Prem Deewane (1992)

Those who can feel the pain, cry.
Strangers tears can make
you sad too.
Intelligent people can't
even sleep on flowers...
...crazy lovers can sleep
on thorns too.
Ladies and gentlemen, when the son...
...starts wearing the fathers shoes.
Then you should understand,
that the son... capable of taking
the fathers place.
That's why, I am very
happy to tell you...
...that today, I am giving
this new company... my son as a gift.
I have named this company
after my son's name.
Ashutosh Electronic Industry.
Today's evening, this celebration,
this enlightenment... in the name of my son.
Mr. Ashutosh has arrived.
- Hi dad.
What is this?
- This, is it a photo, sir?
Even I know that but why
have you brought it here?
Strange, dad, you are acting as
if you don't know anything.
Friends, your amazement tells me,
that you are all eager... know who she is.
So come meet her.
She is my lover, my inspiration,
my love...
...everything. She always
stays with me.
In front of my eyes.
She is wherever I am.
I don't do anything without her.
I cannot even do it.
And that's why, today's evening,
this celebration...
...this enlightenment, in her name.
Where are you going?
Natwar Lal, you.
Yes me. The same Natwar Lal,
which has spent...
...every moment remembering
you in jail.
Now I see that even you
haven't forgotten me.
I never forget a disloyal
servant, Natwar Lal.
You are the man, whom I trusted...
...and gave a job in my factory.
And you took advantage
of that trust...
...and along with my
manager Thakral...
...did illegal business in my
factory, accepted bribery...
...cheated, and embezzled
lakhs of money!
Neither could you do anything
to your clever manager...
...Thakral and neither the police!
He is still absconding. I was
punished! 7 years of jail!
And 7 years is a very
long time, Arjun Singh!
I want a compensation
for all those years...
...50 lakh rupees, or else...
Or else what, are
you threatening me?
Yes, I am threatening you!
Give me the money quietly...
...or else I know means by which... will fall on your feet
and give me the money!
Get out! Get out of here!
Do whatever you want!
I will do that... but remember
Arjun Singh... will regret the
deal at that time!
- You fool, where were you?
Boss, I have found out that
Thakral sir is in Hong Kong.
I don't even have money
to take a bus...
...back to the lodge, and you
are talking about Hong Kong.
I know, that's why I have brought
his telephone number...
...and not his address.
Hello, this is Natwar...
Natwar Lal speaking.
From Mumbai, India.
I want to talk to Thakral sir.
Thakral sir, some Natwar
Lal has called from India.
When Thakral is counting his gold...
...then not even death
can disturb him.
Thakral doesn't
do business no telephone.
He doesn't want to talk to you.
I am Natwar, I am his special man... is very important
for me to talk to him.
He says that he is a
special man of yours.
Right now... for Thakral only
his gold is special...
...disconnect the phone.
Hello. Hello.
What happened? Natwar, you
think you are very clever.
Why, what happened inspector sir?
We have received a complaint...
...that you have threatened
Mr. Arjun.
Remember, if you wander around him...
...then, instead of 7 years,
I will lock you up for life.
I am the leech that
leaves the body...
...only after sucking
the entire blood!
I will not spare Arjun Singh!
Hey! - Hey you are
committing suicide!
Don't you have eyes?
Natwar Lal.
Where are you?
I... had gone to Hong Kong.
Lying, lying.
I looked for you in the jail too.
You were released?
- Yes.
I am searching for you.
- Why?
Remember that girl, 20 years ago.
She had fallen in love with
me and was after me.
Yes, that girl whom I
got rid of for you...
...and I also got 25 rupees
in return. - Yes, yes.
Today you have to do
the same thing again.
Why, is some girl after you again?
No, no, no, no, my dear Radha, my
only daughter.
An ordinary, peasant and poor
boy is after her. - Really.
And the problem is that
she is after him too.
But I want to... break their love.
And if anyone can do that,
then that's only you.
That's fine, but only in 25 rupees...
Don't worry, don't worry I will
give you as much as you want.
But after the work is done.
I need the money urgently.
Okay, I will do your
work and you do mine.
Then sit, in the car, we will
go to Pune, to my house.
Ice-cream king Mr. Somnath's
...and she has fallen in love with
a ordinary constable's son.
How many times did I explain Radha,
look we are no more...
...poor, we have become rich now.
And that constable, the
relation is impossible.
But she doesn't understand.
She doesn't hear.
Lost in love, like
water lost in milk.
And that boy, he is a fool!
He is poor.
He is after Radha as if a
cockroach is after dry fruits.
Then throw the cockroach out.
So easy.
You are giving me money
to make your work easier.
Keep the money in this hand...
...and then there won't be
love in Radha's life.
"A B C D..."
- "E F G H."
"A B C D E F G H I J K L M O P '"
"P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"You did what I did."
"You did what I did."
"We gave and took each others
heart, we fell in love."
"P P P P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"You did what I did."
"You did what I did."
"We gave and took each others
heart, we fell in love."
"P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"P P P P P P '"
"Your and my love."
"Your and my love."
"The stories of our
love are famous."
"The stories of our
love are famous."
"We are talked about far and wide."
"Far and wide."
"Love has..."
"Love has brought us a lot of fame."
"P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"P P P P P P '"
"When we don't meet."
"When we don't meet."
"I cannot sleep the entire night."
"The entire night."
"My heart burns... like the lamp."
"P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"P P P P P P '"
"It is the sweet...
poem of the poets."
"It is the sweet poem of the poets."
"Love is another name of life."
"Love is another name of life."
"If you didn't love..."
"If you didn't love, then
there is no use living."
"P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"You did what I did."
"You did what I did."
"We gave and took each others
heart, we fell in love."
"A B C D E F G H I J K L M O P '"
"P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"P P P P P P '"
And the last item of the
inter-collegiate dance competition...
...for which you all have
been waiting for.
This means prize distribution!
This year we have given this
duty to a personality...
...who have attained a lot
of fame in the music world.
I would request to him,
to come here...
...and announce the winner
today and give the prize.
Come, Mr. Ashutosh Arjun Singh.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Hi friends.
- Hi! - Hi!
After a long time, I saw such
a beautiful combination...
...of music and dance.
I enjoyed a lot.
But these artists made my
job even more difficult.
Whom should I give the prize?
Because you all are winners.
And amongst these winners,
the 1 st number goes to.
1 st, 1 st P P P Piya (Beloved)!
- Thank you.
You both were wonderful.
They are the Romeo and
Juliet of our college.
Then will this trophy
stay with one...
...or will you distribute it?
- Half-half.
Mannu, you keep this,
and I will keep this.
This is a reward.
- Yes.
I have my part, and she
has her part. - Who?
My darling, my sweetheart,
my dream girl... love, my Radha.
Aren't you ashamed to talk like
that in front of your father?
Sumitra, did you hear
what he is saying.
Does that girl talk like that too?
Yes of course.
Ill-mannered, bit of you
are ill-mannered... and the daughter of
that ice-cream girl too.
You can say whatever you
want to your son...
...but don't you dare say
anything to my future...
Mannu, Mannu, I love you.
My sweetie-pie... darling. What are
you doing, Mannu?
Mannu. In my house at night.
In Radha's bedroom!
Leave me Mannu, what
are you doing Mannu.
Stop it. I love you Mannu.
My sweetie-pie, I love you a lot.
Talking in sleep is a bad habit.
I have got the solution to take
revenge from Arjun Singh.
Did you get the money, boss?
Not the money fool, I
have got such weapons...
...which no one has ever used
in the world if crime.
The weapon of love.
The weapon of Radha
and Mannu's love.
But what connection do they
have with Arjun Singh.
You will not understand that,
no one will understand it.
Not even those lovers
will understand...
...what I am going to make them do.
What my master plan is?
- What is it?
Dear Radha.
- Who is it?
It's me, your uncle.
I forgot your name.
Natwar, your uncle Natwar.
Yes, uncle Natwar. Yes.
Do you have nay work with me?
Yes, dear do you have
the autobiography...
...of Mahatma Gandhi?
- No.
Swami Vivekananda.
- I had, my friend took it.
What can I do?
Actually, until I don't
read the autobiography...
...of a great person,
my day doesn't start.
Oh! - Do you have the book on
the prayer of Lord Hanuman?
I have only murder mysteries
and crime thrillers.
No, no, no I don't
have any interest... these violent books.
Then I will read your palm.
You can read palms too.
Yes, I was with Pundit
Vasaspati Shashtri...
...for the past 7 years,
so I learnt it.
7 years.
- Yes.
Take a seat uncle, tell me,
tell me quickly, tell me.
Yes, yes I will tell you.
- Hurry up! Tell me please... - Yes.
The name of your most
adorable thing...
...starts with M.
- Correct.
But you don't have it with you.
You can get that thing, but
there is an obstruction...
...whose name, starts with S.
- Absolutely correct.
Papa doesn't like Mannu at all.
So, his name is Mannu.
- Why are you feeling shy dear?
My art tells me that this
obstruction can be removed.
And the name who is
going to get rid...
...of this obstruction starts
with N. - N? - Yes.
Uncle Natwar.
- Oh yes, my name begins with N.
That means I will have to do this.
But papa is very stubborn.
You don't worry dear.
Getting you married to Mannu
is my responsibility.
For that, just let
me meet Mannu once.
Wow, son really great.
Dear, I am very happy
to meet your Mannu.
Your face looks royal!
You rarely find such alliance.
Your bond is like the transistor
and the battery!
Yes uncle, we just need
to switch it on.
I will do that.
So will you get us married?
When uncle, tell me when?
Very soon, very soon that
boy will marry Radha...
...and take over your entire
wealth like a serpent.
Black cobra.
- Yes!
His poison will kill me.
- Yes. Natwar save me!
Don't worry, I know very well
to de-toxicate a snake.
Just keep doing what I tell you to.
Happy birthday, happy
birthday to you...
...happy birthday Radha,
happy birthday to you!
Thank you, thank you.
- Papa.
A party is going on.
What is the occasion?
It is the 12th anniversary
of our love.
Ok. - We are celebrating.
- Okay...
There is a cake too. Yes,
you have some too.
Yes papa, it is very tasty.
What's the cost of this cake?
It has no value uncle, it is
a love cake. - Yes love cake.
Still, who paid?
What? I paid.
- I know, I know.
This candle... did Mannu pay. No.
This matches... did Mannu pay?
No. Not even this.
Very bad, very bad.
All of you friends gave donation...
...for these wafers, cold
drinks and eatery.
What will you do after marriage?
Friendly neighbours.
Donation for household expense.
Radha-Mannu relief fund.
What are you saying, uncle?
- What you are hearing.
Forget love, forget Radha,
forget marriage with Radha.
Show me how much money in your
pocket. - Uncle, uncle. Papa, papa.
Show me. Uncle! - Papa.
1 rupee.
Look, 1 rupee. Only bus fare.
See, see Radha's purse.
See, 1,000 rupees!
Daily pocket money.
Does your father get 1,000
as salary? Tell me!
No, that's why no love, no marriage.
My daughter is not used
to stand in the queue!
Neither does she have the habit...
...of counting change money for
the bus fare. Understand!
You are poor, you cannot
meet your ends...
...what will you feed my daughter!
What will she wear?
Where will she live?
Tell me, where will she live?
I will stay wherever Mannu will!
I will be happy with Mannu
in every condition papa...
...because we love each other.
There will be love in our
life, and not money.
Our love is everything for us.
You cannot stop us, we will
surely get married.
You want to get married.
Okay, do it.
But there is a condition.
And the condition is, like
me you should also have...
...bungalow, car, money,
respect! Equal to me.
Only then will my
daughter marry you.
Do you accept the condition?
He cannot accept it.
Come on dear, let's go home.
- He cannot do anything for you...
...he is not worthy of you.
You can never fix marbles
in a hutment...
...for that you have to build
a palace. Understood.
Come on dear.
- No, Mannu! Mannu!
I accept it!
The condition that you have
kept, I will fulfill it.
Not just car, bungalow, money,
respect, honour...
...I will bring the moon
on earth for Radha.
And I promise you, only after
fulfilling your wish...
...I will come with the
wedding procession!
To marry Radha!
"There is no one like you..."
"There is no one like you..."
"There is no one like
you in this world."
"There is no one like
you in this world."
"I swear on you, you are
dear to me than my life."
"Dear to me than my life."
"What else can I say..."
"What else can I say, thank you."
"P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"P P P Piya (Beloved)."
"G G G Giya (Heart)."
"O beloved you stole my heart."
"P P P P P P P '"
Earthquake! Flood! Accident!
Complete destruction!
But brother...
- Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet.
Silent. I heeded you,
everything went flop... I will do what I should do.
No, no brother, I will not
let you do that? - What?
Just because Mannu accepted
your condition...
...that doesn't mean that you
will get Radha married...
...somewhere else.
Why not, I can surely get her
married to someone else.
No, no brother that will be wrong.
She loves Mannu, you cannot
break her heart like this.
I can break it.
- You cannot break it.
I can break it!
- But how.
There are already 4
proposals for Radha.
I even like one of them.
It will suit Radha.
Perfect match.
Rich, tall, black, handsome.
No papa, you are cheating us!
You cannot do this.
I will do that with you.
But brother...
- You shut up!
You don't understand it
is for your betterment.
No, I will not listen to you.
Calm down brother, calm down.
The matter will get worse
if you get angry... might lose the girl.
How will I lose her?
- I mean... Yes. - She will run away.
Yes, I will run away from home.
No dear, don't do that.
Or your papa will get
you married tomorrow.
- Then I am leaving home today.
Where are you going?
What are you doing brother...
...don't lock your daughter
in the room.
Yes, I will do it. Come on, come on.
Come upstairs.
- Brother!
Look she is crying, she
is crying, brother.
You will remain in this room
until you don't get married.
Natwar, keep a watch on her.
I will go quickly and
fix her alliance.
I accepted this condition of
becoming rich for Radha...
...and I will fulfill this condition.
After all it is a question
of my self respect.
I will not let my love be insulted.
Really, did you ask me before
accepting the condition?
Why would I ask, it is
a question of my life.
Question of your life.
If I slap you, you will forget
all your questions... won't grow beard for 7 days.
Then slap me on both the cheeks...
...I don't have any interest on
growing beard on one cheek.
Quiet! I have taught a lesson
to criminals, thugs...
...dacoits and looters! You
are nothing. Come on.
I am different, I have
loved and not theft.
I will throw you out.
Open the door, I will go out myself.
Quiet! No inmate has ever escaped...
...from the captive of Loha Singh.
You are lucky none of
them were your son.
You cannot separate me from Radha.
What are you doing?
Fool, wants to be rich.
What will he do, loot, plunder.
So what, I can do anything
for my Radha.
Radha! Radha! Radha! Radha! Ra...
Can she hear?
Then quiet.
Dear Radha.
Dear Radha, here have something.
I am not hungry.
I know why you are not hungry.
Even I have not eaten anything
since morning...
...and if you don't eat,
I won't eat too.
What happened uncle?
This knife is very sharp,
look, look, look.
What is this dear, you
want to run away...
...threatening your uncle
with a knife. Huh!
Look dear, you can run
away if you want to...
...but keep this knife away from me.
I am very scared of this knife.
Sorry uncle, I know
papa will scold you.
But my love...
Now plan number 2... starts.
What are you saying dear?
That means brother is getting
you married tomorrow.
Yes aunt, I want to meet
Mannu. Where is he?
- Mannu.
My darling. - My sweetheart.
My sweetie pie. - My dear.
Mother, get us married.
Is it so easy, your papa and
brother will never agree.
Come, I will drop you home.
- No!
No mother, Radha and I cannot
live without each other...
...we will die.
- But it is wrong.
Aunt, if you would have
been in our place...
...then what would you have done?
Will you do what I did?
- What?
Sit on this motorcycle and runaway.
What are you doing mother?
I am right son.
Often in their far-sightedness,
parents see so far...
...that they can't see
the things close.
The children for whom
they pray for...
...they sacrifice the happiness
of those children.
We will have to do all this to
explain your father and brother.
But keep informing
me about yourself. Ok.
And yes Mannu...
Take care of my daughter.
Take care of her as your mother's
priceless thing. - Yes mother.
Here are the keys, if you will
sit on this motorcycle...
...then your love will
surely be a success.
What is so special
in this motorcycle?
Your father eloped me
on this motorcycle.
Yes, then we both got married.
You are great mummy.
Aunt, I didn't know uncle
was so romantic.
Then, now leave quickly.
I will tell you our love
story some other day.
Go safely.
May Lord protect you!
Sumitra, what is this?
What is this?
Sumitra, where is Mannu?
Mannu! Mannu ran away!
Ran away!
- Yes, he is no where to be seen...
...that means he ran away!
All this has happened because
of you. - Because of me?
Then what, neither would
you have locked him up...
...neither would he have run away.
How did he break the lock?
How would... how would I know.
I am his mother, you
don't know my love.
I want my son, go and find him.
Quiet, quiet.
- I will not forgive you.
Go, go.
- Why are you creating a scene...
...he must be around, I will
go and look for him. Mannu.
Where is my daughter? Where? Speak!
Where is my son? Tell me Somu,
where is my Mannu?
Over smart, my daughter running
away with your son...
...and you ask me.
That means they have eloped
together! Ill-mannered.
What is the ill-manner in it
you had eloped with me too?
Oh! Family business.
I am going to the police station.
No! What are you doing, daughter
will be defamed.
There is no need to worry
about my daughter.
Think about your son.
7 years imprisonment for eloping
with a a minor. You know.
Let him be imprisoned, for
7 years or for 20 years.
I say, the betterment for
both the family is that...
...let us keep quiet for some
days, they will return.
Sister-in-law is right.
My man has gone in search of them.
But don't tell the police. Not all.
The police know!
- When? Why? How?
Fool, I am the police myself.
No, right now you are a father,
just a father.
Upstairs, room number 305.
These foreigners make
such nice films.
They also spend so much.
The photography is so nice too.
And the acting is so natural,
isn't it.
The censor there is not so strict
too, they can so anything.
What do you mean?
- Kissing, etcetera.
We have started kissing too.
Is that called a kiss, just
touch and run! - How?
Like this.
- We were just watching a film.
You broke all my hopes,
crushed all my desires...
...shattered all my dreams.
What all had I thought.
You broke my heart.
Manohar Singh, son of Loha Singh... turned out to be useless.
You did such a terrible thing.
I am even afraid to think what
will happen to you now.
What will happen?
What the police will want?
Police. - Police.
Police are wandering all
around searching for you.
They will find you out in 2 days.
Mannu is at fault!
- Mine. - Yes.
I ask you, what was the need
for you to open your big mouth...
...and accept brothers condition.
Now suffer, suffer.
Yes, if you can fulfill that
condition in 2 days...
...then I can appease brother
and get your married.
But how can I get rich in 2 days.
That's great young man!
You have thought of everything...
...and you are asking me.
What have I thought?
- Kidnapping.
- Yes dear, kidnapping!
Wow, what a brilliant idea he has.
The easiest way to get rich.
Wow, I could never have
thought you wanted that.
Dear, Mannu's plan is
to kidnap the son...
...of a wealthy man, and take
a fat amount from him.
As soon as we get the money
we will return the son...
...and everyone will be happy.
But uncle, kidnapping.
Kidnapping is not a new thing
for you. - What do you mean?
Like, just now you kidnapped Radha.
But I came on my own will. - Yes.
Yes, but in the view of the
police it is a kidnapping.
But that was a different thing,
and this is different.
There is... there is...
- Danger. - Yes.
Okay, as you wish what do I care?
Let's go back. - Where?
You, back to your father's house...
...and you in your father's lock up.
When you will return after 7 years...
...then Radha would have been
married and the mother of two.
Who is it?
- Police.
I had told you. Come on,
hide in the bathroom. Come on.
Yes inspector. - I have heard
that a boy has eloped...
...with a minor girl.
- Here, in this room.
No, no inspector. It's only
me here and now you.
And as far as I think, neither
of us is a minor, or a girl.
Okay, okay. No matter
where they are...
...the police will apprehend them.
The teeth of the law are very big.
What happened, anything wrong?
Yes, yes inspector sir.
Where will they escape?
Are you very scared Radha?
- No.
- I can do anything for you.
- Even I can do anything
for you Mannu.
Uncle, save us.
- We will do as you say.
What am I saying, it
is your idea Mannu.
Now tell me, whom will you kidnap?
Good question, whom will we kidnap?
If you want, I can help you now.
I have a very old enemy Arjun Singh.
He has swindled a lot of my money,
and is not returning it.
He has an only son.
How old.
- This much.
This much.
- He is very big.
Yes, you will ask for
a big amount too.
How much will you ask for?
10 lakh.
- Just 10 lakh.
It is time of inflation, what
good will 10 lakh do.
That idiot Arjun Singh
has swindled 50 lakh.
Ask for at least 1 crore.
50 for you and 50 for me.
Yes, 50-50 everyone happy. But,
how will we... kidnap him?
Is he dead?
- No, fallen unconscious.
Just like that, put chloroform
on this handkerchief...
...and render him unconscious.
And then bring him to you.
Yes, are you afraid?
No. - No.
Look, that's his holiday home.
He is staying here for tonight only.
So it is important, that
it should happen today.
Okay uncle.
- Okay uncle. - Good luck.
- Beautiful.
We lost our way, we came here
in search of the way. Yes.
Which way?
Road. The road to go from
one place to another.
Excuse me, seems like I
have seen you somewhere.
I too feel that...
Of course, of course, you
are the Romeo and Juliet...
Yes, she is Radha and I am Mannu.
You live here.
- I come here sometimes.
What is your name, uncle?
- Uncle!
Do I look like an uncle?
My name is Ashutosh, you
can call me Ashutosh.
So your name is Ashutosh,
and you live here.
We didn't know.
You have put up so
many photographs...
...are you a photographer?
No, no I have taken all these
photographs, from my heart.
This is my love story and this
is the Taj Mahal of my love.
Whenever I feel like, I come
here and talk to my Shivangi.
A lot of things. Isn't it, Shivangi?
How romantic.
Mannu, you don't even have
my passport size photo!
Why will he keep your photo,
you are with him.
Just a minute.
You are caught.
Shivangi says that you both
have runaway from home.
How did he find out?
That means you have really
runaway from home.
How nice.
Did you hear Shivangi, they have
really run away from home.
That's called love.
These are crazy lovers.
Congratulations, congratulations.
Well done, I am really proud of you.
Tell me one thing, when
are you getting married.
- I am still a minor...
...when I become 18 years
old, then. Yes.
And then we have to take the
parents blessings too.
Good, by the way what are
you plans? - Kidnapping. - Huh!
I said... we will have coffee.
- Yes, we will have coffee.
Okay, maybe I heard wrong.
I will just get it.
Tell me, when will you become
Really! What will you do till then?
Till then... till the we
will live in Lonavala.
Lonavala, who is there in Lonavala?
My uncle lives there.
- Uncle! Yes,
Mannu, while sneezing
keep the handkerchief...
...on your nose, like this.
And after running away from home... shouldn't go
to your relatives...
...the police comes there first.
Clean your nose properly.
What happened, Mannu?
Who knows what happened?
A man thinks something, and
something else happens.
You are absolutely right, but
don't worry, rest on the sofa...
...leave the rest to me.
- Yes.
Now I have to leave
everything on me.
Mannu. Come on Mannu, go.
Mannu! I am enjoying
very much Radha.
I am feeling very sleepy.
Don't be silly Mannu, come
on get up, come on get up.
You try it too.
- No, no, no.
"Flame and the moth. The
bees and the flowers."
"Flame and the moth. The
bees and the flowers."
"So many like you and me."
"Who knows how many,
Who know how many."
"Crazy lovers."
"Flame and the moth. The
bees and the flowers."
"Flame and the moth. The
bees and the flowers."
"So many like you and me."
"Who knows how many,
Who know how many."
"Crazy lovers."
"Flame and the moth."
- "The bees and the flowers."
"Flame and the moth."
- "The bees and the flowers."
"Someone is the partridge,
and someone is the moon."
"Someone is the partridge,
and someone is the moon."
"Someone is the partridge,
and someone is the moon."
"Love. Love is the noose around
the neck for everyone."
"We have heard."
- "So many sagas."
"How many..."
- "Came and went."
"The old lovers."
"The old lovers. Crazy lovers."
"Flame and the moth."
- "The bees and the flowers."
"Flame and the moth."
- "The bees and the flowers."
"We are always lost in each other."
"Even though we were awake,
we were unaware."
"We are always lost in each other."
"Even though we were awake,
we were unaware."
"When did the moon rise?"
"When did the moon set?"
"What do we care?"
- "From the entire world."
"We are unaware."
"We are unaware."
"Crazy lovers."
"Flame and the moth."
- "The bees and the flowers."
"So many like you and me."
"Who knows how many."
- "Who know how many."
"Crazy lovers."
"Crazy lovers."
"Crazy lovers."
"Crazy lovers."
There is only one way
to escape the police...
...come to Mumbai with me.
Ashutosh, Ashutosh wait, wait.
The police can come there too.
Ashutosh, we have a place
to live in Lonavala...
...where will we stay in Mumbai?
In my house.
- And your family.
I won't tell my family that
you have runaway from home...
...I will tell them that
you are married...
...and have come to Mumbai
for honeymoon.
But Ashutosh.
If you say anymore buts then I will
take you to the police station.
Police station.
I am your friend, I want to
help you. Do as I say...
...let us go to Mumbai.
Come on, aunt.
Good afternoon sir.
- Good afternoon.
My daddy.
- Bless you.
I didn't recognise you.
He is Ashutosh's friend's brother.
They are newly married, have come
here for honeymoon. - Okay.
Explain your son, to learn
something from them.
This is the age to get married.
Come on, come on I will
show you your rooms...
...daddy must be tired,
let him rest come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on.
Wow. How nice.
Here too.
I am very tired.
I didn't know you get so tired
if you run away from home.
Yes really, I am feeling
very sleepy too.
Ashutosh, you rest too.
Yes, we will meet later.
Get up, get up quickly.
Why, what happened?
Did you take this marriage
and honeymoon seriously?
Come on, get up.
But Ashutosh...
- Nothing, nothing...
...only Radha will sleep here,
you will sleep... the guestroom along with me.
Come on.
Just a minute. Just a minute.
Can I embrace her once?
No, no.
Can I kiss her once?
- What?
Can I...
- Come on. - Radha! Radha!
Why have we come here?
To buy snacks.
- What?
It is a cloth store,
we will buy clothes.
Listen to me, it is important
that the newly weds...
...should have new clothes.
You will find clothes
of your choice there...
...I will select something
there. Okay.
- Come on, come on make it snappy.
No matter what you say,
Mumbai is Mumbai.
Take this. Yes.
What happened?
- It is so nice.
Then take it.
- Yes, yes.
Where had I asked you to bring him...
...what are you doing here?
- Uncle, we told him... many times to go to Lonavala.
- But he doesn't agree.
Quiet. You people have
very less time.
Bring him to Lonavala
anyhow tomorrow.
If he doesn't agree, then use this.
- Gun.
Hey lovebirds.
Are you buying clothes
or interviewing it?
Why did you keep it back?
- It is not nice.
It is quite nice.
- No, no, no.
What no, no.
Do one thing, I will
get this packed... buy something else. Ok.
But where did uncle get a gun from?
Where did my gun go?
What are you thinking?
I am thinking that
you are very rich.
Yes I am so rich, that
before spending...
...I don't have to think whether
there is money... my pocket or not.
It is so nice to be rich, isn't it?
I wish I would have been rich too.
So what would have happened?
Then I would have been married.
Manohar, sometimes rich
people are so poor...
...that they have nothing
other then money.
Shivangi, Shivangi.
Shivangi, hey Shivangi.
Wait, wait, wait there.
Bless you, your lipstick should
always match with your sari...
...your shoes never breaks
in the market...
...and if does, then in
front of a shoe shop.
What is all this, do I have
to touch your feet too?
Today is Karvachauth (day where
a fast is kept by married women).
As far as I remember, only
wives keep this fast...
...for their husbands.
Some girls keep it for
their future husbands.
You mean this useless.
Beware, don't you dare abuse
my future husband.
And you are starving my future
wife, what about that?
I am not starving her, I am
fasting for the long life...
...of my future husband.
I am fasting too, come
I will break it, come.
You can break that fast
after marriage.
Tell me one thing, does this fast...
...affect the future father-in-law
too? - Why?
He wants to meet you?
- What?
Tomorrow afternoon, at 3... 30.
You will be there, won't you?
Unfortunately I am going
to Bangalore...
...and anyway he has
told me clearly...
...what will the son do between
the daughter-in-law...
...and the father-in-law?
- But, what will I say to him?
I am scared.
What is there to be scared of?
He will ask what all
the father-in-laws...
...ask all the daughter-in-laws.
How many grandsons, how
many granddaughters?
How soon, or will you delay.
But there is one condition
Shivangi? - What?
No matter how many
children we have...
...they should all be like you.
You love me so much.
- A lot.
And like loving you so much.
I feel like... I feel like...
Hey moon, hey moon, look at my moon... is much more beautiful
and gorgeous then you!
You will set tomorrow but
she will be mine, forever!
What did you say your name was?
- Shivangi.
Shivangi Mehra.
Oh yes, take a seat.
You must have finished
your studies. Yes.
What are you doing these days?
I teach dance in a dance school.
And you have made my son dance
on your fingers too.
What does your father do?
He was in a government job.
Now after being retired,
he does a part time job.
- I don't know.
I know.
Peon! Peon!
Yes sir.
He is your father, isn't it?
Father, you...
Dear, when I didn't
get any other work...
...then for money...
- Became a peon.
This is your status!
Being a peon's daughter,
you want to marry...
...a rich man's son.
You are so down-trodden, you
want to touch the sky.
Mr. Arjun Singh, you have the
right to refuse this alliance...
...but you don't have the right to
insult my fathers helplessness.
Not helplessness, far sightedness.
You father and daughter
have conspired... entrap Ashutosh, but
it is not that easy.
Otherwise every good
looking poor girl...
...would be the daughter-in-law
of a millionaire.
I have seen many idiot fathers...
...but for the first time
I have seen a father...
...using her daughter like this.
Enough, I cannot tolerate
it anymore.
Come on dear.
Get out, not just from this office...
...but from my son's life too.
Or else I will defame you so much... won't be able to do anything.
Shivangi, what are you saying?
Yes Ashutosh, I thought marriage... the alliance
between two people.
But I found out from your father...
...that marriage isn't alliance
between two people...
...but between one bank
balance with another.
One status with another.
One honour with another honour.
But Shivangi I...
- I know you love me a lot.
But you cannot keep everyone happy.
Either you can make me happy,
or your father.
Don't worry about my happiness...
...marry a girl of your status
for your father's happiness.
- We are poor Ashutosh.
Our respect, our honour
is our earning.
Where my father is not respected...
...where I have been insulted
because I am poor...
...where someone pointed
a finger at my image...
...I cannot become the
daughter-in-law of that family!
Your father wants that.
You told me your decision.
Now hear my decision too.
If Shivangi cannot become
your daughter-in-law...
...then so be it, but she
will become my wife.
Bravo, very nice.
For the past 25 years, the father
that took care of you...
...he is nothing.
And the girl you have known
only for 25 months...
...she has become your life.
Can you tell your father...
...what is the quality in that girl?
The quality of that girl is that...
...she is ready to sacrifice
her happiness...
...for the happiness of my parents.
But you! For your stubbornness,
your arrogance...
...for your pride are ready to
sacrifice your son's happiness.
That's the difference between
the both of you.
Which you can never understand.
Because you view everyone through
the sight of wealth...
...but when you don't have any
value for relationships...
...then how can you claim to
be my father! - Ashutosh!
What happened?
A father is learning to
be a father from his son.
Ashutosh, what am I hearing.
In such a big house, there
is a place for the son...
...but not his happiness.
What is all this, will
someone tell me?
You tell me, what is the matter?
He wants me to accept the
daughter of my servant... my daughter-in-law!
He is hoping that I will
accept the dirt...
...that comes in with
his expensive shoes.
To turn this ancestral
house into a brothel!
Stop! If I start abusing
you then what respect...
...will you be left with,
Mr. Arjun Singh.
How dare you!
How dare you, you talk
to me like that?
Stop, you are raising your
hand on your young son!
What else can you do,
you want to hit me...
...then come on hit me,
hit me, hit me.
Keep quiet, keep quiet both of you.
Get out, get out of my house.
Go away, and never show
your face again!
I only need your blessing
for my marriage mother...
...come with me!
- She will not go!
She is not your property,
she is my mother!
She is my wife!
For God sake keep quiet.
I want that... - You will want
what your husband wishes!
Okay mother, I will not
put you in a dilemma.
Your husband has the
first right on you.
But I will miss you mother.
I love you.
Stop him, for God sake, stop him.
Let him go.
- You are under my oath, stop him.
It is his decision, who
are we to stop him!
Stop! Stop! There is still time,
it is a question...
...of two words, just say stop son.
It is not just the question
of two words Suman... is the question of
the earth and the sky...
...that can never meet.
Ashutosh! Ashutosh! Son!
Mr. Singh, she is still
not out of danger.
It is quite late Mr. Prabhakar,
how long will we have to wait?
Give this letter to Shivangi,
she will understand everything.
Dear, the young master
has given this letter.
'Shivangi, after thinking
it through I have decided...
...that just for you, I cannot
leave my parents... wealth, respect and fame.'
'lt is true that I was
blinded by your love...
...but now I can see clearly again.'
'I advice you Shivangi, that
you find a nice boy...
...according to your status
and settle down. Ashutosh.'
Did you read the letter Shivangi?
You were right Shivangi.
Ashutosh didn't ask me anything...
...he didn't ask me anything.
He took this decision himself,
that he will not marry you.
Not every father uses his child...
...for his own selfish means.
There are some fathers,
whose love is true.
And whose children
choose their love.
I am very happy with my son.
Now you see, how celibately
I will get my son married... someone of my own status.
But what will happen
to you now Shivangi?
If the girl dawns the marriage
dress and doesn't get married...
...then that dress becomes
the shroud for her.
The henna seems like someone has...
...put hot iron on it.
You should die after being defamed
like this, Shivangi.
But if you still want to live
this life of insult...
...then go, go to some
other city and search...
...for another rich man's
son and entrap him.
Arjun Singh!
If you say another word
about my daughter...
...then I will not spare you.
Go! Go!
Go and tell your son,
that he is dead for us!
Go and tell him, we
have forgotten him!
No! I will not forget him!
I will never forget him!
I will always remember
Ashutosh's insult!
So that it keeps reminding me.
The injury becomes incurable!
And my hatred never dies! Never!
We will surely kidnap Ashutosh,
yes Mannu.
We will surely kidnap Ashutosh
and take him to Lonavala.
Love you Mannu.
We have only one day.
Mannu, we have only one day.
If we don't take him to Lonavala...
...then do you know what will happen?
What will happen?
We will not get the money.
We will not become rich.
We will not get married.
Marriage, Lonavala, Ashutosh.
Good morning Ashutosh.
- Good morning.
This morning is not that good,
I am getting bored...
...let us go to Lonavala for picnic.
- Yes Lonavala.
Are you serious?
- Yes, of course.
What is there to joke in this?
That means we will really
go to Lonavala?
I don't know how we go
to Lonavala other way.
Come on, let us go right now.
We will pack our bags
right now, come on.
Come on, come on.
You fool, go inside and
see what they are doing.
Have you finished packing?
Radha, is it right what we are
doing? - What do you mean?
I mean Ashutosh is such a nice man.
Uncle Natwar is so nice too,
he is helping us so much.
And once we get the money,
then Ashutosh...
...will come back home.
Everyone happy.
Everything is fair in love and war.
Come on, come on.
Have you kept your luggage?
- Yes, yes long back. - Good.
Where are you going for the picnic?
- Lonavala!
There is no need to scream.
Mother, seems like they like
Lonavala a lot, isn't it?
- Yes.
Come on, come on. I love you mom.
- Bye. - Bye.
Romeo, Majnu, Rajna, you have
defeated all of them.
Shameless, I am getting
disturbed out here.
Go and sit with your Juliet,
Heer, Laila etcetera.
You are great friend.
Come on, come on.
Long live romance.
Yes, this is Arjun Singh speaking.
Don't speak, just listen.
We have kidnapped
your son Ashutosh...
...he is in our captive.
- What?
Who is speaking? Who is this?
Didn't you recognise me uncle?
It's me Manohar, Radha
is along with me too.
We want money uncle, 1 crore rupees.
Or else we will kill Ashutosh!
If you have understood, then
quickly arrange for the money...
...I will call again.
And yes, give my greetings to aunt.
- Hello, hello, hello.
But commissioner sir, Ashutosh
left telling his mother...
...that he is going to
Lonavala for picnic...
...and you are saying
that he is not there.
Look Mr. Arjun Singh, we
gave their car number...
...on every check post
of the highway and...
Do what you think is right
commissioner sir...
...but please bring my son back.
Commissioner sir, please.
Don't worry Mr. Arjun
Singh, please sit.
Look, we are giving this case
to a very capable inspector...
...who solved Delhi's Arora
kidnapping case very nicely.
Incidentally that officer
is in Mumbai.
Constable, look give this
file to inspector Mehra...
...and tell her, it contains
the photo...
...of the person who
has been kidnapped.
- Have we reached Lonavala?
No, Ashutosh is missing.
- Yes, he is missing.
Where did he go?
- Did he run away?
Let us see.
- Come on.
What happened?
- Nothing, the car broke down.
Look, look.
- Yes, look, look.
Radiator, hosepipe etcetera.
- Yes, everything is black.
What will happen now?
Now, the ST bus will be arriving
in a short while...
...we will go in that, okay.
Mumbai to Goa.
Hey mister, stop!
Come on.
- But this is not our bus.
This is our bus.
- But this is the bus to Goa...
...we are going to Lonavala.
I have changed the plan a bit.
We are going to Goa and
not Lonavala. - No!
Why no? What is the problem in Goa...
...and anyway we have
to go for a picnic.
And the truth is Goa is the
best place for young couples.
It's made for romance.
But we don't want to go to Goa.
- But why?
- I have seen Goa.
Many times.
Really, if you have seen
Goa, then tell me...
...where is the Hanuman temple?
Where is it?
- How would I know... have been to Goa,
you tell him.
Ashutosh, Goa is nothing
compared to Lonavala.
- Yes.
What crazy lovers,
come to Goa once... will forget Lonavala.
Brothers, whether you want
to go to Lonavala, Goa...
...or Bhatinda, decide it quickly...
...I cannot stand here all night.
Coming, coming, coming, coming.
Here take the keys, take the
keys and bring the luggage.
Come on. Come on fast, come on.
We are dead.
- Now what will happen?
What can happen, we
have to go to Goa.
We will see there.
What happened?
Nothing... I once told
her that she looks...
...very beautiful while screaming.
Okay, okay, okay. Come on hurry up.
Radha, Radha, get up.
Have we reached Goa?
- No, we will.
Come on, get out.
What's happening, we were going
to Lonavala, isn't it?
He has foiled the entire plan,
now we are going to Goa.
Come on, come on, come, come, come.
Who the hell is in-charge of
my case? - Mr. Arjun Singh.
It has been 3 days since
I lodged the complaint...
...but still no action
has been taken.
I would like to meet the officer...
...who is investigating my case!
She is sitting there.
You mean a woman. A
lady police officer...
...has been given my case.
- Yes.
- Wait.
I have not come here to wait,
I want to know...
Wait for your turn.
Maybe you don't know me,
my name is Arjun Singh...
...people wait for me, I
don't wait for anyone.
Thanks you for the information...
...but you can see that I am busy.
As soon as I am free,
I will deal with you.
By giving importance
to such poor people... are insulting me!
Here Hariya, the report.
I will inform the hospital.
Mr. Arjun Singh, in
this entire world...
...your son is not the only son,
and you are not the only father.
Just now the one you called
poor, he is a father too.
He has an only son too.
And some rich person like you
bumped him with his car.
He is waiting for this report, so
that the hospital can treat him!
Just because he is Hariya
and not Arjun Singh...
...the value of his son's life
is less then your son's life.
You have money, respect, you
know the top officers.
But he has only sorrows.
In every queue of life, he
is standing in the end...
...waiting for his turn.
And so he has the first right.
- But I...
And about your case.
Investigation is going on,
we are trying our best... find your son as
soon as possible.
Give him a class of water.
Whom are you calling?
- Papa.
Have you gone mad?
I am remembering papa a lot Mannu...
...from his voice it felt
like he is very sad.
I am remembering a lot too Radha...
...who knows what mother
will be thinking.
That's why I had written
a letter from Mumbai.
I am going to do a very
big feat mother...
...on completion my condition
will be fulfilled.
We just need your blessings. Mannu.
O Lord, who knows what
he is going to do.
Protect him.
Mother, don't worry about me
mother, I am enjoying here.
Just keep taking your medicines
one time mother.
Daddy was asking about me.
Mother, don't tell him where
I am and that I had called.
Why, what's the matter?
I will tell you after I come back,
it is very hilarious.
Okay, take care. I love you.
I love you too son.
- Bye mother.
Hands up, you are in our custody.
You are kidnapped. Let's
go to Lonavala.
Not me, you are in my custody.
You are kidnapped.
I was waiting for your act.
That means...
- I knew what you were going to do.
But now, you have been
caught red handed.
That's why I brought you
here and not Lonavala.
Now I can take you wherever I want.
Even if I killed you, then the
police will not harm me.
Because I will say that
you kidnapped me...
...and I shot you in self-defense.
If I want I can hand you
over to the police... that you are punished
for your deeds.
That means locked behind
bars with criminals.
But before doing anything,
I want you to tell me...
...the entire truth. Because
as far as I know you...
...this kidnapping plan
cannot be yours. - No.
Then who asked you to kidnap me?
It is not Radha's fault,
the entire plan was mine.
No, I will go to jail
along with you.
Now you are crying, didn't you
think before doing all this...
...what could be the consequence.
Tell me, why did you do all this?
Tell me!
To get rich.
- Yes, he had promised my father...
...that he will get rich
to marry me. - Yes.
Okay, so this is your papa's plan.
- No, no, no.
Then whose is it? - Mannu
you are under my oath...
...don't take uncle Natwar's name.
Uncle Natwar.
Boss, here, here.
It is as simple as that.
Your Nattu is waiting
for me in Lonavala.
Okay, tomorrow morning
I will go there...
...and settle his account
of 50 lakh and yours too.
Ours! - Yes! Yours and
your love story's too.
Come drink the milk, and sleep.
Shall I give it in a bottle,
with the nipple?
Drink it!
Seems like he is asleep.
- Thank God, he is so dangerous.
I swear, we wanted to kidnap
him, and he kidnapped us.
Mannu, shall we runaway.
Why have we brought the bag for?
By God, it is so dark.
I cannot see anything.
- I will switch on the light.
If not in the name of
Radha or Manohar...
...then it must be in the
name of Ashutosh Singh.
Yes, yes. We are checking.
Sir is coming.
Thakral sir.
Wow Thakral sir, wow.
How nice, I never thought that I
will meet you again like this.
Even I never thought that I
will meet you again Natwar.
When did you come out of Jail?
Long back, I had even called
you in Hong Kong...
...but you refused to talk
on the phone. Why?
It is not that easy
to talk to me Natwar.
I earn 1 lakh rupees
in every moment.
If I give you 5 minutes, then
you can account the value.
What are you doing these
days Thakral sir...
...that you turned into
a big businessman...
...from a simple conman.
Do you want to see?
Come with me.
Radha, Radha. Come on.
Where have you brought us Thakral
sir, this car park...
Where is this voice coming from?
There is no one here.
- Leave me, I didn't do anything.
Thakral sir...
- I don't know how this happened...
...believe me. Please.
We found this from his pocket.
No sir, no. I don't know how
this came in my pocket... know how honest I am, sir.
Sir, sir, sir, believe me, sir.
I didn't steal it, sir.
No sir, no. Give me
another chance, sir.
I beg of you sir, please
forgive me, sir.
I have children, sir.
Have mercy on me, sir.
If you steal Thakral's gold,
you have to die.
And that to mercilessly.
There was a golden Lanka
that Ravan had built...
...and this golden Lanka has
been built by Thakral.
With deceit.
By supplying illegal weapons.
By provoking the people
against the country.
By taking the advantage of
the people's foolishness.
By plundering them,
by destroying them...
...I have earned this
gold worth 50 crores!
Thakral sir, you have so much...
...but excuse me, compared
to me, you are still poor.
What do you have?
I have Ashutosh.
- Ashutosh?
Arjun Singh's only son Ashutosh.
He is worth 200 crores.
Where is he?
- Somewhere in your hotel.
Two foolish people whom I provoked
have kidnapped him.
Once Ashutosh comes in my grasp...
...then both of those lovers and
Ashutosh... - Murder. - Yes.
Murder, murder, murder.
- Murder.
Oh my God, Uncle Natwar
is a murderer.
Let us run away before the
murder is committed. - Yes.
It is between him and Ashutosh...
What is Ashutosh's fault
in all this? - Yes.
Needlessly he will be killed.
And we will be responsible for it.
Come on, let us go and
tell him everything.
So that he can run away
from here too. - Come on.
Come on.
Ashutosh, what are you doing?
Open it please?
Both of you stay there the police
will come and get you out.
Ashutosh, please let us come inside.
Uncle Natwar has reached here.
- Please.
Scared of Nattu, you
have come to me.
Yes, he is more dangerous than you.
Yes, he was saying that
he will kill us...
...but after taking money from
your papa he will kill you too.
What do you want from me?
- Help.
We will go back home. - And I will
stop dreaming of being rich.
You have started this game... you will come along
and deal with that person.
Come on, tell me where he is.
No, Ashutosh, let us
run away from here.
We won't be able to
compete with them.
I am capable of dealing
with 10 like him.
They are not 10, but 50.
- 50.
Let us runaway.
I am sorry.
- It's alright. - Uncle Natwar.
Catch them! Catch them! Catch them!
Move, move, catch them.
I will shoot him.
But this gun is empty.
Catch them, catch them, catch them.
You fools!
Let us go in.
Excuse us, brother.
We didn't mean to
disturb your party.
Carry on your programme,
we will leave.
Today is our Pedro sir's birthday.
And no one can leave
without singing...
...on Pedro sir's birthday.
In Indian language?
Today is our Pedro sir's birthday.
- Pedro.
And no one can leave without
singing on Pedro sir's birthday.
We are in a hurry.
We will come back and sing.
Good idea.
Don't act smart, I give
the orders here.
We asked you to sing, so sing.
Yes sir.
"I sing, you sing, everyone
will sing."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr. Pedro."
"I sing, you sing, everyone
will sing."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr. Pedro."
"I sing.
- You sing. - Everyone will sing."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr. Pedro!"
"Friends, listen to
this love story."
"This 17 year boy and girl."
"Friends, listen to
this love story."
"This 17 year boy and girl."
"They ran away from
home stealthily."
"This couple looks so nice."
"Raise a toast in their name."
"All of you sing along with me."
- "Sing."
"I sing." - "You sing."
- "Everyone will sing."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr. Pedro!"
"There is always villain
in love stories."
"The world is the enemy of love."
"There is always villain
in love stories."
"The world is the enemy of love."
"There are so many obstructions
in the path of love."
"How will the hero and
the heroine meet?"
"Mr. Pedro, you tell me."
"All of you sing along with me."
- "Sing."
"I sing."- "You sing."
- "Everyone will sing."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr. Pedro!"
"It is the truth, and not a story."
"Not a story."
"We have loved, and not
committed a crime."
"Not committed a crime."
"It is the truth, and not a story."
"Not a story."
"We have loved, and not
committed a crime."
"Not committed a crime."
"Both of them are very innocent."
"People are after them."
"We don't want to die
a suffering death."
"We don't want to go back home."
"We don't want to go back home."
"We don't want to go back home."
"Mr. Pedro, save us."
"All of you sing along with me."
- "Sing."
"I sing." - "You sing."
- "Everyone will sing."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr. Pedro!"
"On the music."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr. Pedro!"
"Once again now."
"A little louder."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr."
"Happy birthday to you O Mr."
"Happy birthday to you O
Mr. Pedro! Mr. Pedro!"
What is it? Move!
No one can leave without singing
on Pedro's birthday.
Sit. Hurry up.
Ashutosh, come on.
Ashutosh! Ashutosh!
Ashutosh quickly!
Ashutosh! Ashutosh!
Ashutosh quickly! Quickly. Let's go.
I want him alive.
Suman, what happened Suman?
I don't know why I feel, that
Ashutosh is in trouble.
Is it paining a lot?
No, the bullet just bruised me.
Sorry Ashutosh.
You got in the trouble
because of us.
And still you risked your
life to save ours.
Because I know the meaning
of the word love.
Your love becomes successful...
...what else can a crazy
lover like me want?
We asked you many times, but you
never told us your love story.
You will have to tell us your
love story today, Ashutosh.
Please tell us.
My love story.
My Shivangi.
I kept searching for her.
But I could never find Shivangi
after that anywhere.
Instead of shedding
tears in her grief...
...I remembered Shivangi
as my happiness.
And we found out today, the
sorrows behind this smile.
I have only one wish that
you remain happy.
Mannu, along with your happiness...
...mix my sorrows too.
Laugh so much that tears
come out of your eyes.
We will surely find your
Shivangi, Ashutosh.
You will surely get your Shivangi.
No matter in which corner
of the world she is...
...we will bring her to you.
Shivangi! Shivangi!
Mannu, Shivangi! Shivangi!
Oh my God, I don't believe it.
I found Shivangi!
Mr. Singh, I have come to take
you back to your father.
This uniform, Shivangi!
They have kidnapped you.
Did you hear?
They didn't kidnap me, I have
come along on my own.
And we didn't even know.
Look, whatever you want to say
say it in the police station.
Shivangi, you have met me
after so many years...
...and I know them very well.
If you hear their love story,
you will become their fan.
They love each other a lot,
then have runaway from home.
But the problem is that
the girl is a minor.
Then I will surely arrest them.
Don't do that?
Mannu will be jailed for 7 years...
...and by the time he comes
out, Radha would have...
...become a police inspector, and
Mannu will playing the flute.
Enough of this nonsense,
arrest them!
Leave them!
Inspector Shivangi Mehra,
you are now my captive!
And I will keep you captive...
...until Radha and Mannu's
love don't succeed.
Leave me!
How can I leave you?
You have met after so many years...
...I have to ask you a lot of things.
Arrest them.
- Beware! I will shoot!
I am crazy, and not just
crazy, a crazy lover.
I can do anything.
Radha, luggage.
Mannu handcuffs.
You cannot do this!
Mannu, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Seems like we will have
to go walking from here.
Get your luggage.
What are you doing, the
handle will break... want to open the chains.
I will open it, the
keys are with me.
Happy. - Mr. Singh, take
this jeep back or else...
Isn't she cute, learn
something from her.
This is the way you fight in love.
Come darling, get down
or else I will shoot.
Come on, come on.
Come on!
Come on darling, come on.
What do you think, you can
make me do as you please?
I am not your lousy servant!
I am a soldier. Come on,
fight me if you can.
Come on.
I don't raise hands on the police.
Come on, now fight me.
Man to man.
Man to woman.
I don't raise hands on women.
Come on Ashutosh, come on.
Come on Shivangi!
What are you doing?
Well done Shivangi!
Come on Shivangi!
Buck up Ashutosh, come on.
Come on Shivangi!
Let it be, what are you doing?
No, no my son can't do that.
He has done that.
The inspector that was sent
to bring him back... son has taken her captive.
You mean inspector...
- I mean inspector Shivangi Mehra.
Look, look.
The murderer in the front,
and the insane behind her.
Don't joke with the law.
Sorry law.
There is no mangalsutra
around the neck...
...and no vermillion on the forehead.
That means you still
didn't get married.
- I know why?
She still secretly loves Ashutosh.
Isn't it Shivangi?
I used to hate Ashutosh, I
still do and I always will.
And I used to love Shivangi
I still do and always will.
Don't touch me.
There is a sprain in your leg,
I will make it right.
No need.
- There is a need.
Mannu, pick up the gun.
Point it at her head.
If she tries to move,
then shoot her.
So sweet.
Mannu, chance.
What chance?
- To pick me up in your arms...
...or else how will I
go across the river?
You are right, come on.
- That's a good boy.
I understood darling, I
understood everything... don't have to say anything.
- What?
What are you doing?
Don't worry. Don't worry.
- Put me down.
Easy, easy, easy.
Look, if you move too much
then both of us will fall.
Long live romance!
I warn you.
I say leave me!
The law has fallen in the water.
Now come on. Start walking.
Come on, come on Shivangi come on.
You will catch a cold like this.
Don't worry, doctor Radha is here...
...I have the cure for cold.
Wear my clothes, I have enough.
Hey Clint Eastwood, the gun
is loaded keep it aside.
Ashutosh, mad bull!
Not now, not now.
- Okay, okay.
What is this misbehaviour?
- The bull.
Who? - The mad bull, after
me... red underwear.
Where is he?
- Here...
Mad. - You are lying, you
bumped into me purposely.
No, no I swear on you.
You might like your childish
behaviour but not me!
I will not tolerate
all this, understand.
Shut up!
- You shut up!
Okay. Mannu.
- Understood.
Hands please.
I forgot to tell you one thing,
you look very good... these clothes. Really.
Boss! Boss! Boss!
I found all this from here, that
means they had come here.
Deceiving Natwar Lal
is not that easy.
All these idiots
will die by my hand.
Shivangi, all these years that
chance I have been waiting for...
...I got that today.
I have the answer to
every misconception...
...every anger that you have.
I will clear all your
doubts today Shivangi.
Who are you that I will complain to?
I don't even know you.
- Shivangi.
I am a police officer, and in
my view you are a criminal...
...just a criminal.
Being a spoilt son of a rich
father, you have forgotten... is not about entrapping
poor girls...
...and making false promises to them.
Life is something else too!
Which you will realise,
when you will be jailed...
...for your illegal act.
I am serving a punishment
now too, Shivangi... staying away from you.
Believe me, I looked
for you everywhere...
...but I couldn't find you anywhere.
Even if you would have found me... answer would have
been what it is today.
Hatred. Hatred. Hatred.
If Ashutosh and Shivangi
don't meet today...
...then they will never meet.
- Yes.
I will turn 18, we will
go back to our homes...
...and Ashutosh and Shivangi
will separate again.
How sad.
By God, that means we
have very less time.
Radha, you shouldn't
turn 18 so soon.
But I am helpless to turn 18 Mannu.
No power in the world can
stop me, from turning 18.
I agree that you cannot be stopped...
...but we can try to make them meet.
We tried so much and lost.
Radha, those who love
don't lose hope.
And then, Ashutosh has
done so much for us...
...can't we do such a
small thing for him.
Think something Radha, think. Think.
Got it.
- What?
Physical intimacy.
- Physical intimacy.
Yes, we will win over hatred with...
...physical intimacy.
- What do you mean?
I mean, when we will present
a sizzling dance...
...then something will
happen between them.
And they will turn helpless
against it.
All the anger and hatred
will be over.
So shall we.
- We should.
"This is happening."
"This should not happen."
"If this happens, that
should not happen."
"This is happening."
"This should not happen."
"If this happens, that
should not happen."
"If that happens."
"This is happening."
"This should not happen."
"If this happens, that
should not happen."
"This is happening."
"This should not happen."
"If this happens, that
should not happen."
"If that happens."
"This is happening."
"This should not happen."
"If this happens."
- "That should not happen."
"This and that, are the two
indications of the eyes."
"This and that, are the two
indications of the eyes."
"Everyone understands
the meaning of both."
"Everyone understands
the meaning of both."
"Everyone knows that you know it."
"This is happening."
"This should not happen."
"If this happens, that
should not happen."
"This is happening."
"This should not happen."
"If this happens."
- "That should not happen."
"They both will not
break their oaths."
"They will not."
"Oh no, no."
"Oh yes, they both will
not break their oaths."
"Neither will they play,
or let us play."
"They have lost their minds."
"This is happening."
"This should not happen."
"If this happens, that
should not happen."
"This is happening."
"This should not happen."
"If this happens."
- "That should not happen."
"If not flames, but there is smoke."
"If not flames, but there is smoke."
"It will alight, the
ambience is great."
"It will alight, the
ambience is great."
"The heart has started
beating harder."
"This is happening."
"This should not happen."
"If this happens, that
should not happen."
"If that happens."
"This is happening."
"This should not happen."
"If this happens."
- "That should not happen."
"This is happening."
"This should not happen."
"If this happens, that
should not happen."
"That should not happen."
"That should not happen."
wait Shivangi, I pity you.
I pity you a lot.
You are blind even though
you have eyes.
I can see Ashutosh's love
for you, Mannu can see it...
...this breeze, stones,
the waterfall...
...then entire world can see it!
But you cannot see it!
Yes, he couldn't reach the temple
on the day of marriage... you know why?
Because his mother was fighting...
...between life and death
in the hospital.
He had written a letter to you too...
...but his papa exchanged
the letters.
It is true Shivangi,
he loves you a lot.
Don't punish him...
...for the mistake that
he never committed.
Believe me Shivangi,
return him his love.
I beg you, please.
Please Shivangi, please.
You can believe Ashutosh's
fake story Radha...
...because you are still innocent,
you are a child.
What if like me, Mannu leaves
you in the temple, then?
If you don't believe my
love, then so be it.
But if you say anything for
Mannu and Radha's love...
...then I will never
tolerate it! Never!
What are you thinking?
I have been observing
for the past few days...
...neither do you eat properly,
nor talk.
I wish, whether I talk or not,
whether I eat or not.
Actually I am remembering
Mannu a lot too.
I don't remember anyone.
Neither do I care for anyone,
nor do I worry.
Mannu is your son, wherever
he is, he is fine.
- What happened?
Oh my God.
Why are you afraid, you
have the gun shoot!
No, no, no what if its female
serpent takes revenge from you?
Radha, shut up.
What's happening?
Maybe because of the
sound of the bullet...
Mannu! Radha!
Thank God, we barely
managed to escape.
Otherwise, we would have died today.
Isn't it Radha?
Where is Radha?
Oh my God.
I am coming Radha!
What happened? Radha!
Ashutosh, Radha is trapped inside.
I am coming Radha!
Radha, are you fine?
Radha say something.
Radha! Radha, say something Radha.
Mannu, Mannu move.
Ashutosh, please.
Mannu. Come on. - Radha...
What happened?
What has happened to her?
What has happened to
my Radha, Ashutosh?
Why isn't she saying anything,
Why isn't she saying anything?
Radha, say something to me.
Radha, say something to me.
Radha, you had promised me,
that you will never leave me.
Was that a lie?
Was that a lie?
Tell me! Tell me!
Tell me!
Tell me!
Answer me Radha, answer me!
Answer me Radha, answer me!
Was that promise a lie?
You cannot leave me Radha!
You cannot leave me!
I will not let you go Radha?
You cannot leave me!
"Lord, thank you."
"Up there is the Lord,
after the Lord."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
"Up there is the Lord,
after the Lord."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
"The Lord heeded to my prayer."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
"Up there is the Lord,
after the Lord."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
"You look so happy, what's
the matter I am surprised."
"You look so happy, what's
the matter I am surprised."
"You are my life, you
are everything for me."
"If anything happens to you,
I will be ruined."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
"Up there is the Lord,
after the Lord."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
"Both of you are crazy lovers."
"You are truly crazy lovers."
"Both of you are crazy lovers."
"You are truly crazy lovers."
"But you are unaware of the
people of this world."
"A cruel person ruined me."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
"I don't have anymore
complaints with love."
"I don't have anymore
complaints with love."
"But no one can control love."
"The one I remembered
she forgot me."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
"Up there."
- "Is the Lord." - "After the Lord."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
"The Lord heeded to your prayer."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
"Up there."
- "Is the Lord." - "After the Lord."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."
Tomorrow Radha will
turn into an adult.
You will have to come with
me to the police station... give your statement, that
Radha and Mannu are innocent.
And me.
Shivangi, I always wanted
to ask you one thing.
After leaving dance school, you
could have done anything...
...then why this police service?
Do you remember my brother?
Yes, the one who met
with an accident?
My father wanted to make
him a police officer...
...that was his dream.
I didn't have any dreams left... I thought of fulfilling
father's dream.
At least we met that way.
We have decided.
- We will get married first.
Yes, the small things
like engagement...
...can be done later too.
And the condition about
becoming rich.
I am there, I will give them money.
Taking someone else's support... not bravery Mannu.
If I have accepted some challenge,
then I will fulfill it...
...not anyone else.
- What do you mean?
Now you have to decide Mannu... you want to get Radha
on your own basis...
...or as a pity case.
What has happened to you Shivangi?
Why are you ruining their happiness?
At least let them be happy.
Just a minute Ashutosh,
Shivangi is right.
I will get Radha on my own.
I will get rich.
It is not that easy to get rich.
Your entire lifetime will pass away.
Then go and tell his father...
...I have become rich, I want
to marry your daughter.
You will get old, what
are you saying.
Wrong, I am constable
Loha Singh's son...
...I know everything.
Shivangi, if you catch
smuggled gold...
...then the government gives 20%
as reward, right. - Right.
So? - I know a place where
smuggled gold is kept.
Where is it kept?
- In Thakral's storage house.
Yes, I have seen it too.
What have you seen?
Forget about reaching the gold...
...if he spots you anywhere his
storage house, he will kill you.
That will not happen, the police
will be present there.
Who will take care of them
after your police leaves?
Will Thakral spare them
without taking revenge?
Let him take revenge Ashutosh...
...we will always fight for out love.
Then die, die, die happily.
I am not with you, I am
not with your guys.
I am going!
Do hell with you!
Ashutosh! Ashutosh!
Were they swallowed
up by the earth...
...or did they disappear in thin air.
By provoking me they have
invited their death.
They will certainly die Thakral
sir, but Radha and Mannu.
Ashutosh is note printing
machine for us.
Then bring that idiot
Ashutosh in front of me.
No! No one will shoot!
I want this man alive!
What do you think, it is
easy to catch Ashutosh.
What is your status,
you are peanuts!
And he is the peanut peel.
You want money in exchange
of my life.
Catch me, catch me, catch me.
I have come alone, unarmed
in your area.
If you have the guts, catch me.
Catch him!
Throw down your weapons!
Don't catch me, I
didn't do anything.
Welcome, welcome.
Idiot, I will kill you!
I don't mind, I don't mind.
That's why I have come here.
So that I can die close to my
lover, in my Taj Mahal of love.
Thank you, thank you very much.
Now death cannot harm me.
Because the aim of my life
has been fulfilled.
Thank you, thank you.
I fooled you and brought you here...
...and there, your gold worth 50
crores is in police custody.
Catch this idiot!
Somu, Somu.
- What happened?
What happened? What happened?
Mannu and Radha have been found.
They have been found.
And the government is giving
a reward to Mannu too.
For eloping my daughter.
No, he has caught smuggled
gold worth 50 crores.
Is that so? - Commissioner sir
has given me this news...
...himself on the phone.
- Really.
Strange, Ashutosh is nowhere.
Where is he gone?
Trying to play double
game with Natwar.
Instead of kidnapping Ashutosh... fled with our gold!
Now you will have to return
that gold to save Ashutosh.
That means Ashutosh is
in your captive. - Yes.
And we can kill him too.
He is standing at the
threshold of death.
We have held him captive
in the bungalow...
...where he has made his
Taj Mahal of love.
What evidence do you have?
- You want evidence!
Listen carefully.
If you don't bring our
gold back by tonight...
...then come to give shoulder to
Ashutosh's pier in the morning.
Radha, the police are shifting
the gold in safe custody.
- Yes, look.
They are loading all the boxes
in the van one by one.
And the police are standing
all around with guns.
That means if we try to take the
gold, then they will fire on us.
Yes, we have very less time.
And in this time, we have to
sacrifice ourselves on friendship.
Hello hero, you were very brave.
We are proud of you.
- Thank you.
Hey stop!
Come on, Mannu.
Come on drive fast.
Mannu, what are you
doing drive properly.
What can I do, I cannot control
such a big vehicle.
Shivangi move!
- Move!
Move Shivangi!
Shivangi move!
Shivangi, let us go Shivangi.
It is very important for us to take
this gold to save Ashutosh.
She is very beautiful.
Don't you dare touch my Shivangi!
The flame is burning brightly
before dying.
My venomous hiss is
enough to kill you!
No, no, no Thakral sir no.
After our work is done.
And we will enlighten our
house from his pier.
Come on, come on, come on.
Why did you bring him here Natwar?
Thakral sir, he shouts a lot.
You should have gagged him too.
Let his cut off his tongue.
- No, no, no.
Don't do that.
I was after your this weak
point for a long time.
You want your son to
stay fine, isn't it?
Then sign on this
blank stamp paper... that your property worth
200 crores will become ours.
Natwar, where is my gold?
Thakral sir, I have hit
two birds with one stone.
To save Ashutosh's life...
...Radha and Mannu will
be bringing your gold.
Natwar, if I don't
get my gold then...
If you try to take Thakral's
gold, you have to die.
Not just gold, one who
interferes Thakral...
...he has to die too.
Where is my gold?
Soon, soon you will get your
gold soon Thakral sir...
...but before that, let us make
him sign on this blank paper.
Come on, sign it.
Don't sign is daddy.
- Quiet!
Look, quietly sign on this paper...
...otherwise you can't even
think or would have heard...
...what I will do to
you and your son.
Come on, sign it.
No daddy, no!
He will not agree like that.
Don't sign it daddy!
No, no, no wait, don't shoot.
I will sign it.
Hi uncle.
- We have arrived.
Inspector Shivangi Mehra
wanted to stop us...
...from taking the gold.
But how could she stop us,
we feared nothing.
She was caught herself.
And my gold?
Uncle, your work has been done. Yes.
Take Mr. Arjun Singh from away.
Uncle, according to the plan...
...all the gold has been taken
to your storage house. - What?
Side, side.
Uncle, the gold is worth 50 crores.
Yes uncle, give us our share
so that we can get married.
You will get your share, first
tell me where is the gold.
Natwar, you dare betray Thakral.
- No, no.
You idiot, you stole my gold.
The one who tries to take
Thakral's gold...
Enough Thakral sir
you always say that.
Now you will listen to me.
This is their plan.
Yes, it is their plan.
They want to get me
killed by your hands.
Take a look at this
inspector carefully.
And then take a look
at all this photos...
...which this lover has made
this Taj Mahal love.
This is the same girl.
She is along with them.
Take a look carefully.
Take a look carefully at this girl.
This is their conspiracy.
"The flames on both
sides were equal."
"The flames on both
sides were equal."
"It couldn't be doused,
I tried using water."
"Water and the fire."
"The unity of fire and
water became love."
Stop this nonsense!
Natwar, you are great
I am grateful to you.
You opened the eyes of my
love and did something...
...that I could never do.
Who wants to die now I want to live?
Along with my life.
You wished and it happened?
Take a look all around you, look.
A slight movement, and Thakral
will shoot you.
If anyone even aims at Ashutosh,
then I will shoot Thakral.
Stop! Stop! Or both
of them will die!
- Save us.
Natwar, let them go.
- No Natwar, kill them!
Police has surrounded
you from all sides...
...dacoit Ganga Prasad son
of Jamuna Prasad Chaudhary.
Handover yourself to the police.
Dacoit Ganga Prasad son of
Jamuna Prasad Chaudhary.
Who is he?
- That's me.
Yes, I am dacoit Ganga Prasad
son of Jamuna Prasad Chaudhary.
And if anyone tries to
move from their place...
...then I will...
then I will shoot him.
No, no, no what are you
doing Mr. Ganga Jamuna...
...I am a thug, thief and
a conman like you...
...and the entire world knows that
I am not a respected man.
You are not a respected man.
No, no look at my face...
...I am a conman.
Yes, from the face you
look like a thug.
And that red coat one.
He is bigger conman then I am.
He is my teacher.
S. P Lakhan Singh, son of Makhan
Singh is after me...
...and there is no respected
man here...
...whom I can hold
captive and escape.
There is, I am there,
my father is there...
...those two children are there.
Then my mission is successful...
...release those two children.
Will you come out or shall I
come in dacoit Ganga Prasad?
If you are really a man,
then come in.
Catch him!
- Stop.
No shoot, no man.
I have brought heavy explosives.
See, dynamite.
If you shoot me then I will
explode like a bomb...
...and along with me
you will die too.
Why you...
- Be quiet. Throw down your weapons!
All of you come here!
Hey, you too come here.
Come on, come on.
What is this wire?
What did you do dear Radha?
Who are you?
- Constable Loha Singh.
You were trying to kill
Mannu and Radha.
Dear, that side.
- Okay, okay.
You are under arrest, come on.
Manohar and Radha, by
saving my son's life... have done a
great favour on me.
I will sign on this
blank stamp paper.
You can fill in whatever you want.
- Yes, really.
Radha, there can't be a
better way to get rich.
You are right.
We have the account of
your entire property.
From your 6 factories,
we will keep 4.
4 cars, you keep 2.
5 hotels, 3 will be ours.
2 bungalows, 1 each.
And 1 tea estate.
We will keep it.
And your entire bank
balance and cash.
And if we have forgotten
anything in haste...
...then write that down too.
I knew that you will do
something like that.
What else can expected
from youths like you?
Here son, read it.
And read it so loud... that every Arjun Singh
in the world can hear it.
We don't want your wealth,
Mr. Arjun Singh.
If you want to give anything,
then get Ashutosh...
...married to Shivangi.
Because if they don't get married...
...then we won't... get married too.
Ashutosh. Shivangi.
Ashutosh's father won't
apologise to you...
...he can break down but won't bend.
I apologise to you dear.
You are right Suman, I cannot
apologise to Shivangi.
I have insulted the good
fortune of our home.
The hands with which I have
committed the sin...
...of exchanging the letter,
I cannot touch her feet...
...with the same hands.
Father, your hands should
be on our heads...
...and not near our feet.
If you come back after being lost...
Then people ask, why
did you come late?
Now there is no need to
keep Shivangi's photo.
Exactly, now there will be only
one statue in this house.
"Up there is the Lord,
after the Lord."
"Long live love."
"Long live love."