Prayer for the Dying, A (1987)

Run, Martin.
Jesus, come on.
- Where is he?
- Move!
Is that you, Martin?
Who the fuck you think it was?
May you die in Ireland.
Isn't that what they say?
- I want my passport, now.
- You'll get it.
And no ordinary one.
Pedigree. And a safe berth
on a cargo boat to the States.
And $50,000.
- What would I have to do for all that?
- What you're good at.
- No. There'll be no more killing.
- One more makes no difference.
I said, no!
Just one.
A piece of slime.
You'll be back.
Every policeman is looking for you,
and so are your comrades in Ireland.
I'm all you've got.
You fucked that up.
Kristou did his best.
And he'll do better.
- Fallon didn't look much to me.
- He's beautiful.
The best.
I want him, Kristou.
Get him back.
How, Mr. Meehan?
You heard him.
Ring the police.
Turn Fallon in?
What if they catch him, Jack?
They won't.
They're not good enough.
Call them, Kristou.
Get out.
Let's go.
- Who you operating for?
- I'm only the driver.
Who you operating for, fellah?
Jack Meehan.
Open the boot.
Go on. Get in.
Where's that idiot, Varley?
You must be Jack Meehan.
That's right.
You've changed your mind.
No. I wanted to see the face.
So I'd know.
Leave him, Billy.
Two of a kind!
You and me!
So, what name is he using?
He's using "Fallon."
Up! Come on!
Sit down! Shut up!
Did you see anything?
Nothing here.
Slow down.
Do you think they got him?
- Ten minutes earlier, it could've been us.
- Well, it wasn't.
- You set me up.
- I had to.
It was the only way I could get you back.
For your own sake, just one more.
How many did you kill over there?
I never killed for money or favors.
Never because I enjoyed it.
There was always a reason.
All for the glorious cause.
That's fucking right.
Look where it's got you.
Now, even your own people want you dead.
Look at you.
A hunted animal.
Not a living soul who wouldn't turn you in
or put a bullet in you. Not one!
Just one more...
...and you'll be free forever.
His name's Krasko.
Murder, drugs, whores, extortion.
Same business as Jack Meehan.
Now Meehan's taking over.
You'll need another gun.
I don't think so.
Please, Martin.
I once seen some writing
on a wall in Derry...
...that said:
"Is there a life before death?"
They'll make me turn you again, Martin.
I know it.
It's either his life...
...or yours.
All this killing...
...that seems to follow me about.
Excuse me.
For God's sake, no.
"Go forth, Christian soul...
"...from this world in the name of God...
"...the Almighty Father,
who suffered for thee.
"In the name of the Holy Ghost..."
- Is Krasko dead?
- Yeah, but he was seen.
There was a priest there, Father Da Costa.
He saw Fallon plain as day.
But Fallon just walked away, let him be.
- Where's Fallon now?
- At Da Costa's church.
He's going to kill him there, then.
In his own church.
Nice touch.
Who's there?
You play lovely music.
But that trumpet stop is a reed.
It's out of tune because it's damp.
Try leaving it in.
Have you been playing long?
Not long enough.
The parish priest doesn't mind...
...which isn't surprising. He's my uncle.
Are you waiting for him?
I suppose so.
He's at a funeral.
He'll be back soon.
I hope you're not leaving because of me.
I have to go.
Look after yourself.
I'm sure he used a Ceska
fitted with a silencer.
It's a Czech gun.
Terrorists use them quite a lot.
I was in the military.
Army Chaplain?
Doesn't sound like one of Meehan's men.
Jack Meehan.
Makes him look like St. Francis.
I'll tell you what bothers me...
...Father Da Costa saw his face.
Yes, and he didn't kill me.
- It bothers me.
- It bothers me, too.
It'll bother Jack Meehan when he finds out
there's a witness running around loose.
Excuse me, I have confession. I'm sorry.
Are you sure? That sounds an awful lot.
I must say,
I didn't think it would be that much.
- I'm sorry. That's the way it is.
- The way what is?
Come on, love.
We can't have this.
I thought there'd be some money left
to tide me over.
She's a bit confused, Mr. Meehan.
Her husband just died.
Tell me all about it.
I didn't want him to be buried on the State.
But I didn't know
that it would cost so much.
How much did you give him?
400, sir.
It says 300, here.
And even that's a mistake.
Because it should be 75.
It won't be on the State, will it?
No, it won't.
It'll be the best.
I shall attend to it personally.
...and 25.
You obviously haven't heard
of our special rates for older people.
It comes to us all, Mrs. Orton.
Mrs. Orton will choose some flowers
with my compliments.
And she'll need a car to take her home.
He loved flowers, sir.
God bless you.
He does, Mrs. Orton...
...every day.
Show me the deceased, Mr. Ainsley.
Martin's a top operator.
He used to be.
Now he's a danger to the movement.
Where will you be?
Where will you be?
- Here.
- We'll telephone you.
Probably the only pleasure
that old lady got out of life.
I can explain everything.
I've put the old lady in a car.
Bonati picked out
some lovely chrysanths for her.
Thank you, Rupert.
- Not on the day, please.
- Yes, Mr. Meehan.
You tried to thieve from Jack Meehan.
That's bad.
But what is worse, you tried to thieve
from that ignorant old lady.
I can explain.
There have been problems at home.
You don't know what the word means.
I'll tell you about problems.
Only the poor have problems.
My father cleared off when I was 4.
My mother was reduced
to getting bits of cleaning when she could...
...and when she couldn't...
...she resorted to having sexual intercourse
with strangers...
...up against the back wall of public houses.
Five shillings a time.
Bonati, would you do the honors? Boys?
She fed us, Billy and me. Kept us clean.
She brought us up on her own.
She had pride!
In fact, she was very like that little old lady.
You tried to thieve from her.
That old lady's earned a little respect.
Just as her old fellow's earned something
better than a State funeral.
I want him back at work tomorrow morning.
The police are going to call for me
after I've taken confession.
What more can you do?
The man was obviously a professional.
They want me to build up a picture of him.
- Do you think you'll be able to do that?
- Yes.
I was only a few feet away from him.
I saw him very clearly.
And he saw me, too.
And yet he let you go.
Change your shirt, Michael.
Your flask's on the table.
They missed him.
He was too good for them.
Don't you worry. This town's a sewer.
Some rat'll always tell us where he is.
They didn't get him.
But I'll find him.
What now?
We just wait.
What's our cover? Married couple?
What about the conjugal rights?
Come on, a drink at least.
"May the Lord be in your heart and on your
lips so you may humbly confess your sins."
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned."
How long is it since your last confession?
It's been a long time.
Don't worry.
Just do your best. Confess your sins.
Is there any circumstances under which
anything I say to you now...
...can be revealed to somebody else?
The confessional is inviolate.
It's simply between me and you
and our Lord God.
Well, that's good.
Father, been a long time.
Jesus, I didn't think this would be so hard.
Take your time.
Just take your time.
This morning I killed a man.
You killed a man?
What do you mean?
How did you kill him?
You were there.
Out! Get out!
I take it my confession's over.
If you choose to murder people... may no longer consider yourself
a member of the Catholic Church.
I am a Catholic.
Then you'll know I cannot possibly
grant absolution for murder!
I've already got it.
The seal of the confessional.
You can't tell anybody what you know.
You are profaning the Holy Church
to save your skin.
I could've closed your mouth with a bullet.
Why didn't you?
There's been enough killing.
Listen, I've got to talk to you.
I have nothing more to say.
Confession is for reconciliation... seek forgiveness.
I'm not asking anybody to forgive me.
I know what I've done...
...and it's done.
No man has the right to damn himself.
Only God has that right.
I'll leave it to God.
God's already in this.
You didn't take my life in the cemetery.
What's my life worth as a witness?
- You'll be safe.
- I see.
God has placed my life in your hands again,
is that it?
I said you'll be safe.
- I won't have you on my...
- Immortal soul?
I was gonna say conscience, Father.
So, Mr. Fallon.
You made a mess of it.
The job's done.
I want my passport and my money.
You were seen.
A priest saw you.
His mouth's been shut.
You took him out, then?
We had a wee talk.
What fucking good does that do?
That's the way the Catholic Church works.
You wouldn't believe it, would you?
Da Costa can't say anything
to the police now.
Neat, Mr. Fallon. But not neat enough.
- I want the priest.
- I said no.
Don't tell me you're worried
about killing a priest?
He's a witness.
Nobody touches the priest.
Superintendent, I'm sorry.
I can't help you.
- You what?
- I can't help you.
I'm asking you to identify a murderer.
The murder took place in front of you.
You saw it, and the man who committed it.
- You really must help.
- I can't.
You don't understand.
I've been after Jack Meehan for 10 years.
He's vicious. He's evil.
We're talking about drugs,
child prostitution, maiming, murder.
You name it.
I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do.
- Has Jack Meehan been getting at you?
- No.
- Is your life in any kind of danger?
- No.
- And you still refuse to help us?
- I can't.
You're no ordinary priest, Father.
We know that.
Special Air Services
before taking Holy Orders.
Korea. Prisoner of the Chinese
for five years.
If I have to...
...I can bring you in formally,
as a material witness.
You'd just be wasting your time.
We had an arrangement.
You'll get your passport...
...and the money...
...on the boat.
Meanwhile, I'll put you somewhere safe.
Not in here.
In here we show a little respect.
So sad.
Raped and murdered three days ago.
It wasn't even dark.
What is the world coming to?
Take Mr. Fallon to Jenny Fox's, will you?
You're in luck, Fallon.
A city councilor.
They're all in Jack's pocket.
No rough trade here, Fallon.
Jenny's the best.
Our number-one girl.
You'll see.
I have a surprise for you.
Jack wants you to look after him
until Sunday.
It's not work to you, is it?
She just pretends not to enjoy it.
She does, though.
They all do.
But I don't.
I do what I fucking please,
when I fucking please!
I'm Jack Meehan's brother!
Nobody stops me.
Have you a cup of tea, love?
Twelve years, Siobhan.
Twelve good years.
What are you gonna do when we find him?
I'm going to take him home.
What will you do then? Blow him away?
Same again.
We got a break.
Someone wants to meet you.
Beautiful, Jack.
You know I like to be alone in here.
I know, Jack.
It's just that Fallon's on my mind.
We can't trust him... and you.
Pretty little thing.
She only needed eight pints
of embalming fluid.
What about the priest?
I won't sleep till we've buried him.
She could be a bride.
Leave Fallon and the priest to me, Billy.
It's all there.
Here, here.
What's this?
I'll not go near this place.
You tell Mr. Fallon I want to see him.
- What? Me?
- You.
I need to see Father Da Costa.
He's at a confirmation class.
You're the man
who helped me with the organ.
That reed's still playing up.
You want me to take a look at it?
If you have the time.
It's no problem.
I thought I told you to stay out of here.
Michael? Is that you?
You're back early.
I'd like another word with you.
In private.
Superintendent, you haven't met my niece.
Mr. Fallon's been helping us
repair the organ.
Looks complicated.
How long have you been here?
How long have you been here?
It's not a job to be done in five minutes, sir.
You carry on.
I like to see an expert at work.
Let's talk in the sacristy, shall we?
Do you play, Mr. Fallon?
Very well.
Let's have a tune.
Who are you, Mr. Fallon?
You hide yourself, don't you?
But not when you play.
The Superintendent
was so suspicious of you.
He's paid to be suspicious.
You're doing it again.
I think I'd prefer to listen to you play.
I can't.
I know only one circumstance in which
a priest wouldn't tell what he knows.
If he learnt it in the confessional.
My next step is to go to your superior.
It wouldn't do any good.
In legal terms, his actions
make him an accessory to murder.
- Don't you understand that?
- Yes.
I'm going to go to
the Director of Public Prosecutions...
...and ask for a warrant.
I'm gonna have you arrested.
Shit. It's Miller.
Keep going.
I knew that priest couldn't keep quiet.
Go around the block.
And the mourners?
- We'll be late to the crematorium.
- Fuck the mourners.
I told you to do something about that priest.
He's with Da Costa's niece. She's blind.
I've never had a blind girl.
Can't you talk about anything else?
I've lived with my uncle for nearly two years.
And before that?
I was a switchboard operator at the hotel.
That was some education after the nuns.
Army training, Father?
What do you want here, Mr. Meehan?
Call me Jack.
I was an acolyte once.
Up there.
All scrubbed.
Scarlet and white.
Did you know that?
How's your rebuilding going?
- I hear you're not getting very far.
- And you'd like to help, is that it?
That's it, Father.
That's it exactly.
What needs to be done?
Will you be coming back this way?
I'll be leaving soon.
Do you have to?
I have to.
I was born over there.
Where them slums used to be.
Outside privies,
cockroaches as big as your thumb.
This Fallon arrangement.
You gonna stick to it?
The confession?
He told me all about it.
He really shut you up, hasn't he?
That's good. That's very good.
How much to put all this right?
Nothing from you.
You turn me down, but you forgive Fallon.
What's so different about him?
Hasn't he told you about all them other
murders in Belfast, Derry and the border?
You won't take my money?
Perhaps you fell for his Irish charm...
...just like your niece did.
I suppose a blind girl
must need a man more than most.
You scum!
No absolution for that, Father.
Not for that.
All right, Mr. Fallon.
Nobody's touched your priest.
I don't do things that way, Martin.
I'm a funeral director.
I bury people, or I burn them.
For me, death is an art form.
You don't believe me?
I'll show you.
"Forgive him whatever sins...
"...he committed through human frailty...
"...through Christ our Lord, Amen."
This is all we come to.
This is our rest-in-peace card...
...for the next of kin.
We keep very careful records of our remains.
Watch it. It's fascinating.
Don't touch Billy again.
And you stay away from the priest.
What do you do all day,
when you're on your own?
It's really pretty.
What's that say?
I love men with tattoos.
Have you got one down here?
I'm staying in tonight.
You can stay with me if you want to.
Want me to stay with you? Please.
Just for a while. Not long.
Maybe some other time.
What's going on here? What are you doing?
Who put you up to this?
Who put you up to this?
Some blokes from the pub over there.
Good evening, Father.
This is a surprise.
You care to join us?
My church has been desecrated.
That's dreadful.
You put them up to it.
Nothing to do with me.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You're lying.
Take him away.
Come along, Father.
What you doing, Father? Praying?
Or puking?
I don't think
you quite know who I am, Father.
- Why do you stay here?
- Why do I stay here?
A 4-year-old daughter, that's why.
I had her when I was 14.
Jack Meehan helped me.
I've been whoring for him ever since.
It's all I know.
I see my little girl whenever I want to.
It's you.
Is Mr. Fallon here?
What do you want?
Message for you from an old comrade.
Hi, Marty.
You all right?
Yeah, I'm all right.
I'm okay.
So, how's things going?
You wanted to see me?
Brigade staff wants you back.
- I'm not going back.
- Don't fuck me about, please.
- I'm not fucking anybody about.
- There's a court of inquiry.
A man in your position
can't just take off without telling nobody.
Martin, I've been sent over here.
I've bollocked about this city for days,
feeling like an idiot.
You're coming back with me.
I said no.
What's got into you?
We've had to cancel every operation
in Belfast over you.
We've had to shift every arms dump
that you knew about.
How the fuck can you stand there...
...and say I'd be a security risk?
I'm not saying that,
but what the fuck am I supposed to think?
Up and leaving like that
without telling anybody.
Thanks for putting me in this predicament.
I'm sent to London
to bring back my best mate...
...or shoot him if he won't come.
I'm not going back.
Tell me, why'd you leave?
Why'd you pack everything in?
Why did I pack everything in?
I don't want to keep waking up...
...every night
hearing the screams of young children.
I lost something a long time ago.
Everything got very black, like dried blood.
And something started to stink.
Every day it got worse,
sometimes so bad I couldn't get out of bed.
I sat there in the dark
like a wee scared boy...
...not being able to breathe
or speak my name.
I saw myself lying on the street, dying,
not wanting to die.
Maybe there's something wrong with me.
Always was something wrong with you.
You're only realizing that now?
We all have to live with it.
I can't.
I have a decision to make.
- It's all right.
- It's not all right.
It's all right.
Don't be fucking stupid.
Come back with me.
It's all right.
Don't do this.
Fuck you!
You fucking bastard.
He's not coming, is he?
You should have shot the bastard.
You're taking a romantic view of him.
I'm only going by my instincts.
I think he's a very gentle,
understanding man.
That man has lived by violence for years.
And what did you live by?
What were you doing when you were away...
...when no one was allowed
to know where you were?
You said you enjoyed the army, the action.
But you became a priest.
You gave it up.
So has Martin Fallon.
- Hasn't he?
- I'm not so sure he has.
Don't you see how alike you two are?
What on earth is that?
Have you something to say?
We are fundamentally alone.
Nothing lasts.
There's no purpose to any of it.
That's a bit of a statement.
Can you explain it to God?
No, Father.
Wrong way around.
Can he explain it to me?
Can he explain... lost faith...
...and how I lost it?
...I destroyed people.
For what?
For somebody's victory.
Two sides want total victory, Father.
And I took one side.
In war, nobody wants to give
or talk. I didn't.
I destroyed lives.
And now I realize...
...that every time I pulled the trigger...
...I was only destroying myself.
Why should I believe you?
You don't have to.
I don't think I do.
- Why?
- Why?
Because I saw you
with my own eyes kill a man...
...and that wasn't 10 years ago.
I fucking well had to.
- No, you hadn't.
- I did.
You're a hypocrite.
I am.
Father, whether you believe me or not...
...there's to be no more killing, not by me.
There's nothing worth killing or dying for.
And the real truth is, Father...
...there's nothing worth living for, either.
That's a terrible thing to say!
I want you to stay.
My uncle's at the hospital...
...all night.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
I just wish I could see you.
Who's there?
"Three blind mice
"Three blind mice
"See how they run
"See how they run
"They all ran after the farmer's wife
"who cut off their tails with a carving knife
"Did you ever see such a thing in your life
"As three blind mice?
"Three blind mice"
Don't shut the door on me.
It's dark.
Blind man's bluff.
Where are you?
My little mouse.
It's Billy.
It's nicer with Billy.
Anna, it's all right. It's me.
You all right?
Anna, it's okay.
It's okay, Anna.
Did I kill him?
No, Anna. He ran away.
Get some rest now.
Get some rest.
What are you doing here?
What's happened to this door?
What do you mean, broke?
What's going on here?
Keep your voice down, Father.
Anna's had a bad night.
An intruder broke into the house.
- Is she all right?
- She's asleep.
Don't disturb her.
Don't play games with her.
I don't play games...
...even when I was a kid.
I know why you keep coming here.
And you know, too, don't you?
...I've been exactly where you are now.
You've made the choice.
You turned your back on the horror.
And who's going to forgive you?
Believe me,
you cannot live without forgiveness.
Don't you ever give up?
I'm trying to do my job, to save your soul.
And it's so easy.
I know what you're feeling.
Come with me now.
Ask God for forgiveness.
I swear, you will be forgiven.
Martin, please.
- Gaskin, Special Branch.
- Miller.
Not your line.
Just a bunch of villains falling out.
Open and shut case.
The word is that one of the Irish lads
was paid to do it.
Needed some money and papers.
- Martin Fallon.
- Fallon?
- We've got Jack Meehan.
- He's nothing.
Where would he hide Fallon?
Come on, Miller! Where?
- The casino?
- No.
What about one of those hotels of his?
Better. Those first. Anywhere else?
Why not do them all?
Make a clean sweep.
Jeff, telephone.
Jeff, please.
I'll get it.
- Siobhan?
- Yeah.
I haven't come to see...
Joe didn't tell me anything.
Don't tell me you've come...
This has nothing to do with either of you.
Right now, I'm here on business.
It's here, why didn't you say so?
This is really it, isn't it?
Are you going to hook it up right away?
Yes. Tell us where to put it.
Now, this is your fuse.
Just break off the top.
And the jelly does the rest in 10 minutes.
You sure this is a straight article?
I don't want forensics to be in any doubt.
They won't.
Holdall, Dublin.
Biscuit tin, Belfast.
Gelignite stolen from a site
in County Tyrone.
Chemical fuse is Russian.
Who is it you are going to blow away?
A football stadium?
That's my business.
Help yourself.
Jack Meehan just phoned.
What'd he want?
I've got to take you to your ship. Now.
Do you want to go, or don't you?
Let us pray.
"...may your healing love turn us from sin...
"...and keep us on the way that leads..."
- "...through Christ, our Lord."
- Amen.
- The Lord be with you.
- And also with you.
And also with you.
May Almighty God bless you.
- The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- Amen.
The mass is ended. Go in peace.
Thanks be to God.
Anna! It's all right.
I'm here.
Good evening, Father.
Lovely service.
You coming?
You go. Call me if everything's all right.
Sally, wake up.
What have you done to her?
You've drugged her.
It's okay. You can come up.
Your passport's here.
Where are you?
Not a sound.
You shite, take your clothes off.
- Where the hell is he?
- Don't ask me.
You can come up.
Now your jockeys.
Jesus, what was that?
Where's Fred?
Don't turn around.
Drop them.
Now your trousers.
Screw you, Fallon.
All right!
They made me. They took my daughter.
Where's Mr. Meehan?
Sod off!
Hold on!
After the 6:00 mass...
...he and Bonati are taking the priest and the
girl up the tower, leaving them with a bomb.
Half hour later,
the law's gonna hear of a road accident.
...with the gun that killed Krasko
and jelly from the same batch of the bomb.
- All right?
- Now your jockeys.
You fancy a swim, lads?
Hold on. I can't swim.
I can't swim, either.
Get him up here.
Get him up.
Nine minutes.
Hurry up, answer me.
Six and a half minutes.
- Five and a half minutes.
- Martin, it's a bomb.
- Anna, please.
- I'm not going without you.
Take her down, Father.
Save yourself.
Five minutes.
Touch it and up it goes.
We'll both be killed!
I'll see you in hell, Jack.
Your brother's card.
Just as you showed me.
The gas, the grinder, the ashes.
Anna, stay there. Just stay there.
Don't you ever give up, Father?
Not when there's someone worth saving.
Is Anna...
She's safe.
She's safe, Martin.
Am I dying, Father?
Yes, Martin.
I want you to say an Act of Contrition.
Come on, Martin.
I want you to repeat after me
the Act of Contrition.
"Oh, my God..."
Martin, please.
He won't understand.
Yes, he will.
He understands us all, everything.
He's there, waiting. Ask him.
He won't understand.
He will, I promise you.
...forgive me.
"Go, Christian soul...
"...from this world...
" the name of God...
"...the Father Almighty, who created thee..."
He's dead...
...isn't he?