Prey (2007)

[ Man ]
Hang on now.Just hang on now, baby.
- Take it slow. Take it slow.
- Hello, and welcome to-
-Just take it slow.
- [ Retching ]
Hi. Tom Newman.
Can you take this, please?
- Yeah. Hi.
- Thank you. You gonna live?
Yeah, now I'm on solid ground.
I can't tell you how grateful I am you waited
till you got out of it before you puked.
- Now I'm gonna puke.
- Be nice.
- I love you.
- David, stop it. David, knock it off!.
- Stop it.
- David, don't bug your sister.
What'd I do?
David, don't bug pretty girls because they
won't pay attention to you later on in life.
- Uh, the car's right there.
- Great.
- Is that our ride?
- [ Man ] Yes.
[ Laughing ]
- Who wants front seat?
- [ David ] Me.
All right. You got it.Jump in.
All right.
Got it? Here.
Okay. Come on,Jess.
- How do you get in?
- You just climb up,Jess.
- I'm wearing a skirt.
- I'm not gonna look. I'm your dad.
Let's just jump in here, or we'll be here all day.
For crying out loud.
Look at that!
[ Tom ] David, look at the zebra.
Look at the zebra. See him in there?
- Look. Right through there.
- Yeah.
[ Tom ] So, is everyone
having a good time? David?
- Yeah, it's awesome.
- Good.Jess?
- I'm sorry. What's your name?
- Mike.
Mike. Mike, how far is it
to Lake Kadimba by chopper?
Oh, about two hours. They'll come
pick you up in the morning though.
- Okay.
- Hey, David! Look over there!
Look at that!
[ David ]
[ Trumpets ]
It's beautiful, isn't it?
-Jess, hey, sweetie. Look!
- What?
So what?
I've seen one at the zoo.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Chattering ]
Look at her. It's pathetic!
Could that bathing suit
be any skimpier? My God!
Somebody needs to tell her
she's not 1 6 anymore.
- Hey, not so loud.
- kk [ Rock ]
- You're talking too loud.
- So what?
- Mmm.
- Hmm.
- It's paradise.
- I told you so.
- Want a taste of something wonderful?
- Yeah.
- Mmm.
- You like that?
[ Groans ]
My God.
Don't tell me they're
gonna have sex in the pool.
- You do? [ Laughing ]
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- David, try this.
- What is it?
Well, the Zulu call it itibani.
- Itibani?
- Yeah.
- What does that mean?
- Warthog.
- [ Chuckles ]
- [ David ] Warthog?
[ Tom ]
Check it out. You'll like it.
Tastes like chicken.
Chicken? [ Chuckles ]
Tell the warthog that.
Jess, want to try some?
- No, thanks, Dad.
I'm your daughter, the vegetarian.
- Right.
I don't eat characters from The Lion King,
especially not Pumbaa.
- [ Chuckles ]
- What's so funny?
Uh, nothing. I-
- I just thought it was funny. That's all.
- Well, it's not, okay?
Hang on. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Let me do it.
You gotta cut your old dad
some slack here, honey.
What's going on with this?
- I hate it here.
- Okay.
I hate the dust. I hate the heat.
I hate the stupid animals and-
- [ Sighs ]
- And?
Why did you have to marry her?
Jessica, I fell in love with her.
I love her.
- I thought you loved Mom.
- I do love your mom, but not
the way married people do.
See, sometimes things change,
people change.
- Your mom is okay with it-
- I love you. I love Mom.
I want it to stay that way.
I know you do, but it's not
gonna stay that way, honey.
- It can't-
- I wanna go home.
I know you wanna go home, baby.
You can't go home.
Look, you got a perfect opportunity
just to get to know Amy a little bit.
I don't want to.
I want to go home.
She doesn't want to be your mother.
She doesn't want to be your best friend.
She just wants a chance.
- Honey,just give her-
- I want to go home.
[ Sighs ]
- Oh, baby.
- I want to go home.
[Jessica Crying ]
I just want to go home.
- [ Amy ] I think this was a mistake.
- [ Tom ] What was a mistake?
Coming here. This trip.
Forcing it.
Honey, you two guys
had to get together sometime.
How long were you gonna put it off?
Look. We're married,
and she's just gotta get used to it.
I mean, what can I say?
She's a 1 4-year-old teenage girl.
Yeah. She's scarier
than any animal out here.
- I promise you that.
- [ Laughs ] Frightening.
But she'll get over it.
I promise you.
[ Kisses ]
What can I do to make it better?
[ Laughing ]
What can I do to make it better?
[ Kisses ]
The eland, David, has a long nose
and it has four legs.
And a gazelle has- I don't know-
the same thing. What the heck.
- There he is. Hey!
- Good morning.
- How are you?
- Yeah, I'm doing well. And yourself?.
- It's Brian, right?
- Yeah, that's right. Good morning. Sleep well?
- Good morning. Yeah.
- Good. So you ready for our game drive?
Why does it have to be so early?
It is the best time to view the animals.
Once the sun's up,
it's gonna just get way too hot.
- I'd rather be sleeping.
- Oh, I don't think so.
- So, let's get going. Come on.
- Let's do it.
- I wish you were coming.
- I work. You play.
I love you.
-[ David ] Can I sit in the front?
- Can he sit in front?
- Sure.
- After you.
Give Dad a hug. All right!
Watch your head.
Okay, now, the two of you...
try against all your natural instincts
to have a nice time.
Okay? Don't bug your sister.
- Bye-bye.
- So this should be fun, right?
No? Okay.
Guys, take a look. That over there-
that's the Crocodile River.
[ Amy ]
It's not much of a river, is it?
You should see it after the first summer rains.
It's teeming with wildlife.
- Are there crocodiles?
- Sure.
Are we actually gonna see some animals,
or are you just gonna talk about 'em all day?
Well, how about we do
some off-roading then?
- I thought we were off-roading.
- No, I mean off off-roading.
Hold on, guys.
- Um, Mr. Ranger?
- Yeah, buddy?
- I gotta go.
- Go where?
[ Chuckles ]
All right. Hold on.
[ Quiet Growl ]
So you said you've gotta go?
[ Chuckles ]
- There it is.
- Oh, no way.
- What's the matter? Take it.
- No, thanks.
- Why?
- I don't need to pee.
- Come on then. Let's go.
- Whoa.
Brian, do you think
this is a good idea?
- With him like this, I think it's a very good idea.
- I mean for safety reasons.
I've got the rifle. He'll be fine,
and so will you two. We'll see you now.
All right. Let's go find a bush for you
to go do what you need to do.
- Is that okay?
- Yeah.
They won't see you.
I promise you. You'll be fine.
Go behind this tree over here. Give me a shout
when you're done and I'll keep an eye out.
Um, excuse me?
- What's up?
- I don't have any toilet paper.
- But you've got grass. Use it.
- Grass?
- David, you're in Africa. In Africa-
- [ Growling ]
What is it?
Look,Jessica, I know this is hard.
- It's hard for both of us, but if we could just-
- Something's wrong.
- I know. That's what I'm saying.
- No. Something is wrong!
Oh, my God.
[ Gasps ]
[ Growling ]
[ Sniffing ]
Get behind me.
[ Growling ]
- Oh, my God.
- [ Growls ]
- Oh, my God! There's another one!
- David!
Where is it? Shit!
- What?
- He took the keys!
David, when I tell you to move,
we're gonna go backwards together.
- David!
- [ Banging On Window ]
David! David!
- Why isn't it working?
- It has to be on,Jess.
Do something!
David! David!
- Hey!
- What are you doing?
Hey! Over here! Over here!
- Hey!
- [ Growls ]
Over here!
- Over here!
- [ Roars ]
Run! Run!
[ Gunshot ]
David! It's coming!
- Oh, my God.
- It's coming!
- Open the door,Jess!
- [ Gunshot ]
- Open the door!
- It won't open!
Open the door! Open the door!
- Hurry up! Push!
- David!
[ Amy ]
Hurry up! Get in!
- [ Growling ]
- Come on! Quick! Get in!
[ Amy Screams ]
- [ Brian Shouts ]
- Oh, my God!
- [ Grunts ]
- [Jessica Screaming ]
- Oh, my God! It's killing him!
- [ Roaring ]
[ Screaming, Grunting ]
Oh! Help me.
[Jessica Crying ]
Oh, my God!
[ Screaming ]
- [ Amy ] Close your eyes!
- [Jessica Screams ]
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Stay down. Stay down, okay?
Oh, my God.
[Jessica Whimpering ]
[Jessica Screams ]
- Oh, my God.
- Don't look!
[Jessica Crying ]
[ Machinery Humming ]
From the north and in the south-
here, take a look at this.
- I'm talking about here and here, okay?
- Yeah. Okay.
[Jessica Crying ]
- Come on.
- [ Crying Continues ]
[ Beeping ]
- What?
- There's no signal.
Great. We're screwed.
We're not screwed.
In case you haven't noticed,
our guide was just eaten by a lion.
If you don't think we're screwed,
you're just as stupid as my mother said you are.
And we're lost.
We're not lost.
Your dad will find us.
- How? We're already off the main road.
- I don't know.
They'll follow the tracks.
When we don't show up at the lodge,
they'll- they'll find us.
- We'll be dead by then.
- No. No.
- They're gonna eat us! They're gonna eat us.
- No, honey, no.
They're not gonna eat us. Your dad is gonna
find us. They're gonna follow the tracks.
- [ Roaring ]
- [ Screaming ]
Stay down. Stay down.
Oh, my God! It's on the roof!.
[ Screaming ]
Oh, my God!
[ Screams ]
No! No! Oh, my God.
- [ Roars ]
- Oh! Oh!
[ Screaming Continues ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Whimpering, Screaming ]
[ Growling ]
- Oh, my God.
- No! [ Screaming ]
- Shh. Shh.
- [ Whimpering ]
[Jessica ]
Oh, my God.
- [ Rattling ]
- [ Screaming ]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Stay down, honey.
Don't move. Don't move. Shh.
[ Growling ]
[ Ranting ]
I think they've gone.
- All of'em?
- Yeah. All of'em.
It's okay, David. Come on.
Come on. They've gone.
What about... the ranger?
- He's dead.
- Dead?
Then how are we getting out of here?
- We're not.
Come here.
[Jessica ]
We need to get the rifle.
No one's getting out of the car.
But we need it.
I don't care. The answer's no.
[ Whispers ]
I'm thirsty.
I know.
But we only have half a bottle of water.
I think we should save it.
Here.Just have a sip, okay?
Jess, you want some water?
- You still have to go to the bathroom?
- No.
[ Lion Growls ]
Why won't they just go away?
Amy, I'm hungry.
Yeah, I know.
First thing we'll do when we get back
is get a big stack of pancakes, okay?
- And a hamburger.
- [ Amy Chuckles ]
- Double Quarter Rounder.
- A triple, with fries.
kk [ Dance ]
[ Roars ]
David? Jess!
- Mr. Newman?
- Hi, Mike.
It's about your family, sir.
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
[ Amy ] Why don't you close your eyes.
We should try to get some rest.
[ David ]
Can we keep the lights on?
Well, I don't want to
kill the battery, hon.
What will we need it for after tonight?
You said they were gonna find us in the morning.
They are going to find us, but I don't know
how long the battery will last...
and we might need it
in the middle of the night.
Are they still there?
I don't know. I'll check.
[ Screams ]
[ Amy ]
It's okay.
Hey, it's okay.
Okay, okay. Calm down.
It's okay, David.
It's okay. Come on.
- Come on. Come here.
- [ Crying ]
It's okay.
It's okay. We're in the car.
Nothing's gonna happen.
It's okay.
We're okay in the car, okay?
- [ Panting ]
- Shh.
It's okay. It's okay.
- Nothing's gonna happen.
- [ David Sobs ]
- It's okay.
- [ Trembling ]
I'm really sorry, Mr. Newman, but there is
nothing more that we can do right now.
At least not till morning. If they're
not back by then, we will start searching.
What are we supposed to do till then,
just sit around with our thumb up our ass?
Uh, I don't think you have
much of a choice there.
Our chopper doesn't fly at night.
- Then why aren't we searching on the ground?
- We're trying.
Ma'am, why aren't we in a vehicle
searching on the ground?
We are, but a couple of torches
aren't gonna do much.
We really do have to wait
until first light, I'm afraid.
Absolutely remarkable.
Look. Wait. Um-
There is someone that I know of
who could possibly help you.
Echo Charlie Zero,
this is Leopard's Rest Lodge. Over.
Crawford, are you there?
[ Man ]
Roger there. Shoot.
Good luck.
Hello, Mr. Crawford.
My name is Tom Newman.
I'm a guest at Leopard's Rest Lodge.
My wife and two children
have been missing since this afternoon.
Yes, that's right. They were on a game drive,
and they haven't come back yet.
That's nice. Try the police.
No, no, no. The police aren't gonna
get here till tomorrow morning.
Sorry. Can't help you.
If you want a guided hunt, I'm your man.
If you want to find somebody,
call the rangers.
I'm with the rangers now,
Mr. Crawford.
- I'm talking to you from a ranger radio.
- I'd wait till after the rain.
Hello? Rain? What rain?
Hello! Ra-
What rain?
[ Rain Falling ]
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
[ Thunderclap ]
Whoa. What are you doing?
- Close the door.
- I'm thirsty.
I'm thirsty.
Okay.Just be quick, okay?
[ Growling ]
- [ Gasping ]
- [ Amy ] Oh, my God!
Are you okay? You all right?
I've got your cell number, so just keep it charged.
I'll phone you when we find them.
- Phone me? I'm coming with you!
- Only room for two in there.
- What am I gonna do, stay here?
- There's coffee in the kitchen.
- I'll call you.
- Are you kidding?
Where do I find this guy Crawford?
The keys! It's the keys!
[ Groans ]
Over there! Look!
Oh, I don't know. It could be an old can
or a piece of glass, babe.
No! It is the keys. Look.
Let me see.
We're saved! We're saved!
- We have to get 'em first, buddy.
- I'll go.
No.Jess! No.
You're staying in the car.
What are you talking about?
The lions are gone, and I'm much faster than you.
That doesn't matter.
I'm going, and that's final.
Nothing you say is final.
When this is all over, you and I are gonna
sit down and have a long conversation.
But until then, you stay in the car.
[ Sighs ]
Don't leave us!
Hey. You want to
get out of here, right?
Okay. I'll be back in the blink of an eye.
I promise.
[ Quiet Growl ]
[ Growling ]
[ Growling ]
- Oh, shit.
- What?
- [ Growls ]
- Amy!
- Run! Amy, run!
- Run, Amy!
[ David ]
- [ Roars ]
- Run, Amy!
Amy! Run!
[ David ]
Run, Amy!
[ Amy ]
- [ Lion Snarling ]
- [Jessica ] Go, Amy! It's right there!
- Go!
- Shit.
- [ Roars ]
- [ Screams ]
- Amy!
- Amy!
[ Screams ]
Go, Amy!
- [ Engine Starts ]
- Come on, Amy!
Okay! Shift it into first. Okay.
- Now go!
- Going!
- Watch out!
-[ Amy Grunts ] Get out ofhere!
Hold on!
[ Screams ]
Let me navigate. Go right!
[Jessica Screams ]
Watch out! Go right!
- We're gonna crash.
- Hold on,Jess.
- You're going too fast!
- Hold on!
[ Amy ]
Hold on!
[ All Screaming ]
[Jessica ]
Stop the car, Amy!
Don't get your hopes up. You think you can
handle anyone, but you don't know this guy.
He's a good hunter though,
the best in the region.
He doesn't know a thing about people.
Well, this is it.
- [ Tom ] Wait for me.
- Like I said, he's nuts.
- You want to do this, you're on your own.
- Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey!
Mr. Crawford!
Mr. Crawford?
Anybody home?
Mr. Crawford?
Mr. Crawfor- Mr. Crawford.
I'm Tom Newman.
We spoke last night on the rangers' radio.
That's right.
The rangers find your family?
- No, they just started looking this morning.
- [ Coughs ]
Well, I wouldn't hold my breath,
if I were you.
Exactly. That's why I'm here. I was hoping
maybe that you'd give me some-
Son of a bitch.
[ Grunting ]
Now, I told you,
I lead hunts for the big five...
not search parties
for wives and kids, pal.
If you can track a leopard...
I am sure that three American tourists
will just be a walk in the park for you.
You're gonna go downhill
appealing to my ego, friend.
Well, how 'bout I appeal
to your wallet, friend?
Mr. Crawford...
I'm the hydroelectrical engineer
supervising the building...
of the new dam in this province,
and I have money!
My family's been at large
for more than 2 4 hours.
And I'm sure that must
just resonate with you a little bit.
I mean, I'm sure that just must
strike some small chord in you.
And praying that it does...
I am prepared to pay you
whatever the hell you want...
if you just-
if you just help me find my family.
[ Engine Cranking ]
Come on!
Come on!
[ Cranking ]
Come on!
[ Sobs ]
[ Crying ]
So, what are we gonna do now?
[ Crying ]
By now your dad knows we're missing.
He probably sent somebody to find us.
- Who?
- I don't know. The lodge people.
How are they gonna find us?
What do you mean?
Well, they'll be looking for us
off the main road.
Somewhere close to it.
But now we're nowhere near it.
Maybe we should just get out of the car
and try to find our way back.
Yeah, except for that
we have no idea where we are.
[ Sighs ]
[ Whispers ]
And they'll have no idea
where we are if we stay here.
No. We're not gonna
take any chances.
As long as we stay in this car,
we're safe.
- And lost!
- Fine. We're lost.
We're not leaving this car.
- Why? Because you say so?
- Because it's safe,Jess!
Because your father is gonna find us,
and, yeah, because I say so!
- You think he's gonna find us.
- Yes, I do.
- What if he doesn't find us?
- He will.
- And if he doesn't?
- He will,Jess.
- What if my dad doesn't find us?
- Goddamn it, he will!
[Jessica Crying ]
[ Tom ]
What are we looking for?
[ Crawford ] Smoke, vultures in the sky.
You'll know it when you see it.
I mean, are we looking for some kind
of trail or something, Mr. Crawford?
Any tracks that would've been left
have been washed away by now.
- [ Radio Beeping ]
- [ Man ] No luck at Lake Maluti.
We're heading north.
The roads are empty here.
Well, of course the roads are empty,
you rabbit. It rained last night.
You chop in on the ranger frequency?
Uh, we're gonna drop in periodically...
and just, uh, fill in the gaps
for those clowns.
And what exactly are the gaps,
Mr. Crawford?
Well, they want a quick rescue,
so they've gone up into the air.
The problem with that is that they
might fly right over your family...
and not even know it.
Hey. How you doing?
- I'm fine.
- Yeah?
He needs some water.
Yeah. I know. We all do.
But he really needs some.
Let me go find some water.
Are you crazy?
What about the lions?
[ Sighs ]
Well, we haven't seen 'em all morning.
Doesn't mean they're not out there.
What are you doing?
There's a little water here
from the storm.
It was a good idea.
[ Helicopter Approaching, Faint ]
- What is it?
- Shh.
[ Helicopter Approaching, Faint ]
A helicopter.
- Hey-Jess, no!
- Let go of me!
What did I tell you?
- What if they can't see us?
- They'll see us, okay? We're not getting out.
There's no sign of them
at the Crocodile River.
We're gonna check the Letaba trails
at the secondary gate.
- It's leaving.
- No.
-Jess, no!
- Hey!
Over here! Help! Come back! Help!
[ Whimpering ]
Help! Come back!
Over here! Come back!
- No. Oh, no.
- David, close the door.
- No.
- jess, come back!
- Shit.
- [ Door Closes ]
- [ Sobbing ]
- Hey, I'm sorry.
- You should have let me go.
You should have let me go.
- [ Sobbing Continues ]
- [ Whispering ] We gotta get in the car.
- We gotta get in the car. We gotta get in the car.
- [ Quiet Growling ]
- [ Whispering ] I'm sorry.
- [ Sobbing Continues ]
- [ Rustling ]
- [ Growling Continues ]
[ Growling Continues ]
[ Gunshot ]
[ Men Conversing In Native Language]
[ Native Language]
- [ Laughs ]
- [ Native Language ]
Excuse me.
Yeah- Can you help us, please?
- Please. We need your help.
The lions, they attacked us.
- [ Native Language ]
- They killed our guide. We have no guide.
-Jessica, go to the car.
[ Native Language ]
They don't understand
a word I'm saying, do they?
Go. Lock the car.
[ Both Chuckling ]
[ Native Language ]
[ Flies Buzzing ]
Who are they?
Poachers, I think.
- What are they doing?
- They're skinning a lion.
- That's disgusting.
- Yeah. Starting to understand
why you're a vegetarian.
- [Jessica ] So, they're gonna help us, right?
- I don't know.
They didn't seem to be
too concerned with us, did they?
I don't know how often this happens, but you
would think we would be of greater interest.
Maybe they know
where we can find some water.
Yeah, maybe.
Rut your sweatshirt on. Okay?
David, you lock the door
when we get out. Okay?
- [ Amy ] Excuse me?
- Excuse me.
Um, water.
Do you have any water?
- [ Native Language ]
- Water.
- Uh, like- [ Gulping ]
- [ Native Language ]
[ Conversing In Native Language]
[Jessica ]
Do you speak English?
Can you help us?
[ Amy ]
Water. W-Water- Yes! Yes!
- We need water. Please.
- [ Native Language ]
- What is he saying?
- I have no clue.
[ Native Language ]
- You speak English?
- Whoa. What do you think you're doing?
I'm going to get water for my brother.
One of us needs to stay with David...
and one of us needs to go
with Knife Guy here.
You have a bad ankle.
Look, I- I just don't think
this is a good idea.
Amy, you have to trust me.
It'll be fine. Okay?
It'll be fine.
Uh, are you sure this is the right way?
Is it... a lot further...
up ahead?
[ Native Language ]
[ Whispers ]
What are you doing?
Thank you.
Do you have anything that I can carry?
Carry back?
The water? Carry back?
[ Wings Flapping ]
[ Native Language ]
what about the other one?
Can you cut it up?
Thank you.
[ Gunshot ]
[ Grunting, Snorting ]
- Shh!
- What? Let go of me!
- [ Native Language ]
- Let go of me.
- [ Native Language ]
- What?
What is it?
- [ Whispers ] Amy. David.
- Shh.
[ Native Language ]
- [ Whispers In Native Language ]
- What?
Get in the car!
What are you guys doing?
- Thank God you're okay.
- What's going on? I heard a gunshot.
Where are you going?
Get in the car!
[Jessica ]
Where are you going?
The lion! It's gonna eat you!
You can't do anything,Jess.
You can't do anything.
- Want some?
- Yeah.
[ Coughs ]
- Scat.
- Scat?
Lion dung.
Judging by the consistency,
he's eaten recently.
It's hard to tell what, exactly.
Since the drought set in,
these guys have had a ferocious appetite.
So either he's eaten a gazelle, which is good,
because he won't be so hungry-
Or he's eaten something else.
Like a human?
Judging by the temperature,
he dumped that a couple of hours ago...
which means he's pretty far away now.
So, what do we do now?
Now? Now we set up camp.
- Camp?
- That's right.
'Cause there is not a ranger alive...
that can find your family
once the sun goes down...
Mr. Newman.
[ Growling ]
Well, I read it in some
wildlife magazine or something.
Hell, I can't remember where.
But it's rare that they attack people, right?
What I read was, they're more
afraid of us than we are of them.
- Right?
- Bullshit.
A hungry lion'll eat anything.
kk [ Pop ]
''[ Stops ]
Amy? Are you awake?
Me too.
My iPod's dead.
- Yeah?
- How'd you meet my dad?
Oh,Jess, I don't think
I wanna get into that right now.
No, I just wanna know.
Well, I was on a plane-
Mile-high club?
The mile-high club?
[ Sighs ]
- Sorry.
Go ahead.
I was sitting two rows behind him.
We were on a flight to Chicago...
and halfway through the flight...
he came back and asked ifhe could
sit on the empty seat next to me.
- He approached you?
- Mm-hmm.
[Jessica ]
Well, what did he want?
We just started talking.
Before I knew it...
the captain had switched on
the ''fasten seat belts'' lights for landing.
What did you guys talk about?
Just things.
His life, my life.
And then?
And then we landed and-
The thing was, your dad had
a connecting flight to New York...
so you can imagine
how surprised I was when I...
saw him as I was getting into my cab.
- He got off his flight?
- Yeah.
Yeah. He had a white lily.
just a single white lily.
And then he asked me out to dinner.
- How cheesy.
- [ Giggles ] Yeah.
I usually don't fall
for things like that...
but, God, he was just so...
persistent, you know.
Jess, your parents were separated
when I met your father.
I promise you that. I would never have
gone out with him ifhe was married.
I wouldn't be sitting here right now
if he had been.
But we are.
[ Rustling ]
- Amy, what is it?
- I don't know. I can't see anything.
It's too dark.
- Amy, I can't see anything.
- I know. It's so-
- [ Screams ]
- What's going on?
- Let him in!
- [ Native Language ]
- Are you okay?
- What's going on?
Shh. Shh.
Oh, my God.
[ Panting ]
- [ Growling ]
- [ All Screaming ]
[ Man Screaming ]
Oh, God! Oh, my God!
Oh! Oh, my God!
[ Screaming Continues ]
Oh, my God! Get down! Get down!
Oh! No!
[ Growling Continues ]
[ Man Screaming ]
[ Growling Stops ]
- [ Panting ]
- [ Whimpering ]
[ Gasping ] Get the seats up!
Barricade the window!
Get in the back!
Get down. Get down.
[Jessica ]
it's been two days...
and two nights.
What if nobody comes?
Tom's coming.
What if he can't find us?
Then we wait.
Wait to starve?
We don't have a lot of options.
We need a place
where rescuers can find us.
How do you plan
to fend off the lions? Huh?
Maybe they're full.
''Maybe they're full''?
Maybe they found someone else to eat.
- Maybe they've given up.
- Maybe they've-
Yeah, maybe they're just waiting
for us to expose ourselves.
We need food, we're dehydrated...
and our one source of protection,
this stupid car...
is falling to pieces.
[Jessica ] At some point we're gonna
have to get out of the car and go find help.
So our only choices right now
are to starve to death...
or be eaten?
I don't wanna die here.
I won't let you die here.
What are we gonna do?
[ Sniffles ]
[ Sniffles ]
[ Sniffles ]
Okay. We just gotta do the best
with what we got. Right?
We need to...
barricade that window.
I want you to just be careful with this.
I want you to cut the seat belts
and somehow...
secure those seats
in front of the window.
- Okay?
- Okay.
And when you're done...
let's cut up this carpeting
and put it in front of the windows.
It's too damn hot in here.
What about me? What can I do?
You can help me take inventory. Okay?
I want you to go through every pocket,
every bag, every compartment.
I wanna know exactly
what we have to work with.
Mr. Crawford. Mr. Crawford.
[ Shrieking ]
[ Growling, Barking ]
[ Whining ]
[ Growling ]
- That one over there just pulled his foot off.
- David, stop looking.
- But it pulled his foot off.
- David!
[ Amy ] Why don't you show me
the inventory, huh? Come on.
[ David ]
Well, I found two black pens...
an owner's manual, a tool kit...
some tissues, a road map...
rubber bands
and cough drop wrappers.
And I also found this.
-[Jessica ] That's not mine.
- Yeah, it is.
David, no, it's not.
Oh, yeah? Then whose is it?
It's mine. Okay?
Sometimes I smoke
when I'm nervous or stressed...
and I was nervous coming here, and-
Sometimes you guys
stress me out, so-
I guess we can be
a little overwhelming at times.
Yeah. A little.
[ Laughs ]
Don't worry.
Your secret's safe with us.
Okay, let's put this stuff away.
- [ Birds Shrieking ]
- Mmm. Mmm.
Mr. Crawford, that is-
that is not a gazelle.
So, what are we looking for?
The rest of this guy.Just stay tight.
We might have some bigger company.
[ Whining ]
That's strange.
- What?
- They all just left.
Like they got scared or something.
[ Growling ]
- Slowly.Just move back slowly.
- [ Growling Continues ]
[ Growling Continues ]
He's leaving!
[ Vehicle Approaching, Faint ]
Is that a car?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that is a car.
Must be on the other side of the ridge.
The damn trail's gone cold, man.
Let's get back to the jeep,
keep driving.
- We'll pitch camp. Tomorrow we head west.
- Pitch camp?
Pitch camp.
Tomorrow we head west.
But you said the rangers
are covering the west.
There's no point
in covering this area anymore.
Crawford, you said we're covering the area
that the rangers aren't covering.
Newman, have you ever
taken heat before, pal? Have you?
'Cause you'd better come to terms with
the fact that we might never find them.
- We need to get out of the car
and make some noise.
- What about the lion?
He's gone!
Okay. Okay. I'll go to the ridge.
What are you talking about?
You can't. What about your ankle?
- I'm going. Okay?
- Absolutely not,Jess.
You have no say in this.
Jess, please! Not now! Okay?
I'm not gonna lose you.
Okay, well, here. Take my shoes.
They have more support.
There's no time. Okay?
[ Whispers ]
You tourists,you come here and stay
in your posh tents by the pool...
and you go back home and tell about your
adventure stories like it was a trip to the zoo.
Well, out here you're the zoo, pal...
and you'd better
look this thing in the eye.
Mr. Crawford...
with or without your help I'm gonna
get in that piece-of-shit vehicle...
and I'm gonna scour every
goddamned inch of this continent...
until I find my family.
[ Amy, Faint ]
[ Faint ]
Help! Help us!
[ Faint ]
Hey! Over here!
[ Faint ]
Over here!
Over here! Down here!
Rlease help us!
Down here! Help us!
Help us! Please!
Over here!
Help! Over here!
Yes! Help us! Help us!
- [ Crawford ] Oh.
- Help us! Please!
- Help us!
- It's them. It's them!
Newman, I think we- Newman!
[ Snorting ]
[ Snorting Continues ]
[ Growling ]
What is it?
They're coming down the ridge.
We'll just let them come to us. Okay?
- Dad!
- Dad!
- Oh, my God.
[ Growling ]
- Dad, there's a lion!
- What?
- Watch out for the lion!
- A what?
- Dad!
- There's a lion!
- Watch out for the lion!
- Watch out, Dad!
- Tom, don't move.
- What?
- Don't move, Tom.
- Run, Dad!
- Run, Tom!
- [ Growling ]
[ Growling Continues ]
Shoot it, Mr. Crawford. Please.
I don't have a shot, pal.
[ Growling Continues ]
[ Crawford ]
Tom! Duck!
- [ Gunshot ]
- [ Gasps ]
- Dad, get in the car!
- Hurry up!
[ Amy ]
Hurry up!
[ Growling ]
[ Roaring ]
[ David ]
- Dad!
- Dad!
- Open the door, David!
- I can't! It's stuck!
- Run, Dad!
- Open the door!
Dad! Dad! It's stuck!
- [ Roaring ]
- Open the door!
- Open the door!
- Open the door!
- It's right behind you! Dad!
- [ All Screaming, Shouting ]
[ Groaning ]
- Dad!
- [ Roaring Continues ]
Where did he go?
- [ Screams ]
- Dad!
- Where is he?
- [ David ] Dad!
Tom! Where is he?
- [ Roaring Continues ]
- [ Screams ]
- Tom, are you down there?
- Yeah! I'm under the car!
- Are you hurt?
- I'm fine!
We need to do something.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Where's that tool kit?
Which side is the gas tank on?
It's over here.
I need you to put the seats back
the way they were.
David, get me that lighter.
[ Grunting ]
Amy, what are you doing? Amy!
[ Grunting, Screaming ]
- What are you doing? That's gasoline!
- I know!
[ Roaring Continues ]
- You guys trust me?
- What?
Do you trust me?
- Yeah!
- Yes.
You see that big tree out there?
When I say so, I want you
to go out that front door...
run to that tree and climb up it.
But only when I say so. Okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Tom!
- Yeah?
When I say so, I want you to get
from underneath this car and run.
The kids are going out the front door.
I want you to go with them.
Let's do this. Okay?
[ Roaring Continues ]
Hey! Over here!
Come on!
Come and get me! Come on!
David, come on!
[ Roaring Continues ]
Go up the tree.
Get all the way up the tree!
[ Whimpering ]
Amy! Get out of the car!
- Dad! No!
- Amy!
[ Roaring ]
Let's go home.
[ Quiet Growl ]