Predators (2010)

- Calm down.
- Fuck you.
Calm down.
Fuck you.
ROYCE: Looks like his chute didn't open.
Single shooter.
How do you know?
Please stop doing that.
You're shooting at the wrong people.
How do I know?
Because otherwise, we wouldn't be
having this conversation.
All right.
You wanna show me the right ones?
I mean, I'm Nikolai.
What's the last thing
you remember, Nikolai?
War. Yeah.
I was with the Chechnya.
And there was a light.
And then I... Then I woke up and I was...
Yeah, same thing. I was in Baja.
And then there was a light.
And then chingao.
Where are we?
Maybe she knows.
You wanna lower the weapon?
ISABELLE: I've never seen this jungle.
And I've seen most.
All right, you think this is Asia?
Maybe Africa?
Too hot for this time of year.
And the topography is all wrong.
Amazon, maybe.
I saw more parachutes.
Which way?
So I can figure out who threw me out
of a fucking airplane.
NIKOLAI: Fuck. Where's he going?
All right, let's hit the fucking road.
You remember a plane?
I woke up in freefall.
You're IDF?
Are you in the service?
Not exactly.
You motherfucker.
Come on, you motherfucker.
You with him?
Then why don't you mind
your own fucking business?
We have bigger problems right now.
Okay, boss. Whatever you say.
I will finish what you started.
Strength in numbers, huh?
Something like that.
STANS: Yeah?
Maybe we should get that guy
hanging in the tree?
Help me!
Help me! Somebody!
Fuck. Help!
I'm trapped in a parachute
in a fucking tree.
Hey, man, why don't you shut the fuck up?
Oh. Thank God.
I think I can...
Stop moving. You're breaking the branch.
You have anything
to cut yourself down with?
Why would I... No, I don't.
ISABELLE: Look, if we get rope
from one of the chutes...
Do something.
- EDWIN: Help!
- It was taking too long.
Who the hell are you?
I'm a doctor.
I was on my way to work.
Can someone please just tell me, uh,
what the fuck is going on here?
Your ass is awesome.
Goddamn. Who the hell is this guy?
STANS: What the hell is that?
Who would do this?
Whoever they are, they take trophies.
In my culture
the warrior with the greatest
trophies commands the most respect.
It's a test.
To see how we do under pressure.
If this were a test, you'd all be military.
Total strangers.
Live rounds.
This is something else.
CUCHILLO: Maybe it's ransom.
Back in Tijuana, we kidnap you,
put you in an oil drum.
The ransom's not paid,
we light you on fire.
I hear these stories about
these experiments they run on cons.
They stick drugs in your food and
they sit back and watch what happens.
Well, it's not drugs.
If it was a psychotropic compound,
we'd be feeling the residual side effects.
Loss of motor skills, blurry vision.
And if it was a behavioral experiment...
I mean, there...
There'd be a point.
What if we are dead?
I was going to be executed in two days.
And I was in combat.
So was I.
This is hell.
Last time I looked, you didn't need
a parachute to get there.
It doesn't matter what happened, or why.
We're here.
Only question is, how do we get out?
Where you going?
ROYCE: To high ground.
We need to stick together.
Then you should follow me.
Uh, yeah, I wouldn't do that.
Archaefructus liaoningensis.
That is really, really poisonous.
Wouldn't take more than one scratch
to cause total paralysis.
Thank you. I'll watch for you out here.
You made a buddy.
We need to rest.
So rest.
You look like you could use it, too.
You got a name?
I'm sorry.
You want to play scout leader, great.
All right? You wanna follow me, fine.
But I'm not doing this.
I'm better on my own.
Wanna see something fucked up?
Well, between that and the sun,
I'd say we have a real problem.
What about the sun?
Hasn't moved since we got here.
What do you think is really going on?
What do I think?
Alpha Group.
Los zetas, cartel enforcer.
It's a death squad from Sierra Leone.
Yakuza, Inagawa-kai.
And the FBI's Most Wanted.
And him.
They're all heavy-hitters.
He doesn't belong.
Belong to what?
I'd say we were chosen.
What about you?
What about me?
You know the jungle. Know the players.
I'm guessing ex-military. Black ops.
Probably a mercenary.
You got a problem with that?
Not at the moment.
ISABELLE: Something was dropped here.
Same as us.
Not the same as us.
ISABELLE: You said we were chosen.
Chosen for what?
Oh, shit.
Looking good there, boss.
- STANS: Look out!
- Down!
Damn it.
Damn it.
12 o'clock. 110 meters.
Take him. Take him.
I don't have to.
Don't have to.
We triggered a dead man's trap.
It's two weeks, judging from
the rate of decomposition.
He took up a position here.
Shooting in all directions.
This was a last stand.
United States Special Forces.
This is strange.
He is supposed to be deployed
in Afghanistan.
What's he doing here, setting traps for us?
They weren't meant for us.
He was hunting something else.
Something a lot bigger.
The trunk was a deadfall.
Rule of thumb with a deadfall
is you set the weight
five times that of the target animal.
Whatever it was,
it got through the trip wires.
And it did this.
ROYCE: Let's move.
What is it?
PREDATOR: What is it?
PREDATOR: What is it? Nothing. Nothing.
We're gonna need a new plan.
Where are we going?
Someone put us on this rock.
There's got to be a way off it.
What the fuck?
You know what? Fuck this.
This is bullshit, man.
I want a gun.
Come on, man,
you got two motherfucking guns, man.
Somebody give me a gun.
Come on, Russian.
You got a big fucking gun.
Come on, man.
Give me a gun.
Give me your gun. Right now.
Give me your gun.
I'm ready to die.
Are you?
EDWIN: Help!
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit!
Shit! Fuck!
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Looking good there, boss.
Go! Go!
Come on. Come on.
Oh, shit!
Come on!
MOMBASA: As bad as you are,
those things are worse.
So they... They just, what, left?
The whistle.
They were called.
All right, listen up.
Everybody do a shell count.
We got to conserve ammunition.
Reload. Do it now.
Excuse me.
Just what the hell is going on here?
We're being hunted.
The cages. The soldier. All of us.
All brought here for the same purpose.
This planet is a game preserve.
And we're the game.
In case you didn't notice,
we just got flushed out.
They sent the dogs in,
just like you would if you
were stalking boar or shooting quail.
They split us apart and they watched.
Testing us.
How do you know this?
that's what I would do.
There are only seven of us.
CUCHILLO: Help me!
- Wait.
- What?
It's a trap.
CUCHILLO: Help me.
Fuck me.
MOMBASA: Wound one man.
Make him suffer.
Make him bleed.
Make him call out for help,
and set a trap and kill those who come.
I know because I have done this.
So we're gonna leave him here, right?
Come on, look at him. He's done.
There's nothing else we can do, right?
We leave him.
I can't.
Then, that's on you.
CUCHILLO: Help me.
Help me.
PREDATOR: Help me. Help me.
It's a trap. It's a trap. It's a trap.
What are we gonna do?
We should go to higher ground.
We're trapped on an alien hunting planet.
You really think the solution
is to walk more?
It wants us to run.
That's how it hunts.
This is its jungle.
Its game.
Its rules.
We run,
we die.
ISABELLE: What's the alternative?
We need to know who we're dealing with.
Dog tracks go that way.
We go after it.
ROYCE: Well?
No movement.
STANS: It looks like we're not
the only things being hunted.
Holy shit!
STANS: What the fuck?
What the fuck is that thing?
This is a mistake. We have to leave. Now.
Where is the tough guy?
ISABELLE: He left us.
He's here.
ROYCE: Run! Run! Run!
You set us up.
He led us into that death camp,
then hid
and waited for that thing to strike.
We were bait.
I needed to know who we were up against.
Now I do.
A man is dead because of that.
This morning you were ready to kill him.
It ain't this goddamn morning, is it?
At least he didn't die in vain.
Why? So we could find out firsthand
what it feels like to have our asses kicked?
No. We found out
that there's more than one of them.
That they use projectile
and energy-based weapons.
That they have
some sort of cloaking device.
That they're bigger than us,
stronger, but also heavier.
You put us at risk for yourself.
You want to be on your own,
you got it.
Why don't you tell them the truth?
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- You know what I'm talking about.
The way you looked at that thing that
was strung up, the way you reacted.
She knows what it is. Don't you?
We don't have a name for them.
'87, Guatemala.
A spec ops team went into the jungle.
High end.
Six men plus a CIA liaison.
Only one made it out.
In his debrief,
he said they came in contact
with something.
He gave a detailed description.
The thing on the totem.
It wore some kind of camouflage
that adjusted to ambient light.
Made it nearly invisible in our spectrum.
It could see in infrared.
Heat signatures.
He used mud to block his.
That's how he beat it.
It hunted and killed his team,
one by one.
Whatever it is,
wherever they're from,
we're going to kill them all.
We set up a defensive perimeter.
Make it look like we are holing up.
That'll bring them to us.
We force them into a choke point.
We get them in overlapping fields of fire.
It can be done.
I can't do it alone.
You know, man, if we ever make it home,
I'm gonna do so much fucking cocaine.
I'm gonna rape so many fine bitches.
I'll be like, "What time is it? 5:00?
"Time to go rape me some fine bitches."
You know what I'm saying?
Oh, yeah. Totally.
Like, 5:00,
it's bitch-raping time.
- You should stay away from him.
- Yeah.
You still pissed?
Fuck you.
You know what the difference between
you and me is?
We both do the same thing.
You just do it for a country,
so you don't have to admit you like it.
What happened to you?
What made you so fucked up?
"There is no hunting
like the hunting of a man.
"And those who've hunted armed men
long enough,
"and like it,
"never really care
for anything else thereafter."
That's pretty poetic.
Did you come up with that all by yourself?
No, actually.
That was Hemingway.
Why isn't it coming?
They see our traps.
Hey, Doc.
I think I just figured out
a way you can be useful.
Shit. Shit.
I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Oh, shit!
Come on. Come on.
Fucking shoot!
Shoot already!
all of you!
Is he dead? Why ain't you smiling? Oh, shit.
NIKOLAI: The thing from the cages.
Maybe it thought we're the ones
who dropped it here.
ROYCE: Good shot, though.
I missed.
MAN: Over here.
Over here.
Over here.
Turn around.
What the fuck are you?
I'm alive.
You talk too loud.
Smelled you since you got here.
If I can smell you,
if I can hear you,
they can, too.
Storm coming soon. This way.
Who are you?
run away,
live to fight another day.
I'm the one that got away.
The one you don't fuck with.
Come on.
Feel the vibe of this place.
ISABELLE: Where are we?
NOLAND: It's a drill somebody left behind.
The machine is dead,
but the power source ain't.
STANS: Wow, what a shithole.
You live here?
Oh, no. No. This is my summer home.
I winter in the Riviera.
The schools are so much nicer there.
And the men...
Ooh, la, la!
By the way, you're welcome.
How have you survived?
Salvaging what I can, when I can,
from whatever I can.
Noland, Ronald.
Air Cav.
They drop you all in, too?
What a rush.
Yeah, I'll tell him.
Hey, Agent Orange,
you wanna put that down?
Certain people around here
are particular about other people
messing with their shit.
Very important, though.
Disrupts the heat signature.
You motherfuckers.
So, you killed one?
I killed two.
Maybe three.
I can't remember. Anyway,
there's two different types of them
out there.
Hmm? Now they're similar,
but they're different.
It's kind of like the difference
between dogs and wolves.
The ones that are running things up there,
the larger ones, hunt the smaller ones.
It's some kind of blood feud, I guess.
Been going on for a long time.
They do this just for sport?
Oh, yeah, they bring in fresh meat
season after season.
I mean, shit you wouldn't believe.
Bring it in,
and hunt it and kill it. In that order.
How long you been here, man?
Seven seasons, I think.
What? Ten?
Anyway, every once in a while,
one of us kills one of them.
And, let me tell you,
that's when they get real interested.
See, they learn quick. They adapt.
They develop a whole new set of skills.
They come back the next season
in threes, always in threes.
Their armor might've changed,
or their weapons have changed,
or their tactics have changed.
It's amazing.
So, it's like evolution.
They're trying to make themselves
into better killers.
You said they come back.
They got a ship.
- A ship?
- Yeah.
It's 30 yards from their camp.
I told you they wouldn't see it.
I told you they wouldn't.
You were there.
You could've helped us.
How do we kill them?
However you can.
They must have a weakness.
Not many.
You want to survive?
You dig in deep. You stay hid.
Yeah, well, we're gonna go
with door number two.
How do we get out of this valley?
Ten seasons.
First two seasons...
No, three seasons I was here,
I was walking in the same direction,
trying to reach the edge of the preserve.
Let me tell you something,
there ain't no edge of the preserve.
Maybe you and your friend
wanna tell me about that ship?
Let's see.
That's a brilliant idea. Brilliant.
The whole time I've been here,
it never occurred to me
to commandeer the alien spacecraft.
But I wouldn't know how to fly it.
He would.
Of course, you know how to fly.
I'll give it a shot.
I'm gonna get some sleep.
No noise. They're out there.
They're always out there.
Water in there.
Help yourself. All of you.
Who's that?
My kids.
Big one, Ilya. And that's Sascha.
This is, uh, Candy Lee.
Tits like howitzers.
Is that your girlfriend?
No. It's my sister.
This is old.
Very old.
They've been doing this for a long time.
You speak English.
Why don't you say more?
Because I talk too much.
Do you know what I was doing
when I was taken?
Isaac, my spotter.
He was caught.
I could have done something,
but then I would have been slaughtered
along with him.
So, I hid.
I watched him die.
I wish I pulled that trigger.
You do what you have to, to survive.
You said we were chosen.
I asked, "For what?"
I should've asked why.
It's because we are predators.
Just like them.
We're the monsters of our own world.
It's probably better
that we're never going back.
I am going back.
I'm going after that ship.
You learn how to fly it
in the last hour and not tell me?
That thing strung up at the camp
might know.
My guess is, it'd do
just about anything to get free.
Enemy of my enemy.
That doesn't make it a friend.
So what do I call you?
Hey, smoke.
Where's Noland?
He's a scavenger.
He wants what we have.
ISABELLE: Come on!
There must be a way out!
ROYCE: Damn it.
You see the shit
you've gotten us into, man?
NOLAND: I told you that.
You never listen to me, though.
Six more.
Six more fucking mouths to feed.
I can barely stand living with you.
How am I gonna live with them, too?
ISABELLE: Damn it!
Say goodbye to your little friend.
You're in my house, motherfucker!
Get down.
Yeah, that didn't open up shit.
Wasn't meant to, asshole.
I'm calling in the cavalry.
STANS: How the fuck
can we get out of here?
Open up, you hanky fucker.
ISABELLE: Come on!
Finally found me, huh, big dog?
Well, what took you so long?
STANS: It's not gonna open!
God damn it!
It's toying with us.
EDWIN: Guys?
Oh, shit.
This way.
I lost you guys!
You got to get me out of here, man.
Come on. Come on.
ROYCE: Let's move.
We killed it.
We killed it.
We killed it! We fucking...
We fucking killed it.
We killed it.
We fucking killed it. Huh?
Who's your daddy now, motherfucker?
Who's your daddy now, motherfucker?
Hunt my dick, bitch!
Die, you space faggot!
Who do you think you're dealing with,
hoss? Is that all you've got?
Go! Go!
Come on.
Come on!
Come on!
Let's get to that ship.
We're close. Come on.
Ow! Shit!
Another inch,
it would've hit my tibial artery.
I guess this is my lucky day.
It isn't. That trap wasn't meant to kill.
It was meant to maim.
He's dead weight. Come on.
Uh, um...
No, I can still walk.
Oh! Shit. God.
No, he can't. Look.
He's done.
You're gonna beg us to slow down.
- No, no, no.
- To carry you.
You can't leave me here.
You can't. I have a family.
I got kids.
I'm sorry.
We need to go.
No. No!
You are taking me with you!
Look, you and I can still make it.
We use him.
We booby-trap him.
They'll go to him to take trophies.
This is our last chance.
This isn't right. He's one of us!
He is.
That's what they're counting on.
They want you
to feel something for this man.
To be human.
And what are you?
What's that worth?
EDWIN: You can't. Please.
Please, I'm begging you.
You should go.
- You should've gone with him.
- I know.
I want off this planet.
You understand me?
I'll cut you down.
You take me to the ship.
You understand me, don't you?
I'm sorry.
We're not dead yet.
I guess he made it.
If you could do it over again,
would you make the same choice?
Thank you.
When the time comes,
I'll do us both.
I promise it'll be quick.
It won't.
That's right.
It's a neurotoxin.
There's so many to choose from
around here.
But don't worry. It's not fatal.
You'll be able to experience everything.
I guess now you realize
why they chose me.
I was right in front of you guys
the whole time.
Just watching you.
Earning your trust.
You couldn't see me for what I really am.
You see, back home,
I'm a murderer.
I'm a freak.
But here,
among the monsters,
I'm normal.
I like it here.
I wanna stay.
Oh! You came back.
I missed my ride.
Oh, thank God.
Help us get out of here.
She's paralyzed.
It gave her something. I don't know what,
but it paralyzed her.
Come on.
You're so busy taking care of others,
you forgot to look out for yourself.
We're getting out of here.
You just hang tight, okay?
I didn't think you'd come back.
But she,
she never lost faith in you.
I guess I owe you an apology.
You are a good man after all.
I'm not.
But I'm fast.
Come here.
Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me.
I won't.
Help me.
I'm one of you.
I'm one of you.
Come on. Come on.
PREDATOR: Come on. Come on. Do it.
I'm here. Kill me.
Come on.
Come on.
Do it now. Kill me!
Oh, shit.
Did you get it?
I'm Royce.
Nice to meet you, Royce.
I'm Isabelle.
let's find a way off this fucking planet.