that.
We're sacrificing the goat
at Karuppusamy Temple! Be there.
What is it, Priest?
You're just standing there like the goat.
Who are you looking for?
I won't sacrifice the goat.
The usual guy, Rasappan, is not here.
Is there no one else?
He usually slays the goats
for our temple.
- Yes, Uncle?
Rasappan is not here today.
You must sacrifice the goat for us.
Sure, Uncle.
- Get the machete.
Oh no!
- You're scared of that?
No, dad. That's a sin.
We should let it go.
Is the Miss a vegetarian?
- She loves to eat non-vegetarian!
Then? If you don't slaughter,
how will you eat?
It's a sin.
- Eating it is not a sin?
The sin of slaying,
washes away upon eating.
I'll be on the other side, then.
If you're happy, what do you care?
Don't listen.
Look, Missy from Madurai
is sitting here alone.
Let's go find out.
So, Miss...
You were clapping and cheering
for the kabaddi game. Why are you quiet now?
They're sacrificing a goat there.
Then let's not go that way.
Let's go this way.
Want to watch a dirty movie
at the touring talkies?
Look... my mom, dad and uncle are right there.
Just walk away.
Let them be.
You and I should go, like a couple.
You kissed the ground at kabaddi
and now you're playing macho to a girl?
Paandi, you're on an ego trip?
Winning in kabaddi
doesn't make you a hero.
Go on now.
Play some chick sport.
You've got no spine.
You're talking about heroism to me?
There's no need for a fight!
It'll be fun, Miss.
Hold this.
I should have done you off sooner...
You're talkers.
I'm a doer.
He broke my nose.
You're just watching?
One guy is hitting all our men.
Let's go.
Come on!
What are you doing here?
Someone might fall on you!
Go away.
It's alright. This is interesting.
I'll watch and go.
Oh yeah?
Wretched woman!
They look strong.
They're running just fine,
but not one of them touch Paandi.
Paandi, I was called to fight.
It was you?
They called you?
You called a fellow townsman to hit me?
- I didn't!
Is it Marimuthu's son again?
He does this all the time.
Show some respect.
The fight will be over soon.
You get going.
You want respect?
Why are you falling on me?
Hit him.
More than his blows,
the sounds he makes are scary!
Go on now.
You're a hero, alright.
Thank you!
Oh we sent them flying!
You fight just like Bruce Lee.
Bruce Lee is my hero.
Don't sit alone out here.
Don't tell your relatives about the fight.
They'll get mad.
The meat gravy smells great.
Go eat!
Keep that.
Run along and go play now.
Triple and duplicate.
How's that?
You've got all the Jokers.
- Uncle.
The expense for the feast, the sacrifice,
priest's fee... father sent 750 rupees totally.
Okay, Paandi.
Paandi, come eat a mouthful?
No, auntie. I'm still full from
the afternoon meal.
Come, let's play dice?
I've told you many times,
don't call me "fiance".
What's wrong in that?
She's going to be your wife, someday.
Look, I'm not going to be your son-in-law
or her groom.
You just want to trap me!
Where are you off to?
Poonthendral wants to go out.
At this hour, where?
She means "out".
Oh, right.
- Play your card, man.
Let's go to the town tomorrow morning?
How can we go alone
without our parents?
Where's the thrill in that?
Thorn pick your feet?
- Yes.
How can we go alone in the dark?
Ask him to come with us.
Good idea. Watch my romance now.
We need to go. It's dark out there.
Come with us?
Are you stupid?
You call a man to keep watch while you go?
Call your mother.
Mother is busy.
- Then take your father.
Father is playing cards.
They're all talking.
It's enough if you wait
at the street end.
Just come!
You fought like a movie hero
in the afternoon, huh?
I told you not to tell anyone.
You told this babble-mouth!
I let it slip by accident.
So you'll keep a secret from me, Thendral?
- No way.
Yes. She will.
What about it?
Go on then.
That's where women go.
I'll wait here.
Okay, let's go.
Paandi, you get into trouble
because of your helpful nature.
I'm bored in the village.
Take us to the town tomorrow?
My dad will kill me.
I'll talk to my parents.
I must go to the dairy farm tomorrow.
I'll talk to father.
She wants you to come. Just come.
I'll feel safe if we go with you.
Let him be. I'll talk to dad.
You don't want to come with me?
I mean, you won't come
as my chaperone?
If you don't want to,
it's fine.
No, it's not like that.
You want me to keep you safe...
how could I not come?
It's a snake!
You're afraid of snakes?
Who is this guy?
It's Sinnarasu!
I saw him just two days ago.
Go on, boy.
He's gone.
What's up, buddy?
You're wearing a new shirt?
And your hair is neatly combed!
Oh, is it for the Madurai girl?
Shut it.
You have fine taste.
I said, shut it.
They're here.
Here comes your darling cousin.
Why have you brought him?
Who is this kid?
My little brother.
They said I have to take him along.
My buddy will handle it.
You must sit next to
Poongodi at the bus somehow.
We'll go to the cinema!
I understand.
How much longer for the bus to come?
- It'll be here.
Sankarapuram stop.
Let's go!
Poonthendral, sit down!
Thendral, let's buy puffed rice balls
at the market.
Those are great.
You like it?
I need to pee urgently, sister.
Oh god.
How can I take you?
- But I need to, real bad!
I warned you earlier!
- Hey, take him.
I can't watch your brother-in-law peeing
for your love.
If you want to make an impression,
you take him.
Are you done?
I can't pee under pressure!
Let's go, boy.
Do you pee in ten seconds?
Why do you rush me?
Needs to be nipped in the bud.
My sister is to blame.
I'm feeling sleepy, Thendral.
I'll get going.
I'll leave?
Why are you standing outside?
Come under the umbrella!
Why are you standing inside?
Come out of the umbrella!
What is the point of life
if you don't get wet in the rain?
I love you.
I love you, too.
Where are you going?
Just the temple...
We're going back home tomorrow.
Pack your stuff.
I thought we had another ten days...
- Some urgent work has come up.
I need to go to the temple, dad...
No need. Go inside.
Go pack the clothes,
Thendral, where are you going?
What's your plan, Poongodi?
What could I do?
I'm not educated.
I must stay at home only.
When do you plan to get married?
How would I know?
My parents must decide.
Gold prices are rising...
- So is my age!
Just marry your cousin Paandi, then.
I wish to.
But how could I tell my father that?
I'll talk to your father.
But Paandi is not showing interest at all.
It just needs to be dealt with
the right way.
Let me handle it!
What are you doing here
at this hour?
Just dropped by...
Haven't seen you... or your relatives
coming out of the house today?
Oh, that!
Poonthendral, Uncle, Aunt... they're all
going back tomorrow.
They were talking about that.
she said they'll be here for
two more weeks.
Who said that?
- No, I heard you talking about it.
I don't know why.
Uncle suddenly said they must leave.
Thendral has been crying since noon.
He won't let her go out.
I think there's some trouble.
Come in and eat something?
No... I'm fine.
Put this in the back.
You said you'll stay for two weeks!
Can't believe you're already leaving.
Be safe.
I need to pee, mum.
Just when we're about to leave.
Go now! Quick.
He always does this.
- He's just a child.
You must visit us at Madurai.
- Have you packed all the snacks?
Paandi, we're leaving town.
Okay, kiddo.
Don't forget me!
My sister asked me to give you this.
My mom will worry.
I must go.
Paandi, my father suddenly
said we're leaving.
They didn't let me out of the house.
I don't know how I'll live without you.
In all my eighteen years,
these past two days have been my happiest.
Don't forget me.
I'll finish my studies in two years.
We can get married then.
Or I will come with you.
Please visit me in Madurai.
I wish to see you one last time
before I leave.
Please come to see me.
I love you so much.
I feel like I'm dying.
I've written my address at the back
of this letter. Write to me.
Don't forget me.
Love, Poonthendral.
I haven't seen Poonthendral since.
I wrote many letters,
I didn't get a reply.
Life took strange turns.
I married the woman God gave me.
She died a few years ago.
Mr. Power, no one marries
the woman they love.
We all end up marrying the woman
that God wishes upon us.
Whether it's the woman we loved,
or the woman God gave us, it's all the same.
You're going to meet her now?
Where will you find her now?
I think I'll find her in Madurai.
Why do you laugh?
Which century are you living in?
Haven't you heard of Facebook?
Mr. Power, tell me your Poonthendral's
father's name.
In two minutes, we can find out
where she is.
Poonthendral Chandrasekar.
One minute.
Here she is!
Your Poonthendral.
Is this her?
She lives in Hyderabad.
She has a grand-daughter.
- Status says single.
Looks like she doesn't have a husband.
- That must be her daughter.
Can I go there and meet her?
No, no.
You can't just turn up
like that, Mr. Power.
You send her a message.
Ask her if she'd like to meet.
If she says okay, go there.
You don't know what her life is like now.
- True!
We can't disturb that.
I don't have a phone now.
I must buy one at the town.
No problem. Use this.
What about you?
Let it go.
This phone is such a pain.
First, we must create an account for you
on Facebook.
Then send her a friend request.
She needs to accept it.
Then you can message her.
Tell me your full name.
- Paandiyan Pazhanisami.
- Sixty four.
Relationship status?
I am single.
You're funny!
We need a display picture.
Strike a nice smiley pose.
Check this out.
This is not good.
- Yes.
Look at this.
You're killing it!
All the best!
- Bye!
My father, the stunt master
'Power' Paandi...
I enquired. But no information.
Did you enquire?
Is your father home?
My father has been missing for two days.
I need to talk about it.
My dad's been acting too cocky
for two days now.
Come back tomorrow.
So, your dad's gone missing?
- Did you care for him when he was here?
Now you're searching for him.
I'll escape like this someday.
Then you'll know my value.
You think older people just sit at home
and watch TV shows...
drop your kids at school
and be watchmen to your house
when you're going out?
You should have thought about this before.
Oh my god. You're still alive?
Luckily, I am.
I'm coming to Hyderabad on work.
Thought I could come and meet you.
I would love to.
Please let me know when you're free.
Tomorrow at five.
Anywhere you want to meet.
I'll text you the place in a bit.
Hello? Who is this?
'Power' Paandi.
Master, you've got a new phone number?
Where are you?
I'm in Hyderabad.
Don't tell anyone.
I won't...
what are you doing there?
Remember I'd mentioned about my first love?
I've come to meet her.
You're just living the life!
A new chapter of romance in your life?
It's not romance or anything!
I just came to meet her.
I'm meeting her at 5pm tomorrow.
Awesome stuff.
Dress sharp,
and go with a confident swag.
Don't turn up with that long face of yours.
What's wrong with my face?
Go look in the mirror!
I'm handsome, alright!
The clock isn't ticking at all!
You don't have a single grey hair!
We meet after all these years...
and this is the first thing you ask me?
You've never heard of hair dyes?
But salt-and-pepper is the in-thing!
Well... there is salt alright...
But I don't see any pepper.
You had a straight, full nose.
What happened?
I don't work on a computer.
I'm a fighter!
I had a fall during a stunt,
and it just splattered away.
How is everyone at home?
All good.
Now, my life revolves around
my granddaughter.
- I have two!
A grandson, and a granddaughter.
You have two grandchildren?
I can hardly believe it.
Oh.. how is Kannan?
Doing really well.
He's in Dubai.
- Oh!
Want to see?
- Show me.
Is this Kannan?
He's changed so much.
What did you expect?
That he'd remain a kid forever?
How is Mani?
He got married to Poongodi
and settled down at Sankarapuram.
He's a farmer now.
I heard that you've become
a cinema stuntmaster.
I think about you at times.
I looked up on Facebook and Twitter,
but I never found you.
Why didn't you reply to any of my letters?
Dad spotted us at the village.
He locked me away carefully.
When your letters came,
he tore and threw them away.
I couldn't do a thing.
I cried a lot and went mad.
117 letters in total.
Why didn't you come to find me?
I did.
I ran away from my home to see you.
I went to the address you gave me.
They told me you've shifted town.
I couldn't see you,
nor could I go back home.
I came to Chennai with a relative.
Then I became a fighter...
and then a master.
Life took its own course.
It turned out to be a good thing
that dad tore all those letters.
Otherwise, you wouldn't have gone to Madurai
looking for me.
You wouldn't have gone from there to Chennai,
or become a great stuntmaster in cinema.
Why did you come to Hyderabad?
A film shoot?
I came to see you.
let's go for a walk.
How did you come?
- On my bike.
- By car.
Shall I follow your car?
Let's go by bike.
We could do that!
Why are you standing out there?
Come under the umbrella.
Why are you standing inside?
Come out of the umbrella!
What's a life where you don't
get wet in the rain?
Shall we go?
- Yes!
Since we got drenched in the rain,
when you go home--
You old hag! Are you blind?
- What?
Son, she apologized right?
Is this the way you talk to a woman?
It was your fault, too.
As if she's some hot chick,
and I deliberately bumped into her!
Talk with respect.
Apologize to her and leave.
- Or what?
Son, I'm telling you for your good...
Just apologize and get going.
I won't!
What now?
Do you know a good orthopaedist?
What just happened?!
I gave you a fair warning!
Are you okay?
I can't hear anything!
He'll remain like this for a while,
we'll talk to him later.
You go stand there.
Just go easy on him. Okay?
Call up Satish for backup!
We treat women like Goddesses
in our country.
That's not the way to talk.
Oh, we sent them flying!
What happened?
What is it?
What's happening to you?
My... my medicines!
Please don't end up dying here.
- What?
Need to go to the pharmacy.
Mom, I'm at work.
I'll call you back.
When your parents call,
talk to them!
It's just my mom!
I was careless like you,
and I've ended up losing my dad.
They don't expect much.
Just a few kind words, have you eaten,
did you sleep?
It won't make you any less of a man.
I'm sorry.
- I should have taken better care of him.
He was here with me.
I lost him.
Even though he was a fighter,
he's never laid a finger on me.
He took good care of me.
Even when I was in a foul mood,
he always used to smile at me.
After mom died,
he was a companion to me.
After we got married,
he was our companion.
Then he kept our kids company.
But, we...
we left him all alone in this house.
If I ever find him again,
I'll guard him like a precious treasure.
Come on!
Tell us if you know something.
Even a small clue would help.
I don't know anything.
He hasn't spoken to me.
My kids are refusing to eat
without their grandfather.
The house looks dead.
If you know something,
out with it.
They've filed a police complaint.
If I come to know
that you did know something...
I'll kill you!
I'm telling you I don't know anything.
You just had your medicines
and recovered now.
You already want a cake?
I love cake!
You look fit, alright...
you're also getting old,
Mr. Power Paandi.
Getting old? Me?
- Yes!
No young man can take me on,
Power Paandi.
That's right!
What's with the name?
'Power' Paandi?
All stunt masters in cinema need to have
an attractive prefix to their names.
Otherwise we won't have an identity!
I'm happy you came to see me.
I'm happy I came.
Look at that!
You speak English really well.
My grandchildren taught me.
- Yes, dear.
Where are you, mom?
When are you getting back?
I'll be back in half an hour.
What is Thendral doing?
- She's sleeping.
Get back before she wakes up.
Okay. Bye.
My granddaughter.
My daughter loves me so much,
she named her daughter after me.
I have a grandson too...
My son never thought about
naming him after me.
But he's a good man.
He's very responsible.
But I think he isn't very sentimental!
What's your grandson's name?
- Threw!
- Threw.
- Oh, Dhruv!
What did I just say?
Okay, I'll get going.
Keep in touch.
Hey... that looks like grandpa.
That is grandpa!
He's in Hyderabad?
I've found where grandpa is.
What are you doing?
I was thinking about you.
I messaged you because
I was thinking about you!
What were you thinking about me?
From the start,
to the present.
- I was thinking what next.
What next after this, Paandi?
I'm sure you know.
I don't know.
Do I still have a place
in your heart?
Why didn't you reply?
I asked you a very
important question.
My daughter and granddaughter
are sleeping inside.
Are they doing well?
Go to the terrace.
Just go to the terrace,
I'll be there.
'My heart,
oh it's filled with such colours'
'My eyes,
brimming with happy tears'
'Until I saw you-
Why did you come here now?
I asked you a very important question.
Why didn't you reply?
I shouldn't have given you my address!
Just answer my question.
Paandi, we have our
own families.
We have children...
and grandchildren.
What kind of talk is this?
All of them have their own lives.
We need a life for ourselves, right?
They are our whole life.
But... are we theirs?
Answer me.
Are we their whole life?
This isn't important now.
This is important, too.
In fact,
this is the most important thing.
Paandi, what are you trying to say?
Whatever it is,
ask me straight.
I'm scared...
Then don't ask me.
Do I still...
have a place...
in your heart?
Answer me. Do I?
You fool!
You always were in my heart,
and you will be!
Is that enough?
Stop smiling.
What should I do now?
A future for us...
Turn around.
Come home tomorrow for lunch.
What for?
Meet my daughter,
and my granddaughter.
See what my life is like.
After that,
we'll talk it out.
I should go now.
My granddaughter
might wake up.
Will you ride back safe?
I don't want to talk to you!
Then get going.
Back in Sankarapuram,
I never knew you were such a big-mouth.
Your dad took you away!
Get lost, old man!
Were you in love with him?
I was.
He's confused me now!
And him?
He was in love, too.
Then I think you guys should hook up!
What are you blabbering?
What's wrong in that, mom?
You're single,
he's single too.
You were in love--
- Hey, wait!
It's not like we were in love yesterday.
It was my first love,
several ages ago!
Finding your first love
is the toughest!
You're going to live for
just another ten or twenty years...
You can live out the rest of your life in peace,
happily, with each other.
I wasn't fortunate enough
to make it work with my first love!
That wretch!
But people will talk!
- What people?
People from Chennai, or Hyderabad?
You're some Sridevi,
and he's Kamal Hassan!
The papers are going to write
about your love story, huh? Come on, mom!
I'm in my sixties.
This is absurd!
So what?
If a woman loses her husband
in her twenties...
it is acceptable for her to remarry
or find a companion.
But when she's in her sixties,
it's wrong?
Irrespective of the ages,
companionship is companionship!
You're blushing crimson!
Go to bed now.
They're coming to ask your hand in marriage tomorrow!
- Oh shut it!
Buzz off.
Don't overthink it.
In a week's time,
my husband will take me with him.
Then you'll be on your own.
You don't have to!
Have you ever shown this level of interest
when cooking for me?
You should watch Paandi eating meat.
It's a beautiful sight!
Forgive me, dad.
I've made a mistake.
Please come home, dad.
Live as you please.
I won't say a word.
I'll change myself, dad.
Please, dad.
Please come home.
I'll listen to everything you say.
Without you,
it doesn't feel like home at all.
You were the reason it felt like home.
Please, dad.
Come home with us.
Let's go.
You run away from home,
and upload photos on Facebook?
Well... it was...
I put up that photo.
boy, I'm sorry!
Both of you...
get in the car.
We'll wait in the car.
Where are my toys, mom?
- Look around, it's right there.
Aren't you ashamed?
You ran away from home!
This is the second time
I've done that, for you.
What's with that long face?
I'm right here.
You leave now.
We'll meet later.
Wait up...