Pravarakyudu (2009)

Aunty! Would you please sit over here?
I shall sit over there!
I would liketo sit at window!
Sorry, aunty!
I would also like to sit at window!
You devil! It's better to request
any uncleinstead of asking you.
Excuse me, uncle!
O my goodness! You are so handsome!
Sorry for calling you uncle!
It's okay, aunty!
What do you want?
Shall we exchange
our seats please?
Not likethat...
I would like to sit at window!
I would also like to sit at window!
- Dammit!
Don't laugh!
Hey! Have I lost my charm?
Am I looking ugly?
Why do you doubt so?
Boys would be booked for your
romantic look, right?
But... what is the use?
I couldn't impress that uncle, could I?
Hey! Don't call him uncle...
He is big boy! Big handsomeboy!
What? Have you got sudden crush
towards uncle?- Shut up!
AMSTERDAM (Capital Of The Netherlands)
Great journey!
O God! We have to pass 3 hours time!
One cappuccino please!
- Sure! Hot, madam?
Warm!- What?
- just warm!- Okay! Okay!
I see only you in this world who drinks
coffee with mildwarm!
Not only me...
There shall be many people like me.
What would you do if you came across
some onewho was like you?
I would propose! That's it...
- If it was a girl?
No matter if it was a girl or a boy...
I would propose!
Bloody bitch!
Gender doesn't matter
to live along...
Hi! -Hello sir!
- One cappuccino please!
Sure! Hot sir? Warm!
- Warm?- Yeah! Just warm!
Okay! I will serve it...
- Thank you!
Hey! See there... He is my man!
Eckhart Tolly's Power of now!
Is this what you are
looking for, madam?
Hey! No more...
No doubt! Heis my man!
Excuse me!
You belong to Cancer sign of
zodaic, don't you?- What?
That is... you were born
between June and July!- Yes!
You would wet the bed during
childhood stage, right?
You werea bedwetter!
Am I right? Am I right? -Yes! Yes!
O my God! You are my man!
You are just my man!
Weboth aresame!
The taste of our both is same!
Window seat! Cappuccino
Power of now!
We both are same!
I am just you...
I love you! I want to marry you!
One minute!
Show me your tongue!
You are okay! Meditate for 5 minutes.
You will be alright! Okay?
No jokes! I am serious!
I like you! I want to marry you!
Window seat! Cappuccino!
Power of now!
One taste!
Two different mindsets!
You drink coffee and relax...
I look into my personal accounts!
You read this book and
enjoy thephilosophy!
I read and throw it into trash!
You might wet bed because of fear...
But I would wet bed
because of laziness!
So... You are different!
I am different!
Not one! Okay?
- Look! Don't lecture me...
Say, yes or no!
- No!
Why 'No'?
Do you take easy as a girl
first proposed?
No! No! It's not like that...
You are too easy to get!
I want a tough girl...
Do you want tough girl?
- Yes!
Do you want tough girl?
HYDERABAD (Capital Of Andhra Pradesh)
Excuse me! -Okay, sir!
Tell me, Ravi!
Hey! It's been 2 hours since
Americaflight landed!
Won't you come out?
It's been 2 hours sincel came.
I am at University Botanical
garden right now!
Hey! In order to receive you,
I woke up at 5 O'clock at dawn...
Having roused my wife and child up...
Having madethem get ready...
Having booked a cab from there...
Having reached Kiran's house...
Having roused him up and made him
and his wife get ready...
Having booked another cab...
Having reached your houseand
made your parents get ready...
As we have come to here... your daddy!
Would you directly go to University without
meeting us or making a call to us?
You stupid of no sentiment!
Hey! Give me...
Hey, Sasi! You will of course
not remember me!
Do you at least remember
your mother or not?
Father! Why do you talk so?
Give the phone to mother.
For you... speak!
- I don't speak!
You have heard, haven't you?
Switch on the speaker...
I brought crop pests called
Lady bugs from America.
They die if they are left in
container for a long time.
That's why I cameto University first!
Wewould be looking for alady
for your marriage...
You go after the Lady bugs
pests over there!
Bloody bugger!
These are Lady bugs!
They eat the grasshoppers
and pests in the crops.
Chemical manures are not required
to preserve the crop.
It takes them a long time to eat away thepests
and preserve the crop, doesn't it, sir?
We would lose much crop before that, right?
We don't havepatience...
We expect result for every work!
That's why the destruction...
We achieved the growth within 100 years which
we can't achieve within 1000 years.
But... what is the use?
We spoiled the world within 100 years which
would not be spoiled within 1000 years.
Welose many things
in the name of growth.
We make the things not
useful for ourselves.
I would like to start an organization on
Zoological Sciences in India, sir!
Oh! Congratulations!
We are ready to serve you in any aspect
from our University side!
By the bye, I remember when you said
about Zoological Sciences...
Please go through this...
International Society For
Zoological Sciences
You must have heard about it.
- Not just heard...
I am amember of this society!
In 2008, for the 20th International congress
of Zoology took place in Paris...
I attended as a delegate
on behalf of Harvard University!
Oh! Excellent! Great!
So... our job is easier!
They are to conduct an exam this year.
The passed students of that exam...
...will be conducted a one month study
programme in any forest in the world.
My wish is to make my University students
participate in such programmes.
But... we don't have enough
material for that!
Would you be able to provideus
with something please?
Sure! It's my pleasure...
- Oh! Thank you!
You are welcome, sir!
Why doesn't anyonetalk anything?
Talk something else...
Hey... -Hit him!
- Hey! Hey! Stop...
Hey! He is driving... wait!
- Hey! Don't hit him...
If heturns shape out,
that girl will reject him!
Let her do so. What bothers me?
I woke my wife up at 5 O'clock at
dawn and reached Airport.
I camewith joy as you were
coming after 10 years...
You made mea stupid.
- Hey!Wife is a friend, isn't she?
Of course a friend!
You get married, don't you? You will be
clear then... -Yes!- Your face!
They have come...
Welcome! Welcome!
Not that I am saying as
sheis my daughter...
If she wants anything else,
she will not disturb anybody else!
Gold! Pure gold!
Not that I am saying as
he is my friend...
He doesn't ask anything hewants!
Hewill not disturb others at all...
Diamond! More valuablethan gold!
Though my daughter has been
brought up in village...
She has modern thoughts!
Modern! Very modern!
My friend is also same...
He taught fashion to our
entire college...
Actually hewas born before
fashion was!
My daughter... -Not that I am
appreciating as he is my friend...
We don't know how
lord Indira look like?
My friend is our lord Indira!
It's said, "Moon among the stars", isn't it?
It's he!
For his service to Harvard University...
...he received a gold medal
from Bush last time!
He is going to receive from
Obama next time...
If my friend likes your daughter,
he will wear gold medal around the neck.
That is... he fastens wedding chord!
- Hey! Shut up your mouth!
Who is he? He is voluntarily
It seems thegroom likes our daughter!
Why won't he appreciatethen?
Sir, every time when I listen to Ramayana...
I would feel that if my friend
was replaced by Rama!
...except theportion where
hesuspected Seetha!
When I see you, I remember Mr. Haridas in our
He would say Ramayana throughout
the night... won't be remembered
when it's dawn!
Shall I talk personally with you?
- It's okay... move!
Shall we talk walking outside?
Come on!
- Be careful!
My daughter has more freedom!
No problem! My friend is
very broadminded!
My daughter... -My friend...
They both haveleft, right?
We shall have tiffin...
I was about to say that... you said!
Come on! -Yeah, of course!
- Rock it!
I like travelling very much!
I haveseen many places
in India by now!
I have travelled almost
across 10 countries.
Do you know onething?
If I was asked to travel across the world
throughout my life, I would do that.
I am so mad towards travelling...
I am not mad! But I also
like travelling!
I am not so...
Ifl am asked to leave for any
new place, I am ready!
I won't listen to if anybody
opposes it.
Hello! -Manu!
- Yeah! Tell me...
Why haven't you come yet?
Flight is at 4:30 pm.
Clock strikes four when we
reach Rajahmundry by car.
I am coming... I stopped as there is
a wedding alliance!
I forgot to ask you...
How is the groom?
Excuse me!
Can I have a snap please?
I sent you the snap of groom.
How is he?
Heis very handsome! -Really?
He is really handsome. Go ahead!
- Thank you! Bye!
Okay, boss! I like you...
I like travelling and shopping!
I don't care anybody else
if anyone opposes this.
If you like me, I am ready!
Don't let sir know that I havebrought
this bag to you. Byemadam!
My friend is waiting. I have to go!
- Please go ahead!
But you did not say if yes or no.
- You sms your friend's number...
What for?- She seems to havemore individual
taste than you.
Come! Come! Come!
You came alone!
Where is my daughter?
Shemust have reached
Rajahmundry by now... - Oho!
She belongs to this generation,
doesn't she?
She travels much.
She will be back... -Yes!
Do you likemy daughter?
- No! I won't suit your daughter...
You get her married with any
travel agent. Shewill behappy!
Come, father!
Girl is perfect! You should have
accepted for this marriage.
I did not like her at the
last minute, mother.
Don't lie. Accept that she
did not like you...
You think so!
Nothing like that...
In order to show you the property
and my daughter at once...
...I arranged for wedding
Would heask to run the
family here?
Not that I am saying as he is my friend...
He is a gem!
His heart is butter!
Can I talk privately with you?
We havetotally 200 acres ofland.
I get morethan half of it...
You will not have any right over that
property and its profit!
In case you need money,
I will lend you...
You haveto pay
interest for that!
Not likethat...
Weboth arehusband and wife...
What is your property and my property?
Do you say that both are same?
If so... we shall join the
property of our both.
We shall open a joint account!
It needs the signature of our both
in order to spend even one rupee.
Not only that...
After marriage, there will be
different disputes...
We may happen to get separated
as the disputes raise!
To prevent thenuisance from
stepping into court for divorce...
We shall have an agreement for
our mutual understanding!
What do you say?
I have come here not to
make joint venture.
I have come to run a family!
Ifl ever wish to do business,
I will definitely join you.
Come! Come! Come fast!
It seems he likes that girl very much.
He is climbing up!
I am crazy about cricketer Dhoni!
I am very crazy about him!
I have a wildest crush upon him...
In future, after our marriage,
if heis seen anywhere... Finish!
Third fish also slipped.
Thefish caught in the anchor...
What would we do if it was slipped?
The girl who came upto the hut...
What would we do if sheran away?
- Father!
Sasi! You don't mind...
I am here, aren't I?
You will get a perfect girl!
- Yes! Hewill get...
The fish that was caught
with anchor...
What can we do if
it gets slipped?
The girl who came
upto the hut...
What can we do if she flees?
The fish that was
caught with anchor...
What can we do if
it gets slipped?
The girl who came upto the hut...
What can we do if she flees?
Thelady has run
and fallen in the grove!
In thegrove of
Banginapalli mangoes!
In themotor shed
nearby the well...
Lights off! Lights on!
Lights off!
Somehow it got set right...
It is rocking! It's rocking...
No! No!
Shehas come and run away
When I was about to have Kakinada sweet,
crow has taken away!
The girl who was like a queen,
has been slipped!
What has she seen in Shankar?
The fish that was
caught with anchor...
What can we do
if it gets slipped?
The girl who came upto the hut...
What can we do if she flees?
They touch him! Kiss him
and become jovial to him!
They see his plays and
feel jealous of him!
What elseis deficient for you?
You have the nail oftiger on your chest...
What elseis deficient for you?
You havegood muscles by having dry fruit...
Degree holder! -Go ahead!
Go ahead!
Tractor owner!
- Plough! Plough!
Muscular body!
- Apply scent! Apply scent!
Mr. Lover! -Yes! I am here...
As you have these
many qualifications...
What else is less?
What else is less?
The lady with good structure
has jumped away...
Look at the lady who neglected
gold and wished for something...
When I was about to have Kakinada sweet,
crow has taken away!
What has she seen in Shankar?
The fish that was
caught with anchor...
What can we do if
it gets slipped?
The girl who came
upto the hut...
What can we do if she flees?
This Shankar has no feelings!
Shehas comeand
run away suddenly...
When I was about to have Kakinada sweet,
crow has taken away!
The girl who was like a queen,
has been slipped!
What has she seen in Shankar?
Excuse me! Hello! I am calling you...
My friend is a very good chap!
He loves trees and fields...
Heloves girls very much!
I mean... respect!
He doesn't feel harm
even for an ant!
He doesn't know bad other than good!
He is a good characterized person!
Lord Sri Ramachandra!
Is he okay for you?
- Alas!
Instead of making such a good chap
roam across roads and fields...
Why don't you build a temple
and put him inside?
Will you marry me?
You look handsome...
After marriage, will you
sell me in Dubai?
Does my friend look like so?
It's promise! I don't sell...
Will you marry me?
O yes! I will definitely marry you...
But I want my hubby's permission!
Child marriage is correct for you...
But we can't do anything now.
It's your bad luck!
What is your problem?
Problem is not mine. It's yours...
You area bloody genius!
However beautiful girl is shown,
you say their mindset is not good.
Whose mindset is good here?
Is yours good?
If it was in your
childhood stage...
You would not have
such a maturity!
If you had married then itself,
you would not face the problems of
mindsets and mikesets!
So... child marriage is correct for you!
But we can't do anything now...
As you grown up,
wemissed that option too!
Hey, Kiran! Give him onepeg more
and let him lie down!
That's it, buddy...
Fasten the mouth of a
talkative guy!
As I haveadmired you so,
they all liked you!
It's enough... shut up your mouth!
Hey! Do you actually know how to admire?
Hey... I also have common sense to admire
in different situations.
If I am asked what my
friendwas doing...
If we say that he is a Zoologist...
If we immediately say that
he is an entomologist...
They ask us what entomologist means!
If wesay that entomologist
means studying about insects...
They seehim as if
they see insects,
would anyone come forward to
give him their daughter?
Hey... Will you shut up your mouth and
lie down or get hit?
Why should I be lucky enough to get hit?
I will go and lie down...
Hey, Sasi!
Don't mind for I am asking this...
That is... keep that
alliance matter aside!
Did you like the girl in that
field in such a way?
What is such a desperate condition?
I don't know why it is so...
Some strong force pulled me
to that girl's side!
I know what that force is...
but I don't reveal out!
If you disturb me,
I will break your legs!
Hey! Hey! Tell me! -Stop!
- Come! Come! -Wait! Wait!
Tell us! Tell us! -Tell us!
Do you think I say if you manhandle me?
- I will hit you...
No! No violence! I will reveal out...
The features ofthat girl were seen in the
girl who worked in the field.
Features of which girl?
Features of that girl...
- Which girl?
That is...
Features of Shailaja wereseen!
As that girl looked like Shailaja,
you ran as soon as you saw her!
That Shailaja... Common friend to
all ofus and your girl friend!
Have this sweet! Good takes place...
Hi! -Hi!
Hi Shailu!
Take it! Good takes place...
- Thanks!
Hey! She is Shailu...
our batch and our friend!
He is Sasi... our batch
and our friend!
Have you become such
close friends by now?
Do you know?
Drunkards and stupids become
friends very soon!
Take it! Good takes place...
- What does 'Good' mean?
This is what 'Good' means...
What does 'Bad' mean?
Tell me...
Tell me what 'Bad' means...
This is what 'Bad' means...
Is it nice?
Tough girl!
Tough girl!
Come on, Ravi! Come on...
Come on, Ravi! Come on...
Ravi! Come on... you can do it!
No doubt! He will be finished in the
first round itself!
What Sasi?
Why don't you encourage him
instead of discouraging?
Come on!
You cheer girls are here, right?
You encourage him...
Nevertheless, he will be finished
in the first round itself!
No! You are wrong...
To see that speed, he won't stop until
hegets gold medal in Olympics!
Come on! Come on!
Come on, Ravi! Go! Go!
Why did you stop, Ravi?
By seeing your speed, I thought you won't
stop until you get gold medal!
O my God!
For one round, I felt like revolving
around theglobe...
That's why I dropped from
getting Gold medal!
What might it be?
What else will it be?
Either love letter or proposal...
You need not reply instantly.
You may give later!
No! No! I will reply right now...
please come!
My dear friends!
He has written alove letter to me...
- So sweet!
I will read out...
you enjoy listening to it!
Shailaja! Please don't...
Dear Shailaja!
When I saw you for the first time,
I lost my mind!
Do you actually have it?
It took me a week's time to recover!
When I saw you the next time,
I felt like intoxicated!
Since then, I have given up drinking...
We have also given up many
times like that! Next...
After seeing into your eyes,
I stopped seeing the world!
Why? Have you lost your eyes?
After seeing your lips, I wanted to
apply lipstick for my lips. -Alas!
Apply to your eyes too...
After seeing your total physic,
I forgot physics!
Do I look like fitness centre
for you? Idiot!
What buddy? Do you give that
to somebody else?
It's not fair what you have done!
Not fair?
If so... should I encouragehim?
I am not asking you to encouragehim.
You should havetold him a
bit decently...
Reading out that letter...
Insulting him...
Why is exhibition for all of us?
Sasi! Shailu has done a good job...
Many guys like him
proposed Shailu!
As far as my knowledge, all P.G students
haveproposed Shailu!
What is speciality with her?
Hey... Since I am close to you,
you don't know my value!
You go a little bit far away from me,
you will know what my speciality is!
How far shall I go?
Shall I go 10 kms. away?
Shut up! -Most welcome!
In education, I am the topper
in University level!
In Tennis, I am the topper
in state level!
Wow! Clap the hands!
Thank you! Thank you!
Well... Elocution! Painting! Cultural activities!
Public interaction!
In everything! In everything,
I am the topper...
So... obviously everyone looks at me!
All guys will propose me...
Understood! -She is right!
- Yeah! -Of course, she is right!
Why are you laughing?
- Why? Should I not laugh?
No! Thereis some difference
in your laughter...
Tell me what it is!
- No! It becomes a problem...
It really becomes a
problem unless you say!
They run after you, not for you
are topper in everything!
If we think so, we havebotany lecturer,
Bhagya Lakshmi, right?
She is 55 years old!
She won the best teacher award twice
from the hands of President!
She is not married yet!
She is also topper in everything
like you...
All these students would have
proposed to her, right?
...would have run after her, right?
- Well said! Clap the hands...
Then... why do they run after me?
They run after you by
seeing your physic!
You look sexy with
romantic slim body...
By seeing you, any guy would
liketo propose you!
O my God! Why is he talking
about romance in public?
If so...
Doesn't anyone propose me by seeing my
attitude other than my physic?
Everyone respects by seeing attitude,
but not love!
Maybe... he is right!- What?
- Yeah! He is right...
Of course, heis right!
- Maybe... -Stop it!
Pollution increased in our batch!
I hate you! I hate you!
I hate you all!
By seeing you, any guy would
liketo propose you!
Maybe, he is right!
Dammit! No ethics or anything!
Stupid things! Stupid things!
What? Why do you feel irritated?
- Because ofthem...
In page 3, they glorify about fashion,
pubs and discotheque!
Publishing the photos of
celebrities of drunkard...
...they write,
"The spreadover nightlife in Hyderabad"
They again in another page...
..."The increasing Pub culture
and the destruction of youth".
What is correct in this?
How if onenewspaper has
two tongues...
Actually, the peoplewho have
two tongues should be slit!
As far as my knowledge, there is no fault
with youth who are going to discotheque!
...fault with their parents
who encourage them!
I have shouted this much.
Why don't you respond?
I am asking you...
- Is Shailu in, uncle?
Oneminute! Shailu!
Lift the phone!
Your friend is on the line...
Hello! - It's me... Latha!
- Tell me...
What? Did you really avoid Sasi?
- No! Nothing like that...
I said with anger! That's it...
- That's it, right? Thank God!
We all together go to discotheque.
You are also coming...
No! No! No way...
For Discos and Pubs... my father
feels irritated about them!
Hewill show the real disco
at home itself!
I am not interested in coming...
What is this? Sasi is coming to
your house to invite you...
Is Sasi coming to my house?
Hello sir! -Hello!
- My nameis Sasi! Shailu's friend!
Please be seated...
- Thank you, sir!
This evening, we all friends
together go to discotheque!
I have come to invite
Shailu for that!
That is... I will pick up
and drop her at home!
Shailu's intervention is not there
in this matter!
Sheis out of knowledge
about this programme...
You take him if Shailaja accepts!
- Hey! What?
How if a man has two tongues?
Actually, thepeople with
tongues should be slit!
Hey! Whereare you taking me to?
- Don't talk... come!
Who asked you to cometo my house?
Why? Is it wrong to cometo
your house?
Do you know that no one of
my friends come to my house?
Why? Is your house a devil's bungalow?
- Shut up!
It's okay! Are you coming or not
- I won't come...
As far as my knowledge, thereis no fault with
youth who aregoing to discotheque!
...fault with their parents
who encourage them!
Don't worry...
I have confidence upon my daughter!
Your father gave you the
permission, didn't he?
That's not permission...
it's warning!
Nevertheless, I won't come!
Nevertheless, that guy is honest...
Or else, hewould not ask
in such a bold manner!
Now-a-days, stupids appear
to be very honest...
I know what kind of stupid
activities you do over there!
In the name of disco,
touching the body with body...
...laying the hands over the girls
taking theadvantage!
I hate that...
- Wait! Wait!
If so... Do you fear that I would also
lay my hand over your body?
Is there any guarantee that
you will not lay your hand?
It seems you get disappointed
ifl don't lay my hand!
Shut up! Don't be smart!
I won't come...
Okay! It's alright... Bye!
Sasi! Oneminute...
Today is "Karthika Pournami"
(South Indian festival)
I have to go to temple in the evening.
Will you come?
Temple? Yes! To temple...
- Okay! I will try...
Not just try... you are coming!
That's it...
I said I will try.
- You are coming...
When did you come?
- I camelong ago...
You look so traditional!
- ... to impress you!
O God! Give me aloving husband!
What did you wish for?
Wishes should not be revealed out!
- ... to give you a loving husband?
Hey! How did you say?
I wished for the same...
I am the God here!
- Are you the God?
Okay! If so... Do you know what
they all wish for?
yes, of course!
Tell me what that old woman wishes for!
One devotee's wish should not be
shared with another devotee!
If so... tell me!
Will I get a loving husband?
I am asking you as God...
Why should you beloved?
What is that question, God?
As I love him, he should
also love me!
If you love him,
hewill also love you!
If you don't lovehim,
he will also not love you!
So... As God, I don't haveany
intervention in this!
If so... Are all thesepeople who
worship with devotion the fools?
Fools? Not at all!
These people who are walking
around the temple...
breaking coconuts and blackmailing God
to fulfill desires are not fools!
Unless your desires get fulfilled,
you need an element to blame!
Heis God!
I unnecessarily invited you to temple...
I have no sense!
By seeing this templeand festival atmosphere,
won't you feel happy?
Why not? I feel happy...
Whilebeautiful girls, wearing silk sarees,
worship with lamps...
Do you know what I feel?
- What do you feel?
In this tank ramp, I feel likea fashion show
for Kanchi silk sarees is happening...
If viewers like mearespectators
and photographers...
...some ladies over herelook like
they came for fashion show!
Look over there!
What happened?
If I listen to you,
my mind gets spoilt!
Nevertheless, it's sin to
think so in the holy temple!
You look elegant! Are you newly married?
Yes grandma! Today is first night...
Honey! Today is "Karthika Pournami"
Consider the Moon as bed light,
run the play outside itself!
Don't do it inside...
Why? Did you get anger?
- Why don't I get?
That grandma said without knowledge...
Would you take advantageand
reach upto first night?
There must be some fun in life, right?
Will you marry me?
You? O my God!
It's difficult to bear you
even as friend...
Are you talking about marriage?
Ifl marry you, I will becomea
terrorist and fire the world!
No doubt!
The bluesky has come down to earth
and sung songs and danced!
The lovely lifehas become the music
and it performs!
Like the beautiful girls...
Let the minds float in air!
At the time of celebration,
the sky and the earth becameblue!
The bluesky has come down to earth
and sung songs and danced!
Your naughty eyes rob
all the hearts...
You shower your loveand
affection over us...
In the enjoyment of games...
In the naughty deeds of guys... would play dramas!
As we go on thinking...
The heart melts likebutter...
Theblue sky has come down to
earth and sung songs and danced!
Thelovely life has becomethe
music and it performs!
My beauty blossoms with love...
You come close to meand
enjoy the period!
The anxiety has become
the celebration...
Themovements in heart
play music...
Theblue sky has come down to
earth and sung songs and danced!
Thelovely life has become
the music and it performs!
I am very happy!
- So am I!
If you went to discotheque, you would
miss this happiness, right?
Yes! I would miss it... I feel better here!
Look over there...
Over there...
Over there...
In discotheque, we do stupid activities
by touching body to body...
Some people make the
holy temple as unholy!
Do they have any feeling that
they are in the temple?
The girl who sang holy songs,
gave meher contact number too!
I can't bear even for a second more!
Please leaveme alone...
Okay! See you! Good night!
Hi Pranay! How are you?
1000 years! I am waiting for you...
For me? -Yeah! -What for?
I am not studying final year here!
I am going to Delhi...
Though I am not therein your
friend's batch, I like you very much!
Unless I reveal out that likeness,
I would miss much in life...
Here you see... I wrote this letter!
Many guys would write this kind of
letters to you! I know that...
I found no other way to share
my feelings with you!
I wish you would respond
for this letter...
No matter if you tear without reading!
Because... you arebeing irritated
by many in terms of love!
I will adjust myself thinking that
I am oneamong them... Bye!
Dear Shailaja!
Your walking is the row of lamps!
You are the plough ofmy love!
TheSun rises to seethelotus
in your face!
The Moon rises to see
your beautiful eyes!
Gem feels sorry for it couldn't
become your lips!
By seeing the shape of your hip,
the river modifies itself!
Sky feels proud for it is
as sameas your mind!
If you smile,
it's Sitara of Ravi Shankar!
If you speak,
it's Bismilla Khan's concert!
Beauty has worshipped your feet...
Cupid has created your structure...
Another love letter?
How wonderfully
Pranay has written!
What a sensitive man!
Ultimately... you fell with him!
What is falling? Nonsense...
Do you know how feel present
in this letter?
Whereis the feel?
In theprevious letter, which was
cast away by you, had thesame feel!
But... you did not like it!
But... Only one thing is different!
He had no writing skills!
But he has...
You did not like his creativity!
But you like his...
That is...
- What else is left?
He did not know how to attract girls!
He knows it...
It's your mistake to take the guys who
stroke you to get trapped as lovers!
What do you mean?
- I mean what I mean!
Hewho writes a beautiful love letter
can't becomea good lover!
He who can't write may
not be a bad lover!
Sasi! Pleasestop confusing...
You haveseen Pranay!
You have read his letter!
- I have read...
Can't you see aphilosopher
and a lover within him?
I don't seeanything so...
I see a fisherman!
Putting a good love letter as feed,
he is waiting by throwing the
anchor into water!
You went like a fish and
trapped into that anchor!
You bloody...
You are showing hell to me!
In your point of view,
if love exists or not?
I don't know if there is
love among humans...
But there is romance and
sex like other animals!
My opinion is... love is like
soup before having food!
Thebad luck is... soup is given
moreimportance than food!
Just stop it!
This topic is not required
between us!
Which one? Food or Soup?
Just leave me alone, Sasi!
Okay! See you! I leave you...
Bye! Bye!
I am sorry, Pranay!
I can't say anything now!
But I like your proposal
and behaviour!
I just need somemore time... Bye!
- I understood!
Sasi has polluted you, right?
Nasty... -Hey!
What did you say?
I said that stupid was polluting you!
Is it wrong?
If you talk anything about Sasi,
I will slap you with chappal!
I feel not to meet him!
I immediately feel to meet him!
The next second after I meet him,
I feel not to meet him in this birth!
What is he?
He is Sasi!
Not him... Another Sasi! Idiot!
Gentleman Sasi!
My Paru cheated me!
I want my Paru!
I can't livewithout my Paru!
I commit suicide!
My Paru rejected me...
I will jump from here!
Don't jump! Don't jump!
- I can't live without my Paru!
Don't jump! Get down...
- Why should I not jump?
I want my Paru!
Can you bring her to me?
You can't bring her! I will jump...
Don't jump! We will somehow convince her...
you come down!
She won't listen to me!
She doesn't like me!
I will die! I will die!
Why do you ask me not to jump?
Do you know what had happened?
She asked me to roam across the city!
I was doing that...
Bikegot punctured! Was it my fault?
It's my fault for everything...
I will die! I will jump!
Why do you view like cinema?
You can go and savehim, can't you?
Hewill not die... Hesays that
he will jump. But he won't...
He who threatens, never dies!
He needs sympathy now.
They all show enough sympathy now...
He has to die seeing this sympathy.
Or else, hewill not die!
We can never stop who is going to die!
The one who wants to die, will not arrange
for entertainment event like this!
If so... Is it an entertainment
event for you?
Not only for me...
Entertainment for all of them!
They won't move away until they
get better entertainment.
If they won't move, he will die!
Stop it! Just stop it! Okay?
Why don't you save him instead of
arguing for everything so?
I have to savehim.
That's it, right? Okay!
We thought he was a good chap!
Hey! Hey!Look over here...
I am dying... Dammit!
It's not necessary to my Paru!
It's not necessary to my friends!
Whom should I die for?
Why should I die?
I will not die...
Why are you all staring so?
I did in order to save him.
That's it... Be cool, guys!
Why did you do so? -Leave it!
Do you believe in love?
Or else... why would
I want to die, brother?
You first love yourself. After that...
the world will love you!
What does 'Good' mean?
This is what 'Good' means...
What does 'Bad' mean?
This is what 'Bad' means...
It seems you would get disappointed
if I don't lay my hand...
Will you marry me?
What happened to me?
What am I being done?
After I started moving with you...
After I cameto know that
your shadow was my name...
I wanted to talk!
I wanted to see!
I wanted to reach!
I wanted to touch!
I wanted to become you! I went
on thinking... I went on thinking!
What happened to me?
What am I being done?
Whatever place I roam across...
Your image is seen!
What can I do? What can I do?
What can I do? What can I do?
Whatever breezetouches me...
I feel as if you touched me...
Confusion! Confusion!
Confusion! Confusion!
It's heaven if you are there...
It's zero if not...
As my heart drives meaway...
As it sends me to you...
What happened to me?
What am I being done?
At thetime ofprivacy...
Is it you who became my pair?
Is it you? Is it you?
Is it you? Is it you?
Which birth our relation
belonged to?
It asks us to become
a pair today...
Is it okay? Is it okay?
Is it okay? Is it okay?
I sleep opening my eyes...
I walk while sleeping...
In the confusion of what is
dream and what is reality...
What happened to me?
What am I being done?
I am modifying my statement!
- What is that?
I said that the drunkards and stupids would
move closer soon, didn't I?- Yes!
Not only them...
They have proved that the peopleintroduced in
battle would also move closer soon!
What is introduction in battle?
In the first meeting itself,
you slapped Sasi, right?
It's a kind of battle, isn't it?
I don't know... he might be
in love with me by then!
His matter is okay!
What about your matter?
Of course! I love him too...
I love him!
- There you see... Your Hero is coming!
Hi Shailu!
Hi guys! -Hi Sasi! -Hi man!
Sorry Shailu!
What for?
- That is...
I did so in order to
savethat guy yesterday!
If so... Don't you have any
kind of feeling towards me?
What is feeling?
Feeling means love...
Nothing like that! Just to savehim...
I did so! That's it...
Stop it! Just stop it!
I hate you for the first time!
The direct love proposers are
1000 times better than you!
You are such a egoist!
You likeme in your heart!
But the ego bars you from
accepting that!
To conceal that, you say philosophies!
I hate that...
If you had no love, why did you
ask me if I would marry you? Tell me!
Why did you ask me?
In my point of view, love doesn't
exist but marriage does!
In my point of view, friends exist
and husband and wife exist...
But lovers don't...
Sexual attraction is common
between female and male!
It's a basic animal instinct!
To avoid the indifference
between animals and us...
...the cultured people adapted
a relation called marriage!
I told you that we would get
married for living together so!
There is no business with
love to live together...
If you think it's love as
I hugged you...
I am sorry!
- It's enough... stop it!
I am a fool!
I am a stupid who believes in the
existence oflove!
Please... you never show me
your face in this birth!
If I see you heretomorrow,
I will discontinue studies!
Good-bye forever!
Excuse me! Give me T.C at your earliest.
I am discontinuing my studies
in this college!
Shailu! Shailu! One minute...
Shailu! Listen to what I say...
Just give me aminuteto talk!
Just listen to me... okay?
I did not think that you would take
this issue so serious!
You need not discontinue the
collegebecause ofme!
I will discontinue the college!
But... remember one thing!
Friendship with you is true!
My argument is true!
I feel very sorry to miss you!
Good-bye forever!
After your separation...
Shailaja turned very moody!
She would not move friendly
with any of us!
Other than herself and her studies...
...shewould not pay attention
towards anything else!
What does she do now?
- Here... She is in Hyderabad itself!
What does her husband do?
What is husband? Shailu hasn't
got married at all...
She stays alone along with her parents!
- Really?
I heard that she got married!
Why haven't you told me?
As that topic did not come between us,
we never talked about that!
Since you left for America, you haven't
been in touch with us, right?
If at all wetalked over phone, we would
discuss the career but not personal things!
What does she do now?
She is Principal!
The Principal of women's college!
That college is very strict...
She is alady Hitler there!
Students and lecturers are afraid
of Principal Shailaja!
Mr. Srinivas!
You are paid salary not to crack jokes
but to teach lessons!
In Twin Cities, there are many stories
among the people about that college!
For all the girls including lecturers,
cell phones are not allowed!
No discussions in corridors!
Everyone in the college should
wear dress upto here...
Go! Go! -Please...
Sleeveless not allowed!
You know it, don't you? How would you
come as you knew it? Go...
If anybody teases girls
in front of the college...
Whoever he is... she will make the
security hit him!
Will you come to teasethegirls?
We will break your bones...
I have to meet Shailaja once!
Hey... no!
She is not our friend Shailu now!
The great Principal of women's college,
Miss Shailaja!
When I recently went to that college
to join my friend's sister...
...she said that she
did not know me!
I felt shame before my friends...
Excuseme! May I come in?
- Yeah! Come in...
Why don't you wear
cotton sarees?
I think cotton sarees suit you...
Madam! I don't like
wearing cotton sarees...
Ifl wear that, I will
look like an effigy!
If so... Do I look like an effigy?
No! No!
Madam! We have planned for
botanical tour next week, haven't we?
Someone by name Vijay...
He says hewas your junior
during college days!
He has come to meet you...
Vijay! Let him come...
- Okay, madam!
Wait a moment! -Madam!
Handover this file in
Chemistry department!
Hey, Vijay! Come! Come!
Why have you become so?
You would be very smart
during college days!
How come you are so now?
If the entirelife became college days,
I might have been as I was!
How are you, madam? Long time...
- Yeah! It's been long time...
Tell me! What's the matter?
I am doing a business
related to computers!
As I came to know that your college was in
need of it, I mademy way to here!
Would you giveme a week's time?
Sure! Take your own time...
see you!
Coffee or Tea?
No! No! Doctor advised me
not to have them at all...
I will meet you after a week. Bye!
- Bye!
I couldn't recognize him!
He would be very smart during
college days!
I want to meet the Principal!
May I have your
visiting card please?
Remove your glasses!
Go straight and take right...
2nd building... 1st floor!
Excuseme! May I know where
Principal room is?
Go straight andtake right!
- Thank you! -1st floor!
He is very handsome, isn't he?
What? Does helook so handsome?
- Sir! That is...
Elope with him!
Go to your classroom and study...
Stupid activities and you! Move...
If he doesn't accept,
you both look for someone else!
Hey, mister!
Wait! Wait!
You can ask for clear
address, right?
I asked it.
But I am confused abit...
Happens... You will be confused!
It's women's college, isn't it?
Everyone will be confused!
Follow me...
Look mister!
Moving hither and thither
in corridors...
Smiling at girls and stretching the
body are strictly prohibited!
Whatever it is...
You have to walk straight without
diverting your sight!
What sir? What happened?
What is that mark?
It's not mark, madam!
While I was coming,
a Haridas put vermilion!
Okay! What's thematter?
- Nothing!
Someone by nameSasi kumar...
He says that hestudied
along with you...
He wants to come inside!
Shall I let him come in?
We have seen your junior just a
while ago... hewas out of shape!
How would helook like?
Okay! Let him comein...
- Tell me... What do you want?
Shailu! It's me... Sasi!
Sorry! I don't know who you are...
My name is Sasi kumar!
I have a personal work
with you...
No personal business!
Not that... listen to!
- I said no personal business!
Get lost!
Shesays that she doesn't
know you... move!
I asked you not to go, didn't I?
Why did you go?
Shailaja never changeher
mindset! Leaveher...
Here are the vegetables!
Hey, Sasi! Agood news for you...
I met my childhood friend
on the way...
He has got a good alliance
for you!
He says that the girl is very beautiful!
Stop looking for girls for me!
What is that?
Won't you get married?
I will marry!
I found the girl...
Madam! Zoology head has come from
University to meet you!
Ask him to come! -Okay, madam!
Greetings, sir! -Greetings!
What sir? You did not give any
intimation about your arrival...
I have no formalities and
protocols with you!
I have come to surprise you!
What is thesurprise, sir?
University has recommended a
Zoology lecturer to your college!
Oh! Thank you very much, sir!
In fact, I thought of sending
you therequisition!
Thank you so much, sir!
Official formalities! -Okay!
Look! -Sir!
Asir is sitting outside, isn't he?
Ask him to comein! -Okay, sir!
He is Mr. Sasi kumar!
Heis theZoology lecturer for
your college from today!
Micro Zoology!
O my God!
It seems you have studied all the
departments in Zoology!
You are great!
You worked as a Professor in
Harvard University!
We are really lucky enough to have alecturer like
you in our college!
We welcome you, Professor!
- Thank you, madam!
I heard the Principal is a lady Hitler!
I heard she would not listen to
anybody else! Is it true?
It's true what you listened to!
She will not listen to anybody else except the
This is what thelesson we are
going to discuss today!
That means... Varudhini Pravarakyudu!
That means... It's a good secured love story!
That means...
As we should not talk about love and romance,
I should not teach this lesson!
By thebye! Therearemany poems describing
how handsome Pravarakyudu is...
But... As it is women's college...
As we should not talk about the
handsomeness of boys...
I should not teach this
whole lesson!
If I teach, you will get spoilt!
As you all know Telugu,
you read them!
In case you don't understand...
Don't ask me!
Sir! You at least say the
meaning of Pravarakyudu!
Pravara + Akyudu
That means... theman
who is named as Pravara!
If wego deeper...
Pra + Vara
That means... Great man!
Powerful man!
If we go still deeper...
That means... He is like a whitepaper!
He is like the Moon with no marks!
If we go still deeper...
That means... He would attract girls
without his interference!
If we go still more deeper...
If wego still further deeper...
Heis Pravarakyudu!
He is Telugu lecturer!
Hewould teach very actively
when he joined newly...
He has becomelike this
because of our Principal!
If so... she treats the
lecturers as students!
Hey, mister!
I heard that you joined the
collegeas alecturer!
Above all...
University recommendation!
Very good!
Principal is calling you! Come on...
Are you the peon or lecturer?
Lecturer in Chemistry!
Why did you get that doubt?
As you were doing peon job...
Look mister! I do all the
important work here!
Understand? Come on!
Sir! He is the pet to madam...
Above that... he would do
detective service!
Whatever we do... he will
immediately carry to her!
As hehas come and called us by himself...
...she would take class for us!
Yeah! We are coming...
Have you choosen this college?
Or sent by the University?
I have choosen this college!
- Reason?
I like nature very much...
Girls are compared with nature!
So... I like to stay among girls!
If I stay here, I can trap girls!
Ifl get bored with girls,
I can trap lady lecturers!
Ifl get bored with them,
I can trap Principal too!
There are many advantages
for being here!
Okay! Okay! Okay!
I am going to madam!
You stay for 2 minutes and come!
What is this, sir?
He will complain to madam now!
- He can't do it!
That Sasi kumar is a very...
What man?
I asked you to come after
2 minutes, right?
I waited for half an hour, sir! -Half...
Please sit down!
Is working in women's college,
your choice or University's choice?
It's my choice, madam!
As therearemany women's college in the city,
why did you choosethis college?
I laid lottery! I got this...
Down your hand!
It's okay if you teach lessons!
But every man has his own thoughts...
It may be called as their philosophy!
Don't try to apply your own
thoughts over the students!
Okay, madam!
- Not only that...
I believe that you must have known how to
behave and how not to behave in this college!
No funny business! You can go...
- Thank you, madam!
You go and show the classroom!
- Okay, madam!
Nothing! Just a hand touch...
You cautioned him likea student!
- I know...
Do you know who heis?
Have you seen his bio-data?
Not required...
University certified, right?
See you, madam!
Do you know about Hitler?
- Yes I do!
Heappears like a comedian!
So do I...
When is thewar, sir?
- What is war?
He did wars...
You also have to do, don't you?
You are so mischievous...
come on!
Good morning, sir!- Good morning!
- Sit down! Sit down!
I am goingto introduce you a
new lecturer now...
He is Mr. Sasi...
- Good morning, everybody!
Dear students!
Anew lecturer has been
appointed in our college!
His nameis Sasi kumar!
Heteaches Zoology!
Along with Zoology,
learn about thebeasts in humans!
Dear friends! From today onwards,
I am your friend!
I have not cometo here
to teach lessons...
So... I will be very happy if you treat me
as your friend instead of a lecturer!
Okay? -Okay, sir!
- He says friend now...
After that hestarts love!
How smart heis!
- You keep staring...
He will turn like our Telugu master
because of our Principal!
How nice it would be if I becamethe
duster in his hands!
How nice it would be if I becamethe
chalk piece in his hands!
Shut up your mouth!
How niceit would be if
I whipped off your skin!
Excuse me, madam!
It's very problem with him, madam!
Whom are you saying about?
It's he, madam!
That Zoology lecturer...
What is that language?
Don't you have manners?
Doesn't hehave a name?
Don't talk so onceagain...
Okay, madam!
What is theproblem
with him now?
There is no problem
with him, madam!
We are all happy!
Thereis no problem at all...
I have comeas I had no work!
Hello! -It's me... Shailaja!
- Tell me, madam!
I feel to allot your guesthouse
to Mr. Sasi kumar!
You have no objection, do you?
- That is... madam!
Guesthouse is very small...
It's not enough for a family...
No problem if it is
for a single man!
No problem! He stays alone...
Then... it's okay, madam!
- Thank you!
Be careful! Right-hand side...
What is this?
He is directly getting
into madam's house!
Dammit! Why does he
look so ugly, hubby?
Does helook ugly?
You lay your hand upon your heart and say...
Does he look ugly?
He is handsome...
- Oho! Is hehandsome?
Get inside! Get inside!
Greetings sir!
I thought some other lecturer would come...
Is it you?- Yes, sir!
Strange! World is so small...
If so... you friends
joined again!
Wearenot friends now, sir!
She is Principal!
I am a lecturer!
There is much
distance between us...
Whereis your wife?
Don't you have children?
I did not get married.
I stay alone!
Why didn't you get married?
- I didn't get the right girl!
Nobody will get a right girl...
Have to set right with the
girl you found. That's it...
I am in that trial now!
Bye, sir!
Now let us say the pledge of
Vardhaman Women's college!
O God! -O God!
By birth! -By birth!
Wearegirls... -We are girls...
Pleasesave us from mental handicap!
- Please saveus from mental handicap!
As we arenot physically strong...
- As wearenot physically strong...
The pressure from thesociety...
- Thepressure from the society...
Challenges... -Challenges...
Make us bold enough to face them!
- Make us bold enough to face them!
As weare fickleminded...
- As we are fickleminded...
For any weakness... -For any weakness...
We don't bend for any attraction!
- We don't bend for any attraction!
Other than studies...
- Other than studies...
We... -We...
We don't get into any trouble...
- We don't get into any trouble...
I promise so! -I promise so!
Stand at ease!
And disperse!
Go to your classes!
What is this? I don't like
making thegirls say so!
Neither do I!
- Oho! I will make you like that!
For any animal in this world,
it has two primary qualities!
The one is to earn its prey!
The second is to reproduce
its species!
The second one is the topic
wearegoing to teach now!
That is... Sexual behaviour and romance
among animals!
Unless this romance and sexual behaviour
exist, thereis no Zoology at all!
So... shall we call Zoology as the
subject of romance?
Okay, sir!
It would be better if we
call as romantic subject!
So... Shall we call you as
romantic lecturer?
As you wish... -Thank you, sir!
You are caught red-handed!
Madam! You urgently come along with me...
I will show you what his
real incarnation is!
What are you saying?
- Yes, madam!
He is not teaching the students!
He is teaching romance...
On black board, she writes romance
in the place of Zoology, madam!
Nonsense! -Please come! Please...
If this continues,
collegewill get spoilt!
In nature, except a man...
Any animal will follow the
above two qualities!
Next we aregoing into the interesting
and important topic of Zoology!
What are you doing?
Come inside, madam!
Look there, madam!
May I join your class?
- Sure!- Thank you!
Animals don't havesenseto
develop its species...
They don't have the
learnt behaviour!
Animals don't havesenseabout the
breed if joined sexually!
Getting its prey when
they arehungry...
Female and male get attracted and
enjoy the essence!
Then... what is the reason for the
attraction between female and male?
The testosterone hormone from male,
attracts female...
The oestrogen hormone from female,
attracts male...
Theattracted animals will start
doing the sexual activities!
Sir! Don't animals have love
other than hormone?
Good question!
Why people fall in love only when
they are in tender age?
During thetender age, hormones
produceand starts attraction...
Before hormones production,
there is no topic of love at all!
Similarly... ifhormones liberate,
lovealso liberates!
The animals which are attracted by
hormones can be called as lovers!
It's not wrong!
We shall continuethe
class tomorrow!
Thank you!
Thank you too!
- Why do you thank me?
You havebrought Principal, right?
You have to fear for I have brought!
Why do you thank me?
Why are you talking so, sir?
- I love her, don't I?
Do you love her? -Then?
- Carry on!
Sir has got more
testosterone hormone...
That's why Principal got attracted
and came to class!
You are correct!
You have to think twice before
you complain about anybody!
Why do I tell you alie, madam?
I saw him writing romance
on theboard!
Above all... why should
I tell you a lie?
I have more regards and
respects for you...
He is not my enemy!
He is my colleague too!
He did not like the
pledge said by girls...
Jyotirmayi was also
supporting him!
I will make him say
thepledge tomorrow...
That is his punishment!
We shall now say the pledge of
Vardhaman Women's college!
One minute, master!
Chemistry lecturer wants to
deliver something...
After the completion of his speech,
we shall go for pledge!
Dear students! Our Telugu master won't
lead the pledge!
Our new lecturer Sasi kumar
will lead thepledge!
If we still go deeper...
From tomorrow, Mr. Sasi kumar
will lead thepledge!
Dear students! -Dear students!
Stop it! -Stop it!
- Stop it!
Down your hands...
Don't you listen to what I say?
It's known by this that
you pledgeblindly...
As wewere born as girls
by birth... us from the
mental handicap!
What? What is this?
Within this itself, it's known
how mental handicaps you are!
If you yourselves agree that it's
curse for being born as a girl...
...where do you get
mental awareness from?
If you want to oppose the pressure
and challenges in the society...
...not only physical fitness,
but also you need mental fitness!
What is that?
As wearein tender age...
We promisethat we don't be convinced
by any attractions and lusts...
...and we don't divert our concentration
from studies to anywhere else!
What is this? What?
Is this what the study is?
Study doesn't mean by reading the stuff
in thebook and writein the exam!
That doesn't mean the study at all!
Study means practising what you seewith your
eyes and what you listen with your ears!
What do we seewith our eyes?
Wesee the nature!
We see the handsome men!
We see the beautiful women!
Mind takes diversion!
It stimulates...
By seeing the beautiful people
and beautiful things...
...anyone will be stimulated!
There is no differencein gender!
Limits are not to be followed
which is put by others!
You have to keep yourselves
and follow it!
You were asked to wear
dress upto here...
Because it's collegerule!
But you wish to wear
different kinds of dresses!
That's not wrong...
Because... it's a common quality of a
human to exhibit his beauty!
But it's wrong to roam without dress!
So... From tomorrow, this college will
not put rules for you!
You put rules for yourselves...
You put limits for yourselves...
Educational institution is not a jail!
This is like your home!
This is your second home!
This preaching is not mine...
Principal realized and made me
deliver theword of her heart!
So... All of you must be grateful
to your Principal!
Who has given you the right to
break this college rule?
I told you when you joined
in the college...
...not to apply your own thoughts
over the students!
Aboveall... why did you lie that
it's the word ofmy heart?
What's your opinion in saying your
thoughts as my thoughts?
It's said, "It will not become holy water
unless it's poured into chunk".
You are chunk here...
I told so as there will be
value for your opinion!
If there was wrong in what I said,
I do whatever I am asked to!
It's not wrong what you said...
But it's wrong to break
college rules!
Without discussing with
the board members...
Without consulting with us...
It's wrong to break college rules!
It's okay... Giveme 2 minutes time!
I will tell everything...
Just shut up!
Don't divert thetopic...
What is your dare in breaking
the college rules?
I want your response...
People like you areunfit
to work in this college!
Congrats miss Shailaja!
You have done a very good job!
I did not know that you have
such modern ideas, Shailaja...
It was the pledge I wrote when
I working as Principal long ago...
I couldn't recognizethat
it was so critical!
You got it modified through him...
Many, many, many thanks
to both of you!
Both of you...
Have a good day!
Madam! Is my job there or not?
- Get lost!
2 minutes!
Hello! Hello! What?
What is this dress and incarnation?
To attract theboys...
Hello! Hello!
What is this dress and getup?
Rules got broken by yesterday...
Henceforth, I come likethis...
I have to go to class now!
Ifwe look deeply, I have to describe the
beauties of Varudhini in Pravarakyudu lesson!
See you!
When you made tuck, glasses add
morehandsomeness! See you!
For intercollegiate celebrations...
rehearsals going on!
In this... lecturers and students
participate together!
Very good! - Come on!
Excuse me, madam!
I make amove...
What? Are you not
interested in music?
I haveinterest and I havea
littlebit knowledge too!
That's why I am unable to enjoy...
Please madam! I leave...
Excellent! What if so?
This programme will get grand success!
Jyotirmayi! -Yes, madam!
This programme is lead by Mr. Sasi kumar!
Do you have any objection?
Why not? With pleasure...
I mean it's privileged!
Go ahead, Sasi kumar!
Madam!- Don't hesitate...
Please go!- Okay, madam!
Welcome to the class!
- Thank you! Please wait...
Your voice is so good!
You also join us...
I know music, but...
- You don't havepractice, right?
I will look into it! Please...
Oh! Physics lectureris playing Piano...
Very good!
Play 'C' natural!
Okay! Repeat the same...
Very good! You come over here...
You both sing...
'C' natural! -Hello!
Just a minute! Just a minute!
What? Didn't you have breakfast
in the morning?
Your song should reach the ear... should not liberate
in air! Okay?
You comethis side...
'C' natural please!
Stop it!
What a bloody hell are you
doing here?
What are you doing here?
- I am teaching songs to them...
Oho! You know all skills
to trap girls!
Can't you sing through your throat
unless your waist was pressed?
Because of you, it seems our college
may happen to turn like a club!
I will immediately complain to the
correspondent and get you suspended!
What happened, miss Shailaja?
Madam! Madam! Heis making romance
with girls...
You are mistaken!
Miss. Shailaja! I have asked him to
lead this programme!
There is no wrong with him!
What heis doing, is not wrong!
Madam! That is...
- Okay! It's okay... besportive!
Mr. Sasi kumar! Please continue...
Cool! Be cool! Be cool!
O young material...
Grind themountain into
powder with power...
Beauty! Beauty! Beauty!
It will make you faint...
Until mother and father
know about it...
Cool! Be cool! Be cool!
O young material...
Grind themountain into
powder with power...
Beauty! Beauty! Beauty!
It will make you faint...
Until mother and father
know about it...
Cool! Be cool! Be cool!
O young material...
Grind themountain into
powder with power...
I am very mad about beauty...
I will hold it reaching you...
As the anxiety raises within us...
O my dear!
Extending the humility...
Giving you the advantage...
Breaking the limits...
Shy passes out!
Shy passes out!
O magnet who stimulated me...
Lock the doors of bliss!
With the secrets that
fired at night...
You be prepared for the
sweet battle!
Beauty! Beauty! Beauty!
It will make you faint...
Until mother and father
know about it...
Cool! Be cool! Be cool!
Cool! Be cool! Be cool!
O young material...
Grind themountain into
powder with power...
Beauty! Beauty! Beauty!
It will make you faint...
Until mother and father
know about it...
Cool! Be cool! Be cool!
O young material...
Cool! Cool!
Grind themountain into
powder with power...
Cool! Be cool! Be cool!
O young material...
Grind themountain into
powder with power...
Thank you, sir!
You have to come to my house
for dinner today!
I am... - Don't say, 'No'
- Okay!
What does your hubby do?
- Business!
In the part of business,
he travels much!
In thepart of tours,
he roams along with girls!
Take it!
Party only for me?
- No! No!
There are many guests over here!
Haven't you noticed?
You! Me! Champaign!
This privacy...
If there is anything more,
that makes me feel crowded!
Cheers! -Cheers!
Who is that?
Who thehell is that?
Who might it be?
Thereare many peoplewho feel
jealous over this!
It must be oneamong them!
What? Do you like that photograph
to that extent?
I like it very much!
This was taken by my hubby!
Oh! Is he also aphotographer too?
No! Helikes taking my
photographs very much!
Alas! I forgot about your wound...
- It's okay! It's small...
Don't bother! Cool...
Call your husband urgently
and cut his relationship!
What are you thinking?
Close your hubby's account!
We shall open our account...
My hubby is not a great man!
Heis cheating me...
Isn't he? Why do you think then?
Call him immediately and
cut his relationship!
As you fear...
Either you havelove for your
hubby or fear the society!
I don't fear thesociety!
I hatethesociety!
It always has two tongues...
It encourages to drink and it says it's
wrong if drunk!
It's wrong!
You have misunderstood thesociety!
It's not two tongues...
Two ways! Good and Bad!
It's our choice to select
what we want!
You can cheat your husband who cheats you!
Or else... you can cut his relationship
and stay along with your beloved!
Choiceis yours!
But there is a third option
in your matter!
You gave more value to thephotograph
taken by your husband than my wound!
That means...
You love your husband!
Wake up! Bepositive!
You both will definitely
reach together!
May I know my position
in your heart?
Dearest friend!
Thank you! Thank you very much!
How did theparty take place
last night?
How would you know?
I heard when you were inviting him.
How did it takeplace?
Oh! It was horrible...
Someonebroke the window
with stone.
The party got disturbed...
And I was so embarrassed!
If so... if I hadn't disturbed,
you would have advanced! No use!
I have to discuss with V.C and
out Sasi somehow!
100 years for you...
Come Shailaja! Please sit down...
You don't feel for I am calling you
in singular form, do you?
Sir! I am your student...
I will be happy if you call me so!
- Good!
Your college students wrote an exam
last Sunday, right?
Yes, sir!
International Society for Zoological Sciences
conducted a nationwide online exam...
But I don't have hopes, sir!
I heard that it was a very tough exam!
You are wrong, Shailaja!
Our students are really great!
In that exam, totally
10 students passed...
Among them, 3 students
are our students!
See this!
My God!
I can't believethis, sir!
They will have study programme
for one month!
After that, they have to
submit Thesis
Because ofthis...
...theZoological situations of India
can bebrought to the face of world.
Today I am very happy to congratulate
you for this achievement! -Thank you, sir!
As that Professor is with you,
you could achieve this very easily!
Which Professor, sir?
What makes you ask so?
Harvard University
Professor, Mr. Sasi kumar!
Is he the Professor of
Harvard University?
Why are you so amazed?
Didn't you look at his bio-data?
He would work as an entomologist
in Harvard University!
By resigning that job over there...
He wanted to start an
Environmental study centre!
The books which he wrote
on Zoological Sciences...
...present in every library
of all Universities!
Except in India!
It's a shame...
That's why I ordered some books
and brought to here!
And this is for your college library!
I am still amazed and ashtonished
for one thing! That is...
Such a great Professor selected your
college and worked as a common lecturer!
Sasi! What are you doing?
Wow! You have come at theright time...
You tastea bit!
I haven't come to taste!
I have come to get some curry!
Sure! With pleasure...
It's delicious!
How did you prepare this?
Really? -It's very tasty!
- If so... grand success!
I prepared it for the first time.
I did not expect such a taste!
Did you prepare for the first time?
- Yes, aunty!
O boy! You preparewith
bottlegourd next time...
I have prepared many times!
But I couldn't make out...
Excuse me!
Give some curry to
Principal madam! -Okay...
Hubby! Sasi has cooked very well!
Where? Put onemore...
That's it!
I don't want...
- Wow! Delicious!
How nicely he prepared!
Very good!
- It's very tasty...
I haven't had such atasty curry
in this birth!
What is having? Say you haven't
cooked in this birth!
Wow! Delicious!
After having this curry, the rest curries
in theworld remain waste!
Good morning, sir!
Why are you coming back again?
I feel joy being with you...
- What joy? What joy?
How nastily you changed the college?
You made it turn into a bad condition!
Wherever I go... my mark and my
signaturewill be there!
Who is that girl? She looks
very beautiful... - Hello!
Stop there!
Don't try to sign on that!
What is this, sir? You try to
safeguard all beautiful girls...
You lose your mental peace! -I know that!
If I don't safeguard my wife,
I won't have mental peace!
Oh! Is she your wife?
- Sorry, sir!
But you are very lucky...
- Why? -She is nice!
Hi! -Hi!
My name is...
- I know that... Sasi kumar!
My husband said!
- What has he said further?
You would work for Muncipal Corporation...
You would get the drainage cleansed...
You release smoke for mosquitoes!
But I don't believe that...
My husband often says lies!
You comethis side...
Thank you!
Well... what is the secret behind
your handsomeness and health?
There will be more than lakh things!
Why do you need that?
I have been jogging for 10 years!
My hubby has been jogging
for 20 years!
If so... it's better to bend
your body at home too!
You have heard, haven't you?
Bye! -Hey! Come here...
Don't you let husband
and wifebe happy?
Don't come to jog in this
route from tomorrow!
You don't fear, sir!
- Take off your hand!
Once Principal is put onto the track,
I won't be seen hereat all!
By the way, I forgot to say...
Today my car gets breakdown...
I am going to college along
with the Principal!
If I travel for onehour
with the Principal...
She can be invited for dinner tonight...
and I can mark my signature!
She can be invited for dinner tonight...
and I can mark my signature!
I will see how you go by that car!
I will see...
Sir! -Yes!
- My car got breakdown!
If you giveme the keys of madam's car,
I will wait in the car!
She doesn't seem to have got
ready yet! Comeinside...
No problem, sir!
I will sit in the car!
Thank you, sir!
That's it! Go on foot like that...
Why does he go towards my house?
Excuse me!
My car got breakdown!
If you giveme your car keys,
I can go upto my college...
One minute!
Here it is!
Can you drop me please?
- With pleasure!
Two minutes!
- Sure! I will wait... -Okay!
Good boy! -Kidding?
Where is he?
- He has left...
He has much hesitation!
You don't hesitateas he has hesitation!
Come and sit...
I don't have amood to shop now!
You go...
What man?
Will it take more than one hour?
I have been waiting for half an hour!
How long should I wait?
What man? Did your car get breakdown?
- Yes, sir!
You go by this car... Shailaja!
- No problem! Drop him...
What man? We had your
brinjal curry yesterday...
Why do you still hesitate? Go...
No problem! Go... -Thank you!
Please don't try to discuss
personal issues! Okay?- Okay! Okay!
You can discuss personal issues!
Okay! Okay!
What should we do to be happy?
Have you got any tips?
Make a call and tell me thosetips!
On 66667788
Wow! We got a call immediately...
Hi! I am Anamica! Who is speaking?
- I am Sasi kumar speaking...
I have lots of tips to be happy!
- If so... deliver immediately!
If we wish to have happiness now,
what we have to do is...
Now... we all together
should be happy!
Hello! I asked for tips...
- I am telling the tips!
Though our girl friend is
serious and irritated...
Though she eloped with
other boy friend...
We have to be happy with pleasure!
Boss! Tell me a good tip...
I am telling that...
- What should we do for getting sneezes?
We haveto tickle our nose!
Similarly, to get laughter...
what shouldwe do?
We should tickle ourselves...
That means... self-tickling!
Here you see... this is how!
I have seen our collegebeauty today!
- Who is that?
Who else will it be?
Our Principal, Miss Shailaja!
What made you say so?
Or else... though there are
many girls...
...that handsome was attracted
by her, right?
No chance... I own him!
He is my property!
You aremad...
- I am not mad! He is mine...
Hey! Open the gate!
Who do you want?
- Don't you open unless you are hit?
Hey! You drag her to here...
Will you hit me?
- Leave me, Rajesh!
Please listen to my words...
Leave me!
Look! We don't have any grudgeupon
your college or you!
We want her... Our guy liked her!
She denied...
That's why we are dragging her!
If anyone comes against this...
- Look, Boss!
It's not good what you are doing...
Good? What is good?
This is what 'Good' means...
We all should stay like friends!
Your guy ran after her!
She denied...
Anyone feels pain ifhis
beloved denies!
But ifreally liked, have to wait...
No other way...
That is what 'Good' means!
Then... What is 'Bad'?
This is what 'Bad' means...
Thanks, sir! You saved me!
Not thanks! You should say sorry...
If a guy entered into the college and dragged you
in the presence of all girls...
There must be your wrong in this!
- I thought that he was a friend...
But hetreated you as a lover!
As he treated you so,
theremust be your wrong too!
Sorry sir!
- Take care...
K.Padmaja! Final year...
- Yes!
S.Praneetha! Final year...
- Yes!
S.Sahithi! Final year...
Thank you!
You three are selected for South Africa
tour to study about animals!
Once again... congratulations for that!
I am very happy!
Wepassed... All the credits go to Sasi sir!
- I feel double happy now!
Why do you feel double happy?
- Oneis for I have passed the exam!
Second is for going to South Africa
along with Sasi sir!
In this trip... I will finish the
matter with Mr. Romance anyhow!
You lost your brain!
Zoology head is also coming
along with us!
It will be risk! Don't do that...
You are there to
manage him, aren't you?
Shut up!
You areright, madam!
You can understand the
problems of girls!
As Sasi kumar is there...
It's correct that you
go instead of me!
In the cadre of college Principal...
It's correct that you
represent our college!
All the best, madam!
Wish you very happy journey!
Thank you, sir!
I am going to start theromance
operation right from here!
I havetaken the boarding pass in order to
get seat nearby Mr. Romance!
Hey! Do you know what is an another
happiest thing in this trip?
What?- Weneed not see the face of the
Principal for onemonth!
You arewrong! Look over there...
O God! It's bloody hell!
How come she camein the
place of Zoology head?
It seems she played somepolitics!
She may come as your competition!
- No chance! In caseshe comes against...
I will win this competition!
- Let's see!
Sit there...
- Okay! Thank you!
Madam! Are you also coming?
Wehaven't expected it at all...
We are very happy!
- Surprise!
By the way, shall we
exchange the seats?
I have to discuss regarding
thetour with sir!
Oh! Okay... Sit madam!
That is mine...
Tell me!
You said you wanted to discuss
something about the tour!
No discussion! Don't disturb...
In the name of African tradition...
If I hug Sasi kumar first, I can hug the
following beautiful ladies!
Welcome to South Africa, Mr. Sasi kumar!
By thebye, my nameis Cycle!
It's my responsibility to guide you
since your arrival till departure!
Come on! Let us hug...
What is this?
We haveto beas Roman
when wearein Rome!
We have to be as South African
when we arein South Africa!
It's the culture here...
Come on! Let's give coupling... - Shit!
Why did hego like that?
Hello! Welcome!
Hello! Welcome to South... -No!
Hello! Welcometo...
Thank you!
Welcome to South Africa!
Excuse me! I will bring that... you go!
- Thank you!
What a wonder!
Welcometo ISZS!
- Thank you!
Sorry!- It's okay!
- Okay!
Hey... Why didn't you tell me before?
You gay and me gay!
We both are sameto same!
Come to my flat!
I am not gay! I am not that guy...
You go! You go! You go!
Excuse me! -What?
Thebest quality within me is...
Theway I talk with you...
I would talk with Buses,
Cars and birds!
Really? -Yeah!
- Do you want to see?
Our guests have come from India!
Open the door...
Wow!- Please!
You go on... I will send the luggage!
- Okay! Please...
I look likethis in this getup!
I look very handsome if
I wear pants and shirt!
Actually, you look handsome
in this getup too!
Yeah! -Thanks!
Okay! Okay!
Not now... after sometime!
I will finish the matter with
Mr. Romance by tonight!- How?
You will see, right?
Wait and see!
Don't do so! Listen to us...
Hey! Listen to...
- Don't go! Please...
Madam! How come you are
in sir's room?
Sir is in the next room!
As my room was inconvenient,
we exchanged therooms!
What do you want?
I am thirsty!
I want drinking water...
That is... no water in our room!
I made a call to room service!
But no response...
What happened?
Operation fail!
- You arekilling us...
What again?
Target is target!
This time... matter gets finished!
If you are seen onceagain in the
eyesight of the Principal... will be finished!
No chance! They have exchanged
their rooms...
Mad girl! Don't go...
Madam! How come you are hereagain?
We exchanged again thinking this
room is better than that!
What do you want?
I don't get sleep...
to get somebook for time-pass!
What happened this time?
- It's Principal again...
She gave meZoology book to read!
Hello! -Hello!
- It's me... Shailaja!
I don't havepatience to exchange
the rooms again!
No! Not for that...
I am very sorry to have disturbed you!
I have called to say that!
It's okay!
- Good night! -Good night!
Okay! Come on, guys!
Get down everybody!
Excuseme! Which one?
- The second vehicle... right! Yeah!
You... Same! The same vehicle!
Madam! Wehave our personal vehicle...
We shall go in that!
Come on...
Thank you! Thank you!
Go there! Go there! Go...
I thought my darling would sit!
Why did he come and sit?
Madam! This is South African banana!
No! No thanks!- No? -No!
- Are you sure? -Yeah!- Okay!
No problem...
How to make my darling come
and sit near me?
He is over here...
Let megive him a small twist!
What happened?
O my God!
- What happened?
Can't you see?
It makes sounds...
You have to go back and
she has to come front!
This dialogue is not mine!
Jeep says...
Get down!
You look beautiful...
- Move!
I don't understand what vehicle says...
- I have understood!
What is it?
It asks you to come back...
and me to drive!
Is it so? -Yes!
- Come on... Come on! Drive...
It's yours! South African banana...
Shailu! What happened, Shailu?
Tell me what happened...
Ant went inside!
- Ant? Show me...
Don't move! Don't move!
Stay like this...
It will come out...
It's coming! It's coming!
Ant comes out by seeing thelight!
Don't you know to put cotton while
coming to this kind of places?
I don't know...
What is this, Sasi?
Wherehave you gone?
Where have you gone leaving me behind?
Where have you all gone?
Do you know how tension I felt?
All the students went to expedition...
As the vehicle broke down in the middle,
I had to arrange them for jeep!
You were sleeping, right?
Not to disturb you...
If so... will you go leaving mealone?
All the students... -Don't say anything!
Don't go anywhere leaving me alone!
You have to stay with me!
Should I stay with you?
- Yes!
Should I stay along with you
for the lifetime?- Yes!
It's coming closer...
Shooting this lion, I will become a
hero for my darling!
This gun is superb!
You can't shoot...
My dear! You can't shoot...
No bullets! You can't shoot...
Why did it not attack us?
They havemore common sense!
In which regard...
If any animals are doing romance,
they won't disturb!
Wherearetheanimals here
which do romance?
It's us!
Oho! If we do romance,
won't the animals attack?
Shall we start romance? -Shit! Shit!
Sasi! It's coming again...
What is this?
You said that it would not
attack ifwe do romance!
It has come to know... -What is it?
...that we are not doing romance!
What shall we do now?
- We shall run...
Sasi! What shall we do now?
No way! We have to do romance...
I have not expected!
I havenot experienced
this bliss before!
I have never enjoyed
this feeling before!
It's enough...
I don't want anything else!
Give me once again!
Food for three periods with you!
We are awake all the
night with kisses!
I like that kiss very much!
Give me once again!
Kiss is nice! Kiss is nice!
It's lovewhich is shortcut way
to reach the shore of romance...
It's love which is the visa
given by heart to reach heaven...
If to dance! If to sing!
If to float in kisses...
Love supports everything!
I have not expected!
I have not recognized
this truth so far!
I have not thought that I would get
such a chance to recognize!
Henceforth, no minute will be wasted!
Give me once again!
Food for three periods with you!
We are awake all the
night with kisses!
I like that kiss very much!
Kiss is nice! Kiss is nice!
By seeing the speed oflion within you,
the age was trapped by you!
I have developed the
romance within me!
Though I say it's enough!
Though I say it's not possible!
I ask you to immerse me into kisses!
I am becoming your own!
I wish for the perfection!
I ask you do research
all over my body!
I ask you to admit me
into your school!
I am sure that you will
not have rest at all!
Give me once again!
Food for three periods with you!
We are awake all the
night with kisses!
I like that kiss very much!
Kiss is nice! Kiss is nice!
Don't feel too much!
I did so in order to
defend our lives...
I also did so in order to
defend a life!
It is looking at us...
O God!
What shall we do now?
No way! Do romance...
You decide yourself...
Virginity or life?
Hey! What is this?
Padmaja! Stop it...
Do you know one thing?
My eco got satisfied!
Agirl with half of my age...
That too abeautiful girl...
That too a teenage girl...
As shelikes me...
I am really happy!
For doing romance...
it's a good place!
...a good climate!
But... I don't think our
relationship is good!
What is that?
Your father said,"Take care ofmy daughter",
before we took off to Africa.
Fathers are always so...
They always think so!
Insecurity feeling...
If there was insecurity, your father would
not have sent all the way to here.
He would have stopped you in terms of
tradition and culture!
As hesent you beyond that...
Hewishes to make you reach greater
heights in a perfect way...
What is therelationship between development
in life and attitude? Nonsense...
Come on! Give me an example...
Show me an ideal person who developed
in his life without good character!
Unless you have personal discipline,
your ambition will not be valued!
Unless your ambition is valued,
your life will not be valued!
My ambition is you! Discipline
is none of my business...
My life need not be
valued by the world!
Okay! You are clear?
- Yes!
Sure!- Yes!
Okay! If so... one condition!
You haveto fulfill my desire
I wish for...
What is it?
Your father told me that he was sending his
daughter with thebelief he had upon me.
The belief hehad upon me,
made me feel happy!
If I have to collapse that happiness... have to give me
more happiness than that.
Assure me that you give...
We shall immediately
start theromance!
Human relations run depending upon a
little word 'Belief'!
Beliefis like an infant!
It can either betwisted
or be brought up!
What shall we do?
Shall we bring it up or twist it?
I am so sorry, sir!
I am really sorry!
Congratulations! -Thank you, madam!
All the best!
- Thank you!
Congratulations! -Thanks, madam!
Keep it up!- Thank you, sir!
- Welcome!- Bye, sir!
Flights and trains run late!
It's by car, isn't it?
They have come...
Hi Ravi! -Hi!
After a long time...
- Surprise! -Congratulations!
Thanks!- Congrats, Shailu!
- Thanks, Kiran!
How are you? -Fine! -Hi, guys!
We got tensed thinking if you
might not talk with us...
Mother! What is this?
You roamed across the
countries, didn't you?
Let me take away the evil eyes.
Shailu! My mother and my father!
- Hello! -Hello!- Are you fine?
I want to talk personally
with you.
Would you please give me
an appointment now?
Just 2 minutes!
We shall meet at 7 O'clock in the evening.
- Thank you!
Hey! You achieved what you longed for...
You haveto bewished
special congrats!
What have I achieved?
Before anything happened...
As far as we are concerned,
you got married! What buddy?
It seems to bea great wonder for me!
You have come to India
after a long time...
You thought of getting married...
You did not like any girl
we arranged for...
You did not remember
Shailaja before I said...
After you came to know, you put
Shailaja well onto thetrack!
I thought you had come for me...
I did not think that you had
come after you found none.
I hate you...
Shailu! What is this nonsense?
What makes you hate Sasi?
Was it his mistake to come
in search of you?
Oho! Are you also supporting him?
If so... listen to!
I don't require you too...
I can live alone!
Shailu! After you
listened to me...
I liked you thinking that you were
not like everyone!
But... after I have to know that you
are also a black sheep, I hate you!
You don't want you all...
I resign my job and go far away
from you! Good bye!
Shailu! -Shailu! Shailu!
Please... Shailu!
Hello ma'am! I am Shailaja!
I am resigning this job...
What is this nonsense?
What is this nonsense without
listening to me?
It's nonsenseto love you...
It's nonsense to look for you...
As I came to know that I am the option'D' among
A, B, C and D in your multiple choice...
That is nonsense!
- It's true, Shailu!
I did not experience the pain to the
extent you experienced...
But... I also have feelings!
I would think that I have
missed something so far.
As I came to know that it was
you what I missed...
The morehappiness I felt,
the more worried I was!
I tried many times to share
this with you...
I asked for an appointment
for just 2 minutes!
You did not allow to hear...
If you have to know what I am,
you should know about me!
You should know about my mother...
Amother has to narrate
different kids stories...
...has to feed with small
mouthfuls of food!
...has to lull and bring up!
...has to teach everything
by herself!
This is how the world say...
My mother had not done all these...
Her first priority was her beauty!
During my childhood stage,
my mother had more concentration
upon her beauty than me.
She did not feed me with mother's milk to
protect her beauty!
There was quite difference between the
mother said by the world and themother I saw!
As I knew that, I did not haveany
feeling towards my mother.
No love! No hate!
When I was young, as my kidney got spoiled
because ofbad food habits... had to be transplanted!
My mother was not with me even
during that situation.
As I grew up, I felt that my parents had
fallen in love and got married.
Many peoplewould say that lovers cannot
part from each other...
But my parents wereneither likelovers...
...nor likehusband and wife!
...not even like friends!
Some situation, my mother left us and stayed
in her parental home for 2 years.
My father left abroad!
After seeing all these...
I lost respect over love!
One fine day, when I was in hostel...
The separated lovers suddenly
came together!
Amazement for why they joined again dominated
my happiness for they came to visit me.
This dress is very nice!
Where did you buy this?
Having seen my feelings, he started to
convince me as ifhe was guilt!
I left abroad leaving your mother to get
settled in life...
...but not for I did not
have love upon her!
You must have some necessities,
you joined again. Have I asked about that?
Not necessity! It's love...
That is what...
It's love in your point of view!
It's necessity in my point of view!
In my point of view,
love is necessary!
As if air, water and food are
necessary for life... takes the similar position!
During that period,
you wereintroduced to me!
After I parted from you,
I left for America!
After some years passed by,
when I was browsing...
I came across some links related
to my father!
Some magazines admired him that he was thebest
business consultant and best entrepreneur!
Virginia state government gavehim the
award ofbest entrepreneurship!
Refusing such a career and business...
I did not understand why he had suddenly
come to my mother!
Why did you leave such a good career
in thehalfway?
It doesn't matter if I don't get
settled in life...
As I wanted to stay along with my wife,
I came down!
After hearing that, I doubted for the
first time if love exists!
I came to know a news and
got shocked then...
Hey, Sasi! Your mother is
not feeling well!
That's why I have come...
- What happened to mother?
Sasi! Do you know who donated
kidney for you? Your mother...
I got disturbed for
I misunderstood my mother!
During my operation, I was angry as my
mother was not with me...
But I felt uneasy after knowing that she also
got operated and admitted in the by ICU.
Because she donated kidney for me...
...I felt sorry as she had to have many
pills for her health!
It would havetaken nearly a month if we
waited for the kidney donation!
As she couldn't help seeing your worries,
your mother donated her kidney to you!
Sasi! Your mother did not feed you with milk
when you were a child...
...but shegave you life after
you were grown up!
I went for shopping!
Is this dress nice?
- What my son? Is this nice?
It's very nice, mother!
If I wear this, do I look like
your sister? - Yes, mother!
Thank you!
My mother was born to me that day...
Thenext second after my mother was born,
a good heart blossomed!
The next second after my heart blossomed,
I started liking love!
Since then, when I saw my mother...
...she appears likean innocent child!
It's my mistake to compare my mother
with the mother described by the world.
It's my mistake to compare my parents
with the lovers described by the world.
Onceupon atime, I thought there was
no loveafter seeing my mother!
Because of the very mother,
I recognised the lovenow!
I immediately remembered you...
I remembered your friendship...
I remembered your love...
But... I heard that you got married
when I was in America!
As soon as I came to know that
you were alone...
...I wished we could stay together!
I came to meet you!
You droveme away...
I cameto your house
to convince you...
She says, duringthese days,
as people cheat in terms of love... did not cheat her in
terms of love!
That's why she likes you!
However we pleaded her to
forget you and get married...
...he replied only onething!
I can't giveup that placeto
others as I couldn't get Sasi!
Sometimes wehave to hate the
things which we love...
I feel pain to hate a man
who loves me!
Maybe hatred is also love!
After hearing that...
My heart was filled with love!
My heart was filled with you!
I wanted to be with you at any cost...
I joined as a lecturer!
In the multiple choice
A, B, C and D...
Only one will be the
right answer!
The rest three are wrong answers...
Only one will be the right choice!
The rest three are wrong choices...
I ticked the right answer'D'
I came to you as I felt
you are the right choice!
I love you!
No stupid idiot exists in the
world like me!
What? What happened?
If I had admitted that
I had love before 10 years,
I would not have missed
this food for 10 years...
What do you mean by it?
Do you say there is no love?
Love or something else?
Tell me...
Do you always fight for that?
Food or Soup? Tell me...
Soup! Soup!
Food! Food!
Soup and Food! Both...
You... tell me the truth!
Don't you like the food?