Pray for Rain (2017)

On behalf of the
people of the great state...
Of California... the president
of the United States.
This valley and others like it
across the country...
Where we can see the greenest
and most richest earth...
Producing the greatest and
richest crops in the country.
And then a mile away,
see the same earth...
And see it brown and dusty
and useless...
And all because there's water
in one place...
And there isn't in another.
What is it?
Somebody say something!
Allison, over here!
Over the shoulder!
Jason! Over here!
Stewart, Stewart, right here!
- Katie!
- Katie!
Marry me!
Thank you, darlin'...
I'm with somebody.
Yeah, I'm super excited
to see this movie.
It's an honor to be here.
I fully support this film.
Me and Katie?
I wish, we're just friends.
Sure, I play the villain,
but I'm not one in real life...
Or am I?
Sarah, Emma Gardner, New York
weekly magazine fashion column.
You look gorgeous.
Thank you.
So who are you wearing?
The amazing Karl Farrenbech.
Pretty much the only designer
I ever wear.
And your jewelry?
These are Harry Stenton.
They are gorgeous.
I, uh... sorry.
Um... and, uh...
What fashion trends are you
most excited about for spring?
There is only one correct
And that is everything that Karl
Farrenbech is doing.
Thank you, thanks so much.
Steph this is upsetting.
How long are you gonna be gone?
I'll be back by the end
of the week.
Well, what about last night's
premiere piece?
I have everything I need.
I will work on it on the plane.
I will have it to you by
tomorrow night, okay?
We go to print Friday.
Have I ever missed a deadline?
No. Where is this you're going
It's this town in California.
Bella Canejo...
It's near Merced.
Where's that?
It's in between San Francisco
and Los Angeles.
Steph why on earth
would you go there?
You know what, Steph, it's
personal. I'd rather not.
Okay, thanks, Steph.
Radio host
as the water price continues...
To increase, water theft has
tripled in the county.
A Porterville man was arrested
For stealing water from the
city reservoir.
John Blackwell, 49, was charged
with grand theft...
Of over 90,000 gallons of water
over a six-month period.
If convicted, he faces
up to five years in prison.
In related news, the drought
is getting so bad...
That officials are considering
adding a fifth level...
To the traditional
four-tiered syst...
Hey, mom.
Flight delayed?
Delayed? No, I got the first
flight I could get.
Well, as long as you got here
safely, that's all that matters.
Mom, I got here as soon
as I could.
Are you really gonna
start this... now?
Good to see you, em.
A beloved husband and father...
He gave himself to this whole
When Markus Gardner came back
from the war...
He had more right to hate
Vietnamese than anyone.
Instead, he help.
We came on boat with nothing.
His family gave us job.
Markus lend me money to buy land
when the bank wouldn't.
When I have no family,
Markus Gardner was my brother.
Men go first... then me
and then you.
Wasn't the tractor that killed
him... was that damn fish.
Hold it...
I know how to hold a goddamn
shovel, mom.
You are making a scene.
So what?
How long can I expect
you to stay?
Don't worry, I'll be gone
in the morning.
No surprise there.
He was a good man
and one heck of a father.
Yes, he was.
Markus could read a plant better
than anyone I've ever known.
Yeah, he could.
Pop, you remember how he'd stand
when he'd read it?
I do. He'd come up to me
and he goes...
"'Cisco, buddy, that plant
right there...
"Has gotten itself some root
rot, boy-o.
"You take that plant right there
and you're best to move it...
"Two plots over, if you really
care for that plant."
I'll be damned
if he wasn't always right.
Here's to Markus.
Here's to Markus.
To Markus.
Thank you for staying,
I'm feeling kinda tired.
I think I'm gonna call it a day.
Yeah, well, it's getting late
for us ourselves...
If you need anything, you know
where to call.
What the hell?
Everybody stay inside.
You sons-of-bitches!
They're gone.
Anyone else here need a drink?
Nico, what the hell is going on?
You want to tell me
what's happening?
What's to tell?
Oh, I don't know, mom...
Why someone might Chuck a rock
through our window?
I could explain, but why?
So you could tell your big city
friends what a terrible place...
It is where you grew up?
Not one of you cares
where a carrot comes from.
Or how much work goes into those
cold-pressed drinks...
That you pay 20 bucks for.
I'm going to bed.
It's been a long day.
Mom, I don't want it to be
like this.
Okay, it's just us,
I've forgiven you.
You've forgiven me?
What is it with you, kid?
Your dad spoiled you, Emma.
You want to know
"what's going on?"
You're the hot shot reporter.
You figure it out.
You gonna be here
in the morning?
Before you go, I'll make you
some strawberry pancakes...
Your favorite.
Thank you.
You still up?
Emma, what is it?
Dad's accident... where did it
Dylan's ditch. Why?
Who's there?
Who's there?
Don't move.
My light... I didn't see
anything, i... I don't care.
Take off your dress.
My dress?
I can do it for you.
Turn around.
No, I don't want to see...
I said turn around!
Open your eyes.
Open your eyes!
You're in the wrong place, lady.
You say anything to anyone
about us being here tonight...
And this will be the last face
you'll ever see.
Emma hey, Steph, it's Emma.
Look, something's come up and
I'm gonna have to stay here...
Until the end of the week.
I'll see you Monday.
Damn it, Emma! Wear a helmet!
They cut my irrigation hose...
All of them.
I'm so sorry... who's they?
We call them... bad men.
They have no work, so they
make trouble.
Nico is the only one sheriff
in town. They take advantage.
Mr. Nguygen, do you...
Do you think my dad could've
come across some of these men?
The day he died?
You mean, did they kill him? No.
They kill you in the face. Boom!
Just like that, they don't care.
Well, what do you want
to do now?
I, uh... will sell my farm, too.
I want to see my homeland
one more time.
Be buried with my family.
Patrick waring has been pushing
us all to sell.
I will tell him yes today.
See, before, that field had
trees full of these...
Full of these.
When the wind blew...
You picked them off the ground
with two hands.
Now, nothing grows.
Enjoy it, Emma... while you can.
You can't steal water from your
neighbor, Ana Sofia.
The city is behind on refilling
your tank, you're just gonna...
Have to go to town to get water,
like everybody else.
Now, I'm not gonna arrest you
this time...
But please, don't let there
be a next.
I've had to put people
away for this.
Sheriff Nico, that'll take some
getting used to!
I remember running away from
sheriff Cooper on our dirtbikes.
I'm only the sheriff
because he ran off...
And no one else wanted the job.
I might still race dirt bikes
with you.
How you doin'?
I had uh, no idea everything
was so bad.
Yeah, well, you've been gone
a long time, em.
Dispatch said you were looking
for me, what's in your craw?
Look, I know this might sound
crazy, but...
Do you think someone
could have killed my dad?
Could have? Sure. I mean,
I considered that.
But nothing pointed to anything
other than an accident.
Your mother said he was out
scouting a well.
Tractor must have stalled,
he slid under it to fix it...
It restarted and pinned
him down.
Yeah, but he never would have
taken a tractor down...
To Dylan's ditch.
Emma, his blood alcohol level
was through the roof.
I had to beg the coroner not
to include it on the report.
That's impossible. Dad never
Well, like I said, you've been
gone a long time.
Did he ever show you this?
I found it in his office.
I don't know, could you run
some DNA...
Or fingerprints on the envelope?
We can send it out.
It'll take a while.
Your dad, he rattled some cages,
but I don't th...
sheriff, we've got a code 63...
In progress at the Murphy farm.
All right, 10-4. I'm on my way.
I'm sorry, Emma, I gotta go.
I'm going with you.
Your dad butted heads
with some politicians...
And environmentalists,
but the only guy...
He had a long standing beef
with was Patrick waring.
That heated up again recently...
When waring started pressuring
other farmers to sell.
You can't drill into this
The land is sinking
a foot a year!
Time's up, okay! So get the hell
off my property!
This water that you want
to pump is 20,000 years old.
It's gonna take decades
to replace!
It's farmers like you
who are the problem.
You know what? Why don't you
replace that.
Come on!
Don't push me!
Don't push me!
Get off...
Hey! Hey! Cool it!
Come on!
You okay?
Yeah, thanks.
Break it up! Cool it! Cool it!
I said cool it! You...
Get off my property!
Enough! This is private
You want to protest drilling?
Do it from across the road.
You trespass or vandalize
this property again...
And I will lock you up.
Great. Arrest me. It gives more
attention to our cause.
Oh yeah? You sure you all wanna
spend time in county...
With a bunch of pissed-off
Who got there fighting
over water?
All right, let's pack it up,
you guys!
We made our voices heard here
today! That's what matters.
This isn't over.
Let's go.
Back up.
You okay, sweetie?
Yeah, I'm okay.
All right, guys, let's get to
work. Thanks.
Excuse me, has this happened
Oh, yeah, once or twice.
They're protestors, so they're
gonna protest.
I'm crash Murphy. We weren't
properly introduced.
Hi, I'm Emma. You're very young
to be doing this.
I studied agriculture at uc
And then I invested in this
farm. Perfect timing, right?
Your dad, he talked about you
a lot. Sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
He said you were a reporter.
I guess you can call
what I do reporting.
Okay. Well, this is what you
should be reporting on.
What, the drought making people
Well, the drought is horrible.
Never thought it'd last this
But now it's only part
of the problem.
It's the damn pumps.
What pumps?
The pumps up at the delta.
There's plenty of water there.
It's just not coming here.
I thought you would have
known this.
Your father did everything
he could...
To get those pumps turned on.
He petitioned the governor,
he wrote editorials...
And spoke before California
water agencies.
He was making a lot of noise.
Do you think you could show me
these pumps?
Okay, so, this facility takes
water from the delta below...
Pumps it 200 feet uphill
into the aqueduct...
That runs into our valley.
So... why were the pumps turned
You ever heard of the delta
It's actually a little fish,
it's about yay big.
They live in the Sacramento-San
Joaquin river delta...
Which is where this water
is being diverted from.
Apparently, the smelt need fresh
water to survive...
So some environmentalists filed
a lawsuit on behalf of the fish.
So now we don't get a single
drop of any of this water.
All of this for a 3-inch fish?
The irony is, that since they
made their changes...
Fish haven't changed in
population... but we sure have.
All we're asking for is five
percent of this water.
Less than two minutes.
The female record is 77 seconds.
One time your father was in
and out of that shower...
In less than a minute and he
started out dirtier than most.
Sometimes he used to farm naked.
Yeah, I remember.
What are you doing?
Well, as soon as the insurance
money comes in, I'm selling...
I'm getting out of Bella Canejo.
Well, you're not wasting
any time, are you?
Yeah, well, I wasted enough.
Mom, can you stop jerking off
to real estate for a second?
I can multi-task.
What do you need?
I think dad was murdered.
By an evil tractor?
Apparently he had a lot
of enemies.
Yeah, present company included.
Mom, if he was so bad, why
didn't you just leave him?
And go where? We were stuck
in this shithole...
Circling around the drain
Used up all our money to send
you to school.
We had a hell of a 15 years!
After you told your dad
that little lie.
I saw what I saw.
I want to go and live
by the ocean.
I want to drink homemade white
wine from a Mason jar.
I want to see the world that
you've seen. I want out.
Is that too much to ask
for after all this dirt?
I know you have this idea
of your father...
But maybe that idea was
Maybe the truth is that he just
got on that old tractor...
He just plumb forgot how to
drive it...
And he ended up in the ditch.
Sometimes, there is no mystery,
no story...
We just have to get
on with our lives.
I'm gonna hang around
for a while longer...
If that's okay with you?
Suit yourself. You've always
done what you wanted to do.
Be careful.
Look, I know you like to think
of yourself as the smartest...
Person in the room, but this
isn't New York...
And they work by different
rules here.
Hi there.
Oh, hey.
Thanks so much for
rescuing me the other day.
Oh, of course.
What can I help you with?
Um, is your boyfriend here?
Yeah, come on back.
Here, can you finish this real
quick? Thank you.
So, when are you due?
Two months.
Thank you.
Let me guess... natural
Definitely. Adam believes that's
what's best for the baby.
Is he speaking from personal
Excuse me, Adam...
Just a second. Yes?
You have a visitor.
Oh, g... uh, come in, please!
Come in, come in.
Hi, I'm Adam Campbell.
Hi. I'm...
Emma Gardner, yes, who donates
to Greenpeace...
The world wildlife fund,
and the Sierra club...
But for some reason, not us.
How do you know so much...
I looked you up on Facebook.
Recognized you from a picture
in the paper...
Alongside your dad's obituary.
You have my deepest condolences.
Thank you.
So, Emma Gardner, please meet
Stephanie Windemere...
Our greatest benefactor.
I'm charmed.
And this is Ron Skinner,
he manages the Windemere trust.
Pleased to meet you.
Stephanie has bequeathed
a fortune to our cause.
Oh, well, that's very generous.
I have a lot of money...
And word is that you
can't take it with you.
And all I leave behind
is my legacy...
So I'd like it to make
a real difference.
Don't let her fool you. She is
a true savior of the planet.
Well, here, please... sit.
So... what does the daughter
of Markus Gardner want with me?
Well, I wanted to find out more
about your cause here.
But to be honest, I was hoping
to have a private talk.
Oh, we are totally transparent
in every facet...
Of this organization.
So, anything you want
to say to me...
You can certainly say
in front of Stephanie!
Well, as you know, my father
wasn't your biggest fan.
Understatement of the year.
I guess I'm just trying
to understand.
Is all of this really over
some little fish?
The delta smelt is a crucial
component of the Sacramento...
"San Joaquin delta's
complex eco-system."
Yes, I read all of the
information on your website.
I also read all of my dad's
And this doesn't seem
so cut and dry.
The smelt need fresh water
Into that delta to survive.
Yes, but there was a study
from uc Davis that says that...
Invasive species, urban sewage
and lack of rain...
Have more of an impact
on the smelt...
Than the water from our pumps.
Don't... don't have poppy seeds.
They're not good for the baby's
We talked about that.
Look, farming doesn't have a
future in the central valley.
It's an artificial paradise.
We've been growing food there
for well over a century.
By diverting water into the
region with dams and aqueducts.
These dams and aqueducts were
Back when there was
too much water...
To prevent the land
from flooding.
You're making my case for me.
The land isn't suitable
for farming.
The central valley provides
100% of the nation's broccoli...
Walnuts, pistachios,
95% of its strawberries
and grapes.
All that's only possible
because you're stealing water...
That should be going to its
natural destination.
You need water to grow food...
To grow your almonds for your
precious almond milk.
No one here values almond milk
over an entire species!
Can we just be zen for a minute?
I really don't want to upset
the baby.
Okay, look, food can be grown
in a lot of places, Emma.
This fish only lives in one.
We've gotta get them off
the endangered species list.
And put the farmers on it,
Mrs. Windemere, I hope this
isn't the legacy...
You'd like to leave.
Hello. Mr. Nguygen?
Yes, it's Emma Gardner.
I'm curious, did you tell anyone
other than Patrick waring...
That you were going to sell
your land? No?
Okay... thank you. Bye.
Well, hello there, city slicker.
I thought you went back east.
Postponed due to lack of rain.
Is your dad at home?
He's probably inside.
What are you doing here?
I live here, ever since
my wife left.
Papa, look what I made!
Wow! Great job, bud!
Hey, I want you to meet a friend
of mine. This is Emma.
I've known her ever since
I was little like you.
These are the neighbors' kids.
Hi, guys! What are you making?
I'll tell you what they're
making, they're making a mess.
Emmita, Que Alegra Verte.
I'm good.
Hey, uh, it's time for dinner.
I think your mom is expecting
Come on, guys, I'll walk you
Come on, you want to come
with me, bud? Let's go.
That's okay, I'll clean up,
don't worry.
He is such a good dad.
Sit down.
Ugh, my goodness, my back
is so crooked...
It's gonna run for congress.
How's mama?
She's coping. Better than
Look, Francisco, I've heard
there was conflict...
Between Patrick waring
and my dad.
Oh... yeah, those two disagreed
about a lot of things.
You know, your dad damn near
killed him one time.
Put him in the hospital.
Truth is, your mom and Patrick
were high school sweethearts.
Patrick never gave up on her.
And your dad, well, he was not
afraid of waking sleeping dogs.
Sons of bitches... wait here.
What can I do for you?
I heard you needed some more
help around the farm.
I got your guys...
Quality workers.
Uh, we... we got all the help
we need.
Ah, no, you can always use
more work.
Or you could just pay us...
$50 a person, 20 days.
It's a good deal. I promise
you will be happy.
Look, I don't want no trouble.
I have no money.
No money? Hm, no money, what
would you do if these...
Pretty trees of yours burned
down, Mr. no money?
Hm? How about this
pretty house?
He said he didn't have
any money!
Emma, i...
So, why don't you leave
before his son gets back.
His son?
Yeah, that's his car
right there.
If you could read, the letters
on the side spell sheriff.
I can read, f-o-o-l. "Fool".
Just like you. I told you to
keep your stupid mouth shut.
Yeah, keep talking.
Here he comes.
Hey, I want you to go
with poppy.
Am I supposed be scared?
I got this, pop.
All I see is a tin star...
With another stupid wetback
pinned to it.
You guys, get the hell
out of here now!
Just looking for work, bro.
Just work for my guys.
We're not hiring.
Yes, you are. You just don't
know it yet.
You see, only one thing counts,
and that's numbers.
And you ain't got any, so...
Go ahead, call for back-up.
He's got nothing.
Not now, Tomasito.
Pop, take him inside!
Oh, Mijo!
What did he last have to eat?
He had a can from the food bank.
Oh, my god, poor, little baby.
What the heck is this? Oh, we
gotta take him to a doctor.
Get him to the hospital now!
Come on, I'll drive!
Come on, let's go!
So we start Monday?
You got dental?
Drive! Go! Go!
They call him "scorpion".
He started showing up once
the water stopped flowing.
Just haven't been able
to take him in...
Because everybody is scared,
nobody wants to talk.
It's just a bad case
of food poisoning.
You're gonna feel bad
for the rest of the day...
But tomorrow when you wake up...
You'll feel as good as new,
I promise.
I'm gonna have to keep him
here overnight...
Just to make sure he doesn't
get dehydrated.
I'll stay with him... keep him
away from that Chinese food.
Nothing but tacos for you!
I'm gonna stay, too.
You guys need anything? You want
me to stop by the house...
No, no, we're good.
But just take care of yourself,
Emma, okay?
Thank you.
Thank you.
You look after yourself, okay?
Come here, Chapulin.
That's a good boy. He don't cry
as much as you did.
If they need anything else,
Just um, send me the bill?
Emma Gardner. My condolences.
I was your father's doctor.
He talked about you all the
time, very proud.
I didn't... I didn't know
he had a doctor.
Yeah, since the diagnosis.
Add Nguygen's farm
to Mitchell's and Brown's...
And now Gardner's?
Without water, the land prices
are plummeting...
Soon it'll be worthless...
Gotta get out now before
it's a full-on dust bowl.
I can't possibly sell right now,
Look, I will lose so much money.
Prices are going down
by the minute.
I'm telling you, you gotta get
out now and get what you can.
I'm not gonna sell.
Owning my own farm, working
the land... this is my dream.
You'll change your mind!
I'll see to that.
What did you see in there?
Get your hands off of me...
What did you see?
Nothing! Jesus!
You've been following me
since breakfast.
I want to talk to you
about my father.
What about him?
You know something about
his death.
Yeah, I know he died
because he wouldn't shut up.
Because he refused to sell his
And he was in your way, you...
I what... what?
You have no idea how hard
I fought to keep my farm.
I didn't want to go bankrupt.
Selling is the only way
to salvage anything.
The more people who sell,
the bigger the profit.
You and all your fancy
You should know that
more than anyone!
Where were you the night
my father died?
Why would I tell you,
you little snitch?
Is that how you finish
all your interviews?
Some reporter you are.
Listen, you could cost people
around here a lot of money.
I'm sure many of them would
just wish you'd disappear.
I went to the clinic yesterday
and your name...
Is the emergency contact on my
dad's medical records. Why?
You don't know me.
Apparently you don't
know your father...
Very well, either.
Thank you all for coming today.
On behalf of the Windemere
family trust...
I would like to express
our gratitude...
To Bella Canejo
for welcoming us.
Nature society's central valley
headquarters will be dedicated..
To doing what is best
for the planet.
According to who?
Yeah! That's right!
100 years from now,
when historians look back...
They will say to the people
of the central valley...
"This was your finest hour."
Placing the value of endangered
Above your immediate needs is as
noble a tribute as can be.
If we stop farming here, the
price of food will skyrocket.
Please, please, there are
fertile fields...
Elsewhere in this country.
But what about these families?
Workers who have given their
lives to farming!
30,000 of them are out of work.
They're not able to feed
their children!
We hear you, and we promise
that the economy...
Of the central valley
will evolve.
You will all get other jobs,
better jobs.
Challenge leads to opportunity!
Uh, please help me welcome
our guest of honor...
Mrs. Stephanie Windemere, of the
Windemere family trust...
Who will dedicate this building!
what do you mean you can't...
Cover fashion week?
I've been working on something.
Something big, I think.
I need more time.
Well, I need you here in new
York where you have a job to do.
I'm sorry, Steph, but this
is more important.
All right, fine, you've made
your choice. Bye.
Thank you, thank you so much.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry
I have to let you go.
What have you got there?
Did you know dad was sick?
Sick? What do you mean sick?
Very sick... skin cancer.
Three-months-to-live kind
of sick.
You don't die from skin cancer.
That's not what this says.
Are you blaming me for this,
Of course not, mom, don't be...
I don't mean the disease. I mean
the fact that he didn't tell me.
Is that my fault?
No, mom...
Am I so awful that my husband
of 35 years...
Couldn't even tell me that
he had three months to live?
Look, mom, I'm just trying
to figure out...
What the hell is going on here,
Patrick waring is listed as
dad's emergency contact. Why?
I don't know.
This doesn't make any sense.
Go back to New York!
Emma! Emma!
So far, so good.
How about you?
All done.
What about Reynoso?
Like I said, all done.
You need anything else?
I don't want to see you
within 100 miles of this town.
Hey, what's up? I live here.
The Gardner girl knows
you. Listen...
Nico, is everyone all right?
We're fine... what about you?
Your mother called, she was
worried sick.
Oh my god.
They uh... they came while dad
was in town with Tomasito.
Some of those trees were older
than me.
I'm so sorry.
Francisco, I'm so sorry.
It's... it's all just too much.
Look, I followed the scorpion.
He's working for someone.
I don't know...
But it's got nothing to do
with your dad...
Hiring workers, it's all part
of something bigger...
By getting farmers to sell
their land.
Why? If the land's not worth
Why would anyone want to buy it?
I'm not sure, but I think
my dad was onto something.
Look, I texted you a screenshot
of my phone's serial number.
Yeah, I got it.
Okay, I want you to track it,
and tell me what you find.
Nico... you gotta trust me.
Okay. I trust you.
Can I help you?
Yes, I was wondering,
do you have a list of all...
The land sales in this area,
say within the last 18 months?
Yeah, I can get you that.
Would the list have all
of the buyers and sellers?
Absolutely. I can file
a request.
It takes 3 business days.
Three business days?
You can see why.
Look, Donna... it's just my mom
and me at home...
And someone's bought the
property next door...
And we're concerned with what
they're planning to do with it.
Things are hard enough as it is.
There are rules.
But I suppose I could let you
borrow the files...
For a couple of hours.
Nico. There have been 11 major
land sales around Bella Canejo.
But here's the thing...
They've all been bought
by corporations...
Not one private owner.
It doesn't make sense.
Okay, I'll be right there.
So, what do you got?
I tracked the signal from your
phone, this is where it ends.
Probably where the battery died.
What? I don't get it.
Come on, don't you watch CSI?
I figure that maybe when
the people came around...
They didn't even see it, either.
Now scan forward... more.
Stop. There.
Stop... there.
Who's that?
Now move frame by frame.
Stop. Can you zoom in on her?
I know her.
Is this really gonna work?
Why, yes, I can already feel
So? He's a friend. He was giving
me some money he owed me.
What's his name?
Did this friend pay you
not to find water?
No, what are you guys
talking about?
Your success rate is 11 percent.
Water is scarce, or hadn't
you noticed.
Well, it's not that scarce,
Drillers hit water 48 percent
of the time.
So, I'm asking you, who's paying
you to make sure...
That farmers are digging
dry holes?
How am I supposed to not
find water?
With guidance from someone
with geological surveys?
Okay... this is a murder
investigation and right now...
You're looking a lot
like an accessory.
Yeah. You want to divine
some rods in prison?
I don't know who he is.
He gave me some money
and a folder...
With places to avoid, that's it.
How do you get a hold of him?
The number changes every time.
This is the last one he gave me.
That's all I know, I swear.
I think I can track this and...
sheriff, we have a 647...
At 19 main street.
White male, drunk and
10-4. I'm on my way.
Get out of my car.
Gosh, I feel like I've seen
this before.
Emma, promise me you won't
do anything without me.
I promise.
All right, I'll call you
at the house.
See ya'.
the number you have dialed...
Has been disconnected.
Where have you been?
I've been trying to reach you.
Nico, I need you to come
with me now!
What the hell happened?
Come on.
Emma, you're shaking.
What happened?
Nico, I've got something.
We gotta go.
Okay. Hey, pop, I gotta go out
for a little bit. I'll be back.
Come on!
What the hell is going on?
No, no, no, I'm driving.
Get in!
yeah, sheriff, we arrived...
At the location.
There are signs of a scuffle,
but no suspect in sight.
Copy that. Thanks for the help,
We got his name. We'll get him.
Dispatch, I'm arriving
at the palms inn location.
Proceeding with caution.
Don't touch anything.
Wait, what is it?
It's Patrick waring.
They caught him stealing water.
Oh, god.
Now the only question is,
who are "they"?
Whoever owns all of these.
Dispatch sheriff?
Go ahead, dispatch.
I got the info you wanted...
On those companies, they are
all owned by one group.
Okay, get some rest, we'll get
your car later.
Thanks. Bye, Nico.
Where have you been?
I've been worried sick.
Mom, it's a long story,
I'll explain later.
We need to talk.
You found me and Patrick waring
alone in the barn together.
I told you and your father
that nothing ever happened.
You didn't believe me
and I know he didn't.
After that happened...
The trust was gone...
It was all ruined.
Patrick and I were having an
affair and I've been lying...
About it all these years...
And I'm sorry.
What a waste.
It's all wasted.
No, it's not...
It's not wasted, mom.
Something good can still
come from this.
I never thought I'd see you
here again.
I just told Emma the truth
about us.
Can remember, I feel... e that I
I feel good. When's the last
time you had that feeling?
So long I can't remember.
What sort of trouble have you
got yourself into?
They caught me stealing water.
Threatened to expose me
if I didn't sell...
Help them convince everyone
else to sell, too.
Oh, it'd be a big help
if you let that out.
To the farmers?
No, to you.
I heard you got your ass beat
by a girl, "Edgar".
Ooh-wee, she sure did a number
on you, boy.
You gonna arrest me, cabron?
You and what army?
That one.
Edgar Escamilla, you're under
To its natural state... Al valley
is gonna be a seven-point
process. Thanks to Stephanie...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, what the hell is this?
Ron Skinner, you are under
This is absurd.
For violation of the Rico act,
for the crimes of bribery...
Vandalism, and extortion.
Anything you say, can and will
be used against you...
In a court of law. You have the
right to an attorney...
Okay, what's going on?
Been buying all the land...S
the farmers have been vacating?
Buying the land? No.
There have been 11 sales
throughout the county...
All bought by shell
But one entity owns them all...
The Windemere family trust.
But I haven't bought any land...
Don't worry, Mrs. Windemere,
we know.
Ron Skinner's signature
is all over the paperwork.
Nico he hired thugs
to intimidate farmers...
Into selling their land.
What about Reynosa?
And your money... of attorney
to purchase the land.
And he's been using all of you
to depreciate land values...
By creating environmental
All so he could purchase it
for pennies on the dollar.
The economy of the central
valley will evolve.
You will all find other jobs,
better jobs.
No, no, no, no, that's not
And not only was he gobbling
up all the land...
Using the Windemere's trust
But he's been buying off
Getting them to vote to turn
the pumps off.
He had a plan to turn them on
again once he owned everything.
This farmland generates 30
billion in revenue every year.
Greed is a powerful thing.
Yeah... this was a really nice
office, Adam.
Is there any way I can make
this right?
Ladies and gentlemen, today
is a good day to be a farmer.
We have found a friend
in Mrs. Stephanie Windemere.
I have longed for a legacy
that I can be proud of.
And supporting you all, who are
such good stewards...
Of the land, just feels right.
Headquarters... Ill be the
coalition, an organization...
Injustices of the law. The
that water once again flows...
In the central valley.
And continues to flow!
I hope you feel good, kid.
You helped this whole community,
you've saved a lot of people.
Well at the ocean. I wish you
please... don't forget how
to get back here, okay?
Take care of this place.
I'm so proud of you.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Come on in.
Going somewhere?
Six weeks. Minimum security,
took the plea,
got a reduced sentence.
Have a seat.
I'm sorry the way things
turned out.
Don't apologize, city girl.
You saved me. I owe you.
Then tell me why you were my
dad's emergency contact.
What you really want to know
is if I killed him.
The FBI said that Skinner and
Escamilla had a solid alibi...
For that day.
So, if it wasn't one of them,
it had to be you.
Yes and no.
What's that supposed to mean?
He asked me to help him.
I told him no at first.
Then he asked me to do
it for your mom.
He didn't want her changing
his diapers.
Spending money she didn't
have on his health care.
He was gonna die anyway.
What, so you got drunk together.
Yeah, yeah, we did,
a last hurrah.
A way to really bury
the hatchet.
You'll see, if you live
long enough.
There comes a time when
you have no choice...
But to forgive and let go.
Why should I believe you?
We have to trust each other,
Are you Markus Gardner's
daughter or not?
I am.
Hi, Emma, it's me.
If you're watching this video...
That means I must have already
been laid to rest.
I hope a lot of people came to
my funeral. Heh-heh.
No, I just wanted to assure you
that I chose to do this myself.
I was running out of time...
Just wanted to expedite
the inevitable.
Patrick waring, he helped me
do it, carry out my wishes...
But that was only because
I couldn't do it by myself.
And it would give mom
a chance to save the farm.
'Cause that drought
just choked us out.
And I didn't want to see her
spend another day in distress.
So, this was the best way to go.
I love you.
I love you, buckaroo.
I'll always love you.
And I will see you
on the other side.
I don't want my mom
or anybody to see this.
I gave my word to Markus
that I would show you...
And only you, one day.
I had to trust you first.
Does that make us square?
Hello, neighbor.
You know, if I cooked, I would
have brought you a casserole...
But I don't, so I didn't.
However, my dad does brew
one kick-ass beer.
This is from the little guy.
I think that one's you.
It's very good.
Yeah, he's a creative kid.
A little far reaching at times,
but he likes you a lot.
Does he?
He's always going on about
your... pretty eyes.
Frankly, I don't see it, myself.
Shut up.
Welcome home, Emma.