Press (2010)

Diyarbakr, in the early 1990's.
- Good morning, Frat.
- Good morning, Mr. Hasan.
Get off me!
- Shout all you want!
- Get off me!
Istanbul didn't get the
photos we sent again.
Mr. Hasan this time I even sent
them registered mail to make sure...
Maybe we should use a
different post office?
What's the difference? Mail goes through
the central post office anyway.
Photos of unimportant stories
reach Istanbul with no problem...
...but the photos of important stories
doesn't, Frat. You understand?
What if we sent them
by courier, Mr. Hasan?
Maybe, but soon they'll have
them under their control, too.
Then we're back to where we
started. I have another idea.
We'll send them on the buses going
to Istanbul. Buses are both harder...
...for them to control and
cheaper than couriers.
You're right. And I know a guy who's a
bus attendant... and he is a patriot.
Good thinking, Frat.
You are all smoking so we
can get down to business.
Songl, where's Kadir?
He didn't call to say
he'd be late.
Anyhow, let's begin. We'll add
his stories when he comes.
Yes Songl, what do you have today?
Political prisoners have decided to stage
a hunger strike. I'll interview the families.
Forget about that, Faysal, I
havejust the story for you!
What now? Well there goes
the day. What is it?
A missing person case in Yksekova.
You want me to go to Yksekova
for that! Give it to our office there.
The kidnapped kid's from a ruling family
in Yksekova, but not even patriots.
How come?
Then how did it happen?
Well... Not much is known. That's
all the information I could get.
This case is not like the others.
It might worth looking into.
You can't walk or what?
Move it!
Kadir I know you're not like the others.
So I'm telling you this as a friend...
Hey are you listening?
You're educated, you didn't
grow up around here,...
...there are no Kurdish
separatists in your family.
Give this job up before it's too late.
Go find another paper.
We'll even help you.
Selam Aleikum, Dino.
Aleikum Selam, my son.
Come in, sit and have some tea.
Thank you, Dino but I haven't finished
delivering the papers. Maybe later.
- How are the sales?
- Fine, fine...
But those jackals start breathing down
my neck once I put out your papers.
They threatened Sleyman, said they'd
burn his stand if he sold our paper.
- So I heard.
- They'll come to you too,Dino.
Let them come... What can they do?
Hover over me everyday?
Tie up my hands so I don't sell the
paper? The don't scare me.
Listen tough guy, as long as
you work for that paper... are no different to me than
PKK terrorists in the mountains.
What does this have to do with
terrorists? We're journalists.
Fuck journalists like you!
So how long have calan's bastards
been working as journalists?
What we do is journalism,
no one can prove...
Take that! Do you want proof?
You want proof? Here!
Are you afraid to die?
Answer me, you fuck!
Are you afraid to die?
Listen big guy, if this is your job,
don't be afraid to die...
Mevlt, two copies each.
It's very urgent...
Everything you guys do is urgent.
Why two copies this time?
It's none of your business.
These have to get there.
Please be careful with them.
Don't worry, heval! Nothing to worry
about. They're safe with us now.
See you later.
This is to be faxed to Istanbul.
What's happening with the
union story? Is it done?
I did an interview with the union. It'll
be done once I write up the transcript.
- You still haven't heard from Kadir?
- I called this morning but he was out.
How come... Where could he be?
Alian, you take the prison story.
We still haven't heard from Kadir.
God, where is that guy? He
lectures us on journalism...
...but he doesn't come to work. How
am I supposed to finish all this?
You'll find a way...
- Can't you press that bell gently?
- I did, Songl... that's how it rings.
Ok, come in, come in.
Frat, I have a job for you. Make a
transcript of this tape. And be quick.
Uh, Alian, do you think I can do it?
Sure, it's easy. Listen to the tape
and write down what you hear.
That's all it is, ok? Come
on, and hurry, Frat.
The government says it allows
free use of Kurdish...
...but because of a speech
I gave in Kurdish...
...they are suing me. This law suit
proves that Kurdish still is not free.
This decision shows that
Kurds aren't free to...
...use their own language in public.
Frat, was there only one sentence?
You should put a period at the end
of each sentence, but you didn't.
But, the man was talking so fast!
Where should I put the periods?
Have a seat.
How long were
you at school, Frat?
Ifinished primary school.
All right... I'll give you a book.
Read it this week. Got it?
I'll show you where sentences
start and finish. Ok?
- Ok.
- Now listen...
- Frat, put these away.
- Ok, Songl.
Songl, do you have
a book on typing?
- You know, to learn typing.
- You mean all ten fingers?
Yeah... ten fingers.
- And then what?
- I can practice at night.
What gives? You want
to be a journalist?
No, well, it's not that, maybe
I could help you with your work?
Lokman has one. You can
get it from him, ok?
Everyone's waited this late for you.
Where have you been?
Where's Hasan, I have
big story, move it!
That kidnapped boy's father,
Serhat Akman has enemies.
They say it's a blood feud.
This your big story then?
The military is involved.
After the kid was kidnapped,
they called for ransom...
...and the guy that called
was a commander.
Now this is something else.
What did you think? I meant it
when I said I had a big story.
Just be careful, don't let
it ruin your career.
Don't worry, but this is about
courage, not my career.
- Ok.
- Ok what?
- Why so angry?
- Let's see you get a story like this.
Here's the book, Frat...
Lokman, can I really
learn to type with this?
To be honest it didn't do me much good.
I had to develop my own techniques.
But maybe it'll help you.
Never mind him, Frat...
Him and his own techniques...
Do I type fast or not?
Tell me that!
You type with two fingers, pecking
like a chicken! You call that technique?
Come on everybody, let's
go, it's already late.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Frat, close and lock the
doors and windows, ok?
Don't forget to leave one of the
lights on when you go to bed.
Ok. Don't worry about
a thing, Mr. Hasan.
- Good night then.
- Good night.
- Faysal, come on.
- I'm coming.
Frat, come with me, my wife
made stuffed grape leaves.
I can't tonight Faysal,
I have things to do.
- What man?
- You always have me over.
Stay over with me tonight.
Ha! Are you going to drive a
wedge between me and my wife!
- Are you coming?
- No I can't.
Lock the door. Take
care of yourself, goodbye.
Ok, good night.
Hasan, where's our scholarly
boy, I haven't seen him.
We got the news tonight.
They got him on his way to the office
in the morning and threatened him.
- Oh God. How is he now?
- He didn't want to talk on the phone...
...but he said he couldn't see
anything because he was blindfolded.
He said that he was alright,
and not to worry about it.
One month later.
Take those somewhere else.
- Why?
- Don't ask why.
- Come in. Welcome.
- Thank you, my son.
Dino has a newspaper stand
near the fish market.
Yesterday he got threatened
for selling our paper.
Kadir, I thought maybe
you could interview him?
Good idea, Frat.
Well, Dino... tell me what happened.
Should I tell you in
Turkish or Kurdish?
Whichever you like.
I'll tell you in Turkish, it's more
official, don't you think, my son?
Fine, it's better in Turkish.
I opened my stand
just like every morning.
Just as I was opening the
newspapers, those bastards...
Dino, no bad language,
ok? No cursing.
Bastard is a curse then?
Faysal, phone for you.
- Who is it?
- He says you know them.
- Hello, Faysal speaking.
- Say goodbye to your friends, Faysal.
What? Who are you, man?
What are you saying?
Your friends will praise you in their
paper after you're gone.
What are you talking about, you coward?
Who are you? You're rambling
on like some housewife?
Drop the innocent journalist act.
You don't know what you've done?
Fuck off, asshole!
Who was that?
The bastard didn't give his name.
- What does he want?
- He wants to scare us.
It's about that Yksekova
ransom story, isn't it?
What else could it be?
Faysal, your bravado
is going to kill me.
Take a break from
this ransom story.
Why? Just because that dishonorable
son of a bitch threatened us?
Look at that man
who sells the paper.
If we are not as brave as he is, what
business do we have being here?
No one's asking
you to step back.
But the circumstances require
that we step carefully...
...we can't just act out
on our emotions.
We can't risk the lives of
our reporters.
Friends, from now on no one
goes after a story alone.
We come to work together in the morning
and leave the office together at night.
This is no joke.
They came together, chief. Now
they're coming and going together.
Adnan, we have to solve this right now.
Don't tell me we'll think of something.
I'll do my best, Hasan.
Our means are limited here.
Can't you find another
place to print the photos?
They'll work with us for 2 or 3
weeks then show us the door.
Now we have no other choice but
to develop our own photos.
But who can use the photo aggrandizer?
Do you know anyone?
- Kadir knows.
- How does he know?
What do you mean? Kadir
majored in communications.
They're taught how
to print photos.
Ok, all right. I'll work
this out as soon as possible.
By the way, how is Kadir?
Everything worked out ok?
He works hard, never complains.
Say hello for me.
I will.
See you then.
Ok, see you.
We're going to fix this photo
problem with an aggrandizer, Frat.
Who's that, Mr. Hasan, some
kind of wealthy landowner?
No no, an enlarger. A machine
that prints photos.
We're going to set up a dark room and
be done with this printing problem.
Let's see what
they can do now.
That doesn't even
cover my expenses.
What do you mean expenses,
you burning oil or something?
No, not oil, it's just my bread.
Ok ok. I'll give you 350.000.
No way,I can't take
a penny less than 400.000.
May your house burn down, or
at least fall apart. What about 380.000?
I won't take anything
less than 400.000
Uncle, you're as
stubborn as a donkey!
What is this thing?
An aggrandizer. We're going to
print photographs with it.
Are you a photographer?
No, I'm a journalist.
So you sell lies for money,
that's what you do, huh?
Why do you say that?
There are honest newspapers.
Which newspaper is this?
Ozgur Gundem (Free Agenda).
Here, take this.
Here. Take your
oil money.
No. I don't want it.
What do you mean?
I can't take your money.
Put it back in your pocket.
Here, take it!
No, no.
I could never take it!
For God's sake,
take it already!
I can't find it in my heart
to take your money.
What do you mean? Didn't we
just bargain for a price?
We didn't know each
other when we bargained.
- Frat, is Hasan here?
- Yes.
I caught them, caught
them red-handed!
- Who?
- Who do you think?
The kidnappers in Yksekova.
I caught them red-handed!
Faysal, you still haven't learned how
to take a photo! These are out of focus.
Can you see the men? All right!
What more do you want?
Ok, one minute.
Faysal, it's for you.
If you print those photos we'll
kill you and your whole family.
Fuck you. Asshole!
What photos?
Look... this is
your last warning.
If I see those photos in the paper
I'll shove the paper up your ass.
You're going to be buried with your
beloved newspaper shoved up your ass.
Take a hint and
act accordingly.
How dare you speak to
me like that, you bastard!
I'll print those photos and
I'll print them on your ass... that all the people who fuck you
can see what you're made of!
That's all, Faysal.
The choice is yours.
What sort of language was
that? That's beneath us!
He started it!
Is this how you set an
example to your friends?
This is not like you,
not like you at all.
Hello? One minute.
Frat, Frat, it's your father.
Hello. Dad? How are you?
I'm fine my son, how are you?
I'm all right dad. I'm working.
How are things with you?
We're still at the refugee camp.
Sometimes we work illegally
with one of our friends.
It will be easier when we get residency
Then we can bring you here.
Ok, dad. Say hello to mom.
Faysal, Istanbul did a lot
of work editing your story.
Did you see it? This
isn't what you wrote.
I don't have time to deal
with the small details.
I leave that to the people
in the editorial office.
Faysal, they're putting extra
security at the funeral.
Let the activists worry about that. I'm a
journalist. They'll get beat up, not me.
Don't give me that...
They're searching everyone, leave your
switchblade so I don't have to worry.
Don't you see what
they're trying to do?
Faysal, stop this tough guy thing. If
you bring the knife I won't go with you.
Ok, ok! It's just
for self-defense.
You're going soft. As if they're
giving us flowers and we're...
Faysal, enough!
Frat, take this and put
it somewhere safe, ok?
Ok, Faysal.
Look, this stays
just between us, ok?
- Faysal, come on...
- Ok, I'm coming.
Let's go.
- Do you have film?
- Don't think so.
- Ok, we'll get some later.
- Ok, let's go.
- Wait, let's pick up some film here.
- No, fuck that bastard.
Fuck him! He is betraying his people.
Everyone is at the protest except him.
Faysal, he's thinking
about his daily bread.
If he kept on printing our photos they
would have torn his shop down.
That doesn't justify what he's doing.
Why should we accept his betrayal?
Don't be so severe. You
have to understand people.
- I'm not going in there.
- Ok, you wait here.
- Selam aleikum.
- Aleikum selam.
Two boxes of film.
- How are things?
- Not bad. How are you?
I get by...
Otherwise I would've printed
your photos, why shouldn't I?
You were my best customers.
You know that, right?
Of course.
I don't have any problems with you
guys and I like your paper, too.
You coward!
Alian, pull yourself together.
We're not like this.
If I hadn't gone into that photo shop
this wouldn't have happened.
You can't blame yourself. What will the
others do when they see you like this?
This is when we have
to stand our ground.
The doorbell's ringing,
somebody open the door.
- Go on, go go.
- On your feet!
- Move!
- Come on, come on!
- Keep your head down!
- Come on!
- This way!
- Go go!
We received a complaint against you.
This place is to be searched!
Get over here, move.
There, ok! Move.
Go and catch the murderers
instead of bothering us!
You're trying to tell me
how to do my job, huh?
You're looking for the murderer here?
Shut up, we already have
too much work to do.
Don't give us
more problems.
If you behaved like the other journalists
this wouldn't be happening.
We only report the news. But to kill
people because of the news they report...
Shut up! Giving us
the same story...
Like we don't know
what you are.
This is not some underground
operation. This is a newspaper office.
But you don't have a
search warrant...
Search warrant, you say...
What about it?
You can't come in without
a warrant! You have no right!
Shut up, asshole!
You look at me!
- You have no right!
- Shameless son of a bitch.
Stop, you sons of bitches!
Stop! Stop!
Stop! Stop!
It's no use trying to help them.
We'd get beat up for nothing.
- Are we just going to watch?
- Didn't I tell you to shut up!
- Let go of me!
- I said shut up!
What are you
doing, let go!
Frat have you
seen my typewriter?
Alian, the letter
"V" is broken.
Ok, never mind...
Alian, Kadir can write the story
about Faysal if you like.
No need.
Come on guys. Let's
pull ourselves together.
We have news to
prepare for Istanbul.
Frat, my phone's not working,
will you look at this?
- Yes, Alian.
- Come here, look at this.
I don't know how
this works, Alian.
Come, look. It's
slipping here.
They tortured me...
In the morning he took
the sheep out to graze.
Then the news came:
They killed your son.
Who saw it happen?
The shepherds.
Why was he killed?
How should I know?
They said he was a terrorist.
He just went to the fields...
They killed him and then
said he was a terrorist.
Are you going to sue the soldiers?
How can I sue them?
So you wont do anything for
your son? Is that justice?
The whole world's full of wolves.
Everyone is against each other.
What can we do?
So what will you do?
We'll migrate. We'll
leave this place.
Ok, thank you.
That was good.
May I take a photo of you?
Here hand me that.
Look at me.
The flash isn't working.
That's ok. We can print it
in the newspaper like that.
My condolences.
How old was he?
He was 18.
His mother...
You son of a donkey! Don't touch
that. What are you doing?
You're messing with
other people's things.
It's all right, it's ok.
He's always meddling
with such things.
What's your name?
How old are you Frat?
I'm 17.
How did you do that?
I stuck a cigarette paper in here.
- Cigarette paper?
- Yes.
Well done.
I have a proposal for you...
Come on, friends.
First eat something
and then let's begin.
Frat, come on, dear.
Frat, this machine's
lopsided I think.
No Songl, there's a problem with
its mirror. That's why it looks a bit...
Fine, but how can
we use this thing now?
We write our faxes on the right
side of the paper, that's all.
And how are we going to read
the left side of the faxes we receive?
You'll just guess. The Emergency State
Governorship always makes...
...the same statements anyway. You can
read the beginning and guess the rest.
Ha, you rascal
Get out of here!
Where did you
take these photos?
In Silopi. They caught a wounded PKK
member and dragged him behind a tank.
Where's the
PKK guy now?
I don't know... He's
dead I guess.
Did you get
his identity?
I couldn't find out. But you can
find out from your own sources.
If we print these wouldn't
it cause problems for you?
I sent these photos to my own paper last
week and the bastard wouldn't print them.
On top of that they interrogated me,
asking me where I got the photos.
Do you want anything
for the photographs?
No. What could I want?
...I can't take
it anymore.
- The film's here, Kadir.
- Thank you, Frat.
Stop, wait, Kadir. I know this guy.
It's Ekrem. He's a shepherd.
- They say he's joined the PKK.
- That must be someone else.
Why Frat?
He's a little slow. They wouldn't
even let him in the army.
Frat, this shepherd Ekrem, could he
be a messenger for the PKK?
How could he? He's just a poor
guy who's not all there.
We'll write a story about a crazy
shepherd who was mercilessly killed.
That'll be more compelling.
The guy might have been crazy but
they killed him because they thought...
...he was with the PKK. So we
should say he was a PKK member.
- How do we know they thought that?
- How do we know they didn't?
They could have mercilessly killed
a shepherd because they were bored.
Then why did they drag his body down
the streets to intimidate people, Kadir?
How should I know, are we going to
sit and discuss this now?
Of course we are. We can't ignore
the political side of the story.
The murder of a crazy man and the
murder of a PKK member are different.
That's enough!
The story will be written about
a member of the PKK.
Can you send the same page but
this time turned upside down?
No no, not the other side of the page,
turn the page upside down.
You might think it's nonsense, sir,
but this is how our machine works.
It's the latest technology!
Look Songl, you see?
From now on I'm going to put you on
when someone wants to send a fax.
- Are you almost finished typing?
- I just started.
Frat, any luck
with my typewriter?
Songl wouldn't let me do anything
else, but I'll look at it now
What can you do with
the broken letter "V"?
Frat has all the answers.
He'll tell you to write a
story without the letter "V".
We'll work something
out Alian... Let me see.
Come on.
- It's done, Alian.
- Ok, let's give it a try.
Now, you won't use the "V" key, Alian,
you'll use the upside-down "M."
- Upside-down what?
- Upside-down "M," Alian, upside-down "M".
- You mean the "W".
- Yeah, that one.
But where did you
put the "W," Frat?
- What do you mean where?
- I mean where did you put it?
There's no more "W"
key anymore, Alian.
How come?
Because I turned the "W" into "V"!
No "W" Frat!
Alian, were you even
usingthe "W" before?
All of a sudden it's so important. It
always gets us into trouble anyway.
How are we going to write
Kurdish names, Frat?
You can type two V's next to each
other. It comes out the same.
Songl, do you need anything typed?
Take these for now.
Why can't you type quietly.
I can't concentrate here!
What? Our big author's
having a writer's block?
I'm telling you. We are going to
report this news. just try and stop us!
- What is it?
- I'll handle it... Don't worry.
We're running out of patience, Dino.
You're trying our patience!
I spit at you and your
patience. Fuck off!
So be it.
Stop, stop, where
are you going?
- What is it?
- Show me your ID.
- Why do you want to see it?
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to the paper.
- Who are you going to see?
What is it to you?
I'll see whoever I want.
They burned down
Yaar's stand last night.
I told him to come here but he wouldn't.
He's afraid they'll come after him.
Frat, go see the owner of the
stand, maybe he'll change his mind.
- Then you write the story, ok?
- I'm going to write a news story, Kadir?
Yes... You need to start
somewhere, don't you?
- Ok, Kadir!
- Come on.
What is it, my son, what
are you happy about?
I'm going to write the story
about the burned stand!
What is there to be happy about?
Would you be happy if your
stand was burned down?
No Dino, of course not.
I'm not happy about the
stand being burned down.
Here Kadir, I did it.
Now, Mr. Frat...
The intro is
too long.
Use words more
You're not writing what Dino told you,
you're making a news story out of it.
- Those are different things, got it?
- Got it, Kadir.
After you make these corrections
give it to Hasan to look over.
Then fax it
to Istanbul.
- Ok, Kadir.
- Frat...
Here, this pen
is yours now.
Hah, ok.
It's ok!
- Do you think Istanbul got my story ok?
- They did.
Maybe the fax didn't go through and
they couldn't read it. Let's check?
Don't make me regret
giving you typing jobs.
Our newspaper hasn't been allowed
into Diyarbakr for three days now.
The army stops the distributor's truck
and confiscates our papers every day.
With the order's of the
Emergency State Governor?
There is no such
official prohibition.
But they get orders every day
to confiscate the paper.
Fine, but the prosecution office issues
the confiscation order in the afternoon.
It's not legal for them to confiscate
our papers in the morning!
You're right but...
We can't win if we fight the law, so
what we need to do now is clear.
We'll distribute the paper
in Diyarbakr ourselves.
How can we distribute the paper?
What about all the work here?
Is there any other way? This
job will fall mostly to Frat.
I can help him
with the delivery.
Our friends in Urfa will help us
get the papers into Diyarbakr.
The rest is up to us.
Moving the paper around will take
money. We need to find a way.
We'll call on our readers.
We'll get help from the people.
We have to actively defend
ourselves. We can't just sit around.
We're journalists, fine. But when they come
to kill us we can't just do nothing!
- What are we going to do?
- I have my own methods. I'll show you.
- But keep it between us, ok?
- Ok.
- Where have you been?
- All right, Dino... We don't have a car.
People have been asking for
the paper since morning!
Give us some more. Kerim will bring
them to the other stands nearby.
- Kerim!
- Yes, bavo.
Deliver these to the kiosks in Dakap,
and send them my greetings.
- Ok, bavo.
- Go on!
- Sorry for troubling you with this, Dino.
- What trouble?
He's just hanging around doing nothing.
Let him do something useful.
Thank you, Dino.
I'll send the boy to your
office in the mornings.
He can deliver the papers
to the stands nearby.
Dino, you're embarrassing
us with all this.
What embarrassment?
Are you a woman?
Kerim, you're going out to Baglar
again but be careful, ok?
Yusuf, you go to
the Ofis, ok?
Watch out for the police.
- Can you deliver these papers?
- I'm as strong as they are.
- Ok, I'll take some out...
- No, don't. I can deliver them.
Should I leave some papers.
Will your stand be ready?
Leave some.
It'll be ready.
- I sold 47 today.
- Good work.
- I sold 51.
- Good work.
- I sold 45 today.
- Good work.
Hello. One moment.
Phone for you.
- Yes, this is Kadir...
- You are next, Kadir Erkaya.
- Excuse me?
- Excuse me? You ass!
You get a couple of blows
and you think that's all?
We told you about the delicacy of
the situation, but you didn't get it!
So be it. If you do this job
you can't be afraid to die.
- There must be some misunderstanding...
- You making fun of us, you fuck?
Who was that?
I don't know. Must have
confused me for another Kadir.
Wrong number probably.
I think it's the same gang that
did the Yksekova kidnapping.
Because the boy's family aren't patriots.
I mean his father was a
member of parliament before.
If this were some blood feud the
body would have turned up.
It didn't. So there's
only one possibility left.
Why don't they
ask for ransom?
These are not ordinary criminals.
There's a political side to all this.
They don't contact the family so they
become more and more desperate.
So once the family's totally
hopeless they'll ask for ransom.
We don't have enough evidence now to
build a story about the gang.
Let's wait and
see what happens.
Alian, keep
following this story.
Lokman, what about
your piece on Lice?
Couldn't you find another paper
to use as a placemat?
What difference does it make?
This is the paper we publish.
It's not like it's the Holy Koran.
And we don't put it out with
some big holding's money.
Have some respect for people who
put their lives at stake for this paper.
They deserve that much
if nothing else.
- Hey, let go!
- Come here!
Hey, give that back!
What are you going
to do, Kadir?
When we started this wasn't the type
of journalism we thought we'd be doing.
You tell me Hasan. How can
I be of use to you now?
The people in the office are
uncomfortable with my work.
So what are you
going to do?
I'll go to Istanbul,
try my luck there.
You think you'll like working for
a holding company's paper better?
Look Frat...
...I'd be heartbroken
if you didn't keep that pen.
Hey, give that back.
What would you be doing
with a book on karate?
- It's not karate. It's kung-fu.
- Karate, kung fu. What's the difference?
Don't knock kung-fu without
knowing anything about it.
There's a deep philosophy
behind kung-fu.
Philosophy? One guy
beats up another guy.
You don't understand.
If you knew you wouldn't ask.
- Give me my book back.
- No way.
There's tons of work to do and
you're wasting time with karate.
- This is work, too. Give it back!
- No!
Frat, where did
you find this?
- Unbelievable!
- Look at this!
Where did you
get this thing?
Public relations, Songl. If you bond
with the people you can't lose.
Well done, Frat.
Did you fiddle with it?
You see? It's just
what I told you.
The ex-parliamentarian
made a statement...
...and said that a battalion commander
was leading the kidnappers.
Of course. He's big enough not to
have anything to worry about.
He doesn't have to
keep quiet like the others.
He's not going to let go of this.
He'll pursue it to the end.
We can do a story about the
gang. Let's interview him.
He must have lots to say.
- Are you going to Yksekova?
- Yes!
No Alian, Kadir is gone and now
I only have you and Lokman.
- Hasan...
- No, Alian. No way.
Hello dad.
We got a residence permit, son.
Now you can
come live with us.
Dad, I'm not coming.
I'm going to stay here.
Stay there? What the hell
are you going to do there?
I'm going to be a journalist, dad.
You son of a donkey, when did you
grow up and decide to be a journalist?
Dad, I've made my
decision. I'm staying.
To hell with your decision! How dare
you talk to your father like that!
Ok. Talk to you later.
There is a lasting feud between
us and the Bihar family.
Everyone in
Yksekova knows it.
In the last elections Sddk Bihar
was elected Member of Parliament.
The mayor is a Bihar, too. Now they
want everyone cowed into submission.
Did the Bihar Family
kidnap your son?
That's a nice gun. How many
bullets does it hold?
This is a Saddam 14...
How much does a
gun like that cost?
In the black market you can get
a gun like this for 400-500.
- That's a lot.
- Yeah it's a lot.
And you can't find them just anywhere.
Why do you ask?
- No reason, just curious.
- You want to buy one?
- No.
- I can help you.
- You like guns?
- No, I was just curious.
You like guns or not?
Tell me that.
...but the border battalion commander
Lieutenant Colonel Samet Ogur is behind it.
How did you come
to this conclusion?
He was the one who
made the ransom call.
I recorded the
phone call.
- You ever use a gun?
- No.
- Never?
- I've never used a gun.
But you're curious.
I can tell.
My men will accompany you to Diyarbakr.
I won't take no for an answer.
It's really no big
deal for us...
Stop! Don't come any closer!
Stop! Don't move!
Stop or I'll shoot!
Go! Get out of here!
You bastards! You think journalists
can't defend themselves?
Go on! Go!
Go on!
Frat, where did
you get this?
- I brought it just in case.
- What if we were searched?
But we weren't...
Do you know what would have
happened? You would have...
...given them what they're looking for.
We would be terrorists
posing as journalists.
Should we stretch out our necks
like sheep waiting to die?
Frat, ok, we aren't sheep.
But guns can't protect us.
Ok, then what will?
Let's go.
I'll drop you at the office
then I'm going home.
Transcribe the tape tonight and
tomorrow we'll write the story together.
How did you think they
moved all those drugs?
How is it possible when everyone
is searched everywhere here?
So who did
kidnap your son?
Maybe informers, state militia, or
the gendarme anti-terror unit.
Who's there?
Open the door you
piece of Armenian crap!
Open up! You fuck!
Son of a bitch.
Open up!
You mother fucker!
Open up!
- Hello Hasan? This is Frat.
- Frat, at this hour? What's going on?
Some guys are at the door.
They're breaking down the door!
- Who? The police?
- I don't know. They speak Kurdish.
Keep calm. I am calling Human
Rights Association now.
- What should I do?
- Stay calm. We'll get through this.
Frat, how did the
ex-parliamentarian treat you?
How? We thought
he was sincere.
Did he really want
his story published?
Yes, he even had his bodyguards
accompany us all the way to Diyarbakr.
Give me his
phone number.
Fuck your father's honor.
I called the police.
They're coming!
Why'd you bother? We would've
called them ourselves.
I have a gun. I'll shoot!
What kind of gun
you have? A BB gun?
You couldn't get
the documents from the kid!
- We'll get them now then.
- You'll get your mother's ass.
Why? When we're
almost in?
While you're fiddling with a door here
they're informing Ankara, you ass!
- Get out of here!
- Why are you angry?
- We did what you told us to do.
- Come on. Move it!
The police weren't supposed
to get involved.
Let's go.
Why don't you ring the bell
instead of knocking like that?
- I can't reach the bell.
- What's going on?
- They're coming!
- Ok. You, get lost!
Get ready.
They're coming!
- Get up! What are you doing?
- I'm in the toilet.
Move it!
Get out! Hold him!
Last night a gunshot
was heard here.
We didn't hear anything. Frat, did
you hear anything like that?
No, I didn't
hear anything.
- Chief, there's nothing here.
- Keep looking.
You think you're really
clever, don't you?
What's this?
We have an arrest
warrant for you.
For what crime? What reason?
You'll have to ask
that to the judge.
Everyone, the situation
is pretty bad.
The violence is getting
worse every day.
The Emergency State Legislation has
banned the paper in Diyarbakr.
What about other cities?
It's banned everywhere in the
designated emergency region.
Great, everyone but us
can read the paper.
What about the papers
for our archives?
They won't come. You think they'd
just give us one for our archives?
We'll still distribute the paper
but not like before.
Ok then. I should tell the kids.
It's too risky now. The kids
won't do it anymore.
We need you here.
We can't risk anyone.
From now on to keep this office open
we're not going to do the news...
...but work on protecting
ourselves. Got it?
- Yes?
- Hurry up.
- Hold on!
- Hurry up. I have to pee!
Oh come on.
There's no more sugar. Frat, is
there any sugar in the kitchen?
No, we're all out.
- Lokman, get some sugar?
- We'll send Kerim when he gets here.
So we have to wait for
Kerim to drink our tea?
Don't use sugar. You'll lose weight.
But you use sugar!
Ifigured we had more
sugar in the kitchen.
How was I supposed to know
there wasn't any left?
That's the problem. There's no more!
Ok then you can have my tea.
You're really overreacting.
Why would I want to
drink your backwash?
You're impossible to please.
Lokman, go get some sugar.
Or I'll poison your breakfast!
Ok, ok. This is
Lokman, I'll come with
you just in case.
Ok, you be on the lookout. Last
time we barely got away.
Look, kung-fu is very useful
in these kinds of situations.
- Ok?
- Ok.
- Who's that? Was someone coming?
- Not that I know of.
- Come in Halit, welcome.
- Hey, brother.
Welcome. Come in.
What is this? It's like
a fortress gate.
Good, this is our
fortress then. Come in.
Halit, no. I just
cleaned up.
- Sorry, excuse me.
- Take your shoes off.
Well, very comfortable.
Nice and cozy in here!
What can we do but be
armchair journalists, eh?
It's nice to do stories
right from where I sit.
I never get tired. It's safe,
It's great...
Be careful or you'll
get used to it.
No, we won't. We'll just
enjoy it while we can.
What happened? Your stories
were rejected again?
Yes. Something like
that again.
They're making keychains
out of the ears they cut off.
Keychains? From ears?
Like a normal keychain?
They put the ears they
cut off in Coke until...
...all the flesh disintegrates and
only the cartilage is left.
It's like plastic.
Where did you hear this?
From the soldier who
gave me the photo.
- Is he one of the soldiers posing?
- No.
This guy's about to go
crazy from all he's seen.
- Frat, put these somewhere safe.
- Ok Alian.
Kerim, from now on
don't bring the food late.
Frat, Ramazan's house
is far. I can't help it.
Whose turn is
it tomorrow?
Good, Yusuf's mother makes
great stuffed peppers.
I'm going to give you these photos and
you'll send them to Istanbul like always?
Ok. Frat.
Lokman, stop pulling.
You'll tear it.
Calm down!
They printed our photos.
- Is the story short?
- They criticized the government.
It's ok.
This is good.
Here Frat. Put this
in the archives.
Let's watch the news.
They say Hasan will be released
after the next hearing.
We'll see.
They can't hold him any
longer without evidence.
Yeah but who knows what
this government might do.
What do you mean?
They won't release him?
Anything is possible.
Don't drop ash on the carpet.
Be careful when you smoke!
Look at him. Disgusting!
Here. You clean it up!
Songl, you need a husband.
You're taking it all out on us.
Shut up!
Always the same news. The
same lies. I'm sick of it.
Let's change the channel and
watch a movie or something.
A karate movie!
This guy did the work for the same gang.
They found his body under the bridge.
If it was the PKK they would
claim responsibility. It can't be them.
So it's the gang's
internal feud.
The guns are drawn. It can't
be stopped now.
Good, tell Lokman to
pass the story to you.
Write a story about the
gang's internal feud.
Some of them are
trying to save their skins.
Some of them will reveal
themselves to survive, Hasan.
This is the right time
to leak inside information.
No! No way!
I can't send you there! We are just
getting the office back together.
But Hasan...
I'm telling you for the last
time. The answer is no!
You're wasting your time. You want
to try to infiltrate the gang? No way!
Frat, tomorrow you're going
to Yksekova with Alian.
Ok Hasan.
- Get out of here!
- As you like.
But your son is drawing
too much attention.
If one day someone gets killed in
the confusion don't be surprised.
Papa, I sold
Son of a donkey,
why are you so late!
- Selam aleikum.
- Aleikum selam.
Four teas over here.
The chief wants to
see you. Alone.
His house.
He will receive you
in his own home.
Who will guarantee
my safety?
The chief himself. He guarantees
the safety of everyone around here.
One minute. We'll
be right there. Frat.
You won't go alone with them,
will you? They'll kill you.
If they wanted kill me they
would have done it already.
It won't make any difference
if there are two of us.
But if something happens to
me you'll be a witness, Frat.
- Give me that.
- What are you going to do?
Take this. If I'm not back by
tonight take this to the paper.
Our friends will set
the world on fire.
- At least take the gun.
- Still haven't learned, have you?
The truth is bulletproof.
Thanks for accepting our invitation.
Leave. Reo, you stay.
You are our guest here.
No harm will come to you.
I couldn't have come if
I thought otherwise.
Yes, you're right.
No recorders.
No photos.
No names.
You will only take notes.
Do I have any other choice?
No, you don't.
You came all the way out here.
We won't leave you empty-handed.
I'll give you some
important documents.
I work with the government.
But not officially.
Everything I'm about to tell
you I did for the state.
That story won't be printed.
If it is I will kill you myself.
I don't care who gets killed.
Get those documents back
from the journalists.
- Don't worry.
We'll handle it.
If anything goes
wrong, start running.
The rest is up to you.
What about the chief?
We're finished with him.
Frat, we are going to
shake up this country!
What's happened, Alian?
Let's not miss the bus.
I'll tell you on the way.
- Come on, we're leaving.
- But the bus isn't leaving yet...
Were not going on the bus. We're
getting out of here. They're after us.
Alian, what are you wearing?
At this god awful hour?
- Could you receive a guest now?
- Come in.
They were looking for something and
got angry when they couldn't find it.
They beat up everyone
then took them away.
They asked about you.
- What else happened?
- A man came and left you a note.
- Who?
- I don't know.
- He didn't give his name?
- No.
- I'm so sorry.
- Thank you, Dino.
You see those bastards?
Thank god nothing
happened to you.
- What is it?
- They killed the chief.
The man who wrote this says he knows
who killed him and wants to meet.
- Where does he want to meet?
- In the Hevsel gardens.
- When?
- As soon as possible.
Kerim, what did
he look like?
Tall as my dad. He had
a beard and he was bald.
- Must have been Reo.
- Who's Reo?
Chief's right-hand man. He must
have panicked when he was killed.
He thinks he's next.
I'm going. We don't have to hide the
chief's name in the story since he's dead.
You going alone? This
time I'm coming with you.
Then who will protect the documents?
Those are more important than us.
In that case take this.
You don't have to use it.
Just keep it on you.
Don't forget to hide the
documents in a safe place.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Come on. They might see us here.
Let's go back there.
- Who killed him?
- Hold on. I'll tell you.
Come on son, let's go.
We left the shop unattended.
But I'm going
to help Frat.
Ok son, you can come
back to help him later.
Son of a donkey!
Why don't you listen
to what your father says?
Kerim, come on. Go now.
You can come back later.
But Frat, I want
to help you.
Kerim look, there's so much to do
here. Go on now and come back later.
Come on. Move it!
Alian! It's a trap!
It's impossible to
live here now.
You don't even know why
one man kills another.
In the name of God, for our
traditions, for the people.
Everyone has a reason to kill.
We too have taken
lives over time.
I don't deny it.
But those who killed for
the state now kill for money.
It's not murder if you
kill for the government.
But if you kill for
money it'sdifferent.
Once you commit murder...
...there is no turning back.
Alian! It's a trap!
There is no respect for the
law any more... respect for our fathers.
The man you helped yesterday... out for your
blood today.
There is nothing left
of our traditions.
You can't live here any more.
I'm leaving this place behind.
You're right. But
who killed the chief?
Yes, I'm going to tell you.
But first take
my picture, ok?
Make me look good.
You know, I don't let just
anyone take my photograph.
Like in American movies.
How's this?
Alian! It's a trap!
Alian! It's a trap!
Adnan, if I can print the photos
I'll write Alian's story.
Will you show me how
to use the aggrandizer?
Ok I got it.
The Free Agenda began
publishing May 30th, 1992
It was suspended for a total of 335 days.
By 1993 it was banned by the
Emergency State Governorship.
On April14th, 1994 it was forced
to close by court decision.
Its editor was sentenced to 147 years
and fined more than 20 billions liras.
In 1992, more journalists were killed in
Turkey than any other country.
distributors were murdered.
In 1993, 9 journalists and 13 newspaper
distributors were murdered.
In 1994, 7 journalists and 2 newspaper
distributors were murdered.
"These are terrorists, disguised as journalists,
killing each other. The state does not murder. "
Sleyman Demirel
(Former Prime Minister)