Pretty Bird (2008)

[%% Antonin Dvorak:
Song to the Moon ]
[man]: People may doubt
what you say,
But they'll believe
what you do.
[%% Wim Mertens:
Watch over me ]
[stops engine]
[door alert chime]
[deep breath]
People may doubt what you say,
But they'll believe
what you do.
[man chuckling]
Hi. Welcome
to Owenby mattress.
Well, Mandy,
you know what's crazy is
I'm in need of assistance.
- Oh. Good one.
- [chuckling]
But seriously, my name
is Mr. Curt Prentiss...
I should warn you,
I am not the type
Who is gonna be
easily charmed.
- I'd never presume.
- Sure you would. [chuckles]
- Just kidding.
- Uh, all joking aside,
I'm here to see Kenny Owenby.
Is he perchance around?
Hey, you!
Get over here
right now.
[laughs] oh, my God!
Oh, my heavens!
Curtis Prentiss!
- Come on.
- How the heck are ya?
- Mr. "I'm too busy to
call my best friend."
- stop it.
Well, you didn't
call me back.
I'm not listening
to a word you're saying.
- Ok.
- This is some operation
you've got here.
Oh, yeah, that's right.
You haven't seen it before.
It's... It's, uh,
it's nice, you know?
Doin' fine, doin' fine.
- Yeah, I'll say.
- [sighs]
[Curtis]: You're hiring with
your wiener, I like that.
Your employee Mandy,
she's very attractive
is all I'm saying.
Oh, yeah, Mandy.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She's great, she's great.
And, uh... Yeah, wow,
she's, uh, she's pretty.
Yeah. I never
noticed that before,
But, uh... Oh, yeah.
[Kenny]: It's a huge space.
It's right here.
I could rent it and, uh,
have all the warehousing
For mattresses, beds,
and bedding I'd ever need.
Kenny, I might have
a better idea for this.
[Kenny]: What do you
got in mind, Curtis?
Kenny, you have done
very well for yourself.
Oh, well, not too bad.
And you're making
a ton of money.
Ok, I don't know about
a ton of money...
Kenny, you're
making a ton of money.
Yes, I'm making
a ton of money.
Good, because we're
gonna need most of it.
- You sold me. I'm in.
- [laughs]
I'm spearheading a venture.
Well, technically,
I don't know
if there's a difference
Between that and an
enterprise. Whatever it is,
I'm the president of it.
Do you remember
a couple of years back
We tried to come up
with something to invent?
[chuckles] yeah, I sure do.
Yeah, heat n' hold.
%% hair dryer
that shoots hairspray %%
Yeah, of course I remember.
I still got mine.
Well, this new thing is
bigger than the hair dryer.
- Bigger than the hair dryer?
- Oh, it's bigger
than the hair dryer.
...Are you with me on this?
Whatever it is, I'm in.
[%% Wim Mertens:
Often a bird ]
[Curtis laughs]
I know, bright and early.
Good morning. Uh, my name
is Mr. Curt Prentiss.
I am heading
an intra-preneurial...
Intra-preneurial, uh...
Can you connect me
with the, uh,
jet propulsion department?
What I'm trying to do
is track down a jet
propulsion specialist
'cause I am in trouble!
Hi, is this, uh,
McDowell aerospace?
You are an aerospace engineer,
is that correct?
Great. And you went
to college?
And you graduated?
That's great.
Yes, I was told you have
a, uh, consultant on staff.
How's it goin' in here?
Uh, so it's been...
Shut down, huh?
Might I trouble you
for a forwarding number?
Oh. Lifesaver.
Richard Honeycutt.
Is that correct?
- [snores]
- [door opens]
[woman whispers] dear.
- Dear.
- [snorts]
There's someone
on the phone for you.
It might be about a job.
[exhales] you know, you can't
wake a man like that, babe.
You want me to tell you why?
I'll tell you why.
Because now I'm
gonna be jumpy all day,
You freakin' me out
like that.
There's a coupon
for the copy place
On the table.
Thought you might get
a jump on your resumes.
[bag rustling]
[man chews, spoon clatters]
[clears throat]
Is this Richard Honeycutt,
formerly of Datcher rocket labs?
- Yeah. Who is this?
- Rick, my name is
Mr. Curt Prentiss.
I am CEO of an emerging,
uh, company.
You attended college,
is that correct?
- Yeah.
- Excellent. Uh, Rick,
I've got one more
question for you.
When you were a kid,
did you ever...
...Have that dream
about flying?
[chewing loudly]
I have my pilot's license.
I'll note that as a "yes."
You'll be hearing
from me again. Good day.
Uh, touchdown, Kenny.
Big time.
Yes, I found our guy.
College degree,
rocket scientist,
Plus he's sitting
on his butt.
He just got fired.
[laughs] Curtis,
that's fantastic!
Ok, that's good.
- That's good.
- I'm just really
proud of you.
[woman]: So you're Dennis.
[Curtis]: Uh, Curtis,
actually. Curt.
[woman]: So, Curtis, uh,
what is it that you do?
I am pulling CEO duty
right now.
I own a rocket propulsion
Rockets. [chuckles]
You're not gonna blow
the place up, are ya?
[laughs] no.
We have an office for that.
Oh. Good.
Well, we just have
to run your credit
Because everybody here
has perfect credit, so...
- Sure. You gotta have that.
- Tell me about it.
Oh. Cam will do it.
He knows all that stuff.
- Mr. MBA.
- MBA, huh?
[water runs]
- Well played.
- Well, we met at A&T.
Did you go to A&T?
Oh, let me guess:
Central? Northeastern?
- State?
- [toilet flushes]
I'll take it.
[coughs, groans]
- You want some?
- Oh, no, thanks.
Other side.
- [grunts]
- yeah.
Hold on, hold on.
Hold on. Shit!
- All right. [grunts]
- yeah.
What was it you asked...
Oh, yeah! Ohh!
- [moans]
- I don't know, it was just
some guy on the phone,
And he was asking me if I
ever dreamed about flying.
- Even though... Yeah.
- You do!
[mattress springs creaking]
But you know
he just kept...
[groans] he just kept hinting
about some idea he had,
But he didn't tell me
what it was.
[both groan]
Well... It might be good to...
...Get out and
get back to work.
Hold up, hold up,
hold up, hold up!
Hold on! Hold on!
Ohh! Here we go, now.
Here we go, girl! Yes!
Yes, dirty girl!
- [grunting]
- oh, you gotta get this!
- [bubbling]
- [telephone ringing]
[Curtis]: What, you think
I'm just gonna disappear?
[telephone ringing]
m... Morning voice.
Morning voice.
So the vacation
comes to an end.
Hey, why don't you
move your boat, Phil?
I told you it's
crowding my driveway.
No can do, Jose.
Just sold the lake house,
So this baby gonna be here
for a little while.
- Unless you wanna buy it.
- Just move the boat, man.
I'm tired of askin'.
Oh, hey, Rick!
What's the difference between
a black man and a large pizza?
[truck engine starts]
[sighs] I'm supposed to meet
somebody here, Prentiss.
Uh, he wanted to sit
in the back.
[Rick clears throat]
Wow. Richard Honeycutt.
It is, uh, f-ing great
to meet you, sir.
Oh. [chuckles]
You mean, uh,
"fucking great"?
wow, there you go.
I, uh, I reserved the room
where they usually
have corporate stuff
So we can have our little
back and forth without
any civilians around.
I hope that's ok with you.
You been to places
like this before?
A diner?
Yeah, I have, yeah.
Uh, so, ok, pleasantries.
Uh, you ok?
Everything good?
You lovin' life?
- Curtis, what are we
doing here?
- I love it!
You're like, "get to
the point, Prentiss!"
- Perfect! I love it.
- You fellas decide?
Oh. Uh...
Yeah. Pan-American breakfast.
Uh, eggs over hard,
sausage patties,
- Hot sauce, black coffee.
- Nothing for me.
Well, my sources
tell me that you
Are a bit of
a genius rocket buff.
Do they? Well, uh...
Yeah, yeah. I've, uh,
I've, uh, worked in
the aerospace industry
for 20 years, so...
[chuckles] truly?
[Curtis]: Nice.
Well, I, uh...
...Am kind of a buff, too,
So science-wise that
puts us on the same page.
Did you study engineering
somewhere? Where?
Do you know that 90 percent
of the population
Doesn't understand
creative types?
Artists, inventors...
Like that English fella
in the wheelchair,
You think
he's got any friends?
- Who, Stephen hawking?
- He doesn't.
I mean, sure,
people kiss his ass...
...But they're not
his friends.
And I'll say why:
If you're born
a genius...
...You die alone.
But obviously
you know all this.
I need a peer, Rick.
I need a comrade.
First let's take a quiz.
I gotta make sure
you're the right guy.
Oh. [chuckles]
what do you need from me,
my sat scores or something?
[laughs] you finished
that thing?
Well, you are way ahead
of the game, sir.
Well, as a college
graduate, Rick,
I'm sure you can
tell me what...
...This is.
That is a leaf blower.
You are correct, sir.
But this...
But this...
...Is not.
I know about this.
Here we go.
Oh! Uh, we didn't have
any patties,
- So I gave you links instead.
- Stop. Stop.
Uh, I'm sorry,
what did you say?
You say that you, uh,
didn't have sausage patties?
- Yeah. We must've
ran out last night.
- [sighs]
Waitress, it is 9:00am,
In a diner, in America.
Handing out sausage patties
is your whole fucking job,
Ok, uh, I think
we'll have the check now,
Erica. Thank you.
Bunch of bullshit. [sighs]
You're hilarious.
You'll be hearing from us.
Think this is gonna turn out
to be a good thing?
Huh, babe?
Shit, I don't know,
I don't know.
How am I supposed to know?
Well, if you ask me,
You've been too long getting
pushed into the shadows...
...After you're the one
who's been doing all the work.
Well, that's 'cause I spent
You talking about
that supervisor
over at Datcher?
You know what? I don't know.
I'm talking about all of 'em.
That's just what I mean.
Maybe it's time for you
to step out front.
[knock on door]
- This is weird.
- [laughs]
Well, it won't be
for much longer, ok?
Well, hello.
We so welcome you.
Richard Honeycutt,
Kenny Owenby.
- Yeah.
- [bell dings]
Ooh! Biscotti.
We've got, uh...
Name cards.
Kenny, music.
Hey! Hey, come here.
Yeah. Hello, hello.
Look who was hiding
from me.
- Rolf, this is Rick.
- [Curtis]: Kenny, please?
Do you have any pets, Rick?
I'm married.
- [snaps fingers]
- Kenny! Please?
[whispers] sorry.
Tonight I present
to you a dream.
A dream, born in the dark
of a movie theater,
When first the world heard
these immortal words.
"shaken, not stirred."
[men clamoring]
[mimicking whooshing]
Most people think
that rocket belts
And greatness exist
only in Hollywood,
In a fantasy place,
or some...
...Future world.
But to you,
gathered here tonight,
Let me officially say...
Screw the future...
...'cause I have it.
[grumbles] mm-hm.
Hydrogen peroxide-propelled
personal rocket device.
[Curtis]: The rocket belt.
You know about this thing?
I'm a rocket scientist,
Curtis? Did you hear that?
He just said he knows
all about this.
Where'd you get
these blueprints, Curtis?
The library,
the public library.
Kenny, please.
We're starting
a company, Rick,
That is going to change
the way people think
About a lot of things.
Yeah, well, that's great
and all, Curtis,
But you know people
have been trying to do
this for years.
what makes you think it's
gonna be any different now?
That's a good point, and it's
exactly that kind of attitude
That has guaranteed
they wouldn't make it.
I mean, how do you think
a company like Boeing
got started?
"gee, I don't know, Curtis,
how did Boeing get started?"
I don't know, but they
sure as hell didn't do it
By sitting around
on their duffs,
scared to take a Chance.
Don't you at least want
to give it a try, Rick?
[Curtis]: Ok, essentials.
Let's see, little blinking
lights, glowing dials,
You know, machines.
Everything should glow,
So we can work in the dark
if we had to.
- [snorts]
- Rick, look.
- Twins.
- And over here is gonna be
an office with windows
And posters,
inspiring posters.
I'm gonna need a lot more
counter space...
- Kenny, be writing this down.
- "counter space."
[Rick]: A lot more
counter space.
- From now on it's called r & d.
- [Kenny]: Oh, perfect.
- Research and development.
- Mm-hmm.
Ok, so, uh, counter space.
What else?
[Rick]: Magnifying lamps,
lab supplies:
Plastics molding machine,
parts supplier,
Bulk hydrogen peroxide.
What are we using
for accelerant here?
Fine, fine,
whatever that means. Kenny?
- It's gonna be expensive.
- Kenny, write that down.
And we are going to need
corporate credit cards
for everyone.
Got it.
Rick, could you
not do that, please?
- Hey, I'm not finished here.
- Leaving a message. Kenny?
- Uh, magnifying...
- Wait.
Uh, R&D supply list.
- Magnifying lamps.
- Magnifying lamps.
- Lab supplies.
- Lab supplies.
- Accelerant,
whatever that means.
- Some kind of accelerant...
- You sure we got money
for all this?
- Kenny?
- Uh, blinking lights.
- Blinking lights.
Uh... Glowing dials,
inspiring posters.
- Metal shelving.
- Metal shelving.
- Metal shelving.
- Slop sink.
- [Kenny]: Slop sink.
- Slop sink.
[Rick]: General
cleaning supplies.
- Uh, cleaning supplies.
- [Rick]: A distillation setup.
Distillation setup.
[Rick and Kenny continue,
- [Kenny]: Mechanical cleaner.
- [Curtis]: Mechanical cleaner.
[Rick]: You guys
got tool belts?
[man]: Looking good.
Looking pretty good, fellas.
Got your seed money,
got your space.
You want to set up this lab
that you're talking about.
- You got your
potential investors.
- Of course.
You know, I've known Kenny
for a long time now.
He'll tell you every startup,
there's risks involved.
But therein lies the potential
To make a substantial
amount of money.
- [Kenny taps desk]
- knock on wood.
- [Rick]: Fantastic, huh?
- [Kenny]: What is?
It's the name of the company.
Fantastic technologies,
It's classy but with
a little bit sci-fi.
[Kenny]: Curtis,
that's genius.
[Curtis]: Good morning,
good morning.
And good morning.
At fantastic technologies
We don't think fantastic
is so crazy.
[clears throat]
at fantastic technologies
We don't think
fantastic is so crazy.
Right from the outset
our sights are set
For out of the ordinary.
Out of the or... [clears throat]
[slide projector whirs]
Right from the outset
our sights are set
On out of the ordinary.
Morning, morning, morning.
Morning voice.
At fantastic technologies
We don't think fantastic
is so crazy.
You can guarantee
the first thing we think
Will already be
outside the box.
Maybe you said to yourself,
"that's a crazy idea.
I must be insane." not at
fantastic tech you're not.
We applaud risky thinking.
Taking chances.
But only the ones
backed by hard science.
It's not just
a rocket belt...
...It's an attitude.
[doors closing]
Yaah! Did I scare you?
Oh, my God,
I am pooped.
But luckily, stopped
by the old bookstore
on the way home
And I found this.
Picked up a copy
for everybody.
Wow. "the spring
in your step:
wit and wisdom."
[Curtis]: I know,
good stuff, right?
Mmm. Yeah.
Thanks a lot.
Any investors
at the bookstore, chief?
Well, you don't want
to put the old cart
before the horse, do you?
Hmm. [chuckles]
You need any help?
- No.
- Excelente!
[Curtis groans]
- Ah!
- [grunts]
Listen to this one.
Rick, listen to this one.
"anyone can steer a ship
in calm seas."
Hey, here's
an interesting one.
"don't remove a fly
from your friend's head
with a hatchet."
Oh, look here, it says
that's a Chinese proverb.
- So don't use a hatchet.
- Well, yeah, not for a fly.
They're saying don't use
the wrong tools for the job.
- [stifled chuckle]
- "bite off more
than you can chew,
And then chew...
"bite off more
than you can chew
and then chew it."
"plan more than you can do
and then do it."
That's a good
rhyming one there.
What's the deal with his legs?
- What do you mean?
- His legs.
They just kind of
dangle around.
It doesn't look like
he's flying.
It doesn't look very cool.
Could you do something else
with his legs?
Can his legs
do anything cooler?
Can we retract 'em?
Uh, human legs
don't retract.
Oh, I got it.
What if he does 'em
like he's doing a judo kick?
You guys affiliated
with NASA?
How do you mean
Yeah, I don't know.
Got anything else?
[%% Leo Delibes:
Ou va la jeune indoue ]
[Curtis]: So big business
dinner tonight?
Yeah, uh, viper technologies.
What do you know about
these guys? You heard
of 'em before?
No, but I'm sure
they're great, you know.
Probably some, uh,
venture capitalists.
Capitalists, huh?
Hey, uh, Curtis.
There's, um, something else
that's awesome.
What's that, Kenny?
Opera. Live opera.
It's, uh, downtown,
near tons of restaurants
And great bistros.
And, uh, you know, you've
been working so hard lately.
- You deserve
a night to chill out.
- [Curtis]: Is it in English?
that's the fun part
'cause they provide you
with your own program
with the words on it,
And you just follow
right along, so...
Do you guys
need me to leave?
- Are you talking business?
- Oh. No, no, no. No.
We're, uh,
we're talking opera.
- Curtis has never been.
- I've never been either,
But Kenny says
it's really neat.
Oh, well, then
we should all go sometime.
While we're on the subject,
Mandy, um...
...I have got
a business dinner tonight.
And... [sighs]
Would you want to go with me
and... And...
...Talk and... What's the name
of the place called, Kenny?
Il villaggio.
Oh, that's supposed to be
a really nice restaurant.
I wanted to ask you before,
but I felt shy.
Why so confident now?
- No reason.
- Liar.
- I would love to go.
- Great.
Ok, wish me luck.
I'll tell you how it goes.
Good luck.
I love music... And movies.
Uh, of course,
I'm a bit eccentric.
You don't have
to beat yourself up.
I love movies too.
This wine is delicious.
Goes very well
with the potatoes
And the filet mignon.
- Agreed.
- [Mandy]: Yeah.
So, what kind of movies
do you like?
Mostly old ones.
Classics, I guess.
- I love classics.
- Yeah?
So, what's the favorite?
Which one changed your life?
Oh, um...
Let me see.
Changed my life?
- Um, that's a hard one.
- [Curtis laughs]
I would probably have
to say the exorcist.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
The way the mother
stood by her daughter
All through when the devil
was possessing her.
- Oh, I know.
I love that part.
- Yeah.
I... I remember it
so vividly.
Um... Shane, my son,
he got a stomach virus
The first time
that I saw that movie.
He was vomiting for
two days. It was just...
It was awful.
Poor little guy.
This was when I shared custody
with my former husband,
And it was his weekend.
So I... I was there
in the car, just...
...Sort of bundling my son,
And he's getting sick
in this bucket I brought
And he's crying
his little eyes out.
And then I thought, bam!
The exorcist.
And I looked in the rearview
mirror of that car
And I said, "Mandy riddle...
...If the mother in that
exorcist can keep it together,
While satan himself
is making a mess
inside that little girl,
You can get through this."
You know what we did?
We grabbed that bucket
And marched right back
in the house.
[Curtis]: Wow.
You saw a lesson there
That probably
No one else ever saw.
[man]: Fantastic technologies!
- [Curtis]: Chuck!
- [laughs] did I scare you?
- You're viper technologies?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I bet I'm the last Guy
you expected to see tonight.
No! Not the last. No!
No. No, no, no.
Yeah. Chuck and I
did some business
A couple, a few...
Three, four years back?
- I'm chuck stutters.
- Hi.
And anything you heard...
...Well, hell,
it's probably true.
Uh, Mandy, uh, Ms. Riddle
is our director of marketing.
Ohh! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa! I apologize.
Excuse me.
- No need.
- Ooh.
Let me get a drink.
[chuck sighs]
Fantastic technologies.
Well, Curtis does have
a fantastic knack
For screwing things up.
Wow. Ok, just because
an idea doesn't work
Doesn't mean
it's anybody's fault.
Look at that, always on
the bright side, isn't he?
Just relax. Come on.
I'm playing with you!
- [groans]
- [both chuckle]
I read the prospectus,
I like the idea.
What, are you kidding me?
A rocket belt.
Wow! Count me in.
[%% Leo Delibes:
Ou va la jeune indoue ]
[engine pops, hissing]
Damn it.
- [door closes]
- ow!
[both laughing]
I nearly died when you said
director of marketing.
[Curtis chuckles]
I've never been director
of anything in my life.
You are insane,
Curtis Prentiss.
What are you doing up?
Go upstairs and wait
with Grammy.
I'm sorry, Curtis.
For the life of me
I can't remember
If the magazine said
I'm supposed to act like
I don't want you to come in
Or act like I do.
I don't know.
I mean, that's just
one of those, you know,
calls that...
You know,
judgment things.
- Um...
- Uh...
I think maybe
you should leave.
I'm starting to feel like
I wanna take my pants off.
Oh, my God. Ok.
- I'll... I'll
see you tomorrow.
- Ok.
[Curtis]: Good night!
[car engine revving]
I don't give a shit
about Robin Williams.
I'm just saying
he's a good actor.
Curtis, we have a problem.
Before you say anything,
let me just tell you this:
You are doing an extremely
good job. Now go.
Ok. These blueprints
here are incomplete.
What are you talking about?
Look, here.
There is no diagram
for this last part here.
Very important valve.
It's missing. So
there's no directions,
Then I'm gonna have to make
this thing from scratch.
- Ok, so?
- There are
no blueprints, Curtis.
I'm... How the hell am I
supposed to know
- What it is I'm doing?
- Blueprints this,
Blueprints that. It's like
all I'm hearing lately.
Because there's nothing else
that matters, you idiot!
- I would be done by now.
- Rick, look, look, look,
We are inventors, right?
We invent! I'm sorry,
but that's what we do.
Oh, man. Who the hell
am I kidding? Jesus Christ.
All right, just wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.
Look at it.
Look at it like this.
It's like this. It's like...
All right, now, uh...
All right, what was the name
of the guy who invented
the nuclear bomb?
Curtis... [chuckles]
- Just, come on...
- No, I don't have time
for this shit.
All right. I know you know.
Just tell me who was it.
Right. Now, let's...
Let's just suppose
this Oppenheimer,
He's, uh, he's having
a day like today.
He's frustrated, right?
And all the other scientists
come in,
And they're like,
"hey, Oppenheimer,
Retard, haven't you heard?
It's impossible to build
a nuclear bomb.
Can't be done,
you're wasting your time."
Now let's just imagine
If this Oppenheimer
believed them.
If he said to himself,
"you know what?
They're right.
This bomb's
too hard to invent.
I'm done. Can't do it."
Now you tell me, Rick,
where would we be today?
Now you see what I'm saying.
But he did not give in
to that negativity,
Thank God,
and neither can we.
[woman]: What are you
doing, babe?
[Rick]: Oh, nothin'.
What are you doing?
[woman]: I'm about
to make dinner.
You gonna be home?
No, I'm probably
gonna be here late.
I'll see you later,
babe, all right?
[%% Wim Mertens: Iris ]
Well, there you are,
you vicious little bitch.
[generators whirring]
[rocket pack whirring]
[Rick grunts]
[laughs] whoo!
[Rick laughs]
[Curtis]: Inside all matter
in the universe,
There is more space
between atoms
Than atoms themselves.
Hi, I'm curt Prentiss,
and I'm gonna level with you.
I'm not a scientist,
But I am a doctor of sorts.
- What is this?
- And my specialty is people.
At Prentiss industries
we believe
in taking the space
Left by those atoms
And filling it with respect.
[knock on door]
Hey, Rick,
what's the problem?
I mean, uh, come on in.
[Curtis groans]
You want a hot pocket?
What you got there?
What's that?
Oh, yeah... No, uh...
Yeah. I caught your
little TV commercial.
Prentiss industries.
[nervous chuckle]
Sorry, what's that?
I couldn't hear you.
Well, I don't know,
you're the genius.
- Why don't you tell me?
- Thank you.
Thank you. I am a genius,
And I will tell you...
I noticed that my name
is not listed
Anywhere on your
little pamphlet here.
I did not build this thing
So that you could
shove me out of the way
- And take all the credit.
- I don't appreciate you
poking around my office.
I don't appreciate you
Trying to push me
into the shadows, asswipe.
May I see that, please?
- This?
- [Curtis]: Yes.
Sure. See?
May I hold it, please?
No, you may not
hold it, please.
Well, boy! Whoo!
Nothing gets by you,
Dr. Sherlock Holmes!
I built that belt.
Ok. [scoffs] fine.
[laughs] fine!
Fine. You gonna market it too?
Huh? Are you gonna
show up for meetings
And spit fingernails
on the floor and call
everybody stupid?
Are you gonna charm people
into giving you
a million dollars?
Bring goliath to his knees?
[chuckles] holy cow!
I must be a comedian
'cause that's a total joke!
No, you know what?
You actin' like a scientist
Is the fuckin' joke,
- Ok, you're right!
- [chuckles]
Maybe I don't know
all the science stuff,
Maybe I didn't go
to a very good college...
Hey, Curtis,
wake up, man!
You didn't go
to any fuckin' college!
Of course I didn't
because what I've got
you can't teach!
People love me.
That's my genius!
And I'll give you
a thousand dollars, jerk,
If you can name one person
who loves you!
I have had marketing
jerks like you...
...Stealing my ideas
for 20 fuckin' years.
And that is over.
Now, I am... I am... I am
dead fuckin' serious, Curtis.
You make no more
decisions without
checking with me first.
You read me?
Do you fuckin'
read me?
Because I am done
with screwin' around!
Ok, you want me to promise you
something? You gotta
promise me something too.
- What, Curtis?
- You can't call me dumb.
- What?
- Don't call me dumb.
Not around you or me,
especially Kenny.
- No "dumb."
- I don't give a shit
about Kenny.
Maybe you oughta start
caring about him.
And you keep belittling people,
he's gonna lose
confidence in me,
And the second he does that,
then there goes the money.
All you gotta do is treat me
with a little bit of respect...
...And finish the belt.
- Finish the belt, huh?
- Finish the belt!
I did.
An hour ago.
[birds chirping,
singing in distance]
Randy, I want
to introduce you
To our colleague,
Kenny Owenby.
- We spoke on the phone.
- [Randy]: Yeah.
Fantastic technologies.
How do you like that?
We love it. [chuckles]
[clears throat]
Ok, so you're gonna want to just
feather that throttle.
Not much more, 'cause I got it
dialed in real sensitive,
so don't lean into it.
Don't worry about a thing.
I've flown a couple
of these before.
[laughs] no, you haven't.
'cause it's my belt,
And you have never
flown my belt.
I'll give you
the thumbs-up, all right?
What the hell are you
wearing that for, man?
Here we go!
[%% the art of noise:
Ransom on the sand ]
[jets whooshing]
- [jets stop]
- [cheering]
[%% Wim Mertens: The scene ]
[calculator clicks]
How are those numbers
Uh... [chuckles]
Any, uh...
Any investor news?
Hold that thought.
Which color?
Ooh, the red.
- What's it for?
- Rocket belt.
I am painting
the fuel tanks.
[man]: Mr. Honeycutt, sorry,
sir, your card's been denied.
Well, it's not possible.
Run it again.
I ran it three times,
- Three times?
- Yeah.
Oh, for Christ's sake.
Now, I don't know
what you want to do...
No, now hold on, hold on.
Uh... All right,
I tell you what. I got this.
Um, I'll leave you the card.
Truck's already loaded,
all right?
- Well...
- So I'll take the gas,
go to the bank.
I'll get all this crap
figured out.
I'll come right back here
and I'll pay you.
Um... Yeah, no,
that's against policy.
I'm gonna leave you the card.
I know, but the card's
been denied,
So you're not really
leaving me anything.
How about you cut me
some slack on your policy?
Fifteen, 20 minutes tops.
I'm back here quick as a shot.
That's stealing, sir.
You're not gonna be
taking my stuff
Unless it's paid for,
so you're not leaving.
Jimmy. Jimmy, scratch
that last order...
Can I ask
a question?
Now what the hell
is this over here?
What the hell
is your beef, sister?
Um, I don't have a beef.
- What's your beef?
- Hey, you don't need to
talk to her like that.
- I'm gonna.
- You just watch your mouth.
- Wait a second...
- Just come on inside with me.
Jimmy, unload the truck.
Can we tie a banner to it?
Did you say it flies
for 30 seconds?
[man]: What about sponsor
logos? Where are they
supposed to go?
- What's your market share?
- [Curtis]: The market share
Is... It's, like, awesome.
[woman]: All right, Curtis.
You have an entertaining
...But we're gonna need
a little more science than that.
[whispers] ok.
You know, I'm sorry,
this reminds me of a movie
that I saw once,
A movie that, I don't know,
pretty much changed my life.
Maybe you've heard of it. It's
called the dead poets society,
Starring the incomparable
Robin Williams,
- In his first serious role.
- [bangs fist on table]
And in it, he plays
an embattled soccer coach
Who tells his students,
carpe diem.
Which to me...
...Means never let the sun
set on your dreams.
Good day.
Ok, wow, sure thing.
[%% Wim Mertens: 4 mains ]
Oh, that'll work. Wow!
Well, I enjoyed
meeting you, too.
[air brush hissing]
Fuck. [sighs]
[clears throat]
- What?
- [Curtis]: Morning.
What are you doing here?
What are you, uh...
What are you doing here?
- You wanna give me a hand?
- No.
Suit yourself.
[door slams]
You know, you can
go home if you want.
You know, take the day off.
We got things
under control here.
What, I bust my ass
and then leave you in charge?
No. I'm, uh, I'm fine
staying right here.
I am officially
giving you the day off.
Tonya probably
hasn't seen you in...
Shut up. Don't tell me
what to do.
The belt is finished, Rick.
[chuckles] really?
What are you, Chuck Yeager?
You don't know anything.
[door opens, slams]
[Curtis]: Rick,
I don't want to sound
like a know-it-all,
But do you know
what it means
to undermine synergy?
Go fuck yourself.
Oh, for Christ's sake.
Jesus Christ.
Curtis, what the hell
do you...?
Shh! [shushing]
Easy on the language there,
Come on, you guys.
[chuck]: Go ahead.
The cursin'.
We got some money guys here,
I don't wanna freak 'em out.
Nice place
you got here, chuck.
Yeah. Feel free.
Go ahead, look around.
Hey, uh, fella,
you wanna do me a favor
and tell your boss I'm here?
Who the hell are you, fella?
Hey, pal, just calm down.
Where's Prentiss?
Did you just tell me
to calm down?
Listen, fella, why don't you
go run and tell your boss
- He's gotta come out
here and talk to me.
- My boss?
Who the fuck are you?
I might just be
a major fuckin' partner
in this goddamn business.
I already warned you once
about the swears.
- Got something here, chuck?
- Yeah!
- That's Curt's rocket belt.
- Ho, ho! Ho! No!
Don't you even touch that!
That is not yours!
Stay away from that.
Everybody get the hell
out of here now!
Forget this, fellas.
Come on. We're leavin'.
Yeah, right.
Ten mattresses,
For a
three-bedroom house.
- I don't...
It doesn't make sense.
- [laughs]
In one day. What do you do
with ten mattresses
- In a one-bedroom house?
- He's lying to us, Kenny!
Kenny! He is lying to us!
He's trying to push us out
And he is trying to take
Kenny, we are getting it
right in here.
Right here.
- Right here, you understand?
- Rick...
We're getting it
right up in here, Kenny.
You and me
are getting screwed.
Kenny. Kenny, do me a favor
And ask your little friend
over here
If he made a deal
with some guy named chuck?
Chuck, who just now
waltzed into R&D
Like he owned
the goddamn place.
Curtis, do you know a chuck?
Somebody who's...
Come on, you ask...
You ask stupid here
If, uh, he's been off
making side deals
And throwing money away
this whole time
That your store
has been going
straight down the tubes?
- What about the store?
- Ok, fine, excuse me.
Kenny, will you please
ask Rick
If he recalls
a certain promise he made
- About the nature of...
- Just admit it, Curtis!
- ...Our interpersonal
business relationship...
- Just say it!
You've been making deals
without us!
- Ok, fine, excuse me.
- No more trying to push
me into the shadows.
Excuse me,
but I am the president
of this company
And I will run it in
whatever fashion I choose.
And I caught him sneaking
around behind our backs
And painting
the fuckin' rocket belt
without telling anybody!
[Kenny]: Well...
I knew
he was gonna paint it.
- What do you mean you knew?
- [Kenny]: He told me.
I consulted him
on the colors he had in mind.
[groans] so you two
cock-knockers are, uh,
Out pickin' colors
and you're paintin',
And never even thinking
to check with me
About any goddamn thing
that's going on?
it's all in your mind.
No one's out to get you.
You are freakin' out
about stuff
That doesn't even exist.
[whispers] it's fine.
It's fine.
- [man]: You're gonna sue 'em?
- Yeah, a lawsuit.
That's what I said.
[man]: For what, though?
What's it gonna say?
I don't know, Carl. Uh...
I don't know, just put, uh,
For ownership
of said rocket belt
And, uh,
I don't know, uh...
For ownership and a bunch
of fuckin' money.
[Carl]: What's his name?
Prentiss, right?
[woman on TV]:
...As the Cincinnati
[Rick]: I'm gonna sue him
for a million dollars.
How's that? A million
dollars and the belt.
That's enough, right,
you think?
[woman on TV]: ...Telling
savers to stay out of the...
Technology stocks
extended their gains...
[Curtis]: People
may doubt what you say
But they'll
believe what you do.
The rocket belt works.
I mean, the thing works,
so pretty soon we'll be fine.
[man]: With this investment
I would just...
I'd just advise
some caution, you know.
I am being cautious.
That's why I need the loan.
[man]: I'm looking
at the accounts and it, um,
Looks like we're in
a pretty heavy
downward trend here.
You know, numbers
won't tell you everything.
I can't give you a loan,
I mean, you just lost
a substantial amount
of money.
Not lost, Ted.
[Ted]: These partners
of yours, you, uh...
You know 'em,
you trust 'em, right?
Ted, they're my best friends.
[woman on TV]: April 15
falls on a Sunday.
You have an extra day to
get your taxes in order...
[Curtis]: Every day,
millions of people die.
You know,
they work some dumb job
Their whole life
and then they die.
Just gone,
Like when you shake
an etch-a-sketch.
That's bullshit.
[lights hum overhead]
[door opens]
Hi, Rick. What are you
doing here?
Where is it?
Curtis, where's the belt?
Where is the belt,
Where's the belt, Curtis?
Where is it...
...Shit for brains?
Where's what, Rick?
Where's the belt,
- You seem really upset.
- Curtis...
You better tell me where
that rocket belt is
Or this whole deal is
gonna go south real fast.
Everything you're saying
sounds very important,
But I'm late for a meeting
right now.
I'm gonna get that belt
either way, Curtis.
[door opens]
[Rick]: Good God, woman!
I designed it.
- I built it.
- Mm-hmm.
With my own goddamn hands
I built that thing.
So I'm... I'm sorry.
You've gotta
draw a line somewhere.
- [chamber spins]
- [exhales]
Richard, please.
Now that's the sound
of freedom right there.
Don't you worry about me.
Is that what it is?
You're worried about me?
- I'm worried about 8 down.
- 'cause I've got
one thing to do, Tonya,
I got one thing to do.
And God damn it, I am gonna
do that one thing right,
I tell you right now.
I'll be fine, calm,
cool, and collected.
- Calm and cool.
- [gunshot]
Oh, God damn it! Tonya!
Come here. Ooh, ooh, ooh!
You all right? You all right?!
Can you hear me? Hey!
Have I made you deaf, dear?!
Dear?! Have I made you deaf?!
[up-tempo music playing]
[engine starts, revs]
[woman]: Uh...
Hi. Hello.
Oh. [chuckles]
Are you friends
with Curtis Prentiss?
Because we haven't
seen him lately,
My husband nor me.
What did you say
your name was again?
Becca. Becca French.
Right. Uh, Ms. French...
...Have you ever
seen him, uh,
Movin' any big boxes
or big crates or anything?
I don't think so.
You know, out to his car,
rental van or...
Why, is he in
some kind of trouble?
Yeah, he sure is.
Why? What did he do?
Well, now, uh, that
I can't tell you about.
That's police... Stuff.
- Ok.
- But you know what...
...If you do happen to
see him... Becca, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- If you do happen
to see him,
I want you to give me a call
as quick as you can.
All right?
And, ma'am, if I was you,
[clicks tongue] I'd keep
a close eye on the children.
- [exhales]
- never can tell.
- Oh. Ok.
- All right.
Thank you.
Hey, Rick.
Very nice.
Is that your boat?
[Kenny]: Wow.
You got a little
project room here.
Very cool.
Rick, look.
I got an idea.
You know what?
I feel really sorry
for you, Kenny.
Uh, why?
Well, it's gotta be
really tough
Knowing that, uh...
...Curtis is the one
that ruined you.
Rick, I didn't come over here
to listen to you
disparage my friend.
Waltz right in and shit
all over your dreams.
- Richard, please.
- You're a smart guy,
Kenny, actually,
And I think
that maybe... [sighs]
Maybe we should try
to fix things.
[scoffs] yeah.
That's what I want.
[laughs] yes,
to fix things.
All right, all right.
Here's the bright side,
all right?
Your business is ruined.
So, I'm not gonna sue you.
I want to help you,
Because you deserve
a fresh start.
And because you're
gonna help us find out
- Where Curtis is hiding
the belt.
- Rick! Ok.
- He is not hiding...
- He's trying
to screw us, Kenny.
That is crazy. He is
just keeping it safe.
You sunk all your money
into that thing.
I built the goddamn thing.
What did he ever do?
What did he ever do?!
He's my best friend,
for the longest of anyone...
The belt is not his.
It is not his.
Jesus Christ, we should be
helping each other out here.
- Kenny!
- I can't! I...
I can't, I can't.
He's my best friend,
you know.
And we're gonna go
to the opera. [sobs]
You two guys, you have been
plotting against me from
the very beginning of this.
- Oh!
- And now, you know...
Here I am,
I'm trying to help you
out, you little fucker.
- Can't you see that?!
- Yeah, yeah.
You keep pushing me.
I'm trying to give you
your only way
out of this, man.
Oh? Oh, yeah? What,
by double-crossing my friend?
Hey, come on, Kenny!
Hey, I'm saying that
to you as a friend.
[birds chirping in distance]
I feel like I'm campin'.
Just walking outside
isn't camping, Kenny.
Oh, come on, I know that.
Haven't seen you much.
You've been hanging out
with Mandy?
- Super.
- Yeah, super.
[Curtis laughs]
- What's so funny?
- [Kenny chuckles]
Uh, nothing. Rick just told
a dirty joke the other day.
A funny joke, just, like...
...Really sexual.
- What's his house like?
- Oh, it's charming.
I knew it. That's
the point. You've seen
his fucking house.
we gotta have meetings
If we're gonna stay on course
with the company and the belt.
I mean, you have it, right?
- Don't worry about it.
- Oh, no, no, no,
I'm not worried.
No. That's...
I'm not worried at all.
No, I'm just... [sighs]
I am just ready to get
everything going, you know?
Yeah. I don't know,
Kenny. My feelings
have been pretty hurt.
- Not by me.
- Oh, yeah, actually. Yeah.
Uh, by you,
and I'll say why.
Because I come to you guys
with an opportunity,
A company!
And what do I get in return
But a bunch of fucking
yelling and screaming
- And calling me stupid!
- No, no! Curtis, no, sir.
No way.
He's not a bad guy,
You see, this is why
we want to have a powwow
And just, you know,
check out the belt
And just get everything
back on track.
He's not a bad guy, huh?
No, he's not.
No, he's not a bad guy.
What are you doing?
You want to see the belt, huh?
- What are you doing? Curtis?
- We're gonna have
a powwow, huh?
You wanna have
a powwow with me?!
Curtis, stop!
Just for a second,
just stop.
He's got you wearing
a fucking wire, doesn't he?!
- Huh?
- What? No!
I'd never do that to you.
Stop! No!
Sorry, I thought
it was a wire.
Oh, yeah.
No, it's ok.
[door alert chiming]
[car engine starts]
[up-tempo music playing]
[wind gusting]
[vacuum whirring]
[jets roaring]
[telephone rings]
[telephone ringing]
[telephone rings]
[answering machine beeps]
[man]: Good afternoon.
Calling for Mr. Curt Prentiss.
I'm CFO of
an investment group.
We're hearing exciting stuff
about fantastic technologies.
If you wanted
to come out to my place,
We'd love to learn more
about that rocket belt,
Chat about
Do give us a call.
[%% Leo Delibes: Les fleurs
me paraissent plus belles ]
[Curtis]: At fantastic tech
we guarantee
The first thing
out of our mind will...
At fantastic tech,
we guarantee...
In fact, at fantastic tech,
We guarantee the first
thing on our mind
Will already be
outside the box.
Gentlemen, I'm not
talking about dying
trying to fly high,
I am talking about
really flying.
My friends, tonight,
I present to you...
...A dream.
[door alarm chiming]
What, are you
the king of the prom?
[laughs] no.
Hi, I'm curt Prentiss.
Ah, yeah. Good deal.
We're in the back...
Excuse me,
is my car ok there?
- Sure, sure it is.
- Are you sure?
Yeah, I'm sure.
- Oh, my.
- Yep.
Yeah. Oh, ok.
Yeah, I like the size
of this room. It's nice.
It's nice.
- [exhales]
- [chuckles]
- Oh, spectacular.
- Yeah.
Can I get you a drink?
Well, it's past noon.
I don't see why not.
- Now you're talkin'.
- [laughs]
- Slate patio.
- Pretty high-level, huh?
Very high-level indeed.
[man]: Grab him!
- [muffled grunting]
- punch him in the face!
- Hey! What car are we taking?
- [Curtis grunts]
[drill whirring]
[man]: Where's the belt?
Where's the belt,
Huh? You hear me?
You tell me where it is,
This'll all be over.
Where is it?
I'm talking to you.
Curtis. Please?
Please, huh?
Just tell me,
And this whole waking
nightmare is over.
Success isn't about
dressing up like
a secret agent, little girl.
[Curtis]: You fuckin' dropout.
- [bell rings]
- tell me something, genius,
What makes a high school
dropout like you
Ever think you're gonna be
a big man on campus?
[voices shouting, distorted]
[%% Wim Mertens: The scene ]
[crate cracks open]
[man]: How ya doin'?
Holy Christmas!
You dropped
a quarter pounder
of BM in there, bro.
How you feelin'?
- Huh?
- That's nice.
I mean, this is so
fuckin' weird, right?
I mean...
...Isn't it?
I mean... [chuckles]
I mean, this is just
fuckin' weird, you know?
I mean, me and you.
I mean...
Putting you in that box.
I mean, this is just...
It's weird.
- Yeah, it's really weird.
- [laughs]
You know, I've been...
I've been wondering how
all this was gonna turn out.
And, uh...
I tell you what,
I never would've
predicted this. [laughs]
You know how long
you were in there for?
- [Curtis]: No.
- Eight days.
- Whoa! Really? That long?
- Yeah.
It was only supposed
to be five,
But, you know,
I was running late.
[sighs] fuck.
I did a lot of thinking
in that box, Rick.
[Rick chuckles]
Oh, Jesus Christ,
does that sound nice.
Just to slow down
for a second,
Try and figure this shit out.
Curtis. Hey...
Hey, man.
Where's the belt?
Where's the belt?
I'm not gonna end up
some nobody.
Why the hell do you keep
saying that?
I mean, what is that,
genetic or something?
Did your dad say that
to you or something? What?
He was a janitor.
- He was a janitor?
- At an engineering firm.
- But you said
he went to college.
- He did.
Well, what'd he study?
I want to apologize
to you...
...For keeping you
those extra days in the box.
- It's ok.
- No.
Uh-uh. No. I was late.
It was only
supposed to be five days.
It's no biggie at all.
[Rick]: Curtis...
...Where is that
rocket belt?
No, I'm not telling you.
- Oh. Please tell me.
- No.
- Oh, come on.
- I'm not gonna
tell you.
- Where is it?
- No, Rick.
- Mm-mmm. No.
- Just tell me.
- Where is it?
- It's nowhere.
Tell me where you hid
that fucking belt?!
I just want to bust
your fucking skull,
You motherfucker!
Tell me something, Curtis.
Tell me something.
Is it hard being
your only friend? [chuckles]
No. Is it hard for you?
What the f...
Hold up, hold up,
hold up, hold up.
Let him go.
[%% Antonin Dvorak:
Song to the Moon ]
[Rick groans]
[dog barks]
[barks and snarls]
Ginger! Ginger, come!
Ginger, come here.
Good morning.
[%% Wim Mertens ensemble:
A secret burning ]