Pressed (2011)

Good morning, Mr. Parker.
Sorry to bother you in the morning ...
But Mr. Goldstein requested that
in his office when he arrived.
I know.
- Now?
- Yes, she is waiting.
- True. Tell them that I would go.
- All right, sir.
Brian, I'm glad I came early.
The company has been going through
difficult in recent months.
We have to make some cuts.
I'm sorry, Brian.
I hope the things that
different, but I know I'll be fine.
- Are you ready for the trip?
- Yes
My father will soon come.
- Let us eat ice cream?
- Come on.
Do we?
Right. Get in there, Mister.
Beware of Mr. Toad.
Do not go smash.
- Dad.
- And his father?
- Where are you?
- Hi, honey. Sorry.
- I'm late. Sorry.
- How big meeting?
- It's good.
- What happened?
- I work too much.
- True. Cheer up.
Will spend one week in their
favorite place with your family.
Will come?
- Hello?
You can talk, honey.
About the trip ...
You will not.
- It's not what I'm saying.
- How long is this plan?
I know. For months.
Sorry. I would also like
with you ...
- But I have no choice, baby.
- You almost did not get Zack.
He says he can not wait
You teach him to swim.
What I would say to him?
I do not know.
- I do not know.
- True.
Today's meeting is only for
Goldstein took our case.
We lost two big clients
this month. He was very angry.
Want to work two-fold.
I had no choice, baby.
And his family, Brian?
You think of us?
Leanne, this is not fair.
I did the best I can.
But regardless
what is most important.
Do not forget to make
a contribution of $ 25,000 ...
to prom
Cancer Society.
I know.
Must go, honey.
I'm very sorry.
I love you.
I asked Zack to contact you
when we arrived.
- Let us eat ice cream?
- Come on.
Do we?
Speak, my friend. Come on.
- No
- Seriously, Sammie. Come on, man.
We went.
It will be fine.
I do not believe that has not been arrested.
Neither do I.
My name is Mr. Parker. I called
because the job ...
that appears in today's paper.
It is, yes.
Right. This is an annual?
Hi, Julie. This is Brian.
Yes He?
I know. Travel news.
Is he there?
Tuesday? I'll call again in a week
who came. Tranquil. Great.
Mr. Dunn, please.
That's why I'm calling.
You are free now?
We can arrange for lunch
or dinner in a few days.
In one hour?
You have a great reputation.
And very talented.
I'm sure soon things
will improve for you.
I have to get money for
My wife continued to make a donation.
- Thank you.
- All right, man. I must go.
- Good to see you again.
- Thank you for finding me.
- Good luck with the new company.
- Thank you. Please be careful.
This is rubbish.
I can not sell it.
This is to stop it, man.
This is to stop being
panic pansy.
You call me that as a child.
- Dan Brook?
- How is it?
Did you know that she broke up with her boyfriend
and the market is back?
We went. You Jesse McAllister.
Just put the pieces together.
- Brooke sucks proud.
- Shallow and rude as well.
- But this is beautiful.
- And you?
When you go up the nerve
to call someone out?
- The time will come.
- Would you wait if something does not change much.
Take action.
You look like a chess player ...
only thinner.
Did you know that Bill Gates
Chess team, right?
This is to stop it, man.
It's easy to say, Richie Rich Rico.
Why do you care?
Take it.
They are $ 200. This is the maximum
who will get this nonsense.
Please, Jesse.
Please accept.
My parents have a lot of money,
I do not care.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
How are you, Ken? Thank you for
answered my call.
The truth is I
problem, Ken.
I have to jump in on
portfolio to pay the bills.
Yes, yes. In this economy,
Apparently this rule.
- It is.
- How much are we talking about, Brian?
During the experiment, can
pay me $ 10,000 a month ...
for three months.
I have donated $ 25,000 to
Cancer Society at the end of the month.
- You know Leanne.
- I know. So 50 000?
I do not know. Maybe we can close
at 100 000, just in case.
I'm looking at your portfolio ...
and seemed to lose
most of the properties ...
- When the Telecorp bombed.
- What? Who has been hurt so much?
Yes I think to sell
the rest of nature ...
below market value,
with $ 75,000 for you.
- Drugs. Really?
- Can I save 10 000 tomorrow ...
- But the rest ...
- Really? Four months?
But I warn you, Brian.
If you do, the bank will understand
which will go bankrupt ...
- And can take all your assets.
- I know how this works, Ken.
But thanks for the warning.
Go ahead with the deal.
I'll call you tomorrow morning.
Brian, try to relax
and come drink with me, man.
Already there, Ken.
What are you, Gus?
To pay the rent last month.
The rest is for later this month.
Tell your mom
I sent "" hi "."
Wow! Hi, Jess. He came early.
This is Chuck.
She was new in town.
Teens ...
Bring me another, please.
It had a bad day too, right?
- I know you.
- Really?
Yes I have it here?
- He lives at 5.
- Really?
Where to study?
For too long, man.
In Brown. Class of 1991.
I think not.
Me too.
- In the same year?
- Yes
- Are you Jimmy, is not it?
- Yes
- Jimmy Moretti?
- Yes
- How you've changed!
- You Parker, right?
Yes, I'm Brian.
This place is yours?
- It's mine, yes.
- Law.
What a small world, man.
- How are you?
- Difficult day, a man.
- Really?
- Yes
What is it?
Cash or a woman?
I saw that did not drink.
So it is either:
Cash or a woman.
I got fired today.
Can you believe it?
Me off.
I'm sorry.
He married?
I saw the alliance. He was married.
I'm married, yes.
What did she think?
I have not told him, Jimmy.
- I have not told him.
- And a smart guy.
It could be worse.
It can be allergic to alcohol.
- It is on my own.
- Health
Is trying to steal
my wallet?
He tried to steal
wallet, kid.
Let me go!
- No, no!
- Get off me!
No! Stop! No!
You're lucky I do not
call the police.
Let me go!
- The bills are paid, is not it?
- Is when I get paid!
Jesse? Jesse!
I must see my father's face ...
when I showed him
my home in Lakeview.
You have a home
in Lakeview? Class A,
You are right. Not cheap, but I need
maintain timely payments.
I think, Jimmy,
that in some ...
three months ...
all this will blow
in my face.
I come from a broken home.
That's not cool, man.
Not at all.
It is difficult for everyone.
For my mother, for all of us.
I can not make them go through it.
I can not tell them what happened.
This is complicated.
You see that side of town?
There are some ugly houses
Nobody likes to see ...
drug dealers,
old cyclist. Nothing more.
But now, every day of children
methamphetamine addiction ...
a bankrupt man, a girl
sell her body to buy drugs.
It's like a man, cancer.
Growing and growing ...
to take care of everything.
The city is dying, man.
Do not want to be around ...
to see his last breath.
I do not know. I like it here.
And why would not you?
His parents were wealthy.
They will do anything to that between
into a good college ...
- And get a good job.
- You go to college.
- You really believe that?
- There are programs ...
- For the poor, right?
- Not only for the poor.
I had other plans.
- He was on his way.
- Who?
Tara Ingleford.
What? Tara Ingleford
is the way to what?
- You like that since grade two.
- I know it!
- What will I tell him?
- Be nice.
- I'm not cool.
- Calm down.
- How am I?
- Okay.
- Really? And breath?
- Not so good.
He was behind me?
Hi, boys!
I will do the following:
I will help you.
It has $ 500 in there?
I said I went bankrupt.
What do you want money?
Where's your wallet?
How much?
I have 10, 40 ...
- Three hundred dollars.
- You'll owe me.
I draw $ 200
at the ATM.
Yes Continue to look.
Hi, Mickey. This is Jimmy.
Jimmy Moretti. That's it. Listen.
I bet $ 500
in Indiana.
Win by eight points
the difference.
Yes Five hundred by eight points
in Indiana.
Got it? Beauty.
- Can I ask you, Jimmy?
- Can.
- You have to bet $ 500 I?
- No
- But it feels.
- Play 500 in 5000, my friend.
- How so?
- Need to know something about me, Brian.
- I'm not behind in anything I do.
- I've heard it before. And ridiculous.
It is not nonsense. Go home
Indiana and watch the game tomorrow.
If it does not win Indiana 90-82,
I give you $ 500 in my pocket.
- From Your Pocket?
- Yes
I like the deal. I am inside.
- Come on! Good!
- Morrison will rebound.
Missing the first 5 seconds.
- Morrison makes a move.
- One more. Come on.
- This will make the last basket?
- One more.
And he scored a goal!
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
- Yes!
- Pacers lost by eight points.
- Hi, Jimmy.
- Hi, Brian.
- How are you.
- Okay.
- Really?
- Yes
I think no more
go see my money.
- It is better to tell.
- Four hundred, five hundred.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- This will help you not?
- Surely, my friend.
I do not want to, thank you. I have
meeting with the bank manager.
- I must set things right.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, I want a soda.
- Okay.
I'm still reeling
last night.
Here you are.
- What will you do with the money?
- I know he will. Pay some bills.
Pay some bills.
How much responsibility.
I'm thinking of doing
fewer betting ...
if you have more
something like this.
More guesses? I do not know, Brian.
Almost never have guess so.
- I imagine.
- We shall see.
- What are you doing?
- Multiple accounts.
I have more money than I thought.
Will you help me for a while.
- Really?
- Just so you know.
I'm working
a business out of here.
I posed the question, Brian.
How do you feel ...
when I turned her $ 500
at $ 5,000?
That's very good, no?
I'm working this business
there is a possibility ...
$ 100,000 for the three
in less than a week.
- Come on, man. At once?
- Yes In a single bet.
We've got now.
This money is all I have.
If you lose, I was devastated.
- I would be nothing.
- What did I say?
I've heard. You do not get
back at what he does.
I know you think this bar
no big deal, right?
- I love it.
- Good.
I bought with my money.
When I won 350 000
I'm sure the last time.
I do not have little by little.
And mine. Free of charge.
- I'm impressed.
- It must be the same.
But this business requires
large amounts of money.
How to take care of the bar,
I do not have time to get the money ...
to bet again.
And then you enter.
I know you're telling the truth,
but is that ...
- True.
- I can not do that now.
We need 100 000.
I'll get the money
and send it to the right person.
I guarantee you'll win
three times a week.
- Three times more than that.
- Businesses will now come with a warranty?
Sit in it. This is the bar.
I offer half of the community ...
if the business fails,
that will not happen.
It will not.
Only the land is worth around 300 000.
His family back in a week?
What would you say to them?
- What's the deal, Jimmy?
- This is it. Import and export.
We accept submissions in one week
and send them back in other places.
We sell products cheaper
and better than competitors.
Something that will always be in demand.
We're still small.
But if successful, will grow.
Let's do an experiment.
Do not be a problem
use your money.
Like I said.
Give me a week.
Hi, Sammie.
- Hi
- How are you?
Was good last night, huh?
- Good.
- My son!
- Is that so?
- Yes
What are you doing?
Having the life you deserve.
Not that this city has given me.
- You have money? And ride?
- I have a few dollars.
I'll see where he surrendered
to go by bus.
This is not a plan, Jesse.
This is the plan I need, man.
Need Money
and up, right?
We can arrange it, the last time.
In the sake of the past.
I am trying to start over.
I want to clean up here.
I do not think stealing a car
is a good way ...
I do!
- Okay, Sammie.
- Seriously, Jesse. Come on.
- Take good care there.
- You're in good hands.
I hope.
- See you, Jimmy.
- Eat.
I'm with investment funds
we have talked about.
No, no.
You come to find me.
I do not know? What about my car?
This is a black Dodge Dart 197 1.
Okay. Sure.
Right. Whether in the car.
How can this be?
Where to take items?
That's the one.
- Really?
- Yes he is.
- What do we do?
- We leave it here.
- But we must return.
- What? It's you who want to steal it.
- I know. But going back.
- Does not matter. Right?
Let's leave here and forget
this subject. The police will come get him.
No. Can we change a tire?
It will take only about five minutes.
I will not dirty my hands and my
knee to change this shit.
Not a big deal.
No joke, Jesse!
I do not do these things!
If you change a tire, I promise
Will take you anywhere.
Does not have a spare tire, Jesse.
What's this? A bag?
- Jesse!
- What?
- AIO.
- Hi, friends.
- Jimmy?
- Yes
- What happened?
- I just want to know.
When he left,
see something strange?
- Why?
- For nothing.
Just curious. I have
make sure everything, you know?
- Like, "" believes "," Jimmy?
- Must be run.
- We'll talk soon.
- Jimmy?
Come on.
You bastard!
I can not answer now. If you
wanted to sell me something ...
Forget it. For the others,
You know what to do.
Hi, Jimmy. This is Brian. I called
to see how things go.
Call me when you hear this message
or so you have time.
One hundred thousand dollars!
- And now?
- I do not know.
This is incredible.
Change people's lives.
- Save. We will not spend it.
- Are not we?
No. Who makes the 100 000
in an open car ...
is the kind of people the same
who kills you to take the money.
Come on, Jess. When the $ 100,000
fall in our laps?
Not ever.
Please, people.
We need it.
- True. But let's spend just a little.
- Yes
Stay tuned. If you hear something
about what happened ...
we must get rid of it, right?
- Yes
- True.
Let us enjoy.
Come on. Meet Jimmy.
Hello? Here is Jimmy.
I can not answer now.
If you want to
to sell something to me ...
Screw that.
We have enough money.
Live there. Try to look tough.
I said, "" difficult "."
It is far better than other phones!
Let me lay ahead.
Thank you.
Jesus, Brian!
I was almost killed with fright.
- Go to a place, Jimmy?
- No, I'll call you.
I called several times.
I left some tasks.
Really? Do you know how
these things, right?
- I know. What happened to your face?
- What?
His face.
Falling off a ladder.
This rubber soles
almost killed me.
- Drinking?
- Yes
There you go, buddy.
- How is it?
- Okay.
- How are you?
- Yes
It's not going to drink?
I will.
You want to talk, Jimmy?
What happened?
- No. We only have a problem.
- How so? What is the problem?
Okay. It will be fine.
I'll take care of it. Relax.
I have to pee.
Going to Baltimore?
How is the current year?
I know he will. It sucks.
I have some business to IA.
- Business?
- Yes
- And our business?
- What do you have?
Also, "" what is ""?
Also, "" what is ""?
I have to pay the bills.
My wife and my child back
a few days! Damn it, Jimmy!
Sorry, Brian. You'll be fine.
I'll be back one day. Take it easy.
You said to wait
a few days and I waited.
- Where's my money?
- Get out my face.
- Where is Jimmy?
- Stay away.
Stand back.
That is not so, Brian.
It can not.
That's all I got, Jimmy.
- I got nothing.
- Brian ...
- That's all I got.
- I do not know what to tell you, man.
The money is gone. The plane!
I do not know what happened.
They stole my car in front.
Contact me think that I set for him.
I'll find out what's going on, Brian.
I'll know ...
but you have to believe me.
You have to calm down.
You will leave the city.
Will get out of here.
Brian will be fine.
I do not believe it, Jimmy.
I think not.
What is there?
Is your stuff?
- What is it?
- Brian, you do the same thing ...
- If you were in my place.
- In its place?
I do not know
what happened!
- What happens is that people ...
- What happened?
- They are serious, Brian.
- I ask you a question.
How to give $ 100,000
for whom you do not know Jimmy?
I do not know who took the money!
I do not know anything I say.
This guy runs a large network
drug trafficking in South America
I do not know his name.
Always hidden ...
and do what you want.
This guy is serious, Brian.
- He will kill me.
- Like, "" will kill you '"?
I heard a rumor.
He heard the rumors, right?
What he heard, Jimmy?
What do you hear?
The latter tried to pass it back
just want to hang myself.
Do not give me that right now, Brian.
Do not know what happened!
Do not know.
Give it to me.
Oh my God.
Stop looking at me.
Stop looking at me.
Stop looking at me.
Take it. Get out of here.
Get out of here.
- You are right, sir?
- Yes
Turn off the car and go, please.
Right. Live there.
Come here, please.
Let me guess. Riley.
- What?
- Car Rental Riley, 4.
Yes, Riley.
We see them.
They hit the car rental ...
and repair costs
who hires. How unfortunate.
This is the rust.
Let not protect you.
I will not.
Rent is cheap ...
but thanks for telling me, officer.
What are you doing here?
My day difficult.
I just need a break.
- Things will get better.
- I hope.
- Be careful.
- I will.
Thank you.
- Do not get yourself in trouble.
- You are also police officers.
Oh my God.
What do you want?
What do you want?
Hi, honey.
How are you?
- I'm fine.
- Sorry for the way they act.
- I'm sorry too.
- I love you.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
- I love you truly.
- What is it?
I think I ...
- I miss you.
- Also we missed.
Want to talk with his son a good night?
He talks about you all day.
Put him in line, honey.
- Say goodnight to Daddy.
- Good night, Daddy.
- I love you.
- I love you, son.
I love you. Come see us soon.
I promise.
Let me talk
with Mom again, right?
What is beautiful.
Breaks my heart.
What's that noise?
Noise that, honey?
Probably a bad signal.
Do not worry.
Yesterday, when I go to bed ...
really want to be here
hug e. ..
That person's phone?
- Brian?
- Honey ...
I must go.
I love you so much.
- I love you.
- Good evening.
You called me
about the Dodge 197.
- It has $ 100?
- I.
I hope so.
I can see the documents?
Nice try.
- Dude!
- Wow!
- Thank you, sir.
- Thank you.
Be careful with my stuff.
We're rich!
We are very rich!
Class A,
- You will do?
- Doing what?
Are you looking for
into the phone all day.
If you will be connected, do it fast.
Let's see what happens.
What if my phone in the car?
Jesse, you're turning
Damn it.
Damn it.
Oh my God.
Who is speaking?
Are you listening?
- Someone picked up?
- Who is speaking?
- Who is speaking?
- Do you have something that belongs to me.
- What?
- Where's my money?
- He knows.
- What? Turn off!
- What do you want from us?
- All my money back.
- Anyone who says it is with us?
- I said. Are you listening?
We must get rid of
money. Now!
Calm down, man.
He did not know you.
He knows nothing about you.
All he knows
is your phone number.
We just have to get rid of the phone.
What is it?
I'll find them!
Yes, I'm listening.
It's here.
Go to the kitchen.
Where's the rest?
$ 55,000 missing.
In addition to the 40 000 cars
HE knows what else buy it?
Some electronic devices
and new clothes.
- And you?
- Also.
Give it all back.
Or what?
They have a receipt?
Come over here. I have
say something.
You cocky, kid.
Do you have any receipts?
- Yes I think I have some at home.
- Good. And you?
- I have several. I can take them.
- So no problem.
Take the box and come with me.
- So you have a child.
- AIO?
It binds him here
when you fall apart?
Right. What phone
Your Friend?
I do not remember.
Sure, kid.
I want to do it again?
This is my last warning.
What's his number?
- AIO?
- What is it, boy?
I tried to return the laptop,
but said they could not accept.
Make them accept!
He creates a story.
His mother was sick.
His father was unemployed.
I do not care.
And the car?
No! I must go to all places.
I'll be back to defend.
Do it, girl!
Stop procrastinating.
Damn it.
- Do you owe money to someone, right?
- No need to talk, right?
I do not know you
and you do not know me.
I want that to continue.
So shut up, right?
I have a bad feeling
about it from the beginning.
I knew something was wrong.
Like an idiot I am!
Every time I get in trouble.
Maybe I deserve.
You do not look like one.
- With who?
- With drug dealers.
Do not know
what is involved, is not it?
When you steal a car ...
all drug trafficking scheme
I do not have to get involved ...
fell through.
Should be dead
within a few hours
What are you doing?
Damn it, kid.
If I knew,
would not be here with you.
But I do not know.
So ...
- You go to school?
- I've finished.
Did you graduate?
- I've finished.
- Is there a plan?
Out of town.
- This is your plan?
- I do not need a lot of planning.
Maybe I get a job.
See how it goes.
When I was a kid ...
- My parents lost everything.
- This is one story ...
You overcome the difficulties ...
and be successful
slums ...
- Anyone who owes money to someone?
- No
I have been in place.
If they give me some advice ...
- What has been helpful.
- Really?
Been in my place. Like this?
Also ran.
Cross-country ride.
I went after what she thought
a new life.
- Wow! How do I get screwed!
- What do you mean?
What I am trying to say is ...
do not think that life is things
You have, because it does not.
It's about being happy.
For more boring as it sounds,
what matters is doing the right thing.
Which is true?
As a teenager chain
in your child's room?
Do you have any dreams?
Quantities are limited.
I will not attend.
For the sake of you,
I hope that answers your friend.
Come on.
- AIO?
- Why is he not?
The Bergman Clothing
not accept the return. No!
I do not care
clothing, kid! And the car?
They say that they need permission
to return a value so high.
They do not have much money
Take the car back,
get authorization ...
take the money and come back here.
Damn it.
He could not
return the car, right?
- I have my own business.
- What?
You ask
if I was dreaming.
My head is full.
It no longer interests me more.
Banque hostage calm
and shut up.
What do I do?
What am I doing, honey?
I miss you.
I miss you.
Oh my God.
I'm sorry.
I'm an idiot.
So, you want to own a business?
What is it?
He told me about
his dream of opening a business.
Want to have your own business.
Something fun.
That was cool. It's a start, right?
- What if I fail?
- If you fail?
It's scary.
If you work hard, you can
okay, son.
Hear that?
- What happened?
- We've got company.
Get out! Get out!
Damn it.
Jesse? Door! Door!
Come with me.
Go! Go! Go!
They are everywhere.
Right. Let's go to another port.
Enter the second door on the left.
- How many garages do you have?
- It. More than I need.
Right. Listen.
Climb the stairs and enter the door.
Go down the stairs. From the outside,
see the page.
Just follow it to be
safe, kid. Leave immediately.
- And you?
- Go! Get out of here, Jesse!
- I get it, Steve!
- No! You can run away!
Go now!
What happened?
Damn it.
Damn it.
- We have to call the police.
- Why? What happened?
- Jesse?
- If we can not help ...
- People will die.
- So what? He was one of them!
It is not. Right?
Come on.
- Who are these people?
- Damn! They're after us!
- Damn!
- Go!
- Go! Go! Go!
- Where, Jesse?
Turn right here! Right!
Right. Sleek.
- And now?
- Drugs.
- Give the defendant! Reverse!
- Go! Go! Go!
Pick her up.
Open the.
They do not exist
do with it. No one.
It's my fault.
They do not know anything.
It was all a mistake, right?
I gave them the goods
and has almost half the money.
Please do not hurt
my family.
I'm sick.
What do you want from me?
They took me to the side,
take my picture in the middle of the night.
What do you want from me?
What are they doing here?
They're just kids.
- Are you okay?
- Yes
- And you? Hurt you?
- No. We're fine.
- Your partner to contact me.
- My partner? Jimmy?
His partner contacted me. He will
invest in one of my operation.
- Why have not they?
- Please release the boy.
They have nothing to do with it.
Stealing money from a designated place
is to have something to do with it, yes.
Getting around town shopping
My money in front of everyone ...
including competitors,
is to have something to do with it!
- They do not know who the money.
- Silence ...
or put a bullet in your face.
We are in a beautiful
confusion, is not it?
Right. As I said, I can get
rest of the money. I can get.
I have $ 25,000 in your pocket.
Do you think you care for it?
So for all this?
Taking the drug again.
- This is roughly 50 000.
- Because of You set me up!
- No one does that to me!
- All this is a mistake.
Shut up!
He thought he could fuck me.
All you think.
They thought they would run away.
How is my picture?
This could bring them into the desert
and bury them with AI ...
- Everything would be over.
- Sam, that's okay. Please.
I Ihes say what will happen.
One of you is lost.
Get out of here
and shut up.
The second, will replace Jimmy.
Will work for me.
And third, would be an example.
- Like, "" example ""?
- You are smart, Mr. Parker.
I think you'll understand.
The plane took off in two minutes.
Have time to decide
who does what.
What do we do?
There must be another way, right?
- Right?
- Sam, that's okay.
Come here now.
Come over here.
Listen. I promise you
that will be fine.
Well, Sam? It will be fine.
Do not worry.
It will be fine.
That's all right.
And if we run away?
You can not. Will find us.
Even if we go to the people
You are here on the plane and out ... IA
will come after us and find us.
Will come to us and find us.
- He says we have a choice.
- We do not have.
We have no choice.
Sam will be fine.
Stay calm.
- Did you decide?
- JA.
This child is lost.
If you open the nozzle,
kill all his family.
He will not do that.
It was a good boy.
It will not do that. Well, Sam?
- Please.
- Get out of here.
Get out of here, Sam. Vai.
- Go.
- Go, Sam.
- What are you doing?
- Get out now, Sam. Walking.
- I can not go.
- Get out of here, man!
- Jesse!
- For God's sake, Sam!
Get out of here!
Thank you.
Lost ..
Please help