Pranayam (2011)

Can you read the lowerline?
Till where can you read?
And now?.
ls it betternow orearlier?
Deardoctor, do not change fast,
Please give time to decide
Earlierone please
See now
No great difference
Showme yourearlierspecs
lt's broken
Try ifyou can read this
Husbands, as Christ loved church
Love yourwives,
similarly husbands need
to love theirwives like theirown body
That's enough... goodflow,
this will suffice forreading
l knowit by heart, when we used to
Quarrel, she would make me read
it a hundredtimes
That's interesting, how come
she sent you alone?
Both eyes are dilated,
it's tough without support
That's alright
Get someone with you next time,
both eyes need cataract surgery,
Will do a detailed examination
Please call someone to take
you if it's difficult
How could you go all
by yourself Papa?
Blame will be on me if something happens.
What was the hurryforeye test?
Yeah, you don't sleep without watching TV
Who's that Aswathi?
l too have two ofthem.
From dawn they are in front ofTV,
never leaving a serial;
missing two meals is no problem!
Can't you take a rickshaw, you may fall.
Stay at the reception
l will ask daughterto pick you.
lsn't it in Ahalya?
Onlytwo months back he had
an attack, brought from native place
won't listen to anyone.
lt's the same everywhere.
Looking afterkids is easier;
at least we can beat them!
Don't laugh at falling leaves my dear!
No worries, kept my Provident Fund
for old age home,
l won't be bullied by kids.
-That's clever ofyou!
Who's it? Thief... Who's it?
Grand pa, it's me Megha
Megha you scared me
See howyou sleep
Any thiefmight snatch your bag!
Are you playing Police andthief?.
Just did it forfun on seeing this board.
Let's go in this car, steps be careful
Whywaste money dear? Let's catch an auto
No wasting. Get in, come.
Watch yourhead
Hello Uncle
Grand pa, this is Arun, myfriend.
People might've mistaken me as thief
and beaten...
he can't see clearly.
lt's dilated..You'll have irritation.
Can't you see us at all?
lt's like seeing through water...
some forms, not clear.
But not totally blind,
See when they'll give the specs.
So difficult to look at sunlight.
lt's pearcing my eye.
Wearthis, you'll feel better.
-No, it's fiine.
Take it Uncle
Though it's not clear,
can keep eyes open.
With a cap he'll look like
JackNicholson, isn't it Megha?
He is a brilliant actorfrom Hollywood.
He was a twisterat his age,
weren't you Grand pa?
These are yourdiscoveries!
Then even boys ofwell to do families
had just a bicycle.
lf a boy and girl looked into the eye,
lot of meanings were derived.
Are you asleep already?
l feel goodwhen eyes are shut.
Not coming in Arun?
No, have a match in the evening
l forgot to tell. He is a known footballer
He was the captain of ourschool team.
Really? Very good,
in which position do you play?
Right forward.
There's district team match
in the evening, please pray.
Then, why are you roaming like this?
On the day ofmatch a player should get,
two hours practice, least six hours rest,
then to the fiield.
Because of me you lost time.
Ok, all the best.
Oh, l forgot about this.
lt's fine.
lt'll take two orthree days to get specs
Till then it will be useful.
l have spare.
Where will l wearthis to?
lt will be a comfort in irritation.
Anyway do you think ours is
just an acquaintance?
We'll be seeing soon.
l needto see you after l get the specs.
Why? is it to knowifhe is smart? Ok.
Thanks.All the best. Bye
Like the waythings are..
But piercing girls is not a good habit,
you see!
Going around without telling
anything to anyone isn't good,
it's not a rural set up.
lfhe gets hit by some vehicle,
you can simply sit there
telling see this andthat.
Can't trust and employ even a home nurse
He isn't a kid.
Don't botherunnecessarily.
l am not goingto say anything;
it's a problem always when
daughter-in-law says.
Let me listen to the gossip ofin-law
Staying alone must've changed him,
he is aged, please don't mind.
ljust toldwhat l needto
Hello is it on speaker?
Hi daddy, how are things? Dinnerover?
No dear, it's onlyfiive, getting
out of office Howis it there?
No. Mom's cursing and goingto kitchen now
Then you come and make
Your mom's mood tells its noodles today
lf l get, l'd kill the one who invented it.
Daddy and daughterplease make chappathis.
Today it's tough;
don't start with each other.
Where is Dad?
l'm listening
Grand pa is in style, wearing sun glasses
Yes dear
Where did you get sun glasses from?
That l..
Please don't..don't tell him.
People at the hospital gave.
Light in the eye feels a needle piercing
Anyway you did the best thing.
Not telling anyone you went around.
lfyou wanted specs you
could have toldAswathi.
With work and travel she wouldn't get time.
Without seeing and reading anything,
how could l spend 24 hours in this room?
Cable connection will be cut till
Megha finishes her exams.
ls that really needed?
lt's fun to watch TV and skip studies.
Put the TVoff.
Mom's lying Dad. l am not watching TV.
Please tum the speakeroff.
Hello Dad..
Yes, l'm listening
She is not keeping anything at heart
The reason forherunrest is not all these,
when you are family, husband and wife..
needto stay underone roof. Nowyou there,
and she here are making some money.
You need to talk and quarrel
with each other
That's where life begins, you know?.
Look who is talking, easy to say.
Why didn't you feel that when
you got upset with mother?.
Hello, Dad didn't you hearme?
Dad, where have you gone?
ln those young days our minds were
not mature to know such facts
Hello..Are you feeling bad?
Then why did you put the phone down?
l know, you must've gone backto the past
Dad, are alright?
No.. l.. was thinking of going back home
The house and premises might've got untidy alone in a room
All ofus have to be like that, at such age
we needto take care ofhealth
At home, ifyou are in need,
who will take you to hospital?
Did you forget the attack?
Don't you have to live afterthe attack?
whywould one live thinking of such things?
Backhome, it's a pleasure to live
thinking all ofyou are doing well!
ls that so?
As you doubt there are no big problems-
in ourlife.
When she says l can only listen.
She also is sacrificing a lot.
So don't worry about us.
We are perfectly okay.
Please don't put it down.
Hello, dear
l will call you backfrom home
Onlywhen speakingto me you are busy.
Howlong you talk?
Watch the phone bill.
You are not bothered of anything.
You are not bothered of anything.
You are not bothered ofme
having a tough time.
Practice will keep you away forlong
Why Grace, isn't practice needed?
Next month is state selection.
l have heard so much before wedding.
East Bengal and Mohan Began
persuading you to play-
howmany offers.
Haven't you understood?
Didn't l tell that-
We'd get married aftersettling with a job?
So, l am the one who forced you to marry?
You men are like this
So different before and aftermarriage.
Come on aren't we still in love?
No, l don't want to hearyou
- Don't feel bad.
lt's myfate. Left my kith and kin
to be with you, l must get this.
Go whereveryou want.
Hey, stop.
How could you get the vehicle on ground?
You are here, no? l learned driving here.
Got a bit serious with glasses?
He was in a hurryto see you with specs.
True that l wantedto see, but-
my grand daughterwas in hurry!
Don't bluff
No l am sayingthe truth, leave my ear!
Don't come up with old romantic dialogues
l got you here when l couldn't spare time.
Where are you offto?
l have to attend tutions.
You can go, l'll drop him.
Carry on, let me see them play, a while.
Here, thanks.
-You are welcome.
He's an old state player,
you may please cleardoubts if any!
Don't start playingwith them,
motheris going to blast me.
So long since l caught a ball like this.
When didyou play in state team?
No, l couldn't play though l was selected;
it was my greatest ambition
to play in state team.
My son was born that time.
No one to help, leaving my pregnant wife..
alone to go to coaching was not possible.
Fate, what else?
What happened uncle?
Get hold.
What happened Uncle?
Get some water.
Don't worry, l am playing after40 years.
Shall we take you to hospital?
- No, no
Let not Megha knowthis.
Are you alright?
- l am perfectly alright.
Great, the specs is intact.
You are panting heavily.
Only because l played afterlong.
And have a number of ailments.
Go and play, l am alright.
Kid, are you coming?
Grandma come.
Which floor?
- 8 B
What is yourname?
- Ria
Sir, this is Saji sir's kid,
this is his mother.
Not mother, mother-in-law.
Hello, Menon.
- Hello
come fast.
-What is it Madam?
Seems he has fallen unconscious in the lift.
Which floor is it?
Come fast.
He has had an attack earlier.
Achu...what's it?
what has happened?
Call someone... has to be taken
to hospital fast.. go.
Yes, Madam.
MAdam, Madam, lsn't there anyone?
What happened?
Don't know...he fell unconscious.
Take him to hospital fast.
Anyway let's inform the flat
l neverthought he would make it to
hospital, nowit's up to almighty,
lfhe has more time, we'll see.
We are at hospital;
he has been taken to lCU.
Who are the relatives ofthe
patient just brought in?
Give name and details, someone must
get admission card from casualty
He is staying at 10Ain ourflat,
we don't know anything more.
He came a month back,
his children will be here,
he's a Menon.
l didn't askhis caste,
the medicines are costly we
need some deposit.
To open a fiile,
without knowing his identity...
Will take card now,
please don't delaytreatment
Achutha Menon, age 65, no 67..
please take admission card in flat's
address, deposit the rest.
Sorry Ma'am most of the people disappear
afterthe patient is admitted.
Name please.
-Achutha Menon
House name?
-Age sixty seven.
l will send you a telegram on reaching.
Shift a little please
- sorry did l disturb? l'm wet.
Yes, l sawyou in the rain
without any caution like a child.
l love gettingwet in rain.
Drenched, you make us wet too.
Sorry.. l didn't think ofthat.
lsn't he a little crazy?
Are you standing here?
lt's fine. Come and sit there.
l like feeling the breeze when l am wet;
My Shirt will get dry also.
You may like that,
but you'll catch fevertomorrow
l like that too.
What? The fever?.
With fever, cuddling blanket in the bed,
l like that very much.
Sure, you are crazy.
Didn't you speak about
the same in mind earlier?
How didyou get that?
That l know, shall l tell what
you are thinking now?
You also like being in bed with
fevercuddled in the blanket.
Who wears anklets oftinkling raindrops?
ls it the chill of flowers that showers love?
Cuddling the lovely beak to share warmth,
Whom is my beloved bird searching?
Come close mybeauty...
Which wind carries the
sensuous flower smell?
Did you caress my tresses?
Are you the shepherdess of
Jerusalem valley?
Orthe trail deerin slumber
on handsome chest?
Come this way
Come my darling
The soft touch of a breeze
oryou with me...
Who wears anklets oftinkling raindrops?
is it the chill offlowers
that showers love?
Skies, come down at the bosom of earth-
as a tune that calls the rains
Are you the petit flowerthat flows-
in young sun rays kissed by butterflies?
Come this way
Come my darling
Nowthis flowerbed today
is the garden of Eden...
Who wears anklets oftinkling raindrops?
is it the chill offlowers that showers love?
Cuddling the lovelybeck to share warmth,
When is mybeloved bird searching?
Come close mybeauty...
l didn't think you were dozing,
myfather-in-lawis admitted.
Watchman saidyou were veryhelpful.
What's yourname dear?
l heard there were new occupants in 8B,
couldn't come to meet.
Wen l reach from office
it would alreadybe seven oreight.
Howis Achutha Menon now?.
- Nothing can be said
Can we see him once
- He is critical
lfyou insist one person very close
to him could go in
You wait here
l told, one person
lt's my Grand pa, l was not there
when he was admitted, please
Why are you late?
Howis that guy?
ln lCU, slightly critical.
ls he aged?
- Sixty seven.
Sittingforlong; would like to lie down
Looking at the sea,
doesn't feel like reading.
With each newwave sea looks different.
Why are you dull?
Let me take a bath
Who's it?
- ls Auntyhere?
Why didn't you put on the light?
l am Megha from 10A
Had attack, admitted in hospital?
My grandfather
lsn't there anotheraunty, aged?
My mother, howis grandpa now?
Nothing can be said for24 hours
Megha from upstairs has come
What's it child?
When we come out of lCU,
we were lookingforyou
... how's he? Conscious?
Doctors didn't say anything
They are trying. lt's the second attack
Aunty here is the money you deposited.
Thanks a lot.
Have you come in such a hurry to give this?
No, we have given phone number
to the dutynurse,
no point of staying there at night.
ln case any emergency they'll call.
Right Aunty, Bye
Where is yourdaddy?
ln Sharjah.
l don't thinkhe can come.
Two months back during
fiirst attack he came.
Then he was in native place.
That reminds me, motherwas asking
howyou knew ourhouse name.
Hi, why are you talking in here Mama?
My daughter's husband.
l have seen you flashing on scooter.
What are you doing?
- in twelfth
Ok, then you'rat the right age
Motheris alone there, l am going
Here take this
lsn't it to be taken afterfood?
You gave all these
So did l take mymedicines?
Why are you so doubtful?
Who knows?
Shall this be off?.
Grace, what's happening?
Didn't followroutine,
no prayer, no good night... kiss
Come on, whateverit maybe,
say it out...
The attackwas forAchu
Who's that?
Achutha Menon?
He fell unconscious seeing me
in the lift, in my lap
Afterabout forty years,
seeing must be a shock
Want water?
l am alright
lfyou were to meet in future...
everthought howwould it be?
Neverthought we'd see...
my prayerhas been that.
didn't have a clue it'll be like this...
That's fate, with divorce,
legally nowhe's nobody to you...
set that straight fiirst
Relationship ofblood is lower
to that of action;
if a son negates mother,
what will that relation be?
Shall we sleep?
Easyto say, l know...
.. when we tryto forget
it gets deeperinside
Didn't pray...
King ofJews Nazarite Jesus,
save us from immediate death,
accidents, disease, fear,
deeds of devil, evil thought...
Before we start livingtogether
take an oath on bible,
Darling in the first night itself are
you converting me?
Unto each their own faith and religion,
already forgotten ourconditions?
No,just formy belief
Keep yourhand upon mine
Husbands yourwives...
yes, come on
Husbands, yourwives
Are to be loved like yourown body
Are to be loved like yourown body
One who loves his wife loves himself
One who loves his wife loves himself
Let me askyou,
eloping and getting married
without the consent offriends
and relatives,
doesn't bible have any problem with it?
Keep the hand
Thus man would leave his fatherand mother
to be one with his wife
Thus man would leave his fatherand mother
to be one with his wife
Two ofthem will become a single entity-
This consent is important.
Two ofthem will become a single entity.
This consent is important.
l am liking this!
Leave his father and mother
to be one with his wife!
This light is unnecessaryforthat!
Leave... lt's suffocating me
Howis it to be one with..
Wat's the use of getting
so worked up there?
Still the day is just on...
They'd have called in case of any emergency
Couldn't you have called?
Listen, l'll give you the number.
Do it yourselfthen you'll believe
Fine, give the number
Megha, see who's at the door
Good momingAunty, come in please
l went fora walk
Came to see ifyou have news from hospital
There was no special call
from hospital at night,
Let me ask mom, please come in
Sit down please
No, fine. You will be in hurry,
went forwalk,
just thought ifyou got any news
Couldn't ask at hospital.
Suresh has been keeping the phone engaged,
he is upset there.
Will Suresh come?
Looks like.
See, he is very close to his father,
too attached.
Not even two months since he went.
Please have a seat, l'll get tea.
No ljust had
Please do, this is yourfirst visit
No dearplease
l was telling Megha to askyou,
how didyou get ourdetails?
The house name Chalappuram,
is not remembered even by me
What's it, aunty?
l don't have the right to say,
Suresh is my son
He said his mother died
when he was very small
He can only say that
When he was two and halfyears old
l died in his mind.
Daddy.. l'll give to mother
Hello, l talked to the duty
nurse in lCU, at day break
he became conscious and asked
about all ofus.
Condition is better.
You talk to the cardiologist,
are you there? ls it off?.
Aswathi is it clear?.
-Yes listening
l'd booked the eveningflight,
thank God nownot coming in hurry.
Call afteryou reach nearfather.
Right theyhave brought us up
like the apple of eye,
and when they need us
we can't be there.
Sad, that's why l'm in a mind
to leave Gulf and go back
Don't at least when it comes
to hospital bills
this eaming helps us avoid begging.
That is not the only thing,
we miss all from life.
Then, you said they are divorced
Wen she saidthis much, she became
very upset
The love in old days is veryinteresting
Boys usedto smoke to show off.
Making rings with smoke was theirstyle.
Girls usedto queue up forthe boy
who did most numberof rings!
Didn't grandpa saythat looking into
the eye itselfwas love? Blunders!
Heyhow's that a blunder?.
Wen one looks into youreye isn't it
like a needle piercing into mind?
Wat rubbish!
After marriage this love bursts
like a bubble
Look, the one who's sitting...Aunty
Aunty? Call herGrandma
Wy should l provoke?
So smart, she came this early...
This is love, you said the bubble bursts,
but howeverit keeps forming..
That's true love!
Didn't you go to school?
Yes on myway, mothercan only
come in the evening.
HiAunty, meArun, Megha's friend
Hello, l..l also came now.
They'll allowvisitors now.
Sasidhara panicker,Yohannan,
Achutha menon
Only one person can go in
Who is Grace?
He asked about Grace
Afterregaining consciousness
he asks about her,
this is the depth of that
feeling called love!
This isn't it.Afterabout forty years
to see his wife.
What is the base ofthis
anxiety and curiosity? Love!
Love,That's the feeling
l said, it?
Won't yo forgive?
What's this madam?
We allowvisitors forthe patients
to get relaxation.
lfyou crythe others will also
have higher BP!
Do you feel something?
Though l didn't feel,
l knowthe feeling.
Awave movement, inside
Moving waves, how do you feel?
You became romantic in no time!
As ifthat old lover has regained life!
Do you think that would become real?
l was joking.
lf such thinking happens in this situation,
it's quite natural.
l am open enough to knowthat.
Don't you feel so?
Am l getting more conscious about Achu,
is that the feel?
When the question is asked,
the feeling is understood!
The person who knewyourbody and mind
before me is the one in lCU.
Howeverwe try,
that truth can't be forgotten.
Happening before forty years orso,
anyone would become emotional,
forget it.
Past means a bucket of ashes.
l don't pocess such emotions,
Also no guilt about the decisions
taken in the past.
The thought that
he is alone makes me a bit...
This thought is enough to
hurt the mind and pain
ln literature it is said,
through a casually opened door..
..enters Love!
Do you fearthat would happen?
l should be afraid only if
there's a love greaterthan mine!
Fortwo days l am feeling,
you love me more than before.
and since you sawhim you seem
caring for me more and more.
For Love all are selfiish...
me too!
Won't you wake up again
with this song?
Haven't you heard the nightingale's tune?
wearing roses, isn't the night ready?
With this song that springs
from my heart,
won't you wake up again?
The Sun held bythe ocean has burned down.
Beloved, who is the Sun burning
in yourchest?
The waves are tuming red,
has re bloomed on yourcheeks too?
Love is an unusual sweet ecstasy!
With this flowing song,
won't you wake up again?
Athousand golden peacocks
will dance in the sea,
The Sun will dance along
in thousand flames,
Birds shall praise the union of daylight
with night!
Love is an unusual sweet ecstasy!
With this flowing song,
won't you wake up again?
Haven't you heard
the nightingale's tune?
Wearing roses, isn't the night ready?
who was believed to be dead
has started staying in ourapartment
with another husband and daughter.
You are meeting heronly now?.
She came here recently.
Daughterand family were
there earlier.
Though they are brotherand sister
they didn't know each other.
They got divorce when Suresh
was oftwo and a half-years.
He is very disturbed after
he heard motheris here.
Looks like he may catch
the next flight.
Though they are divorced
they have stayedtogether
as husband and wife for
three orfouryears.
When someone is visiting a diseased
person how could l say no?
Mother should not see father,
that's his stand. 'Wat to do?'
What's the reason fordivorce?
ln Ludhiana she went to studynursing
and got married in love.
lntercaste marriage.
ln the past intercast marriage was
a bigthing
She became a motherat nineteen.
The depth oflove might have
subsided afterthat.
Though against it in the beginning,
seeing theirpoverty
mother's father
supported fiinancially.
lt was actually a trap.
They triedto convert the child
into their religion.
Your's husband?
Tried to baptise him,
there they partedways.
Since long, all love
marriages are like that.
They end up in tragedy.
Feel bad looking
at this grey beard.
Oh, that's the problem.
No hairto be grey
on this head, so is that fine?
School going kids have greyhair,
and you talk about seventy!
Don't count seventy so easily,
let's celebrate
seventy aftertwo orthree years.
See if l don't put dye,
l am also grey.
Hey, are you afraid of
the old age?
Afraid? Wy?
Nobody will feel getting old,
..neitherme noryou.
How old do you think
are you now?.
About ten yearyoungerthan
your exact age, isn't it so?
Do you knowwhy?
Because the mind is not old.
But when you become ill and
depend on someone like this, feel you are
old and ailing!
Be silent,will you
forsome time?
Ortomorrow's news will say
a haggard old man
who wantedto become smart died
of cutting the airpipe!!
Don't need blade to kill
Old man is yourfather, myfoot!
Yes, it's you!
Who taught you to shave?
Why didyou stop there?
Come in
Son, do you knowwho this is?
Then who is it?
Keep quiet, will you?
Let it be, we'll do it later
Our Son...
Son, she is yourmother...
Meet again like this...
Dad don't get emotional.
you don't have strength foranotherattack.
Grace, Sit please
He will be alright with you soon
By talking don't
increase dad's BP
l needto talk.
But l'll talk to you later.
BP increasing while talking
is his discovery.
ln fact while talking people
become relaxed.
Anyway who would have thought
we will talk like this
in this lifetime? lsn't it so?
He might've fallen out with mother,
he onlyhas size.
lnside, he is a small child.
He still has childish temper,
anger and stubbomness.
Without mother,
l pampered him a bit more.
That could be a problem.
Uncle, who askedyou to be up?
Complete bed rest
is prescribed.
Sorry Madam, please come out.
We've strict orderfrom
doctornot to have visitors.
Forfive minutes,
she's very close to me
Sorry, there we've got
a complaint, please
lt's fine , l will go
Good Morning
- Good Moming
Fit enough to walkwithout help?
Am not alone.
There is mybody guard
Good MorningAunty
- Good Moming
Aunty? Call Grandma
She is not that old to be
called Grandma,
Not like you, see not a single
greyhair, it's not dye no?
Still she is smart.
Please look afterourboyhere,
l'll make a round and be back grandma.
So you knowto call Grandma.Yeah?
Whateverwe tell them to call,
don't they need to
feel the relation?
l felt like seeing and was coming
to the flat in the moming.
She is the one who told
about this moming walk.
We sawtwice orthrice,
but we just talked.
Overthese forty years
when l didn't see you at all,
l have neverfelt
this urge to see you once.
God must have extended life forthis.
Achu has changed a lot, beyond recognition
That's life. While living in
different places
who takes care of such things?
Weren't you angry at me?
Forthis situation ofyours
Not anger, in the beginning it was
a kind of determination.
My affection was so high you see.
l roamed around in
north lndia with son.
Did different jobs.
At last after getting settled
l realised l also hadfaults.
What use is it to say and
remember such things?
Majorpart oflife is
overin vain.
l was at peace thinking you might be living
happilywith anothermarriage.
Anothermarriage has not been
in mind till this moment.
How can that be?
l think ofyou at least twice a day.
Please don't say that. l have a family.
That l can understand.
l see you like that only.
When son started going to school,
he kept asking formother
crying adamantly.
Howeverhigh a fatherloves,
l realised it is not enough forhim.
We were ready to come back to Kerala,
by then you were married.
Do not avoid me
at least from yourmind.
ls this girl alright?
ln ill health, taking fatherfor jogging
l too was thinking, for school l have
to call hera hundred times.
She's that lazy.
Then why an unusualjogging today!
Some daily exercise is good.
Can't you also walk in the morning?
l get time to waterthese plants rarely
andyou are asking to walk!
Why the newspaperis always late?
Buddythe bundle has to come, no?
Now see the point, Gracy aunty
goes forwalking
Oh, my mother-in-law
goes down to walk, didn't get it?
They sneaked out to see yourmother
Father, what are you up to?
Haven't l been restricted
to hospital and rooms?
ln the moming, it's fresh airoutside.
Then did you get it? The fresh air!
Aren't you ashamed?
l am not saying much
as the girl is here.
Don't you have things to study?
When exams are near, is this time
formoming walk and jogging?
Or, is this the age
to roam with your grandpa?
Hanging around without
a thought of studies
Did you see that one?
'That one'? You meant yourmother?
She has divorced only father,
'that one' still has relation
and right on son.
Let's see howthat one
comes with such claims!
l will make her hearthings!
Hush, we have people close by
Please don't listen to
these things, proceed foroffice,
and l would like a black coffee.
You had a coffee in the morning,
now anotherwith breakfast
would be enough,
caffeine is badforheart.
Dad, why now, such an intimacy
and affection not seen before?
Do you need?
Don't you make it a joke, l'm serious.
As ifyou have forgotten what has happened
what do you mean?
what do you mean?
Don't see that women again.
l am adamant, not forthe sake
of it, since l started knowing,
l have gone through so much.
We have stayed on with this will.
l don't need anyrelation
forgetting the past. You too.
What a bother!
We could have stitched long robes
like those worn by Arabs and priests.
lt would look like women in night dress.
Though with slight difficulty
here comes a smart fellow!
Ourwedding is ourtrouble,
why let others know about it?
Mama, Megha from upstairs foryou.
Where are you offto?
That Menon Upstairhas been discharged
from hospital and no one has visited
Wen you are not well,
can't you stay at home?
Staying at home may cause more trouble,
going this way maylet this
vehicle move a bit ahead!
What's the matter?
lt's Suresh.
He wants to talkto me in private.
Asks if l could go to terrace.
Didn't you saywe were comingthere?
No problem, let's go later.
Talk to him. that's more important.
Why are you tensed? Cool, cool.
Howmuch everchildren grow
formothers they are kids
Don't lose peace ofmind getting
involved in such things.
He could have come here to see you;
anyway l'm his half sisterand
l too have the curiosityto meet him.
lfherattitude is this,
he would have hundred percent
more ofthat to say!
Be a good listener, forgive,
that's only you can do.
Whose son?
Are you shameful to sayit's yourson?
Don't saylike that son
Called to say such a relationship
and litle is not needed.
Had a time when l needed mother,
but why in future?
Because ofyou l have shifted
so many schools,
so manynights devoid of sleep
in tears till next day,
myinferiority, inhibitions, complex..
all because ofyou.
To share my emotion, l have wife,
daughter andfriends,
no need of a mothernow.
Dead is what everyone knows ofyou.
Let it be forever.
Didfathertell that motherdesertedyou?
Whatever l say, knowyou will not believe,
with a correction both ofus won't
retrieve all that is lost.
lf l saymore l would onlyhurt
that ailing man.
l too have the same to say.
Myfatheris a fairsoul.
Forabout forty years he's lost
everything and stayed alone.
Nowifyou are starting a newbond
forgettingthe past
l won't let that farce happen.
l won't let it happen.
Don't see my fatheragain.
Protect us O God
ln the presence of God let me askyou,
.. did motherleave us in true sense?
we'll pray and come
Where are you off to mother?
lt's late already, come fast
Why are you asking this now?.
Don't you believe me
.. or someone has told you so?
No one has told.
Seeing yourinteraction with her
l felt you have forgotten the past.
Trying to get close to her.
lt's because ofyouraffection,
there's nothing called
Right and Wrong till eternity.
Some wrongs are Right aftera while.
lfwe are unable to forget andforgive,
what's life all about?
Have you thought what would you
have done ifyou were me?
Hey, aren't you having anything?
Not feeling hungry
why that so? Need to take tablets.
Do have something at least, come on
she is full with what herson has given!
That's why she's not hungry.
Didn't l tell you not to go? Now accept it
lfyou keep thinking, get high BP
and fall sick there
won't be any newrelatives
to look afteryou.
Ria come fordinner..
Mathews whyis she talking like this?
You blame me fortalking,
aren't you shamelessly going behind them?
Asha, stop it, enough.
Daddybecause you stay inside you
don't have to hearanything.
Both ofyou tricked us.
Before wedding you should have
at least told me that
she is Mama's child from second marriage.
At least you should have told me
How can l tell you?
l came to know onlythe other day.
That's what l am surprised.
About this relation,
Mama could have at least told
that l have a brother.
l'd told not to say anythingto anyone.
lfyou want to build relationship
with brotheryou can still do it.
Best. What are you saying?
lf my family comes to know about it,
we won't be allowed to enterthe house.
True. My sister-in-law are waiting
to get some spark
Silence. Can't you change the subject?
Whyis such negative attitude to all?
Why don't you see it as
a positive development?
lt's not as ifyou are teaching
philosophyto students in college.
lt's a question of dignity
-What do you mean by dignity?
Dignity is not
sticking on to old social norms.
lt's a fragrance that exudes from
a pure and noble soul!
l don't know. l onlywant to say one thing
No one else should know about
this relation here after.
Mama don't you create any such opportunity
Please don't keep broodingto be worried.
Leave some to be forgotten.
l am the most cursedwoman
in his mind.
The depth of cruelty l did
to him is clearonly now.
lt is not exactly that.
Both father and motherare at fault.
Due to the fallout and separation no one
bothers about the wounds on tinyminds.
Children have more love
formothers than fathers.
Not just as women say that
they have given birth in pain,
when an infant grows up a comradeship
develops through laughter,
play and quarrel between them.
Here that friendship is with father.
See, in my own body l am aware of
only one leg getting wet.
Ourrealisations are limited.
Life is within limitations.
Faults are quite natural.
Life should be an extension of happiness.
Life must be a continuation ofhappy events
Don't think ahead.
Leave fatherat his place.
Forhelp, nowmale nurses are available.
With extra payment
they'll make food as well.
Won't it be difficult to go forcheckups?
Why? Aren't people falling ill
and goingto hospitals there?
ls this like that?
Fine, people are curious to know
stories ofpast.
Old age is naughty.
lf both ofthem decide to play
silly games, remember,
you have a girl to be married off.
Grace, Good morning,
why didyou go?
Good morning
Why did you turn back?
ls it because you sawme?
No, it's going to rain
Wen naive people tell lies,
it shows on the faces
Did son see you?
What did he say?
Please don't see ortalk to father.
For him motheris a
dirty woman who deserted herchild.
He is not in need ofmotheranymore.
lt is a wrong done, due to my selfishness.
Wen advocate told the right for
looking afterchild
will be given to mother,
l took him and went away
before the verdict, to defeat you.
Later l came to knowit was a trick played consensus between my advocate and
yourfatherto get child out ofyourway.
Wanted to write explaining all this to you
Somehowit didn't happen.
He had grown singularly into my life.
l keep thinking of opening up to him.
There is a fear.
On learning everything he mayhate me.
What l have done to Grace is
unpardonable by anymother.
l will tell everything.
Let him feel at least some
affection to you.
...gainingthe love which Achu is
goingto lose is not fiine with me
What's it? Nobody's up here?
Usually Dad has the paper, where is he?
Pulmade tragedy, see this
When you open it's full of
group deaths and suicide.
l hate this stuff
Mustn't be awake
What a sleep, father,
it's past seven O'clock,get up
Got good sleep only in the morning
Where are you goingthis early?
Thought l would go fortwo days,
tidy up the premises and house.
Myleave will be oversoon.
Getting calls from Sharjah.
As you said it would be better
that you are back at your place.
Would get a male nurse to serve
routine food and medicines.
Megha's board exams are here..
.. soAswathis's attention
would be shifted to her,
also you would feel betterwhile
walking through the premises.
Why don't you say something?
You have already spoken and decided it.
Good evening, Menon
Good evening
Right side is not friendly with me
forthe last six years, with a stroke.
Oh, l am sorry
lt's alright. We were planning to
visit you a couple oftimes.
How are you now?. Better?
About heart attack it is said at the
most you'd be given three chances.
l have one more remaining.
That's just to scare people.
You see, death is not instant.
Everymoment we are dying.
The hand shake we did became memory.
The short span between two consecutive
breaths contains death and life.
Don't worry Achu.
He is still in the hangover oflectures
done in the college among students!
Listen Menon, This Grace is
scared to hearsuch things.
She is afraid of dying.
Hey, No, ljust have one wish.
l should die after Mathews.
That's what l pray for.
lf l go ahead, Mathewwill be
alone in troubles.
What else am l afraid of?.
l live in this body now.
Do you spend time here often?
Hey, l don't go out andwalk alone.
Could say, children don't allow.
TV and Radio will always
have some match orthe other.
That's right.
Aplayerwould like to stay
among applauses True.
The one who had a goal,
intoxicated in victory would love
to be among such applauses.
The loseris alone even in the crowd.
You said it right Menon, afterlast
world cup the walk Maradona did,
..bowing down,
it was really touching.
He was alone in that huge stadium.
lsn't it?
Aye, l am not worried
about being alone;
ifthat's the case l couldn't
have lived till now.
To be happy orsad l don't
need special reasons.
When clouds formingto rain
it's a kind of suffocation
But to see and getting wet
in rain is joyful forme.
We too are like that.
Earlierwhen we usedto see
rain we would be out on the bike.
ln slow speedwith heavynoise
we would go around on the bike.
lsn't it Grace?
On vacations
no difference between forest and
countrywe'd be offwith the bike.
Now l read. Listen to music,
mostly Leonard Cohen.
Then mymindwouldtravel a lot.
Physicaljourney is only a dream now.
Then l'll show Mathew sir
a very interesting place!
Would wheel chairreach there?
Sure, l was there the otherdaytoo.
He is like this Mathews.. Like children.
When we reach,
there will be something silly!
Menon, Grace says you are still childish.
Why should it change, ourpeople feel
afterretirement there is just death.
Then theykeep indoors without moving much
Didn't say what is there to see
Be slow, ifyou hearwhat is
to be seen, what's the thrill?
Be slow..slow
Let us knowifthere's real reason
fortaking so much trouble
You are still lazy, she is like
this earliertoo;
she would be interested but not ready
to take any trouble!
Be careful
come on
Oh, when did this happen?
Really l was up here the otherday.
The construction has come out.
Achu where are you going, have you
forgotten about the attack?
l knewthis before
Sorry, really sorry,
l climbed here even last day.
Sorry, God promise,
not lying Grace, l did climb
l liked Menon's attitude.
You have a mind not fittingthis body,
you know?.
This is a different experience from top
This itselfis an experience
as we can't climb,
You could brief us about the sight
You could come, not the wheel chair.
Grace come and see.
Grace we have come so far, go up and see.
No, l am not seeing it alone,
what's the thrill?
Achu, come down
Why are you like this Grace?
She is always the same.
She rejects things that l can't have.
Shrinks herworld in to my limitations.
What she said is right.
The thrill is to see it together.
l didn't think about it.
My parole is till my son is backfrom home
So before l go l will make sure
that you see it
even ifyou have to be lifted
byhead load workers.
Don't be adamant, it's too difficult.
That's the thrill ofit!
As you say to live till the last
breath, doesn't that need some thrill?
Of course, l agree.
l am feeling Menon's thrill very much!
Before seeing and talkingto Menon
l was confused to handle the situation.
Reallyit's a great pleasure to meet you.
l can't help telling Sir!
l am kind offeeling jealous.
You are lucky.
Athousand golden peacocks
will dance in the sea,
The Sun will dance
along in thousand flames,
Birds shall praise the union
of daylight with night!
Love is a unusual sweet ecstasy!
ln this nest of chill,
won't we reach again?
Haven't you heard the nightingale's tune?
Wearing roses, isn't the night ready?
Wearing roses, isn't the night ready?
Shift that side please
Look, one fellowhas come along
Let him be there, he is sitting
forsome time, quite comfortably
Really it is so beautiful
like a painting...
See it's gone
Menon get some new excitement fortomorrow
Don't forget to leave him before you go
ln addition increase the number
and decrease the other bythe same amount,
where did you take Daddy to? He's not well
Down stairs..just for some time
See, theyhaven't known anything.
By keeping quiet, things would be worse.
lt's because you are not telling strongly.
Haven't l told? Howmanytimes?
Such things in the old age.. You write
ls there hot waterin the flask?
lt's common talkin flat,
about Mama's newrelation.
Haven't you ended it once?
Then why this new development?
We don't have any such
relationship as you think
Then why do you have to see
and speak every morning
...and eveningto make people gossip?
Oh, is regularly seeing and speaking
to someone a problem?
Then talking to the vegetable vendor
and laundryman
..Natarajan would be a problem for people.
Don't mind such things. l am not alone.
Daddyis always with me.
As daddy is not fiit, people say
you are keeping both men.
What didyou say?
Say it, what did you say?
l haven't said,
some neighbours have told Saji that
you are like Panchali, with two men.
Aren't you ashamed to tell me?
Wo told you?
Who told l am like Panchali? Tell me.
How couldyou believe somebody
who badmouths yourmother?
ls this the man you were talking?
Orthat weak man aftertwo attacks?
Can't you see anything otherthan sex in
a relationship between man andwoman?
Wat are you saying?
She said that l am Panchali.
ls she saying things to be spoken
to a mother?
How could you teach children
with this mind set?
How can l teach in college
if students get this news?
We need to walk in front of others,
that's why l told.
Orwe will shift to another apartment.
Afterthat you could do what you want.
Was planning to tell you forsome days.
We are not saying anything now
All decisions are yours.
Until theyhave health andyouth
they would only be thinkingthis way.
To understand a relation that
we want, mind should be single.
Like being alone in the islet.
Don't get hurt with theirwords.
Actually shouldn't l be
suspecting and accusing you?
lsn't it good enough that
l understandthis mind?
Because ofme you are thrown out.
Nothing ofthat sort.
lt's a reason to quarrel with
daddy and mummy.
They might want to stay separate
and independent, they are young.
With each day added, theywill have
more trouble with aged people.
Old age is a burden forall, Mathews sir.
Body gettingtired and weak and diseased
is common to all ages, isn't it?
When taking care of
parents becomes a duty, it's burden.
Everyone lives fortheirown likes.
We too are the same.
Who belongs to each of us
is decided by ourselves.
Didyou see, that went farther
than the first?
You knowthe reason forthat?
Grace, you tell
ls it because it was thrown
with more power?.
The second one was calculated and
aimed to reach farther
We all are having oursecondturn in life.
Need not depend on anyone.
Let the mind be tireless.
Can travel any distance.
Not biddingfarewell.
Suresh may come tomorrow.
So we may not see each other.
When l go home your problems would
get solvedto some extent.
Take, trythis once
Try one more
Very good!
Hello, when did you come?
lt's sometime now. ls no one here?
Where are fatherand Megha?
ljust dropped Megha and going to office.
Dad is there, may be dozing
l have been ringing the bell for a while.
God, is he ill orsomething?
Just inquire at the
flat downstairs.. he maybe chatting
There is no one. Come with the keyfast.
Father... God, where would he be?
lsn't there a mobile with him?
He has kept it off.
Could he go to some relatives?
There are no relatives nearby
Dad's bag and dresses are missing
Could he have gone back home?
Still would he go without informing?
Apleasure of escape,
in Menon's language, 'thrill', Good!
This is not eloping, isn't this joumey
onto little bits offreedom in life?
We experienced the thrill of
eloping long back,
...isn't it Grace?
Oh, my chest throbs even today.
Yet for sillythings you fell
out with each other, really so sad.
Listen Menon, the beginning Grace
did not like me at all.
l still remember afterwedding it
tookvery long to talk.
Later l got to know..
..herfatherpressurised forthis
marriage bythreatening to suicide.
Like Kannadasan's verse, God has
written one person foranother.
Yesterday God has written
about the events oftoday.
See, it's true.
-Yeah, dear
l am driving, how's Son?
His nose is leaking heavily
Give steam, is there medicine?
-Yeah, giving it to him
- Father
Yes son, don't go out play
and catch cold,
dad will call you at night.
Sir, what to say,
this fellowwon't wear chappals.
We have slush andwater
all aroundthe house.
And nowadays it's more frightening
to get feverthan Cancer.
- Son, l'm driving
When are you coming?
- l will call you
Let me call Suresh,
he will be troubled now
Call from a booth.
lfyou switch on the mobile
there would be lot of calls.
The comfort ofjoumeywill be gone.
That's true. Please stop
when you see a booth.
Hello, son
Yourmother, l and Mathew sir
are in a joumey
You could have told and gone
l knowyou won't agree,
mymindwon't allow
to start without your consent
There is no place left to search here
lt's not to hurt you orwithout love.
You see me only as yourfather.
Though l can't get backwhat's lost,
l consider it a fortune even
to see closerand talk.
Only when you see it from a
different angle you would understand.
Where are you now, Dad?
Please rememberyou are not fit to travel.
Myhealth is alright.
Don't worry about that.
l have kept the keyin the flowerpot
nearthe door.
l will call you later.
Yourface says there is not much trouble
Depends howwe make them understand.
We'd been adamant about
children obeying parents.
Similarly nowwhen they are big
they will be feeling strongly..
about the parents abiding bytheirwords
They are not punishing us
just as we didto make them learn!
Exactly, want to be out?
No, that'll be a taskforyou!
Did you get through?
She is furious, says all
residents came to know
and she is ashamed.
Public eye is set on other
people's privacy.
Forget it.
Have we started offto be
out of mood like this?
Driversir, put a song please
Stop, stop didyou think
we are on a prayertrip?
No sir, people ofthis age..
What's wrong with this age?
lsn't it Menon sir?.
Put a cracking fast numberbuddy!
Oh, that's done!
Menon, shall we flash a small?
Why not? lf Mathew sirhas a wish, done!
NoAchu, it's fiive to six years
since he stopped.
With medicines and all...
Leave the medicines fortoday;
will there be anotherjoumey like this?
Let's enjoy. There are no majorevents.
As Menon said aren't we living
nowforsmall wonders in life?
Which drinkyou prefer Menon?
Nothing particular, yourchoice
Let's go for Martini
lts okay
Let's have two Martini
do you like to have James bond?
Oh no, not forme, Orange Juice please
l neverexpected to reach such
an ambience even in dream!
Menon, thanks a ton!
l am your man!
Sing Mathew sir!
O Young girl who waits on the road where
sweet birds come singing..
O Golden dream that flowers when a cloud of
heart's tune dissolves
in to showers of chill
ln the pure moonlit path, remembering
whom you wait with a pleasant heart?
O limitless abundant newworld,
are you ends faraway?
O time, this newlife as sweet as
a poem is just a stage ofbad dreams
lt's a charming occasion, sunny dreams,
came flying to wake us up
O Young girl who waits on the road
No birth no deaths,
good times throughout
this lifetime oflove!
Life like the gang offlies
always wanting honey
are the great moments on earth!
Let's wish well and part ways,
Adieu O shore ofnight!
O Young girl who waits on the road
where sweet birds come singing..
O Golden dream
that flowers when a cloud of
heart's tune dissolves
in to showers of chill
ln the pure moonlit path, remembering
whom you wait with a pleasant heart?
Life is beautiful than dreams,
ifyou knowhowto live
lfwe haven't seen you,
these moments would have been
absent in ourlives
Yes, you are the man!
No Sir, l'm yourman!
Grace.. Grace
What happened?
Mathews what's wrong?
What's it? Achu call someone
Mathews... Driver come fast
Oh God...
Call someone please
O God..! l can't believe this
Catch the leg.. take to the vehicle..
Lift... careful
lt's a transient ischemic attack.
We have started medicines.
As it's the second stroke
only after24 hours..
...we will knowhowbodyis
responding to medicines.
Only time will tell if
he will recoverfrom this stage.
Forthe time being it's critical.
Grace, don't cry. Nothing will happen.
He will recover.
Defiinitelyhe will recover.
Nowis the needforfaith
and prayer, isn't it?
Don't you have to inform daughter?
Achu lie down forsome time.
You need to followup the medicines.
That's alright.
l remember old incidents
when l see this Bible.
That temper and will,
there's nothing now Grace.
Shall l tell you what you
were remembering now?.
No, l didn't rememberanything.
Achu is always in that
old memoryisn't it so?
There is nothing newthan the old
to rememberin mylife!
Sister, how's Mathews?
He is better now. Moving his head a bit.
He is dozing now. Medicines are sedative
Can she see? She is the wife.
l know. That has to be askedto the doctor
There is no use forsitting like here.
l'll inform the room in case of anynews.
Nothing to be worried.
Go and rest fora while.
Didn't you hearthere is
nothingto be upset about?
Can't you rest now?.
You go and rest.
Since yesterday you are sitting like this.
l want to lie down a bit.
But if l leave you here,
won't get any sleep.
Then what's the use?
lf l keep awake,
gaseous problem would start.
Get up, l'll come.
ls the phone in ourroom ringing?
Patient has regained
consciousness, asked forwife.
Ok, thank you.
Mathews sir has askedforGrace.
Thank God. l was frightened.
Were you frightened?
Don't you know, death nevervisits
those who wait forit?
Where's Menon?
God bless you
Where's Menon? Where's Menon?
Call him, call him.
Sister can you please call
the person standing outside.
More than one person is not allowed.
How do you feel?
Like being awake aftera dream
Mathew sir,
..this is the third turn afterthe second!
No worries forsome time now.
Even otherwise, who's afraid,
ifwe feel life is complete
..then death God's blessing.
it's a fortune.
Why are you saying
unnecessary things now?.
Don't talk much.
Sister is he allowed talking?
Doctor said he could
tell as much as wants.
All systems are normal.
Or he would have
spoken disjointed...
l don't have any problem.
Abit jumbled in speech
That's the effect of these medicines.
Even though a joke she usedto say,
if l go, she would come with me.
That was always pricking me inside.
Nowif l go there is someone to travel
along with her, that's myrelief.
Why are you saying this now?.
Certain things have to be said
at certain times.
Wanted to say since l met Menon.
l am saying it from mymind.
Got readyforthis trip because ofthat.
Until last breath, aren't we
experiencing life?
ln Menon's words, the thrill
unloading everything,
like flying birds,
not causing even a scratch to the sky...
...that's the essence oflife.
don't cry, don't cry,
please just don't cry
thinking of death,
that is the stupid thing.
Like a journey, migration,
death is just that.
Grace did you inform daughter?
Good, orshe'll say it's
the result of ourmischief.
Menon l'll be out in two days.
Plan the third turn...
Why don't you smile,
l didn't tell in the
midst oftension here...
l talked to son in the morning.
Opened up everything,
that motheris not the culprit.
After knowing everything, he was
ready to come here canceling the trip.
ln this situation l told him not to.
He wants to talkto mother...
shall l call?
He's going back in tonight's flight,
mayhave reached airport
Son... it's me, Dad
Where are you?
ln airport, did check in
One second, l'll give to mother
Where are you son?
Security check is over
going to board. Because
you didn't call till nowthought,
you won't call at all.
l want to run to you and
cry at yourfeet.
Please forgive me Mom
Telling unnecessary things,
l hurt you so much.
Like forgiving a child.
Why don't you say something?
You have not done any wrong.
Fatherand motherhave wronged you.
Only nowwe could understandthat.
Because he loved me so much
he took me awayfrom you.
l want to see you.
But here l checked the luggage in,
so nowmaynot be able to come out.
Truly l want to stay with
both ofyou at least one day.
Are you listening mother?
You only have
sounds and no words?
May be you are person offewwords,
sorry l am unaware of howyou are.
Till nowyou were a wickedwoman forme.
Ashe-monster! Sorry
Thank God, l could hearyou laugh!
That's enough.
l have request to you.
All these years, l thought
fatherlived onlyforme.
But now l realise his mind
was waiting foryou.
l expect you have
understood that.
He wasted a whole life; he should
live at least fora short while.
Excuse me sir,
are you traveling by Dubai flight?
Sir, this is the final call, please sir
Yeah, l'll come. Mother,
time is up forthe flight.
l'll reach there and call this number.
Take care, could you give to father?
Dad, l am so happy.
l know son
l'm boarding.
Take care
Reach and call
Weights are kind of unloaded.
He went with half a mind.
He wants to stay with us
at least for a day.
That's mywish too.
All three ofus together, at least one day
What's it, Grace... oh, My God
Sister, please come fast to the room.
All of a sudden became unconscious...
Which room?
ls it a bystander?.
Sister, call the doctorfast.
Grace, Grace, Oh my God,
sister, fast... Goodness..
how can this be...
lnform the lCU and get a stretcherfast
Call the doctor please.. Oh God
Given CPR
Sorry, she is no more.
May be it is a cardiac arrest.
Want to see?
Lifeless body..
l don't want to see.
The smiling face ofmy Grace
is in my chest.
Love goes on...