Predator World (2017)

- On the
maiden voyage of the Titan 1-C
the ship was struck by an
ice comet and destroyed.
The lucky ones died quick.
For the survivors, the
nightmare had only begun.
Captain's log,
New Year's Eve, 2140.
Lewis McBride reporting.
The maiden voyage
of the Titan 1-C
is going as smooth as can be.
This is a fine shot driven
by the latest technology
and, of course, an
experienced crew.
We're on schedule, heading
through the Nebula Zone
in the cantankerous
region of Alpha 19.
We are now preparing to land
on the dark side of Uranus,
deploying exploration vehicle.
Beep, beep, beep, beep.
Beep, beep, beep, beep.
Alien life form.
Must take samples.
Do, do, do, do.
Tastes like Milky Way.
- We have
encountered an issue.
What is the problem?
We have been invaded.
They have come to
fuck all of our women.
This serves as a huge issue.
- Holy crap,
we're stuck in a sinkhole.
- Ow.
We must destroy you.
- No!
- Get off of our planet.
- Help!
- Disintegrate
the truck.
We have conquered.
- I'm back with guns.
- No!
Oh my gosh.
- Wait, I
found something here
we can use for a power source.
- You can not
have our power source.
- Captain McBride,
aren't you forgetting something?
- What?
Oh, the meteor storm?
Nah, that's way behind us.
- But it's almost midnight.
Don't you wanna wish the
passengers a happy new year?
- Nah!
Fuck 'em.
- Isn't that First
Officer Vickers coming?
- Shit!
- Ten,
Happy New Year!
- And happy new year
to all of you aboard
the maiden voyage
of the Titan 1-C.
Let's make 2140 a terrific year.
My orders for all passengers
are to enjoy yourselves.
This is Captain Lewis McBride,
over and out.
- Happy
New Year, Captain.
- Same to you, Lana.
Progress report.
- If we stick to this course,
we should be able to stay
clear of the meteor storm
coming from the cortex region.
- Excellent.
Then I see no reason for you
to stay on the bridge all night.
Go enjoy yourself
and ring in the
new year in style.
- The only style I require
is a hot relaxing bath.
Are you gonna be okay
all by yourself, Captain?
- Who said I'm gonna
be all by myself?
- Are you expecting company?
- Do I have to order you to
leave the bridge, First Officer?
- I can take a hint.
- If it's attached
to a sledgehammer.
- Have a good night, Captain.
- Ah.
Thought you'd never leave.
- Hey guys!
Are you having fun
on the Titan 1-C?
We got babes, booze and party
on the Titan 1-C.
On the Titan!
The Titan 1-C!
- Zach, what's up, buddy?
You got the thing
we talked about?
The place you wanna be
We have so much
fun on Titan 1-C
- More?
Zach, don't take
all these at once.
They're not really approved yet.
So I can get into any--
Titan 1-C
Bye, Zach.
We have so much fun
What a douche.
You're gonna have
a heart attack
You get me down to suffocate
I got boss, you manipulate
- It's getting a little
warm in here, ladies.
I think you're gonna
make it a little hotter.
Yeah, ladies!
Put it down.
Show the captain
what you can do.
Oh yeah,
I'd like to land on that planet.
I need a drink.
Oh, ladies, yeah.
Show Captain McBride
what you got to hide.
Show it to papa.
Good girls!
Go, baby!
- Where are we going?
The party's not over.
- You're right. It's
just the beginning.
Follow the leader.
- I thought I was the leader.
- You think too much.
- It's a curse.
- I think it's cool.
I wish I had super powers.
- Your super powers are
located under your shirt.
- Yeah, well don't
be expecting to see
any of my super powers tonight.
- That'll change
once you have one
of these pink pills.
- What are those?
- New designer drug my dad's
company's been working on.
Called Bliss.
Believe me, they are.
- They're designed to
get women into bed.
- Does
it work on men too?
- You'll find out.
- You guys, I don't
like it down here.
- This is the only place
we can party in private.
If you know what I mean.
- No cameras?
- One in here is turned off.
So we shouldn't be bothered.
- It's creepy.
Come on, can't we just
go back to the room?
- What is that?
- What is it?
- It's a life pod, I think.
- Like pod?
- You know when you
take a sea cruise
and there's a life boat?
Same thing.
- Is someone in a life pod?
- Only in space,
no one can hear you moan.
- I don't moan.
- Try one.
Let's find out.
- What are you
all doing up here?
This area is off limits.
No one's allowed up here
unless we're in an
extreme emergency.
- Now that's what I call
bringing in the new
year with a bang.
- What do you call that?
- That is huge.
- I call that trouble!
- I can explain. We were just--
- Shut up!
Everyone hang on.
- Ladies, hang on to something!
- Hang on to what?
- Anything rock solid.
- These aren't rock solid.
These are natural and soft.
- Oh my god what
the hell was that?
- Is everyone okay?
- Jesus.
- Captain McBride,
Captain McBride,
this is First Officer Vickers.
- Yes, but I'm a
little busy right now
trying to dodge a meteor storm.
I think we missed it.
Oh my god!
Ice comets dead ahead!
Everyone brace for impact!
send out a mayday!
- Captain, there's
something in these rocks.
- Pressure leak!
Abandon ship!
- McBride! McBride!
What happened?
- The meteor exploded!
The hull is breached!
Evacuate the ship!
Get as many people onto
the life pods as possible!
Oh my god!
- Red Alert!
Oxygen in bridge
Dropping to critical levels.
Oxygen in bridge
zero percent.
Red Alert!
Oxygen level in bridge
zero percent.
Red Alert.
Red Alert.
Oxygen level in bridge
zero percent.
- What's going on?
Get in the life pod!
- I have to try and
save some of the others.
- We've got people
coming down the hall.
I'll try to redirect
them to another pod.
- You get in the life pod!
The captain goes
down with the ship.
- You are not the captain.
Come on!
Hurry up! Over here!
Come on!
Let's go! Come on!
Come on!
- No!
- The ship's going down faster
than a Malthusian hooker!
- What?
- Everyone strap in!
- My parents are up there.
I can't leave without them.
- There is no up there anymore.
We need to leave,
all of us, right now!
- No!
- Kenny, no!
- Strap him in!
What is this piece
of shit doing here?
- My guess is that he
took all my Bliss pills
and was rubbing one
out to these magazines.
- And I suppose how you gained
access to the life pod bay.
What a douche.
But he may have just
saved your life.
Hang on.
- Look! Look!
Somebody else made it!
- I can't die like this!
- All right, fuck it.
- Hey, what're you doing?
- If I'm going out, I'm
going out hard an happy.
- Have these been tested?
- Like that matters.
- Don't worry.
We are not going out like that.
Not if I can help it.
- Holy shit!
Almost everyone I
love has been killed
and I'm sporting the
biggest hard-on of my life.
- What are these pills
you're popping on my ship?
- They're called Bliss.
- They're supposed to be
instant sex in a capsule.
Kenny stole a bunch
from his father's lab.
They've not been space
drug approved yet.
- Zach took three and he's out.
- No more taking
drugs on my watch.
- Well, if this shop crashes,
I can jimmy open the door
with my throbbing love tool.
- Are you sure you don't
wanna take some of this?
- I don't need to.
I can feel what it's
doing to you guys.
- Di's an empath.
She can feel what others feel.
- Are we gonna make it?
- We're going somewhere.
I can't tell you where
but hang on!
- My whole fucking family's
dead and I feel fucking great!
- This is the best fucking
ship to hell I've ever been on!
- We're gonna die!
Oh my god! Oh my god!
Oh my god!
- Well, you guys have probably
crash landed right now
on some distant alien planet.
Just sit tight and hold
on to your rations.
Now in the rations, I've looks
through them a little bit
and there's some
really good peanuts
and I'm sure there's
some mimosa mix in there.
Have some fun.
The party never stops.
Even though you're
on a life pod,
you guys could still party.
- Hey.
Is everyone okay back there?
- You will be safe.
- Wake up, we've landed.
- Oh, gross.
- I guess the pills
are still working.
- Looks like your father's
Bliss is a success.
- I'll say.
- You guys.
Come on, can we talk about
more important things?
Where the hell are we?
- I see trees.
- We seem to be
surrounded by foliage.
- Earth?
- No, not Earth.
We went down in the
Nebulous region,
which is billions and billions
of clicks away from Earth.
This is an uncharted planet.
The good news is,
judging by the greenery,
there's probably an atmosphere
with enough oxygen
for us to breathe.
- Wait, I'm not going out there.
- We don't have a choice.
We only have enough
air to sustain us
for the next five
to ten minutes.
- But we don't know
what's out there.
- And what about
getting back to Earth?
I have a life there.
- I turned on the homing beacon.
I'm sure the rescue team
will be checking the area
for a survival signal.
- How long will that take?
- I don't know, a few days?
Look, I don't think
anyone else made it.
We are incredibly
lucky to be alive.
- I guess my little
indiscretion saved our lives.
- No, it was Lana who
brought us down there.
Thanks Lana.
- That's right!
You're a hero!
Our stoic pilot that kept her
head, while the rest of us--
- Zach?
Zach, wake up!
Come on, douche bag, wake up!
- He's not waking up?
- I'm not getting a pulse.
- Is he dead?
- He took three of those pills.
You think he overdosed?
- I didn't tell
him to take three.
- All right, everyone,
out of the pod now!
- It looks like Earth.
- Looks can be deceiving.
It's very quiet.
- I think Zach's dead too.
- I thought you said those
pills were safe, man?
- Look, I took two
and I feel fine.
- Really?
Let me see.
- What is she doing?
- I told you, Di's an empath.
She can sense what others feel,
especially when through
physical contact.
- Oh yeah.
You pig!
- Come on, Di.
I'm just a man.
- Is Kenny gonna be all right?
- He's horny as hell.
- I could've told you that.
He's always that way.
- Your pulse is racing.
- But I'm gonna be
all right, right?
- Well, you could
use some relief,
but you're not
getting it from me.
He's your boyfriend,
you deal with it.
- What?
- He's dead.
I think it was a heart attack.
- Maybe he just had a bad heart.
This is not my fault.
You're not suppose
to take these things
if you have a heart condition
or high blood
pressure or diabetes.
There's a long list.
But I'm not the one that
ran us into a meteor storm.
- Neither did I.
All of the reports said that
we we far away from that storm.
That wasn't a normal meteor.
- Look,
it's stupid to be
passing blame around now.
We gotta deal with
the situation at hand.
An untested sex pill is
the least of our concerns.
- Tell that to Zach.
- Well, that's pointless, Terri,
because he's dead.
Along with everyone
else on that ship.
- We will be too if
we don't work together
until they come rescue us.
- He's right.
The blonde guy is right.
- Dirk.
- Terri.
- Ken.
- Di.
That's my name.
It's short for Diamond.
- Like diamond in the rough.
Get it, diamond in the rough?
Or diamond cutter.
Which is what's between my legs.
- So Kenny is the sex
obsessed funny guy
and Dirk is the handsome,
smartish leader of the group.
And Terri is the
innocent, worried virgin.
And Di is the resourceful tough
girl with special abilities.
- What's your story?
- Lana Vickers, first officer.
And the new leader of
this gang of misfit toys,
unless you have any objections.
- That depends on what your
first order of business is.
- Stick together,
stay near the pod.
- I'm down with that.
- In other words,
behave like smart,
rational thinking adults.
- Sounds like a plan.
I'm all in.
- Ken, you in?
- In?
- Do you wanna live?
- Absolutely.
- So no wandering off with
Terri and trying to get laid?
- Can't I do both?
- Okay, so we have cooking fuel.
We have enough
rations for the week.
And we'll be rescued
before the end of the week.
And we have our UV
resistant survival clothes.
And we have a flare gun,
which we're gonna need that
to signal the rescue ship.
So this is what I
want you guys to do.
I want you to set up
bunks right over here.
- You stupid mother fucker!
- Well,
It looks like we'll be
going to look for food
now that our entire food
supply is destroyed.
All right everyone,
let's head out.
And stick together.
- Wait, wait.
What about Zach?
- I don't think
he's going anywhere.
- We'll bury him when it's dark.
- So did anyone else
lose a loved one on board?
- I tagged along
with Ken and his family.
My parents still
live in New Detroit.
- And how
did you two meet?
- On the ship.
I was supposed to come
with my boyfriend.
- You didn't tell
me you had a boyfriend.
- I don't.
The son-of-a-bitch
was cheating on me.
I found out while we
were in bed together.
- He told you?
- Of course not.
But you can't keep secrets
like that from an empath.
I dumped his ass but
I kept my ticket.
No reason to let
the wandering dick
ruin my first vaca
in three years.
- Was your
ex on the ship?
- God, I hope so.
- What about you, Terri?
- Kenny and I
have been dating for
a year?
- And you two still haven't--
- That's what I'm saying.
And you promised that
could change on this trip.
- I told you.
I'm just not ready yet.
- Hence I brought the pills.
- Get those things away from me.
God, you've already killed
one person with them.
- And you're fucking
killing me here.
Bliss is fucking long-lasting
and my blue balls
are turning purple.
- You are disgusting.
Okay, besides
cruise ship disasters are such
- Christ.
I gotta release
this jizz monster.
- Keep up, Ken.
- I'm coming.
I'm coming.
- Forget it.
- Gotta rub one out.
I'm gonna explode.
Oh shit!
You're still alive!
We all thought you were dead.
- Not
- No shit, not dead.
That's great news.
I knew these pills
couldn't kill anyone.
Made you hornier than
hell though, right?
- Hornier than hell.
- I feel you.
I was just about to...
We gotta go find the others.
Let them know that you're okay.
Maybe Terri won't be so afraid
to try one of these
little suckers
and start sucking, if
you know what I mean.
- One of these suckers.
- No.
I was talking about the pills.
Aren't those the rocks
that crashed into our ship?
- Listen.
It's beautiful.
- They're like sea
shells? Make sound?
I don't hear anything.
I can hear them cracking.
That's kinda cool.
- Hey, you guys,
Kenny's not keeping up.
I think we should stop here
for awhile and wait for him.
- Ken!
Hey Ken, come on!
Jesus Christ, what is he doing?
- I know exactly
what he's doing.
He's probably spanking the
monkey before he explodes.
- Do you think he
needs some help?
- He could probably
use and extra hand,
if you know what I mean.
- Didn't we already talk this?
Sticking together?
- Yeah but I still think I
should go and check on him.
- It's going to be dark soon
and I don't wanna be out here
wandering around when it is,
so we should press on.
- How about Terri
and I just go back?
We'll get Ken, you
guys can find food.
We'll meet you back at the pod.
- That sounds like
splitting up, you know?
Exactly what we said
we shouldn't do.
- I said we shouldn't
wonder out alone.
Groups of two are
still together.
- Yeah but groups of four are
better than groups of two.
- What is this? A math contest?
Look, I'm not responsible
for stragglers,
so do what you wanna do.
It's your funeral.
- We'll be okay.
I'll see you back at the pod.
- Wow.
Come on.
- Thanks
for coming with me.
- Of course!
I don't think any of us
should be out here alone.
- That's why we can't
leave Kenny behind.
- What do you see in him?
If you don't mind me asking.
- Kenny?
I don't know.
He's kind of sweet and funny,
when he's not trying
to get in my pants.
- And what percent of the
time is he not trying?
- Five percent?
- No, seriously.
- Two percent?
Maybe when he's asleep.
- That's what I thought.
And you obviously don't
want to have sex with him.
- Wait, I never said that.
- It's been a year.
- I'm just waiting for the
right time, that's all.
- After a year, there
is no right time.
- Well what about you and Dirk?
What do you see in him?
- Money.
And he's not bad to look at.
Decent in bed.
And he's not cheating on me.
The not cheating
part is a big plus.
- Okay, wait, didn't you guys
say you just met on the Titan?
- Yeah, about a week ago.
- And you've already done it?
- Terri, sex can be just sex.
Especially on the rebound.
It doesn't have
to be a big thing.
Not that I have an
issue with big things.
Actually, the bigger the
better, in my opinion.
- Hey, when you like,
you know, do it with a guy.
- Yeah?
- Do you also feel
what he's feeling?
- Yup.
- Like while you're having?
- Uh huh.
Double the pleasure.
It's one of the perks.
- What was that?
- Someone's been trailing us.
- Do you think it's Kenny?
- I don't know.
It's hard to get
a clear feeling.
- Kenny!
- Terri, wait!
- Kenny!
- Ken?
- Kenny!
- Terri, wait!
- Kenny?
Oh my god, Kenny!
Kenny, speak to me!
Oh my god.
They killed Kenny!
- Hold on.
Hold on.
Terri, he's alive.
But his heart is racing.
- Because of the pills?
- I don't know but we should
get him back to the life pod.
I'm sure there's some kind of
first aid kit or something.
- We have to tell the others.
Maybe that officer
lady can help.
- You're right.
- Okay.
You go get the others.
I'm gonna stay here with Kenny.
- Okay.
Wait a minute.
This looks like the
meteor off the ship.
- They probably came
crashing down here
when the ship exploded.
What? What's wrong?
- I felt something.
I'm feeling completely alien.
- From a rock?
- I think there's
something inside the rock.
Something that escaped.
And Terri, I'm getting
really weird feelings.
- You need to go!
Go warn the others!
- Okay.
Don't move from this spot.
I'll be right back.
- Kenny, you're gonna be okay.
- Lana!
- You're gonna be
okay, I'm here.
I'm gonna take
care of you, Kenny.
Please stay with me.
- I think we can eat these.
They're not the most tasty
things in the universe,
but at least it's
some basic sugar.
- All right, well
let's hurry up.
I don't wanna leave the
girls alone for too long.
- Okay, we just
need to pick them.
You really care about Di, huh.
- Yeah.
I mean, I've only
known her a week
but there's a real
connection there.
Let's hope she's not using me.
- Using you?
- Yeah, I mean, I
really care about her
but does she feel the same way?
I don't know.
She can tell
everything that I feel
but it's all one-sided.
- That must be really strange
not to be able to
hide you feelings.
- So what happened
with the ship?
Did the captain fuck up?
- No.
Captain McBride was excellent.
He was the best star
ship navigator I have
ever worked with.
Look, we were clear
of that storm.
I triple checked it
before we left the bridge.
- Maybe he changed
course after you left.
- No, I would've felt that.
- You're psychic too?
- No.
I know my way
around the star ship
and I have an excellent
sense of direction
and so did the captain.
Look, I know that
this sounds crazy,
but I think that meteor
hit us on purpose.
- Can meteors do that?
- Not normal ones.
When we get back
to the life pod,
I want to examine those
fragments that hit us.
Maybe something magnetized them
and that's why they
were drawn to us.
- Magnetic attraction?
- Yeah.
Like you and Di.
Or Kenny and Terri.
- What about you?
- What?
Do I have someone
special in my life?
- Yeah.
Were you and the captain?
- Hell no.
The captain and I
got along great.
But he was a bit of a lady's man
and I'm not that easy.
Let's go.
- Noted.
- Kenny.
You really do need a
release, don't you?
Can a guy die from blue balls?
Oh god, I can't.
I can't do it, Kenny, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I thought I could.
I wanna help you.
God, I just can't.
- He's your boyfriend, Terri.
Sex can be just sex.
You deal with it.
- Dirk took one of these
and he didn't have
a bad reaction.
My heart is strong.
You better appreciate
what I'm doing for you
when you wake up, Kenny.
Now what?
- Dirk?
Lana, is that you?
I know someone's
there! Come out!
Oh my god, Zach!
Holy shit, we thought
you were dead.
- So I've heard.
- I guess Vickers
doesn't know everything.
Come on, we have
to find the others.
- What is it? What's wrong?
- You're not Zach.
What are you?
- Hungry.
- Oh god.
That's weird.
It's getting darker
but it feels like
it's getting hotter.
Or is that just me?
Oh, Kenny.
I think the pills are working.
My cha-cha is all tingly.
Oh wow.
Oh, Kenny.
Oh, I see what you mean now.
It's like fireworks
are going off
in my love spot.
I think I'm ready.
I'm ready for love.
Oh Kenny,
I hope this makes
you feel better.
Cause I know it's gonna
make me feel better.
- This is some fucked up shit.
Where are you?
Where are you?
- That's Di!
- Dirk!
Shit, Dirk!
- Oh, Kenny.
- Diamond!
- Oh, you are big.
Oh fuck yeah.
- Dirk?
- Where are you?
- Oh you big bad boy.
Oh god.
This is really happening Kenny.
- Is someone out there?
- Oh, one part of you
is definitely awake.
Oh that's it!
Oh wow!
You give me all you got!
- Who is that?
- Oh Kenny!
Oh, it feels like...
Oh Kenny.
Oh god, it feels like...
It feels like you're
getting even bigger.
Oh god!
Holy shit!
I'm being punished by predator!
- No! It's me!
I love you.
We're finally together
in that special way.
- Oh, Kenny.
Kenny, I love you.
Oh god, these pills must
be messing with my head.
Kenny, you are so...
You are so...
You're a fucking alien
with fucking alien cum!
So that's what it feels like.
- Terri!
What the fuck are you doing?
- I guess I got a
little carried away.
First time and all.
- You're a fucking black widow.
- No!
No, it wasn't Kenny.
I mean it was Kenny
but then he transformed
into something else, I swear.
- Yeah, he transformed into
a dead body thanks to you.
- No.
It was raping me.
- With you on top?
- I was just trying
to relieve him.
Like you said.
- Okay guys, we need to hold on.
There is something in the
woods that looks like Zach.
- That's impossible.
Zach is dead.
- Well sthen something
is using his body
because he attacked me
and turned into a monster.
- A horny sex monster!
- How do you think I got these?
- I saw something too.
It came after me.
We're not alone on this planet.
- It's like "Invasion
of the Booty Snatchers."
- Okay, it's getting dark.
We should get back
to the life pod.
- Did you?
- Just one.
- Do they work?
Oh, yep.
It wasn't as romantic
as I had expected.
- Poor kid.
It's usually pretty painful
the first time.
Come on.
- See?
Zach's still here.
- I wouldn't be so sure.
Check it.
- Now, exactly what did
you guys see out there?
Come on.
I need to know what
we're dealing with here.
- It's not human.
It can look human but it's not.
- What does that mean?
- I know what she means.
It's like one
minute it was Kenny
and then the next it was
this very large creature
with a very large.
- I saw the same thing.
It was Zach and
then it wasn't Zach.
- What if it is Zach?
His body wasn't here
when we got back.
- He's dead, I'm sure of it.
- Then either something
dragged him away,
or according to you two,
got inside of him.
- That wasn't a meteor
that hit the Titan.
- Then what was it?
- Parasites.
Thousands and
thousands of parasites,
bound together,
searching for a new home.
The rock-like exterior was
just a protective shell
for thousands of living
organisms inside.
I have a feeling they've been
searching for a very long time
for a suitable new host.
- How the hell do you know that?
- When I touched the meteor
and that creature
that looks like Zach,
I had a vision.
- How very convenient.
- Do you not believe me?
- You said, yourself,
that you thought that
meteor hit us on purpose.
That it wasn't an accident.
- Yeah, but I didn't say
anything about an alien attack.
- There was something inside
those pieces of
meteor that hit us.
- And whatever it was hatched,
got inside Zach and Kenny,
and is, was, using
them as host bodies.
- Do you have any
better explanation?
- No.
But I have a question.
- How did you get away
from the creature, Di?
And I can ask you
the same thing.
- What are you saying?
If what you're saying is true,
then this thing or things
can invade a host body
and control them from
the inside, right?
- Yes.
- While continuing to look like
the people they've invaded.
- I had no idea
that it wasn't Kenny
until it changed
while I was on...
Oh god.
Oh, I feel so violated.
- Then how do we know
that we all are still us?
- What?
- You say you escape
from the creature
and so do you.
And you say,
it was Kenny who
was the creature
and that's why you killed him.
- That's right.
- How do I know that you
all are telling the truth?
What if you didn't escape?
We were all separated out there
and no one can back up
anyone's story, can they?
- Wait, Di can tell us.
She can touch each of
us and use her power
to say whether or not we
are who we say we are.
- And what if Di is infected?
She'll say anything
the alien inside of her
wants her to say.
Maybe she doesn't even know
she's being controlled,
and I can't trust that.
- Hey, if you and Dirk
got separated as well,
no one can account for
you either, Vickers.
How do we know the
creature didn't get to you?
- You don't.
- Di's the one who told
us all about the creatures
and their motives.
Why would she do that
if she was infected
and trying to hide?
- So we wouldn't
trust one another.
- You're the one who
went down that road.
Not me.
- You know what, I'll admit it.
I barley know any of you.
But from what Dirk says,
he doesn't know
much more about you.
You guys had a whirlwind
ship board romance.
- Yeah, but they
have already had sex.
- Don't help, Terri.
So, I sense you two got rather
friendly while I was away.
What else did you
tell her, Dirk?
- Nothing.
We were just talking.
Idle chatter.
- He doesn't like being used.
- Really?
You think I'm using you?
- Well, aren't you?
I mean, from what
you've told me.
- Guys, I think we're getting
a little off topic here.
Deadly aliens trying to take
over our bodies, remember?
- If you don't like where
this relationship is going,
we can end it
right here and now.
- If you guys do
end up breaking up,
would you mind if
I took a a shot?
Dirk is pretty cute and
from what you've told me.
- What the fuck?
Does everyone want to have
sex with my boyfriend?
- I'm sorry.
I think I'm still aroused
from that pill I took earlier.
It's like my chest is on fire.
It's just so sensitive.
- You know what, Dirk?
You can do what ever
and whoever you want.
- Di, baby, come back.
Come on, you know you're
the only one I want.
You know that, you
know everything.
- You guys.
I think I just felt a lump.
This is not normal.
- Are you all right?
- I don't know, do my
breasts look bigger to you?
Oh god!
Is this normal after sex?
Oh god!
- Get in the pod, quickly!
- What the fuck?
- Did you see that?
- I did, we all did.
- It used Terri's boobs
as a breading ground.
She was about to give birth
to more of those things.
- Kill me!
Please, before more of the
worm gets into my brain.
Kill me!
- Are we safe in here?
- Safer than out there.
- Unless one of us
is infected, right?
- Could you just
cut that shit, okay?
We've got a real threat out
there we gotta deal with.
- I have an idea.
- That's what we need
right now, ideas.
Good ideas!
- It's worth a try.
- Are you trying to lift off?
- Yes and no.
- Whatever you're doing,
it's not doing any good!
Stop it!
- No, but it's driving
the creature away.
I just saw it run off.
- That's what I was
hoping would happen.
- And it's popping all
the worms to pieces too.
Your plan worked.
- For now.
But that monster will be back.
- Before it does, we better
figure out a way to do it.
- What!
- No, don't hurt it!
- What are you doing?
- If I touch it, maybe I
could feel what makes it tick.
- She's right.
It might help us find a
way to beat its daddy.
- We can dissect it.
- No!
I can learn more
if its still alive.
- I'm gonna let it go.
- Okay.
- Just keep that
sucker away from me.
- Sorry, little guy.
I just need to
feel what you know.
- Just stop talking to it like
a pet cat and get on with it!
- Okay, it's okay.
- Let's kill this experiment.
- No, wait!
- Hold on.
I see.
I see.
It's hard to put into words.
These creatures
are like a virus.
An organism living
on the edge of life.
But not alive.
A biological seed
that seeks out,
infects and replicates
inside a host organism.
They resided in the rock
remains of their planet,
which was destroyed
by a supernova
ages ago.
Pushed on by solar winds,
the search for a host to infect
in the empty, sterile wilderness
of endless time
in deep space.
A leader,
a brain.
There is an intelligence,
one part of a whole that
directs the attack on the host.
The virus releases an attack
on the ship Titan 1-C.
The infectious agent
mistakes the ship
for a living organism
and views us as cells
of that organism.
Cells with genetic material
that can be converted to its
own evil means to survive.
To survive through behavioral
manipulation of other species.
To survive by destroying
entire races of species.
The intelligent brain!
The central nervous
system of the hive,
the leader!
It's here!
On the planet with us!
Jumping from host
to host at will.
We only have once chance.
One chance.
Kill the brain!
It'll kill us all!
- A virus can be that complex?
That big?
- The vast majority
of the biomass
of life on Earth are viruses.
- And it can manipulate
people at will?
- There are fungi in the Amazon
that can control
leaf cutter ants.
Viruses that control mice.
It's not unheard of.
- You said there
was an intelligence.
Can we communicate with it?
- I don't think it wants to
hear anything we have to say.
- I'm more interested
in killing it.
So if we can find its brain,
can we cut off the
head to kill the tail?
- I believe so.
But it won't be easy.
- Let's search the pod
and make sure that no more
of those alien worms
got on board, okay?
- Di, don't worry,
everything will be all right.
I'm sure they've got a
rescue squad on the way.
There will be a party here
any minute to rescue us.
What is it?
- What's wrong?
- You're not Dirk.
- What're you?
- You're one of those things!
- What're you talking about?
It's me, it's Dirk!
- No, when you touched me I saw.
- She doesn't know what
she's talking about.
Di, you've still got that
alien worm goo in your hand.
You're sensing them, not me.
- Stay away from me.
- I'm not one of those monsters.
It chased me in the
woods but I escaped.
- How?
- I don't know, I outran it.
Then I heard Terri screaming
and I ran off in that direction
where I found both of you.
- If we let it stay
in here with us,
it'll impregnate us both.
Just like with Terri.
- Believe me, after
what I've seen tonight,
I never wanna have
sex ever again.
So you can both relax, okay?
- You have to believe me.
He's one of those things.
- I'm gonna need a little more
proof than just your say so.
And personally, I'm a
little bit skeptical
of the whole psychic
ability thing.
- Di, I believe
in your abilities
but you've been wrong before,
you told me so yourself.
Just touch me again
and you'll see
that I'm not one
of those creatures.
- Don't try to trick us!
- Both of you, sit down and
strap yourselves in the seats!
- No way, what if
you're a creature?
- If two of us were infected,
it would make it easy
for us to overpower the third,
which makes me think
at least two of us
are exactly who we say we are.
- Three of us.
I'm not infected!
- Well I'm not
taking any chances.
So either strap yourself
in or leave the pod now
and take your chances out there.
- I'd prefer to leave.
- There's the door.
- Di,
you can't go out there.
That creature's still
out there somewhere.
- I think my odds of
survival are better out there
than they are out there.
- Just let her go, Dirk.
- Who says I wanna stay
in here alone with you?
- Well then you're
free to go too.
But just know, once
you're out there,
there is no way you're
getting back in here.
- Di,
this is insane.
Touch me again.
You'll see you made a mistake.
- It's going to kill
you if you stay in here.
You should leave with me.
It's your only hope.
- You may be right,
but why is it that psychics
don't play the lottery
or stocks and trades?
Hey, Di.
- Holy shit!
- I guess we know who's who.
- How'd you know?
- I took a calculated
guess and like I said,
I don't trust psychics.
There's usually
a trick involved.
- What about me?
- It was a nice ploy to
pretend the human was an alien
while the alien
pretended to be human.
But luckily for you and
me, I didn't buy it.
- Dirk!
First Officer Vickers!
There's no escape from us.
- Get the fuck out of here,
you shape-shifting bitch!
- When it caught
me in the woods,
I was afraid at first.
Not anymore.
The transformation can be
quite pleasurable.
And it's true,
you do end up being manipulated.
But human evolution has been
manipulated from the beginning
by Earth bound viruses.
So why don't you come out, Dirk?
It's a new,
enlightening experience.
A hundred times more stimulating
than that silly bliss pill
Join us
and we'll be able to spread
out seed across the universe,
- Yo, news flash!
We killed your offspring.
- Actually, the human
female reproductive system
makes for an excellent
breeding ground
for our superior race,
as you've witnessed.
- Fuck.
- Wit ha few slight alterations.
- Screw you, Diamond.
- Actually,
that's exactly what
we have in mind.
- Are they going to?
- Get the fuck away
from my girlfriend.
- She is not your
girlfriend anymore.
- I've gotta go out there.
- No, don't!
It's just another
one of their tricks.
- That's not a fucking trick.
She is going to have sex
with that space monster.
- Ugh.
- That is some sick
shit going on out there.
Find me
This time maybe we
both found forever
This time my heart's
finally found a home
In your arms it feels like
We were born to be together
This time maybe we
both found forever
We can dream or whole dream
But we never really know
How the story's gonna go
I'm not pretending
- Now,
witness the birth
of a master race.
It's hard not to
believe in happy endings
- Oh god.
This time my heart's
finally found a home
In your arms it feels
like we were born to be
This time maybe we
both found forever
- We can't just stay in
here while they create
an army of fucking
alien space monsters.
- Do you have any good ideas?
They're far enough
away from the pod.
We can't fry them.
- Rescue
vehicle in route.
Rescue vehicle in route.
- Oh shit, they
picked up our signal.
- Who did?
- The rescue ship.
Their ETA is 24 hours.
- Can you tell them not to come?
Our communication
is down, I can't.
I can't tell them not to come.
I can't warn them!
- We just have to make sure
that by the time they get here
we are still us!
- They can look like
us, they can become us,
they can trick us,
they already have.
- They're still out
there waiting for us.
- Let's get some rest.
When it's light out,
we're gonna hunt them
down and kill them.
War begins tomorrow.
- Do you have a plan?
- Keep the door closed.
- Where are you fuckers?
- Where are you fuckers?
- Come on!
I know you're out
here somewhere!
Come on!
- Come on!
- Dirk!
It's just me.
- Lana.
Let me go grab the taser.
It's time to find and fry them.
- Yeah it is.
- Lana?
What're you doing here?
- What're you doing?
Why's the door open?
- I just went
outside for a minute.
- By yourself?
- Yeah, I wanted to take a look.
- What did you find?
- I found you.
- How do I know
you're still you?
- Because it's me,
Lana, you can trust me.
- I wish you hadn't gotten
outside by yourself.
- Get away from
that thing, Dirk.
- You things can't fool me!
- What?
What is it?
- I just had a fucked up dream.
- More fucked up than
the situation we're in?
- Almost.
It's morning.
- Now the real fun begins.
Why'd they do this?
- They're just
trying to scare us.
- It takes at least three
dismembered bodies to scare me.
Worst comes to worse,
we could always
overdose on bliss.
I think I'd prefer a
heart attack to this.
- It didn't stop them
from invading Kenny.
- Point taken.
- I am sick of these
motherfucking worms
on this motherfucking planet!
- Thanks.
- Don't mention it.
Just next time, try
keeping your mouth shut.
- Groovy.
- Rescue
vehicle in route.
Rescue vehicle in route.
T-minus three hours.
- Fresh victims on the way.
- You think these
things have a weak spot?
- They haven't
brought back Kenny.
- Yeah, his head was bashed in.
And Terri was thrown
head first into the fire.
- I'm thinking that if the
brain is severely damaged
there's no coming back.
If I get taken over,
bash my brains in.
- That's a cheery thought.
- It's probably my last thought.
- Are you
ready to join us?
Join us!
- Here we go.
- Later.
- Join this, bitch!
- Hi, Dirk.
I miss you, lover.
And I know you miss me.
I know everything about you.
We can be together again, Dirk.
Wouldn't you like that?
- Not after watching you give
birth to fucking blood worms.
- I can do thinks you
can't even imagine.
You've never had deep
throat like this before.
- I could use a hand here.
- How's this for deep throat?!
- What the hell did you do?
- Zach overdosed
on these things!
Let's see what
happens to this guy!
- Looks like you
could use a good poke.
- No!
- That was truly heartfelt.
- Probably not what
Kenny's father had in mind
when he created this stuff.
But it works for me.
One down,
one to go.
The leader.
- Where is she?
She was right here!
- She's probably not that happy
that we just killed
her fuck buddy.
- What do you think
she's gonna do about it?
- Come on!
Looks like it's time to
finish this once and for all.
Are you with me, Dirk?
Guess not.
- Time for a face off.
- Where's Dirk?
- You were right.
He should keep his mouth shut.
Won't be long, soon
as he sees the light.
- Why would you blow up
our only means of escape?
I thought you wanted
to get out of here
as much as we did.
- I know about the rescue team
and they've already
pinpointed the pod's location.
You know, I'm really
looking forward to visiting
your beautiful, blue home planet
and all its inhabitants.
- You seem to know
a lot about Earth.
- A lot of useful
information is stored up here
and Diamond really
was a special girl.
More powerful than
even she knew.
- Well maybe I can help you
open your cranial capacity!
- Di wasn't just an empath.
He had telekinetic powers too.
I couldn't ask
for a better host.
Between her powers and my will,
nothing can stop our race.
- Yeah right!
- Nice try.
Why don't you just lay back?
And enjoy the incoming invasion.
Once we get you warmed up,
you'll be begging for more.
- Fuck with someone
your own size!
Just die!
I can't believe you saved
me a for a second time.
- I told you.
I don't like being used.
I would never
accuse you of that.
- Don't!
Don't! Don't!
- Did she?
- I can feel them inside me!
Those worms!
Now they're trying
to take control.
They're burrowing
inside my brain!
- No, maybe I can get them out!
- No, you have to kill me!
Kill me now!
- No! No!
- It's okay.
I feel much better.
- Oh no.
- Come on, Lana.
Join us.
- No! No!
- No!
Don't touch her!
She's a monster.
Didn't you see all
those body parts?
- You idiot!
This woman is fatally wounded.
- Good!
- I didn't have enough time!
It all happened so fast.
- Good job.
She killed all my friends.
She bashed Kenny's head in.
He was my best friend.
She's a monster.
Thank you.
- Hey, get the
fuck away from me!
Scotty, get away from him!
- Guys, what's the problem?
- Whatever it is that got into
her could've gotten into you.
- Sir, I told you--
- You are gonna
wait on this planet
until a special
remote control vehicle
comes and picks you up!
- Sir.
- I'm sorry but I can't
take any more chances
and you were in an awful
hurry to off that woman.
- I told you!
She killed everyone!
Come on, please!
You can't leave me here!
Get me out of here!
I got a lot of
money back on Earth!
A lot of it!
I'll pay you!
- Sorry for the inconvenience,
but it'll just be
a few more hours.
Scotty, let's go.
- If that's the
way it's gotta be.
- Scotty, what the hell?
- Yes!
I am loving these
telekinetic powers!
Scotty, I don't know
how to fly a space ship,
so your services are needed.
- Aye, Captain.
- Well, Lana.
- Dirk.
- You put up a good fight,
but you were destined to lose.
I knew it all along.
That's why I had Diamond
tell you our whole story.
You were never a threat to us.
In fact, it was
really, really fun.
Now, I could heal you and turn
you right now but I won't.
I'll let you stay human.
I think you'd want it that way.
And as you die, here,
on this dust ball,
remember that I'll be
on Earth in the warm sun
and everyone you ever knew
and loved will be one of us.
All your nieces and nephews
and your mommy and your daddy,
if they're still kicking it.
Just let that roll around
in your head a little bit.
Good bye.
- Dirk.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
Begging for death?
- I had fun too.
But remember what I told
you about your mouth.
- All right, let's get
the hell out of dodge!
- Remember what I said, Dirk.
- Go!
- Keep your fucking mouth shut.
- Go!