Prevenge (2016)

- Hi Mr..
- Zabek.
- Zabek.
- Yeah, that's right. Yeah, yeah.
- Find it alright?
- Yes, I'm so sorry. I was...
No, don't worry. Traffic's
murder around here.
Did you find somewhere to park?
Yes, yes I did. Yeah.
Well, take a look around,
you know.
Yes it's er...
It's quite a place here, innit?
Look at these two, eh?
Oh my. Are they real?
Yeah. They're Indonesian.
See they're a couple.
- They're a pair.
- Oh yes.
Oh yeah.
They come together.
You know what I mean.
The big ones have been
known to eat sheep.
And they have eaten kids.
How do they get them in their
Well, you know, they just open
their mouth and...
I like them
I just -
I have to admit I'm really
Why you doing it then?
Oh it's not for me.
It's for my kid.
Oh okay. Obsessed is he?
- Yes.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah,
They're like that,
aren't they, little boys.
They get obsessed with things.
They're obsessed with spiders
and then lizards and..
- Guns
- Guns, yeah, all that.
Here, look at this.
What can we see in there?
That is my big fat snake.
Oh yes
Looks quite slimey doesn't it.
But it's not.
It's very smooth.
Do you want to touch it?
Say hello
to my little fat furry friend,
- Penelope.
- Well you see my son's eight.
I think really he'd like
something very special.
Well I can show you
my private collection.
If you like.
- Yes please
- Yes.
Watch the maggots.
Horrible, horrible little
What do you think?
I - I don't know what I'm
looking for.
She's pregnant
- Like me
- Like you.
Now I can't make you hold her,
but, there's one down here
which you will be holding...
Where are you, little bitch.
Come here.
Come and say hello.
Come on.
Is she dangerous?
Come on.
Where are you?
Come out and get on with it.
Listen, Mummy.
That's how I was made.
You can forget about that
ever happening again.
Selfish bastards.
No considerations.
We may as well not exist.
But shh,
I'm here.
I have mascara days like that.
Very smudged.
This is not going to hurt one
little bit.
- They said that last time.
- Did they?
It did hurt and I had
a massive bruise.
It was, like, here to
about there.
Oh poor you.
That's not very good is it.
Probably not in control of their
apparatus like nurse Jennifer.
Lovely. So,
I managed to track down
your records,
you're not very easy
to track down.
I felt a little bit like
and you was like the
disappearing woman.
Lady Lucan I think we'll
call you from now on.
Yeah, can you just call me Ruth?
Yes, of course. Ruth.
Did you know that if you hear a really
high pitched sound later on in pregnancy,
you can just start spurting
milk from your boobs?
Like two rockets. It's like
boom, boom, pow!
It's quite magical.
Why are you telling me that?
Just so that you know
you have absolutely no control over
your mind or your body any more.
This one does.
She's got all the control now.
She'll be coming...
OK, so I didn't have much time
with the notes.
Phyllis gave them to me this
What does your partner do, Ruth?
I'm very sorry.
I didn't know, I wasn't aware.
Well how would you know because you
don't actually know me do you?
It's very important to let the
past stay in the past.
It's just nature's way.
I think nature is a bit of cunt
though, don't you?
Oh, negativity is not good for
the baby's spirit.
- Do you think?
- Yes,
I think it's good to try to
stay positive...
And at the end of the day
you've got this force of
nature now inside you.
Baby knows what to do.
Baby will tell you what to do.
I think she already does.
Erm, it's just here.
Scream if you want to go faster.
It's DJ o'clock.
Empty. Dead
Like a graveyard.
The atmosphere in here
tonight is electric.
Can I get a big oy-oy?
Remember, guys, tickets
available for Halloween.
Raise your hand if you want one.
They're available at the bar.
Any requests, come up to the
I've got nearly every song.
- Do you want a drink?
- Eh?
Do you want a drink?
No, I'm alright. I don't
drink on Tuesdays.
- You don't drink on a Tuesday?
- No.
No, I have a code. And I don't
drink when I'm up there.
- Are you a pussy?
- What?
Are you a pussy?
Jesus Christ.
If it will shut up.
- What?
- What's that mean?
- You only live once.
That's actually something I
always say to people.
- Really?
- Yeah, it's something of a motto of mine.
So yeah, I'll drink to that...
Actually tasted like water.
Do you want another one?
You trying to get me drunk?
You're a bit forward aren't you?
Some might say.
Alright, I'm just going to lay my
cards on the table here because
I don't want to lead you up
the garden path.
But I'm not after a relationship and
I'm not after any sort of girlfriend
or any baggage to carry round
with me.
So, I'm sort of a bit too young
for all that sort of stuff,
you know? I'm still playing the game,
I'm, you know, still a weekend warrior.
If you're after something a bit
more serious
because your body clock's clicking
on and all that sort of stuff..
Then it ain't me, I don't want
any part of that.
You couldn't be more wrong.
- Oh really?
- We're the same.
You don't know anything
about me.
I know enough. I've been
watching you
- Oh have you?
- Yeah
What do you see?
I like what I see.
Oh yeah?
John, can I get another - actually
I tell you what, let's get four.
Couple of shots there, girls?
The thing is I want to get the girls
beyond there a drink as well, you know.
Just so I'm not putting all my
eggs in one basket...
Girls, come on.
That's it. Lovely. Look at that.
1, 2, 3. Here we go...
That was nice wasn't it.
Oh gosh. I'm so sorry.
Fucking hell.
What's wrong with them?
They're both really pretty. I mean,
definitely prettiest girls in here, but,
neither of them want to... You know, they've
just like got no banter, have they?
They don't know what they're missing
out on, do you know what I mean?
Yeah, I mean, I was thinking of
that in my own head.
Yeah, well I love your music.
- Do you?
- Yeah
- Do you like 70s music then?
- I love 70s, 80s
- Do you?
- Yeah.
It's my favourite too. 70s is
where my heart is.
You know what I really admire
about you?
Go on.
You know your onions.
Well that's a really nice
thing for you to say.
I thought you were probably going
to say something about my clothes
or my face or something.
You look a bit familiar.
- You from around here?
- No, no.
Met you before?
Don't think so. I'd have remembered.
Shall we get another drink?
No, no that's good. Get her a -
- Red wine
- Really?
- I'm on the dark side.
- Well if it's fun that you're after,
you've come to the right place.
Show me what you've got.
I fucking love fat birds.
You know?
Fucking really like them.
You've got a little bit more
about you.
You're a little bit more open
You don't mind what people
do to you, do you?
Fucking hell.
Don't know why that made me feel
all -
Sort of weird, it turned me on.
Being sick.
It's probably the gag reflex or
something like that.
Sorry did I get some on your
I thought I had beer here but -
Do you think every human has
needs, Dan?
We haven't got any beers. I
thought I been out and got some
but I must have drunk them
There's half an egg sandwich
there if you want it though.
Do you think that every
individual needs food,
Of course. If you don't have all those
things, you're going to die, aren't you?
Would you die without love, Dan?
I'm too young to die.
Have you got anyone who loves
Yes, of course I have. I've got my
mother, haven't I? She loves me.
- Does she?
- Yes, of course she does.
Mums love sons, that's how the
world works, innit?
Parents love their kids. Didn't you
know that? It's not rocket science.
This is all getting very
You're putting a downer on the
I was really looking forward to getting
back here and having some fun.
I tell you what, I'll put on a
bit of music for us.
What sort of stuff do you like?
Dirty dancing, do you know that
Course I do, I'm not retarded.
What about Grease? I like Grease.
That always puts me in a good mood.
- A bit of summer lovin'.
- It's not summer, is it?
And you're not Olivia Newton-John.
You look more like Elton John.
Glass houses.
A right weird fucker you, aren't
A strange bod.
Right, I tell you.
Here's one for you.
"I got it bad. You
don't know how bad I got it."
What's this song? You know it? I
love that fucking tune.
It's one of my favourites.
"I got it bad. You don't know
how bad I got it."
"You got it easy. You don't
know when you got it good.
It's getting harder, just
keeping life and soul together.
I'm sick fighting, even though I
know I should."
"It's getting harder, just
keeping life and soul together.
Spirit is frozen to the core...
I don't wanna be here no more...
Do you want kids, Dan?
God! What's wrong with you?
What about kids?
What about them?
No, I fucking hate kids,
they're annoying, they're small,
they get in the way of stuff.
I've got things to do with my
Don't you want to share
your life with anyone?
No, not with kids, I don't.
I don't know.
I'm DJ Dan.
I'm at the fun -
the fun bus.
That's what I'm all about. Get
on there.
Let's stop fannying around
and let's have a look at your
Let's have a little butchers at
what you're holding down there.
You're very selfish aren't you?
No, I'm not. How am I selfish?
We said we wanted the same thing
when we was back at there.
- You're selfish -
- Who are you?
Fuck me, she's all I need.
I'm Paula.
Give me a second would you?
Sort this bag out.
Come on.
Come on, you. Let's just
get you to bed, shall we?
I've got to do the washing.
No you haven't. Last thing you need to
do at this time of night is the washing.
That's why I've got no clothes, you've
washed them all to bugger, ain't you?
Get in there, get in bed.
Finish your chores tomorrow.
This place is a shit tip. Get in bed, I
don't want to hear another word out of you.
You see. These are the sort of
people we're dealing with.
You never said your name was
Where were we? I tell you what.
I cannot wait to see you naked.
Cramps your style a bit,
doesn't she.
No, she just lives here.
We get on, you know?
Oh yeah. You smell like a
I fucking love that smell.
Fucking slutty and dirty.
You're filth aren't you?
Do you always talk to her like
Yeah, the sad thing is you know,
I'm an only child so
I get everything when she's gone
and that won't be too long. She's at that
moment and everything's going, you know?
I'm going to come at you
like a dog.
Do it.
You're bad ain't you. You're
a really bad girl.
Oh! Something moved down there.
That's not right.
Are you fucking pregnant?
What you fucking doing?
What've I done?
It's messy isn't it?
kids and responsibilities.
What would you know though?
You avoid all that, don't you?
Need a bit of bleach on there.
Who are you?
I'm Ruth.
So, let's get you into bed, mum?
I've got to do the washing.
Danny's run out of knickers.
Don't worry, I'll put the
washing on.
Aw, you're lovely,
you're an angel.
- Yeah.
- I think you should leave Danny.
You're too good for him,
I know.
Come on, let's get you in.
Pop your feet in then.
- Thank you.
- Nice and cosy. Got your teddy.
Thank you.
Do you not want a hot chocolate
or anything?
No, thank you. I'll go to sleep
Good night, darling.
Ungrateful bastard.
- You're getting better at this.
- Do you think so?
Oh yes
I do too
I think I'm changing.
Into something else.
It's because of you.
I'm tired.
Knock, knock...
Don't do anything.
It's you who needs to act Ruth.
Remember what they did...
They're out there.
The rest of them.
They cut my daddy down in his
With only a thought for
People think babies are sweet.
But I'm bitter.
Hello, good evening.
Hi, I'm here to see Ella
Thanks so much. Could you
tell me what floor she's on?
She's on the second floor.
These people.
They make decisions
about who survives
and who dies.
Some of them
are women.
Oh yes.
We can be the worst.
The coldest.
The most merciless.
The most
Any questions, just...
Hang on.
Okay sorry. Take your time.
To be honest,
I don't know what we were
Thanks for seeing me by the way
so late in the day.
It's not because it's the
end of the day...
Is it this? Is it the pregnancy?
Not directly.
- But it's a tricky decision for a company.
- I understand.
I mean you'd be taking your maternity leave
as soon as you've unpacked your stapler.
- Which isn't a problem per se.
- What is the problem per se?
I just - well I don't know,
I just don't...
Maybe I've got a wrong star sign
or something.
Yeah, you're not a Virgo are
No, listen.
We've clients come in and I'm
not like this
but we have clients come in and
they're so stupid.
They'll be thinking stuff like -
is she going to turn up at the courtroom or is
she going to be off giving birth in a teepee?
You know, stuff like that.
- People are such idiots.
- Yeah, I guess I was being a bit naive.
- We need the money.
- Well it's a cutthroat world.
I've actually had to make cuts
already, very, very harsh cuts.
And it's been awful,
really awful.
I told you -
she's a merciless, frigid bitch.
Anyway, sorry but I've got to
get on.
Do you always work late,
Well I've got my priorities.
Don't you do anything else?
Well of course.
I've got a dog.
Walk him.
Do my food shop - I've got to
I go on an odd activity weekend.
I don't take them seriously
or anything, but...
Why would you?
- I'm so busy.
- You must be.
I let my friend convince me to go
on one of those skydiving things,
I mean can you believe it?
Who does that? I mean it's
crazy, but I did it! I did it!
- Skydiving!
- Yeah!
- Oh right.
- It was mental.
Who pays someone to throw them
out of an airplane?
It's not a substitute for a
personality is it?
Be ruthless, Ruth.
Anyway, I'm sorry
I wasted your time.
A little word of advice.
Get it out of your system, the
motherhood thing. You know?
Sort out your own business before
you interfere in other people's.
Oh I will...
I'm sorry, Ella. I've had to
make some really harsh cuts.
It's a cutthroat
world, you know?
You know you should
get out more and have more fun.
I really believe that.
Because activity weekends - you're
never going to get a shag on those.
Might see if I can...
It's a nice chair actually.
Where can I get one of these?
was perfect.
Don't get too cocky.
You'll stand out from the crowd.
Remember who's the mastermind.
You wouldn't have done it
without me,
would you?
Would you?
It was a group decision.
It was a matter of life or
It's a tragic
incident and people are aware
of the dangers but just...
We were unlucky today. Very
unlucky, you know.
In these situations there's
nothing you can do really.
Nothing you can do.
Dead eyes.
Dead eyes.
- Tom, isn't it?
- Yeah.
- Hi!
- Hi!
We spoke on the phone.
Ah, yes. Yes, how are you?
- I'm good. How are you?
- Well.
Yeah, I'm just here for the
induction, so...
What sort of level were you
interested in?
Well, I'm a beginner but I feel
quite confident actually.
I feel like I'd like to go quite
Absolutely, absolutely.
Your first time.
So you wouldn't know what to do
with this equipment?
You know, I'm kind of - I've
been reading up about it, so..
Um, I mean, this is um, like, this
is a kind of safety rope, isn't it?
It's a rope.
Kind of think you wouldn't put
more than seven people on this.
Sorry, what are you getting at?
Are you here for a lesson?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course.
The thing is that I couldn't
teach you,
because of your
current condition.
Alright, look, don't worry about
that. Because um,
the thing is I am really fit.
I have been up to all sorts. You would not
believe what I've been doing recently.
Sure, but if something were to
go wrong
then I'd be to blame, you know?
You'd be to blame,
Have you been to blame many
times before?
Sorry, my 8pm is here.
Sorry I couldn't teach you.
That's alright.
- Didn't have a problem earlier, did you?
- I didn't... I'm sorry.
You knew I was pregnant, you
were still going to teach me.
It's very slippery.
I'll do it.
I promise.
I'm trying...
You fucking do it.
I'm trying.
Just bring you up a little bit
today, Ruth.
So I can have a feel around.
See how the baby is. Oop, there we go.
Sorry, that's -
that a bit better? Bit far down now.
I'll pop you back up.
All these new technical things
do bother me. How's that?
- Yeah, that's good.
- Lovely.
Alright, so I'm just going to
lift your top up.
There's a - I like to do this. Get my
hands warmed up. My mum taught me this.
Don't learn that at college.
I'm just going to press here,
down the side.
There you go.
Ooh, there you go.
She doesn't like that.
I'm just feeling for the head.
Well it's in this area.
It's in the stomach area.
Even I know that.
Don't worry, she's got a head. She's
thinking all the time, a bit too much.
We discussed blood pressure
didn't we last time.
To monitor your blood pressure.
So are you looking after yourself,
eating well - how are you sleeping?
Well she's not really letting me
sleep, so..
- No?
- No.
And that's affecting your
your rationality.
Just have to
make a few notes, you see, I have
to monitor this. It's my job to
keep track of everything.
What do you mean?
Well if there's anything untoward
or anything difficult occurring,
I need to get in touch with
social services.
No! I don't want you to report
it to social services.
- Well...
- Why would you report it to social services?
Only if there's something that's bothering
you but we need to make sure that you're...
No, no, no. I don't want you to
becontacting social services. At all.
It's not personal, we do it
with everybody.
It's just so that we can see
that you're alright and...
No, no, no. They interfere
and mess around, I mean what we
talking about here?
We're talking about, what
we talking about?
We're talking about like adoption,
aren't we? No. Not at all.
If you tell social services about
me, we're talking about adoption.
- Look, you're alright.
- And I know what they do.
Take a seat.
What they do is they give your
baby, they steal it from you
and they give it to some fucking
child-hungry middle-class couple
and then I won't get to see
the baby again.
Do you know what it's not even
going to happen
because this baby is attached to
me with a fucking cord.
She wouldn't even let it happen.
That's not going to happen,
You have to trust me.
You have got to start thinking
about what's best.
It's all about you and your
Sit down.
What do you mean?
What I mean is
is going to take this baby away
from you -
if you make the right choices.
You have to decide what is right
and what's wrong.
Send me a sign.
it's the worst.
But luckily, you'll never be
alone. Because you've got me.
Isn't that great?
I despise crowds.
Look at this lot.
Out on the rape.
The next morning they'll all
be "It wasn't me".
A fucking zoo this town.
A kind soul
is as rare
as a unicorn.
I'm Josh.
Oh, hi.
Not who you're expecting?
No, but that's fine, so...
Come in anyway.
This is lovely!
Yeah, welcome.
The spare room's upstairs. There's
extra rooms up there as well.
Zac's room's up there.
Yeah, Zac's buddha's in there.
Pride of place for some reason.
- OK!
- Look, I'm just in the middle of cooking.
Do you mind if I stop it burning?
- Go for it.
Is it OK if I just put my stuff
Yeah, yeah of course, make
yourself at home...
- This should be alright.
- Really lovely.
Thank you.
Yeah it's quite, it's all
chilled out, it's a nice spot.
Yeah Zac isn't here I'm afraid.
No rush.
He's not here much to be honest,
Which means he never cleans,
- That's a bit annoying.
- Oh no! It's never messy, I do it.
- Yeah. He's... he's lovely, he's lovely.
- Yeah.
- He's just kind of a bit away with the fairies.
- Fickle.
- No, he's kinda head-in-the-clouds.
- Flawed.
- He's always got projects...
- Bit of a pig.
No no no he's a lovely
boy to live with really.
OK, great
Yeah. I mean do you want to sit
Erm, yeah.
Sorry I don't mean to pry, but
what's, you know...
Yeah, ok, I -
I was with someone
and you know we were committed and
everything and he said he was ready
and then about a third of the way into
the pregnancy he changed his mind.
And he ran off with
a 23 year-old...
- Shit.
- TV researcher with tattoos
and you know it was his flat so I had
- I got chucked out basically.
That's horrendous.
No I mean, don't worry, don't
worry about it obviously,
- 'cause people have been really kind so...
- Have they?
It doesn't sound very kind.
I'm sorry but people can be just
so fucking selfish.
Yeah, they can.
Sorry, makes me feel sick.
Well I, I like kids. So, you
Yeah I've got a little niece
That's her - I look after her
all the time. And that little...
- Oh that so sweet.
- I'm mad uncle Josh,
and yeah I love it.
I love it yeah.
I mean it's a bit different
living with one though, isn't it.
I mean they just take over your
life, really.
Then you have to kind of
hand yourself over
like some kind of a human
sacrifice to their will.
Look I think Zac'll be back
Do you wanna, I mean,
well if I could just carry on cooking,
you could have some, you could stay,
- I wouldn't wanna...
- Yeah, I'm bloody starving.
Eat you out of house and home...
No, well, I mean you could eat
- Zac's portion as far as I'm concerned. Right? That's fine.
- Yeah.
I don't know about you but
I just think if you put an egg in
something, it immediately tastes nicer.
- I wouldn't know 'cause I don't really cook, so...
- Or anchovy,
An anchovy... Just thinking does
Claire like anchovies?
You're speaking to yourself in the third
person, is that what we would expect
from a prospective flatmate?
- No, no, no, I
ok, I've just never had an anchovy, so,
- Are you being serious?
Yeah! No, I've never had one.
Right ok, we need
to change this.
I don't like the look of them.
Oh God. Don't get them out.
Cause I think they're horrible.
Yeah, these are amazing.
It looks like the eyelids of old men that
that have died. That's what I always think.
Tasty though.
Here you go... here's a tiny
No, no, no, you're not
going to make me...
- Try it. Try a smidge...
- Why is it hairy?
It's just - These are... these are
luxury hairs, there are hairs of luxury,
this is good living, right here.
- Oh my god...
- Tastes amazing,
It's acquired tastes. We will
sophisticate you if you live here.
- Ugh.
- No?
- You've poisoned me.
- No..
- You've poisoned my unborn child.
- No, no. These contain
omega 3, I think you'll find, iron,
calcium, probably, vitamin D.
Are you a doctor?
I am doctor anchovy, and this
is the only thing I prescribe...
Next week I'll get you...
- Are you alright? You ok?
- I don't feel very well.
- Oh Christ, I'm sorry, Is it the anchovy..?
- Is it alright if I sit down?
- Please yeah lie down, just
put your feet up.
I don't know what's wrong with
me, I just...
Can I get you a glass of water
I'm just really, I'm just really
Of course you are.
You've been through shitloads.
On your own, I mean anyone would
be tired.
You're really kind, aren't you?
Do you want a,
a cushion or anything?
Oh my God...
- Did you see that?
- Yeah I saw the baby moving.
Aw that's nuts...
Give me your hand.
- Seriously?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Did you feel that?
- Yeah that's amazing.
No one else has felt her, so..
Well I'm very privileged,
thank you very much.
She's saying,
"hey mum, I learnt how to do the
No I'm not, I'm saying fuck off.
Can't you see he's just pretending?
I think she's actually telling
me to get on with it.
Stay there, stay there, don't do a thing,
I'm gonna go get you some food, alright?
You just don't move a muscle.
It'll be the best thing you've
ever had, excluding anchovies...
He's coming...
Do it. DO IT NOW!
It wasn't me. It wasn't me!
That's it.
It was completely unnecessary to
kill that man, he was really nice.
He was a sop. A hipster sop.
Shh. The sacrifices I've had to
- What sacrifices?
- Children these days are really spoiled.
Like, mummy I want a playstation,
mummy I want you to kill that man.
- I don't want a new...
- I know you don't want a new daddy
but there was no possibility of
that so stop going on about it.
- He saw everything.
- I know he's a witness but
there's a chance he might not have
told anyone. - His name was Josh.
No you're right.
No one called Josh is not gonna
tell the authorities.
He would have been like all the
- Inherently evil.
- Look stop going on about it, I'm serious.
I'm the mother, I am in control.
You regret it.
You regret killing them.
I'm doing this because you're
making me.
Oh no.
No, please no.
"Now, I want you to let a feeling
wellbeing wash over you.
A feeling of love for your
fellow man.
I want you to say to yourself,
'I am Love.
Everyone is kindness.
Everyone loves me.
Everyone loves my baby.'
And I want you to imagine
everyone you have ever met
standing around you in a circle
and placing their hands on your
Placing their Love upon your
This is The World.
And they are saying,
'we are here to protect you..."
Listen to the sound of my voice.
You feel better now.
I feel a lot better now.
Excuse me, excuse me?
Excuse me?
Oh fuck.
He knows.
He's onto us.
Can't believe it, he's fucking
onto us.
He hath slipped from the net
whom we chased.
He hath 'scaped us
who should be our prey.
O'ermastered by slumber we sank,
And our quarry hath stolen
He was creepy.
Creepy little man.
Slimy. Dumb. Like a lizard.
what a dickhead.
He was a pig.
A total pig.
He just didn't have the balls.
Poor leadership skills!
- Cold-hearted bitch...
- I agree.
Done her.
Very efficient with that one.
didn't speak to him much but I
could tell he was a gobshite.
Total little twat. But it was
a shame about Josh.
I was wondering if I could
talk to you about Child Charity,
it's a local organization that is
working for children living in poverty.
I already give to charity...
Do you? Which charities do you
give to?
I do sponsored runs.
- Oh wow, you must be really fit.
- Yeah.
Oh I'm terrible,
I'm just like...
- yeah so do you have five minutes?
- Not really.
Can I come in?
- No.
- Do you have a toilet?
You know I have a toilet.
Can I use it?
It's upstairs.
Looks like I'm gonna fall over.
Oh this is nice. Sports
equipment everywhere!
Sorry about that, I got a
bladder the size of a pea.
I need to piss every 11 houses
or something like that.
- What are you doing?
- I thought we could discuss your donations.
I told you I already give to
Not to Child Charity though.
I couldn't give a fuck about child
charity, I just want you out of my house.
if you don't care about
For what it's worth, you're missing
out on a really worthwhile cause.
Yeah I'll try and live with
So I saw all the climbing
pictures upstairs.
So what?
So I'm not leaving
without what I came for.
Ah for fuck's sake,
let go, you crazy bitch.
This is a farce.
Are you fucking this up
What are you doing?
Fucking hell.
I've called the police.
Better get on with it then,
hadn't I?
Stop doing that.
I'm gonna cut you.
Look I told you I already give
to loads of different charities.
What do you think this is, like
some kind of new initiative..
You never know with charities
these days,
you can't trust anyone.
Well that is true. I mean,
everyone's out for themselves.
You're insane.
I am a working mother.
It is not easy, meeting your
kids' demands these days.
Stop moving forward or I will
hurt you.
Tell me this like, why do people
pay for like sporting activities,
- I mean I just don't get it.
- It makes you stronger.
Does it though? It's just like following
an instructor like a bunch of sheep.
It's kind of weak-minded.
A lot of people searching for a
I've already got one.
My baby...
Oh, Oh I'm really sorry.
Are you ok? I'm...
Do you know what really helps
with pain...
if you relax.
So if you sort of do some
Yeah, that's it.
That's better right?
Open up!
Police! Open up!
Go away you're not helping.
Open up!
What happened to your eye, Ruth?
It's fine, I just knocked it.
Perfectly healthy little baby in
So, we're not out to get you.
Well there's no
bad fairy trying to put a curse
on her.
No, I don't think so.
I would swap her
to have him back.
That's not an option.
I know but I wanted you to know
Okay, she can't hear you.
That's not what the baby manual
Well, but she can't understand
She can, she's very articulate.
you missed your scan.
Don't wanna know what's in
I'm scared of her. I mean, I'm
not even in control,
it's like I'm some crap
banged-out car
and she is driving, I'm just the
Honestly, it's like a hostile
You missed your scan and that was a very
important scan, she could come early.
No no no no no, no no no.
- No, I need more time.
- She comes when she wants to come.
I've held back on telling social
I've put my job on the line,
Ruth, for you.
I'm very sorry about your loss and I know
it's been very, very difficult for you.
But you're going to be ok.
And the baby's gonna be ok.
I'm here to help you.
What's going on?
Whatever it is,
it's got to stop.
I can't do it Matt...
Don't make me do it.
I don't know what to do
And reach over your head,
stretch out that side.
Keep your sitting bone on the
floor to really create a stretch.
Now inhale,
Arms up.
Exhale, hands to heart centre.
Couple of breaths here.
Now for your favourite part.
Get down onto your backs for
I'd like you all to scrunch up
your fists as tight as you can.
Take all the tension in your
body and put it into your fists.
Hold that for five counts.
5- 4-
3- 2-1
Release. Let your
whole body relax.
With that release, release
all your worries.
Any concerns of what's to come.
It's very important to let the
past stay in the past.
You have to decide what's right
and what's wrong.
I know what you did.
You betrayed me
to that bitch.
You understand?
You can't shake me.
I'm Fury.
I'm in you.
I succumb to your will.
Baby knows best.
The instructor.
He tells people what to do.
But he won't control me.
I'm not his puppet on a
string like the others.
Oh look, how funny, he's going
to a Halloween party.
Dress to distress.
He won't need a costume
he's already got blood on his
Get on with it.
I'm doing it.
I can't go any faster.
Ground please.
What did I say would happen?
If you don't do as I say.
Blood will be shed.
One way or another.
All of them.
No no no
that's not the deal.
I can't put her in the same
He was the only one who ever
loved you.
If you loved him,
finish the job.
It's an act of love.
It's all you have isn't it.
What else is there?
No family no faith no friends.
No future.
Look at you.
In love with the past.
Kill him.
Or I kill you.
I thought I recognised you.
Oh yeah, from that climbing
This is what I really look like.
From the inquest.
- I knew it was you.
- Oh the inquest.
I didn't know...
You didn't know about this.
Not many people know.
I kept it quiet.
Did he know?
You're having a baby, aren't
Yeah, two months.
Yeah, you see,
your baby was born of pleasure,
my baby is born of pain.
I found out on the day he died.
That's terrible.
You're grieving.
I'm not grieving.
I'm gestating. Fucking rage.
I went through this,
over and over again.
- There was nothing else we could do.
- We?
It was a group decision.
- You were in charge though.
- I had to think of everyone.
It was a matter of life or
- It was unavoidable.
- It was easy.
- No.
- You made a selfish decision.
That suited all of you without a
thought for anyone else,
and you got away with it, Scot
Who cut the cord?
- I'm sorry.
- Who cut the fucking cord?
- I'm so sorry.
- It's not good enough.
Not good enough.
This isn't helping anyone.
I spoke to him before he died.
What do you mean?
I know that things weren't
great between you two.
- I know that he was thinking about leaving you.
- No!
Let me help you.
Let me help you.
I'm about to take my last
A great leap in the dark.
Good morning, mummy.
We managed to collect your
things for you.
She's just normal.
She's just a normal little baby.
Well of course she is. I told
And you're just a normal mummy
Look I know the Cesarian
wasn't meant to happen
but when it's life or death we
have to make that cut.
I understand that now.
Just be grateful you've got a
happy, healthy little girl.
I know it wasn't in your birth
plan, Ruth.
I hadn't really
considered the birth in
terms of the plans.
Well we've got that far now,
haven't we?
It's all change.
All about what is best for baby.
I've done some really terrible
I've done really bad things,
I've got it all wrong.
Look, we all get it wrong.
It's fine.
You see I thought I was
doing it all for her,
but I wasn't, I was doing it for
And I've only just realised
'Cause she's not talking to me
Well I'm gonna go and get your
health worker and bring her in,
and you can have a chat.
You can tell her how you're
And you can chat all this through with her.
How does that sound Ruth?
Everybody's startin'
To pick on you
Just can't let them tell you
What to do
You've only got one life
So live it cool
In this world of strife
You can't be a fool
Don't let nobody tell ya
What to do
You gotta be your judge
And the jury too
Don't let nobody tell ya
What to do
Gotta be your judge
And jury too
All right
Got to do your thing
And let it all hang out
Got to really show them
What it's all about
Move on up
Don't look around
People always try to
Put you down, down
Don't let nobody tell ya
What to do
You gotta be your judge
And the jury too
Don't let nobody tell ya
What to do
Gotta be your judge
And the jury too
What you want to
Yeah, yeah
Do what you wanna do
Judge and the jury too
I'm gonna do
I'm gonna do
Do what you wanna do
I'm gonna do, yeah
Be the judge and the jury too
I'm gonna do
Do what you wanna do
Be the judge and the jury too
I'm gonna do, yeah
Do what you wanna do
Be the judge and the jury too
Do what you wanna do