Practical Magic (1998)

For more than 200 years...
...we Owens women
have been blamed...
...for everything that has
ever gone wrong in this town.
Is that why people hate us
so much, Aunt Frances?
They don't hate us, sweetheart.
We just make them a little nervous.
Let's face it, Jet. We Owens women
have always created a stir.
It all began with
your ancestor, Maria.
She was a witch.
The first in our family.
And you, my darlings,
are the most recent... a long and distinguished line.
Is that why they wanted to hang her?
Because she was a witch?
The fact that our Aunt Maria was
a bit of a heartbreaker didn't help.
Nor did it help that
most of her lovers...
...had wives on the hanging committee.
But no, I don't think it was
either of those reasons.
They feared her
because she had a gift.
A power that has been passed
on to you children.
She had the gift...
...of magic.
Practical Magic
And it was this very gift...
...that saved her life.
She was banished
to this very island.
With her unborn child
growing inside her belly...
...she waited for her lover
to rescue her.
But he never came.
No one came.
In a moment of despair...
...she cast a spell upon herself:
She would never again...
...feel the agony of love.
But as her bitterness grew...
...the spell turned into a curse.
A curse on any man
who dared love an Owens woman.
Is that why Daddy died?
From the curse?
Yes, my darling.
Your mother knew.
She heard the beetle ticking
for your father's death all day long.
She knew that when you hear
the sound of the deathwatch beetle...
...the man you love
is doomed to die.
But that's how you came
to live with us.
We tucked you into our lives then.
We've raised you
the best way we know how.
In this house, we have
chocolate cake for breakfast.
We never bother with silly things
like bedtimes or brushing our teeth.
But with the sweets...
...comes the sour.
So when you find yourself
the center of attention...
You want to play?
It's not that they hate you.
It's that, well...
We're different.
You witch!
Witch! Witch!
You're a bitch!
The only curse in this family... sitting right there
at the end of the table.
Your Aunt Fanny.
Come on, Jetty,
even you have to admit...
...any man who gets involved
with an Owens woman... bound to end up
Spare me.
What about my poor Ethan?
An accident.
It was fate.
It was an accident.
It was fate.
- Accident!
- Fate!
Mommy died of a broken heart,
didn't she?
Yes, my darling girl, she did.
My little witch...
...Let's go inside
and do some spells.
- What about my homework?
- Pish!
Tosh! You'll both learn things
in this house...'ll never learn in school.
Let's go.
Come on, Gilly!
I'm coming, Sally!
Very good, Sally!
You've been blessed with a gift.
What about me?
We don't worry about you, Gilly-Bean.
Your talents will emerge in time.
Sally, you just stay right there.
Keep working on your spells.
Just keep working on your spells.
Get the bird.
Get the book.
I want him so much,
I can't think about anything else.
I don't sleep.
He has to leave his wife.
He has to leave her now.
Perhaps you might find
one better suited.
I don't want anyone else.
He's all I think about.
Why else would I come here?
Take the money, Jet.
I want him to want me so much
he can't stand it.
Be careful what you wish for.
I hope I never fall in love.
I hope I never fall in love.
I hope I never fall in love.
I hope I never fall in love.
I can't wait to fall in love.
He will hear my call a mile away.
He will whistle my favorite song.
He can ride a pony backwards.
What are you doing?
Summoning up a true love spell...
...called Amas Veritas.
He can flip pancakes in the air.
He'll be marvelously kind.
And his favorite shape...
...will be a star.
And he'll have... green eye...
...and one blue.
Thought you never wanted
to fall in love.
That's the point.
The guy I dreamed of doesn't exist.
And if he doesn't exist,
I'll never die of a broken heart.
And if he doesn't exist...
...I'll never die of a broken heart.
Get the door!
Sal, you have... idea!
Do you love him enough
to marry him?
Come on, Sal, what's enough?
I hate it here.
I want to go where no one's
even heard of us.
I feel like I'll never
see you again.
Of course you will.
We'll grow old together.
It'll be you and me
living in a big house.
These two old biddies
with all these cats.
I bet we even die on the same day.
You swear?
...I need your pocketknife.
My blood.
Your blood.
Our blood.
I love you, Gilly-Bean.
I love you too.
- Good morning.
- Hello, boys.
Charlie, looking good!
God, what was I thinking?
Franny, let it go.
My goodness, Gillian's in Orlando!
She's in Orlando.
I guess that
Roto-Rooter man is history.
- According to that, he is.
- It's insane.
She keeps going through
all these guys.
Hopefully, someday she'll find
a guy who'll go through her.
Hello, darling. How are you?
Oh, Jet, just give it up.
God, I miss her.
Oh, sweetie!
Oh, dear!
Oh, Samson!
Now just knock it off.
All I want is a normal life.
Darling, when will you understand...
...that being normal
is not necessarily a virtue.
It denotes a lack of courage.
It's what I want.
See this couple? He's having an
affair with the babysitter.
And she can eat a pound cake
in under a minute.
What time is it?
Any moment now.
Where are you going, dear?
Most excellent.
Dear Gillian:
Today is our
third anniversary...
...and all I have to show for it
are two beautiful little girls...
...and a husband
I just can't stop kissing.
I don't even mind the beard.
I wish you could see us.
No more stones being thrown,
no taunts cried out.
Everything is just so blissfully...
Life is perfect.
Dear Sal:
I'm lying in the sun.
I'm hanging by the pool.
I've got a million friends.
You might say...
...that life is...
But I don't care
about any of it.
In fact, I only have
two words to say to you:
Jimmy Angelov.
Angelov, Angelov.
Where are you?
Don't do this to me.
Come on! Come on!
- Hey, boys, catch anything today?
- Not much.
See you in a bit.
Jimmy, what's going on?
I hear you.
I hear you.
How's Mary doing?
She's good?
That can't be. No!
What's that?
I know you're in there.
Michael, look out!
Look out behind you!
On your right!
It was the curse, wasn't it?
He died because
I loved him so much!
My poor little girl.
We had no idea...
...when we cast the spell...
What spell?
What are you talking about?
You didn't!
Please tell me...
...that my own flesh and blood-
It was just a little push.
You wanted so much to be happy.
We never expected
that you'd truly love him.
Well, I did.
And I want him back.
You brought him into my life.
You bring him back!
Bring him back!
I've never asked you for anything!
I never asked for spells, but do
this! You can bring him back.
No, dear.
We won't do that.
We don't do that.
You can do this.
I know you can. I remember.
I found it here when Mommy
and Daddy died.
Even if we did bring him back,
it wouldn't be Michael.
It'd be something else.
Something dark...
...and unnatural.
I don't care what he comes back as.
As long as he comes back.
Please do this for me.
This is only temporary.
Don't get too comfortable.
No chocolate for breakfast.
Homework will be done
after dinner.
Teeth and hair brushed
before bed.
And as for you two... children will never do magic.
It's time for us to go to school.
It's the same time
as yesterday...
...and the day before that,
and the day before that.
Out of bed, sleepyhead!
I'm worried about Antonia.
Do you know...
...she puts on her mouse ears,
she drives around town all liquored up.
All right...
...I'll see you around.
Come here, you!
I'm sorry, baby.
I'm just so...
It's okay, Mommy.
I was just thinking about you.
You're always thinking about me.
Honey, I just have to go
to the bathroom.
Let's go together.
Jimmy, come on.
I'm just kidding.
You're in my blood like holy wine
You taste so bitter and so sweet
I could drink a case of you
Still I'd be on my feet
I was really, really happy.
We were going to open
a botanical shop.
He'd get the ingredients,
and I'd make the stuff.
He really loved my
mint-oatmeal shaving cream.
He couldn't stop eating it.
I'm sure all this is really
boring to you...
...but he made me laugh.
What kind of name is Angelov?
He's from somewhere
near Transylvania.
He has this whole...
...Dracula-cowboy thing about him.
He's just so intense.
I mean...
...he talks about our relationship
in terms of centuries.
Sometimes we just stay up all night...
...worshipping each other... bats.
Thank God for Jet's belladonna...
...or I'd never get any sleep.
Why are you taking
that stuff?
I'm not using it. I just give
it to him every now and then.
So you're drugging your boyfriend
to get a little shuteye?
Doesn't that seem
strange to you?
And he's strong.
So much stronger than me.
He can survive the curse.
Do you forgive our mother?
You'll never forgive yourself...
...unless you get up...
...and you get dressed...
...and brush your goddamn teeth,
because your breath stinks...
...and you take care of
those little girls.
Yeah, you're right.
I love you.
I love you too, Gilly-Bean.
Opening Soon
How's your wicked mommy doing?
Witch! Witch! You're a witch!
You'd think after 300 years,
they'd make up a better rhyme.
Your troublemaker
started this.
- I hate you!
- Put the finger down, Kylie.
I hope you get...
She was just kidding.
No, she wasn't, Mom.
She was not kidding.
What's wrong with you?
We do not cast.
We do not toy with people's lives.
This is not a game.
No, you don't cast! You probably
couldn't even if you tried!
She has all this power
and doesn't use it!
I think you really hurt
Mom's feelings.
Kylie thinks any man who
marries us is going to croak.
That's such hogwash.
What about your grandparents,
Jack and Regina?
Grandma Regina died
of a broken heart, didn't she?
How could she do that?
Leave Mom and Aunt Gilly behind
when they were little?
Why won't she talk about it?
Was Mama good at spells as a girl?
Why won't she do spells now?
What's going on here?
Just making toast, is all.
Finish your homework?
A storm's coming.
Go check the windows for me.
Making toast?
I want you to watch
what you say to those girls.
I don't want you filling
their heads with your nonsense.
We'd never tell them nonsense.
Good night, sweetie.
Dearest Gilly:
Sometimes I feel
there's a hole inside of me... emptiness that
at times...
...seems to burn.
I think if you lifted my heart
to your ear, you could hear the ocean.
And the moon tonight,
there's a circle around it.
A sign of trouble
not far behind.
I have this dream of being whole.
Of not going to sleep
each night wanting.
But still, sometimes when the wind
is warm or the crickets sing...
...I dream of a love that even time
will lie down and be still for.
Ijust want someone
to love me.
I want to be seen.
I don't know.
Maybe I've had my happiness.
I don't want to believe it...
...but there is no man, Gilly.
Only that moon.
- It's Gillian.
- I know.
What's wrong?
I'm scared.
Can you come and get me?
Where are you?
I'm taking the first flight out.
Watch the kids.
Just go to Gilly.
The children'll be fine.
We'll take them to
the solstice celebration.
Why can't you two
just stay here?
We can't back out.
We're on the committee.
We're presenting.
I don't want them dancing naked
under the moon.
No, of course not, dear.
Nudity is entirely optional,
as you well remember!
Gilly, I'm here.
Thanks, Sal.
The room service here sucks.
Let's get you out of here.
I'm fine.
He's been really crazy.
We've been driving
for two weeks straight.
Not even straight.
In these zigzags, back and forth.
Damn these shoes!
Then today he says
he wants a jelly doughnut.
And he says to the kid,
"Jelly doughnut, with cream. "
And the kid looked confused.
And I said,
"Jimmy, jelly's not a cream. "
Then the kid laughed and I laughed
and then he punched me.
He punched me real hard.
The bastard!
Blood on the moon.
- I know.
- Blood on the moon.
I know. Get in the car.
Where's my tiger's eye?
It brings me luck.
- Is it in here?
- I left it.
- I need my tiger's eye!
- It's probably in the bag!
Gillian, come on!
Honey, just forget-
You drive.
You want some?
You ever read any books... Louis L'Amour?
Louis L'Amour...
...was a foreigner...
...and he loved all things cowboy.
Just like me, Jimmy-Boy.
Louis would write
stories about rustlers.
...who were really bad guys.
The belladonna is in my bag.
They would try to steal the cattle.
But before they could sell them...
...they would try to take away
the brand of the owner with an acid...
...or by...
Unfortunately, they could
never get rid of it.
So they would be caught
and get hanged.
What are you doing?
Come on.
You can't hide the brand.
It's just you and me.
Watch the road!
Shut up!
Rustlers and branding!
Louis L'Amour! Who is not a foreigner!
He's from North Dakota,
you asshole!
- Watch the road!
- You're freaking me out, Dracula freak!
Give me the bottle
before I plow you into a truck...
...just to get you to shut up!
Calm down!
You know, girls...
...I am feeling very into
sisters right now.
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
He should've passed out by now.
- You didn't give him enough.
- I gave him plenty.
What's he going to do?
Just stay calm.
If I made you feel
Second best
I'm so sorry
I was blind
You were always on my mind
Jimmy, please, baby.
Come on.
- Come on, baby, I love you.
- I'm so sorry, my love.
I want to be with you forever.
Jimmy, please.
He's out.
He's passed out.
Oh, God!
Oh, my God!
How much did you give him?
I wasn't using a measuring cup!
He tried to kill you!
Come on!
Please, God, if you get us out of this,
I'll be good. I'll have babies.
I have babies, Gillian.
I had normal.
I worked really hard
to get that normal.
It's all my fault, Sally.
I didn't mean to ruin your life.
I just had no one else
to turn to.
Get in the car.
Get in the car.
We have to go to the police.
It was self-defense.
The old slowly-poison-him-to-death
Come on, Sally,
they're never going to believe us.
You should stop smoking so much.
I'll probably get life.
I should smoke two at once.
It'll shorten the sentence.
I really don't want
to lose my children.
I know.
I don't want you to either.
What are you thinking?
When Michael died, you asked
the aunts to bring him back.
But they wouldn't.
Wouldn't, but not couldn't.
They were right. He'd come back
as something dark and unnatural.
Jimmy already is dark and unnatural.
I don't care what he comes back as.
No, that is not an option.
That is not a choice.
We don't have a choice!
This is our choice!
...owe me...
...big time.
He's going to be so pissed.
Okay, here we go.
- Watch his balls.
- You watch them!
Spell book.
Okay, Jimmy,
I will get you out of this...
...but when I do,
we are definitely breaking up.
It is over.
What are you doing?
Are you sure... want to do this?
"Lips pursed, emit wind over tongue
in motion, teeth on edge. "
Good enough, good enough.
"Touch bounded smudge of blue sage
with braided wheat straw.
Insert needles
through eyes of corpse. "
- Through the eye?
- In the eye.
No way!
I think we should wait
for the aunts.
It's not like
he's going to stay fresh.
It's now or never.
I need for you to get me something
white to write on top of the star.
This is all I could find.
This is actually brilliant.
This is good.
Now we're supposed to say:
"Black as night...
...erase death from our sight.
White as light.
Mighty Hectate make it right. "
Black as night.
White as light.
White as light.
Mighty Hectate make it right.
White as light.
Black as night.
Erase death from our sight.
White as light.
Mighty Hectate make it right.
I want you to be my wife!
Can you promise me that?
I want you to be my wife!
I want you to be my wife!
You have the worst taste in men.
I know this sounds
really stupid right now...
...but I just...
I just really wanted to say...
...thank you.
Thanks for being my sister.
It's all right.
Let's just put this
all behind us now.
What will we tell the aunts?
They're here.
What if they don't like me?
You won't believe it!
We danced naked under the full moon!
It was so fun!
- We did!
- So cool!
Oh, my God!
Aunt Gilly's home!
You guys are so big!
I can't believe this!
Hi, Aunt Frances.
My darling little girl.
Oh, dear!
A little mugwort
will fix that right up.
...why don't you and I
just go to the greenhouse?
I'm so happy to see you, sweetie.
Don't you worry, dear.
Whoever he was,
he'll get what he deserves.
I think a brownie for breakfast
would fix you right up.
A brownie?
You're still doing that?
You've been away too long.
Some things never change.
Too long you have been away.
Where are they?
I love this stuff.
It's great!
You've done a great job.
If you're going to work here,
maybe you could, I don't know...
I am. I'm testing
the merchandise.
You know where you can reach me.
I'll be back, if anyone cares.
Did I do something wrong?
Phone tree day.
Phone tree day.
Parents' hotline.
If there's an emergency... a snow day, they decide
who's the most responsible-
You mean the most popular.
- responsible mother
to sound the alarm.
Each mom calls the next.
It's a big deal to get chosen.
Sally never gets picked.
Everybody knows she's a-
Quiet! Quiet, quiet!
Third name from the top
of the phone tree is...
...Dori Kancher.
- Sorry to interrupt.
- Can I help you?
My sister.
Just wanted to see my sister.
Is that a snake tattoo?
Yeah. There's one
on her boob too.
That's right.
I'm back.
Hang onto your husbands, girls.
All that's missing now is
me naked without my homework.
Second from the top of the phone tree
will be Abigail Little.
Is this for real?
She screwed Coach Halfacre.
- Don't do that.
- It wasn't me.
- I certainly didn't do it.
- It was you.
Finally, I'm so pleased
to report this.
The top of the phone tree list is...
One moment.
It's Sally Owens.
Go, Sal!
Now that was me.
Eye of newt...
...toe of frog...
...wool of bat, tongue of dog...
Adder's fork and blindworm's sting.
Barbados lime is just the thing.
Cragged salt like a sailor's stubble!
Flip the switch...
...and let the cauldron bubble.
How convivial!
Midnight margaritas!
Come on!
No, this is serious.
All right.
I see a man...
I see a man in
your future and he is...
He is gorgeous.
He is big.
But you're scared to death...
...and you wind up
like a frigid old hag...
...with your two frigid
old hag aunts.
I don't know where that came from.
That was weird.
She's never been interested
in her gifts.
- She just made that all up.
- Don't lie.
Gillian has her own magic.
And we all know what it is.
Oh, please!
Since when is being a slut
a crime in this family?
What would you know about it?
When we put that spell on you
for Michael...
...we had to bind it with molasses...
...just to get your legs to open up.
That's so wrong.
You self-centered shrew!
Goody two-shoes!
Quite as often as I should have
Could have said and done
I just never found the time
You were always...
...on my mind
Where did this bottle come from?
Where did this bottle come from?
Someone left it on the porch
What's going on here?
What's going on with you?
What's going on in this house?
Something's going on.
I can smell it.
It's a very distinct smell.
It's the smell of bullshit.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Broom fell.
Company's coming.
We had a problem.
We handled it.
We deserve an explanation.
Come on, Jet, let's go.
It's just not possible.
Don't even think it.
Then tell me how that got here.
How did this bottle get here?
It's not possible.
Leaving like this
is a harsh lesson.
A lesson they must learn
on their own.
What about the little ones?
Not to worry, Jetty.
A good piece of Maria's hanging rope
will protect them.
You must promise us
you won't take them off.
- Not until we come home.
- We'll only be gone a short while.
Do you hear us?
- Love you.
- Love you too.
Make her stop.
I'll pay whatever it takes.
Honey, can I see that a second?
What's that thing
around your neck?
- The aunts gave it to us.
- They said it'd protect us.
Kylie, please get that mint from
the garden before your bus comes.
Where is the aspirin?
- Please do as I say.
- Not while he's out there.
Not while who's out where?
The man under the roses.
I don't see him.
Are you looking at him now?
He's right there.
By the roses.
They grew overnight.
Oh, shit!
Okay, sweetie, we'll get rid of it.
You better call the aunts now.
They left.
What do you mean?
When did they leave?
They said to give you a message:
"Clean up your own mess. "
Oh, God!
You stop this, Jimmy!
You stop it!
He's making them grow.
He's trying to get to us
by making them grow!
You leave us alone!
Stop it, Gillian!
Stop it!
Stop it!
His boots!
Oh, my God!
Is he rising?
Or is the ground sinking?
What is he doing to us?
He's trying to get-
Go inside.
Take care of the kids.
It's early for roses, isn't it?
Can I help you with something?
I sure hope so.
Name's Gary Hallet.
Special investigator,
prosecutor's office in Tucson.
You sure are a long way
from home, Officer.
Yes, ma'am.
I was kind of hoping to talk
to your sister, Gillian.
If she's around.
She might have some information
on a case I'm working on.
All right, I'll get her.
How did you know
that I was her sister?
Lucky guess, I guess.
Why don't you come inside?
A cop looking for Jimmy
wants to talk to you.
And I think I'm having
a heart attack.
Just calm down.
Calm down.
What is the question? The question is:
"How much can he know?"
He seems to know a lot because
he's come all the way from Arizona.
And I know this sounds
really strange...
...but I don't think
I can lie to him.
Of course you can lie to him.
Breathe, breathe.
Here's the story, right?
Here's the story.
I left him...
...because he hit me.
And we haven't seen him since.
It's as simple as that.
You just let me handle the rest.
- Okay, good.
- All right?
Left him because he hit you
and haven't seen him- What?
Is he cute?
Yeah. He's nice.
In a very...
...penal code sort of way.
I left him because she hit him...
Just herbs.
From the garden.
So what brings you to the island?
You read my letter?
Yes, ma'am, I did.
It was a very personal letter.
Yes, ma'am, it was.
I'm sorry.
- You seem familiar.
- Hello, there.
Morning, Miss-
Good morning, Miss Owens.
Good morning...
Mr. Hallet.
I'm not going to
beat around the bush.
I need to find your boyfriend,
James Angelov.
I don't know where he is.
I wouldn't exactly call him
my boyfriend.
He's more like a big mistake.
Is that his handiwork there?
If a man hits me,
he only does it once.
Can I take a peek at your...?
Now, I can tell...
...that you've never touched a woman
in anger all your life.
May I have my hand back, please?
You're telling me
you have no idea where he is?
I told you.
He hit me
and I haven't seen him since.
When was that?
Three days ago.
Right, Sal? Three days.
Excuse me.
Whose car is that
in the driveway?
The one with
the Arizona plates?
That's my car.
That's your car.
Plate number 2-2-9 M-O-B?
That's James L. Angelov's car.
Come on now.
We stole it, and it's a crime.
I know this,
but he basically kidnapped her.
He kidnapped you?
He didn't really kidnap her.
He sort of, like...
...a little nap.
No, there was a car and she-
What happened was, that she-
You should know,
she has the worst taste in men.
Well, you do.
So I picked her up and I drove her
right back here.
And we would be... happy to give him back his car,
because it is a crime-
As you say... just don't know where he is... give him back that car.
So basically,
nobody knows where he is.
I'm sorry, what?
You don't have any idea
where he is?
Would you mind if I just
took a look around?
What is wrong with you?
I don't know!
This young lady's name
was Phoebe Stone.
Two years ago,
she was found strangled...
...Iying on the side of the highway.
Her body had been marked...
...with a kind of brand...
...burned right into the face.
Any help you ladies can give me... locating this
ex-friend of yours...
...would sure be appreciated.
She's all yours.
Go arrest her!
Their niece owns a shop where
they cook up a special placenta.
And that's why the aunts don't age.
I tell you, they just don't age.
- She's selling placentas?
- A placenta bar.
On Halloween, they all
jump off the roof and fly!
When they get mad at you,
they hex you.
I wouldn't be surprised if he
turned up in a ditch somewhere.
Sara, that is not true.
- She's not saying they murdered him.
- Yes, I am.
Just that maybe they shook
his hand and then he died.
It's very mysterious.
If any man dared take on
an Owens woman...
...he'd live briefly in
the euphoria of her love...
...until meeting an untimely death.
The curse.
Witch? Yeah.
Evil? No.
You get your psychos now and then,
animal slaughter...
...ritual human disembowelment,
but that's really pretty rare.
See, it's a pagan label.
It's Sally.
She's definitely not
into that stuff.
She's not?
Miss Owens...
...I have a bone to pick with you.
What can I do for you, Dwight?
I could've gone
to a qualified doctor... attend to this
scalp condition of mine.
Now, the more I use,
the less it works.
The product doesn't work.
That's because it doesn't
go on your head.
If I don't put it on my head...
...where the hell else would it go?
Try to remember.
My mistake.
There you go.
Strange town.
Never spent this much
on shampoo before... my life.
Am I under some kind of surveillance?
Should you be?
If you want to know
something, ask me.
I already did.
And there appears to be something
missing from your story.
I want to talk to you more,
but I got to finish some homework.
How's about I come by your house
tomorrow morning?
That's a date.
Jimmy, is that you?
Go away.
Go away.
To banish unwanted persons,
it says you need blessing seeds.
All right. Good.
- What about nigellus seeds?
- It's the same thing.
Wow, is it?
Good. You're good at this.
Why can't we tell Mommy
we're sending the policeman away?
Your mommy likes to pretend
she doesn't do magic.
And we must banish this man
for your mommy's own good.
Blessing seeds. Right.
What else do we need?
I told you to listen out the door
for Mr. Hallet.
Blessing seeds...
Oh, yeah, milk thistle.
I can't find anything here.
Was this Mommy's?
Yeah. Where did you get that?
"He can flip pancakes in the air.
He'll have one green eye, one blue.
Hear my call a mile away. "
Was it about Daddy?
But Daddy had brown eyes.
You know...
...the truth is, this wasn't
about your daddy.
This was when your mommy
was little...
...and she was trying to invent
a guy who didn't exist... protect herself.
It's crazy.
She loved your daddy.
She loved him very, very much.
I can't wait to fall in love.
Kylie, listen to me.
Do you ever put your arms out
and spin really fast?
- She does it all the time.
- She does?
That's what love is like.
It makes your heart race.
It turns the world upside-down.
But if you're not careful...
...if you don't keep your eyes
on something still... can lose your balance.
You can't see what's happening
to the people around you.
You can't see that you're
about to fall.
Don't be sad, Aunt Gillian.
I won't let you fall down.
He's here! He's here!
Make sure you tell him
about breakfast. Go!
You came for breakfast.
We're having pancakes.
I just came to talk to your mom.
She's having pancakes too.
Do you have a gun?
Can I see it?
He's here for breakfast.
I have a question or two.
- He's going to stay!
- Oh, good! Good work.
Now go back out there
and keep them away from here.
A sedative. People put it in
their tea to relax, calm their nerves.
Some people also use it as a poison.
Which people?
Witch people.
I guess you found me out, huh?
I did.
You should come here on Halloween.
You'd really see something.
We all jump off the roof and fly.
We kill our husbands too.
Or is that outside
your jurisdiction?
Do you have any idea how strange
this all sounds to me?
I got people telling me you're
here cooking up placenta bars...'re into devil worship-
No, there's no devil in the craft.
So what kind of...
...craft do you do?
Do I do?
I manufacture bath oils.
And soaps and hand lotions...
...and shampoo.
And the aunts...
...they like to meddle
in people's love lives.
Magic isn't just...
...spells and potions.
Your badge?
It's just a star.
Just another symbol.
Your talisman.
It can't stop criminals
in their tracks...
...can it?
It has power because
you believe it does.
Wish you could believe in me.
Miss Owens...
...are you hiding James Angelov?
Not in this house.
Did you or your sister
kill James Angelov?
Oh, yeah.
Couple of times.
Antonia, could you make
more of a mess?
- Mom, I'm cooking.
- I can see that.
Hey, there.
Did you ever see a saguaro cactus?
Step aside, you.
You're about to.
One stack of flapjacks...
...goodbye, Mr. Hallet.
He knows how to flip pancakes.
I assume you don't want pancakes.
No, we want them!
We want them!
Be careful. They tend to use
those as Frisbees.
Can you ride a pony backwards?
Backwards, forwards, sideways,
you name it.
Okay, first troll.
A star!
- This is not yours.
- That's all right.
Second troll.
And if you're anything like my girls...
here. It'll keep you clean.
Isn't this cozy?
Hi, Gary.
I can call you Gary, can't I?
Why not?
You must try my syrup.
Here's the syrup.
No! No!
Okay, yes!
Let's go.
I guess they didn't want
to eat that.
I guess not.
I've been looking for this.
This is his party trick.
It's your ring, is it?
Could I have it?
What do you think
you're playing at?
What do you mean?
You better get yourselves
a damn good lawyer.
And don't even think
about leaving town.
What was in that syrup?
We just stick to our stories.
No body, no crime.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm feeling like shit.
I'm not sleeping.
I. Me. Mine.
That's all you can think about.
It's all about you.
- I don't want to fight.
- Don't walk away from me.
I'm sick and tired
of cleaning up your messes.
Yeah, you're right.
You're always right.
I'm just a mess.
Just one big mess!
At least I've lived my life.
You hate me for it because
it scares the hell out of you.
Gillian, I don't hate you.
You spend all your energy
trying to fit in, be normal!
But you'll never fit in.
Because we're different!
And so are your girls.
You leave them out of this.
All my life, I've wished
I had half your talent.
You're wasting yourself!
I want you out of here.
I want you gone.
Okay, fine.
I'm gone.
What? What are you doing?
Where are you going?
I'm doing the right thing.
You're not telling him
what happened!
Funny. The moment he walked in,
that's all I want to do.
Will you get on your knees
and beg for mercy?
You want me to be true to myself?
Then watch this.
It's the goddamn Twilight Zone.
- It was Jimmy's ring.
- Oh, really.
I know you knew that,
but I needed to tell you.
I was serious back there.
Get yourself a lawyer
before you talk to me.
I don't want a lawyer.
All right.
Come on in.
Excuse the mess.
Wasn't expecting company.
Have yourself a seat.
Let's see what I'll need here.
You don't need to look
at that stuff.
How many times
did you read my letter?
A few.
I have to study all the evidence.
Okay, you want to sit down?
This is the testimony of Sally Owens.
March 8th, 1998.
You going to sit down?
Where is James Angelov?
I think he's in the spirit world.
- You think he's dead.
- No, I think he's haunting us.
What evidence did you get
from reading my letter?
Did you or your sister...
...kill James Angelov?
Gillian didn't kill anybody.
Gillian didn't.
Gillian didn't, but you did?
Did you?
Sally, did you?
What if I told you I did?
What would you do?
Would you send me to jail
for life all because...
...the world was short a man
like Jimmy Angelov?
It's not for you or me to decide
how he should be punished.
He has to be held accountable.
Well, he has been punished.
He has?
You should get a lawyer's advice
before we go any further.
Now listen.
I know you're in
some kind of trouble.
All right?
If you will trust me...
...tell me what you know...
...I promise you...
...I will do everything I can
to keep you from harm's way.
I can't, I can't, I can't.
I can't either, I'm sorry.
One green eye, one blue.
I can't, I can't.
I've got to go.
I was born with it.
I need you.
What's going on?
I didn't do anything.
Go downstairs. It's okay.
Officer Hallet.
Just looking at you
makes me homesick.
What's wrong?
Cat got your tongue?
Someday...'ll explain this all to me.
What was that, Sally?
That was him, wasn't it?
Is he gone, or what?
You killed his spirit,
but I took his life.
I'll tell you all you need to know.
How I did it, where I buried him.
I'll tell you what I did it with.
I'll tell you how I-
Hold on just a goddamn second,
all right?
One step at a time.
I took an oath to uphold the law.
I came here
to bring in the bad guy.
Generally, that's what I do.
You asked me how many times
I read your letter.
I must've read it about
It was your letter that
brought me here. It was you.
And I'm all mixed-up about that.
The reason you're here
and you don't know why... because I sent for you.
When I was a little girl...
...I worked a spell... I would never fall in love.
I asked for qualities in a man
that I knew couldn't possibly exist.
One green eye, one...
But you do.
You're saying
what I'm feeling is just... of your spells?
Yeah. It's not real.
If you stay, I wouldn't know
if it was because of the spell...
...and you wouldn't know if it was
because I didn't want to go to prison.
You know, all relationships
have problems.
I'm right, aren't I?
You don't know, do you?
Why don't you do what you do...
...and I do what I do...
...and we'll see where we end up.
Curses only have power
when you believe in them.
And I don't.
You know what?
I wished for you too.
I'm feeling very
into sisters right now.
Come on.
Oh, dear.
It seems we've not arrived
in the nick of time.
I see our instincts are getting
a little rusty.
He's squatting inside her
like a toad.
This is what comes from dabbling.
You can't practice witchcraft
while you look down your nose at it.
I know.
I know.
Just tell me what to do
and I'll do it.
- We must banish him.
- Force his spirit back to the grave.
- We need a full coven.
- Nine women.
Twelve's better.
Do you have any friends?
It's Sally.
I'm activating the phone tree.
You know the stuff everyone
whispers about me...
...the hexes, the spells?
Well, here's the thing.
I'm a witch!
I got the best news.
Sally just came out.
What a fabulous affirmation.
Her sister just got out of
a bad relationship...
...and now the guy
won't leave her alone.
Oh, can you bring a broom?
- I see headlights.
- Mom, they're here!
Come on! They're here!
It's in the kitchen!
In the side door!
Come in!
It's so good of you to come.
No, now's not the time to be shy.
Come on in.
Grab yourselves a spoon.
You can stir right over there.
You get right over here and grab
that spoon and dig right in.
Doesn't that look great?
And the fumes are great for the pores.
Not to mention sealing his nasty
spirit back into the grave.
Once, I was across town,
my daughter had a nightmare.
I swear, I could hear her crying.
There's a little witch in all of us.
Everything's almost ready, Aunt Jet.
I didn't expect you here.
Ever since I was a little girl,
I've wanted to see inside your house.
Thank you for coming.
Is this okay?
It's all I had.
Ladies, let's begin.
All right, ladies, pick a broom.
Form a circle.
Holy shit!
I've been strung out
by a guy before, but this...
Each of you
pick up your brooms.
Hold them at staff length...
...handle to brush.
Remember that as we go forth... is only with our hearts
beating as one...
...that we can save the life
of this child.
Are we supposed to say this?
Stop it. Stop it!
We're killing her!
Fight this, you bitch!
Oh, God! Oh, God!
Gilly! Gilly, honey!
It's okay. I love you.
Stay with me.
Please, just let him take me.
No, you have to hold on.
Gill, you have to stay with me.
Gilly. No, stay with me.
Gilly, stay with me.
He wants...
Just me.
Everyone will be safe.
Just let him...
...take me.
Don't die on me, Gilly Owens, please.
Because we're supposed
to die together, remember?
The same time.
You promised me that.
And this is not that day.
I love you, Sally.
Okay, wait.
I've got it.
Get them back in the circle.
Hey, Jimmy, I got a worm
with your name on it.
You thirsty?
Is this what you want?
Well, this... can't have.
My blood.
Your blood.
Our blood!
Maria's blood. Now!
Push her in.
I love you, Gillian.
We did it!
Heads up, ladies.
Ashes to ashes...
...dust to dust.
I wonder if that would work
on my ex-husband?
Come on, ladies...
...Let's clean house!
Get him out of here!
Come along, ladies.
Through the kitchen!
Follow me!
Well done!
Sweep him to the roses.
There's something for you.
From Arizona.
"Dear Miss Owens:
Any further investigations...
Office hereby concluded
James Angelov's cause of death was...
Jewelry in ashes of structure
provided positive identification.
Sincerely, Gary Hallet...
...Special Investigator. "
I don't think he's in there.
What would you do?
What wouldn't I do...
...for the right guy?
Can love travel back in time
and heal a broken heart?
Was it our joined hands that
finally lifted Maria's curse?
I'd like to think so.
There are some things
I know for certain:
Always throw spilled salt
over your left shoulder.
Keep rosemary by your garden gate.
Plant lavender for luck.
And fall in love whenever you can.